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Series Editors:

The Rectors of CISM

Sandor Kaliszky - Budapest
Mahir Sayir - Zurich
Wilhelm Schneider - Wien

The Secretary General of CISM

Giovanni Bianchi - Milan

Executive Editor
Carlo Tasso - Udine

The series presents lecture notes, monographs, edited works and

proceedings in the field of Mechanics, Engineering, Computer Science
and Applied Mathematics.
Purpose of the series is to make known in the international scientific
and technical community results obtained in some of the activities
organized by CISM, the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences.







~ Springer-Verlag Wien GmbH

This volume contains 238 illustrations

This work is subject to copyright.

All rights are reserved,
whether the whole or part of the material is concerned
specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations,
broadcasting, reproduction by photocopying machine
or similar means, and storage in data banks.
© 2000 by Springer-Verlag Wien
Originally published by Springer-Verlag Wien New York in 2000
SPIN 10776865

In order to make this volume available as economically and as

rapidly as possible the authors' typescripts have been
reproduced in their original forms. This method unfortunately
has its typographical limitations but it is hoped that they in no
way distract the reader.

ISBN 978-3-211-83331-5 ISBN 978-3-7091-2478-9 (eBook)

DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-2478-9
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To the memory of Professor P. D. Panagiotopoulos (1950-1998)


The notion of semi-rigid connections in steel structures, although known

since the fifties, has been recently re-introduced into the structural steelwork
praxis by Eurocode 3: "Design of Steel Structures" where, these connections, as
exhibiting a behaviour intermediate between that of classical pinned and rigid, are
characterized as semi-rigid. Having as scope to discuss in depth all the aspects of
the notion of semi-rigidity in steel structural connections -from the fundamental
notions till the applications of this theory -, an Advanced Professional Training
Seminar coordinated by the editors of the present hook was organized at the
International Center for Mechanical Sciences (C!SM) in Udine the period
September 20-24, 1999. The present book is the fruit of this Seminar and
includes the texts of the lectures presented there.
The Book presents a comprehensive survey of all the relevant topics: the
definition of semi-rigid steel structural connections, their classification and their
influence to the structural response of sway and non-sway steel frames. The
sources of connection compliance, ductility and the application of the component
method for characterization of the joint properties are some of the topics
presented. The verification procedures for the available and the required capacity
of joints and the design of semi-rigid steel structural connections are also
discussed. In addition, the simulation of the structural response of semi-rigid
connections by means of appropriate numerical methods that take into account all
prominent phenomena (cf e.g. contact, friction and plasticity) is also presented.
Analysis techniques and design procedures for beam-to-column, beam-to-beam,
column-base-plate and other special types of conventional or hollow section
connections are topics included among others to tlze chapters of the present Book.
Part I, by Miklos Ivanyi from the Technical University of Budapest (with
the collaboration of L. Hegedus, M. Ivanyi Jr. and G. Varga in chapter 4, and
with the collaboration of L. Hegedus in chapter 5) presents the interaction (~!'the
steel frames and their joints, and describes an acceptable method ofjoint design.
Part II, by Jean -Pierre Jaspart from the University of Liege, describes
the sources of deformability and gives information on how to integrate the actual
joint hehaviour into the frame design and analysis process. In particular, four
main aspects are dealt with: the so-called joint characterization, classification,
modelling and idealization.
Part III, by Ulrike Kuhlmann and Frank Kiihnemund from the University
of Stuttgart, presents a comparison between the definition and the verification of
rotation capacity of steel joints and members and suggests a coherent definition.
In particular, the dominant influence of the component "column web in
compression" is given special consideration in the case that the rotational capacity
of a joint is derived.
Part IV, by Frantisek Wald from the Technical University of Prague,
gives an overview of the recent progress made on the investigation of column
bases with end plates and embedded column bases. In particular, the cohmm base
detailing, tolerances and modelling by application of the component method to
column bases are introduced and the particular components including their
influence on the connection behaviour are also described. In addition, the basic
principles in background of the column base class~fication and the strength design
are presented.
And finally, Part V, by Charalambos Baniotopoulos from the Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, gives certain basic principles, numerical techniques
and algorithmic models which are applied to the simulation of the structural
response of steel semi-rigid connections. Nonlinearities introduced by unilateral
contact and friction over the connecting inte1j'aces, as well as material
nonlinearities including yielding are considered. The direct application of the
Finite Element Method, as well as mesh size, choice of.flnite eleme1lfs and other
parameters affecting the accuracy and the numerical behaviour of the proposed
models are discussed.
The editors wish to thank the above three colleagues and Professor P.
Miikelainen (Helsinki Technical University) for the excellence of the work they
carried out during the preparation of the present Advanced Professional Training
Course, which is well reflected in the monograph at hand.
The editors wish also to extend to the CISM General Secretary Professor
G. Bianchi, the CISM Rector Professor S. Kaliszky, the Editor of the Series
Professor C. Tasso, as well as to all the CISM staff in Udine their sincerest
The present book is dedicated to the memory of one of the founders of
Nonsmooth Mechanics, Professor P.D. Panagiotopoulos ( 1950-1998) who
unexpectedly passed away on August 12, 1998. Miklos Ivanyi, having for the
last fifteen years close scientific contacts with Professor Panagiotopoulos,
applied some of Panagiotopoulos' ideas to the solution of steel structures
problems where "softening" phenomena arise. Charalambos Baniotopoulos,
being student and collaborator of Professor Panagiotopoulos, has been inspired
and guided by him along the lines of the herein presented research for more than
twenty years.

Miklos Ivanyi
Charalambos C. Baniotopoulos


Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames
by M. Ivanyi.................................................................................................. I

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into
the Frame Analysis and Design Process
by 1-P. Jaspart.......................................................................................... 103

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity
by U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund............................................. .. . .... .. .. . 167

Column Base Modelling
by F. Wald................ ................................................................................ 227

Numerical Simulation: Principles, Methods and Models
by C. C. Baniotopoulos.............................................................................. 289
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M. Ivanyi
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary

Abstract: The purpose of this chapter is to present the interaction of the steel frames and
their joints and to describe an acceptable method of joint design. A key problem in
dealing with joints is their classification, the basis of which is described in the Eurocodes
and other available design codes in a variety of different ways. Eurocodes take into
account whether the joint is applied within a frame with fixed nodes or within one with
sway nodes. The method is based on the results of experiments, therefore it is of great
importance to perform large scale experimental tests under both monotonic and cyclic
loading. Engineering methods help us with establishing the load-displacement diagrams
of frames by using simple techniques, in a way that local "softening" effects occurring in
the vicinity of joints can also be taken into account. Engineering design is an activity of
fair complexity, thus it is important to establish direct design methods which, while
simple, take into consideration certain complex phenomena such as the stiffness and
strength properties of the joints (including beam-to-column joints as well as column
bases). The preparation of this chapter has been supported financially by the National
Scientefic Research Fund of the Republic of Hungary (OTKA) under grant No. T020358.

1 Introduction: A Reasonable Principle for Connection Design

1.1 Introduction to Connection Design

The design of connections can be approached from a number of directions: the type of structure,
the type of fastener, the type of loading, and the designer's special interest. The dominant
concerns in the design of connections in buildings, bridges, and towers. Bolts, welds, and devices
such as cable sockets transmit forces in different ways. Static loads, dynamic loads, and the
expected number of repetitions of either, pose different problems. Structural engineers and
fabricators have shared interests and responsibilities, but the focus of the former may be on
obtaining a desired type of behaviour and that of the latter on ensuring practicable fabrication and
erection (McGuire, 1992).

1.2 Basic Criteria for Structural Behaviour

Relevant properties of steel are its strength, its stiffness and its ductility or deformation capacity.
These properties can be demonstrated in compression and tensile as well as connection test, see
Figure 1 (ESDEP, 1994) (Colson, 1996). A well designed steel structure should possess the same
good properties.

2 M. Ivanyi

p p

Compression Tension
P-(D 'l'+-- P p-~-p

Steel Member
Steel Member

Requirements of strength, stillness
and deformation capacity.
Connections should have comparable

Figure 1. Strength, stiffness and deformation capacity of steel and connections.

The basic requirements for structural elements/cmmections concern the strength, the stiffuess
and the deformation capacity.
Figure 2 defmes the strength, stiffuess and deformation capacity of a beam-to-column
connection designed to transfer a moment from the beam into the column.
The rotation capacity is a measure of the deformation that can be obtained before failure
somewhere in the connection causes a drop in the moment resistance.
The strength, stiffuess and deformation capacity of connections are discussed in greater detail

Strength. For the determination of the forces on the connection, a static analysis must be
carried out. Such analysis includes the determination of the design loads and the modelling of the
structure, see Figure 3. In the schematization of the structure, the stiffuess of the connections is an
important element. Connections can be assumed rigid, as hinges or as having a stiffuess between
these two. The deformation capacity of the members (beams and columns) and of the connections
plays an important role in the ultimate distribution of forces in the structure.
All parts of the structure must be designed so that they can resist the calculated forces and
have a deformation capacity that is consistent with the assumptions made in the global analysis.

Stiffness. The stiffness of the connection affects the level of loading for which it should
be designed. A connection of low rotational stiffness does not attract major bending moments and
therefore may be assumed as a pinned connection in the schematization of the structure.
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 3

Hardening --~>'""f<--- Softening

~~E---Oefomatlon capacity--~)~

Figure 2. Moment-rotation diagram of a beam-to-column connection (M-4> curve).

Of course, the stiffuess of the cmmections affects the deflections of the beams. Especially in
non-braced frames the stiffness of the connections may have a major effect on the deflections of
the structure as a whole and on its stability.
If the connections are assumed rigid in the modelling for the static analysis of the structure,
then consequently the form of the connections should be such that their deformations have a
negligible influence on the load distribution and the deformations of the structure.
On the other hand, if pinned connections are assumed, they should have sufficient flexibility
to accommodate rotations without causing significant bending moments that may lead to
premature failure of (parts of) the comiection or connected members.
It is obvious that a structure with pinned connections will deflect more than one consisting of
the same members but rigid connections. The connection stiffness also affects the distribution of
forces in the structure and thus the relative effectiveness of its members.
An elementary example of the influence of connection deformation on system resistance is
illustrated in Figure 4. If a slender column is connected to a stiff beam by a fully rigid connection
as in Figure 4a, the elastic critical load for in-plane buckling is
4 M. Ivanyi



Schematizatlon of the structure

Moments M
Shear forces V
Normal forces N


Figure 3. Analysis of the forces on the connection.

lol k::::2 (b) 2<k<CD tel k-CD

Figure 4. Frame stability.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 5

1t 2EJ
PE = (2!)2 .
If, on the other hand, the connection is a true pin as in Figure 4c, the system has no stability at
all. For a connection that offers partial restraint, the critical load is between these two extremes.
Stated in another way, the effective length factor, k, may be anywhere between the limits of2 and
infmity, depending on the connection stiffness (McGuire, 1992).

Deformation Capacity. The requirements for strength and stiffness are clear. They
result from the static calculation.
The requirement for deformation capacity is more qualitative. In practice it is sometimes
difficult to check this requirement.
Ductile connections that have a great deformation capacity contribute to the overall safety of
the structure in the event that the connection becomes overloaded. Such connections may also be
a design requirement in certain instances, e.g. when plastic design is employed with plastic hinges
forming in the connections.

1.3 Classification as a Basis for Design

Connections should be designed according to their required behaviour. Many design approaches
are possible for stiffness and strength. In Figure 5 three designs for a beam-to-column connection
are given with their moment-rotation characteristics. These characteristics may be described as
1. Both the rotational stiffness and the moment resistance are small and may reasonably be
neglected, leading to the concept of a pinned or hinged connection. Only vertical shear is
required to be transferred, with the value being equal to the beam end reaction necessary to
resist the beam loading.
2. Behaviour intermediate between characteristics 1 and 3, in which the connections possess a
finite moment resistance less than the full moment resistance of the beam and a rotational
stiffness that permits some relative rotation. (Such connections are usually both semi-rigid
and partial strength. However it is possible to have connections that are full-strength and
semi-rigid or fully rigid but only partial strength.)
3. The rotational stiffness is very high and the connection's moment resistance is at least that
of the beam. Continuity is thus preserved with no rotation of the beam relative to the
column; both the beam end reaction and its end moment are transferred to the column.

All three possibilities can be applied in multi-storey frames. Type 3 can be applied in both
braced and unbraced frames; Type 1 is only suitable for braced frames. Type 2 may be used for
both braced and unbraced frames, but in the latter case the influence of connection flexibility on
frame behaviour needs to be considered. Figure 6 gives the schematisation of rotational stiffness
for the frame analysis.
6 M. Ivanyi

HE3 Hl------f

I 1I m


Figure 5. Moment-rotation diagrams (M--+ curves).

Eurocode 3 (EC3, 1993) provides design rules for both the rotational stiffuess and the moment
M-1> curves as measured in tests are in general non-linear. Another phenomenon is that stiff
connections have sometimes a low moment resistance and vice versa. Some examples are shown
in Figure 7. M-1> curve E is characteristic for some types ofbolted connections in clearance holes.
At small moments, slip causes a rotation before a higher moment is obtained.
For practical application, it is necessary to idealise the M-1> curves. For design a non-linear
idealisation or linear idealisations like the bi-linear or tri-linear ones in Figure 8 may be used.
Eurocode 3 (EC3, 1993) gives a classification on the basis of strength and stiffuess.
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 7

.. ..


Figure 6. Schematization of rotational stiffness.

1.4 An Adapted Design Philosophy for Connections

Any rational design philosophy has to take account of both the complexity and variability of
practical connection behaviour. It is the uncertainty that presents the greater difficulty. If
connection behaviour was merely complex it would be possible for designers to make a suitable
choice for a particular situation. Detailed analysis could be used that took account of the
complexity, thus permitting economic design with small load factors. Alternatively, simple
analysis could be used in conjunction with higher load factors to account for possible variations
between analysis and behaviour. Because of the variability of behaviour the first alternative
cannot lead to economic and safe design. However refmed the analysis, it would not be
appropriate to reduce the load factors significantly (Owens, Cheal, 1989).
8 M. Ivanyi

1,2 Mp ----~------------·--


0,25 M p

Figure 7. Various forms of M--41 curves.


Non-linear • BI-linear • Tri-linear •

Figure 8. Possible idealisations for M--41 curves.
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 9

The method is presented below and its application in outline is demonstrated in the following
1. Taking account of overall connection behaviour, carry out an appropriate simple
analysis to determine a realistic distribution offorces within the connection.
For many connections this analysis should be based on the concept of "force paths". Here the
overall loads acting on the connection are replaced by equivalent systems of forces which can
then be assigned specific paths through the connection.
It is most important to ensure that the analysis is consistent throughout the connection. In
general, this is achieved by carrying out a single analysis of the -most critical part of the
connection and using that to determine the distribution of forces in other parts of the connection.
Surprisingly, it is not uncommon to see designs where serious inconsistencies in analysis have
occurred. These most commonly arise when more than one analysis has been used to determine
the distribution of forces. For example, in the end-plate bracket connection shown in Figure 9 it
would not be correct to use separate conventional analyses to determine both the distribution of
forces in the bolts and in the weld attaching the end plate to the beam. Such separate analyses
would assign different proportions of the tensile and compressive forces to different levels in the
beam and imply instantaneous redistributions of these forces at the plane of contact between the
weld and the end plate, as shown in Figure 9c.




Line of action
of bolts in

stress block

IJ Line of action of
- - tensile weld forces

Line of action of
......_.. compressive weld forces

Bolt force distribution Weld stress distribution

Figure 9. Inconsistency in connection analysis.

(a) Bracket connection; (b) conventional elastic analyses; (c) stress resultants

2. Ensure that each component of each force path has sufficient strength to transmit the
required force.
This is self-evident, and yet it is surprising how frequently designers leave a weak link
somewhere in a connection. A major disadvantage of traditional methods of analysis is that they
concentrate on the distribution of forces in the connectors. Many codes of practice only give
guidance on connector strength.
10 M. Ivanyi

3. Recognising that the above procedure can only give a connection where equilibrium is
capable of being achieved but where compatibility is unlikely to be satisfied, ensure that the
components are capable ofductile behaviour.
4. Recognising that the preceding steps only relate to static ultimate capacity, ensure that
the connection will achieve satisfactory serviceability, fatigue resistance, etc.

1.5 Application of the Design Philosophy

Most connection design is very straightforward and satisfies the preceding criteria by implication
rather than by specific calculation (Owens, Cheal, 1989). For example, conventional design of the
simple beam-to-column connection shown in Figure 1Oa is carried out in a few lines of
calculation (or by means of design tables) as a designer/detailer determines the number of bolts
necessary to resist the eccentric load shown on the basis of their shear and bearing capacity. Here
the simple analysis is based on the assumption that the eccentricities between the lines of bolts A
and A ' may be discounted because of symmetry in a connection of normal proportions with two
web cleats. Experience indicates that the only critical checks are the bolts in shear and the cleats
and beam web in bearing. Other "weak links" are likely be designed out by minimum pitch
criteria and practical edge distance requirements. Experience has also indicated that such
connections have sufficient ductility to accommodate both lack of fit within the connection and
the beam end rotation as it takes up its deflected profile.

Assumed line of action

Vofbeam shear

Bolts A
(A'on ~ +
far side) +


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 10. "Simple" beam-to-column and beam-to-beam connections.

(a) Conventional beam-to-column connection with double-web cleat;
(b) beam-to-beam grillage connection with double-web cleats; (c) single-web cleat connection

If all connection design were as straightforward there would be little point in the explicit
procedure presented in the preceding section. However, it is only necessary to vary some details
in this simple example to illustrate the importance of a sound appreciation of connection design.
Figure 1Ob shows the beam end detail that results if the top flange has to be notched to
accommodate a flange in the supporting beam. Line BCD becomes a very important critical
section to be checked in shear and tension. If a single short web cleat were to be used, as shown in
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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames Il

Figure lOc, the same local moments that were reasonably ignored in the double-cleat connection
may at least cause unserviceability as the beam twists and could lead to an unacceptable reduction
in strength. Similarly, the same simple approach to analysis could lead to an unacceptable
reduction in strength if a fillet welded beam end connection were used, because of lack of
ductility in the weld.


0 d

C I I I 1"':::+ I I I c



Figure 11. Analysis and strength assessment of beam splice.

(a) Conversion of applied loading to equivalent system of forces;
(b) strength checks required to demonstrate adequacy of connection

The direct use of the design philosophy outlined in the previous section is well demonstrated
on a beam splice with HSFG bolts (Owens, Cheal, 1989). Figure lla shows the straightforward
set of forces that can replace the applied moment and shear. (This simplification with its implied
redistribution is only applicable for building structures. In bridges such redistribution is not
usually permitted, primarily because of general concern over fatigue.) Figure llb enumerates the
checks that have to be carried out to ensure that there are no weak links within the connections,
and these checks are as follows:
1. The capacity of the flange to resist the tensile force. The critical section is the vertical net
section through the frrst line of holes, in tension, together with the horizontal web/flange
intersection in shear. In addition, the effective section of the flange through the frrst line of

12 M. Ivanyi

holes should be checked under the flange stress resultant, without any redistribution of
bending moment to the flanges. The effective section is defmed as the net area times a
coefficient greater than unity which recognises that nominal stresses slightly above yield
may occur on a net section without detriment;
2. The frictional capacity of the HSFG bolts;
3. The net sections of the splice plates, assuming that the force Tis equally divided between
the pair of cover plates.
Note that because of the symmetry of the connection these checks also demonstrate the
adequacy of most of the compressive flange splice. The only additional checks are:
4. The compressive capacity of the splice plates, free to buckle vertically (this is satisfied by
maximum pitch criteria);
5. The frictional capacity of each web bolt group under a load Qat an eccentricity e;
6. & 7. The capacity of the net section of the web and splice plates. (These are most unlikely
to be critical unless the shear is a very high proportion of the beam capacity.)
Figure 12 shows the application of the design philosophy to an exterior beam-to-column
connection subject to moment and shear, one of the most complex connections that commonly
occurs in practice (Owens, Cheal, 1989).
Figure 12a shows the analytical procedure that is. appropriate for this connection for values of
the factored applied moment up to approximately 70% of the plastic moment capacity of the
beam. Above that value it will be necessary to mobilise some of the bending capacity of the web
in order not to overstress the flanges.

+I 8 6 5

B Fb

J} ,,,,
c 14 ,,

1_1 __
16 15
F, I F,
-..!t.!1... I

t 13
(a) (b)

Figure 12. Analysis and strength assessment of an exterior beam-to-column connection.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 13

Remote from the connection, the beam and column flanges will be making the greatest
contribution to the moment resistance of the respective members and the beam shear will be
concentrated primarily in the web. These distributions are used as the basis of the simple analysis.
Thus the forces within the connection transmitting the bending moments are given by:
F,b = - and F = - (2)
db e 2de '
where db and de are the distance between flange centroids of the beam and column, respectively.
The shear P is assumed to remain in the web. An alternative analysis could be based on some
notional centre of rotation at the end-plate/column face contact surface and an assumed linear
response of the bolts, in accordance with traditional elastic analysis.
The next step is to trace the paths of these forces through the connection. The bending forces
Fb and Fe may be considered to continue on their original lines of action until they reach the panel
ABCD, whose comers are defmed by the intersections of these lines of action, and thus has
dimensions db •de. Overall equilibrium of these forces is achieved by shear on this panel. The shear
flow on AB and CD is thus
Fb M
-=-- (3)
de db ·de
The vertical (complementary) shear flow is
2Fe M
-=-- (4)
db de ·db
The beam shear is simply transferred straight through to the near column flange and hence
down the column. It is customary to -ignore the eccentricity between the column face and the
column centreline. This leads to an apparent lack of equilibrium, which arises because, in the
earlier calculation of bending forces, the applied moment M is taken as the value at the
intersection of the column and beam centrelines rather the value at the column face.
It is now possible to check the elements on the various force paths. Thus, starting with the
path of the tensile force Fb, in the top flange of the beam and tracing it through to the
panel ABCD, it is necessary to check:
1. The tension capacity of the flange adjacent to the connection. The effective width of the
flange may be limited by the bolt layout;
2. The welds attaching the beam flange to the end plate;
3. The end plate in flexure as it disperses Fbinto the bolts;
4. The bolts in tension. Account should be taken of prying action as appropriate;
5. The column flange in flexure as. it transfers the bolt loads into the column web. If this is
inadequate, extra capacity may be obtained by providing a stiffener along AB. In extreme
cases the column flange may still be inadequate with a stiffener;
6. The tensile capacity of the effective length of the column web. If this is inadequate a stiffener
has to be provided;
7. The tensile capacity of stiffener AB if this has been provided to satisfy either 5 or 6;
8. The welds connecting the column flange to the stiffener, in tension;
9. The welds connecting the column web to the stiffener, in shear.
14 M. Ivanyi

The detailed check is then continued by examining the path of the compressive force Fh from
the beam bottom flange into the bottom of panel ABCD:
10. The compressive capacity of the beam flange. This is affected, in the absence of stiffener CD,
by the stress concentration caused by the column web. If the flange is overstressed, a stiffener
should be provided;
11. The flange/end-plate welds;
12. Local crushing of the column web. If there is an overstress a stiffener should be provided;
13. Buckling of the column web. If there is an overstress a stiffener should be provided;
14. The compressive capacity of stiffener CD, ifthis has been provided to satisfy any of 10, 12 or
15. The stiffener/column flange welds, in compression;
16. The stiffener/column web welds;in shear.
Finally, to complete the force paths associated with the moments:
17. PanelABCD in shear. If this is inadequate a diagonal stiffener should be provided along AD.
Both this stiffener and its welds should be checked in accordance with 14-16 above.
The shear force path requires less attention for this particular connection. It is only necessary
to check:
18. The beam web/end-plate welds in shear;
19. The end plate in shear and bearing;
20. The bolts in shear;
21. The column flange in bearing.
The design procedure is presented as a straightforward sequence. In practice, there may be an
interaction between sections; for example, if a stiffener has to be provided along AD one will not
generally be necessary along CD. This change in geometry will affect the force paths and should
be acknowledged by a modification to the overall analysis.
When carrying out these detailed checks it is important to keep in mind the third part of this
design procedure, namely that the components of the connection should be ductile. For this
connection this means complying with certain criteria for stiffener proportions, minimum weld
sizes and bolt/end-plate thickness ratios.
This example looks very daunting; apparently twenty-one separate calculations have to be
carried out! However, it should be appreciated that many of the checks are very straightforward
and may either be satisfied by inspection or by very simple calculation. Experienced designers
will recognise that for a connection of conventional proportions, only checks 3, 4, 5, 13, 17 and
20 require significant computation. Checks 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12 and 14 can be dealt with by a single
line of calculation; the remainder are either governed by ductility criteria or can be satisfied by
inspection. However, the principle of considering each link in the chain explicitly would seem to
be a very sound discipline for all connections. It is certainly essential for connections of unusual
proportions (Owens, Cheal, 1989).
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 15

2 Classification of Connections by Structural Eurocode

2.1 Classification of Framed Systems

Introduction. In common practice, (continuous) framed systems are considered to be

assemblies of beams and columns in which all the joints are completely continuous. In contrast
truss or simple framed systems are those in which all the joints can be considered hinged (Fig. B)
(ESDEP, 1994).
A purely rigid jointed frame system is characterised by joints between frame members and by
no additional bracing system. The frame itself has to resist all the actions, vertical as well as
horizontal. At the same time, it has to provide the required stiffness to the structure in order to
limit deformations within the allowable values. Even though the detailing of all the connections
results in a less economic structure, framed systems have some benefits:
1. the connections are more ductile and therefore the structure performs better in earthquakes;
2. from the architectural and functional points of view, it can be advantageous not to have any
triangulated truss in the structure.

_._ -'- -'-

Column Frame Truss Shear wall

Figure 13. Continuous and hinged systems.

Actual structures do not always fall into the two categories defmed above. Connections
themselves actually behave semi-rigidly and therefore the hinged and framed conditions are only
idealisations. An engineering defmition is needed to defme when a semi-rigid connection can be
assumed to be hinged and when it can be assumed to be rigid.
The practice in different countries in the design of connections and framed systems varies.
The approaches used are different in different parts of the world. In some countries, e.g. USA, the
concept of semi-rigid connections dates back to the 1930's when the first studies on semi-rigid
riveted connections were carried out by Johnston (Johnston, Mount, 1941). In these countries also
the code allows the use of semi-rigid connections (type 3 connections) and introduces the concept
of wind design (type 2 connections). In wind design the connection is assumed to be capable of
transmitting only part of the bending moments (those due to the wind and not those due to vertical
16 M. Ivanyi

loads). [In the USA it was adopted as three "Types of Construction": Type 1 (rigid frame), Type 2
(simple framing), and Type 3 (semi-rigid framing).]
The approach of semi-rigid connections, in use for several years, is also adopted, for example,
in UK, Australia, Canada, and Netherlands. In other countries, e.g. Italy, France, Spain, Greece,
these concepts have not been introduced and therefore semi-rigid connections are not widely
adopted although they are included in Eurocode 3 (EC3, 1993).

Engineering Definition (ESDEP, 1994). To determine whether a system can be considered

continuously framed or not, the effects of the connection on the frame behaviour has to be
considered, taking into account that the ideal condition of hinged or rigid connection does not
correspond to reality. These effects are not for immediate evaluation since the behaviour of the
frame can be different depending on what is being considered:
- vertical load-carrying resistance;
- horizontal load-carrying resistance,
- stability;
- performance in seismic situations.
In some cases the strength of the connection is the important consideration whilst in other
cases the flexibility of the connection plays a major role. Sometimes the elastic behaviour of the
connection is sufficient to determine its effects on the behaviour of the frame whilst in other cases
the complete inelastic behaviour of the connection is needed for evaluating frame effects.
In recent years this subject has been given much attention from research devoted either to the
analytical and to the experimental aspects. The effects on frame behaviour are described and
some indicative values for connection characteristics are suggested as a basis for assuming a
system as a rigidly jointed frame.
A connection between two or more different members has to transmit all the internal actions
through the members, i.e. axial load, shear load and bending moment in the case of a plane frame.
However, the term "semi-rigid connection" is only used to refer to the bending flexibility in
the discussion below.
In Figure 14, taken from (Cosenza, DeLuca, Faella, 1989), connection behaviour is shown
qualitatively by definition of the regions in which the connection can be assumed as hinged,
flexible or semi-rigid. This qualitative representation suggests that fully welded connections,
extended end plate, and top and bottom flange splices could be considered as rigid restraints.
For partial strength semi-rigid connections, some results (Cosenza, DeLuca, Faella, 1989a)
indicate that, for rigid jointed frames, within the ranges indicated before, some degree of
flexibility can be allowed, but no partial strength is advised. Partial strength connections are
considered to be within the semi-rigid or flexible range (Fig.14).

Eurocode Definition. In Eurocode 3 (EC3, 1993) it is frrst stated, within the Design Assumptions
(5.2.2), that:
''the assumptions made in the global analysis of the structure shall be consistent with the
anticipated type ofbehaviour of the connections".
Then, in, simple framing is defined for frames where the connections between the
members may be assumed not to develop moments. In the global analysis, members may be
assumed to be effectively pin connected.
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 17


~::::::::=== ffi G)
Fully welded
Extended end plate
---® @ Top and bottom flange splices
---@ @ Flush end plate
® Flange cleats and web angles
@ Flange cleats
(j) Double web angle

Rotation ~
Classification of Stiffness
No check of
Full strength

Check of
Partial strength

0.25Mpl -- -----------
Nominally pinned

Classification of Strength and Ductility

Figure 14. Experimental M--41 relations of connections.

18 M. Ivanyi

Further, in, when continuous framing is defined, it is stated that:

"Elastic analysis should be based on the assumption of full continuity, with rigid connections
which satisfy the requirements given in".
The same statement is given for the other methods suggested for the analysis, i.e. rigid plastic
and elasto-plastic.
In, when rigid connections are defmed, the following principle is given:
"A rigid connection shall be so designed that its deformation has no significant influence on
the distribution of internal forces and moments in the structure, nor on its overall deformation".
The application rules provided state:
"The deformation of rigid connections should be such that they do not reduce the resistance of
the structure by more than 5%".
When beam-to-column connections are classified, in first it is stated that:
"A beam-to-column connection may be classified as rigid or nominally pinned on the basis of
particular or general experimental evidence, or significant experience of previous satisfactory
performance in similar cases or by calculation based on test evidence".
Then, the following is suggested as an application rule:
"A beam-to-column connection in a braced frame, or in an unbraced frame which satisfies the
condition specified in (5), may be considered to be rigid compared to the connected beam, if the
rising portion of its moment characteristics lies above the solid line on the appropriate diagram of
Figure 6.9.8. ofEurocode 3" (Fig.l5).
This rule suggests that, in order to have the moment-rotation curve of the connection lying
above the solid line, it has to result, for values of m < 2/3 (which means for values of the
moment M smaller than 67% of the plastic beam moment Mpt,Rd), K has to be greater than 25. In
fact (see defmitions in Fig.l5):

K = m = __!!__ Lb M pl,Rd = M Lb > 25 (5)

cjl M pl,Rd Elbcjl cjl Elb
This value of 25 guarantees the stiffness characteristic of the connection. Some other
requirements are also given in order to ensure sufficient strength. The fact that the entire
moment-rotation curve has to be above the solid line indicates that the entire non-linear curve of
the connection is to be checked.
The further requirement for unbraced frames, given in Clause (5) of of Eurocode 3,
discussed below, is somewhat cumbersome. The meaning of this requirement is that, for unbraced
frames, the beams must have an adequate stiffness otherwise the frame will be too flexible, even
with rigid connections. This consideration is obvious for an engineer who knows which typology
to choose for each case. However, since all the serviceability and ultimate limit states have to be
satisfied, this requirement might be considered automatically fulfilled.
Clause (5) states:
''The line given in Figure 6.9.8(a) (Fig.l5 here) for unbraced frames may be used only for
frames in which every storey satisfies:
_b > 0.1; (6)
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 19

where Kb is the mean value of Ib I Lb for all the beams at the top of that storey, Kc is the mean
value of /c I Lc for all the columns in that storey, Ib is the second moment of area of a beam,
I c is the second moment of area of a column, Lb is the span of beam and Lc is the storey height
of a column.

2/3 Rigid
, . ,.- I


0 0,125 0,20
(a) Braced frames
when ~ 2/3m : 8 l m•
when 2/3 < m ~ 1,0 : iii • (20 li-3)/7

Rigld /:

0 0,04 0,12
(b) Unbraced frames
when iii ~ 2/3 : m • 25 +
when 2/3 < m
~ 1.0 : iii. (25tt4)/7

m •

Figure 15. Eurocode classification boundaries for rigid beam-to-column connections

in unbraced and braced frames.

Braced and Unbraced Frames. Sometimes the term "bracing system" is

:inappropriately identified with the term "braced frame". It is clear that the definitions of the two
terms are different. The word ''braced" in the second case is used as an adjective to the word
20 M. Ivanyi

"frame" and therefore at least two structures have to be identified: a bracing and a frame shown in
Figure 16 (ESDEP, 1994).
A braced frame is commonly intended as a frame to which a triangulated truss is attached. The
fact that in reality there is no clear cut distinction between hinged structures with bracing systems
and purely rigid jointed framed structures calls for a more exact definition which allows
distinctions to be made between:
- purely hinged bracing systems;
- rigid jointed framed systems;
- semi-rigid frames;
- braced frames.




-'-- -- --
Figure 16. Common bracing systems.

Engineering Definition (ESDEP, 1994). The main function of a bracing system is: to
resist horizontal actions, and is derived from the separation of the resisting systems: vertical and
horizontal. In some cases the vertical system also has some capability to resist horizontal actions.
It is necessary therefore, from an engineering point of view, to identify the two sources of
resistance and to compare their behaviour with respect to the horizontal actions. Sometimes this
identification is not obvious since the bracing is integral within the frame and therefore there is
only one structure. However, even in this case, it is possible to make some assumptions in order to
defme the two structures to be compared. The examples given below clarify these concepts.
Figures 17 and 18 represent structures in which it is easy to define, within one system, two
sub-assemblies which identify the bracing system and the system to be braced. In particular, a
structure is shown in Figure 17 where there is a clear separation of functions: the horizontal loads
are carried by the first hinged sub-assembly (A) and the vertical loads are carried out by the
second one (B). In Figure 18, in contrast, since the second sub-assembly (B) is able to resist
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 21

horizontal actions as well as vertical actions, it is necessary to assume that practically all the
horizontal actions are carried by the frrst sub-assembly (A) in order to defme this system as
braced. In this case the frrst sub-assembly is defined as a bracing system if its lateral stiffness
expressed by the spring constant Ka is considerably higher than the one of the second sub-
assembly Kb (in this case a braced frame or system):
~»~ m
This relation can be easily applied to the system of Figure 17 since the constant Kb is equal to
zero and therefore the relation is certainly satisfied. For the system in Figure 18, the stiffnesses of
both sub-assemblies have to be calculated and compared.

N 11l

Figure 17. Pinned connection structure split into two sub-assemblies.

1I I I 1

Figure 18. Partly framed structure split into two sub-assemblies.

Eurocode Definition. The following defmition is provided in of Eurocode 3

(EC3, 1993):
"the frame can be classified as braced if the bracing system reduces its horizontal
displacement by at least 80%"
which means that the stiffness of the two systems have to be compared and the following
relationship satisfied:
Ka > 0.8(Ka + Kb) (8)

Sway and Non-sway Frames. Before defming sway frames and non-sway frames, it is
useful to note the common design practice for evaluating safety of structures against stability. It is
22 M. Ivanyi

often convenient to isolate the columns from the frame and treat the stability of columns and the
stability of frames as independent problems. For this purpose it is assumed the columns are
restricted at their ends from horizontal displacements and therefore are only subjected to end
moments and axial loads as transferred from the frame. It is then assumed that the frame, possibly
by means of a bracing system, satisfies global stability checks and that the global stability of the
frame does not affect the column behaviour. This gives the commonly assumed non-sway frame.
This approach has led to years of research spent in the field of behaviour of columns and beam-
Design books, guidance documents, and even codes and recommendations, when speaking of
stability of columns or stability of frames, commonly use the terms: "sway frames", "non-sway
frames", "sway restricted columns" and "sway columns". To explain the concept of sway, as
opposed to non-sway, figures such as Figures 19 and 20 are used. The frame of Figure 19 is
considered to be the non-sway type and the one of Figure 20 is considered to be the sway type.
This form of representation, which is based on common practice and common engineering sense,
leads to the erroneous assumption that non-sway frames and braced frames are perfectly
equivalent and therefore that one definition can be used instead of the other without causing any

Figure 19. Braced frame (but may be a sway frame if bracing is very flexible).

-'-- -'-- -- -

Figure 20. Unbraced frame (but may be a non-sway frame if it is sufficiently rigid
i.e. insensitive to horizontal loading).
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 23

Engineering Definition (ESDEP, 1994). The equivalence between ''braced" and "non-
sway" frames cannot be established in general since the two terms refer to different aspects of the
behaviour of the structure. The fact that the definitions of "sway" and ''non-sway" appears when
the problem of stability of columns and frames is evaluated suggests that these definitions are part
of a simpler treatment of this problem.
The concept of braced and unbraced frames can be defmed in engineering terms by means of
comparison of the stiffness of the systems, and has no straightforward implications for stability.
The concept of sway frames is not intrinsic to the structure: it is based only on its mechanical
Another reason for defming "sway" and "non-sway frames" is the need to adopt conventional
analysis in which all the internal actions are computed on the basis of the undeformed shape of
the structure. To make this assumption it is necessary that second order effects are negligible, i.e.
no significant moments arise due to the action of vertical loads on the deformed shape of the
structure. This definition can be shown to be equivalent to the previous one since the vertical
design loads cause no significant moments if their value is not close to the elastic critical load of
the structure.
When there is interaction between global and column behaviour, it is not possible to isolate
the column. The column or the frame then has to be assumed to be the "sway" type.
Unfortunately, research has been limited in this field and therefore extrapolation of the same
procedures already used for non-sway frames to sway frames has been used. As a result
inaccuracies occur also due to the fact that the actual behaviour is inelastic and is therefore
affected by all types of imperfections, i.e. cross-section, column and frame imperfections. In
addition, the inelasticity in the columns prevents the use of the familiar concept of "effective
length". The design of sway frames has to consider the structure as a whole.
On the basis of those considerations, the following definitions can be established for sway and
non-sway frames:
A non-sway frame is a structure which, from the points of view of stability and the definition
of the internal action, can be considered to have small interstorey displacements. Therefore
column buckling is independent by frame buckling, i.e. the problems can be uncoupled. This
defmition will be true if the safety factor against overall buckling is sufficiently large that global
buckling can be neglected when carrying out the check against column buckling. On the basis of
this defmition, it is clearly that to be a non-sway frame is not a characteristic intrinsic of the frame
since the safety factor against critical load depends on the magnitude of the design vertical loads
acting on the structure.
Whilst it is possible to defme whether a frame is braced or not by evaluating the stiffness of its
members, in order to evaluate whether a frame is the non-sway type, i.e. second order effects can
be neglected, the design vertical loads have to be known. This is understandable since even a very
flexible structure has no second order effects if the vertical loads are practically equal to zero.

Eurocode Definition. The definition provided by ofEurocode 3 (EC3, 1993) is:
"A frame can be classified as non-sway if its response to in-plane horizontal forces is
sufficiently stiff for it to be acceptably accurate to neglect any additional internal forces or
moments arising from horizontal displacements of its nodes".
24 M. Ivanyi

Examination of this defmition does not immediately reveal the relation between sway and
instability. However, the Eurocode also provides the following application rule:
"A frame may be classified as non-sway for a given load case if the elastic critical load ratio
VsJ~, for that load case satisfies the criterion:

Vsd :::; 0.1' (10)

where vSd is the design value of the total vertical load and vcr is its elastic critical value for failure
in a sway mode."
This application rule confrrms that the defmition of a frame as non-sway depends on the
vertical loads. Furthermore it establishes that a safety factor against overall buckling equal to 10 is
enough for considering the problem uncoupled from column buckling.

2.2 Influence of Connections on the Behaviour of Frames

Introduction. The main structural elements of steel framed multi-storey structures are
the columns, the beams and their connections. Conventionally the beam-to-column connections
are considered to be either pinned or rigid.
In the case of pinned or "simple" connections, the frames have to be stabilised by appropriate
bracing systems. Such frames are named braced frames by Eurocode 3.
The tenn "rigid" in this context implies that the connection is capable of resisting moments
with a high stiffness, i.e., the connection flexibility has a negligible influence on the distribution
of movements in the frame connections. When the connections are rigid, the overall stability may
be provided by the frame itself without the inclusion of specific bracing systems. These rigid
jointed or moment resisting frames are treated in this part.

Moment M

Raat behaviour
Design 1
resistance MRd· --------------71'_::.-----,


Pinned Rotation capacity Rotation +

Figure 21. Characteristics of beam-to-column connections.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 25

Although the idealisation of connection stiffness as pinned or rigid has been applied
exclusively in the past it is generally recognised that the real behaviour of the connections is never
as ideal as assumed in the analysis (Fig.21). The two cases, pinned and fully rigid, actually
represent extremes of connection behaviour. In reality, the connections behave somewhere
between those limits, that is they behave as semi-rigid (Chen, 1987) (Bjorhovde, Brozzetti,
Colson, 1988).
A further classification of moment resisting connections relates to their strength. A "full-
strength" connection is a connection that can at least develop the bending strength of the elements
it connects. A "partial-strength" connection has a lower design strength than that of the elements
it connects.
The rotation capacity of a moment-resisting connection can also be important. For example a
beam with partial-strength end connections can be designed plastically if the connection rotation
capacity is sufficient to ensure the development of an effective hinge at midspan.
Figure 22 shows the moment-rotation diagram of a beam-to-column connection. For design
purposes the real connection behaviour can be represented by a bi-linear or tri-linear diagram in
which the following properties can be distinguished:
- The design resistance of the connection;
- The stiffness of the connection when subjected to small moments;
- The stiffness of the connection when subject to ultimate moments;
- The rotation capacity.
The influence of connections on frame behaviour is treated separately for partial-strength and
semi-rigid connections.
Braced frames are in general designed based on strength conditions and unbraced frames are
generally designed based on stability and deformation conditions. Therefore partial-strength
connections are mainly applicable for braced frames and semi-rigid connects for unbraced frames.

Oulgn raslstanot
Stiffness when Real behaviour
sub)actad to small

I T-connectlon
moment I

Figure 22. Design parameters for moment-resisting connections.
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26 M. Ivanyi

Classification of Connections. The main objective of a classification system is to defme

appropriate boundaries for behavioural classes of joints as a function of the mechanical properties
of the connected members. The aim is to establish useful criteria allowing for a safe use of
continuous or simple modelling of joints (ESDEP, 1994).

Influence of Connection Flexibility on Elastic Frame Stability. The end rotation of a

simply supported beam under a uniform vertical load and external negative moments M (Fig.23)
is given by

~ = qe~ _ Meb . (11)

24Elb 2Elb
The M--.q, response represented by Equation 11 is a straight line which is called the beam line
as show in Figure 23b. In real frames the end moment restraint is provided by the rigidity of the
connection s = M I~ as shown in Figure 23c and therefore the actual end moment and the end
rotation of the beam is given by the intersection of the beam line with the connection
characteristic as shown in Figure 23b.

~------------------------~ q




Figure 23. Beam-line and connection behaviour.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 27

For practical design situations the actual non-linear connection behaviour has to be
approximated. Various approximate connection characteristics are in Figure 24. The connection
behaviour is characterised by its moment resistance MRd> its rotational capacity ~cd and its rigidity

MAd ·Connection resistance

+cd = Rotational capacity of the connection S • Connection rigidity

(a) Bi-linear response (b) Tri-linear response

Figure 24. Derivation of approximate moment-rotation characteristics.

In order to determine if the connection flexibility S 1 needs to be included in the overall frame
analysis it is important to examine its influence on the behaviour of the frame (Bjorhovde,
Colson, 1989). This is studied subsequently for single storey braced and unbraced frames as
shown in Figure 25a (ESDEP, 1994).
Figure 25b presents the relationship between the relative connection-to-beam rigidity S and
the relative beam-to-column rigidity p in order that the flexibility of the connection reduces the
Euler buckling load of the rigid frame by 5%.
The structural behaviour will be analysed by showing the relationship between the parameters
Sand p. The parameter Sis the relative rotation stiffness:

s = seb
EI '

in which Sis the rotation stiffness of the beam-to-column connection and Elb I£ b is the flexural
stiffness of the beam. The parameter p is the ratio between the flexural stiffness of the beam and
the column, i.e.:
Efb ·£c (13)
p = EIC .f_b'

in which Elb I eb is the flexural stiffness of the beam and Elc I£ c is the flexural stiffness of the
28 M. Ivanyi

+Fe .rc
8 s

Elc Elo to
kb. Elb

r tb
k0 -~
Unbraoed frame

llnbraced frame

~Fe fo
8 8

Elc Elo tc

Lines for which F, (i) • 0,95

F, (i••)

Braced frame

Figure 25. Influence of connection rigidity on frame behaviour.

An example of the evaluation of the curve for an unbraced frame is given by considering point
x, where p = 1.4 and S = 25 (Fig.25b).
1 First examine case with folly rigid connection ( s =oo ).
k., = kb =10.
From EC3 Annex E:

Th =1.0; T'l
=~= 7.1 4 =0.417· ~=2.391.
kc +k1 7.14+10 ' L
2 Examine case with semi-rigid connection.
For symmetrical double curvature in beam, end rotational stiffness is equal to 4Elb I f. b ,
therefore effective stiffness of connection in calculation of k1 is S I 4 based on ratios of EIb I f. b
to Elclf.c.
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 29

s 250
kt -__ 4 .kb-- 2504 ·10=8.62.
-+kb -+10
4 4
From EC3 Annex E:
kc 7.14 f
'llt = 1.0; '112 = - - = = 0.453; - = 2.447 .
kc + k1 7.14 + 8.62 L
Hence reduction of elastic critical load in the presence of such connection flexibility is given

'"'"~·" (iJ_
= = ( 2.391]
= 0.95'

L s=25

i.e. for a frame with p = 1.4 , a 5% reduction in elastic critical load factor is caused by S of 25.

Influence of Connection Flexibility on Frame Strength. In real frames the most important
quantity is the ultimate limit load Fu of the frame rather than the Euler buckling load FE. This
can be found by the Merchant-Rankine formula for the unbraced frame. If Fpl is the plastic failure
load of the frame then according to the above formula the ultimate load is given by:
1 1 1
-=-+-. (14)
Fu Fp/ FE
From Equation 14 it is obvious that a 5% drop of the Euler buckling load FE due to
connection flexibility leads to a drop in load carrying capacity of the frame Fu by not more than
5% (ESDEP, 1994).
The previous discussion leads to the observation that for a given frame configuration,
depending on the parameter p, the minimum required connection stiffhess S may be determined
from Figure 25b that does not lead to a decrease of the frame ultimate capacity by more than 5%.
If the actual stiffness of the connection is smaller than that one determined from Figure 25b, the
connection flexibility shall be taken into account in the frame analysis.
In Eurocode 3, a further simplification is made, see Figure 26. Constant boundary factors
S are chosen for the braced and unbraced frames rather than values dependent on p.
For braced frames the boundary value of S is equal to 8 as shown in Figure 25b. That means
that if S ~ 8kb a connection may be treated as rigid, otherwise as semi-rigid. This is illustrated in
Figure 26.
For unbraced frames the relevant value of S is 25, which means that if S ~ 25kb a
connection may be treated as rigid, otherwise as semi-rigid. Figure 26 illustrates this case as well.
30 M. Ivanyi

1 --.-Ji--- ------!I I
Rig1d11 ,."'11 I
,'I ,."' I
2/3 ---1~--------~- -- -------·
: : Semirigid :
\--------- -t ~-- --_::-:_:-:_:-:.:-:.:-~L:;:-:.::-Jtrl:~FI~exJ;a.biJ.:e
0 0.12 0.125 0.20 0.50 ~

Figure 26. Classification boundaries for connections in respect to their rigidity.

According to Figure 25b the boundary value S = 25 for unbraced frames covers only the
cases when p<::1.4. For p<l.4 this value is unsafe. This situation is investigated below.
Frames for which p<O.l are not realistic, so the value p=O.l can be used as a boundary.
Figure 27 shows the relationship between p and the quantity of
(FE($)/ FE(i=oo)) ·100% .





0 2 4 6 8 10
0.1 1,4
P .. E lb. lc
E lc. lb

Figure 27. Relationship between p and F E(i= 25>

F E(s=«>>
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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 31

_ When p=0.1, the Euler buckling load based on S = 25 is 85% of the Euler buckling load for
s =00.
The carrying resistance of the frame based on the Merchant-Rankine formula has reduced as
---=-+ ; (15)
Fu(s=«>) Fpl FE(s=«>)
is the carrying resistance of the frame with rigid connections;
1 1
---=-+-- (16)
Fu(s=«>) FP1 XFP1


-=(1+_!_)·-1 ; (18)
Fu(s=oo> X FP1

Fu(s=oo) = X+ 1 . Fpl . (19)

The following relationship holds for connections where S = 25 :

-----+ . (20)
Fu(i=25) - Fpl 0.85XFpl '


F _ = 0.85X . F . (22)
u(s=25) 0.85X + 1 pi
The reduction of the carrying resistance is:

~= Fu(s=«>) - Fu(s=25) ·100% = (1- X+ 1 ) ·100%. (23)

Fu(s=«>) X+ 110.85
Even for a very slender frame, namely when
Fu(s=«>) = Fpl'
so X= 1, the reduction~= 8% and for X= 2 the reduction~= 5.6%.

32 M. Ivanyi

It can be concluded that S = 25 is a sufficiently safe boundary value for practical frames for
the rotation stiffness of beam-to-column connection in unbraced frames in order to consider them
as rigid.
In Figure 26 the boundaries for the distinction between rigid and semi-rigid behaviour of the
connection follows a tri-linear rather than a bi-linear characteristic. The reasons are:
1. Experimental evidence shows that a beam-to-column end plate connection behaves
elastically for up to at least 2/3 of its moment resistance.
2. The beam characteristic is also not linear up to the plastic moment. Plastification in the
beam theoretically starts at about Wei/Wpt:>:j0.9 for I sections.
Due to residual stresses a more practical figure is 70% of the beam plastic moment. It is
therefore considered reasonable to alleviate the bi-linear characteristic of the connection by a third

Influence of Connection Strength on Frame Behaviour. As far as the moment resistance

of beam-to-column connections is concerned, classification is simpler. If the moment resistance
of the beam-to-column connection is equal to the plastic resistance of the connected beam, the
connection is considered as full-strength. If not, the connection is considered as partial-strength.
On the basis of the boundary for the rotation stiffness and the boundary for the moment resistance
a bi-linear moment-rotation characteristic is achieved.
If the moment-rotation characteristic of a beam-to-column connection lies on the left hand
side and above the boundary lines, this connection can be classified as rigid and full-strength.

Modelling of the Connection. Connections may be designed either by elastic or by

plastic theory. Since they are modelled mostly by rotational springs as shown in Figure 24a, it is
important to determine the spring characteristic representing the behaviour of the connection.
From the lay-out of the connections, its moment-rotation characteristic may be determined on the
basis of Annex J of Eurocode 3. However, the initial estimate of the characteristic has to be
modified with the type of global analysis (elastic or plastic) and the method of connection
verification (elastic or plastic) as shown in Figure 28 reproduced from Annex J.
If the global analysis is elastic the spring behaviour is considered to be linear since the same
applies also to the behaviour of the other structural elements (beams and columns). For this type
of analysis the joint may be verified either on the basis of elastic or on the basis of plastic theory.
In the former case, only the linear part of the connections characteristic is taken into account i.e.,
the design moment of the connection is only 2/3 of its ultimate moment and its stiffness is equal
to the initial value (Figure 28a). In the latter case the design moment of the connection is equal to
its plastic moment but its stiffness is reduced by the factor as shown in Figure 28b to take into
account the non-linearities.
In the case of plastic global analysis, with partial-strength joints, the spring behaviour of the
connection is considered as bi-linear, since the same applies also to the behaviour of the beams
and the columns of the frame. In that case the non-linear part of the connections is taken into
account as shown in Figure 28c.
Obviously such connections should possess sufficient rotation capacity in order to be able to
undergo the resulting plastic relations.
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 33

1 Real behaviour


(a) Elastic global analysis, elastic verification of the joint

/ Real behaviour

:x • value
Typo of
connection Braced Unbracod
Woldod 3 2
S jolnt,lnll /:X Endplato 3 2

(b) Elastic global analysis, plastic verification of the joint


k - value

Typo of
connection Braced Unbraced
Welded 3 2
Endplato 3 2

(c) plastic global analysis, elastic or plastic verification of the
Note : For plastic global analysis, models (a) and (c) may be used
provided that the joints are full strength with
MRd> Mpl,b

Figure 28. Modified connection characteristics.

A last case is when plastic global analysis is applied with full-strength joints. In this case no
plastic hinge is formed in the joint and the joint model is linear according to Figure 28a or 28b. In
order to be sure that no plastic hinge will form in the joint and bearing in mind the possible
overstrength of the beam, the following conditions shall apply:
For Figure 28a: 3M Rd ~ 1.2M pl,b ;

- For Figure 28b: M Rd ~ 1.2M pl,b.

34 M. Ivanyi

The greatest problem in the practical design of frames with semi-rigid cOimection lies in the
determination of the connection flexibility since this is only possible once the connection is
designed. This means that there must be an iterative process between frame analysis and joint
dimensions until a connection is found with the characteristics assumed in the analysis i.e., one
that is able to transmit the forces and moment and undergo the required rotation determined by
the analysis.



Vertical loading Horizontal loading


For both vertical and horizontal loading
Sh :S Sactual ~ Sv

Figure 29. Connection rigidity for unbraced frames.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 35

Specifically in the case of unbraced frames an additional parameter shall be taken into account
in the modelling of connections. As illustrated in Figure 29, the deformation characteristic of the
joint is different for the various loading conditions (vertical loading, horizontal loading) due to the
large flexibility of the column web when submitted to shear. Since this case appears only for
horizontal loading the joint behaviour is much softer in that case than in the case of vertical
loading. In the normal case of both vertical and horizontal loading, the actual spring stiffness lies
between the two values. This makes the practical design of unbraced frames with semi-rigid
connections almost impossible.

Relation between Frame and Connection Behaviour. Frames and connections can be
designed either by elastic theory or by means of plastic theory. It is even possible to perform the
calculations for frames on the basis of elastic theory and for connections on the basis of plastic
theory, or the other way around (ESDEP, 1994) (Bijlaard, Zoetemeijer, 1986).
There is, however, one limitation. A connection which remains elastic up to failure can only
be used in frames designed by plastic theory provided that the calculated moment resistance is
higher than that of the connected beam, and the beam sections have to be of the Class 1 type.
Therefore, a full-strength connection is required in order to achieve sufficient plastic deformation
adjacent to the connection.
When the force distribution in a connection is based on elastic theory, the connection will in
general be stiffer than a connection designed in accordance with plastic theory. Clearly, this
statement only holds when the connection in reality fulfils the assumptions used in the elastic or
plastic theory calculations. It can be illustrated as follows. In using elastic theory, the hypothesis
of Bernoulli holds (cross-sections remain plane). Such a hypothesis is employed to calculate the
force distribution in the bolts connecting the end plate to the column flange. In reality, the end
plate and the column flange have to remain plane. If this is realised, the connection is stiffbecause
the only deformation is caused due to the elongation of the bolts.
Using plastic theory, it is necessary for the components in the connection to deform
sufficiently in order to obtain a redistribution of forces and the formation of a failure mechanism
inside the connection. The consequence is that such a connection is in general less stiff than a
connection designed according to elastic theory.

Plastically Designed Connections in Elastically Designed Frames. In calculating the

force distribution in a frame using elastic theory, the ultimate carrying resistance is not calculated.
Instead the forces and moments due to the design load are computed. If the ratio n between the
Euler buckling load and the design load is small, say smaller than 10, second-order effects have to
be taken into account. This can be done by multiplying the components of the moments due to
side-sway (in the case of unbraced frames) by the amplification factor n /( n - 1) . If the moments,
calculated in this way, are smaller than the ultimate moment resistances of the various
connections, then the connections meet the design requirements.
In the connections, designed in accordance with plastic theory, plastic deformations will occur
when the ultimate moment resistance is reached. This effect is taken into account in calculating
the Euler buckling load using the bi-linear approximation of the connection behaviour, which
leads to a safe result (Bijlaard, Zoetemeijer, 1986). In the case of braced frames, the moments in
the connections due to loading will perhaps be underestimated if a low rotational stiffness is used.
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36 M. Ivanyi

Therefore, one should take an upper bound for the connection stiffness when calculating safe
values for the moments in the connections. This approach is in contradiction to the advice given
earlier, namely the use of the secant stiffness (bi-linear approximation).
It is shown in the literature that using the bi-linear approximation for the rotational stiffness of
the connection in calculating the moments in the connection is still safe provided that the
connection possesses sufficient deformation capacity. In the case ofunbraced frames the use of a
lower bound for the rotational stiffness of the connection will lead to higher values for the
moments in the connections due to the increased second-order effects. However, the frrst-order
elastic moment in the connection decreases when a lower rotational stiffness is used. A lower
bound for the rotational stiffness of connections in an elastic design of an unbraced frame does
not necessarily lead to a safe elastic calculation of the moment in the connection. It is therefore
necessary to use connections with sufficient rotational capacity even in an elastically designed

Elastically Designed Connections in Plastically Designed Frames. In frames where

more than one plastic hinge is necessary in order to reach the plastic failure mechanism, the frrst,
second and subsequent plastic hinges have to rotate until the last plastic hinge is formed. This
requirement holds for braced as well as for unbraced frames. Partial-strength connections which
remain elastic up to failure are not to be used, because they possess insufficient deformation
capacity. A method is given above for the calculation of the required rotational capacity of
connections in braced frames. The required rotational capacity in unbraced frames is larger, and
should in fact be calculated for the actual geometry of the unbraced frame. In most cases,
however, an upper bound for the required rotational capacity is about 0.04 radians (ESDEP,

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 37

3 Recent Developments on Classification of Connections

3.1 Current Proposals for the Classification of Joints

Introduction. The behaviour of a steel structure with semi-rigid and/or partial strength
joints may be substantially different from the corresponding to a structure with rigid and full-
strength joints (Fig.30).
Ultimate load of these structures may be found performing a second order elasto-plastic
analysis taking into account the actual behaviour of the joints. However, to evaluate the ultimate
load in a simplified way, some codes accept the use of the Merchant-Rankine formula (here
presented with the modification introduced by Wood):
1 1 0.9
-=-+-, (24)
au acr apl

where au, <Xcr and <Xpl are the ultimate, the critical and the plastic load multiplier of the frame,

Load LOI4
Multiplier Multiplier
4 4

2Dd order elastic

riJid-plutic analysis
a., --
(1st order)

2nd order

horizontal displacement, 61 horizontal displacement, 5Sit

Figure 30. Load multiplier versus horizontal displacement of a frame.

