Salahuddin Khan, Shamran Khan: Sports Participationcontrolling Delinquent Behaviour Among The College Students
Salahuddin Khan, Shamran Khan: Sports Participationcontrolling Delinquent Behaviour Among The College Students
Salahuddin Khan, Shamran Khan: Sports Participationcontrolling Delinquent Behaviour Among The College Students
Each individual have sufficient energy remain after performing daily task,
particularly the youth have more ample energy. This energy needs to be utilizing in
some sort of activity. If the energy is utilized in constructive manner, it will not only
beneficial for the individual but also for society as well. On the other hand, if not
properly used the individual will engaged in destructive activities, which will not
only harm the individual but also injurious for the whole society. Humans play
when they have excess energy (Surplus energy theory of Play, Spencer Herbert,
1873). It is generally observed that the non-working, particularly the adolescents
have problems to utilize their ample energy in a constructive manner. Consequently
the youth, who are considered as nation builders indulge the evil society. On the
other hand an organized program of sports not only gives pleasure and amusement
to its participants, but also prevents individuals from unsocial practices. This
thought paved the researcher intends to work upon the role of sports activities in
eradication of social immoralities. Keeping in view the current scenario the
researcher intends to explore and evaluate the role of sports participation in
controlling delinquent behavior among the college students. For the purpose few
objectives were formulated for the study, i.e., to examine the involvement of
athletes and non-athletes in delinquent behavior at college level, and to examine
the mean difference in terms of demographic attributes between respondents
regarding their involvement in delinquent behavior. Furthermore, few hypotheses
were formulated for the study in hand, i.e. Athlete’s involvements in aggressive
delinquency (Verbal Abusing, Teasing, Threatening and insulting) will be found a
lesser amount than non-athletes, athlete’s involvements in violent delinquency
(Carrying Weapon, Group Fighting, punching and destruction of property) will be
found less than non-athletes, and athlete’s involvements in drugs adduction
(Smoking, Alcohol, cocaine, tobacco, and snuff) will be found a smaller amount
than non-athletes. A Likert Type Questionnaire was used to collect the data from
sample. A sample of 720 college students were conveniently selected from different
districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Pakistan. It was concluded that sports and
other recreational activities are considered as quite capable of bringing positive
change in polishing and molding the individual behavior. The social delinquency
Department of Sports Sciences & Physical Education
Gomal University Dera Ismal Khan KP Pakistan
Email [email protected]
Vol. 3, Issue.1, 2018 (THE SPARK)
like aggressive behavior, verbal abusing, teasing, threatening and insulting can be
very effectively controlled through enhancement in sports participation among the
youth. The study reveals that those who participate in sports avoid involvement in
aggressive behavior as compared to those who do not take part in sports activities.
Key Words: Sports Participation, Delinquent Behavior, College Students
Play as the expenditure of energy which is surplus to that consumed in instrumental
or adaptive activity. Play is regarded as “blowing of stream”. Furthermore, children
have most of their wants catered by others, and are consequently able to discharge
their energies in spontaneous patterns of non-appetitive behaviors (Irina et al.,
2003). Sports programs provide a platform in which everyone can participate
without any discrimination. Sports are considered as a tool to develop social
integration, social mobility and more significantly social values (Zamanian et al.,
2012). Organized sports activities have been associated with less disruptive
behaviors, such as carrying a weapon, planning or attempting suicide (Department
of Health and Human Services, 2004). Sports participation develops self-
imagination, self-esteem, confidence and educational performance and also
decreases school dropout rates and mental disorders (Saskatchewan, 2003).
Similarly, Sports and organized physical activity programs have positive role in
reducing the social delinquent behaviors such as smoking, participation in group
physical conflicts, alcohol and drug usage (Australian Institute of Criminology,
A study conducted by Ojo (2012) found that low education, lack of guidance on the
part of parents and separation of parents from children are the factors that lead the
children towards social delinquency. Consequently, the author suggested that
parents may provide education, guidance and supervision to their children.
Likewise, low family income and large family size are both the causative agents of
social delinquency among the children in early ages. All those children who have
low family income and large family size are prone to immoral activities (West &
Farmington, 1973). Children, having more burdened always involved in social
unacceptable activities (Farrington, Loeber & Kammen, 1990). In clinical studies
of hyperactive children have shown at high risk of delinquency (Loeber et al.,
1995). Abused children always perform those activities which are unacceptable to
the society at large. To reduce the crime rate, children must be treated in such ways
which motivate him/her toward social activities not toward antisocial activities. It
means that children should be guided and motivated toward social activities (Lewis
et al., 1989). It has been globally perceived that participation in sports and
recreational activities not only develop human faculties, but also contribute to the
various aspects of human life.
