Language, Assesment and Evaluation

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Language Testing,Assesment & Evaluation







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Kukuh Wahyu Pratomo


A. The Background

Everyone cannot be separated from education, and everybody needs education because
education is something necessary for human life. Everyone must have tried to get a high
education which is formal and non-formal institutions. In the school, to measure the ability the
students often used by the result of the assessment or assignment to determining the success or
failure, although this is not the sole determinant tool an education, this way still used in the
world education.

In education, there is a spread of disciplines, together with lessons learned. Lessons

embrace the four skills particularly listening, speaking, writing and reading. All it ought to even
be checked to see the power of the already gained throughout the study through a test or
Language testing as a methodology to study and analyze language skills derives from a
long and honorable tradition of practical learning and teaching needs. It provides goals for
language teaching, being central to language teaching, and it monitors the success of both
teachers and learners in achieving these goals. Language testing also gives an experimental
methodology to study both language teaching and language learning (Behrahi).

Teachers themselves or others can make questions about the tests to be tested. Many of
teacher when made a test still do not understand to make a good quality test. People also cannot
taste the quality of the test. Therefore language testing is required to give comprehension about
creating a good quality test.

Language testing has several contents there are the test, assessment, and evaluation.
Language testing is a study measuring someone skills in using language effectively. A test is
an instrument made to obtain the performance of the students with the aim of measuring their
achievement in specific criteria. And the teacher used assessment and evaluation to analysis
the student skill, then the teacher can develop the student skill. This evaluation aims to measure
the students whether they can use the language that they have learned to have fluently in
speaking, listening, writing and reading. And this method is also used as a measure of whether
students can receive lessons or material given by the teacher well. A test used to measure the
success of a process of teaching and learning as well as the process of education. In accordance
with the provisions or certain principles, a test should be carried out in accordance with the
treatment given to the object, so that the process of teaching and learning can be successfully

As a teacher making and developing good tests and measuring the extent to which the
effectiveness of the tests used and measuring the success of the teaching and learning process
are important, therefore, the author wrote a paper entitled "Language Testing."
B. Problem Statement
1) What is the test?
2) What is an assessment?
3) What is evaluation?
4) What types of the test based on category?
5) What principles of a good test?
6.) What the stages in developing test?
7) What and how to test the speaking and writing test ?.
8) What and how to test listening and reading test ?.

C. Objective
The objective of this paper is :
To understand how to make a good language testing.

D. The Benefit
• Writer
The benefit for the writer is he can get a piece of knowledge about good language testing and
he can explain it to the many people or his students if he becomes a teacher.

• Reader
The benefit for the reader is he can understand what a good language test it is, and he can
know the difference about testing, assessment, and evaluation. Then he can explain it to many
E. The Outline
• Introduction
• Body or Literature review
• Methodology
• Conclusion
• References

A. Test
Definition of Test
A test is a way to measure the skill, comprehension, or performance of a person within
a particular domain. ⠀The method of a test first, It's a tool–a set of techniques, procedures, or
items that the test-taker requires performance. The method must be explicit and structured in
order to qualify as a certificate. Second, it is necessary to measure a test. Any tests measure
overall ability, while others focus on specific skills or goals. A multi-skill test determines a
general level of ability; a quiz about acknowledging the correct use of certain articles measures
specific knowledge. The standardized test, particularly on a large scale, provides a total number
score, a percentile rank, and possibly some subscores. If an instrument does not define a
reporting measurement form, a means of offering some sort of result to the test-taker, then that
technique cannot be properly defined as attestation.

The test is a method for determining the ability of a student to perform certain
assignments or to show proficiency or expertise of content. Some categories would be tests
with multiple choice or a weekly spelling test. While it is commonly used with assessment or
even evaluation interchangeably, it can be distinguished by the fact that a test is one form of
an assessment (Overton, Terry (2008).

