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Design of Road Lighting for the

National Road Network

August 2018

About TII
Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) is responsible for managing and improving the country’s national
road and light rail networks.

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on the inside cover of each current document, for reference.

TII Publication Title Design of Road Lighting for the National Road Network
TII Publication Number DN-LHT-03038

Activity Design (DN) Document Set Standards

Stream Lighting (LHT) Publication August 2018
Docume 03038 Historical TD 34
nt Reference

TII Publications Website

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TII Publications

Activity: Design (DN)

Stream: Lighting (LHT)
TII Publication Title: Design of Road Lighting for the National Road Network
TII Publication Number: DN-LHT-03038
Publication Date: August 2018
Set: Standards

1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1

2. Lighting Design Process & Documentation .............................................................. 4

3. Lighting Provision & Performance Requirements ................................................. 10

4. Lighting of Roundabouts, Junctions & Interchanges ............................................ 21

5. Lighting of other areas on the Network ................................................................... 30

6. Handover and Documentation ................................................................................. 35

7. References ................................................................................................................. 36

Appendix A1 – Lighting Design File................................................................................. 39

Appendix A2 – Lighting Design Handover Documentation ........................................... 40

Appendix B1 – Lighting Evaluation Tool & Justification for Lighting the Mainline ..... 41

Appendix B2 – Application and Assessment for Minor Lighting Improvement

Schemes on the National Road Network ......................................................................... 43

Appendix C – Refinement of the Traffic Route Lighting Class Selection ..................... 44

Appendix D – Unmetered Dimming Profiles .................................................................... 45

Appendix E – Informative Appendix on Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) .......... 49

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Design of Road Lighting for the National Road Network August 2018

Updates to TII Publications resulting in changes to

Design of Road Lighting for the National Road Network DN-LHT-03038

Date: August 2018

Amendment Details:
This Standard supersedes the version of DN-LHT-03038 published in February 2012.

The title of this Standard has been renamed and the contents have been rewritten in its entirety to
reflect the following:

a) Reference to current standards and best practice guidance;

b) TII strategic approach to lighting;
c) Lighting requirements that are applicable to the Irish National Road
d) Identification of design processes and handover requirements;
e) Provision for current light source technologies and methods of operation;
f) Inclusion of guidance for electrical supplies, cabling and earthing.

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Contents Table
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 General ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Implementation ................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Definitions ........................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Relaxations and Departures ............................................................................... 2

2. Lighting Design Process & Documentation .............................................................. 4

2.1 Purpose of Lighting ............................................................................................. 4
2.2 The Forgiving Roadside ...................................................................................... 4
2.3 Health and Safety ............................................................................................... 4
2.4 Design Process................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Competency for Designers & Quality Assurance ................................................ 5
2.6 Concept Design .................................................................................................. 5
2.7 Preliminary Design.............................................................................................. 6
2.8 Detailed Lighting Design ..................................................................................... 7
2.9 Environmental Impact Assessment and other Planning Requirements .............. 7
2.10 Designing for Maintenance ................................................................................. 7
2.11 Design File .......................................................................................................... 9
2.12 Collaborations and Consultations ....................................................................... 9

3. Lighting Provision & Performance Requirements ................................................. 10

3.1 General ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Lighting Provision ............................................................................................. 10
3.3 Selection of Lighting Class ............................................................................... 12
3.4 Energy Efficiency .............................................................................................. 13
3.5 Lighting Arrangement ....................................................................................... 13
3.6 Light Pollution ................................................................................................... 13
3.7 Lighting Columns .............................................................................................. 14
3.8 Passively Safe Columns ................................................................................... 15
3.9 Bracket Arms .................................................................................................... 15
3.10 Road Surface .................................................................................................... 15
3.11 Light Sources .................................................................................................... 16
3.12 Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) ............................................................. 16
3.13 Operation and Control - General ...................................................................... 16
3.14 Photoelectric Control Units (PECU) .................................................................. 16

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3.15 Variable Lighting Levels .................................................................................... 17

3.16 Other Infrastructure - General ........................................................................... 18
3.17 Metered and Unmetered Supplies from the Distribution System Operator ....... 18
3.18 Electrical Cable Networks ................................................................................. 18
3.19 Ducting & Chamber Networks .......................................................................... 19
3.20 Feeder Pillars ................................................................................................... 19
3.21 Earthing Arrangements ..................................................................................... 19
3.22 Illuminated Traffic Signs and Bollards............................................................... 20
3.23 Renewable Power Supplies .............................................................................. 20

4. Lighting of Roundabouts, Junctions & Interchanges ............................................ 21

4.1 Roundabouts .................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Standard Grade Separated Junction Types ...................................................... 22
4.3 Compact Grade Separated Junctions ............................................................... 25
4.4 Free flow Interchanges ..................................................................................... 26
4.5 Single Carriageway Compact Grade Separated Junctions ............................... 27
4.6 Single Carriageway Priority Junctions .............................................................. 27
4.7 Extending the Lighting at Roundabouts, Junctions and Interchanges .............. 27
4.8 Application of ILP PLG-02 ................................................................................ 29

5. Lighting of other areas on the Network ................................................................... 30

5.1 Lighting of Toll Plaza ........................................................................................ 30
5.2 Lighting at Service Areas .................................................................................. 31
5.3 Lighting of Outdoor Car Parks .......................................................................... 31
5.4 Lighting of Subways for Pedestrians................................................................. 31
5.5 Lighting of Footbridges, Stairways and Ramps ................................................ 31
5.6 Lighting of Cycle Tracks ................................................................................... 31
5.7 Lighting for Traffic Calming Features ................................................................ 32
5.8 Lighting of Pedestrian Crossings ...................................................................... 32
5.9 Lighting of Roadworks on National Roads ........................................................ 34

6. Handover and Documentation ................................................................................. 35

6.1 Handover Documentation ................................................................................. 35
6.2 National Public Lighting Inventory .................................................................... 35

7. References ................................................................................................................. 36
7.1 TII Publications (Standards): ............................................................................ 36
7.2 TII Publications (Technical): ............................................................................. 36
7.3 IS EN Standards and British Standards: ........................................................... 36
7.4 Other Documents:............................................................................................. 37

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Appendix A1 – Lighting Design File................................................................................. 39

Appendix A2 – Lighting Design Handover Documentation ........................................... 40

Appendix B1 – Lighting Evaluation Tool & Justification for Lighting the Mainline ..... 41

Appendix B2 – Application and Assessment for Minor Lighting Improvement

Schemes on the National Road Network ......................................................................... 43

Appendix C – Refinement of the Traffic Route Lighting Class Selection ..................... 44

Appendix D – Unmetered Dimming Profiles .................................................................... 45

Appendix E – Informative Appendix on Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) .......... 49

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1. Introduction
1.1 General
This Standard contains requirements and guidance for the design of road lighting systems on the
National Road network. The lighting on Regional and Local roads that form part of a National Road
scheme shall also be developed in accordance with this Standard.

1.2 Scope
This Standard sets out the objectives and procedures that shall be adopted for the design of road
lighting and for handover into operation on the National Road network.

The following aspects of road lighting are not included in this Standard:

a) The design of lighting for long and short road tunnels (refer to BS 5489-2: Code of
Practice for the Design of Road Lighting – Part 2: Lighting of Tunnels and DN-
STR-03015: Design of Road Tunnels); and
b) Performance requirements for the maintenance of the road lighting.

1.3 Implementation
This Standard shall be used forthwith for the design of road lighting for the National Road network. It
shall be applied to:

a) New lighting schemes;

b) Renewals where lighting columns and lanterns are to be replaced; and
c) Lantern replacement only schemes.
For lantern replacement schemes, only the relevant parts of this Standard shall be applied.

This Standard supersedes the earlier version of DN-LHT-03038.

Where a scheme is already under construction or currently being prepared and application of this
Standard would result in significant additional cost or delay, the advice of Transport Infrastructure
Ireland (TII) shall be sought.

1.4 Definitions
For this Standard, the following definitions shall apply:

i) C/CE Lighting Class: Illuminance based criteria used for the lighting of Conflict
Areas such as junctions and roundabouts. In certain instances, particularly for
roads with irregular geometry, industry standard lighting software used to model
the exact luminance parameters can be challenging (eg differences in lane
widths). In these instances, the application of illuminance based criteria can
help inform the design;
ii) Clear Zone: The Clear Zone is the total width of traversable land on the
nearside or offside which is to be kept clear of unprotected hazards. This width
is available for use by errant vehicles. The zone is measured from the nearest

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edge of the trafficked lane: i.e. the hard shoulder or hard strip forms part of the
Clear Zone;
iii) Conflict Area: Junctions, Interchanges, roundabouts and pedestrian crossings,
where streams of motorised traffic intersect with each other or with other road
users such as pedestrians and cyclists from different approaches. The extent of
a Conflict Area will be determined on a project specific basis and by following
the guidance in this Standard;
iv) ESB Networks Limited: The Distribution System Operator, licensed pursuant
to section 14(l)(g) of the Electricity Regulation Act, 1999;
v) Interchange: A grade separated junction that provides free flow of traffic from
one Mainline carriageway to another;
vi) Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP): The ILP is the UK and Ireland's
professional lighting association, dedicated solely to excellence in lighting.
vii) Lighting Design File: This is developed during the lifecycle of the project and
will contain the information associated with the lighting design;
viii) Lighting Impact Assessment: A good practice approach based on the
application of ILP PLG-04 when assessing the impact of road lighting on the
surrounding environment at the planning stage;
ix) Local Road: This is a public road or a proposed public road other than a
national road or a regional road;
x) Mainline: The carriageway carrying the main flow of traffic (generally traffic
between or passing straight through a junction or Interchange);
xi) M/ME Lighting Class: Luminance based criteria used for the lighting of the
Mainline carriageway on the National Road network;
xii) National Road: This is a public road or a proposed public road which is
classified or is intended to be classified as a national road under Section 10 of
the Road Act (1993);
xiii) Priority Junction: An at grade junction between a major road and a minor road
whereby the traffic on the minor road must yield to the traffic on the major road;
xiv) Professional Lighting Guide (PLG): Guidance notes developed by the ILP in
relation to lighting best practice.
xv) Regional Road: This is a public road or a proposed public road which is
classified or is intended to be classified as a regional road under Section 10 of
the Road Act (1993).

