Comparative Study of Is, Euro, Australian and American Code
Comparative Study of Is, Euro, Australian and American Code
Comparative Study of Is, Euro, Australian and American Code
Critical study of design of steel members subjected to flexure and combined forces as
per IS 800:2007, AS 4100:1998, AISC 360-16 and EN 1993-1-1:2005
Submitted By
Dr. Dhara Shah
Sr. Assistant Professor
CEPT University
I, Tirth Ganatra, the author of the dissertation titled Critical study of design of steel
members subjected to flexure and combined forces as per IS:800:2007, AS 4100:1998,
AISC 360-16 and EN 1993-1-1:2005 hereby declare that this is an independent work of mine,
carried out towards partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of M. Tech degree in
Structural Engineering Design at the Faculty of Technology, CEPT University, Ahmedabad.
This work has not been submitted to any other institution for the award of any degree/diploma.
This document describes work undertaken as part of the MTech degree in Structural Engineering Design at the
Faculty of Technology, CEPT University. All views and opinions expressed therein remain the sole responsibility
of the author, and do not necessarily represent those of CEPT University, the Dissertation Guide(s), or the
Dissertation Committee.
Kasturbhai Lalbhai Campus, University Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380009, Phone: (079)26302740, Fax: 26302075,
Thesis Title: Critical study of design of steel members subjected to flexure and combined
forces as per IS: 800:2007, AS 4100:1998, AISC 360-16 and EN 1993-1-1:2005
Approval Certificate
The above study done by Tirth Ganatra is hereby certified as a creditable work on the
approved subject, carried out and presented in a manner sufficiently satisfactory to
warrant its acceptance as partial fulfilment towards M.Tech. Degree in Structural
Engineering Design for which it has been submitted. It is to be understood by this
approval that the undersigned does not necessarily endorse or approve any statement
made, opinion expressed or conclusions drawn therein, but approves the study only
for the purpose for which it is submitted and satisfies his/her work as per requirements.
Guide Dean
Dr. Dhara Shah Dr.Paresh Shah
Sr. Assistant Professor Faculty of Technology
CEPT University, Ahmedabad CEPT University, Ahmedabad
IS 800:2007 which is Indian standard is based on limit state design for the design of steel
structures. Section for design of flexure members includes the design of laterally supported
beams, laterally unsupported beams, plate girders, box girders, purlins and sheeting rails.
Section for design of members subjected to combined forces is focussing on design of members
subjected to combined shear and bending, axial force and bending.
The main focus of the study is comparison of design methodology for the members subjected
to bending and combined forces according to Indian Standard (IS 800:2007), Australian code
(AS 4100), Euro code (EN 1993-1-1:2005) and American code (AISC 360-16). In this study
critical study of four standards have been done to find the effect of various parameters in design
which is explained by examples.
The study includes the design of laterally supported beams, unsupported beams and design of
members subjected to bending and axial force of span 5m,6m,7m and 10m.Design capacity,
shear strength capacity for flexure members and section strength and overall member strength
have been compared using Indian steel section according to IS 800:2007, AS 4100:1998, EN
1993-1-1:2005 and AISC 360-16.
As all the codes are using limit state of design method for the design of steel members. Various
parameters which are used for the design in IS 800:2007, AS 4100:1998, EN 1993-1-1:2005
and AISC 360-16 are also included in this study. Design of plate girders and box girders is not
included in this study.
With a deep sense of gratitude, I wish to express my sincere thanks to my guide, Dr. Dhara
Shah, for her valuable guidance and continual encouragement throughout the entire duration
of thesis. The confidence and dynamism with which Mr. Shashin Patel guided the work
requires no elaboration. His valuable suggestions as final words during the course of work are
greatly acknowledged.
I would like to extend my special thanks to Dr. Paresh Shah, Dean, Faculty of technology,
CEPT university for his continual kind words of encouragement and motivation through the
thesis. I would like to express my appreciation to my advisory committee: Prof V.R. Shah,
Prof. Aanal Shah and Prof.Anal Sheth for allowing me to do research and kept an eye on the
progress of my work.
I am indebted to all my family members and specially my classmates Abhinav, Abhi, Bhaumik,
Rahil, Jeet, Vishva, Ishan and whole SED 2017 batch. My sincere thanks to senior Mr. Amit
Joshi for helping me.
I would like to thank all who’s direct and indirect support helped to complete my work in time.
The blessing of God and my family enlighten my way for completion of thesis.
Tirth Ganatra
Roll No.PT402015
APPROVAL CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................................................... III
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................................................... IV
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................................................... V
CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................................................... VI
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................... VIII
LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................................ IX
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................................................ X
1.INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... - 1 -
1.1GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................... - 1 -
1.2DESIGN PHILOSOPHY ................................................................................................................................. - 2 -
1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THESIS................................................................................................................................ - 2 -
1.4 SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................................................ - 3 -
1.5 NEED OF STUDY ........................................................................................................................................ - 3 -
1.6 DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................... - 4 -
2.LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................................................... - 5 -
2.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. - 5 -
2.2 LITERATURE STUDIED............................................................................................................................... - 5 -
2.3LIMIT STATE METHOD ................................................................................................................................ - 7 -
2.3.1 Basic of Limit State Design ............................................................................................................ - 7 -
2.3.2 Types of limit states: ....................................................................................................................... - 8 -
2.4MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO FLEXURE ........................................................................................................... - 8 -
2.4.1 Behaviour of steel beams ................................................................................................................ - 8 -
2.4.2 Modes of failure .............................................................................................................................. - 9 -
2.5 SECTION CLASSIFICATION ......................................................................................................................... - 9 -
2.6COMPONENTS OF CROSS SECTION: ........................................................................................................... - 10 -
2.7MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO COMBINED FORCES: ......................................................................................... - 10 -
3.DESIGN MEMBER SUBJECTED BENDING ........................................................................................... - 11 -
3.1INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ - 11 -
3.2CLASSIFICATION OF BEAMS ..................................................................................................................... - 11 -
3.3DESIGN PROCESS OF BEAMS ..................................................................................................................... - 12 -
3.4PARTIAL SAFETY FACTORS....................................................................................................................... - 12 -
