Design of A Continuous Tubular Cooling Crystallizer For Process Development On Lab-Scale
Design of A Continuous Tubular Cooling Crystallizer For Process Development On Lab-Scale
Design of A Continuous Tubular Cooling Crystallizer For Process Development On Lab-Scale
Lukas Hohmann1
Design of a Continuous Tubular Cooling
Ramona Gorny2
Oliver Klaas1 Crystallizer for Process Development
Jonas Ahlert1
on Lab-Scale
Kerstin Wohlgemuth3
Norbert Kockmann1
Continuous manufacturing of fine chemical, life science, and pharmaceutical
1 products is under recent investigation in R&D. As cooling crystallization is an
TU Dortmund University,
important unit operation for purification of products, continuously operated, scal-
Department of Biochemical
and Chemical Engineering,
able devices are required for process development on lab-scale. A tubular crystal-
Laboratory of Equipment lizer was developed, based on the coiled flow inverter design. Experimental char-
Design, Dortmund, Germany. acterization proved a narrow residence time distribution of the liquid phase close
to ideal plug flow. Counter-current air cooling allows for adjusting linear and
TU Dortmund University, curved temperature profiles. Unseeded operation with the L-alanine (water)
Department of Biochemical
system demonstrated that nucleation has to be actively controlled to successfully
and Chemical Engineering,
apply intensified continuous cooling crystallization processes.
Laboratory of Solids Process
Engineering, Dortmund,
Keywords: Coiled flow inverter, Continuous cooling crystallization, Product purification,
Tubular device
TU Dortmund University, Received: January 29, 2016; revised: May 02, 2016; accepted: May 09, 2016
Department of Biochemical
and Chemical Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/ceat.201600072
Laboratory of Plant and
Process Design, Dortmund,
Germany. ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280
Research Article 1269
2 Design of the Tubular Crystallizer more robust operation without encrustation of the walls [26].
Ultrasound was successfully applied in a COBC setup to induce
Chen et al. reviewed the application of continuous crystalliza- primary nucleation [25]. A flexible adjustment of the axial tem-
tion in the pharmaceutical industry. They point out the advan- perature profiles, e.g., a linear profile, can be achieved by a
tages of continuous crystallization compared to batch crystalli- sophisticated control system [27] or multiple thermostats, e.g.,
zation, i.e., smaller equipment size, constant product quality 13 heating/cooling thermostats [26]. The COBC technology is
due to steady-state operation, and increasing yield by applying promising for pilot and production scale. However, scale-down
recycling strategies [21]. to smaller dimensions for process development has not been
Considering cooling crystallization, heat transfer is more and reported, yet. Batch oscillatory baffled crystallizers are used to
more limited by the reduced specific surface area when scaling- decrease material consumption during process development
up conventional batch cooling crystallizers [22]. This can limit [23, 25, 26].
the efficiency, when a certain crystallizing system and the Méndez del Rı́o et al. describe a milli-structured tube-in-tube
desired product quality would allow for faster cooling. Com- heat exchanger for cooling crystallization purposes. Rapid
paring continuous plug-flow (PF) crystallizers to continuous unseeded natural cooling of the binary systems paracetamol
mixed-suspension mixed-product removal crystallizers, PF (methanol) and paracetamol (ethanol) were carried out. A clear
equipment will obtain higher space-time yield and is therefore solution was gained at the end of the tubular section due to
extremely promising, if a high supersaturation level is tolerable. expansion of the metastable zone width (MSZW). Primary
However, temperature control is more difficult in tubular devi- nucleation was detected in the receiving vessel, leading to sig-
ces and settling/clogging of particles is an issue [21]. nificantly smaller crystals compared to batch experiments.
Some experimental parameter sets led to a rapid clogging of
the tubes [28].
