Earth and Space 1

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Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza - SDO Pasay, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
Ms. Digna C. Paningbatan - SDO Quezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Prepared by:
Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza - SDO Pasay, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
Ms. Digna C. Paningbatan - SDO Quezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Grade GRADE 3
Science Discipline/Component Earth and Space
Grade Level Standard
At the end of Grade 3, learners can describe the functions of the different parts of the body and things that make up their
surroundings --- rocks and soil, plants and animals, the Sun, Moon and stars. They can also classify these things as solid,
liquid or gas. They can describe how objects move and what makes them move. They can also identify sources and
describe uses of light, heat, sound, and electricity.
Learners can describe changes in the conditions of their surroundings. These would lead learners to become more
curious about their surroundings, appreciate nature, and practice health and safety measures.

Geology - Learners will describe what makes up their environment, beginning with the landforms and bodies of water
found in their community.
Domain Meteorology - Learners will describe the different types of local weather.
Astronomy - Learners will describe the natural objects that they see in the sky.
The learners should be able to…

Performance Standard 1. express their concerns about their surroundings through teacher-guided and self –directed activities;
2. express ideas about safety measures during different weather conditions creatively (through artwork, poem, song); and
3. list down activities which affect their daily activities.
The learners demonstrate understanding of...
1. people, animals, plants, lakes, rivers, streams, hills, mountains, and other landforms and their importance;
Content Standard 2. types and effects
of weather as they relate to daily activities, health and safety; 3.
natural objects in the sky affect one's daily activities.


1. Earth and Space 1. Describe the things found in the surroundings. S3ES-IVa-b-1
1.1 The surroundings 1.1. Describe one's environment being made up of land and water. S3ES-IVa-b-1.1
1.2. Identify and describe the different landforms such as hills, mountains and
other landforms. S3ES-IVa-b-1.2
1.3. Identify and describe the different bodies of water such as lakes, rivers,
streams and other bodies of water. S3ES-IVa-b-1.3
1.4. List down things found in some places such as garden, park and others. S3ES-IVa-b-1.4
1.5. Enumerate things found in pond, river and others. S3ES-IVa-b-1.5
1.6. Describe living thing and non-living thing. S3ES-IVa-b-1.6
1.7. Classify things as to living and non-living things. S3ES-IVa-b-1.7
2. Relate the importance of surroundings to people and other living things.
2.1. Describe the importance of landforms to people and other living things. S3ES-IVc-2.1
2.2. Describe the importance of bodies of water to people and other living S3ES-IVc-2.2
2.3. Realize that certain things live in land and water. S3ES-IVc-2.3
2.4. Relate the importance of clean surroundings to people and other living S3ES-IVc-2.4
Suggested Performance Task: Describe an ideal community through drawing,
collage, poster, essay and others.
Summative Assessment for Competencies S3ES-IVa-c-1-2
2. Earth and Space 3. Describe the changes in the weather over a period of time. S3ES-IVd-e-3
2.1 Weather 3.1. Identify the different types of weather. S3ES-IVd-e-3.1
3.2. Describe the weather on sunny days. S3ES-IVd-e-3.2
3.3. Describe the weather on cloudy days. S3ES-IVd-e-3.3
3.4. Describe the weather on windy days. S3ES-IVd-e-3.4
3.5. Describe the weather on rainy days. S3ES-IVd-e-3.5
3.6. Describe the weather on stormy days. S3ES-IVd-e-3.6
3.7. Compare weather of different places. S3ES-IVd-e-3.7
3.8. Compare weather in different times of the year. S3ES-IVd-e-3.8
3.9. Realize that weather changes over period of time. S3ES-IVd-e-3.9
4. Communicate how different types of weather affect activities in the
4.1. Describe the activities of people during a sunny weather S3ES-IVf-4.1
4.2. Describe the activities of people during a cloudy weather S3ES-IVf-4.2
4.3. Describe the activities of people during a windy weather S3ES-IVf-4.3
4.4. Describe the activities of people during a rainy weather S3ES-IVf-4.4
4.5. Make
4.6. Describe the activities
a collage showing of different
people during a stormy
activities duringweather
different types of S3ES-IVf-4.5
weather. S3ES-IVf-4.6
5. Enumerate and practice safety precautionary measures in dealing with S3ES-IVg-5
different types of weather.
5.1. Enumerate safety measures in dealing with different types of weather. S3ES-IVg-5.1
5.2. Demonstrate safety precautionary measures in dealing with different types S3ES-IVg-5.2
of weather.
Suggested Performance Task: Express ideas about safety measures during
different weather conditions creatively (through artwork, poem or song).
Summative Assessment for Competencies S3ES-Ivd-g-3-5
6. Describe the natural objects that are found in the sky during daytime
3. Earth and Space and night time.
3.1 Natural objects in the sky 6.1. Identify the natural objects seen in the sky during daytime and nighttime. S3ES-IVh-6.1
6.2. Describe the sun. S3ES-IVh-6.2
6.3. Describe the moon. S3ES-IVh-6.3
6.4. Describe the stars. S3ES-IVh-6.4
6.5. Infer that Sun can be seen during daytime while stars and moon can be seen
during night time.
7. The learners should be able to communicate how the natural objects in
the sky affect daily activities.
7.1 Identify activities that can be done during daytime and nigth time. S3ES-IVi-7.1
7.2 Compare activities that can be done during daytime and night time S3ES-IVi-7.2
Suggested Performance Task: List down daily activities affected by the natural
objects in the sky in a journal.
8. Enumerate safety measures to avoid the harmful effects of too much
sun's heat and light.
8.1 Identify the harmful effects of too much sun's heat and light. S3ES-IVi-8.1
8.2 Analyze what will happen to people, animals and plants when exposed to too S3ES-IVi-8.2
much sun's heat and light.
8.3 Enumerate safety measures to avoid the harmful effects of too much sun's
heat and light to people, animals and plants S3ES-IVi-8.3

Summative Assessment for Competencies S3ES-IVh-i

Quarterly Summative Test
ngs that make up their
y these things as solid,
ntify sources and

ners to become more


and bodies of water

work, poem, song); and

2. types and effects












Prepared by:
Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza - SDO Pasay, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
Ms. Digna C. Paningbatan - SDO Quezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Science Discipline/Component
Grade Level Standard


Performance Standard

Content Standard


1. Soil

1.1 Types of Soil

2. Water in the Environment

2.1 Sources and importance of water

3. Weather

3.1 Components of weather

3.2 Weather instruments

3.3 Weather chart

4. The Sun

4.1 Importance of the Sun

4.2 Effects of Sun on living things

4.3 Safety precautions

y, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
ezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Earth and Space

At the end of Grade 4, learners can investigate changes in some observable properties of materials when mixed w
materials or when force is applied on them. They can identify materials that do not decay and use this knowledge
minimize waste at home, school, and in the community.
Learners can describe the functions of the different internal parts of the body in order to practice ways to maintain
health. They can classify plants and animals according to where they live and observe interactions among living th
their environment. They can infer that plants and animals have traits that help them survive in their environment.
Learners can investigate the effects of push or pull on the size, shape, and movement of an object.
Learners can investigate which type of soil is best for certain plants and infer the importance of water in da
activities. They learned about what makes up weather and apply their knowledge of weather conditions in m
decisions for the day. They can infer the importance of the Sun to life on Earth.

Geology - After familiarizing themselves with the general landscape, learners will investigate two components of
physical environment in more detail: soil and water. They will classify soils in their community using simple crite
will identify the different sources of water in their community. They will infer the importance of water in daily ac
and describe ways of using water wisely.