38 M. Ivanyi

Joint stiffness affects the critical multiplier, and thus the structural collapse load. It is then
important to assess this influence, for which a lower bound will be derived.
Another implication of joint flexibility is the increase of sway deflections, that frequently
governs structural design.
Recognising these implications of joint characteristics on the frame behaviour, Eurocode 3
proposes, on its revised Annex J, a classification of beam-to-column joints by strength and by
stiffness. For the stiffness classification, the boundaries between nominally rigid and semi-rigid
are defmed as straight lines in the moment-rotation diagram, Figure 31, where the non-
dimensional joint stiffness Sis obtained dividing joint stiffness Sj by the beam stiffness EI b I f. b :

s- = s.
1 (25)
In the following, a new proposal (Gomes, Neves, 1996) for these boundaries is presented,
based on the influence of joint flexibility on frame resistance.

M,.M (boundary for unbraced frames)
~undary for braced frames)

,.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.., ~ = cj> E/•


Figure 31. Classification by stiffness in the revised Annex J ofEurocode 3:

boundaries between rigid and semi-rigid.

Influence of Joint Stiffness on the Elastic Stability of Sway Frames. The influence of
joint stiffness on the critical load was studied previously by several authors (Cosenza, DeLuca,
Faella, 1989). Here an example of a portal is analysed in order to illustrate how a lower bound for
this effect may be derived.
For the portal frame in Figure 32, we define the parameter:
T = Ib I Lb . (26)
Ic I Lc
In the case of rigid joints, the horizontal displacement is given by:
0 = HLC .1+2T
R 12EIC T .
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 39

~ l'
2 2


Figure 32. Portal frame.

Introducing the notation

TsR =T---,
s +6
the horizontal displacement in the case of semi-rigid joints with non-dimensional stiffness S, is
given by:
" _ HLc . 1+ 2TsR = HL~ . 6 + S (1 + 2T)
0 SR - - - (29)
12£/c TsR 12Elc ST
The critical load may bt; evaluated, for the rigid jointed frame, by Horne's method:

V =09H~= 10.8Elc ._T_ (30)

cr,R . 0R L; 1 + 2T '

while for semi-rigid joints

6 + S(1 + 2T)
In order to evaluate the effect of joint stiffness on structural behaviour, it is interesting to
evaluate the amount of decrease of the critical load of the semi-rigid structure Vcr.SR with respect
to the critical load of the rigid structure Vcr.R in the sway mode. The ratio between these two
critical1oads is then
vcr,SR S(1 + 2T)
Vcr.R 6 + S(l + 2T)

When T ~ 0 we find a lower bound:

Vcr,SR s-
( (33)
Vcr · R lower bound
s +6
40 M. Ivanyi

This lower bound may also be found from the exact solution for the critical load (Chen, 1987).

Proposal for a New Classification of Joints. (Gomes, Neves, 1996) For the case of
rigid joints ( S = oo) the Merchant-Rankine formula gives
1 1 0.9
-=--+--, (34)
au,R acr,R a p/,R
and for the case of semi-rigid joints:
1 1 0.9
--=--+--. (35)
au,SR acr,SR a pl,SR
· In order to derive the range of joint stiffness that may be classified as nominally rigid we
assume the following rule: "The deformation of rigid joints should be such that they do not reduce
the resistance of the frame by more than 5%" (Eurocode 3 § Thus the boundary
stiffness will be found for
au,SR = 0.95au,R . (36)
Rewriting Equation 35 for the limit case of Equation 36, knowing that apt is not influenced by
the joint stiffness:
a p/,SR =a p/,R' (37)

we obtain
1 0.9
---=--+--. (38)
0.95au,R acr,SR a pl,R

Eliminating the quantity of


from Equations 35 and 38 we obtain

--=----- (39)

acr,SR Vcr,SR
--=-- (40)

from Equations 39 and 33 we obtain the particular value of the stiffness:

j,.Jb - .1. ..... (41)


defining a boundary between rigid and semi-rigid that do not reduce the resistance of the structure
by more than 5%.
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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 41

This simple formula may be rewritten as a function of the elastic critical parameter V&J/Vcr
(see Eurocode 3, § 5.2.6), assuming that the ultimate load multiplier is equal to the design value
of the applied load multiplier. Then

Sb = 114 Vsd , but Sb ; : : 8 (42)

where Vsd is the design value of the total vertical load and Vcr,R is its elastic critical value for
failure of the rigid frame in a sway mode.
The limit value of
sb ;:::s
refers to the case of braced frames (Fig.31 ).

s roposed stiffness boundary:

- 114

EC3 boundary
for unbraced frames

EC3 classification:
0 +-------+----~.:;,...:,;~==•---+----acr
0 5 sway frames 10 non-sway frames 15

Figure 33. Comparison between proposed and Eurocode stiffness boundaries.

From the proposed formula of Equation 43 it may be concluded that a beam-to-column

connection in an unbraced frame may be classified as rigid if its rotational stiffuess satisfies the
condition represented in Figure 33:
Vsd E/b 8E/b
sj =114-·-, but sj ~-- ·(43)
Vcr Lb Lb

42 M. Ivanyi

3.2 Isolated Classification System for Connections

The classification system of(Bjorhovde, Colson, 1989) and (Bjorhovde, Colson, Brozzetti, 1990)
is intended for the case when prior knowledge of the frame layout is not available. The
connections are· placed in one of three categories: rigid, semi-rigid and pinned, based on both the
strength and the stiffness of the connections. The connection stiffness is. represented as a ratio of
the connected beam rigidity (El) divided by a reference length (L,). The reference length is taken
as a multiple of the connected beam depth (d). If the reference length L, for a connection is
smaller than 2d , the connection is classified as rigid. If the equivalent reference length L, is
greater than 1Od , the connection is classified as pinned. If the reference length is between 2d
and 1Od , the connection is considered as semi-rigid. The moment capacity requirements for
rigid, semi-rigid and pinned connections in this system are greater than 70%Mpt, between 20%
and 70%Mpt and smaller than 20%Mpt, respectively, where Mpt is the plastic moment capacity of
the connected beam. It has been demonstrated in (Bjorhovde, Colson, Brozzetti, 1990) that it is
possible for a connection to be classified into different categories at the serviceability and ultimate
limit states when ~oth connection stiffness and strength are considered in determining the
connection category. In addition to the limits for connection stiffness and strength, a requirement
for connection rotation capacity has also been defmed in this system. A diagram illustrating the
system is given as Figure 34. Since it is not necessary to know the configuration of the whole
frame in this classification system, it is relatively easy to use. However, because the overall
behaviour of the frame has not been considered, the connection may be misclassified if the
structural layout differs significantly from that assumed in the creation of this classification

'-le=2d , Actual , ..... +-- 18 =10d

/ '· ',./ductility ,/
I ....._ ~ "
/ '•. \ demand <"/
'' Rigl"d
/1 K
I •\ • "
,' I I
0.7 I • • • )"
I Semi-ngtd "' I · ' :YSimplifled ductility
.,' I
~ requirement
,' I
I ·~
0.2 ""' I
Flexible 1
1.2 2.0 2. 7 cl>

Figure 34. Bjorhovde's classification system.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 43

3.3 Unified Classification System for Beam-to-Column Connections

Introduction. Proposals for the classification of beam-to-column connections have been

presented independently by Bjorhovde et al. (Bjorhovde, Colson, Brozzetti, 1990) and in (EC3,
1993). However, the proposed methods are not entirely consistent with traditional ideas of rigidly-
jointed and pinned-jointed frames. For example, if the connections of a frame are classified as
rigid, the internal force distribution within the frame should be very close to the theoretical result
obtained from traditional rigid frame analysis in both the elastic and the plastic states. On the
other hand, if the connections are classified as pinned, the internal force distribution should be
very close to that given by traditional pinned frame analysis. The two existing classification
methods cannot always meet these expectations and may therefore cause confusion to design
engineers. The purpose of the unified system is to develop a classification method for beam-to-
column connections which will ensure results consistent with. the expectation of traditional rigid
and pinned analyses (Nethercot, Li, Ahmed, 1998).
The purpose of connection classification is to choose a suitable basis on which to conduct the
overall frame analysis. Therefore, it is necessary that a classification system be able to reflect the
connection assumptions used in the frame analysis. A connection may respond differently at the
serviceability and the ultimate limit states, therefore it should be possible for the connection
assumptions used in the frame analysis to recognise this. Accordingly, a classification system
should consider both the serviceability limit state and the ultimate limit state. This has been
mentioned in Bjorhovde et al.'s classification system, but is not addressed in the EC3 system. In
addition, a classification system should also be able to place a connection into a single category
for the same limit states and not allow it to fall into different categories and to give ambiguous
results. The separate use of the stiffness and strength criteria in the EC3 system may give such
ambiguous results. For example, a connection can be rigid and partial strength according to the
EC3 classification system and this may be hard to understand because a partial strength
connection cannot be rigid at the ultimate limit state. On the other hand, a semi-rigid connection
cannot be full-strength since large connection moments may not be possible because of the low
connection stiffness. In addition, the use of semi-rigid connections may be controlled by their
rotational capacities, therefore it is necessary to specify a rotational requirement for all
connections. Although the classification system proposed by Bjorhovde et al. has included the
rotation requirement, it is not so accurately addressed and .is not necessarily always on the
conservative side as discussed in (Goto, Miyashita, 1995). For these reasons, a more
comprehensive classification system is required and the development of such a system is needed.
The classification system proposed herein is termed a ''unified classification system for beam-
to-column connections". In this system, connection stiffness and strength are considered
simultaneously in determining the category and thus terms such as ''rigid" and "full-strength" will
not be appropriate for naming the connection category because they each represent only one
aspect of the connection behaviour. The connections are therefore placed into one of four
categories (Nethercot, Li, Ahmed, 1998):
- fully-connected connections;
- partially-connected connections;
- pin-connected connections;
- non-structural connections.
44 M. Ivanyi

Following the practice with other classification systems, the strength and stiffness of a
connection Wlder shear and axial loading are assumed to be sufficiently large that they will not
affect the load carrying capacity and deformation of the frames. Therefore, they are not to be
considered in the criteria for connection classification.
Since it is impossible for a connection to have an infinite stiffness as assumed in traditional
rigid frame analysis, it has to be accepted that the moment transferred by a fully-connected
connection will be slightly lower than the moment obtained from traditional rigid frame analysis.
If this cannot be accepted, then all connections must be treated as partially-connected and will
require semi-rigid frame analysis. Therefore, some level of approximation must be accepted. An
assumption of this type is implicit in the two other classification systems (Bjorhovde, Colson,
Brozzetti, 1990) (EC3, 1993). A 5% variation of connection moment between that in the fully-
connected frame and that obtained by treating the frame as rigid jointed is adopted in determining
the connection categories. Since the assumption of pin-connected connections would err
significantly on the conservative side of reality, a larger tolerance from behaviour assuming actual
pins will be used when defining pinned-connected connections.

The Need to Consider Connection Stiffness and Strength Simultaneously. It is

known that the internal force distribution within a framed structure (except for a statically
determinate structure) is dependent on the relative stiffness of each of the members. This indicates
that the stiffer components will attract large internal forces and the flexible components will
Wldergo large deformations and develop small internal forces. Accordingly, the moment
developed at a connection will be dependent on it& relative stiffness. As demonstrated in (Li,
Choo, Nethercot, 1995), if a connection has a large moment capacity but a relatively low stiffness,
it will not be possible for the connection to fully develop its full moment capacity. This suggests
that if a connection does not have sufficient stiffuess, even though it is a full-strength connection,
the strength may not be fully utilised in the design. On the other hand, if the moment capacity of a
connection is relatively small, no matter how high its stiffness, it will not be possible for the
connection to act as rigid because the connection could fail before the moment level determined
from rigid frame analysis is achieved. These features can be better appreciated from the following
example of a single span subframe illustrated in Figure 35 with flexible beam-to-column
connections. According to elastic analysis, the moment at the connection can be obtained from
Equation 41 :

qL- [
a EI
12 2+a+2a KL
J (44)

in which Mj is the connection moment; q is the uniformly distributed load; L is beam span length;
EI is beam section rigidity; K is connection stiffness; a is column-to-beam rotational stiffness
ratio, expressed as
Kc is the sum of the rotational stiffnesses of all the members connected to the connection
except the beam considered. If the connection is an internal column connection Kc should
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 45

normally be taken as infinite. For this example, Kc is equal to Kc=SEijLc. Here Elc is the column
section rigidity and Lc is column height as shown in Figure 35.
It is known that if the beam-to-column connection is ideally rigid, the moment at the
connection will be
qL2 a
M =--- (45)
c,r 12 2+a


Figure 35. Single span subframe.

According to EC3, if the connection moment capacity is not less than 95% of the negative
moment capacity of the beam (e.g. Mc,r when the beam is fully designed), it may be classified as a
full-strength connection. The concept of a full-strength connection implies that:
I. it is possible to utilise the full connection moment capacity in the design;
2. the beam and frame deformations will not be affected by the connection properties.
However, this may not be true if the connection stiffness is relatively low compared with its
strength. For example, if the connection stiffness in Figure 35 is relatively small (say
K = SEI I L ), then the maximum moment that can be developed at the connection is only

M =qLz ~ (46)
c,s 12 8+5a
If the column/beam stiffness ratio a is greater than 0.54, which is very common in practice,
the connection moment will never be able to exceed
46 M. Ivanyi

MC,S = 0.0168qL2 • (47)

This moment is smaller than the connection moment capacity:

Mcp =0.95Mc,r =0.0177qL2 • (48)

This implies that the full connection moment capacity cannot be utilised in the design because of
the limitation of the low connection stiffness.
On the other hand, if the connection stiffness is sufficiently high (say K = 36El I L ), but with
a low moment capacity of
qL2 !96,
the connection will be classified as rigid according to EC3. A frame with rigid connections may
be analysed by any traditi~nal rigid frame analysis method. However, this may not be acceptable
if the connection strength is not adequate. For example, the connection moment from traditional
rigid frame analysis is

M = qL~ 18a (49)

C,S 12 36 + 19a
If the column/beam stiffness ratio a is greater than 0.29, which is almost always the case in
practice, the moment developed at the connection will be at least:
Mcs =0.0105qL~. (50)
This moment is greater than the connection moment capacity of
hence it can never be developed in practice. Therefore, it is not appropriate to classifY this kind of
connection as rigid. Because of the low connection moment capacity, the full negative moment
capacity of the beam cannot be developed. These fmdings clearly conflict with the traditional
concept of a rigidly jointed frame.
The above analyses demonstrate the drawbacks in any classification system that considers the
stiffness and strength separately. The method should simultaneously take into account both
connection stiffness and connection strength. This will lead to a unique result consistent with the
traditional concepts of rigid and pinned connections. Since structures are required to meet two
separate criteria in design - strength and stiffness - corresponding to the ultimate and
serviceability limit states (at which states the connection responses may well be different), the
classification system should be able to distinguish these two limit states.

Classification of Connections corresponding to Ultimate Limit State. The connection

classification with regard to ultimate limit state can be realised as follows.

(i) Fully-connected connections. Fully-connected connections should permit traditional

rigid frame analysis to be used in the design. This requires that:
1. the connection moment capacity should be at least equal to the connected beam moment
2. the connection stiffness should be high enough to enable the connection moment capacity
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 47

to be developed.

(ii) Pin-connected connections. Since it is assumed that a pin-connected connection will

not develop a significant moment, the connection stiffness or the moment capacity should be
limited. Following the assumption of other classification systems, if the moment capacity of a
connection is smaller than 25% of the moment derived from rigid frame analysis, the connection
is considered as a pin connection.

(iii) Partially-connected connections. As a partially-connected connection also has to

undergo a certain amount of rotation to develop its moment capacity, the connection should
satisfy an appropriate rotational requirement.

(iv) Non-structural connections. If a connection cannot meet the requirements for any of
the above connection types (mainly because of lack of rotation capacity), it should be classified as
a non-structural connection. Non-structural connections cannot be regarded as a structural
element because they lack ductility and are likely to fail prematurely before the design condition
is achieved. In practice, non-structural connections should be prevented in the design..

Using the classification system, a diagram showing the classification of connections has been
drawn in Figure 36a. The required connection rotation capacity shown in Figure 36a is obtained
for the assumption that the hogging and sagging moment capacities of the beam are the same and
the beam span section moment capacity is fully utilised. It can be seen that the actual moment-
rotation curve of the connection is not required to determine the category of the connection. The
required parameters are the connection design moment, the secant rotational stiffuess and the
rotation capacity. Some examples showing the application of this approach are given in
Figure 36b.

Classification of Connections corresponding to Serviceability Limit State. Since the

design requirement at the serviceability limit state is one of limiting deformation rather than
attaining a certain strength, classification at serviceability will be affected mainly by the
connection stiffness. The stiffness required for fully-connected connections should be determined
such that the beam deformations with fully-connected connections are similar to those obtained
assuming ideal rigid connections. The stiffuess required for partially-connected connections
should be high enough to considerably reduce the beam deflections compared with those obtained
from ideal pin connections. If the connection stiffness is so small that the beam deflection is
almost the same as that calculated assuming ideal pin connections, the connection should be
regarded as a pin-connected connection.

(i) Fully-connected connections.

(ii) Pin-connected connections. If the connection stiffuess at the serviceability limit state
is so small that the beam deflection is almost as large as that for an ideal simply supported beam
this connection should be treated as a pin-connected connection.
48 M. Ivanyi

partially-connected zone
1.0 -1-4------"'


non-structpral zone
1 I I ---

0.25 ~~---------~----------~~~-
' I

...... - .. I.----
I ------ I


(2+a)/(38a) 0.53-1/a 0.75/a+0.37




(2+a)/(38a) 0.53-1/a 0.75/a+0.37

Figure 36. Single span subframe.

(a) unified connection classification system at ultimate limit state;
(b) examples of the application
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 49

M/Mb Ifully-connected zone

1.0 11
partially-connected zone

0.25 ~~ -- ---:- -- ----- -~------------~-~-=---T_____

___ ., ___ _
I I I __ .......... ..

I I ---- pin-connected zone

f 116-lla 1/3 (7a-2)/(2a) 9El/(MbL)

(a) (20+12a+cf)/(70a-20a)



___ ..
0.25 ----
pin-connccled 1

f' J/6-J/a 1/3 (7a-2)/(2a) 9EI/(MbL)

(b) {20+ 12a+a)/(70a-20a)

Figure 37. Unified connection classification system at serviceability limit state.

(a) unified connection classification system at serviceability limit state;
(b) examples of the application

(iii) Partially-connected connections. A diagram showing the classification system at the

serviceability limit state is given in Figure 37a. Examples illustrating the use of this diagram are
presented in Figure 37b.
50 M. Ivanyi

3.4 Non-linear Connection Classification System

Introduction. Incorporating the concept of rotational flexibility of steel beam-to-colunm

connections, modern codes (AISC, 1989) (AISC, 1994) (EC3, 1993) recognise the use of semi-
rigid connections in addition to the two conventional and idealistic connections: rigid and flexible.
Application of semi-rigid connections in practical construction remains remote partly because of
its indistinct separation from the other two idealistic connections. The scenario had largely been
improved in the recent past with the introduction of two conspicuous nondimensional
classification systems (EC3, 1993) (Bjorhovde, Colson, Brozzetti, 1990) in which clear boundary
lines among the three types of connections are provided, but these classification systems seem
inadequate to match the real non-linear behaviour of connections.
Even though the nondimensional classification systems seem plausible, applicability of these
classification systems remains questionable because of three flaws:
1. connection stiffness is absolutely expressed in terms of beam stiffness;
2. connection zones in the moment-rotation diagram are demarcated with linear lines;
3. tangent connection stiffness has a stepped distribution along the relative rotation.

Proposed Connection Classification System. (Hasan, Kishi, Chen, 1998) The above
discussion shows the obvious necessity of having a non-linear classification system with no
reliance on beam stiffness. This part aims to devise a new classification system for beam-to-
colunm connections in an unbraced frame which will be free from the above-mentioned flaws. To
that end, as opposed to previous nondimensional approaches, a dimensional one is pursued. The
envisioned classification system is therefore devised by dividing the conventional moment-
rotation (M-€l,) diagram into three connection zones with two smooth non-linear lines, as shown
in Figure 38.

M {kip-in)


fJ, (radian)

Figure 38. Envisioned classification system.

In search of a mathematical model to describe these two non-linear lines, the three-parameter
power model of (Kishi, Chen, 1990) is found to be most suitable. The model is composed of three
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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 51

parameters: initial stiffuess Rki; ultimate moment capacity M. and a shape parameter n, and can be
expressed as in Equation 48, taking the shape as shown in Figure 39:


where 80=MjRki is the reference plastic rotation. To fit the three-parameter power model into the
envisioned classification system, it is therefore necessary to fmd the exact values of the
parameters for the two demarcation lines.



Figure 39. Three-parameter power model.

There are three parameters for boundary lines:

(i) Initial stiffness Rki. From extensive frame analyses conducted in (Hasan, Kishi, Chen,
Komuro, 1995) and (Kishi, Hasan, Goto, Komuro, 1996), it was shown that the maximum and
minimum initial stiffuess of a semi-rigid connection in an unbraced frame can be taken as 106 and
1045 kip-in/rad, respectively.

(ii) Ultimate moment capacity M•. Similar to the (EC3, 1993) classification, ultimate
strength levels to defme the horizontal plateaus between the rigid-semi-rigid and semi-rigid-
flexible zones are taken as full plastic moment Mp and 114 of the Mp of the connecting beam,

(iii) Shape parameter n. The value of the shape parameter is adopted by calibration. It
was observed that n = 1 serves the purpose of sufficient accuracy and simplicity. Figure 40 shows
the appearance of the proposed classification system in US customary units.

52 M. Ivanyi

M (kip-in)

\ . Rki == 10 6 kip-infrad
Mu=Mp ---,--
Rki =104.5 kip-in/rad


Or (radian)

Figure 40. Proposed classification system.

Conclusion. A non-linear moment-rotation connection classification system for beam-

to-column connections in an unbraced frame, consisting of these components: (i) initial
connection stiffuess; (ii) ultimate moment capacity; and (iii) a shape parameter, is proposed. The
stiffness limits for the boundary lines demarcating the connection zones in the classification
system have been explicitly set in numerical figures. They have been obtained from extensive
numerical analyses. The strength limits are kept unchanged from those of the (EC3, 1993)
classification system. Since these limits are unit-dependent, it will be necessary to adjust the
classification system depending upon the type of unit to be used in the design.
This classification system can be used in the initial phase of connection/frame design to (i)
clearly categorise a real connection into any of three types: rigid, semi-rigid or flexible; and (ii)
select a proper analysis/design method such as type FR or type PR construction (AISC, 1994).
Confusions are likely to occur in cases of mixed category connections (e.g. semi-rigid at the
stiffness limit check but flexible at the strength limit check). The designers can avoid that type of
situation by adjusting the connection so that the moment-rotation curve of the connection clearly
falls within the boundary limits of a connection zone.
The proposed classification system is found to be simpler and more accurate than the existing
systems (Hasan, Kishi, Chen, 1998).
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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 53

4 Failure Tests of Two-Storey Steel Frames

by M. Ivanyi', L. Hegedus', M. Ivanyi Jr.' and G. Varga'

4.1 Introduction
A great number of tests have been performed on isolated semi-rigid connections and flexibly
connected subframes.
Tests on full-scale three-dimensional frames are somewhat less numerous. However,
experimental data on full-scale frame behaviour is important. Firstly it enables the effect of
column continuity through a loading level to be investigated - a parameter not present in many
subframe tests- and secondly, it confirms whether the experimentally observed performance of
isolated joints and subframes is indeed representative of their behaviour when they form part of
an extensive frame. This latter point is ofparticular importance if the extensive work on isolated
specimens is to be incoxporated into universally accepted methods of semi-rigid and partial
strength frame design.
The frame tests, presented in this contribution, were carried out in the structure testing hall of
the Building Research Laboratory, Department of Steel Structures, Technical University of

4.2 General arrangement of experiments

Test Program and Description of Test Frames. The test programme included tests of
three complete frames:
- Frame COST 2: proportional loading process, horizontal load ratio: R=Hm;,/HIIf/J%=1;
- Frame COST 3. pulsating loading process, horizontal load ratio: R=Hm;./Hmax=O;
- Frame COST 4: alternating loading process, horizontal load ratio: R=Hmu/HIIf/J%=-1.
The test frames were partially two-storey and partially two-bay ones. In the frrst storey the
frames had two bays, and the larger one was continued in the second storey. The frames were
built up from European hot-rolled sections (Figure 41 ).
Typical flush end plate connections have been used between the main members of the frame.
There were a number of reasons for selecting this particular type of connections. Firstly, cleated
connections are very often susceptible to bolt slip at relatively low moment levels. Once bolt slip
has occurred, the precise moment-rotation characteristics of the connection are usually
irreversibly changed. The flush end plate connection, however, is not affected by bolt slip to the
same degree and therefore, exhibits similar moment-rotation behaviour under moderated repeated
loading. Using such a connection, small levels of load could be applied to the frame without
irreversibly deforming either the connections or the frame members. This was an important
facility which allowed the loading devices and load control system to be fully commissioned prior
to carrying out a test to failure.

' Department of Steel Structures, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
'UVATERV Engineering Ltd., Hungary

54 M. Ivanyi

The test frames were supported by separated rigid concrete blocks, which were connected to
the testing floor. The connections of columns to the "separated" concrete blocks were realized as
"hinged" bolted connections between the base plate and the concrete block. Concrete blocks were
poured into a steel formwork. The formwork contained four tubes for those bolts, which were
used later to connect the concrete blocks to the testing floor. Concrete blocks are reinforced, main
dimensions of the blocks and the amount and form of reinforcing bars was adopted from the
similar blocks of the tests of Penserini and Colson (1989). Anchor bolts were jointed to the
reinforcement of the blocks before concreting. Between the top of the blocks and the bottom of
baseplates, according to the usual practice, app. 1 em thick cement layer was used.

IPE 180

"B18" "B15"

IPE 140 IPE 180

"B14" "B13" "B12" "Bll"
HEA 140 HEA 180 HEA 180 ~

"'"t "J2"

2100 2800

Joint "B13" and "B14" Joint "Bll" ,"B12" and "B15" ,"B16"

t=16mm~+~B + +
o oIt.
s. t = 1 6 m m ; + JBolts:
~ 012 COST 2-4 2 8 012 COST 2-4
016 COST 1 + - N 018 COST 1
20 0 0 +
0 0

~ ~

Joint "J3" Joint • J1" and "J2"

~"= ~ : '"""""II :
~ Anchor bolts: I, 190 I, Anchor bolts:
0~ 1 1 0~

Figure 41. Overall view of test frames.

Loading System. The test frames were loaded by combined (vertical and horizontal)
loads (Figure 42). Vertical1oads were applied to the upper flanges of beams, this way the webs
and lower flanges were not restrained laterally. Loading was exerted by means of hydraulic jacks.
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 55

To make horizontal displacements (sidesway) unrestricted, jacks were fastened not directly to
the floor slab, but through a so-called gravity load simulator (Halasz and Ivanyi 1979). This latter
consisted of three elements: two "rigid" bars and one "rigid" triangle. The two bars had pin joints
at both ends, resulting in a one-degree-of-freedom mechanism. Hydraulic jacks joined the third
comer of the rigid triangles. This mechanism produced a vertical load acting in the intersection of
the two bar axes. The simulators were designed and built in the Laboratory of Department of
Steel Structures, Technical University of Budapest. Horizontal loads were applied at the levels of
beams, and they were exerted by means of hydraulic jacks driven by an oil-pressure circuit
independent of the vertical ones.
The original structure consists of frames and a ''perpendicular" system of purlins, side-rails
and wind bracing. The effect of this latter system was simulated by a "back-ground" construction,
located at a distance of 3 m behind the test frames and connecting rods at the top of columns and
the middle of beams.


Figure 42. Loading arrangement.

Measuring Techniques. Forces were measured by means of a pressure transducer built

in the oil circuit of the hydraulic system. The intensities of the forces were calculated from the
pressure and the effective cross sectional area of the jacks.
Main important horizontal and vertical displacements of the frames were measured on the
beam levels (a and bin Figure 43) and in the rnidspans of the beams (c, d and e) by inductive
Strains were measured by means of strain gauges. Altogether 16 cross sections of the frame
elements were chosen and one cross section contained four strain gages on the four edges of the
section. Relative rotations at joints were measured in similar sections as strains, their distribution.
and notation are given in Figure 44. For this purpose two simple scales were inserted in every
section in a known distance (app. 200 mm) from each other, they were hinged connected and
always kept the vertical direction because of gravity. Measurements were made by geodetic
devices and from the measured differences the rotation was calCulated.
56 M. Ivanyi


Figure 43. Measured displacements.

B16 B15
ClO C9

B14 B13 B12 Bll

C6 C5 C4

J3 J2 Jl

Figure 44. Cross-sections with relative rotation measuring scales.

4.3 Some results of the experiments

Test Frame COST 2: Proportional Loading Process. For frame COST 2 the load-to-
displacement curves are presented in Figure 45. Notation of displacements can be seen in
Figure 43. The load axis contains the total load produced by the hydraulic system (that is 7 x P).
Load- relative rotation and displacement curves at column bases are shown in Figure 46. The
further load- relative rotation curves of other sections are given in Figure 47. The curves are
giving both the load - rotation characteristics of the different sections and the differences between
the neighbouring sections. These differences in case of columns (as between 4 and 7 or between 5
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 57

and 8) are not remarkable, while on two sides of a beam-to-column connection (as between 4 and
11 or between 5 and 13, etc.) they are non-negligible.



L--- ~
L--- \

14 0

I 120 ------ - - - - ! - - - · - - 1\
rn 100 ~

~ '-.... \

~ 60 ~ / )
7- :->-

10 20
-- ~

0 30 40 50 60 70


Figure 45. Load - displacement curves.

The loading was increased step by step. After the load level No. 6 an unloading took place. At
this stage the whole structure and its connections were elastic, only the column bases showed
some changes. On the compression zone there were some cracks in the cement layer, while on the
tension side there was a gap. During this unloading process the rigidity of the structure caused
some further cracks on the opposite side of the cement layer.

Test Frame COST 3B: Pulsating Loading Process. Test frame COST 3 was subjected
to a pulsating loading process: the horizontal load varied between 0 and a.P at every vertical load
level. In test COST 3A, a low ratio for the horizontal load was chosen (a.=0.07), thus failure was
not encountered; while in test COST 3B, ultimate failure occurred with bolt failures, lateral-
torsional buckling of beam B 15 - B 16, and crushing of cement layer under base plates.
The horizontal displacement of the top frame level is shown in Figure 48, as the function of
vertical loading. Significant differences in joint displacements between cross-sections C4 - B 11
are shown in Figure 49. Performance of column bases is illustrated on Figure 50. At the·
maximum level of vertical loads, the corresponding horizontal load was not applicable due to bolt
58 M. Ivanyi



1 t>


~ [)
0 10 20 30 40 50 80 70


Figure 46. Load- relative displacement curves at the column bases.


.o.s.+-------ir----l---- +-------i---+----l----1
o w ~ ~ 40 so so ro

1--- COLUMN 4 - t - BEAM 11 · • · DISTORTION

Figure 47. Load- joint displacement curve.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 59



I .. l

1- 1/


- 1/

0 J
·10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 100

Figure 48. Vertical load - deflection curve.



i--- .....--- i---~


k:::::::- 7. 1\

0 10 20 30 40

-- w

60 70

1--- COLUMN 4 -+- BEAM 11 ..-. OJSTORTION I

Figure 49. Vertical load- rotation curves.

60 M. Ivanyi





:a. \

~ 0.8

0.2 I
'1\ 1 L I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70


Figure 50. Verticalload - rotation curve.



\ \
0 5 'o ·s

Figure 51. Vertical load- deflection curve.

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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 61


,_ ~

~~ .IT A

f-.-- _x:
WI ·--l
'·· ~

-~-·-·· ·,,.,..

t:"--:.....:::::.- :.::::::__-::::::.--
---v ~
Jt----::::: ---.!11~. lif 'J fJ

=:::::::::::::. 1:::-- "'if__ :-+ ~ it

l .....,... I

·10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

1--- COLUMN 4 --+- BEAM 11 ··+-- DISTORTION

Figure 52. Vertical load- rotation curves.


i --
--- -· -·--
-H -:~y li\

• ~
... ll

-10 10 20 30 40 50 80 10 80


Figure 53. Vertical load - rotation curve.

62 M. Ivanyi

Test Frame COST 4: Alternating Loading Process. Test frame COST 4 was
subjected to an alternating loading process: the horizontal load varied between aP and -a.P at
every vertical load level. During test COST 4A, the ratio of horizontal and vertical loads was
taken as a=0.16, while during test COST 4B, as a=l.O. Ultimate failure of the frames was caused
by bolt failure in joints B12 and B16.
The relationship of vertical load and top level horizontal displacement is shown in Figure 51
for test COST 4A. Significant differences between the displacements of cross-sections C4 and
B 11 are caused by a plastic hinge (Figure 52). Behaviour of column base is shown in Figure 53.

4.4 Comparison oftestresults to theoretical calculations

Modelling of Beam-to-Column Connections and Column Bases. The moment-

rotation characteristics of beam-to-column connections were calculated according to Eurocode 3
Annex J, using a computer program developed by Katula L. (Horvath and Katula 1993).
The layout of the connections was given in Figure 41. The general shape of moment-rotation
characteristics that were used in the analytical study is shown in Figure 54a. In general, three
types of connections were applied for the tested frames denoted by Bll, B13 and B14 in
Figure 41.
The moment-rotation curves can be characterized by their two points, the fust associated with
the 2/3 of the moment resistance of the connection MRJJ and the initial rotational stiffness Sj,ini, and
the second, with the full value of the moment resistance MRd and a rotational stiffness 113 of Sj,ini.
The first part of the curve is linear; the second one is described by a power function of the
bending moment as given in Eqn. 52,

·· [ _.!1!L
]2.1 (52)
1 J,m, 1. ·M

and the third part is constant at value M=MIId.

The connections B12 and B13 (see Figure 41) were treated as independent of each other; their
characteristic curves were simply determined using transformation parameter ~ (expressing the
influence of the common web panel in shear on the two connections) equals to 1, as
recommended in EC 3.
The moment-rotation characteristics of column bases were incorporated using those
determined on the basis of a parametric study by Ivanyi and Balogh (1995). The study involved
FEM simulations using COSMOS/M software. The results for elasto-plastic constitutive law were
applied. The actual curve can be seen in Figure 54b (darker line), along with a curve used in
design practice.

Effect of Proportional Loading. In the case of test frame COST 2, with the appropriate
application of lateral supports, the failure of the structure was forced to occur via developing
plastic hinges at the location of column bases and beam-to-column connections, and under the
concentrated loads.
The analysis was performed using the computer program PEP-Micro (developed by CTICM,
France). The calculations were based on second order plastic analysis. The results are shown in
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 63

Figure 45, as theoretical ones. As for the ultimate behaviour, the results show that, the
calculations were close enough to the test results considering both ultimate load and
displacements. However, in the elastic range, the calculations predicted ''more rigid" behaviour
compared to the experimental results. On the contrary, in the ultimate range, calculations
predicted "softer" behaviour.
The calculated load bearing capacity of test frame COST 2 was P=60.2kN; its load bearing
capacity in tests as P=61.5kN. The load bearing capacity according to the first order theory is
P=69.2 kN, which shows that the second order effects are significant.

p; P.15; d;o16
Ki=1341; Kpal26; Mp=19.4



Figure 54. Moment- rotation curves.

(a) for bolted end-plate connections according to Eurocode 3 and (b) for column bases
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64 M. Ivanyi

Effect of Variable Loading. The analysis performed was based on the upper bound
method for shakedown analysis (Kaliszky 1989). The method assumes that the plastic mechanism
that corresponds to the shakedown state is preliminarily known. In this state, positive plastic hinge
rotations of magnitude IStl can develop only when the bending moment reaches the positive
ultimate moment Mti. Similarly, if at a plastic hinge location, negative rotation of magnitude -IS ;-I
occurs, then the bending moment at the same location must reach its negative ultimate value -M1;.
The general condition of shakedown can then be written for the ultimate state by Eqns. 53.

In these equations, mh denote the shakedown load parameter,

M ;:j and M;:; ,
the respective values of the maximal bending moment diagram, M/, a value of bending moment
corresponding to an equilibrium set, while ~i denotes the ultimate bending moment of the cross-
Multiplying the above equations (53) with the rotations IS/I and -IS;-1 respectively,
considering all plastic hinges of the given plastic mechanism, and summing up the respective
equations, the relationship in Eqn. 54 will be obtained.

mb ·(~M~ ·jstj-~M~!~i ·jsij)+~f ·S; = ~~i ·IS;I (54)

In Eqn. (54) the first and second summation between the brackets involve all the plastic hinges
where the considered hinge rotation is positive and negative, respectively. S; denote all plastic
hinge rotations, thus the two other summations in the above equation involve all the considered
plastic hinge locations. The right hand side of the equation gives the work of ultimate bending
moments, being thus each of its members positive. The last member of the sum on the left hand
side of the equation is the work of the residual moment distribution M/ upon the plastic
mechanismS;. Since M;' is an equilibrium set, the principle of virtual work gives:
~Mf·S;=O. (55)
If the plastic mechanism which corresponds to shakedown state is known, load multiplier mp
can be expressed from the above equation as

m = ~ti ·IS; I (56)

b ~M~ ·IStl-~M:~i ·lstl
For the case when the plastic mechanism at shakedown is not preliminarily known, it can be
justified that the above load multiplier calculated with an arbitrary plastic mechanism
is always greater than or equal to the load multiplier mh. This yields that the load multiplier mb
can be determined as the minimum of values mb* corresponding to all possible plastic
This analysis was performed based on the plastic mechanism observed in the experiments.
Thus plastic hinges were either "conventional" plastic hinges (occurring at concentrated force
locations), or hinges developing at beam-to-column connections or column bases.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 65

For test frame COST 3B, the calculated load bearing capacity (shakedown load) is P=62.4kN,
while the test showed P=65kN. For test frame COST 4B, the calculated load bearing capacity
(shakedown load) is P=68.3kN, while the test showed P=70.2kN.

4.5 Conclusions
An extensive experimental study has been carried out to analyse the effects of semi-rigid
connections. Four full-scale, three-dimensional multi-storey frames have been tested. A
condensed overview of the features of the experimental set-up has been given and it has been
briefly explained how the complexities of the 3D nature of the tests were addressed. Comparison
of theoretical and experimental results showed reasonable agreement.
66 M. Ivanyi

5 Use of approximate engineering methods

by M. Ivanyi' and L. Hegediis'

5.1 Introduction
The purpose of frame analysis is to determine the limits of structural usefulness and to compare
the predicted behaviour with the required one. Such an analysis is always part of a design process,
wherein adjustments and new analyses are carried out until the design requirements are met.
Frame behaviour could be best characterised by the relationship between the applied loading
and characteristic deformations, the structural response.
To construct load-deflection curves for each structure would be desirable, because it would
contain all the information that is necessary for checking the structural behaviour. But such curves
are more or less non-linear from the very beginning because of second order geometrical effects
and material non-linearities. Later the slope of the curve is further reduced because of local
plastification or of some instability phenomena.
The situation becomes more complicated, if structures contain such joints, which are non-
negligibly different from the ideal ones, as hinged and rigid.
In case of frames connections have special importance, as their load carrying and deformation
characteristics can modify the overall behaviour of the frame in a very wide range. Between the
theoretically clear, two extreme cases, as hinged and rigid, the palette of practically used
connections is very wide and allowance should be taken for it during the design process.
In case of semi-rigid joints the importance of using approximate engineering methods is
increasing, as they can produce upper bound envelope curves for the real behaviour in a relatively
simple way. The accuracy of the results is depending on the simplifications involved.

5.2 Modelling joints in frames

In Annex JJ of Eurocode 3 joints are built up from two main parts, as sheared column web and
components of connection (endplate, bolt, etc.) (Eurocode, 1989, 1992, 1993). In certain cases it
would be evident two divide the flexibilities into two springs, that is for a web panel spring and a
connection spring (Figure 55).
The web panel spring would have the task to take into account the shear deformation of the
web panel, this way it could be a translational spring, as it has been treated in several papers
before. This translational spring could be taken into the diagonal line connecting the tension
flanges of the beam and column.
The connection spring (including all other flexibilities) could be represented typically by a
rotational spring, which could be situated to the end section of the beam.
Calculation results have showed, that using these two kinds of spring models for
characterising the behaviour of the joint have advantages.

' Department of Steel Structures, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 67


(endplate, bolts)

joint = web panel + connection

Figure 55. Joint model of Annex JJ.

These two springs are more suitable to simulate the joint characteristics and, which can be
more important, they produce lower load carrying capacities and lower elastic critical loads for
the numerically tested frame, than the calculation, which strictly follows the connection model of
Eurocode 3.
Taking into account the second order effects and using these separated springs produce a
relatively complicated calculation. Later on another possibility for handling these influences will
be summarised in this subdivision.

5.3 Influences at column bases

In case of column bases there are some similarities. The typically bolted connection between the
base plate and the foundation can have such flexibilities, which are comparable with those of the
bolted beam-to-column connections.
If some attention is paid for the "connection" between the soil and the foundation, rather
similar displacements to those of the frame joints can be found.
The position of the rotation centre of the concrete block is depending on the soil
characteristics. Between this point and the lower surface of the base plate the relatively rigid
concrete block is situated, which acts as a continuation of the column. But between the baseplate
and the top surface of the concrete block in most practical cases a grout is situated, having
different behaviour as the concrete foundation block (Figure 56).
These similarities and differences gave the idea to develop a generalised bar model, which can
take "connection" and ')oint" flexibilities into account.
68 M. Ivanyi

rotation centre of concrete block

Figure 56. Column bases.

5.4 Use of stability functions

Stability functions can be practical tools to carry out an elastic second order analysis. These
functions have been developed in different forms. In this paper those of Home will be used
(Home and Merchant, 1965) (Home and Morris, 1981) (Majid, 1972).
For the elementa..-y ~ase, i.e. when a member having ftxed ends is influenced to a rotation on
the left hand side end (Figure 57.), the end forces and moments can be expressed in the form
given under the ftgure.

hi ------~~ ------iF
MA = s.k.8 = S.8; M 8 = s.c.k.8= T.8; F = -s( 1+c).k.8/L =- U.8 IL

Figure 57. Stability functions: rotation at left end.

From this case all of the others (sway offtxed end: Figure 58., hinged cases, etc.), when there
is no distributed load along the length of the member, can be developed with superposition,
supposing the same normal force for the added cases.
The s (stiffness) and c (carry-over) functions are depending on the relative intensity of the
normal force, p=NINE, where NE=n2kfL (and N is positive in compression).
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 69


Figure 58. Stability functions: sway at right end.

These functions let to take into account the influence of shear deformations of the web panel.
If we consider that the left end of the member is connected to the joint of a frame, at the joint
there is a y shear deformation (Figure 59) and the centre of the panel remains in the same place,
then the shear deformation y/2 causes at the left end of the member: (i) a 0 rotation equal to y/2
and (ii) an upraise vertical sway, which is equal to LA • y/2.
Combining the cases in Figures 57 and 58 the influence of web shear deformation can be
From the right part of Figure 59 it can be also clearly seen that shear deformation of the web
panel causes opposite effects for beam and column respectively. This fact should be taken into
account when compiling the stiffness matrix for the construction.

'2 .LA
: ·-;---,
, 2.LA ,

Figure 59. Shear deformation of web panel and its influence for deformation of members.

Before carrying out this combination process in details, because of its practical advantages,
the bar model of Figures 57 and 58 is extended. A rigid part of the length of LA is joined to its left
70 M. Ivanyi

hand side, replacing the web panel between the theoretical centres of the joint (point A) and the
beam ends (point C).
From simple equilibrium equations, written for A-C, C-B and A-B members, some new
functions can be compiled, describing the relation among end forces and displacements.
These functions are given in Table 1. for fixed bar, in Table 2 for hinged bar.
If a relative rotation should be taken into account at section C between the column flange and
the beam end, it can be done by adding a new degree of freedom there and using functions in
Figure 57.
In case of displacement method the equilibrium condition can be written as

in which g* is the load vector, .K* is the stiffness matrix and.!!* is the displacement vector.
The displacement vector is built up from two main parts, from the group of regular nodal
displacements (absolute rotations and deflections) and from the group of relative ones, caused by
local flexibilities as shear deformations, connection components deformations, etc. According to
the regular nodal displacements the corresponding equilibrium equations can be compiled. The
second part of equilibrium equations are simply expressing the moment - relative rotation
correlation at the local flexibilities, that is the M-4> functions.
It should be also taken into consideration that the relative rotations are always of opposite
sense as the moments.
The functions for the shear or the rotation rigidity of a joint can be of any such shapes, which
are in correlation (given by any mathematical function) with the change ofloading.
The corresponding literature- for example (Chen, Fielding, 1972), (Chen, 1987), (Chen, Lui,
1991), (Ermopoulos, Vayas, 1991), (Fielding, Huang, 1971), (Ivanyi, 1992), (Lui, 1985),
(Mazzolani, 1990)- illustrate that wide palette, which can be compiled either from experimental
results or from modelling the above functions in different ways.
The function of M-4>, for example (Figure 60.), has a non-linear shape in case of loading,
while in case of unloading it follows the straight line determined by the initial slope of the curve
(by the initial rigidity) and the M0 and ~ 0 values achieved.
In general form the M-4> functions can be written, as:
M =R·~+M 1 (58)
where in case ofloading:
R=SsecC~) and M 1 =0;
in case of unloading:
R=Ssec,o and M1 =Mo-Sseco·~o;
If the external load on the structure is increasing in a monotonic way and there are no joint
simulating springs, which are unloading, the actual secant stiffness, MI~=S,ec( ~) should be
substituted into the stiffness matrix.
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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 71

Table 1. Stability functions including shear defonnation of web panel- fixed bar.