2.1 State of the Art A continuously operated, seeded crystallizer based on heli-
cally coiled tubes was reported by Eder et al. for the acetylsali-
Various designs of continuous tubular PF equipment are cylic acid (ethanol) system. Seeding was achieved by injection
reported in literature. Design parameters, process conditions, of a seed suspension into the main flow from a second storage
and investigated test systems are summarized in Tab. 1. Further vessel. The seed suspension was prepared in a batch process
details are given in the following section. and the mean particle size was x50,3 ~ 100 mm [29]. Cooling of
A renowned example for PF crystallization is the continuous the tubular section was realized by one gas-cooled enclosure
oscillatory baffled crystallizer (COBC). In this macro-struc- box [29] or four cooling thermostats [30]. Unseeded operation
tured tubular device, particle fluidization and a narrow RTD led to blockage of the tube, whereas seeding and sufficiently
are achieved by a pulsed flow through baffles in the pipe, high flow velocity led to robust operation up to 15 min [29].
whereas the pulsation is achieved by a piston movement Wong et al. propose a method for continuous seed genera-
[23–25]. Seeded and unseeded operations [23] of various crys- tion via continuous contact secondary nucleation. Therefore, a
tallizing systems were reported. However, seeding enabled a parent crystal or tablet is fixed on a rotating shaft. Seed crystals
Table 1. Design parameters and test systems of various continuous tubular crystallizers from literature.
Equipment type di [mm] V [mL] Tube material Fm [g min–1] FV [mL min–1] Product (solvent) Ref.
Helically coiled tubes 2.0 47.0 Polysiloxane – 12.4–25.2 Acetyl salicylic acid (eth- [29]
Tubular growth section 3.2 49.0 Chem-Durance Bio – 11.3–14.2 Paracetamol (water) [31, 32]
Gas-liquid slug flow 2.0 85 Polysiloxane – 15.0 (L) Acetyl salicylic acid (eth- [33]
15.0 (G) anol, air)
Gas-liquid slug flow 3.1 115 Polysiloxane – 7.0–23.5 (L) L-asparagine monohy- [34, 35]
7.0–23.5 (G) drate (water, air)
Liquid-liquid slug flow 1.0 0.1–2.3 PFA – 0.4 (L1) Adipic acid (water, [36]
0.4 (L2) hexane)
Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280 ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
1270 Research Article
are abraded from the parent crystal and become entrained by – the temperature profile needs to be measurable and control-
supersaturated solution. The process was demonstrated for the lable with a reasonable equipment effort, especially in terms
glycine (water) and the paracetamol (water) systems. Seed crys- of thermostats
tals were obtained in the range of x50,0 ~ 4–8 mm for glycine and – the pressure drop needs to be less than 1 bar to enable robust
x50,0 ~ 6–13 mm for paracetamol. Seed crystals of paracetamol operation of peristaltic pumps.
were subsequently grown in a tubular growth section [31, 32]. For lab-scale operation with the test system L-alanine
In order to minimize axial dispersion [33, 34] and to prevent (water), the desired total mass flow rate for the crystallizer was
clogging of tubular devices [34], the application of a gas-liquid set to Fm = 5–10 g min–1 of solution or suspension. The design
slug flow is under investigation for continuous cooling crystal- case was further based on unseeded batch cooling crystalliza-
lization. Jiang et al. reported on a slug-flow device which was tion processes with linear cooling profiles [37, 38]. The corre-
used as a growth section for the L-asparagine monohydrate sponding physical properties and process conditions used for
(water) system. Primary nucleation was induced by rapid cool- the design are given in Tab. 2 and Tab. 3, respectively.
ing of a saturated solution in a tubular heat exchanger or by
mixing of two saturated solutions of different temperatures in Table 2. Physical properties of the aqueous L-alanine solution
various micromixers. Multiple combinations of heating to in the crystallizer.
achieve fines dissolution, natural cooling at room temperature,
and controlled cooling in cooling bathes were investigated in Property Value Ref.
the growth section [34]. –1
Mala [g mol ] 89.09
Another option for inducing nucleation in continuous oper-
ation is the application of ultrasound [33, 35]. Eder et al. fed wala,sat(50 C) [galagsol ] 0.177 [37]
supersaturated solution of acetylsalicylic acid (ethanol) into a wala,sat(25 C) [galagsol ] –1
0.141 [37]
tubular coil and placed it in an ultrasonic bath. The seed crys- –3
tals of x50,3 ~ 20 mm were subsequently grown in gas-liquid rw(25 C) [kg m ] 997.05 [50]
slug flow by means of five thermostatic bathes to construct the rala,S(23 C) [kg m ] –3
1375 [51]
cooling section [33]. Jiang et al. applied an ultrasonic probe –3
rsol(25 C) [kg m ] 1054.43 [52]
which was pressed directly on the process tube, followed by a
tubular gas-liquid slug-flow growth section with natural cool- hw(25 C) [mPa s] 0.890 [50]
ing at room temperature [35]. An example of continuous cool-
hsol(25 C) [mPa s] 1.462 [53]
ing crystallization in small-scale tubular devices, utilizing a liq-
–1 –1
uid-liquid slug flow, was reported by Rossi et al. They cp,w(25 C) [J kg K ] 4182 [50]
employed the adipic acid (water) system with n-hexane as a
second liquid phase, investigating the primary nucleation The fluid properties at the outlet temperature of the crystallizer
mechanism [36]. were estimated from literature data for the inlet mass fraction
of L-alanine. As a worst-case assumption, the heat capacity of
The application of slug flow in continuous cooling crystalli-
pure water at outlet temperature was applied.
