STMPE812A: Touchscreen Controller S-Touch With PWM and Dedicated RESET Pin

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Touchscreen controller S-Touch®

with PWM and dedicated RESET pin

■ Integrated 4-wire resistive touchscreen
controller, pen-down/real-time mode, fully-
■ 12-bit ADC for high-resolution touchscreen
■ Operating voltage 1.65 - 3.6 V
■ Low power consumption:
– Hibernation mode: 0.5 µA
– Active mode: 100 µA
■ Auto-hibernation and hotkey wake-up features CSP 12
(2.17 x 1.67 mm)
■ Up to 3 GPIOs with alternate functions
– 1 PWM controller
– 1 general purpose 12-bit ADC input Description
– Optional interrupt output pin
The STMPE812A is a 4-wire resistive
■ Dedicated reset input pin touchscreen controller with 4-bit port expander
■ 400 kHz I2C interface integrated.
The touchscreen controller is designed to be fully
■ 8 kV HBM, 1 kV CDM ESD protection on
autonomous, requiring only minimal CPU
intervention for sampling, filtering and pre-
■ 2 kV HBM, 250 V CDM ESD protection on all processing operations.
other pins

■ Portable media players
■ Game consoles
■ Mobile and smart phones

Table 1. Device summary

Order code Package Packaging

STMPE812ABJR CSP 12 (2.17 x 1.67 mm) Tape and reel

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Contents STMPE812A


1 STMPE812A functional overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.1 Pin configuration and functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Typical application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 I2C interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1 I2C features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Data input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.3 Read operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.4 Write operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3 Power supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Charge pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

5 Power modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6 STMPE812A registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.1 Auto-increment/non auto-increment address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7 System and identification registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

8 Interrupt system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

9 ADC controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

10 PWM controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
10.1 Register map for PWM function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
10.2 Interrupt of PWM controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

11 Touchscreen controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
11.1 Touchscreen controller detection sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
11.2 3 modes of acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
11.3 Touchscreen controller registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
11.4 Programming model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

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STMPE812A Contents

12 GPIO port controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

13 Electrical specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
13.1 DC electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
13.2 AC electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

14 Package mechanical section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

15 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

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STMPE812A functional overview STMPE812A

1 STMPE812A functional overview

The STMPE812A consists of the following blocks:

● I2C interface
● GPIO/PWM controller
● Touchscreen controller (TSC)
● Analog-to-digital converted (ADC)
● Driver and switch control unit

Figure 1. STMPE812A block diagram

Touch X+
VDD Screen X-
Power Drivers and Y+
GND Management Switches Y-

I2C Interface

ADC '0)/!$#07-

M '0)/!$$2





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STMPE812A STMPE812A functional overview

1.1 Pin configuration and functions

Figure 2. Pin configuration (top through view)

8 9 8 9
! " # $

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Table 2. Pin assignments

Pin Name Current capacity Function

B3 Y+ 50 mA current limit Y+
C3 X- 50 mA current limit X-
D3 Y- 50 mA current limit Y-
Active low RESET (3.6 V tolerant within VCC valid
+8 mA/-12 mA at
C2 RESETN range). Typical reset filter duration is 788 ns at
3.3 V
1.8 V VCC.
Can be > 80 mA
D2 GND load at touchscreen Ground
and GPIO drive
I2C clock (fail safe, tolerant to 3.6 V regardless of
D1 SCL -4 mA

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STMPE812A functional overview STMPE812A

Table 2. Pin assignments (continued)

Pin Name Current capacity Function
I C data (fail safe, tolerant to 3.6 V regardless of
C1 SDA -4 mA
+8 mA/-12 mA at GPIO-2/ INT (3.6 V tolerant within VCC valid
B1 P2
3.3 V range)
+8 mA/-12 mA at GPIO-1/ADC/PWM (3.6 V tolerant within VCC valid
A1 P1
3.3 V range except VIN_ADC must be less than VCC)
+8 mA/-12 mA at GPIO-0/ADDR (3.6 V tolerant within VCC valid
B2 P0
3.3 V range)
1.65 - 3.6 V core/IO supply (0.1 µF decoupling
Can be > 80 mA cap)
A2 VCC load at touchscreen
No low-voltage detection for POR
and GPIO drive
20 µs POR from power stable
A3 X+ 50 mA current limit X+

Note: All I/O operates on VCC. All I/O tolerant up to 3.6 V, across VCC = 1.65 - 3.6 V
8 kV HBM ESD on all touchscreen pins (+/- 8 kV vs GND)
0.5 µA max input leakage as input, across VCC range (GPIO, SCL/SDA)
4 µs hardware filter on the 3 GPIOs as input

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STMPE812A STMPE812A functional overview

1.2 Typical application

Figure 3. Typical application





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I2C interface STMPE812A

2 I2C interface

For the bus master to communicate to the slave device, the bus master must initiate a Start
condition and be followed by the slave device address. Accompanying the slave device
address, there is a read/write bit (R/W). The bit is set to 1 for read and 0 for write operation.
If a match occurs on the slave device address, the corresponding device gives an
acknowledge on the SDA during the 9th bit time. If there is no match, it deselects itself from
the bus by not responding to the transaction.