3.5SECTION CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................................................ - 13 -
3.4DESIGN STRENGTH OF LATERALLY SUPPORTED BEAMS............................................................................ - 16 -
3.4.1. Design bending resistance according to IS800:2007 .................................................................... - 16 -
3.4.2 Design bending resistance according to EN 1993-1-1:2005 ......................................................... - 17 -
3.4.3 Design bending resistance according to AS4100:1998 ................................................................. - 18 -
3.4.4 Design bending resistance according to AISC 360-16 .................................................................. - 19 -
3.5 SHEAR STRENGTH ................................................................................................................................... - 19 -
3.5.1 Shear capacity of the section according to IS800:2007 ................................................................. - 20 -
3.5.2Shear capacity of the section according to EN 1993 1 1:2005 ....................................................... - 20 -
3.5.2 Shear capacity of the section according to AS 4100:1998 ............................................................ - 21 -
3.5.3 Shear capacity of the section AISC 360-16 ................................................................................... - 21 -
3.5.4 General procedure for the design of laterally supported beams .................................................... - 22 -
3.6 LATERAL STABILITY OF THE BEAMS ........................................................................................................ - 22 -
3.7 WEB BUCKLING AND WEB CRIPPLING ...................................................................................................... - 22 -
3.8 DESIGN BENDING STRENGTH OF LATERALLY UNRESTRAINED BEAM ....................................................... - 24 -
3.8.1 Design bending strength of laterally unrestrained beam according to IS 800:2007 ...................... - 24 -
3.8.2 Design buckling resistance moment according EN 1993-1-1:2005 .............................................. - 25 -
3.8.3 Design resistance for moment according to AS 4100:1998 .......................................................... - 26 -
3.8.4. Design resistance for moment according to AS 4100:1998 ......................................................... - 26 -
3.9 ELASTIC LATERAL TORSIONAL BUCKLING MOMENT ................................................................................ - 26 -
3.9.1 Elastic lateral torsional buckling moment as per IS800:2007 ....................................................... - 26 -
3.9.2.Elastic lateral torsional buckling moment according to EN-1993-1-1:2005 ................................. - 30 -
3.9.3 Elastic lateral torsional buckling moment as per AS4100:1998 .................................................... - 31 -
3.9.4 Elastic lateral torsional buckling moment according to AISC360-16 ........................................... - 34 -
3.9.5 General procedure for design of laterally unsupported beam ........................................................ - 35 -
3.10 DEFLECTION CRITERIA .......................................................................................................................... - 35 -
4.MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO COMBINED FORCES ............................................................................... - 37 -
4.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................ - 37 -
4.2 BEHAVIOUR OF MEMBERS ....................................................................................................................... - 37 -
4.3 INDIAN CODE(IS800:2007) PROVISIONS .................................................................................................. - 39 -
4.3.1 Local capacity check ..................................................................................................................... - 39 -
4.3.2 Overall Buckling check ................................................................................................................. - 40 -
4.4 EUROCODE(EN 1993-1-1:2005) PROVISIONS .......................................................................................... - 41 -
4.4.1 Bending and axial force ................................................................................................................ - 41 -
4.4.2 Bending, shear and axial force ...................................................................................................... - 43 -
4.5 AUSTRALIAN CODE PROVISIONS (AS 4100:1998) ................................................................................... - 43 -
4.5.1 Uniaxial bending about major principal x-axis (Section capacity) ............................................... - 44 -
4.5.2 Uniaxial bending about major principal x-axis(Member capacity) ............................................... - 45 -
4.5.3 Uniaxial bending about minor axis(Section capacity) ................................................................... - 46 -
4.5.4 Uniaxial bending about minor axis (Member capacity) ................................................................ - 47 -
4.5.5 Biaxial bending (Section capacity)................................................................................................ - 47 -
4.5.6 Biaxial bending(Member capacity) ............................................................................................... - 47 -
4.6 AMERICAN CODE PROVISION (AISC 360-16) .......................................................................................... - 48 -
4.6.1 Members subjected to flexure and axial compression ................................................................... - 48 -
4.6.2 Members subjected to tension and single axis flexure .................................................................. - 49 -
4.7 INTERACTION RATIO ............................................................................................................................... - 49 -
5.ANALYSIS DATA ...................................................................................................................................... - 50 -
5.1GENERAL ................................................................................................................................................. - 50 -
5.2 DESIGN OF MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO FLEXURE........................................................................................ - 50 -
5.2.1 LATERALLY SUPPORTED BEAMS........................................................................................................... - 50 -
5.2.2 LATERALLY UNSUPPORTED BEAMS ...................................................................................................... - 52 -
5.3 DESIGN OF MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO COMBINED FORCES ........................................................................ - 54 -
6.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION................................................................................................................. - 62 -
6.1 COMPARISON OF CODAL PROVISION ........................................................................................................ - 62 -
6.2 INTERPRETATION OF RESULT DATA ......................................................................................................... - 62 -
6.3 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................... - 63 -
6.4 FUTURE SCOPE........................................................................................................................................ - 64 -
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................ - 65 -
List of Figures
FIGURE 2.2: FACTORED LOAD VS. EFFECTIVE SPAN ........................................................................... - 7 -
FIGURE 3.1: LATERAL TORSIONAL BUCKLING.................................................................................... - 12 -
FIGURE 3.2: INTERACTION BETWEEN MOMENT AND SHEAR .......................................................... - 17 -
FIGURE 3.3 LOCAL BUCKLING OF WEB ................................................................................................. - 23 -
FIGURE 3.5: EFFECTIVE WIDTH OF WEB BUCKLING .......................................................................... - 23 -
FIGURE 4.1:BEHAVIOUR OF SLENDER BEAM-COLUMNS .................................................................. - 38 -
54 -
FIGURE 5.14: BIAXIAL BENDING AND AXIAL TENSION (SECTION CAPACITY) ........................... - 60 -
FIGURE 5.15: BIAXIAL BENDING AND AXIAL TENSION (MEMBER CAPACITY) ........................... - 61 -
List of Tables
