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Founded 1944. Vol. 15 No. 10 October 2018

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discretion and due VAIÑËAVA
diligence. CALENDAR 33 29

• To help all people discern reality from illusion, spirit from matter, the eternal from the
temporary. • To expose the faults of materialism. • To offer guidance in the Vedic techniques
of spiritual life. • To preserve and spread the Vedic culture. • To celebrate the chanting of
the holy names of God as taught by Lord Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu • To help every living
being remember and serve Çré Kåñëa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


GODHEAD Thirty-three Crore Demigods million demigods are managing
The Magazine of the
Hare Krishna Movement
or Thirty-three types? various major and minor affairs.
Thank you BTG for the tremen- There are several instances of
(under the direction of His Divine Grace dous service of coming out with this classification in Vedic scriptures that
Çré Çrémad Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté
Prabhupäda) His Divine Grace A. C.
monthly magazine for so long. It is may appear contradictory to us. For
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda - very encouraging to read realizations example, when it comes to the
Founder-äcärya of The International and lifetime experiences of devotees.
Society for Krishna Consciousness
classification of material elements,
I have a question. We understand some say there are 16 elements,
BTG INDIA: EDITOR Çyämänanda Däsa
that there are thirty-three crore (koöi) some say 25, others say 26. Another
• SUB-EDITORS Mukunda Mälä Däsa,
Nanda Duläl Däsa • EDITORIAL demigods mentioned in the Vedic example is the classification of the
CONSULTANT Caitanya Caraëa Däsa scriptures. However sometimes planetary system, where in one
• PROOFREADERS Revaté Vallabha
Däsa, Gautam Saha • PUBLISHER
people argue that thirty-three crore place the universe is divided into
Yudhiñthira Däsa (Ujwal Jajoo) demigods don’t actually exist. Koöi, three sections — upper, middle and
• GENERAL MANAGER Pänduraìga they say, means “types” or “catego-
Däsa (Rajendra-kumar Pujari)
lower planetary system. In other
• PRODUCTION Saccidänanda Däsa ries,” so there are just thirty-three places, the universe is divided into
(Sanjiv Maheshwari), Sundar Rüpa Däsa types or categories of demigods. fourteen planetary systems —
(Sudarshan Sapaliga) •ACCOUNTS
Manjaré Devé Däsé (Mira Singh)
Do we have any Vedic scriptural seven higher and seven lower.
• CREATIVE STAFF Manish Waghela, reference to clarify this subject? Either system is correct, depending
Mukundamälä Däsa, Çyämänanda Däsa,
Sundar Rüpa Däsa —Mahänanda Caitanya Däsa on which way we try to analyze.
Similarly, the way demigods are
OFFICE Back to Godhead, 33 Janki Kutir, Our reply: Devatas, or demigods, classified can vary, depending on
Next to State Bank of Hyderabad, Juhu, refers to a broad variety of beings how we analyze them. This is not a
Mumbai 400 049, India.
that play some role in universal contradiction.
SUBSCRIPTIONS Back to Godhead is administration on behalf of the In the Vedic literature, the num-
published twelve times a year. Subscription
charges (by courier): One-year—Rs. 600, supreme Lord. This system of bers, especially with respect to
two-year—Rs. 1200, five-year—Rs. 2800 administration is analyzed differ- analysis of the material world, are
(by Indian post) One-year—Rs. 300, two-
year—Rs. 600, five-year—Rs. 1400. ently by different scriptures accord- not as important as the principle
You can start your subscription from any
ing to the context. underlying the numerical analysis.
month. Send the amount to:
Back to Godhead, 302, Amrut Industrial In Çatapata-brähmaëa there is a The principle behind giving the
Estate, 3rd floor, Western Express
Highway, Mira Road (E) 401 104. Tel:
mention of the thirty-three types of description about devatas is that we
08291152427/28, 07208179554. E-mail: gods: eight vasus, twelve ädityas, are accountable to higher powers,
indiabtg@gmail.com eleven rudras, Indra and Prajäpati. and all of them are in a hierarchy in
To change your address or clear up any This is one way of classifying universal administration, which is
questions about your subscription, write to
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demigods. ultimately under the Supreme Lord,
the above address. But this does not mean that the Viñëu or Kåñëa. And the ultimate
We can answer your questions faster if
you send a recent mailing label or invoice. number is limited to thirty-three goal of life is to harmonize our lives
Allow eight weeks for changes to show up only. The Liìga Puräëa (verse no?) with the will of the Supreme Lord.
on your mailing label.
talks about thirty-crore devatas, in Therefore whichever analysis we
PRINTING SAP Print Solutions Pvt Ltd. terms of their further sub-categories. adopt for looking at the material
© 2018 The Bhaktivedanta Book If a small country or a state on this world, the purpose ultimately is to
Trust International. All rights planet requires several thousand
® reserved. ISSN: 0005-3643. Pub-
look beyond the material world,
lished for The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust by administrators, it is natural that such towards the absolute truth.
Ujwal Jajoo , 33, Janki Kutir, Next to State
Bank of Hyderabad, Juhu, Mumbai, printed
a huge universe will need several The number thirty-three crore
by him at SAP Print Solutions Pvt Ltd.. 128 , million demigods to look after the demigods is given to emphasize
Lakshmi Industrial Estate, Hanuman Galli,
S. N. Path, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai- 400 administration. We need not be two points:
013., India. Editor: Çyamänanda Däsa, Çré Çré astonished to hear that thirty-three 1. All these numerous gods are
Rädhä-Gopénätha Temple, Chowpatty,
Mumbai- 400 007, India.


subordinate to the supreme Lord,
and they worship the Supreme
2. Individually satisfying all
of them is impossible. Just as the
best way to water a tree is by
pouring water at its root instead of
pouring water on each stem, leaf
and branch, the best way to satisfy
all the demigods is by serving and
worshiping Supreme Lord, who is
the root of all creation.

Please write to us at: BTG, 3rd

Floor, 302, Amrut Industrial
Estate, Western Highway, Mira
Road (E) 401104.
E-mail: btgindia@gmail.com


F O U N D E R’ S L E C T U R E E X C E R P T S Bhagavad-gétä 2.55-58, April 15, 1966, New York


F O U N D E R’ S L E C T U R E

Take Shelter of

To enter a true loving relationship with Kåñëa,
we have to stop seeing Him as our order-supplier.

By His Divine Grace

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupäda
Founder-äcärya of The International Society for Krishna Consciousness

kabhu svarge uöhäya, kabhu nature, and she is driving was not meant to be killed, but he
narake òubäya anywhere, sometimes up, was given suffering in that way.
daëòya-jane räjä yena nadéte sometimes down. In this way we Similarly, material nature is giving
cubäya are suffering life after life, birth us suffering, miseries.
Çrémad-Bhägavatam (11.2.37)
“In the material condition, the gives us direction on this point:
living entity is sometimes raised
to higher plan etary systems and bhayaà dvitéyäbhiniveçataù syäd
material prosperity and éçäd apetasya viparyayo 'småtiù
sometimes drowned in a hellish tan-mäyayäto budha äbhajet taà
situation. His state is exactly like bhaktyaikayeçaà guru-devatätmä
that of a criminal whom a king
punishes by submerging him in “Fear arises when a living
water and then raising him again entity misidentifies himself as the
from the water.” – Çré Caitanya- material body because of
caritämåta, Madhya-lélä 20.118 absorption in the external,
illusory energy of the Lord. When

ORD CAITANYA is the living entity thus turns away
explaining the position of us from the Supreme Lord, he also
conditioned souls. We are after birth. This is our condition. forgets his own constitutional
completely under the grip of We are not independent; we are position as a servant of the Lord.
material nature. When someone is completely under the stringent This bewildering, fearful
seated in a car and the driver laws of material nature. condition is effected by the
drives him, if the driver is not Formerly, a culprit would be potency for illusion, called mäyä.
under control he drives him dunked under water for Therefore, an intelligent person
anywhere, to any hell. Similarly, punishment, and after some time should engage unflinchingly in
we are sitting in the car of this he would be raised up to take a the unalloyed devotional service
body, supplied by the material breath. He was suffocating. He of the Lord, under the guidance of