1.5 Relaxations and Departures

The standards contained in this document represent a level of lighting the incorporation of which into
the design would achieve a desirable level of performance in average conditions in terms of:

a) Traffic safety;
b) Operation;
c) Economy;
d) Environmental effects; and
e) Sustainability.

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In exceptional situations, owing to economic, environmental or engineering constraints, the

standards may not realistically be achievable in terms of buildability or maintainability. In such
cases, sufficient advantages might justify either a Relaxation within the Standards or, in more
constrained locations, a Departure from the Standards.
Relaxations and Departures shall be assessed in terms of their effects on:
a) The economic worth of the scheme;
b) The environment; and
c) The safety of the road user.
Further information in relation to Departures and Relaxations, including the process for submitting an
application for a Departure from Standards can be found in GE-GEN-01005 Departures from
Standards and Specification.

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2. Lighting Design Process & Documentation

2.1 Purpose of Lighting
The provision of lighting can:

a) Enhance safety on the road network particularly in Conflict Areas;

b) Help in reducing crime and the fear of crime particularly in the urban environment;
c) Enhance the night-time environment and night-time economy;
d) Reduce severance between population settlements; and
e) Improve journey ambiance.

It should also be noted that the provision of lighting may not be the most cost-effective method of
reducing night time accident rates and that improvements to road alignment, improvements in
carriageway markings, delineation of traffic and signing may offer a better solution.

Consideration of alternative measures likely to have a lower lifecycle cost or less adverse
environmental impact shall be assessed when determining the requirements for lighting on a scheme.

2.2 The Forgiving Roadside

Mitigation of roadside hazards at an early stage in the design process can have a significant positive
effect on road safety. Design organisations shall follow the principles of providing a forgiving roadside
for errant vehicles when undertaking route lighting design in terms of lighting column positioning. To
avoid the need for provision of a road restraint system, lighting columns shall be positioned outside of
the Clear Zone, as defined in DN-REQ-03034, where possible.

If owing to land constraint issues the positioning of lighting columns within the Clear Zone is the only
option, passively safe lighting columns shall be provided.

2.3 Health and Safety

Design work with regards to safety in design, construction and future maintenance of road lighting
schemes for the National Road network shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of
the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2013, S.I. No.291 of 2013 and
comply with all current Health & Safety Standards.

Legislation and Codes of Practice of particular note to be considered by the designer during the
design, construction and future maintenance periods are, but not limited to, the following:

a) Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, Number 10 of 2005;

b) Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, S.I.
No.299 of 2007, as amended 2013;
c) HSA Code of Practice for Avoiding Danger from Underground Services, May 2016;
d) ESB Networks Code of Practice for Avoiding Danger from Overhead Electricity
Lines, September 2008; and
e) The relevant guidelines applicable to the design and implementation of Temporary
Traffic Management.

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2.4 Design Process

The lighting design process is considered to comprise of three key stages:

a) Concept;
b) Preliminary; and
c) Detailed.
The application of the concept, preliminary and detailed lighting design stages will be very much
dependent upon the form of contract and procurement method and may differ between schemes.

For National Road Capital Projects the lighting design stages will generally align with the following
project phases that are identified in the Project Management Guidelines (PE-PMG-02041).

Planning and Design Construct/Implement

Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 3

Phase 2 Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6 Phase 7
Scope and Concept Design and
Options Statutory Enabling & Construction and Close Out
Pre- and Environmental
Selection Processes Procurement Implementation and Review
appraisal Feasibility Evaluation

Concept Detailed
Lighting Lighting
Design Design

Figure 1 PE-PMG-02041 Process and Lighting Stage Alignment

2.5 Competency for Designers & Quality Assurance

The design of lighting is a specialist activity and shall be undertaken by competent and experienced
persons who can demonstrate an appropriate understanding of road lighting design principles.

Electrical design applicable to road lighting systems shall only be undertaken by someone with
appropriate formal training in electrical design and who can demonstrate that they have experience in
undertaking electrical design for highways electrical systems and infrastructure.

2.6 Concept Design

The concept design stage is the first stage of the lighting design process that shall be used to develop
the following aspects:

a) Undertake an initial evaluation to understand whether or not to light the Mainline

(refer to Section 3.2 and Appendix B);
b) Identify the approximate extents of the area to be lit;
c) Identify the options for lighting and short list design solutions including an initial
assessment of lifecycle costs, where possible;
d) Undertake an initial assessment for the options using the energy performance
indicators identified in IS EN 13201-5;
e) Identify constraints and hazards;
f) Initial risk assessments;

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g) Derive the IS EN 13201 and BS 5489-1 lighting classes that are likely to be
implemented for the scheme;
h) Undertake initial photometric calculations using industry standard software;
i) Provide an indicative design for column spacing, layout, column heights and
approximate wattages of lamps and light sources;
j) Consider environmental aspects and sensitive receptors;
k) Identify possible electrical supply points. Commence discussions with ESB
Networks Limited to understand viability of proposed locations and understand
budget costs, if available;
l) Prepare an outline budget costing for the lighting;
m) Prepare an outline design methodology summarising lighting aspects to be
included as part of the design file and the assumptions that have been made in
developing the concept lighting design; and
n) Prepare the Lighting Design File.

2.7 Preliminary Design

At the preliminary design stage the concept design(s) will be further developed as follows:

a) If applicable, refine the lighting evaluation for lighting of the Mainline;

b) Analyse the design options further to identify a preferred solution including an
analysis of lifecycle costs for the design options considered;
c) Undertake further assessment of the options in order to ensure an energy efficient
design solution using the energy performance indicators identified in IS EN 13201-
d) Refine the extents of the area to be lit and understand how this interfaces with any
existing lighting systems at scheme boundaries;
e) Undertake environmental assessment, where applicable;
f) Undertake surveys where possible;
g) Undertake further discussion with ESB Networks Limited, where applicable;
h) Identify requirements for electrical supplies for the National Road lighting. These
shall be metered connections and segregated from the electrical supplies for
Regional Road and Local Road lighting;
i) Undertake a safety review;
j) Ensure requirements for passive safe columns and associated electrical
disconnection systems etc. have been considered, where required;
k) Develop the design layout and prepare general arrangement drawings;
l) Undertake more detailed photometric lighting design calculations using industry
standard software;
m) Where required, develop electrical design calculations associated with private
cable networks and understand earthing arrangements;
n) Co-ordinate the lighting layout with other engineering disciplines and
environmental team;
o) Refine cost estimate; and

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p) Update the Lighting Design File.

2.8 Detailed Lighting Design

The detailed design stage will further develop the preliminary design suitable for construction that
includes the following:

a) Undertake further project and safety risk assessment;

b) Consider opportunities in terms of light source selection and any opportunities to
minimise energy consumption and lifecycle costs if a reasonable amount of time
has elapsed between the preliminary and detailed design stages;
c) Finalise General Arrangement (GA) drawings;
d) Prepare supporting schematic drawings detailing cable network arrangement and
any duct and chamber requirements;
e) Prepare standard construction detail drawings;
f) Compile Lighting Specification Appendices Series 1300 and 1400 and any other
tender documentation;
g) Undertake detailed co-ordination exercise with other engineering disciplines;
h) Finalise environmental assessment, where applicable;
i) Finalise requirements for electrical supply points with ESB Networks Limited
including segregation of the metered electrical connections for National Road
lighting and the Regional Road and Local Road lighting electrical supplies;
j) Finalise safety reviews;
k) Finalise/refine photometric lighting and electrical calculations;
l) Prepare final cost estimates and bills of quantity (if required) for the lighting; and
m) Finalise the Lighting Design File.

2.9 Environmental Impact Assessment and other Planning

Where a scheme is subject to planning requirements such as an Environmental Impact Assessment
under EU Directive 2014/52/EU then a Lighting Impact Assessment may be required.

Lighting Impact Assessments shall only be undertaken by competent lighting professionals. The
Institute of Lighting Professionals (ILP) Professional Lighting Guide PLG-04 – Guidance on
Undertaking Environmental Lighting Impact Assessments outlines a good practice approach for
undertaking and assessing the impact of road lighting on surrounding land and impact on humans,
flora and fauna.

2.10 Designing for Maintenance

2.10.1 General
The lighting design shall consider the health and safety risks around maintenance operatives with a
specific aim to:

a) Reduce exposure to risk by operatives;

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b) Reduce level of site accident rates and ill-health arising from maintenance
c) Create a more efficient and cost-effective approach to maintenance;
d) Consider the re-use of materials and other infrastructure aspects (e.g cross-
carriageway road crossings) to minimise the need to undertake non-essential
construction works; and
e) Reduce congestion and delay to the motorist.
Wherever possible maintenance operations on the National Road network shall be integrated within
a co-ordinated maintenance programme that includes planned traffic management.