Figure 4. I2C timing diagram



tR tF



Table 3. I2C timing

Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit

fSCL SCL clock frequency 0 - 400 kHz

tLOW Clock low period 1.3 - - µs
tHIGH Clock high period 600 - - ns
tF (1)
SDA and SCL fall time Note - 300 ns
START condition hold time (after this
tHD:STA 600 - - ns
period the first clock is generated)
START condition setup time (only relevant
tSU:STA 600 - - ns
for a repeated start period)
tSU:DAT Data setup time 100 - - ns
tHD:DAT Data hold time 0 - - µs
tSU:STO STOP condition setup time 600 - - ns
Time the bus must be free before a new
tBUF 1.3 - - µs
transmission can start
1. Minimum TF is subject to system capacitive load (CLOAD) condition.

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STMPE812A I2C interface

2.1 I2C features

The features that are supported by the I2C interface are listed below:
● I2C slave device
● Operates at VCC (1.65 V - 3.6 V)
● Compliant to Philips I2C specification version 2.1
● Supports standard (up to 100 Kbps) and fast (up to 400 Kbps) modes
● I2C address in 0x41 (0x82/83 including Rd/Wr bit) or 0x40 (0x80/81 including Rd/Wr
The slave address is selected by the state of P0 pin. The state of the pin is read upon reset
and then the pin can be configured for normal operation. The pin shall have an external pull-
up or pull-down to set the address.

Table 4. Slave address

ADDR (P0) 7-bit I2C slave address

0 40h
1 41h

Start condition
A Start condition is identified by a falling edge of SDATA while SCLK is stable at high state.
A Start condition must precede any data/command transfer. The device continuously
monitors for a Start condition and does not respond to any transaction unless one is

Stop condition
A Stop condition is identified by a rising edge of SDATA while SCLK is stable at high state. A
Stop condition terminates communication between the slave device and the bus master. A
read command that is followed by NoAck can be followed by a Stop condition to force the
slave device into idle mode. When the slave device is in idle mode, it is ready to receive the
next I2C transaction. A Stop condition at the end of a write command stops the write
operation to registers.

Acknowledge bit
The acknowledge bit is used to indicate a successful byte transfer. The bus transmitter
releases the SDATA after sending eight bits of data. During the ninth bit, the receiver pulls
the SDATA low to acknowledge the receipt of the eight bits of data. The receiver may leave
the SDATA in high state if it does not acknowledge the receipt of the data.

2.2 Data input

The device samples the data input on SDATA on the rising edge of the SCLK. The SDATA
signal must be stable during the rising edge of SCLK and the SDATA signal must change
only when SCLK is driven low.

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I2C interface STMPE812A

Table 5. Operating modes

Mode Byte Programming sequence

Start, Device address, R/W = 0, Register address to be read

Restart, Device address, R/W = 1, Data Read, Stop
If no Stop is issued, the Data Read can be continuously performed. If
the register address falls within the range that allows an address auto-
Read ≥1
increment, then the register address auto-increments internally after
every byte of data being read. For register address that falls within a
non-incremental address range, the address is kept static throughout
the entire read operations. Refer to the memory map table for the
address ranges that are auto and non-increment.
Start, Device address, R/W = 0, Register address to be written, Data
Write, Stop
If no Stop is issued, the Data Write can be continuously performed. If
the register address falls within the range that allows address auto-
Write ≥1 increment, then the register address auto-increments internally after
every byte of data being written in. For those register addresses that
fall within a non-incremental address range, the address is kept static
throughout the entire write operation. Refer to the memory map table
for the address ranges that are auto and non-increment.

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STMPE812A I2C interface

Figure 5. Read and write modes (random and sequential)



No Ack
One byte Device Reg Device Data



Read Address Address Address Read

No Ack

Device Reg Device Data

More than one byte Data Data



Read Address Address Address Read Read + 1 Read + 2


One byte Device Reg



Address Address to be

More than one byte


Device Reg Data to

Data to

Data to



Address Address Write Write + 1 Write + 2



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I2C interface STMPE812A

2.3 Read operation

A write is first performed to load the register address into the Address Counter but without
sending a Stop condition. Then, the bus master sends a reStart condition and repeats the
Device Address with the R/W bit set to 1. The slave device acknowledges and outputs the
content of the addressed byte. If no additional data is to be read, the bus master must not
acknowledge the byte and terminates the transfer with a Stop condition.
If the bus master acknowledges the data byte, then it can continue to perform the data
reading. To terminate the stream of data bytes, the bus master must not acknowledge the
last output byte, and be followed by a Stop condition. If the address of the register written
into the Address Counter falls within the range of addresses that has the auto-increment
function, the data being read is coming from consecutive addresses, which the internal
Address Counter automatically increments after each byte output. After the last memory
address, the Address Counter 'rolls-over' and the device continues to output data from the
memory address of 0x00. Similarly, for the register address that falls within a non-increment
range of addresses, the output data byte comes from the same address (which is the
address referred by the Address Counter).

Acknowledgement in read operation

For the above read command, the slave device waits, after each byte read, for an
acknowledgement during the ninth bit time. If the bus master does not drive the SDA to a
low state, then the slave device terminates and switches back to its idle mode, waiting for
the next command.

