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0460 Geography November 2004


GEOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 2
Paper 0460/01 Paper 1 ................................................................................................................................. 2
Paper 0460/02 Paper 2 ................................................................................................................................. 7
Paper 0460/04 Paper 4 ................................................................................................................................. 9

0460 Geography November 2004

Paper 0460/01
Paper 1

General comments

Centres have adapted well in preparing their candidates for the change to the common paper which has
replaced the tiered structure. This paper allowed widespread differentiation therefore, when considering the
full cohort of candidates, almost the entire mark range was achieved. The most able and well prepared
candidates tackled all their chosen questions with confidence, producing high quality answers in all sections.
There were excellent responses, in which candidates demonstrated a thorough grasp of geographical
principles, along with a detailed knowledge of case studies and examples to support their arguments. Such
candidates were able to make good use of the resources, an improvement on previous years, although there
was inevitably some degree of misinterpretation. At the other end of the spectrum, weaker candidates failed
to meet the requirements of all but the most simple questions. Frequently they produced lists of
undeveloped ideas, much irrelevance, and answers demonstrating little or no understanding or
contextualisation to specific circumstances. A strong characteristic of weaker candidates is vagueness in
many of their answers, especially where case study knowledge is required.

Examiners were impressed by the level of written communication of candidates from many Centres.

Some candidates produced irrelevant answers to questions as a result of misunderstanding the command
words and requirements. However as the standard of English was usually at least satisfactory, mistakes in
interpreting the questions were mostly due to failure to read them carefully enough rather than to a lack of
language skills. Thus some candidates lost marks by misreading or misinterpreting sections and
consequently writing irrelevant answers.

There were few rubric offences and time management was not a problem for the vast majority of candidates,
although a few candidates had spent too much time on their first two questions and the third question was
either unfinished or written so rapidly as to be inadequate in every respect.

Questions 1, 4, and 5 were the most popular choices. It is inevitable that, given choice, some topics in the
syllabus will be more appealing to candidates than others. Nearly all candidates answered their three
questions in numerical order. There was little evidence of any attempt to evaluate questions before starting
to answer them or rough plans for answers. Candidates are advised to read through the whole paper before
they begin their answers in order to pick out their best-known topics to start with. Also they should plan their
answer in order to check relevance to the question before it is too late.

The following advice should be given to candidates:

• Read the entire question carefully before beginning an answer. Decide which section requires
which information, thereby avoiding repetition of answer and the time that is wasted. Answer
questions in order, starting with the one which you are most confident with, and finishing with the
one which you are least confident with, rather than automatically answering them in numerical
• Take careful note of the command words so that answers are always relevant to the question.
• Use the mark allocation as a guide to the amount of detail or number of responses required. Be
aware of timing: do not devote too much time to the first chosen question, or include too much
detail in sections which are only worth a small number of marks.
• Aim to develop each idea so that answers do not emerge as a list of simple points.
• Use resources such as maps, graphs and photographs carefully in order to make use of the detail
they include, and ensure that those questions which involve answering on an insert are not
answered by using written text.

0460 Geography November 2004

Centres should take careful note of the following points:

• The front page should show full details of the candidates along with an indication of the three
questions answered.
• There should be a margin on the left and the right side of each page. Apart from the numbers of
the questions and sub-sections candidates should not write in these margins.
• Every part of every question chosen should be clearly indicated in the left hand margin.
• At least one line should be left between each part of a question, and at least three lines between
each question.
• All sheets should be loosely tied together, with the sheets assembled in the correct order. Sheets
should not be submitted loose, nor should they be tied or stapled together so tightly that they are
impossible to turn over in order to read all parts.
• All sheets should be numbered by the candidate and placed in the correct order.
• Where an instruction is given to complete an answer by labelling or drawing on a resource on the
insert sheet, a written answer is not an appropriate alternative. This insert must be submitted,
attached to the work of the candidates.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

This was a very popular question. Whilst some candidates produced excellent answers in all parts, it was
also a question which attracted large numbers of weak candidates.