Meteorology - After making simple descriptions about the weather in the previous grade, learners will now measu
components of weather using simple instruments. They will also identify trends in a simple weather chart.
Astronomy - After describing the natural objects that are seen in the sky, learners will now focus on the main sou
heat and light on Earth: the Sun, its role in plant growth and development, and its effect on the activities of human
other animals.
The learners should be able to practice precautionary measures in planning activities.
The learners demonstrate understanding of...
1. the different types of soil;
2. the different sources of water suitable for human consumption;
3. components of weather using simple instruments; and
4. the Sun as the main source of heat and light on Earth.


1. Compare and contrast the characteristics of different types of soil. S4ES-IVa-1

1.1. Identify the different types of soil based on their physical characteristics. S4ES-IVa-1.1

1.2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the different types of soil as to
their particle size, texture, color and water absorbability.

1.3. Identify the importance of soil to living things. S4ES-IVa-1.3

1.4. Investigate the characteristics of the different types of soil as to their ability
to grow plants.
2. Explain the use of water from different sources in the context of daily
2.1. Identify the different sources of water. S4ES-IVb-2.1
2.2. Enumerate the uses of water based on their sources. S4ES-IVb-2.2
2.3. Explain the use of water from different sources in the context of daily
2.4. Classify sources of water suitable for human consumption. S4ES-IVb-2.4
3. Infer the importance of water in daily activities. S4ES-IVc-3
3.1. List down the uses of water in our daily activities. S4ES-IVc-3.1
3.2. Infer the importance of water in daily activities. S4ES-IVc-3.2
3.3. Describe ways of using water wisely. S4ES-IVc-3.3
4. Describe the importance of the water cycle. S4ES-IVd-4
4.1. Operationally define water cycle. S4ES-IVd-4.1
4.2. Discuss the water cycle. S4ES-IVd-4.2
4.3. Describe the processes in the water cycle. S4ES-IVd-4.3
4.4. Explain the importance of water cycle. S4ES-IVd-4.4
Suggested Performance Task: Create a slogan/poster showing the importance of
Summative Assessment for Competencies S4ES-IVa-d

5. Use weather instruments to measure the different weather components. S4ES-IVe-5

5.1. Describe the different components/elements of weather. S4ES-IVe-5.1

5.2. Identify the different common weather instruments to measure the different
weather components.
5.3. Use simple weather instruments to measure the different weather
Suggested Performance Task: Construct some improvised simple weather
6. Record in a chart the weather conditions. S4ES-IVf-6
6.1. Describe how the different components of weather is reported in a weather
6.2 Record the weather condition for the day. S4ES-IVf-6.2
7. Make simple interpretations about the weather as recorded in the
weather chart.
7.1. Identify trends in a simple weather chart. S4ES-IVf-7.1
7.2. Infer weather condition in a given sample weather chart. S4ES-IVf-7.2
7.3. Make a sample weather report. S4ES-IVf-7.3
8. Identify safety precautions during different weather conditions. S4ES-IVg-8

8.1. Identify safety precautions during sunny and rainy days. S4ES-IVg-8.1
8.2. Identify safety precautions during stormy days. S4ES-IVg-8.2
Suggested Performance Task: Demonstrate safety precautions in planning
activities during different weather conditions through a calendar of activities for
a year.
Summative Assessment for Competencies S4ES-IVe-g

9. Describe the changes in the position and length of shadows in the

surroundings as the position of the sun changes.

9.1. Describe the importance of the sun as a source of heat and light. S4ES-IVh-9.1

9.2. Realize that shadows are formed when light form the sun is blocked by an

9.3 Discuss how shadows are formed. S4ES-IVh-9.3

9.4 Relate the position of the Sun with the length of shadows. S4ES-IVh-9.4

10. Describe the role of the Sun in the water cycle. S4ES-IVi-10
10.1 Discuss the importance of sun in each of the processes involved in the
water cycle.
10.2 Describe the role of the sun in the water cycle. S4ES-IVi-10.2

10.3 Infer what will happen in the water cycle in the absence of sun. S4ES-IVi-10.3

11. Describe the effects of the Sun. S4ES-IVj-11

11.1. Identify the beneficial effects of the Sun to living things. S4ES-IVj-11.1

11.2. Discuss the role of Sun in plant growth and development. S4ES-IVj-11.2

11.3. Describe the effects of Sun on the activities of humans and other animals. S4ES-IVj-11.3

11.4. Identify the harmful effects of the Sun to living things. S4ES-IVj-11.4

11.5. Practice safety precautions to prevent the harmful effects of the Sun. S4ES-IVj-11.5

Summative Assessment for Competencies S4ES-Ivh-j

Quarterly Summative Test
aterials when mixed with other
nd use this knowledge to help

ctice ways to maintain good

actions among living things and
in their environment.
rtance of water in daily
eather conditions in making

te two components of the

nity using simple criteria. They
ce of water in daily activities

arners will now measure the

weather chart.
focus on the main source of
he activities of humans and






Prepared by:
Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza - SDO Pasay, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
Ms. Digna C. Paningbatan - SDO Quezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Grade GRADE 5
Science Discipline/Component Earth and Space
At the end of Grade 5, learners can decide whether materials are safe and useful by investigating about some of their pro
new materials may form when there are changes in properties due to certain conditions.
Learners have developed healthful and hygienic practices related to the reproductive system after describing changes tha
can compare different modes of reproduction among plant and animal groups and conduct an investigation on pollinatio
the importance of estuaries and intertidal zones and help in their preservation.
Grade Level Standard Learners can describe the movement of objects in terms of distance and time travelled. Learners recognize that different
heat, light, and sound. They can relate these abilities of materials to their specific uses.
Learners can describe the changes that earth materials undergo. They can make emergency plans with their fam
typhoons. They can observe patterns in the natural events by observing the appearance of the Moon.

Geology - In this grade level, learners will learn that our surroundings do not stay the same forever. For example, rocks
carried away by erosion. Learners will infer that the surface of the Earth changes with the passage of time.
Meteorology - Learners will learn that the weather does not stay the same the whole year round. Weather disturbances s
Domain Learners will describe the effects of typhoons on the community and the changes in the weather before, during, and afte
Astronomy - After learning about the Sun, learners will now familiarize themselves with the Moon and the stars. They
appearance of the Moon and discover that the changes are cyclical, and that the cycle is related to the length of a month.
patterns that can be seen during certain times of the year
The learners should be able to:
1. participate in projects that reduce soil erosion in the commun
2. prepares individual e
Performance Standard
3. debug local myths and folklore about the Moon and the Stars by presenting pieces of evidence to convince the comm
The learners demonstrate understanding of:
1. weathering and soil erosion shape the Earth’s surface and affect living things and the
Content Standard 2. weather disturbances and their effects on the environment;
3. the phases of the Moon and the beliefs and practices assoc
4. Constellations and the information derived fr


1. Processes that shape 1. Describe how rocks turn into soil.
Earth’s Surface 1.1. Describe the processes on how rocks turn into soil.
1.2. Compare mechanical from chemical weathering
1.1 Weathering and Soil 1.3. Identify the agents of weathering (e.g. water, wind, people, animals, plants, sun)
Erosion 1.4. Explain how the action of wind, water and sun contribute to rock weathering
1.5. Infer that continuous weathering lead to soil formation
1.6. Explain the effects of weathering on the environment and of living things.
2. Investigate the extent of soil erosion in the community and its effect on living things and the
2.1. Conduct a simple investigation on extent of soil erosion in the community by identifying the
factors affecting soil erosion.
2.2. Demonstrate how certain factors affect the amount of soil carried away
2.2.1 - slope of land
2.2.2- strength and volume of running water
2.2.3 - presence of land crops
2.2.4 dryness and size of soil particles
2.3. Describe the effects of soil erosion on living things.
2.4. Describe the effects of soil erosion in the environment. (shape of land; condition of water)
3. Communicate the data collected from the investigation of soil erosion
3.1. Present to the class the data collected from the investigation of soil erosion in the community - its
causes and effects to living things and the environment.
3.2. Suggest ways on how to reduce the harmful effects of soil erosion on living things and
3.3. Explain how people and plants help reduce soil erosion.
- alternate strip cropping
- planting trees
- cover crops
- riprap