zation provides a narrow RTD and can assist particle transport.
Nevertheless, the tube volume has to be significantly increased
Table 3. Desired process conditions for the continuous cooling
to maintain a desired mean residence time as the second phase crystallization of L-alanine from water.
increases the total volumetric flow rate. Scale-up of slug flow is
an issue as known from microreactors [14]. Furthermore, the Fm [g min–1] Tin [C] Tout [C]
generation and splitting of the two fluid phases increases
equipment effort, and the influences of the second fluid phase 5.0 50.0 25.0
on solubility, crystallization kinetics, and product quality have 10.0 50.0 25.0
not been addressed, yet. These aspects need to be investigated
when comparing continuous processes to conventional small-
scale batch processes without another fluid phase. In order to design the tubular crystallizer, an equipment con-
cept is to choose, which fulfills the demands stated above. Var-
ious concepts for continuous seeding and induced primary nu-
2.2 Equipment Design Procedure cleation have been reviewed above, which can be connected to
a tubular device. Thus, the aspect of controlling nucleation can
Concluding the state of the art on continuous tubular cooling be located in a separate device. This work focuses on designing
crystallization, various demands on a tubular cooling crystal- a tubular cooling section for particle growth. Due to the low
lizer for process development on lab-scale can be stated: flow rates being desired for lab-scale application (see Tab. 3)
– a mean residence time of several minutes needs to be ob- and the solution properties (see Tab. 2), a turbulent flow profile
tained is hardly achievable. Klutz et al. recently reviewed tubular
– a narrow RTD close to ideal plug flow is required to enable equipment concepts for application in laminar flow with
batch-to-conti approaches respect to achieving a narrow RTD. Considering a low manu-
– particle fluidization and transport have to be facilitated, facturing effort and a flexible, segmented design, helically
while the application of a second fluid phase is avoided in coiled tubes, especially in the coiled flow inverter (CFI) design,
this project appeared most promising [39]. ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280
Research Article 1271
Helically coiled tubes can be manufactured by coiling flexible tical straight tube which is flown through contrarily to the
tubes, e.g., polymeric tubes, on a supporting structure. Due to direction of the gravitational force by a suspension. This
the flow on the circular pathway, centrifugal forces act on the reflects the upward flow in a tubular helix, whereas the coil is
fluid, shifting the maximum flow velocity of the laminar flow directed horizontally. Particles being larger than the calculated
profile to the outer side of the wall. Thereby, Dean vortices are cut-size diameter xcut will sediment in the flow, whereas smaller
induced, which can significantly intensify radial mixing [40]. particles will be entrained. The model takes the tube geometry,
This effect can be further enhanced using the CFI design. By the operating conditions, and physical properties into account.
bending the tubular helix after a certain number of turns with The gradients of the axial flow velocity in radial direction in
a 90 angle, Dean vortices have to be reformed and change the laminar flow are neglected. Furthermore, the model is desig-
direction [40]. The Reynolds number (Eq. (1)), the Dean num- nated for spherical particles and particle Reynolds numbers
ber (Eq. (2)), the modified torsion parameter (Eq. (3)), and fur- ReP < 1. The effect of Dean vortices is not incorporated in the
ther design guidelines taking the bend number and the number model but there is evidence that Dean vortices can significantly
of turns per coil into consideration can be applied to achieve a enhance particle fluidization compared to devices without a
narrow RTD in laminar flow [39, 41]. Here, di, hsol, dc, and p Dean vortices flow [45]. Despite the limitations, the model can
denote the inner diameter of the tube, the viscosity of the solu- represent a short-cut method to estimate the allowable particle
tion, the coil diameter, and the coil pitch distance, respectively. size of a tubular crystallizer to avoid sedimentation and clog-