a bona fide spiritual master, protection? Because we have no Lord, then you have to worship
whom he should accept as his faith, we are seeking protection Him simply by service. There is
worshipable deity and as his very elsewhere. But Kåñëa can protect no other process. You cannot
life and soul.” When we are us. He says, ahaà tväà sarva- worship Kåñëa by controlling
forgetful of Kåñëa consciousness, päpebhyo mokñayiñyämi: “I shall breathing or by mental
when we think, “There is no God. give you protection from all sinful speculation or by some pious
Matter is everything. This material reactions.” (Gétä 18.66) But we activities or charity. You have to
manifestation we see is have no faith. We are thinking, worship Him simply by your
everything, all in all, and there is “Oh, it is written in the Bhagavad- devotional love. That is the only
no Lord, no supreme controller”– gétä, that’s all right, but I must way. Bhaktyaika – “only one,
when we think like that, our have my protection in a different bhakti.” There is no other means.
anxiety begins. way.” There is no second means to
Bhayam, fearfulness. We are Because someone thinks there understand God besides
all fearful because fear is one of is something superior to Kåñëa, he devotional service. Rest assured.
the bodily necessities we all have: is fearful. The Bhägavatam Foolish people do not understand
We want to eat something, we explains why a conditioned soul this. They come to the impersonal
or the void – all the nonsensical
conclusions. Because they do not
One of the symptoms of çaraëägati, surrender to take shelter of devotion, they
Kåñëa, is to have the firm conviction that “Kåñëa cannot come to any true
will protect me. I am engaged in Kåñëa’s service, conclusion. It is not possible.
so Kåñëa will give me protection.” Therefore, they more or less
become atheists or go after the
void or impersonalism or create
want to sleep, we want to mate, is fearful: bhayaà so many other ideas.
and similarly, we have fear. These dvitéyäbhiniveçataù syät. When But Kåñëa, the Supreme Lord,
are the four principles of animal we take shelter of mäyä, illusion, cannot be understood by any
life shared by human beings. We then we are afraid. We must process other than devotional
are always fearful. Why? Because understand, “Illusion, this material service. It is simply a waste of
we have taken it that there is no energy, is under the control of time. If you want to know Kåñëa,
God. We are like the forlorn child Kåñëa, because illusion is also if you want to know God, then
who thinks he is lost. “I am Kåñëa’s energy, His inferior you have to take to this process.
helpless. Where is my mother? energy. So within this material Guru-devatätmä: “He is the
Where is my father?” Similarly, energy, when I am forgetful of Supreme Lord, He is the
when we are helpless we are Kåñëa this material energy is Supersoul, and He is the supreme
fearful. But those who are Kåñëa fearful for me, and when I am spiritual master.”
conscious are not helpless. They fully in Kåñëa consciousness there He’s the supreme spiritual
know, “Above me there is Kåñëa.” is no question of fearfulness from master within you. As soon as you
One of the symptoms of material nature.” take to devotional service He’ll
çaraëägati, surrender to Kåñëa, is give you dictation: “Do this.” Lord
to have the firm conviction that Simply by Kåñëa says in the Bhagavad-gétä
“Kåñëa will protect me. I am Devotional Service (10.10), dadämi buddhi-yogaà
engaged in Kåñëa’s service, so Therefore it is our duty to tam: “I give him intelligence.”
Kåñëa will give me protection.” If regain our lost consciousness, What for? Yena mäm upayänti te:
I work in some ordinary man’s Kåñëa consciousness. That is the “By which he can come back to
service, he gives me protection. duty of this human form of life. Me.” That intelligence. He’ll help
Don’t you think that if you work Äbhajet taà bhaktyaikayeçaà. If you. If you are fully surrendered,
for Kåñëa He’ll give you you want to worship the Supreme then He’ll direct you in such a


way that you cannot go For thirteen years they had to has no house even, not even a
elsewhere except to Him – even undergo so many troubles.” So dwelling place, a residence. He’s
if sometimes you think, “He is this was astonishing. Even Bhéñma a pauper. And by worshiping him
doing something against my will.” cried. “I cannot understand why one becomes richer. And Kåñëa –
these five brothers are put into so sahasra-çata-sambhrama-
Kåñëa Takes Charge many difficulties in spite of all sevyamänam – thousands of
I have got my personal their good qualities.” goddesses of fortune are always
experience. I never accepted that So their grandson, Mahäräja serving Him. He has such
I would become a sannyäsé. I Parékñit, when he was being opulence. But Kåñëa-bhaktas,
tried my best to keep myself in taught by Çukadeva Gosvämé, had devotees of Kåñëa, appear to be
the material world. Several times some suspicions about devotion poor. Why?”
Kåñëa frustrated me. He brought to Kåñëa. Not suspicions, but just Çukadeva Gosvämé answered,
me by force to this life, and now I to teach us he inquired, “Lord “This very question was also put
am happy. I can understand how Kåñëa is Viñëu, the master of the to Kåñëa by your grandfather
much favor Kåñëa has showed goddess of fortune. Why do Mahäräja Yudhiñöhira. So instead
me. Yes. I did not understand in people who become Kåñëa of answering myself, I’ll refer to
the beginning. conscious or devotees of Viñëu that very question and answer
So sometimes, if Kåñëa takes remain poor, and others, those between your grand- father and
special care for you, He’ll act in who worship Çiva and other Kåñëa. Kåñëa answered like this:
such a way that you will have no demigods, become very rich? yasyäham anugåhëämi hariñye
other way than to go back to Him. What is the reason? Kåñëa is the tad-dhanaà çanaiù: ‘If I do
Kåñëa will take charge if we proprietor of every- thing, but somebody some special favor,
sincerely want Him. He sees, those who want Him become then My first duty is to crush all
“Here is a person who wants Me, poorer. Lord Çiva doesn’t even his material possessions.’”
but he’s foolish. He wants Me; at have a house of his own – he’s a (Bhägavatam 10.88.8) You see?
the same time he wants to enjoy pauper – but one who worships Why? “To make him more
this material world. So I’ll crush him becomes richer.” surrendered to Me.” When he
this, crush this – his material You know the history of Lord becomes helpless he has no other
propensities – and let him simply Çiva. He hasn’t got a house even. way. “Kåñëa, please take me.”
become devoted.” Yes. He lives under a tree or in some When he has something, he
Sometimes we see like that.
In the Çrémad-Bhägavatam
Mahäräja Parékñit put a question to
Sometimes, if Kåñëa takes special care
Çukadeva Gosvämé. Mahäräja for you, He’ll act in such a way that you
Parékñit understood that his will have no other way than to go back to
grandfathers were put into so Him. Kåñëa will take charge if we
many difficulties even though sincerely want Him.
Kåñëa was their personal friend.
Everyone was astonished: “How
is that? Mahäräja Yudhiñöhira is the mountain. But those who worship thinks, “Oh, my material
most pious man. Arjuna is the Çiva – oh, they get material possessions will protect me.”
greatest warrior, and Draupadé, opulence very nicely. And they Therefore he does not surrender.
their wife, is directly the goddess can smoke gäïjä. So all this Now, Kåñëa sees “This living
of fortune. And above all, Kåñëa is captivates people to become entity is very much My devotee,
their personal friend. And still devotees of Çiva. Naturally, anyone but he wants some nonsense. So
they were put into such who wants material prosperity I’ll crush him so that he’ll feel
difficulties. They lost their becomes a devotee of Çiva. helpless and come to Me. I’ll give
kingdom. They lost their wife. So this is contradictory. “Çiva him all protection.”


Sometimes Kåñëa tests us to “I know no one but Kåñëa as Rupa Gosvamé’s “Mistake”
see whether we are sincere my Lord, and He shall remain so There is a nice story about
devotees. Be- cause we are even if He handles me roughly Sanätana Gosvämé, whom we are
always after sense gratification, if by His embrace or makes me now studying. The brothers
Kåñëa is not an order-supplier brokenhearted by not being Sanätana Gosvämé and Rüpa
then we reject Kåñëa. We want present before me. He is Gosvämé went to Vrindavan for
God, or Kåñëa, to be our order- completely free to do anything devotional service. Rüpa
supplier. So we must order Kåñëa, and everything, for He is always Gosvämé, especially, was always
“Give me this. Give me that. If my worshipable Lord, engaged in writing books. And
You cannot give me what I want, unconditionally.” Lord Caitanya when he was hungry, he would
then what are You, Kåñëa? I don’t says, “You may embrace me or go to some householder and ask,
want You.” This sort of bhakti, or trample me with Your feet, You “Please give me a piece of
devotional service, is not may neglect me, and You may bread.” And everyone in
Vrindavan would give. The
Gosvämés were leaders. All the
We want God, or Kåñëa, to be our order-
Vrindavan inhabitants took their
supplier. We order Kåñëa, “If You cannot give
advice. They even placed their
me what I want, then I don’t want You.” This
household quarrels before them:
sort of bhakti, or devotional service,
“Swamijé, this is our position.
is not accepted by Kåñëa.
Please settle it.” Whatever
decision he would give to the
accepted by Kåñëa. make me brokenhearted by not villagers, they would accept.
My German godbrother told me being present before me all my Their court was Swamijé, Rüpa
that during wartime some German life.” Marma-hatäm means Gosvämé. He was so lovable.
women prayed in the church to get “brokenhearted.” “I love You so One day Rüpa Gosvämé was
back their husband, son, or much. I want You, but You never thinking, “If I could get some
brothers, because all went to war. care for me. That’s all right. Still ingredients for cooking, then I
But nobody returned, and these You are my worshipable Lord, would invite Sanätana Gosvämé to
women became atheists: “Oh, unconditionally. I don’t want any take some prasädam.” He
there is no God. I prayed so much return from You. Still You are my thought like that. And after, say,
to God to get my husband back, my worshipable Deity.” This is pure one hour, a young girl came with
brothers back, but they are dead.” devotion. rice, flour, ghee, and vegetables,
If we go to Kåñëa with that Kåñëa takes all care. Don’t think so many things.
purpose – that He should be our otherwise. He says, ahaà tväà “Bäbäjé, please accept these
order-supplier – then there is no sarva-päpebhyo mokñayiñyämi: “I ingredients. There is some
question of Kåñëa-bhakti. We shall deliver you from all sinful ceremony at our house, so My
must fully surrender: “Let Him do reactions.” (Gétä 18.66) Why should mother has sent you all these
as He likes.” you be so anxious? One who is in things.”
Çré Caitanya taught (Çikñäñöaka love with Kåñëa wants to see Him, Rüpa Gosvämé inquired, “Oh,
8), wants to love Him. But even if He You are a very nice girl. Where
does not present Himself before do You live?”
äçliñya vä pädaratäà the lover, the lover says, “Oh, still “I live in this village. You do
pinañöu mäm You are my lovable object. You are not know?”
adarçanänmarmahatäà free to treat me as You like, but “No, I have never seen You.
karotu vä You are my worshipable Lord.” All right. Thank You very much.”
yathä tathä vä vidadhätu lampaöo This is pure. As soon as we come Then She went away, and Rüpa
mat-präëa-näthas tu to this stage, that is perfection. Gosvämé invited Sanätana
sa eva näparaù Don’t expect anything in return. Gosvämé, “My dear brother, please