2.4 Write operations

A write is first performed to load the register address into the Address Counter without
sending a Stop condition. After the bus master receives an acknowledgement from the slave
device, it may start to send a data byte to the register (referred by the Address Counter).
The slave device again acknowledges and the bus master terminates the transfer with a
Stop condition.
If the bus master needs to write more data, it can continue the write operation without
issuing the Stop condition. Whether the Address Counter autoincrements or not after each
data byte write depends on the address of the register written into the Address Counter.
After the bus master writes the last data byte and the slave device acknowledges the receipt
of the last data, the bus master may terminate the write operation by sending a Stop
condition. When the Address Counter reaches the last memory address, it 'rolls-over' to the
next data byte write.

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STMPE812A Power supply

3 Power supply

The STMPE812A GPIO operates from a supply pin VCC. For better resolution and noise
immunity, VCC above 2.8 V is recommended.
Power up reset
The STMPE812A is equipped with an internal POR circuit that holds the device in reset
state, until the VCC supply input is valid. The internal POR is tied to the VCC supply pin.

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Charge pump STMPE812A

4 Charge pump

The STMPE812A is integrated with an internal charge-pump. The charge pump is required
for any ADC/TSC operations when VCC is less than 2.5 V.
Activating the charge pump when VCC > 2.5 V may result in permanent damage of the

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STMPE812A Power modes

5 Power modes

The STMPE812A operates in a 2 states: active and hibernate.

– Whenever PEN-DOWN is detected, the device remains in active mode
– Whenever PWM is active, the device remains in active mode
– Whenever ADC is active, the device remains in ACTIVE MODE

-PWM/ADC must be “off” (clock disable bit SET)
-Any GPIO input, with interrupt enabled, causes a transition to “active” state, if an input
change is detected.
-Pen down even causes transition to “active” state if the touchscreen controller is enabled.

Table 6. Power mode

Power mode Active Hibernate

Current consumption 280 µA (max)(1) 1.0 µA (max.)

GPIO hotkey Yes Yes
Touchscreen Yes Yes
Interface (I Yes Yes
1. At Vcc=1.8V, TCS running at 100sets of X/Y per second, MAV disabled.

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Power modes STMPE812A

Figure 6. Power modes state diagram

Soft -Reset, Reset input

I2C activity,
No activity Touch, Hotkey Reset Input
(about 33 μs)

STMPE812A is in
active mode if PWM
is running


On power up reset, device goes to active state. However, as all the functional blocks are
clocked off by default, no touch/hotkey activity is possible. If there are no I2C activities,
device goes into auto-hibernate mode automatically.
The auto-hibernate feature of STMPE812A is always enabled. Whenever there is a period of
inactivity, the device enters this mode to reduce power consumption. On detection a touch,
correctly addressed I2C data, GPIO activity, the device wakes up immediately.
As the device is able to wake up very quickly, there is no loss of touch data.

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STMPE812A STMPE812A registers

6 STMPE812A registers

This section lists and describes the registers of the STMPE812A device, starting with a
register map and then provides detailed descriptions of register types.

Table 7. Register summary map table

Address Register name Bit Type Reset value Function

Registers from 0x00 - 0x0F are always accessible.

0x00 - 01 CHIP_ID 16 R 0xA812 Device identification
Revision number
0x02 ID_VER 8 R 0x10
0x10 for engineering sample
0x03 SYS_CTRL 8 R/W 0x0F System control register
0x04 8 R/W 0xF8 Port function control register
General purpose storage
0x06 - 07 SCRATCH_PAD 16 R/W 0x00
0x08 INT_CTRL 8 R/W 0x00 Interrupt control register
0x09 INT_EN 8 R/W 0x00 interrupt enable register
0x0A INT_STA 8 R 0x00 Interrupt status register
Registers from 0x10 - 0x1F are accessible only if “GPIO_OFF” bit in SYS_CTRL is set to “0”.
0x10 GPIO_SET_PIN 8 R/W 0x00 GPIO set pin register
0x11 GPIO_CLR_PIN 8 R/W 0x00 GPIO clear pin register
GPIO monitor pin state
0x12 GPIO_MP_STA 8 R/W 0x00
GPIO falling edge register
0x13 GPIO_DIR 8 R/W 0x00

GPIO rising edge register

0x14 GPIO_ED 8 R/W 0x00

Registers from 0x20 - 0x2F are accessible only if “ADC_OFF” bit in SYS_CTRL is set to “0”.
0x20 ADC_CTRL 8 R/W 0x33 ADC control
0x21 - 22 ADC_DATA 16 R 0x0000 ADC data
Registers from 0x40 - 0x4F are accessible only if “TSC_OFF” bit in SYS_CTRL is set to “0”.
4-wire touchscreen
0x40 TSC_CTRL 8 R/W 0x00
controller setup
TSC_DET_CFG Touchscreen controller
0x41 8 R/W 0xA4
1 configuration 1
TSC_DET_CFG Touchscreen controller
0x42 8 R/W 0xB0
2 configuration 2
TSC_SAMPLIN Touchscreen controller
0x43 8 R/W 0x0A
G_RATE sampling rate register

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STMPE812A registers STMPE812A

Table 7. Register summary map table (continued)

Address Register name Bit Type Reset value Function

0x44 TSC_DATA 8 R - Non auto-increment address

Registers from 0x50 - 0x5F are accessible only if “PWM_OFF” bit in SYS_CTRL is set to “0”.
0x50 8 R/W 0x00 PWM clock divider
Master control of PWM
0x51 PWM_CTRL1 8 R/W 0x00
channel 1

6.1 Auto-increment/non auto-increment address

The STMPE812A supports auto-increment accesses on all, except for TSC data register
(0x44). While accessing auto-increment register location, consecutive read/write access
data from the consecutive registers. Note that for register accesses started on auto-
incremental addresses, the address 0x44 is skipped.
For example:
Write register address (0x40)
Read data (data of 0x40)
Read data (data of 0x41)
Read data (data of 0x42)
Read data (data of 0x43)
Read data (data of 0x45) <= 0x44 is skipped.