4 Fm ging from a fluid-dynamic perspective.
Re ¼ (1) For dimensioning the tubular cooling crystallizer, the inter-
p di hsol
sffiffiffiffiffi nal volume and the mean residence time are directly associated
di with the desired cooling rate of the crystallization process. If
Dn ¼ Re (2) the temperature profile of a batch cooling crystallization pro-
cess is linear, the cooling rate rb can be defined by Eq. (5),
pdc where T and t denote the temperature and the time, respective-
T* ¼ Re (3) ly. For a continuous tubular crystallizer with a linear axial tem-
perature profile, the cooling rate rc can be defined analogously
The fluidization of crystals is crucial for suspension crystalli- by Eq. (6), where t, u, l, and rsol denote the mean residence
zation purposes but the fundamentals of solid-liquid flow in time, the mean flow velocity, the tube length, and the density of
small-scale tubular devices are still poorly understood. Consid- the solution, respectively.
ering a crystal suspension with significantly lower crystal sizes
compared to the tube diameter of the crystallizer, various phe- T0 T
rb ¼ (5)
nomena can lead to settling of particles or scaling of the tube t t0
surface which can further lead to unsteady operation or even
Tin Tout u F 4
clogging of the device. rc ¼ ¼ ðTin Tout Þ ¼ ðTin Tout Þ m 2 (6)
Chen et al. recently reviewed scaling mechanisms in micro- t l rsol di l p
reactors and commercial tubing with respect to precipitation of
by-products during chemical syntheses. Some combinations of Heat transfer is often limited in stirred-tank batch crystalli-
particles and wall materials might be generally unfavorable due zers. Thus, batch cooling rates in the range of rb £ 0.45 K min–1
to strong particle-to-surface attraction, i.e., adsorption, adhe- have been investigated in reference studies for the L-alanine
sion due to surface roughness or heterogeneous nucleation of (water) system [20, 37, 38]. As process intensification and
crystals on the wall surface. If this is not the case, mechanical increased efficiency are main advantages of continuous crystal-
entrapment of particles due to inertial impaction was identified lization processes in tubular devices [21, 22] the desired cooling
to be a major reason for scaling. Unsteady changes in the tube rate is set to rc ~ 1.5–3.0 K min–1 for the prototype being intro-
diameter or constrictions are prone to this particle deposition duced in this work. When the dimensions of the tubular crys-
mechanism [42]. tallizer are once fixed, the cooling rate can be varied by the
Moreover, settling of particles in the gravitational field is a mass flow rate Fm (see Eq. (6)), providing that a linear cooling
well-known phenomenon in macroscale heat exchangers when profile and the desired outlet temperature can be maintained
being operated at nearly stagnant conditions [43]. A simplified by adjusting the cooling agent parameters. Thus, the mean resi-
Stokes flow model was proposed to estimate particle sizes dence time for the prototype is set to t ~ 17.0 min for a mass
which are not affected by gravitational settling and remain flu- flow rate of Fm = 5 g min–1 and t ~ 8.5 min for a mass flow rate
idized in a helically coiled tubular device with Dean vortices of Fm = 10 g min–1, respectively. This results in an internal vol-
flow [44]; see Eq. (4). ume of V ~ 81 mL. In order to achieve a lower linear cooling
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rate at constant mass flow rate, the mean residence time has to
72 hsol Fm 4 Fm xcut be increased, e.g., by expanding the tube length at constant
xcut ¼ with ReP ¼ <1
p ðrS rsol Þg rsol di2 p hsol di di tube diameter by adding helical segments.
(4) Combining these information, a CFI design-space diagram
according to Klutz et al. [39] can be elaborated (see Fig. 1). This
Therein, xcut, rS, g, and ReP denote the cut-size diameter, the diagram spans an area of feasible designs, i.e., inner tube dia-
density of the particles, the gravitational constant, and the par- meter di and diameter of the supporting structure dct, which
ticle Reynolds number, respectively. The model describes a ver- provide sufficiently high Dean numbers, modified torsion
Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280 ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
1272 Research Article
Figure 2. Design details of the tubular cooling crystallizer. (a) Complete setup with nine segments in the zick-zack design [41], straight
tube at the inlet (left upper side), straight tube transition parts, straight tube at the outlet (right lower side). (b) Sketch of a single plate of
the supporting structure with milled holders for the tube. (c) Supporting structure with coiled tube and plug-in connection for baffles in
the bend region. (d) Fixation of thermocouple (Type K) on the outer side of the tube and PE foam insulation covering the thermocouple. ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280
Research Article 1273
Table 4. CFI design parameters for the tubular cooling crystalli- tion under the given conditions (see Tab. 3) and at maximum
zer. yield would not exceed some mW and can be neglected.
