1. Don’t specialize
2. Keep your desk neat, clean, and empty. This means you are
staying on top of everything.
4. Return every e-mail, phone call, and fax the same day it arrives
regardless of where you are in the world
8. To be is to build (Heidegger)
19. Reduce the carbs – take the fillers out of your life
21. Own 30 pairs of same color socks and 30 pairs of the same
colored underwear so that socks always match, and do your
laundry every month
22. For everything you buy, you must give away the same thing–
so you always stay at equilibrium and never accumulate more
than you need
26. Don’t use words like taste, class, boredom, style, ugly, or
38. There are 3 types of beings – those who create culture, those
who buy culture, and those who don’t give a shit about culture.
Move between the first two.