2.10.2 Maintenance Access

The siting of feeder pillars shall allow for maintenance access. The requirement is that access shall
be readily and easily available.

A risk assessment shall be undertaken on a location-by-location basis in order to determine the most
appropriate method for maintenance access to feeder pillars.

The placement of feeder pillars shall take cognisance of locations where maintenance access can be
provided that will make best use of existing and/or proposed infrastructure provision and minimise
construction works associated with parking areas, paved areas, access steps and any retaining

If a maintenance vehicle layby is required, a typical maintenance vehicle lay-by as shown on standard
construction detail CC-SCD-01524 can be provided.

Feeder pillars which are sited remotely from the carriageway may require the additional provision of
access steps, pathways and handrail.

Maintenance staff may be required to carry difficult to handle and heavy test equipment to feeder
pillars to undertake routine and reactive maintenance and steps shall be provided where access
involves a gradient exceeding 1 in 2 for a height exceeding 400mm. Paved areas, constructed from
standard paving slabs, shall be constructed between access steps, cabinet hardstandings, the hard
shoulder and any maintenance parking bays to provide a continuous, safe path. In some instances, it
may be appropriate to provide localised lighting to support maintenance activities at feeder pillar
locations during the hours of darkness.

2.10.3 Overhead Electricity Supply Lines

Safe working clearance shall be ensured on all road lighting near overhead electricity supply lines.

The design shall seek to minimise the number of affected lighting columns.

The operator of the line shall be consulted regarding safe working clearances and to establish the
accurate position and height of the line.

Lower mounting heights shall be used as needed and columns shall normally be hinged in order to
provide safe access for maintenance in the vicinity of the overhead line with the fixing of suitable
warning signs to warn operatives of the dangers.

The lighting designer shall aim to maximise the spacing between lighting columns and overhead
electricity supplies where possible.

ESB Networks Code of Practice for Avoiding Danger from Overhead Electricity Lines shall be
consulted for further requirements and guidance.

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2.11 Design File

A Lighting Design File shall be prepared at concept stage and this shall be developed during the
preliminary and detailed design phases.

The Lighting Design File shall include a design methodology that sets out in clear detail the decisions
taken during the design life cycle. This is particularly important when design organisations change as
the phases of the design change and helps in ensuring a ‘lean process’ that will minimise revisiting
aspects of the design that have already been considered and eliminated.

A proposed template for a Lighting Design File is provided in Appendix A1.

2.12 Collaborations and Consultations

It is important that due consideration is given to the lighting at the early stage and during the project
lifecycle so that the lighting and electrical design is co-ordinated with other engineering disciplines
such as highways, geotechnical, structural and environmental.

Consultations shall be undertaken as necessary during the design process with other parties. All
discussions undertaken and the design decisions made during the project design lifecycle shall be
clearly identified and documented and shall form part of the Design File information.

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3. Lighting Provision & Performance Requirements

3.1 General
The design of new, replacement or the modification of existing road lighting shall:

a) Consider energy efficient lighting systems that are available;

b) Give consideration to the maintenance requirements of the proposed lighting;
c) Reduce maintenance where possible compared to previous lighting schemes; and
d) Be undertaken by competent and suitably qualified lighting and electrical
The road lighting shall be designed in accordance with the recommendations of BS 5489-1: Code of
Practice for the Design of Road Lighting, together with the additional requirements set out in this

3.2 Lighting Provision

Mainline road lighting on the National Road network is generally restricted to urban locations with the
Mainline on the remaining network being predominantly unlit.

Lighting of the Mainline shall only be provided where a lighting evaluation has been undertaken and
it has been justified that lighting should be provided. A Departure from Standard is required. The
lighting evaluation process and method of assessment is detailed in Appendix B1 of this document.

Appendix B2 of this document also describes the process for applications to be made for small minor
lighting improvement works and is used to support applications for a Departure from Standard.

These lighting assessment tools are available for download from the downloads section of the TII
publications website (www.tiipublications.ie).

If the Mainline is to be lit, then all at grade junctions, grade separated junction and interchanges within
that section of main carriageway and at either end shall also be lit in accordance with the requirements
of this section.

It is a requirement on all rural motorways and dual carriageways to light grade separated junctions.

Grade separated junctions where the Mainline rural motorway or dual carriageway is unlit shall follow
the requirements for the extents of lighting as described in Section 4 of this Standard.

Where a new grade separated junction is to be constructed on an existing Mainline, and the Mainline
is already lit, then the grade separated lighting shall be extended to the Mainline to ensure that no
short unlit gaps are present on the National Road network. There shall not be an unlit gap of less than
four times the desirable minimum Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) between lit sections on the Mainline.
This requirement is not applicable for side roads.

Mainline, grade separated and priority junctions on single carriageways in rural locations are unlit with
the exception of at grade roundabouts. A Departure from Standard is required if lighting is to be
provided on the Mainline and/or priority, grade separated junctions of single carriageway roads.

The lighting of other areas on the National Road network is described in Section 5.

Lighting provision on the National Road network is summarised in the following illustration:

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Figure 2 Representation of the Lighting Provision on the TII National Road Network

Note: Guidance is provided in Section 4 for extending lighting at junctions and roundabouts when 60m extents is
considered not to be appropriate.

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3.3 Selection of Lighting Class

The lighting designer shall determine the appropriate lighting performance parameters in accordance
with IS EN 13201 and BS 5489-1. Guidance on the selection of lighting classes is given in Annex A
of BS 5489-1.

The lighting of traffic routes shall be based on the M/ME classification using luminance criteria. The
lighting of Conflict Areas shall be based on the CE/C classes and use illuminance criteria.

The selection process for the lighting classes uses the applicable table in Annex A of BS 5489-1 to
provide an initial determination of the lighting class.

As part of the selection of the lighting class, the initial determination of the lighting (based on BS 5489-
1 Annex A Table A.2 or Table A.3) for the Mainline shall be assessed further in order to refine the
lighting class either up or down. This will ensure the right light in the right place.

This refinement of the lighting class is based around a range of parameters that include:

a) Traffic volume;
b) Traffic composition;
c) Separation of traffic;
d) Visual guidance; and
e) Ambient luminance.
Appendix C provides a quantitative approach for undertaking a refinement of the lighting class for
traffic routes which are the principle road type on the National Road network. Appendix C is available
as a tool for download from the downloads section of the TII publications website

The lighting of Conflict Areas (CE/C) can then be derived following BS 5489-1 (Table A.1 or Table
A.4) as follows:

Table 1 Conflict Area Lighting Classes on the National Road Network

Mainline National Lighting Class

Road Illumination Requirements
Where the Mainline or adjoining road lighting is lit then
BS 5489-1 Table
Lit the Conflict Area will be lit to a higher intensity of light
A.4 applies
compared to the Mainline or adjoining road.
For an unlit Mainline the requirement for an increase in
Conflict Area lighting compared to the mainline lighting
is not needed and an equivalent lighting class (ME/M or
BS 5489-1 Table
Unlit CE/C) can be applied. If the Conflict Area has adjoining
A.1 applies
roads then the Conflict Area lighting class will be
selected as a class higher than the adjoining road with
the highest class.

It is recognised that the Mainline National Road network in Ireland is predominately unlit and that the
adjoining roads at junctions may also be unlit but the approach in deriving M/ME lighting classes can
still be followed as a method of determining the lighting class requirements for Conflict Areas and
applying the requirements stated in Table 1.

Maintenance factors shall be derived in accordance with BS 5489-1 and shall take cognisance of
manufacturers’ recommendations to ensure minimum maintained lighting levels are achieved.

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3.4 Energy Efficiency

The lighting design needs to ensure the right light in the right place at the right time and the lighting
designer shall ensure the proposed design has considered energy efficiency as part of the design
solution. The calculation of energy performance indicators will assist the designer in selection of the
preferred technical solution particularly when considering options for the lighting.

IS EN 13201-5 Road Lighting Energy Performance Indicators shall be followed and the calculations
shall be clearly documented in both the Lighting Design File and the handover into maintenance

The IS EN 13201-5 energy performance metrics are calculated based on the Power Density Indicator
(PDI) and the Annual Energy Consumption Indicator (AECI).

3.5 Lighting Arrangement

The lighting arrangement to be selected will generally comprise of the following types:

a) Road lighting columns in a single sided, staggered or opposite arrangement;

b) High Mast; and
c) Catenary.
Where possible, lighting columns shall be installed within the verge rather than the central reserve to
minimise the requirement for traffic management. The provision of lighting in the central reserve shall
only be used in exceptional circumstances and where significant safety improvement, reduced cost
and reduced construction delay can be demonstrated. A Departure from Standard is required for the
provision of central reserve lighting.

Columns located on slip roads shall be single sided.

Catenary lighting is only permitted in exceptional circumstances, where it can be demonstrated that it
is the only practical solution and shall be agreed with TII and will require a Departure from Standard.

High mast lighting is an alternative to the use of standard lighting columns and may be a suitable
solution at complex intersections and junctions. Its application shall be used only in exceptional
circumstances and where significant safety improvements, reduced cost and reduced construction
delays can be demonstrated. A Departure from Standards is required for high mast lighting.