Joint end Regular end

F positive signs: l F

infinite!y rigid pan rigidity: EJ fixft N M
~~~~~------------- -- ~-----7 \._-eA ___ ---11 :a
_+I-y_c_l[) ~

LA ~ IC LB B l 'A 2 f l ,:
Basic notation: s.k = S s.(1 +c).k = U k = EJ I L8
s.c.k = T (2.s. ( 1+c)- rr 2p).k = V p = N.L 8 I (n 2 k)


eA [s +~; (1 +~; )vJ= sk [r+ ~; u]=1k [s+ ~; u]=sc - [ U+-V

LA ] -=-{fk-
Ls Ls
1 I

es [r +LALs U] =. Tk s T -U-

U-l U-l 1
eA [ U+-V
LA ] -1= U t1- -V-
Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls L/

+LsLA V] Ls = -Uk Ls
[ I I -U- -U- V-I-
es - U Ls Ls L/

2 [s-w(~;)' +n'et~;(l+ ~l~ [r- ~; u ]=Ty [s- ~; u]=Syc -[U- LA V]_.!._ =...V: _.!._
Ls Ls rLs

72 M. Ivanyi

Table 2. Stability functions including shear deformation of web panel- hinged bar.

F positive signs:
Joint end Regular end
infinitely rigid part hinged

~ ______.:/:. ( M
.M _c_ __ ---lq ~
leA f 1/2
• rigidity: EJ
• ---
C---------8 08

LA41-+I- ---L
____-+ eA f l ea
Basic notation: s.k = S (2.s.(l +c) - n:p).k = V k = EJ I L8
s.c.k = T s.~l-c2).k = S p = N.L8 I (n 2 k)
s.(l +c). k = U s' - n 2p.k = v"


eA [S"-s
2] =S~c" [ sc --s1k
T ] = s c" [
- Ulc
U ] I
-S1k LB
" I
=-Uic LB

eA [ u" I
U ] -=U"
s L8
"- I
L8 8
-[v- u2 ]-~- =-V"-~-
S L/ L 82

eB [ U
- u" - 8
1k ] r;;=-U" I -u(I-!J-1-= -S"-1-
S L L 8 8
[v- u2]-~-=V"-~-
s LB2 LB2

[ Sy --T.
1ks y ] =Sy II [ Syc- STy
T ] = Syc " {~ 1 _Ty)_LAv]-l
8 8 8

5.5 Extended use of stability functions and springs

This above detailed method is suitable to analyse elastic members, taking allowance for geometric
non-linearities (second order effects). At the same time, as the spring rigidity functions
theoretically can be of any shape, with this set of expressions those cases also can be treated,
when the spring rigidities involve some plastic, hardening or softening phenomena.
If any of the rotational springs at member ends is handled this way, it can include even the
plastic behaviour of that section. The function used for representing the moment-rotation relation
can be either bi-linear or piecewise linear or continuous and preferably smooth.
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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 73

M initial rigidity R
I 0
I :f II' unloading with
initial rigidity
, '' loading with 8sec o(~)
secant rigidity S sec(~)

Figure 60. Spring characteristic.

If a spring is inserted in any section of a member, where a real connection does not exist and
the spring characteristics are including the properties of a plastic hinge, this so-called pseudo
connection section is able to model plastic hinges, as well.
This way the use the stability functions together with all of those possibilities, which were
detailed before, can be extended to carry out an elastic - plastic hinge analysis. In this method all
plastification is gathered into the plastic hinge and the complete member between two nearby
hinges is supposed to be perfectly elastic.
The more exact plastic zone method, which took into consideration the reality, that
plastification is a progressing process both in the fibres of a section and in a portion of a member,
is more complicated and generally gives slightly different results.
In the case, when the frame to be analysed is carrying distributed loads, it is preferable to
substitute it with concentrated ones, because those sections, in which plastic hinges develop in a
member of distributed loading, are generally not known in advance.
This modification has two advantages:
- there is no change in shear force between two neighbouring points and
- possible sections of plastic hinges are only these division points of the members.
One very important remark, which should be taken into account in any case, is the following:
either non-linear behaviour of connection or plastic behaviour of the material is the reason of the
relative deformations, it should be always kept in mind, that loading (increase of deformations
accompanied by either increase or decrease of load intensity) follows the mentioned curves, while
unloading (decrease of deformation and loading together) is always elastic (follows the initial
rigidity). Therefore, if at any increment of the loading process a decrease of a certain
displacement is seen, this fact should be noticed and it must be allowed for the compilation of the
stiffness matrix.

74 M. Ivanyi

5.6 Demonstrative example

The frame in Figure 61 was realised from hot-rolled I sections (section height: 80mm, span of
beam: 2m, height of column: lm), having different welded beam-to-column connections,
nominally pinned at supports and tested in the framework of a diploma project in the Laboratory
of the Department of Steel Structures, BUTE (Ivanyi jr., 1993).
Three types of frame knees were tested: (i) no stiffeners, (ii) horizontal stiffeners, (iii)
horizontal+ diagonal stiffeners. The ratio of H: V=O.S: 1.

~ r-r-----..:.---'T-1- \.__
rl;; welded
bolt axis

_u_--./ \
loading device \ _

Figure 61. Test model built up from hot rolled sections.

~ shear deformation of web Spring 2 Spring 4

2 F 3
r::Jll----t..---<IJ - - plastic hinge rotation spring E G
Spring 3
/connection spring

~foundation rotation spring D

Spring I H Spring 5
foundation displacement spring

Figure 62. Frame model built up from springs and elastic members.

Left part of the Figure 62 shows those sections, where springs should be inserted to take
account for local flexibilities, plastic hinge rotations, etc. Allowing for the real conditions, some
simplifications were made, as:
1. a strong steel device was constructed to transfer the loading and to support the test frame -
there were no foundation displacements;
2. flexibility of welded connection on the interface of beam-to-column is small - there is no
need for connection springs at beam ends,
3. beam-to-column connections are not stronger than the sections themselves -no need for
plastic hinge springs around the joints.
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 75

Table 3. Stiffness matrix and load vector for the model shown in Figure 62.

Stiffness matrix
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(sk)1 (7k)2
-(~;)1 -(~;)2 (7k)l -(sr )I 0 0 0

(sr )2
2 (rk) 2 (sk}2 (rk)3 0 0 (ry )2 (s)3 (ry)3 0
(sk) 3 -(t)2
(rk)3 (8 k)3 (rk)3 (sr )3 (rk) 4
(sk) 4 -(~;) 4 (~;)3
3 0 0 0

-(sr t
-(~;)I -(~;) 4 (~)I -(~)1 (~:) I (~:) 4 -(~)4
4 0 0 0

-(~;)2 -(~)2 (~;)3 (~)2 -(~:) 2 (~)3 (~:) 3
5 0 0 0

(~)3 (~)3
6 (Tk) 1 0 0
0 (s)l -(Ty )I 0 0 0
Spring 1
(sk) 2 (rk) 2 (sr )2
-(~;) 2
7 0 0 0 0 0 0
(s)3 (rk) 3 (s)3 (ry )3
8 0 0 0 0 0
(rk)3 (sk) 3 (Tk)3 l8 r }3
(~; )3
9 0 0 0 0 0

(rk)4 1rJ4 Ts)4

10 0 0 0 0 0 0

Load vector
0 0 0 H v II o 0 0 0 o II
76 M. Ivanyi

The simplified model of the frame is shown on the right of Figure 62. The model consists of
four elastic bars (1-4), five nodes (D-H) and springs, Spring 2 and 4 for shear deformation, Spring
1 and 5 for nominally pinned supports, Spring 3 for plastic hinge under the vertical force. Axial
deformation of bars is neglected.
Table 3 shows the stiffness matrix and load vector (In the table Spring 1-Spring5 denote the
actual secant stiffness of the springs). The frrst three columns of stiffness matrix correspond to
absolute rotations of nodes E-F-G, the fourth to horizontal sway at E-G, the fifth to vertical
deflection at F. Columns 6-10 are relating to spring rotations.
Lines 1-5 are giving the equilibrium equations for ME, MF> MG, HE, VF> respectively.
Loading of the computational model can be increased step-by-step. Control of the loading
process can be made by force or by displacement. Load control is suitable, while the structural
model is stable, in the unstable stable control of the process is made by horizontal deflection at
node E. In this latter case column 4 of the stiffness matrix and the load vector are exchanged and
the system of equations is solved for a given horizontal deflection.
Iteration at a new loading step starts with the previous normal force distribution in the bars,
the normal forces are recalculated from the new displacements, while the given tolerance in the
compatibility of results is fulfilled.
Some illustrative outputs of the program are given in appendix. Systematic comparison of
computer simulation and experimental results are to be published.

5.7 Summary
This subdivision gave a short summary about the possibilities of constructing more precise, but
not too difficult connection models for frame analysis.
It has been dealing with those simple methods, which can be useful tools for
- either to construct envelop curves for the elastic and for the plastic behaviour separately,
- or to determine the elastic-plastic response of the frame by concentrating all of non-
linearities into real or pseudo connection springs, which are connecting the elastic

5.8 Appendix: Parametric study on the influence of semi-rigid frame knees and support
The relative moment-relative rotation curves, according to Eurocode 3, of frame knees "KSI"
and "KS2" (Figure 63) are shown in Figure 64. "KS I" is the non-stiffened version, which is really
semi-rigid. "KS2", containing horizontal stiffeners at flange levels, has a moment-rotation curve
just beneath the limit curve in EC3 for sway frames.
The horizontally and diagonally stiffened "KS3" is a rigid and full strength joint in EC3.
The column base was structurally solved as pinned. Neither calculations nor measurements
have been made to check the reality of this supposition.
Separated tests have been carried out on knee models (Figure 65.).
During the experimental work special emphasis was due to the measurement of relative
rotation of joints. The absolute rotation of sections A and B in the figure were measured by means
of optical methods. From the difference of the absolute rotations at A and B, the relative rotation
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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 77

of joint has been calculated. This way the moment-rotation curves for the joints can be
Similar measurements have been carried out during the tests on the frames themselves. In
those cases the load-rotation diagrams may be determined.
From the numerical point of view there are differences among the M--4> curve properties, if
those by EC 3, by separated knee models and by frame measurements are compared.
Therefore, more serious and systematic analysis is necessary (Figure 66).

~ r-T"-----''-----'-~~ L - n;:;welded

bolt axis

~~ \
loading device \

Figure 63. Experimental frame model.



m m


0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2

Figure 64. Moment- rotation curves by EC 3.

78 M. Ivanyi

, B ~ V

48cm JI


Figure 65. Frame knee models.

Spring 2 Spring4
2 F 3
Spring 3

D Spring l H Spring 5

Figure 66. Frame model built up from springs and elastic members.

For illustration purposes the spring properties are supposed in the parametric study, as

Supports (spring 1 and spring 5):

• ssec,o=450 kNm Mmax=Mp~/100=0.069 kNm tjl(Mmax) = 0.0050

• Ssec,0=650 kNm Mmax=Mp~/10=0.69 kNm tjl(Mmax) = 0.0050

• Ssec,0=850 kNm Mmax=Mp~/3=2.3 kNm tjl(Mmax) = 0.0050

• ssec,o=1050 kNm Mmax=2Mp~/3=4.6 kNm tjl(Mmax) = 0.0075
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 79

• s,ec,o=1250 kNm <j>(MmaJ = 0.0100

Beam midspan (spring 3): calculated moment capacity MPFfJ.9 kNm

plastic hinge properties are approximated as,

• s,ec,o=3000 kNm <j>(Mmax) = 0.0040

Frame knees (spring 2 and spring 4)

• s,ec,o=850 kNm Mrnax=MPJ3=2.3 kNm

• ssec,o=l050 kNm Mrnax=2MPJ3=4.6 kNm

• ssec,o=1250 kNm Mmax=MPJ3=6.9 kNm <j>(Mrnax) = 0,0100

In the present study the M~ curve above <j>(Mrnax) is constant, beneath this value the curve is
approximated as:

--; (60)
(n + 1)

a=------- (61)
(n + 1), <j>. (Mmax)n

If the above expressions remain valid above <j>(Mmax), instead of unlimited plastic behaviour
the influence of descending moment-rotation characteristics can be analysed.
According to the second expression, choosing a value for n, the ratio of secant stiffnesses can
be suitably changed.
Results of parametric study are summarized on Graphs 1-7. as follows.
80 M. Ivanyi

P vert Z!l.!l ktl

Frame id.: Hinged/1

1. Joint rigidities:
Z. Left joint
3. 11idspan joint
4. Right Joint

35!1!1.9 ktlm

P vert = 2!1.8 ktl

Frame id.: Hinged/2

1. Joint rigidities:
2. Left joint
3. 11idspan joint
4. Right joint

35!1!1.!1 ktlm

··p vert = Z!l.!l ktl

Frame id.: Hinged/3

1. Joint rigidities:
Z. Left joint
3. 11idspan joint
4. Right joint

351!!1.!1 kllm

Graph 1. Vertical load and joint rigidity curves.

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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 81

P uert 2!1.!1 kM
Frame id.: Hingedll

2. Joint abs. rotations:

1. Left joint
2. Beam midspan left
3. Right joint

.2!1!1!1!1 rad

· P vert 2!1.!1 kM
Frame id.: Hinged12

' I
I /
I t
I ,I
2. Joint abs. rotations: I
1. Left joint I
2. Beam midspan left
3. Right joint
I .2!1!1!1!1 rad

·p vert = 2H.B kM
Frame id.: Hinfled/3

2. Joint abs. rotations:

1. Left joint
2. Beam midspan left
3. Right joint

Graph 2. Vertical load and joint absolute rotation curves.

82 M. Ivanyi

P vert 28.8 kl'l

Frame id.: Hinged/1

3. Joint deflections:
1. Left joint hor.
2. Beam midspan vert.

8.4888 m

P vert = 28.8 kl'l

Frame id.: Hinged/2

3. Joint deflections: I
1. Left joint hor.
2. Be~m midspan vert.

8.4888 ..

·p vert= 28.8 kl'l
Frame id.: Hinged/3

3. Joint def Jections :
1. Left joint hor.
2. Beam midspan vert.

11.4111111 m

Graph 3. Vertical load and joint deflection curves.

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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 83

P uert Z8.8 kll

Frame ld.: Hinged~l

~1. Left support

z. Left joint
3. Midspan joint
4. Right Joint
S. Right support .488811 rad

Z8.8 kll
Frame !d.: Hinged~Z

4. Joint rei. deformations:

1. Left support
Z. Left joint
3. llidspan joint
4. Right joint
S. Right support .488118 rad

··p vert = Z8.8 kll

Frame id. : Hinged/3


4. Joint rei. deformations:

1. Left support
Z. Left joint
3. Midspan joint
4. Right joint
S. Rigllt support .48888 rad
---~----·-- ....•·-··..... --~--~·-- ·-.. -·~-~.--~-~--~

Graph 4. Vertical load and joint relative deformation curves.

84 M. Ivanyi

P uert 211.11 Jd'l

FraMe id.: Hinged/1

5. Bending mo.ents:
Left support
Left joint
ltidspan joint
Right joint
Right support
/ 8.8 kltM
·p uert 211.11 kit
Frame id.: Hinged/2

5. Ben~Uncr mo~~~ents: -,,~
1.. Left support
2. Left joint
3. ltidspan joint
4. Right joint
5. Right support

FraMe id.: Hinged/3

rp uert = 211.11 kit
4l ' ("" /

I /

' ,,
S. Bending Moments: '-,~ I
Left support
Left joint
ltldspan joint
Right joint

S. Right support
/ 8.11 Jd'IM

Graph 5. Vertical load and bending moment curves.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 85

P uert = 28.8 kH
Frame id.: Hinged/1

G. Hormal forces:

1. Left column
Z. Beam
3. Righ·t column

15.8 kH

P vert = 28.8 kH
Frame id.: Hinged/Z

&. Hormal forces:

1. Left column
2. Beam
3. Right colm•n

15.8 kH

·p uert = 26.8 kH
Fl'ame id.: Hin!fed/3

6. Hormal forces:
1. Left column
2. Beam
3. Right column

Graph 6. Vertical load and normal force curves.

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86 M. Ivanyi

P vert = 28.8 kM
FraMe id.: Hinged/1

7. Shear forces:
1. Left coluMn
2. Beam left half
3. Beam right half
4. Right coluMn
15.8 kM

·p ~ert = 28.8 kM
Frame id.: Hinyed/2

7. Shear forces:
1. Lett colu111n
2. Beam left half
3. Beam right ha If
4. Right coluMn
"' Iv 15.8 kM

·p vert = 28.11 kM

Frame ld.: Hinyed/3

"~~ l

'' \
-, '\

' ,, \
7. Shear forces:
-,," \~
1. Left colunn
2. DeaJO left half
3. Beaa right half
4. Right coluMn '~. 15.11 kM

Graph 7. Vertical load and shear force curves.

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 87

6 Direct Design Method of Steel Frames with Semi-rigid Connections

6.1 Introduction
The most important parts in steel frames are the beam-to-column connections and the connections
between columns and foundation, since their behaviour greatly influences the whole structural
behaviour (distribution of moments and forces, displacements, overall stability, etc.).

6.2 Behaviour of beam-to-column connections and column bases

The limit analysis of steel frames starts from an idealistic elasto-platic stress-strain diagram, from
this, between bending moment M acting on an element of the beam, and the rotation ~ due to ·this
latter, on the basis of the hypothesis of Bernoulli and Navier, the relation shown in Figure 67 can
be obtained; at the moment My yielding starts in the extreme fibre extending more and more
across the cross section, while at the ultimate moment Mp!, the whole cross section reaches the
plastic stage, and the rotation increases infmitely. The concept of the classical plastic hinge theory
was first introduced by Kazinczy (1914).



-- ~ r
q..;_ -·--- :IE

IZl rotation ( <1>)

Figure 67. The classical plastic hinge.

The behaviour of beam-to-column connections and column bases is similar to that of the
classical plastic hinge of the steel cross section (Figure 68).
Joining into the international research in this field, we tried· to introduce the concept of
"generalized plastic hinge", which can substitute the classical concept of plastic hinge in the
traditional methods of limit design, but can reflect the effects of phenomena like concrete
foundation, local plate buckling, anchorage behaviour, etc. (Ivanyi, 1983).
88 M. Ivanyi



i , M

Figure 68. The beam-to-column connection and the column base.

6.3 Effect of beam-to-column connections and column bases on the behaviour of steel
The analysis of the behaviour of elastic-plastic frames neglecting the change in geometry of the
structures while setting up the equations of equilibrium is referred to as modified first order
approach. The steel frame has normal plastic hinges, semi-rigid connections and column bases at
the respective locations. The load-deflection diagram of the frame in Figure 69 according to the
first order approach F 0(I) can be expressed as

F~I) = fi(M pi;M Rd)

with Mpi.Rd the plastic moment of the cross section,
Mj.Rd the moment resistance of the semi-rigid connection or column base.
If only failure load Fo<I) is of interest, then the detailed analysis of the structure behaviour can
be omitted as the fundamental (static and kinematic) theorems of simple plastic design directly
yield the F0(I) value (Prager, 1951).
The fundamental theorems of simple plastic design can be utilised for two purposes, namely,
(i) to check the failure load of a given (previously designed) structure or (ii) - if the value F 0<!) is
given- to compute the required value of the generalised plastic moment Mpi of the cross-sections.
This latter will be referred to as "direct method of design", illustrated in Figure 69c-e. Based on
previous consideration an adequate yield mechanism (pattern of plastic hinges) is to be chosen
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 89

(Figure 69e ). Denoting the displacements of the external forces in the generalised yield
mechanism by Ui and the hinge rotations by Kj (Figure 69d), the virtual work equation furnishes

La;F 0U)u; = LiMptKji· (62)


Supposing all the plastic hinges to form under a common value Mpt of frame element moment,
the required value of Mpt will be:

- (!) i
M pi - Fa . .....:L=.-IKJ-,..·1 (63)

Subsequently - using the equilibrium equations - the entire moment diagram can be determined
(Figure 69e) and the structure will be safe if designed so that the bending moments due to the
former moment diagram nowhere exceed the full plastic moment of the corresponding joints and

- plastic hinge
----- semi-rigid connection
---lll column base p(l)


4 3,

(a) (b) displacement

(c) (d)

Figure 69. First and second order approach.

90 M. Ivanyi

The basic assumptions in Simple Plastic Design restrict their use to cases where either axial
forces or deflections are small (continuous beams, non-sway frames with stocky columns bent in
double curvature etc.) (Galambos, 1968; Halasz, 1967a). In other cases it may give unsafe
estimate of the failure load.
Modified second order approach can be spoken of where the equilibrium equations are set up
taking into account the deflections of the structure (Halasz, 1969a). A typical load-deflection
diagram according to the second order approach Fo(Il) is illustrated in Figure 69.
FJn> = f1(M pl.Rd ,El,M j.Rd, S joint)
with Mpt.Rd as above,
EI the elastic stiffness of the cross sections,
Mj.Rd as above,
Sjoint the rotational stiffness of the semi-rigid connection or column base.
The second order load-deflection curve differs basically from that based on the first order
approach as follows: (i) the branches are curvilinear; (ii) the failure load (or peak load) is lower
than in the case of the simple plastic (first order) theory; (iii) the failure may occur before the
complete yield mechanism has developed and is followed by unstable behaviour. In addition, the
location and sequence of occurrence of the generalised hinges do not necessarily coincide with
those in the case off1rst order theory.
Though the elastic-plastic frame analysis based on second-order approach is dealt with in the
literature (Livesley, 1959; Horne, 1961; Horne and Merchant, 1965), its practical application is
cumbersome and bound to the use of a computer. This paper is to offer an approximate solution
possible by manual calculation as well.

6.4 Assumptions
Let a frame, such as the one shown in Figure 69, be subject to monotonously increasing loads
proportional to a single load factor F. For simplicity we confine us to cases when- up to the
failure load - a good approximation can be reached, expressing the axial forces in the form
Nk = J3k ·F, (64)
where the parameter J3k is constant.
The frame may be built up of perfectly elastic members and generalised hinges at certain
locations only. The load-deflection curve can be characterised by the diagram shown in
Figure 70b. The subsequent branches of the curve indicate the behaviour of the frame containing
an increasing number of generalised hinges. Each branch continued beyond its range of validity
(dashed lines in Figure 70) approaches asymptotically a certain value Fcr,n. These values are
referred to in the literature as "deteriorated critical loads" (Horne and Merchant, 1965; Halasz,
1969a). They represent the load factor causing buckling of an assumed completely elastic frame
with semi-rigid connections loaded by axial forces Nk only, with real hinges at the locations
where generalised hinges developed in the actual frame.
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Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 91

- - - - - -- - ~-- --

F (!)

~zF cr
F (2)
~IF F (3)

(a) (b)

Figure 70. Load-displacement curve.

6.5 The case of the "direct method of design"

According to the first order approach, the failure load depends upon the value of the generalised
moment only. In a second order approach, however, failure load depends upon two types of
quantities: the first type is the moment resistance of the cross sections or the semi-rigid
connections (i.e. the "strength" of the structure), and the second type is the flexural stiffness of the
cross sections (E/) or the rotational stiffness of the semi-rigid connections or column bases (i.e.
the "rigidity" of the structure).
Assuming EI and Sjoint to increase infinitely, the concept of rigid-plastic material is arrived at,
failure will only occur after the formation of a complete yield mechanism (the "mechanism
curve" in Figure 71). With decreasing stiffness the load-deflection curve may reach its peak value
after the formation of generalised hinges less than needed for the complete mechanism to develop
(the other curves in Figure 71).
Looking at Figure 72 one can distinguish two frame types:
- "relatively rigid" frame: the failure should take place when the number of generalized
hinges has reached the number n of hinges necessary for the complete mechanism, thus
i = n;
- "relatively flexible" frame: the failure load is reached in the presence of a lower number
of generalized hinges than that transforming the structure into a complete mechanism
( i < n ).
A special but easy to handle case of the "direct method of design" is to design a structure
where the predetermined failure load FF coincides with one of the "deteriorated critical loads"
Fcr.n. Figure 73 represents a case with n =3 , i.e. the structure fails as soon as the third
generalised hinge has developed.

92 M. Ivanyi

Figure 71. Load-deflection curves for· different stiffness values.

~l.Rd = const

F (I)
Mj .Rd = const
Fo mechanism curve
rigid frame
'' (generalised sense)
A---___;:~--- El3; Sjoint,3 > El2; Sjoint,2 relatively
flexible frame
.... ~12; Sjoint,2 > EI I; Sjoint,l
~-___;;.------"-~ (generalised sense)

3 .... EI I; Sjoint,I

Figure 72. Relatively rigid and relatively flexible frames in the generalised sense.
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 93

F El ~ioint
Mpi.Rd Mj.Rd

Figure 73. Illustration of the direct method of design.

The "deteriorated" critical load Fcr.3 (the buckling load of a completely elastic frame with
three real hinges, with elements of stiffness Sjoint applied at the locations of semi-rigid beam-to-
column connections and column bases, and subject to a given set of axial forces) is a function of
geometry (L) and rigidity(£!) data:
cr,3 --u

with c being a constant. Setting

FF = Fcr,3
the required value of the frame rigidity is
El=-FF (66)
The next problem is to calculate the required value of the generalised plastic moment Mp/. For
this purpose let us consider two structures (Figure 74a-b). The first is the actual structure just
before failure: the load factor is equal to FF, the third plastic hinge (at cross-section 3) is just
about to develop. The displacements and the bending moments at cross-sections j = 1, 2 and 3 are
denoted by u and Mj, respectively.
94 M. Ivanyi

Ju) (u)

t t t t
(a) (b)



Figure 74. Calculation of the required value of the generalised plastic moment MP1

The second is the "deteriorated" structure with three real hinges subject to axial forces only, the
load factor being Fcr=Fcr,J. This structure will buckle under the load Fcr,J. The displacement and
the hinge rotations during buckling are denoted by
ii and 'Ki,

respectively. The axial forces in both structures are defmed by Eq. (64), and are supposed to keep
unchanged during buckling.
Let us set up two virtual work equations, using two-way combination of loads and
displacements of both systems:

:~:>·;FFui- LM}<i + L~kFF JEiu'u'dx= JEiu"u"dx

i j k I I

L~kpcr, 3 Ju'u'dx= JEiu"u"dx (67)

k I I
Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 95

where u' and u" denote first and second derivatives, respectively. Note that displacements u and
ii contain only first order terms, so
u3 = ii3 = 0.
After subtraction one gets

Ia;FFii;- LM)cj = LPdFcr,J -FF) Ju'ii'dx. (68)

i j k 1

Considering Eq. (66)

FF Ia;ii; = LM)cj. (69)


Now if failure has to occur at Fcr=Fcr.3 (Figure 74c), bending moments Mj in the generalised
hinge cross-sections j = 1, 2 and 3 have to equal the generalised plastic moment, thus

FF Ia;ii; = IIMP "Kjl

1 (70)

Eq. (70) replaces Eq. (62) of the Modified Simple Plastic Theory and helps to compute the
required value of Mpt. Supposing all the generalised plastic hinges to form under the same value
of Mpt, by analogy to Eq. (63),


Using Eqs. (66) and (71) the flexural rigidity EI of the members, the connection stiffnesses
Sjoint, and the generalised plastic moment in the plastic hinge cross-sections can be computed.
For designing the rest of the cross-sections the entire bending moment diagram at failure is to
be known. This can only be determined indirectly, as the structure is in an indifferent state of
equilibrium during failure, the failure load Fu being equal to the "deteriorated" critical load
(Figure 75a)
Without giving detailed prove of the procedure (Halasz, 1969b), let the bending moment
diagram M at failure be composed of two parts as
M =M 0 +aM (73)
The moment diagram Mo refers to the structure after removing one generalised plastic hinge
chosen arbitrarily (Figure 75c). As thus the frame gets into a state of stable equilibrium and the
generalised plastic hinges can be considered as real hinges with external moments equal to the
generalised plastic moment acting upon them, the diagram Mo can be determined by a second
order elastic analysis (Home and Merchant, 1965). The second bending moment diagram
represents the bending moments arising during buckling of the "deteriorated" structure
(Figure 75d) (with three real hinges and subject to axial forces only), which can be determined by
96 M. Ivanyi

known methods of second order elastic theory (Home and Merchant, 1965), at least as far as its
shape is concerned. The constant factor a is to be chosen as follows.
Like the bending moments, the displacements - among them rotations K. j of generalised
plastic hinges- can be built up of similarly chosen components:

K 01 and K: 1
are generalised hinge rotations in the two structures defmed above. We will get the actual
moments and displacements by selecting the value a so that for all hinge rotations
signK 1 =signK 1


IK·I . =0.


(a) (b)


- -
~f32Fcr f3lcr~
alcr Mu
f3lcr f3tFcr

(Mo) (M)
(c) (d)

M=Mo+a·M; K=Ko+a·K; a-+signK=signK; Kmin=O

Figure 75. Calculation of the "deteriorated" critical load

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 97

Put in words, all generalised binge rotations should be of the same sign as binge rotations of
the deteriorated structure during buckling, but one of them (of course the last plastic binge, just
forming at failure) should be equal to zero.
Knowing the bending moment diagram Mat failure the frame can be designed.
The direct design method suggested above is based on the supposition that plastic binges do
not form but at predetermined cross-sections (indicated in the example by numbers 1, 2 and 3).
The design according to the bending moment diagram
M=M 0 +aM
at failure will make it certain to avoid other plastic binges to exist at failure load, but further prove
is needed that no other plastic binges develop in previous stages of the loading process. In
conformity with the condition that the cross-sections are of unit shape factor, the interaction curve
between axial force and full plastic moment will be a straight line like that indicated in Figure 76.
It is to prove that bending moments at any value of the load factor F will not exceed the
interaction curve.


Figure 76. Interaction between axial force and full plastic moment

6.6 A generalization of Shanley's phenomenon

Attention is to be paid to the fact that the assumption of active loading process disregards the
possibility bifurcation of equilibrium which can take place in stable state of equilibrium as well
(Hill, 1958), due to the "two-faced" nature of generalized hinges, i.e. the loading and unloading
processes are different.
As an illustrative example (see Figure 77) a symmetric and symmetrically loaded frame can
be considered with only two possible locations for generalized binges to occur. At the load level
F, although having stable state of equilibrium, two different loading paths are possible: a
symmetric and another including side-sway as well. This special case emerges if in Eq. (70)

as e.g. in case of the frame indicated in Figure 78, the actual deformations being normal to the
buckling deformation. This case may lead to a bifurcation under stable conditions (Halasz,
98 M. Ivanyi

Figure 77. The generalized Shanley's phenomenon.

Figure 78. Bifurcation under stable conditions

Semi-Rigid Connections in Steel Frames 99

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J-P. Jaspart
University of Liege, Liege, Belgium

Abstract: The present chapter describes the sources of joint deformability and gives
information on how to integrate the actual joint behaviour into the frame design and
analysis process. Four main aspects are particularly dealt with: the so-called joint
characterisation, classification, modelling and idealisation. Finally practical procedures
for the evaluation of the response of moment resisting joints are presented.

1 A Consistent Approach for Structural Joints

The rotational behaviour of actual joints is well recognised as being often intermediate between the
two extreme situations, i.e. rigid or pinned.
Later in this lecture, the difference between joints and connections will be introduced. For the
time being, examples of joints between one beam and one column only will be used. Consider now
the bending moments and the related rotations at a joint (Figure 1):

(a) Rigid joint (b) Pinned joint (c) Semi-rigid joint

Figure 1 Classification of joints according to stiffness

When all the different parts in the joint are sufficiently stiff (i.e. ideally infinitely stiff), the joint
is rigid, and there is no difference between the respective rotations at the ends of the members
connected at this joint (Figure !.a). The joint experiences a single global rigid-body rotation which is
the nodal rotation in the commonly used analysis methods for framed structures.
Should the joint be without any stiffness, then the beam will behave just as simply supported
whatever the behaviour of the other connected member(s) (Figure l.b ). This is a pinned joint.
For intermediate cases (non zero and non infinite stiffness), the transmitted moment will result in
there being a difference ~ between the absolute rotations of the two connected members (Figure I.e).
The joint is semi-rigid in these cases.
104 J-P. Jaspart

The simplest means for representing the concept is a rotational (spiral) spring between the ends of
the two connected members. The rotational stiffness S of this spring is the parameter that links the
transmitted moment ~ to the relative rotation ¢, which is the difference between the absolute
rotations of the two connected members.
When this rotational stiffness S is zero, or when it is relatively small, the joint falls back into the
pinned joint class. In contrast, when the rotational stiffness Sis infinite, or when it is relatively high,
the joint falls into the rigid joint class. In all the intermediate cases, the joint belongs to the semi-rigid
joint class.
For semi-rigid joints the loads will result in both a bending moment ~ and a relative rotation ¢
between the connected members. The moment and the relative rotation are related through a
constitutive law which depends on the joint properties. This is illustrated in Figure 2, where, for the
sake of simplicity, the global analysis is assumed to be performed with linear elastic assumptions.
At the global analysis stage, the effect of having semi-rigid joints instead of rigid or pinned joints
is to modify not only the displacements, but also the distribution and magnitude of the internal forces
throughout the structure.
As an example, the bending moment diagrams in a fixed-base simple portal frame subjected to a
uniformly distributed load are given in
Figure 3 for two situations, where the beam-to-column joints are respectively either pinned or
semi-rigid. The same kind of consideration holds for deflections.

(a) Rigid joint(¢= 0) (b) Pinned joint(~= 0) (c) Semi-rigid joint(~ and¢* 0)

Figure 2 Modelling of joints (case of elastic global analysis)

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 105

11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

(a) Pinned joints (b) Semi-rigid joints

Figure 3 Elastic distribution of bending moments in a simple portal frame

1.1 The merits of the consistent approach for structural joints

Both the Eurocode 3 requirements and the desire to model the behaviour of the structure in a more
realistic way leads to the consideration of the semi-rigid behaviour when necessary.
Many designers would stop at that basic interpretation of Eurocode 3 and hence would be
reluctant to confront the implied additional computational effort involved. Obviously a crude way to
deal with this new burden will be for them to design joints that will actually continue to be classified
as being either pinned or fully rigid. However such properties will have to be proven at the end of the
design process and, in addition, such joints will certainly be found to be uneconomical in a number of
It should be noted that the concept of rigid and pinned joints still exists in Eurocode 3. It is
accepted that a joint which is almost rigid, or almost pinned, may still be considered as being truly
rigid or truly pinned in the design process. How to judge whether a joint can be considered as rigid,
semi-rigid or pinned depends on the comparison between the joint stiffness and the beam stiffness,
which depends on the second moment of area and length of the beam.
The designer is strongly encouraged to go beyond this "all or nothing" attitude. Actually it is
important to consider the benefits to be gained from the semi-rigid behaviour of joints. Those benefits
can be brought in two ways :
I. The designer decides to continue with the practice of assuming ·-sometimes erroneously- that
joints are either pinned or fully rigid. However, Eurocode 3 requires that proper consideration be
given to the influence that the actual behaviour of the joints has on the global behaviour of the
structure, i.e. on the precision with which the distribution of forces and moments and the
displacements have been determined. This may not prove to be easy when the joints are designed
at a late stage in the design process since some iterations between global analysis and design
checking may be required. Nevertheless, the following situations can be foreseen:

• So that a joint can be assumed to be rigid, it is common practice to introduce web

stiffeners in the column. Eurocode 3 now provides the means to check whether such
stiffeners are really necessary for the joint to be both rigid and have sufficient
resistance. There are practical cases where they are not needed, thus permitting the
adoption of a more economical joint design.
106 J-P. Jaspart

• When joints assumed to be pinned are later found to have fairly significant stiffness
(i.e. to be semi-rigid), the designer may be in a position to reduce beam sizes. This is
simply because the moments carried by the joints reduce the span moments in the

2. The designer decides to give consideration, at the preliminary design stage, not only to the
properties of the members but also to those of the joints. It may be shown that this new approach
is not at all incompatible with the sometimes customary separation of the design tasks between
those who have the responsibility for conceiving the structure and carrying out the global
analysis and those who have the responsibility for designing the joints. Indeed, both tasks are
very often performed by different people, or indeed, by different companies, depending on
national or local industrial habits. Adopting this novel early consideration of joints in the design
process requires a good understanding of the balance between, on the one hand, the costs and the
complexity of joints and, on the other hand, the optimisation of the structural behaviour and
performance through the more accurate consideration of joint behaviour for the design as a
whole. Two examples are given to illustrate this:

• It was mentioned previously that it is possible in some situations to eliminate column

web stiffeners and therefore to reduce costs. Despite the reduction in its stiffness and,
possibly, in its strength, the joint can still be considered to be. rigid and be found to
have sufficient strength. This is shown to be possible for industrial portal frames with
rafter-to-column haunch joints, in particular, but other cases can be envisaged.
• In a more general way, it is worthwhile to consider the effect of adjusting the joint
stiffness so as to strike the best balance between the cost of the joints and the costs of
the beams and the columns. For instance, for braced frames, the use of semi-rigid
joints, which are probably more costly than the pinned joints, leads to reducing the
beam sizes. For unbraced frames, the use of less costly semi-rigid joints, instead of
the rigid joints, leads to increased beam sizes and possibly column sizes.

Of course the task may seem a difficult one, and this is why the present lectures are aimed at
providing the reader with useful information. The whole philosophy could be termed as "Because you
must do it, take advantage of it".
Thus Eurocode 3 now presents the designer with a choice between a traditionalist attitude, where
however something may often be gained, and an innovative attitude, where the most economical
result may best be sought.
It is important to stress the high level of similarity that exists between the member classification
and the joint classification. This topic is addressed in the next section.

1.2 A parallel between member sections and joints

Member cross-section behaviour may be considered through an M-rjJ curve for a simply supported
beam loaded at mid span (M: bending-moment at mid-span ; rjJ: sum of rotations at the span ends).
Joint behaviour will be considered through a similar relationship, but with M = ~ being the bending
moment transmitted by the joint and rjJ being the relative rotation between the connected member and
the rest of the joint. Those relationships have similar shapes as illustrated in Figure 4.
To flexural stiffness EI/L and the design resistance Mb.Rd of the member correspond the initial
stiffness sj,;n; and the design resistance Mj.Rd of the joint.
According to Eurocode 3 member cross-sections are divided into four classes according to their
varying ability to resist local instability, when partially or totally subject to compression, and the
consequences this may have on the possibility for plastic redistribution. Therefore their resistance
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 107

ranges from the full plastic resistance (class I and 2) to the elastic resistance (class 3) or a reduced
elastic resistance (class 4).

<P/2 (>_ l 6 <P/2


Figure 4 M-¢characteristics for member cross-section and joint

The allocation of a cross-section to a specific class is governed by the assumptions on:

• The behaviour to be idealised for global analysis (i.e. class I will allow the formation of a
plastic hinge and permit the redistribution of internal forces in the frame as loads are
increased up to or beyond the design loads);
• The behaviour to be taken into account for local design checks (i.e. class 4 will imply that the
resistance of the cross-section is based on the properties of a relevant effective cross-section
rather than of the gross cross-section).

In Eurocode 3, the classification of a cross-section is based on the width-to-thickness ratio of the

component walls of the section. Ductility is directly related to the amount of rotation during which
the design bending resistance will be sustained. For joints, the rotation capacity concept is equivalent
to the ductility concept for sections.
In a manner similar to that for member cross-sections, joints are classified in terms of ductility or
rotation capacity. This classification is a measure of their ability to resist premature local instability
and, even more likely, premature brittle failure (especially due to bolt failure) with due consequences
on the type of global analysis allowed.
The practical interest of such a classification for joints is to check whether an elasto-plastic global
analysis may be conducted up to the formation of a plastic collapse mechanism in the structure, which
implies such hinges in at least some of the joints.
As will be shown, this classification of joints by ductility, while not explicitly stated in Eurocode
3, may be defined from the geometric and mechanical properties of the joint components (bolts,
welds, plate thickness, etc.). ·
Joints may therefore be classified according to both their stiffness and their ductility. Moreover,
joints may be classified according to their strength.
In terms of their strength, joints are classified as full-strength or partial-strength according to
their resistance compared to the resistance of the connected members. For elastic design, the use of
partial-strength joints is well understood. When plastic design is used, the main use of this
108 J-P. Jaspart

classification is to foresee the possible need to allow a plastic hinge to fonn in the joint during the
global analysis. In order to pennit a further increase of loads beyond that corresponding to the
formation of the hinge, a partial-strength joint may be required to act as a hinge from the moment
wheJ?. its plastic bending resistance is reached. In that case, the joint must also have sufficient

Figure 5 Ductility or rotation capacity in joints

2 Definitions of Joint Configuration, Joint and Connection

Building frames consist of beams and columns, usually made of H or I shapes, that are assembled
together by means of connections. These connections are between two beams, two columns, a beam
and a column or a column and the foundation (Figure 6).

A 8 A

Figure 6 Different types of connections in a building frame

A connection is defined as the set of the physical components, which mechanically fasten the
connected elements. One considers the connection to be concentrated at the location where the
fastening action occurs, for instance at the beam end/column interface in a major axis beam-to-
column joint. When the connection as well as the corresponding zone of interaction between the
connected members are considered together, the wordingjoint is then used (Figure 7.a).
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 109

--~Joint Left connection



I 1--

Left joint

(a) Single sided joint configuration (b) Double sided joint configuration

Figure 7 Joints and connections

Depending on the number of in-plane elements connected together, single-sided and double-sided
joint configurations are defined (Figure 8). In a double-sided configuration (.b), two joints- left and
right- have to be considered (Figure 7.b.).
The definitions illustrated in Figure 7 and Figure 8 are valid for other joint configurations and
connection types.

(a) Single-sided (b) Double-sided

Figure 8 In-plane joint configurations

As explained previously, the joints which are traditionally considered as rigid or pinned and are
designed accordingly, possess, in reality, their own degree of finite flexibility or finite stiffness
resulting from the deformability of all the constitutive components. The next section is aimed at
describing the main joint deformability sources.

3 Sources of Joint Deformability

The rotational behaviour of the joints may affect the local and/or global structural response of the
frames. In this section, the sources of rotational deformability are identified for beam-to-column
joints, splices and column bases.
It is worthwhile mentioning that the rotational stiffness, the joint resistance and the rotation
capacity are likely to be affected by the shear force and/or the axial force acting in the joint.
These shear and axial forces may obviously have contributions to the shear and axial
deformability within the connections. However it is known that these contributions do not affect
significantly the frame response; therefore, the shear and axial responses of the connection, in terms
of rotational deformability, are neglected.
110 J-P. Jaspart

3.1 Beam-to-column joints

3.1.1 Major axis joints

In a major axis beam-to-column joint, different sources of deformability can be identified. For the
particular case of a single-sided joint (Figure 9.a and Figure I O.a), these are:
The deformation of the connection. This includes the deformation of the connection elements :
column flange, bolts, end-plate or angles, ... and the load-introduction deformation of the column web
resulting from the transverse shortening and elongation of the column web under the compressive and
tensile forces Fb acting on the column web. The couple of Fb forces are statically equivalent to the
moment Mb at the beam end. These deformations result in a relative rotation cl>c between the beam and
column axes; this rotation, which is equal to eb- 9c (see Figure 9.a) is concentrated mainly along edge
AB and provides a flexural deformability curve Mb - cl>c·
The shear deformation of the column web panel associated with the shear force Vwp acting in this
panel. This leads to. a relative rotation y between the beam and column axes; this rotation makes it
possible to establish a shear deformability curve Vwp-Y·
The deformability curve of a connection may obviously be influenced by the axial and shear
forces possibly acting in the connected beam.
Similar definitions apply to double-sided joint configurations (Figure 9.b and Figure 9.b). For
such configurations, two connections and a sheared web panel, forming two joints, must be
In short, the main sources of deformability which must be contemplated in a beam-to-column
major axis joint are :
Single-sided joint configuration:
-the connection deformability M,-¢1, characteristic;
- the column web panel shear deformability V""-ycharacteristic.
Double-sided joint configuration:
- the left hand side connection deformability Mbr¢Jr 1 characleristic;
- the right hand side connection deformability M,2-¢1,2 characteristic;
-the column web panel shear deformability V""-ycharacteristic.
The deformability of the connection (connection elements + load-introduction) is only due to the
couple of forces transferred by the flanges of the beam (equivalent to the beam end moment Mb). The
shear deformability of the column web panel results from the combined action of these equal but
opposite forces and of the shear forces in the column at the level of the beam flanges. Equilibrium
equations of the web panel provide the shear force Vwp (see Figure I 0 for the sign convention) :

V =M bl + M b2 _ V c1 + V c2 (I)
n hb 2

Another formula to which it is sometimes referred, i.e. :


is only a rough and conservative approximation of (I).

In both formulae, z is the lever arm of the resultant tensile and compressive forces in the
connection(s). Guidance on the derivation of z is given in Eurocode 3.
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 111

(a) Single-sided joint configuration (b) Double-~ided joint configuration

Figure 9 Sources of joint deformability

Joint configurations


Web panels


(a) Single-sided joint (b) Double-sided joint

Figure 10 Loading of the web panel and the connections

112 J-P. Jaspart

3.1.2 Minor axis joints

A similar distinction between the web panel and the connection shall also be made for a minor axis
joint (Figure 11). The column web exhibits a so-called out-of-plane deformability while the
connection deforms in bending as it does in a major axis joint. However no load-introduction
deformability is involved.
In a double-sided joint configuration, the out-of-plane deformation of the column web depends on
the bending moments experienced by the right and left connections (see Figure 12):


For a single-sided joint configuration (Figure II), the value of t1Mb equals that of Mb.

Figure 11 Deformability of a minor axis joint

Figure 12 Loading of a double-sided minor axis joint

3.1.3 Joints with beams on both major and minor column axes
A 3-D joint (Figure 13) is characterised by the presence of beams connected to both the column
flange(s) and web. In such joints, a shear deformation and an out-of-plane deformation of the column
web develop coincidentally.
The loading of the web panel appears therefore as the superposition of the shear loading given by
formulae (I) or (2) and the out-of-plane loading given by formula (3).
The joint configuration of Figure 13 involves two beams only; configurations with three or four
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 113

beams can also be met.

Figure 13 Example of a 3-D joint

3.2 Beam splices and column splices

The sources of deformability in a beam splice (Figure 14) or in a column splice (Figure 15) are less
than in a beam-to-column joint; indeed they are concerned with connections only. The deformability
is depicted by the sole M~-<1> curve.

Left connection J jJ
Right connection
Left connection

Figure 14 Deformation of a beam splice

J \_
Right connection

r Upper connection

0 0 0
r Upper connection

~~ 0 0 0

\ _ Lower connection \_ Lower connection


Figure 15 Deformation of a column splice

The single M~-cp curve corresponds to the deformability of the whole joint, i.e. the two constituent
connections (left and right connections in a beam splice, upper and lower connections in a column
114 J-P. Jaspart

In a column splice where the compressive force is predominant, the axial force affects the
mechanical properties ofthe joint, i.e. its rotational stiffness, its strength and its rotation capacity, in a
significant way. The influence of the axial deformability of splices on the global frame response is
however limited and is therefore neglected.

3.3 Beam-to-beam joints

The deformability of a beam-to-beam joint (Figure 16) is quite similar to the one of a minor axis
beam-to-column joint; the loadings and the sources of deformability are similar to those expressed
earlier for minor axis joints.

Figure 16 Deformation of a beam-to-beam joint

3.4 Column bases

In a column base, two connection deformabilities need to be distinguished (Figure 17) :
the deformability of the connection between the column and the concrete foundation (column-to-
concrete connection);
the deformability of the connection between the concrete foundation and the soil (concrete-to-soil
For the column-to-concrete connection, the bending behaviour is represented by a Me - ¢curve,
the shape of which is influenced by the ratio of the bending moment to the axial load at the bottom of
the column.
For the connection between the concrete foundation and the soil, two basic deformability curves
are identified:
a Nc-u curve which corresponds to the soil settlement due to the axial compressive force in the
column; in contrast with the other types of joint, this deformability curve may have a significant
effect on the frame behaviour;
a Me- ¢curve characterising the rotation of the concrete block in the soil.
As for all the other joints described above, the deformability of the column base due to the shear
force in the column may be neglected.
The column-to-concrete connection and concrete-to-soil connection Me-¢ characteristics are
combined in order to derive the rotational stiffness at the bottom of the column and conduct the frame
analysis and design accordingly.
Similar deformability sources exist in column bases subjected to biaxial bending and axial force.
The connection Mc-tP characteristics are then defined respectively for both the major and the minor
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 115



Figure 17 Connections in a column base

4 Joint Classification

4.1 General
Later in this lecture, it is shown that the joints need to be modelled for the global frame analysis and
that three different types of joint modelling are introduced: simple, semi-continuous and continuous.
It will also been explained that the type of joint modelling to be adopted is dependent both on the
type of frame analysis and on the class of the joint in terms of stiffness and/or strength.
Classification criteria are used to perform this task and these are described below.

4.2 Stiffness classification

The stiffness classification into rigid, semi-rigid and pinned joints is performed by comparing simply
the design joint stiffness to two stiffness boundaries (Figure 19). For sake of simplicity, the stiffness
boundaries have been derived so as to allow a direct comparison with the initial design joint stiffness,
whatever the type of joint idealisation that is used afterwards in the analysis.
116 J-P. Jaspart

- - - Boundaries for stiffness

------- Joint initial stiffness
Figure 18 Stiffness classification boundaries

4.3 Strength classification

The strength classification simply consists of comparing the joint design moment resistance to "ful
strength" and "pinned" boundaries (Figure 19).



Boundaries for strength
Joint strength
Figure 19 Strength classification boundaries
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 117

4.4 Boundaries for classification

It is while stressing that a classification based on the experimental joint M-¢J characteristics is not
allowed, as design properties only are of concern.
The stiffness and strength boundaries for the joint classification are given as follows :

Classification by stiffness

• rigid joint S j,ini ~ 25 EI!L (unbraced frames)

S j,ini ~ 8 EI!L (braced frames)

• semi-rigid joint 0,5£1 I L < S j,ini < 25£/ I L (unbraced frames)

0,5£/ I L < Sj,ini < 8£/ I L (braced frames)
• pinned joint S j,ini S: 0,5£/ I L

Classification by strength

• full-strength joint M j,Rd ~ M full-strength

• partial strength joint 0,25M full-strength < M j,Rd < M full-strength
• pinned joint M j,Rd :$; 0,25M full-strength

In this notation, EI!L and Mruu-srrength designate respectively :

• the flexural stiffness of the connected beam;

• the design resistance of the weaker of the connected members.

5 Ductility classes
Experience and proper detailing result in so-called pinned joints which exhibit a sufficient rotation
capacity to sustain the rotations imposed on them.
For moment resisting joints the concept of ductility classes is introduced to deal with the question
of rotation capacity. This item is briefly raised in Annex A and in Section 9.2.2.

6 Joint modelling

6.1 General
Joint behaviour affects the structural frame response and shall therefore be modelled, just as for
beams and columns, for the frame analysis and design. Traditionally, the following types of joint
modelling are considered :
For rotational stiffness : For resistance:
• rigid • full-strength
• pinned • partial-strength
• pinned
When the joint rotational stiffness is of concern, the wording rigid means that no relative rotation
occurs between the connected members whatever be the applied moment. The wording pinned
postulates the existence of a perfect (i.e. frictionless) hinge between the members. In fact these
118 J-P. Jaspart

definitions may be relaxed, as explained earlier. Indeed rather flexible but not fully pinned joints and
rather stiff but not fully rigid joints may be considered as effectively pinned and sufficiently rigid
respectively. The stiffness boundaries allowing one to classify joints as rigid or pinned have been
For joint resistance, a full-strength joint is stronger than the weaker of the connected members,
which is in contrast to a partial-strength joint. In the everyday practice, partial-strength joints are
used whenever the joints are designed to transfer the internal forces but not to resist the full capacity
of the connected members. A pinned joint is considered to transfer no moment. Related classification
criteria have also been presented.
Consideration of rotational stiffness and joint resistance properties leads to three significant joint
However, as far as the joint rotational stiffness is considered, joints designed for economy may be
neither rigid nor pinned but semi-rigid. There are thus new possibilities for joint modelling:
With a view to simplification, Eurocode 3 - Chapter 6 ;md Annex J account for these possibilities
by introducing three joint models (Table I) :
continuous : covering the rigid/full-strength case only;
semi-continuous : covering the rigid/partial-strength, the semi-rigid/full-strength and
the semi-rigid/partial-strength cases;
simple: covering the pinned case only.

Full-strengt_h Partial-strength Pinned
Rigid Continuous Semi-continuous *
Semi-rigid Semi-continuous Semi-continuous *
Pinned * * Simple
* : Without meanin_g
Table 1 Types of joint modelling

The following meanings are given to these terms :

continuous: the joint ensures a full rotational continuity between the connected members;
semi-continuous: the joint ensures only a partial rotational continuity between the connected
simple: the joint prevents from any rotational continuity between the connected members.

The interpretation to be given to these wordings depends on the type of frame analysis to be
performed. In the case of an elastic global frame analysis, only the stiffness properties of the joint are
relevant for the joint modelling. In the case of a rigid-plastic analysis, the main joint feature is the
resistance. In all the other cases, both the stiffness and resistance properties govern the manner in
which the joints should be modelled. These possibilities are illustrated in Table 2.
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 119


MODELLING Elastic analysis Rigid-plastic Elastic-perfectly plastic
analysis and elastoolastic analvsis
Continuous Rigid Full-strength Rigid/full-strength
Semi-continuous Semi-rigid Partial-strength Rigid/partial-strength
Simple Pinned Pinned Pinned
Table 2 Joint modelling and frame analysis

6.2 Modelling and sources of joint deformability

The difference between the loading of the connection and that of the column web in a beam-to-
column joint requires, from a theoretical point of view, that account be taken separately of both
deformability sources when designing a building frame.
However doing so is only feasible when the frame is analysed by means of a sophisticated
computer program which enables a separate modelling of both deformability sources. For most
available software, the modelling of the joints has to be simplified by concentrating the sources of
deformability into a single rotational spring located at the intersection of the axes of the connected

6.3 Simplified modelling according to Eurocode 3

For most applications, the separate modelling of the connection and of the web panel behaviour is
neither useful nor reQuired; therefore only the simplified modelling of the joint behaviour will be
considered in the present document. This idea is the one followed in the ENV 1993-1-1 experimental
standard (Chapter 6 and Annex J ). Table 3, taken from the revised Annex J, shows how to relate the
simplified modelling of typical joints to the basic wordings used for the joint modelling: simple,
semi-continuous and continuous.
120 J-P. Jaspart



::-·- --~

!"""'~: :~:::::::i p:::::::::::::::::::;

: •'O'"d: :

. l1l
: :oeo. :
~..............1~'~' m..............l ::.-.-.-.-.-:-~:::.·:'.-:::::::

~---- __]~
SEMI- ~r-- __11
i:::::::~i: :hi:::::::;
I ~ 1: :i :I : :



Table 3 Simplified modelling for joints according Eurocode 3

: .
r,, ,,,===f:~~ "' "'" 1

lll ..

6.4 Concentration of the joint deformability

For normal practice taking account of both the flexural behaviour of the connection and the shear
(major axis beam-to-column joint) separately or out-of-plane behaviour of the column web panel
(minor axis beam-to-column joint configurations or beam-to-beam configurations) is not feasible.
This section is aimed at explaining how to concentrate the two deformabilities into a single flexural
spring located at the intersection of the axes of the connected members.

6.4.1 Major axis beam-to-column joint configurations

In a single-sided configuration, only one joint is concerned. The characteristic shear-rotation
deformability curve of the column web panel (Figure 20.b) is first transformed into a Mb-Y curve
through the use of the transformation parameter p. This parameter, defined in Figure 21.a, relates the
web panel shear force to the (load-introduction) compressive and tensile forces connection (see also
formulae I and 2).
The Mb-fP spring characteristic which represents the joint behaviour is shown in Figure 2l.a; it is
obtained by summing the contributions of rotation, from the connection (cjlc) and from the shear panel
(y). The MrfP characteristic of the joint rotational spring located at the beam-to-column interaction is
assumed to identify itself to the Mb-fPcharacteristic obtained as indicated in Figure 20.c.
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 121

(a) Connection (b) Shear panel (c) Spring

Figure 20 Flexural characteristic of the spring



Vwp = 13, Fb,

= 132 Fb2
where Fb = Mt/z where Fb, = Mb,/z
Fb2 = Mb2/z
(a) Single-sided joint configuration (b) Double-sided joint configuration

Figure 21 Definition of the transformation parameter 13 for major axis joints

In a double-sided configuration, two joints - the left one and the right one - are involved. The
derivation of their corresponding deformability curves is conducted similarly as in a single-sided
configuration by using transformation parameters 13 1 and 132 (Figure 2l.b).
Because the values of the 13 parameters can only be determined once the internal forces are
known, their accurate determination requires an iterative process in the global analysis. For practical
applications, such an iterative process is hardly acceptable provided safe 13 values are available. These
values may be used a priori to model the joints and, on the basis of such joint modelling, the frame
analysis may be performed safely in a non-iterative way.
The recommended but approximate values of 13, where {31 is taken as equal to {32 for double-sided
configurations, are given in the Lecture on "Practical procedures for the characterisation of the
response of moment resisting joints". They vary from fJ = 0 (double-sided joint configuration with
122 J-P. Jaspart

balanced moments in the beams) to P = 2 (double-sided joint configuration with equal but
unbalanced moments in the beams). These two extreme cases are illustrated in Figure 22.

(a) Balanced beam moments (b) Equal but unbalanced beam moments
P=O P=2

Figure 22 Extreme cases for 13 values

6.4.2 Minor axis beam-to-column joint configurations and beam-to-beam

Similar concepts as those developed in Section 6.4.1. are referred to for minor axis beam-to-column
joint configurations and beam-to-beam configurations. The definition of the transformation parameter
is somewhat different (Figure 23).
Approximate values of 13 (assuming P1 = /h) for these joint configurations may also be
recommended, in a similar way than what is done for major axis beam-to-column joint configurations.

6Mb= 13Mb 6Mb= 131 Mb1

=Mb = 132 Mb2
~ 13 = 1

(a) Single-sided joint configuration (b) Double-sided joint configuration

Figure 23 Definition of the transformation parameter 13 for minor axis joints

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 123

7 Joint Characterisation

7.1 General
An important step when designing a frame consists of the characterisation of the rotational response
of the joints, i.e. the evaluation of the mechanical properties in terms of stiffness, strength and

Three main approaches may be followed :

- experimental
- analytical.

The only practical option for the designer is the analytical approach. Analytical procedures have
been developed which enable a prediction of the joint response based on the knowledge of the
mechanical and geometrical properties of the joint components.
In this section a general analytical procedure, termed component method, is introduced. It applies to
any type of steel or composite joints, whatever the geometrical configuration, the type of loading
(axial force and/or bending moment, ... ) and the type of member sections.
The method is used where the mechanical properties of joints subjected to bending moment and shear
force are computed.

7.2 Introduction to the component method

The component method considers any joint as a set of individual basic components. For the particular
joint shown in Figure 25.b. (joint with an extended end-plate connection subject to bending), the
relevant components are the following :

Compression in zone :
column web in compression;
beam flange and web in compression;
Tension zone :
column web in tension;
column flange in bending;
bolts in tension;
end-plate in bending;
beam web in tension;
Shear zone:
column web panel in shear.
Each of these basic components possesses its own strength and stiffness either in tension or in
compression or in shear. The column web is subject to coincident compression, tension and shear.
This coexistence of several components within the same joint element can obviously lead to stress
interactions that are likely to decrease the resistance of the individual basic components.
The application of the component method requires the following steps:
• identification of the active components in the joint being considered;
• evaluation of the stiffness and/or resistance characteristics for each individual basic component
(specific characteristics - initial stiffness, design resistance, ... - or the whole deformability
124 J-P. Jaspart

• assembly of all the constituent components and evaluation of the stiffness and/or resistance
characteristics of the whole joint (specific characteristics - initial stiffness, design resistance, ... -
or the whole deformability curve).
In Figure 24, the principles of the component method are illustrated in the specific case of a
beam-to-column joint with a welded connection.


Three steps -

1::) F

First step: Column web Column web Column web

Identification of the in shear in compression in tension

0 [J_

.:~ .:~ .:~

Second step:
Response of the
components Ek 1 Ek2 Ek3
<1t <1t <1t
Stiffness coefficient ki of each component
Resistance FRd• of each component

Third step:

Assembly of the

• cP

Stnfness of the joint SP"' = Ez2/Lk,

Resistance of the joint MRd = min(FRdo).z

Figure 24 Application of the component method to a welded joint

The assembly procedure consists in deriving the mechanical properties of the whole joint from
those of all the individual constituent components. This requires a preliminary distribution of the
forces acting on the joint into internal forces acting on the components in a way that satisfies
In Eurocode 3 Annex J, the analytical assembly procedures are described for the evaluation of the
initial stiffness and the design moment resistance of the joint. These two properties enable the
