Mobilith SHC Series Vi
Mobilith SHC Series Vi
Mobilith SHC Series Vi
PC 68248 E 0204
Inside view
6 Heating applications
7 Cooling applications
10 Accessories
11 Instructions
12 Using webcALcTM
can be altered to accommodate EPDM. Alfa Laval’s gaskets are always quickly inserted Clip-on gasket; the and user-friendly frame, the gasketed
different applications. The standard moulded in one piece. This guarantees Tape-on gasket for plates with small PHEs can be quickly and easily opened
plate is pressed in stainless steel, but exact gasket geometry and no weak pressing depths, and glued gaskets for inspection and gasket replacement.
can be manufactured in other pressable links from vulcanisation. Also, the with Alfa Laval’s specially developed And they are just as easily reassembled
materials as well, e.g. titanium. The gasket groove on the plate and the gluing technique for unsurpassable with a perfect fit. Time after time.
modular design means that the PHE gasket itself is designed together to adhesion. Another advantage of the Alfa Laval
can easily be customized for different ensure optimum sealing capabilities. frames is that they can easily be adapt-
applications. Solid pressure vessel design ed for expansion or reconstruction of a
Alfa Laval offers three different gasket The frame is an important component in PHE. Alfa Laval frames come in many
All Alfa Laval plates are produced in fastening solutions, all of which guaran- Alfa Laval’s plate heat exchanger (PHE) different models, and they can also be
a single-step pressing process. This tee a perfect result: the revolutionary, concept. Thanks to the precision-made customized for different applications.
guarantees that all plates will be iden-
tical, featuring uniform corrugation
forms and contact points. When
Alfa Laval plates are assembled in a
finished PHE, they utilize the plates’
contact points to create a flexible yet
mechanically stabile construction that
can withstand great strain.
High performance heat transfer entire surface of the plate. Alfa Laval
In Alfa Laval’s plate heat exchangers has solved the distribution problem with
(PHEs), the two media are separated by a unique, efficient, distribution pattern.
a thin, corrugated plate. The rule is the Turbulent flow is achieved by the plates’
thinner the plate, the more efficient and herringbone pattern.
more uniform heat transfer, the better
the process control. But it is equally Alfa Laval plates are available in a
important to achieve a turbulent flow wide range of designs and sizes.The
and a uniform distribution across the pattern, pressing depth and material
4 5
Heating applications Cooling applications
6 7
Height, H, (mm) 480 480 480 920 920 940 920 920 940 704 704 704 1084 1084 981 1084 1084 981 1815 1885 1885 1980
Width, W, (mm) 180 180 180 320 320 330 320 320 330 400 400 410 470 470 470 470 470 470 650 610 650 650
Vertical connection dist., VC, (mm) 357 357 357 640 640 640 640 640 640 380 380 380 719 719 719 719 719 719 1294 1294 1294 1294
Horizontal connection dist., HC, (mm) 60 60 60 140 140 140 140 140 140 203 203 203 225 225 231 225 225 231 298 298 298 304
Connection size, pipe (inch) 11⁄4” 11⁄4” 11⁄4” 2” 2” - 2” 2” - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Connection size, flange (mm) - - - 60 60 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 140 140 140 140
Max flow rate, (kg/s) 3.9 3.9 3.9 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 50 50 50 50 50 50 80 80 80 80
Max temperature, (ºC) 140 140 140 160 160 160 160 160 160 180 180 180 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
Max pressure, (barg) 10 10 10 10 16 25 10 16 25 10 16 25 10 16 25 10 16 25 10 10 16 30
Flow principle Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel
Model, frame
Height, H, (mm) 1885 1885 1980 1885 1980 1405 1405 1435 2100 2200 2200 2595 2595 2595 2895 2895 2895 2882 2882 2920
Width, W, (mm) 610 650 650 650 650 740 800 800 780 780 780 920 920 940 920 920 940 1150 1170 1190
Vertical connection dist., VC, (mm) 1294 1294 1294 1294 1294 698 698 698 1478 1478 1478 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1842 1842 1842
Horizontal connection dist., HC, (mm) 298 298 304 298 304 363 363 363 353 365 353 439 439 439 439 439 439 596 596 596
Connection size, pipe (inch) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Connection size, flange (mm) 140 140 140 140 140 200 200 200 210 210 210 200/250 200 200 200/250 200/250 200/250 300 300 300
Max flow rate, (kg/s) 80 80 80 65 65 190 190 190 180 180 180 250 190 190 250 250 250 450 450 450
Max temperature, (ºC) 160 160 160 60 60 180 180 180 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 140 140 140
Max pressure, (barg) 10 16 30 16 30 10 16 30 30 30 30 10 16 25 10 16 25 10 16 25
Flow principle Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel Parallel
8 9
Accessories Instructions
10 11
Using webcALcTM
Using webcALcTM
webcALcTM is an easy to use selection tool available on-line that can be used
for sizing heat exchangers for applications like tap water heating, district heating,
cooling, and district cooling.