TABLE 1.1: DESIGN PHILOSOPHY ACCORDING TO VARIOUS COUNTRIES ..................................... - 1 -
TABLE 3.1: SECTION CLASSIFICATION AS PER IS 800:2007 ............................................................... - 13 -
TABLE 3.2 SECTION CLASSIFICATION AS PER EN-1993-1-1(2005) .................................................... - 13 -
TABLE 3.3(1)SECTION CLASSIFICATION AS PER AS4100-1998 .......................................................... - 14 -
TABLE 3.3(2)SLENDERNESS RATIO FOR PLATE ELEMENTS ............................................................. - 15 -
TABLE 3.4 SECTION CLASSIFICATION AS PER AISC 360-16 ............................................................... - 15 -
TABLE 3.5 EFFECTIVE LENGTH ACCORDING TO IS800:2007 ............................................................. - 29 -
TABLE 3.6 TWIST RESTRAINT FACTOR .................................................................................................. - 33 -
TABLE 3.7 LOAD FACTORS (KT) FOR GRAVITY LOADS TABLE ........................................................ - 33 -
TABLE 3.8 LATERAL TORSION RESTRAINT FACTORS(KR) ................................................................ - 33 -
TABLE 3.9 ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION ................................................................................................... - 36 -
TABLE 5.1: BASIC DATA FOR LATERALLY SUPPORTED BEAMS ..................................................... - 50 -
TABLE 5.2: SECTION CLASSIFICATION .................................................................................................. - 50 -
TABLE 5.4: BASIC DATA FOR LATERALLY UNSUPPORTED BEAMS ............................................... - 52 -
TABLE 5.5: SECTION CLASSIFICATION .................................................................................................. - 52 -
TABLE 5.7:BASIC DATA FOR MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO COMBINED FORCES ............................. - 54 -
TABLE 5.8: SECTION SELECTION FOR DIFFERENT LENGTH ............................................................. - 54 -
TABLE 5.9 SECTION CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................... - 55 -
List of Abbreviations
IS 800:2007
z-z Major axis of cross section
y-y Minor axis of cross section
fy=Characteristics yield stress
I=Moment of inertia of the member about an axis perpendicular to the frame
Ifc=Moment of inertia of the compression flange of the beam about the axis of parallel to the
Ift=Moment of inertia of the tension flange of the beam about minor axis
It=St. Vennant’s torsion constant
Iw=Wrapping constant
KL=Effective length of the member
KL/ry=Effective slenderness ratio of the section about the minor axis of the section
KL/rz=Effective slenderness ratio of the section about major axis of the section
Mcr=Elastic critical moment corresponding to lateral torsional buckling of the beam
Md=Design flexure strength
Mdv=Moment capacity of the section under high shear
Mdy=Design bending strength about the minor axis of the cross section
Mdz=Design bending strength about the major axis of the cross section
Meff=Reduced effective moment
Nd=Design strength in tension or compression
P=Factored applied axial force
Pd=Design axial compressive strength
Pdy,Pdz=Design compression strength as governed by flexure buckling about the respective axis
Zp=Plastic section modulus
Ze=Elastic section modulus
gm=Partial safety factor for material
m=Poisson’s ratio
EN 1993-1-1:2005
y-y Major axis of a cross-section
z-z Minor axis of a cross-section
fy=Yield strength of a steel
gM0=Plastic factor for resistance of cross-sections whatever the class is
AS 4100:1998
x-x Major axis of cross section
y-y Minor axis of cross section
fy=Yield stress used in design
G=Shear modulus
I=Second moment of area of a cross-section
Iw=Wrapping constant of a cross section
J=Torsional constant of cross section
Mb=Nominal member moment capacity
Mi=Nominal in-plane member moment capacity
Nc=Nominal member capacity in compression
Nt=Nominal section capacity in tension
le=Plate element slenderness
AISC 360-16
Cb= Lateral-torsional buckling modification factor for nonuniform moment diagrams
Fy= Specified minimum yield stress
I=Moment of inertia in the plane of bending
Lb= Length between points that are either braced against lateral displacement of compression
flange or braced against twist of the cross section
Lp= Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of yielding
Lr= Limiting laterally unbraced length for the limit state of inelastic lateral-torsional buckling
Mcx, Mcy= Available flexural strength for the respective axis
Pr= Required axial strength using LRFD or ASD load combination
Steel structures are so common in developed countries. Developing countries like India,
steel structures are becoming more and more important due to its advantages over R.C.C.
structures. In various countries steel structures are designed according to their respective codes.
In various countries different codes have different theories but the fundamental idea remains
the same behind it. Steel members are also required to be designed for combined forces as well
as flexure.
Earlier, most of the countries were using design philosophy of working stress method,
but due to improvement in design, limit state philosophy was developed. Now most of the
countries use limit state design philosophy for the design as vast research has been done in the
field of structural engineering in past 50 years.
Due to advancement in technology and engineers were facing the problem with
previous design code (IS 800:1984), the Bureau of Indian Standard, New Delhi had requested
the faculties of Indian Institute of Technology-Madras to help and prepare the new code based
on current practices of the various countries. The work of providing new design code (IS
800:2007) was carried out as a project with the financial support from the Institute for Steel
Development and Growth(INSDAG), Calcutta.
Various international codes have been used for introducing IS800:2007. The new code
has adopted various parameters from international `codes and it has also introduced provisions
on partial safety factor depends on limit state design, design against fatigue, design for fire
load, design for durability, design by testing.
1.2Design Philosophy
The previous design philosophy, Working Stress Method(WSM) was based on linear
elastic theory which has been replaced with limit state design theory in most of the countries.
Working stress method was based on ultimate strength of steel and ultimate loads. Working
stress method was developed in 1950.
After it, probablistics concept was adopted for the design. The philosophy was based
on the theory that different uncertainties can be tackled more rationally in the mathematical
framework of probability theory. The risk which was involved in design was quantified in terms
of a probability of failure which is known as reliability based method.
After that probabilistic ‘reliability method’ approach was simplified and transformed
to a deterministic approach. The philosophy of the limit state method was introduced in the
British Code CP 110(1972) (now BS 8110), and the Indian concrete IS456: 1978.Limit states
design was first adopted for steel structures in the Canadian code in 1974, which was followed
by British code BS 5950 and BS 5400.In USA, the American Institute of Steel Construction
introduced the LSM in the form of load resistance factor design(LRFD) in 1993.
Learning as well as understanding the basis of various clauses concerned with section of design
of members subjected to flexure and combined forces from IS 800:2007, AISC 360-16, EN
1993-1-1(2005), AS 4100:1998
Comparing similarities as well as difference between four standards
Searching the area which has not been covered in each code
To document step-by step procedure for designing different types of members, clearly
highlighting different methodology adopted in four different countries so that it may be helpful
to practicing engineers.
1.6 Definitions
Laterally supported beam:
A beam experiencing bending along major axis and when the compression flange is restrained
from buckling such beams are called laterally unsupported beam.
Web crippling:
Web crippling and buckling are almost same phenomena but it takes place when it is being
compressed. It also takes place at the beam support, where there is bottom flange resting on
support, and top flange takes load.
2.Literature Review
2.1 General
Literature review provides general idea about the work which has been carried out for
the design of steel members subjected to flexure and combined forces. It helps in confining the
extent of work furthermore helps in choosing the line of activity of the work. It gives us clear
vision of work and gives the overall scenario to it. During this many concepts will be cleared
which will expand the clarity of the topic. The literature is summarised below.