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 125

I Column web panel in shear

2 Column web in compression


3 Beam flange and web in compression

4 Column flange in bending

5 Column web in tension

6 End-plate in bending

7 Beam web in tension

8 Flange cleat in bending
Table 4 List of components covered by Eurocode 3
126 J-P. Jaspart

9 Bolts in tension F,..

10 Bolts in shear Fv.Scl

II Bolts in bearing (on beam flange,
column flange, end-plate or cleat) t

I ?F.J
12 Plate in tension or compression
+-I 0 1-!LSd

.. I 1.!·..
Table 4 List of components covered by Eurocode 3 (sheet 2)

designer to detennine the design joint moment-rotation characteristic whatever the type of analysis
(Figure 28 to Figure 30). In Annex A of the present lecture, infonnation is provided on how the
stiffness and strength assembly is carried out.
The application of the component method requires a sufficient knowledge of the behaviour of the
basic components. Those covered by Eurocode 3 are listed in Table I. The combination of these
components allows one to cover a wide range of joint configurations, which should be sufficient to
satisfy the needs of practitioners as far as beam-to-column joints and beam splices in bending are
concerned. Examples of such joints are given in Figure 25.
Some fields of application can also be contemplated :
Joints subject to bending moment (and shear) and axial force;
Column bases subject to coincident bending moment, shear force and axial force where the
components such as :

concrete foundation in compression;

end-plates with specific geometries;
anchorages in tension;
contact between soil and foundation,

will be activated.
These situations are however not yet covered, or only partially covered, by Eurocode 3.
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 127

(a) Welded joint (b) Bolted joint with extended end-plate

(c) Two joints with flush end-plates (d) Joint with flush end-plate
(Double-sided configuraUon)

(e) End-plate type beam splice (f) Cover-joint type beam splice

(g) Bolted joint with angle flange cleats (h) Two beam-to-beam joints
(Double-sided configuration)

Figure 25 Examples of joints covered by Eurocode 3

8 Joint Idealisation
The non-linear behaviour of the isolated flexural spring which characterises the actual joint response
does not lend itself towards everyday design practice. However the moment-rotation characteristic
curve may be idealised without significant loss of accuracy. One of the most simple idealisations
possible is the elastic-perfectly plastic relationship (Figure 26.a). This modelling has the advantage of
being quite similar to that used traditionally for the modelling of member cross-sections subject to
bending (Figure 26.b).
The moment ~.Rd that corresponds to the yield plateau is termed the design moment resistance in
Eurocode 3. It may be considered as the pseudo-plastic moment resistance of the joint. Strain-
128 J-P. Jaspart

hardening effects and possible membrane effects are henceforth neglected, which explains the
difference in Figure 26 between the actual M-¢ characteristic and the yield plateau of the


(a) Joint (b) Member

Actual M-el> characteristic

Idealised M-el> characteristic

Figure 26 Bi-linearisation of moment-rotation curves

The value of the constant stiffness Sj.in/11 is discussed below.
In fact there are different possible ways to idealise a joint M-¢characteristic. The choice of one of
them is dependent upon the type of frame analysis which is contemplated:

Elastic idealisation for an elastic analysis (Figure 27) :

The principal joint characteristic is the constant rotational stiffness.

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 129

Mj,Rd Mj,Rd ------

2/3 Mi,Rd



Actual M-¢1 curve

Idealised representation
(a) For elastic verification (b) For plastic verification
Figure 27 Linear representation of a M-¢Jcurve

Two possibilities are offered in Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J:

• Elastic verification of the joint resistance (Figure 27 .a) : the constant stiffness is taken equal to
the initial stiffness Si.;n;; at the end of the frame analysis, a check that the design moment MSd
experienced by the joint is less than the maximum elastic joint moment resistance defined as 2/3
• Plastic verification ofthejoint resistance (Figure 27.b): the constant stiffness is taken equal to a
fictitious stiffness, the value of which is intermediate between the initial stiffness and the secant
stiffness relative to Mj.Rd; it is defined as Sj.inll1· This idealisation is valid for MSd values less than
or equal to Mi.Rd .

The values of 17 are as follows (Table 5) :

Type of connection Beam-to-column joint Other types of joint

Welded 2 3

Bolted end-plate 2 3

Bolted cleat 2 3,5

Table 5 Values ofll

130 J-P. Jaspart

Rigid-plastic idealisation for a rigid-plastic analysis (Figure 28).

Only the design resistance Mj,Rd is needed. In order to allow. the possible plastic hinges
to form and rotate at the joint locations, it is necessary to check that the joint has a
sufficient rotation capacity.

___ ..
Mj,Rd +----,..-.;...'-'----
,, ,

Figure 28 Rigid-plastic representation of a M-,Pcurve

Non-linear idealisation for an elastic-plastic analysis (Figure 29).

The stiffness and resistance properties are of equal importance in this case. The possible
idealisations range from bi-linear or tri-linear representations to the fully non-linear curve.
Again rotation capacity is required in joints where plastic hinges are likely to form and
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 131


/ '

/ ~·'"""
(a) Bi-linear (b) Tri-linear

(c) Non linear

Figure 29 Non-linear representations of aM-$ curve

9 Practical Tools for Joint Characterisation

For design purposes, detailed design aids are given in Annex 8 to the present chapter. Each of these
design aids is devoted to a specific type of joint. They are composed of two parts :

a. a calculation procedure, presented in the format of design sheets;

b. design tables.

The calculation procedure is aimed at assisting the designer who wishes to take account of the
132 J-P. Jaspart

full potential of joint semi-rigidity, without having to go through the more complex approach of
Eurocode 3-(revised)Annex J.
The first design sheet is devoted to determining the mechanical characteristics and geometrical
parameters of the joint. In the remaining sheets, the calculation procedure first provides all the
expressions for both stiffness and resistance for each of the joint components in a logical order and
finally shows how to derive the characteristics of the whole joint, i.e. the initial and nominal
stiffnesses and the design moment resistance. The failure mode corresponds to the component whose
resistance determines the design moment resistance of the joints. Additional considerations on joint
design are given hereunder.
The shear resistance of the joint (resistance to a shear force in the beam) is an important value.
However, for the sake of clarity, it is not dealt with in the design sheets. Relevant information is
provided later in this lecture.
The second part of each of the design aids consists of design tables, which, in principle, can be used
in a straightforward manner as an alternative to the design sheets. The tables, which are established
for a selection of standard combinations of connected member sections, provide the designer with
the following :

• the joint stiffnesses for design (initial and nominal);

• the design moment resistance and resistance in shear of the joint;
• an identification of the joint component which is governing the resistance moment;
• the reference lengths for the joint classification,

in addition to the material properties and the geometric parameters for the end plate, the bolts and the
welds. The concept of reference length for joint classification is introduced in the Annex C to the
present chapter.
The design tabies can be used either to obtain the characteristics (i.e. mechanical properties of
stiffness and resistance) of a given joint or to select a joint having desired characteristics.
They have been obtained using the calculation procedures given in the design sheets associated
with options for the values of some parameters which generally give conservative results. However,
there are some rare extreme situations where the use of the design tables alone may not be sufficient
to ensure safe design. These situations are mostly related to the stress state (shear and direct stresses)
of the column web panel (which is evaluated by the factors P and kwc) and of the column flange
(factor kfc) and which should normally be checked once the structural analysis has been completed.
The physical meanings of factors p, kwc and kfc are discussed in the next paragraphs where the
recommended values for use in the design sheets are given. These recommendations have been
adopted for the design tables.
The other options which have been taken when establishing the design tables, are also identified.
They relate to weld and bolt sizes in end plate and cleated joints.
Finally, the joint classification reference lengths (see Annex C to the present lecture) are

9.1 Stresses in the column web panel and flange

9.1.1 Factor j3
The column web panel deformation is due to the actual shear force in it. This shear force ( Vwp) is
mostly the local shear force arising from the load-introduction forces (F), but, in addition, there is a
contribution from the column shear forces above and below the joint (Figure 30.a). For design
purposes, it is obtained by multiplying the force F by the factor p (Figure 30.b). Strictly speaking,
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 133

precise values of jJ. which can affect both the resistance and the stiffness of the web panel, can only
be obtained by iteration. However, by using the safe values given in Table 1, there will normally be
no need to resort to such an iterative procedure, which would involve re-analysing the structure with
corrected ,Bvalues.
The selection of the ,8 values from Table 6 is based, for two-sided joint configurations, on the
relative importance of the left and right moments acting in the connected beams. Usually this
information is unknown in a first design step - except in particular loading and geometrical situations
- what prevents the designer from selecting a correct value for fl. To overcome this difficulty, the
following guidelines are suggested:
The value ,8 = 1 can be used in a first step. In fact, the design tables have been prepared for ,8 =

- -- - -
F1 F2

F Vwp
vwp vwp p1 --
M=F.h F1
M1 ( ) M2

V wp= p .F
--- - --
p2 -

(a) Definitions (b) ,Bvalues

Figure 30 Shear force in a column web panel
Once the global analysis with due allowance made for semi-rigidity of the joints is performed, the
designer should check whether the assumption which has been made (,8 = 1) is satisfactory and
whether it is necessary or worthwhile to update the joint design and/or the global analysis. In this
process, it should be recognized that:
• If the new ,Bvalue to be selected is equal to 0, the results obtained from the first analysis with ,8
= 1 are safe and conservative. They can therefore been adopted as they are, or, if preferred, the
design sheets can be used to obtain more appropriate characteristics for the joint in view of a
second frame analysis.
• If the new ,Bvalue to be selected is equal to 2, the results obtained from the first analysis with ,8
= 1 are unsafe and the designer should perform a new analysis based on more appropriate joint
characteristics obtained through the use of the design sheets· with ,8 = 2. Fortunately, such
situations may be considered as exceptional cases rarely met in practice.
If, or when, a second analysis is performed, the opportunity should also be taken to make any
other modifications which may appear necessary to the member and/or joint choices.
134 J-P. Jaspart

Configuration and Proposed value /3

--- -
-v !) M
/3 =1

--·- -

~ =r1 =0
M M2
( :)
~ =r1 =1

1 - -·--
/1 =/1 =2

Table 6 Recorrunended If

9.1.2 Factor kwc

The factor kwc accounts for the detrimental effect of the longitudinal web stresses (due to the
normal force and the bending moment in the column) on the local design resistance of the column
web in compression (local stability).
Factor kwc is given as follows :

O'n we
kwc = (1,25- 0,5 - '-) :> 1.0 (I)

where /ywc is the yield stress of the column web and o;,,wc is the maximum longitudinal
compressive (axial force and bending moment) stress in the column web at the root of the radius at a
point just outside the joint (Figure 3l.b). Its value is plotted in Figure 3l.a.
The value of kwc ranges from 1,0 to 0,75 (the most unfavourable case). However, for design
purposes, adopting a value of 1,0 for design will usually be safe, as in most situations:
o;,,wc < 0,5 fywc•
The design tables have been established with kwc = 1,0.
Once the global frame analysis is completed, it is essential that the designer checks that the
assumption on the column stress condition is not violated . Should the value of kwc prove to be less
than unity, the designer will have to use the design sheets to check the resistance of the joint - (by
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 135

simply re-evaluating the resistance of the column web in compression). The stiffness of the joint will
not be affected.
0.75 --------,--------
1 cr
I n
I cr

0,5 f f
ywc ywc


(a) Reduction factor kwe (b) Location of O'n, we

Figure 31 Values of the kwe factor and the point where O'n, we is calculated

Factor kfc
The factor "fe accounts for the detrimental effect of the longitudinal flange stresses (due to the
normal force and the bending moment in the column) on the local resistance of the column flange in

Factor kfe is given as follows:

kfc =} if O'n,fe S" 180 Nlmm2 (2.a)

2/yfc -180- O'n,fc (2.b)

k fc = -""-------"'- if o: r, > 180 Nlmm2
2/yfc -360 n"e

where lyfe is the yield stress of the column flange and O'n,fe is the maximum longitudinal
compressive stress (axial force and bending moment) in the centroid of the column flange. In
expressions (2),/yje and O'n,fe have to be expressed in N/mm2.

The value of kfe ranges from 1,0 to 0,5 (the most unfavourable case). However, for design
purposes, adopting a value of 1.0 for design will usually be safe, as in most situations:
O',fc < 0, 5 fyfc'
The design tables have been established with kfc = 1,0.
Once the global frame analysis is completed, it is essential that the designer checks that the
assumption on the column stress condition is not violated . Should the value of value of kfc prove to·
be less than unity, the designer will have to use the design sheets to check the resistance of the joint
(by simply revaluating the resistance of the column web in compression). The stiffness of the joint
will not be affected.
136 J-P. Jaspart

9.2 Additional design considerations and options taken for the design tables
A number of other choices have been made when establishing the design tables, all of which have an
impact on the joint design. They concern the following subjects :
• the size of the welds connecting the beam flanges and the end plates;
• the diameter of the bolts used in joints with extended end plates;
• the contribution of the web cleat to the global properties of a cleated joint;
• the slip which may occur in flange cleated joints.
• the choices for the design tables.

9.2.1 Weld sizes

It is assumed that double fillet welds will be used to attach the beam to the end plate in end plate
The basic relations for the design of these welds are given here below for both extended and flush
end plate joints in which the end plate height is greater than the beam depth. Two approaches can be
used, as follows:

• Design according to the resistance of the beam .

The resistance of the fillet welds connecting the beam flanges to the end plate shall be at least
equal to the plastic resistance of the flanges Nt.Rd :
Nt.Rd = b1t jbfyjb I Mo r (3)
wherefyfo. is the yield stress of the beam flange, lfb the flange thickness and b/the beam width.
Using a simplified method for weld design, one o"btains:
2a fbf f yw,d ~ Nt.Rd (4)
with the design shear strength of the weld defined as :
f yw,d = fu I ..fjPwYMw (5)
where a! is the weld size and f. is the design yield strength of the weaker element attached (end
plate or beam flange).
The following expression is obtained for the weld size;
a!~ '11 YMw flwfyb 1jb I 2 fu JMO (6.a)
A more economical weld design using Annex M of EC3 leads to:
af ~ YMw flwfyb 1_tb I -0 fu YMO (6.b)
Similar expressions can be obtained for the end plate to beam web fillet weld size.
The values of the partial safety factors are: YMw = 1,25 and YMO = 1, I.
The values of Pw depend on the steel strengthfu, as follows:

Pw 0,80 for steel S 235

0,85 for steel S 275
0,90 for steel S 355
1,00 for steel S 420
1,00 for steelS 460

• Design according to the resistance of the joint.

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 137

The design force in the beam flange can be conservatively estimated as:
FRd = MR/ (hb -tj!) (7)
where MRd is the design moment resistance of the joint, hb and 1jb are the beam depth and flange
thickness respectively.
The design resistance of the weld shall be greater than the flange force FRd• multiplied by a factor
y, and using the simplified formula for weld strength one obtains:
2a fbf fvw,d '?::. )M Rd l(hb -tfb) (8)
The value ofthe factor yis ( EC3 revised Annex J, paragraph
r = I, 7 for sway frames and
r = 1,4 for non sway frames.
However, in no case shall the weld design resistance be required to exceed the design plastic
resistance of the flange, Nt.Rd , given here above.
It is important to note also that, as this verification does not include for the beam shear, the
designer shall ensure that proper allowance has been made for this force.
The above methods may be adapted for the design of welds in joints with flush end plate
connections in which the height of the end plate is slightly less than the beam depth. The detailing of
the welds for this case is shown in Figure 32.b.
For joints with small and medium size beam sections ( up to about 400mm in depth), a very
simple rule, which complies with the design according to the beam resistance, is to use a weld throat
size a f (Figure 32.a) of 50 % of the thickness , i.e. :
for the double fillet welds to the beam flange,
a1 =0,5t fb (9.a)
for the double fillet welds to the beam web,
aw O,Stwb (9.b)

Rounded up values given by this rule have been adopted in the design tables. An advantage of
this solution is that , as the resistant section of the welds is equivalent to that of the attached beam,
the verification of the beam section at the joint for combined bending, shear and axial load also
ensures that the welds, chosen as above, are sufficient.
For larger joints, it may be more economical to proportion the welds to be in accordance with the
joint resistance rather than with the beam resistance.
138 J-P. Jaspart


(a) Extended end plate (b) Flush end plate

Figure 32 Beam flange-to-end plate welds

9.2.2 Bolt diameters

For joints with extended end plate connections, the attainment of the design moment resistance MRd
by full plastic redistribution of the internal bolt row forces requires a minimum ductility of the bolt-
plate assemblies. In accordance with Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J, the relevant requirements are :



_!!_ ~ 1,9~/yjc / (IO.b)

t fc /fub

d nominal diameter of the bolt;
/yp design yield strength ofthe end plate material;
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 139

~fc design yield strength of the column flange;

J ub ultimate tensile strength of the bolt material;

thickness of the end plate or flange cleat leg;

thickness of the column flange.

The design tables fulfil the above requirements.

9.2.3 Cleated joints

Joints with cleats connecting the beam flanges to the column flange, but without web cleats, are
mainly considered here. As a matter of fact, web cleats can be dispensed with when the lower flange
cleat connection is sufficient to transfer the beam shear force. The following conditions shall be met
for that to be valid:
• the gap g between the end of the beam and the face of the column shall not exceed the
thickness t a of the angle cleat;
• the design shear resistance of the bolts connecting the lower cleat to the column shall be
sufficient to transfer the entire shear force in the beam.
When the shear force exceeds the resistance of the lower cleat bolts, web cleats shall be provided.
Some fabricators systematically add one or two web cleats for erection purposes.
When these are attached close to the beam axis and are connected by no more than two bolts (in
one vertical row) to the beam web, the stiffness and the resistance of the "fully" cleated joint will not
be significantly altered and their effect on the joint characteristics as a whole may then be neglected.
As the number of bolts and the height of the web cleats increases, so does the subsequent increase
in the joint stiffness and resistance , which may become significant. Reference can be made to other
publications on how to include their contribution.
b. Slip in the joint.
The tolerance between the bolt and the hole diameters may leave room for some slip to occur
between the cleats and the members to which they are connected. The movements between the cleats
and the beam flanges in particular will produce a rotation of the beam ends relative to the columns. In
reality, all ofthis slip can be expected to take place progressively during the erection process. For this
reason, it is usual to assume that it will have a negligible effect on the global response of the
When no slip is to be allowed, preloaded bolts shall be used and the design shall be in accordance
with the specifications for slip resistant connections of Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J. This
requirement may arise, for instance, when moment reversal is expected in a joint.

9.2.4 Choices for the design tables

The design tables have been prepared for a wide range of combinations of standard rolled sections in
S235 steel. Separate tables have been prepared for joints with property classes 8.8 and 10.9 bolts. End
plate thicknesses have been chosen to produce joints which have a large range of semi-rigid
The tables can obviously be extended to cover a much wider range of joints and, in particular,
those with members in higher strength steels.
The following summarises the range of cases covered, where each case is made up of a'
combination of elements from the relevant table:
A. Beam to column end plate joints: 364 cases for each of the following:
Extended end plate with pc 8.8 bolts,
Extended end plate with pc 10.9 bolts,
140 J-P. Jaspart

Flush end plate, full height, with pc 8.8 bolts,

Flush end plate, full height, with pc 10.9 bolts,
Flush end plate, short height, with pc 8.8 bolts,
Flush end plate, short height, with pc 10.9 bolts.


BEAM IPE 220T0600

B. Beam to beam end plate connections: 36 cases for each of the following:
Flush end plate, full height, with pc 8.8 bolts,
Flush end plate, full height with pc 10.9 bolts,
Flush end plate, short height, with pc 8.8 bolts,
Flush end plate, short height, with pc 10.9 bolts.


BEAM IPE 160 TO 600

C. Beam to column flange cleat joints: 310 cases for each of the following:
Cleats with pc 8.8 bolts,
Cleats with pc 10.9 bolts.


BEAM IPE 220T0600
CLEAT UNEQUAL ANGLES 130x65x72 to 200xl00xl6

9.3 Shear resistance

In the case of bolted end plate joints the entire shear force in the beam shall be resisted
independently by both:
o the welds between the end plate and the beam,
. o and the bolts rows.
When non preloaded bolts are used, the design shear force transferred by the bolts from the end
plate to the column flange should not normally exceed the sum of:
a. the total design shear resistance of the bolts in those bolts-rows that are not required to resist
b. 30 % of the total design shear resistance of the bolts in those bolt-rows that are also required
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 141

to resist tension.

Reference should be made to Section 1.3.3.a for more information on cleated joints.

9.4 Reference length for stiffness classification purposes

For typical building frames, for instance those shown in Figure 33, the length Lb is defined as the
span of one bay. It is assumed that the beam-to-column joints at the ends of the beam have similar
joint characteristics( stiffness and resistance).

/ 7; 7; 1/ 7; 1/ 7;

Figure 33 Definition of Lb for building frames

The beam reference lengths for joint classification. L/!. 1, and L1~.~~ for braced and for unbraced
frames respectively, are expressed as follows. the definitions being those of the Annex C to the
present chapter:
• In braced frames

Lb.b.t = 8 Eft,/ Sj.ini for the boundary between rigid and semi-rigid;

Lb.b.2 = 0,5 Elb I Sj.ini for the boundary between semi-rigid and pinned.

In unbraced frames

for the boundary between rigid and semi-rigid;

L11.11.2 = 0,5 Eft, I Sj.ini for the boundary between semi-rigid and pinned.

For beam splices, no distinction is made between braced and unbraced frames and a single value
of the reference (Lb) is given:

L11.1 = 25 Eft, I Sj.ini for the boundary between rigid and semi-rigid;
Lb.2 = 0.5 Eft, I Sj.ini for the boundary between semi-rigid and pinned.

The actual bay span Lh has to be compared with these reference lengths in order to determine
whether the joint has to be considered as pinned, semi-rigid or rigid in the global analysis.
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142 J-P. Jaspart

When use is made of the design tables, the information provided to the designer under the column
with the heading "Reference lengths" will usually be one of the following:
• The letter R : This means that the joint can be considered as rigid over the full range of
practical lengths for which the beam in question is expected to be used. The reference lengths fall
outside of this range defined as follows:
minimum practical length: the greater of 5.hb and 2,5 meters;
maximum practical length: 40.hb
where hb is the height of the beam (in meters).
• A number followed by the letter R : The number is the reference length in meters and the label
R means that the reference length is the boundary between the semi-rigid and rigid joint
classifications. For beam lengths greater than the reference length, the joint can be considered as
rigid, while for lengths less than the reference length it shall be considered as semi-rigid.
The letterS : This means that the joint shall be considered as semi-rigid over the full range of
practical lengths for which the beam in question is expected to be used. The reference lengths fall
outside of this range.
• The letterS followed by a number: The number is the reference length in meters and the label
P means that the reference length is the boundary between the pinned and semi-rigid joint
classifications. For beam lengths greater than the reference length, the joint shall be considered as
semi-rigid, while for lengths less than the reference length it can be considered as pinned.
Consider the case of a joint with an extended end-plate connection, bolts HR/0.9, M/6, column
HEB240, beam IPE220.
If the connection is used in a non braced frame : Lbu = 2, 7m
If Lb>2,7m: The connection may be considered rigid.
If Lb<2, 7m : The connection may be considered semi-rigid.
If the connection is used in a braced frame : Lbb = 8,6m
If Lb>8,6m : The connection may be considered rigid.
If Lb<8,6m : The connection may be considered semi-rigid.

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 143

AnnexA Evaluation of the stiffness and

resistance properties of the joints
according to Eurocode 3-(revised)
The component method presented in this lecture is a three step procedure for evaluating the stiffness
and resistance properties of structural joints. In the first step, the list of constitutive components is
established. The stiffness and/or resistance properties of the components are then derived.
The assembly of the components constitutes the third and last step of the method. As its name
indicates, it consists in assembling the individual components so as to derive the mechanical
properties of the whole joint. The relationship between component properties and joint properties is
based on what is commonly called the "distribution of internal forces in the joint". The latter consists
of determining, for a given set of external forces acting on the joint, the manner in which these forces
are distributed between all the constitutive components. The force to which any given component is
subjected is termed the "internal force".
This notion applies not only to structural joints but also to any cross-section in a member and a
parallel between these situations is now drawn. In any cross-section of beams and columns, the
distribution of internal forces in it is required so as to permit computation of its flexural rigidity or its
resistance in bending, shear, torsion and/or axial compression or tension. That is why, in the
following paragraphs, the word "cross-section" covers beam and column sections as much as joint
The distribution of internal forces has to be carried out in a rational way. and has, from a
theoretical point of view, to fulfil the following requirements:
• the internal forces given by the distribution have to be in equilibrium with the external forces
acting on the cross-section;
• the compatibility of the displacements between the constitutive parts of the cross-section - namely
components in the case of a joint- has to be satisfied;
• each part of the cross-section has to be able to transfer the internal force to which it is subjected;
• the maximum deformation capacity of each part of the cross-section must not be exceeded.
In the case of a beam or column H or I cross-section subjected to a bending moment, the
distribution of internal forces - read stresses in this particular case - in the elastic range is generally
assumed to follow the Navier rule (Figure A. I).

H /

(a) Beam (b) Internal stresses (c) External force

Figure A.l Elastic distribution of internal forces (here stresses) in a beam profile in bending
(I =second moment of area)
144 J-P. Jaspart

Figure A.2 Internal forces - here stresses - corresponding

to the maximum elastic design moment resistance of the cross-section


Figure A.3 Internal forces - stresses here -corresponding to the plastic moment resistance of the

When the maximum internal stresses (at y = :t:H/2) reach the value of the yield stress /y of the
constitutive steel divided by a partial safety factor YM• the maximum elastic moment resistance of the
cross-section is obtained (Figure A.2). The design moment resistance is expressed as :
I fy
MRd =----=Wf lyM (A.l)
H 12 YM y

where W is the elastic modulus of the cross-section in bending.

To profit from the extra resistance provided by the plastification of the cross-section, reference
has therefore to be made to the distribution represented at Figure A.3. The design resistance then
M Rd = Zfy lyM (A.2)
where Z denotes the plastic modulus of the cross-section in bending.
In these distributions, Bernoulli's assumption has been considered so as to ensure a compatibility
between the elongation - or shortening - of all the constitutive fibers of the cross-section. Both elastic
and plastic distributions illustrated in Figure A.2 and Figure A.3 are in equilibrium with the applied
external forces and respect the plasticity criterion (0' SfiYM)· Therefore, they satisfy the first three of
the four above-mentioned criteria which any distribution of internal forces should fulfil.
To reach the elastic or plastic moment resistance, the constitutive fibers of the section have to
possess a sufficient deformation capacity so as to reach the yield stress in the case of the elastic
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 145

distribution, or, in the case of the plastic distribution, to reach the yield stress and also to allow a
plastic redistribution of the stresses between the adjacent fibers. This means that no premature local
buckling of one of the section walls in compression and that no rupture of the material in tension
must occur which would limit the moment capacity of the section. Specific criteria are provided in the
codes so as to prevent the user from overestimating the resistance when such limitations apply. In
these conditions, the fourth criterion on ductility is also fulfilled.
In a H or I profile, it is also common practice to replace the bending moment applied to the cross-
section by a couple of forces located at the level of the centre lines of the beam flanges. The intensity
of the forces is limited to the design resistance of the flanges in tension and compression, due
attention being paid to the possible local buckling of the flange in compression. The web, the bending
resistance of which is neglected, is usually devoted to the transfer of shear forces. Three of the four
identified criteria are therefore satisfied. However the fourth condition (compatibility) is neglected.
This so-called static approach is known to lead to a safe estimation of the design resistance of the
section and is usually followed for sake of simplicity.
The procedure to distribute internal forces within structural joints is quite similar to that described
in the foregoing paragraphs for beam and column cross-sections. In the next paragraphs, the
procedure followed by Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J is described; it applies to steel beam-to-column
joints and beam splices where the beam(s) is (are) subject to bending moments and shear forces. For
sake of simplicity and to allow for a hand calculation, two separate distribution procedures are
detailed, one for the evaluation of the elastic initial stiffness and the other for the assessment of the
design resistance of the joint.
The initial elastic stiffness and the design resistance are considered by Eurocode 3 as the two
main parameters characterizing the response of a joint in bending. Based on these two values, a full
M-¢Jcurve can then be derived as shown in Figure A.4.
Provided that the non-linear M-f/J curve of (revised)-Annex J is not limited by the rotational
capacity (¢01), this curve consists of three parts. Up to a level of 2/3 of the design moment resistance
MRd, the curve is assumed to be linear elastic and the corresponding stiffness is the so-called initial
stiffness Sj.ini· Between 2/3 MRd and MRd• the curve is non-linear. Once the moment in the joint
reaches MRd• a yield plateau develops under further imposed rotations of the joint.



%M J,Rd

rotation <j)Cd

Figure A.4 Non-linear M-¢Jcurve according to Annex J

The model assumes a fixed ratio between the initial stiffness Sj.ini and the secant stiffness at the
intersection between the non-linear part and the yield plateau (Sj at level MRc~). For end-plate and
welded joints, this ratio is equal to 3. For flange cleat joints, this ratio is 3,5.
The shape of the non-linear part between 213 MRd and MRd is given by the following interpolation
146 J-P. Jaspart

s. = s ...
),In! (A.3)
1 [1,5M )lfl
where If!= 2, 7 for end-plate and welded joints and 3, I for flange cleat joints.
In this interpolation formula, the value of Sj is dependent on Msd·

Stiffness assembly
As (revised)-Annex J refers to the so-called component method, the rotational response of a joint is
based on the mechanical properties of its different constitutive components. The advantage is that an
engineer is able to calculate the mechanical properties of any joint by decomposing the joint into
relevant components. Annex J gives direct guidance for end-plate, welded and flange cleat joints for
this decomposition. Table A. I shows an overview of components to be taken into account when
calculating the initial stiffness for these types of joints.

Component Number End-plated Welded Flange cleated

Column web panel in shear 1 X X X

Column web in compression 2 X X X

Column flange in bending 3 X X

Column web in tension 4 X X X

End-plate in bending 5 X

Flange cleat in bending 6 X

Bolts in tension 7 X X

Bolts in shear 8 X

Bolts in bearing 9 X

Table A-1 Overview of components for different joints

In the model, it is assumed that the deformations of the following components : a) beam flange
and web in compression, b) beam web in tension and c) plate in tension or compression are included
in the deformations of the beam in bending. Consequently they are not assumed to contribute to the
flexibility of the joint. Haunches, when present, also fall in this category.
The initial stiffness Sj,ini is derived from the elastic stiffnesses of the components. The elastic
behaviour of each component is represented by an extensional spring. The force-deformation
relationship of this spring is given by :

where: F; is the force in the spring i;

k; is the stiffness coefficient of the component i;
E is the Young modulus;
L1; is the deformation of the spring i.
The spring components in a joint are combined into a spring model. Figure A.5 shows for
example the spring model for an unstiffened welded beam-to-column joint.
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 147

Figure A.S Spring model for an unstiffened welded joint

The force in each spring is equal to F. The moment M acting on the spring model is equal to F·z,
where z is distance between the centre of tension (for welded joints, located in the centre of the upper
beam flange) and the centre of compression (for welded joints, located in the centre of the lower beam
flange). The rotation ~in the joint is equal to (L1 1 +L12 +~) I z. In other words:

M F. Fz 2 Ez 2
Sj,mi =~= ..ii; = F £I =£I

z E k; k;

The same formula applies for an end-plate joint with a single bolt-row in tension and for a flange
cleat joint. However, the components to be taken into account are different, see Table A. I.
Figure A.6.a shows the spring model adopted for end-plate joints with two or more bolt-rows in
tension. It is assumed that the bolt-row deformations for all rows are proportional to the distance to
the point of compression, but that the elastic forces in each row are dependent on the stiffness of the
components. Figure A.6.b shows how the deformations k;,r of components 3, 4, 5 and 7 are added to
an effective spring per bolt-row, with an effective stiffness coefficient keff.r (r is the index of the row
number). Figure A.6.c indicates how these effective springs per bOlt-row are replaced by an
equivalent spring acting at a lever arm z. The stiffness coefficient of this effective spring is keq· The
effective stiffness coefficient keq can directly be applied in Formula (A.5). The formulae to determine
keff,r z and keq are as follows :

i '·'

z=-='=---- (A.7)

kequ =-'-'--- (A.8)
148 J-P. Jaspart

They can be derived from the sketches of Figure A.6. The basis for these formulae is that the
moment-rotation behaviour of each of the systems in Figure A.6.a to A.6.c are equal. An additional
condition is that the compressive force in the lower rigid bar is equal in each of these systems.

Figure A.6 Spring model for a beam-to-column end-plated joint

with more than one bolt-row in tension

In this stiffness model :
• the internal forces are in equilibrium with the bending moment;
• the compatibility of the displacements is ensured through the assumption of an infinitely rigid
transverse stiffness of the beam cross-section;
• the plasticity criterion is fulfilled as long as the elastic resistance of the springs is not reached;
• no ductility requirement is likely to limit the deformation capacity of the springs in the elastic
range of behaviour as far as Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J components are concerned.
The solution provided by Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J for the initial stiffness prediction fulfils
the four main requirements which any distribution of internal forces should satisfy, from a theoretical
point of view, and can therefore be considered as an" exact" one.

Strength assembly
The procedure for strength assembly as suggested in Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J is aimed at
deriving the value of the so-called design resistance of the joint. For the sake of clarity, it is not
presented here in a general way but is illustrated in the particular case of beam splices with flush end-
For the connection represented in Figure A.7, the distribution of internal forces is quite easy to
obtain : the compressive force is transferred at the centroid of the beam flange, while the tension force
is at the level of the upper bolt-row. The resistance possibly associated with the lower bolt-row is
usually neglected as it contributes in a very modest way to the transfer of bending moment in the joint
(small level arm).
The design resistance of the joint M Rd is associated with the design resistance FRd of the weakest
joint component which can be one of the following : the beam and web in compression, the beam web
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 149

in tension, the plate in bending or the bolts in tension. For the two last components (plate and bolts),
reference is made to the concept of "idealized T-stub" introduced in Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J.
The bending resistance becomes :

MRd = FRd·Z (A.9)

where z = h is the lever arm.

( I
)M i=R:J
Figure A.7 Joint with one bolt-row in tension

When more than one bolt-row has to be considered in the tension zone (Figure A.8), the
distribution of internal forces is more complex.

Figure A.8 Joint with more than one bolt-row in tension

Assume, initially, that the design of the joint leads to the adoption of a particularly thick end-plate
in comparison to the bolt diameter (Figure A.9). In this case, the distribution of internal forces
between the different bolt-rows is linear according to the distance from the centre of compression.
The compression force F, which equilibrates the tension forces acts at the level of the centrord of the
lower beam flange. For the sake of clarity, it is shown only in Figure A.9, but not in the subsequent

Figure A.9 Joint with a thick end-plate

The design resistance MRd of the joint is reached as soon as the bolt-row subjected to the highest
stresses - in reality that which is located the farthest from the centre of compression - reaches its
150 J-P. Jaspart

design resistance in tension 2Br.Rd·

Because of a limited deformation capacity of the bolts in tension no redistribution of forces is
allowed to take place between bolt-rows.
It is assumed here that the design resistance of the beam flange and web in compression is
sufficient to transfer the compression Fe force. The tensile resistance of the beam web is also assumed
not to limit the design resistance of the joint. MRd is so expressed as (Figure A.9) :

MRd =FRd
L h;2 (A.lO)

For thinner end-plates, the distribution of internal forces requires much more attention. When
initial moment is applied to the joint, the forces distribute between the bolt-rows according to the
relative stiffnesses of the latter. This stiffness is namely associated to that of the part of the end-plate
adjacent to the considered bolt-row. In the particular case of Figure A.IO, the upper bolt-row is
characterized by a higher stiffness because of the presence of the beam flange and the web welded to
the end-plate. Because of the higher stiffness, the upper bolt-row is capable of transferring a higher
load than the lower bolt-rows (Figure A. IO.b)

I ll

I ll
I ll

(a) Configuration

(b) Distribution of the internal forces at the beginning of the loading

Figure A.lO Joint with a thin end-plate
In Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J, it is assumed that the upper bolt-row will reach its design
resistance first. This assumption is quite justified in the particular case being considered but is
probably less justified for other connection types such as for end-plate connections with an extended
part in the tension zone where it is usual that the second bolt-row - that just below the flange'in
tension - reaches its design resistance first.
The design resistance of the upper bolt-row may be associated with one of the following
components : the bolts only, the end-plate only, the bolts-plate assembly or the beam web in tension.
If its failure mode is ductile, a redistribution of forces between the bolt-rows can take place : as soon
as the upper bolt-row reaches its design resistance, any additional bending moment applied to the
joint will be carried by the lower bolt-rows (the second, then the third, etc.), each of which in their
tum may reach its own design resistance.
The failure may occur in three different ways :
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 151

i. The plastic redistribution of the internal forces extends to all bolt-rows when they have sufficient
deformation capacity. The redistribution is said to be "complete" and the resulting distribution of
internal forces is called "plastic".

The design moment resistance MRd is expressed as (Figure A. II) :


The plastic forces FRd.i vary from one bolt-row to another according to the failure modes
(bolts, plate, bolt-plate assembly, beam web, ... ).

Eurocode 3 considers that a bolt-row possesses a sufficient deformation capacity to allow a

plastic redistribution of internal force to take place when :

• is associated to the failure of the beam web in tension or;

• FRd.iis associated to the failure of the bolt-plate assembly (including failure of the bolts
alone or of the plate alone) and:

Figure A.ll Plastic distribution of forces

ii. The plastic redistribution of forces is interrupted because of the lack of deformation capacity in
the last bolt-row which has reached its design resistance ( FRd,k > l,9B1.Rd and linked to the
failure of the bolts or of the bolt-plate assembly).

In the bolt-rows located lower than bolt-row k, the forces are then linearly distributed according to
their distance to the point of compression (Figure A.l2).

The design moment resistance equals :


n is the total number of bolt-rows;
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152 1-P. Jaspart

k is the number of the bolt-row, the deformation capacity of which is not sufficient.
In this case, the distribution is said "elasto-plastic".

1=::::::::::===0·:. :.· _· ·- ~=·....l.. .i. i,

Figure A.12 Elasto-plastic distribution of internal forces

2 The plastic or elasto-plastic distribution of internal forces is interrupted because the

compression force Fe attains the design resistance of the beam flange and web in compression.
The moment resistance MRd is evaluated with formulae similar to (A. II) and (A.l2) in which,
obviously, only a limited number of bolt-rows are taken into consideration. These bolts rows
are such that :
LFe =Fc.Rd

where: m is the number of the last bolt-row transferring a tensile force;

Fe is the tensile force in bolt-row number R;
Fc.Rd is the design resistance of the beam flange and web in compression

The application of the above-described principles to beam-to-column joints is quite similar.

The design moment resistance MRd is, as for the beam splices, likely to be limited by the
resistance of :
• the end-plate in bending,
• the bolts in tension,
• the beam web in tension,
• the beam flange and web in compression,
but also by that of :
• the column web in tension,
• the column flange in bending,
• the column web in compression,
• the column web panel in shear.

In Eurocode 3-(revised) Annex J, evaluation formulae are provided for each of these components.
Annex J also presents a full example showing how to distribute the internal forces in a beam-to-
column joint with a "multi-bolt-rows" end-plate connection.
This example also highlights the concept of individual and group yield mechanisms. When adjacent
bolt-rows are subjected to tension forces, various yield mechanisms are likely to form in the
connected plates (end-plate or column flange).
• individual mechanisms (see Figure 3-A.l3.a) which develop when the distance between the bolt-
rows are sufficiently large;
• group mechanisms (see Figure 3-A.l3.b) including more than one adjacent bolt rows.

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 153

To each of these mechanisms are associated specific design resistances.

When distributing the internal forces, Eurocode 3 recommends that, in a given bolt-row, the model
never transfers :

• a higher load than that which can be carried when it is assumed that the considered bolt-row is the
only one able to transfer tensile forces (individual resistance);

• a load such that the resistance of the whole group to which the bolt-row belongs is exceeded.
The whole procedure is rather long to apply but in Section 9 the calculation tools compatible with
designer's expectations are presented.

• •

• •

(a) Individual (b) Group mechanism

Figure A.l3 Plastic mechanisms

154 J-P. Jaspart

AnnexB: Examples of practical design tools

for joint characterisation
In this Annex, an example of so-called calculation procedures and design tables are given. The
interested reader may obtain the full set of available procedures and tables by contacting:

Research Centre of the Belgian Metalworking Industry (CRIF)
Pare Scientifique de la Cense Rouge
Rue duBois Saint-Jean, 12
Tel: ++32 4 361 87 62
Fax: ++32 4 361 87 02
E-mail: [email protected]
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 155




- ~
- I-
. ~

1. Calculation procedure

2. Design tables

3. Application example
156 1-P. Jaspart

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 157

Mechanical characteristics
Yield stresses Ultimate strases

Beam webs
Beam flanges
If hot-rolled profiles: fywb = f,fb

Geometrical characteristics


.. ____..
F -f-
' IM=Fh
F ,

Beams End-plates

r-.._ ,.....----~4 1 fb mpl

' "'··t=W
ep \ r0.8v'2aw
ffit I
hb 1wb
+ +
t p '-aw 1


d. :

A, .
sec figure or = d, if no washer

resistance area of the bolt dw ~~-\\\\~'I -

· J, ·~ recommended tn EC3 Annex 1, and nnt ~
As d, ~~ mu g1ven mall the catalogs for holts.
dr 1:-. cho~en here t~afe assumption).
L+~ II
--H't- Lb
158 J-P. Jaspart


Oangesin k ; ~

compression '
Me Rd : beam design moment resistance
Bolts in
tension F11,_. =1 B,.., witll B,.._ = F,..,

F = 0,9 f .. A,
I.Rd Y,,

in bending

(Bn,- 2•.) 1,6 ,., mp1,

FtpRd.l ;
2mp\ np - ew(mpl ... np)

"• = min [ e, ; 1.25m,, I

where a is defined in the annexed table

Beam web
in tension k I -:: 00

brflwb,t = IrJ/p.t
Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 159

Initial stiffness : FlU = llliD [ Fll.il I

s,,w =E ' 2 I L Ilk, Plastic design moment resistance :

M~~., = r •• •

JOINT Nominal stiffness : Elastic moment resistance :

s1 =s1,.,1J .!_
3 M"'
160 J-P. Jaspart

6 5 45 ..,_ (1
1•4 r-.--.-T2_,Tt:.r5=r.5~.,.4~.7s~·4~.4~5~ 1
1.3 t-+---f---+-Hf-++4-H----U--1-+~ •

t 1,2 t---t--t---+-+-f-++--+++-++-1-+--1
1,1 t----t--+-+-+-+-++-+1-+--H-1-+----1
1.0 t---t--t---++-f-++--l1+4--l-ll-f.+--l
0,9 t--t--+-t-Ht--t+-+1-t-+-H-+--1
0,8 1--t--+--t-Ht---t+--lf--++--*+~

0,7 t-+--f---+-+-lt--u--+-~...W.~
\ 1\
0.6 ...-.+--+--+-++'+-\+1\--+\1\~~~
0,5 t---+-+--+--+-i\-\4' \-l
o.4 t---t--+--~\'""'L\.......-lllf\,........-\J-J~~
0.3 t--+-+-+--+-*"~~~,r-+-1'\.~.\-\--[\~

oo.~• "~~ t:i5s

"'-.... ::.5.../ ,5
~2Tt 6
0 0.1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0.7 0,8 0,9

u values to evaluate the design resistance of the end-plate in tension

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 161


~ w wl Failure mode Code

t t
p p Beam flange in
BFC y MO = 1.10
u v v compression
p Bolts in y Mh = 1.25
OQ tension BT
.r:. End plate in
E '1> 'P tension EPT
Beam web in
~ tension
[] Mqt Ui)M
SZ3S End-plate: Sl35 (\mneCI!OO detail Welds Rotational stiffness ·:ailure Reference
{mm) (mml (mm) (kNmirad) Moment mode length(m)
(kNm) (kN)
bn hp p Po •ol w WI I u •w •r S- ini s~. ini/2 MRd I 2/3MRd VRd Code Lbu
'• I I I I Lbb

IPE220 M16 15 140 240 60 120 60 90 25 Ill 3 5 15433 5144 24.1 16.1 !57 EPT 3.0-R s
IPE240 Ml6 15 140 260 60 140 60 90 25 10 4 5 20098 6699 27.2 18.1 !57 EPT 3.3-R s
IPE270 M16 15 !54 290 65 160 65 90 32 10 4 6 26826 8942 32.4 21.6 !57 EPT 3.6-R s
M20 20 !54 290 65 160 65 90 32 10 4 6 42892 14297 53.8 35.9 245 EPT R 7.1-R
IPE300 Ml6 15 ·no 320 65 190 65 90 40 10 4 6 36564 12188 38.9 25.9 157 EPT 3.8-R 12.0-R
M20 20 170 320 65 190 65 90 40 10 4 6 57607 19202 64.3 42.8 245 EPT R 7.6-R
IPE330 Ml6 15 180 350 65 220 65 90 45 10 4 6 47398 15799 44.8 29.9 157 EPT 4.2-R 13.0-R
M20 20 180 350 65 220 65 90 45 10 4 6 74007 24669 73.8 49.2 245 EPT 2.7-R 8.3-R
M24 20 180 350 75 200 75 110 35 10 4 6 62600 20867 78.5 52.3 352 EPT 3.2-R 9.9-R
IPE360 Ml6 15 210 400 75 250 75 90 60 20 5 7 60854 20285 50.1 33.4 157 EPT 4.5-R 14.0-R
M20 20 210 400 75 250 75 90 60 20 5 7 93626 31209 82.5 55.0 245 EPT 2.9-R 9.1-R
M24 20 210 400 85 230 85 110 50 20 5 7 85645 28548 96.8 64.5 352 EPT 3.2-R 10.0-R
IPE400 M16 15 220 440 75 290 75 90 65 20 5 7 78661 26220 56.7 37.8 157 EPT 4.9-R 15.4-R
M20 20 220 440 75 290 75 90 65 20 5 7 120698 40233 93.4 62.3 245 EPT 3.2-R 10.1-R
M24 20 220 440 85 270 85 110 55 20 5 7 113428 37809 112.7 75.1 352 EPT 3.4-R 10.7-R
M27 25 220 440 95 250 95 130 45 20 5 7 118284 39428 139.3 ~2.9 458 EPT 3.3-R 10.3-R
IPE450 Ml6 15 230 490 75 340 75 90 70 20 5 8 104399 34800 65.0 43.3 157 EPT 5.4-R 17.0-R
M20 20 230 490 75 340 75 90 70 20 5 8 159614 53205 107.1 71.4 245 EPT 3.6-R 11.1-R ......
M24 20 230 490 85 320 85 110 60 20 5 8 152172 50724 130.4 86.9 352 EPT 3.7-R 11.6-R
M27 25 . 230 490 95 300 95 130 50 20 5 8 162176 54059 165.8 110.5 458 EPT 3.5-R 10.9-R
M16 15 .; 240 540 80 380 80 100 70 6 9 118633 39544 72.4 48.3 157 EPT 6.8-R s t::.l


End-plate' S235 Connection deta1! Welds Rotational stiffness Failure Reference
(!llm) (mm) (mm) (kNm/111d) Momem Sbear mode length(m)

(lcNm) (leN) 2
bD bp p Po ] •ol w WI u s. ini Code
•w I •r I 5 un112 MRd I l/3MRd I VRd Lbb I Lbu e:..
'• ljj
M20 20 240 S40 80 380 80 100 70 20 6 9 187003 62334 119.3 79.5 245 EPT 4.3-R 13.5-R (1)
M24 20 240 S40 90 360 90 120 60 20 6 9 176462 58821 145.7 97.1 352 EPT 4.6-R 14.3-R ::r'
M27 25 240 S40 100 340 100 140 50 20 6 9 190544 63515 183.3 122.2 458 EPT 4.2-R 13.3-R ~
1PE550 M16 15 250 590 80 430 80 100 75 20 6 9 149023 49674 80.7 53.8 157 EPT 7.6-R s
M20 20 250 590 80 430 80 100 75 20. 6 9 233999 78000 132.9 88.6 245 EPT 4.8-R 15.1-R
M24 20 250 590 90 410 90 120 65 20 6 9 222310 74103 162.7 108.5 352 EPT 5.1-R 15.9-R
M27 25 250 590 100 390 100 140 55 20 6 9 24S405 81802 210.7

140.5 458 EPT 4.6-R 14.4-R 0
1PE600 M16 IS 260 640 80 480 80 100 80 20 7 10 188438 62813 88.9 59.3 157 EPT 8.2-R s .......
M20 20 260 640 80 480 80 100 80 20 7 10 291826 97275 146.5 97.7
245 EPT 5.3-R 16.6-R (1)
M24 20 260 640 90 460 90 120 70 20 7 10 280299 93433 179.7 119.8 352 EPT 5.5-R 17.2-R 'Tl
M27 25 260 640 100 440 100 140 60 20 7 10 314622 104874 239.6 159.7 458 EPT 4.9-R 15.4-R ~


164 J-P. Jaspart

Annex C: Joint stiffness classification ''Reference

length" concept
Generally speaking, joint stiffness classification is a means to obtain an indication of the importance
of the joint rotational response on the overall structural behaviour and, in particular, of its effect on
the forces acting at the joints. More specifically, it provides a means of indicating whether an
assumption that a given joint is "pinned" or "rigid" for the global frame analysis is justified or not.
When used in this manner, the joint classification check can be an alternative to modelling the joints
in the structure. When a chosen joint is found to be classified as "semi-rigid", while the analysis
assumed it to be "rigid", one has the choice between two procedures of corrective action. The first
would be to modify the joint design so that it now becomes sufficiently rigid to allow it to be
classified as "rigid", and the second (and more precise approach) would be tore-analyse the structure,
this time including for the modelling of the joint behaviour in the structural model.
In order to know if a joint can be classified as "rigid", "semi-rigid" or "pinned", the concept of
beam "reference length" is introduced, which is explained in Figure C. I for a beam with end joints.

Uniform load:p

st! ' !sj

. "
... Lb ...
~ ~0
M 0 = pL~ 112(fullyfvced) (J0 = pL~ 124Eib(perfectlypinned)

(a) Different end joints (b) Identical end joints

Figure C.l Restrained beam

Integration of the Joint Actual Behaviour into the Frame Analysis 165

The general equilibrium or non sway "slope deflection" equations for the beam i j (Figure C.l.a),
where clockwise moments and rotations are defined as positive, are as follows :
- 2E/b
Mij =Mij +---r;;--(2¢; +r)j) (C.l.a)

- 2Eib
Mj; =Mji +4(2¢j +¢;) (C. I. b)

Mij,Mj;: actual end moment at nodes i andj respectively
M 1;,Mj;: fully fixed end moments (same beam, same loading)
rP;.rPj: actual beam end rotations.

E: modulus of elasticity for steel

Ib, Lb : second moment of area and beam span respectively.
For identical joint conditions at the beam ends (Figure C. I. b), the following holds:
Mij = -Mji =M 0 (C.2.a)



'] (C.2.d)
Fj,i = -FjJ = Fj (C.2.e)


Equation (C.l) then becomes :

M 1- 2Elb ...t
o+--n (C.3)
The equilibrium equation of the spring, the stiffness of which is sj. ' gives:
M_j = S}Fj (C.4)
Compatibility of the rotations and equilibrium of the moments at the spring to beam interface
requires that:
Fj = F1 (C.5.a)
M1+Sj¢l=O (C.5.b)
166 J-P. Jaspart

obtained for the left hand end of a uniformly loaded beam:

pL2 S·
MI=- b. J (C.6)
12 S·+2Elb
J Lb

Equation (C.5) demonstrates the influence of the joint stiffness on the end moment. For a joint
having a very high stiffness compared to that of the beam, the beam behaves as almost fixed ended.
When the joint stiffness is very small compared to that of the beam, the beam behaves as almost pin
ended. How the beam behaves essentially depends on the relative stiffnesses of the joint and the
The stiffness of a given beam section varies only with its length, It can be deduced that, for a
beam section with properties /b and Lb and having end joints of stiffness Sj :
• when Lb is relatively large (very flexible beam), the joint tends to behave like a fully fixed
joint ( M1 ~ -pLt 112 ),
• when Lb is relatively short (very stiff beam), the joint tends to behave like a pinned joint
(M 1 ~0).

Keeping these observations in mind, two characteristic lengths, Lbl and Lb 2 , may be defined:
1) Lb1 such that :
- if Lb ~ Lb1 the joint may be considered as rigid,
-if Lb < Lb1 the joint shall to be considered as semi-rigid;
2) Lbz such that :
- if Lb > Lb 2 the joint shall to be considered as semi rigid,
- if Lb ::;; Lb 2 the joint may be considered as pinned,
where Lb 2 < Lbl
Taking the lengths in increasing order , the length Lbz represents the boundary between the
"pinned" and "semi-rigid" classifications, and the length Lbl represents the. boundary between the
"semi-rigid" and "rigid" classifications. Their values depend on the joint stiffness and on the given
beam section properties. It is quite important to stress that, in accordance with Eurocode 3-
(revised)Annex J, the joint stiffness to be considered for stiffness classification is the elastic initial


U. Kuhlmann and F. Kilhnemund

University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany

Abstract: This document compares the definition and the verification of rotation capacity
of steel joints and members and suggests a coherent definition. It describes the verification
procedure of rotation capacity for members and joints and points out how deemed-to-
satisfy criteria can be derived from scientific investigations. Finally special attention is
given to component tests and theoretical studies aiming at the determination of their load
deformation behaviour. The dominant influence of the component "colunm web in
compression" is given special consideration when the rotation capacity of a joint is derived.

1 Rotation Capacity of Members

1.1 Introduction
Rising prices in structural engineering demand efficient calculation procedures for structural
systems with high exploitation of the cross sections.

Steel and composite structural systems offer possibilities to satisfy these demands. One
possibility is to use the material's plastic sources. Statically indeterminate systems bear the
ability of moment redistribution. The loadbearing capacity of a system based on plastic design
is remarkably higher than that of a elastic based calculation.

The ultimate load of a structural system according to plastic hinge theory depends on the
development of a kinematic hinge mechanism. This mechanism presupposes a certain rotation
capacity of the hinges that are first to form. To allow full redistribution of bending moments in
a structure the first hinges must be able to rotate without losing the plastic bearing capacity of
the sections. According to Eurocode 3 (1992) sufficient rotation capacity for plastic design is
guaranteed by maximum b/t ratios for the flanges and the webs of !-profiles. Chapter 1
illustrates a procedure for defining such critical b/t ratios by comparison of available with
required rotation capacity values.

In the following a short example is given to illustrate the background. Figure 1 shows a
continuous beam with two spans and a uniformly distributed load. The corresponding load-
deformation curve is given in Figure 2.
168 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

~ t t t t

Figure 1. Continuous beam with uniformly distributed load

3 w

Figure 2. Load-deformation curve

Under load q 1 plastic stresses in the compression flange of the support cross section are
reached. Increasing the load the plastic parts in the beam expand with decreasing flexural
rigidity. As a consequence the deformations w of the span grow clearly.
At load step q2 a plastic hinge develops at the support section. A fully plastic stress
distribution is assumed at the support. The belonging bending moment corresponds to the
maximum plastic resistance of the support section.
Following the load path the system is now considered as two single span beams. It is
assumed that the plastic hinge is able to rotate without that the resistance of the cross section
decreases. With rising loads the plasticity also expands in the span sections until the midspan
moment reaches its ultimate value, too. Large deformations in the span and large rotations of
the hinge at the support section go along with this stage. Finally another two plastic hinges
have developed in the spans. A kinematic failure mechanism occurs.
The short example shows that when using plastic design methods indeterminate systems
dispose additional bearing capacities. The rotation of the support hinge after passing the load q2
is the required rotation capacity <l>req for the plastic moment redistribution. The available
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 169

rotation capacity ~avail of the member must be at least of the same size. Consequently the
following equation has to be fulfilled for plastic calculation:


In the following background information is given how to check sufficient rotation capacity
of members.

1.2 Available Rotation Capacity of Members

Figure 3 shows a typical moment-rotation curve for members (see Kuhlmann, 1986, 1989).
According to strain hardening of the material the curve exceeds the plastic moment of the
member. But the bearing capacity is limited. Already before reaching the maximum moment
value first local buckles occur mostly at the beam flanges. After reaching a maximum value the
curve decreases slowly and steadily without abrupt break down but accompanied by extensive
plastic deformations.

M pi

a 1 21
______________ ___ ~<l>rot reached
efJ 1. 0


I 0,6


t----- RavaU = ~;:- 1 ~
L...-.--------- --------+--+ Deformation $/(J)P,
z 3 4 5

Figure 3. Moment-rotation curve for members

170 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

In general rotation capacity is the ability of a plastic hinge to keep the full plastic moment
resistance while rotating. The example given above illustrates that definition. The first hinge at
the support section must be able to rotate without decreasing moment, in order that plastic
hinges in the span can develop.
The available rotation capacity of a member is accordingly defmed as the difference
between the rotation belonging to the first point of intersection between the plastic plateau and
the M-<j>-curve and the rotation belonging to the point where the graph reaches the plastic
plateau again.


Also a dimensionless defmition for the rotation capacity is possible:

Ravail = <I>rot -1 (3)

<I> pi
To gain complete M-<j>-curves for members tests were executed and calculation procedures
were developed and verified by these tests. By tests and calculations several parameters were
varied. Figure 4 summarises the main results of the parametric analysis. The. graph shows the
dependence of the rotation capacity R on the b/t ratio of the flange. It can be seen that for
increasing slenderness values the calculated R values decrease.
The rotation capacity has been calculated for sections with two different webs: Web A
corresponds to webs of small rolled sections, e.g. an HEA 200; whereas web C represents a
very slender one. Especially for medium b/t values, the restraint by the web seems to be of
importance. In contrast, the span to flange width ratios Lib, varied here from 7 to 14, produce
different values of rotation capacity in the whole region under consideration. From this graph,
for a given section and structural system, the available rotation capacity can be obtained.


7 ..::

6 .

4 Web A: (h-2t)/s = 30

Web C: (h-2t)/s = 60

15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 T
Figure 4. Interrelation between slenderness values and rotation capacity ofbeams (see Kuhlmann, 1986)
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 171

The calculation procedures named above consider the non-linear (elastic/plastic/strain

hardening) behaviour of the material and the linear and non-linear buckling of the cross

1.3 Required Rotation Capacity

The evaluation of the available rotation capacity is based on a simply supported beam.
However the redistribution of bending moments can be observed only in indeterminate
structures. Therefore, to evaluate the required rotation capacity, indeterminate structures have
to be studied.
The required rotation capacity of a plastic hinge is derived from the structural analysis of
systems. It is defined as the difference between the rotation ~pi when a plastic hinge develops
and the rotation ~FI of the considered hinge when the final hinge of the system has developed.

<l>req =<l>FI - <l>pl (4)

= <l>FI
-1 (5)
The required rotation capacity depends on the structural system. Figure 5 illustrates the
defmition for a three span beam. This structural system loaded by a point load in midspan is
known as "paradox of limit analysis". The collapse load derived by simple plastic analysis is
independent of the outer span length, although for very long outer spans the restraint at the
inner supports may be too weak to develop the plastic moment. This structural system therefore
forms a critical system for continuous beams in general.


Figure 5. Definition of required rotation capacity for a three span beam

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172 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

Whereas Ppi belongs to the load where according to the elastic-plastic hinge theory the ftrst
hinge forms, PFI represents the ultimate load belonging to the failure mechanism according to
the elastic-plastic hinge theory neglecting the effects of strain-hardening and plastic zones. The
maximum load Pmax exceeds the theoretical collapse PF1 of the simple plastic analysis based on
the hinge mechanism. As a consequence, this example can be regarded as appropriate to plastic
The required rotation has to be compared to the available rotation calculated or tested for
simple beams loaded with a single load in the middle. As a basis for this comparison one span
beams are cut from the whole structural system at the points of inflection of the moment
diagram. Figure 6 shows that procedure for a three span beam.

-15. A
r 6

- 15. r !

Figure 6. Derivation of required rotation capacity values with substitute one span beams

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 173

In dependence of the structural system or the kind of loading the values of the required rotation
Rreq differ. To get reference values for certain systems (e.g. continuous beams, frames) and by
means of them permissible dimensions for those systems and kind of loading, upper boundaries
for required rotations for unfavourable systems and loading conditions are to be found. A
disadvantageous system for rotation capacity is a three span beam with a single load in the
midspan as explained before. Investigations for required rotation capacity values are illustrated
in the following based on this system.
For a HE-200A the required rotation capacity is graphed in Figure 7 in dependence of the
span ratio and the ratio between the span of the middle field and the width b of the cross


,, })
IS. 2S A
/77? nTT nn'

~· ~
lz ,. "'

2 3 tv

Figure 7. Required rotation capacity for HE-200A profile (see Kuhlmann, 1986)

Figure 8 illustrates for the same profile and a middle span length of lz = 20·b the required
rotation capacity for two loading combinations: a single load in the middle span with and
without a uniformly distributed load. It shows the behaviour of the required rotation capacity
with increasing outer span length (1 1) compared with the inner length (lz).
For an extreme value of ltflz of 3, the required rotation capacity reaches a value of about 5.
This is the case for a beam without any distributed load.
174 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