Vol. 3, Issue.1, 2018 (THE SPARK)
Vol. 3, Issue.1, 2018 (THE SPARK)
the purpose of data collection, the researcher selected four (04) districts from each
region and similarly, three (03) colleges from each district were randomly selected
for equal representation. The total selected districts were 12 and male degree
colleges were 36 in which the total numbers of enrolled students were 14400. Due
to huge number of students the researchers took 20% of the whole population by
using L, R Gay (1987) formula for the selection of sample and delimit it to only
720 respondents. Finally twenty students (10 athletes and 10 non-athletes) from
each college were conveniently selected in this study. As the study was survey in
nature, therefore, a Likert type of questionnaire was developed using available
literature in the field and used for data collection. Validity and Reliability are the
two most important aspects to be considered in research instrumentation. Validity
refers to the degree to which a test measure, whereas, reliability is the degree to
which an instrument produce precise and constant results (Brian et al., 2011). The
researcher used face and content validity to make the instrument valid. The initial
draft of questionnaire was 45 items; this draft of questionnaire was send to 20
experts of the field for the purpose of reliability. The same questionnaire was filled
up by 46 subjects (23 athletes and 23 non-athletes) and was used for pilot study,
testing the instrument validity. Few of the ambiguous statement were deleted and
some were rectified on the basis of the result of the pilot testing. Similarly, internal
consistency of the items (Cronbach’s alpha method) was applied in order to make
the instrument reliable as (Wilson et al., 2012) stated that “internal consistency
method provides a unique estimate of reliability for the given test administration”.
16 items were deleted after the process of validity, reliability and pilot testing. Thus
a total 29 items were included in the final instrument. The Cronbach’s alpha of the
instrument appears as .863 which was positive and strong. The researcher
personally contact the population and distributed the questionnaire, recollected it
back after filled by the respondents. The collected data tabulated and analyzed by
using both descriptive and inferential statistics in order to obtain authentic results.
Mode/Frequency is the most frequently occurring value in the set of scores. To
determine the mode researcher wrote the data first in order and then count each one
of it. In order to find the most frequent value in five different points Likert type
scale the researcher used mode as a statistical tool. To compute the mean the
researcher added up all the values and divided by the number of values. As
percentage is easy to understand so the researcher changed the obtained results into
simple percentage for the purpose to make understandable. The researcher used
independent sample t-test for the purpose to compare the mean of athlete and non-
athlete with reference to their involvement in delinquent behavior.
Results and Discussions
Vol. 3, Issue.1, 2018 (THE SPARK)
The study in hand was conducted to assess “The Role of Sports Participation in
Controlling Delinquent Behavior among The College Students”. On the bases of
data analysis and finding the researcher discovered that participation in sports
activities contribute various aspects of its participants and particularly in
controlling and eradicating of certain delinquent behavior among the youth. The
delinquent behavior includes aggressive delinquency, violence delinquency and
drug addiction was the focus points of this study. The results of the study showed
that those who participated in sports activities (athletes) avoid aggressive behavior
like verbal abusing, teasing, threatening and insulting as compare to those who do
not participant (non-athletes) in sports activities. The result of the current study is
supported by Donnelly Atkinso, Boyle and Szto (2011) who found that Sports are
the agents of socialization and promote peace; brotherhood and also help in
avoiding unsocial and aggressive behavior among the youth. The authors further
argue that due to obeying the rules and regulation of each and every game, athletes
have more emotional control then on their selves as compared to non-athletes.
Obeying the rules and regulation athletes show less aggressive behavior then non-
athletes. Similar finding have been found by Gardner, Roth and Brooks-Gunn
(2011) and stated that Participation in organized sports activities promote social
values and reduce the rate of aggressive behavior among both genders .i.e. male
and female. The present study is supported by Kremer-Sadlik and Kim (2007) who
explored that sports activities discourage crimes by keeping one busy in sporting
events and avoid the youth from verbal abuse, threatening and teasing others. A
study by Visek and Maxwell (2010) also concluded that those parents who engage
their children in various sports activities during free time have less chance of
postural defects, chronic diseases and also evade from immoral activities.