This paper reviews the design philosophy of IS800:2007 after it was revised over IS 800:1984
which had adopted working stress method for the design. As there is continuous development
in the field of structural engineering and design, though the Bureau of Indian Standards revises
the codes almost after 20 to 25 years. Contradictory, the codes of practices for other countries
are revised at regular intervals. For the members subjected to bending, short beams achieve
plastic moment capacity depending on, heather the section is being selected plastic or compact.
Long beams are prone to lateral-torsional buckling which results in reduced strength. The
Indian code has adopted two curves for the design of laterally unsupported beams. (rolled
section and welded section).IS 800:2007 gives simplified equation for Mcr for different beam
sections subjected to different loadings and support conditions according to Annexure E. For
the members subjected to combined forces should be checked for cross section strength and
overall member strength. Interaction formulas for the members in bending and axial
compression are adopted from Eurocode 3 provisions and the improved interaction equations
suggested by Greiner and Lindner (2006). For the overall member strength, equations given in
American code are less complex than given in IS800:2007.
Danny J. Yong, Aitziber Lopez and Migule A. Serna,” A Comparative study of AISC-LRFD
& EC3 approaches to beam-column buckling resistance”, Stability & ductility of steel
structures, D. Camotim et al. (Eds.) Lisbon, Portugal, Sepetember 6-8,2006
In this paper comparative study of AISC LRFD and the new European code for the design of
steel structures, Eurocode 3 have been done. Similarities and differences between the two
standards have been identified. Comparative study is performed for a rolled I-section with
different slenderness. The results are shown in figure 2.1. Figure 2.1 shows the interaction
curves for different slenderness values and moment distribution. There are four curves have
been presented in each figure in which maximum values of combined bending moment and
axial compression. Following figure represents the comparison of the results corresponding to
section HEB 300 with uniform moment and non-dimensional slenderness value of 0.5 and 1.5.
It is seen from the figure that AISC LRFD has the bi-linear shape, EC3 buckling interaction
curve have parabolic shape. The main difference between AISC LRFD and EC3 has been that,
EC3 maintains two ultimate limit states(ULS) for all loading conditions: Cross section buckling
resistance ULS and buckling resistance ULS.In contrast, AISC LRFD has adopted both
ultimate limit states in its specification. For slenderness value of 0.5 in uniform moment
distribution AISC LRFD is more conservative than EC3, but in the case of slenderness value
of 1.5 EC3 approach is more conservative.
Figure 2.1: Comparison of results between AISC LRFD and EC3 approach
Gayatri Bhanudas Purnaye & Prof U.R. Awari,” Design Aids for Beams with Varying
Conditions in Accordance with IS 800:2007”, International Journal on Recent Innovation
and Trends in Computing and Communication, Volume 3, Issue 5)
The paper discusses that there are no guidelines given in IS 800:2007 regarding selection of
the initial section. Flow charts have been prepared for the design of laterally supported and
laterally unsupported beams. Different sections have been used and graph has been plotted
against the factored load vs. effective span for laterally supported and laterally unsupported
Main objectives of limit state method:
Structure must be checked for relevant limit state
For each type of limit state appropriate actions are to be considered
From the different parameters such as material properties and geometrical data it is necessary
to verify that none of the limit state should be exceeded.
Design based on deflection
Design based on shear
(Design of steel Structures-B.C. Punmia)
Shear failure: Shear failure would most likely to be observed as buckling of web of the beam
near locations of high shear forces. Near reactions of concentrated loads, the beam can fail
locally due to crushing or buckling of web.
Deflection failure: Large beam deflections can also represent failure when the intended use of
the beam places limits on deflection.
(Design of steel Structures-B.C. Punmia)
B. Compact: Cross sections which can develop their full-plastic moment Mp but where the
local buckling prevents the required rotation at this moment to take place.
C.Semi-Compact: Semi-compact cross-sections are those in which the stress in the extreme
fibres should be limited to yield stress because local buckling would prevent the development
of the full plastic moment Mp.Only yield moment can be developed in such kind of sections.
D.Slender: Slender cross-sections are those in which yield in the extreme fibres cannot be
attained because of premature buckling in the elastic range.
2.6Components of cross section:
Cross section is made of different plate elements. It consists web and flanges, in compression
it can be separated in two categories:
Internal or stiffened elements: these elements are considered to be simply supported along two
edges parallel to the direction of compressive stress.
Outstand or unstiffened elements: these elements are considered to be simply supported along
one edge and free on the other edge parallel to the direction.
- 10 -
3.Design member subjected bending
A flexure member is general term to describe a member subjected to primarily to
bending moment. Beams under floor, a gantry girder and plate girder are flexure members.
Beam is combination of compression and tension member. Beam is a structural member which
is spanning between two supports, and transmitting loads by bending action. Steel beams are
available in various type of shapes and in some situation the response of the beam would be
more complex.
3.2Classification of beams
According to lateral restrained conditions, beams are divided in following categories.
Laterally supported beams (Unable to move laterally)
Laterally unsupported beams
- 11 -
Figure 3.1: Lateral torsional buckling
IS (800:2007) (Table 5)
For the resistance governed by yielding and buckling gmo=1.10
EN 1993-1-1:2005(Clause 6.1)
For the buildings:gmo=1.0
AS 4100:1998(Table 3.4)
In AS4100:1998 code, capacity factor(F) has been used.
- 12 -
Web in shear=0.9
Web in bearing=0.9
3.5Section classification
Table 3.1: Section classification as per IS 800:2007
Parameters Criteria
Yield stress
Plastic(b/tf)(flange) 9.4e
Plastic(d/tw)(web) 84e
Compact(web)(d/tw) 105e
Plastic(b/tf)(flange) 9e
- 13 -
Plastic(d/tw)(web) 72e
Compact(web)(d/tw) 83e
slenderness is determined by
the value calculated for a flat
plate element with maximum
compression at an
unsupported edge and zero
stress or tension at other edge
and which satisfies ls>lsy
Z(lsy/ls)0.5(For circular
𝑏 𝑓y
section slenderness= ∗ √
𝑡 250
- 14 -
Table 3.3(2)Slenderness ratio for plate elements
Plate Longitudinal Residual Plasticity Yield Deformation
element edges stresses limitlep/lsp Limit(ley/lsy) limit(led)
type supported
Uniform Compression
Flat Both HR 30 45 90
Flanges of rolled I b/t 𝐸 𝐸
0.38√𝑓 1.0√𝑓
y y
and tees
Flanges of doubly b/t 𝐸 𝐾c𝐸
0.38√𝑓 0.95√ 𝑓
y y
and singly
symmetric I-shaped
built-up section
Compression elements members Subject to Flexure (Table B4.1b) (Stiffened
symmetric I-shaped
- 15 -
sections and
Webs of singly hc/tw 𝑀p 𝐸
(hc/hp)(E/Fy)0.5/[(0.54𝑀 ) − 5.70√𝑓
y y
symmetric I-shaped
0.09]2 ≤lr
Design bending resistance for bending about major principal axis: (Clause:8.2.1)
Md=bbZpfy/gmo≤1.2Zefy/gmo ….(3.2)
- 16 -
(b)When the factored shear force exceeds 60% of the design shear strength, the following
formula applies.
