Guidelines For Pharmacists
Guidelines For Pharmacists
Guidelines For Pharmacists
will issue a
The application after submission/
training letter
payment will go to the Employer
Representative’s landing page. The
Application will
Employer Representative must review Approved
be Sent back the documents, ensure that they are
complete, approve and submit the
application (in this stage the status is Applicant will
“Employer Completing”) apply for training
– Refer to training
Preliminary Evaluation
CID Letter
The applicant should follow up on the request with the employer representative.
For break from practice policy, refer to attachment "1" in the “Additional Attachments”
Preliminary evaluation is only valid for 6 months.
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Registration/Evaluation Requirements
Please apply through the Registration/Licensing Electronic System on the QCHP website:
(, complete the online application and pay the required fees (if applicable).
Submit an electronic “Apply for Evaluation” request and upload the below mentioned required
1. Copy of valid passport.
2. Copy of valid QID (front and back) (If applicable).
3. One recent photo (according to photo criteria stated in circular (04-2014) or in the
“Additional Attachments” document).
4. An up to date Curriculum Vitae (C.V).
5. Copy of all academic certificates relevant to applicant’s scope with official transcript
(refer to Table no. 1).
6. Copy of the recent work experience certificates (with an issue date) required according
to applicant’s scope (refer to Table no. 1).
7. Copy of valid medical/registration licenses accompanying the required years of work
experience (if applicable).
8. Copy of proof of submission to the verification company (payment receipt).
9. Copy of the passing certificate of the qualifying exam (if applicable).
A provisional license can be issued along with the evaluation application approval,
please refer to circulars no. (3/2015), (10/2015) & (14/2015) for provisional license
requirements and for further details
Applications that do not meet the requirements mentioned above will be sent back to
the applicant.
The evaluation shall not obligate the Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners to grant
the applicant any specific degree or title.
Please note that verification process by the verification company replaces attestation of
certificates by related competent authorities (i.e.: certificates do not have to be
The verification report and certificate of good standing shall be received in the licensing
phase unless the case requires otherwise.
It shall be the applicant’s responsibility to follow up on receiving the report regarding
verification and the certificate of good standing.
Applicants/employer representatives can follow up on the certificate of good standing
with [email protected]
Original documents/certificates might be requested on a case by case basis.
Any other documents required to support the application that are not mentioned above
must be submitted upon request.
Any documents presented in languages other than Arabic or English must be translated
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to Arabic or English and attached to a copy of the original documents.
Please refer to the websites of the Ministry of Public Health & Qatar Council for
Healthcare Practitioners frequently to check the updates of the requirements.
A case by case assessment may be implemented.
Table no. 1
Academic Experience Prometric
Scope of practice requirements
Requirements Requirements Exam
Pharmacy Bachelor Degree in 2 years post Required as Registration
Pharmacy graduate Pharmacist from home
experience country
1. No Objection Letter from the employer requesting for approval from QCHP for the applicant
to work as trainee within their institution.
2. Valid copy of the Medical License of the supervisor who the applicant will be working under
his/her supervision.
3. Copy of the applicant’s Qatari ID.
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2. Licensing process map
Department will
check results of
primary source
Results of
Positive Negative/ Unable to verify
Applicant will be
Application will
called for
be approved
Department will Result of
Proceed Re-verify
issue the Medical interview
Refer to PLC
Applicant will be
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Licensing Requirements
Please apply through the Registration/Licensing Electronic System on the QCHP website:
(, complete the online application and pay the required fees (if applicable).
Submit an electronic “Apply for Licensing” request and upload the below mentioned required
documents (some documents will already be available in the online application from the
1. Copy of valid passport.
2. Copy of valid QID (front and back) (If applicable).
a. For male practitioners (and female practitioners on their employer’s sponsorship),
the sponsor should be the potential employer.
b. For female practitioners on a family sponsorship, please attach the QID in addition
to a letter of intent from your potential employer.
3. One recent photo (according to photo criteria stated in circular (04-2014) or in the
“Additional Attachments” document).
4. An up to Date Curriculum Vitae (C.V).
5. Copy of all academic certificates relevant to applicant’s scope with official transcript (refer to
Table no. 1).
6. Copy of the recent work experience certificates (with an issue date) required according to
applicant’s scope (refer to Table no. 1).
7. Copy of valid medical/registration licenses accompanying the required years of work
experience (if applicable).
8. Copy of the verification report.
9. Copy of the passing certificate of the qualifying exam (if applicable).
10. Copy of Police Clearance Certificate from Qatari Ministry of Interior.
11. Copy of Valid Recognized CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) course or its equivalent (or
CPR registration receipt + undertaking letter that CPR certificate will be submitted upon
12. Original Certificate of Good Standing must be sent directly from the Registration authority
(or authorities) of the most recent required years of work experience, to the: Registration
Department, Qatar Council for Healthcare Practitioners, P.O. Box: 7744, Doha, Qatar or
[email protected].
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Applications that do not meet the requirements mentioned above will be sent back to
the applicant.
