Parallel Processing With Autonomous Databases in A Cluster System

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Parallel Processing with Autonomous

Databases in a Cluster System

Stéphane Gançarski1, Hubert Naacke1, Esther Pacitti2, Patrick

LIP6, University Paris 6
8, rue du Cap. Scott 75015 PARIS
[email protected]
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Nantes
[email protected]

ABSTRACT. We consider the use of a cluster system for Application Service Provider (ASP). In
the ASP context, hosted applications and databases can be update-intensive and must remain
autonomous. In this paper, we propose a new solution for parallel processing with
autonomous databases, using a replicated database organization. The main idea is to allow
the system administrator to control the tradeoff between database consistency and
application performance. Application requirements are captured through execution rules
stored in a shared directory. They are used (at run time) to allocate cluster nodes to user
requests in a way that optimizes load balancing while satisfying application consistency
requirements. We also propose a new preventive replication method and a transaction load
balancing architecture which can trade-off consistency for performance using execution
rules. Finally, we discuss the on-going implementation at LIP6 using a Linux cluster running
Oracle 8i.

KEYWORDS: database, cluster architecture, transaction processing, load balancing,

replication, consistency
1. Introduction

Clusters of PC servers now provide a cheap alternative to tightly-coupled

multiprocessors such as Symmetric Multiprocessor (SMP) or Non Uniform Memory
Architecture (NUMA). They make new businesses like Application Service
Provider (ASP) economically viable. In the ASP model, customers’ applications and
databases (including data and DBMS) are hosted at the provider site and need be
available, typically through the Internet, as efficiently as if they were local to the
customer site. Thus, the challenge for a provider is to fully exploit the cluster’s
parallelism and load balancing capabilities to obtain a good cost/performance ratio.
The typical solution to obtain good load balancing in cluster architectures is to
replicate applications and data at different nodes so that users can be served by any
of the nodes depending on the current load. Thisalso provides high-availability
since, in the event of a node failure, other nodes can still do the work. This solution
has been successfully used by Web sites such as search engines using high-volume
server farms (e.g., Google). However, Web sites are typically read-intensive which
makes it easier to exploit parallelism.
In the ASP context, the problem is far more difficult. First, applications can be
update-intensive. Second, applications and databases must remain autonomous so
they can be subject to definition changes to accommodate customer requirements.
Replicating databases at several nodes, so they can be accessed by different users
through the same or different applications in parallel, can create consistency
problems [14], [9]. For instance, two users at different nodes could generate
conflicting updates to the same data, thereby producing an inconsistent database.
This is because consistency control is done at each node through its local DBMS.
There are two main solutions readily available to enforce global consistency. One is
to use a transaction processing monitor to control the access to replicated data.
However, this requires significant rewriting of the applications and may hurt
transaction throughput. A more efficient solution is to use a parallel DBMS such as
Oracle Rapid Application Cluster or DB2 Parallel Edition. Parallel DBMS typically
provide a shared disk abstraction to the applications [20] so that parallelism can be
automatically inferred. But this requires heavy migration to the parallel DBMS and
hurts database autonomy.
Ideally, applications and databases should remain unchanged when moved to the
provider site’s cluster. In this paper, we propose a new solution for load balancing
of autonomous applications and databases which addresses this requirement. This
work is done in the context of the Leg@Net project1 sponsored by the RNTL
between LIP6, Prologue Software and ASPLine, whose objective is to demonstrate
the viability of the ASP model for pharmacy applications in France. Our solution
exploits a replicated database organization. The main idea is to allow the system

see[email protected]
administrator to control the database consistency/performance tradeoff when placing
applications and databases onto cluster nodes. Databases and applications can be
replicated at multiple nodes to obtain good load balancing. Application
requirements are captured (at compile time) through execution rules stored in a
shared directory used (at run time) to allocate cluster nodes to user requests.
Depending on the users’ requirements, we can control database consistency at the
cluster level. For instance, if an application is read-only or the required consistency
is weak, then it is easy to execute multiple requests in parallel at different nodes. If,
instead, an application is update-intensive and requires strong consistency (e.g.
integrity constraints satisfaction), then an extreme solution is to run it at a single
node and trade performance for consistency. Or, if we want both consistency and
replication (e.g. for high availability), another extreme solution is synchronous
replication with 2 phase commit (2PC) [9] for refreshing replicas. However, 2PC is
both costly in terms of messages and blocking (failure of the coordinator cannot be
terminated independently by the participants).
There are cases where copy consistency can be relaxed. With optimistic
replication [12], transactions are locally committed and different replicas may get
different values. Replica divergence remains until reconciliation. Meanwhile, the
divergence must be controlled for at least two reasons. First, since synchronization
consists in producing a single history from several diverging ones, the higher the
divergence is, the more difficult the reconciliation. The second reason is that read-
only applicationsdo not always require to read perfectly consistent data and may
tolerate some inconsistency. In this case, inconsistency reflects a divergence
between the value actually read and the value that should have been read in ACID
mode. Non-isolated queries are also useful in non replicated environments (e.g.
ANSI isolation levels and their critique [2]). Specification of inconsistency for
queries has been widely studied in the literature, and may be divided in two
dimensions, temporal and spatial [18]. An example of temporal dimension is found
in quasi-copies [1], where a cached (image) copy may be read-accessed according to
temporal conditions, such as an allowable delay between the last update of the copy
and the last update of the master copy. The spatial dimension consists of allowing a
given "quantity of changes" between the values read-accessed and the effective
values stored at the same time. This quantity of changes, referred to as import-limit
in epsilon transactions [23], may be for instance the number of data items changed,
the number of updates performed or the absolute value of the update. In the
continuous consistency model [24], both temporal dimension (staleness) and spatial
dimension (numerical error and order error) are controlled. Each node propagates its
writes by either pull or push access to other nodes, so that each node maintains a
predefined level of consistency for each dimension. Then each query can be sent to
a node having a satisfying level of consistency (w.r.t. the query) in order to optimize
load balancing.
In this paper, we strive to capitalize on the work on relaxing database
consistency for higher performance which we apply in the context of cluster
systems. We make the following contributions:
- replicated database architecture for cluster systems that does not hurt
application and database autonomy, using non intrusive database techniques, i.e.
techniques that work independently of any DBMS;
- new preventive replication method that provides strong consistency without the
overhead of synchronous replication, by exploiting the cluster’s high speed
- transaction load balancing architecture which can trade-off consistency for
performance using optimistic replication and execution rules;
- conflict manager architecture which exploits the database logs and execution
rules to perform replica reconciliation among heterogeneous databases.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces our cluster system
architecture with database replication. Section 3 presents our replication model with
both preventive and optimistic replication. Section 4 describes the way we can
capture and exploit execution rules about applications. Section 5 describes our
execution model which uses these rules to perform load balancing and manage
global consistency. Section 6 briefly describes our on-going implementation.
Section 7 compares our approach with related work. Section 8 concludes.