In this case, a member subjected to both bending and shear has to use its web to resist shear
force as well as to assist flange in resisting moment. So, when cross section is subjected to both
has a reduced moment resistance in the presence of high shear. (Design of steel Structures-
b=(2V/Vd-1)2 …(3.4)
- 17 -
For Class 1 and Class 2 cross section:
Mc,Rd=Mpl,Rd= …..(3.6)
(b)When designed shear force is more than 50% capacity of the section, the reduced designed
bending strength should be found out using reduced yield strength. (Clause 6.2.8 (3))
Reduced yield strength=(1-r)fy …(3.9)
r=(2VEd/Vpl,Rd-1)2 ...(3.10)
Mx*≤FMbx ….(3.12)
- 18 -
Msx=The nominal section moment capacity about x-axis
Mbx=The nominal member moment capacity
A member bent about the section minor principal y-axis shall satisfy the following equation.
My*≤FMsy ..(3.13)
- 19 -
3.5.1 Shear capacity of the section according to IS800:2007
According to clause of IS800:2007 shear capacity shall be checked as follows:
The factored design force shall be less than the shear capacity of the section
Vn≤Vd …(3.17)
Vd=Vn/gmo ….(3.18)
The nominal shear strength of a cross section Vn may be governed by plastic shear resistance
or the strength of the web governed by shear buckling. The nominal plastic shear resistance
under pure shear is given by Vn =Vp
Av=Shear area
fyw=Yield strength of the web
Vc,Rd=The design shear resistance
Vc,Rd=Design plastic shear resistance
In the absence of torsion, the design plastic resistance is given by following formula:
Av=Shear area
fy=yield strength of the web
Vpl,Rd=Design plastic shear resistance
- 20 -
3.5.2 Shear capacity of the section according to AS 4100:1998
According to clause 5.11.1 of AS 4100:1198
A web subjected to design shear force shall satisfy
V*≤FVv ….(3.22)
F=Capacity factor
dp 82
(i) When, t ≤ fy
w √
dp 82
(ii) When,t > fy
w √
Vn=0.6FyAwCv ..(3.25)
Aw=Area of web
Fy=Strength of the steel (N/mm2)
- 21 -
3.5.4 General procedure for the design of laterally supported beams
IS 800:2007,EN 1993-1-1:2005,AS 4100:1998,AISC 360-16
Calculation of factored loads
Calculation of maximum bending moment and shear force
Find out section modulus required
Select the suitable section
Section classification
Check whether the reduction in bending moment is required due to shear force or not
Calculate design moment capacity of the section according to respective clause
Calculate the shear strength of the section
Check for the deflection
- 22 -
which is restrained by beam flanges. Such strut can be considered at the point of concentrated
load or reactions at the support as shown in figure 3.4 and 3.5
The load is being speeded out over a finite length of the web as shown in figure 3.10. It is called
dispersion length and complex theoretically. So, the formula which is being is used, it derived
from experiment. Dispersion length is taken as (b1+n1).
- 23 -
Web buckling formula:
Strength of the web against web buckling=(b1+n1)twfcd ….(3.26)
b1=(bf-tw)/2 …(3.27)
tw=Thickness of web
fcd=Design compressive strength to be obtained from Table 9 IS800:2007
b1=(bf-tw)/2 …(3.29)
n2=2.5*(tf+r1) ..(3.30)
r1=Root radius
tw=Thickness of web
fy=Yield strength of the web
(Design of steel structures-N.Subramanian)
- 24 -
fbd=cLTfy/gmo …(3.32)
cLT= {F …(3.33)
FLT=0.5[1+aLT(lLT-0.2)+lLT2} …(3.34)
=√f for,lLT <0.4 value lateral torsional buckling does not apply …(3.36)
Mcr=Elastic critical moment
fcr,b=Extreme fibre compressive stress corresponding to elastic lateral buckling moment
Wy=Wpl,y for Class 1 & Class 2 cross-sections
Wy=Wel,y for Class 3 cross-sections
Wy=Weff,y for Class 4 cross-sections
cLT= {F …(3.38)
FLT=0.5[1+aLT(lLT-0.2)+lLT2} …(3.39)
lLT=√ M <0.4 (Lateral torsional buckling does not apply) …(3.40)
- 25 -
3.8.3 Design resistance for moment according to AS 4100:1998
The section capacity of is checked according to clause 5.2(AS 4100:1998) as discussed
in 3.4.3 of this section.
p2EIy K Iw GIw(LLT)2
Mcr=c1 (L {[(Kw) 2 I + + (c2ys-c3yj)2] 0.5-(c2yg-c3yj} ….(3.41)
LT)2 y p2EIy
c1,c2,c3=Factors depending upon the loading and end restraint conditions(Table 42)
K=Effective length factors of the unsupported length accounting for boundary conditions
at the end lateral supports. The effective length factor K varies from 0.5 for complete
restraint against rotation about weak axis to 1.0 for free rotate about weak axis, with
0.7 for the case of one end fixed and other end free. It is analogous to the effective
length factors for compression members with end rotational restraint
- 26 -
Kw=Warping restraint factor. Unless special provisions to restrain warping of the section
at the end lateral supports are made,Kw should be taken as 1.0
yg=y distance between the point of application of the load and the shear centre of the
cross-section and is positive when the load is acting towards the shear centre from
the cross-section and is positive when the load is acting towards the shear centre
from the point of application
yi=yg-0.5∫A (z2-y2)ydA/Iz
ys=co-ordinate of the shear centre with respect to centroid,positive when the shear centre
is on compression side of the centroid.
