1. The document discusses departmental accounting, including the methods of apportioning joint expenses among departments and preparing departmental trading and profit and loss accounts.
2. It mentions two methods of departmental accounts - the singular or unitary method where each department maintains separate accounts, and the columnar method where common books of accounts are maintained for all departments.
3. The key steps in departmental accounting are calculating the departmental trading and profit and loss accounts to determine the results of each department, and preparing the departmental balance sheet to assess the assets and liabilities of each division. Joint expenses are apportioned to departments based on various ratios.
1. The document discusses departmental accounting, including the methods of apportioning joint expenses among departments and preparing departmental trading and profit and loss accounts.
2. It mentions two methods of departmental accounts - the singular or unitary method where each department maintains separate accounts, and the columnar method where common books of accounts are maintained for all departments.
3. The key steps in departmental accounting are calculating the departmental trading and profit and loss accounts to determine the results of each department, and preparing the departmental balance sheet to assess the assets and liabilities of each division. Joint expenses are apportioned to departments based on various ratios.
1. The document discusses departmental accounting, including the methods of apportioning joint expenses among departments and preparing departmental trading and profit and loss accounts.
2. It mentions two methods of departmental accounts - the singular or unitary method where each department maintains separate accounts, and the columnar method where common books of accounts are maintained for all departments.
3. The key steps in departmental accounting are calculating the departmental trading and profit and loss accounts to determine the results of each department, and preparing the departmental balance sheet to assess the assets and liabilities of each division. Joint expenses are apportioned to departments based on various ratios.
1. The document discusses departmental accounting, including the methods of apportioning joint expenses among departments and preparing departmental trading and profit and loss accounts.
2. It mentions two methods of departmental accounts - the singular or unitary method where each department maintains separate accounts, and the columnar method where common books of accounts are maintained for all departments.
3. The key steps in departmental accounting are calculating the departmental trading and profit and loss accounts to determine the results of each department, and preparing the departmental balance sheet to assess the assets and liabilities of each division. Joint expenses are apportioned to departments based on various ratios.
1. Following are the indirect expenses and income, determine the basis of apportionment among the Department. 2. Mention the bases of apportionment of joint expenses to department
EXPTENDITURE/ INCOME 1. Freight charges Ratio of Purchases 2. Carriage inwards Ratio of Purchases 3. Import duty, octroi Ratio of Purchases 4. Discount received Ratio of Purchases 5. Commission Ratio of Sales 6. Discount allowed Ratio of Sales 7. Sales tax and after sales services Ratio of Sales 8. Carriage outwards Ratio of Sales 9. Travelling Ratio of Sales 10. Advertisement Ratio of Sales 11. Bad debts Ratio of Sales 12. Water charges Ratio of Meter reading 13. Depreciation of machinery Ratio of Power consumed by each machine 14. Power charges Ratio of Floor space 15. Rent and rates Ratio of Floor space 16. Repairs and insurance of buildings Ratio of Floor space 17. Air-conditioning expenses Ratio of Floor space 18. Electricity bills (lightings) Ratio of Number of points 19. Repairs of machinery Value of machinery/floor space occupied by machinery 20. Depreciation Ratio of Value of assets 21. Insurance premium Ratio of Subject matter 22. Workmen’s compensation insurance Ratio of Wages to workers 23. Recreation expenses Ratio of Number of workers 24. Labour welfare expenses Ratio of Number of workers 25 Canteen expenses Ratio of Number of workers
DEPARMTMENT ON THE BASIS OF RATIO STEP 1 : CALCULATION OF DEPARMTENTAL TRADING AND PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDING Dr. Cr. PARTICULARS AMOUNT PARTICULARS AMOUNT To Opening stock XX By sales XX LESS: Returns To Purchase XX By closing stock XX LESS: Returns To carriage inwards XX Transfer To XX To wages XX XX Transfer from XX XX To gross profit c/d XX XX TOTAL XX TOTAL XX To Rent, rates, taxes, Insurance XX By gross profit b/d XX To sundry expenses XX By discount received XX To office expenses XX By Interest XX To printing and stationery XX By net loss c/d XX To Carriage outwards XX To salaries XX To general salaries and charges XX To discount allowed XX To depreciation on fixed assets XX To advertisement XX To lighting and heating XX To bad debts XX To Bank interest XX To commission XX To provisions and outstanding XX To other expenses XX To telephone XX To travelling expense XX To debenture XX TOTAL XX TOTAL XX
Capital XX Fixed Assets: XX ADD: Net Profit Furniture and fixtures LESS: Drawings Plant and machinery LESS: Net Loss Land and building Sundry creditors XX Closing stock XX Loan XX Government securities XX Outstanding XX Cash in hand XX Debenture XX Motor lorries XX Bills payable XX Bills receivable XX General reserve XX Goodwill XX Profit and loss a/c XX Current assets XX TOTAL XX TOTAL XX 1. What is department? Department is a division or unit established by the parent organization to achieve a common and specified operational functions. Each department is individually responsible to its profit or loss.