(a) Most candidates were aware of the significance of birth and death rates in defining and calculating
natural increase, though there were few who also mentioned that it was important to exclude

Whilst many did answer correctly in terms of birth and death rates, a substantial number suggested
that the birth rate should be subtracted from the death rate whilst others thought one should be
divided by the other.

(b)(i) It was obvious in many cases that words like ‘rate’ and ‘proportions’ were not always understood,
often they were inferred rather than specifically commented on. Most candidates were able to
identify that an increase in the total population had taken place, though they made no reference to
the rate of growth. Few were able to describe changing proportions of population in the world
regions. Many wrote about changing numbers of people in the different regions, whilst others gave
a static description with no reference to change at all. Few picked up on the decreasing proportion
in Europe and some completely misread the graph and assumed that North America had the
largest population.

(ii) A well answered section with well rehearsed responses on the whole and candidates being able to
identify many valid reasons why there are regions with low and high birth rates, often developing
and exemplifying their answers. Whilst most candidates were confident in writing their answers in
this section there were some who gave very brief, superficial lists, others who confused the
situation in ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries, some who interpreted this as a population
density question and others who seemed to think that a high death rate inevitably leads to an
increase in population.

(c)(i) Dependency ratio was often clearly defined, with many candidates showing sound knowledge and
understanding, though some could have made a clearer attempt at distinguishing the economically
active and dependent populations, rather than vaguely referring to the young and the old. A few
weaker candidates wrongly attempted to answer the question by reference to birth and death rates.

(ii) Generally this was well answered and there were some excellent accounts of the problems likely to
be faced by countries with an ageing population. A minority misinterpreted the graph, suggesting
that Japan’s problem would be overpopulation and widespread unemployment, whilst others did
not score the full four marks as they focused entirely on one issue, for example pensions or the
provision of health care for the elderly, rather than looking at a wider range of potential impacts.

0460 Geography November 2004

Question 2

This was not a popular question; it posed problems to many candidates from the start. Overall, the answers
in almost all sections lacked detail and precision. Whilst excellent answers were seen, candidates who
scored highly on their other choice of questions often failed to do so on this one.

(a)(i) Many candidates found it difficult to explain the meaning of settlement hierarchy, it was
disappointing to see the many wild guesses from candidates when this concept is so central to a
study of settlements and service provision.

(ii) The concept of the hierarchy was not well understood and many answers focused on the
relationship between the number of services and population size.

(iii) Interpretation of both the graph and question here was generally poor. Many candidates
erroneously assumed a spatial dimension to the graph, saying for example that the tourist town
would be close to the city for access to services or well away from the city for peace and quiet.

(iv) Again a generally disappointing response to a question which should have posed few problems for
candidates who were well prepared. Many did not restrict their answers to services but wrote
about village life in general (especially in developing countries), often referring in detail to farming.
Whilst some candidates were able to score some marks by giving examples of service provision in
villages and cities, few scored full marks by making reference to convenience/comparison goods,
order of services, threshold population, range and sphere of influence.

(v) Few candidates wrote about the role of the capital or primate city in the hierarchy and the special
sort of functions which would be found there. Most simply wrote about the characteristics of any
large town or city, and compared it with a village.

(b) Modest marks were scored here by some candidates. The cost of land was the one popular
answer which scored well, though other concepts such as accessibility and the focus of transport
routes were rarely mentioned. Most simply wrote long irrelevant descriptions of the land use rather
than attempting to explain it.

(c) This was the best section of this question for most candidates with many scoring at least half marks
and some the full seven which were available. There were a few specific case studies used,
including well chosen ones such as London and New York, though the best case studies seen
tended to be local ones.

Sadly many candidates did not refer to actual examples, a strategy which should be encouraged to
enhance performance. They seemed familiar, perhaps through personal experience, with the
problems caused by traffic in urban areas, and many wrote in generic terms about a wide variety of
issues ranging from congestion and pressure on space to environmental issues. There is still
confusion between different atmospheric problems (e.g. acid rain, global warming and ozone
depletion) and candidates must be aware that, in order to score marks for referring to pollution they
need to state its type or origin (e.g. ‘atmospheric pollution’ or ‘pollution from car exhausts’).