A test measures the ability, expertise, or performance of an individual. Testers have to

know who the test-taker is. What are the background and previous experience? Is the test
suitable for their abilities? How would it be interpreted by test-takers? Tests measure quality,
but the results imply the ability of the test-takers or the use of a common concept in the sector
of linguistic, skill.

Lastly, a test measure skills or performance of the individual the student, although the
actual performance on the test involves only a sampling of skills, that domain is the overall
skill in a general language skill in all language skills.
B. Assessment
Definition assessment
Achievement assessment is what a student has learned in connection with specific
course content or goals. During the learning process, teachers conduct a formational evaluation
with the aim of using the results to improve instruction. Summative evaluation is performed at
the end of a course to provide educational authorities with information on the program.
Assessment is the process of collecting information to review the results and, where required,
to make educational decisions. As mentioned in the test definition, an assessment could include
a test but also includes methods such as observations, interviews, monitoring of behaviors, etc.
Definition of Assessment According to Experts are :
Class assessment is one method that can be used simply as a tool to provide feedback
on the learning process, both in the process at the beginning of learning and after the learning
process in order to find out how students can understand and learn what has been taught in the
learning process (Angelo T.A.(1991).
Assessment is a process by which information is related to the purpose of the learning
process. Assessment in a broad sense can be interpreted as a process that includes testing. The
test is one form of embodiment of the assessment. Assessment can be interpreted as all forms
of the test, but the assessment is not all in the form of tests (Kizlik, Bob (2009).
Assessment is the process of acquiring information to monitor the progress made by
students and as a tool for decision making in the field of Education. In the assessment consists
of several assessments, tests or various methods which include interviews, observation,
monitoring behavior and etc (Overton, Terry (2008).
Assessment is a process of collecting, reviewing and as a system information tool in
the use of programs about Education with the aim of improving learning processes and student
development (Palomba and Banta(1999).
C. Evaluation
Definition of Evaluation
Evaluation is the process of providing data to be taken into account to determine the
price and services (value and validity) of the goals being obtained, the specification,
implementation, and impact to assist decision making, helping to improve accountability and
understanding of the concept. The core of the evaluation, according to the formula, is to provide
information that can be used in decision making as a consideration.
Evaluation is an identification activity to see whether a program that has been planned
has been achieved or not, is valuable or not, and can also be used to see the level of efficiency
of its implementation. Evaluation is related to a value judgment.
Definition of Evaluation According to Experts are :
Sudiono, Anas (2005) states that the word evaluation literally comes from the English
evaluation, in Indonesian it means evaluation. In the point of evaluation is a value. Thus the
term evaluation refers to an action or process to determine the value of something.
D. Types of test based on categories
1. Achievement test
An achievement test or summative test is a test designed to measure a person's
achievement or success in learning a language by referring to a particular study program. For
example, tests at the end of the learning year are designed to measure language proficiency.
This summative test is a test based on understanding in listening to a certain set of situational
dialogues in a textbook. This summative test aims to have there:
1. To identify student weaknesses
2. To help teachers assess the success of their teaching.

2. Cloze Test
Cloze tests or cloze procedures are a series of techniques for measuring students'
abilities, for example, measuring their reading comprehension. For example, in one paragraph
every fourth word can be deleted. Students are expected to be able to read the paragraph by
guessing the missing word.

3. Diagnostic Test
The diagnostic test is a test designed to analyze certain linguistic aspects. For example,
diagnostic tests in pronunciation have the purpose of determining certain phonologies of
English which sometimes tend to cause difficulties for students.

4. Discrete-Point Test
Discrete-point tests test to measure understanding and knowledge of individual
language items. For example grammar tests that have different parts in the use of adverbs,
verbs, and prepositional words. Discrete-point testing is based on the theory that language
consists of various components such as speech sounds, grammar and vocabulary, and different
skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, and these are composed of elements that
can be tested separately.

5. Aptitude Test
Aptitude test tests to predict a person is a success in their learning a foreign language.
This test is mostly taken before actual learning.
6. Placement Test
The placement test is designed to provide English students and teachers with a quick
way to evaluate the approximate level of English grammar and usage knowledge of a student.