High mast lighting systems will generally require fewer lighting support structures but the mechanical,
hydraulic and electrical equipment is more complex and requires additional maintenance

High mast lighting shall be in accordance with ILP PLG-07 High Masts for Lighting and CCTV.

3.6 Light Pollution

Light pollution such as sky glow, glare and light trespass shall be minimised wherever possible. The
ILP Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light (GN01) provides further detail on the different
causes of light pollution and provides examples of a good practice approach relating to the positioning
of light sources, the methods and accessories to limit obtrusive light and stated values of lighting

The control of lighting to minimise light pollution and the permitted lighting values are dependent upon
environmental zones that are set out in GN01.

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To minimise unwanted glare and light spill in the immediate surrounds of the National Road network,
the luminous intensity of lighting sources at critical angles have been restricted (Glare (G) ratings) and
these are set out against each type of environmental zone in the following table:

Table 2 Luminous Intensity Glass Requirements by Environmental Zone

Zone Surrounding Lighting Environment Examples Luminous


E0 Protected Dark UNESCO Starlight Reserves, IDA G6

Dark Sky Parks

E1 Natural Intrinsically Dark National Parks, Areas of G5 or

Outstanding Natural Beauty higher

E2 Rural Low District Villages or relatively dark outer G4 or

Brightness suburban locations higher

E3 Suburban Medium District Small town centres or suburban G3 or

Brightness locations higher

E4 Urban High District Town/city centres with high levels of G2 or

Brightness night time activity higher

The G2 to G6 glare rating values set out in the table are identified in IS EN 13201-2 Annex B.

All light sources in Zones E0, E1 and E2 shall use flat glass luminaires. All luminaires shall in general
be positioned at 0º inclination to either minimise upward light (G2 to G3 glare classes) or ensure that
no direct light above the horizontal will be emitted (G4 to G6 glare classes).

3.7 Lighting Columns

Design organisations shall follow the principles of providing a forgiving roadside for errant vehicles as
stated in Section 2.2 when undertaking National Road lighting design. To avoid the need for the
provision of a road restraint system, lighting columns within the Clear Zone shall be passively safe
and follow the requirements in Section 3.8 of this Standard.

The requirements for lighting columns and other support structures are stated in the Design of Support
Structures for Roadside Furniture (DN-STR-03018).

Column height selection shall be considered and balanced in terms of maximising spacing and
reducing visual impact.

Where the reuse of existing lighting columns for LED retro-fit schemes is considered, the structural
integrity of those existing columns shall be assessed. Inspection and testing of columns shall follow
the guidance and best practice detailed in ILP Guidance Note TR22 Managing a Vital Asset: Lighting

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3.8 Passively Safe Columns

All passively safe lighting columns shall comply with IS EN 12767 with the appropriate energy
absorption category and performance class selected based on speed limit and surrounding location.

The electrical supply to passively safe columns shall automatically electrically disconnect within 0.4
seconds to ensure that any vehicles that strike the columns do not become live upon impact.

Additional guidance on the implementation of passively safe columns can be found in ILP TR 30.

3.9 Bracket Arms

Luminaires can be post top mounted or fixed to bracket arms on lighting columns.

The preference is generally for post top mounted.

The lack of a bracket for tall (typically 12m and above) tubular lighting columns in exposed sites may
result in an increase in vibration that could reduce the life of equipment in the luminaire.

Where bracket arms are used, projections shall be limited to 2m or 25% the height of the column
whichever is the lesser.

3.10 Road Surface

It is important to understand that the road surface forms an integral part of a lighting installation when
luminance based criteria is applied. The lighting of traffic routes is normally based on luminance

Luminance criteria is calculated based on reduced luminance co-efficient values for a road surface
and these values are provided in the form of an r-table (refer to IS EN 13201). The r-table is primarily
based on two key metrics for diffuse reflection (Q0) and specular reflection (S1).

The selected r-table for the road surface used for the luminance design shall be chosen that
represents the road surface that exists or is proposed for the scheme as there can be significant
variations in reflection when different road surfaces and aggregates are used.

The r-table, CIE type C2 (average luminance coefficient (Q0) of 0.07) tends to be used for a standard
asphalt road surface and is the most widely adopted one used by lighting designers. There are a range
of road surfaces deployed on the National Road network however, and these different road surface
types can have an impact in terms of luminance, uniformity and glare parameters based on different
Q0 and S1 values.

Consultation shall be undertaken with a pavement engineer to obtain information for the proposed or
existing road surface in order to apply the most appropriate r-table values when undertaking the
lighting design.

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3.11 Light Sources

Lighting sources shall have a colour rendering index (Ra) greater than or equal to 20 and shall be
selected to minimise whole life cost and energy consumption.

LED luminaires shall be equipped with surge protection equipment that shall meet the requirements
stated in Specification for Road Works Series 1400 – Electrical Work for Road Lighting and Traffic
Signs (CC-SPW-01400).

3.12 Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT)

The Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT) to be used on the National Road network shall be a warm
(<3,300K) or intermediate colour temperature. The intermediate CCT shall be restricted to a maximum
of 4,000K. An intermediate CCT above 4,000K will require a Departure from Standard.

A cool colour appearance (>5,300K) is not permitted on the National Road network.

Colour temperature tolerances shall be within a 5 step MacAdam ellipse.

Information on CCT is included in Informative Appendix E.

3.13 Operation and Control - General

There are a number of methods to control and operate the public lighting to ensure the right light in
the right place at the right time. Methods of control include:

a) Photoelectric Control Units (PECU);

b) Variable Lighting Levels (such as Central Management Systems (CMS) and
c) Time Switches; and
d) Power Controllers.
Constant Light Output (CLO) is a method used to drive an LED light source that helps reduce energy
consumption. CLO consists of adjusting the LED drive current to compensate for the light output
depreciation of the LED as it ages to ensure that a constant lumen output is maintained.

3.14 Photoelectric Control Units (PECU)

The operation of lighting on the National Road supplied by a feeder pillar private cable network shall
be by group control PECU. Individual PECU control is to be provided where an ESB Network
connection is provided direct into a column.

PECU sockets shall be of the 7 pin NEMA or System Ready (SR) type to facilitate remote connection
to a CMS at a future date.

The switch on/switch off period for PECUs shall be dependent upon lighting source types as follows:

a) 35/18 Lux for High Intensity Discharge (HID); and

b) 35/18 Lux or 20/20 Lux for LED.

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3.15 Variable Lighting Levels

3.15.1 Central Management Systems (CMS) and Dimming
The lighting standards have evolved and support the application of variable lighting levels during the
hours of darkness based around traffic flows. This can be achieved through either pre-set dimming
equipment installed at the point of installation or through the connection to a Central Management
System (CMS).

Currently TII does not have a policy for the implementation of CMS technology.

The scheme designer shall undertake an evaluation of a variable lighting level regime using historical
or predicted traffic data for all schemes in order to identify opportunities to dim the lighting during
period of darkness when traffic flows decrease. Any dimming regime applied shall always ensure the
minimum levels are achieved to a specific lighting class.

ILP PLG-08: Guidance on the application of adaptive lighting within the public realm provides guidance
on the application of adaptive lighting classes based on traffic flow and undertaking risk assessments.

A limited range of dimming profiles has been agreed with ESB Networks which can be used for
unmetered supplies for LED (refer to Appendix D) however it should be noted that unmetered
connections are not permitted for new electrical supplies on the National Road (see Section 3.17).
The application of unmetered supplies for LED as stated in Appendix D will be for lighting on Regional
and Local Roads forming part of a National Road scheme or where the replacement of existing
unmetered supplies to metered supplies is not feasible on the National Road network.

Unless the lowest lighting class is being adopted, as a minimum, a pre-set dimming regime shall be
applied with at least a 1 step down in the lighting class that is to be applied during the period of
darkness. This shall be determined by the lighting designer in consultation with the traffic engineering
team and agreed with TII on a scheme specific basis.

The application of dimming will help address key aims of improving energy efficiency and minimising
light pollution and impact on the environment.

3.15.2 Time switches

Time switches are generally not used on the National Road network, however the requirements are
detailed in Specification for Road Works Series 1400 – Electrical Work for Road Lighting and Traffic
Signs (CC-SPW-01400).

3.15.3 Power Controllers

The implementation of LED on the National Road network is not a mandatory requirement and other
light source types can be used.

Where existing high-pressure sodium (SON) lights are to be retained under a scheme and supplied
by a private cable network, then a method of adjusting the lighting levels can be achieved by the use
of power controllers that are installed at the start of the private cable network (generally in a feeder
pillar cabinet).

The extent of how much a SON lamp can be dimmed is technically constrained but the implementation
of power controller can offer an opportunity to retain existing lighting equipment whilst improving
energy efficiency.

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3.16 Other Infrastructure - General

ET101:2008 shall be followed for the design of the electrical installation associated with the road

Electrical supplies for the road lighting to be either 230 volt (+10%, -10%) single phase AC mains
power supply or 400 volt (-6% to +10%) three phase AC mains power supply.

3.17 Metered and Unmetered Supplies from the Distribution System

Public lighting connections are provided by ESB Networks Limited and will have either unmetered or
metered supplies.

Energy consumption on the National Road network is monitored in line with the statutory obligation
placed upon TII as a public body to report energy consumption under S.I. 426: 2014 (European Union
(Energy Efficiency) Regulations 2014) and in line with the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan
(NEEAP). All new public lighting connections for National Roads shall therefore be metered only as
metered supplies offer greater certainty for this purpose.

