Unit III
Unit III
Unit III
In our daily
d l life
l f we use innumerable
bl formed
f d
products e.g. cooking vessels, tooth paste
containers, bicycle body, chains, tube fitting, fan
blades etc.
Metal Forming ‐ Classification
Metal Forming ‐ Classification
Bulk deformation refers to the use of raw materials
for formingg which have low surface area to volume
3. Function of time
The process involves diffusion, movement and
exchange of atoms across grain boundaries
2. Surface qquality:
y There is no scale formation on
the metal. No post process cleaning of the product
is required and better surface finish is obtained
In hot working,
working the temperature at which the
working is completed is critical since any extra heat left
in the material after working will promote grain growth,
leading to poor mechanical properties of material.
Hot Working ‐ Advantages
1. Power requirement: Lesser forces and, therefore,
lesser p
power is needed for deformation
IIt is
i theh operation i off
reducing the stock between
h two endsd off the
h stockk at
a central place, so as to
increase i length.
its l h
In this process, the diameter of a rod or a tube is
reduced by forcing it into a confining die.
Screwdriver blades and
g p
soldering iron tips are
typical examples of swaged
Forging Operations ‐ Coining
Metal coining
Forging process by which very fine and intricate details
can be created on the surface of a work piece.
Coiningg mayy be used to control surface q
qualityy and detail on
Metal coining is often a finishing process for manufactured
This is a flashless,
flashless precision forging operation,
operation In the coining
process, a large amount of force is exerted on the forging,
over a short distance.
Mechanical presses are often used for these operations.
Forging Operations ‐ Coining
Forging Operations summary
Drawing down or cogging operation
ec g
Classification of Forging processes
By equipment
2) Press forging
Byy p
Open die
O di forging
f i is i used
d to
t perform
f th workpiece
the k i
for closed die forging.
Open die Forging Process
In open‐die forging, barreling occurs. Barreling is caused
primarily by frictional forces at the die ‐ workpiece
interfaces that oppose the outward flow of the
materials at these interfaces.
Starting stage Intermediate stage Final stage with flash
Closed die forging called as impression die forging is
performed in dies which has the impression that will
be imparted to the work piece through forming.
Closed Die Forging
In the intermediate stage, the initial billet deforms
partiallyy ggivingg a bulged
p g shape.
Their yield strengths are high and the metal has the
tendenc to weld
tendency eld to the walls
alls of the die and
confining chamber under the required conditions of
temperature and pressure.
1. Direct
i / Forward
d extrusion
By operating temperature
Hot / Cold Extrusion
By equipment
Horizontal / Vertical Extrusion
Direct Extrusion
In forward extrusion, the ram travels in the same
direction as the extruded section,, and there is
relative movement between the billet and the
Direct Extrusion ‐ Sequence of operations
The heated billet and the dummy block are loaded into
the container
During extrusion,
extrusion a thin shell of material may be left on
the container walls.
h discard
d d (butt)
(b ) is sheared
h d off
Indirect extrusion: solid billet and hollow billet
Backward Extrusion
In backward extrusion of a solid workpiece, the die
is p
pushed byy the hollow stem and moves relative to
the container, but there is no relative displacement
between the billet and the container.
The required force is applied to During the travel of the ram the
the slug by means of the ram die applies pressure on the billet
through the pressure plate The and the deformed metal flow
direction in which the material through the die opening in the
leaves the die is the same as that direction opposite to that of ram
of punch motion, hence the name motion, hence the name
forward extrusion backward extrusion.
Since there is relative motion Since there is no relative motion
between the wall of the container between the wall of the container
and the billet, the frictional forces and the billet, the friction forces
are higher and the p power are lower and the ppower required
required for extrusion is more is less.
Comparison between Direct and Indirect
Direct Extrusion Indirect Extrusion
H d i extrusion
i also
l allows
ll greater reductions
d i
in area (higher extrusion ratios) than either cold or
i l hot
h extrusion.
Hydrostatic Extrusion ‐ Advantages
There is no friction between the billet and the
container. Therefore, the pressure at the beginning of
t i is i much h lower,
l and
d billets
bill t off any length
l th can
theoretically be extruded
Impact extrusion of collapsible tube by Hooker process
Impact Extrusion
A process often included in the category of cold
extrusion,, is similar to indirect extrusion.
In impact
p extrusion, the p
punch descends at a high
speed and strikes the blank (slug), extruding it
Extrusion defect
Internal cracking
Internal cracking
Extrusion Defects – Surface Cracking
The major variables affecting hydrostatic tension are the die angle,
the extrusion ratio (reduction in cross sectional area), and friction;
Rolling is a metal forming process in which the
thickness of the work is reduced by compressive forces
exerted by two rolls rotating in opposite direction.
g size startingg stock ((called ingot)
g ) is rolled into
blooms, billets, or slabs.
At a time,
time for single pass,
pass two rolls will be used.
used The roll
direction will not be changed in this case.
The top two rolls will be used for first reduction and the
sheet is shifted to the bottom two rolls and further
reduction is done.
The small rolls will reduce the roll force required as the roll‐
sheet contact area will be reduced.
The large
g backingg rolls are required
q to reduce the elastic
deflection of small rolls when sheet passes between them.
The common product of these mills are hot or cold rolled
Th d t f th ill h t ld ll d
sheets and plates.
Cluster Rolling Mill / Sendzimir Mill
In this type of rolling mill,
mill each of working roller is
backup by two or more of larger backup roller.
This configuration
g consists of a series of rollingg
These setups
set ps achieve
achie e a high degree of integration among the
processes required to transform starting raw materials into
finished products.
iii Diamond
iii. i d – Square
S series
Thread Rolling
Ring rolling
Ri lli is i usually
ll performed
f d as a hot‐working
h ki
process for large rings and as a cold‐working process
f smaller
for ll rings.
Ring Rolling
A li ti off ring
i rolling
lli i l d ball
include b ll and
d roller
bearing races, steel tires for railroad wheels, and rings
for pipes,
pipes pressure vessels,
vessels and rotating machinery.
The setup in
Th i gear rolling
lli is i similar
i il to thread
h d rolling,
except that the deformed features of the cylindrical
bl k or disk
blank di k are oriented
i d parallel
ll l to its
i axis
i (or
( at
an angle in the case of helical gears) rather than
i l d as in
i thread
h d rolling.
Gear Rolling
Advantages of gear rolling compared to machining
are similar to those of thread rolling: higher
production rates,
rates better strength and fatigue
resistance, and less material waste.
Roll Piercing
Ring rolling is a specialized hot working process for
makingg seamless thick‐walled tubes.
• Th
The shape
h off the
h bell
b ll causes the
hydrostatic pressure to increase
and p promotes the flow of
lubricant into the die.