• Available on
• Easy to use
• Detailed results
How to calculate and select a simplified version of the software used ferent input fields in webcALcTM. Move Press calculate to perform the thermal
heat exchanger with webcALcTM by Alfa Laval, and therefore the result between the different input fields by calculation. webcALcTM will present up
For duties that are not covered in the may differ slightly when comparing with using either the mouse or the tabulator. to nine alternative heat exchanger solu-
selection tables, and if you want to the selection tables and/or quotations tions. It is possible to use the calculate webcALcTM selects from
get a more tailor-made design, you made by Alfa Laval representatives. How to use webcALcTM’s control button without previous usage of heat the complete range of
can design your heat exchanger on-line webcALcTM is quite easy to use, but panel balance. Press reset to empty your gasketed and brazed heat
on the internet site if you need instructions just follow the Design pressure: select the required input before entering new data for a exchangers included in the
software (default).
using a selection tool called webcALcTM. step by step instructions below. You pressure resistance for the heat new thermal calculation. The input fields
It should be noted that webcALcTM is a enter the data for your fluids into the dif- exchanger. (Default 10 bar) will be reset to webcALcTM’s default
Display: webcALcTM selects from the
Step by step guide complete range of gasketed and brazed How to use and interpret
heat exchangers included in the soft- webcALcTM’s results
1. Start by selecting the hotter fluid, 4. Enter the inlet temperature of ware (default). You can specify if you The heat exchanger solutions can
fluid 1, by clicking on the arrow fluid 1 in the input field tempera- only want a choice of either PHEs or be sorted by four different criteria:
in the pull down menu. Available ture in, and if applicable the BHEs or standard sizes of BHEs. price (default sorting is based on an
fluids are: water (default value), required outlet temperature in approximate price comparison between
seawater (containing approxi- the input field temperature out. Max no. of exchangers: webcALcTM will the different solutions), height, weight, Press calculate to perform
mately 3% NaCl), ethylene glycol the thermal calculation.
select one or more identical units (maxi- and extension capacity. Brazed heat
and propylene glycol. When 5. Enter the data for the colder webcALcTM will present
mum 9 units) depending on the require- exchangers do not offer any extension up to nine alternative heat
selecting glycol fill in the con- fluid, fluid 2, in the same way
centration, %, in the input field. as for fluid 1 (point 1 to 4). ment of the thermal duty (default). If you possibility. Please note that the speci- exchanger solutions.
want webcALcTM to suggest only solu- fied weights may be slightly lower due
2. Enter the maximum allowed 6. At the bottom of the page tions with a certain number of identical to different pressure vessel codes and
pressure drop over the heat you select which material that units, then select from one to nine units. local standards. Select your solution by
exchanger in the next input should be used for the heat clicking on the unit type in the table.
field. (Default 100 kPa) transfer plates. You can choose After you have entered the data
between stainless steel AISI 316 When you have entered your data, The output of webcALcTM
3. Enter the available flow rate of (default), stainless steel AISI 304 press the heat balance button and Each solution is presented with a stan-
fluid 1. Omit this value if the and titanium. webcALcTM will present the tempera- dardised drawing and the specific tech-
heat load is specified either at
tures graphically. Via the heat balance, nical parameters. Each solution also
the bottom of the page or if the 7. Heat load is an optional field to
webcALcTM will calculate the missing has a corresponding AutoCAD drawing,
heat load is specified through the be used if the in- and outlet Each solution is presented
full input on the cold side. There temperatures as well as flow parameters (heat load, flows or tem- which can be downloaded to your com- with a standardised
must always be heat balance rate have not been specified on peratures). Heat balance will also indi- puter. To print the technical parameters, drawing and the specific
cate if any input parameters for a suc- use the printer-friendly page offered at technical parameters.
in the heat exchanger, which either the cold or the hot side.
means that the heat load on cessful thermal calculation are missing. the bottom of the result page. It is also
the hot side is always equal to 8. The field units makes it possible Please note that if both heat load and possible to download specification texts
the heat load on the cold side. to change between SI, American flows have been specified, webcALcTM for different types of heat exchangers.
or metric units. will give higher priority to the heat load.