Suggested Performance Task: Create a multimedia presentation or write an essay about soil erosion.
Summative Assessment for Competencies S5ES-IVa-1, S5FE-IVb-2, S5ES-IVc-3
Weather Disturbances 4. Observe the changes in the weather before, during and after a typhoon
2.1. Types of weather disturbances 4.1. Describe a low pressure area.
4.2. Describe monsoon winds.
4.3. Identify the different weather disturbances: Depression, Storm, Typhoon
4.4. Discuss the different weather systems in the Philippines
4.6. Explain the changes in the weather before, during and after typhoon.
2.2. Effects of weather disturbances on
5. Describe the effect of typhoons on the community.
living things and the environment
5.1. Describe the effects of typhoon on human activities through role playing.
5.2. Describe the effects of typhoon on other living things such as plants and animals.
5.3. Describe the effects of typhoon on physical structures.
6. Describe the effects of the winds, given a certain storm warning signal:
6.1 Enumerate the public storm signals and their corresponding wind speed.
6.2. Describe the effects of the winds associated with each storm warning signal.
6.3. Make a typhoon emergency plan for the family.
Summative Assessment for Competencies S5ES-IVd-4, S5ES-IVe-5, S5ES-IVf-6
3. The Moon 7. Infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the moon.
7.1. Describe the characteristics of the moon.
7.2. Observe the apparent changes in the shape of the moon.
7.3. Identify the different phases of the moon.
3.1 Phases of the Moon 7.4. Illustrate the phases of the moon.
7.5. Infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the moon
7.6. Show through a model how the relative position of the observer of Earth, Moon, and Sun cause
3.2 Beliefs and Practices
the apparent changes in the shape of the moon.
8. Relate the cyclical pattern to the length of the month
8.1. Show through a model that the moon travels around the earth in about 29 1/2 days
8.2. Relate the phases of the moon and the length of the month.
8.3. Show through a model that as the moon travels around the earth it makes a complete rotation and
that same side of the moon is facing the Earth at all times.
8.4. Discuss the beliefs and practices that have been attributed to the moon.
Summative Assessment for Competencies S5ES-IVg-h-7, S5ES-IVg-h-8
4. The Stars 9. Identify star patterns that can be seen at particular times of the year.
4.1. Patterns of Stars (Constellation)
9.1. Infer that the stars in the sky differ in size and are not in the same location as viewed from Earth.
9.2. Identify common constellations in the sky.
9.3. Identify star patterns that can be seen at particular times of the year
9.4. Explain the importance of constellation to humans.
9.5. Construct a star pattern model.
9.6. Cite some beliefs and practices related to star patterns.
Suggested Performance Task: Compose a song, poem or story on local myths ad folklore about the
moon and stars/role play on local myths and folklore about the moon and stars.
Summative Assessment for Competencies S5ES-IVi-j-9
Quarterly Summative Test
ting about some of their properties. They can infer that

after describing changes that accompany puberty. They

n investigation on pollination. They have become aware of

ners recognize that different materials react differently with

gency plans with their families in preparation for

e of the Moon.

orever. For example, rocks undergo weathering and soil is

ssage of time.
und. Weather disturbances such as typhoons may occur.
her before, during, and after a typhoon.
e Moon and the stars. They will describe the changes in the
ed to the length of a month. Learners will identify star

e soil erosion in the community;

2. prepares individual emergency kit.

dence to convince the community folks

affect living things and the environment;
beliefs and practices associated with it;
d the information derived from their location in the sky.

S5ES-IVa-1.1 1
S5ES-IVa-1.2 1
S5ES-IVa-1.3 1
S5ES-IVa-1.4 1
S5ES-IVa-1.5 1
S5ES-IVa-1.6 1

S5ES-IVb-2.1 1

S5ES-IVb-2.3 1
S5ES-IVb-2.4 1
S5ES-IVc-3.1 1

S5ES-IVc-3.2 1
S5ES-IVc-3.3 1

S5ES-IVd-4.1 1
S5ESIVd-4.2 1
S5ESIVd-4.3 1
S5ES-IVd-4.4 1
S5ES-IVe-5.3 1
S5ES-IVf-6.1 1
S5ES-IVf-6.2 1
S5ES-IVf-6.3 1
S5ES-IVg-h-7.1 1
S5ES-IVg-h-7.2 1
S5ES-IVg-h-7.3 1
S5ES-IVg-h-7.4 1
S5ES-IVg-h-7.5 1
S5ES-IVg-h-7.6 1
S5ES-IVg-h-8.3 1
S5ES-IVg-h-8.4 1
S5ES-IVi-j-9.1 1
S5ES-IVi-j-9.4 1
S5ES-IVi-j-9.5 1
S5ES-IVi-j-9.6 1
Prepared by:
Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza - SDO Pasay, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
Ms. Digna C. Paningbatan - SDO Quezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Grade GRADE 6
Science Discipline/Component Earth and Space
At the end of Grade 6, learners recognize that when mixed together, materials may not form new ones thus these mater
may be recovered using different separation techniques. They can prepare useful mixtures such as food, drinks and her
Learners understand how the different organ systems of the human body work together. They can classify plants based
reproductive structures, and animals based on the presence or lack of backbone. They can design and conduct an
investigation on plant propagation. They can describe larger ecosystems such as rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove
Grade Level Standard swamps.
Learners can infer that friction and gravity affect how people and objects move. They have found out that heat, light, so
electricity, and motion studied earlier are forms of energy and these undergo transformation.
Learners can describe what happens during earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and demonstrate what to do w
they occur. They can infer that the weather follows a pattern in the course of a year. They have learned about th
solar system, with emphasis on the motions of the Earth as prerequisite to the study of seasons in another grade

Geology - Learners will learn that aside from weathering and erosion, there are other processes that may alter the surfa
the Earth: earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Only the effects of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are taken up in th
grade level, not their causes (which will be tackled in Grades 8 and 9). Learners will also gather and report data on
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in their community or region.

Domain Meteorology - After learning how to measure the different components of weather in Grades 4 and 5, learners will now
collect weather data within the span of the school year. Learners will interpret the data and identify the weather pattern
their community.
Astronomy - In Grade 6, learners will turn their attention to Earth as another natural object in space (in addition to the
Moon, and stars). Learners will learn about the motions of the Earth: rotation and revolution. Learners will also comp
the different members that make up the Solar System and construct models to help them visualize their relative sizes an
The learners should design an emergency and
Performance Standard preparedness plan and kit