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STMPE812A System and identification registers

7 System and identification registers

Table 8. System and identification registers map

Address Register name Bit Type Reset Function

0x00 - 01 CHIP_ID 16 R 0x0A812 Device identification

Revision number
0x02 ID_VER 8 R 0x10
0x10 for engineering sample
0x03 SYS_CTRL 8 R/W 0xF8 System control register
0x04 PORT_FUNCTION 8 R/W 0x00 Port function control register
General purpose storage
0x06 - 07 SCRATCH_PAD 16 R/W 0x00

SYS_CTRL System control register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

Address: 0x03
Type: R/W
Reset: 0x0F
Description: System control register.
Reset the 812 using serial communication
ALL REGISTER VALUES ARE RESET. State machines all back to POR states.
[5] TSC_EN
Write ‘1’ to enable operation of TSC. Write ‘0’ to disable it.
Writing ‘1’ switches OFF the clock supply to PWM
Writing ‘1’ switches OFF the clock supply to GPIO
Writing ‘1’ switches OFF the clock supply to touchscreen controller
Writing ‘1’ switches OFF the clock supply to ADC

If the clock supply to a particular functional block is turned off, the registers of these
modules are not accessible.

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System and identification registers STMPE812A

PORT_FUNCTION Port function control register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0

Address: 0x04
Type: R/W
Reset: 0xF8
Description: Port function control register.

Port function:
'00' - GPIO input
'01' - GPIO output
'10' - ADC input (P1 only)
'11' - Special function
Special function for:
P1 - PWM
P2 - INT output

SCRATCH_PAD Scratch pad register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Address: 0x06 - 07
Type: R/W
Reset: 0x00
Description: General purpose scratch pad register. Could be used for testing of serial interface

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STMPE812A Interrupt system

8 Interrupt system

The STMPE812A uses a 2-tier interrupt structure. In normal mode, interrupts from the GPIO
and touchscreen controller assert the INT pin and are available in the Interrupt Status
register (ISR).
In pen down mode, the INT pin is asserted as long as pen down is detected.
Since the INT pin is a OR function of the pen down and all other enabled interrupts, in order
for INT pin to provide the exclusive indication of pen down (INT = Low) and pen up
(INT = High), as such benefit from minimal I2C transactions, it is recommended to use pen
down mode when the GPIO/PWM/ADC functions are not required or the GPIO/PWM/ADC
interrupts are disabled.

Figure 7. Interrupt system diagram






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Interrupt system STMPE812A

INT_CTRL Interrupt control register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 0

Address: 0x08
Type: R/W
Reset: 0x00
Description: This register is used to enable the interruption from a system related interrupt source
to the host.
‘0’ for Pen-Down INT mode (INT pin asserted as long as pen down detected). Nothing can de-
assert the INT pin as long as PEN is down. TSC_TOUCH in INT_EN register must be enabled
for PEN_DOWN interrupt to operate.
If any other interrupt sources are enabled, the INT output is:
INT_E setting is not required for PEN-DOWN mode. It is recommended Pen-Down INT mode
enabled in applications where GPIO/ADC/PWM functions or interrupts are not in used, such
that the INT pin signal provides the exclusive indication for pen down and pen up.
‘1’ for normal INT mode (INT pin asserted if any bit in INT STATUS REGISTER is set)
When INT_MODE is changed, all interrupt status are cleared. Pending INT output (if any) is
cleared too.
‘1’ for active high/rising edge
‘0’ for active low/falling edge
Interrupt pin should be pulled to VCC if “active low” polarity is used, and pulled to GND if “active
high” polarity is used.
‘1’ for edge interrupt (pulse width = 50-150 µs)
‘0’ for level interrupt
Edge interrupt does not work in PEN_DOWN INT mode
This bit is ignored in PEN_DOWN INT mode.
‘1’ allows global interrupt
‘0’ stops all interrupt
This bit overwrites INT_MODE: If global_int is stop (in pen down INT_MODE), even pen down
does not generate an interrupt.

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STMPE812A Interrupt system

INT_EN Interrupt enable register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Address: 0x09
Type: R/W
Reset: 0x00
Description: This register is used to enable the interruption from a system related interrupt source
to the host.
Error encountered in coordinate calculation in touchscreen controller
Release of TSC is detected
[5] P2:
Port 2 activity (GPIO)
[3] P1
Port 1 activity (GPIO/ADC/PWM)
[2] P0
Port 0 activity (GPIO)
Touch data available
Touch is detected

Note: * Hotkey interrupt should have respond time of <5 µs in active mode and less than 1 ms in
hibernate mode.