a)Plain flanges:
(when bf>0.5)
(when bf≤0.5)
b) Lipped flanges
(when bf>0.5)
(when bf≤0.5)
hL=height of the lip
- 27 -
h=overall height of the section
hy=distance between shear centre of the two flanges of the cross-section
It=torsion constant given by:
=Sbiti3/3 for open section
Ae=area enclosed by the section
b,t=breadth and thickness of the elements respectively
bf=Ifc/(Ifc+Ift) where Ifc,Ift are the moment of inertia of the compression and tension
From the equation 3.41 following equations are given in clause of IS800:2007
(I) In case of simply supported, prismatic members with symmetric cross-section, the elastic
lateral buckling moment,Mcr,can be determined from
p2EIy p2EIw
Mcr=√{((L ) [GIw+ (L ]} = bbZpfcr,b …..(3.42)
LT)2 LT)2
fcr.b of non-slender rolled steel sections in the above equation may be approximately calculated
from the values given in Table 14, which has been prepared using following equation:
1.1π2E 1 LLT/ry
fcr,b= LLT [1+ 20 ( )2]0.5 ….(3.43)
( )2 hf/tf
The following simplified equation may be used in the case of prismatic members made of
standard rolled I-sections and welded doubly symmetric I-sections for calculating the elastic
lateral buckling moment,Mcr
- 28 -
π2EIyhf 1 LLT/ry
Mcr= 2LLT2 [1+ 20 ( )2]0.5 ….(3.44)
It=torsional constant=Sbiti3/3 for open section;
Iw=Warping constant
Iy,ry=Moment of inertia and radius of gyration, respectively about weaker axis
LLT=Effective length for lateral torsional buckling(Table 15)
hf=Centre to centre distance between flanges
tf=Thickness of flange
Mcr for doubly symmetric prismatic beam subjected to uniform moment in the unsupported
length and torsionally restraining lateral supports is given by: symmetric prismatic beam
subjected to uniform moment in the unsupported length.
π2EIY Iw GIt(LLT)2 0.5
Mcr= [I + ] ….(3.45)
LLT2 y π2EIY
IyIw,Iz=moment of inertia about the minor axis warping constant and St.Venants torsion
constant of the cross section respectively
G=Modulus of rigidity
LLT=Effective length against lateral torsional buckling
Table 3.5 Effective length according to IS800:2007
Condition of restraint support Loading condition
Torsional Restraint Wrapping Restraint Normal Destabilizing
- 29 -
Fully restrained Compression flange 0.85L 1.00L
partially restrained
II. In the case of a beam of uniform cross section which is symmetrical about minor axis,
for bending moment about the major axis the elastic critical moment for lateral torsional
buckling is given by
p2EIz k Iw GIt(kL)2
Mcr=C1 (𝑘L)2 {[(k ) 2 I + + (C2zg-C3zj)2] 0.5-(C2zg-C3zj} ….(3.47)
w z p2EIz
- 30 -
C1,C2 and C3 factors depending upon loading and restraint conditions
k and kw are effective length factors
For end-moment loading C2=0 and for traverse loads applied at the shear centre zg=0.For
these cases.
p2EIz K Iw GIt(L)2 0.5
Mcr=C1 (𝐾L)2 {[(Kw) 2 I + ] } ….(3.49)
z p2EIz
am=Moment modification factor
- 31 -
as=Slenderness reduction factor
I. 1.0
II. Value from Table 5.6.1 of AS 4100:1998
III. am=[(1.7Mm*)/[(M2*)2+(M3*)2+(M4*)2] …(3.52)
Mm*=Maximum design bending moment in the segment
M2*, M4*=Design bending moments at the quarter points of the segment
M3*=Design bending moment at the midpoint of the segment
IV. Value from an elastic buckling analysis (Clause 5.6.4 of AS4100:1998)
am=(Mos)/(Moo) …(3.54)
Mos=Elastic buckling moment for a segment, fully restrained at both ends, which is
unrestrained against lateral rotation and loaded at shear centre
Moo=The reference elastic buckling moment given by the following equation
Mo=[(π2EIy/le2){GJ+( π2EIy/le2)}]0.5 …(3.55)
E=200000 MPa(Elastic modulus)
G=shear modulus of elasticity (80000 MPa) or nominal dead load
IyJ, and Iw=section constants
Iy=I about the cross section minor principal y-axis
J=torsion constant for a cross section
Iw=wrapping constant for a cross section
le=effective length(Clause 5.6.3 AS 4100:1998)
- 32 -
Effective length of the segment according to clause 5.6.3 of AS4100:1998
le=kt kl kr l …(3.56)
kt=twist restraint factor
kl=load height factor
kr=lateral rotation restraint factor
l=length would be either of
(i) Segment length, for segments without intermediate restraints, or for segments
unrestrained at one end, with or without intermediate lateral restraints
(ii) sub-segment length
Table 3.6 Twist restraint factor
Restraint arrangement Factor,k1
FP,PL,PU 1+[(d1/l)(tf/2tw)3/nw]
PP 1+[2(d1/l)(tf/2tw)3/nw]
- 33 -
FF,FP,FL,PP,PL,LL None 1.0
FF,FP,PP One 0.85
FF,FP,PP Both 0.70
d1=clear depth between flanges ignoring fillets or welds
nw=number of webs
tf=thickness of critical flange
tw=thickness of web
F=fully restrained
L=laterally restrained
P=partially restrained
as (Slenderness reduction factor)
Value of Moa
(i) Moa= Mo where Mo is the reference buckling moment(Equation 3.55)
(ii) According to elastic buckling analysis(Equation 3.53,3.54)
- 34 -
Lb=length between points that are either braced against lateral displacement of the compression
flange or braced against twist of the cross section, in(mm)
𝐶bπ2E 𝐽c 𝐿b
Fcr= 𝐿b [(1+0.078𝑆 h (𝑟 )2] …(3.60)
( )2 x o ts
In which
E=modulus of elasticity of steel=29000ksi(200000 MPa)
J=torsional constant,in4 (mm4)
Sx=elastic section modulus taken about the x-axis, in3(mm3)
ho=distance between the flange centroids
Lp=1.76ry√𝐹 …(3.61)
- 35 -
Table 3.9 Allowable deflection
International Standard Allowable deflection
IS 800:2007(Table 6) Span/300
EN 1993-1-1:2005(Table 4.1 ENV 1993-1- Span/250
AS 4100:1998(Table B1) Span/500(Beam supporting masonry
Span/250(All beams)
AISC 360-16 Span/360
- 36 -
4.Members subjected to combined forces
4.1 General
Most columns are subjected to bending in addition to the axial load; considerable care
should be taken in a practical situation to load a column under axial only. When significant
bending is present in addition to an axial load in member, the member is termed as beam
column (Design of steel Structures-N. Subramanian)
- 37 -
A slender beam-column subjected to axial load and biaxial bending and not having any
lateral support. The ultimate behaviour of the beam-column is complicated by the effect
of plastification, moment magnification and lateral torsional buckling. The failure will
be similar to the fourth case but minor axis buckling will dominate. (McGinley & Aug
(a)Moment about major z-z axis (b)Moment about minor y-y axis
(c) Moment about major z-z axis (d)Moment about major z-z
(no restraint) and minor y-y axis (no restraint)
Figure 4.1:Behaviour of slender beam-columns
- 38 -
4.3 Indian code(IS800:2007) provisions
IS 800:2007 requires the following two checks to be performed.