The learners demonstrate understanding of the effects of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions; weather patterns and seas
Content Standard
in the Philippines; Earth's rotation and revolution; and characteristics of planets in the solar system.
1. Forces that affect changes on the earth’s 1. Describe the changes on the earth's surface as a result of earthquakes
surface and volcanic eruptions.
1.1. Observe what happens to the earth's surface during an earthquake through a
1.1 Earthquakes S6ESIVa-1.1
video or movie.
1.2 Volcanic Eruptions 1.2. Compare an area hit and not hit by an earthquake. S6ESIVa-1.2
1.3. Describe changes on the earth's surface as a result of earthquake . S6ESIVa-1.3
1.4. Predict what will happen to the earth's surface with occurrence of
successive earthquake.
1.5. Observe what happens to the earth's surface during volcanic eruptions
through a video or movie.
1.6. Compare an area hit and not hit by volcanic eruptions. S6ESIVa-1.6
1.7. Describe changes on the earth's surface as a result of volcanic eruptions. S6ESIVa-1.7
1.8. Predict what will happen to the earth's surface with occurrence of
successive volcanic eruptions.
2. Enumerate what to do before, during and after earthquakes and volcanic
2.1. Enumerate what to do before, during, and after earthquake. S6ESIVb-2.1
2.2. Demonstrate what to do before , during and after earthquake through role
2.3. Enumerate what to do before, during, and after volcanic eruptions. S6ESIVb-2.3
2.1. Demonstrate what to do before , during and after volcanic eruptions through
role playing/poem/song etc.
Performance Task: Design a preparedness plan and emergency plan and kit in
case of earthquake and volcanic eruption.
Summative Assessment for Competencies a-b
2. Weather Patterns in the Philippines 3. Describe the different seasons in the Philippines S6ES-IVc-3

3.1. Analyze the weather data in each month of the year. S6ES-IVc-3.1
3.2. Infer on the season through weather patterns in the Philippines using
weather data.
3.3. Describe the different seasons in the Philippines. S6ES-IVc-3.3
3.4. Determine the occurrence of dry season in the Philippines using a graph. S6ES-IVc-3.4
3.5 Determine the occurrence of wet season in the Philippines using a graph. S6ES-IVc-3.5
3.6. Explain the importance of knowing the weather patterns and seasons in the
4. Discuss appropriate activities for specific seasons in the Philippines. S6ES-Ivd-4
2.1 Weather patterns and seasons in the
Philippines 4.1. Discuss appropriate activities appropriate for dry season in the Philippines. S6ES-Ivd-4.1

4.2. Discuss appropriate activities for wet season in the Philippines. S6ES-Ivd-4.2
4.3. Show through role playing the activities appropriate for each season in the
Suggested Performance Task: Draw a picture depicting how family has coped
with changes in seasons of the community they live in./Make a brochure or info
ad on the activities for specific seasons in the Philippines.
Summative Assessment for Competencies c-d.
5. Demonstrate rotation and revolution of the Earth using a globe to
3. Motions of the Earth S6ES-IVe-f-5
explain day and night and the sequence of seasons.
5.1. Construct a model of Sun-Earth-Moon to demonstrate the rotation and
revolution of the Earth.
5.2. Describe the movement of the Earth. S6ES-IVe-f-5.2
5.3 Using a model, demonstrate rotation and revolution of the Earth. S6ES-IVe-f-5.3
5.4. Explain the occurrence of day and night in relation to rotation using a
3.1 Rotation and revolution 5.5. Illustrate the revolution of the Earth. S6ES-IVe-f-5.5
3.1 Rotation and revolution
5.6. Infer that seasons change due to earth's revolution. S6ES-IVe-f-5.6
5.7. Explain the sequence of seasons in relation to revolution. S6ES-IVe-f-5.7
Suggested Performance Task: Demonstrate the revolution of the Earth in its
orbit around the Sun through simulation or role playing.
4. The Solar System 6. Compare planets of the solar system. S6ES-IVg-h -6
6.1. Identify the planets in the solar system. S6ES-IVg-h-6.1
6.2. Decribe the planets according to their composition. S6ES-IVg-h-6.2
6.3. Compare the Earth with other planets which make it livable. S6ES-IVg-h-6.3
6.4. Decribe the planets according to their movements in the solar system. S6ES-IVg-h-6.4
6.5. Compare the sizes of the planets in the solar system. S6ES-IVg-h-6.5

6.6. Compare the relative distances of the planets from the sun and other planets. S6ES-IVg-h-6.6
4.1 Planets 6.7. Illustrate the planets of the solar system focusing on their colors, sizes and
distances from the Sun.
7. Construct a model of the solar system showing the relative sizes of the
planets and their relative distances from the sun.
7.1. Construct a model of the solar system showing the relative sizes of the
planets and their relative distances from the sun.
Suggested Performance Task: Make a videoclip/info ad/commercial of the Solar
System showing the characteristics of the planets in the solar system.
Summative Assessment for Competencies e-j.
Quarterly Summative Test
new ones thus these materials
uch as food, drinks and herbal

y can classify plants based on

esign and conduct an
coral reefs, and mangrove

found out that heat, light, sound,

demonstrate what to do when
hey have learned about the
seasons in another grade

ses that may alter the surface of

eruptions are taken up in this
ather and report data on

s 4 and 5, learners will now

identify the weather patterns in
in space (in addition to the Sun,
n. Learners will also compare
ualize their relative sizes and

s; weather patterns and seasons








Prepared by:
Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza - SDO Pasay, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
Ms. Digna C. Paningbatan - SDO Quezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Grade GRADE 7
Science Discipline/Component At the end
Earth and of Grade 7, learners can distinguish mixtures from substances through semi-guided investigations. They
realize the importance of fair testing when conducting investigations.

After studying how organ systems work

together in plants and animals in the lower grade levels, learners can use a microscope when observing very small
organisms and structures. They recognize that living things are organized into different levels: Cells, tissues,
organs, organ systems, and organisms. These organisms comprise populations and communities, which interact
with non-living things in ecosystems.
Grade Level Standard
Learners can describe the motion of objects in terms of
distance and speed, and represent this in tables, graphs, charts, and equations. They can describe how various forms
of energy travel through different mediums.

Learners describe what makes up the Philippines as a whole and the

resources found in the archipelago. They can explain the occurrence of breezes, monsoons, and ITCZ, and
how these weather systems affect people. They can explain why seasons change and demonstrate how
eclipses occur.
Geology - Learners will explore and locate places using a coordinate system. They will discover that our country’s
location near the equator and along the Ring of Fire influences elements that make up the Philippine environment
(e.g., natural resources and climate).

Meteorology - Learners will explain the occurrence of atmospheric phenomena (breezes, monsoons, and ITCZ)
Domain that are commonly experienced in the country as a result of the Philippines’ location with respect to the equator,
and surrounding bodies of water and landmasses.

Astronomy - Learners will explain the occurrence of the seasons and eclipses as a result of the motions of the
Earth and the Moon. Using models, learners will explain that because the Earth revolves around the Sun, the
seasons change, and because the Moon revolves around the Earth, eclipses sometimes occur.

The learners shall be able to analyze the advantage of the location of the Philippines in relation to the climate,
Performance Standard
weather, and seasons.
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. the relation of geographical location of the Philippines to its environment;
2. the different phenomena that occur in the atmosphere;
Content Standard
3. the relationship of the seasons and the position of the Sun in the sky; and

4. the occurrence of eclipses.

