Power Xpert Power Quality Meters: Product Focus
Power Xpert Power Quality Meters: Product Focus
Power Xpert Power Quality Meters: Product Focus
Communications LED
Events LED
Voltage Terminal
Innovative. Intuitive. • Analyze sequence of events Features and Benefits • Up to one millisecond time
up to one millisecond synchronization and event
Accurate. Accessible. time resolution
• Embedded Web server —
logging capability for
see and analyze waveforms,
• Protect motors trends and harmonics directly sequence of events analysis
The meters combine state-of-
the-art technology with next from damage in your Web browser or LCD • Get an at-a-glance view
generation ITIC diagnostics, • Preserve the integrity of meter graphic display of power quality with
waveform capture, data trending processes and batches • Automatic power quality patent-pending Power
and performance benchmarking, analysis and trigger setting Quality Index gauge, statisti-
along with a “Twist-and-Click” • Prevent blown capacitor cally derived trending and
bank fuses with built-in ITIC performance
graphic display: a new paradigm curve: detect and capture red-yellow-green indicators
for simplicity and ease-of-use in • Protect transformers and sags, swells, transients, for overall power health
the marketplace. The embedded conductors from overheating harmonics and flicker • Support continuous,
Web server enables users to surf non-disruptive monitoring
Detect and Record • Accurately detect fast
to the meter over the Internet via with a permanently
High-Speed Transients transients that previous
a standard Web browser. The installed meter
new platform offers advanced • Avoid equipment damage generation monitors would
functionality like high-speed and disruption miss, by assessing circuit • Dramatically reduce the cost
impulsive transient capture, activity at very high sampling of monitoring power quality,
• Identify equipment rates (up to 100,000 samples compared to yesterday’s
6 MHz sampling rate (100,000 malfunction
samples per cycle), anti-aliasing, per cycle) specialized power quality
ITIC analysis and automatic Monitor Circuit Loading • Comprehensive power, instruments and consultants
trigger setting, field-upgradeable • Avoid overloads and energy and demand measure- • Alarm notifications are also
firmware, memory expandable nuisance overload trips ments for 138 standard data available remotely via e-mail
to 1 GB and optional digital, relay points logged with waveform attached
and solid-state I/O.
• Maximize equipment
utilization • Voltage, current: per • Use industry-standard
phase minimum, maxi- communication protocols,
Applications • Manage emergency
mum, average, trend graph to support a multitude of
Identify Power analysis, export, print configurations and third-party
Quality Problems Manage Energy Utilization software: HTTP, FTP, Modbus
• Power: power factor,
• Reduce peak demand apparent, real, reactive, RTU, Modbus TCP, SNMP,
• Identify harmonics, sags,
charges and power frequency SMTP, NTP, COMTRADE
swells and transients
damaging or disrupting factor penalties • 1 GB data storage capability
• Energy, demand: forward,
sensitive, mission-critical • Identify excessive reverse, net, sum, TOU, • Supported via Power Xpert
IT equipment energy consumption profile, previous month Software and Power Xpert
• Boost IT equipment service comparison, graph Architecture hardware
life to the maximum analysis, export, print components
• ANSI C12.20 accuracy
The Power Xpert Meter home page, viewed in a standard Web browser, summarizes the top level critical power
quality information on a single page. Complex power quality data is presented in useful and simple graphical
charts and gauges.
Picture of
3D Function Device
Button Bar
Event LED
3D ‘Mercury’ Filled
Voltage, Current,
Frequency, Power Drop-Down
Factor Gauges Menu for
3D Arrowhead Health Index
Pointing to Exact Thermometer
Peak Point Gauge
3D LEDs for
PQ Temperature
Web Links
Button to
Upgrade to the
Power Xpert 6000
Events Demand
Profile Chart
One Millisecond
Time Stamping Quick Links to
Resolution Eaton is proud to offer a unique feature for existing Power Xpert 4000 Meter users with firmware version 12.x.x release — Meter Setup
the ability to seamlessly upgrade to a more powerful feature set that has earlier been available only on the Power Xpert 6000 Meters.
Upgrades can be purchased directly from the home page by clicking on the ‘Upgrade to series 6000’ button.