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Interrupt system STMPE812A

ISR Interrupt status register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Address: 0x0A
Type: R
Reset: 0x00
Description: ISR register monitors the status of the interruption from a particular interrupt source
to the host. Regardless whether the INT_EN bits are enabled, the ISR bits are still
Writing to this register has no effect. Reading the register clears any asserted bit
Implementation: A shadow register MUST be used to ensure that Read+Clear action
DOES NOT clear up any bit that is not READ.
Note: Reading the Interrupt Enable Register also clears the ISR. It is recommended that no read operation on IER
to be executed during normal operation. IER should only be accessed during initialization.
Error encountered in coordinate calculation in TSC, or touch detect not valid after sampling
Release of touch is detected
[5] P2
Port 2 activity (GPIO)
[3] P1
Port 1 activity (GPIO/ADC/PWM)
[2] P0
Port 0 activity (GPIO)
Touch data available. In internal timer and host-read controlled mode, this bit can only
be cleared after the data has been read by the host. In ACQ mode, this bit is cleared after the
data or the ISR is read by the host.
Touch is detected.
(In PEN-DOWN interrupt mode, this bit is never cleared until pen is removed)

In PEN_DOWN interrupt mode, this status register will still be updated with event interrupt
status data, and cleared on read. However no interrupt will be issued based on this status

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STMPE812A ADC controller

9 ADC controller

A 12-bit ADC is integrated in the STMPE812A. The ADC could be used as generic analog-
digital converter, or a touchscreen controller capable of controlling a 4-wire resistive
The ADC works ONLY with internal reference (equal to VCC), always 12 bit.

Table 9. ADC controller registers

Address Register name Bit Type Reset Description

0x20 ADC control 8 R/W 0x33 ADC control

0x21-0x22 ADC data 16 R 0x0000 ADC data access (P1)

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ADC controller STMPE812A

ADC control register ADC control

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

Address: 0x20
Type: R/W
Reset: 0x33
Description: This register is used to configure the ADC operations.
[7] ADC_MODE: ADC capture mode
‘0’ – Continuous capture according to sampling rate specified by ADC_FREQ register. New
data over-writes old data in ADC_DATA register.
‘1’ – One-shot capture. One sample is taken every time system writes ‘1’ to ADC_CAP bit
[6] ADC_CAP: ADC channel data capture
In one-shot mode:
Write ‘1’ to initiate data acquisition for the corresponding channel. Writing ‘0’ has no effect.
Reads ‘1’ if conversion is in progress.Reads ‘0’ if conversion is completed.
One-shot mode ADC generates interrupt in corresponding interrupt status bit on completion of
In continuous capture mode:
Write ‘1’ to initiate data acquisition for the corresponding channel. Writing ‘0’ to stop capturing.
[5:4] ADC_FREQ: ADC sampling frequency based on 1MHz RC (minimum 880 KHz)
00 – 10 K samples/sec
01 – 12.5 K samples/sec
10 – 15 K samples/sec
11 – 20 K samples/sec
NOTE: As the ADC is also used for TSC operation. This setting affects the maximum sampling
rate possible with TSC.
[3] CP_Arm: Writing ‘1’ arms the charge-pump for unlocking
Writing ‘0’ un-arms it
Charge-pump is required for ADC/TSC operation when VCC is less than 2.5 V. Activating the
charge pump when VCC is more than 2.5 V may result in permanent damage of the
Charge-pump can be activated by unlocking CP_Lock after it is armed.
[2:1] CP_Lock[1:0]: Only effective if CP_Arm is set to ‘1’.
Always reads ‘00’.
Writing ‘01’ when CP_Arm is ‘1’ activates the charge pump.
Writing ‘00’, ‘10’ and ‘11’ does NOT activate the charge-pump, and clears the CP_Arm bit.
CP_Arm MUST BE set before writing to CP_Lock. Accesses to CP_Lock will be ignored, if
CP_Arm is ‘0’.
Note: CP_Arm and CP_Lock CANNOT be accessed in a single I2C transaction. System must
first ARM the CP with 1 I2C transaction, and unlocks it in the next. CP_LOCK reads “00”
if charge pump is activated
CP_LOCK reads “01” if charge pump is not activated

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STMPE812A ADC controller

ADC data ADC data register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Address: 0x21-0x22
Type: R
Reset: 0x0000
Address: ADC data register.
[7:0] ADC_DATAx

Note: When the I2C master accesses the data register, upper/lower byte consistency must be
guaranteed (once access starts, content will only be updated after BOTH bytes has been
read, OR I2C master accesses other register address):
- 0x21 is LSB
- 0x22 is MSB

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PWM controller STMPE812A

10 PWM controller

The PWM allows the brightness control of a LED/motor driver.

The PWM uses base clock that is ½ of the OSC frequency (typically 600 kHz). The base
clock is divided by a programmable DIV[4:0], which scales it to 18.75-600 kHz. This clock
goes into PWM controller and outputs a signal that is pulse-width modulated (16 steps), with
a frequency 16 times smaller.