Considering an additional small distributed load, caused for example by weight, the behaviour
changes completely. Instead of a continuous increase, the required rotation capacity starts
decreasing when 11/h reaches 2.
The increase of the outer span length does not only diminish the restraint at the inner
supports but also raises the loading on the outer spans. The latter finally causes the reduction of
the required rotation capacity. For the loads under consideration the required rotation capacity
does not exceed a value of2.

t t t t t t tIt II t 111119
A- )) A A

2 3 t,/
Jt 2

Figure 8. Influence of a uniformly distributed load on required rotation capacity (see Kuhlmann, 1986)

1.4 Procedure for the Check of Sufficient Rotation Capacity

Check of sufficient rotation capacity by slenderness values. The application of plastic hinge
theory requires that the following equation is fulfilled:

<l> avail 2:: <l> req (1)

This procedure is inadequate for practical design. To derive practical design rules it is
essential to simplify the assessment. The comparison of available and required rotation
capacity is replaced by the check of profile slenderness values. The derivation of these
slenderness values is explained in the following.
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 175

Investigations for several structural systems lead to boundary values for required rotation
capacity. As one can draw from the example of chapter 1.3 the boundary value for a three span
continuous beam with uniformly distributed load and a single load in the midspan is Rreq = 2
(see Figure 8). Slenderness values which satisfy the condition of Rreq = 2 are found e.g. by
means of Figure 4. The available rotation capacity must be at least Ravail = 2. The
corresponding slenderness value is given by the graph as shown in Figure 9.

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 t

Figure 9. Interrelation between rotation capacity, flange slenderness and span length (see Kuhlmann, 1986)

Regulation according to standards. Present European standards (Eurocode 3, 1992, and

Eurocode 4, 1992) refer to this method of verification. From thorough scientific investigations
boundary values are derived due to flange and web slenderness and the stress distribution in the
cross section.
The rotation capacity of members is limited among others by local buckling. In dependence
of the slenderness values of its parts Eurocode 3 (1992) classifies the sections (see also Figure
10) to allow for different kinds of design methods:
176 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

Class 1 cross sections are those which can form a plastic hinge with the rotation capacity
required for plastic analysis.
Class 2 cross sections are those which can develop their plastic moment resistance, but have
limited rotation capacity.
Class 3 cross sections are those in which the calculated stress in the extreme compression fibre
of the steel member can reach its yield strength, but local buckling
is liable to prevent development ofthe plastic moment resistance.
Class 4 cross sections are those in which it is necessary to make explicit allowances for the
effects of local buckling when determining their moment resistance
or stress resistance.

In case the slenderness values according to class I (see, e.g., Eurocode 3, table 5.3.1) are
satisfied no further check of rotation capacity is necessary.


1: Class 1 cross section

2: Class 2 cross section
3: Class 3 cross section
4: Class 4 cross section

Rotation <I>

Figure 10. Rotation capacity in dependence of cross section classes

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 177

2 Rotation Capacity of Steel Joints

2.1 Definition of Rotation Capacity

Definition of rotation capacity for members. Rotation capacity characterises the ability of a
plastified section to rotate while maintaining its design moment resistance (see also chapter I).
Figure II shows the available rotation capacity of a member as defined in Eurocode 3 ( I992).


'Pavailable l
Figure 11. Definition of rotation capacity for a member

Due to strain-hardening effects the real moment exceeds the ideal plastic moment Mpi· With
increasing rotations the moment graph passes a maximum value and decreases until it reaches
the level of the ideal plastic moment Mp1 again. The available rotation capacity of a member is
defined as the rotation from the point Mp 1 is reached first (under assumption of ideal-
elastic/ideal-plastic behaviour) to the point the real M-~-curve reaches the level ofMP1again.

Definition of rotation capacity for steel joints according to Eurocode 3, revised Annex J
(1997). The definition of available rotation capacity for steel joints differs from the definition for

Eurocode 3 (1992, chap. 6.9.5):

, The design rotation capacity ~cJ of a beam to column connection shall be taken as the
rotation achieved at the maximum design moment resistance of the connection."
178 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

The revised Annex J (1997) of Eurocode 3 shows a more elaborated moment-rotation

characteristic for a joint, see Figure 12. Following this new defmition the rotation ci>Cd exceeds
the value cl>xd. the rotation when the maximum design moment resistance is first achieved.

- --1--
' I
'---- --------r-
- --1--

a) Joint b) Model


MJ,Rd = moment resistance
I S J,ini = initial rotaitonal stiffness
Limit for Si i Si = rotational stiffness
I ~ Cd = rotation capacity

<PEd <PXd <PCd Rotation <P

c) Design moment-rotation characteristic

Figure 12. Moment-rotation characteristic for a joint according to Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997)

The main differences of this defmition of the joint rotation capacity in comparison to the
defmition of the member rotation capacity (see Figure 11) is:
- the available rotation capacity of a joint includes elastic rotations.
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 179

As both definitions of rotation capacity, the one for members as well as the one for joints, are
finally used to clarify whether plastic design can be accomplished to a structure or not, they
should be related to a common basis.

A coherent definition for members and joints. The total rotation of a joint is composed of three
different contributions, see Figure 13:

<!>.1 = the purely elastic rotation reached at the level of the elastic design moment resistance
<l>rr = the transient rotation between the level of the elastic design moment resistance and the
maximum design moment resistance
<!>pt = the plastic rotation after reaching the maximum design moment resistance to the point
the graph reaches this level of moment resistance again or the length of the plastic

Only the plastic rotation <l>pt is decisive for the moment redistribution in a system, if one of
the first hinges is formed within a joint. Only this value is comparable to the member rotation
which forms the basis of the available rotation capacity.



l l

Figure 13. Definition of rotation capacity for a joint in correspondence with the member definition
180 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

2.2 Determination of the Joint Rotation Capacity From the Component's Deformation
Deformation capacity of components. The overall behaviour of a joint is characterised by the
behaviour of its single components. Consequently also the rotation capacity of a joint is bound by
the deformation capacity of its single components. Therefore before regarding the available
rotation capacity of a joint, the available deformation capacity of its components has to be
determined. Only as a second step the rotation capacity is derived from the components'
deformation capacity. Concerning their load-deformation behaviour components can be
distinguished in several classes due to their mode of failure:

1. Components with limited ductility, e. g.:

- column web in compression
- beam flange and web in compression

After passing a maximum load level the load-deformation curves of these components
decrease due to buckling effects. At a certain point the load-deformation curves reach the
level of the characteristic load FRc again.
--+ The characteristic available deformation capacity of these components may be defined
as the deformation We belonging to this point.

Figure 14. Components with limited ductility

2. Components with high ductility, e. g.:

- column web in shear
- column flange in bending
- end-plate in bending
- flange-cleat in bending

These components change mostly by membrane effects from an initial carrying mode into a
second carrying mode, which allows increasing deformations with increasing load. The
deformation capacity is very high or nearly unlimited.
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 181

Figure 15. Components with high ductility

3. Components with brittle failure, e. g.:

- bolts in tension

These components allow only little deformations with increasing load, then sudden failure
~ A characteristic deformation capacity may be defined as the deformation belonging to
the point of failure.

Figure 16. Components with brittle failure

Interplay of the component's deformation capacity for the joint rotation capacity. When
calculating the rotation capacity of a joint from the deformation capacity of its components
special features resulting from the interplay between the different joint components have to be
182 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

As the joint is manufactured of more than one product, the components may show significantly
different behaviour compared to the behaviour theoretically adopted.

Various effects, as
- strain hardening
- material overstrength
- high post-limit stiffness
- imperfections
- residual stresses, etc.
may cause a different sequence of failure for the various components than assumed
theoretically. Under the worst circumstances ductile components may still behave elastically
while components with non-ductile or even brittle behaviour are overloaded and fail

As an example a joint bolted by an end-plate to the column is regarded. Only the following
components are taken into account:
- bolts in tension (BJ
- end-plate in bending (Fep)
- column web in compression (Fc,wc)



Figure 17. Joint with bolted end plate

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 183

Case 1: max Fep <max Fc,wc <max B1

maxB 1

ep --~--~-~-~-=-=-~-~-----------

w w

z-max Fep

Figure 18. max Fep <max Fc,wc <max B1

In case 1 the component ,end-plate in bending" has the lowest ultimate load. The behaviour
of this component provides high or nearly unlimited available rotation capacity of the joint.
The other components contribute to the rotation capacity of the joint in the degree they are
deformed when the ultimate load of the component ,column flange in bending" has been
184 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

Case 2: max Fc.wc <max Fep <max B1



: <I>

Figure 19. max Fc,wc <max Fep <max B1

Due to strain-hardening, high post-limit stiffness, overstrength, etc. the ultimate load of one
single component (e. g., max F.P of the component ,end-plate in bending") may exceed its
design value, see Figure 19. At the same time the ultimate load of another component (e. g.,
max Fc,wc of the component ,column web in compression") may be reduced unexpectedly, for
example due to high imperfections, residual stresses, material understrength, etc.

These differences between real and design component behaviour may lead to a changed
failure sequence for the joint. As shown in case 2 the overall behaviour of the joint is
dominated by the low ultimate load of the component ,column web in compression". The
limited deformation capacity of this component finally leads to a limited overall rotation
capacity of the joint.
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 185

Case 3: max B 1 < max Fc,wc < max Fep

tmax F,.

Figure 20. max B1 < max Fc,wc < max Fep

In case 3 due to over-/understrength effects mentioned above neither the component ,end-
plate in bending", nor the component ,column web in compression", but the component ,bolts
in tension" fails. This leads to the most critical case: brittle failure of the joint.
These three cases show how the deformation capacity of the components and their interplay
influence the rotation capacity of a joint. The importance of over-/understrength effects for the
available rotation capacity of joints is clearly demonstrated. Therefore for deriving rotation
capacity values of joints the component behaviour has to be investigated under consideration of
possible over-/understrength effects of the components which of course should also be
measured in tests.
For practical design it seems reasonable to consider only the deformation capacity of the
dominant component with the lowest ultimate load and to neglect the elastic or plastic
deformations of the other components (e. g., in case 2 only the deformation capacity of the
component ,column web in compression" should be considered). Nevertheless especially for a
brittle failure as in case 3 a margin of safety concerning the deformation capacity has to be
186 U. Kuhlmann and F. Ki.ihnemund

2.3 Verification of Rotation Capacity

Verification of sufficient rotation capacity of members. For the verification of sufficient
rotation capacity of members a simplified procedure is given in Eurocode 3 (1992), see Figure 21.

geometric slenderness distinction into method of

properties values four classes analysis

Figure 21. Simplified procedure for the verification of sufficient rotation capacity of members

Due to their web and flange slenderness sections can be subdivided into four classes, that
allow different methods of analysis. An explicit verification of sufficient rotation capacity is
not necessary.

The four classes are defined as follows (see also chapter 1):
Eurocode 3 (1992, chap. 5.3.2):
Class 1 cross sections are those which can form a plastic hinge with the rotation capacity
required for plastic analysis.
Class 2 cross sections are those which can develop their plastic moment resistance, but have
limited rotation capacity.
Class 3 cross sections are those in which the calculated stress in the extreme compression fibre
of the steel member can reach its yield strength, but local buckling is liable to
prevent development ofthe plastic moment resistance.
Class 4 cross sections are those in which it is necessary to make explicit allowances for the
effects of local buckling when determining their moment resistance or stress

These deemed-to-satisfy criteria, by which four classes of sections and the corresponding
analytical procedures are identified, are the results of a thorough scientific investigation which
started by testing beams, followed by sophisticated calculations.
The simplified procedure for the verification of sufficient rotation capacity of members
with class 1 sections according to the scheme in Figure 21 was derived from scientific
investigations comparing available and required rotation capacity. Sufficient rotation capacity
is provided if the available rotation capacity of a member is higher than the required rotation
capacity of this member, see equation (1) in chapter 1.
Available rotation capacity is gained from experiments or calculations based on
experimental values of members separated from the structure, whereas required rotation
capacity of a member results from the rotations under a certain load in a certain structure. For
the comparison between available and required rotation capacity it is necessary, that both
values are derived by similar means: If available rotation capacity is defined according to
realistic moment-rotation curves gained from tests, then required rotation capacity must be
defined by similar means, i. e., required rotation capacity must be gained from system
investigations under consideration of the real system behaviour.
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 187

The following diagram shows the path followed by the derivation of simplified rules for the
verification of sufficient rotation capacity of members:

Available rotation capacity Required rotation capacity

gained from tests gained from system investigations
under consideration of the
real system behaviour

between available and required rotations

simplified rules
for the verification of sufficient rotation capacity in practice

Figure 22. Derivation of simplified rules for the verification of sufficient rotation capacity of members

Verification of sufficient rotation capacity of steel joints. Usually the resistance of semi-
rigid steel joints is less than that of the connected members, but as a matter of fact the highest
moments often occur at the joints and not in the beams or columns. Therefore in systems with
semi-rigid connections plastic hinges will most probably form at the joints and not in the
adjacent members. To allow rigid-plastic analysis the rotation capacity of the joints has to be

Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997, chap. J.5):

, When plastic global analysis is used, partial-strength joints should have sufficient rotation
capacity... "

At present Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997), chap. J.5 gives only some basic principles
for the verification of sufficient rotation capacity for a limited number of beam-to-column
joints with a specific modus offailure. No general method of verification exists.

As there should be a common basis for the definition for the rotation capacity of members
and joints there should also be a common method for the verification of rotation cap~city of
members and joints.

A first step towards a common method of verification of rotation capacity is a classification

of joints analogous to that of members. Jaspart (1996, 1999) refers to this point and gives
definitions for joint classes:
188 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

Class 1 joints: able to reach MR.d and with a sufficiently good rotation capacity to allow
plastic design of the frame.
Class 2 joints: able to reach MR,d but with a reduced plastic rotation capacity. A plastic
verification of the section is anyway allowed.
Class 3 joints: where brittle failure (or instability) limits the moment resistance and does
not allow full redistribution of the internal forces in the joint.

As for members this classification and the corresponding deemed-to-satisfy criteria must be
based on thorough scientific investigations. During this procedure a very strict distinction has
to be made between the
- test level and the
- model level.

Concerning the definition of resistance Jaspart ( 1996/1997) points out the importance of a
clear distinction between test and model level of resistance. The same is true for the definition
of rotation capacity values.
At the test level real actual moment-rotation curves are derived for different types of joints.
All non-linearities like e.g.
- non-linearities due to the material
- non-linearities due to the joint behaviour itself
- non-linearities due to the plastic zones developing in the adjacent members or
- non-linearities due to second order effects in the columns
are included in this evaluation by testing. Of course analytical procedures which follow the real
testing behaviour and include all the different non-linearities don't need any modelling,
classification or check of rotation capacity.
In contrast modelling, classification and check of rotation capacity are necessary at the
model level. But the procedure is strongly dependent of the level of sophistication. In a first
step the actual moment-rotation curve is transformed in a more or less linear design curve with
design values for the maximum design moment and a plastic plateau for the region where the
real moment exceeds the maximum design moment. On this level a verification of the rotation
capacity is needed. Required rotation values derived from the system must be compared to
available rotation values derived fromjoint design curves. This way of verification follows the
load path each time a real system has to be verified. This verification includes the rotation
control of the joint for each load step considered. Simplification for the adopted joint behaviour
as well as for the joint stiffness within the system calculation are possible, see e.g. the
Innsbruck joint model. Experiences with this way of verification have been gathered (see
Tschemmemegg and Huber, 1987).
As the system calculation according to plastic hinge theory only considers the rotation of a
hinge after it has formed i.e. after reaching the maximum design moment resistance only the
plastic rotation value of the joint design curve "'1 is of interest, see Figure 13.
At a final stage of the development of a design procedure the direct comparison of the required
and the available rotations should be replaced by deemed-to-satisfy criteria. These must be
derived by systematical investigations for a range of typical c;ystems and joints. System
investigations for various system and load situations then lead to a set of boundary values for
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 189

required joint rotations. These values are compared to the available joint rotations to defme
limits which joints have to fulfil to be appropriate for a certain joint class i.e.
- class 1 joints which allow rigid-plastic analysis or
- class 2 joints which just allow an elastic-plastic design or usage as ,fmal hinge" or
- class 3 joints which even limit the moment resistance to values less than the
section value Mb.pt·
For the comparison between available and required rotations it is necessary, that both
values are derived by similar means: If the available rotation capacity is defmed according to
realistic moment-rotation curves gained from tests, then required rotation capacity must be
defmed by similar means, i. e., required rotation capacity must be gained from system
investigations under consideration of the real system behaviour.
Therefore a deep knowledge of the joint behaviour and its influence on the structure's
response is necessary. Deriving values for available and required rotation capacities of semi-
rigid joints thus requires the consideration of several non-linearities that influence the rotation-
behaviour of a joint in a system.
These non-linearities are e.g. (see Figure 23, 24 and 25)
- non-linearities due to the joint behaviour itself
- non-linearities due to the plastic zones developing in the adjacent members
- non-linearities due to second order effects in the columns

id~~~jQh"'t bell.!!_viour real joint behaviour



Figure 23. Non-linearity of the joint behaviour

190 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

elasto-p!as!!c Cplastic-zonel
riQid·p!aatic (plastic·hingel

Figure 24. Non-linearity of the plastic zones developing in the connected members

'',,, _____________ _

Figure 25. Non-linearity from second order effects in the columns

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 191

Interrelation of system and joint behaviour with the verification procedure. As stated in
chapter 2.2 joints should be classified according rotation capacity values derived from their
components' deformation capacity. Wald et al. (1997) e.g. suggest a procedure how to predict
rotation values on the basis of the component method. As pointed out before the various
components show different modes of failure. One must consider this behaviour when checking
rotation capacity and deriving deemed-to-satisfy criteria for joint classes (Kuhlmann, 1997).

System behaviour:


Joint behaviour:

a) joint with high ductility

b) joint with limited ductility

b) c) joint with brittle failure


Figure 26. Load deformation curve for the system behaviour and corresponding moment-rotation curves
for the joints
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192 U. Kuhlmann and F. Ki.ihnemund

Case a) no limitation

Case b) <1:1. ®- <l>xd k <l>pl

full mechanism
F ~ F®

Case c) <I>,,(j) k <I>Xd conservative,

safe side

Figure 27. Verification cases

For the system in Figure 26 the load reaches the value of F<D when the joint moment
resistance ofMj,Rd has just been reached, but the maximum sagging moment in the span has not
yet adopted the value of Mb,pl· Caused by the semi-rigid behaviour, the joint rotations have
already reachP.d the value of ~Xd· When now increasing the load F, the behaviour depends on
the characteristics of the joint:

Case a) is a very ductile joint with nearly unlimited rotation ability, the actual resistance
even exceeds the design joint resistance Mj,Rd· In this case the load F surpasses the system load
F (2) which refers to the ideal hinge mechanism based on the design value of the moment Mj,Rd·
Caused by non-linearities like strain-hardening and the post-limit behaviour of the joint the
local moment exceeds Mj,Rd so that also the real moment distribution may be different to that
adopted by simple plastic hinge analysis.

Case b) represents a joint with a limited ductility. The strength slightly exceeds the design
moment resistance Mj,Rd, but after a certain rotation value ~pi the resistance becomes less than
Mj,Rd· For the system it is decisive whether the joint rotation ~j.<2l belonging to the full hinge
mechanism load F<2l lies within this region or not. According to Figure 26 the value of the
difference of (~j.<2l - ~xd) is less than ~pi· Thus the assumption of the full hinge mechanism is

Case c) is a joint with a brittle behaviour. The maximum strength Mj,Rd can just be reached,
but no further rotation is possible. As a consequence the full hinge system load ofF (2) cannot be
reached either. A consideration of this system according to plastic hinge analysis is excluded.

Safety considerations for the verification of rotation capacity. As stated above this
verification procedure may be adopted for a single system and joint configuration as well as for a
range of systems and joints to define deemed-to-satisfy criteria.

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 193

As all this happens on the model level, careful consideration has to be given to the safety
margin between characteristic and design values of moment resistance as well as of rotation
capacity. Not only the strength of a component has to be divided by a safety factor Ym. but also
the deformation capacity of a component should be reduced to a design value.
It seems reasonable to derive design values for the rotation capacity by dividing the
characteristic deformation values of their components by an appropriate safety factor Yrot. see
Figure 28.


FRc -----~--

FRd - - - - ~---~-----'Ym

Figure 28. Suggestion for a safety factor for components with limited ductility and with brittle failure

For components with brittle failure the safety factor Yrot should be chosen higher than the
safety factor Yrot for components with lilnited ductility.

2.4 Conclusions
To allow plastic analysis for systems with semi-rigid joints sufficient rotation capacity of the
joints has to be checked. The available rotation capaCity for a certain type of joint has to be
compared with the required rotation capacity for this joint derived from system investigations.
The available rotation capacity of a joint can be determined on the basis of the deformation
capacity of its components. The various component ductility decisively influences the ductile
overall behaviour of the joint. A strong distinction between test and model level is essential.
Safety margins ought to be defined for deformation values.
For the determination of available rotation capacity of steel joints several models can be
used (see Klein, 1985, Tschemmemegg et al., 1997, Sibai, 1991, Jaspart, 1991, Vandegans,
1995). These models were derived by different ways of research, but they were all checked
against test results and therefore provide safe and accurate predictions of available rotation
For the derivation of values for required rotation capacities also different paths may be
followed (see Vandegans and Jaspart, 1996, Kattner, 1999, Boender 1995, Boender et al.,
1996, Xiao, 1996, Li et al., 1995, Nethercot et al., 1995, Ahmed and Kirby, 1997) . The main
194 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

differences lie in the consideration of the several non-linear effects influencing the required
The level of comparison between available and required rotation capacity should be
brought in one line, i. e. values for available rotation capacities derived under consideration of
the real joint behaviour should be compared with values of required rotation capacities derived
as well under consideration of the real system behaviour.

3 Research Work on the Rotation Capacity of Steel Joints

3.1 Introduction
Among the various components two types especially contribute to a satisfying value of the
available rotation capacity:
any kinds of plate in bending like end-plates or column flanges
- and components under compression suffering from stability phenomena like column
webs or beam flanges in the compression zones.
Whereas the frrst category usually shows a nearly unlimited ductility, see e.g. Figure 15, the
latter is characterised by a decreasing branch of the load-deformation curve which thus also
limits the overall ductility of the joints, see e.g. Figure 19. To solve the question of overall
rotation capacity of a joint therefore a thorough investigation of the behaviour of the
components under compression is essential. That is the reason why the component "column
web in compression" is given a closer look in the following.

To characterise a joint component's load-deformation behaviour different possibilities exist:

1. By testing:
Load-deformation curves gained by tests include all kind of realistic material and system
influences as strain-hardening, material overstrength, post-limit stiffness, imperfections or
residual stresses. But of course the number of variable parameters which can be looked at is
limited because of the important expenses for each test specimen.
2. By numerical simulations:
By help of Finite-Element studies the parameter field of the tests can be extended; test
results are used to calibrate the numerical models to achieve an optimum approximation of
the real behaviour.
3. By mechanical models:
With the help of such models an analytical description of the load-deformation behaviour is
possible. This is particularly important because the formulas describing the load-
deformation behaviour of the single components form the basis for the modelling of the
overall rotation behaviour of the joint.

In the following for the component "column web in compression" own test results and
corresponding theoretical studies are compared. The results of these investigations show the
decisive influence of an axial force in the column on the deformation capacity of this
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 195

3.2 Tests on the Component "Column Web in Compression"

Introduction. In 1997 a first test series of six tests (Series 1: Specimen AI - A3 and Bl - B3)
were performed at the University of Stuttgart (see Kuhlmann and Fiirch, 1997). The aim was
- to investigate not only strength and stiffness of the component "column web in
compression", but also the deformation capacity especially in the post-critical region
- to investigate the influence of axial forces on the load-deformation behaviour of the
component "column web in compression" which is essential for the behaviour of the
columns in typical semi-rigid joints.

In 1999 the first test series of 1997 was supplemented by a second test series of 10 tests
(Series II: Specimen A4 - AS and B4 - BS) (see Kuhlmann and Kiihnemund, 1999, and
Kuhlmann et al., 2000). Again the axial force in the column was the main parameter. Table 1
gives an overview on all 16 tests. To have a reference value without the influence of an axial
force also in each series reference tests without axial force in the column (A3, Bl and AS, B8),
one for each profile type HE 240A and HE 240B, were executed.

Table 1. Overview on all 16 tests for the component "column web in compression"

Number Profile Ratio of N!Npt

196 U. Kuhlmann and F. Ktihnemund

Test set up and test procedure. Figure 29 illustrates the scheme of the test set up. The real joint
is turned around by 90°. The axial force of the column is applied as constant horizontal force,
whereas the compression force F belonging to the beam moment M at the real joint is introduced
as vertical force from both sides of the section.

a) Real joint


b) Scheme of test set up

~I I N

Figure 29. Real joint and scheme of test set up of the component test

The test set up is shown in Figure 30. Whereas the axial force of the column was applied by
an horizontal hydraulic jack built within an horizontal frame of end-plates and 4 rods, the
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 197

compression force for the web was applied by the vertical testing machine. Careful measure-
ments were taken as well of the geometry and material of the tests specimen as of the
deformations during the tests. All test specimen were provided with a measuring grid (see
Figure 31) before executing the tests. It formed the basis for the measuring of the geometrical
data like web thickness or flange width and supported the visualisation of the buckling web.
All tests were controlled by deformation in order to follow the decreasing part of the curves.
Furthermore about ten times the tests were stopped for relaxation.

vertical hydraulic jack

end plate end plate

Figure 30. Test set up

D E F G H J :
5 s:

4 I


c. I

1 1:

J. 100 J 100 J 100 J. 100 J 100 J 100 J.

Figure 31. Measuring grid of the test specimen

198 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

Measurements. Details of the measurements are given in Figure 32 and 33. The main
measured quantities are
- the compression force F (1)
- the corresponding deformations w (2) and (10) respectively.
These data form the basis for the load-deformation curves F-w as given e.g. in Figure 36. The
axial force in the column was applied by an special calibrated hydraulic jack (3). To get
information about the growing buckle in the column web a measuring system with five gauges
was developed, (5) - (9). At every stop for relaxation the horizontal deformations of
distinguished points of the measuring grid (see Figure 31) were taken. Three strain gauges
fixed near and in the axis of the compression force , (11)- (13) covered the spreading of the
compression force within the column web.

w @
measuring system of
u.. @ five gauges

:z: @


load introduction bar

Figure 32. Measuring system for the buckle in the column web
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 199

I/ calotte
~orizontal hydraulic
Jack /

l_j_ ~
J I H--rn:F ED
4+ !@ !@ !O> ~ +
----';> 3+ + + + + +
2+ + +

+ + +
1+ + + + + +
ill w
--{ _1-----+-+---ET---+-1'
~- --+----..--"\-----+--+---1'-- }-

1 compression force :
IZJ deformation ®

Figure 33. Measurements

Measurement of geometry. Before executing the tests the geometry of each test specimen was
measured in detail. The measured quantities are the flange width b and thickness tr, the web
height d and web thickness tw, the height h of the profile and the length L of the test specimen
(see Figure 34). All measured quantities were taken at several distinguished points; (or distinction
indices are used.


1[ {
+ + + + + + + h5
+ + + + + + + li1o4
. + + + + + + + lilo3 -h
+ + + + + + + h2
..=: + + + + + + +
.J.--······ JL......_.)

Figure 34. Measured quantities of geometry

200 U. Kuhlmann and F. Ki.ihnemund

For same quantities average values are calculated, which form the basis for determining the
area values of the real cross section. The plastic axial force Npt is fmally calculated under
consideration of these average values.

Measurement of material. In the same way as special view was given to the geometry also the
real material properties were determined. For both test series deformation controlled tension tests
were executed to gain corresponding stress-strain curves. As the behaviour of the tension test
specimen differ in dependence of the various cross sectional parts as flanges or web, several
tension tests were executed for each profile type (see Table 2).

Table 2. Tension test specimen

Test series Cross section part Orientation of tension test

Series I Top flange Longitudinal direction
Profile HEA 240 and Bottom flange Longitudinal direction
Profile HEB 240 Web Longitudinal direction
Web Transverse direction
Series II Top flange Longitudinal direction
Profile HEB 240 and Bottom flange Longitudinal direction
Profile HEB 240 Web Longitudinal direction
Web Transverse direction

3.3 Test Results

Geometry. Table 3 compares the measured values of the cross section areas with those from the
standards. Whereas the measured values of test specimen AI - A3 are bigger than the nominal
values the test specimen of the second series (A4- A8) dispose of smaller cross section areas than
theoretically given. Also for the HEB profiles of the first test series the real values are smaller
than the values from the code. There is almost no difference between the theoretical and real
cross section areas of test specimen B4- B8.
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 201

Table 3. Cross section areas of all 16 test specimen (test series I in bold letters)

Test specimen Nominal values Measured values Difference [%,1

(cm2 ) [cm2 ] (Nominal values
.;. =100%)
Al 76,84 78,78 1,03
A2 76,84 78,70 1,02
A3 76,84 78,53 1,02
A4 76,84 74,58 0,97
AS 76,84 74,87 0,97
A6 76,84 74,35 0,97
A7 76,84 75,19 0,98
A8 76,84 74,44 0,97
Bl 105,99 102,60 0,97
B2 105,99 102,43 0,97
B3 105,99 102,33 0,97
B4 105,99 105,66 0,99
B5 105,99 106,00 1,00
B6 105,99 105,80 0,99
B7 105,99 105,70 0,99
B8 105,99 106,23 1,0 1

Material. As an example Figure 35 contains the stress-strain relationship for test specimen
HEA 240, series II. It is clear from the diagram, that the measured yield strength is higher than
the theoretical values from the codes. Table 4 refers to this point and presents for all tension
tests the comparison between nominal and real values.

Table 4. Yield strength of tension test specimen

Tension test Cross section part Measured values Nominal'\'a1ues

specimen [kN/cnrJ [kN/c~ "·'
Test series I Flange 28.85
HEA 240 Web 28,97
Test series I Flange 24,64
HEB240 Web 29,07
Test series II Flange 26,32
HEA 240 Web 27,63
Test series II Flange 26,13
HEB 240 Web 28,04
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202 U. Kuhlmann and F. Ki.ihnemund


50 ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------

30 -----------



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

& [%]

Figure 35. Stress-strain curve for profiles HEA 240, test series II, top flange

Load-deformation behaviour. As main results the applied compression force F is referred to the
measured deformation w of the web in direction of the force F. The load-deformation curves
clearly show the typical very ductile behaviour of the component "column web in compression".
In Figure 36 the test results of three HEA 240 profiles of the first test series of 1997 are compared
to each other. Whereas test specimen A3 had no axial force, Al and A2 were simultaneously
loaded by axial forces of60% and 67% ofNpi· The diagram shows clearly the strong influence of
the axial force for the load-deformation behaviour of the web.

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 203


~--L.:. :
-------------- ..... . ---
~------ ----

........ - ..
400 - ....... .

~ 300 .... ·t ..................... ~- ............. ·-... - ~--~:.-~-·2A~2_1_.1\l;:;._--=*!~A~-~·:::·-~--~-.. ---------

200 -. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
-~ •••••••••••••••••••
~- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• · - - > •• • • • • • • • • • • - - · •• · · - · · ; •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

100 ········ ·- ·····-·- --:----------------- --- ----- ··················:· ··················· ·:------- -- -------------
.... .. ...
.... . .
.... ....
0- : :

0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 36. Typical load-deformation curves

Tests series A and B differ from each other by the choice of the profile. Thus the behaviour
of the slender profile HEA 240 always showed a smaller resistance and deformation capacity
than the corresponding test specimen of series B made ofHEB 240, see Figure 37.

These comparisons point out as most important factors of influence

- the geometry of the profile and the
- ratio of axial force N/Npl·
204 U. Kuhlmann and F. Ki.ihnemund

&0 -,-----------------------------------------------~

700 - ............ . ;.. .. . ..

.. . ····-····-···············,······· ..'
... '

. ·· ··· ··.··············
. . .
600 ....... . ' ................•. --- ---------
····· ··· ·'--------------.:
. .

~ 400 - .. ...... .:..............~ .......-~
- ...~
. : ...~
....~ ..... ~-i ....... ............ ·······--- ........... ..
.... ~
.. A3
u. . '

300 . . '
• •• • • • • •• '' • ••• • • • • • • • • •• ,... •• ••• •• •• ••r•••••
' .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - · - - · •.• - ·r . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . · • · • • • • · ,' · • • · • - .

. ..
..... ... ...;' ...... .. ......·.............. .; .............;........... .. .
200 ...
---········1·············-.-------········· .. ' . ..

' '
.' ' '' '
. '
........... .........................................
' '
.. -.--- ... .
. ,,.' .. -... .... ...... -... -... .... -... -... .. ............
100 .. .. .. .
.... ....
' '

' '
. . ..
I ' o o


0 - .
I o
. . o

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


Figure 37. Comparison of the Joad-defonnation behaviour of HEA 240 profiles and HEB 240 profiles

As the test series of 1997 only covered three specimen for each profile type no overall
statement concerning the deformation ability of the component "column web in compression"
in dependence of the axial force in the column was possible. For this reason a second test series
was necessary with the same profiles but different ratios of N!Npt· The test set up was the same
as for the first series; also the schedule of measurement was quite similar to gain comparable
test results. Though same profiles for both series were used, the resistance of the two series
differed (see Table 7). Consequently reference tests without axial forces (specimen A8 and B8)
were necessary also for the second series. In Figures 38 and 39 the results of the second test
series are given. Again the strong influence of the axial force on the maximum strength and the
decreasing character of the load-deformation behaviour beyond the curve maximum is obvious.

The main characteristic values of such load-deformation curves - stiffness, strength and
deformation capacity - are discussed in the following and complemented by corresponding
theoretical models in chapter 3.4.
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 205




300 A7 As ·· · As ····························· ···
c 250 . ·············>·········· ·· ·······:···················




0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 38. Load-deformation curves for test series II ( 1999); profiles HEA 240





c 500

400 67




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


Figure 39. Load-deformation curves for test series II (1999); profiles HEB 240
206 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kilhnemund

Stiffness. According to Eurocode 3 (1992) and to Tschemrnemegg (1982) the component load
deformation behaviour is interpreted as non-linear spring behaviour. The actual spring stiffness C
is derived, as shown in Figure 40, from the measured values by dividing the vertical force F by
the corresponding displacement w.


Stiffness =C (w)


Spring Stiffness

Figure 40. Derivation of spring stiffuess

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 207

Diagrams as in Figure 41 depicts the behaviour of the spring stiffness with increasing
deformation w (see Reichert, 1998).

400 r---------------------------------------------,

. .
300 - • -- - - . - "'- •• -- • - - • • • ~- • • • • - • • • 0- • • • • • • • • • • •

'E 2so ------ ----:----------- --······-;---- ----·-··········· ·.·· • 0 •• ~ • • • • • • • • • • • ;- • • • • • • • • • • •

~ 200 -- ........;........... .; ... . . ... ,: ........... ; ......... .
J 150

. . . .
50 .. ~ ~ .................•.... • • • 0 • • • •
• • • • • ••••• ~
. .................... - 0.

0 ~--~~--~----------------------~----~--~
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8





'E 250


0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Figure 41. Measured spring stiffness versus displacement

208 U. Kuhlmann and F. Ki.ihnemund

Obviously the spring stiffness behaviour does not differ much within one series i.e. for one
type of profile with different axial forces. But it is strongly dependent of the chosen profile, as
shown in the lower diagram.

Figure 42 shows for test specimen A2 as a typical example a comparison between the load-
displacement curve of Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997), the non-linear and the simplified
linear one, and the measured test curve.


500 - .................... ~ ·-



100 - :· ..

0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 42. Comparison of curves according to Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997)

and test curve of test A2

It can be seen that the measured initial stiffness of the load - deformation curve is lower
than the values theoretically adopted by Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997), see chapter 3.4.
Table 5 compares these initial spring stiffness values for series I, where Sj...
represents the
theoretical value of the non - linear Annex J model, whereas C.J,lest belongs to the measured
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 209

Table 5. Comparison between Eurocode 3, revised Annex J ( 1997) values of stiffness and measured test
values for series I

Test C1,tesr (kN/cm] SJ,tnl [kN/cm] Difference [o/~

AI 6938 13684 49,3
A2 5225 13654 61,7
A3 6224 13597 54,2
B1 7245 17836 59,4
B2 6850 17820 61,5
B3 7531 17858 57,8

The high differences are relatively constant for both profile types. There is also no clear
tendency in dependence of the ratio of axial forces . Some of the additional deformations may
result of the load introduction which are not taken into account by the modelling.
Huber (1999) suggested a procedure how to evaluate test curves. One aspect is that the
initial gradient of the curve does not reveal the real behaviour because of imperfections of the
test set up. To exclude imperfections of the test set up an unloading and reloading of the linear
branch is recommended. Test series I does not follow such a procedure of unloading and
reloading in contrast to the second series. The results of the second series indicate a better
agreement of test results and theoretical model though the difference is still quite remarkable
(see Table 6).

Table 6. Comparison between Eurocode 3, revised Annex J ( 1997) values of stiffness and measured test
values for series II

Test CJ,test (kN/cm) S1,1n1 (kN/cm] Difference [%)

A4 8782 12603 30,3
A5 7159 12639 43 ,4
A6 6708 12651 47,0
A7 7430 12942 42,5
A8 7575 12805 40,8
B4 11398 20944 45,6
B5 9943 21086 52,8
B6 9198 20980 56,1
B7 10162 21019 51,6
B8 10416 21221 50,9
210 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

Strength. The measured strength F obviously exceeds the plastic resistance. Table 7 shows a
comparison of the maximum load Fu,test with the plastic resistance Fp1 according to Eurocode 3,
revised Annex J (1997), see chapter 3.4. The fmal column of Table 7 contains the differences
in percentages. The differences surely result partly of the negligence of the strain hardening in
the code model. As an additional effect also the contribution of the flange in addition to the
carrying capacity of the web may cause a higher strength of the test specimens.

Table 7. Comparison between Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997) values of strength with measured test

Test F u,test [kN) Fp1 [kN) Difference [%)

A1 464,64 423,41 8,8
A2 453,29 421 ,26 7,1
A3 531 ,51 418,60 21 ,2
A4 480,55 377,01 21,5
A5 473,08 377,93 20,1
A6 467,06 380,74 18,5
A7 455 ,17 393,63 13,5
A8 492,47 384,40 21,9
B1 755,21 599,77 20,6
B2 678,09 598,88 11 ,7
B3 629,12 578,02 8, 1
B4 909,90 630,71 30,7
B5 873,71 634,68 27,4
B6 842,05 631,69 25,0
B7 788,06 632,96 19,7
B8 953,20 639,03 33,0

Obviously the axial force in the profile has a strong influence on the ultimate load of the
test specimen. Figure 43 compares the ultimate loads of the tests for the HEA 240 profiles in
dependence of the ratio N/Npl· Np1 is calculated according to the measured values.

The strength values of test specimen A3 and A8 differ very much from each other though
same nominal profiles (HEA 240) without an axial force were used. The different areas of
cross section and the different yield strengths of these profiles (see Table 3 and 4) may cause
these deviation.
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 2II






LL" 480




0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70


Figure 43. Ultimate loads of the HEA 240 profiles in dependence of ratio N/NP1

Deformation capacity. The main objective of these tests was to evaluate the deformation
capacity ofthe component "column web in compression" at the level of the plastic resistance. In
contrast to former tests this time also the behaviour of the specimen after the vertical force F had
passed its maximum was considered. To reach the characteristic plastic resistance of the
component Fp1 a deformation Wp1 is needed. Only the additional deformation {Wmax- Wp1) may be
used for a sufficient rotation capacity for the redistribution of internal forces within the system
without reducing the resistance of the component under its plastic value. So the deformation
capacity is defined as distance (wmax- wp1). And as can be seen by the test curve in Figure 44, the
contribution of the descending part of the load-deformation curve wdecr is of greater importance
than the increasing part Winer·

Table 8 contains deformation capacity values of all executed tests. Also the contribution of
the increasing and decreasing parts are given. The last column of Table 8 contains the ratio
wdec/Wavail· Percentage values of more than 50 % support the importance of the decreasing part for
the available deformation capacity of the component "column web in compression".
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212 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kuhnemund

I Winer Wdecr
14 .. 14 .. I
Wp1 Wu Wmax

Figure 44. Definition of deformation capacity

Table 8. Deformation capacity values of the tests

Test Wpl Wu Wavoil Winer Wde.:r W dttr/W avail

specimen [mm] [mm] [mm} [mm] [mm] [%)
AI 0,67 1,24 2, 12 2,42 0,88 1,54 64
A2 0,60 1,33 2,21 2, 14 0,88 1,26 59
A3 0,00 1,07 2,83 11 ,85 1,76 10,09 85
A4 0,11 0,51 1,94 7,99 1,43 6,56 82
AS 0,22 0,49 1,36 6,79 0,87 5,92 87
A6 0,33 0,66 1,86 5,63 1,20 4,43 79
A7 0,47 0,74 1,84 3,57 1, 10 2,47 69
A8 0,00 0,62 2,3 1 10,05 1,69 8,36 83
81 0,00 1,40 4,73 11,46 3,33 8, 13 71
82 0,46 1,64 3,28 4,81 1,64 3,17 66
83 0,65 1,61 2,94 3,05 1,33 1,72 56
84 0,11 0,67 7,01 21 ,03 6,34 14,69 70
85 0,24 0,89 5,35 15 ,52 4,46 li ,06 71
86 0,36 0,93 5,05 12,61 4,12 8,49 67
87 0,58 1,01 4,95 8,79 3,94 4,85 55
88 0,00 0,88 8,30 26,34 7,42 18,92 72

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 213

For each of the profiles HEA 240 and HEB 240 the values of deformation capacity of the tests
with axial forces are divided by the deformation values of the reference test specimen without
axial force. As shown in Figure 45 for the profiles HEA 240 and in Figure 46 for the profiles
HEB the deformation capacity decreases nearly linearly with increasing axial force.




~ 0.6

:li 0.5

i 0.4




0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70
Figure 45. Ratio of deformation capacity in dependence of the axial force (HEA 240)

1.0 .-------~--~--------~---,

! 0.6 --:----·--- --~------------:- ----------.--- --------,----

86 :
0.5 · ···•····. ········92'· ........:.. .. .... .
i 0.4
: . . . ~ ....... El_~; ......... ..

-----,------------ .. - •!. .. ..83....

0.3 '.

0.2 . ·;····

0.1 .... ······"

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


Figure 46. Ratio of deformation capacity in dependence of the axial force (HEB 240)
214 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

3.4 Theoretical Models

Introduction. As mentioned above by means of mechanical models an analytical description of

the load deformation behaviour is possible. So far few models are given in literature for
characteristic points of the load-deformation curve of the component "column web in
compression". Studies ofTschemmernegg and Huber (1987) suggest a formula for the elastic Fet
and the plastic force Fpt· Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997) contains a model for the initial
stiffness in the elastic part and provides a similar procedure to get the secant stiffness belonging
to the plastic part. Also a model for the plastic strength Fp~N under consideration of an axial force
in the column, which is similar to the formula of Tschemmernegg and Huber (1987), is available
in the code. But as shown before the measured ultimate strengths of the tests Fu,test differ very
much from the theoretical values of Fpt· For this reason with reference to investigations of
Ungermann (1990) a new formula for the calculation of the ultimate strength is suggested.
Especially the decreasing part of the load-deformation curve is of great importance for the
deformation capacity of the component itself as well as for the interplay of this component
with other joint components. Therefore a yield line model for the flange and web behaviour has
been developed under consideration of the axial for~e in the profile (see KUhnemund, 2001 ).
The real load-deformation curve is now approximated by a sequence of different models. All
named models will be illustrated in the following. As a result a characteristic model curve
similar to a polygonal course is found (see Figure 47).

" ....... .......__

I..._ ..._ ..._
yield line

Figure 47. Model curve
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 215

Stiffness model. According to Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997), chapter J.4.1 "the rotational
stiffness of a joint should be determined from the jlexibilities of its basic components, each
represented by its elastic stiffness coefficient k;". The rotational stiffness Sj (see also Figure 12)
may be obtained from formula (6), which is taken from the code:
E·z 2
5·= (6)
J ,ll' ,Lki
- ki is the stiffness coefficient for a basic joint component i
- z is the lever arm
- J.l is the stiffness ratio Sj,in/Sj
- Sj,ini is the initial rotational stiffness of the joint, given by formula (6) with J.l = 1,0

The stiffness ratio J.l depends on the amount of the acting forces (for components) or moments
(for joints) respectively (see equation (8)):

3 J, ,u=1 (7)

if ~3 . FJ, Rd < FJ,Sd s; FJ, Rd : ,u = (1.5 .Fj,Sd )"'


- Fj,Sd is the applied force on the component
- Fj,Rd is the plastic resistance
- \If is a coefficient to consider the type of the connection

The stiffness coefficient ki for the component "column web in compression" should be
obtained from the following expression:
k· = 0,7 · beff,c,wc · twc (9)
I d
- beff,c,wc is the effective width of the column web in compression
- de is the clear depth of the column web
- twc is the thickness of the column web

With the presented formulas from Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997) as well the initial
(elastic) stiffness of the component "column web in compression" as the (secant) stiffness
belonging to the plastic resistance Fp1 can be determined. A comparison between the theoretical
values for the initial stiffness according to the given model and the measured values is shown in
chapter 3.3.
On the basis of models for the stiffness and the formulas for the elastic and plastic resistance
(see below) the characteristic deformations Wei and Wpi can be determined:
216 U. Kuhlmann and F. Ktihnemund



Theoretical models for F.1 and Fpl· The models are based on the idea of load spreading (see
Figure 48) of the compression force F in the fillet radius and column flange with different angles.
An effective width beff is received in the web for the calculation of the elastic and plastic force.
This effective width is multiplied with the yield strength and the thickness of the column web to
get the elastic and plastic resistance (see formula (12)). Reduction factors ro and p cover effects
like plate buckling of the web and shear in the web panel.

1 I
column web --1__ 1
1 1 column flange
I l
I I',
I .o\l I
1 1/ beam flange
I (
r- - - - - - - - _I r ttc -

Figure 48. Models for the elastic and plastic resistance F.1 and Fp1

m. p. beff,c,wc . twc . fy,wc

Fc.wc.Rd =___ . .;. . ;. ___. ;. ;. .__ (12)
- p is the reduction factor for plate buckling
- ro is a reduction factor to allow for the possible effects of shear in the column web
- betr,c,wc is the effective width of the belonging web to the component "column web in
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 217


- tfb is the thickness of the beam flange
- ah is the throat thickness of the welded seam
- trc is the thickness of the column flange
- r is the fillet radius

Tschemmemegg and Huber (1987) as well as Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997) set the
factor n equal to 5 for the plastic resistance of the component. For the elastic resistance
Tschemmemegg and Huber (1987) suggest to set n equal to 2,5 because of the smaller load
spreading on that level.

Ultimate load model. A better modelling of the ultimate load values of the tests was reached by
modifying a model which is founded on an orthotropic plate buckling mechanism for the web
(see Ungermann, 1990). Exchanging the yield strength in the corresponding formula by ultimate
strength values, using a calibration factor of 0,87 for HEA profiles and 0,88 for HEB profiles and
multiplying the formula by a term taking the axial force into account leads to an equation (see
equation (14) for HEA 240 profiles), which results in good agreement between the measured
ultimate load values Fu,test and the theoretical values Fu,model for all executed test (see Figures 49
and 50).

O"N,web )
Fu,model = 0,87. 2. Cu . twc . fu . 1- [ _f_u_ (14)

is the width of the buckling plate according to Ungermann (1990), eq. (2.3.27)


- twc is the thickness of the web

- fu is the ultimate strength of the web
- O"N,web is the stress in the column web caused by an axial force N
- 0,87 is the calibration factor for HEA 240 profiles
- lfl is the moment of inertia
218 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

520 -----------------:--------- -------- -------- -------- ---------:-------- ---------:---------
' ' '
' ' '
' ' '
' '
510 ••··•··• ••·····• •••·•·•• """"""""T""""••••-,•••••••••

' ' '
' ' '
' ' '

' ' '
500 -------- -------- '
------- _,_-------- ' '
' ' '

' ' '
' ' '
' ' '
' ' '
490 ---·· ---------,---------r·--------,---------
' ' '

.t 480 -------·-------- ---------·--------- .. -------- . ---------
' I I I

' ' '

••·••••• •••••••••'-•·••··• ••·••·••'•·•·•···-L••·••""" •••••••••'•••·•••••L•••··•••-'•••••••••

: : : : : :
460 ...........•.. : ........ ····-----l---------~-------- ---------l---------~---------l---------
1 I I I I

--------T·-----··r··------ --------T·-----··r··-----·r··------
' ' '


~0 450 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540
Fu,Test (kN)

Figure 49. Comparison between measured ultimate loads and the ultimate loads according to the
theoretical model for test specimen HEA 240

-------- .. -------- _,_-------- .. -------- -·--------- ~-------- -1---------.-------- . . --------- -------
I 'I '
I '
I '
I 'I '
I '
t 'I

:• -·-------

900 -------- ~----- --- -~-.------ ~ --------.:.. ---- ---~-------- .:. --------;------.- : ---.---
: :I
: I

0 I I I I I

I I I I 0

z~ ... -------- -------- ··--------- .. --------


800 -------- .. -- -------- .. -------- .,--------- .. --------

0 I I I
I I I 0 I I I 0
~- ~--- ...
0 I I I I I I I t
0 I 0 I I I I I I
I I I I I I 0 I

! 750

-------- . . -------- _,_------ ~- ~-------- -·---------

------- .1.--------.-------- -'---------.--------
0 I f I I I f I I
-----·--i---------f--------i----·-: ·····--·~········+········!·········i······-·-!···'····

I.L. 700
I I I I I f I I I

650 -------+·-------~·--·--; ·······-[------·-+······-[-········i·······-·[·········i··-·····

I f f I I I I I I
I I I I I I I I 1

600 --------,--------





f 0 I I I I I

550 -------- ------- _._---- _._------- -·--------- J-------- _._-------- l--------


~--- I I f
I I f I
I I I f I I I I I
0 I I I I I I I
I I I I I 0 I I

500 I I f f I I I I

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~

Fu,Test [kN]
Figure SO. Comparison between measured ultimate loads and the ultimate loads according to the
theoretical model for test specimen HEB 240
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 219

According to Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997) the strength of the component "column web
in compression" has to be reduced for longitudinal stress values due to axial force and bending
moment in the column exceeding a stress limit of 0,5·fy,wc· For the executed tests the interaction
between the compression and the axial force is shown in Figure 51 in comparison with the
graph of the Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997) model for interaction. The test values lie
below the theoretical graph according to Eurocode 3, revised Annex J (1997). It is obvious that
the theoretical limit of influence of 50% ofNp1 is not verified by this test series.

A3/A8 :

:A4 :+ : : : . . : .
········--:·········j···M···: ··~~·-·:···--·~ ·;········· ; ----------~------·--:·· ·· ·--··· : ··········
; : A7 ' ;
0.9 ....... - - -:- - - ... -- ---:- ----. . . . ~ - .. . .. -. ~...... -- -- . -- - - - -
..... .

u.. 0.85 ···-----~---- .....:.......... :.......... :.......... :......... ..... t-.1)..........
• :
0 ....... .

; : ; A2 :
u.. • 0

0.8 ----.--- .................... ----.----------.-- -------:---------

. -~--------- -:-----.---- -:·. .................
. .

. .
··· · ··:----------;--- - -----<---

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Figure 51. Compression force - axial force - interaction diagram

A mechanical model to describe the decreasing branches of the load-deformation curves. As

well for the elastic and plastic part of the curves as for the ultimate load mechanical models are
given in literature (see above). Since the main aim of the investigations is the determination of the
deformation capacity of the component a mechanical description of the decreasing part of the
curve is of great importance. In the following a model for that part of the curve on basis of a yield
line mechanism, which has been developed by Kilhnemund (2001) is presented.
The idea of the model is shown in Figure 52. The occurring buckle is simulated by a yield
line mechanism with flat areas separated by yield lines. The shape of the model is oriented on
the behaviour of the web recognised in the tests.
220 U. Kuhlmann and F. Kiihnemund

For the inner forces and deformations as well as for the outer ones virtual work equations were
formulated. Equating of both leads to a formulation for the force F in dependence of the
deformation w and the applied axial force N. A similar procedure is used for the flange
behaviour. Here also a yield line model is applied. The sum of these equations - for the web
and the two flanges - leads to an equation for the decreasing branch behaviour. For test
specimen AS Figure 53 shows the graph of the equation in comparison with the results. Good
correspondence between test behaviour and model is reached.

I '\
I \

/F F\
\ I
\ I

\. I

' '-

---- /

Figure 52. Yield line model in the column web

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 221


.lll:: 300

-Yield line model !'
200 --·-·
-···~ -Test curw


0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 53. Graph of yield line model in comparison with test results A8

Contribution of the component "column web in compression" to the rotation capacity of

the whole joint. As stated above two components especially contribute to a satisfying value of
the available rotation capacity: any kinds of plate in bending which are identified as T-stub
models and the component "column web in compression" in the compression area. The
mentioned components are acting in series with a lever arm z (see Figure 54). To gain an
~stimation of the contribution of the component "column web in compression" to the rotation
capacity of the joint, a welded steel joint configuration is chosen. Whereas for bolted end plate
connections the point of rotation is to be found by an iterative calculation procedure (see
Huber, 1999, and Tschemmemegg et at., 1997) for the model considered the point of rotation is
to be assumed in the centre line of the joint for welded configurations. This means that the
deformation contribution of the tension component of the welded joint is about the same as that
of the component "column web in compression". Consequently the rotation capacity is found
by the following formula:

<1> =W tension + W compression = 2 · W compression (16)

z z
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222 U. Kuhlmann and F. Ki.ihnemund


"column web in tension" W1ension



, component
"column web in compression"

Figure 54. Component model for a welded steel joint

Table 9 shows the results of a study for welded joints. The column profiles are chosen
corresponding to the executed tests (profiles HEA 240 and HEB 240). For the beams four
different types of IPE profiles are taken into account. The lever arm z is derived from the
following expression:


As can be seen from Table 9 all joint types without an axial force in the column show a
high rotation capacity. But even with an axial force of about 30% of the plastic axial force the
available rotation capacity is still of a large amount, also for the lever arm reaching values up
to about 600 mm. Joints with an ratio of N/Np1 of more than or equal to 0,6 dispose of a small
rotation capacity especially for adjacent beams with large height. Because the latter
configuration is of practical importance, extensive investigations for the rotation capacity of
joints still have to be done.

A comparison between the two column profile types show the decisive influence of the
flange and web slenderness. The compact profiles HEB 240 provide about 2.5 times larger
rotation capacity values than the slender HEA 240 profiles.

Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 223

Table 9. Estimation of rotation capacity values based on the test component results

Column ratio N!Np. Wavao (mm) Beam profile Leverarmz · Rotation!-~~

profile [mm]
~ ~ .. ~
IPE 200 191,5 105
IPE 300 289,3 69
HEA 240 0,00 10,05
IPE 450 435,4 46
IPE 600 581,0 35
IPE 200 191 ,5 59
IPE 300 289,3 39
HEA 240 0,33 5,63
IPE 450 435,4 27
IPE 600 581,0 19
IPE 200 191,5 22
IPE 300 289,3 15
HEA 240 0,60 2,14
IPE 450 435,4 10
IPE 600 581,0 7
IPE 200 191,5 275
IPE 300 289,3 182
HEB 240 0,00 26,34
IPE 450 435,4 121
IPE 600 581,0 91
IPE 200 191,5 132
IPE 300 289,3 87
HEB 240 0,36 12,61
IPE 450 435,4 58
IPE 600 581,0 43
IPE 200 191 ,5 32
IPE 300 289,3 21
HEB 240 0,65 3,05
IPE 450 435,4 14
lPE 600 581 ,0 10

3.5 Conclusions
The investigations presented in this chapter aimed in the determination of load-deformation
curves for the component "column web in compression". A test series of 16 tests for profiles
HEA 240 and HEB 240 was executed. As the main result of the investigations was the
derivation of the deformation capacity of the component one can state that the deformation
capacity tends to decrease nearly linearly with an increasing axial load.
Furthermore a mechanical model was developed to describe the decreasing part of the
curves which is quite important for the derivation of the deformation capacity. Together with
models from literature this theoretical model leads to an analytical formulation of the load-
deformation behaviour by adding component curves to the moment-rotation curve of the joint.
224 U. Kuhlmann and F. Klihnemund

For the executed tests the achieved deformation capacity values are given. They underline the
decisive influence of the decreasing part of the load-deformation curve . On basis of the test
results rotation capacity values for welded joints were calculated. They strongly depend on the
axial force in the column. The results strongly support the importance of further research work
on the rotation capacity of partial strength or semi-rigid joints.

3.6 Acknowledgements
The authors like to thank the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen
"Otto von Guericke" e.V. (AiF)" for the fmancial support of the second tests series within the
frame of a research project (see Kuhlmann et al., 2000), which the authors undertake together
with Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Sedlacek of RWTH Aachen and his team. The authors thank them and
the accompanying group of practitioners for the valuable discussions.

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24. Innsbruck.
Procedures to Verify Rotation Capacity 225

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Internal test-report. University of Stuttgart.
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compression". Internal test report. University of Stuttgart.
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Komponenten von wirtschaftlichen steifenlosen AnschluBkonstruktionen fiir die Anwendung
plastischer Bemessungskonzepte im Stahlbau. Research Project, Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller
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Kiihnemund, F. (2001). Zum Rotationsnachweis nachgiebiger Anschliisse im Stahlbau. Doctoral thesis in
preparation. Universitiit Stuttgart.
Li, T. Q.; Choo, B.S.; Nethercot, D. A. (1995). Determination of Rotation Capacity Requirements for Steel
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F. Wald
Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Abstract. The present chapter aims to give an overview of the recent progress made on
the investigation of column bases with end plates and embedded column bases. The
column base detailing, tolerances and modelling by application of the component method
to column bases are herein introduced. The particular components are also described
including their influence on the connection behavior. The basic principles in background
of the column base classification and the strength design are presented. The procedure is
illustrated on worked examples of frame design and a column base with base plate.

1 Introduction
The column bases are one of the last studied structural element in European scale. Compared
to beam-to-column connection, the number of available tests is limited to about 200 with
different complexity of data description. In national rules the elastic prediction models were
replaced by inelastic and the model of resistance of concrete foundation in crushing of concrete
under the flexible plate was precised (Stockwell (1975)). The traditional elastic models of
column bases gave a safe conservative solution with rather thick base plate and expensive
anchoring. Some types of structures show high sensitivity of redistribution of internal forces
from bending stiffness of column bases.
The structural design supported by software is nowadays less structuralized into overall
structural design, structural analysis, code-check and detailing. The engineering analytical
prediction models are precised to be able to describe the structural behavior in a more complex
way. For connections, the component method allows for very precise description of behavior
including semi-rigidity - stiffness, resistance and rotational capacity description. The support
by experiments and F.E. simulation is used for special cases of design and for research
verification and sensitivity studies, but is and will be limited due to the high need of inputs into
the model.
The herein presented topics are mainly based on the latest European developments in
column base modelling prepared under the umbrella of COST Cl project (COST Cl (1999)).

2 Detailing
A typical anchoring of the structure to the concrete is constructed as a column base with a base
plate (see Fig.l) or as embedding of the column into a pocket in the foundation of the concrete
block (see Fig.2). A combination of both details is used for fixing of heavy columns in seismic
regions. Every structure has to transfer in a safe way vertical and lateral loads to the supports.
In some cases, beams or other members may be supported directly, though the most common
system is for columns to be supported by a concrete foundation (SCI (1995)). The column will
be then connected to a base plate, which will be attached to the concrete by some form of the
so-called ,holding down" assembly. Foundations themselves are supported by the sub-
228 F. Wald

structure. The foundation may be supported directly on the existing ground, or may be
supported by piles, or the foundation may be part of a slab. The influence ofthe support to the
foundation, which may be considerable in certain ground conditions, is not covered in this


Oversize hole

.. ... . ..... ... .

. . .· . .. .
•••• • or; ; • •. . . . .
.. · .· ~ ~ ' ,

Figure 1. Detailing of column base with base plates (COST Cl (1999)).

Column Base Modelling 229

Figure 2. Detailing of embedded column bases.

Embedded column bases are frequently used in construction when the action of combined
high bending moments and axial forces are present.
Concrete foundations are usually reinforced. The reinforcement may be nominal in the
case of pinned bases, but will be significant in bases where bending moment is to be
transferred. The holding down assembly comprises two, but more commonly four (or more)
holding down bolts. These may be cast in situ, or post-fixed to the completed foundation. Cast
in situ bolts usually have some form of tubular or conical sleeve, so that the top of the bolts are
free to move laterally, to allow the base plate to be accurately located. Other forms of anchor
are commonly used, as shown in Fig.3. Base plates for cast-in assemblies are usually provided
with oversize holes and thick washer plates to permit translation of the column base. Post-fixed
anchors may be used, being positioned accurately in the cured concrete. Other assemblies
involve loose arrangements of bolts and anchor plates, subsequently fixed with cementicious
grout or fme concrete. While loose arrangements allow for considerable translation of the base
plate, the lack of initial fixity can mean that the column must be propped or guyed while the
holding down arrangements are completed. Anchor plates or similar embedded arrangements
are attached to the embedded end of the anchor assembly to resist pull-out. The holding down
assemblies protrude from the concrete a considerable distance, to allow for the grout, the base
plate, the washer, the nut and a further threaded length to allow for some vertical tolerance.
The projection from the concrete is typically around 100 mm, with a considerable threaded
Post-fixed assemblies include expanding mechanical anchors, chemical anchors, undercut
anchors and grouted anchors. Various types of anchor are illustrated in Fig.3.

a b c d e f
Figure 3. Anchor bolts, a) and b) cast in place, post fixed, c) under cat, d) post fixed chemical or
cementicious grout, e) post fixed expanding anchor, f) fixed to grillage and cast in situ.
230 F. Wald

The space between the foundation and the base plate used to ensure the base plate is
located at the correct absolute level. On smaller bases, this may be achieved by an additional
set of nuts on the holding down assemblies, as shown in Fig.4. Commonly, the base plate is
located on a series of thin steel packs as shown in Fig.5, which are usually permanent. Wedges
are commonly used to assist the plumbing of the column.

Levelling nut

Figure 4. Base plate with levelling nuts (COST C1 (1999)).

The remaining void is filled with fme concrete, mortar, or more commonly, non-shrink
cementicious grout, which is poured under and around the base plate. Large base plates
generally have holes to allow any trapped air to escape when the base plate is grouted.

Holes to allow grour egress


Figure 5. Base plate located on steel packs, see (COST C1 (1999)).

The plate attached to the column is generally rectangular. The dimensions of the plate are
as required by design, though practical requirements may mean that the base is larger than
necessitated by design. Steel erectors favour at least four bolts, since this is a more stable
detail when the column is initially erected. Four bolts also allow the base plate to be adjusted
to ensure verticality of the column. Bolts may be located within the profile of the I or the H
section, or outside the profile, or both, as depicted in Fig.l. Closely grouped steel bolts with
Column Base Modelling 231

tubular or conical sleeves are to be avoided, as the remaining concrete may not be able to
support the column and superstructure in the temporary condition. Bases may have stubs or
other projections on the underside, which are designed to transfer horizontal loads to the
foundations. However, such stubs are not appreciated by steelwork erectors and should be
avoided if possible. Other solutions may involve locating the base in a shallow recess or
anchoring the column directly to, for example, the floor slab of the structure.
Columns are generally connected to the base plate by welding around part or all of the
section profile. Where corrosion is possible a full profile weld is recommended. Fixed (or
moment-resisting) bases are assumed in analysis to be entirely rigid. Compared to pinned
bases, fixed bases are likely to have a thicker base plate, and may have a larger number of
higher strength holding down assemblies. Occasionally, fixed bases have stiffened base plates,
as those shown in Fig. 6. The stiffeners may be fabricated from plate, or from steel members
such as channels.

Figure 6. Typical stiffened column base detail, see (COST Cl (1999)).


0 !i0
______ LL..
I' __
--- ---.I-- ---

0 "®
.I ~
Figure 7. The pennitted horizontal deviation for the base plates and for the anchor bolts groups.
232 F. Wald

Tolerances. The fabrication and erection tolerances are given in "European Prestandard
Execution of Steel Structures - Part 1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings prEN 1090-1 ".
The eccentricity of the column at the base plate should not exceed e1 = 5 mm, see Fig. 1.
The position of the group of anchor bolts should not deviate by more than e2 = 6 mm from the
established column grid intersection, as given in Fig. 7. The deviation of the distance between
the different holding down bolt groups in each row should not be more than e3 = 5 mm or e4,
see Table 1 and Fig. 7.

L fml
:-;;; 30 ± 15
30 <L < 250 ± 0,25 (L + 30)
~250 ± 0,10 (L + 450)

Table 1. Permitted deviations on the location of anchor bolts group.

The allowed deviation from the required site level of foundation is e5 = +5 mm (above) and
-15 mm (bellow), see Fig.8. The tolerance from the required location level for pre-set bolts
prepared for adjustment is e6 = +25 mm (high) and -5 mm (low), and minimum movement in
the pocket is e7 = ±10 mm. The tolerance for pre-set bolts not prepared for adjustment is
e8 = +45 mm (high) and -5 mm (low), and minimum deviation in horizontal direction
e9 =±3 mm.

Figure 8. The permitted vertical deviation for the base plates and for the anchor bolts.

The squareness of the column end required for full contact between the column and base
plate should be less than e10 = ±a/1000, see Fig.9. The gap between bearing surfaces should not
exceed 1 mm anywhere, and should be less than 0, 5 mm over at least two thirds of the nominal
contact area.

J3 ---

Figure 9. The accuracy of contact bearing surfaces.

Column Base Modelling 233

3 Design of Base Plates

Eurocode 3, Section 6 and Annex L contain guidance on the strength of column bases with
base plates. Section 6 contains principles, and Annex L contains detailed application rules,
though these are limited examples of bases subject to axialloads.only.
Traditional approaches (Dewolf and Ricker ( 1990), Hogan and Thomas ( 1990), Lescouarc ·
(1988), AISC (1978)) to the design of moment-resisting bases involve an elastic analysis,
based on the assumption that plane sections remain plane. By solving equilibrium equations,
maximum stress in the concrete (based on a triangular distribution of stress), the extent of the
stress block and the tension in the holding down assemblies may be determined. While this
procedure has been proved satisfactory in service over many years, the approach ignores the
flexibility of the base plate in bending, the holding down assemblies and the concrete (W aid
(1995), Treiberg (1987)). ·
Traditionally, column bases are modelled as either pinned or as fixed, while
acknowledging that the reality lies somewhere within the two extremes. The opportunity to
either calculate or to model the base stiffness in analysis was not available. Some national
application standards recommend that the base fixity be allowed for in design. The base fixity
has an important effect on the calculated frame behaviour, particularly on frame deflections.
The check of tension part is possible to provide according to Annex J of Eurocode 3 under
interaction of normal force and bending. European project COST Cl (1999) was streamed to
the solution of column base behavior using component method. The first step of the component
method is the determination of the components, see Fig.l 0. The description of the component
behaviour is solved in the next two lectures. The final step is the assembling of the component
into the connection, see Fig.l 0, for resistance and stiffness calculation. The ductile behavior,
the rotation capacity of connection, is ensured by adequate length of anchor bolts, resistance of
anchorage into concrete and base plate ductility.

base plate and concrete base plate in bending column web and flange anchor bolt, key,
block in copression and anchor bolts in tension in shear and compression in shear
,~----, ,---1-:-t __ ,
' '
' '


r---------, r---------, r---------,


' ' ~H----,

:~ ' '

Figure 10. Components of column base with base plate

3.1 Resistance
The equilibrium of internal forces is possible to establish in elastic or in plastic stage. The
effective contact area Aeff can be evaluated based on full use of tension part Fr.Rd, see Fig.ll,
234 F.Wald

NRd =Aefffj- L~.Rd' (1)

MRd = L~.Rdrt +AefffJrc. (2)

r, J, ~ I rc
' I '
8 '
I ce::.
(tension part reststance~ L Ft.Rd llilllll' 111111 fj (concrete bearing strength)

Figure 11. Internal forces equilibrium.

The neutral axes of the compressed part is possible to place into the axes of compressed
flange for simplification, see Fig. 12. (COST C1 (1999)).
The moment resistance is in this case


Figure 12. Simplified model of the compressed part.

Column Base Modelling 235

3.2 Bending stiffness

From the known bilinear behaviour of components and above described simplification, Eq. (3),
is expressed the bending stiffness under proportional loading, for Msd I Nsd = konst. In area
Xc <Nsd I Msd < oc it will be

S . = Msd i Nsd Ez 2 ' (4)

; MsJ I Nsd-a "1
for the spring stiffness as
zc kc -Zr k1
a = -"--"--"---"- (5)
kc + k1
The curve shape factor is similar for all end plate connection

J.i =(I,5rY 7 (6)

and the bending moment ration can be introduces as
zl 2
r = ____
Msd i Nsd
.::;::..__-=--- (7)
z/ 2
MRd I Nsd + - - - -
Msd I Nsd
The above described model was compared to set of experiments. The results of analytical
simulation is shown for one example including working diagrams of experiments, see Fig.l4.
The sensitivity study of base plate thickness shows the influence of tension part resistance and

Force, k Moment, k m


Anchor bolt
60 W7-4.20-prop
100 E kp 40
0 Base plate

200 Cc k 20
0,5 Concrete
0 . 0
DeformatiOn, J, mm 10 Rotation , mrad

Figure 13. Comparison of prediction model to W7-4.20-prop (Sokol and Wald (1998)),
component modelling, final moment rotational curve.
236 F. Wald

Moment, kNm
t = 30

80 20

40 15
0 Rotation, mrad
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 14. The moment-rotational diagram of the column base plate with different base plate thickness.

3.3 Pre-design of column base stiffness

For pre-design of bending stiffness of beam-to-column connections a simplified method based
on summary of experiments and prediction models has been developed (Steenhuis, (1994)).
The method was extended also for the column bases with base plate (Wald at al. (1997)). The
estimation of stiffness can be written in the following form
E z 2t
S j.ini.app =~ ' (8)
where E is modulus of elasticity of steel and t is the base plate thickness. The lever arm of
internal forces z is taken according to Fig. IS, as a distance between anchor bolts and centre of
compressed flange.

Figure 15. Assumption of the lever arm of internal forces z for pre-design of column base stiffness.

4 Concrete in Compression and Base Plate in Bending

4.1 Introduction
The components concrete in compression and base plate in bending including the grout
represent the behavior of the compressed part of a column base with a base plate. The strength
of these components depends primarily on the bearing resistance of the concrete block. The
grout is influencing the column base bearing resistance by improving the joint resistance due to
Column Base Modelling 237

application of high quality grout or by decreasing the resistance due to poor quality of the grout
material or due to poor detailing.
The deformation of this component is relatively small. The description of the behavior of
this component is required for the prediction of column bases stiffness loaded by normal force
The technical literature concerned with the bearing strength of the concrete block loaded
through a plate may be treated in two broad categories. Firstly, investigations focused on the
bearing stress of rigid plates, most were concerned the prestressed tendons. Secondly, studies
were concentrated on flexible plates loaded by the column cross section due to an only portion
of the plate.
The experimental and analytical models for the components concrete in compression and
plate in bending included the ratio of concrete strength to plate area, relative concrete depth,
the location of the plate on the concrete foundation and the effects of reinforcement. The result
of these studies on foundations with punch loading and fully loaded plates offers qualitative
information on the behavior of base plate foundations where the plate is only partially loaded
by the column. Failure occurs when an inverted pyramid forms under the plate. The
application of limit state analysis on concrete can include the three-dimensional behavior of
materials, plastification and cracking. Experimental studies (Shelson (1957), Hawkins (1968),
DeWolf ( 1978)) led to the development of an appropriate model for column base bearing stress
estimation that was adopted into the current codes.
The separate check of the concrete block itself is necessary to provide to check the shear
resistance of the concrete block as well as the bending or punching shear resistance according
to the concrete block geometry detailing.
The influence of a flexible plate was solved by replacing the equivalent rigid plate
(Stockwell (1975)). This reasoning is based on recognition that uniform bearing pressure is
umealistic and that maximum pressure would logically follow the profile shape. This simple
practical method was modified and checked against the experimental results (Bijlaard (1982},
Murray (1983)). Eurocode 3 (Annex L (1990)) adopted this method in conservative form
suitable for standardisation using an estimate including the dimensions of the concrete block
cross-section and its height. It was also found (DeWolf and Sarisley (1980), and Wald (1993))
that the bearing stress increases with larger eccentricity of normal force. In this case the base
plate is in larger contact with the concrete block due to its bending. In case, when the distance
between the plate edge and the block edge is fixed and the eccentricity is increased, the contact
area is reduced and the value of bearing stress increases. In case of the crushing of the concrete
surface under the rigid edge is necessary to apply the theory of damage. These cases are
unacceptable from a design point of view and are determining the boundaries of above
described analysis.

4.2 Component Resistance

The proposed design model resistance of the components concrete in compression and base
plate in bending is given in Eurocode 3 Annex L ( 1990). The resistance of these components
is determined with help of an effective rigid plate concept.
The concrete block size has an effect on the bearing resistance of the concrete under the
plate. This effect can be conservatively introduced for the strength design by the concentration
238 F. Wald

1 ab

where the geometry conditions, see Fig.l6, are introduced by

a =min~~:
a,l· a '2a, 1 (10)

b =min!;:
b,l· h '2b, 1 (11)

5a 1

This concentration factor is used for evaluation of the design value of the bearing strength as

j=j]jkj fck (12)

where joint coefficient is taken under typical conditions with grout as 4 = 2 I 3. This factor
4 represents the fact that the resistance under the plate might be lower due to the quality of the
grout layer after filling.

" a a, "'
- - - -------- - - -
t ' I

h '
' -- f- b
' I br

Figure 16. Evaluation of the concrete block bearing resistance.

The flexible base plate, of the area Ap, can be replaced by an equivalent rigid plate with area
Aeq• see Fig.17. The formula for calculation of the effective bearing area under the flexible
base plate around the column cross section can be based on estimation of the effective width c.
The prediction of this width c can be based on the T -stub model. The calculation secures that
the yield strength ofbase plate is not exceeded. Elastic bending moment resistance of the base
plate per unit length should be taken as
Column Base Modelling 239

--t 2!
M ,_I (13a)
6 y

and the bending moment per unit length on the base plate acting as a cantilever of span c is, see

M' =!_f. c 2 (13b)

2 J



Figure 17. Flexible base plate modelled as a rigid plate of effective area with effective width c.

In the case that these moments are equal, the bending moment resistance is reached and the
formula evaluating c can be obtained
I , I ,
-f.c-= -rf (13c)
2 J 6 y


c~tRf (13d)

The component is loaded by normal force Fsd· The strength, expecting the constant
distribution of the bearing stresses under the effective area, see Fig.l8, is possible to evaluate
for a component by



't± r
nnnrnn J;
Figure 18. T-stub in compression, the effective width calculation.
240 F.Wald

The improvement of effective area due to the plate behavior for plates fixed on three or
four edges can be based on elastic resistance of plates (Wald (1995)) or more conservatively
can be limited by the deformations of plate as is reached for cantilever prediction. This
improvement is not significant for open cross sections, till about 3%. For tubular columns the
plate behaviour increase the strength up to 10% according to the geometry.
The practical conservative estimation of the concentration factor, see Eq. (9), can be
precised by introduction of the effective area into the calculation; into the procedure Eqs (9) -
(11). This leads however to an iterative procedure and is not recommended for practical
The grout quality and thickness is introduced by the joint coefficient ,4, see SBR (1973).
For /J.i = 2 I 3, it is expected the grout characteristic strength not less than 0,2 times the
characteristic strength of the concrete foundation fc.g ~ 0, 2 fc and that the thickness of the grout
is not greater than 0,2 times the smaller dimension of the base plate tg S0,2 min (a; b). In
cases of different quality or high thickness of the grout tg ~0,2 min (a; b), it is necessary to
check the grout separately. The bearing distribution under 45° can be expected in these cases,
see Fig.l9, (Bijlaard ( 1982)).
The influence of packing under the steel plate can be neglected for the design (Wald at al.
(1993)). The influence of the washer under plate used for erection can be also neglected for
design in case of good grout quality fc.g ~0,2 fc. In case of poor grout quality /c.g S0,2 fc it is
necessary to take into account the anchor bolts and base plate resistance in compression

Figure 19. The stress distribution in the grout.

4.3 Component Stiffness

The elastic stiffness behavior of the T-stub components concrete in compression and plate in
bending exhibit the interaction between the concrete and the base plate as demonstrated for the
strength behavior. The initial stiffness can be calculated from the vertical elastic deformation of
the component. The complex problem of deformation is influenced by the flexibility of the
base plate and by the concrete block quality and size.
The simplified prediction of deformations of a rigid plate supported by an elastic half space
is considered first including the shape of the rectangular plate. In a second step, an indication
is given how to replace a flexible plate by an equivalent rigid plate. In the last step,
assumptions are made about the effect of the size of the block to the deformations under the
plate for practical base plates.
Column Base Modelling 241

Different authors solved the deformation of a rectangular rigid plate in equivalent half
space. Lambe and Whitman ( 1967) gave it in simplified form as
t5 = - - (15)
r Ec Ar '
4 is the deformation under a rigid plate,
F the applied compressed force,
ar the width of the rigid plate,
Ec the Young's modulus of concrete,
Ar the area of the plate, A, = ar L ,
L the length of the plate,
a a factor dependent on ratio between L and ar .
The value of factor a depends on the Poison's ratio of the compressed material, see in
Table 2, for concrete ( v ~o, 15). The approximation of these values as a"" 0,85..[i'/;: can
be read from the following Table 2.

a according to Approximation as
Lambe and Whitman (1967) a"='0,85~L I a,
1 0,90 0,85
1,5 1,10 1,04
2 1,25 1,20
3 1,47 1,47
5 1,76 1,90
10 2,17 2,69

Table 2. Factor a and its approximation.

With the approximation for a, the formula for the displacement under the plate can be
t5 = - - = = (16)
r EcF,
A flexible plate can be expressed in terms of equivalent rigid plate based on the same
deformations. For this purpose, half of aT-stub flange in compression is modelled as shown in
242 F. Wald

Figure 20. A flange of a flexible T-stub.

The flange of a unit width is elastically supported by independent springs. The deformation
of the plate is a sine function, which can be expressed as
o(x) = osin (~ 1Z'XIcft} (17)
The uniform stress on the plate can then be replaced by the fourth differentiate of the
deformation multiplied by E lp, where E is the Young's modulus of steel and /P is the moment
of inertia per unit length of the steel plate with thickness t (lp = I 12)r
O(x) = Es lp (~ 1Z'I cjll osin (~ 1Z'X I Cjl) = Es _t_ (~ 1Z'I cfll osin (~ 1Z'X I Cjl) (18)
The concrete part should be compatible with this stress
~"t} = O(x) he[/ Ec (19)
where her is the equivalent concrete height of the portion under the steel plate. Assume that
hef = q cfl hence
~x) = O(x) ~ Cjl I Ec (20)
Substitution gives
osin (~ 1Z'X I Cjl) = E rI 12 (~ 1Z'I cfll osin (~ 1Z'X I Cjl) qcfl I Ec (21)
This may be expressed as

( tz'/2) 4 E

The flexible length cfl may be replaced by an equivalent rigid length Cr such that uniform
deformations under an equivalent rigid plate give the same force as the non-uniform
deformation under the flexible plate
c, = Cj12 I 1Z' (23)
The factor qrepresents the ratio between her and cfl. The value of hef can be expressed as ar.
From Tab. 1 can be read that factor a for practical T-stubs is about equal to 1,4. The width ar is
equal to tw + 2 Cn where fw is equal to the web thickness of the T -stub. As a practical
assumption it is now assumed that tw equals to 0,5 c, which leads to
hef = 1,4 · (0,5 + 2) c, = 1,4 • 2,5 Cj12 I tz'= 2,2 Cjl (24)
hence q = 2,2.
For practical joints can be estimated by Ec .:= 30 000 N I mm 2 and E.:= 210 000 N I mm 2, which
leads to
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Column Base Modelling 243

c =(3 (tr/2/;~!::!(3 (tr/2/22210000 =.198 (25)

fl 12 Ec 12 ' 30000 '
or c, = 1,26 t;::; 1,25 t, (26)
which gives for the effective width calculated based on elastic deformation
aeqel = tw + 2,5 t . (27)
The influence of the finite block size compared to the infinite half space can be neglected
in practical cases. For example, the equivalent width a, of the equivalent rigid plate is about tw
+ 2 c,. In case tw is 0,5 c, and c, = 1,25 t the width is a,= 3,1 t. That means, that peak stresses
are present even in the elastic stage spread over a very small area.
In general, a concrete block has dimensions at least equal to the column with and column
depth. Furthermore, it is not unusual that the block height is at least half of the column depth.
This means that stresses under the flange of a T-stub, which represents for instance a plate
under a column flange, are spread over a relative big area compared to a, = 3,1 t.. If stresses are
spread, the strains will be low where stresses are low and therefore, these strains will not
contribute significantly to the deformations of the concrete just under the plate. Therefore, for
simplicity it is proposed to make no compensation for the fact that the concrete block is not
From the strength procedure the effective width of aT-stub is calculated as

aeq.str =tw + 2c=tw + 2 t ri (28)

Based on test, see Figs22-23 and FE simulation, see Fig.24, it may occur that the value of
aeq.str is also a sufficient good approximation for the width of the equivalent rigid plate as the
expression based on elastic deformation only. If this is the case, it has a practical advantage for
the application by designers. However, in the model aeq.str will become dependent on strength
properties of steel in concrete, which is not the case in the elastic stage. In Fig.21 the influence
of the base plate steel quality is shown for particular example on the concrete quality -
deformation diagram for flexible plate t = tw = 20 mm, Leff = 300 mm, F = 1000 kN.
From the diagram it can be seen that the difference between aeq.el = tw + 2,5 t and
aeq.str = tw + 2 c is limited.
The concrete surface quality is affecting the stiffness of this component (see the tests by
Alma and Bijlaard (1980), and Sokol and Wald (1997)). So, the reduction of the modulus of
elasticity of the upper layer of concrete of thickness of 30 mm was proposed (Sokol and Wald,
(1997)) according to the observation of experiments with concrete surface only, with poor
grout quality and with high grout quality. For analytical prediction the reduction factor of the
surface quality was observed from 1,0 till 1,55. For the proposed model the value 1,50 had
been proposed, see Eq. (29).
The simplified procedure to calculate the stiffness of the component concrete in
compression and base plate in bending can be summarised in Eurocode 3, Annex J form as


aeq.el the equivalent width of the T-stub, ae.el = tw + 2,5 t,

244 F. Wald

L the length of the T-stub,

the flange thickness of the T-stub, the base plate thickness,
fw the web thickness of the T-stub, the column web or flange thickness.

Deformation, mm
0,25 1 Q eq.str

, for strength, S 235

0,20 , for strength, S 275

: elastic model,
0,10 :s 235, s 275, s 355


0,00 -f------t------+----t------t------+------- -j Concrete, ~k' MPa

10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 21. Comparison of the prediction of the effective width on concrete- deformation diagram for
particular example for unlimited concrete block ki = 5, base plate and web thickness 20 mm, L = 300 mm,
force F = 1000 kN.

fj I fed
2 0 • Anal.
0~ o Exp.


lf; d



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 22. Relative bearing resistance-base plate slenderness relationship (experiments De Wolf (1978),
and Hawkins (1968)).
Column Base Modelling 245

4.4 Validation
The proposed model is validated against the tests for strength and for stiffness separately. 50
tests in total were examined in this part of study to check the concrete bearing resistance
(DeWolf (1978), Hawkins (1968)). The test specimens consist of a concrete cube of size from
150 to 330 mm with centric load acting through a steel plate. The size of the concrete block,
the size and thickness of the steel plate and the concrete strength are the main variables.
Fig.22 shows the relationship between the slenderness of the base plate, expressed as a ratio
of the base plate thickness to the edge distance and the relative bearing resistance. The design
approach given in Eurocode 3 is in agreement with the test results, but conservative. The
bearing capacity oftest specimens at concrete failure is in the range from 1,4 to 2,5 times the
capacity calculated according to Eurocode 3 with an average value of 1,75.

t= Anal. Exp.


/ 0,76 mm __a_
600 1,52 mm __h_

3,05 mm __t;__
6,35 mm ___.d.__
500 8,89mm
25,4 mm





0 ax b = 600 x 600 mm
0 10 30 50
fed, MPa

Figure 23. Concrete strength- ultimate load capacity relationship (Hawkins (1968)).

The influence of the concrete strength is shown in Fig.23, where the validation of the
proposal based on proposal tw + 2 c is shown. A set of 16 tests with similar geometry and
material properties was used in this diagram from the set of tests (Hawkins (1968)). It worths
to notice here that the only variable was the concrete strength of 19, 31 and 42 MPa.
246 F. Wald

1800 Force, kN F
• •
1600 -------------- ·-------- - --- ---
• •
1200 Experiment
• Concrete and grout
• Concrete
Prediction based on local and global defonnation,
600 Eq. (2.1.20) and elastic defonnation of the concrete block
Prediction based on local deformation only, Eq. (2.1.20)
0 0, I 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0, 7 0,8 0,9
Defonnation, mm

Figure 24. Comparison of the stiffness prediction to Test I, (Alma and Bijlaard (1980)), concrete block
800x400x320 mrn, plate thickness t = 32,2 mrn, T stub length L = 300 mrn.

The stiffness prediction is compared to tests Alma and Bijlaard (1980) in Fig.24. The tests
of flexible plates on concrete foundation are very sensitive to boundary conditions (rigid tests
frame) and measurements accuracy (very high forces and very small deformations). The
predicted value based on eq. (16) is the local deformation only. The elastic global and local
deformation of the whole concrete block is shown separately. Considering the spread in test
results and the accuracy achievable in practice, the comparison shows a sufficiently good
accuracy of prediction.

Excluding concrete surface quality factor

~ "''""''"
Force, kN

Experiment W97 -15 L
400 t

Parallel line to predictio
Deformation, mm
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0.4 0,5 0.6

Figure 25. Comparison of the stiffness prediction to Test W97-15, repeated loading, cleaned concrete
surface without grout only (Sokol and Wald (1997)), concrete block 550 x 550 x 500 mm, plate thickness
t = 12 mrn, T stub length L = 335 mm.
Column Base Modelling 247

The comparison of local and global deformations can be shown on Finite Element (F.E.)
simulation. In Fig.26 the prediction of elastic deformation of rigid plate 100 x 100 mm on
concrete block 500 x 500 x 500 mm is compared to calculation using the F.E. model.

Vertical deformation at the surface, mm Vertical deformation along the block height

1\ elastc deformation
1 Oglob

L.::e.::id""e'-------'-'laxi=·s_ _ ___, foot of the concrete block Vertical deformation, mm

0 0,1

Figure 26. Calculated vertical deformations of a concrete block 0,5 x 0,5 x 0,5 m loaded to a deflection of
0,0 l mrn under a rigid plate 0, l x 0, l m; in the figure on the right, the deformations along the vertical axis
of symmetry §axis are given and the calculated deformations at the edge §edge• included are the global
elastic deformations according to ~lob= F h I(Ec AJ, where Ac is full the area of the concrete block.

Based on these comparisons, the recommendation is given that for practical design, besides
the local effect of deformation under a flexible plate, the global deformation of the supporting
concrete structure must be taken into consideration.

5 Base Plate in Bending and Anchor Bolt in Tension

5.1 Introduction
When the anchor bolts are activated in tension, the base plate is subjected to tensile forces and
deforms in bending while the anchor bolts elongate. The failure of the tensile zone may result
from the yielding of the plate, from the failure of the anchor bolts, or from a combination of
both phenomena.
Compared to the end plate beam-to-column connections the base plates have different
configuration. The bolts are longer due to washers, thick base plate, grout and embedded length
compared to beam-to-column end plate connections. The base plates are designed thick to
resist compression contact forces and are stiffened more by the column itself. This difference
is necessary to introduce into the strength, stiffness and rotational capacity calculation of the
base plate in tension. For the component method (Wald at al. (1992)) the resistance and
stiffness calculation is proposed. The quality of behavior is guided by contact between the
base plate and concrete surface.
248 F. Wald


Q 'f-0

Figure 27. The T-stub deformation.

5.2 Component Stiffness

To calculate the deformation curve of T-stub by beam theory, the following parameters
corresponding to the geometry are introduced
fJ=tlm, (30)
/L=nlm. (31)
The bolt stiffness can be expressed as
kb =20- (32)
'L b
and the plate stiffness as

kp = eefffl3 (33)
The deformation of the plate and of the bolt in case of full separation can be written as

t5 =.!_*FrmJ
P 2 3EI ' (34)


which can be rewritten in the Annex J component stiffness form

Column Base Modelling 249

kTJ =--.:...._-
FT (36)
E(op + obJ

The stiffness of both component in the case of no contact is

kT3 =2
J( 2kb2kbkp
+kp . (37)

If the contact is present, the direct integration gives the deformation

_ p; 2(2kp(A-+IY +kbA-2(4-1-+3)]- p; (38)

0TI· 2 -El kP(kP +2kbA-2(A-+3)) - Ekr.1.2 '
which is in the Annex J component stiffness form

kT1. =2 2kp(A-+1)3 +kbA-2(4-1-+3)
l (39)

Figure 28. Boundary for prying action.

The boundary, where the contact occurs (Wald (1992)), see Fig.28, are based on contact limit
~=n ~

7m 2 n A.
L b.boundary = 0 3 • (41)
~ efft
If, as a further assumption, n is defmed as equal to 1,25 m, see Eurocode 3, Annex J, then
8,82 m 3 A.
Lb.boundary = 0 3 (42)
~ efft
The simplified solution, based on Annex J structure of the independent components is
proposed in form
250 F.Wald

A f eff t 3
if _s > -----="'=---:- (43)
Lb -8,82 m 3

f eff f3 0,85 Leff ! 3

=-m3- =---"---





5.3 Component Resistance

In Eurocode 3, the design resistance of a T-stub flange of effective length f eff is derived as
follows for each failure mode

Mode 3: bolt fracture, Fig.29a,

FRd,3 = .113/.Rd (49)

Mode 1: plastic mechanism, Fig.29b,

4f effm pi,Rd
F Rd 1 = _.::.___....:.._:___ (50)
. m

Mode 2: mixed failure, Fig.29c,

2f effm pi,Rd + 2J3t.Rdn
FRd2=--~~-------- (51)
. m+n
Column Base Modelling 251

B,.J ~B,Rd
a) Mode3 b) Mode 1 c) Mode2

Figure 29. Failure modes in aT-stub.

In these expressions mpt,Rd is the plastic moment of the T-stub flange per unit length
( !_t 2 /y I YMo) with t flange thickness,/y yield stress of the flange, YMo partial safety factor, m
and e are geometrical characteristics defined in Fig.29, I Br.Rd is the sum of the design
resistances Br.Rd of the bolts connecting the T-stub to the foundation, Br.Rd = 0,9 AsfubiYMb,
where As is the tensile stress area of the bolts, fub the ultimate stress of the bolts and YMb a
partial safety factor, n designates the place where the prying force Q is assumed to be applied,
as shown in (n = e, but its value is limited to 1,25 m). £ eff is derived at the smallest value of
the effective lengths corresponding to all the possible yield lines mechanisms in the specific T-
stub flange being considered.
The design strength FRd of the T-stub is derived as the smallest value got from expressions
FRd =min(FRd,J•FRd,2•FRd,3) (52)
The influence on Mode 1 failure of backing plates aimed at strengthening the column
flanges in beam-to-column bolted joints is also considered. A similar influence may result in
column bases from the use of washer plates. The effect of the latter on the base plate resistance
will be taken into consideration in a similar way than it is done in Annex J for backing plates.
In the particular case of base plates, it may happen that the elongation of the anchor bolts
in tension is such, in comparison to the flexural deformability of the base plate that no prying
forces develop at the extremities of the T-stub flange. In this case, the failure results either
from that of the anchor bolts in tension (Mode 3) or from the yielding of the plate in bending,
see Fig.30, where a "two hinges" mechanism develops in the T-stub flange. This failure is not
likely to appear in beam-to-column joints and splices because of the limited elongation of the
bolts in tension. This particular failure mode is named "Mode 1*", see Fig.31.
252 F. Wald

Figure 30. Mode 1* failure.

Fl"f. B t.Rd
1 - ------- -Mode-f----- -,--------- ----- ------
j t j
~ j i j
Mode 1 f I f

j i j
0,2 -r---r-
4 g eff M pl.Rd I 1: B t.Rd

0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5

Figure 31. T-stub design resistance according to Annex J.

The corresponding resistance writes

2 f eff m p/.Rd
FRd.I• = (53)
As soon as the Mode 1* mechanism forms, large base plate deformations develop; they
may result in contacts between the concrete block and the extremities of the T-stub flange, i.e.
in prying forces. Further loads may therefore, be applied to the T-stub until failure is obtained
through Mode 1 or Mode 2. But to reach this level of resistance, large deformations of the T-
stub are necessary, which is not acceptable in design conditions. The extra strength which
separates Mode 1* from Mode 1 or Mode 2 in this case is therefore, disregarded and formula
(53) is applied despite the discrepancy, which could result from comparisons with some
experimental tests.
As a result, in cases where no prying forces develop, the design resistance of the T-stub is
taken as equal to

FRd = min(FRd.I*,FRd.J, (54)

when FRd,J is given by formula (50).
Eurocode 3 distinguishes now between the so-called circular and non-circular yield lines
mechanisms in T-stub flanges (see Figure 31. ). The latter differ by their shape and lead to
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Column Base Modelling 253

specific values ofT-stub effective lengths noted respectively .teff,cp and .teff,np. But the main
difference between circular and non-circular patterns is linked to the development or not of
prying forces between the T -stub flange and the rigid foundation: circular patterns form
without any development of prying forces Q, and the reverse happens for non-circular ones.
The direct impact on the different possible failure modes is as follows:
Mode 1:
the presence or not of prying forces do not alter the failure mode which is linked in both
cases to the development of a complete yield mechanism in the plate. Formula (50) applies
therefore, to circular and non-circular yield patterns.
the bolt fracture clearly results here from the over-loading of the bolts in tension because of
prying effects; therefore, Mode 2 only occurs in the case of non-circular yield lines patterns.
Mode3: ·
this mode does not involve any yielding in the flange and applies therefore, to any T-stub.
As a conclusion, the calculation procedure differs according to the yield line mechanisms
developing in the T-stub flange (Figure 31.)
FRd =min( FRdJ; FRd,J) for circular patterns (55)
FRd =min( FRd,J; FRd,J; FRd,J) for non-circular patterns (56)

Circular pattern, (g:,.p.__.....;.:;,ro,:.__ _. Non-circular patterns, {;r,..,..__..._;.;~~o.........

Figure 32. Patterns of failure.

All the possible yield line patterns are considered through recommended values of effective
lengths grouped into two categories : circular and non-circular ones. The minimum values of
the effective lengths - respectively termed t'eff,cp and t'eff,np - are therefore, selected for category.
The failure load is then derived, by means of formula (52), by considering successively all the
three possible failure modes, but with specific values of the effective length
Mode I : eef!J =min( eeff.cp; eeff.nc) (57)
Mode 2 : ecff,c =e cjJ,IIC (58)
Mode 3: e~t/.3 = e~tn = min(e~ff,cp; e~tl.ncJ (59)
The non-circular patterns referred to in revised Annex J of Eurocode 3 cover cases where
prying forces develop at the extremities of the plated component. The circular patterns develop
without any prying. Concerning Mode 1* failure, the circular and non-circular patterns have to
be taken into consideration. Concerning Mode I* failure only circular patterns are taken into
account and the non-circular patterns (Eurocode 3) have to be disregarded. Mode 1* identifies
exactly Mode I and, in order to ensure that design resistances (eqs. (50H51))are equal, the

254 F. Wald

effective lengths for circular patterns defined in Annex J have to be multiplied by a factor 2
before being implemented in Formula (53).
Besides that, non-circular patterns not involving prying forces in the bolts may occur.
These ones may be considered through Formula (56), but by introducing appropriate effective
length characteristics. The lowest of the effective lengths between those derived for circular
and non-circular patterns respectively is this one that will determine the design resistance of
the T-stub.
Table 3 indicates how to select the values of £ eff for two classical base plate configurations,
in cases where prying forces develop and do not develop.

0 ' 0
e l m:

Figure 33. Effective length of a T stub Reff for base plate with bolts inside flanges.

Prying No prying
£ 1 =2am-(4m+1,25e) £1 =2am-(4m+1,25e)
f. 2 ==2trm f. 2 ==4trm
£ eff.I = min(£ 1;£ 2) £ eff.l = min(£ 1 ;£ J
£ eff,2 == £1 £eff,2 = £1

Table 3. Effective length of a T stub Reff for base plate with bolts inside flanges.

1 1 1 1ex
_o_.-_o_ ~
Figure 34. Effective length of a T -stub Reff for base plate with bolts outside flanges.
Column Base Modelling 255

Prying No prying
f 1 = 4.mx+1,25 ex f 1 = 4.mx+ 1,25 ex
f 2 = 2 tr mx f2 = 4trmx
f 3 = 0,5 bp f3 = 0,5 bp
f 4 = 0,5 w + 2 mx + 0,625 ex f 4 = 0,5 w + 2 mx + 0,625 ex
f5 = e + 2 mx + 0,625 ex f5 = e + 2 mx + 0,625 ex
f 6 =trmx+2e f 2 tr m, + 4e
6 =

e elf.! = min(e 1;e 2;e 3;e 4;e 5;e 6) ee/f.l = min(e 1;e 2;e 3;e .:e 5;e 6)
e eff,2 = min(e 1;e 3;e 4;e s) e eff,2 = min(e 1;e 3;e" ;e 5)

Table 4. Effective length of a T stub f eff for base plate with for bolts flanges.

The anchor bolt effective free length Lb consists of physical free length Lb1 and embedded
free length in case of embedded anchor bolts Lh = L 61 + Lbe. see Fig.35. The embedded free
length can be for typical structural bolts predicted as L6e 8 d, see (Wald (1995)). The anchor
bolt area can be taken as net area As for simplicity.

Figure 35. The anchor bolt effective free length.

5.4 Anchorage of the bolts in the concrete block

Different types of anchor bolts are used as shown in Fig.36.

a) b) c) d) e) f)

Figure 36. Basic types of anchoring; cast-in-place (a), undercut (b), adhesive (c), grouted (d), expansion
(e), anchoring to grillage beams (f).
256 F. Wald

The most economical solutions for anchoring are, for instance, hooked bars for light
anchoring, cast-in-place headed anchors and bounded anchors to drilled holes. The more
expensive anchoring systems such as "grillage beams embedded in concrete" are designed for
large frames. Models for the anchoring design resistance compatible with Eurocodes have been
published in CEB Guide (1991).
The anchoring resistance is provided by CEB rules based on the ultimate limit state
concept. As already said, this resistance has to be such that the anchor bolts fail in tension
before the anchorage (pull-out of the anchor, failure of the concrete, ... ) reaches its own
For a single anchor, the following failure modes have to be considered:
Pull-out failure NRdp·
Concrete cone failure NRd.o
Splitting failure of the concrete NRd.sp,
Similar verifications are required for anchor groups.
The calculation of the anchoring design resistance of cast-in-situ headed anchor bolts
loaded in tension is presented here below.

Figure 37. The geometry of the in-situ-cast headed anchor bolts.

The pull-out failure design resistance may be obtained as

NRd.p =pkAhlrup' (60)
where Pk is taken in non-cracked concrete as
Pk = ll,Ofck (61)
and Ah is the bearing area of the head; for circular head of diameter dh, it writes
Ah=tr(d/-d2)/4 (62)
The concrete cone failure design resistance is given as

N Rd.c = NoRd.c Ac.N

'P.s.N 'P.ec.N 'P.re.N 'P.ucr.N
c.N (63)
Column Base Modelling 257

N Rk.c = k I f.ck0 .5 hef1·5 I 1Mc (64)
is the characteristic resistance of a single fastener. The coefficient k1 could be taken for non
cracked concrete as

k 1 = 11,0 [ .J N I mm] (65)

The geometric effect of spacing p and edge distance e is included in the calculation of the
area of the cone, see Fig.38, as
A o_ p 2
c.N- cr.N (66)
Ac.N = (PcrN + P1 HPcrN + P2) (67)
for examples in Figure lOa and lOb or as
Ac.N = (e + 0,5 Pcr.N) Pcr.N (68)
for Fig. l Oc. It is possible to approximately consider
Pcr.N =2,0 ecr.N =3,0 he[ (69)


p , .,,.


Figure 38. An idealised concrete cone, individual anchor (a), anchor group (b), single anchor at edge (c).

The disturbance of the stress distribution in the concrete may be introduced through the
following parameter
'P..N = 0,7 + 0.3-- ~ I (70)
The parameter 'Pec.N takes into account the group effect. Parameter 'P,.e.N is used for small
embedded depths (herS 100 mm). The resistance is increased in non-cracked concrete by
parameter IP.re.N = 1,4.
The splitting failure for the in-situ-cast anchors is prevented if the concrete is reinforced or
by limiting
258 F.Wald

- the spacing
Pmin = 5 dh 250 mm (71)
- the edge distances
emin = 3 dh 250 mm (72)
- and the height of the concrete block
hmin =he~+ th + Ca (73)
where this thickness of the anchor bolt head and cethe required concrete cover for reinforcement.
For fastenings with an edge distance e > 0,5 hef in all directions, a check of the
characteristic pull-out resistance may be omitted.
The detailed complex description of the evaluation formulae for the design resistance of
different types of fastenings in tension is included in the CEB Guide (1991). When calculating
the anchoring resistance, the tolerances for the position of the bolts should be taken into
account according to Eurocode 3, clause 7.7.5 (ENV 1992-1-1, Part 1.1).

5.5 Validation
The proposed analytical formulas for complex component calculation, base plate in bending
and anchor bolt in tension, were checked against test (Sokol and Wald (1997)) with good
agreement. The comparisons of simplified, see Eq. 42, and complex calculation, see Eq. 41,
give very sunilar results except for experiments W97-01 and W97-02 where the different
boundary for prying I no prying leads to different resistance for both models. According to the
curve of simplified model, there is prying, but according to the complex model, there is not.

350 Force, kN 350 Force, kN

300 300

250 250

Complex calculation Complex calculation
150 '


50 5
W97-0l W97-02
Deformation, mrn Deformation, mrn
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Figure 39. Load deflection diagram for experiment W 97-01 and W 97-02 (Sokol and Wald (1997))
bolts M24, plate 20 mm, m = 32 mm, n = 40 mm, concrete block 550 x 550 x 500 mm, no collapse was
reached due to loading cell limitation.
Column Base Modelling 259

350 Force, kN 350 Force, kN

300 300
Simplified prediction Simplified prediction


200 t

100 100

50 50
W97-03 W97-04
Deformation, mm Deformation, mm
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Figure 40. Load deflection diagram for experiment W 97-03 and W 97-04 (Sokol and Wald (1997))
bolt M24, plate 20 mm, m =52 mm, n = 40 mm, concrete block 550 x 550 x 500 mm, the collapse mode
2, collapse breaking of bolts and plate mechanisms.

350 Force, kN 350 Force, kN

300 300

250 250
Experiment Experiment

50 50
W97-05 Collapse mode 2
Deformation, mm W97-06 Defom1ation, mm
0 0.----+----~---r--~
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Figure 41. Load deflection diagram for experiment W 97- 05 and W 97-06 (Sokol and Wald (1997))
bolts M24, plate 12 mm, m = 32 mm, n = 40 mm, concrete block 550 x 550 x 500 mm, the collapse mode
2 was observed, collapse breaking of bolts and plate mechanisms.
260 F.Wald

6 Classification
6.1 Introduction
The classification of a connection may by based on its resistance, its stiffness or its ductility.
The column bases are designed for column resistance for the acting internal forces. The
stiffness of column bases affects the internal force distribution. The boundaries of separation of
rigid column bases from semi-rigid ones can be evaluated based on engineering skills or more
exactly, on design calculation accuracy for resistance 5% and for serviceability 10%. For
column bases two cases of sway and non-sway frames can be taken into account as for beam-
to-column connections.

6.2 Column bases in non-sway frames

A modification of the actual moment-rotation characteristic of column bases is likely to affect
the whole response of non-sway frames and in particular, the lateral displacements of the
beams and the buckling resistance of the column. This second aspect - the buckling resistance
of the columns- is the one for which the influence is rather important, as seen in Fig.42. (see
Wald and Seifert (1991)). It shows how the buckling length coefficient of a column pinned at
the upper extremity is affected by the variation of the column base rotational stiffness. The
buckling length coefficient K is reported on the vertical axis and is expressed as the ratio
between the elastic critical load (Fcr,pin ) of the column pinned at both extremities and that of
the same column but restrained by the column base at the lower extremity (Fer, res ); it is shown
to vary from 1, 0 (pinned - pinned support conditions) to 0, 7 (pinned - fixed support

t = 12 mm
K= ai =hi= 280mm
a= h = 500mm
h = JOOOmm
M24 -420
0,9 Sj,ini,pin = 7100 kNmlrad
t = 40mm
ai =hi= 420mm
a= h = 500mm
h = JOOOmm
0,7 M24 -420
S J,ini,stif = 74 800 kNm I rad
0,0001 0,01 1,00 100,0 logS

Figure 42. Elastic critical buckling load versus column base initial stiffness Wald and Seifert (1991).

K= (74)
Column Base Modelling 261

F . = tr2 Elc
cr,pm L2


where E is the modulus of elasticity of steel; Lc and Ic are respectively the system length and
the moment of inertia of the column. In Fig.42, the non-dimensional stiffness S ofthe column
base is reported in a logarithmic scale on the horizontal axis.

S= S;.;n;Lc (76)
Sj,ini is the initial elastic stiffness in rotation of the column base. The numerical values
indicated in Fig.42 have been obtained by considering the particular case of a 4 m length
column with a HE 200 B cross-section.
The actual initial stiffness of two typical column bases is reported in Fig.42:

column base with a base plate and two anchor bolts inside the H cross-section; this
configuration is traditionally considered as pinned, but possesses an initial stiffness
Sj,ini,pin equal to 7 100 kNm I rad;
column base with a base plate and four bolts outside the column cross-section; such a
column base is usually considered as rigid, even if its initial stiffness
Sj,ini,srif = 74 800 kNm I rad is not infinite.

As for beam-to-column joints, it may be concluded that stiff column bases always deforms
slightly in rotation while presumably pinned ones exhibit a non-zero rotational stiffness. Some
column bases are however, so flexible or so rigid that the structural frame response obtained by
considering the actual column base characteristics in rotation is not significantly different from
that obtained by modelling respectively the column bases as perfectly pinned or rigid. For
beam-to-column joints, this has led to the concept of stiffness classification into pinned, semi-
rigid and rigid joints (see Eurocode 3 (1992)).
The stiffness classification in Eurocode 3, Annex J is achieved by comparing the initial
stiffness of the beam-to-column joints to boundary values. For instance, rigid joints are
characterised by a stiffness higher than 8 E hi Lb where hand Lb are respectively the moment
of inertia and the length of the beam. This rigidity check is based on the so-called "5%
criterion". It says that a joint may be considered as rigid if the ultimate resistance of the frame
in which it is incorporated is not affected by more than 5% in comparison with the situation
where fully rigid joints are considered (see Wald and Jaspart (1998)).
Adopting the same basic principle may derive a rigid classification boundary for column
bases may be derived. To achieve it, the single storey - single bay non-sway frame shown in
Fig.43 is considered. The study of the sensitivity of the frame to a variation of the column base
stiffness properties is influenced by the beam and column characteristics in bending, E hi Lb
and E lei Lc respectively. Two limit cases are however, obtained in the case that

the beam is rather stiff as shown in Fig.43b (E /hi Lb = "");

262 F. Wald

the beam is rather flexible (or when a pinned joint connect the beam to the column); this
situation is illustrated in Fig.43c (E Ibl Lb = 0).

w~:~~~~~~~~<ll ~~I
I Elb,Lb \

)EI. L
a) Portal frame (non-sway)
c c
c c

b) Isolated column (top-fixed) c) Isolated column (top-pinned)

Figure 43. Portal frame and isolated columns for classification study.

The application of the "5% criterion" to the first limit case (column fixed at top extremity)
writes as follows


For sake of simplicity, it is applied to the critical elastic loads and not to the ultimate ones
(integrating the effects of plasticity, imperfections, etc.); it may be demonstrated that by doing
so a safe value of the rigid stiffness boundary is obtained.
From Equation (77), the minimum value of the buckling length coefficient may be derived
K "5". 0,513 . (78)
According to Eurocode 3, Annex E on the «effective buckling length of members in
compression», the K coefficient is expressed as a function of restraint coefficients (kt. ku) at
both column ends and writes in this specific case
K = 1 + O,J45(kl + ku)- 0,265klku
2-0,364(kl +ku)-0,247klku
k1- EJc I Lc
at lower extremity (80a)
EIC I Lc + S j.ini
ku =0 at upper extremity (80b)
The application of the "5% criterion" to the first limit case (column fixed at top extremity)
writes as
I 1 1
-=-+- (81)
Nu Np Ncr
Column Base Modelling 263

where NP and Ncr designate respectively the squash load and the critical elastic buckling load of
the column.
As Ncr = N PI A. ,A. being the reduced slenderness of the column, Equation (81) writes also

Nu -----=2 .
= NP (82)
1 +li
With reference to Fig.43b, the reduced slenderness of the column with a fully stiff column base
at lower end equal

A rigid column base = 0,5 Ao , (83a)

while that of the column with a semi-rigid column base writes

A semi-rigid column base =K Ao , (83b)

where Ao is the reduced slenderness of the column assumed as pinned at both extremities
(K = 1).
The application of the "5 % criterion" to the ultimate column resistance therefore, gives NP
being considered as constant
1+(0,5!-~0 ~0,95 (84a)

or K <0,513~1+ 5./io~: . (84b)

Expression (84b) may be compared to the expression (78). For high Ao values, both
expressions are similar. In such cases, the ultimate resistance Nu equals Ncr and a high
boundary value of ~.ini (see Formula (81)) is required. For low values of Ao, the condition
(84b) relaxes and, as a consequence, less severe boundary values of Sj,ini are required, the
influence of the cross-section yielding becoming then more predominant than the instability.
For Ao = 0,48, Equation (84b) writes K ~ 0,7, which means that any column base, even a
perfectly pinned one, will be considered as rigid. By integrating Formula (84b) in Formulae
(79) to (80b ), the following stiffness boundaries are obtained

if Ao ~ 0,48 then sj,ini ~0 ' (85a)

S ... > 1,145 -0,838p 4£/c

if Ao > 0,48 then
;.•m- 1026 -1 L
' Jt c

264 F.Wald

For practical applications, simpler expressions are proposed, which fit rather well, as seen in
Fig.44, with the exact ones (Formulae 88) in the usual range of application ( Ao :=:; 2 to 3).
These are

if A0 :S: 0,5 then sj,ini;::: o, (87a)

if 0,5 < Ao < 3,93 then Si,ini;::: 7 (2 Ao - l)E lei Lc , (87b)
if Ao :2:3,93 then Sj,ini:2:48Eic1Lc (87c)
as a safe approximation, Formula (87c) may obviously be applied for any column slenderness.

6.3 Column bases in sway frames

The sway frames are more sensitive than non-sway ones to the variation of the rotational
properties of column bases, mainly because of their high sensitivity to lateral deflections as
well as to changes of the overall stability conditions when the lateral flexibility increases.
To illustrate this statement, a single-bay single-storey sway frame is considered in Fig.44.
The diagram indicates the evolution with increasing values of S of the ratio f3s = Ys I YP
between the lateral deflection Ys of the frame with actual column base stiffness and the
deflection yp of the frame with assumed ideally pinned column bases. The non-dimensional
stiffness S defined by Eq. (76) is again reported in a logarithmic scale. First order elastic
theory is used to compute they values.

5kN ~115kN 115kN

Ysl Yp

- ./HEioos ~
HE200B I I 4m
s ..
j,tnl,ptn 5m

0,0001 0,01 1 100

Figure 44. Sensitivity of the sway deflection to a variation of the column base stiffness in a portal frame.

A stiffness classification boundary similar to that one expressed in the case of non-sway
frames may again be derived here on the basis of a "5% resistance criterion". For sway frames
it may also be demonstrated that the more restrictive situation corresponds to the limit case
where the beam flexural stiffness is rather high in comparison with that of the columns.
Referring to the isolated column represented in Fig.45b, it therefore, carries out the derivation
of the classification boundary.
Column Base Modelling 265

...,..~,....-;-... -, ~F
IEI c'
L c
c c

a) Portal frame (non-sway) b) Isolated column (top-fixed) c) Isolated column (top-pinned)

Figure 45. Sway portal frame and isolated columns for classification study.

The application of the "5% resistance criterion" writes in this case

tr 2 EIc

;r· EIC
(LeY (88)
As a result
K ~1.026. (89)
For sway frames, the K- k relationship given by Eq. (79) has to be replaced by the following

K = 1-0,2{k, + ku) -0,24k1ku

1-0,8{k1 +ku)+0,6k1ku '
while Eqs (80a) and (80b) remain unchanged. The combination of these equations leads to the
following expression of the stiffness classification boundary
SJ,ini ~ J/Elc I Lc (91)
However the 5% resistance criterion fully disregards the aspects of lateral frame deflections
which have been pointed out as important. It may be shown (Wald and Sokol (1997)) that the
lateral deflection y, of the portal frame, illustrated in Fig.45a, may by written as

FL/ 1 4(3+S)+6(4+Sk
Ys = ' (92)
2Elc 12 S+6(l+S)t;

s = sj,ini
Elc I Lc
Elb I Lb
t; = -"----"- (94)
For S :::::> oo , the deflection for the frame with rigid column bases may be derived from (92)
266 F.Wald


In comparison to the case where rigid column bases are used, Eq. (91), the actual frame-
where the column bases possesses some degree of flexibility - will experience a larger
deflection, formula (88); this increase of the lateral displacement may be expressed in terms of
percentage w as follows

}!_§_=l+aJ. (96)
As far as classification is concerned, an co% resistance criterion may be suggested with the
objective to limit the increase of the lateral displacement of the actual frame to ofJ/o of the
deflection evaluated in the case of rigid column bases. Combining the expressions (92), (91)
and (96), the value of the minimum rotation that the column bases should exhibit to be
considered as rigid from a displacement point of view is derived

12 + 24;-6;(1 +co) 4 + 6;
S~ I +6; (97)
(4 +6;)co
This condition is illustrated in Figure 46, (see Wald and Sokol (1997)). The required
stiffness is seen to be rather insensitive to the values of ; for significant values of w.
Conservatively the values obtained for;= 0,1 may be selected, i.e.:

for aJ = 20% , the following stiffness boundary is obtained s ~ 15'

for OJ= 10% s ~ 30,
for aJ = 5% s ~60.


(j} -+-0,03
-M- 0,15
0,2 ---0,20
0,15 --0,25
0 +---~4-~--~---+---+--~--~~--~--+-~ s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Figure 46. Displacement classification criteria for column bases.

Column Base Modelling 267

As a consequence, the displacement classification criterion is seen to be much more

restrictive than the resistance one given by Equation (17). The selection of the value for the
boundary is obviously strongly related to the level of accuracy, which is thought to be
necessary for the evaluation of the lateral frame deflection. A value of 10% appears to be quite
realistic and the following stiffness classification boundary for presumably rigid column bases
may be therefore, proposed
- column bases
sj,ini ~ 30 EIC I Lc (98a)
- semirigid column bases
sj.ini <30 EIC I Lc (98b)
For similar reasons than those given for non-sway frames no classification boundary for
presumably pinned column bases is suggested.

6.4 Summary
For particular structure is possible to evaluate its boundaries of stiffness classification. The
save conservative boundaries proposed for structural frames are shown in Figure 47. Two cases
of sway and non-sway frames can be evaluated based on calculation accuracy for resistance 5%
and for serviceability 10% (Wald and Jaspart (1998)). The above values are based on Eurocode
assumptions and can be changed according to different standard rules, as well as importance of
For typical non sway frames based on ultimate limit state and limits of relative slenderness
as Ao = 1,36 is possible to take 12 E lei L0 (COST Cl (1999)).
The sway frames are more sensitive to column base stiffness. Based on sway limits under
serviceability limit state the boundaries are S J,ini ~ 30 E I c I Lc .

Relative moment, M;.Rd! Mpi.Rd

0,2 column-base connections _ - - - - - - · Relative rotation

- - - life area
Of - - - "¢ = ¢ E Ic I Lc .
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5

Figure 47. Proposed classification system according to the initial stiffness.

268 F. Wald

7 Worked Examples
7.1 Frame Design
Design a frame of Fig.48. The column is supported against the lateral torsional buckling along
its full lengths by corrugated sheeting. The beam is supported in connections by purlins. Steel
s 235.

_.!!!!.. _.!!!!..



Figure 48. Portal frame of worked example.

1. Two load combination are guiding the frame design. The first one (dead load, snow and
parallel to facade wind load) is major for bending moments in beam to column
connections and horizontal drift. The second one (dead load and snow load) gives major
moments in beam, column normal force and beam deflections. Both load combinations
are shown on Fig.49.

F. 0,38 kN
r; 23,00/cN
~ If, ~ 26,79kN
w1 ~ 2,64 kN!m
w2 ~ 1,65 kN/m

First combination Second combination

Figure 49. Major load combinations.

2. Frame imperfections are included by initial sway of colunms ¢, which is for portal

frames ¢ = - 1- . The effect is possible to be replaced by a pair of horizontal forces.

Column Base Modelling 269

Figure 50. Frame imperfections as equivalent forces.

The column normal force by load combination is

N( 1) = 4 * F y = 4 * 23 ,0 =92 , 0 kN '
N(2 ) = 4 * Fsd = 4 * 26,79 = 107,2 kN.
Equivalent forces are
..~~ N(I) = -200
= 'f'.t.,., 1- * 2 * 92 0 = 0 92 kN
' ' '

H~J) = ¢LN(J) = - 1-* 2 * 107,2 = 1,07 kN.

3. For global analysis of statically indetermine structure the preliminary judge of cross-
sections is necessary. The columns HE 340 B and beam IPE 550 is chosen. The
prediction of bending stiffness of connections is possible to be preliminary predicted by
the simple formula

s ... =EzJt
J.m• k- -
For beam-to-column connection with end plate of thickness 20 mm, with stiffeners and
haunch on beam is the bending stiffness can be preliminary predicted


Figure St. Connections lever arm.

E zJt
s. . = fl 2 10000* 700J *21.5 =260 300 kNm I rad
.f.lm.h-c k 8,5
The beam-to-beam connection with the similar end plate and haunch
S j.ini.h-1> = -k-- =
z\, 210000*700:! * 20 = 343000 kNml rad
The bending stiffness of column base with four bolts and base plate of 30 mm will be
270 F.Wald

SJ.ini.cb =E:2t =210000:~002*30 =50400kNmlrad

The value of second stiffness is possible to predicteconservatively using coefficient K .
The coefficient K is 2 for beam-to-column connections and 3 for another connections:
260 300
S J.b-c = 2 = 130 150 kNm I rad,

343 000
sj.b-b= 3 =114330kNmlrad,

S J.cb =- 3- =16 800 kNm I rad .
4. The internal forces are calculated by any standard Finite Element code for both load
combinations. The semi-rigid connections ware introduced by linear elements with one
degree of freedom - rotation.

Normal forces
First combination Second combination
35,585 36,287 41,000 41,044

Shear forces
First combination Second combination
80,070 89,551

Bending moments
First combination Second combination

Figure 52. Internal forces and moments for global analysis with semi-rigid connections and column
Column Base Modelling 271

5. Preliminary designed elements are checked for calculated internal forces. The re-
calculation of global analysis is not necessary in case of small changes of cross sections
under design process because the portal frame has a small level of fixed freedom of
6. For approved cross sections of elements, the connections are designed and its resistance is
7. The global analysis for serviceability limit states is calculated for initial stiffness of
connections with the values:
S j.ini.b-c = 260 300 kNm I rad,

Sfinib-b = 343000 kNm/rad,

Sfini.cb = 50400 kNmlrad.
The characteristic load is used. The maximal horizontal drift of frame is due to the first
combination in the left comer
t5 = 27 4 mm < 60 mm = -
X 0
The maximal deflection is due to the second load combination
t5Y = I 09,8 mm < 120 mm = - .

The results of global analysis of three examples of frames shows that the influence of column
base connections stiffness is shown on the previous example in the table below (with rigid
connections and pinned column bases a) with above designed semi-rigid connections and
column bases b) as well as with rigid connections and column bases c).
Maximal Maximal Maximal Maximal beam Maximal
moment in moment in moment in deflection, horizontal drift
column base, corner, beam, mm of left corner,
kNm kNm kNm mm

Jl 0 337,85 318,10 113,68 73,70

108,20 290,13 307,62 109,80 27,43

214,09 305,90 274,73 95,54 19,42

Table 5. Review of global analysis for different connection representation.

From the Tables 5 and 6 is visible that the influence of connection stiffness is not so
important for bending moments (excluding the moments a column base is hinged or fixed), but