Application for new supplies will need to be made to ESB Networks Limited and the commencement
of this process shall be done at an early stage of the design process to understand budget costs and
timescale for completion. Applications shall be based on a kVA load that is representative of the
expected kVA load required for a scheme in order to negate unnecessary costs being applied. A
nominated electricity supplier will also be required prior to ESB Networks Limited switching on the
electrical supply.

Electricity connections from ESB Networks Limited will be terminated in either a lighting column or
feeder pillar cabinet. For the National Road network, in most instances the electricity connection will
be provided within a feeder pillar cabinet. Electrical cable networks will be provided between the feeder
pillar cabinet and the individual lighting units and installed by the TII Contractor.

3.18 Electrical Cable Networks

Armoured power cables shall be used for the electrical cable network associated with the road lighting
on the National Road network.

Cable types shall be as stated in the Specification for Road Works Series 1400 – Electrical Work for
Road Lighting and Traffic Signs (CC-SPW-01400) and shall generally be 3 core or 5 core.

A single-phase cable distribution is generally the preferred option for the public lighting cable network.

Where ESB Networks provide a single-phase supply, a loop in-loop out within each column can be

The loop in-loop out can be applied to consecutive columns, every other column or every third column
to offer some resilience in terms of keeping lighting operation in the event of a cable fault.

In order to facilitate the installation and termination within each column, the conductor size shall
generally be limited to 25mm to overcome difficulty due to the stiffness of the cables when installing
and the termination space in the public lighting cut-outs.

Where ESB Networks provide a three-phase supply, two options for cabling are available:

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a) Single-phase distribution using 3 core cables; and

b) Single-phase distribution using 5 core cables.
Single phase distribution using 5 core cables will require breeches joints adjacent to every column
location. Each column can be connected to alternative phases so that in the event of a phase failure
on the ESB network then only 1 in 3 columns will be unlit.

Electrical cable networks for lighting columns on National Roads, Regional Roads and Local Roads
shall be segregated and shall be separately connected to the ESB Network.

3.19 Ducting & Chamber Networks

Road lighting cables shall be installed in underground ducts.

Suitable duct chambers shall be used at all transverse road crossing locations. Duct chambers shall
also be considered at locations where there is significant deviation along the route that would make
cable pulling difficult and be prone to cable damage during installation. Intermediate duct chambers
shall be provided at least every 125m on long duct routes.

Chambers are not required at each lighting column unless they are required based on the electrical
disconnection method used where passively safe columns are deployed.

3.20 Feeder Pillars

Feeder pillar cabinets shall be used to house the ESB Network Limited electrical supply incoming
cable and circuit protection equipment, metered equipment, earthing and the outgoing distribution
equipment and cables for the road lighting units.

Lighting feeder pillars shall be used to supply only the road lighting system and no other connection
for other systems shall be permitted.

Maintenance access arrangements at feeder pillars shall be as described in Section 2.10.2.

3.21 Earthing Arrangements

The earthing arrangements, protective conductors and equipotential bonding shall be in accordance
with Chapter 54 of ET101:2008 National Rules for Electrical Installations, Fourth Edition’ and
subsequent updates.

ESB Networks shall be consulted on the type of earthing arrangement (TN-C-S (PME) or TT) that will
be available for new supplies.

A TT earthing arrangement provided by ESB Networks will generally mean a higher external
impedance (Ze) will be present at the source (feeder pillar) and this may require larger conductor
sizes, extensive earth rods/mats at the feeder pillar and the use of residual current devices (RCD) to
ensure suitable disconnection times in the event of an earth fault.

Separation between TII feeder pillars and ESB Networks supply cabinets or ESB Networks Pillars and
Customer Service Pillars (Public Lighting Section Pillars) will be subject to a minimum distance in
terms of separation. ESB Networks shall be consulted for requirements.

In some instances, due to spacing constraints, ESB Networks may permit closer separation than
the minimum requirement providing the pillars are equipotentially bonded in accordance with
ET:101. This will only be permitted with the explicit permission of ESB Networks.

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3.22 Illuminated Traffic Signs and Bollards

Illuminated bollards are not permitted.

Illumination of individual traffic signs other than by general route lighting will not be permitted. A
Departure from Standard will be required.

3.23 Renewable Power Supplies

Where the possibility exists to utilise a renewable power supply source as a means to energise a road
lighting system, the agreement of TII is required before proceeding with this option. Typical forms of
renewable power sources may include wind energy generation and solar power.

Renewable power sources shall ensure that continual power is provided that will meet the electrical
demand of the equipment at all times when the road lighting is in operation.

The use of a renewable power supply source and a standard electrical supply combined is permitted.

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4. Lighting of Roundabouts, Junctions &

Roundabouts, junctions and interchanges are considered to be Conflict Areas where the different
streams of traffic intersect with each other from different approaches.

The extent of the lighting of Conflict Areas on the National Road network shall be limited where
possible to:

a) Minimise maintenance operative risks;

b) Reduce impact on the environment; and
c) Help reduce energy consumption.
Sections 4.1 to 4.6 set out the extent of lighting to be applied for roundabouts, junctions and

For motorways and dual carriageways, in most instances the extents of the lighting for Conflict Areas
at roundabouts and grade separated junctions shall be limited to 60m (1 or 2 columns) from the conflict
point where traffic streams intersect. The lighting extents for free flow interchanges will also generally
be limited to 60m from merge and diverge locations.

For the single carriageway network, the provision of lighting and the extents at junctions are set out in
Sections 4.5 and 4.6.

It is recognised however that the lighting extents in certain locations may need to be greater than the
60m extents. A number of factors such as how compact the junction is, the radius of curves, road
complexity, proximity of NMU crossing points and environmental factors may require consideration of
extended lighting extents. Sections 4.7 and 4.8 provide guidance for when the 60m extents is not
considered appropriate.

4.1 Roundabouts
The extents of lighting of at grade roundabouts is as depicted:

Figure 3 Lighting Extents for an at grade Roundabout

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4.2 Standard Grade Separated Junction Types

The required extents of lighting for common junction types is as depicted:

Figure 4 Lighting Extents for a Dumb-bell Junction Arrangement

Lighting shall be provided between the two dumbbells to ensure that no short lengths of unlit road that
are less than four times the desirable minimum SSD are present as stated in Section 3.2.

Figure 5 Lighting Extents for a Two Bridge Roundabout Junction

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Figure 6 Lighting Extents for a Typical Layout of a Diamond Junction

The diamond junction depicted in Figure 6 is not permitted on National Roads in rural areas and is
only provided in urban locations incorporating traffic signals at the connector road junction with the
minor road.

Figure 7 Lighting Extents for a Typical Layout of a Half-Diamond Junction

The half diamond junction depicted in Figure 7 is also not permitted on National Roads in rural areas
and, again is only provided in urban locations incorporating traffic signals at the connector road
junction with the minor road.

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Figure 8 Lighting Extents for a Typical Layouts of a Half Cloverleaf Quadrant 1 and 3 Junction

Figure 9 Lighting Extents for a Typical Layouts of a Half Cloverleaf Quadrant 2 and 3 Junction

Lighting shall also to be provided on the road that crosses over the mainline between the carriageway
slip roads to ensure that no short lengths of unlit road that are less than four times the desirable
minimum SSD are present as stated in Section 3.2.

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4.3 Compact Grade Separated Junctions

For compact grade separated junction types the lighting will generally be extended to ensure adequate
illumination of the tight radii and the Mainline within the vicinity of the compact grade separated

Figure 10 Lighting Extents for a Compact Grade Separated Junction

The lighting on the Mainline will extend past the merge and diverge points to a distance commensurate
with 5 seconds of travel at a particular speed limit as depicted in Table 3 under Section 4.8.

Figure 10 above shows the extents of the Mainline lighting for each carriageway not being aligned
with each other. In some instances, the merge/diverges may be in close proximity and the start and
end points of the merge/diverge may more or less be aligned. Matching the extents of both
carriageways or applying a staggered approach as shown in Figure 10 can be determined on a
scheme by scheme basis.

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4.4 Free flow Interchanges

Typical examples of the extents of the lighting for free flow interchanges on the National Road network
are depicted below.

Figure 11 Lighting Extents for a 3 Way/2 Level “Trumpet” Interchange

Figure 12 Lighting Extents for a 4 Way/3 Level Interchange

The extent of lighting at free flow interchanges will be determined on a scheme by scheme basis and
will be very much dependent upon the complexity of the intersection layout, the radius of curves on
link roads and the extent of merge/diverge locations. When the 60m extents is not considered
appropriate the principles set out in Sections 4.7 and 4.8 shall be applied.

Where free flow intersections are not particularly complex or where the radius of link roads are not
considered to be constrained then lighting is not required.

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Figure 13 Illustration of a non-complex interchange that will generally be unlit

Lighting within these non-complex interchanges would be restricted to locations within the interchange
footprint such as underpasses where the requirement for daytime lighting may be needed. An example
of this arrangement can be found on the M7/M9 interchange.

4.5 Single Carriageway Compact Grade Separated Junctions

The provision of lighting for compact grade separated junctions on the single carriageway road
network will require a Departure from Standard and shall be assessed on a project by project specific

Where lighting is to be provided, the determination of the extents of the lighting shall follow the
principles set out elsewhere in this Section.

4.6 Single Carriageway Priority Junctions

The provision of lighting for priority junctions on the single carriageway road network will require a
Departure from Standard and shall be assessed on a project by project specific basis.