Question 3

Whilst this was not one of the most popular questions, though it was popular within some Centres and those
candidates who chose it often scored high marks.

(a)(i) The photograph was generally well labelled with most candidates scoring 2 or 3 marks though
sometimes the backwash was located beyond all the crests and the crest on the beach area in the
foreground. Occasionally candidates attempted the question without using the photograph, despite
that being virtually impossible, and sometimes it was not included along with the answer sheets.

(ii) The differences between constructive and destructive waves were very well described by many

0460 Geography November 2004

(b)(i) This was not always well answered, with many vague references to the wind, the sea and the load.
However by their use of terms such as ‘fetch’ and ‘offshore profile’ other candidates were able to
demonstrate a high level of knowledge and understanding.

(ii) Although many candidates knew the basic difference between the processes, some fell short of the
full four marks as they did not develop their answers or include specific details of how the
processes operate. Some confused corrasion with corrosion or attrition and a small minority
answered in relation to how these processes operate in rivers.

(iii) Most candidates scored 3 or 4 if they had a good understanding of the process but a significant
number either omitted this section or gave irrelevant answers relating to headlands and bays.
Some candidates did not include a diagram and, in other cases, where diagrams were included,
the labels were often absent or poor. Some complete Centres could not produce diagrams of
longshore drift, suggesting that this important process had been overlooked, whilst others in
contrast almost universally scored maximum marks.

(c)(i) This question was generally well answered though some included irrelevant details about the
formation of arches and stacks or details of longshore drift.

(ii) There was some confusion here as some candidates thought the groynes were there to stop
erosion rather than to prevent longshore drift, and some candidates were unable to name or
adequately describe them. However overall answers showed a good understanding of how they
reduced longshore drift, sometimes by the inclusion of labelled diagrams, which is to be

Question 4

This was a popular and generally well answered question, which differentiated well. In all sections
candidates were able to score full marks, though weaker candidates tended to produce brief and/or simplistic

(a)(i) There were some superb answers to this question with detailed accurate annotation, though some
candidates wasted time by then writing a paragraph of text duplicating their responses which was
unnecessary, sometimes including climatic details which, in this section were irrelevant. The
weakest answers tended to be superficial with simplistic labels such as trees, creepers and
undergrowth or those with labels which were misplaced or virtually impossible to read because they
were written in pencil on shiny paper. The extract below from the mark scheme lists the type of
details required:

canopy/upper storey – 20 to 25m
second storey/under storey 10 to 15m
crowns interlock
branches found near tops of trees
trunks tall and straight
epiphytes - anchor on branches and trunks
a variety of tree species
very little undergrowth
buttress roots
ferns, herbs, low growing plants
deciduous trees
examples – meranti, rosewood, mahogany etc.