the influence of connection stiffness on frame deformation is very high. The assumption of
272 F. Wald

colunm base hinge behaviour goes to an uneconomical element design. The fully rigid
connection with base plate with stiffener gives an uneconomical design of colunm bases. A
realistic approach is nominally pinned colunm bases for resistance (ULS) and semi-rigid for
serviceability (SLS).

Relative value to semi-rigid model

2,5 - t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

Maximal moment Maximal Maximal Maximal Maximal

in column base moment in moment in beam horizontal
comer beam deflection drift of left
Table 6. Relative bending moments and horizontal deformation.

7.2 Column Base with Base Plate

Calculate moment resistance and bending stiffness of colunm base on Fig.53. Colunm
HE 200 B is loaded by normal force Fsd = 500 kN. Concrete block Cl6 I 20 of size
1 600 * 1 600 * 1 000 mm is designed for particular soil conditions. Base plate of thickness
30mm,steelS235, 1c =1,5, 1Mo =J,l5, 1Mb =1,25.

a, I - 1600
F!.·d ~ M.\'d
a= 420 a,= 590

! =50
a I b, = 590

90 fiTill
p=~240 ' b = 420
• I •
e,= 60,ll
' ,IJb=160I

Figure 53. Column base of worked example.

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Column Base Modelling 273

1. Resistance of component base plate in bending and anchor bolts in tension. Anchor bolt
lever arm is for fillet weld awf = 6 mm.

m = 60-0,8 * aw * ..J2:60- 0,8 * 6 * ..J2:53,2 mm .

The T - stub length for no prying mode is:
4m + 1,25ea = 4 * 53,2 + 1,25 *50= 275,3
4ff m = 4ff * 53,2 = 668,6
0,5b = 0,5* 420 = 210
Lef!I =min 2m+ 0,625eb + 0,5 p = 2 * 53,2 + 0,625 * 90+ 0,5 * 240 = 282,7 = 210 mm
2m+0,625eh +e" =2*53,2+0,625*90+50=212,7
2Jrm +4eh = 21r* 53,2+ 4 * 90 = 694,2
2Jrm + 2p =21r* 53,2 + 2 * 240 =814,2
The effective length of anchor bolt Lbef can be taken as

Lbef = 8* d + t g + t+ t n I 2 = 8 * 24 + 30 + 30 + 19I 2 = 261,5 mm .

The check of prying of anchor bolts. Limit thickness of base plate tP, with no prying is

As 353
tP = 2,07m 3 = 2,07 * 53,2 3 = 20,5 mm .
LbefLeffl 261,5 * 210
The no-prying occurs, because t > t P . The resistance ofT- stub with two anchor bolts is

The resistance is limited by tension resistance of two anchor bolts M 24 in tension (the
area of threaded part of bolt As = 353 mm )

F = 2B = 2 0,9fui>As = 2 0,9*360*353 =l 83 0*I03 N

Rd.3 t.Rd I 25 ' .
YMi> '
2. To evaluate the compressed part, resistance is calculated by the connection concentration
factor as

a+2a,. =420+2*590= 1600)

a 1 =b 1 =min l5a = 5 * 420 = 2100

a +h = 420+ 1000 = 1420

5b, = 5 * 1420 = 7100

a 1 =b 1 =1420>a=b=420mm.
The above condition is fulfilled and

274 F. Wald

k .= ~a 1 b1 = 1420•1420 = 3,38 _
1 a b 420• 420
The grout is not affecting the concrete bearing resistance because
0,2 min (a; b)= 0,2 *min (420;420) =84 mm > 30 mm = t.
The concrete bearing resistance can be calculated as

f = l_ kJ fck =l_ 3,38 * 16 24,0 MPa.

1 3 Yc 3 1,50
From the force equilibrium in the vertical direction
Fsd = Aeff f1 - F;.Rd ,
the area of concrete in compression Aeff under the full resistance of tension part can be

A _ Fsd + F;Rd
eff - JJ
3. The flexible base plate is transferred into a rigid plate of equivalent area. The with of the
strip c around the column cross section, see Fig. 54, is calculated from

h.: =200

Figure 54. The effective equivalent area under base plate.

c= t ~ = = 30•
= = 517 mm
4. The active effective with can be calculated from a known area in compression of width
Aeff 28458
biff = - - - = = 93,8 mm <t1 +2 c = 15 +2•51,7 = 118,4 mm.
e be +2c 200+2•51,7
The lever arm of the concrete to the column axes of symmetry can be calculated as
Column Base Modelling 275

h beff 200 93,8

rc = _£_ + c - - = - + 51,7--- = 104,8 mm and lever arm of bolts as
2 2 2 2
h 200
rb = _£_+ ec = -+60 = 160 mm.
2 2
Moment resistance of column base is
M Rd = Ft.Rd rb + Aeff f1 rc
= 183,0* 10 3 * 160+28458 *24,0 * 104,8 = 100,9* 106 Nmm = 100,9 kNm
Under acting normal force Nsd = 500kN the moment resistance in bending is
M Rd = 100,9 kNm.
5. The end of column needs to be checked. The design resistance in poor compression is

N = Afy = 7808*235 =1668*103N

p/.Rd 110
YMo '
and column bending resistance is

M pi.Rd = wpl fy/ YMo = 642,5 * 10 3 * 235 I 1,10 = 137,3 * 10 6 Nmm.

The interaction of normal force reduces the moment

1 _ N StJ 1 _ 500
Npi.Rci =137,3 1668 =108,7kNm.
M Ny.Rtl = M p/.Rd A-2bt1 7808-2*200*15
1-0 5 . 1 - 05
' A 7808
The column base is designed on acting force only (not for column resistance).
6. To evaluate the bending stiffness, the particular component stiffness is calculated
As 353
k" =2,0-- = 2,0-- = 2,700 mm
L"ef 261,5

0,425Lefft 3 0,425*210*30 3 =16004

k" 3 3 , mm.
m 53,2

Figure 55. The T-stub in compression for stiffness calculation.

276 F. Wald

The concrete block stiffness can be evaluated based on a T -stub in compression, see
Fig .55
aeq =t1 +2,5t=15+2,5*30=90mm,

ke = Ee ~aeq be = 27 500 .J90* 200 = 13,780 mm.

1,275 E. 1,275 * 210000
7. The lever arm of component in tension z1 and in compression ze to the column base
neutral axes is
he 200
zI = re = -2 + ee =- 2 + 60 = 160 mm ,

z =~-!.i._=200 _15 =925mm.

e 2 2 2 2 '
The stiffness of tension part, bolts and T-stub, can be calculated as
1 1
k, = 1 I = I 1 =2,310mm.
--+-- --+--
kbolt kT-stub 2,700 16,004
8. For the calculation of the initial stiffness of the column base the lever arm is evaluated
z = z 1 + ze = I60+92,5 = 252,5 mm
a= ke ze -k1 z 1= 13,780* 92,5 -2,3IO* I60 = 56 ,2 mm.
ke +k1 13,780+2,3IO
The bending stiffness is calculated for particular constant eccentricity

e = M Rd = 100•9 * 106 = 20I 8 mm as

Fsd 500 * 10 3 '

20I,8 * 210000•252,5 2
201,8+56,2 1•(-1-+_1_)
2,310 13,780
= 20,7 I8 * 10 9 Nmm/rad = 20 7I8 kNm/rad.

./ The classification of the column base according to its bending stiffness is evaluated in
comparison to column bending stiffness. For column length Le = 4,0 m and its cross-
section HE 200 B relative bending stiffness is
- Le 10 4000
Sj.ini =S ... --=2,0470•10 =6,85
J.lm E, le 210000•56,96•10 6
./ The designed column base is sway for braced, as well as non-sway frames because
Column Base Modelling 277

S j.ini = 6,93 < 12 = S j.ini.ECJ.n,

S j.ini = 6,93 < 30 = S j.ini.ECJ.s.

!vf.Rdl M Ny.p/.Rd


0,4 S .ini.c.F 12 E I cl L c 15<1 (for

k < 1,36)

--- --- --- - - - ---
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4

Figure 56. The column base classification .

./ The influence of tolerances, see Eurocode 3, Annex L, and size of welds is not covered in
the above calculation .
./ A conservative simplification can be applied by placing the concrete reaction on the axes
of compressed flange for resistance calculation.

8 Embedded Column Base

8.1 Introduction
Embedded column bases are frequently used in construction when the action of combined high
bending moments and axial forces are present. They are often adopted in the steel frames
structure design. Another example is to support windshield walls. However, existing design
models for embedded column bases are quite different in practices from different countries.
Previous research work has been mainly conducted in Japan (Akyiama (1984), Nakashima,
(1994)), Germany (Koch et al. (1993), and Schleich and Witny (1999)) and France (Lescoure'
(1988)). Recent experiments have provided extensive test data to derive a rational design
approach. This includes tests conducted on vertical resistance of the column base and on the
bending resistance. The proposed design model following the existing procedures is based on
these test results and the numerical modelling validation. It gives a method to calculate the
required length of column embedment in order to transfer bending moment, shear and vertical
forces as shown in Fig.57. The model provides the calculation methods for shear resistance,
axial capacity and bending moment for column bases. After extensive validation of
experimental and numerical results it has been proved that this model is safe and relatively
simple to use.
278 F. Wald

Figure 57. Embedded column base.

8.2 Moment Capacity

In the embedded column base design, the moment capacity calculation is very important.
From the tests and numerical analyses the stress dist}:ibution pattern has been identified
between steel column and concrete when subject to the combined shear force and bending
moment. Simplification can be applied by using the rigid-plastic stress theory. Plastic stress
distribution is assumed in the concrete along both flanges of steel column with certain criteria
introduced. Involvement of both flanges in the column for stress transfer is measured by the
effective column width beff. The concrete stress in horizontal direction in the analysis is set to
0,67 fed according to numerical results (Pertold (1999)). This has taken into account the
orientation of the principal stresses not being horizontal. The length of embedded steel column
is limited in the range from bef!to 2 bef!· This is the common practice in design.
The calculation of the effective width of the column flange beffis described in the following
formula. Involvement of the exterior and interior part of flanges has been considered in the
stress transfer from the steel column to the concrete base. The effective width can be presented

. {bc+0,5hc} .
beff = mzn (99)
2bc -twc
The slenderness ratio of the steel column will be limited to
_c 5, 20 . (100)
t fc
As discussed in the previous section, the length of embedment must fall in the range of two
boundaries as shown here

ftc is the thickness of the column flange,
lwc is the thickness of the column web,
he is the depth of the column section,
Column Base Modelling 279

be is the width of the column section,

beff is the effective width of the colunm flange,
hemb is the embedment depth.
Following these assumptions the stress distribution in the concrete in contact with the
column flanges can be simplified as shown in Fig.58. This has been validated by test results
and numerical simulation.
Horizontal forces in the top position F1 and in the bottom position Fb transmitted from the
column flanges to the concrete can be calculated (see Fig.58) as
F; = 0,8 * 0,67 fed beff (102)

Fb = 0,8 (hemb -x)0,67 fed beff (103)

Establishing the horizontal equilibrium the position of the neutral axis can be deriyed as
X= 0,93 Vsd +0,5 beff fed hemb (104)
beff fca
Taking the moments about the lower face of the colunm end, the following equation can be
Msd +Vsd hemb +Fb 0,4 (hemb -x)-F1 (hemb -0,4 x)=O (105)
Combining equations (102), (103), (104) and (105), the embedded length hemb of the steel
column can be calculated

1,56 Vsd +~4,74 Vsd 2 +6,22 M fed beff

- - - - - ' ' - -b- -J.- - - - - - - -
hemb- (106)
efJ ed

. ,.,.Msd

Neutral Axis

0,67 fed

Figure 58. Stress distribution in the column base using effective width beff'
280 F. Wald

In the case that the actual depth of embedment in design is smaller than the calculated one,
the maximum horizontal stress in the concrete will be smaller than 0, 67 fed· In this case the
concrete will not govern the failure of the embedded column.
It must be noticed that it is necessary to check the moment resistance of the steel column at
the same time. When a slender column is used, e.g. aspect ratio of bcltfc greater than 20, the
stress in the concrete in contact with the area of the column flanges outside the effective width
will become nearly zero due to high flexibility of the column flange. This model assumes that
stress is constantly distributed along the effective width. This has already been proved in
numerical modelling (Pertold (1999)).
The concrete will be insignificantly stressed when the length of embedded column exceeds
2 beff. This is due to the flexibility of the whole column. When the length of embedment is
smaller than beff, the steel column is going to be pulled out of the concrete base. This has been
demonstrated in previous experimental work (Nakashima (1994)). Both flanges of the steel
column will be involved in stress transfer from the steel column to the concrete base, as shown
in the numerical simulation (Pertold (1999)). The ratio of the stress transferred by the two
flanges is dependent on the strength of the concrete filling within the column void area. This
condition can be quantified by the effective column width beff This in turn, will be determined
by the column section size.

8.3 Shear Resistance

If the shear collapse of column bases is going to be prevented, the shear resistance of the steel
column and column base must be higher than the acting shear force. The shear force acting in
the concrete base is illustrated in Fig.59. This shear force scheme has been evolved from the
horizontal stress distribution in Fig.58. The column base is subjected to the combination of
bending moment and horizontal force. Calculation of the shear capacity can be divided into
two parts. First, the steel column part above the surface of the concrete base is taken into
consideration. The design of this part will depend on the steel section alone. Secondly, the
column part inside the concrete base is taken into consideration. Taking into account the effect
of concrete filling will enhance steel column shear resistance.

Figure 59. The shear force distribution in the concrete base.

Column Base Modelling 281

The calculation of the shear resistance can be carried out in the following steps:
Steel column must transfer the maximum shear force Vsd acting above the surface of the
concrete base

Vs is the plastic shear resistance of steel column,
Vsd is the maximum shear force acting above the surface of the concrete base.
Steel column with concrete filling has to transfer the maximum shear force Vsb acting inside
the concrete base.

Vc is the shear resistance of the concrete filling between the column flanges,
Vsc is the shear resistance of steel column with concrete filling,
Vsb is the maximum shear force acting inside the concrete base.
The design shear capacity of the concrete filling Vc will be given in the later formulation.
The concrete filling between column flanges must transfer the shear force Vsbc acting
inside the concrete filling between column flanges
Vsbc is the maximum shear force acting inside the concrete filling between column flanges.
Calculation of the maximum shear force inside the concrete filling Vsbc and the maximum shear
force Vsb inside the concrete base is derived from stress distribution pattern in Figure 60. For
the moment resistance calculation, the effective column width beff has been used to describe the
involvement of both flanges in stress transfer. For the calculation of maximum shear force Vsbc
in the concrete filling, the stress distribution on both flanges is used.
It can be seen from Fig.59 that the maximum shear force Vsb acting in the column base
equals to the value of Fb (111). The maximum shear force Vsbc acting in the concrete filling
equals to the value of Fb2
Fb = Fb 1 +Fb 2 • (111)
Fb 2 can be derived from the definition of the effective width beffand from the Fig.60
beff -be
Fb 2 = Fb (112)
Fb 2 can be written further (by using equations (103) and (112)) as
Fb2 =0,54(hemb -x)fcd (beff -be}· (113)
The shear capacity of the concrete filling between column flanges Vc is derived from a truss
model. This model is illustrated in Fig.60. Design parameters were adopted for shear capacity
calculation of an embedded column base.
282 F.Wald

Figure 60. Truss model of concrete for shear resistance calculation.

The horizontal shear resistance Vc can be represented by the axial capacity De of the
concrete strut in the truss model

De = 0,468 fck Ac , (115)

De is the force in the concrete strut,
Ac is the area of the concrete strut,
sc is the stress in the concrete strut,
I) is the angle of the concrete strut,
z is the level arm of shear forces,
Yc is the partial safety factor for concrete,
lck is the characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete at 28 days.
The effective concrete section area Ac can be obtained as

Ac = lo,B (he -2 tft)cosiJj{bc -twc) . (116)

The angle of inclination of the concrete strut component is
Column Base Modelling 283

he -2 t fc
fJ = arctan -----"-- (117)
The lever arm of the two shear forces is
Z = 0,6 hemb . (118)

8.4 Axial Load Resistance

The experimental results (Pertold (1999)) have proved that significant axial load capacity can
be produced by bond strength between a steel column and concrete base. It would be an ideal
situation if dynamic and cyclic loading cases could be considered in the bond resistance
calculation. However, much more experimental work is needed before bond resistance -can be
considered for cyclic and dynamic loading. Only static behaviour of the axial load resistance
can be calculated for steel column by checking the collapse on the column section perimeter
along the length hemb of embedded column, see Fig.58, or a combination of bond failure along
the column flanges and shear failure of the concrete filling.

Punching and crushing of steel column without base plate. By using Eurocodes the
punching and crushing strength of the concrete can be calculated. The behaviour of a concrete
base in punching is similar to that of a concrete slab described in details in Eurocode 2 (1992).
The contribution of the punching capacity of the concrete to the axial load resistance of the
column base can be calculated as


jJ = I is the load eccentricity coefficient,
u is the perimeter of the critical section,
VRdJ is the design shear resistance per unit length of the critical perimeter, for a slab
without shear reinforcement,
vRdJ is the design shear resistance per unit length of the critical perimeter, for a slab
withshear reinforcement
To calculate u, VRdi and vRdJ, Eurocode 2 (1992), should be used. For the value of d (average
effective depth of the slab) the thickness of the concrete below the column end can be taken.
However, this thicknes must not exceed half of the size of the concrete base.
Contribution of the crushing capacity to the axial load resistance of the column base can be
calculated as
jj is the bearing strength of the concrete, Eurocode 2 (1992),
Ac is the section area of the column.
284 F. Wald

Punching and crushing of a steel column with base plate. Contribution of the punching
capacity to the axial load resistance of the column base can be calculated as


r =I is the coefficient ofload eccentricity,
ubp is the perimeter of the critical section for the column with base plate.
From the results of numerical simulations the bearing width of embedded base plates can be
safely calculated based on bearing width for endplates which are connected to the base surface,
see Chapter 3. ·

8.5 Design Sugesstions

From the proposed design model, it can be seen that design of embedded column base
requires several steps. This involves assessing the strength and the geometry of the steel
column and concrete base. Two suggestions are made to quickly select the material strength,
the size of the column section and the length of embedment of the column.

If concrete strength is higher than C 30, the embedded column base with length of
embedment 2 b.ffwill transmit the full plastic moment capacity of the steel column with a
grade of S 275.
The embedded column base will not fail in shear if hemb = 2 beff . The value of shear
strength must be smaller than the plastic bending moment of the steel column with a
grade of S 275 divided by lm.

8.6 Validation of Design Model With Test Data

In this section the proposed design model is compared with experimental and numerical
results. Reported experiments (Koch at al. (1993)) have been used to analyse the embedded
column base collapse under the action of shear force and moment. Experiments from Part I of
this paper have been used to analyse the collapse in bond, crushing and punching under the
action of vertical load.

Length of embedment governed by the shear force and bending moment. The main design
parameter for the column base is the embedment length. In design the bending moment and
shear force must be considered together. Comparison of the actual length with the calculated
one indicates a good agreement for different column sizes, as shown in Fig.61. The embedment
length is calculated using equation (106). For comparison purposes, only tests that were due to
the failure of the concrete were used. If in any test, failure of the steel column occurs, there is
no need to check the embedment length. Instead designers will only need to check the steel
section strength. This will not be discussed here.
Column Base Modelling 285

Length of embedded column H. mm

J200 - -- -- T - - - - - T - - - - - .., - - - - - -,- - - - - - ,- - - - - - ,- - - - - - r - - - - - ,. - - - - - T - - - - - .,

I I I I I 1 I (!) (]') I

1000 - - - - - .,. - - - - - .,. - - - - - ...., - - - - - -,- - - - - - •- - - - - -,- - - - - - r- - - - - - T - - - - -·- - - - - ,

• Experiments
0 Proposed analytical model
800 - - - - - T - - - - - T - - - - - , - - - - - -,- - - - - -,- - - - - -o' - - - - - r' - - - - - '
T - - - - - T - - - - - ,
I I I I I • • • I I

I I I I I I I I I ¢
600 - - - - - T - - - - - 1' - - - - - , - - - - - -,- - - - - .Q - - - - - 1- - - - - - r - - - - - T - - - - - T - - - - - ,

0 ~ ' ~

I I I I I I I I I ••
400 - - - - - T - - - - -.- - - - - , - - - - - -,- - - - - - 1- - - - - - ,- - - - • - r - - - - - T - - - - - T - - - - - ,

200 '
- - - - - T - - - - - 1 - - - - - , - - - - - -, - - - - - - ,- - - - - - ,- - - - - - r - - - - - T - - - - - T - - - - - ,

HEISOB HE200B HE300A HE300B HE300B HE300B HE500A HE500B HE500B IPE450
Steel column

Figure 61. Actual and calculated length of column embedment.

Force, kN
250 - --- - --- I'" - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - T - • - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - ,

200 - - - - - - - - r' - - - - - - - - '

T - - - - - - - - T - - - - - - - - T - -

/50 --------r--------,----- ' '


-Specimen P2.1
100 ----r-------- r--- --EI- Specimen P2.2 - - - "i


50 -------,--------,--------~--------.--------.

0 0,05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0,25 0.3 0,35
Deflection, mm

Figure 62. Comparison of calculated crushing and punching resistance with test results (Pertold (1998)).
286 F. Wald

Comparison of crushing and punching with tests. Comparison of the measured (Pertold
(1999() and calculated resistance in crushing and punching is shown in Fig.62. The average
calculated value of maximum load capacity in punching equals 166 kN. The maximum load
capacity for crushing failure mode resulted as 734 kN. In fact failure occurred in punching.
Crushing under the embedded column had not started at the moment of base failure.

Within the framework of the activities of the COST Cl European Project and the Technical
Committee 10 of ECCS, an ad-hoc working group was established to prepare a background
document for European standardisation, and a European Manual for Column Bases with base
plates. Members are: D. Brown, SCI London; A.M. Gresnigt, TU Delft; J. P. Jaspart,
University of Liege; Z. Sokol, CTU in Prague, J. W. B. Stark, TU Delft; M. Steenhuis, 1NO
Delft; F. Wald, CTU in Prague (the convenor of t1ie group), K. W eynand, R TWH Aachen. The
author would like to express his thanks to all colleagues for help with preparation of all
materials and for the support of Czech Republic grants COST ClO and J04/98:210000003.
Column Base Modelling 287

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85-7. Delft University ofTechnology.


C.C. Baniotopoulos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Abstract: Aim of the present chapter is to present certain basic principles, numerical
techniques and algorithmic models applied to the simulation of the structural response of
steel semi-rigid connections. For the numerical treatment of this problem, the Finite
Element Method is applied. Nonlinearities introduced by unilateral contact and friction
over the connection interfaces, as well as material nonlinearities including yielding have
been taken into consideration in all of the herein presented models. Within this framework,
a variational inequality and a quadratic programming approach have been applied to the
unilateral contact problem in steel connections and the corresponding sensitivity analysis
has been performed. Based on this methodology, an effective 2-D numerical model for steel
connections including contact and plasticity is first presented and, in the sequel, a
parametric analysis of the response of steel base plate connections is carried out. Mesh size,
choice of finite elements and other parameters affecting the accuracy and the numerical
behaviour of the models are also discussed. In the last paragraphs of this chapter a
parametric analysis of the response of hollow section joints by means of an effective 3-D
model has also been performed giving rise to interesting numerical results that describe
with accuracy any possible failure mode of the joint under investigation.

1 Introduction
The simulation of semi-rigid connections by the Finite Element Method helps to understand the
phenomena that determine the response of the connection. Parametric simulations give us the
possibility to produce behaviour curves, which can be applied for the analysis of steel frames within a
prismatic-members structures framework. Obviously, such phenomenological numerical simulation
efforts always have to be supported by experimental testing, so that the numerical results may be
compared to laboratory data for the calibration of the respective numerical technique.
The variety of structural configurations and quality in steel connections combined with the two
major nonlinearities, i.e. unilateral contact (with or without friction) and plasticity, significantly
complicate the numerical simulation process. As a matter of fact, during this effort a lot of difficulties
arise and have to be tackled with utmost care so that the numerical response of the semi-rigid joints
under investigation results close enough· to their response as predicted by the theory, the existing
formulas and any available laboratory tests. Such difficulties are, among others, the choice of the most
effective analysis method, the choice of the fmite elements for the various parts of the joint (cf. e.g.
plates, bolts, welds), the preference of a dense or a sparse finite element mesh, the modelling of
yielding, hardening and possibly softening in ductile and even cracking in brittle stee~ the question of
using 1-D, 2-D and 3-D models, the unilateral contact, friction and the gaps in the connection
interfaces. In any case, as computational effort becomes continuously less expensive due to availability
of advanced computational tools, i.e. modem software, large memory and innovative techniques,
290 C.C. Baniotopoulos

Finite Element modelling and numerical experimentation constitute a reliable and less expensive
alternative to laboratory testing.
The essence of modeling is to focus on the predominant structural function of the connection.
When the latter is clear, the simulation can be simple enough to be carried out with prismatic elements
(1-D formulation). In more complicated cases, folded shell elements have to be used Although
nowadays a plethora of convenient tools to tackle the simulation problem are available, experience
with the software used is always sure to produce better results.
Concerning the types of fmite element used in the numerical modelling of steel connections,
shell and solid elements are the most common ones. In particular, although shell elements are
almost always applied to produce the folded plate model for joints, there are also cases where the
use of solid elements is inevitable (cf. e.g. modelling of bolts). The most common types of these
solid elements are the 8-noded brick element having the advantage to easily simulate thickness
variations in the various parts of a connection and the 10- and 20-noded brick element that both
easily lead to nice results.
The material law for steel in the respective structural connections can obviously be assumed
either within the elastic region or to include yielding. The nonlinear material behaviour that
includes yielding and isotropic strain hardening can be seen as classic for structural steel used in
connections and covers successfully most cases. As the connection is a compact structure where
individual members are far from being slender, the usual stress situation is triaxial and therefore,
the full 3-D material law has to be implemented.
In the investigated models, specific attention has been drawn to the modelling of two more
factors that may significantly affect the numerical results: the boundary conditions of the
connection at hand and the application of loading into the model. For instance, in the numerical
experimentation a commonly used technique is to substitute the sequence of the applied loads by
a sequence of imposed statically equivalent displacements so that a more stable algorithm to be
applied, or more complicated mathematical formulations (cf. e.g. nonconvex energy optimization
problems) to be avoided.
In the next paragraphs the basic principles, numerical techniques and algorithmic models
applied to the simulation of the structural response of steel connections are presented. The
paramount role of the phenomena that significantly affect the joint response, i.e. unilateral contact
and friction, as well as material nonlinearities including yielding with isotropic strain hardening
have been taken into account in all the herein presented models.
Within this fmite element modelling framework, a variational inequality and a quadratic
programming approach have been applied to the unilateral contact problem in steel connections
and the corresponding sensitivity analysis has been performed. Based on this methodology, an
effective 2-D numerical model for steel connections including contact and plasticity is first
presented and, in the sequel, a parametric analysis of the response of steel base plate connections
is carried out. Mesh size, choice of fmite elements and other parameters significantly affecting
the accuracy and the numerical behaviour of the models are also discussed. A parametric
analysis of the response of hollow section joints by means of an effective 3-D model has also
been performed. As a conclusion, it could be noticed that in the present chapter some modem
methods and innovative techniques for the simulation of the structural behaviour of semi-rigid
joints are presented. Comments on the correct way to interpret the obtained results from the
numerical analysis complement the present chapter.
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 291

2 A Variational Inequality and a Quadratic Programming Approach to

the Unilateral Contact Problem over Steel Connection Interfaces

A method is herein proposed for the investigation of the separation problem over bolted plates
in steel connections. Applying the classic unilateral contact law, the continuous problem is first
formulated as a variational inequality or as a quadratic optimization problem and then, the
discrete problem is formulated as a quadratic optimization problem with inequality constraints.
Two methods from the Theory of Optimization, in particular the Theil-van de Panne and the
Hildreth-d'Esopo method are proposed for the numerical treatment of the formulated problem.
The applicability and the effectiveness of the proposed method are illustrated by means of a
numerical example.

2.1 Introduction
Bolted plates are used in steel structures to transmit internal forces between structural elements.
Such connections applied for instance as column-base, column-to-column and beam-to-column
connections are extensively used in any possible combination and variation in structural
steelwork. It is therefore, obvious that any improvement on the analysis methods for such
splices leads to improved principles concerning both design and safety criteria dictated by
modem steel construction codes.
According to the classic methods used for the analysis of the response of bolted plates in
steel connections, different deformability of connecting plates is in most cases disregarded,
whereas complete contact between plates is assumed under any type of loading. The
consequence of the latter hypothesis is that compression forces between contact fronts are
absorbed by the plates, whereas tension forces are transmitted through the bolts (CECM (1978)
and AISC (1981)). However, the latter assumption does not cover a plethora of cases where the
flexibility of the steel connection plates combined to specific loading leads to the appearance of
regions of separation between the plates. The evidence of both laboratory testing and
construction practice certifies that steel bolted connection plates tend to separate under certain
loading conditions and thus, nonactive contact regions between them are developed. The
problem of explaining and analyzing the structural behavior of steel bolted or riveted joints has
recently attracted the interest of numerous researchers who applied theoretical, numerical and
experimental methods to investigate it (see Ballio and Mazzolani (1977), Bufler (1968), Bufler
and MiiBigmann (1977), Kato and McGuire (1973), Bogdan et al. (1977), Chen and Patel
(1981), Chen and Lui (1986), Paker and Morris (1977), Hyer and Klang (1985), and Bortman
and Szabo (1992)). Results of considerable importance on the problem under consideration
have been recently obtained by means of the numerical simulation of the structural response of
bolted plates in steel connections by means of the use of the Finite Element and the Boundary
Element Method. These studies led to the ascertainment of the appearance of regions of
separation between the connecting plates (see Raffa and Strona (1984), Thomopoulos (1985)
and (1986), Thambiratnam and Krishnamurthy (1989), and Abdalla (1988)).
The separation phenomenon is of geometrically nonlinear nature, whereas regions of active
and nonactive contact are not a priori known.Therefore, classic Structural Analysis methods
for the investigation of this problem may lead to erroneous results and must therefore, be used
292 C.C. Baniotopoulos

with care. However, the methods of Nonsmooth Mechanics, a recently developed branch of
Mechanics, can be successfully applied to the simulation of the separation problem of bolted
steel splice plates because they permit the accurate mathematical and numerical description of
the separation process and consequently lead to the better estimation of the structural behaviour
of these connections. Indeed Nonsmooth Mechanics can account for the exact nature of the
unilateral contact non-linearity which, as will be seen in the sequel possesses some traits of its
own (Panagiotopoulos (1985), Moreau et al. (1988), and Moreau and Panagiotopoulos (1988)).
Such a treatment of the problem exhibits among others the advantage of the exact
determination of the active contact and separation zones between the steel plates, as well of the
exact evaluation of the loss of strength of the bolted steel connection due to the development of
the detachment phenomenon.
The mathematical description of the separation phenomenon of the steel plates is obtained
by appropriately applying the unilateral contact law of Signorini first investigated by Fichera
(1972). By means of this theory, the continuous problem constituting a Boundary Value
Problem (B.V.P.), is first formulated as a variational inequality problem expressing the
principle of virtual work of the structure in inequality form at the state of equilibrium (see
Panagiotopoulos (1976)). The latter formulation permits the proof of the theorem of minimum
potential energy at the state of equilibrium, thus leading to the formulation of an equivalent
quadratic optimization problem that involves a quadratic energy function with inequality
kinematical constraints. Applying an appropriate finite element discretization, the continuous
problem is equivalently transformed into a discrete quadratic optimization problem; this
formulation seems to be very promising since numerous quadratic programming algorithms are
nowadays available for its effective numerical treatment. It is worth noting that a dual approach
can also be employed: the variational inequality problem with respect to stresses expresses,
from the standpoint of Mechanics, the principle of complementary virtual work and leads,
equivalently, to the formulation of a quadratic optimization problem with inequality constraints
which constitutes the mathematical expression of the theorem of minimum complementary
energy at the state of equilibrium (cf. e.g. Panagiotopoulos (1976) and (1985)).
Concerning the numerical treatment of the aforementioned quadratic optimization
problems, two methods from the theory of Quadratic Optimization and in particular, the Theil-
van de Panne algorithm and the Hildreth-d'Esopo algorithm that is a Mangasarian type method
are proposed to be employed (see Kiinzi and Krelle (1962)).
The first algorithm transforms the initial quadratic problem into an equivalent sequence of
linear problems, which in tum can be solved by any available linear system solver. This
method is not by any means a trial-and-error method since it provides criteria to the search for
the optimal solution of the problem, as well a criterion for the fmal test of a seemingly correct
solution concerning its optimality (for details, see Panagiotopoulos and Talaslidis (1980),
Talaslidis and Panagiotopoulos (1982), Panagiotopoulos et al. (1984), Baniotopoulos and
Abdalla (1993), and Baniotopoulos et al. (1992)).
The second algorithm is a typical iterative procedure that in many cases seems to be much
more easily programmable and computationally efficient for the numerical treatment of such
problems (see Abdalla and Stavroulakis (1989), and Abdalla and Baniotopoulos (1991)). The
previous method and the range of its applicability and effectiveness are illustrated by means of
a numerical application.
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Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 293

2.2 The Continuous Problem

Let us consider in an orthogonal Cartesian system Ox 1x2x3 an elastic body n with boundary r
made up of three non-overlapping parts r u, r F and r S· On r u (respectively r F) the
displacements (respectively the surface forces) have given values Ui (respectively Fi), whereas
on the part fs, unilateral contact boundary conditions hold (Fig.1a). Assuming that the
unilateral contact is frictionless and defming as positive normal direction this one directed
inwards to the boundary, the unilateral contact conditions with respect to an inelastic support
can be expressed in the following form
if uN < 0 then SN = 0 (1)
ifuN ~ 0 then SN + k(uN) = 0 (2)
where uN (respectively SN) denotes the normal (with respect to the boundary) displacements
(respectively reaction forces) on r s and k(.) is a non-decreasing function. The above relations are
illustrated in Fig.l b, whereas Fig.lc and Fig.ld correspond respectively to unilateral contact with
a linearly elastic and rigid support (for details on the mathematical nature of these diagrams see
e.g. Fichera (1972), Panagiotopoulos (1976) and (1985), Baniotopoulos et al. (1992), and
Baniotopoulos (1994)).
Under the assumption of small strains and displacements, the Boundary Value Problem under
consideration consists of the equation of equilibrium, the compatibility relations, the constitutive


.,. "'j
Figure 1. On the continuous problem and the forms of function k(.).

relations and the boundary conditions holding on r.

We defme a field x·
of strains and
displacements s/,u/ to be kinematically admissible if it satisfies the compatibility relations,

294 C.C. Baniotopoulos

the kinematical boundary conditions on r u and the kinematical conditions imposed by the
boundary conditions holding on r s· Volume forces are denoted by Ph whereas actual strains
and displacements at the position of equilibrium are denoted by Eij and ui respectively, and thus,
the differences (Eij• - Eij) and (ui • - ui) represent the kinematically admissible variations of
strains and displacements.
Moreover, cr~ • denotes the stress field obtained from Eij • by means of the elasticity law. By
splitting now uN into its positive and negative parts uN+ • and uN_* defmed by the forms

uN+ = ( uN + luN
• •I) I 2 ~ 0 (3)

UN- = ( - UN + luN
• •I) I 2 ~ 0 (4)

the identity

J crii· (Eij •- Eij) dQ = J Pi (ui ·- ui) dQ + r) SNi(uNi•- uNi) dr +

+ r) Fi (ui ·- ui) dr V Eii ·, ui ·ex· (5)

combined to the inequality

f I [SNi (uNi. - UNi) + k(UN+) (UN+. - UN+) )dr ~ 0


holding on r s yields by means of the boundary conditions on r F the variational inequality

QJ CJij 0
(Eij •- Eij) d (l - J Pi (ui •- Ui) dQ + r) k(uN+)(uN+•_ UN+) dr-
- rJ Fi (ui ·- u0 dr ~o v Eij ·, ui ·ex· (7)

By using the method of special variations it is proved that variational inequality (7) yields
the equation of equilibrium and the boundary conditions On r s and r f, and thus it characterizes
completely the position of equilibrium.
Inequality (7) expresses from the standpoint of Mechanics the principle of virtual work in
its inequality form for the body under consideration. It has been proved that any solution of the
variational inequality problem (7) minimizes over x• at the position of equilibrium the
potential energy of the structure

n = 11 2J J
crii eii dQ - 0 Pi ui dQ + r) K(uN+) dr- r) Fi ui dr (8)

where K(.) is a convex- due to the monotonicity of k(.) - function defmed by the following

K@ =
f k(~) d~. (9)
Conversely, it has been proved that any solution of the previous minimization problem (8)
satisfies the variational inequality problem (7) (cf. e.g. Panagiotopoulos (1976) and (1985)).
Note also that a dual approach with respect to stresses and forces can be also equivalently
applied. In the latter case, a variational inequality problem expressing the principle of
complementary virtual work in inequality form is formulated equivalently giving rise to a
minimization problem of the complementary energy of the body n.
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 295

2.3 The Discrete Problem

The present paragraph deals with the mathematical description of the separation problem of
bolted steel plates in discrete form by applying the previously presented theory of unilateral
contact problems.
To start with, a typical steel column-to-column connection formed by bolted steel endplates
is first considered (Fig.2). In this connection, bolts are located in single lines parallel to the
columns sides. Due to the symmetry of the splice, bolts are equally stressed in each direction
under single axial loading, whereas under certain external loading conditions a reduction of the
contact pressure on certain regions of the splice plates combined to additional forces depending
on the stiffness of the splice may appear on the plate tips (see, Abdalla and Stavroulakis
(1989), Baniotopoulos (1994) and (1995), and Abdalla and Baniotopoulos (1993)).
In the case of rather flexible flanges, prying forces appear on the splice plates, reducing in this
sense the contact forces on certain regions between the splice plates (cf. e.g. Fisher and Struik
(1978)). The development of the latter phenomenon greatly affects the overall strength of the
connection under consideration. It is therefore, obvious, that in order to better estimate the
response of this connection, the regions of possible detachment have to be with accuracy defmed


Figure 2. A typical bolted steel plate connection.

taking into account that on the active contact regions of the· plates, contact forces appear,
whereas on the noncontact regions, reaction forces are equal to zero.
The steel connection at hand is now discretized by means of an appropriately chosen finite
element scheme. In particular, plate elements are used to simulate the behaviour of the splice
plates, whereas the detachment conditions holding on the adjacent fronts of the splice plates are
realized by means of one-dimensional elastic couplers (fictitious springs of length tending to
zero) connecting the adjacent nodes of the two discretized splice plates. The mechani~al
behaviour of these couplers simulating the possibility of partial separation of the adjacent
nodes of the plates can be mathematically described for instance for the i-th element by means
of the following law
296 C.C. Baniotopoulos

if [uz(i)]>O then Rz (i)=O (10)

if [Uz (i)]=O then Rz (i)2:0 (11)
where [uz (i)] denotes the relative displacement along the z-axis between the two endplates and
Rz (i) the respective reaction force. The first relation expresses that if separation occurs, no
reaction forces appear on the plates, whereas the second one certifies that on the contact
regions reaction forces do appear (frictionless type of contact). Assuming now that one of the
plates can be rigidified having displacements along the z-axis equal to zero, the above relations
{10)-(11) can be written in the following form
ifuz (i)>O then Rz (i)=O (12)
ifuz (i)=O then Rz (i)2:0 (13)
where Uz (i) denotes the displacements of the flexible splice plate along the z-axis in the
neighbourhood of the i-th coupler. Assembling the above relations in matrix terms for all the n
imposed couplers, the following Linear Complementarity Problem (L.C.P.) is formulated
uz2:0, Rz2:0, (14)
Uz T Rz= 0 (15)
where 0 denotes a vector with zero all its entries and superscript T denotes transpose vectors
and matrices. The previously formulated problem (14)-(15) completely describes
mathematically in a quasi-static way the development of the separation phenomena over the
steel plates. Taking into consideration the experience gained by laboratory testing data
certifying that deformations are small on the splice plates (see Vogt ( 1947) ), the classic
stiffness method is next applied giving rise to the following matrix equation
Ku=P (16)
where K is the stiffness matrix of the structure, u the displacement vector for the whole
discretized structure including vector Uz and P the external load vector. The previous problem
can be equivalently put in the following quadratic optimization form
TI( u)=min {1 I 2u T K u - P T u I A u:Sb } (17)
where A is an appropriately chosen transformation matrix and b a vector which defines the
unilateral contact conditions (14)-(15) holding on the adjacent fronts of the splice plates.
The latter quadratic optimization problem expresses from an engineering point of view the
principle of minimum potential energy of the steel connection at the state of equilibrium. The
actual displacements of the steel plates caused by the combined external loading, as well as the
active contact and separation regions over them can be with accuracy defined by solving the
previously formulated problem (17). As has been previously pointed out for the continuous
problem, a dual approach can be as well employed for the discrete problem giving rise to a
quadratic programming problem of the same type where in that case, stresses are the unknown
variables appearing in the quadratic term instead displacements and the constraints concern the
equilibrium equation and the reaction forces appearing on the plates, i.e.
nc(s)=min{ I I 2 s T Fos-s Teo I G s=P, Rz2:0} (18)
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 297

where G (respectively F 0) is the equilibrium (respectively flexibility) matrix of the steel

connection and s (resp. e0) is the stress (resp. initial strain) vector. The latter formulation (problem
(18)) expresses from the standpoint of engineering the principle of minimum complementary
energy for the steel connection at the state of equilibrium.

2.4 On the Algorithmic Treatment of the Analysis Problem

In the following paragraphs two methods are proposed for the numerical treatment of the
previously formulated problems (17) or (18).
The first method is known as Theil-vande Panne method and is based on three theorems
from the theory of Quadratic Optimization: it transforms the initial quadratic programming
problem into an equivalent sequence of linear problems which in turn, can be solved by any
available linear system solver. This method provides criteria to the search for the optimal
solution of the problem and a criterion for the final optimality test of a seemingly correct
The second applied method is the Hildreth-d'Esopo algorithm, which is a typical iterative.
procedure and exhibits the advantage to be easily programmable and computationally efficient
for the numerical treatment of the formulated problems.
The Theil - van de Panne Algorithm. A solution strategy to the search for the solution of
problem (17) will be employed. The term "active contact region" of the steel plates denotes a set
of the previously mentioned couplers with zero displacements along the vertical z-axis, whereas
the term "nonactive contact regions" or "regions of separation" correspond to those couplers
where displacements along the z-axis are greater than zero.
The following propositions proposed by Theil-vande Panne (see Ktinzi and Krelle (1962),
Panagiotopoulos and Talaslidis (1980), and Talaslidis and Panagiotopoulos (1982)) are used as
basis for the solution procedure:
Proposition 1
Let V 1(ii) denotes the set of those inequality restrictions that correspond to the active contact
regions, i.e.
u(i)=O for ieV 1(fi) (19)
u(i)<O for i~V 1(fi). (20)
Then it holds that fi=u v 1(u).
If the solution u 0 of the unrestricted problem violates some of the inequality constraints of
the problem, then the actual (optimal) solution fi must satisfy at least one of these inequality
restrictions in equality form.
Proposition 2

If fi=uV1(u) and V 1(u):;t:0, then it holds that for all subsets VcV 1(u) (including V=0) that
heW(u v) for at least one heV 1(u)-V. Here W denotes the set of constraints satisfied either as
greater or less than zero.
298 C.C. Baniotopoulos

If a solution u v of an intermediate problem violates some inequality constraints then, at least

one of these restrictions must also be satisfied as equality in order to obtain the actual solution.
Proposition 3

IfW(uv)=0 and hEW(uV-{h}) for all hEY, then uv =u.

Here u V-{h} denotes the solution of the problem where superscript (V-{h}) corresponds to
those restrictions that are satisfied in equality form. Proposition 3 can be interpreted as follows:
A solution u v satisfying all restrictions of the initial problem coincides with the actual solution
u, if and only if, for every hEY, the subsequent solutions uV-{h} violate the restriction h
omitted in the solution u v.
The solution method which is based on the previously presented propositions, is now
sketched. The unrestricted solution u0 of problem (17) is first calculated. Ifu 0 violates certain
inequality constraints, then at least one of these restrictions has to be satisfied in equality form
in the actual (optimal) solution u. In the sequel, if the solution of problem ( 17) violates certain
inequality constraints, then, in order to obtain the actual solution of the problem at hand, we
must consider in addition to the holding equality constraints, at least one more of the
constraints that violates the intermediate so~ution u v. The solution of such a problem that
fulfills the inequality constraints, coincides with the actual solution u of the problem, if and
only if, the solution of each problem TI(u V-{h}) violates the h-th inequality constraint for every
h that belongs toY. The employment of the previous propositions leads to the solution of the
quadratic programming problem by solving iteratively a sequence of linear problems, i.e. by
appropriately combining the three previously presented theorems, the quadratic programming
problem is linearized in the sense that within each solution step a linear problem has to be
solved by means of the classic methods of Structural Analysis. Note that the iterative steps are
not arbitrarily chosen, but they are controlled by the prescribed criterion defined by proposition
2. A final optimality criterion defined by proposition 3 also exists indicating whether an
intermediate seemingly correct solution is the actual (optimal) solution of the problem,
ensuring in this sense the convergence into a small number of iterative steps. The present
method cannot by any means be characterized as a trial-and-error method, due to the existence
of the latter optimality criterion (for details on the application of this method see
Panagiotopoulos and Talaslidis (1980), Talaslidis and Panagiotopoulos (1982), and
Panagiotopoulos et al. (1984)).
The Hildreth-d'Esopo algorithm. The application of the Hildreth-d'Esopo algorithm is in the
sequel sketched for the solution of the previously formulated problem ( 17). As is well known,
the Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions for the quadratic programming problem (17) can be
written in the following form
Au+y=b, (21)
Ku+ATA.=P, (22)

y~O, A.~O , (23)

yTJ..=O (24)
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 299

where y is a vector corresponding to the unilateral constraints of the problem and A. the vector
of reactions on the same constraints. Solving equation (22) with respect to u, we obtain
u=-Kl(ATA.-P) (25)
and then by putting
h=-AK- 1P+b (26)
F=l/2AK-1AT (27)
relations (21)- (24) are put in the form
2 F A. - y = - h , (28)
y~O,A.~O, ~~
y T A. = 0 . (30)
The latter relations constitute the Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions for the following
quadratic optimization problem


where matrix F (cf. relation (27) ) is a flexibility matrix relating contact forces to the
corresponding unilateral contact displacements. When the solution of problem ( 17) exists, then
problem (31) does also have a unique solution (Ktinzi and Krelle (1962)). Problem (31) can be
numerically treated by means of the Gau13-Seidel iteration method by taking the values
~ p+l - {0 p+l } (32)
~~.i -max , roi
p+l i-1 p+1 m p+1
"'t =- 1/ g11.. ( l:-_
]- 1 g··II'')
J. · + L·-·+1
J~J g··II '')
J. · ) i=l ' 2, ...m (33)
where m is the number of linear constraints of the problem.
Iterations stop as son as computed contact reactions pass the imposed accuracy, i.e.
p p+1
II ~ - Aj II <E (34)

where symbol II . II denotes an appropriately chosen norm.

2.5 Numerical Application

The steel column-to-column splice of Fig.3 subjected to tension has been investigated. The
dimensions of the upper and lower column are 120x120x5.6 (mm), whereas the dimensions of
the upper and lower splice plate are 300x300xt and 300x300xt (mm) with t=l2,15,18 (mm).
The discretized model obviously depends on the effectiveness and the facilities of the fmite
element package that was used. A revised edition of the program SAP IV-B has been here
employed. The use of a powerful pre- and post-processor makes simpler the input data loading
and the checking of the output data through graphics. Plate elements and couplers have been
used to simulate the response of the steel connection. Due to the double symmetry of the splice,
the solution procedure was limited to the one fourth of the whole splice region, whereas the
same discretization scheme was adopted for both the upper and the lower endplate. The one
fourth of each plate was discretized by means of 196 plate elements where appropriate
condensation (mesh refinement) was made where needed (cf. e.g. neighbourhood of columns
300 C.C. Baniotopoulos

and bolts). Note that in order to have a good accuracy, the factor between plate sides must not
be greater than 2 and not less than 0.5. Having assumed that the contact is frictionless, the
respective degrees of freedom of the plate elements have been put equal to zero, so that the
element behaves completely as a plate and movements along the plate level are avoided. In par-

1 10.50 I 10.50 I 4.5 1


0 0
0 9.0



~ 0



'""'l,.t---- 30.0 c m--.......~1

upper plate

lower plate

Figure 3. On the numerical application.

ticular, the plate element 6 of SAP IV having 6 degrees of freedom has been employed: 2
degrees of freedom have been restricted (movement along the plate level and rotation around
z-axis). Each node of the upper plate was connected to the respective node of the lower plate
by a coupler having length of 1 mm and of cross-section the 1I 6 of the bolts. Couplers
corresponding to the bolts have the elasticity characteristics of steel, whereas couplers
simulating the possibility of separation, 30 times greater.
The steel plate connection at hand is subjected to external tension force. The one fourth of
the discretized steel connection is composed of 392 plate elements and 225 couplers, which
correspond to 1259 unknown variables. The solution procedure starts with the assembling of
the stiffness matrix of the discretized steel splice. Then, the potential energy of the structure in
quadratic form is formulated. To begin with, the bilateral problem, i.e. the problem with no
inequality constraints, is first solved. The violated restrictions are imposed in the next step by
equality constraints with respect to vertical displacements of the plate:;. The same procedure is
continued till no inequality restrictions are violated. Then, a seemingly correct intermediate
solution of the problem has been obtained.
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 301

maxuz : 1.36 I
a a: 0.31
b b: 0.57
c c: 0.91
d d: 1.32

I t=12 mm I

Figure 4. The displacement contours of the upper plate for plate thickness t= 12 mm.

1.0 ...1..
.8 T ll

A ... t=12mm
ll C 0 t=ISmm

0 I 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 1 't:~ 't:~ "'r:~"'r"' (mm) E "' t=l8mm

z y
1.2 t
B t=l2mm
D t=ISmm
I' F "' t= 18mm

0 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ' \ ~ '1: ~"'J:~ (mm)

Figure 5. Deformation graphs for plate thickness t= 12, 15, 18 mm along sections 1-1 and 2-2.
302 C.C. Baniotopoulos

M, X

Figure 6. Defonned shape of the upper base plate for thickness t= 12 mm.

This solution has to be checked to fulfill the optimality criterion of the Theil and van de Panne
method (proposition 3). The constraints imposed as equalities in the latter solution must be
eliminated one-by-one, and then, the respective structure must be solved. The respective results
must violate at least the same restriction that had been eliminated in the same solution step. If this
holds, then the actual (optimal) solution of the problem has been obtained. In Fig.4 the upper
plate displace1acnt contours in the actual (optimal) solution ufor plate thickness t=12 (mm) are
depicted. In Fig.5 the active contact and separation zones are respectively depicted for plate
thickness t=12, 15 and 18 mm. In Fig.6 the development of the separation phenomenon is
illustrated by means of a 3-D view of the upper plate (t=12nun). The actual solution has been
obtained in all investigated cases into six computation steps.

2.6 Discussion
In the above paragraphs the methods of Nonsmooth Mechanics have been applied for the
analysis and calculation of bolted steel connections where separation phenomena between the
steel connection endplates appear. Such a treatment of the problem exhibits among others the
advantage of the exact determination of the active contact and separation regions between the
connection plates, as well of the exact evaluation of the loss of strength of the connection due
to the development of the separation phenomenon.
By means of the presented variational inequality and the quadratic programming approach,
the problem at hand is formulated as a quadratic optimization problem which can be effectively
treated numerically by applying either the Theil-van de Panne or the Hildreth-d'Esopo
algorithm. The former has the great advantage to transform the initial quadratic optimization
method into a sequence of linear problems that can be solved by any available linear system
solver, whereas the latter - being easily programmable - seems to be more computationally
As a conclusive remark it can be stated that the presented theory and the numerical results
obtained thereof which exhibit conformance to experience obtained through laboratory testing,
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 303

can be considered as a contribution, on the rational side, to the set of ideas aiming to the
improvement of modem structural steelwork codes.

3 Sensitivity Analysis of the Contact Problem over Steel Bolted Plates

The present section deals with the sensitivity analysis of bolted plates in steel connections by
taking into account unilateral contact effects on the plates. '1.1e methods of Nonsmooth
Mechanics combined to the Finite Element Method are herein applied in order to obtain a more
realistic simulation of the structural behaviour of bolted plates in steel structures. As previously
mentioned, the exact calculation of this type of connections can be obtained by minimizing a
quadratic programming problem expressing from the standpoint of Mechanics the potential
energy of the steel connection. In order to investigate the variation of the structural response of
this type of steel connections due to variation of critical design parameters, the sensitivity
analysis problem of the previous quadratic programming problem is formulated and studied.
The latter problem is as well a quadratic programming one, where design parameters appear
only in the quadratic term. The numerical treatment of the sensitivity analysis problem is
obtained by applying some appropriately chosen quadratic optimization algorithm as is e.g. the
Hildreth-d'Esopo algorithm. Sensitivity analysis results for the design of two steel column
splices illustrating the previous theoretical results are presented in the last part of this section.

3.1 Introduction

The variation of the mechanical behaviour of steel bolted plates due to variation of critical
design parameters is herein investigated. Such design parameters are, for instance, plate
thickness, geometry and material of the steel connections. The great significance of the
sensitivity analysis results of the present problem arises from the fact that column splices are
extensively applied in any possible combination in structural steelwork. As is therefore
obvious, since local failure phenomena on such connections due to undesirable variation of
design parameters may cause a total destruction of the respective steel structure, it is
important, such a behaviour to be with accuracy predicted through a sensitivity analysis of the
respective design. In this sense, such investigations lead to an amelioration of the design
principles ofbolted column connections and to a refinement of the steel construction standards.
As previously stated, the analysis problem of bolted plates in steel connections taking into
consideration the possibility of separation between them, is formulated as a quadratic
programming problem (cf. e.g. problem ( 17) or ( 18)). In order to obtain sensitivity analysis
results of the structural response of these joints, following the method proposed by Bendsoe et
al. ( 1985) directional derivatives with respect to variations of the variables appearing in the
quadratic term have to be defined. It worths here to note that, according to the method
proposed by Bendsoe and Sokolowki ( 1988), this problem is similar to the sensitivity
elastoplastic problem with the only difference that in the latter, design parameters enter in both
the quadratic and the linear term.
The present study deals with the sensitivity analysis of the previously mentioned
quadratic problem that describes the structural behaviour of bolted connections taking into
account as well the possibility of detachment between the connecting plates. By means of such
304 C.C. Baniotopoulos

an analysis, the influence of small variations of the design parameters (as is e.g. the plate
thickness) to the overall structural response of the steel connections is investigated. An
appropriate algorithm for the effective numerical treatment of the present sensitivity analysis
problem is also discussed, whereas in the last part, numerical examples concerning sensitivity
analysis of two different bolted connections, illustrate the previously presented topics.

3.2 Formulation of the Sensitivity Analysis Problem

Let us consider the steel connection of Fig.2 formed by bolted endplates. Let us also consider
the primal quadratic programming problem (17) that describes the structural behaviour of the
steel connection at hand, written in the following convenient form

min { 1 I 2 ~{ Ujl1- P{Uj I llx:i Uj :S bK (i=1, ....n; K=l, ....m) } . (35)

Here the summation convention holds for the repeated matrices and {~{ } is a set of
symmetric matrices that are uniformly positive defmite with respect to the design parameter r
that belongs to the interval [ 0, rp) with rp > 0. Loading P{ and quantities llx:i, bK defming the
unilateral contact restrictions on the connection endplates take on each node a given value for
i=l, .... n; K=l, .... m. We assume next that the unilateral constraint set is nonempty and denote by
ur the unique solution of problem (35). Then, the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, i.e. the necessary
conditions for ur to be the unique solution of problem (35), take the following form
~-r U· _ p.r+ A.rr llx:t = 0 (i=l, .... n; K=l, .... m), (36)
J J 1 ·-

AKr = 0 if llx:i u{ < bK (i=l, .... n; K=l, .... m) and (37)

AKr~ 0 if llx:i u{ = bK (i=l, .... n; K=l, .... m), (38)
where A/ are the respective Lagrange multipliers which express from an engineering point of
view, the reaction distribution on the contact regions of the steel bolted plates having as
consequence the appearance of separation phenomena of a certain part of the endplates
Let defme now the set V(uO) of active constraints of problem (35) (i.e. the set of nodes being
in contact ), and the sets V0 ( u 0) and V 1( u 0) denoting respectively the sets of active constraints
with zero and nonzero Lagrange multipliers

V(uO) = { K lllx:i Ujo =bK }, (39)

V 0(u0) = { K that belongs to V(u0) I A/= 0 } and (40)
V 1(uO) = { K that belongs to V(uO) I ~r :f. 0 }. (41)
Defining now the sets
C = {v llx:i v{ :S 0 forK belonging to V(u0)} and (42)
H= { v ~jo lljVj - Pi 0vi = 0 } (43)
and taking into account relation (36) multiplied by vi, i.e.
~jo l1o vi- pio vi+ ~o llx:t vi= 0 (i=1, .... n; r-l, ....m), (44)
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 305

where superscripts 0 denote vectors and matrices corresponding to the basic solution of
problem (35) for r=r0, we obtain the set
A = { v I U.Ci vi :s 0 for 1C belonging to vo( uO)
and U.Civi=O forJCbelongingtoV 1(u0)}. (45)
Assume that ~j· = lim ( ~{ -Isj 0 ) I r where r tends to 0 and Pi'= lim ( P{- Pi 0 ) I r with r
tending to zero. Then, for r positive and small enough
ur=u0 +ru•+O(r) (46)
with IIO(r)lll r tending to 0 (for r tending to 0) and u• the solution of the following quadratic
programming problem
. I I 0 ' ' 0 0
mm{ 2 ~j vivj -Pi vi+ lsj ui vj I U.Ci vi :S b" forK that belongs to V0(u ) and U.Civi = b"
for K that belongs to V 1( u0) } . ( 4 7)

Since problem (4 7) involves the same stiffness matrix with the initial problem ( 17),
sensitivities can be computed by applying the same solution method applied to the solution of
the initial quadratic programming problem ( 17). As is obvious, in the general case that vectors
a"i are linearly independent, the Lagrange multipliers A."'= lim (A./- A."0) I p (for p tending to
zero) of the problem (4 7) coincide to the reaction forces on the activated contact nodes of the
endplates interface and are uniquely determined.
The previous sensitivity analysis problem has been formulated as a quadratic optimization
problem which involves the same quadratic term with the initial analysis problem. Therefore,
stiffness matrix is the same in both the analysis and the sensitivity problem and has to be only
once assembled. The latter exhibits a significant advantage in numerical modeling. Obviously,
the same solution method is applied to the numerical treatment for both problems ( 17) and

3.3 Numerical Applications

The previously presented method is now applied in order to obtain sensitivity analysis results
with respect to endplate thickness for the design problem of two steel column-to-column
splices. In both numerical examples, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio for the material
of the connections under investigation are respectively E=2.1 *1o6 Kg/cm2 and v=0.30.
The first example considers a steel connection of two columns of dimensions 60x60x5 mm
(upper) and 150x150x5 mm (lower). The dimensions of upper and lower endplates are
300x300xd mm where d is the thickness of the endplates and is assume to be the critical
design parameter. By considering as basic endplate thickness d= 12 mm, deflections for both
upper and lower endplates are calculated by solving problem ( 17) by applying the previously
presented Hildreth and d'Esopo algorithm (Fig. 7). Note here the separation phenomena that
appear along some regions on the endplates. Then, by formulating problem (47) and
numerically treating it by the same algorithm, sensitivity analysis results with respect to
endplate thickness for both upper and lower plates are obtained (Fig. B).
306 C.C. Baniotopoulos








I 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 19202122




Figure 7. Basic solution: Deformation of the upper and lower plate (t= 12mm) along the sections 1-1 and 2-2
respectively (square column intersection-square endplates).
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 307

Figure 8. Sensitivity analysis results with respect to endplate thickness for upper and lower plate.
308 C.C. Baniotopoulos

Similarly, the column-to-column steel splice design problem for orthogonal columns
(250x150x6.3 I 450x150x10 mm) and orthogonal endplates of dimensions 450x700xd mm is



2 J 4

-1000 I

__ Ld~.

2000 I
4 1 14

1 I
--L- _I




Figure 9. Basic solution: Deformation of upper and lower orthogonal endplates (t=l4mrn).