2. Cluster architecture

In this section, we introduce the architecture for processing user requests

coming, for instance, from the Internet, into our cluster system and discuss our
solution for placing applications, DBMS and databases in the system.
The general processing of a user request is as follows. First, the request is
authenticated and authorized using a directory which captures information about
users and applications. The directory is also used to route requests to nodes. If
successful, the user gets a connection to the application (possibly after instantiation)
at some node which can then connect to a DBMS at some, possibly different, node
and issue queries for retrieving and updating database data.
We consider a cluster system with similar nodes, each having one or more
processors, main memory (RAM) and disk. Similar to multiprocessors, various
cluster system architectures are possible: shared-disk, shared-cache and shared-
nothing [10]. Shared-disk and shared-cache require a special interconnect that
provide a shared space to all nodes with provision for cache coherence using either
hardware or software. Using shared disk or shared cache requires a specific DBMS
implementation like Oracle Rapid Application Cluster or DB2 Parallel Edition.
Shared-nothing is the only architecture that supports our autonomy requirements
without the additional cost of a special interconnect. Thus, we strive to exploit a
shared-nothing architecture.
There are various ways to organize the applications, DBMS and databases in our
shared-nothing cluster system. We assume applications typically written in a
programming language like C, C++ or Java making DBMS calls to stored
procedures using a standard interface like ODBC or JDBC. Stored procedures are in
SQL, PSM (SQL3's Persistent Stored Modules) or any proprietary language like
Oracle's PL/SQL or Microsoft's TSQL. In [4], we presented and discussed three
main organizations to obtain parallelism. The first one is client-server DBMS
connection whereby a client application at one node connects to a remote DBMS at
another node (where the same application can also run). The second organization is
peer-to-peer DBMS connection whereby a client application at one node connects to
a local DBMS which transparently accesses the same DBMS at another node using
a distributed database capability. The third organization is replicated database
whereby a database and DBMS is replicated across several nodes. These three
organizations are interesting alternatives which can be combined to better control
the consistency/performance trade-off of various applications and optimize load
balancing. For instance, an application at one node could do client-server
connection to one or more replicated databases, the choice of the replicated database
being made depending on the load.
In this paper, we focus on the replicated database organization which is the most
general as it provides for both application and database access parallelism. We use
multi-master replication [14] whereby each (master) node can perform updates to
the replica it holds. However, conflicting updates to the database from two different
nodes can yield to consistency problems (e.g. the same data get different values in
different replicas). The classical solution to this problem is optimistic and based on
conflict detection and resolution. However, there is also a preventive solution which
we propose and avoids conflicts at the expense of a forced waiting time for
transactions. Thus, we support both replication schemes to provide a continuum
from strong consistency with preventive replication to weaker consistency with
optimistic replication.
Based on these choices, we propose the cluster system architecture in Figure 1
which does not hurt application and database autonomy. Applications, databases
and DBMS are replicated at different nodes without any change by the cluster
administrator. Besides the directory, we add 4 new modules which can be
implemented at any node. The application load balancer simply routes user requests
to application nodes using a traditional load balancing algorithm. The transaction
load balancer intercepts DBMS procedure calls (in ODBC or JDBC) from the
applications, generates a transaction execution plan (TEP), based on application and
user consistency requirements obtained from the directory. For instance, it decides
on the use of preventive or optimistic replication for a transaction. Finally, it
triggers transaction execution (to execute stored procedures) at the best nodes, using
run-time information on nodes' load. The preventive replication manager orders
transactionsat each node in a way that prevents conflicts and generates refresh
transactions to update replicas. The conflict manager periodically detects conflicts
introduced on replicas by transactions run in optimistic mode using the DBMS logs
and solves them using information in the directory. At each node, the local DBMS
ensures local serialization of transactions it executes, including refresh transaction
and solving transactions. Global consistency is ensured at the level required by the
application, either by the preventive replication manager or the conflicts manager.