0460 Geography November 2004

(ii) In order to be successful here it was necessary to link adaptations to climatic characteristics. Most
commonly candidates were able to link features such as the height of the trees (or existence of
lianas) to competition for available sunlight, though to earn full marks they needed to consider other
issues. Explanations were often included in (i) and not given in (ii). Some offered reasons for the
climate and not for the rainforest vegetation. Many candidates wrongly thought the role of the
canopy was to protect lower layers from the sun, and many wrongly referred to the need for roots
to search for limited water supplies. Buttress roots were often mentioned, but with no attempt to
link to climatic characteristics.
(b) Candidates experienced relatively few problems with all three sections, though Gabon was
occasionally confused with Congo and the Central African Republic with Equatorial Guinea. The
last part was not always read accurately, which resulted in the `south` being offered as a response.
(c)(i) Generally a well answered question though suggestions for ways in which the rainforest could be
conserved were sometimes extreme and impractical or so brief and simplistic as to be of little
value. To suggest making the whole of the rainforest a reserve or encircling the entire rainforest
with barbed wire and guards armed with Kalashnikov rifles shows little appreciation of the issues
Similarly there was generally a good appreciation of why conservation would be difficult with
detailed and logical explanations which often related to issues of size, cost and the need for
economic development as well as conservation.
(ii) Many candidates responded well here, even weaker candidates showing some appreciation of the
impacts of deforestation. In A, global warming and rainfall variations were typically given. In B
answers were generally good with a clear understanding of the inter-relationships between rainfall,
vegetation, roots, soil, and river characteristics. In C few went beyond saying that some plant
species would become extinct, though some extended their answers by referring to the impact on
ecosystems and the consequent reduction of biodiversity. Candidates sometimes included details
of impacts on fauna as well as flora which were not relevant to the question asked.
Question 5
Another popular and generally well answered question, which differentiated well. In all sections candidates
were able to score full marks, and section (c) enabled well prepared candidates to use detailed case study
knowledge, though inevitably weaker candidates produced brief general responses, with too much reliance
on the stimulus material.
(a)(i) Most candidates interpreted the graph well and were able to score marks for suggesting
appropriate reasons why the climate of Montego Bay attracts visitors from the UK, though
sometimes they failed to fully develop their responses to gain all the available marks. Occasionally
candidates wrote about attractions other than the climate despite the wording of the question,
emphasising that only data from Fig. 9 should be used.
(ii) Reference to rainfall was the most common answer, but there was often repetition of the factors on
the graph or reference to features which are not climatic features.
(b) This section differentiated well. A number of extremely detailed and wide ranging responses were
seen which scored full marks. In contrast weak candidates went for advantages of specific resorts,
for example climate and commonly Montego Bay, rather than providing a global overview. Others
wrote about why some countries are introducing tourism as a way of making money to accelerate
their development, rather than answering the question as set.
(c)(i) This was well answered as many candidates made effective use of the source material in Fig. 10 to
score high marks. Relatively few candidates used any information from their own studies and
answers were almost always confined to details from Fig. 10. However those who did refer to their
own case studies produced very impressive responses. Weaker candidates sometimes confused
the effects on the natural environment and the effects on the lives of local people or copied out
extracts from the resources in such a way as it was apparent that there was little or no
understanding of their content.
(ii) Many candidates chose their local area or their own country, which is to be encouraged, and better
answers included detailed comments about the benefits to local people. To earn full marks they
needed to go beyond reference to the availability of jobs and the consequent impact on standard of
living. Many did so, referring in detail to improvements in the infrastructure and local amenities
which potentially benefit local people as well as tourists. However, others wrote mainly about the
local attractions for tourists, which was irrelevant, and there were few references to benefits apart
from job availability.

0460 Geography November 2004

Question 6

Overall this was not a popular question, though in certain Centres it was answered by many candidates with
varying degrees of success.

(a)(i) Most candidates scored high marks on this section, interpreting the information in Fig. 11 correctly.
Indeed some went well beyond the requirements, including some very impressive technical details
and terminology.

(ii) With some notable very impressive exceptions, this section was poorly answered with very little
focus on the physical factors, even though climate was specified in the question. Many gave
non-physical factors which were irrelevant.

(iii) Again whilst there were many weak or irrelevant answers there were a number of very perceptive
ones too. Objections to the siting of these power stations in rural areas often included comments
about the expense, the expense of transmission and the lack of local demand rather than more
relevant issues such as the impacts of drowning valleys on local settlements and agricultural land.
Large numbers of candidates focused on the potential, though unlikely, threat of the dam bursting
rather than the disruption to communities caused by the building of it in the first place.

(b)(i) Most candidates were able to gain one mark by referring to cost, but failed to think of any other
issues, such as availability, technology or the impact of traditional attitudes and values.