come and take your prasädam “Oh, I have never seen this Kåñëa is always looking for the
here. I have got some food.” beautiful girl.” opportunity – “How to serve My
“All right.”Sanätana Gosvämé “Yes, I have also never seen pure devotee?” And the pure
came during prasädam time, and Her.” “Ohhh! Then She must be devotee’s so clever that he won’t
Rüpa Gosvämé had prepared Rädhäräëé. She must be Rädhä. accept any service from Kåñëa.
many nice dishes. The Gosvämés You have taken service from Arjuna never said, “Kåñëa, You
were expert in cooking. All Rädhäräëé? Ohhh! You have are God. Why are You putting me
devotees are expert in so many murdered me. We don’t want to to war indirectly? You can give
things. That is their qualification. take any service from Kåñëa, and me everything.”Arjuna never said
Sanätana Gosvämé inquired, He has taken the opportunity. We that. And Kåñëa said, “You are a
“How did you get all these nice want to simply give our service, kñatriya. You have to fight.”
things here in this jungle?” not any exchange. Oh, you have We should not take God as our
Rüpa Gosvämé narrated the made a great mistake. Rädhäräëé order-supplier. That is not devotion.
story. “In the morning I thought, ‘If has taken this opportunity.” He That is mercantile business. Kåñëa is
somebody sends me something . . .’ began to cry. “We have taken not going to be your lover if you
So by Kåñëa’s grace a very beautiful service from Kåñëa. We have approach Him with a mercantile
girl brought all these things.” given Rädhäräëé trouble.” This is mentality. You must give Him
“Who?” He began to describe the mood of the pure devotee. service. Äbhajet tam. This is the
the girl’s beauty. They were very sorry. “Kåñëa was process of devotion.
Then Sanätana Gosvämé said, troubled to send all these goods.” Thank you very much.




By Caitanya Caraëa Däsa

was unfortunate that his brother, fully fit successor. Suddenly, the

håtaräñtra sat alone in his
Päëòu, had offended a sage and crown didn’t feel that good.
chambers. It was getting
had been cursed. To atone, Päëòu If only he had a son! That son
dark, but it didn’t matter.
had hastily retired from the would rule the kingdom in its full
For him, it was always dark. He
kingdom and gone to the forest, splendor – and he would rule
was lost in thought, pondering the
leaving the kingdom for through his son.
strange ways of fate. He had the
physique of a kñatriya, a martial Dhåtaräñtra to manage.
While the royal crown felt Lesson: Even if attachment is
guardian of society. His arms
good on his head, he couldn’t see satisfied, it still keeps us
were strong enough to crush
it adorning his head in a mirror; dissatisfied
opponents. Yet he couldn’t
he couldn’t see the veneration We all are born with certain
become the king because he had
citizens offered to their king; he gifts and certain deficiencies.
been born blind. Why had destiny
couldn’t see the armies he While our gifts can give us a head
been so unfair to him?
commanded, the treasures he start in some areas of life, our
After many years of
owned, the lands he ruled. He deficiencies can hold us back in
lamentation, it seemed fate had
was just a caretaker king, wearing certain other areas. By his
finally smiled on him: the royal
the crown till it moved on to a congenital blindness, Dhåtaräñtra
crown now rested on his head. It


became disqualified to be the Though ruling as a king, that the king contemplated the
Kuru king, a position he had been Dhåtaräñtra wasn’t satisfied — far gravity of the situation, Vidura
entitled to by primogeniture, the from it, his attachment only repeated the omens. “The very
traditional principle that the increased. He longed for a son moment this child appeared,
oldest son succeeds the father as who could become a full-fledged donkeys started braying, vultures
the king. Despite being king. He knew that Päëòu had started screaming and jackals
disqualified, he kept craving for been cursed to die if he ever started howling. Stormy winds
kingship. united with his wife — no started blowing. For no apparent
Obsessing over what is nephews were likely to become cause, fires started springing up
unchangeable, longing for it to heirs to the kingdom. in the city and raging all over.”
somehow change, is like fighting But Päëòu adopted an ancient
a battle that has already been lost, practice of niyoga to have great The king hesitantly asked, “O
hoping that it might be won. gods impregnate his wives on his Vidura, what do these omens
Suppose a cricket team is playing behalf, thereby begetting five mean?”
a series of matches and loses one illustrious sons. Meanwhile, Vidura’s voice became deadly
match. That team still has a though Dhåtaräñtra’s wife, grave. Though the king couldn’t
chance to win the remaining Gändhäré, had conceived, by see his face, Vidura hoped that
matches, provided it puts the lost another quirk of fate, her the gravity of his tone would
match behind and focuses on the pregnancy remained for an drive home the point he was
upcoming matches.
To have expectations is
natural, but to stay attached to Today’s culture would have us believe that if
them is pointless, especially if we just set our mind on something, we can
they are unrealistic. Today’s
achieve it. Certainly, positive thinking can
culture would have us believe
that if we just set our mind on
help us look for some open door amidst many
something, we can achieve it. closed doors, but it won’t change the reality
Certainly, positive thinking can that some doors are closed.
help us look for some open door
amidst many closed doors, but it
won’t change the reality that unusually long time. Eventually, about to make. “A child born
some doors are closed. her first child Duryodhana was amidst such omens will be the
born after Kunté’s first child, exterminator of the race. O king,
The next generation Yudhiñöhira. you need to abandon him
appears immediately to protect your
When Päëòu retired The ominous signs and the dynasty.”
prematurely, neither Päëòu nor momentous choice Dhåtaräñtra was shocked. “O
Dhåtaräñtra had any children. In When Duryodhana was born, Vidura, how can I abandon my
the absence of any other member several inauspicious omens were own son? For a father to abandon
of the royal family, Dhåtaräñtra seen. Feeling alarmed, his own son is sinful.”
ascended the throne as a Dhåtaräñtra called his advisors to Vidura’s tone was gentle yet
caretaker king. His blindness understand what the omens uncompromising. “Yes, it is –
wasn’t that big an impediment meant. ordinarily. But this is no ordinary
because the administration was Vidura told him, “O king, the situation. For a higher cause,
taken care of by his uncle Bhéñma words I speak won’t be pleasing something lower can and should
and his half-brother Vidura, who to you. Yet I speak them as your be sacrificed.”
were both competent and well-wisher and because you Vidura built his case by
virtuous. have consulted me.” To ensure quoting timeless wisdom. “O


king, for the sake of a family, an ordered that the child be taken to whether it is reasonable for us to
individual can be abandoned. For the inner chambers. impose our cultural conceptions
the sake of a village, a family can Vidura and Bhéñma looked at on characters from past ages and
be abandoned. For the sake of a each other in dismay. They could dismiss their context as “just some
kingdom, a village can be do nothing except give counsel; bad omens.” If the omens were
abandoned. For the sake of the the king was the final decision- so trivial, why did Dhåtaräñtra
soul, everything can be maker. even consult his advisors about
abandoned.” them? Clearly, the omens meant
As Dhåtaräñtra became Lesson: Attachment blinds something significant to him. As
pensive, Vidura concluded, “You us to the consequences of Vidura told him, the omens
are the king. For the sake of the our actions indicated that the child had an
kingdom, you need to abandon Wasn’t it unreasonable to evil disposition and would spread
this son. If you don’t abandon expect a father to abandon his evil in the world. If he were
him, you will end up abandoning child just because of some bad given royal power, he would
your whole dynasty.” omens? most likely abuse that power for
After thinking for a few Before judging what is his selfish purposes, committing
moments, Dhåtaräñtra started reasonable, we need to ask grievous atrocities. Hence the
shaking his head. “I can’t do this.”
So long had he dreamt of a son.
So long had he waited for a son
who would do all the things he
himself couldn’t do. So long had
he sought a son who would be
the fulfillment of his dreams. This
was that son. Who knew whether
what the omens signified was
true or false? What was true was
that he had a son now. If any
problems came in the future, he
would deal with them then. Why
should he abandon a son that he
now had?
Sensing the direction of his
brother’s thoughts, Vidura
implored him, “O king, the sage
Vyasadeva has promised that you
will have a hundred sons. His
words can never prove false.
Even if you give up this son, you
will soon have ninety-nine other
Dhåtaräñtra had already made
up his mind. “I won’t give up my
son.” He muttered softly to
himself, repeating the refrain and
raising his volume with each Vidura advised Dhåtaräñtra to abandon
repetition. Duryodhana immediately after his birth.
Turning away from Vidura, he