Application load balancer

app1 app2 appn

Transaction load balancer Directory

Preventive replication


Conflicts manager

Figure 1: Cluster system architecture

3. Replication Model

In our context, replication of data at different cluster nodes is a major way to

increase parallelism. However, updates to replicated data need be propagated
efficiently to all other copies. A general solution widely used in database systems is
lazy replication. In this section, we discuss the value of lazy replication in cluster
systems, and propose a new multi-master lazy replication scheme with conflict
prevention and its architecture. Our scheme can also reduce to the classical multi-
master replication scheme with conflict resolution.
3.1. Lazy replication

With lazy replication, a transaction can commit after updating a replica at some
node. After the transaction commits, the updates are propagated towards the other
replicas, which are then updated in separate transactions. Unlike synchronous
replication (with 2 phase commit), updating transactions need not wait that mutual
copy consistency be enforced. Thus lazy replication does not block and scales up
much better compared with the synchronous approach. This performance advantage
has made lazy replication widely accepted in practice, e.g. in data warehousing and
collaborative applications on the Web [12].
Following [13] we characterize a lazy replication scheme using: ownership,
configuration, transaction model propagation, refreshment. The ownership
parameter defines the permissions for updating replicas. If a replica R is updateable,
it is called a primary copy, otherwise it is called a secondary copy, noted r. A node
M is said to be a master node if it only stores primary copies. A node S is said to be
a slave node if it only stores secondary copies. In addition, if a replica copy R is
updateable by several master nodes then it is said to be a multi-owner copy. A node
MO is said to be a multi-owner master node if it stores only multi-owner copies. For
cluster computing we only consider master, slave and multi-owner master nodes. A
master node M or a multi-owner node MO is said to be a master of a slave node S iff
there exists a secondary copy of r in S of a primary copy R in M or MO. We also say
that S is a slave of M or MO.
The transaction model defines the properties of the transactions that access
replicas at each node. Moreover, we assume that, once a transaction is submitted for
execution to a local transaction manager at a node, all conflicts are handled by the
local concurrency control protocol. In our framework, we fix the properties of the
transactions. We focus on four types of transactions that read or write replicas:
update transactions, multi-owner transactions, refresh transactions and queries. An
update transaction T updates a set of primary copies. A refresh transaction, RT, is
associated with an update transaction T, and is made of the sequence of write
operations performed by T used to refresh secondary copies. We use the term multi-
owner transaction, noted MOT, to refer to a transaction that updates a multi-owner
copy. Finally, a query Q, consists of a sequence of read operations on primary or
secondary copies.
The propagation parameter defines when the updates to a primary copy or multi-
owner copy R must be multicast towards the slaves of R or all owners of R. The
multicast protocol is assumed to be reliable and preserve the global FIFO order [16].
We focus on deferred update propagation: the sequence of operations of each
refresh transaction associated with an update transaction T is multicast to the
appropriate nodes within a single message M, after the commitment of T.
The refreshment parameter defines when should a MOT or RT be triggered and
the commit order of these transactions. We consider the deferred triggering mode.
With a deferred-immediate strategy, a refresh transaction RT or multi-owner
transaction MOT is submitted for execution as soon as the corresponding message
M is received by the node.
3.2. Managing replica consistency

Depending on which node is allowed user updates to a replica, several

replication configurations can be obtained. The lazy master (or asymmetric)
configuration allows only one node, called master node, to perform user updates on
the replica; the other nodes can only perform reads. Figure 2(a) shows an example
of a lazy master bowtie configuration in which there are two nodes storing primary
copies R and S and their secondary copies r1, s1 and r2, s2 at the slave nodes. The
multi-master (or symmetric) configuration allows all nodes storing a replica to be
masters. Figure 2(b) shows an example of a multi-master configuration in which all
master nodes stores a primary copy of S and R. There are also hybrid
Different configurations yield different performance/consistency trade-offs. For
instance a lazy master configuration such as bowtie is well suited for read intensive
workloads because reading secondary copies does not conflict with any update
transaction. In addition, since the updates are rare, the results of a query on a
secondary copy r at time t would be, in most cases, the same as reading the
corresponding primary copy R at time t. Thus, the choice of a configuration should
be based on the knowledge of the transaction workload. For update intensive
workloads, the multi-master configuration seems best as the load of update
transactions can be distributed among several nodes.

r1, s1 S 1, R 1 S 3, R 3

S r2, s2 S 2, R 2 S 4, R 4

a ) b o w tie b ) m u lti-m a s te r

Figure 2: Replication configurations

For all configurations, the problem is to manage data consistency. That is, any
node that holds a replica should always see the same sequence of updates to this
replica. Consistency management for lazy master has been addressed in [13]. The
problem is more difficult with multi-master where independent transactions can
update the same replica at different master nodes. A conflict arises whenever two or
more transactions update the same object. The main solution used by replication
products [19] is to tolerate and resolve conflicts. After the commitment of a
transaction, a conflict detection mechanism checks for conflicts which are resolved
by undoing and redoing transactions using a log history. During the time interval
between the commitment of a transaction and conflict resolution, users may read
and write inconsistent data. This solution is optimistic and works best with few
conflicts. However, it may introduce inconsistencies.
We propose an alternative, new solution which prevents conflicts and thus
avoids inconsistency. A detailed presentation of the preventive replication scheme
and its algorithms is in [14]. With this preventive solution, each transaction T is
associated with a chronological timestamp value, and a delay d is introduced before
each transaction submission. This delay corresponds to the maximum amount of
time to propagate a message between any two nodes. During this delay, all
transactions received are ordered following the timestamp value. After the delay has
expired, all transactions younger than T are guaranteed to be received. Therefore,
transactions at each node are executed following the same timestamp order and
consistency is assured.
This preventive approach imposes waiting a specific delay d, before the
execution of multi-owner and refresh transactions. Our cluster computing context is
characterized by short distance, high performance inter-process communication
where error rates are typically low. Thus, d can be negligible to attain strong
consistency. On the other hand, the optimistic approach avoids the waiting time d
but must deal with inconsistency management. However, there are many
applications that tolerate reading inconsistent data. Therefore, we decided to support
both replication schemes to provide a continuum from strong consistency with
preventive replication to weaker consistency with optimistic replication.