(ii) This differentiated well. Candidates who took notice of the mark allocation of six, writing in detail
and considering the impact on both people and the environment, scored well by drawing on the
resource and their own knowledge and understanding to achieve both breadth and depth in their

Others gave very brief and simplistic responses, referring to little beyond the impact of smoke in
peoples’ homes or copying out isolated phrases from Fig. 12. There is still considerable confusion
about potential global atmospheric problems, with global warming being relevant in this case but
ozone depletion and acid rain often featuring in answers.

(c) Again there were some quality answers here but many which were superficial, inaccurate or
irrelevant. In general knowledge of alternative energy was weak; some writing about
non-renewable sources to the exclusion of renewable resources. Although marks were available
for an explanation of why each different type of alternative energy is not used extensively many
referred to HEP only. Few went beyond saying that alternatives were expensive. Some picked up
on lack of technological expertise but generally low marks were scored.

Paper 0460/02
Paper 2

General comments

The general response to the October/November 2004 paper was good. Fewer candidates scored over
50 marks out of 60 than in recent examinations, although there were also relatively few very poor scripts.
The overall standard of many of the skills tested was good. Candidates were generally very competent at
graph plotting and reading, drawing pie charts, reading map symbols, giving grid references and measuring
bearings. Other skills such as measuring distances, describing map distributions and describing features
shown on photographs were generally less good. Candidates coped well with Question 2, Question 5,
Question 6 and Question 7. However, many candidates found the other questions, including the survey
map question, demanding. Time management did not appear to be a problem for the majority of candidates,
although some appeared to spend too long writing lengthy answers to Questions 4 and 5 so that their
answer to Question 7 was rushed. A minority of candidates left the survey map question to last; generally
these candidates did not perform well on this question. Where questions required numerical answers
candidates sometimes failed to quote any units; candidates should always be encouraged to do so.

0460 Geography November 2004

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

The majority of candidates scored between six and thirteen marks for the question and there were unusually
few very high or very low marks. Candidates were usually able to identify the public building in part (a)(i) as
a post office with a small number of candidates incorrectly choosing a police station. In part (a)(ii) most
candidates were able to give the correct six figure grid reference of the school – an improvement on the
performance on the equivalent question in the June 2004 paper. Answers to the distance measurement in
part (a)(iii) were disappointing with many candidates giving the straight line distance of 2000 m rather than
the distance along the Golden Grove Road. A small number of candidates answered in kilometres, despite
the instruction in the question. In (a)(vi) some excellent, accurate answers to the bearing measurement
were given, quoting figures of between 108° and 110°.

Part (b) was well-answered, although a minority of candidates lost marks through naming only three services
or amenities of Tacarigua.

Cross sections have not been tested on the survey map question in recent examinations and many
candidates found part (c) difficult. Candidates should mark the positions of the required features on the line
of the topographic profile, not along the base of the diagram. Candidates often ignored the instruction to
“...mark the position of and label with the letter...” and simply wrote the letter adjacent to the cross section.
The lack of any precise mark on the cross section often led to inaccuracy.

In part (d), on the advantages of the site of Piarco International Airport, some candidates referred to the flat
land, large area, distance from built up areas, first class road access and scored high marks. However,
others referred only to features of the airport itself such as the signal light, fire station and police station and
did not refer to the site.

Answers to part (e) on the town of Arouca were disappointing and this contributed to the generally low overall
performance of candidates on this question. In part (e)(i) candidates often failed to refer to a grid or
rectangular street pattern and used terms such as nucleated or linear. Parts (e)(ii) and (e)(iii) were marked
together out of five marks, which helped many candidates score slightly higher marks. The marks most
frequently awarded were for water supply, centre of sugar growing and for quoting a named service. The
gentle slope, road junction, disused railway, prison and proximity to the airport were less frequently quoted.
It was clear that the term “site” was not understood by a significant number of candidates. There was also
much repetition in the answers to (e)(ii) and (e)(iii).