Similarly, Jamieson, Lynn and Ross Craig (2007), study affirmed that Sports
significantly contribute to socialization and reduce the rate of aggressiveness,
fighting with others and unsocial activities and also diverting the attention of
peoples toward participant in positive social activities.
Violence delinquency was assessed through different questions and the researcher
found that non-athletes are likely involved in violence delinquency like carrying
weapon, group fighting, pouching and destruction of property as compare to
athletes. These findings are supported by Kim (2016) who concluded that sport
activities may be effective to moderate some of risk and protective factors in
multiple problems among its participant. The author further stated that sports
activities are very useful in the prevention of various social violence. Collinson,
Judge, Stanly and Wilson (2014) have affirmed in their research study that those
who do not take part in sports activities involve themselves in destructive activities.
Similar finding has been found by, Zamanian, Zameni, Forouzandeh and Haghighi
(2012) that sports reduce the immoral behavior and promotes confidence, self-
Vol. 3, Issue.1, 2018 (THE SPARK)
esteem and motivation among its participants. Further, the study illustrated that
longer the duration of sports participation lower the delinquent rates. Another study
conducted by Tammy Orunaboka and Emeka Nwachukwu ( 2012) explored that
sports can definitely be used an instrument for controlling deviance in schools,
particularly Nigerian secondary schools where deviant activities of students appears
to be assuming an alarming rate. Nicholson and Hoye (2008) proclaimed in their
study that sport can be used as an effective instrument to reduce violence
delinquency via involving vulnerable disadvantaged groups. They further stated
that proper sports program may provide for youth and also motivate them to
participant in sound physical activities during the leisure time. Similar finding have
been found by Kregar (2007) that a negative relationship exists between sport
participation and social delinquency, if sports participation level increases then
delinquency level decrease. He further stated that midnight basketball help to
reduce the night crime rate of property destruction and keeping urban males away
from the dangerous streets.
With reference to drug addiction, the data has revealed that significant difference
was found between athletes and non-athletes in smoking and cocaine / chars usage.
The researcher found that athletes avoid smoking and cocaine / chars as compare to
non-athletes. It means that participation in sports activities prevent individual from
cigarette smoking and cocaine/ chars etc. Similar finding has found by, Nelson and
Gordon-Larsen (2006) that adolescent’s participation in sports with their parents
was less likely to engage in risk behaviors (delinquency, smoking, alcohol, drug
use and truancy). A study conducted by, Deborah, Rhea, Christopher and Lantz
(2004) found that alcohol and drug use, male athlete reported significantly less use
of marijuana and cocaine, as well as less tendency to drive then male non-athletes.
The result of current study is supported by Pate (2000) who asserted that Youth
who participate in organized sports at school or in their communities are less likely
to engage in risky behaviors, such as cigarette smoking and drug use, than non-
sports participants, he further stated that the main reason behind drug addiction
among non-athletes is the less of non-availability of sports activities. Fortunately,
the data has confirmed that both the categories of respondents (athletes and not-
athletes) were found avoiding of alcohol, tobacco/ hookha and snuff use. Australian
Institute of Criminology (2000) stated that, youth involved in organized sports have
lower rate of drugs use, including marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, and heroin.
It was concluded that sports and other recreational activities are considered as quite
capable of bringing positive change in polishing and molding the individual
behavior. The social delinquency like aggressive behavior, verbal abusing, teasing,
threatening and insulting can be very effectively controlled through enhancement in
Vol. 3, Issue.1, 2018 (THE SPARK)
sports participation among the youth. The study reveals that those who participate
in sports avoid involvement in aggressive behavior as compared to those who do
not take part in sports activities.
It was concluded that violence delinquency like, carrying a weapon, group
fighting, punching and destruction of property being another social evil was found
involvement of non-athletes as compare to athletes. Upon this notion, the study
concluded that negative thinking and destructive behavior can also be controlled
through youth sports participation.
With reference to drug addiction, the researcher concluded that significance
difference was found between athletes and non-athletes in smoking and cocaine
/chars use. Those students who participant in sports avoid using smoking and
cocaine /chars as compare to those who do not participant in sports. No significant
difference was found among athletes and non-athletes regarding the use of alcohol,
tobacco / hookah and snuff.
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Vol. 3, Issue.1, 2018 (THE SPARK)