advice to a king to abandon such Duryodhana grew up with an over the citizens by giving them
a son. entitlement mentality towards the generous gifts and abundant
Could any father be expected kingdom with all its trappings. amenities.”
to follow such advice? Not When Päëòu died and the Seeing his father pondering
easily. But Dhåtaräñtra was not Päëòavas came to Hastinäpura, the suggestion, Duryodhana
just a father to Duryodhana – he the capital of the Kuru kingdom, continued. “I have the perfect
was also a father to the whole they soon endeared themselves pretext for sending them away.
kingdom. A king is expected to to the citizens and courtiers by We can ask them to go on a
care for his citizens, as if they their gentle, cultured, responsible vacation to Väraëävata. The town
are his own children. The behavior. Over time, people has many attractions. Moreover, it
Sanskrit word for started asking that the caretaker is soon to celebrate a grand
citizens, prajä, also refers to king Dhåtaräñtra hand over the festival. Once the Päëòavas leave
children, those born from kingdom to Yudhiñöhira. On Hastinäpura, maybe they will
oneself. For the sake of his hearing them, Duryodhana felt never return.”
greater family, Dhåtaräñtra incensed and approached his Dhåtaräñtra immediately
needed to give up one evil- father. understood what his son left
minded son. In the past, kings Duryodhana knew how to unsaid. He recoiled at the thought
like Çibi had sacrificed press Dhåtaräñtra’s buttons. He of hurting his brother’s sons.
immensely for their citizens. He started by touching the sorest spot Päëòu had always been virtuous
had cut and offered his own
flesh, and had been ready to
offer his entire body. In light of Duryodhana knew how to press Dhåtaräñtra’s
such precedents, abandoning buttons. He started by touching the sorest
one son among hundred wasn’t spot in his father’s psyche.
that unreasonable a demand.
And even if he abandoned
Duryodhana, that didn’t
necessitate he leave his son in his father’s psyche. “Father, the and respectful to him.
utterly destitute. Life is full of citizens are asking ‘Why should Seeing his father hesitating,
choices and possibilities. Maybe we have the blind king now that Duryodhana implored. “If the
he could have arranged for Yudhiñöhira has grown up?’ These Päëòavas continue to live in
Duryodhana to be taken care of ungrateful citizens care neither Hastinäpura, I won’t be able to
by someone else. Unfortunately, for you nor for me. Soon we shall live. Considering what the future
he didn’t even entertain that lose to those Päëòavas the honor will bring upon us, my heart
thought. Such was the blinding that we have been enjoying. We burns constantly with anger and
effect of his attachment. who have ruled the kingdom till fear. This plan is the only way to
now will become dependent on protect what is ours.”
Incident: The consenting them. What could be more Hearing Duryodhana’s words
conspirator painful for us?” changed the direction of
Even if Dhåtaräñtra couldn’t Seeing his father getting Dhåtaräñtra’s thoughts. Wasn’t he
abandon his son, at the very least agitated, the evil prince added, “I meant to consider his own son’s
he could have monitored him have a plan to protect what is hurts too? Clearly, Duryodhana
carefully and disciplined him ours.” was anguished by the way things
whenever necessary. As Dhåtaräñtra leaned forward were moving. And so was he.
Unfortunately, he did the to hear, Duryodhana smiled. When his son’s happiness was at
opposite; he pampered “First, we need to buy time by stake, how could he let any other
Duryodhana inordinately, letting sending the Päëòavas away to a consideration come in the way?
him become a spoilt brat. distant city. Then, we can win He half-heartedly protested


against the plan, saying that are totally trapped by attachment. blinded by his attachments,
elders such as Bhéñma, Drona, This is how Duryodhana could Dhåtaräñtra didn’t — and reaped
Kripa and Vidura would oppose manipulate Dhåtaräñtra to consent terrible consequences.
it. The cunning Duryodhana had to the plan to murder the We all need to introspect to
anticipated those concerns and Päëòavas. find which drugs intoxicate us
explained why they would The Päëòavas respected their and give them up before they
remain silent or could be uncle Dhåtaräñtra like they had make us give up everything for
sidelined. Hearing those answers, respected their father. Despite them.
Dhåtaräñtra fell silent. being so respected, Dhåtaräñtra
After agonizing over the acted towards his nephews with Caitanya Caraëa Däsa is the
situation for several moments, he deplorable hard-heartedness. associate-editor of Back to
finally gave his assent. What made him so hard-hearted? Godhead (US and Indian
His attachment to Duryodhana. editions). To read his daily
Lesson: Attachment locks When we are attached to Bhagavad-gétä reflections, please
our emotions in one thing something, our feelings get subscribe to Gitadaily on his
and dries up our emotions increasingly concentrated, even website,
for other things locked, in that one thing; we thespiritualscientist.com.
Dhåtaräñtra’s actions highlight become increasingly desensitized
how attachment traps and to other things.
misdirects our emotions. When Suppose someone who is a

When we are unhealthily attached,

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degenerates towards unhealthy they may even steal money from
attachment. others; they may end up killing
When we are unhealthily someone to get money for
attached, we become blinded to buying some drugs. Their
considerations of right and wrong; obsession with drugs causes their
we can see only their pleasure. desensitization towards other
For their pleasure, we become things. Duryodhana was
ready to do whatever they want, Dhåtaräñtra’s drug.
even if it isn’t good for us or even The conflict that led to a
for them. When they can, by massive fratricidal war could have
feigning distress, make us do been nipped in the bud if
their bidding, no matter how Dhåtaräñtra had disciplined
improper or obnoxious, then we Duryodhana. Unfortunately,


happy and blissful.
A defining characteristic of a
devotee, or a practicing spiritual
practitioner, is that he is
convinced nothing accepts
without God’s sanction. God, or
Kåñëa, is an expert tailor. He has
stitched a perfect jacket for each
one of us; it’s unique, and no one
else can wear your jacket.
The various unpleasant
experiences that fall on our lap,
without our invitation, form our
jackets. And the lessons we learn
at each stage of our life are a part
of our purification and
reformation. At every stage of life
we meet with pains and setbacks.
When we complain about life, we
are essentially moaning about the
jacket, and when we finally
accept reversals we have made
peace with the jacket that’s given
to us. When you receive the
unavoidable circumstances of
your life with gratitude, you have
finally worn your jacket with a

God’s Jacket
big smile!

Two Contrasting Examples

One friend of mine is
financially blessed — he has got

for You three houses in South Mumbai.

But he is in anxiety because his
business is on a fragile base; he
could lose all of it any day.
By Venugopal Acharya (Vraja Bihäré Däsa) Another friend has a stable
government job, but he wishes he
had enough money to own even
“You are always with yourself, problems and calamities in life, a small house in Mumbai. The
so you might as well enjoy the we complain, “Why me? What first man is wearing his jacket of
company.” —Diane Von wrong have I done to go through business purification, while the
Furstenberg (famous Belgian- this suffering?” But if we change second is wearing a jacket of
American fashion designer, our attitude and see the struggle to fulfill a basic need.
considered by Time as one of opportunity in such adversities, You can’t throw away this jacket.
the powerful 100 people on this we will make tremendous It sticks on your body, and it gets
planet) spiritual progress. And most heavy when you enter troubled
Often times, when we face importantly, we will remain waters.