Question 2

Most candidates demonstrated a good understanding of Fig. 2 on distance to services and scored high
marks. In part (a) the majority of candidates correctly stated that the youth club would be in the leisure
sector and, in part (b), correctly quoted the distances to the sports centre and bingo hall as 5 km and 3 km
respectively. Very few candidates failed to score two marks by plotting the correct positions of the secondary
school and bar in the correct sectors and at the correct distances. Some candidates found part (d) difficult.
Two marks could have been scored by naming and giving the distances of two of the following: specialist
shops, chain stores, theatre or cinema (6 km), night club (5 km) or golf course (1 km). A very small number
of candidates failed to give the distances as required by the question.

Question 3

Parts (a) and (b) were marked together, allowing candidates to score marks for the river and the valley in
their answers to either part. The question produced a range of responses with the better candidates usually
scoring full marks. Candidates often referred to the small volume of water, boulder strewn bed and slow flow
of the river. Credit was not given to those candidates who said the speed of flow was fast. When describing
the valley, candidates often referred to the V-shaped cross section, winding valley, grassy slopes and
interlocking spurs. The cliffs and steep sides were generally not referred to. Some candidates did not
describe the features of the photograph and instead tried to fit the features to models of river valley
development or glaciation. These candidates were generally less successful.

0460 Geography November 2004

Question 4

Part (a) required candidates to state the height of the land on which most of the CBD of Manzini, shown on
Fig. 3, was built. Many candidates gave the answer 610 m, although the answer should be either above
610 m or between 610 m and 640 m. Many candidates failed to quote the units of height as metres.
Although full marks were often scored in part (b), candidates frequently listed the buildings in Manzini and
did not state their functions (uses) as required by the question.

Question 5

This question required candidates to interpret Fig. 4 which showed National Parks, Game Reserves and
other tourist centres in Kenya. It was generally very well-answered with many candidates scoring full marks.
Weaker candidates found part (a), describing the distribution of the features, difficult. Marks were most
frequently awarded to candidates who noted the concentration of features in the south, close to the
Tanzanian border, on land over 500 m, on the coast and in the central area around Mt Kenya. Candidates
scored marks freely in part (b) noting a variety of physical and human features which have contributed to the
development of tourism in Kenya. These included hotels, game lodges, airfields, National Parks and Game
Reserves, beaches, fishing, lakes and mountains. Occasionally candidates lost marks through quoting
features in Tanzania rather than Kenya, or by using evidence not shown on Fig. 4.

Question 6

This required candidates to interpret data on employment structures in developed, intermediate and
developing countries shown on Fig. 7. Answers were mostly very good with large numbers of candidates
scoring full marks. In part (a) almost all candidates scored two marks for completing the divided bar graph.
Only occasionally were marks lost by drawing three bars, each starting from the bottom of the diagram.
Almost all candidates gave the correct answer, USA, for part (b). Part (c) was also well-answered.
Candidates were required to note the changes in employment structure as a country becomes more
developed, i.e. decreasing primary, increasing secondary and increasing tertiary industry. Some candidates
lost marks through writing in general terms about development and not identifying these changes, while
others simply said that employment would increase.

Question 7

This question was based on Fig. 6 on residential areas in older inner city and inner city redevelopment areas.
Candidates were generally very proficient in their work on the pie graphs. The majority of candidates gave
answers to part (a)(ii) within the allowed tolerance of 15 – 19%, although some candidates gave 20% as
their answer. In parts (a)(i) and (a)(ii) candidates sometimes failed to quote the units (per hectare and %
respectively). In part (b) candidates generally completed the pie graphs very well, with most candidates
scoring at least two marks of the three available. This skill has improved dramatically in recent
examinations. In (c)(i) most candidates correctly noted that residential area B had a greater population
density than area A. In (c)(ii) most candidates noted that area B had more rented accommodation than area
A, although they sometimes failed to score a second mark by noting that B also had more unfurnished rented
accommodation or furnished rented accommodation.

