Nursing Care Plan (Post Op Exlap)
Nursing Care Plan (Post Op Exlap)
Nursing Care Plan (Post Op Exlap)
Subjective: “Nanasakit po Impaired physical mobility After 8 hrs of nursing Independent: Provide quite To promote relaxation and After 8 hours of of nursing
yung opera ko sa tyan” as r/t post-op at midsagittal intervention,the patient will and comfortable / reduce tension intervention goals are
verbalized by the patient. incision wound at the be able to report that the therapeutic environment. partially met.
abdomen as manifested by pain is relieved that can be
The patient was slightly
facial grimace, guarding evidenced by pain scale of
relieved from pain as
Objective: Patient manifest behavior limited motion and at least 0 - 2 / 10. Encourage diversional
To divert the attention of evidenced by the pain scale
as weak and pale pain scale 7 / 10. activities
patient from the pain of 5 / 10.