10.1 Register map for PWM function

Table 10. PWM function registers
Address Register name Bit Type Reset Description

0x50 PWM_ClockDiv 8 R/W 0x00 PWM clock divider

Master control of PWM channel 1
0x51 PWM_Control_1 8 R/W 0x00
Output at port 0

PWM clock div register PWM clock divider register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
BurstLength [1:0] DIV[4:0]

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Address: 0x50
Type: R/W
Reset: 0x00
Description: PWM clock divider register.
[7:5] BurstLength[2:0]
Burst length of PWM output
‘000’ – 8 ms
‘001’ – 16 ms
‘010’ – 32 ms
‘011’ – 64 ms
‘100’ – 128 ms
‘101’ – 256 ms
‘110’ – 512 ms
‘111’ – 1024 ms
[4:0] Div[4:0]
PWM controller is based on 600KHz clock divided by (Div[4:0] + 1).
Effectively, PWM clock is:
600 KHz (MAX)
600 KHz/32 = 18.75 KHz (MIN)

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STMPE812A PWM controller

PWM control1 register PWM control1 register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Brightness BurstMultiplier Off_State Enable

0 0 0 0

Address: 0x51
Type: R/W
Reset: 0x00
Description: PWM control1 register.

[7:4] This defines the of the PWM channel output which in turn determines the brightness level of
the LED that the PWM output drives. Note that this is assuming LED is connected in SINKING
MODE. System host should program the brightness in a reverse way if sourcing configuration
were to be used.
0000: duty cycle ratio 1:15 (6.25%, minimum brightness)
0001: duty cycle ratio 2:14 (12.50%)
0010: duty cycle ratio 3:13 (18.75%)
0011: duty cycle ratio 4:12 (25.00%)
0100: duty cycle ratio 5:11 (31.25%)
0101: duty cycle ratio 6:10 (37.50%)
0110: duty cycle ratio 7: 9 (43.75%)
0111: duty cycle ratio 8: 8 (50.00%)
1000: duty cycle ratio 9: 7 (56.25%)
1001: duty cycle ratio 10: 6 (62.50%)
1010: duty cycle ratio 11: 5 (68.75%)
1011: duty cycle ratio 12: 4 (75.00%)
1100: duty cycle ratio 13: 3 (81.25%)
1101: duty cycle ratio 14: 2 (87.50%)
1110: duty cycle ratio 15: 1 (93.75%)
1111: duty cycle ratio 16: 0 (100.00%, maximum brightness)
[3:2] BurstMultiplier
PWM output continues for time = BurstLength * BurstMultiplier
*If BurstMultiplier = 0, PWM output indefinitely (until PWM is turned OFF)
1 Off_State
‘0’ : PWM Output “HI” when PWM not running
‘1’ : PWM Output “LOW” when PWM not running
0 Enable
Writing ‘1’ to this bit starts the PWM controller sequence
Writing ‘0’ has stops it
Reads ‘1’ when PWM is running.

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PWM controller STMPE812A

10.2 Interrupt of PWM controller

When non-infinite sequence is used, the completion of the PWM sequence causes the P0
bit in interrupt status register to be asserted.

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STMPE812A Touchscreen controller

11 Touchscreen controller

The STMPE812A is integrated with a hard-wired touchscreen controller for 4-wire resistive
type touchscreen. The touchscreen controller is able to operate completely autonomously,
and would interrupt the connected CPU only when pre-defined event occurs.
The TSC is based on an internal 20Ksamples/sec ADC, running off a 1 MHz (minimum
880 kHz) RC OSC.
Sampling time = touch detect delay*2 + (settling time + (ADC conversion time*MAV) ) *3

Table 11. Sampling time/frequency calculation

ADC Touch Sampling time/freq
Settling Median
Oscillator speed conversion detect (complete X/Y/Z sample
time average
time delay sets)

40*2 + 3*(40+(50*1)) = 350 µs

880 kHz 50 µs 40 µs 40 µs None
(2.8K sample sets/sec)
40*2 + 3*(40+
880 kHz 50 µs 40 µs 40 µs 10-2 (50*10))=1700 µs (588 sample
640*2 + 3*(640+ (50*20))
880 kHz 50 µs 640 µs 640 µs 20-4 =6200 µs (161 sample

Figure 8. Touchscreen controller internal RC OSC connection

 BIT  CH!$#



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Touchscreen controller STMPE812A

11.1 Touchscreen controller detection sequence

Following is the sequence of detection in the STMPE812A touchscreen controller for X, Y
and Z:
1. Touch detect
2. Drive Y
3. Wait for settling time
4. Measure Y
5. Stop drive
6. Drive Z
7. Wait for settling time
8. Measure Z
9. Stop drive
10. Drive X
11. Wait for settling time
12. Measure X
13. Stop drive
14. Touch detect

11.2 3 modes of acquisition

1. Data acquisition timed by internal timer:
The host system selects a “sampling period” with, based on internal timer, the touchscreen
controller takes a complete set of samples on every period. The host system may choose to
read the data by:
– Waiting for the INT
– Polling for INT_STATUS register for TOUCH DATA
– Reading the TSC_DATA at approximately the same timing. (Use “Data Valid Status
Read” option in this mode)

2. Data acquisition triggered by a write to “ACQ” bit:

As and when sampling is desired, host writes to the ACQ bit and:
– Poll the ACQ to wait for completion
– Wait for INT for Touch Data access
– Poll the FIFO after approximate time required for sampling. (Use “Data Valid
Status Read” option in this mode)
3. Data acquisition using host-controlled sampling rate control
The host sets the internal timer for the desired data-rate. On staring the touchscreen
controller in this mode, a complete set of sample is taken immediately. The touchscreen
controller enters in hibernate mode (clock is turned OFF, only monitors the PEN-DOWN
status). When system host reads the Touch Data available in FIFO, another set of data is
taken immediately.