Paper 0460/04
Paper 4

General comments

Generally candidates coped well with the demands of this paper. The knowledge and understanding about
both topics was good although candidates should still aim to be more detailed and focused in their answers.
Candidates would really benefit from identifying the command words and following the instructions contained
within each question. Some candidates may find it useful to underline the command words and the key
words to focus on the demands of the question as they write. This should encourage answers which fit the
mark scheme more fully and gain more marks. Greater care is also still needed in the completion of graphs
although a general improvement was seen in this area. The use of a photograph in this paper is a new idea
and did provide a visual stimulus of a meander for the candidates. All candidates should aim to become
more confident and competent at annotating photographs. This means being able to observe, identify and
label (with a carefully drawn arrow) the features shown in the photograph.

0460 Geography November 2004

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

The question was based upon the common coursework topic of CBD characteristics. The collected data was
a pedestrian count and a shopkeeper interview which the candidates had to present using a variety of
techniques and then interpret to investigate the given hypothesis.

(a) This first question was aimed at assessing the candidates understanding about CBD
characteristics and, more specifically, how the candidates undertaking the investigation would
recognise the very centre of a CBD. The expected response was to comment that at the central on
the highest pedestrian numbers, the greatest traffic, the tallest buildings and the highest rents/land
values in the CBD. A disappointingly high percentage of candidates did not identify the key words
of the question, i.e. the ‘central area’ of a CBD. Many comments were too generalised about the
entire CBD rather than the specific central point. This restricted the marks of many candidates.

(b)(i) Again this question highlighted the real need for candidates to observe the key words in a question.
The candidates should have concentrated on the method of selecting sampling sites. The
sampling sites of the investigation were selected by the students pacing away from site X. The
advantage of this method is the ease at which this can be accomplished and the large area which
can be covered. However, the disadvantages of the method are the lack of consistency of
students’ paces giving different distances and that pedestrians are only counted at this distance
ignoring lesser or greater distances. Although the more able candidates did respond correctly, too
many candidates suggested that the method would lead to different figures for the pedestrian
counts being obtained – which is the aim of the investigation.

(ii) This question was well answered with the majority of candidates suggesting valid ideas such as the
location of the site, the name of the student, the date or the time.

(c)(i) The candidates generally drew the 30 isoline appropriately at an equal distance between the
10 and the 50 isoline. Some candidates missed a mark by failing to label their drawn isoline.

(ii) The majority of candidates correctly identified the area with more than 50 pedestrians and used the
appropriate key to gain the two marks.

(d)(i) The candidates needed to identify that the isolines showed a decrease in the number of
pedestrians away from site X but that it was an uneven decrease with a slower decrease to the
south and west. Generally all candidates recognised the overall change but it was only the more
able candidates who developed the uneven nature. Other candidates wasted time and effort giving
reasons for this possible change because the command word of ‘describe’ was not heeded.

(ii) This question was poorly completed. The words of the question directed the candidate to use
information from the map to try and explain the distribution of pedestrians. The best answers
linked the uneven ‘bulge’ in the south to the presence of the secondary school and the bank hence
encouraging pedestrians to walk to that area. The slower decrease in the west should be
associated with the car park where people park cars and then walk into the central CBD. An
alternative explanation was connected with the width of streets where only a small number of
pedestrians were counted. If the candidates had failed to securely recognise the uneven decrease
of pedestrians then their responses tended to concentrate on explaining why the central CBD of
site X had a high number of pedestrians rather than the outward change thus failing to gain the
available marks.

(e)(i) Candidates often gained the two marks for this question, although many candidates would benefit
from learning the meanings of geographical terms such as ‘comparison goods’.

(ii) The idea of a representative sample is based on the understanding that sampling can be stratified
or arranged to enable a fair result to be achieved. Therefore, in this situation the students could
sample 10 shops selling convenience goods and 10 shops selling comparison goods hence
achieving an equal number of each type of shop within the sample. The better answer, although
rarely seen, was to survey the full 60 shops to find the overall percentage of shop types and then
apply that ratio to the sample of 20 shops. The more common and valid methods suggested by
candidates were the sampling of every third shop or a systematic sample along one road.

