Back To Godhead
Back To Godhead
Back To Godhead
• To help all people discern reality from illusion, spirit from matter, the eternal from the
temporary. • To expose the faults of materialism. • To offer guidance in the Vedic techniques
of spiritual life. • To preserve and spread the Vedic culture. • To celebrate the chanting of
the holy names of God as taught by Lord Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu • To help every living
being remember and serve Çré Kåñëa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Take Shelter of
To enter a true loving relationship with Kåñëa,
we have to stop seeing Him as our order-supplier.
kabhu svarge uöhäya, kabhu nature, and she is driving was not meant to be killed, but he
narake òubäya anywhere, sometimes up, was given suffering in that way.
daëòya-jane räjä yena nadéte sometimes down. In this way we Similarly, material nature is giving
cubäya are suffering life after life, birth us suffering, miseries.
Çrémad-Bhägavatam (11.2.37)
“In the material condition, the gives us direction on this point:
living entity is sometimes raised
to higher plan etary systems and bhayaà dvitéyäbhiniveçataù syäd
material prosperity and éçäd apetasya viparyayo 'småtiù
sometimes drowned in a hellish tan-mäyayäto budha äbhajet taà
situation. His state is exactly like bhaktyaikayeçaà guru-devatätmä
that of a criminal whom a king
punishes by submerging him in “Fear arises when a living
water and then raising him again entity misidentifies himself as the
from the water.” – Çré Caitanya- material body because of
caritämåta, Madhya-lélä 20.118 absorption in the external,
illusory energy of the Lord. When
ORD CAITANYA is the living entity thus turns away
explaining the position of us from the Supreme Lord, he also
conditioned souls. We are after birth. This is our condition. forgets his own constitutional
completely under the grip of We are not independent; we are position as a servant of the Lord.
material nature. When someone is completely under the stringent This bewildering, fearful
seated in a car and the driver laws of material nature. condition is effected by the
drives him, if the driver is not Formerly, a culprit would be potency for illusion, called mäyä.
under control he drives him dunked under water for Therefore, an intelligent person
anywhere, to any hell. Similarly, punishment, and after some time should engage unflinchingly in
we are sitting in the car of this he would be raised up to take a the unalloyed devotional service
body, supplied by the material breath. He was suffocating. He of the Lord, under the guidance of
was unfortunate that his brother, fully fit successor. Suddenly, the
håtaräñtra sat alone in his
Päëòu, had offended a sage and crown didn’t feel that good.
chambers. It was getting
had been cursed. To atone, Päëòu If only he had a son! That son
dark, but it didn’t matter.
had hastily retired from the would rule the kingdom in its full
For him, it was always dark. He
kingdom and gone to the forest, splendor – and he would rule
was lost in thought, pondering the
leaving the kingdom for through his son.
strange ways of fate. He had the
physique of a kñatriya, a martial Dhåtaräñtra to manage.
While the royal crown felt Lesson: Even if attachment is
guardian of society. His arms
good on his head, he couldn’t see satisfied, it still keeps us
were strong enough to crush
it adorning his head in a mirror; dissatisfied
opponents. Yet he couldn’t
he couldn’t see the veneration We all are born with certain
become the king because he had
citizens offered to their king; he gifts and certain deficiencies.
been born blind. Why had destiny
couldn’t see the armies he While our gifts can give us a head
been so unfair to him?
commanded, the treasures he start in some areas of life, our
After many years of
owned, the lands he ruled. He deficiencies can hold us back in
lamentation, it seemed fate had
was just a caretaker king, wearing certain other areas. By his
finally smiled on him: the royal
the crown till it moved on to a congenital blindness, Dhåtaräñtra
crown now rested on his head. It
God’s Jacket
big smile!
RIVANDRUM, the capital of
the state of Kerala, is a city of
about a million inhabitants
located on the southwest coast of
India. Overshadowing its political
importance is the city’s spiritual
heritage, represented by its places
of worship – temples, mosques, and
churches that have existed over the
centuries in remarkable harmony. By
far the most famous of these is the
Çré Ananta Padmanäbha Svämé
temple, which is at least a
millennium old. This temple caught
international attention in 2011 when
an inventory of its treasures revealed
their present-day value to be about
$22 billion. The collection is made
up of gold ornaments and numerous
jewelry items set with precious
stones, representing offerings over
kåñëasyänyatra dåk-präntaù henever we encounter especially attractive. Its beauty is
sadbhiù çästra-phalaà småtam a stimulus, our highlighted repeatedly in bhakti
hanta täsu punaù so’yam experience of it is texts (Çrémad-Bhägavatam
ebhiù çastra-phalaà matam determined not just by the content 4.24.47, 10.31.10). Those who
of the experience, but also by its become the recipients of that
kåñëasya — of Kåñëa; context. If a nail pricks us, we glance become so captivated by
anyatra — elsewhere; dåk- feel agitated. But we feel Kåñëa that nothing else in the
präntaù — sidelong glance; relieved by a similar prick in world can captivate them. And
sadbhiù — by the sages; çästra- another context, say, when we such wholehearted devotion is
phalam — the pin-pointed end take an anti-tetanus injection to the purpose of all scripture
of çästra; småtam — is prevent infection from that same (15.19-20).