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 309




















Figure 10. Sensitivity analysis results with respect to plate thickness for the endplates deformations:
(a) upper endplate (b) lower endplate.
310 C.C. Baniotopoulos

Basic solution for endplate thickness d=l4 mm is depicted in Fig.9 where separation and
complete contact regions on the endplate interface can be also recognized. Sensitivity analysis results
with respect to plate thickness for deflections of the column steel splice under consideration are given in
Fig.! 0 for both the upper and the lower endplate. An obvious consequence of the previous numerical
investigations is that the active contact area along the connection interface under investigation is that this
zone changes with respect to the variation of certain parameters, as is e.g. the plate th.ickness. The
previously obtained results are schematically depicted in the two following Figs. II and 12, where the
variation of the active contact area (dashed area) with respect to the variation of the plate thickness is
respectively shown for the square and the orthogonal plate studied.


1$ Endplates dimensions

[ ] 60x60x5

0 db •20mm

Adive Contad Zones

Figure 11. Variation of the contact and separation zones over the square endplates interface due to
thickness variation.
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 311

+ 225 mm
D250x 150x6 .3 I
~ ® ,,
..• ..• 450x250x10
•••• Endp lates dimensions
-··· 450x700xd

0 db=18 mm
1111111111111111111 IIII
Conhc~ regions

Figure 12.Variation of the contact and separation zones on the orthogonal endplates interface due to
thickness variation.

4 Effective 2-D Numerical Models for Steel Connections in the Presence of

Unilateral Contact and Plasticity Phenomena

In this section a method is presented, which has been proved to be a particularly appropriate
method for the analysis of steel plate connections under static loading. This method that has been
proposed by Mistakidis et al. ( 1998) concerns the simulation of the structural behaviour of steel
connections in the case that the development of zones of plastification, as well as unilateral
contact and friction effects between connection members and bolts are taken into account. Within
this framework, effective two-dimensional fmite element models capable to describe plasticity,
unilateral contact and friction effects are constructed; the latter constitute easy-to-use and
accurate numerical models for the analysis of steel connections subjected to static loading. These
models are simplifications of the respective three-dimensional ones and aim to reduce in a
reliable way the extensive computational effort required for the analysis of three-dimensional fme
meshes of discretized steel connections.

4.1 Introduction
The method proposed in the present section aims to contribute to the study of the structural
behaviour of steel connections by proposing an effective two-dimensional geometrical
simplification of the respective three-dimensional one that takes into account both plasticity
and unilateral contact effects. The respective two-dimensional model leads to accurate
numerical results provided that the connection geometry and the loading conditions lead to a
312 C.C. Baniotopoulos

more or less two-dimensional deformed configuration. Its main advantage is that this model
does not require so much computational effort as any three-dimensional models does. The
proposed fmite element model is this way constructed that the interaction at any interface of
the steel connection at hand is taken into account by means of unilateral contact boundary
conditions as proposed by Thomopoulos (1985), Baniotopoulos and Abdalla (1993), and
Baniotopoulos (1994) and (1995). In addition, the development ofplastification zones is also
taken into account in the analysis. The method seems to be a reliable tool for the numerical
simulation of the structural behaviour of most of the types of steel connections, because, from
one side, the response of the different parts (flanges, bolts, washers etc.) of the modelled steel
connections are taken into account in an interactive way, whereas on the other side the actual
thickness of the various parts of the two-dimensional model are defmed by applying an easy-
to-use and efficient technique proposed by Mistakidis et al. (1996a). It is obvious that the
results of the proposed two-dimensional fmite element model can also be applied for quick
benchmark tests in validating commercial three-dimensional fmite element codes for the
analysis of steel connections.
As a matter of fact, the numerical modelling of the structural behaviour of steel joints up to
the ultimate limit state is in general characterized by certain difficulties due to the arising of a
plethora of highly nonlinear effects (e.g. material 'yielding, contact interface slip and interface
interaction) that have to be in a realistic way and with utmost care incorporated into any
numerical model. The first attempts for two- and three-dimensional modelling of steel
connections based on several simplified assumptions are dated back to the seventies; these
efforts are till nowadays continued by deducting one by one the simplifying hypotheses of the
initially proposed models, thus producing more and more interesting and realistic results (cf.
e.g. the papers by Krishnamurthy and Graddy (1996), Kato and McGuire (1973), Paker and
Morris (1977), Kukreti et al. (1987), Chen and Patel (1981), Chen and Lui (1986), Hortman
and Szabo (1992), Thambiratnan and Krishnanurthy (1989), and Baniotopoulos et al. (1992)).
In particular, among them certain two-dimensional finite element models were proposed
because the question for minimization of the computational cost for an accurate simulation of
steel connections response was always an important criterion and often an inevitable choice.
However, only these models could be characterized as appropriate, if they contain all the
essential features of the problem at hand.
Applying an appropriately developed numerical model, the stress flow between the various
components of a steel structure has to be followed up, whereas the main deformation and stress
distribution patterns must be present in the model and directly recognizable and interpretable.
As a matter of fact, the three-dimensional models having been appropriately formulated and
computed, usually contain the right stress distribution patterns, but in a form that requires too
much computation/evaluation effort. In the engineering problem at hand, the stress and
deformation patterns are mainly influenced by the unilateral contact effects between the
interfaces, the variation of stress along the thickness of the flanges, and the stress concentration
effects which usually arise in regions with high three-dimensional stress gradients.
Such a three-dimensional model can describe all the aforementioned phenomena that can
often be hardly interpretable, especially those referred to bending. This is due to the fact that a
plate/shell model has usually difficulties related to the contact stress distribution and to the
stress concentration. Since the connected flanges of steel connections are of the order of other
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 313

problem dimensions, i.e. comparatively rather thick, the application of a plate model is in
general questionable because the field variation effects along the thickness have to be taken
into account. Much more simpler one-dimensional (Bernoulli beam) models with the bolts
modelled as springs have been recently proposed for the analysis of such connections, but in
these models only primary bending action has been incorporated.
The herein proposed two-dimensional plane stress model encompasses all the thickness
effects, primary bending/membrane effects and the contact stress distribution on the connection
interfaces between the several parts of the connection. One of the main advantages of this
model is that stress concentration zones can be easily identified although the analysis remains
incomplete. Secondary bending effects are not present in the model, but they cannot drastically
influence the whole picture of the stress fields caused by the static loading. The model takes
into consideration the dimensions of the connection also along the third direction by assigning
different thickness values to the various regions of the F.E.M. mesh achieving in this way a
realistic character of the overall response of the model. In the regions where the thickness
cannot be directly prescribed, as is the neighbourhood of the bolts, the washers and the zones
with holes, several different assumptions have been made and the respective results have been
compared to accurate numerical models which take into account the exact thickness value of
each finite element. Although the later model gives the most accurate numerical results, the
task of assigning the thickness of each region element by element is a very time-consuming
work. Thus, comparison of the results of the various versions of the proposed two-dimensional
model is unavoidable, in order to estimate the errors introduced by rougher assignments of the
thickness of each region, which requires less effort during the modelling process
The numerical method applied does not use any a priori assumption on the flexibility of the
several parts of the steel connection, thus obtaining first its deformed shape where contact (i.e.
compressive reaction) and separation (i.e. zero reaction) zones are developed, and next the
actual stress distribution on the connection members by taking into account friction effects on
the interfaces (cf. e.g. the PANA-method proposed by Panagiotopoulos (1975) and (1985)). By
means of this numerical method, friction forces are also taken into account along all the
interfaces of the steel connection applying a double-step iterative numerical procedure. In
particular, solving iteratively first a unilateral contact problem for the steel connection in the
presence of friction forces and next a friction problem in the presence of normal reaction forces
computed in the previous solution step, the deformed shape of the connection (that includes all
the contact, noncontact and plasticity zones) and the actual stress distribution are accurately
defined. Then, using the existing standards and norms, the design of the connection at hand can
be easily completed.
With respect to the two-dimensional fmite element model used to simulate the structural
behavior of the steel connection, it is worthy to note that the classical finite element models do
need some appropriate modification in order to accurately take into account the development of
separation (noncontact) zones between the connection interfaces. The latter phenomenon that is
of highly nonlinear character, has to be with care handled because it possesses certain
difficulties of its own. Here again, applying the previously mentioned methods of Nonsmooth
Mechanics, promising results for the numerical simulation of steel connections have been
obtained. This is due to the fact that the exact numerical study of the local separation process
on the steel interfaces can be easily performed as proposed by Panagiotopoulos (1988),
314 C.C. Baniotopoulos

Panagiotopoulos and Strang (1988), Moreau and Panagiotopoulos (1988). Following this
method, local separation zones between the interfaces of the steel connection are computed,
whereas the deformed shape of the steel connection is with accuracy evaluated. Introducing the
unilateral contact law with friction to simulate the boundary conditions on the steel connection
interface, the separation process can be mathematically described giving rise either to a primal
quadratic programming problem with respect to the connection displacements or equivalently,
to its dual formulation with respect to the stresses. As it has been proved by Panagiotopoulos
(1975), and Baniotopoulos and Abdalla (1993), the primal problem expresses, from the
standpoint of Mechanics, the principle of minimum of the potential energy of the connection
under consideration at the state of equilibrium, whereas the dual one, the principle of the
minimum complementary energy. As has been proved by Panagiotopoulos (1975), solving
iteratively these two problems and using the output of the former as input for the latter, the
method converges after a few steps to the actual solution of the problem (as proved by means
of a fixed point algorithm by Necas et al. (1980). The transformation of the initial structural
steel connection problem into a sequence of constrained quadratic programming problems
makes things, from a computatiqnal point of view, much more simple and allows for the
application of a wealth of theoretical work and software. Note that the numerical results
calculated by applying the proposed two-dimensional model qualitatively conform well to
those obtained by experiments (cf. e.g. Mistakidis et al. (1996b), Jaspart (1994) and (1997)).
Within such a theoretical framework, the separation, the active contact, as well as the
plastification zones are with accuracy calculated, leading thus, to the computation of the exact
stress state conditions holding on the steel connection under investigation. The next paragraphs of
this section is devoted to the presentation in details of two-dimensional modelling of the
structural behaviour of aT-stub steel connection and a column base plate steel connection under
static loading.

4.2 Description of the Method

A steel connection composed by several structural elements such as plates, bolts, etc. is first
considered. The material of the parts of the connection that may be different for the various
parts (i.e. high strength steel for the bolts, mild steel for the plates, etc.) exhibits an elastic-
plastic behaviour with or without hardening. The interfaces formed between the various
components of the joint are denoted by As. The forces applied on the connection are
transmitted by the interfacial forces developed on those parts of the connection that come in
contact. The latter are the contact forces that develop in the normal to the interfaces direction,
and the frictional forces that develop in the tangential to the interfaces direction, and only
between those parts that come in contact.
From a mathematical point of view, the unilateral contact conditions on the interfaces are
expressed by the formulas (10) and (11) (or in a simpler way by relations (12) and (13)) that
hold for each one of the k nodes of the interfaces As belonging to the discrete model.
Furthermore, the friction boundary conditions holding on the active contact regions (defmed by
the right-hand part of relation (10) or (12)) are written in the form (48), (49) where absolute
values denoted by the symbol I . I are present
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 315


if l[ur]l > 0 then ISri = lliSNI (49)

where ll is the Coulomb's friction coefficient and [ur] is the symbol that corresponds to the
tangential to the interface relative aisplacements.
Following the method proposed by Maier (1984}, the static behaviour of the discrete model
at hand can be described by
(i) the constitutive equations
e = F 0 s, (50)
ep=N A (52)
$=NTs-HA- k (53)
A~o. $~0. Ar$=0 (54)
where F 0 is the natural flexibility matrix of the structure, e the respective strain vector
consisting of three parts, i.E. the initial strain vector e0, the elastic strain vector eE and the
plastic strain vector ep, A are the plastic multipliers vector, $ is the yield functions, H is the
work-hardening matrix, N is the matrix of the gradients of the yield functions with respect to
the stresses and k is a vector of positive constants,
(ii) the equilibrium equations
Gs=P (55)
where G is the equilibrium matrix and P the external load vector,
(iii) the compatibility relation
e=GTu (56)
where u is the displacement vector, GT is the transpose matrix of the equilibrium matrix and in
(iv) the unilateral contact conditions and the friction boundary conditions holding on the
unilateral contact interfaces as described by (12), (13) and (48), (49).
A direct solution of the above problem is not possible due to the fact that it is not a priori
known which parts of the connections are in contact under the application of the static loading
(i.e. which are the exact values of the contact forces) and subsequently, for those parts that come
in contact, it is not known which of them are in sticking contact or in slipping contact, i.e. for
which of them relation (48) or (49) hold. For details on the mathematical difficulties arising in the
previous problem and the approaches to overcome them, see the book by Panagiotopoulos
(1985), and the paper by Necas et al. (1980).
An additional problem is the interaction between the normal contact forces and the
frictional ones due to the fact that the latter depend on the value of the contact force, whereas
316 C.C. Baniotopoulos

the values of the frictional forces may lead to the change of the active contact area or the exact
value of the contact forces.
In order to avoid the previous difficulties, a method frrst proposed by Panagiotopoulos
(1975) for the solution of the unilateral contact problems with friction and mathematically
investigated concerning convergence by means of a fixed point theorem by Necas et al. (1980)
is followed. By means of this method the problem is transformed into two sub-problems. The
frrst sub-problem corresponds to the problem formulated with respect to unknowns that are the
normal to the interfaces displacements, whereas the second one corresponds to the problem
formulated with respect to unknowns which are the tangential to the interface displacements.
Then, the solution of the problem is achieved by applying the following iterative scheme:
Contact sub-problem. The unilateral contact problem is frrst considered assuming that the
friction forces are constant and known. The solution of this problem is obtained by minimizing
the potential energy of the discretized structure with subsidiary constraint the non-penetration
condition holding on the contact interface (relations (12), (13))

II(u)=min{ 1 I 2u TKu + 1 I 2 ATHA - u TGKo NA + 1 I 2 ATNT KoNA +

where vector P 1 includes both the external loading and the friction forces assumed known, K is
the stiffness matrix of the discrete model and Ko is the inverse ofF0 .
The solution of the above minimization problem leads to the computation of the contact and
non-contact areas, the values of the contact forces and the respective stress and stain states of
the connection.
Friction sub-problem. Assuming next that the contact forces are constant and known
(equal to the ones obtained in the previous step), we solve in tum an analysis problem taking
into account that the Coulomb's friction boundary conditions have to be also satisfied. This
problem is now formulated as a quadratic programming problem with respect to the stresses,
having as subsidiary conditions the relations (48) and (49), i.e.

. I;2sTFos + I;2 ~~.~ TH~~.~ + sTe I NTs-H~~.-k
~ .f.
:S:'t', Gs = P 2, ISrl :s; J.liSNI } (58)

where P 2 includes both the external loading and the contact forces assumed as known. The
latter expresses the principle of minimum complementary energy for the considered connection
at the state of equilibrium taking into account the frictional conditions on the contact interface.
Notice that the previous problem (58) is formulated with respect to stresses and not with
respect to displacements so that the appearance of non-differentiable terms due to the absolute
values to be avoided.
The two previously described sub-problems constitute the first double step iteration of the
proposed technique that is in the sequel repeated. In the second double step, the unilateral static
problem is solved by taking into account as nonactive contact and sliding regions, those ones
obtained in the frrst double step by also assuming as known the tangential loading calculated
from the previous step. In this sense, a new external loading is applied to the connection which
is in tum solved again, i.e. frrst minimizing the potential energy of the structure and then,
minimizing its complementary energy. Obviously, the equilibrium configuration of the
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 317

connection may be different between two successive solution steps. This means that the
activated contact and the sliding regions computed in the second step are probably different
from those calculated in the first step. The present solution rocedure must be continued by
iteratively solving quadratic programming problems that ke p the same basic mathematical
characteristics, but take as input data the output of the previou~ step. This iterative procedure is
ended as soon as the difference of two successive stress states of the connection is less than or
equal to a desirable accuracy 1/s(n + 1)- s(n)/1 < E, where n is the number of the solution step.
Concerning the numerical treatment of the formulated quadratic programming problems,
any effective algorithm from the Theory of Optimization can be applied (cf. e.g. Fletcher
(1987)). Concerning the first step of the solution procedure that corresponds to the computation
of the active contact and separation regions between the various interfaces (problem (57)), the
optimization algorithm explicitly determines the nodes coming into contact with the respective
contact forces. In tum, the optimization algorithm is applied in a similar way within the second
step of the method. The post-processing part of the algorithm concerning the computation of
the new stress distribution is done in a similar way of this one in the usual finite element
analysis. It is therefore, obvious that the only real difference of the necessary software from
classical finite element codes will be the substitution of the solver of equations by a quadratic
programming routine and the treatment of the additional data that introduce the inequality

4.3 Analysis of a T -stub

The previously presented method was applied by Mistakidis et al. ( 1998) for the analysis of a
T-stub reference connection subjected to tension (Fig.13). The two T-stubs are extracted from
hot-rolled IPE300 profiles and the connecting bolts are M12 10.9 ones (bolts and washers
according to DIN 6914-6915-6916).
In order to analyze the connection by applying the previous method, the two-dimensional
model of Fig.13 (right) was constructed. Taking advantage of the two symmetry axes, 1159
nodes and 975 plain stress quadrilateral elements were used to represent one quarter of the
structure. The structure is loaded by applied displacements introduced as a sequence of 50
increments, at each increment a displacement of 0.2 nm1 was applied into the structure.
The structure under investigation consists of three different pa1ts and in pa1ticular, the bolt,
the washer and the T-stub. The thickness of the plain stress elements was properly adjusted in
order to take into account the three-dimensional properties of the steel joint. Thus, a thickness of
80 mm was given to the T-stub except the region of the holes, where a reduced thickness of 61.6
mm was given. A mean thickness of 18.8 nm1 was used for the shank of the bolt, a mean value of
34.6 mm was used for the head of the bolt and for the washer a mean value of 25.48 for the
washer. In the zones around the holes, the two 2-D components were overlapping.
The interaction between these two parts is taken into consideration by assuming unilateral
contact conditions to hold along the interfaces. Unilateral contact conditions are also assumed
to hold on the x-symmetry axis because it is not a priori known which parts of the structure is
in contact with the other symmetric part. With respect to the quality of the steel of the T-stub
connection, the stress-strain law of Fig.l4a has been assumed to hold, whereas for the material
of the bolt the diagram ofFig.14b was taken into account. For the ultimate strength of the steel
fu.st the nominal value was used (360 N/mm 2) and for the bolts fu,b=1000 N/mm2 .
318 C.C. Baniotopoulos

Figure 13. A typical steel bolted T-stub connection and the proposed 2-D F.E. model.

,.-- Io
3. 200
.. 100

10 1~ 20 2~



10 15 20 25
ttroin (X)


Figure 14. Stress-strain diagrams for (a) T-stub (b) bolts.

The options in the analysis of the connection at hand included contact, plasticity and large
displacements. Fig.15 presents the successive deformed shapes of the T -stub at the increments
10, 20, 30, 40, 50. In increment 10, the structure just rises from the x-symmetry axis. In the 30th
increment, the shank of the bolt comes in contact with the left part of the T -stub. In increment
40 significant deformations are developed at the region where the bolt comes in contact with
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 319

the right part of the T-stub. The situation is the same in increment 50, but the deformation of
the bolt is now much more considerable.

Increment 1 Increment JO

ncrement 10 lnc:r~en l

Increment 20 lnatment~

Figure 15. Successive deformed configurations of the T-stub.




- - .. .. J ....... ....... -

-~- -


- - - · - - - - .. t...
........ ................................... _____ _____ .,_ ____ ,. _____ ._ _ ,. __



--- -~ .. ............ - ·-"'- - - ..


,. --- -1-----~--- --:- ---- t-- ---:---- -i - ----:- ---- i- ----~-- --

' 0 I I I I I I I

,. --- -~----- ~ -----:---- -~- .. ---:-----;-- ---~---- ~--- --~---­

• ----!----- ~ .. -- - ~--- --!---- -~----!- .. -- -~--- - ~----- ~-- - -
,.. ·---~---··f·---~-----~-----~---·;····-~---··f····
.! ,. . -- r··- - -:---- -r-.-- -:---- -l---- -:----- ~- --- -t-- --
~- ••··~-----~····-'••• I ••••t•••··~•···~·····~••••

' .
~: ~ ~~~:::::~::::~:::::t:::::~::::~:::::~::::~:::::~::::

- --~-----~-- - --:-----~---- -:- ----~- - ---:------~- --- -~----
- - - ~----- ~- .. -- -:----. t •• -- -:----- ~---- -:- - -.- i-- -- - ~--- -
,. --- r-----:----- -r----
. --- - --:-----1-
~ - --- - ~---- ~----- ~---- ~ -- - - -~--- -
• --- ~ - - --- ~- - -- -:· -- --~---- ·:----- ~- - •. -~- --- i--- -·;-- --
-- - ~ - -:·--
-;---. ---:- .. -~-- -- -- .. -~---- -~---. ~- --- -~- -
• --- ~-- --- ~--- -~-- - - ·t--- ----:----- -- ~---- -~--

...... ..
: :::: ~~:::: ~ :~: :~:::: :t:::: ~~ ~: ::1:: ::~~:: ~: ~: ~:: :~::::
-- -- ~--.-- ~- ---~-- - .- ~--- --:----- ~-- -- -~- --. ~---- -~ ----
Ul &M 1.. &N ..
Displac•mmt (mm)

.lncTimmts~ ! '

Figure 16. Load-displacement diagram.

320 C.C . Baniotopoulos

The study of the obtained stress fields and of the force-displacement diagram of Fig.16
reveals that the strongest non-linearity is due to plasticity. As the loading increases, two plastic
hinges are formed. The first appearance of a plastic hinge takes place in the left part of the flange,
near the web. The second plastic hinge is formed close to the connection of the flange with the
bolt. In addition, the stress in the shank of the bolt is considerable and increases in an analogous
way to the loading. The results of an extensive numerical study by means of the present model
including the effect of the pre-stressing of the bolts into the joint structural response has been
recently presented by Mistakidis eta!. (1997).

a) b)

Figure 17. Certain typical T-stub collapse modes (a) I and (b) II.
As a matter of fact, the proposed model seems to be a reliable tool for a two-dimensional
analysis. Indeed, the structure collapses in mode I (complete flange yielding), which means that
two plastic hinges are developed as shown in Fig.l7a. As a consequence, the whole structure
comes in a more or less two-dimensional deformed configuration something that justifies the
validity of the assumptions that led to the present model. Note that if other collapse modes are
activated due to a different combination of bolt diameter and flange thickness, such as mode II
(bolt failure with flange yielding (Fig.l7b)) or mode III (bolt failure without flange yielding),
then the structure seems again to come in a two-dimensional deformed configuration.
The case of pre-tensioning can be easily incorporated into the proposed model by using a
variety of techniques. For instance, pre-tensioning is introduced as an appropriately defmed
additional force. However, this technique often leads to erroneous results. Another approach
leading to much more accurate results is to introduce pre-tension as an initial strain of the bolts
that corresponds to the pre-tensioning force. If the F.E.M. code used does not support the
introduction of initial strains in the model, then an equivalent temperature change yielding the
equivalent initial strain can be introduced.

4.4 Analysis of a Steel Bolted Column Base Plate Connection

The same approach has been applied by Baniotopoulos (1994) and (1995), and Mistakidis eta!.
( 1998) to the simulation of the structural behaviour of the base plate connection shown in
Fig.18. The steel column section is a RHS 120/200/10.0 and is connected to a concrete block
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 321

by means of a 20mm-thick steel plate. Four M20-1 0.9 bolts acting as anchors embedded to the
concrete block ensure a reliable structural joint response. The connection is idealized by means
of a two-dimensional finite element mesh consisting of 2122 nodes and 1914 plain stress
quadrilateral elements shown in the right part of Fig.l8.


1120 ...!!1.0 7

~-------------- 5~---------------4


Figure 18. Steel bolted column base plate connection : plan view and F.E. model.
The discrete model consists of four different parts, i.e. the steel profile together with the
plate, the two bolts and the concrete block. The thickness of the plain stress elements is
properly adjusted in order to take into account the three-dimensional properties of the
connection under investigation as shown in Table 1.
Connection part Equivalent thickness in mm
Concrete block 400.0
Base plate 220.0
Steel profile (weak area) 20.0
Steel profile (strong area) 120.0
Bolt 31.4

Table I. Equivalent thickness for the various parts of the connection.

322 C.C. Baniotopoulos

As already discussed in the previous numerical model, in the region of the holes of the
base-plate, the two parts representing the plate and the bolt are overlapping. The interaction
between the two bodies is taken into account by considering unilateral contact conditions
between them. Unilateral contact conditions are also assumed to hold between the plate and the
concrete block. For the material of the steel profile and the plate, we assume that the stress-
strain law of Fig. 19a holds. For the material of the bolt, a similar diagram is considered with
the only difference that the ultimate strain is considerably smaller as shown in Fig. 19b.
Finally, the material of the concrete block is considered to be linear with modulus of elasticity
Ec=29 Gpa. The friction coefficient between all the connected parts of the joint was taken
equal to 11=0.3.



0 5 10 15 20 25


Of 900
~ 750
= 500

0 5 10 15 20 25
atrain (ll)

Figure 19. Stress-strain diagrams for (a) the steel profile (b) the bolts.
The structure is subjected to applied displacements introduced as a sequence of 50 increments
on the top edge of the column; at each increment a displacement of 1 mm is applied into the
structure. Moreover, for the axial loading of the connection, the following three cases are
considered: OkN, 250kN and 500kN.
In Fig.20 certain successive deformed configurations of the connection subjected to moment
and to three cases of the axial loading, at the increments 10,20,30,40,50 are depicted where the
displacements are multiplied by a magnification factor of 2. In this Figure, the left column
presents the deformations of the connection for the case of zero axial force. We notice that very
quickly a contact zone is established under the right end of the base plate. The increase of the
horizontal loading does not change the contact area (the right part of the plate remains in
contact with the concrete base and the rest part rotates having as center of rotation the right
point where the column meets the plate). After the 30th increment, plasticity phenomena appear
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 323

'1C er1enl. · 0

N=O N= 500 kN

Figure 20. Successive deformed configurations of the steel base plate connection subjected to moment M
for different axial loading N.
324 C.C. Baniotopoulos

lnc r er('nt :\Q


JtiC "QC

::... 1 ~l~

J:!d>' ilO

?·1:1 ..;. ;,_1


Figure 21. Von Mises stress distribution for N=250 kN.

along certain zones of the plate leading to considerably large. It is clear that in this case the
collapse of the connection occurs due to the plastification of the left part of the base plate. In
the middle column of Fig. 20 the corresponding deformations for the case of the axial loading
equal to 250kN are presented. The deformations in this case are considerably smaller due to the
effect of the axial force. In this case the contact area changes as the horizontal loading
increases. After the 1Oth increment, almost every point of the base plate comes in contact with
the concrete. Then, the left part of the plate rises following a similar pattern with the one of the
previous case. Finally, the left part of the plate again yields and the connection collapses. The
same conclusions can also be drawn from Fig.21 where the von Mises stress distribution for
various increments for the case of axial loading N=250kN is presented. The right column of
Fig.20 presents the deformations of the connection for axial loading equal to 500kN. In this
case the effect of the axial force is much more sound. The larger part of the plate is always in
contact with the concrete. It is however, clear that a plastic hinge at the lower part of the steel
column is formed. This is obvious after the 40th increment where we can see that the column is
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 325

not perpendicular to the base plate. Thus, the collapse of the structure occurs due to the
plastification of the steel column and therefore, the strength of the other parts of the connection
appear to be only a secondary factor in the overall strength of the joint.

JO.o --··:·----~~----- --- ----,

i i_-l--~~--:i--1
----.. .. ............... -·--- ........ --- .... --- .....................
I :
I I I I I t I
I I I I 1 I I
: : : -+- N-o.o : : :
: : : ......... N-600: : :t

-.......................................... -............ -. -- ........ -.......................... .






I 1

t t
I 1 1 I I I
I l t I I 1 I I I
I I I I I 1 I I I
I I I I 1 I I I
I I I I 1 I I I
I I I I 1 I I I
I I I I 1 I I I

0 •00!--__...--:-,.:=~:---~'---::,_~~=-=-~·-o""'.~~.=--'-'~~· .... ..,...4___;_' ---,Jo.H

Rotation ( rad)

Figure 22. Moment -rotation diagrams for the three cases of axial loading studied.
The previous remarks can also be verified from the moment-rotation curves of Fig.22. As the
axial loading increases, the moment capacity for the same rotation increases as well. It is also
interesting here to defme this part of the moment-rotation curve that is mainly influenced by the
change of the contact area: in the case of zero axial force, it is noticed between the 5th and the 1Oth
increment, in the second case it is noticed between the lOth and the 20th increment and fmally, in
the last case it is not present at all. It is also clear from the moment-rotation curve corresponding
to the third case that the connection behaves like a plastic hinge having a very limited capacity to
undertake additional moment as the rotation increases.

4.5 Conclusive Remarks

In the previous paragraphs a numerical method leading to certain effective discrete models
have been studied with respect to their applicability and effectiveness for the analysis of certain
types of steel connections. The applied analysis method which is mainly based to the ideas of
one of the methods for the effective treatment of frictional contact problems, leads to the exact
determination of the active contact and separation regions on the interfaces of the connection,
of the sliding and sticking regions and the plastification zones. The analysis problem
formulated as a quadratic programming one, can be numerically treated by fast and effective
algorithms leading to numerical results that conform well to alternative numerical simulations
of the same problem and to experimental testing results.
In the proposed two-dimensional model all the thickness effects, primary
bending/membrane effects and the contact stress distribution on the connection interfaces
between the several parts of the connection have been successfully incorporated leading to
deformed configurations where stress concentration zones can be easily. Obviously, secondary
bending effects are not present in the model, but - as previously mentioned - they cannot
drastically influence the whole picture of the stress fields caused by the static loading.
326 C.C. Baniotopoulos

Although the dimensions of the steel joint along the third direction are in a realistic way taken
into account, the analysis still remains incomplete, being a little bit different from a complete
3-D analysis (cf. e.g. Sakellariadou et al. (1996)), but simultaneously exhibiting the great
advantage of a restricted computational effort.

5 Parametric Analysis of Steel Bolted Base Plate Connections in the

Presence of Contact and Plasticity Phenomena Using 2-D F. E. Models
The present section aims to contribute to the parametric analysis of semi-rigid steel base plate
connections. The herein applied method is based on the previously presented theoretical results of
Nonsmooth Mechanics that is a relatively new branch of Mechanics initiated three decades ago
and deals with problems from Mechanics and/or Structural Analysis that involve generalizations
of the gradient. The numerical modelling of the structural response of a steel column base plate
under static loading where unilateral contact with friction and yielding phenomena are taken into
account can be considered as a typical problem that can be very effectively treated within such a
theoretical framework. In particular, the respective stress states of the steel connection under
static loading are calculated by taking into account the development of plastification zones and
the unilateral contact and friction effects along the interfaces between connection members. The
previously presented 2-D fmite element model being capable to describe the previously
mentioned phenomena is again taken into account. The application of this model into the
parametric analysis of the steel base plates reduces in a reliable way the huge computational
effort that is often required for the analysis of 3-D fme meshes of discretized steel connections. A
parametric analysis of the steel bolted base plate response where two critical parameters are
altered (the base plate thickness and the axial load on the model) demonstrates the effectiveness
and the applicability of the proposed method.

5.1 Introduction
During the last decades, the assumption of complete contact between the connection interfaces
has been widely used for the study of steel column base plate connections because it generally
leads to results on the safe side. However, in the case that a loading process leads to the
development of moment, shear and tension, this simplification fails to describe the actual
response of the base steel plate interface. Laboratory experimentation and construction practice
do prove that separation is often caused on the contact surface between the deformable column
base plate and the rigid concrete foundation. This phenomenon has already attracted during the
last years the interest of numerous researchers who applied analytical, experimental and
numerical approaches to investigate it. Of significant importance are the analytical approaches
that consider along the column base plate effective contact surface, where various normal
reaction distributions appear in the presence of concentric and/or light loading (cf. e.g. the
works by Fling (1970), Stockwell (1975), and Murray(1983)). Extensive experimental
investigations, aiming to the accurate description and evaluation of the response of column
base connections, have been conducted for concentric and eccentric loads (cf. e.g. Dewolfe
(1978), Khrishnamurthy (1978), Dewolfe and Sansley (1983), Thambiratnam and Paramasivam
(1986), Cook and Klinger (1990), and Wald (1993) and (1994)).
Numerical Simulation- Principles, Methods and Models 327

In the present section the previous 2-D F.E.M. plane stress model is constructed for the
parametric analysis of the structural behaviour of the same column base plate connection. The
model contains all the essential features that characterize the separation problem, whereas
material yielding, contact interface slip and interface interaction are also taken into account.
Secondary bending effects due to the static loading are not present. Note that the third
dimension of the connection is also considered by assigning different thickness values to the
various regions of the F .E.M. mesh.
Following the method presented in the previous paragraphs, local separation zones between
the interfaces of the steel connection are computed and the deformed shape of the steel
connection is with accuracy evaluated. Introducing the unilateral contact law with friction to
simulate the boundary conditions along the steel connection interfaces, the separation process
is mathematically described giving rise either to a primal quadratic programming problem with
respect to the displacements, or equivalently to its dual formulation with respect to the stresses.
As it has been proved by Panagiotopoulos (1975), the primal problem expresses from the
standpoint of Mechanics, the principle of minimum of the potential energy of the connection
under consideration at the state of equilibrium, whereas the dual one the principle of the
minimum complementary energy. Solving iteratively these two problems and using the output
of the former as input for the latter, the method converges after a few steps to the actual
solution of the problem (see the work by Necas et al. (1980)). The transformation of the initial
structural steel connection problem, into a sequence of constrained quadratic programming
problems makes things from the computational point of view, much more simple and allows
for the application of a wealth of numerical techniques and software. Within this theoretical
framework the separation zones, the active contact, as well as the plastification ones are with
accuracy calculated, leading thus to the computation of the exact stress state conditions holding
along the several parts of the steel connection under investigation.
The numerical formulation of such problems in the form of quadratic programming problems
permits the investigation of the appearance of prying action. In the case of the column base plate
connection, the prying action phenomenon is directly connected with the flexibility of the
connections. In flexible connections, e.g. in splice plates, such forces do not appear. Exactly
opposite is the reaction in the case of steel column base plates with underlying concrete
foundation. The difference is due to the fact, that the one part of the connection (concrete
foundation) is not deformable and this leads this way the deformable base plate to be locally
separated from the concrete surface. As is obvious, the thickness of the base plate is one of the
most significant parameters that affect the response of such steel connections. Therefore,
considering the thickness as a critical parameter for the analysis of the connection interface under
various axial external forces and moment rotation, such a parametric analysis should be
considered as a contribution, to the research on the structural response of steel column base plate
connections. The parametric study of a numerical application is presented in the last paragraphs
taking into account the base plate thickness as a parameter for analysis of the above described
connections. The obtained results are of great interest because they show the different response of
each connection of different base plate thickness under different loading conditions.
328 C.C. Baniotopoulos

5.2 Brief Description of the Method

A steel connection composed of several structural elements such as plates, bolts, etc. is first
considered (Fig.l8). We assume that the material of the parts of the connection (which may be
different for the various parts, e.g. high strength steel for the bolts, mild steel for the plates, etc.)
exhibits an elastic-plastic behaviour with or without hardening. The interfaces that are formed
between the various parts of the connection are in the following denoted by r,. The forces applied
on the connection are transmitted by the interfacial forces developed on the parts of the
connection that come in contact. The latter are the contact forces that develop in the normal to
the interfaces direction, and the frictional ones that develop along the tangential to the interfaces
direction, and only between those parts that come in contact.
A direct solution of the above problem described by relations (48)-(56) is not possible due
to the fact that it is not a priori known which parts of the connection come in contact under the
application of the static loading and which are the exact values of the contact forces, whereas
for those parts that come in contact, it is not known which of them are in sticking contact or in
slipping contact. Moreover, there exists an interaction between the contact and the frictional
forces, i.e. the frictional forces depend on the value of the contact force and the values of the
frictional forces may alter the active contact area or the values of the contact forces.
For the above reasons the problem at hand is split into two sub-problems. The first sub-
problem corresponds to the problem formulated with respect to the unknowns at the normal to
the interface direction (problem (57)), whereas the second one corresponds to the problem
formulated with respect to the unknowns at the tangential to the interface direction (problem
(58)). The solution of the problem at hand is achieved by applying the PANA-iterative scheme.
The solution of the minimization problem (57) gives the contact and non-contact areas, the
values of the contact forces SN and the respective stress and strain states of the connection. The
second minimization problem (58) gives the friction forces distribution along the active contact
interfaces. The formulation of the second sub-problem has to be done with respect to stresses
and not with respect to displacements because otherwise non-differentiable terms (due to the
absolute value in friction and normal contact force) do appear. The iterative solution procedure
continues until the difference of two successive stress states of the connection is less than a
desirable accuracy.
Concerning the numerical treatment of the formulated quadratic programming problems,
effective algorithms from the theory of Optimization can be applied (see e.g. Fletcher (1987)). As
for the first step of t:Pe solution procedure (i.e. computation of the active contact and separation
regions between the various interfaces), the optimization algorithm explicitly determines the
nodes coming into contact with the respective contact forces. Then, the optimization algorithm is
applied in a similar way within the second step of the method. The post-processing part of the
algorithm concerning the computation of the new stress distribution is done as in the usual finite
element analysis. It is therefore obvious, that the only real difference of the necessary software
from classical fmite element codes is the substitution of the solver of equations by a quadratic
programming routine and the treatment of the additional data concerning the inequality
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 329

5.3 Numerical Application

The previously described algorithm is applied in order to simulate the behavior of the base
plate connection shown in Fig.18. The connection consists of an RHS 120/200/10 steel column,
which is connected to a concrete block through a steel plate. The thickness of the base plate is
considered as a critical parameter, which varies taking the values 20mrn, 25mrn and 30mrn.
Also six M20-5.6 bolts are used. The connection is idealized through a two dimensional fmite
element mesh (Fig.18), consisting of 4044 nodes and 2829 plane stress quadrilateral elements.
The presented fmite element mesh is the fmal one of a series of F. E. meshes with different
densities that were studied by Kontoleon et al. ( 1999). Attempts to further refmement of the
mesh gave results very close to the ones presented here. Therefore, the results could be
considered satisfactory for the analysis and on the other hand, the computational effort is
reasonable. The thickness of the plane stress elements are properly adjusted in order to take
into account the three-dimensional properties of the structure and are given in Table 1, except
the bolt thickness that was taken equal to 4 7 .1. In the region around the holes of the plate, the
plate and the bolt are overlapping. The interaction between the two bodies is taken into account
by considering unilateral contact conditions between them. Unilateral contact conditions are
also assumed to hold between the plate and the concrete block. The elastic-plastic stress-strain
law of the steel profile and the plate are given in Fig.l9a. A similar diagram is used to describe
the material of the bolt (Fig.19b ). Finally, the material of the concrete block is considered as
linear with modulus of elasticity Ec = 29GPa. The friction coefficient between the base plate
and the concrete is taken equal to !!=0.3. The structure is loaded by applied displacements
introduced as a sequence of 50 increments on the top of the edge of the column. At each
increment a displacement of 2mrn is applied into the structure. We distinguish three sets of
solutions, each one corresponding to the three base plates with different plate thickness. In each
set, the axial compressive loading of the connection consists of the following six cases: 0,
lOOkN, 200kN, 300kN, 400kN, 500kN.
From the first set of results for base plate thickness t=20mrn, we notice that a contact zone
is established under the right end of the base plate. The resting part of the plate starts separating
from the concrete foundation, tensioning the left bolt. The maximum detachment of a selected
base plate node near the left bolt is obtained for each increment and shown in Fig.23a, for the
six cases of axial load. The deformation of the base plate, as well as the plastic strains decrease
as axial load increases. The opposite situation occurs for the column that develops greater
plastic strains with the increasing of the axial force. This fact is verified from the plastic strains
of the base plate for the cases of axial force: OkN, lOOkN, 200kN where the plastic strains in the
base plate are significantly larger than in the column. In these cases the structure collapses due
to the plastification of the base plate as well as the failure of the left bolt. The left bolt develops
tension forces near 400N/mrn2 at the 50th increment due to the fact that as the plate rises, it
causes tension at the left bolt, creating an additional critical member failure. For the applied
axial force 300kN, the plastic strains are similar in the column and base plate and finally, for
the load cases of 400kN and 500kN the plastic strains of the column are larger leading the RHS
column to fail first, developing plastic hinges at the lower parts of the edges of the steel
column. Fig.24a gives the deformed shapes of the connection for the six cases of axial loading
at increments 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. From the deformed shapes it is observed that the larger part of
the steel base plate during the first 20 increments is always in contact with the concrete. For the
330 C.C. Baniotopoulos

Moment (kNm)

Plate th ckness =20mm
20 II
0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,16

Rotation (Rad) (a)

Moment (kNm)

120 itl~t~
100 -"'-"" }J_

80 N=OkN
40 Plate t ickness =25mm

0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,14 0.16

Rotation (Rad) (b)

Moment (kNm)
N=50 OkN
120 ;•·-•vv~

N-20 OkN

80 .I:"Jate ltntcKnes S l' '.)Umll N=OkN
40 I
20 I
0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,12 0,14 0,16
Rotation (Rad) (c)

Figure 23. Moment-rotation diagrams.

Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 331

following increments, as the base plate uplifts, only the left edge node and the base plate nodes
near the right bolt remain in contact with the concrete foundation. This contact area increases
along with the axial loading from OkN to 500kN.
Concerning the stress condition of the connection, although the right region of the column
and the base plate are naturally the first expected failure areas, similar stresses are developed in
the left region after the 14th-18th increment. This phenomenon occurs because of the prying
forces that developed in this area, when the left edge of the base plate comes in contact with
the concrete base. From the moment-rotation curves (Fig.23) it becomes obvious that the
moment capacity of the connection increases along with the increasing of the axial force. For
axial force OkN the moment capacity is near 90kNm. In the case of 500kN the moment
capacity reaches 116kNm.
The stress condition as well as the plastic strains for the second set of results (base plate
thickness t=25mm) change because prying forces are not present in this case. Comparing these
results with the model with base plate thickness t=20mm, the highest uplifting is slightly
smaller, as well as the separation length. These results are natural, since the stiffness of the
base plate increases for thickness t=25mm, permitting smaller deformability and reducing its
final plastic strains. This fact is also observed from the maximum node detachment of the base
plate (Fig.25b, at the left edge of the base plate). The steel column for each case of axial force,
fails around the area of its right foot near the 40th increment, with stresses that exceed its
ultimate strength. The stresses appearing in the left region of the base plate are beneath its
ultimate strength. This occurs because the prying forces which were developed in the previous
analysis for plate thickness t=20mm do not appear. Through the deformed shapes of the base
plate for the six cases of axial loading at increments 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 (Fig.24b ), we notice that
the bending of the base plate is reduced in comparison with the connection of plate thickness
t=20mm. This proves that the increasing of the stiffness of the base plate, significantly affects
its response under the applied axial loading and bending moment combination.
For axial force OkN and 100kN the base plate and the left bolt exceed their yield strength and
reach first their ultimate plastic strains in a similar way with the case for the t=:20mm base
plate. For the remaining loads from 200kN-500kN the column starts to yield creating
plastification areas, which in comparison with the plate with thickness 20mm are slightly
smaller. The other parts of the connection are not critical and still preserve strength capacity.
From the moment-rotation curves (Fig.23b ), for axial force OkN the moment capacity is near
100kNm and in the case of 500kN, the moment capacity reaches 120kNm.
From the third set of results for base plate thickness t=30mm, the stress condition of the plate
is similar with the case of plate thickness t=25mm, because the prying forces are not present.
Increasing the base plate thickness, the stiffuess it possesses permits limited deformation that is
slightly visible only for the last increments. As a result, the base plate does not fail for any case
of axial load. Significant stresses are developed mainly at the area of the right foot of the column,
which fails first exceeding its ultimate plastic strain. Figure 25c provides us a full picture of the
maximum detachment of the node at the left edge of the base plate. In comparison with the
previous plate thickness 20mm, 25mm the maximum height the plate rises is smaller, especially
in the case of axial force 500kN. Figures 24c presents the deformation of the connection for six
cases of axial loading at increments 10,20,30,40,50. Through all the cases of loading, the column
fails after the 40th increment. The developed plastic areas create a plastic hinge at the lower right
332 C.C. Baniotopoulos

'!.!0:;:: ~ii! :::

1' iU
11m II iDJ
+ II

,.Ji!lff:=l :;m

.;;.. ··~~

if' =·

1111 !!I II

Figure 24a. Deformed shapes of the column base-plate with plate thickness t=20 mm for axial loading N=O, I00, 200,
300, 400, 500 kN (see the columns downwards).
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 333


.~j :~~~~ il 1111 u I ..
1111 II :n. 1111'
!I 1111 II IIII 1111 IIII

Ill~ ::~ 1111

1111 1111
1111 1111

Figure 24b. Deformed shapes of the column base-plate with plate thickness t=25 mm for axial loading
N=O, 100, 200, 300,400, 500 kN (see the columns downwards).
334 C.C. Baniotopoulos

i#j ;::: 'o:u


1111 :w

IIIII! Dll liD
... n
IIIII! 1111 1111 II

Figure 24c. Deformed shapes of the column base-plate with plate thickness t=30 mm for axial loading
N=O, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 kN (see the columns downwards).
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 335

(mm )

20 /
- -Ji f-Joig r--=~"" ~!
1 r=2ook on.

10 ~ 0: 3#1 ~
---1::::_ t-====:

~ ~~
r---:: t:----= ::--..::: ~ (mm)

0 40 10 120 160 200 240 210 320 360 ~ UT


(.n~IT1 )


=---- - fl. '-'""'


~ - -~ ~
10 ~


::....-- -
:::=:::: r-- t===== ~ ~ ~

0 40 10 120 160 200 240 210 320 360 ~ UT

(lUUl. )

::::::--- fl. r-----Jnn 1..

--- ~~
- -- ;=:::
20 r::~·
10 ------- -----....::: :::::;:::t;::-
r-- ~ t:::::-- 1-- {nun)

0 40 10 120 160 200 240 1210 320 360 400 UT

Figure 25. Deformed shapes of the base plates.

336 C.C. Baniotopoulos

part of the steel column. Thus, the collapse of the structure occurs due to the plastification of the
steel column and the other parts of the connection are not critical. The obtained moment-rotation
curves (Fig.23c) are similar to the previous cases. For axial force OkN, the moment capacity is
near 1OOkNm. In the case of 500kN, the moment capacity reaches 125kNm.

5.4 Conclusion
The present parametric analysis of the model showed that the stiffness of the base plate is a
significant parameter that affects the development of prying action at the active contact areas of
the plate. The appearance of prying forces creates plastification zones at the interfaces of the
connections in areas that could not be considered using classical design and calculation
methods. The reader should have in mind that a 2-D model is herein analysed instead a more
accurate 3-D one; this 2-D model obviously is not suitable to predict secondary processes, as is
e.g. a cone mechanism, which however, in most cases do not have any significance into the
overall strength of the joint. The present 2-D analysis encompasses all the essential
characteristics and dominant plastification mechanisms of the problem under investigation.
Indeed, the connection at hand under axial force and moment loading comes in a more or less 2-
D deformed configuration, something that justifies the validity of the assumptions that led to the
herein proposed numerical model.

6 Analysis of Tubular K-joints by Means of 3-D Numerical Modelling

The subject discussed in this paragraph is the behaviour of steel square hollow section (SHS)
gap K-joints, as studied with the use of the F.E.M. The analysis was achieved by the
development of a 3-D model of gap K-joints and the influence of geometrical parameters to the
strength and to the overall stability of the joint was investigated. The geometry of the joints
was in agreement with the general requirements of the EC3 and therefore, the results obtained
could be directly compared to those obtained by the analytical formulas provided by the EC3-
Annex K.

6.1 Introduction
The strength of structural steel hollow section joints has been widely studied during the last
decades by many researchers (see e.g. Korol and Packer (1992), Koskimaki and Niemi (1990),
Paker et al. (1992), Soh and Soh (1994) and Wardenier (1984)). The present study concerns a
further investigation of both strength and deformation aspects by means of a finite element
analysis, aiming at highlighting the geometric parameters that contribute to a credible design.
The analysis simulated a planar gap K-joint loaded on the brace members anti-symmetrically.
The load distribution was in respect with the usual static load conditions (service load
conditions) and was gradually (step-by-step) applied to the numerical model.
The mesh of the generated 3-D model consisted of more than 2000 thick shell elements,
designed in agreement with the EC3-Annex K requirements. As parameters of this analysis the
chord wall thickness and the chord width have been considered, while the brace sections, the
angle and the gap between them have been considered as constant.
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 337

6.2 On the 3-D F.E.M. Model

The numerical model shown in Fig.26 was composed by the two brace members and the chord
member in such way that symmetry was assured: the brace sections were exactly the same and
were located symmetrically (same angle (e) between them and the chord member). The
distance between them (gap) was also standard for all of the models.

Figure 26. Mesh of the 3-D model.

The variables of the analysis were the chord wall width and the chord wall thickness . Each
model was provided with a different combination of chord width (b0) and chord thickness (to).
There were four groups ofb 0 with four different t0 (sixteen models in total) (Table 2) .

Model b. t. p= b, I b. Model b. t. P=b,lb.

(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

I 200 6,3 0,500 9 150 5 0,667

2 200 8 0.500 10 150 6,3 0,667
3 200 10 0,500 II 150 8 0,667
4 200 12,5 0,500 12 150 10 0,667
5 180 6,3 0,555 13 120 5 0,833
(J 180 8 0,555 14 120 6,3 0,833
7 180 10 0,555 15 120 8 0,833
8 180 12,5 0,555 16 120 10 0,833

Table 2. Geometry of the 3-D F.E.M. models.

338 C.C. Baniotopoulos

In an attempt to reduce the computer time, it was decided to take advantage of the
symmetry on the x-z level. Therefore, only the half of the connection was fmally simulated in
respect with the required boundary conditions.
All the elements have been provided with isotropic and plastic properties that comply to the
von Mises criterion. Two groups of material properties were defmed; they were characterized by
a different element thickness : the group characterized by the double thickness represents the
welds and their contribution to the stiffuess around the connection area, as well as the influence
of the rounded edges of the brace section to the even transition of the stresses. The thick shell
four-nodded elements that have been used have 6 degrees of freedom per node. The results that
are presented and discussed in this study refer to the two outer layers and to the mid-layer through
the shell thickness of the elements.

.50 450
.000 .000

350 300

300 300

[•so ~250
!200 ~200
150 150

100 100

... ...
~ Jt-e.3nwn

200 300 .000 200 300 .000 000 800 700

~von ..... ~ EquMIIMI Von MIMI &rMI

450 450
.000 .000

350 350

300 300

~ [250
~200 ~200
150 150


,...... ,

2llO 300 .00 000 800 100 150 200 250 300 350 .000
Equtvalenl Von M.... sar.. Eq&iv-.nt Von...._ Str.l

Figure 27. Load-von Mises stress curves for constant chord wall thickness and variable b/b0 ratio.

6.3 Numerical Results

The dominating issue is how the stress and strain values develop throughout the step load
application procedure, from the first step to the defmed failure state. The definition of failure
differs respectively to the stress and strain paths, dependent on the excess of a specific
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 339

deformation and stress concentration. The criteria that have been chosen in the present analysis
are the excess of 20% for the plastic strain and the 360 MPa for the von Mises stress .

450 ...
400 400
,......,,8117! t-101ft'R
3110 360

_,.. §300
~ 250



400 200 300
Equlw6ent von .,.._..,..
... ...
... ,_... , ..1Z.&Nn


Figure 28. Load-von Mises stress curves for constant blb0 ratio and variable chord wall thickness.
Four types of response have been observed:
a. Chord face failure -It took place in the majority of the models.
b. Brace failure with reduced effective width: It was observed only for two of the joints, and
they both had a high~ ratio.
c. Combination of the chord face and brace failure modes: The joint with the smallest and
thinnest chord developed the characteristics of both of the aforementioned failure modes.
d. No Failure under the total applied load: There were some connections that did not fail
according to the defined criteria of failure. They had all a quite thick chord.
Comparing the types of response (on the parameters ~=boft0 and t0), the following remarks
are made:
1. For the same chord wall thickness t0 , the strength of the joint increases for higher~ ratios.
2. However, for very high ~ ratios it is possible that the brace failure takes place first, as the
function of the joint is more likely a Y-type function rather than a K-type, where the wall
thickness of the brace is highly important. In that case, the behaviour of the connection can be
improved by selecting a thicker brace member.
340 C.C. Baniotopoulos

3. For the same~ ratio and a different to, the strength of the connection is higher proportionally to
the increase of the to. Thus, a stiffer chord contributes to the improvement of the joint behaviour.

6.4 Comparison of the Analytical and Numerical Results

The calculation formulas included in EC3-Annex K were used in order to obtain comparable
strength values and therefore, to inspect the credibility of the numerical results. The adopted

Analytical formulas (EC3) 3-DF.E.M. Div.

Model Strength (N;,rd/N;t,rd) Strength (NI,rd/N;t,rd) (%)
(KN) (KN)

I 233,86 0,53 166,40 0,37 28,8

2 334,64 0,75 275,00 0,62 17,8
3 467,67 >I 418,00 0,94 10,6
4 653,59 >I >440 >I -
5 246,51 0,56 192,00 0,43 22,1
6 352,74 0,79 313,50 0,71 II, I
7 492,97 >I >440 >I -
8 688,95 >! >440 >I -
9 190,93 0,43 175,00 0,39 8,3
10 270,04 0,61 275,20 0,62 -I ,9
II 386,41 0,87 412,50 0,93 -6,8
12 540,02 >1 >440 >1 -
13 309,42 0,70 363,00 0,82 -17,3
14 366,95 0,83 390,05 0,88 -6,4
IS 462,I7 >I >440 >I -
I6 603,I7 >I >440 >I -
Table 3. Comparison of the joint strength values.

assumptions and the techniques used to facilitate the modelling led to a slight deviation of the
numerical (FEM) from the calculated (EC3) strength values (Table 3), but generally the
comparison was satisfactory (Fig.30). Nevertheless, the deformed shape was the expected one
for all the models and in this aspect the simulation was fully acceptable.

6.5 Conclusion
The results of the 3-D model presented in this section have shown that the geometric
parameters (to, btb 0 ) are important factors for the safety of the joints. The design of the
connection is a very important stage, as a potential failure of the connection might lead to the
modification in the geometry of the whole structure.
The choice of brace and chord members must lead to high ~ = b1tb 0 ratios, as well to a thick
walled chord. It is also important to avoid a great size difference (dimensions) between the
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 341




150 10

100 00

1-··1 50

-0.025 ...... -<1.000 0.000 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025

.. 1-.... 50

.(1.026 .(1.02 -0.015 -<1.01 .(1.000 0 0.002 C.004 0.001 0.001 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.011 0.011 0.02
Dlap!K:ement z (m) -z(m)

Figure 29. Load-displacement curves at a certain node of the brace members base on the symmetry axis
for b/b 0 =0.667 and b/b 0 =0.555.

Comparative curves between EC3 and FEM methods


V' v-. 'r::T' .....--

. ----- ((3=0,833)-FEM
0,80 k---: ¥ //' d v -D-((3=0,833)-EC3

/ ~v~V/ --((3=0.667)-FEM

b.V/ v
-<>- ((3=0.667)-EC3
'lf/ V/ -+- ((3=0.555)-FEM
0,50 -c- ((3=0. 555)-EC3
~ If/
... , - - ((3=0.500)-FEM
0,30 -<>- ((3=0.500)-EC3
.., o.1o
5 6 7 9 10 12 13
(3 = bi I bo

Figure 30. Joint strength/tension brace strength with respect to variation ofblbo according to the EC3 and
the F.E.M. results.
342 C.C. Bailiotopoulos

brace and the chord members, taking care that the width of the brace is not much smaller than
this of the chord, even if its wall thickness is relatively small.
In the case that the ~ = b/b 0 ratio is very high (0.9-1.0), the brace failure with reduced
effective width can become crucial. In this case, a greater wall thickness for the brace is
recommended to increase the brace stiffness. In the case that joints carry very low brace loads,
the choice of lower pratios in combination to a thicker chord is strongly recommended because
for great chord wall thickness the gap K-joints rarely fail, even for relatively low ~ ratios (but
at least p ~0.4).

The present chapter is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor P. D. Panagiotopoulos
(1950-1998) who as Director of the Institute of Steel Structures of the Department of Civil
Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece inspired and guided all of us for two
decades along the lines of the herein presented research. Thanks are also due from the author to
his co-workers Associate Professor Dr. C. Bisbos, Assistant Professor Dr. E.S. Mistakidis and
Dr. M. Kontoleon who contributed to the work reported in this chapter.
Numerical Simulation - Principles, Methods and Models 343

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