Parameter Value
Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280 ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
1274 Research Article ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280
Research Article 1275
3.4 Metastable Zone Width T0 = 50.0 C before start-up to ensure operation of the crystalli-
zer in the supersaturated regime. In the latter experiments, the
The metastable zone width (MSZW) of the system L-alanine temperature in the storage vessels was set to T = T0 = 72.0 C
(water) was characterized in batch experiments for linear cool- for both dissolution and continuous operation in order to com-
ing rates of rb = 0.5 and 0.9 K min–1, using the polythermal pensate heat losses in the peristaltic pump, valves, and connect-
method [38, 48]. The revolution speed of the magnetic stirrer ing tubes, while shifting the crossing of the solubility line into
was kept constant at n = 660 min–1. The cooling rate was the device.
adjusted using the feedback control mode of the heating/cool- For the start-up of the device, cooling gas was expanded to
ing thermostat. Each MSZW measurement was reproduced atmospheric pressure and room temperature by means of the
three times. needle valve. A constant volumetric flow rate of the cooling gas
For each experiment, a solution of msol = 48.023 ± 0.003 g was was adjusted as it was desired for the experiment. The gas was
prepared with a mass fraction of wsat(50.0 C) = 0.177 galagsol–1. cooled afterwards in order to maintain the desired inlet tem-
The solution was heated up to 55.0 C and kept at this tempera- perature. Preheated water from the second storage vessel was
ture for at least 1 h. Thereafter, the linear cooling rate was flushed through the tubular crystallizer at a constant mass flow
initialized. The appearance of the first crystal at the tempera- rate to elaborate the axial temperature profile. The elaboration
ture Tnuc was detected with the naked eye. Thus, the metastable of the solution and the cooling gas temperature profiles were
zone width DTMSZW was calculated by Eq. (10). observed via thermocouples and resistance thermometers,
respectively. When a steady-state temperature profile had been
DTMSZW ¼ Tnuc Tsat (10) established, the inlet of the tubular crystallizer (valve V1, see
Fig. 4) was changed to aqueous L-alanine solution, while the
mass flow rate was kept constant. The product solution/sus-
pension was analyzed via light microscopy. ImageJ (National
3.5 Continuous Cooling Crystallization Institute of Health) was employed for image analysis. For the
shut-down procedure, the flow of the cooling gas was stopped
Three experiments on continuous cooling crystallization of and water was flushed through the crystallizer at an elevated
L-alanine from water were carried out under different condi- flow rate.
tions (see Tab. 5). For preparing the crystallization process,
both of the storage vessels were filled with deionized water.
Crystalline L-alanine was added to one of them, thus a mass 4 Results and Discussion
fraction of wsat(50.0 C) = 0.177 galagsol–1 was achieved. In total,
a volume of 1 L of aqueous solution was prepared. In the first 4.1 Residence Time Distribution
experiment, the stirred storage vessels were heated up to
T = 55.0 C by means of the heating thermostat in order to dis- A volume V = 78.7 ± 1.4 mL of the crystallizer was determined
solve all crystalline matter in the product supply vessel and to by a gravimetric method. The results of the RTD characteriza-
heat up water in the solvent supply vessel for the start-up pro- tion are summarized in Tab. 6. A Bodenstein number Bo > 100
cedure. After dissolving the crystals the temperature was main- was achieved in all of the experiments in good agreement with
tained for at least 1 h. The temperature was then reduced to the dispersion model (see Fig. 5). Therefore, an ideal plug flow
Exp. Fm [g min–1] T0 [C] t [min] Re [–] Dn [–] T* [–] xcut [mm] FV,G [L min–1]
1 8.80 ± 0.14 50.0 8.93 ± 0.14 31.92 ± 0.51 9.97 ± 0.16 513.9 ± 8.2 304 10.0
2 4.95 ± 0.04 72.0 15.87 ± 0.12 17.95 ± 0.14 5.61 ± 0.04 289.0 ± 2.2 228 3.0
3 2.34 ± 0.01 72.0 33.49 ± 0.11 8.51 ± 0.03 2.66 ± 0.01 137.0 ± 0.5 157 10.0
Table 6. Experimental conditions and results for RTD characterization of the tubular crystallizer.