Each one of us has a jacket that death had shattered him. He said, about the jacket.
we could either choose to wear “When my son went, the power The situation in life that you
grudgingly or happily. Those who and glory of my Presidency went accept as a specific gift from God
live in denial are unhappy about with him.” He then refused to run is your jacket of purification. And
their life-jacket. Although it's for President in the next elections if you choose to worry about it,
sewed perfectly and fits well, and soon died of a heart attack. please know that no one cares,
some people claim it’s difficult to The jacket was too heavy for him! and even if they do, there’s
put it on! But they can’t remove the He didn’t like the jacket that he nothing they can do to remove
jacket; it’s removed only on death! was made to wear; he preferred your jacket; it’s stuck on you for
life. You may change some
things, but another misery would
soon strike. The art is to do the
Instead of wasting our lives adjusting needful without focusing too
the jacket on our body, let’s choose to much on the inconvenience
accept it as a gift and move on with caused by the jacket.
other things in life. Çrémad-Bhägavatam also
describes the plight of Citraketu,
who was the king of the planet and
Instead of wasting our lives death over living with the pain of yet was most miserable because he
adjusting the jacket on our body, the purification jacket! had no child at all. He had several
let’s choose to accept it as a gift wives, but no one could conceive a
and move on with other things in Lessons from child. Finally, some realized sages
life. No one is spared of Ancient History told him that they could bless him
anxieties; misery plagues every The ancient wisdom book to have a son, but they said the
human that ever walked on earth, Çrémad-Bhägavatam reveals the child would give him a mixed
be it a beggar or a mighty plight of Hiraëyakaçipu, a great, package of pleasure and pain.
President. The Christian preacher powerful demon. A saintly son Blinded by his desire, Citraketu
and peace activist William Sloane Prahläda was born to him, but he hardly paid attention to the
Coffin said it humorously, “I am remained miserable. He wanted warning. Very soon his son died
not okay, you are not okay, and his son to continue his legacy of after being poisoned by Citraketu’s
that’s okay.” anti-God activities. On the other other queens. Drowning in an
When Calvin Coolidge took hand, King Aìga lived in deep ocean of grief, he realized the
over as the President of USA, the pain because his son Vena was so harsh reality of this world.
country saw hope: corrupt demoniac that he would even kill
politicians would now be thrown his friends during play. Moving beyond
out, and good tidings lay ahead Eventually, Aìga was so our suffering
for all. Barely months after frustrated that he left his kingdom Death and suffering are
assuming the top position of one and lived in the forest. How constant factors in this world of
of the most influential nations of Hiraëyakaçipu would have loved fluctuating fortunes. Our minds
the world, Calvin’s teenage son to have Vena as his son, while will never allow us to feel
died because of a small blood Aìga would have surely felt contended. But everything in this
clotting. This strange, unexpected blessed with Prahläda as his child. world, especially the events that
death drowned Mr. President in But nature is not our servant; we happen in our lives, is perfect,
an ocean of shock, from which he can’t control the gifts that nature whether we understand it or not.
never recovered. His health provides us. That’s your jacket, The Çrémad-Bhägavatam (10.14.8)
began to suffer, and he lost the and you have a choice out of two highlights this point with a
will to live. A man of few words, options — gratefully accept the beautiful verse:
Coolidge admitted that his son’s gift given by God or complain


tat te ’nukampäà su- If the devotee passes his days in Finance and an MBA from
samékñamäëo that spirit, it is certain that he is Mumbai University. He is a resi-
bhuïjäna evätma-kåtaà vipäkam going to be promoted to the abode dent monk at ISKCON Chowpatty
håd-väg-vapurbhir vidadhan of the Lord. By such activities, he and an active teacher of bhakti-
namas te earns his claim to enter into the yoga. Visit his website:
jéveta yo mukti-pade sa däya- kingdom of God. The exact word www.yogaformodernage.com
bhäk used in this verse is däya-bhäk.

“My dear Lord, one who

Däya-bhäk refers to a son’s
becoming the lawful inheritor of
earnestly waits for You to bestow the property of the father. In a
Your causeless mercy upon him, all similar way, a pure devotee who is Mystery....
the while patiently suffering the prepared to undergo all kinds of (Continued from page 34)
reactions of his past misdeeds and tribulations in executing Kåñëa wanderings of all living entities,
offering You respectful obeisances conscious duties becomes lawfully who are seated as on a machine,
with his heart, words and body, is qualified to enter into the made of the material energy. O
surely eligible for liberation, for it transcendental abode. scion of Bharata, surrender unto
has become his rightful claim.” Therefore it’s absolutely vital Him utterly. By His grace you
Çréla Prabhupäda elaborates on for our mental well-being that we will attain transcendental peace
this principle in his Nectar of happily accept the jacket that and the supreme and eternal
Devotion: Kåñëa has designed for us. Let’s abode. Thus I have explained to
This statement of Çrémad- remember that the pain and you knowledge still more
Bhägavatam should be the guide of suffering, the inconvenience confidential. Deliberate on this
all devotees. A devotee should not caused by our jacket, is an fully, and then do what you wish
expect immediate relief from the opportunity for us to increase our to do. (Gétä 18.61-63)
reactions of his past misdeeds. No loving remembrance of Kåñëa. At the end of a lecture given in
conditioned soul is free from such And it is also a wakeup call to London, Çréla Prabhupäda solved
reactionary experiences, because aspire to leave this material world. the mystery of the Gita in a most
material existence means There is no point complaining lucid way. He said: “You simply
continued suffering or enjoying of about our jacket or wishing to see Kåñëa nicely decorated in the
past activities. If one has finished have someone else’s jacket. The temple. You simply prepare
his material activities then there is grass looks greener on the other foodstuff for Kåñëa. You simply
no more birth. This is possible only side. But the irony of this world is chant the holy name of Kåñëa.
when one begins Kåñëa conscious that while we may wish to obtain That is bhakti. We can utilize our
activities, because such activities another person’s jacket, the other hands in collecting flowers, in
do not produce reaction. Therefore, person is desperately wishing to cleansing the temple. If we
as soon as one becomes perfect in wear your jacket. haven’t got education, ignorant, it
Kåñëa conscious activities, he is not In this world, we never really doesn’t require. Simply engage
going to take birth again in this get what we want. It’s time to your senses in the service of
material world. A devotee who is make peace with our jackets and Kåñëa. Then you become perfect.
not perfectly freed from the move on in life with quiet You don’t require to become a
resultant actions should therefore courage. We need to learn that very big philosopher, very rich
continue to act in Kåñëa being happy doesn’t mean man, very nicely educated,
consciousness seriously, even everything is perfect. It merely nothing of the sort. Simply
though there may be so many means we have decided to look engage your senses in the service
impediments. When such beyond the imperfections. of Kåñëa, and your life is perfect.”
impediments arise he should (Bhagavad-gétä 1.20, July 17,
simply think of Kåñëa and expect Vraja Bihäré Däsa holds a post- 1973, London)
His mercy. That is the only solace. graduate degree in International —Çyämänanda Däsa


Rappelling – Faith over Fear
Rappelling is a mountaineering
technique used for a controlled
descent off a vertical drop, such
as a rock face, using a rope. To
descend safely, rappellers use a
variety of techniques to increase
the friction on the rope to the
point where it can be controlled
comfortably. I recently got an
opportunity to rappel down a
40 feet wall when I had gone
for a team outing with
colleagues. Those fifteen
minutes gave me emotional
experiences and philosophical
insights enough to pen down
this poem.

As I climbed up the stairs,

No one but my mind with me,
My throbbing heart fluttered wild,
A raging storm no-one could see.

Heavy legs, a step at a time,

Felt like ages, but it came to soon,
Moment of dread, you have come?
Will you shove me to my doom?

A chill ran down my spine,

My heart stopped, I gasped for life,
Paralyzed I was by the stroke of fear,
Only a moment, but horrifying strife.

Don’t look down, the captain said,

Trust me, you are fastened safe,
Calm the mind, a task at hand,
Look up, and keep the faith.


I turned around, and stepped back, was our only gateway to the rappelling experience.
Onto the edge of the precipice wall, For some faith comes easily, for some not so.
I leaned back and took position, Different people are in different stages of their
Only the ropes now would stall my fall. spiritual evolution. One of our colleagues just
couldn’t garner enough faith to overcome his
A step at a time, a simple technique, particular level of fear. But to understand spiritual
Calmed the nerves and lifted the heart, life, one needs to start following it. There is no
Thrill at first, then peace and joy, other way. Spirituality is an experience; it can be
Even a jump or two quite smart. truly understood only by having it. The
Bhagavad-gétä provides a sound philosophical
As I touched down, there was relief, foundation for practicing spiritual life. And the
But this taught me something deep, sincere followers of the Bhagavad-gétä provide
Fear of the unknown is overcome, the live examples. The culture of the Bhagavad-
Faith in the knower if we keep. gétä is of encouragement, not judgement. This
provides the conducive environment in which to
Faith opens the doors of our mind, follow spirituality. This is the safety mechanism.
Rich experiences it does bring, Unless you do something as drastic as cut off the
Remember this next time you face, rope, you are safe.
Fearful situations or just rappelling! Rich spiritual experiences are waiting for you if
only you can tap into the power of faith, based
This poem is a short story about faith over fear. on sound philosophical convictions, to overcome
It’s short, but it says a lot. Just like going down your hesitations regarding spiritual life. Keep the
rappelling is a choice, going down the spiritual faith, you’ll be safe.
path is a choice. The initial steps could be full of
turmoil due to fear. What will my life look like if I
go down this path? What about my worldly life
and attachments? Family? Job? But there is also the
longing for experiencing something sublime,
something that the heart longs for and that is
promised by the spiritual path - peace, purpose,
love. At some point in the journey, one comes at
a juncture where we need to make the decision.
And that’s when the fear completely captures the
heart. At these times, faith comes to the rescue.
Not blind faith, but reasonable faith. Before
asking us to rappel down, the instructors had given
us a lesson in rappelling — it’s purpose,
philosophy behind the technique, the strength of
the ropes and the anchors, and so on. Then one of
the instructors rappelled down himself
demonstrating to us the technique and the safety
mechanisms that will keep us very safe under all
circumstances. Of course, accidents happen, but
they can happen at home too. There was no
rational reason for fear; but fear is often irrational,
arising from forgotten experiences from the past.
Faith in in the words and example of the instructors



Çri Çri Kåñëa-Balaräma

In the Abode of
The Reclining Viñëu
ISKCON devotees have built Çré Çré Kåñëa-Balaräma
(opposite page). An artist’s
a new temple in this South rendition of Çré Ananta
Indian city well known for Padmanäbha Svämé (left),
its ancient temple visited by Trivandrum’s famous
ancient reclining Viñëu
Caitanya Mahäprabhu. deity. Below: the front of
ISKCON’s new temple in
by Näräyaëa Däsä Trivandrum.