Easily Upgrade Your Power the ability to upgrade to a Power The self-upgrade is available on e-mail address. Once you have
Xpert 4000 Meter Xpert 6000, with no intervention Eaton’s Web site. You’ll need a completed the purchase, we
Eaton understands that our from Eaton, when needed. All credit card, your Power Xpert will send you your new license
customers’ needs change over the features of the Power Xpert 4000 Meter serial number and key information via e-mail that
time. That’s why we’ve devel- 4000 Meter that you have been date code (you will be presented will allow you to complete
oped meters that can grow with using and depend on remain, with this info if you are using the the upgrade.
you. Once a Power Xpert 4000 however, once updated, all the upgrade link directly from your
Meter is purchased, you have additional features of the Power Power Xpert Meter) and your
Xpert 6000 Meter are available.
Three Flavors of technology to sample circuits trigger settings for IT equipment The Power Xpert 8000 Meter
at 1,024 samples per cycle and plots events on an ITIC
Power Quality for extremely accurate (Information Technology Industry
This meter adds the ability to
capture very fast transients by
measurement of power factor Council) performance curve so sampling at 6 MHz — 100,000
The Power Xpert 4000 Meter and energy consumption. they can be very easily analyzed. samples per cycle. That’s a
This meter provides all the core In addition, this meter offers a sample every 166 nanoseconds
functions for monitoring power The Power Xpert 6000 Meter patent-pending Power Quality — six samples every millionth
consumption and power quality. Index temperature gauge along of a second, across three
This meter is geared toward the with flicker calculations.
This unit uses Delta Sigma IT market by providing automatic input channels as well as
Power: power factor, apparent, real, reactive, frequency Review power usage and power factor and avoid potential PF penalties
Energy, demand: forward, reverse, net, sum, TOU, profile,
previous month comparison, graph analysis, export, print
Keep track of your energy usage, compare time of usage and usage against previous month,
identify peaks to conserve energy usage
Power Quality Analysis
Statistical Analysis (min., max., average) Review statistical trends, identify past and future problem areas
Sag and swell monitoring, management and recording Capture electrical sags and swells and analyze the waveforms
Symmetrical components: zero, negative, positive Analyze possibly unbalanced three-phase power systems
Low frequency transient detection and capture Capture lower frequency transient waveforms for retrospective analysis or e-mailing
Sampling rate, maximum samples/cycle 10241 10241 100,000 Extremely high sampling rate will effectively capture impulsive transients
"Number of nines" uptime data (e.g., 6 nines=99.9999%) Review uptime availability percent
K-factor 2 Review the ratio of eddy current losses, e.g., when driving non-linear and linear loads
Crest factor 2 Review the peak-to-average ratio of the waveform
Secure 5 level user access privileges Define appropriate security access level per user
Communications & I/O
Modbus TCP Easy integration with standard protocol to power management and other software
Modbus RTU Integrate meters to existing Modbus networks, daisy chain several (1 – 16) meters together
HTML Communicate to the meter over the Internet via standard Web browser
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Communicate with the meter via Simple Network Protocol; hook to existing NMS system
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Send e-mail messages via standard Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Access, copy, paste, cut waveform capture files on the meter with an FTP Client
NTP (Network Time Protocol) Network Time Protocol support enables the meter to synchronize time over the network up
to the 1 millisecond resolution
COMTRADE, open IEEE姞 standard file format for
waveform capture export
Import waveform captures in standard IEEE (C37.111-1999) COMTRADE file format to
third-party software
Trend measurements CSV file Export Easily export trend measurements to third-party applications, e.g., Microsoft姞 Excel姞 in standard
CSV file format
I/O (8 digital inputs, 3 relay outputs,
2 solid-state KYZ outputs)
The Power Xpert I/O Card is extremely flexible and can be used in a large variety of different
applications. Digital inputs and relay outputs can be programmed to interact during various
conditions defined by the user. Various third-party devices, such as alarm, pulse meters, trip units
and sensors can be easily integrated to the Power Xpert Meter. Triggers and events can be tied
to the meter’s standard functions such as, e.g., e-mail, logs and trends
One Millisecond Time used to identify existing condi- No matter if you are a PhD level can predict and prevent power
Resolution — Most Accurate tions on an electrical distribution power quality engineer or an IT quality problems before they
Time Available system or to evaluate past prob- system administrator, these instru- lead to equipment malfunction,
Harmonics, voltage fluctuations, lems. If you wanted to detect ments will provide you with the overheated circuits and
transient overvoltage conditions fast voltage transients, you had level of information you need, in system failure.