Syringe 0.98 ± 0.02 79.75 ± 1.34 5.87 ± 0.10 1.83 ± 0.03 94.5 ± 1.6 170.5 ± 2.3
Syringe 3.01 ± 0.02 26.09 ± 0.17 17.94 ± 0.12 5.60 ± 0.04 288.9 ± 1.9 165.6 ± 2.2
Syringe 4.92 ± 0.03 15.98 ± 0.10 29.30 ± 0.18 9.15 ± 0.06 471.7 ± 2.9 147.5 ± 4.3
Syringe 9.94 ± 0.08 7.91 ± 0.03 55.00 ± 0.45 17.18 ± 0.14 885.6 ± 7.2 113.1 ± 2.6
Peristaltic 3.07 ± 0.04 25.56 ± 0.37 18.31 ± 0.27 5.72 ± 0.08 294.8 ± 4.3 145.0 ± 10.6
Peristaltic 9.76 ± 0.10 8.06 ± 0.09 54.02 ± 0.57 16.87 ± 0.18 869.7 ± 1.2 110.2 ± 2.4
Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280 ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
1276 Research Article
Figure 5. Results of the RTD characterization experiments. (a) Experimental step response curves for the syringe pump at different Rey-
nolds numbers. (b) Comparison of experimental step response curves with fitted dispersion model for both the syringe pump and the
peristaltic pump at comparable Reynolds numbers.
behavior can be assumed for the tubular crystallizer setup, 4.2 Metastable Zone Width
which indicates a homogeneous, radial concentration and tem-
perature distribution in the liquid phase. The results of the batch investigation indicate an increase of
By increasing the mass flow rate, Reynolds number, Dean the MSZW at elevated linear cooling rates (see Tab. 7). Even
number, and modified torsion parameter, the Bodenstein num- though the MSZW increased, the time interval tMSZW–tsat was
ber was slightly decreased and the RTD of the liquid phase was decreased due to faster cooling. These trends are in good agree-
broadened (see Tab. 6). This result can be attributed to higher ment with measurements of Wohlgemuth at lower linear cool-
axial dispersion due to laminar convection [47]. Comparing ing rate [38]. Higher cooling rates could not be investigated in
results of both the syringe pump and peristaltic pump batch experiments due to a limited cooling capacity of the uti-
(see Fig. 5), a narrower RTD was reached by the syringe pump. lized heating/cooling thermostat.
Even though the pulsation of the peristaltic pump with its
12 rollers was low, it slightly increased axial back-mixing.
For a crystallization application it has to be taken into 4.3 Continuous Cooling Crystallization
account that the RTD of the liquid phase might be affected by
the suspended crystals. Moreover, the RTD of the solid phase The steady-state temperature profiles for all experiments are
might be broader, when large crystals tend to deposit and move given in Fig. 6. An approximately linear axial temperature
slower through the tube than smaller crystals and the liquid profile was reached for the product mass flow rates of the solu-
phase. tion of Fm = 8.80 and 4.95 g min–1. For the lower flow rate of
Table 7. Results of the determination of the metastable zone width (MSZW) of the binary system L-alanine (water) from batch experi-
rb [K min–1] n [min–1] T0 [C] Tsat [C] DTMSZW [K] tMSZW–tsat [min] Ref. ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280
Research Article 1277
Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280 ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
1278 Research Article
The authors gratefully acknowledge Andreas Grun-
wald for manufacturing the tubular crystallizer.
Carsten Schrömges and Martin Matuschek are
acknowledged for their technical and experimental
support. The German Federal Ministry of Eco-
nomic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) is acknowledged
for financial support of the research leading to this
Figure 7. Particle characteristics in the product crystal suspension of experi- work as part of the ENPRO initiative, project num-
ment 3. (a) Light microscopy image of product crystals 1 h after switching the
ber: 03ET1254D.
feed from water to aqueous L-alanine solution. (b) Corresponding particle size
distribution to (a). (c) Light microscopy image of product crystals 2 h after
switching the feed from water to aqueous L-alanine solution. The authors have declared no conflict of interest. ª 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eng. Technol. 2016, 39, No. 7, 1268–1280
Research Article 1279
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