RIVANDRUM, the capital of
the state of Kerala, is a city of
about a million inhabitants
located on the southwest coast of
India. Overshadowing its political
importance is the city’s spiritual
heritage, represented by its places
of worship – temples, mosques, and
churches that have existed over the
centuries in remarkable harmony. By
far the most famous of these is the
Çré Ananta Padmanäbha Svämé
temple, which is at least a
millennium old. This temple caught
international attention in 2011 when
an inventory of its treasures revealed
their present-day value to be about
$22 billion. The collection is made
up of gold ornaments and numerous
jewelry items set with precious
stones, representing offerings over


several centuries to the presiding Viñëu deity Ananta
Padmanäbha, the Lord reclining on the divine
serpent Ananta Çeña. According to Wikipedia, the
treasures would make the temple the wealthiest
institution among places of worship in the world.
The temple was already prominent in India’s
spiritual circuit and figured on the world tourist
circuit as well. The 2011 discovery has enhanced
this importance.
The city’s original name, Thiruvanthapuram
(Trivandrum is the Anglicized version), translates as
the “Abode of Çré Ananta Padmanäbha.” There is a
history behind the special importance of this Viñëu
deity for this city and the accumulation of the temple
wealth. Trivandrum was long the capital of the
former principality of Travancore, which, after India
gained independence, became part of Kerala. In
A.D. 1750 the ruler (Maharaja) surrendered his
whole domain to Çré Ananta Padmanäbha and took
on the title Çré Padmanäbha Däsä – “servant of Lord
Padmanäbha.” According to records of that event,
the ruler placed his crown at the feet of the deity to
signify his subservience. His successor rulers of
Travancore retained the title and ruled as trustees on
behalf of the Lord.
Within an hour’s driving distance to the south of
Trivandrum, at a placed called Thiruvattar –
accessible from the highway connecting the city
with India’s land’s end at Kanyakumari – is the Ädi
Keçava temple, also of great antiquity. This Viñëu
temple is of special significance for ISKCON
devotees as it was here that Caitanya Mahäprabhu
during His South India travels five centuries ago
retrieved the only surviving fragment manuscript of
the Brahma-saàhitä, containing Brahmä’s


glorification of Lord Govinda. A
recording of the singing of verses
from this ancient text is played
daily in all ISKCON temples.
A rendering of Mahäprabhu’s
lotus feet, installed within the
Ananta Padmanäbha Swämé
temple compound fifteen years
ago, commemorates His visit to
the temple during His tour of
South India. The thread was
picked up in the last century by
Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté
Öhäkura, who visited Trivandrum
twice, first in January 1931 and
again in June 1932, as part of his
successive South India tours. On
both occasions he was honored as
a state guest. On the second visit,
the Maharaja personally guided
Çréla Siddhänta Sarasvaté around
the temple and heard from him
about the teachings of
Mahäprabhu in relation to those of
the Vaiñëava äcäryas of South
India. Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta
Sarasvaté is known to have
observed after his South India
travels – with particular reference
to the difficulties faced by the
Gaudiya Math he had set up in
Madras (now Chennai) – that in the
south people knew arcana (deity

A devotee addresses the

congregation in the new temple
(above). Above left, deities of
Caitanya Mahäprabhu and
Nityänanda Prabhu (Gaura-
Nitäi) stand to the right of Kåñëa-
Balaräma on the altar.
B.V. V. Narasiàha Swami (far
left), the author’s spiritual master,
took part in the temple
inauguration. At left, devotees
perform Kåñëa-Balaräma’s sacred
installation bath.


Manohara Gaura Däsä
teaches a seven-day seminar
on the Çrémad-Bhägavatam
(above). Members of the
temple’s women’s preaching supplemented by donations and
group meet to discuss their loans.
plans (left). At an old Kåñëa
Kerala, promoted by the tourist
temple in Thiruvallanow run
industry as “God’s Own Country,”
by ISKCON, local devotees
is famous for its backwaters and
hold a traditional deity
procession (right). greenery. The new temple plot is
set in the midst of verdant
coconut plantations. This
worship) but not kértana. They to the city’s main railway station. picturesque location in a
were familiar with the Viñëu form The temple’s initiated devotees designated green belt raised
of the Lord but not Rädhä-Kåñëa, now number 120; the regular some initial legal problems that
and it was Çréla Siddhänta congregation is about twice that delayed civic-authority approvals
Sarasvaté’s desire to preach number and growing steadily. to build the temple, in turn
extensively in these parts to Satellite centers have come up in delaying the start of construction.
revive the teachings of Lord the city’s suburbs and nearby After overcoming these hurdles
Caitanya. towns. It is a measure of public and raising the initial corpus of
recognition of the Hare Kåñëa funds, devotees held the
ISKCON’s Beginnings movement’s presence and bhümipüjä (ground-consecration
In Trivandrum activities that three years ago a ceremony) in April 2012. The
This wish of Çréla Prabhupäda’s centuries-old Kåñëa temple concrete temple foundation was
Guru Mahäräja took tangible located 120 kilometers to the built by the end of that year, and
shape in Trivandrum three north was handed over to by March 2015 the construction of
decades ago, initially on a very ISKCON. the deity room was taken up.
small scale as an ashram for a few An ambitious plan to set up a The temple design borrows
brahmacärés doing preaching and new temple was conceived in from the well-recognized
book distribution, and later as a 2007. A year later the devotees templetower architecture of the
properly consecrated small bought a plot of land, drawing on famous Käçé Viçvanätha temple in
temple with Gaura-Nitäi deities, funds built up mainly through Varanasi, in north India. Work on
housed in rented premises close book distribution and the tower above the deity altar of


the new temple began in March the founding of ISKCON. help accommodate visitors and
2016. The main Kåñëa-Balaräma Two weeks before the date set personnel engaged in completing
deities, crafted by expert artisans for the function, some major work the project. About 150 hired
in Jaipur, had arrived in the was pending, slowed by a laborers cooperated by working
meantime. shortage of funds. But the round the clock over the last
The completion of the temple organizers and devotees believe fortnight.
within ten months of starting that Çré Çré Kåñëa-Balaräma took Virtually the entire
work on the temple tower over the reins, and things started congregation took one week off
involved tremendous effort on falling into place. Their belief is from their regular work to
the part of the temple supported by seeming minor complete the abode for Çré Çré
management and the miracles that helped clear Kåñëa-Balaräma. Devotee
congregation. The logistics of problems as they arose. These contributions accounted for about
getting delivery of construction included unexpected acts of seventy percent of the total
material like cement and steel goodwill on the part of officials amount spent on the temple
was a challenging task in itself. that smoothed the movement of structure and land.
Consignments of marble for the material like red stone urgently The inauguration, held at the
flooring, as well as red stone needed to meet the announced end of January 2017, was graced
slabs that were engraved and deadline. by the presence of senior
used to frame the windows of the In another instance, occupants ISKCON sannyäsés and disciples
deity hall, came all the way from of several houses in the temple’s of Çréla Prabhupäda. Public
Rajasthan. vicinity moved out for a week to dignitaries, including a minister of
About three thousand ISKCON
devotees and a large number of
local well-wishers gathered for
three days at the end of January
2017 to mark the grand
inauguration of the new Kåñëa-
Balaräma temple. The
inauguration formed part of the
Golden Jubilee celebrations of

Devotees pull the Lord’s chariot at

ISKCON’s Rathayäträ (right).
Above: the temple of Çré Ananta
Padmanäbha Svämé.