3.3. Preventive Replication Manager Architecture

This section presents the system architecture of a master, multi-master or slave

node with conflict prevention. This architecture can be easily adapted to the simpler
optimistic approach, with the addition of a conflict manager (see Section 5). To
maintain the autonomy of each node, we assume that six components are added to a
regular database system in order to support lazy replication (see Figure 3). The
Replica Interface manages the incoming multi-owner transaction submission. The
Receiver and Propagator implement reception and propagation of messages,
respectively. The Refresher implements a refreshment algorithm. Finally, the
Deliverer manages the submission of multi-owner transactions and refresh
transactions to the local transaction manager.
The Log Monitor uses log sniffing to extract the changes to primary copies by
continuously reading the content of a local History Log (noted H). The sequence of
updates of an update transaction T and its timestamp C are read from H and
writtento the Input Log, that is used by the Propagator.
Next, multi-owner transactions are submitted through the Replica Interface. The
application program calls the Replica Interface passing as parameter the multi-
owner transaction MOT. The Replica Interface then establishes a timestamp value C
for MOT. Afterwards, the sequence of operations of MOT is written into the Owner
Log followed by C. Whenever the multi-owner transaction commits, the Deliverer
notifies the event Replica Interface. After MOT commitment, the replica interface
ends its processing and the application program continues its next execution step.
The Receiver implements message reception. Messages are received and stored
in a Reception Log. The receiver then reads messages from this log and stores each
message in an appropriate FIFO pending queue. The content of the queues form the
input to the Refresher. The Propagator reads continuously the contents of the
Owner and Input Log and for each sequence of updates followed by C read, it
constructs a message M. Messages are multicast through the network interface.

Q u e r ie s a n d U p d a te T r a n s a c tio n s

R efresh er

M u lti-o w n e r DBM S D e liv e r e r R efresh er

L ocal L og (q u eu e s)
T r a n sa c tio n s

R e p lic a In p u t L o g
M o n it o r R -L o g
In te r fa c e

O w n er P r o p a g a to r R e c e iv e r
lo g

N etw o r k

Figure 3: Master, Multi-owner or Slave node Architecture

The Refresher implements the refreshment algorithm. It reads the contents of a

set of pending queues. Based on its refreshment parameters, it submits refresh
transactions and multi-owner update transactions by inserting them into the running
queue. The running queue contains all ordered transactions not yet entirely
executed. Finally, the Deliverer submits refresh and multi-owner transactions to the
local transaction manager. It reads the contents of the running queue in a FIFO order
and submits each write operation as part of a transaction to the local transaction
manager. Whenever a multi-owner transaction is committed, it notifies the event to
the Replica Interface.

4. Trading consistency for load balancing

The replicated database organization may increase transaction parallelism. For

simplicity, we focus on inter-transaction parallelism, whereby transactions updating
the same database are dynamically allocated to different master nodes. There are
two important decisions to make for an incoming transaction:choosing the node to
run it, which depends on the current load of the cluster, and the replication mode
(preventive or optimistic) which depends on the degree of consistency desired. In
this section, we show how we can capture and use execution rules about
applications in order to obtain transaction parallelism, by exploiting the optimistic
replication mode.

4.1 Motivating example

To illustrate how we can tolerate inconsistencies, we consider a very simple

example adapted from the TPC-C benchmark2. Similar to the Pharmacy applications
in our Leg@net project, TPC-C deals with customers that order products whose
stock must be controlled by a threshold value. We focus on table Stock(item,
quantity, threshold). Procedure DecreaseStock decreases the stock quantity of item
id by q.
procedure DecreaseStock(id, q) :
SET quantity = quantity – q
WHERE item = id;

Let us consider a Stock tuple <item=1,quantity=30,threshold=10> replicated at

nodes N1 and N2, transaction T1 at N1 that calls DecreaseStock(1, 15) and
transaction T2 at N2 that calls DecreaseStock(1, 10). If T1 and T2 are executed in
parallel in optimistic mode, we get <item=1,quantity=15,threshold=10> at N1 and
<item=1,quantity=20,threshold=10> at N2. Thus, the Stock replicas are inconsistent
and require reconciliation. After reconciliation, the tuple value will be
<item=1,quantity=5,threshold=10>. Now, assume query Q that checks for stocks to

SELECT item FROM Stock where quantity < threshold

Executing Q at either node N1 or N2 will not retrieve item 1. However, after

reconciliation (see Section 6.2), the final value of item 1 will be
<item=1,quantity=5,threshold=10>. If the application tolerates inconsistencies, it is
aware that the results may have been incomplete and can either reissue Q after some
time necessary to reach the next reconciliation step and produce a correct result, or
execute Q at either node N1 or N2 and produce the results with a bounded
inaccuracy. In our example, item 1 would not be selected, which may be acceptable
for the user.
Assume now there is an integrity constraint C : (quantity > threshold*0.5) on
table Stock. The final result after reconciliation clearly violates the constraint for
item 1. However, this violation cannot be detected by either N1 after executing T1
or N2 after executing T2. There are two ways to solve this problem: either prevent
T1 and T2 to be executed at different nodes in optimistic mode, or, at reconciliation
time, validate one transaction (e.g. with highest priority) and compensate, if
possible, the other one.