1.The Philippine Environment 1. Demonstrate how places on Earth may be located using a coordinate
1.1 Location of the S7ES-IVa-1
Philippines using a coordinate 1.1. Identify important imaginary lines in the globe/map used in locating places.
system S7ES-IVa-1.1 1
1.2. Location of the Philippines
with respect to landmasses and 1.2. Describe the lines of latitude and lines of longitude. S7ES-IVa-1.2 1
bodies of water 1.3. Demonstrate how places on Earth may be located using a coordinate system. S7ES-IVa-1.3 1
1.3. 2. Describe the location of the Philippines with respect to the continents and
Protection and conservation of S7ES-IVa-2
oceans of the world.
natural resources
2.1. Identify the major bodies of water and the different landmasses that surrounds
S7ES-IVa-2.1 1
the Philippines.
2.2. Describe the location of the Philippines with respect to the continents and
S7ES-IVa-2.2 1
oceans of the world.
2.3. Infer the importance of the location of Philippines with respect to the
S7ES-IVa-2.3 1
continents and oceans of the world.
3. Recognize that soil, water, rocks, coal, and other fossil fuels are Earth
materials that people use as resources.
3.1. Discuss the layers of soil and their importance. S7ES-IVb3.1 1
3.2. Identify the mineral deposits and their location across the country. S7ES-IVb3.2
3.3. Identify the provinces in the Philippines with mineral and non-mineral 1
3.4. Describe processes on how minerals are mined from rocks. S7ES-IVb3.4 1
3.5. Discuss the importance of some minerals found in the Philippines. S7ES-IVb3.5 1
3.6. Relate the location of trenches, volcanoes and faults in the Philippines with the S7ES-IVb3.6 1
location of mineral deposits.
4. Describe ways of using Earth’s resources sustainably. S7ES-IVc-4
4.1. Describe the use of the different Earth's resources. S7ES-IVc-4.1 1
4.2. Explain ways on how to sustain Earth's resources. S7ES-IVc-4.2 1
4.3. Identify the human activities that affect the natural resources and describe their
S7ES-IVc-4.3 1
4.4. Suggest ways to reduce the effects of human activities on natural resources. S7ES-IVc-4.4 1
Suggested Performance Task: Create a brochure or comics strip that shows the
beauty of Philippines with respect to its resources.
Summative Assessment for Competencies S7ESIVa-c 1
2.Interactions in the Atmosphere 5. Discuss how energy from the Sun interacts with the layers of the
2.1. Greenhouse effect and global atmosphere. S7ES-IVd5
warming 5.1. Describe the different layers of the Earth’s atmosphere. S7ES-IVd5.1 1
2.3. Land and sea breezes
2.4. Monsoons 5.2. Discuss how energy from the Sun interacts with the layers of the atmosphere. S7ES-IVd5.2 1
2.5. 5.3. Relate temperature and altitude in each layer of the atmosphere. S7ES-IVd5.3 1
Intertropical convergence zone 5.4. Explain what happens to the air in the surroundings as warm air rises. S7ES-IVd5.4 1
6. Explain how some human activities affect the atmosphere. S7ES-IVe-6
6.1. Identify some greenhouse gases and their effects to the Earth's atmosphere. S7ES-IVe-6.1 1
6.2. Explain how some human activities affect the atmosphere. S7ES-IVe-6.2 1
7. Account for the occurrence of land and sea breezes, monsoons, and
intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ).
7.1. Describe the effect of difference in temperature and pressure to movement of S7ES-IVf-7.1 1
7.2. Using a map, determine direction of wind movement during different seasons
S7ES-IVf-7.2 1
in the Philippines.
7.3. Infer the occurrence of weather systems experienced in the country as a result S7ES-IVf-7.3 1
of Philippine's location.
8. Describe the effects of certain weather systems in the Philippines. S7ES-IVg8
8.1. Describe the effects of certain weather systems such as ITCZ to monsoon
winds in the Philippines. S7ES-IVg8.1
Suggested Performance Task: Create an information ad (like brochure - making, a
song composition, dance interpretation or poem writing) that helps to protect our 1
Summative Assessment
9. Using models, relate:for Competencies S7ESIVd-g 1
3. Seasons in the Philippines a. the tilt of the Earth to the length of daytime;
3.1. Relation of seasons b. the length of daytime to the amount of energy
to the position of the Sun in the sky received; c. the position of the
3.2. Causes of seasons in the Earth in its orbit to the height of the Sun in the sky; S7ES-IVh9
Philippines d. the
height of the Sun in the sky to the amount of energy received;
e. the latitude of an area to the amount of energy
the area receives;
9.1. Using a Sun-Earth-Moon model, describe the movement of the Earth's with S7ES-IVh9.1 1
respect to the Sun.
9.2.Relate the tilt of the Earth to the length of daytime. S7ES-IVh9.2
9.3. Relate the length of daytime to the amount of energy received. S7ES-IVh9.3
9.4. Relate the position of the Earth in its orbit to the distance of the Sun in the S7ES-IVh9.4
Sky. 1
9.5. Relate the distance of the Sun in the sky to the amount of energy received. S7ES-IVh9.5
9.6. Relate the latitude of an area to the amount of energy the area receives. S7ES-IVh9.6 1
9.7. Predict the length of day and night and amount of energy given a certain S7ES-IVh9.7 1
position of Sun and Earth.
10. Show what causes change in the seasons in the Philippines using models. S7ES-IVi10
10.1. Infer on the effect of length of daytime and nighttime on seasons. S7ES-IVi10.1 1
11.2.Describe the different seasons in the Philippines. S7ES-IVi10.2
10.3. Explain the occurrence of seasons in a year. S7ES-IVi10.3
10.4. Illustrate the position of Sun and Earth at different seasons of the year. S7ES-IVi10.4 1
11. Explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur. S7ES-IVj11
11.1. Construct a model to describe the position of the Sun-Moon-Earth system
S7ES-IVj11.1 1
4. Eclipses during solar and lunar eclipse.
4.1. Solar Eclipse 11.2. Illustrate the position of Sun, Earth and Moon during solar and lunar eclipse. S7ES-IVj11.2
4.2. Lunar Eclipse 1
11.3. Differentiate solar and lunar eclipse. S7ES-IVj11.3
11.4. Explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur. S7ES-IVj11.4
11.5. Relate partial and total eclipse to penumbra and umbra. S7ES-IVj11.5
12. Collect, record and report data on the beliefs and practices of the
community in relation to eclipses.
12.1 Identify beliefs and practices in relation to eclipses. S7ES-IVj12.1 1
Suggested Performance Task: Make a report/comic strip/role play on the beliefs or
S7ES-IVj12.2 1
practices of the community in realtion to eclipses.
Summative Assessment for Cmpetencies S7ES-IVh-j 1
Quarterly Summative Test 1
Prepared by:
Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza - SDO Pasay, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
Ms. Digna C. Paningbatan - SDO Quezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Grade GRADE 8
Science Discipline/Component Earth and Space
At the end of Grade 8, learners can describe the factors that affect the motion of an object based on the Laws of Motion
They can differentiate the concept of work as used in science and in layman’s language. They know the factors that aff
the transfer of energy, such as temperature difference, and the type (solid, liquid, or gas) of the medium.

Learners can explain how active faults generate earthquakes and how
tropical cyclones originate from warm ocean waters. They recognize other members of the solar system.
Grade Level Standard Learners can explain th
behaviour of matter in terms of the particles it is made of. They recognize that ingredients in food and medical product
made up of these particles and are absorbed by the body in the form of ions.

Learners recognize reproduction as a process of cell division resulting in growth of organisms. The
have delved deeper into the process of digestion as studied in the lower grades, giving emphasis on proper nutrition for
overall wellness. They can participate in activities that protect and conserve economically important species used for fo

Geology - As a result of being located along the Ring of Fire, the Philippines is prone to earthquakes. Using models,
learners will explain how quakes are generated by faults. They will try to identify faults in the community and differen
active faults from inactive ones.
Meteorology - Being located beside the Pacific Ocean, the Philippines is prone to typhoons. In Grade 5, the effects of
Domain typhoons were tackled. Here, learners will explain how typhoons develop, how typhoons are affected by landforms and
bodies of water, and why typhoons follow certain paths as they move within the Philippine Area of Responsibility.