beneficial effects on the
A Note on Temple Activities
participating prisoners.
OVER THE years, ISKCON from the Çrémad-Bhägavatam. Television Program: A local TV
Trivandrum has promoted several Leaders of ISKCON Trivandrum network (Janam TV) has been
satellite centers in the city’s are regularly invited to conduct telecasting weekly lectures by
suburbs and outlying areas. All these programs, allowing them to the ISKCON Trivandrum temple
these centers conduct regular spread the message of Kåñëa president for the last four years,
weekly classes, outreach consciousness. enabling the message of Kåñëa
programs, and book sales, apart Another local tradition is the consciousness to reach a large
from contributing resources for annual observance of a Rämäyaëa number of homes.
festivals at the main temple. Half Mäsä in July-August (roughly Gopal School: Started on an
a dozen such centers are now corresponding to the month of experimental basis during school
functional. One center – at Çravaëa in the traditional Hindu vacations, this is now a regular
Parassala, about ten kilometres calendar), a season of heavy rains Sunday feature popular with
south of the new temple – and consequently a break in children and their parents.
observes the standard ISKCON farming, the main source of Common ISKCON Activities:
daily püjäs to the Jagannätha, income in the past. Farming has These include public chanting
Baladeva, and Subhadrä deities receded in importance in recent (näma-saìkértana), youth
installed there and also conducts decades, but the old tradition of programs in colleges, and a
annual Rathayäträs. This center families observing austerities and prominent local Information
also has a small goshala. prayers during this period and Technology Park, which employs
The article mentions the old Çré devoting themselves to reading of a large number of well-educated
Kåñëa temple at Thiruvalla, about the Rämäyaëa and other Puräëic youth. Tours are also arranged
a hundred kilometers north of texts remains in vogue. Building once or twice a year for groups of
Trivandrum, now run by ISKCON on this tradition, ISKCON has devotees to pilgrimage centers
on a ninety-nine-year lease. Apart been successful in conducting such as Dwarka, Badrinath, and
from ISKCON festivals and group programs in homes over Ahobilam (associated with Lord
outreach programs, this temple this period in the last couple of Nåsiàhadeva).
also observes its own years, attracting new devotees in Book Marathon: Book
longstanding traditions, like the fair numbers. distribution is a regular activity of
annual Utsavam, in the way the temple. A special effort to
common to temples in Kerala. Other Notable Initiatives mobilize devotees for last year’s
Traditions Special to Kerala. Prison Counseling: In a unique ISKCONwide December “Book
Major temples in Kerala – breakthrough, ISKCON devotees Marathon” saw a twenty-percent
Viñëu temples and those have been allowed to conduct increase in books sold over the
dedicated to demigods – have the spiritual counseling in the Central previous year – more than six
practice of conducting weeklong and Open prisons in Trivandrum thousand sets of Bhagavad-gétä
Bhägavata-saptähams in which over the last four years. Prison and Çrémad-Bhägavatam and
invited speakers narrate histories authorities have appreciated the several hundred small books.

the Indian government, A Fitting Place To hall, and a well-equipped suite

participated. A major attraction Serve the Lord for visiting sannyäsés on the floor
leading up to the event was a The temple building has three below, at ground level; and a
saìkértana party of Indian and floors, which include the deity basement with storerooms and
foreign devotees who chanted in hall at the top; offices, deity and living quarters for brahmacärés.
various parts of the city in the general kitchens, a small Each floor is about five hundred
week before the inauguration. conference room, a prasädam square meters. In an innovation


Devotees chant and
dance in a large tent
during a temple
festival (right).
Below right: residential
quarters for devotees
associated with the
temple. The temple lit
up for a festival
Far below: the spire
above the
deities’ altar. .

unique for these parts,

a glass sheet at the
entrance tothe marble-
floored deity hall lets
in sunlight to the floor
Along with the
temple, a housing
complex comprising
fourteen apartments
near the temple was built and (Kerala is currently ruled by a
handed over to devotee owners. government led by India’s main
To meet demand, ten more communist party.) ISKCON has
apartments are planned. undoubtedly made an impact,
The Gaura-Nitäi temple that however, and the annual
existed for two decades was Janmäñöamé celebrations held in
initially popularized locally as a recent years have been a big
temple of Kåñëa-Balaräma, forms draw. Devotees believe that the
of the Lord better known locally. arrival of Çré Çré Kåñëa-Balaräma
This accounts for the choice of will further boost the growth of
Kåñëa-Balaräma deities for the the congregation and the
new temple, a choice approved saìkértana movement and help
by ISKCON’s Governing Body realize Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta
Commission as an exception to Sarasvaté’s vision.
the normal pattern. The state of
Kerala has innumerable Kåñëa Näräyaëa Däsä is a disciple of
temples, but the new ISKCON congregation strength is very His Holiness B.V.V. Narasiàha
temple is the first with Kåñëa- small. The fact is that Mäyäväda Swami and an ISKCON Life
Balaräma deities. philosophy (impersonalism) and Member since 2004. He lives in
Temple authorities are demigod worship are strong in Trivandrum with his wife, Prema
conscious that for a city of a these parts, added to which is a Kamala Devé däsé, and their
million people, the present prominent atheist presence. daughter, Sugéta-Väëé Devé däsé.



Kåñëa’s Sidelong Glance

The potency, the agony and the ecstasy
Translation by Hari Pärñada Däsa,
Commentary by Chandrahas Pujari

kåñëasyänyatra dåk-präntaù henever we encounter especially attractive. Its beauty is
sadbhiù çästra-phalaà småtam a stimulus, our highlighted repeatedly in bhakti
hanta täsu punaù so’yam experience of it is texts (Çrémad-Bhägavatam
ebhiù çastra-phalaà matam determined not just by the content 4.24.47, 10.31.10). Those who
of the experience, but also by its become the recipients of that
kåñëasya — of Kåñëa; context. If a nail pricks us, we glance become so captivated by
anyatra — elsewhere; dåk- feel agitated. But we feel Kåñëa that nothing else in the
präntaù — sidelong glance; relieved by a similar prick in world can captivate them. And
sadbhiù — by the sages; çästra- another context, say, when we such wholehearted devotion is
phalam — the pin-pointed end take an anti-tetanus injection to the purpose of all scripture
of çästra; småtam — is prevent infection from that same (15.19-20).
understood; hanta — Alas! nail prick. In romance, a sidelong glance
täsu — on these gopés; This verse describes such by a lover towards a beloved is
punaù — again; saù — glance; dramatically opposite often considered to be invitational
ayam — this; ebhiù — by these experiences of the same and irresistible. The enticing tilt
very sages; çastra-phalam — devotional stimulus: Kåñëa’s of the eyes, the enchanting
the pin-pointed end of çastra; sidelong glance. And it depicts movement of the eyebrows, the
matam — is understood. these opposite experiences with entrancing language spoken by
When Kåñëa’s sidelong amazing literary expertise by the eyes – all these are
glances fall on any other playing with the similar-sounding mesmerizing. Whereas a sidelong
devotee in the world, the words: shastra (scripture) glance by a sensually attractive
learned sages describe it as the and sastra (weapon). person can trick and trap, a
attainment of the pin-pointed sidelong glance by Kåñëa can
end (conclusion) Kåñëa’s sidelong glance elevate and even liberate.
o f çästra (Vedic scriptures). as the end of scripture Thus, Kåñëa’s sidelong glance
However, when the same side- The Bhagavad-gétä (15.15) takes devotees to the conclusive
long glances fall on the gopés, states that the purpose and end of all scripture.
then Alas! These very sages perfection of all scriptural
describe it as the attainment of knowledge is to know Kåñëa. To Kåñëa’s sidelong glance as
the pin-pointed end of çastra (a know Kåñëa is to know his the end of a weapon
sharp weapon). supreme attractiveness and to For the gopés, however, Kåñëa’s
—Çréla Jéva Gosvämé’s become devoted to him (10.08). sidelong glance feels like
Gopäla-campüù, Pürva, 17th Among his many attractive torment, as if they are being
Püraëa. features, his sidelong glance is pierced by the sharp end of a


personal association – a longing
that is intolerable, irresistible,
insatiable. Indeed, they feel
being separated from him is
killing them.
In the celebrated gopé-gétä
(Bhägavatam 10.31), a series of
verses sung by the gopés after
Kåñëa disappeared from their
midst, they fervently beg Kåñëa to
re-appear. Therein (10.31.2-3),
they wonder how the same God
of love who has saved them from
many demons in the past is now
sending them into the jaws of the
demon of separation from him.
At one level, such separation
is agony. But at another level, it is
also ecstasy. Caitanya-caritämåta
a medieval bhakti classic,
compares love for Kåñëa to hot
sugar cane — too hot to keep
chewing, yet too tasty to stop
chewing (Madhya 2.51).
Such is the amazing potency of
Kåñëa’s sidelong glance: it
propels devotees to the ultimate
scriptural conclusion, but it
propels the supreme devotees,
the gopés, to the ultimate
devotional emotion: an
inconceivable blend of agony and
weapon. It fills them with an Kåñëa because of social Let’s pray that he bestow his
insatiable longing for Kåñëa’s conventions. They can behold sidelong glance on us, as is the
personal association. him only from a distance, usually mood of this prayer from the
This verse is found in Gopäla- when he is going out every Padyävalé (3), an anthology of
campüù, a devotional magnum morning to herd the cows and bhakti poetry.
opus by Jéva Gosvämé that when he is returning every “May Lord Hari’s eyes, which
expands on the pastimes of Kåñëa evening after herding the cows. lovingly gaze on the devotees,
described in Bhägavatam’s Tenth On those occasions, Kåñëa too which rival the splendor of blue
Canto. Within the narrative arc of glances at them. Not directly, as lotuses, on which the yogis
kåñëa-lélä in Gopäla-campüù, this he too is mindful of social meditate to attain auspiciousness,
verse describes the time when conventions, but indirectly, by his which are two great oceans of
the gopés are sidelong glance. And that handsomeness, and which fill
experiencing pürva- sidelong glance is so electrifying Rädhä’s eyes with the nectar of
räga (emotion before union). At that it pierces the entire being of love, quell for you the sufferings
that time, they are unable to meet the gopés with longing for his of material life.”


