NIOSH Skin Notation Profiles
NIOSH Skin Notation Profiles
NIOSH Skin Notation Profiles
Dinitrobenzene (DNB)
m-Dinitrobenzene (m-DNB)
o-Dinitrobenzene (o-DNB)
p-Dinitrobenzene (p-DNB)
Dinitrobenzene (DNB)
[CAS No. 25154–54–5]
m-Dinitrobenzene (m-DNB)
[CAS No. 99–65–0]
o-Dinitrobenzene (o-DNB)
[CAS No. 528–29–0]
p-Dinitrobenzene (p-DNB)
[CAS No. 100–25–4]
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DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2011–141
April 2011
Table 3. Summary of the previously issued skin hazard designations for DNB
Abbreviations: ACGIH = American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; EC = European Commission, Joint Re-
search, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection; NIOSH = National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; OSHA
= Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
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Table A1. Summary of data used to calculate the SI ratio for DNB
The OEL used in calculation of the SI ratio was the NIOSH-recommended exposure limit (REL)
[NIOSH 2005].
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