Astronomy - Learners will complete their survey of the Solar System by describing the characteristics of asteroids, co
and other members of the Solar System.
The learners shall be able to:
1. participate in decision making on where to build
structures based on knowledge of the location of active faults in the community;

Performance Standard 2. make an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use at home and in school;
3. demonstrate precautionary measures before, during, and after a typhoon, inclu
following advisories, storm signals, and calls for evacuation given by government agencies in charge; and
4. discuss wheth
not beliefs and practices about comets and meteors have scientific basis .
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the:
1. relationship between faults and earthquakes;
Content Standard 2. formation
typhoons and their movement within the PAR;
3. characteristics of comets, meteors, and asteroids.


1. Earthquakes and Faults 1. Using models or illustrations, explain how movements along faults
generate earthquakes
1.1 Active and inactive faults
1.1. Define fault. S8ES-IIa14 .1.1
1.2 How movements along faults generate
1.2. Explain how faults are formed. S8ES-IIa14 .1.2
1.3 How earthquakes generate tsunamis
1.4 Earthquake focus and epicenter 1.3. Costruct fault models. S8ES-IIa14 .1.3
1.5 Earthquake preparedness
1.6 intensity and magnitude 1.4. Differentiate the three types of faults. S8ES-IIa14 .1.4
1.5. Relate the types of stress associated with each type of fault. S8ES-IIa14.1.5
1.6. Describe the effects of bending of rocks along faults. S8ES-IIa14.1 .6
1.7 How earthquake waves provide
information about the interior of the Earth 1.7. Simulate how movements along faults generate earthquakes using models.
2. Differentiate the:
2.1 epicenter of an earthquake from its
focus; 2.2 intensity S8ES-IIa15
of an earthquake from its magnitude;
2.3 active and inactive faults;
2.1. Differentiate epicenter from focus. S8ES-IIa15.2.1
2.2. Distinguish between magnitude and intensity. S8ES-IIa15.2.2
2.3. Identify the effects of earthquake to humans and properties. S8ES-IIa15.2.3
2.4. Discuss the scale adapted in the Philippines to describe the intesity and
magnitude of an earthquake.
2.5. Differentiate active and inactive faults. S8ES-IIa15.2.5
2.6. Using Performance
Suggested a map, locate Task:
and inactive faults in the
the PHIVOLCS app,Philippines.
determine whether S8ES-IIa15.2.6
there are nearby faults in their area and share their findings in the class through
3. Demonstrate how underwater earthquakes generate tsunamis S8ES-IIb16
3.1. Define tsunami. S8ES-IIb16.3.1
3.2. Discuss how tsunamis are generated. S8ES-IIb16.3.2
3.3. Simulate the occurrence of tsunami. S8ES-IIb16.3.3
3.4. Infer why tsunami does not always occur when there is an earthquake. S8ES-IIb16.3.4
3.5. Describe the impacts of tsunami to humans, infrastructure and livestock. S8ES-IIb16.3.5
3.6. Locate places in the Philippines prone to tsunami. S8ES-IIb16.3.6
3.7. Use the map of the Philippines to locate the trenches, volcanoes and faults S8ES-IIb16.3.7
in the Philippines.
4. Explain how earthquake waves provide information about the interior of S8ES-IIc17
the earth.
4.1. Identify the layers of the Earth and their characteristics. S8ES-IIc17.4.1
4.2. Describe the behavior of seismic waves. S8ES-IIc17.4.2
4.3. Compare and contrast P wave and S wave in terms of their speed and
4.4. Explain how seismic waves are used to describe the interior of the Earth. S8ES-IIc17.4.4
Suggested Performance Task: Design an emergency plan and prepare an
emergency kit for use at home and in school.
Summative Assessment for Competencies a-c
5. Explain how typhoons develop S8ES-IId18
5.1. Characterize a typhoon. S8ES-IId18.5.1
5.2. Differentiate a typhoon, cyclone and hurricane. S8ES-IId18.5.2
5.3. Classify tropical cyclones according to their wind speed. S8ES-IId18.5.3
5.4. Construct a model of tropical cyclone. S8ES-IId18.5.4
6. Infer why the Philippines is prone to typhoons. S8ES-IId19
2. Understanding Typhoons 6.1. Define Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR). S8ES-IId19.6.1
6.2. Plot the PAR in a map. S8ES-IId19.6.2
6.3. Discuss the conditions that lead to formation of typhoon. S8ES-IId19.6.3
2.1 How typhoons
2. Understanding Typhoons

2.1 How typhoons 6.4. Relate the presence of bodies of water to the frequency of typhoons in the S8ES-IId19.6.4
develop Phiippines.
7. Explain how landmasses and bodies of water affect typhoons. S8ES-IIe20
7.1. Identify the parts of a tropical cyclone. S8ES-IIe20.7.1
7.2. Describe the wind speed and air pressure in the different parts of a typhoon. S8ES-IIe20.7.2
2.2 Why the Philippines is 7.3. Describe the effects of the eye and eyewall of the typhoon as it passes
prone to typhoons S8ES-IIe20.7.3
through an area.
7.4. Explain how landmasses and bodies of water affect the typhoon. S8ES-IIe20.7.4
2.3 8. Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine Area of S8ES-IIf-21
How landforms and bodies of water affect Responsibility (PAR) using a map and tracking data.
typhoons within the Philippine Area of 8.1. Track the path taken by a tropical cyclone given its coordinates. S8ES-IIf-21.8.1
Responsibility (PAR) 8.2. Determine whether a tropical cyclone is within or outside the PAR S8ES-IIf-21.8.2
8.3. Discuss why is there a need for PAG ASA to regularly monitor tropical S8ES-IIf-21.8.3
cyclones near the PAR
Suggested Performance Task: Design a safety plan to reduce the risks of
typhoons and explain through role playing the precautionary measures before,
during and after the occurrence of typhoon.
Summative Test for Competencies d-f
9. Compare and contrast comets, meteors, and asteroids S8ES-IIg22
9.1. Characterize comets, meteors and asteroids according to their:
a. location
b. composition
c. orbit
9.2. Simulate the impacts of asteroids and comets on Earth. S8ES-IIg22.9.2
9.3. Present observations on simulating the impacts of asteroids and comets
using drawing/ illustrations.
10. Predict the appearance of comets based on recorded data of previous
3. Other members of the Solar System S8ES-IIh23
10.1. Name some comets that were once visible on Earth. S8ES-IIh23.10.1
3.1 Comets 10.2. Identify and describe the parts of a comet. S8ES-IIh23.10.2
3.2 Meteors

3.3 Asteroids
3. Other members of the Solar System

3.1 Comets
3.2 Meteors 10.3. Predict the next possible appearance of comets based on recorded dates of
their previous appearances.
3.3 Asteroids
11. Explain the regular occurrence of meteor showers. S8ES-IIi-j24
11.1. Describe the changes that happens to a fragment from a comet or asteroid
as it enters the Earth’s atmosphere.
11.2. Differentiate meteoroid, meteor and meteorite. S8ES-IIi-j24.11.2
11.3. Represent the relationship among meteoroid, meteor and meteorite using a
Suggested Performance Task: Provide scientific evidences to support one’s stand
on a debate about superstitions on comets, asteroids and meteors.
Summative Assessment for Competencies g-j
Quarterly Summative Test
ased on the Laws of Motion.
ey know the factors that affect
he medium.

earthquakes and how

the solar system.
Learners can explain the
n food and medical products are

growth of organisms. They

hasis on proper nutrition for
mportant species used for food.

thquakes. Using models,

he community and differentiate

. In Grade 5, the effects of

e affected by landforms and
Area of Responsibility.

racteristics of asteroids, comets,

king on where to build

g, and after a typhoon, including

in charge; and
4. discuss whether or

2. formation of












Prepared by:
Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza - SDO Pasay, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
Ms. Digna C. Paningbatan - SDO Quezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Grade GRADE 9
Science Discipline/Component Earth and Space
At the end of Grade 9, learners have gained a deeper understanding of the digestive, respiratory, and circulatory system
promote overall health. They have become familiar with some technologies that introduce desired traits in economicall
important plants and animals. Learners can explain how new materials are formed when atoms are rearranged. They
recognize that a wide variety of useful compounds may arise from such rearrangements.
Grade Level Standard Learners can identify volcanoes and distinguish between active and inactive ones. They can explain how energy
from volcanoes may be tapped for human use. They are familiar with climatic phenomena that occur on a globa
scale. They can explain why certain constellations can be seen only at certain times of the year.
Learners can predict the outcomes of interactions among objects in real life applying the laws of conservation of energ

Geology - Being located along the Ring of Fire, the Philippines is home to many volcanoes. Using models, learners wi
explain what happens when volcanoes erupt. They will describe the different types of volcanoes and differentiate activ
volcanoes from inactive ones. They will also explain how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use.