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STMPE812A Touchscreen controller

11.3 Touchscreen controller registers

Table 12. Touchscreen controller registers

Address Register name Bit Type Reset Function

0x40 TSC_CTRL 8 R/W 0x00 Touchscreen control

0x41 TSC_DET_CFG1 8 R/W 0xA4 Touchscreen detection config 1
0x42 TSC_DET_CFG2 8 R/W 0xB0 Touchscreen detection config 2
0x43 8 R/W 0x0A Touchscreen sampling rate
0x44 TSC_DATA 8 R - Touchscreen data

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Touchscreen controller STMPE812A

TSC CTRL TSC control register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
MAV_MODE[2:0] ACQ Precharge[1:0] Current Limit [1:0]

0 0 0 0

Address: 0x40
Type: R/W
Reset: 0x00
Description: Touchscreen control register.
[7:5] MAV_MODE[2:0]
‘000’ – MAV filter disabled
‘001’ – 6 remove 2
‘010’ – 8 remove 4
‘011’ – 10 remove 2
‘100’ – 12 remove 4
‘101’ – 20 remove 4
‘110’ – 4 remove none (equal to 4 x oversampling)
‘111’ – 8 remove none (equal to 8 x oversampling)
[4] ACQ
Only valid in acquisition mode ‘01’ (acquisition initiated by system host writing to ACQ bit)
Writing ‘1’ to this bit initiates a TSC data acquisition
Writing ‘0’ has no effect
Reads ‘1’ if data acquisition is in progress
Reads ‘0’ if data is ready
If Data is already available in buffer and not read by system host, setting this bit to ‘1’ renders
the data in buffer “invalid”. DATA available bit in Interrupt Status register is reset by hardware
automatically. Pending interrupt due to DATA available (if any) is cleared.
Data pointer in multi-byte read operation is reset when this bit is written to.
[3:2] Precharge[1:0]
Pre-charge driver for touch detection
‘00’ – no pre-charge
‘01’ – 2 µs pre-charge
‘10’ – 4 µs pre-charge
‘11’ – 8 µs pre-charge
[1:0] Current Limit [1:0]
Current limit of touchscreen driver
‘00’ – 5 mA
‘01’ – 10 mA
‘10’ – 20 mA
‘11’ – 30 mA

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STMPE812A Touchscreen controller

TSC detect config TSC detection configuration 1 register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
PenStrength[1:0] TDetDly[2:0] Settling[2:0]

1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0

Address: 0x41
Type: R/W
Reset: 0xA4
Description: Touchscreen controller detection configuration 1 register.

[7:6] PenStrength[1:0]
Pen detect strength threshold
‘00’ – least sensitive (50 K pull-up)
‘01’ – sensitive (40 K pull-up)
‘10’ – more sensitive (30 K pull-up) - Default
‘11’ – most sensitive (20 K pull-up)
[5:3] TDetDly[2:0]
Touch detect delay
‘000’ = 40 µs
‘001’ = 80 µs
‘010’ = 160 µs
‘011’ = 320 µs
‘100’ = 640 µs - Default
‘101’ = 1.28 ms
‘110’ = 2.56 ms
‘111’ = 5.12 ms
[2:0] Settling[2:0]
Panel driver settling time
‘000’ = 40 µs
‘001’ = 80 µs
‘010’ = 160 µs
‘011’ = 320 µs/ns
‘100’ = 640 µs - Default
‘101’ = 1.28 ms
‘110’ = 2.56 ms
‘111’ = 5.12 ms
For large panels (> 6 inches), a capacitor of 10 nF is recommended at the touchscreen
terminals for noise filtering. In this case, settling time of 1 ms or more is recommended.

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Touchscreen controller STMPE812A

TSC_DET_CFG2 TSC detection configuration 2 register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Acq_Mode StatusRead OpMode Z-Divider[3:0]

1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0

Address: 0x42
Type: R/W
Reset: 0xB0
Description: Touchscreen controller detection configuration 2 register.
[7:6] Acq_Mode
‘00’ – Data acquisition timed by internal timer
‘01’ – Data acquisition triggered by a write to “ACQ” bit
‘10’ – Data acquisition using Host-Controlled Sampling Rate Control. (Default)
‘11’ – Reserved
In mode ‘10’, device sample a complete data set every time host accesses the buffer. After
completion of sampling, device enters hibernate mode, until data is accessed again. (Or PEN-
UP causing interrupt to de-assert)
[5] StatusRead
‘1’ inserts data valid (data available) status read in data port. (Default)
Reading data port in this mode clears the ISR register (equivalent to accessing interrupt status
‘0’ – no data valid (data available) status access by data port
[4] OpMode
TSC operating mode
‘0’ for 12-bit X,12-bit Y,8-bit Z acquisition
‘1’ for 12-bit X, 12-bit Y only (Default)

This field cannot be written on, when EN=1

[3:0] Z-Divider[3:0]
Pen-Pressure is internally calculated as a 16-bit integer. As 16-bit resolution is typically not
required for touchscreen operation, STMPE812A right-shifts the value internally by Z-
Z-value read through the TSC Data register is the lowest 8-bit of the shifted value.