understood; hanta — Alas! nail prick. In romance, a sidelong glance
täsu — on these gopés; This verse describes such by a lover towards a beloved is
punaù — again; saù — glance; dramatically opposite often considered to be invitational
ayam — this; ebhiù — by these experiences of the same and irresistible. The enticing tilt
very sages; çastra-phalam — devotional stimulus: Kåñëa’s of the eyes, the enchanting
the pin-pointed end of çastra; sidelong glance. And it depicts movement of the eyebrows, the
matam — is understood. these opposite experiences with entrancing language spoken by
When Kåñëa’s sidelong amazing literary expertise by the eyes – all these are
glances fall on any other playing with the similar-sounding mesmerizing. Whereas a sidelong
devotee in the world, the words: shastra (scripture) glance by a sensually attractive
learned sages describe it as the and sastra (weapon). person can trick and trap, a
attainment of the pin-pointed sidelong glance by Kåñëa can
end (conclusion) Kåñëa’s sidelong glance elevate and even liberate.
o f çästra (Vedic scriptures). as the end of scripture Thus, Kåñëa’s sidelong glance
However, when the same side- The Bhagavad-gétä (15.15) takes devotees to the conclusive
long glances fall on the gopés, states that the purpose and end of all scripture.
then Alas! These very sages perfection of all scriptural
describe it as the attainment of knowledge is to know Kåñëa. To Kåñëa’s sidelong glance as
the pin-pointed end of çastra (a know Kåñëa is to know his the end of a weapon
sharp weapon). supreme attractiveness and to For the gopés, however, Kåñëa’s
—Çréla Jéva Gosvämé’s become devoted to him (10.08). sidelong glance feels like
Gopäla-campüù, Pürva, 17th Among his many attractive torment, as if they are being
Püraëa. features, his sidelong glance is pierced by the sharp end of a
y online search for the word “mystery” and probity, rather than brilliance.
yielded the following three meanings: If you had visited some of the stock exchanges in
a) One that is not fully understood or that the yesteryears, you would have heard a
baffles or eludes the understanding; an enigma: tumultuous sound of brokers buying or selling. And
How he got in is a mystery. obviously the subject matter of their conversation
b) One whose identity is unknown and who has to be a particular stock or share. Alternatively, a
arouses curiosity: The woman in the photograph is a huddle at a football final between the players of a
mystery. team or the coming closer on the cricket pitch of
c) A mysterious character or quality: a landscape two batsmen gives us a clear idea of the subject
with mystery and charm. matter. These players are discussing either how to
One dictionary, however, took the word to an block the opposite team from scoring goals or how
entirely new level. –It meant, “a religious truth that to make the required runs in order to win the match.
one can know only by revelation and cannot fully No mysteries here!
understand.” Then how can we say that when the Supreme Lord
The Bhagavad-gétä is famous throughout the world Çré Kåñëa and His devotee are discussing something,
as the most lucid summary of all Vedic knowledge. the subject matter can be other than the science of
Many, many people have commented on it. Perhaps devotional service or bhakti. “That very ancient
the latest one is (ironically) called My Gita and comes science of the relationship with the Supreme is today
from the stable of one of India’s mythologists. One told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well
thing that still intrigues me is, if this fellow dabbles in as My friend and can therefore understand the
mythology, does he believe that the Gétä is also part transcendental mystery of this science.” (Gétä 4.3).
of mythology? A part of me says that even without Another point of interest is that the level of
reading his book I can fairly make a comment that he mystery deepens as the dialogue between Kåñëa
is unable to penetrate the real mystery of the Gita. and Arjuna progresses. At the first level, Kåñëa calls
Am I being proud and presumptuous? I hope not. Let it (guhya-tamam) very confidential. Kåñëa tells
me explain the rationale behind my position. Arjuna: My dear Arjuna, because you are never
If the commentary on the Gita has these two envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most
defects: confidential knowledge and realization, knowing
1. The writer feels that he is equal to Kåñëa and which you shall be relieved of the miseries of
Kåñëa was just an ordinary personality or even a material existence. (Gétä 9.1) Later, Kåñëa tells him:
very great personality, but a human. “Whoever knows Me as the Supreme Personality of
2. Even theoretically the writer does not accept Godhead, without doubting, is the knower of
that Kåñëa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, everything. He therefore engages himself in full
then you have absolutely no chance of devotional service to Me, O son of Bharata. This is
unraveling the mystery of the Gita. the most confidential part of the Vedic scriptures, O
The Bhagavad-gétä is indeed a mystery to the sinless one, and it is disclosed now by Me. Whoever
common man. But it is no ordinary mystery; this understands this will become wise, and his
particular mystery is transcendental or not covered endeavors will know perfection. (Gétä 15.19-20)
with the darkness of a material science. In other The mystery deepens still further when Kåñëa
words, it is brilliant. As a result, ordinary men cannot tells Arjuna :”The Supreme Lord is situated in
understand it, and therefore they try to interpret it. everyone’s heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the
This interpretation demonstrates their lack of depth (Continued on page 19)