Meteorology - In this grade level, learners will distinguish between weather and climate. They will explain how differ
Domain factors affect the climate of an area. They will also be introduced to climatic phenomena that occur over a wide area (e
El Niño and global warming).

Astronomy - Learners will now leave the Solar System and learn about the stars beyond. They will infer the characteri
of stars based on the characteristics of the Sun. Using models, learners will show that constellations move in the course
night because of Earth’s rotation, while different constellations are observed in the course of a year because of the Eart
The learners shall be able to:
1. participate in activities that reduce risks and lessen effects of climate change.
Performance Standard
2. discuss whether or not popular beliefs and practices with regard to constellations and astrology
have scientific basis
The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
1. volcanoes found in the Philippines;
Content Standard 2. factors that affect climate, and the effects of changing climate and how to adapt accordingly;
3. relationship between the visible constellations in the sky and Earth’s position along


1. Volcanoes 1. Describe the different types of volcanoes S9ES -IIIa25
1.1 Types of volcanoes 1.1. Describe volcano and its parts. S9ES -IIIa25.1.1
1.2. Describe the types of volcano based on structure and activity S9ES -IIIa25.1.2
2. Differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes S9ES -IIIa26
2.1. Differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes. S9ES -IIIa26.2.1
2.2. Give examples of inactive and active volcanoes found in the Philippines. S9ES -IIIa26.2.2
1.2 Volcanic Eruptions 3. Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt S9ES -IIIb27
3.1. Describe how magma is formed. S9ES -IIIb27.3.1
3.2. Identify the composition of magma. S9ES -IIIb27.3.2
3.3. Explain the effect of temperature and composition on the viscosity of the
S9ES -IIIb27.3.3
3.4. Relate the characteristics of magma with the type of volcanic eruption. S9ES -IIIb27.3.4
3.5. Explain the process of volcanic eruption. S9ES -IIIb27.3.5
3.6. Describe the different types of volcanic eruption. S9ES -IIIb27.3.6
3.7. Enumerate the material emissions of volcanoes. S9ES -IIIb27.3.7
3.8. Describe the effects of material emissions from volcanoes to humans and
S9ES -IIIb27.3.8
other living things.
1.3 Energy from Volcanoes 4. Illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use; S9ES –IIIcd-28
4.1. Identify the type of energy from volcanoes. S9ES –IIIcd-28.4.1
4.2. Recall the types of volcanoes which can be good sources of geothermal S9ES –IIIcd-28.4.2
4.3 Identify volcanoes in the Philippines which are sources of geothermal
S9ES –IIIcd-28.4.3
4.4. Create a diagrammatic representation of geothermal energy flow in a
S9ES –IIIcd-28.4.4
geothermal power plant.
4.5. Explain how a geothermal energy is transformed into electrical energy. S9ES –IIIcd-28.4.5
4.6 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using geothermal energy. S9ES –IIIcd-28.4.6
4.7. Enumerate the signs of an impending volcanic eruption. S9ES –IIIcd-28.4.7
Suggested Performance Task: Create an information ad to describe ways on
how to minimize the harmful effects of volcanic eruption.
Summative Assessmentfor Competencies a-d
2.Climate 5. Explain how different factors affect the climate of an area S9ES-IIIe29
2.1. Factors affecting climate 5.1. Differentiate climate from weather. S9ES-IIIe29.5.1
5.2. Identify factors that affect climate. S9ES-IIIe29.5.2
5.3. Explain how altitude affects the climate. S9ES-IIIe29.5.3
5.4. Explain how land topography affects the climate. S9ES-IIIe29.5.4
5.5. Explain how ocean surface and circulation directly affect the pattern of S9ES-IIIe29.5.5
climate around the world.
5.6. Enumerate and explain how different factors that affect climate of an area. S9ES-IIIe29.5.6
2.2. Global Climate phenomena 6. Describe certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level S9ES-IIIf30
6.1 Identify climatic phenomena thaat occur on a global level. S9ES-IIIf30.6.1
6.2. Describe a greenhouse. S9ES-IIIf30.6.2
6.3. Explain the role of increased carbon dioxide on earth's temperature. S9ES-IIIf30.6.3
6.4. Differentiate greenhouse effect from global warming. S9ES-IIIf30.6.4
6.5. Identify the sources of greenhouse gases. S9ES-IIIf30.6.5
6.6. Relate global warming and climate change. S9ES-IIIf30.6.6
6.7. Differentiate El Niño and La Niña phenomena. S9ES-IIIf30.6.7
6.8. Explain the effects of El Nino and La Nina Phenomena on global climate. S9ES-IIIf30.6.8
Suggested Performance Task: Create a 15-minute infommercial on the
mitigation of the effects of climate change to be posted on social media.
Summative Assessment for Competencies e-f
3. Constellations 7. Infer the characteristics of stars based on the characteristics of the Sun. S9ES-IIIg31
3.1 Characteristics of Stars 7.1. Describe a star. S9ES-IIIg31.7.1
7.2. Give the major characteristics of stars based on what is observed about the S9ES-IIIg31.7.2
7.3. Relate the color of a star with its age and temperature. S9ES-IIIg31.7.3
7.4. Identify stars based on their age and temperature S9ES-IIIg31.7.4
7.5. Explain the life cycle of stars. S9ES-IIIg31.7.5
3.2 Arrangement of Stars in a group 8. Infer that the arrangement of stars in a group (constellation) does not S9ES-IIIh32
8.1. Describe a constellation and its origin. S9ES-IIIh32.8.1
8.2. Identify some constellations observed in the northern and southern S9ES-IIIh32.8.2
8.3. Locate some star clusters and identify some bright stars in the S9ES-IIIh32.8.3
3.3 Changing position of constellation 9. Observe that the position of a constellation changes in the course of a
during the night and at different times of night S9ES-IIIi33
the year
9.1. Describe the apparent movement of the stars in the sky. S9ES-IIIi33.9.1
9.2. Describe the position of a constellation in the course of a night. S9ES-IIIi33.9.2
9.3. Explain why some constellations are not seen at certain months. S9ES-IIIi33.9.3
10. Show which constellations may be observed at different times of the S9ES-IIIj34
year using models.
10.1. Construct a constellation model seen in the Philippine night sky. S9ES-IIIj34.10.1
10.2. Identify the constellations seen at different times of the year. S9ES-IIIj34.10.2
Suggested Performance Task: Present a debate to explain whether some Filipino
3.4 Beliefs and Practices about
beliefs and practices in connection with constellation have scientific basis or
constellations and astrology
simply superstitions.
Summative Assessment for Competencies e-f
Quarterly Summative Test
tory, and circulatory systems to
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ms are rearranged. They

y can explain how energy

ena that occur on a global
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Using models, learners will

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pped for human use.