Where lighting is to be provided then the determination of the extents of the lighting shall follow the
principles set out elsewhere in this Section.

4.7 Extending the Lighting at Roundabouts, Junctions and

In some instances, it is recognised that additional lighting may be required where the standard
guidance identified in Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4 may not be suitable due to other factors.

The scheme designers shall determine if the lighting extents should be extended particularly in regard
to the potential of vehicle collisions and non-motorised usage.

The flowchart in Figure 16 gives further guidance along with the application of ILP PLG-02 (refer to
Section 4.8) when determining the extents of lighting when the 60m extents may not be considered

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Figure 14 Lighting Extents Flowchart

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4.8 Application of ILP PLG-02

BS 5489-1 references ILP PLG-02 which provides guidance on the extent of the lighting that can be
applied for Conflict Areas where it is deemed that the 60m stipulated in Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4 is
not appropriate.

In particular, ILP PLG-02 identifies that where no lighting is otherwise provided on the approach to a
lit Conflict Area the extent of the lighting shall generally be installed to provide around 5 seconds of
driving at a particular traffic speed.

A summary of the 5 second rule applied to the speed limit of the road is as follows:

Table 3 Distance of 5 Seconds at Speed Limits

Speed Limit (kph) Distance of 5 seconds at

speed limit (m)
30 42
50 69
60 83
80 111
100 138
120 166

The guidance in ILP PLG-02 can be followed along with the application of the 5 second rule where
the standard lighting extents depicted in Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.4 may not be deemed appropriate.

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5. Lighting of other areas on the Network

5.1 Lighting of Toll Plaza
The extent of lighting at toll plazas shall cover the following areas:

a) Approach, Queue, Recovery and Departure Zones; and

b) Toll Island Canopies; and
c) Toll Booths.
Extent of Lighting

Traffic Flow

Traffic Flow

Departure Toll Approach

Carriageway Departure Zone Recovery Zone Islands Queue Zone Approach Zone Carriageway

Figure 15 Toll Plaza Layout and Terminology

Where toll plazas are situated on ramps then they shall be lit with the extents of lighting determined
on a scheme by scheme basis following the principles set out in this Standard.

Where the Mainline is lit then the approach, queue, recovery and departure zones shall be treated as
a Conflict Area with the lighting class (C/CE) one step higher than the lighting on the Mainline.

For locations where the Mainline is unlit then the lighting class shall be determined by assessing the
appropriate lighting class on the Mainline (M/ME) and then applying an equivalent C/CE class (i.e. the
one step higher lighting class is not applied).

The footprint of the Toll Island under the canopy shall be lit to C/CE0.

The internal lighting within toll booths shall comply with IS EN 12464-1: Light and Lighting – Lighting
of work places. Part 1: Indoor work places, Table 5.34 Ref. 5.34.5.

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5.2 Lighting at Service Areas

Motorway Service Areas (MSAs), Type 1, Type 1 (Terminal) and Type 2 (as defined in DN-GEO-
03028) shall be lit in accordance with the following:

a) Lighting on entry and exit slip roads of MSAs shall follow the same approach when
determining the appropriate lighting class (Section 3.3) and the lighting extents
used for the lighting of Conflict Areas described in Section 4 where the main
carriageway is unlit;
b) Where the main carriageway is lit the lighting shall be extended to the Mainline
lighting to ensure there are no short unlit gaps as described in Section 3.2; and
c) The lighting within the service areas for access roads and parking areas shall
follow the guidance and recommendations in BS 5489-1 and IS EN 12464-2.
Service areas in some instances may be located within environmentally sensitive areas and careful
selection of light sources and luminaires is required to minimise obtrusive light and visual impact and
the requirements of Section 3.6 shall be followed.

Careful consideration is required in terms of column height and where columns are placed to avoid
damage by vehicles, particularly in parking areas.

Careful consideration is required in terms of the selected light source and location in order to
complement any security and surveillance features that may be in place.

5.3 Lighting of Outdoor Car Parks

The illuminance levels of outdoor car park areas will be dependent upon the type of area and usage
and shall follow the requirements of BS 5489-1.

5.4 Lighting of Subways for Pedestrians

The lighting of pedestrian subways is to be in accordance with BS 5489-1.

5.5 Lighting of Footbridges, Stairways and Ramps

Footbridges shall be illuminated if located in areas where public lighting is provided.

Recommendations for the lighting levels of footbridges, stairways and ramps shall follow the guidance
in BS 5489-1.

Consideration shall be given to illuminating footbridges by means of the road lighting where possible
and additional lighting only provided for the footbridge to ensure recommended lighting levels are

The mounting of lighting columns on footbridge structures, whilst not prohibited, does need careful
consideration in terms of maintenance access and any safety implications when mounted on
structures above the National Road network.

5.6 Lighting of Cycle Tracks

Guidance on the lighting of cycle tracks is provided in the ILP Technical Report No. 23.

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5.7 Lighting for Traffic Calming Features

Gateways, as described in DN-GEO-03084 Transition Zone Treatment of Towns and Villages on
National Roads, that are positioned between the rural fringe and the transition zones to towns and
villages to inform drivers that they are arriving in an urban area with an associated reduction in speed
are to be illuminated.

The lighting shall extend for two columns (approx. 60m) on the approach to the gateway leading into
the lit urban area and shall be lit to the same BS 5489-1 lighting class that exists on the section of
road immediately beyond the gateway.

In the immediate locality of the traffic calming gateway, which is generally the demarcation between
a rural and urban environment, a higher level of illuminance is required. For further guidance on the
layout of traffic calming gateways refer to DN-GEO-03084.

Lighting sources on the approach to the gateway and at the gateway location as described earlier in
this Section shall have a minimum colour rendering index of 65.

The gateway locations shall be considered as Conflict Areas and follow the principles of BS 5489-1 in
applying a step up in lighting class compared to the lighting class that has been adopted for the road
lighting on the section of road that passes through the gateway.

Illuminance based criteria (CE/C lighting class) shall be applied to the lighting of gateways. The
minimum lighting class shall be C/CE4.

The step up in lighting class can be achieved by either the reuse of the existing road lighting system,
the retrofit of lanterns in the immediate vicinity of the gateway or the installation of supplementary
lighting directly adjacent to the gateway.

For the reuse of the existing road lighting, the designer shall undertake BS 5489-1 calculations to
satisfy that the appropriate illuminance and uniformity values of the step up in lighting class can be
achieved in the immediate locality of the traffic calming gateway.

Lighting columns shall be kept clear and to the rear of footpaths and cycleways and shall not be
located on central gateway islands.

For areas subject to a speed limit greater than 85km/h or at or in close proximity to a gateway, lighting
shall conform to the requirements of Section 3.8 in relation to the use of passively safe columns.

Gateways will generally not be used as pedestrian crossings however, where gateways are used for
the purpose of a pedestrian crossing, then the requirements of Section 5.8 shall be followed.

5.8 Lighting of Pedestrian Crossings

The provision of lighting at pedestrian crossings shall be considered in conjunction with the
guidance contained in DN-GEO-03084 Transition Zone Treatment of Towns and Villages on
National Roads.

5.8.1 Zebra Controlled Crossings

All zebra controlled crossing locations are to be provided with additional local lighting and illuminated
to provide both vertical and horizontal illuminance as detailed in Section 5.8.3.

The additional local lighting arrangement on a belisha beacon pole shall be as shown in DN-GEO-

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5.8.2 Controlled Signalised and Uncontrolled Crossings

Street lighting normally provides an adequate level of illumination on to the road surface so that objects
can be seen in silhouette (negative contrast).

Controlled signalised crossings, with a pushbutton facility for pedestrians shall normally have an
adequate level of illumination where the traffic route lighting has been designed to BS 5489-1 and will
not generally require any additional localised lighting at the crossing point.

For uncontrolled crossings with a lit area designed to BS 5489-1 lighting class ME3/M3 or higher, and
with the placement of street lighting in proximity to the crossings that provides good negative contrast,
additional localised lighting at the crossing may not be required.

Consideration shall be given to the use of additional localised lighting where the existing road lighting
arrangements cannot provide illumination that ensures good negative contrast, and where positive
illumination would enhance the ability of motorists to observe pedestrians approaching and crossing
the road during the hours of darkness.

Situations that may require additional localised lighting include where crossings are located on a bend
or on the brow of a hill and in situations where the crossing may be inconspicuous or obscured.
Additional local lighting shall also be considered for uncontrolled crossings that are lit to a BS 5489-1
lighting class lower than ME3/M3. Section 5.8.3 details the requirements for additional local lighting.
Further guidance can be found in the ILP Technical Report No. 12.

Controlled signalised and uncontrolled crossings within the confines of a Conflict Area that have a
step up in lighting class applied may have an adequate level of illumination that will negate the need
for additional localised lighting at the crossing point.

In some instances, a traffic route may consist of several uncontrolled crossings in close proximity to
each other. Providing dedicated supplementary localised lighting at each crossing location to provide
positive illumination needs to be balanced in terms of its day time appearance and unnecessary street
clutter. The lighting designer shall take cognisance of DMURS when considering lighting within urban
areas and the built environment.

5.8.3 Additional Localised Lighting Illumination Requirements

Where additional localised lighting is being provided it shall be illuminated to the following parameters:

a) The minimum average horizontal illuminance on the crossing carpet to be 3.5x

greater than the designed average horizontal illumination of the road with an
overall uniformity of 0.6; and
b) The minimum vertical illuminance shall be as follows:
i) Centre of crossing to be 2x nominal average horizontal road illuminance;
ii) Kerb edge to be 2x nominal average horizontal road illuminance; and
iii) Rear of waiting area to be 1.5x nominal average horizontal road illuminance.
Lighting sources used for additional localised lighting at crossings shall have a minimum colour
rendering index of 65.

