Feedback Theory
Feedback Theory
Feedback Theory
As responsible members of groups, people intend to behave in ways that help the group
to move toward accomplishing its task, while at the same time maintaining its membership, that
is, keeping any member from being lost overboard. Actually, even one’s best-intended
behaviour may hinder rather than help and sometimes it is even destructive.
As a group develops, some of the members find themselves wanting to get the reactions
of other members of the group to their behaviour during the sessions. Others, to a greater or
lesser degree, have fears about this.
When people tell how another’s behaviour is affecting them, what they are
communicating is feedback. The technical term comes originally from the field of automation.
(For example, the thermostat gives feedback to a furnace on how well the furnace is heating the
thermostat.) It’s a term that applies equally well to what goes on in groups.
Feed back may emerge in a number of ways.
Conscious: nodding assent; or unconscious: falling asleep
Spontaneous: “Thanks a lot”; or solicited: “Yes, it did help”
Verbal: “no”; or nonverbal: leaving the room
Formal: evaluation form; or informal: hand-clapping
Feed back can have the following helpful effects:
Feedback may confirm behaviour by encouraging its repetition. “You really helped then when
you clarified that.”
Feedback may help bring behaviour in line with intention. “It would have helped me more if you
had stood up to talk.”
Feedback may help identify persons and their relationship. “Joe, I thought we were enemies, but
we’re not, are we?”
... IT IS DESCRIPTIVE, rather than judgmental. By describing one’s own reaction, it leaves the
individual free to use it or not to use it as s/he sees fit. By avoiding judgmental language, it reduces the
need for the individual to react defensively.
... IT IS SPECIFIC, rather than general. To be told “you did a great job” is too general to be useful.
Say, for example, “The way you organized the agenda really helped us to make decisions.”
... IT IS APPROPRIATE, by taking into account the needs of both the receiver and giver of feedback.
Feedback can be destructive when it serves only the needs of the one who gives the feedback and fails to
consider the needs of the person on the receiving end. It needs to be tailored to the situation, to be
considerate of the circumstances of the receiver, and to be given supportively.
... IT IS USEABLE, rather than out of reach. Feedback needs to be directed toward behaviour which
the receiver can do something about. Frustration is only increased when a person is reminded of some
short-coming over which s/he has no control.
... IT IS WELL-TIMED. In general, feedback is most effective when it is given at the earliest
opportunity after the action or behaviour has been observed. Timing also includes a sensitivity to the
person’s readiness to hear it and to surrounding circumstances. For difficult feedback, ensuring that there
is support available may be important.
... IT IS CLEAR AND HONEST. Feedback is not helpful when it is given so carefully and cautiously
that the point is lost. Giving it straight out is the best policy. That way, the receiver does not need to
second-guess what is being said and why it is being said. One way of checking to ensure that the
communication has been clear is to ask the receiver to rephrase it to see if the feedback received
corresponds to what the sender had in mind.
... IT IS REQUESTED, rather than imposed. Feedback is most useful when the receiver formulates a
specific question or solicits a response. Of course, through the very act of placing oneself in a learning
situation the receiver indicates that feedback is both essential and welcome.
Supportive Climates
All of us need positive feedback. In the best case scenarios, the field placement setting will establish
supportive climates. A supportive climate is characterized by:
1) Feedback is descriptive not evaluative or judgemental. Events are described in objective terms.
2) Feedback is not an issue of control or imposing of one’s own view but focuses on the problematic
behaviour not on the person.
3) Feedback tends to be spontaneously expressed in a straight forward, honest fashion. People are open
about their viewpoints and opinions and don’t have hidden agendas or secretive motives.
4) Feedback is respectfully offered with empathetic attention to the other person’s feelings, problems and
value system. The other person’s worth is affirmed.
5) Feedback is not a matter of “pulling rank” and is not offered in a competitive atmosphere which sets up
comparisons in ability and status.
6) Feedback is tentative in nature. It is not overly certain of its correctness or its point of view.
Preparation for Giving Feedback
Before giving feedback, especially when it is critical or difficult, it is crucial to do some reflection in
5) Prepare yourself to match the tone, style and language of the other person
-develop strategies so that the other person can hear and understand your feedback
8) Practise
-if necessary, write out what you will say face to face
-rehearse by yourself or with a trusted colleague
There are helpful and less than helpful ways to respond to feedback.
The steps described below provide some appropriate guidelines for receiving feedback with maturity and
A Suggested Process
1) Check Out the Comments
-repeat back the feedback and your understanding of the problematic behaviour
3) Do Self Talk
-tell yourself that you can handle criticism
-wonder about the situation and practise being curious
-prompt yourself to listen and not interrupt
Do not...
-clarify in a sentence or two but learn to stop
-use this as an opportunity to give your own feedback
-it may become escalating retaliation
-become silent or shut down
-which may be perceived as petulance or resistance
-blame others
-accept your responsibility
-make excuses
-it only appears defensive and as if you are not taking the feedback seriously