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hey will infer the characteristics

ellations move in the course of a
f a year because of the Earth’s

onstellations and astrology

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and Earth’s position along its















Prepared by:
Dr. Maripaz T. Mendoza - SDO Pasay, Dr. Leah Prondo - SDO Valenzuela, Ms. Jessica Mateo - SDO Marikina,
Ms. Digna C. Paningbatan - SDO Quezon City, Ms. Alma Castano - SDO Marikina
Grade GRADE 10
Science Discipline/Component Earth and Space

At the end of Grade 10, learners realize that volcanoes and earthquakes occur in the same places in the world a
that these are related to plate boundaries. They can demonstrate ways to ensure safety and reduce damage duri
earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Learners can explain the factors affecting the balance and stability o
object to help them practice appropriate positions and movements to achieve efficiency and safety such as in sports and
dancing. They can analyze situations in which energy is harnessed for human use whereby heat is released, affecting th
Grade Level Standard physical and biological components of the environment. Learners will have completed the study of the entire organism
their deeper study of the excretory and reproductive systems. They can explain in greater detail how genetic informatio
passed from parents to offspring, and how diversity of species increases the probability of adaptation and survival in
changing environments. Learners can explain the importance of controlling the conditions under which a chemical reac
occurs. They recognize that cells and tissues of the human body are made up of water, a few kinds of ions, and
biomolecules. These biomolecules may also be found in the food they eat.

Using maps, learners will discover that volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and mountain ranges are not randomly scatte
Domain in different places but are located in the same areas. This will lead to an appreciation of plate tectonics—a theory that b
many geologic processes such as volcanism and earthquakes.
The learners shall be able to:
1. demonstrate ways to ensure disaster preparedness during earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions
Performance Standard
2. suggest ways by which he/she can contribute to government efforts in reducing damage due to earthquakes, tsunam
and volcanic eruptions
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquake epicenters
Content Standard
mountain ranges


1. Describe the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and
1. Plate Tectonics S10ES – Ia-j-36.1
major mountain belts;
1.1 Distribution 1.1. Describe the Earth's lithosphere S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.1
1.1.1 volcanoes 1.2. Differentiate oceanic and continental crust S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.2
1.1.2 earthquake epicenters 1.3. Infer that the Earth's lithosphere is divided into plates S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.3
1.1.3 mountain ranges 1.4. Identify the major lithospheric plates S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.4
1.5. Determine the scientific basis for dividing the lithospheric plates. S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.5
1.6. Recall the characteristics of seismic waves in terms of speed. S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.6
1.7. Locate the earthquake epicenter using the triangulation method S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.7
1.8. Plot the active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and major mountain belts
S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.8
in a world map
1.9. Describe the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and
S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.9
major mountain belts
1.10. Infer the relationship of tectonic plates, earthquake epicenters and active S10ES – Ia-j-36.1.10
1.2 Plate boundaries 2. Describe the different types of plate boundaries S10ES –Ia-j-36.2
2.1. Construct models of plate boundaries S10ES –Ia-j-36.2.1
2.2. Identify the types of plate boundaries S10ES –Ia-j-36.2.2
2.3. Identify the type of plate boundary associated with each major lithospheric
S10ES –Ia-j-36.2.3
2.4. Describe the movement in each type of plate boundary S10ES –Ia-j-36.2.4
2.5. Relate each type of plate with the stress on rocks S10ES –Ia-j-36.2.5
1.3 Processes and landforms along plate
3. Explain the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries. S10ES –Iaj-36.3
3.1. Identify the different processes that occur along the plate boundaries S10ES –Iaj-36.3.1
3.2. Explain what happens when oceanic crust and continental crust collide S10ES –Iaj-36.3.2
3.3. Identify the landforms associated with oceanic and continental crust S10ES –Iaj-36.3.3
3.4. Explain what happens when two oceanic plates collide S10ES –Iaj-36.3.4
S10ES –Iaj-36.3.5
3.5. Identify the landforms associated with oceanic plate convergence
S10ES –Iaj-36.3.6
3.6. Explain what happens when two continental plate boundaries collide

S10ES –Iaj-36.3.7
3.7. Identify the landforms associated with continental plate convergence
3.8. Explain the processes that occur along divergent boundaries S10ES –Iaj-36.3.8
S10ES –Iaj-36.3.9
3.9. Identify the landforms associated with divergent plate boundaries
3.10. Explain the processes that occur along transform fault boundaries S10ES –Iaj-36.3.10
S10ES –Iaj-36.3.11
3.11. Identify the landforms associated with transform plate boundaries
3.12. Explain the different geologic processes along plate boundaries S10ES –Iaj-36.3.12

Suggested Performance Task: Prepare an emergency kit and plan for the family
during disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis.

Summative Assessment for Competencies S10 ES - I a-j - 36.1-36.3

1.4 Internal structure of the Earth 4. Describe the internal structure of the Earth; S10ES –Ia-j-36.4
4.1 Recall the types of seismic waves S10ES –Ia-j-36.4.1
4.2. Characterize, P, S and surface waves S10ES –Ia-j-36.4.2
4.3. Differentiate P-waves from S-waves in terms of their behavior in earth’s
S10ES –Ia-j-36.4.3

S10ES –Ia-j-36.4.4
4.4. Explain the importance of seismic waves in the study of the earth's interior
4.5. Describe the properties and composition of crust, mantle and core S10ES –Ia-j-36.4.5
4.6. Explain how plasticity of the earth's mantle influences the movement of the S10ES –Ia-j-36.4.6
lithospheric plates
4.7. Cite proofs that the Earth's core is made up of nickel and iron S10ES –Ia-j-36.4.7
Summative Assessment for Competencies S10 ES - I a-j - 36.4
1.5 Mechanism (possible causes of
5. Describe the possible causes of plate movement; S10ES –Iaj-36.5
5.1. Describe and reconstruct Pangaea S10ES –Iaj-36.5.1
5.2. State Wegener's continental drift theory S10ES –Iaj-36.5.2
5.3. Describe and simulate seafloor spreading S10ES –Iaj-36.5.3
5.4. Relate the mportance of seafloor spreading theory to continental drift theory S10ES –Iaj-36.5.4
5.5. State the plate tectonic theory S10ES –Iaj-36.5.5
5.6. Explain that plate tectonic theory as a unifying theory S10ES –Iaj-36.5.6

5.7. Explain the convection current within the mantle that could possibly affect S10ES –Iaj-36.5.7
plate movement
1.6 Evidence of plate movement 6. Enumerate the lines of evidence that support plate movement. S10ES –Ia-j-36.6
6.1. Trace the existence of fossils of plants and animals as evidences found in S10ES –Ia-j-36.6.1
the present continents that supprots the fitting of drifted continents
6.2. Cite other proofs of continental drift theory S10ES –Ia-j-36.6.2
6.3. Explain how magnetic stripping on the seafloor provides evidence for
seafloor spreading. S10ES –Ia-j-36.6.3

6.4. Describe how plates move with regard to each other S10ES –Ia-j-36.6.4
6.5 Explain the cause of movement of tectonic plates S10ES –Ia-j-36.6.5
6.6. Cite other proofs of plate movement S10ES –Ia-j-36.6.6
6.7. Describe how evidences of plate movement were collected S10ES –Ia-j-36.6.7

Suggested Performance Task: Present a schematic plan for the community on

how to mitigate or reduce the effects of disaster-related events such as
earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions

Summative Assessment for Competencies S10ES - Ia-j-36.5-36.6

Quarterly Summative Test
ame places in the world and
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safety such as in sports and
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tudy of the entire organism with
tail how genetic information is
daptation and survival in
nder which a chemical reaction
kinds of ions, and

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