4.2. Execution rules

Application consistency requirements are expressed in terms of execution rules.

Examples of execution rules are data-independency between transactions, integrity
constraints [1], access control rules, etc. They may be stored explicitly by the
system administrator or inferred from the DBMS catalogs. They are primarily used
by the system administrator to place and replicate data in the cluster, similar to
parallel DBMS [12], [20]. They are also used by the system to decide at which
nodes and under which conditions a transaction can be executed.
Execution rules are stored in the directory (see Figure 4) . They are expressed in
a declarative language. Implicit rules refer to data already maintained by the system
(e.g. users authorizations). Hence, they include queries sent to the database catalog
to retrieve the data. Incoming transactions are managed by the policy manager. It
retrieves execution rules associated with a given transaction and defines a run-time
policy for the transaction. The run-time policy controls the execution of the
transaction at the required level of consistency. The couple (transaction, run-time
policy) is called transaction policy (TP) and is sent to the transaction router, which
in turns computes a cost function to elaborate the transaction execution plan (TEP)
which includes the best node among the candidates to perform the transaction with
the appropriate mode.
Incoming transaction T

Policy Manager

Transaction Transaction Policy Directory

Load Balancer
Transaction Router

TEP (T, Node, mode)

Figure 4 : transaction load balancer architecture

4.3. Defining execution rules

A transaction is defined by T = (P, param, user, add-req), where :

P is the application program of which T is an instance with param as parameters.
user is the user who sends the transaction, and
add-req are additional execution requirements for the transaction
Execution rules use information about the transaction (the four elements above)
and the data stored in the database. In order to preserve application autonomy,
execution rules cannot be defined at a finer granularity than the program. Such
information may be already existing in the database catalog. Otherwise, it must be
explicitly specified or inferred from other information. Information related to a
program includes its type (query or update), its conflict classes [15] i.e. the data the
program may read or write, and its relative priority. If P is a query, the required
precision of the results must be specified. If P is an update, the directory must
capture under which conditions (parameters) T is compensatable, the compensating
transaction, whether T should be retried and under which temporal conditions. For a
couple (P, D), where D is a data in the write conflict class of P, the administrator
may specify max-change(P,D) which is defined as follows If D is an attribute, max-
change states how much changes (relative or absolute) a transaction T(P) may do to
D. If D is a table, max-change states how many tuples T(P) may update. In our
example, we have max-change(Decrease-Stock(id,q), Stock.quantity) = q, max-
change(Decrease-Stock(id,q), Stock) = 1.
This information is used to determine the run-time policy for transaction T and
a partially ordered set of candidate nodes at which the transaction may be executed.
As those nodes may be master, slave or multi-owner, the run-time policy may be
different for each type of node. The run-time policy is described as follows :
type(T) : denotes if T is a query or a (multi-owner) transaction.
priority(T) : the absolute priority level of the transaction, computed from the
relative priorities of the user and the program, and the relative priority of the
transaction itself (included in the add-req parameter).
compatible(T, T’) : for each transaction T’, this vector stores whether T and T’
are disjoint (resp. commutative). It is computed with compatibility information
about programs, conflict classes and effective parameters of the transactions. This
information is used by the load balancer to address transactions to different nodes in
non-isolated mode to the replication manager. In our example, it is obvious that T1
and T2 are not disjoint but are commutative.
query-mode(T) : if T is a query, the query mode models the spatial and temporal
dimensions of the query quality requirements. For instance, a query may tolerate an
imprecision of 5% if the answer is delivered within 10 seconds, or of 2% if
delivered within one minute and may choose to abort if the response time is beyond
2 minutes. The query mode may include different spatial dimensions (absolute
value, number of updates) and give a trade-off between the temporal and spatial
dimensions (e.g. find the best precision within a given time or answer as soon as
possible within a given acceptable precision). In our example, we assume that Q
accepts an error of at most 5 items in the results.
update-mode(T): the update mode models if a multi-owner transaction may be
performed in non-isolated mode on a master copy and compensated if the conflict
resolution fails, under which temporal conditions and with which compensating
transaction. The update mode also models under which conditions a transaction
should be automatically retried if aborted. In our example, neither T1 nor T2 are
compensatable since the Decrease-Stock procedure corresponds to a real withdrawal
of goods in stock.
IC(T) : the set of integrity constraints T is likely to violate. In our example,
IC(T1) = IC(T2) = {C}.
max-change(T,D): for each data D, the maximum of change the transaction may
produce. In our example,we have max-change(T1, Stock.quantity) = 15, max-
change(T2, Stock.quantity) = 10, max-change(T1, Stock) = max-change(T2, Stock)
= 1.
In our example, the following TPs would be produced :
(T1, type = trans., priority = null, compatible = (), update-mode = no-
compensate, IC = (C), max-change = { (Stock.quantity, 15), (Stock, 1) } )
(T2, type = trans., priority = null, compatible = ( (T1, commut.) ), update-mode
= no-compensate, IC = (C), max-change = { (Stock.quantity, 10), (Stock, 1) } )
(Q, type = query., priority = null, compatible = ( (T1, no-commut.), (T2, no-
commut.) ), query-mode = ( (imprecision = 5 unit), (time-bound = no), (priority =
time) ).