and other power anomalies can to bring in portable power quality an easy to understand graphical
wreak havoc on your equipment monitors that cost up to user interface at astonishing One Gigabyte of Storage
and processes. It is essential to $20,000 and usually required speeds of six samples every Capability — Store and Trend
fully understand the quality of an outside consultant. millionth of a second, if necessary. 5 – 10 Years Worth of Data
the power that is being delivered Having enough storage capacity
throughout the facility. Detailed Built-in Graphing — Easy-to-Use Interface — is a critical factor at this level of
event information makes it pos- Six Samples Every Millionth Demystifies Power Quality power quality instrumentation.
sible to pinpoint the root causes of a Second In designing these power quality How long can I store data locally
of problems — or prevent them Power Xpert 4000/6000/8000 instruments, Eaton set out to on the power quality meter
from occurring. With up to one next-generation meters redefine demystify power quality — to before the system will have
millisecond time stamping the art of measuring and moni- take highly specialized data and to start overwriting previously
accuracy available via GPS and toring power quality. Thanks convert it into useful information captured information? A Power
IRIG-time sources, Power Xpert to the latest technologies, these that doesn’t require a power guru Xpert Meter has 512 MB of
Meters register the sequence metering instruments are able or consultant to understand. The storage as standard and can be
of events in a time-synchronized to measure, trend, analyze and result is an uncommonly easy-to- upgraded all the way to 1 GB.
environment. Based on National capture waveforms while use interface and new graphical In a typical power quality envi-
Institute of Standards and serving Web pages to users analysis of complex power quality ronment this would provide
Technology (NIST) atomic time, over the Internet, along with data — delivered via e-mail, over storage capability for 5 – 10
you can count on the most simultaneous FTP downloading the Web and to third-party years depending on the
accurate time available. In the and comma separated values applications. With these meter model.
past, basic power monitors were (CSV) exporting capabilities. capabilities, your power team
1 2
T1 T1 T1 T1
Occurrence per Month 1 Memory Usage (MB) Months of Capacity Months of Capacity
w/512MB CF 2 w/1GB CF 3
Model Event File size (KB) Typical Severe Typical Severe Typical Severe Typical Severe
PX-4000 Sub-Cycle Disturbance 483 10 60 4.7 28.3 100 17 209 35
PX-6000 ITIC Event 483 5 20 2.4 9.4 200 50 417 104
Sub-Cycle Disturbance 483 10 60 4.7 28.3 100 17 209 35
ITIC and Sub-Cycle Total 15 80 11.8 66.0 40 7 83 15
Disturbance Combined
PX-8000 ITIC Event 483 5 20 2.4 9.4 200 50 417 104
Sub-Cycle Disturbance 483 10 60 4.7 28.3 100 17 209 35
Transients 2048 3 30 6.0 60.0 79 8 164 16
ITIC, Sub-Cycle and Total 18 110 13.1 95.2 36 5 75 10
Transients Combined
1 The typical and severe power quality event occurrences are estimates and may vary depending on the electrical environment.
2 With 512 MB standard CompactFlash姞 Card; memory is not allocated by event category; memory is used first come, first served.
3 With 1 GB optional CompactFlash Card; memory is not allocated by event category; memory is used first come, first served.
Modbus TCP
Modbus RTU Master Web Browser Master
Modbus RTU (RS-485) — Non-Web Enabled Web Enabled — Advanced System Functionality
A Modbus RTU Master is supported in addition to the Power Xpert This configuration provides full Modbus RTU/TCP capabilities as
LCD display sub-network. Power Xpert Meters are set up as Modbus well as direct Web browsing to individual meters. In addition Web
slaves. This configuration is a cost-efficient way to connect services are supported to Power Xpert Software. This configuration
to an existing Modbus RTU Master, e.g., a building management is required for full Modbus and Power Xpert Software applications.
system (BMS).
Rack Monitoring
Open Door/Tamper Switch