7. Proficiency Test
A proficiency test is a test designed to measure general ability in a language.

8. Progress Test
Progress tests have similarities to achievement tests because progress tests are closely
related to certain teaching tools and materials. Progress test tests to asses the student's mastery
of the learning material (during the learning)

This test is large-scale of language assessment.
E. Principles of a Good Test
According to Suharsimi Arikunto, a test can be said to be good if there have five
requirements, there are :
1. Validity
Valid words are often interpreted as: correct, true, valid and authentic. So the word validity is
accuracy, truth, validity. If it is associated with the test function as a measuring device then a
test is said to be valid if the measuring instrument can precisely measure what is to be measured
or revealed through the test. So the test of learning outcomes can be declared valid (a measure
of success) by being able to accurately measure or uncover the learning outcomes that have
been achieved by students after taking the teaching and learning process in a certain time.
2. Reliability
Reliability test tests can be trusted. Reliable tests if they provide consistent results when tested
many times.
3. Objectivity
A test is said to have objectivity if in carrying out the test there is no subjective factor that
affects especially in the scoring system.
4. Practicality
A test is called the practice if the test is practical, that means the test is easy to implement, easy
to correct, And have clear instructions.
5. Economical
The implementation of the test does not require many costs, a lot of energy and a long time.
F. Stages in Developing Test
There are stages in developing test :
1) Analyzing competency standards or we are known as (SK) and basic competencies or
2) Arrange the main concept map based on SK and KD.
3) Arrange the test/test grid design matrix.
4) Sort concept maps based on indicators that you want to develop into test items.
5) Arrange specifications for one or more items.
6) Write down the items based on the specifications of the items that have been developed.
7) Determine the rubric or scoring guidelines.
G. What and how to test the speaking and writing test ?.
Test speaking skills
Components tested in speaking skills can use the theory of Bloom's taxonomy which
consists of vocabulary, fluency, self-confidence when speaking, gesture, eye contact, a
pronunciation that consists of accuracy and clarity, quality and quantity in speech, syntax,
grammar, and complexity of sentences.

Test writing skills.

In testing writing based on Bloom's Taksanomi theory, the skills tested consist of
quality content that has a level and clarity that can be understood, language consisting of
vocabulary, syntax, accuracy, and complexity of sentences, and structured namely appropriacy
and paragraphs.
H. What and how to test listening and reading test ?.

Listening skills test

Can be tested using Barrett Taxonomy. This test includes listening skills consisting of
the level of tests and sub-test skills. Test levels are tests that are based on literal understanding,
infomercials, evaluations, reorganizations, and awards. While sub-skills there are tests which
include identification of the facts, which results in cause and effect, analyze the steps of the
event, can predict the results of the test, and conclude the meaning of the contextual clues.

Reading skill test

Reading skill tests based on Barrett taksanomy have two types, there are sub-reading
skills and reading levels. In testing reading skills there are several criteria for text as test
material there is language (language that has lexical, syntactic and semantic complexity),
accessibility which consists of authenticity and ideas, exploitability (ability to adapt and
simplification). Sources for testing reading skills can also be used with various sources such as
storybooks, magazines, newspapers, comics, reports, reference books and etc.
This study uses a speaking skills test to tell a short story and the main idea of this test
is to measure the fluency, self-confidence, and accuracy of the language. The participants of
this study were 34 Senior high school students contains 20 females and 14 male from the second
year of courses.
Why the writer choose speaking skills test because based on Bloom’s taxonomy, The
writer wants to test the components in speaking skills such as vocabulary, fluency, gesture, eye
contact,pronunciation, and self-confidence the students.
I analyze the test question use a theory of Bloom’taxonomy which measure the tested
consists of vocabulary, fluency, self-confidence when speaking, gesture, eye contact, a
pronunciation that consists of accuracy and clarity, quality and quantity in speech, syntax,
grammar and complexity of sentences.

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