Local capacity check
Overall buckling check
My,Mz=Factored applied moment about the minor and major axis of the cross section
Mndy, Mndz=Design reduced flexure strength under combined axial force and the respective
uniaxial moment alone
For standard I or H sections
n≤0.2;Mndy=Mdy ….(4.3)
n>0.2;Mndy=1.56Mdy(1-n)(n+0.6) ….(4.4)
Mndz=1.11Mdz(1-n) ≤Mdz ….(4.5)
N=Factored applied axial force(Tension T or Compression P)
Nd=Design strength in tension Td=Agfy/gmo …(4.6)
- 39 -
Meff≤Md …(4.9)
Meff=[M-yTZey/A] ...(4.10)
M,T=Factored applied moment and tension respectively
A=Area of cross-section
Zey=Elastic section modulus of the section with respect to extreme compression fibre
Y=0.8,if T and M can vary independently or otherwise
+ Ky CmyMy + KLT Mz ≤ 1.0 …(4.11)
Pdy Mdy Mdz
+ 0.6Ky CmyMy + Kz CmzMz ≤ 1.0 …(4.12)
Pdz Mdy Mdz
- 40 -
My, Mz=Maximum factored applied bending moment about y and z-axis of the member
Pdy,Pdz=Design strength under axial compression as governed by buckling about minor(y) and
major(z) axis respectively
Mdy,Mdz=Design bending strength about y(minor) or z(major) axis considering laterally
unsupported length of the cross-section
ny,nz=Ratio of actual applied axial force to the design axial strength for buckling about y and z
CmLT=Equivalent uniform moment factor for lateral torsional buckling as per Table 18 in
IS800:2007 corresponding to the actual moment gradient between lateral support against
torsional deformation in the critical region under consideration.
For doubly symmetrical I- and H- sections or other flanges sections,allowance need not be
made for the effect of axial force on the plastic resistance moment about y-y axis when both
the following criteria are satisfied
NEd≤0.25Npl,Rd ….(4.18)
NEd≤0.5hwtwfy/(g mo) ….(4.19)
- 41 -
For cross-sections where fastener holes are need not to be accounted for, the following
approximation may be used for standard rolled I or H sections and for welded I or H sections
with equal flanges.
n=NEd/Npl,Rd ..(4.22)
a=(A-2btf)/A ...(4.23)
For bi-axial bending the following criterion may be used:
My.Ed MzEd
[M ] a+ [M ]b …(4.24)
N.y.Rd N.z.Rd
where sx,Ed is the design value of the local longitudinal stress due to moment and axial force
- 42 -
Uniform members in bending and axial compression:
According to EN 1993-1-1:2005,for the overall member strength; following shall be
satisfied.(Clause 6.3.3)
NEd My,Ed+∆My,Ed Mz,Ed+∆Mz,Ed
cyNRk + kyy My.Rk +kyz Mz.Rk ≤1 …(4.26)
gM1 gM1 gM1
NEd,My,Ed an Mz,Ed are the design values of the compression force and the maximum moment
about y-y and z-z axis along the member, respectively
∆My,Ed,∆Mz,Ed are the moment due to shift of centrodial axis
cy and cz are the reduction factors due to flexure buckling
r=(2VEd/Vpl,Rd-1)2 …(4.29)
- 43 -
4.5.1 Uniaxial bending about major principal x-axis (Section capacity)
Section capacity
For the section capacity following criteria shall be satisfied.
Mx*≤FMrx …(4.30)
F=Moment capacity factor(Table 3.4)
- 44 -
(i) For compression member where kf equal to 1.0 and for tension members-
Mrx=1.18Msx(1-FNs)≤Msx …(4.35)
b fy
le= t √250 ..(4.37)
b=The clear width of the element outstand from the face of supporting element or the
clear width of the element between the faces of the supporting plate elements
t=thickness of plate
Plastic moment capacity reduced for axial force(tension or compression) shall be calculated as
FMprx=1.18FMsx(1-FN )≤FMsx ..(4.38)
- 45 -
Ms=The nominal section capacity(Equation 3.11)
N*=The design axial compressive force
Nc=The nominal member capacity in axial compression
Nc=acNs≤Ns …(4.41)
Ns=Equation 4.32
ac=The member slenderness reduction factor(AS 4100:1998-Table 6.3.3(3))
- 46 -
4.5.4 Uniaxial bending about minor axis (Member capacity)
According to clause 8.4 of AS4100:1998, member capacity should be checked as per 4.5.2
discussed in this chapter.
For member bent about the minor principal axis
FMpry=1.19FMsy[(1-(FN )2] ≤FMsy ..(4.46)
N*= Design tensile or compressive force
Mx*= Design bending moment about the major principal x-axis
My*= Design bending moment about the minor principal y-axis
Mx* My*
(FM )g+(FM )g≤1 …(4.48)
rx ry
g= 1.4+(FNs)≤2
F=The capacity factor (AS 4100:1998)
- 47 -
𝑀x* 𝑀y*
(FM )1.4+(FM )1.4≤1 …(4.50)
tx ry
Mtx = The nominal moment capacity about major axis (Equation 4.31 of this section)
Mry=The nominal moment capacity due to reduced axial force about minor axis(Equation 4.43)
Pr=Required axial strength
Pc=Available axial strength
Pc=FcPn …(4.53)
- 48 -
4.6.2 Members subjected to tension and single axis flexure
According to clause H-2 and clause H-3 of AISC 360-16 the members subjected to
single axis flexure and tension is to be governed by clause 4.6.1 as discussed in this section.
- 49 -
5.Analysis Data
For members subjected to flexure, the beam length of 5m,6m,7m and 10m are taken for
the design of laterally supported and laterally unsupported. For the members subjected to
combined forces, members length of 5m,6m,7m and 10m are taken for the following cases.