ISKCON’s Global Contributions Recognized Russian devotee Madana Mohana Däsa and sculpted
at the World Hindu Congress by Ukranian artist Volodymyr Zhuravel, the
Chicago, Ill., beautifully detailed bronze piece depicts Çréla
USA: The World Prabhupäda disembarking from the Jaladuta cargo
Hindu Congress, ship at Boston’s Commonwealth Pier, where he
one of the largest arrived to bring Lord Caitanya’s message to the
international Hindu Western World.
conferences with
over 2,500 DASI Creates Service Opportunities for
participants Young Women in ISKCON
from 60 countries, ISKCON devotees — some girls from Alachua,
recognized Çréla and some from North Carolina and Chicago, Illinois
Prabhupäda and his International Society for Krishna — are members of DASI, a brand new organization
Consciousness (ISKCON) for its vital role in that aims to encourage and inspire young women to
spreading the message of Bhagavad-gétä around the use their talents and time in service to Lord Kåñëa.
world and introducing the ethnic population to the It all began when Anasuya Rico, 18, grew out of
teachings of Hinduism at its inaugural Kishori Yatra, a tour which takes girls aged 11 to 16
plenary yesterday in Chicago, United States. around North America for service opportunities and
ISKCON’s Governing Body Commissioner and bonding fun. With encouragement from Manorama
International Director of Communications Anuttama and Jaya Sri Radhe of ISKCON Youth Ministry,
Däsa received the felicitation on behalf of the Anasuya decided to head up the project. Gathering
Hare Krishna movement. similar-minded girls her age, the group created
DASI. For the first time in the summer of 2019, these
Rain or Shine, Lord Jagannätha ten talented and dedicated young women will travel
Gets His Festival in a van across North America for two months.
Saint Louis, Missouri, USA: ISKCON devotees Starting at Atlanta’s Panihati in early June and
here celebrated the fourth annual Ratha-yäträ ending at Los Angeles Rathayatra in August, they
festival. Despite the rain, many people participated will offer their artistic skills to Ratha-yäträs and other
in it. They purchased Çréla Prabhupäda’s books, ISKCON festivals around the country, following the
chanted Hare Kåñëa, and honored prasäda. Festival of India tour closely.

Çréla Prabhupäda and Jaladuta Sculpture BBT Project Manager Helps

Boston, Mass., USA: Create Automated Systems
August 5, the Hare Kåñëa Däsa from Russia, a member of a
52ndanniversary of BBT team headed by trustee Brahma Muhürta Däsa,
ISKCON’s incorporation is helping to develop incredible automated systems
according to the Vaishnava to optimize the production, ensure accuracy and
calendar, around 200 make proofreaders’ and editors’ jobs easier.
devotees gathered outside Hare Kåñëa’s service as a project manager
the ISKCON Boston involves assisting in the development of books from
temple to install a historic concept to print. For each book he has to assemble a
sculpture of Çréla team of qualified editors, proofreaders and
Prabhupäda. translators, and make sure they have the right tools
The specially and resources. He works with every facet of
commissioned sculpture was created for ISKCON’s production, including layout, technical processes, e-
50thanniversary celebrations in 2016. Designed by book and app production, and websites.


The International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Founder-Äcärya: His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivendanta Swami Prabhupada
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JAMMU & KASHMIR: Jammu—(0191) 2582306; Katra—
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KARNATAKA: Bangalore—(080) 23471956/
Oct 1 – Nov 15 2018
ard@iskconbangalore.org; Bangalore— (080) 23565708,
9844234108/vibhav.krishna.jps@pamho.net; Belgaum— 19 Oct: Çré Rämacandra Vijayotsava, Çré
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9844325616; KERALA: Thiruvananthapuram—(0471) 20 Oct: Fasting for Päçäìkuçä Ekädaçé
2328197/ jsdasa@yahoo.co.in. MADHYA PRADESH:
Indore—(0731) 4972665; Jhansi— 21 Oct: Break fast 6:22 – 10:09 (LT), Çréla
(0510)2443602;Ujjain—0734-235000/ Raghunätha Däsa Gosvämé Disappearance, Çréla
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iskconkndinyapur@pamho.net; Beed—(02442) 231799/ 23 Oct: Last day of the third Cäturmäsya month
iskcon.beed@pamho.net; Chowpatty, Mumbai—(022) 24 Oct: Çré Kåñëa Çäradéyä Räsayäträ, Çré Muräré
23665500/ radha.krishna.rns@pamho.net; Juhu, Gupta Disappearance, Lakñmé Püjä, Fourth month of
Mumbai—(022) 26206860/ iskcon.juhu@pamho.net;
Kharghar, Navi Mumbai— 9820039911/ Cäturmäsya begins (urad-däl fast for one month)
iskcon.kharghar@gmail.com; Mira Road, Thane—(022) 29 Oct: Çréla Narottamadäsa Öhäkura
28454667, 9223183023/kamalalochan.gkg@pamho.net; Disappearance
Nagpur—(0712) 6994730, 937015638/ 1 Nov: Appearance of Rädhä Kuëòa, snäna-däna,
iskcon.nagpur@pamho.net; Nasik— 07276588545/ Bahuläñöamé
07774050627; Pandharpur—((02186)216242, 9423335991/ 2 Nov: Çré Virabhadra Appearance
iskcon.pandharpur@pamho.net; Pune—(020) 41033222/ 3 Nov: Ekädaçé (not suitable for fasting)
infocenter@iskconpune.in; Solapur—9371178393;
MANIPUR: Imphal—(0385) 2455693, 4 Nov: Dvadasi (suitable for fasting) Fasting for
manimandir@sancharnet.in; Moirang— 795133; Ramä Ekädaçi
ODISHA: Angul—09437052142/ iskconangul@gmail.com 5 Nov: Break fast 6:32 – 10:12 (LT)
Bhubaneswar—(0674) 255-3517/ iskconbhubaneswar 7 Nov: Dépa-däna, Dépävalé (Käli Püjä)
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238112/ srigopalccd@yahoo.co.in; Puri—(06752) 231440;
Rasikänanda Appearance
PUNJAB-HARYANA: Amritsar—(0183) 2540177;
Chandigarh—(0172) 2601590/ 9 Nov: Çré Väsudeva Ghoña Disappearance
bhaktivinode.gkg@pamho.net; Kurukshetra—(01744) 11 Nov: Çréla Prabhupäda Disappearance



y online search for the word “mystery” and probity, rather than brilliance.
yielded the following three meanings: If you had visited some of the stock exchanges in
a) One that is not fully understood or that the yesteryears, you would have heard a
baffles or eludes the understanding; an enigma: tumultuous sound of brokers buying or selling. And
How he got in is a mystery. obviously the subject matter of their conversation
b) One whose identity is unknown and who has to be a particular stock or share. Alternatively, a
arouses curiosity: The woman in the photograph is a huddle at a football final between the players of a
mystery. team or the coming closer on the cricket pitch of
c) A mysterious character or quality: a landscape two batsmen gives us a clear idea of the subject
with mystery and charm. matter. These players are discussing either how to
One dictionary, however, took the word to an block the opposite team from scoring goals or how
entirely new level. –It meant, “a religious truth that to make the required runs in order to win the match.
one can know only by revelation and cannot fully No mysteries here!
understand.” Then how can we say that when the Supreme Lord
The Bhagavad-gétä is famous throughout the world Çré Kåñëa and His devotee are discussing something,
as the most lucid summary of all Vedic knowledge. the subject matter can be other than the science of
Many, many people have commented on it. Perhaps devotional service or bhakti. “That very ancient
the latest one is (ironically) called My Gita and comes science of the relationship with the Supreme is today
from the stable of one of India’s mythologists. One told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well
thing that still intrigues me is, if this fellow dabbles in as My friend and can therefore understand the
mythology, does he believe that the Gétä is also part transcendental mystery of this science.” (Gétä 4.3).
of mythology? A part of me says that even without Another point of interest is that the level of
reading his book I can fairly make a comment that he mystery deepens as the dialogue between Kåñëa
is unable to penetrate the real mystery of the Gita. and Arjuna progresses. At the first level, Kåñëa calls
Am I being proud and presumptuous? I hope not. Let it (guhya-tamam) very confidential. Kåñëa tells
me explain the rationale behind my position. Arjuna: My dear Arjuna, because you are never
If the commentary on the Gita has these two envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most
defects: confidential knowledge and realization, knowing
1. The writer feels that he is equal to Kåñëa and which you shall be relieved of the miseries of
Kåñëa was just an ordinary personality or even a material existence. (Gétä 9.1) Later, Kåñëa tells him:
very great personality, but a human. “Whoever knows Me as the Supreme Personality of
2. Even theoretically the writer does not accept Godhead, without doubting, is the knower of
that Kåñëa is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, everything. He therefore engages himself in full
then you have absolutely no chance of devotional service to Me, O son of Bharata. This is
unraveling the mystery of the Gita. the most confidential part of the Vedic scriptures, O
The Bhagavad-gétä is indeed a mystery to the sinless one, and it is disclosed now by Me. Whoever
common man. But it is no ordinary mystery; this understands this will become wise, and his
particular mystery is transcendental or not covered endeavors will know perfection. (Gétä 15.19-20)
with the darkness of a material science. In other The mystery deepens still further when Kåñëa
words, it is brilliant. As a result, ordinary men cannot tells Arjuna :”The Supreme Lord is situated in
understand it, and therefore they try to interpret it. everyone’s heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the
This interpretation demonstrates their lack of depth (Continued on page 19)


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