Bods Concatenate Custom Function

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Data Services and Data Quality: SAP BODS -

Concatenate Custom Function

Posted by Bernatsha Panneerselvam Dec 8, 2012

SAP Business Objects Data Services (DS) does not provide the functionality to concatenate multiple
row entries into a single row, where the number of rows that might appear is undefined.


The Data Services have the functionality to concatenate multiple rows into a single row entry using
the reverse pivot transform and then concatenating the columns provided that the number of rows
that need to be concatenated is pre- defined or fixed.

If the number of rows that might appear which needs to be concatenated is not defined then the
same functionality can be achieved at the database level through SQL using the XML functions.
The XML functions XMLAGG and XMLELEMENT are used to concatenate the multiple entry rows
into a single row. XMLELEMENT will take an element name for identifier and returns an instance
of XML type. While XMLAGG takes a collection of XML fragments and returns an aggregated XML
document. E.g.(xmlagg(xmlelement(e,<column_to_be_concat>,',').extract ('//text()')),'<delimiter>')

Using the XML functions at the database level will affect the performance of the jobs. For millions of
records to be processed the usage of XML function would consume lot of time and memory space
which would reduce the performance of the jobs.


A DS Custom Function can be used to concatenate the multiple rows into a single row even when
the number of row sets that might appear for a set is not defined.


1. 1. The set of rows that must be concatenated need not be defined.

2. 2. Improved Job performance.
3. 3. Memory space used for cache will be low.
4. 4. Easy implementation of the function.

Input Data:

Generated by Jive on 2013-10-29+01:00

Data Services and Data Quality: SAP BODS - Concatenate Custom Function

The source table has four columns namely unique_id, name, Text and Note_seq_num. The source
information has the data set like

Unique_id Name Text Note_Seq_num

1 John Hello 1
1 John World 1
2 Rob How 2
2 Rob Are 2
2 Rob You 2


For each of the distinct Unique_id and name we should have only a single entry in the Target table
and the Text column should be concatenated. The Note_seq_num column is used as reference
column to identify the set of rows that needs to be concatenated based on the corresponding
unique_id and Name.

The sample output should be like

Unique_id Name Text

1 John Hello,World
2 Rob How,Are,You

Concatenation Custom Function:

The Custom function uses the column Unique_id (the primary column based on which the row are to
be concatenated) and the Note_seq_num.


1. 1. The Note_seq_num should be generated for every group of data(if it is not present in
the data set), which identifies those records which need to be concatenated.
2. 2. For each unique_id, the note_seq_num should be sorted.
3. 3. The Global Variables should be created which would be used for the custom function.

$G_VAR_NOTE_SEQ_NUM and $G_VAR_TEXT – variable will hold the Note_seq_num value

and concatenated Text column during the time of execution of the custom function

Generated by Jive on 2013-10-29+01:00

Data Services and Data Quality: SAP BODS - Concatenate Custom Function

Create the Custom Function:

After the execution of the custom function, the output would be as shown below:

Unique_id Name Text

1 John Hello
1 John Hello,World
2 Rob How
2 Rob How,Are
2 Rob How,Are,You

Post Custom Function Execution:

Generated by Jive on 2013-10-29+01:00

Data Services and Data Quality: SAP BODS - Concatenate Custom Function

The resultant output can be obtained by grouping the records based on unique_id and Name and by
getting the Max of Text column.

Unique_id Name Text

1 John Hello,World
2 Rob How,Are,You

1268 Views Tags: bods, concatenate, ds_concat

Dec 10, 2012 11:53 AM SOWMYA MUDDADA

Good One !

Jan 30, 2013 9:56 PM Joshua Blythe

I want to clarify that in order for this to work, you need the input variables assigned as input/

This feels like an exploit to me, but a much welcomed one. good find.

Oct 3, 2013 2:58 PM Ian Wong

Can this be done in BODS 3.2? If yes, please explain how to implement the Global variable
in the function. Thanks.

Oct 4, 2013 1:27 PM Mayank Mehta

Thanks Bernatsha Panneerselvam,

That was really helpful .

Oct 8, 2013 7:13 AM Bernatsha Panneerselvam Ian Wong in response to

Hi Ian,

Generated by Jive on 2013-10-29+01:00

Data Services and Data Quality: SAP BODS - Concatenate Custom Function

Yes, this can be done in BODS 3.2.

The global variable needs to be created at the job level as we do normally. The reason we
opt for global variable is that, after every custom fuinction call the values might get refreshed
if its a local variable, but in case of global variable this cant happen and the latest iteration
value from the custom funtion will only be stored.

Inititally the global variable will hold the value 'null' only.


Bernatsha P

Oct 28, 2013 8:44 PM Sujith gopagoni

Hi i am new to bods,can some one explain the above scenario why they have created
parameter and local variables also thanks in advance.

Generated by Jive on 2013-10-29+01:00


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