12 13
Radiator Heating Tap Water Heating→out/out← 160→80/90←70 135→70/70←55 35→80/95←70 135→80/95←70 135→80/90←70 135→80/90←70 130→80/95←70→out/out← 90→70/60←10 90→70/55←10 90→70/55←10 90→70/50←10 90→60/60←30 80→60/55←10 80→50/60←10
Max pressure drop prim/sec 50/20 kPa 20/20 kPa 10/20 kPa 20/30 kPa 10/20 kPa 20/30 kPa 10/20 kPa Max pressure drop prim/sec 20/20 kPa 20/30 kPa 30/30 kPa 30/30 kPa 30/30 kPa 30/30 kPa 20/20 kPa
Capacity, kW Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Capacity, kW Model Model Model Model Model Model Model
50 M3-18H M3-14M M3-18H M3-18H M3-18H M3-14H M3-20H 50 M3-14M M3-14M M3-12M M3-12M M3-12H M3-14M M3-14M
100 M3-34H M3-30M M3-30H M3-30H M3-34H M3-24H M3-34H 100 M3-24M M3-24M M3-20M M3-20M M3-20H M3-24M M3-24M
150 M6M-12M M6M-12L M3-42H M3-42H M3-54H M3-42H M3-48H 150 M3-36M M3-36M M3-28M M3-28M M3-30H M3-32M M3-36M
200 M6M-16M M6M-16L M3-58H M3-56H M6M-16M M3-60H M3-62H 200 M6M-14L M6M-14L M3-40M M3-40M M3-40H M3-42M M3-50M
300 M6M-24M M6M-22L M6M-24M M6M-24M M6M-24M M6M-20M M6M-28M 300 M6M-18L M6M-18L M6M-16L M6M-16L M3-62H M6M-20L M6M-20M
400 M6M-34M M6M-32L M6M-32M M6M-32M M6M-34M M6M-26M M6M-34M 400 M6M-24L M6M-24L M6M-20L M6M-20L M6M-20M M6M-23L M6M-26M
500 M6M-44M M10M-22M M6M-38M M6M-38M M6M-44M M6M-34M M6M-42M 500 M6M-30L M6M-30L M6M-24L M6M-24L M6M-24M M6M-30L M6M-30M
750 M10M-40M M10M-34M M10M-34H M6M-54M M10M-42H M10M-34H M10M-36H 750 M10M-26M M10M-22L M10M-22M M10M-18L M6M-36M M10M-24M M6M-46M
1,000 M10M-52M M10M-46M M10M-46H M10M-42H M10M-58H M10M-46H M10M-48H 1,000 M10M-36M M10M-28L M10M-30M M10M-24L M6M-50M M10M-30M M10M-40H→out/out← 130→80/95←70 130→80/9←70 30→80/90←70 135→75/95←70 135→75/90←70 130→70/85←65 10→70/80←65→out/out← 70→50/60←10 70→50/55←10 70→40/55←5 70→35/55←10 70→35/55←10 70→35/55←5 70→35/55←5
Max pressure drop prim/sec 20/30 kPa 10/20 kPa 20/30 kPa 50/20 kPa 50/20 kPa 50/20 kPa 30/30 kPa Max pressure drop prim/sec 20/20 kPa 20/30 kPa 30/30 kPa 20/20 kPa 30/30 kPa 20/20 kPa 30/30 kPa
Capacity, kW Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Capacity, kW Model Model Model Model Model Model Model
50 M3-20H M3-18H M3-16H M3-32H M3-24H M3-26H M3-28H 50 M3-22H M3-20H M3-22H M3-34H M3-34H M3-30H M3-30H
100 M3-34H M3-34H M3-28H M3-60H M3-44H M3-46H M3-52H 100 M3-38H M3-36H M3-40H M3-62H M3-62H M3-54H M3-54H
