UNIT IV - Bitters N Sweetners
UNIT IV - Bitters N Sweetners
UNIT IV - Bitters N Sweetners
It is a stable terpene & can be distilled without decomposition
At elevated temparature it cracks to form isoprene
It oixidize in moist air to produce carveol, carvone and limonene oxide.
With sulphur it undergoes dehydrogenetion & produce p-cymene
Limonene is formed from geranyl pyrophosphate by cyclization of aneryl carbocation
Biological properties
Act as dietary chemotherapeutic agents
In the treatment of gliomas
• Glycyrrhizin
• Monellins
• Sucralose
Synonym: Talin
Thaumatin is the common name for a mixture of potently sweet proteins that
can be extracted from the West African plant Thaumatococcus daniellii
(Bennett), known locally as the katemfe berry.
Family : Marantaceae
Highly soluble in water
3500x >> Sucrose
It’s sweetness show a delayed onset and long persistant
liquorice like taste.
It’s a mixture of proteins. A total of 5 isomers are found
Thaumatin I
Thaumatin II
Thaumatin III
Thaumatin a
Thaumatin b
Each with almost identical molecular weight of 22,000 Daltons. Thaumatins I
and II have very similar amino acid sequences, differing only in five residues
The protein is stabilized by eight disulphide bridges, thus conferring a greater
stability to heat and pH denaturation to the molecule than might be expected
for a protein.
Thaumatin was used as a tool in early studies that sought to understand the
structure of the mammalian receptor for sweetness
The temporal taste profile of Thaumatin is characterised by a delay in perceiving
Physical and chemical properties
Thaumatin is stabilized by the eight disulphide bridges that result in a cross- linked network of amino
acid chains. This confers a measure of stability to heat and extremes of pH.
These disulphide bridges are also responsible for holding the protein chain in the correct conformation
to elicit sweetness, as has been confirmed by demonstrating that cleavage of a single disulphide
bridge results in loss of sweetness.
It is highly water soluble, stable to heating and stable under acidic conditions
Cream coloured powder, POSITIVE TO NINHYDRINE TEST ( purple color)
The main commercial applications for Thaumatin its claimed flavor modifying and enhancing
Thaumatin has found application in liquid medicines.
The oral care products and in the nutraceutical/fortified foods industries.
Increasing concentrations of Thaumatin appear to have increasing effects on the bitterness
associated with vitamin B complex preparations, caffeine and soybean peptides.
Suitable for diabetic patients
Thaumatin was studied for its sub-acute toxicity in rats and dogs and
its ability to produce anaphylactic antibodies following oral
administration to rats and normal human subjects.
Also, it was shown to be non-teratogenic when administered orally to
rats at 0, 200, 600 and 2000 mg/kg body weight/day from day 6 to 15
of gestation and was without effect on the incidence of dominant
lethal mutations when administered on five consecutive days to
male mice at 200 and 2000 mg/kg per day.
• Biological Source: It is extracted from a South American plant
Stevia rebaudiana Berrtoni
• Family: Compositae
• Characteristics:
1. The dried leaves of the plant, the water extract of the leaves
and the purified ingredients of extract are used as
sweetening agents.
2. It’s tainted with a bitter and undesirable after taste.
3. No side effects.
4. Both are diterpene Glycosides.
It is origin of Paraguay and Brazil. Stevia is cultivated primarily in
USA, Canada, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, china, and United Kingdom.
In September 1995 the USA FDA allowed Stevia and it is extracted
to be imported as a food supplement but not as a sweetener.
Major food companies like coca cola and beatrice foods used
Stevia extracts to sweeten the foods for sale in Japan, Brazil and
other countries.
The plant grows up to range 65-180 centimeters when cultivated or
growing naturally in fertile soil. It is a short day plant and flowering
from January to March in the southern hemisphere. The suitable
natural climate is semi humid subtropical with temperature
extremes from 21 to 43°C.
The steviol glycoside sweeteners share a common aglycone, steviol.
Linked to steviol are carbohydrate moieties and it is the number
The biosynthesis of the glucosides Sweetness potencies of steviol
occurs only in green tissues. Steviol
Compound Relative sweetnessa
produced in the plastids & in the
endoplasmic reticulum catalyzed by UDP-
Stevioside 300
glucosyltransferases. Rebaudioside , is a
particular form of stevoside. The Rebaudioside A 250-450
glycosides are then stored in vacuoles.
Rebaudioside B 300-350
Rebaudioside C 50-120
Rebaudioside D 250-450
Rebaudioside E 150-300
Dulcoside A 50-120
Steviolbioside 100-125
Physiological properties
rebaudiana A leaves contain diterpene glycosides (stevioside and the rebaudiosides) 300
times sweeter than sucrose with superior solubility in water and a positive taste profile that
are safely metabolized by the body without any side effect.
Rebaudioside A in the digestive tract is first metabolized by microbes in the colon to
stevioside which is further converted into glucose molecule and steviol. The released
glucose molecule is used by the bacteria in the colon and is not absorbed into the blood
Steviol glycosides are not readily absorbed from the upper small intestine of the rat or
human following oral administration. As human digestive enzymes do not hydrolyse β-
glycosidic linkages, digestion in the small intestine is limited. Microbial fermentation occurs
in the large intestine of both rat and human, releasing the aglycone steviol. Steviol is then
absorbed conjugated with glucuronic acid and excreted as steviol glucuronid.
Study also showed that the majority of steviol glycosides are absorbed and glucuronidated in
the liver. The newly bonded glucuronidate is released in the blood and filtered by the kidneys
into the urine. Small amounts of glucuronide that remain in the colon are excreted through
fecal matter.
In Korea, stevioside is an accepted sweetener in baked products, table-top sweeteners,
beverages and seasonings.
steviol glycoside sweeteners have acceptance across the range of food and beverage
applications normally associated with the use of high-potency sweeteners.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced in December 2008 that it had no
objection to the use of rebiana in food and beverages in the United States.
• Biological source: It is a flavonoid compound present in the bitter
orange Citrus aurantium Var amara
• Family : Rutaceae
• Characteristics:
Strength around and above 20ppm it can produce side effects such as nausea
and migrain.
It is well known for synergistic effects when used in conjugation with other
artificial sweeteners.
Next class : Revision Unit I
Study materials Mandatory to Bring