User Interfaces and Naming Conventions
User Interfaces and Naming Conventions
User Interfaces and Naming Conventions
Related topics
“About Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, and Windows 7 user interfaces” on page
“Local area connection and NIC names” on page 12
“Standard naming conventions for NICs” on page 12
“FTE community naming restrictions” on page 13
2.1.1 About Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, and
Windows 7 user interfaces
Honeywell FTE Mux driver for Experion R4xx is installed on a node that uses only Windows Server 2008,
Windows Server 2012 or Windows 7 as its operating system.
2.1.2 Local area connection and NIC names
Local area connection and NIC names can be different than the examples used throughout the guide.
names vary depending upon when the NIC is installed, how the operating system detects the new
hardware, and
whether or not the connections are renamed using the conventions recommended in this guide.
2.1.3 Standard naming conventions for NICs
The terms A - Yellow and B - Green are used consistently throughout this guide to describe the Network
Interface Card (NIC) connections and switches used in an FTE network. Although not mandatory,
recommends this naming convention to make it easier to identify each network connection and verify if it
connected to the appropriate switch. The A- Yellow network connection is connected to the switch in the
“Yellow” network tree. The following table describes these terms and how they apply to the FTE network.
Term Component Used for describing the ... Example
A - Yellow NIC NICs primary port which usually has
the lowest MAC address to which the
Yellow cable is connected.
FTE south plant A – Yellow
Switch Switch to which all the primary
adapter ports are connected using
Yellow cable.
Switch A (Yellow tree)
Switch tree Collection of all the A switches.
Switches to which all the Yellow
cables are connected.
Yellow network tree
B - Green NIC NICs secondary port which usually
has the next highest MAC address to
which the Green cable is connected.
FTE south plant B – Green
Switch Switch to which all the secondary
adapter ports are connected using
Green cable.
Switch B (Green tree)
Switch tree Collection of all the B switches.
Switches to which all the Green
cables are connected.
Green network tree
2.1.4 FTE community naming restrictions
FTE community names must not be longer than 244 characters and must not contain any of the special
characters listed in the following table.
Key on keyboard Description
\ Back slash
/ Forward slash
: Colon
* Asterisk
? Question mark
< Less than
> Greater than
| Pipe