5. Execution model

In this section, we present the execution model for our cluster system. The
objective is to increase load balancing based on execution rules. The problem can be
reduced as follows: given the cluster’s state (nodes load, running transactions, etc.),
the cluster’s data placement, and a transaction T with a number of consistency
requirements, choose one optimal node and execute T at that node. Choosing the
optimal node requires to first choose the replication mode, and then choose the
candidate nodes where to execute T with that replication mode. This yields a set of
TEPs (one TEP per candidate node) among which the best one can be selected
based on a cost function. In the rest of this section, we present the algorithm to
produce candidates TEPs and the way to select the best TEP and execute it. Finally,
we illustrate the transaction routing process on our running example.

5.1. Algorithm for choosing candidate TEPs

A TEP must specify whether preventive or optimistic replication is to be used.

Preventive replication always preserves data consistency but may increase
contention as the degree of concurrency increases. On the other hand, optimistic
replication performs replica synchronization after the transaction commitment at
specified times. If a conflict occurs during synchronization, since the transaction has
been committed, the only solutions are to either compensate the transaction or notify
the user or administrator. Thus, optimistic replication is best when T is disjoint from
all the transactions that accessed data in optimistic replication mode since the last
synchronization point, and when the chance of conflict is low.
The algorithm to choose the candidate TEPs proceeds as follows. The input is a
transaction policy consisting of transaction T, conflict description (i.e. which
transactions commute or not with T), required precision (Imp value), and update
description (maxChange property). The output is a set of candidate TEPs, each
specifying a node N for executing T and how. The algorithm has two steps. First, it
finds the candidate TEPs with preventive replication to prevent the occurrence of
non resolvable conflicts. This involves assessing the probability of conflict between
T and all the committed transactions that have accessed data in optimistic mode
since the last synchronization point. In case of potential conflict at a node, a TEP
with preventive replication is built.
In case of non-conflicting transaction T (second step), the algorithm finds the
candidate nodes with optimistic replication for data accessed by T. If the execution
of T requires accessing consistent data not available at a node, the algorithm adds
the necessary synchronization before processing T as follows. For each node N and
each data D, it computes the imprecision Imax(D,N) of processing T at N. Imax is
the sum of the maximum changes of all transactions t such that (i) updates of t and T
are not disjoint, (ii) t was processed at a node M ≠ N, (iii) t updates are not yet
propagated to N. If N can process T with the required consistency (i.e. Imax(D,N) <
Imp(N) for all D accessed by T) then a TEP (T,N) is built. Otherwise, the minimal
synchronization for N is specified and added to the TEP.

5.2. Choice of optimal node and transaction execution

Choosing the optimal node is an optimization problem with the objective of

minimizing response time. The cost of a given TEP(T, N, sync) includes the
synchronization cost (for propagating all updates to N) and the processing cost of T
at N. After an optimal node is selected, the transaction router triggers execution as
follows. First, it performs synchronization if necessary. If preventive replication has
been selected, it sends the transaction to the receiver module of the replication
manager. Otherwise, it sends the transaction directly to the DBMS. By default, the
transaction router checks precision requirements of T before processing it, assuming
that they are still valid at the end of T. This is not always true if a concurrent update
occurs during the processing of T. To ensure that the precision requirements of T
are met at the end of T, a solution is to process T by iteration until the precision
requirements are reached. If the precision requirements cannot be reached, T must
be aborted. Otherwise, T can be committed. Another solution is to forbid the
execution of concurrent transactions that would prevent T from reaching its
consistency requirements.
In order to compute the necessary synchronization before processing T at node
N, the transaction router maintains for each node the list of all transactions to be
propagated. Then, the algorithm for synchronization is the following : (i) if
synchronization yields no conflicts, the transaction router executes T on N, (ii)
otherwise, replica synchronization is delegated to the conflict manager.
To have detailed information about the current state of replicas, the conflict
manager reads the DBMS log (which keeps the history of update operations) of the
nodes to synchronize. Then, it resolves the conflicts based on priority, timestamps,
or user-defined reconciliation rules. If automatic conflict resolution is not possible,
the conflict manager sends a notification alert to the user or the administrator with
details about the conflicting operations.
5.3. Example of transaction routing