The verification report and certificate of good standing will be reviewed during this
phase; any misleading information provided will result in further investigations and
could result in disciplinary action.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to follow up on receiving the report regarding
verification and the certificate of good standing.
Applicants/employer representatives can follow up on the certificate of good standing
with [email protected]
Original documents/certificates might be requested on a case by case basis.
Any other documents required to support the application that are not mentioned above
must be submitted upon request.
Any documents presented in languages other than Arabic or English must be translated
to Arabic or English and attached to a copy of the original documents.
Please refer to the websites of the Ministry of Public Health & Qatar Council for
Healthcare Practitioners frequently to check the updates of the requirements.
A case by case assessment may be implemented.
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3. License Renewal Process Map
Refer to renewal
Application will
be approved
Department will
renew the
Medical License
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License Renewal Requirements
Step1: Fulfilling CPD Requirements
Note: Healthcare Practitioners cannot submit renewal applications unless they are fully
compliant to the CPD Requirements. System will not allow practitioners to apply for renewal
of their licenses and an automated message will be generated informing practitioners that
they don't meet the CPD requirements.
Please apply through the Registration/Licensing Electronic System on the QCHP website:
(, complete the online application and pay the required fees (if applicable).
Submit an electronic “Apply for Renewal” request and upload the below mentioned required
1. Copy of valid passport.
2. Copy of valid QID (front and back).
For male practitioners (and female practitioners on their employer’s
sponsorship), the sponsor should be the employer.
For female practitioners on a family sponsorship, please attach the QID in
addition to a letter of intent from your employer.
3. One recent photo (according to photo criteria stated in circular (04-2014) or in the
“Additional Attachments” document).
4. Copy of Valid Recognized CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) course or its equivalent
(or CPR registration receipt + undertaking letter that CPR certificate will be submitted
upon completion).
5. An employment letter (correct template is in the “Additional Attachments” document)
6. Any other additional requirements might be requested.
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Applications that do not meet the requirements mentioned above will be sent back to the
Original documents/certificates might be requested on a case by case basis.
Any other documents required to support the application that are not mentioned above
must be submitted upon request.
Any documents presented in languages other than Arabic or English must be translated to
Arabic or English and attached to a copy of the original documents.
Please refer to the websites of the Ministry of Public Health & Qatar Council for Healthcare
Practitioners frequently to check the updates of the requirements.
A case by case assessment may be implemented.
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4. Change Place of Work Process Map
Sent back
Registration Department
with Incomplete
will check the request
Is the facility
Yes No
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Change Place of Work Requirements
Please apply through the Registration/Licensing Electronic System on the QCHP website:
(, complete the online application and pay the required fees (if applicable).
Submit an electronic “Apply to Change Place of Work” request and upload the below mentioned
required documents:
1. Copy of valid passport
2. Copy of valid QID (front and back)
a) For male practitioners (and female practitioners on their employer’s sponsorship), the
sponsor should be the new employer or a secondment from the Ministry of Interior along
with an undertaking letter that a renewed secondment or QID will be submitted upon expiry
of the attached one.
b) For female practitioners on a family sponsorship, please attach the QID in addition to a letter
of intent from your new employer.
3. A letter of no objection from the old employer.
4. Any other adjustment according to the current laws and regulations in the State of Qatar
In case the “Apply to Change Place of Work” request was submitted after evaluation (before
licensing), then the QID will not be required.
Applications that do not meet the requirements mentioned above will be sent back to the
Original documents/certificates might be requested on a case by case basis.
Any other documents required to support the application that are not mentioned above
must be submitted upon request.
Any documents presented in languages other than Arabic or English must be translated to
Arabic or English and attached to a copy of the original documents.
Please refer to the websites of the Ministry of Public Health & Qatar Council for Healthcare
Practitioners frequently to check the updates of the requirements.
A case by case assessment may be implemented.
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5. Certificate of Good Standing Process Map
The registration
Sent back
Fitness to Practice issue department will check the Incomplete
with coments
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Certificate of Good Standing (COGS) Requirements
Please apply through the Registration/Licensing Electronic System on the QCHP website:
(, complete the online application and pay the required fees (if applicable).
Submit an electronic “Apply for a Certificate of Good Standing” request and upload the below
mentioned required documents:
1. Copy of valid passport
2. Copy of valid QID (front and back).
3. Copy of all academic certificates relevant to applicant’s scope.
4. Certificate of good standing from last place of work (in Qatar).
5. Clear address for the Registration Authority that QCHP will submit the certificate to.
Applications that do not meet the requirements mentioned above will be sent back to the
Original documents/certificates might be requested on a case by case basis.
Any other documents required to support the application that are not mentioned above
must be submitted upon request.
Any documents presented in languages other than Arabic or English must be translated to
Arabic or English and attached to a copy of the original documents.
Please refer to the websites of the Ministry of Public Health & Qatar Council for Healthcare
Practitioners frequently to check the updates of the requirements.
A case by case assessment may be implemented.
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