150 M3-48H M3-54H M3-42H M6M-18H M3-64H M3-66H M6M-24M 150 M3-56H M3-56H M3-58H M3-90H M3-90H M3-78H M3-74H
200 M3-62H M6M-16M M3-60H M6M-22H M6M-26M M6M-28M M6M-30M 200 M6M-22M M6M-18M M3-76H M6M-18H M6M-18H M6M-18H M6M-18H
300 M6M-28M M6M-24M M6M-20M M6M-34H M6M-38M M6M-40M M6M-42M 300 M6M-30M M6M-26M M6-22M M6M-26H M6M-26H M6M-26H M6M-22H
400 M6M-34M M6M-34M M6M-26M M6M-46H M6M-48M M6M-50M M10B-26H 400 M6M-40M M6M-36M M6-28M M6M-34H M6M-32H M6M-34H M6M-28H
500 M6M-42M M6M-44M M6M-34M M6M-58H M10M-34H M10M-36H M10B-32H 500 M6M-48M M6M-46M M6-36M M6M-42H M6M-40H M6M-42H M6M-36H
750 M10M-36H M10M-42H M10M-34H M10M-68H M10M-50H M10M-52H M10B-50H 750 M10M-44H M10M-44H M6-54M M6M-66H M6M-56H M6M-66H M6M-52H
1,000 M10M-48H M10M-58H M10M-46H M10M-88H M10M-64H M10M-68H M10B-66H 1,000 M10M-60H M10M-60H M6-76M M6M-92H M6M-74H M6M-92H M6M-72H→out/out← 110→60/80←55 110→60/70←50 105→70/85←65 95→45/75←40 75→40/70←35 65→40/60←35 60→50/45←35→out/out← 70→30/60←5 70→25/60←10 65→20/55←10 60→30/55←25 60→25/55←5 60→25/55←5 6→20/55←10
Max pressure drop prim/sec 30/30 kPa 30/30 kPa 50/30 kPa 20/20 kPa 10/20 kPa 10/30 kPa 20/20 kPa Max pressure drop prim/sec 50/50 kPa 20/20 kPa 20/25 kPa 30/30 kPa 20/20 kPa 30/30 kPa 20/25 kPa
Capacity, kW Model Model Model Model Model Model Model Capacity, kW Model Model Model Model Model Model Model
50 M3-48H M3-18H M3-52H M6-12H M6-46H M6-30H M3-24H 50 M6-10H M6-14H M6-18H M6-42H M6-14H M6-14H M6-32H
100 M3-90H M3-30H M6M-16H M6-20H M6-84H M6-54H M6M-14L 100 M6-14H M6-20H M6-32H M6-78H M6-24H M6-24H M6-58H
150 M6M-20M M3-44H M6M-22H M6-28H M6-124H M6-80H M6M-18L 150 M6-16H M6-28H M6-44H M6-114H M6-34H M6-34H M6-84H
200 M6M-26M M3-62H M6M-28H M6-34H M6-162H M6-104H M6M-24L 200 M6-20H M6-36H M6-56H M6-150H M6-42H M6-42H M6-110H
300 M6M-36M M6M-24M M6M-40H M6-50H M10B-294H M6-152H M10M-22M 300 M6-28H M6-52H M6-82H M10B-268H M6-60H M6-60H M6-164H
400 M6M-46H M6M-32H M6M-50H M6-64H M10B-390H M10B-208H M10M-28M 400 M6-36H M6-66H M6-108H M10B-354H M6-78H M6-78H M10B-256H
500 M6M-56H M6M-38H M10B-64H M6-78H - M10B-258H M10M-36M 500 M6-44H M6-82H M6-132H M10B-440H M6-96H M6-96H M10B-320H
750 M6M-82H M10M-36H M10B-86H M6-114H - M10B-382H M10M-54M 750 M6-64H M6-120H M6-196H - M10B-136H M10B-136H -
1,000 M10B-68H M10M-48H M10B-134H M10B-132H - - - 1,000 M6-82H M10B-148H M10B-274H - M10B-178H M10B-178H -
14 15