0460 Geography November 2004

(f) This question was generally well answered with many candidates suggesting that the shopkeepers
would be biased or subjective in their answers. Others gained the marks by suggesting that the
shopkeepers would not be present throughout the day so their results would be unreliable.
However other candidates failed in this question because they did not focus on the ‘shopkeepers’
responses’ but evaluated the interview in general.

(g) The importance of writing a conclusion to an investigation is imperative and it should be based
upon the original hypothesis and use the data of the investigation to support any concluding
statements. It is also important to evaluate the data collection methods and suggest improvements
to the investigation. The question directs candidates to refer to the hypothesis and suggest
improvements. Therefore, the mark scheme awards marks for commenting on the fact that the
hypothesis is accurate (although the decrease is not even) and that the data collection could be
improved by repeating the counting of pedestrians at different times of the day and of the year.
The Examiners noted an improvement in this style of question and any practical development of
the data collection methods could gain marks with many candidates scoring the full four marks.

Question 2

This question investigated changes in depth and velocity across a stream and then a visual comparison to a
meander. Often this was better answered than Question 1. However, Examiners also expressed
disappointment in the level of understanding about the role of friction and velocity.

(a) The standard method of gaining depth recordings is to mark a rope at 0.5 m intervals and then
stretch the rope across the stream from bank to bank. The students then dip the measuring stick
into the stream at each of the rope markings. Many candidates gained the marks easily by using a
labelled diagram but other candidates did not include sufficient specific detail to gain the full marks.

(b)(i) Examiners reported that the cross section was generally completed accurately and neatly.

(ii) For one mark the candidates were required to identify the overall changes in depth from A to B.
The additional mark was gained by describing the uneven nature of the changes or the maximum
depth. This needed reference to the data, but just listing the data at each depth did not secure the

(c)(i) The majority of the candidates recognised that the repeating of the float measurements would give
more reliable or accurate results.

(ii) Many candidates correctly described how the velocity results were derived by dividing the distance
(10 m) by the recorded time.

(iii) The response of the candidates was very variable in this question. The width of the bars was not
regular and therefore the divide between the bar of 0.36 and 0.31 should be made at 2.75 m from
A. A common mistake was to draw the bars across to the axis thus making it difficult for the
Examiner to know which height the candidate intended.

(d)(i) The majority of candidates were able to suggest the simple link between the depth and the velocity,
that is as the water becomes deeper the velocity increases. The better answers used the data
from Table 2 as evidence to support this relationship. The second part of the question was
designed for candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of river processes and this relationship
between depth and velocity is fundamental to understanding basic hydrology. Therefore, it was
disappointing how only the more able candidates commented on the friction from the banks and
bed as a reason for variations in velocity.

(ii) Many candidates appropriately recognised how obstacles in the stream bed or wind blowing on the
float may cause problems for the float measurements. Other candidates appropriately sited
student error in measuring the timing of the float to gain the mark.

0460 Geography November 2004

(e)(i) The use of the photograph by candidates was variable yet annotation is an essential skill for those
candidates undertaking coursework. Precise labelling of the undercutting was uncommon but the
flood plain and slip-off slope were more often labelled correctly.

(ii) The success of this question depended upon the knowledge that a meander has an asymmetrical
cross-section which is deeper and faster on the outside of the curve compared to the shallower and
hence slower flow of the inside of the curve. The question does require a comparison to be made
with the cross-section shown in Fig. 2 and further reasoning of the changes in friction across the
cross-section shown in the photograph. Only the most able candidates showed achievement in
this question with too many candidates commenting upon long profile and gradient rather than
focusing on the key words of the question.

(f)(i) The conclusions were generally well written with a large number of candidates referring to the
hypothesis. Marks would increase if, during preparation for this component, the candidates were
instructed that they have to make a decision about the accuracy of the hypothesis in any
conclusion and support their decision by quoting the data. Practice at this skill would benefit all

(ii) As in Question 1, many candidates suggested valid improvements to the investigation showing
thought and understanding. The most common ideas were to repeat the measurements on other
streams or elsewhere on the same stream but there were also valid comments about different
times of the year and with alternative floats.


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