2. What is departmental accounting?
Departmental accounts are set of accounts prepared to measure each department or division’s operational performance and trading results. These are prepared at any given time to measure the earning capacity and find the operational leakage.
3. Mention four advantages of departmental accounting?
It helps to make sure whether the department makes profit or suffers a loss. It makes the management to compare the departments each other to take corrective actions. It helps to take a decision of further investment or disinvestment based on the results of each department. It helps to reward the manager of each department with incentives and remuneration. The trading results of each department may help to evaluation the performance of each department. The sales of that department which gives maximum profit may be pushed up by special efforts. The profitability of each department may help the management for taking decision whether to drop a department or add a new one. The growth potentials of a department can be evaluation by having comparison with the other departments. The users of accounting information can be provided more detailed information like the shareholders, investors, creditors, etc. The overall profits of the organization can be increased by having friendly rivalries between different departments. The departmental managers and staff can be suitably rewarded on the basis of the departmental result. It helps the management to determine the justification of proper use of capital invested in each department. It helps to have comparison of various expenses of each department with the previous period or with other departments of the same concern. It helps to know the efficiency of each department by calculating stock turnover ratio of each department to reveal the fast or slow movement of various items of stock. The information provided by departmental accounts may be helpful to the management for future intelligent planning and control. 4. Mention important objectives of departmental accounting? To assess each department on the basis of operational performance. To keep separate set of accounts of each department to monitor the trend of performance. To take special care of weak department to improve the performance. To decide the further investment or disinvestment of the fund among the different departments based on the outcome of the performance assessment. To check out interdepartmental performance To evaluate the performance of the department with previous period result. To help the owner for formulating right policy for future. To assist the management for making decision to drop or add a department To provide detail information of the entire organization To assist management for cost control
5. State the two methods of departmental accounts?
Singular method Columnar method
6. What is Independent method / Singular method / Unitary method of
departmental accounts? Under this method of accounting treatment, each department is treated like a separate establishments and a separate set of accounts are maintained to each department to find out trade efficiency.
7. What is columnar method of departmental accounts?
It is said to be a consolidation method. Under this method of accounting treatment, common books of accounts are maintained for all the departments or division of the establishment.
8. Why do you prepare departmental trading account?
This account is similar to common trading account. It is prepared to find out the Gross Profit or loss of respective departments. 9. Difference between department accounting and Branch accounting.
Accounting are relating to each of the In the case of a branch types of organisation several department or divisions of a the parent establishment business Various parts of the business are located Various parts of the business are located in under the same roof different places All accounts are maintained at one place & In case of branch, all branch accounts are departmental trading and profit and loss kept at Head Office except cash, customers account is prepared accordingly and stock registers are maintained at branch. Departments are not geographically As branches are geographically separated separated from each other, so problem of from each other so the problem of allocation allocation of common expenses among of common expenses among different different departments arises. branches does not arises.
The question of adjustments and In case of independent branch some
reconciliation of accounts does not arise in adjustments and reconciliation of head office departmental accounts. and the branch accounts are required to be done at the end of the year. The problem of conversion of foreign The problem of conversion of foreign branch currency into home currency does not figures may arise at the time of finalization arise. of accounts of head office.