Let us now illustrate the previous algorithms on the transactions of the example
of Section 4.1 and show how TEPs are produced from the TP sent by the policy
manager. We assume that the TPs are received in order (T1, T2, Q), that data at
nodes N1 and N2 is accessed in optimistic mode and that no other transaction is
running and conflicting with T1, T2 or Q. We first consider a case where integrity
constraint C is not taken into account. Then we show how C influences transaction
Case 1 : no integrity constraint
Upon receiving TP (T1, type = trans., priority = null, compatible = (), update-
mode = no-compensate, IC = (C), max-change = {(Stock.quantity, 15), (Stock, 1)}),
the transaction router does the following:
computes the set of candidate nodes {N1, N2};
detects that T1 is not conflicting with any running transaction, thus the candidate
nodes are {N1, N2};
sends T1 to the least loaded node (say N1) with T1 as synchronization, which
means that N1 must send T1 to the other node as a synchronizing transaction;
infers Imax(Stock, N1)=1, which means that at most one tuple can be modified
at N1 before synchronization.
Upon receiving TP (T2, type = trans., priority = null, compatible = ( (T1,
commut.) ), update-mode = no-compensate, IC = (C), max-change =
{(Stock.quantity, 10), (Stock, 1)}), the transaction router does the following :
computes the set of candidate nodes {N1, N2};
detects that T2 is conflicting with T1 but commutes with it;
sends T2 to the least loaded node (assume N2) with T2 as synchronization. As
T1 and T2 are commutable, the order in which they will be executed at N1 (resp.
N2) does not matter;
infers Imax(Stock, N2) = 1.
Upon receiving TP (Q, type = query., priority = null, compatible = ( (T1, no-
commut.), (T2, no-commut.) ), query-mode = ( (imprecision = 5 unit), (time-bound
= no), (priority = time))), the transaction router does the following:
computes the set of candidate nodes {N1, N2};
detects that Q is conflicting with both T1 and T2;
from the current values of Imax(Stock, N1) and Imax(Stock, N2), it computes
that executing Q at either N1 or N2 would yield a result with an imprecision of at
most one unit. As the query mode imposes an imprecision of at most 5 units, Q is
sent to the least loaded node (say N1)
In the case the query mode of Q was not allowing any imprecision, the router
would have waited for the next synchronization of N1 and N2 to send Q.
Case 2 : with integrity constraint
The transaction router would detect that both T1 and T2 are likely to violate C
and are not compensatable. Sending T1 and T2 to different nodes could lead to the
situation where C is not violated at either N1 or N2, but is violated during
synchronization. Since T1 and T2 are not compensatable, this situation is not
acceptable and T2 must be sent to the same node as T1. Then we have Imax(Stock,
N1) = 0 and Imax(Stock, N2) = 2. Upon receiving Q, the transaction router may still
choose the least loaded node to execute it. Since the priority is given to time in the
query mode, the least loaded node is chosen : N2. Had the priority been given to
precision, N1 would have been selected by the transaction router.

6. Implementation

In this section, we briefly describe our current implementation on a cluster of

PCs under Linux. We plan to first experiment our approach with the Oracle DBMS.
However, we use standards like LDAP and JDBC, so the main part of our prototype
is independent of the target environment.

6.1 Transaction load balancer

The transaction load balancer is implemented in Java. It acts as a JDBC server

for the application, preserving the application autonomy through the JDBC standard
interface. Inter-process communication between the application and the load
balancer uses RmiJdbc open source software3. To reduce contention, the load
balancer takes advantage of the multi- threading capabilities of Java based on the
Linux’s native threads. For each incoming transaction, the load balancer delegates
transaction policy management and transaction routing to a distinct thread. The
transaction router sends transactions for execution to DBMS nodes through JDBC
drivers provided by the DBMS vendors. To reduce latency when executing
transactions, the transaction router maintains a pool of JDBC connections to all
cluster nodes.

6.2 Conflict manager

The conflict manager is composed of three modules :

Log analyzer : reads the DBMS log to capture the updates made by the local
Conflict solver : analyzes updates made on each node in order to detect and
solve conflicts;
Synchronizer : manages synchronization processes.
At each node, the log manager runs as an independent process and reads the log
to detect updates performed by the local transactions. Those updates are sent to the
conflict solver through time-stamped messages. The Oracle LogMiner tool can be
used to implement this module, and messages can be managed with the Advanced
Queuing tool. To illustrate the log analysis on our running example, the Stock
update made by transaction T1 is detected by the following query on the LogMiner
SELECT scn, sql_redo, sql_undo
FROM v$logmnr_contents
WHERE seg_name='STOCK';
The conflict solver receives messages from the log analyzer, analyzes them to
detect conflicting writes (e.g. update/update or update/delete) on a same data. It then
computes how conflicts can be solved. In the best case, the conflict is solved by
propagating updates from one node to the other ones. In the worst case, the conflict
is solved by choosing a transaction (the one with less priority) to be compensated. In
both cases, synchronizing transactions (propagation or compensation) are sent to the
corresponding nodes.
The synchronizer receives synchronizing transactions from the conflict solver. It
may execute them either periodically or upon receiving an order from the
transaction load balancer for an immediate synchronization.
The preventive replication manager is implemented as an enhanced version of a
preceding implementation [11]. To implement reliable message broadcast, we plan
to use Ensemble [6], a group communication software package from Cornell

6.3 Directory

All information used for load balancing (execution rules, data placement,
replication mode, cluster load) is stored in an LDAP compliant directory. The
directory is accessed through Java Directory Naming Interface (JDNI) which
provides an LDAP client implementation. Dynamic parameters measuring the
cluster activity (load, resource usage) are stored in the directory. They are used for
transaction routing. Values are updated periodically at each node. To measure
DBMS node activity, we take advantage of dynamic views maintained by Oracle.
For instance, the following queries collect CPU usage and I/O made by all running
transactions at a node :
select username, se.sid, cpu_usage select username, os_user, process pid,
from v$session ss, v$sesstat se, ses.sid,
v$statname sn physical_reads, block_gets,
where se.statistic# = sn.statistic# consistent_gets,
and name like '%CPU used by this block_changes, consistent_changes
session%' from v$session ses, v$sess_io sio
and se.sid = ss.sid where ses.sid = sio.sid
order by value desc order by physical_reads, ses.username

6.4 Planned experimentations

The experimental cluster is composed of 5 nodes: 4 DBMS nodes + 1

application node. At each DBMS node, there is a TPC-C database (500MB to 2GB)
and TPC-C stored procedures. The application node sends the transactional
workload to the transaction load balancer through TPC-C stored procedures. The
cluster data placement and replication (optimistic and preventive) may be
configured depending on the experiment goal. We plan to first measure the cluster
performance (transactional throughput) when the database is replicated on the 4
nodes and accessed in either preventive or optimistic replication mode, by varying
the update rates and the probability of conflict. We also plan to measure the
scalability of our approach. We will simply implement a logical 16 node cluster
where each node runs 4 DBMS instances to behave like a 4 node cluster. Based on
the actual performance numbers with 4 nodes, this will yield confident results.