The illumination areas and grids for the additional localised lighting are detailed in the ILP Technical
Report No. 12.

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5.9 Lighting of Roadworks on National Roads

The requirements for the temporary lighting of roadworks on National Roads shall be as per the Traffic
Signs Manual (TSM) Chapter 8, Temporary Traffic Measures and Signs for Roadworks and its
associated guidance documents.

Where roadworks are planned on a National Road at a location where there is existing permanent
road lighting, such lighting shall be either maintained or temporary lighting be provided for the duration
of the construction works. Temporary lighting shall provide an equal intensity and uniformity of light
when compared to the existing permanent road lighting. The temporary lighting design shall also
minimise disability glare for the motorist and take cognisance of the requirements for environmental
control as stated in Section 3.6.

Where cross overs are provided with temporary lighting during the construction works, these locations
shall be treated as conflict areas with the principles set out in Section 3.3 followed when deriving the
appropriate lighting class.

Project specific requirements for temporary lighting units shall be specified in CC-SPW-01400
Specification for Road Works Series 1400 - Electrical Work for Road Lighting and Traffic Signs

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6. Handover and Documentation

6.1 Handover Documentation
The handover into operation documentation shall follow the format as listed in Appendix A2.

The preparation and delivery requirements for As-Built lighting drawings shall be in accordance with

6.2 National Public Lighting Inventory

Accurate and fully completed public lighting inventories are essential to ensure optimal performance
during the operational period of the public lighting installation.

It is essential that suitable rigour is given to this aspect during design development, handover and
maintenance, particularly given the range of light sources now available and the different operating
regimes and parameters that lighting can work under.

Lighting inventory information shall be provided in the handover documentation in the format detailed
in the National Public Lighting Inventory.

The National Public Lighting Inventory has a number of data fields falling under the following sub

a) Geographical;
b) Asset;
c) Risk Assessment;
d) Operational; and
e) Energy.
Further details can be found in AM-LHT-06058 Standardised Public Lighting Inventory Template User
Manual. An excel version of the Standardised Public Lighting Inventory Template itself is also available
for download from the Downloads section of the TII Publications website.

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7. References
7.1 TII Publications (Standards):
CC-CMG-04001 – Preparation and Delivery Requirements for As-Built Records

CC-SPW-01300 - Specification for Road Works Series 1300 – Road Lighting Columns and Brackets,
CCTV Masts and Cantilever Masts

CC-SPW-01400 - Specification for Road Works Series 1400 – Electrical Work for Road Lighting and
Traffic Signs

CC -SCD-01524 – Maintenance Vehicle Lay-By Typical Lay-By Layout

DN-GEO-03028 – The Location and Layout of Service Areas

DN-REQ-03034 – Safety Barriers (including Amendment No. 2 dated January 2016)

DN-STR-03015 – Design of Road Tunnels

DN-STR-03018 – Design of Support Structures for Roadside Furniture

DN-GEO-03084 – Transition Zone Treatment of Towns and Villages on National Roads

GE-GEN-01005 – Departures from Standards and Specification

7.2 TII Publications (Technical):

PE-PMG-02041 – Project Management Guidelines

7.3 IS EN Standards and British Standards:

IS CEN TR 13201-2: Road Lighting – Part 1: Guideline on selection of lighting classes

IS EN 13201-2: Road Lighting – Part 2: Performance requirements

IS EN 13201-3: Road Lighting – Part 3: Calculation of Performance

IS EN 13201-4: Road Lighting – Part 4: Methods of Lighting Performance

IS EN 13201-5: Road Lighting – Part 5: Energy Performance Indicators

IS EN 60529: Specification for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)

IS EN 12464-1: Lighting and Lighting – Lighting of workplaces Part 1 Indoor Workplaces

IS EN 12464-2: Lighting and Lighting – Lighting of workplaces Part 2 Outdoor Workplaces

IS EN 12767: Passive Safety of Support Structures for Road Equipment. Requirements, classification
and test methods

IS EN 12899: Fixed, Vertical road traffic signs. Fixed Signs

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BS 5489-1: Code of Practice for the Design Road Lighting – Part 1: Lighting of Roads and Public
Amenity Areas

BS 5489-2: Code of Practice for the Design Road Lighting – Part 2: Lighting of Tunnels

BS EN 40: Lighting Columns

CIE 115: Lighting of roads for Motor and Pedestrian Traffic

PD 6547: Guidance on the use of BS EN 40

7.4 Other Documents:

Professional Lighting Guide (PLG) 01: Central Management Systems, by the Institution of Lighting

Professional Lighting Guide (PLG) 02: The Application of Conflict Areas on the Highway, by the
Institution of Lighting Professionals

Professional Lighting Guide (PLG) 04: Guidance on Undertaking Environmental Lighting Impact
Assessment, by the Institution of Lighting Professionals

Professional Lighting Guide (PLG) 07: High Masts for Lighting and CCTV, by the Institution of Lighting

Professional Lighting Guide (PLG) 08: Guidance on the Application of Adaptive Lighting within the
Public Realm, by the Institution of Lighting Professionals

Technical Report (TR) 12: Lighting of Pedestrian Crossings, by the Institution of Lighting Professionals

Technical Report (TR) 22: Managing a Vital Asset: Lighting Supports, by the Institution of Lighting

Technical Report (TR) 23: Lighting of Cycle Tracks, by the Institution of Lighting Professionals

Technical Report (TR) 30: Guidance on the Implementation of Passively Safe Lighting Columns and
Signposts, by the Institution of Lighting Professionals

Institute of Lighting Professionals GP10: Safety During the Installation and Removal of Lighting
Columns and Similar Street Furniture in Proximity to High Voltage Overhead Lines

ILP Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light (GN01)

ET101:2008 ‘National Rules for Electrical Installations, Fourth Edition’ and Updates (Amendments,
Corrigenda and Errata) 06/2009 by the Electro-Technical Council of Ireland (ETCI)

Current ESB and ESBN Regulations, Codes of Practice and Guidelines including ESB National Code
of Practice for Customer Interface 4th Edition 2008

UK HSE Guidance Note GS6 – Avoiding danger from overhead power lines

EU Directive 2014/52/EU – Environmental Impact Assessment Directive

Design Manual for Urban Roads and Streets (DMURS), Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport

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Appendix A1 – Lighting Design File

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Project Team Overview
Section 3: Executive Summary of the Scheme Lighting Design
Section 4: Lighting Appraisal
Section 5: Lighting Design Methodology and Lighting Class Selection
Section 6: Electrical Design
Section 7: Lighting Specification
Section 8: Constraints
Section 9: Stakeholder Consultations
Section 10: Risk Assessment
Section 11: Calculations
Section 12: Drawings
Section 13: Cost Estimate
Section 14: IS EN 13201-5 Energy Efficiency Indicators (Life Cycle Costing)
Section 15: Miscellaneous
Section 16: Reserved for Historical Information (for reference purposes only)

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Appendix A2 – Lighting Design Handover

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Executive Summary of the Scheme Lighting
Section 3: Testing & Commissioning Results
Section 4: As Installed Drawings
Section 5: Manufacturers Data Sheets
Section 6: Health & Safety
Section 7: Maintenance Schedules
Section 8: IS EN 13201-5 Energy Performance Indicators (Life Cycle Costing)
Section 9: Lighting Inventory in accordance with the National Public Lighting Inventory
Section 10: Miscellaneous

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Appendix B1 – Lighting Evaluation Tool & Justification

for Lighting the Mainline
Mainline road lighting on the National Road network is generally restricted to urban locations with the
Mainline on the remaining rural network being predominately unlit.

Road lighting on the Mainline outside of urban locations shall only be provided where a lighting
evaluation has been undertaken and there is sufficient justification to provide lighting. This information
will be required to provide justification for a Departure from Standard that will be required for the
provision of Mainline lighting in rural locations on National Roads.

The lighting evaluation described under this Appendix is restricted to the Mainline only and is generally
associated with evaluating the provision of lighting on motorways and dual carriageways. It can also
be used to evaluate the provision of lighting on new single carriageway bypass roads in rural locations.

Justification for Mainline lighting shall be considered based on the following six key criteria:

Mainline Lighitng Criteria



Accessibility &
Social Exclusion


Physical Activity

The six criteria are further split down into sub-criteria to ensure a balanced assessment when
considering the lighting on the Mainline National Road network.

The main purpose of lighting on the National Road network is to provide enhanced safety with its
prime purpose in reducing traffic collisions during darkness. The quantifiable benefits in terms of the
predicted traffic collision savings during darkness shall be greater than the scheme costs in order to
provide economic justification.

Whilst safety is the primary purpose, other benefits and dis-benefits shall also be considered as part
of the lighting evaluation to ensure a balanced assessment.

Consideration of alternative measures likely to have a lower lifecycle cost or less adverse
environmental impact shall be assessed when determining the requirements for lighting on a scheme.

The lighting evaluation tool for Mainline lighting has been developed and is available for download
from the downloads section of the TII publications website (www.tiipublications.ie).