Major axis bending and tension
Minor axis bending and tension
Minor axis bending and compression
Major axis bending and compression
Biaxial bending and compression
Biaxial bending and tension
- 50 -
Flange Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
Web Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
Table 5.3: Design moment capacity and shear strength of the section
IS 800:2007 EN 1993-1- AS 4100:1998 AISC 360-16
ISMB 350 @0.524kN/m(5m span)
Design moment 202.18 222.4 200.16 200.16
Shear 372 409.2 382.73 425.25
ISWB [email protected] kN/m(6m span)
Design moment 292.23 322.55 290.3 290.3
Shear 451.39 496.53 464.4 516
ISWB 450 @ 0.794kN/m(7m span)
Design moment 400.14 440.15 396.14 396.14
Shear 543.24 597.56 558.9 621
ISMB 600 @0.1226 kN/m(10m span)
Design moment 797.73 877.5 789.8 789.8
Shear 944.76 1039.24 972 1080
5m([email protected]/m)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Design capacity(kNm)
- 51 -
Laterally supported beams
5m([email protected]/m)
Figure 5.2 Shear strength of the section for laterally supported beams
- 52 -
Table 5.6: Design moment capacity and shear strength of the section
IS 800:2007 EN 1993-1- AS 4100:1998 AISC 360-16
ISMB 350@ 0.524kN/m(5m span)
Design moment 66.72 73.39 122.3 112.08
Shear 372 409.2 382.73 425.25
ISLB 450 @0.653 kN/m(6m span)
Design moment 117.83 129.6 163.92 137.46
Shear 507.81 558.59 522.45 580.5
ISLB 550 @ 0.863kN/m(7m span)
Design moment 131.69 144.84 228.11 191.19
Shear 714.48 785.92 735.08 816.75
ISWB 600 @ 1.02kN/m(10m span)
Design moment 228.03 250.8 395.5 230.82
Shear 944.76 1039.24 972 1080
- 53 -
Laterally unsupported beams
- 54 -
Table 5.9 Section classification
Section IS 800:2007 EN 1993-1- AS 4100:1998 AISC 360-16
classification 1:2005
ISMB 350 @0.524kN/m
Flange Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
Web Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
ISMB [email protected] kN/m
Flange Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
Web Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
ISMB [email protected]/m
Flange Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
Web Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
ISMB [email protected]/m
Flange Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
Web Plastic Class 1 Compact Compact
Figure 5.5 Major axis bending and axial tension (Section capacity)
- 55 -
Major axis bending and axial tension(Member capacity)
Figure 5.6 Major axis bending and axial tension (Member capacity)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Interaction ratio
Figure 5.7 Minor axis bending and axial tension (Section capacity)
- 56 -
Minor axis bending and axial tension(Member capacity)
Figure 5.8 Minor axis bending and axial tension (Member capacity)
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Axis Title
Figure 5.9 Minor axis bending and axial compression (Section capacity)
- 57 -
Minor axis bending and axial compression(Member capacity)
Figure 5.10 Minor axis bending and axial compression (Member capacity)
Figure 5.11: Major axis bending and axial compression (Section capacity)
- 58 -
Major axis bending and axial compression(Member
Figure 5.12: Major axis bending and axial compression (Member capacity)
- 59 -
Biaxial bending and axial compression(Member capacity)
- 60 -
Biaxial bending and axial tension(Member capacity)
- 61 -
6.Results and Conclusion
6.1 Comparison of codal provision
In IS 800:2007 and EN 1993-1-1:2005, the sections are classified in to plastic, compact,
semi-compact, slender and class1, class2, class3, class4 respectively. AS 4100:1998
and AISC 360-16 have classified sections into compact, non-compact and slender
In IS 800:2007 and EN 1993-1-1:2005, the value of partial safety factor has been taken
as 1.1 and 1 respectively.In, AISC 360-16(LRFD) and AS 4100: 1998.the value of
capacity factors has been used as 0.9 and both codes are using plastic section modulus
for the calculation of design moment capacity.
All four codes give same formula for the shear strength of the section. The reason
behind the variation of results is factors which are being used in different codes. EN
1993-1-1:2005 gives around 10% more shear strength than IS800:2007 because of
partial safety factors discussed above.AS 4100:1998 and AISC 360-16 give same
formula for finding out shear strength but AISC 360-16 suggests the value of capacity
factor 1 while AS 4100:1998 gives the value 0.9 so the AISC 360-16 gives 10% more
value of shear strength than AISC 360-16.
For laterally unsupported beams, IS800:2007 ,EN-1993-1-1:2005,AISC 360-16 give
guidelines for not to check for lateral torsional buckling in certain cases.
For members subjected to combined forces all codes give equation for interaction ratio
of the member capacity and section capacity expect AISC 360-16. AISC 360-16 gives
formula only for member strength which easier than IS 800:2007 to implement.
AS 4100:1998 gives more detailed equations for all cases in members subjected to
combined forces but it does not have reduction factor incase of simply supported beams
EN 1993-1-1:2005 does not have any formula to calculate moment capacity due to
lateral torsional buckling.
- 62 -
Problems which are discussed in this study, AISC 360-16 gives the highest value of
shear strength for all types of section, while IS 800:2007 gives the lowest value of the
shear strength of the section.
AISC 360-16>EN 1993-1-1:2005>AS 4100:1998>IS 800:2007
For problems discussed in this study of laterally unsupported beams, IS 800:2007 gives
lowest design moment capacity and AS 4100:1998 gives highest value of design
moment capacity.
AS 4100:1998>AISC 360-16>EN 1993-1-1:2005
Design of members subjected to combined forces, all possible cases have been taken
into consideration for the span of 5m,6m,7m and 10m and
ISMB350,ISMB400,ISMB450,ISMB500 has been selected respectively.
Possible cases: Uniaxial bending (major and minor) and compression, Uniaxial bending
(major and minor) and tension, biaxial bending and tension, biaxial bending and
compression .
Interaction ratio for section and member capacity is decreased as the span and section
size is increased upto span of 7m according to IS 800:2007 ,AS 4100:1998 and AISC
According to EN-1993-1-1:2005 section capacity decreases as span and section size is
increased but member capacity does not show the same results.
6.3 Conclusion
AISC 360-16(LRFD) and AS 4100:1998 are the most conservative codes for finding
out the design moment capacity while EN 1993-1-1:2005 gives highest design moment
capacity for the section which is around 10% more than obtained by IS800:2007.
IS 800:2007 is the most conservative code in design moment capacity for laterally
unsupported beams.
AS 4100:1998 becomes the most conservative in case of major axis uniaxial bending
and axial tension and biaxial bending
For biaxial bending and axial tension AISC 360-16 becomes the most conservative.
All these results are based on Plastic type of section.
- 63 -
6.4 Future Scope
For the comparison of members subjected to flexure, results of plate girder should also
be included.
Rather than only doubly symmetric I-section, various types of sections can be
- 64 -
1. ANSI/AISC 360-16,"Specification for Structural steel buildings", (2016).
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- 65 -
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- 66 -