7. Comparison with related work

The main work related to ours is replication in either large-scale distributed

systems or cluster systems and advanced transaction models that trade consistency
for improved performance. In synchronous replication, 2PC can be used to update
replicas. However 2PC is blocking and the number of messages exchanged to
control transaction commitment is significant. It cannot scale up to cluster
configurations to large numbers of nodes. [7] addresses the replica consistency
problem for synchronous replication. The number of messages exchanged is
reduced compared to 2PC but the solution is still blocking and it is not clear whether
it scales up. In addition, synchronous solutions cannot perform load balancing as we
do. The common point with our preventive approach is that we both consider the
use of communication services to guarantee that messages are delivered at each
node in a specific order. [13] proposes a refreshment algorithm that assures
correctness for lazy-master configurations, but does not consider multi-master
configurations as we do here. Multi-master asynchronous replication [19] has been
successfully implemented in commercial systems such as Oracle and Sybase.
However, only the optimistic approach with conflict detection and conciliation is
There are interesting projects for replicated data management in cluster
architectures. The PowerDB project at ETH Zurich deals with the coordination of
the cluster nodes in order to provide a uniform and consistent view to the clients. Its
solution fits well for some kinds of applications, such as XML document
management [5] or read-intensive OLAP queries [17]. However, it does not address
the problem of seamless integration of legacy applications. The GMS project [21]
uses global information to optimize page replacement and prefetching decisions
over the cluster. However, it mainly addresses system-level or Internet applications
(such as the Porcupine mail server). Other projects are developed in the context of
wide-area networks. The Trapp project at Stanford University [8] addresses the
problem of precision/performance trade-off. However, the focus is on numeric
computation of aggregation queries and minimizing communication costs. The
TACT middleware layer [24] implements the continuous consistency model.
Despite the fact that additional messages are used to limit divergence, a substantial
gain in performance may be obtained if users accept a rather small error rate.
However, read and write operations are mediated individually: an operation is
blocked until consistency requirements can be guaranteed. This implies monitoring
at the server level, and it is not clear if it allows installation of a legacy application
in an ASP cluster. In the quasi-copy caching approach [1], four consistency
conditions are defined. Quasi-copies can be seen as materialized views with limited
inconsistency. However, they only accept single master replication, which is not
adapted to our multi-master replication in a cluster system. Finally, epsilon
transactions [23] provide a nice theoretical framework for dealing with divergence
control. As in the continuous consistency model [24], it allows different consistency
metrics to give answers to queries with bounded imprecision. However, it requires
to significantly alter the concurrency control, since each lock request must read or
write an additional counter to decide whether the lock is compatible with the
required level of consistency. In summary, none of the existing approaches
addresses the problems of leaving databases and applications autonomous and
unchanged as in our work.

8. Conclusion

In this paper, we proposed a new solution for parallel processing with

autonomous databases in a cluster system for ASP, using a replicated database
organization. The main idea is to allow the system administrator to control the
consistency/performance tradeoff when placing applications and databases onto
cluster nodes, which is not possible when using an existing parallel DBMS.
Application requirements are captured through execution rules stored in a shared
directory. They are used at configuration time to choose the best organization for
applications and databases. They are also used at run-time to either prevent or
tolerate copy inconsistency in order to optimize load balancing.
Capitalizing on the work on relaxing database consistency for higher
performance, this paper makes several contributions in the context of cluster
systems. First, we defined a replicated database architecture for clusters systems that
does not hurt application and database autonomy. We use non intrusive techniques
by intercepting DBMS transaction calls or exploiting DBMS’s log interfaces.
Second, we proposed a new preventive replication method that provides strong
consistency without the overhead of synchronous replication by exploiting the
cluster’s high speed network. The preventive replication architecture maintains
DBMS’s autonomy and can support optimistic replication as well, with the addition
of a conflict manager.
Third, we proposed a transaction load balancing architecture which can trade-off
consistency for performance using optimistic replication and execution rules.
Support for both preventive and optimistic replication provides a continuum from
strong consistency to weaker consistency with different cost/performance.
Execution rules can be defined at different levels of granularity (program or
transaction, table or attribute or tuple) to express application semantics. The
distinction between Transaction Policy (what we want) and Transaction Execution
Plan (how we optimize it) eases the system’s evolution (by changing rules) and load
balancing decisions.
Finally, we presented an execution model to execute Transaction Execution
Plans in a way that optimizes load balancing. The optimal node is selected based on
the replication mode that should be used and a cost function which estimates
nodes’s load. We also proposed a conflict manager architecture which exploits the
database logs and execution rules to perform replica reconciliation among
heterogeneous databases.
We have started to implement the proposed solution on LIP6’s cluster
architecture running Linux and Oracle 8i. In the near future, we will experiment
with the TPC-C benchmark to assess the cost/performance of preventive replication
and optimistic replication (with relaxed consistency) under various workloads. We
will also develop a simulation model, calibrated with our implementation, to study
how our solution scales up to very large cluster configurations.

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