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This tool shall be used to derive a quantitative approach to assessing the requirement for lighting on
the Mainline National Road in order to calculate the following as part of the economic criteria:

a) PVB (Present Value of Benefits),

b) PVC (Present Value of Costs); and
c) NPV (Net Present Value)
The tool can also be used to identify budget figures for understanding capital expenditure and
operating costs. The tool has been compiled to automate various aspects to ensure a consistent
approach across different schemes when the assessment tool is used and will allow user defined
requirements to be entered in part to allow sensitivity analysis to be undertaken.

The balanced assessment for the six criteria and sub-criteria consists of a 1-page score card. Scores
shall be allocated as follows:

a) 7 – Major or highly positive;

b) 6 – Moderately positive;
c) 5 – Minor or slightly positive;
d) 4 – Not significant or neutral;
e) 3 – Minor or slightly negative;
f) 2 – Moderately negative; and
g) 1 – Major or highly negative.
The 1-page balanced scorecard shall be submitted to TII for approval as part of the Departure from
Standard process unless a conclusion is reached that lighting is not justified.

In most instances, it is expected that lighting on the Mainline will not be justified.

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Appendix B2 – Application and Assessment for Minor

Lighting Improvement Schemes on the National Road
The Appendix B1 lighting evaluation tool is more applicable when considering lighting of the Mainline
for major National Road projects. Appendix B2 can be used to support applications for a Departure
from Standard for the provision of minor additional lighting on the National Road network. This will
typically be either for the provision of new lighting or for an extension of existing lighting on the existing
single carriageway network.

A Departure from Standard shall be sought by the respective local authority (or design organisation)
who are proposing to provide lighting, which can be justified using the application form for Minor
Lighting Improvements on the National Road network described in this Appendix. The process is
depicted below:

Letter to
Approved Local

Email Form to TII

LA seek LA to TII to
([email protected]) Tii to review
support from complete complete
Application Refused
TII for route Application Scorecard
lighting Form Assessment

Amend Application Rejected

Further Information/Clarity from Local Authority

An application will be assessed against the following criteria:

a) Safety;
b) Accessibility & Integration;
c) Environment; and
d) Other supporting information.
Consideration of alternative measures likely to have a lower cost or less adverse environmental impact
shall be assessed when determining the requirements for lighting on a scheme.

An application form for Minor Lighting Improvements on the National Road network is available for
download from the downloads section of the TII publications website (www.tiipublications.ie).

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Appendix C – Refinement of the Traffic Route Lighting

Class Selection
Parameters for the selection of M/ME lighting class.
Weighting VW
Parameter Options
Value VW Selected

Very High (>100 km/h) 2

High (70 km/h to 100 km/h) 1
Moderate (40 km/h to 70 km/h) -1
Low (< 40 Km/h) -2

Very High to High (ADT>40,000)

Low to Moderate (ADT between 7,000 and
Traffic volume 0
Very low (ADT <7000)

Mixed with high % of non-motorised 2

Traffic Composition
Mixed 1
(Note 1)
Motorised only 0

No 1
Separation of carriageways
Yes 0

Junction Spacing High (<3km) 1

(Note 2) Moderate (>3km) 0

Present 1
Parked Vehicles
Not present 0

High 1
Ambient Luminance Moderate 0
Low -1

Poor 1
Visual guidance/ traffic control
Moderate or Good 0

Sum of Weighting Values

M - Lighting Class M-

1. There is no specific % figure applied under traffic composition. This category is

applicable to town and village centres where there is a high proportion of NMUs.
2. Not applicable when determining the lighting class for single carriageways. Refer
to BS 5489-1 Annex A Table A.2 Note 2 for further guidance.

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Appendix D – Unmetered Dimming Profiles

The unmetered dimming profiles that have been agreed with ESB Networks Limited and as described
in Section 3.15.1 are illustrated below. These may be applied to Regional and Local Road lighting or
where it is not feasible to switch existing electrical supplies from unmetered to metered on the National
Road network.

Trimming Only (LED)

Profile 1
35 Lux 18 Lux
Switch On Switch off
100% (No Dimming)


OFF (Daylight) OFF

1 Step Dimming – Standard Period (LED)

Profile 2A
35 Lux 18 Lux
Switch On 12am 6am Switch off

100% 100%


OFF (Daylight) OFF

Profile 2B
35 Lux 18 Lux
Switch On 12am 6am Switch off

100% 100%


OFF (Daylight) OFF

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Profile 2C

35 Lux 18 Lux
Switch On 12am 6am Switch off

100% 100%


OFF (Daylight) OFF

1 Step Dimming – Extended Period (LED)

Profile 3A

35 Lux Switch On 9pm 7am 18 Lux Switch off

100% 100%


OFF (Daylight)

Profile 3B

35 Lux Switch On 9pm 7am 18 Lux Switch off

100% 100%


OFF (Daylight)

Profile 3C

35 Lux Switch On 9pm 7am 18 Lux Switch off

100% 100%


OFF (Daylight)

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Multi Step (2-steps) Dimming (LED)

Profile 4A
8pm 10pm 7am
35 Lux 18 Lux
Switch On Switch off
100% 100%



OFF (Daylight) OFF

Profile 4B
35 Lux
Switch On 8pm 10pm 7am 18 Lux
Switch off
100% 100%



OFF (Daylight) OFF

Profile 4C
35 Lux
8pm 10pm 7am 18 Lux
Switch On
Switch off
100% 100%



OFF (Daylight) OFF

Profile 4D
35 Lux 18 Lux
Switch On 8pm 10pm 7am
Switch off
100% 100%



OFF (Daylight) OFF

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A summary of the dimming profiles by lighting class reduction for M/ME, S and P Classes are tabulated below:
A one-step lighting class reduction

RA < 60 S/P = 1.2 S/P = 2

From To Output Profile From To Output Profile From To Output Profile From To Output Profile
M/ME1 M/ME2 75% 2A S1 S2 67% 2B P1 P2 64% 2B P1 P2 63% 2B
M/ME2 M/ME3 67% 2B S2 S3 75% 2A P2 P3 73% 2A P2 P3 71% 2A
M/ME3 M/ME4 75% 2A S3 S4 67% 2B P3 P4 63% 2B P3 P4 62% 2B
M/ME4 M/ME5 67% 2B S4 S5 60% 2B P4 P5 55% 2B P4 P5 53% 2B
M/ME5 M/ME6 60% 2B S5 S6 67% 2B P5 P6 64% 2B P5 P6 61% 2B

A two-step lighting class reduction

RA < 60 S/P = 1.2 S/P = 2

From To Output Profile From To Output Profile From To Output Profile From To Output Profile
M/ME1 M/ME3 50% 2C S1 S3 50% 2C P1 P3 47% 2C P1 P3 45% 2C
M/ME2 M/ME4 50% 2C S2 S4 50% 2C P2 P4 47% 2C P2 P4 44% 2C
M/ME3 M/ME5 50% 2C S3 S5 40% 2C P3 P5 35% 2C P3 P5 33% 2C
M/ME4 M/ME6 40% 2C S4 S6 40% 2C P4 P6 35% 2C P4 P6 32% 2C


The Profiles denoted in the tables above refer to the illustrations depicted in this Appendix.

RA refers to the colour rendering index of a light source. The higher the number the more the light source can display natural colours.

An RA<60 is considered to have a poor colour rendering ability.

An S/P ratio of 1.2 provides a warm CCT. An S/P ratio of 2 is for cooler CCT light sources. The application of S/P ratios and the reduction in
illuminance values is not permitted for traffic routes. S and P classes are shown for information purposes only.

M/ME lighting classes are generally applied to traffic routes. Conflict Areas generally apply a C/CE lighting class.

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Appendix E – Informative Appendix on Correlated Colour

Temperature (CCT)
The implementation of LED to replace high and low pressure sodium has resulted in an ability to
improve colour rendering and there is a greater range of correlated colour temperatures (CCT) that
can be applied when compared to the monochromatic and warm CCT sources associated with SON
and SOX.

Spectral Power Distribution (SPD) provides a measure of the power of each wavelength produced by
a light source and whilst this is a fundamental and more informative metric, the general metric of CCT
tends to be used when differentiating between the colour quality of light sources.

The initial range of LED light source that became available had a cool CCT (>5300K) appearance and
these offered the greatest opportunity to maximise efficiency in terms of reducing energy consumption.
Early adopters of LED tended to use the cool CCT as at that time these provided the most significant
energy efficiency savings.

As LED technology has evolved, intermediate colour temperatures (typically 4,000-4,300K) became
available with only a marginal reduction in energy efficiency and have been considered and adopted
by many lighting designers as the view is that they offer a less stark appearance when compared to
cool CCT but still offered good colour rendering ability.

Further advances in LED technology has seen the availability of warm CCT (<3,300K) and the
difference in energy efficiency when compared to intermediate CCT LED is reducing as LED is being
further developed.

Some research undertaken to date whilst limited does suggest improvements such as performance in
poor weather conditions and having less adverse impact on some species of flora and fauna when a
lower CCT is used.

It is expected that as more research is taken in the future there will be a better understanding of LED
sources and aspects such as the CCT in order to determine the LED performance requirements that
will offer a more balanced solution.

The warm light source colour is considered to offer a balance between maximising energy savings
and taking into consideration environmental factors and impact on road users, particularly
performance in poor weather conditions and for the ageing population.

The lighting designer shall consider the use of a warm CCT (<3,300K) or intermediate (limited to
4,000K) for the lighting design when using LED. Intermediate and cool temperatures (>4,000K) shall
not be used.

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