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STMPE812A Touchscreen controller

TSC sampling rate TSC sampling rate register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0

Address: 0x43
Type: R/W
Reset: 0x0A
Description: Touchscreen controller sampling rate control register.
[7:0] Sampling[7:0]
Sets the sampling rate of touchscreen controller.
Sampling Time = (sampling[7:0]+1) in ms
Clock cycle = 1 µs (1 MHz RC OSC)
Sampling time = 1 ms – 256 ms
This is used as “TSC regular initiator signal’. As long as there remains a valid touch, every
interval of this timing, the touchscreen controller executes a complete drive/settling/multi-
sample/MAV/data calculation. It is the user’s responsibility to choose a sampling time that is
enough, based on ADC_FREQ, settling time and filter.

TSC_data Touchscreen data register

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Address: 0x42
Type: R/W
Reset: 0xB0
Description: The data format of the touchscreen controller data register depends on the setting of
“OpMode” field in the touchscreen detection configuration 2 register. The samples
acquired are accessed in “packed samples”. The size of each “packed sample”
depends on which mode the touchscreen controller is operating in.
[7:0] TSC_DATA_x: Data byte from touchscreen controller.

Note: In order to preserve the integrity of the data, it is mandatory to ensure the following:
- System host to read exactly the number of bytes according to the programmed operating
- I2C host to insert a STOP condition after each data read command
Data pointer in this 1-level buffer could be reset by:
-User issued ACQ in user initiated acquisition mode. In mode ‘10’, every time sampling is
completed, it overwrites the buffer, and reset the data pointer

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Touchscreen controller STMPE812A

Table 13. Touchscreen controller data register

TSCDetectConfig2 Number of
bytes to read
Byte0 Byte1 Byte2 Byte3 Byte4
OpMode StatusRead TSCData

[3:0] of X
0 0 4 [11:4] of X [7:0] of Y [7:0] of Z
[11:8] of Y

[3:0] of X
1 0 3 [11:4] of X [7:0] of Y -
[11:8] of Y

Data Valid [3:0] of X

0 1 5 [11:4] of X [7:0] of Y [7:0] of Z
Status [11:8] of Y

Data Valid [3:0] of X

1 1 4 [11:4] of X [7:0] of Y -
Status [11:8] of Y

Data Valid Status Byte Structure

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

1: Touch data available/valid
0: Touch data not available/not valid
Bit reset upon read

Data Valid Status Read in data port is useful together with Pen Down mode whereby
accessing the ISR is not needed so as to achieve the best I2C bandwidth efficiency (i.e.
minimal I2C transactions).
Note: Reading the Data valid Status byte also clears the ISR.

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STMPE812A Touchscreen controller

11.4 Programming model

Below are steps to configure the Touchscreen controller in 3 different acquisition modes.

A. Autonomous touchscreen controller, 100 Hz, lowest power possible

1. Initialize the touchscreen controller (choose ACQ_Mode ‘00’ - data acquisition timed by
internal timer)
2. Initialize interrupt (with TSC_Data enabled, normal interrupt mode)
3. Wait for interrupt
4. On interrupt: Read interrupt status (this clears the set bits too)
5. If data is available, read data.

Note: If one set of data is available in buffer, and not accessed by the I2C host, yet the sampling
timer is up for the next data, the STMPE812A samples the next data as scheduled.
If old data is still NOT accessed when new data is ready to be written to the buffer, it is over-
If old data is IN PROGRESS of being accessed, new data is DISCARDED.
If I2C host accessed PART OF the data, and moved on to read ANY OTHER REGISTER
LOCATION, the existing data is CONSIDERED READ, and new data ready to be written into

B. Non-autonomous touchscreen controller style-interrupt, 100Hz, lowest

power possible:
1. Initialize TSC (Choose ACQ_Mode ‘01’ - Data acquisition triggered by a write to “ACQ”
2. Initialize Interrupt (With TSC_Data, TSC_Touch enabled, PEN_DOWN interrupt mode)
3. Wait for Interrupt
4. On Interrupt: Read Interrupt Status (this clears the set bits too)
5. If PEN_DOWN, start SYSTEM_TIMER (10 ms typically)
6. On TIMEOUT, write ACQ bit to start acquisition
7. Poll interrupt status register or ACQ bit to check for acquisition status
8. ON issuing ACQ, 812 may assume that data in buffer is already accessed by I2C host,
and reset the relevant pointers.
C. Host-controlled sampling rate (lowest bus utilization)
1. Initialize TSC (choose ACQ_Mode ‘10’ - Data acquisition using host-controlled
sampling rate control)
2. Initialize interrupt (with TSC_Data, TSC_Touch enabled, PEN_DOWN interrupt mode)
3. Wait for Interrupt
4. On interrupt: Read Interrupt Status (this clears the set bits too)
5. If PEN_DOWN, start SYSTEM_TIMER (10 ms typically)
6. On TIMEOUT, read data

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Touchscreen controller STMPE812A

The STMPE812A samples a new data set immediately after every complete read.
If the host does not complete a data-set read, no further samples are taken.

For each data point (4 bytes), number of I2C transaction required is:
A: read Data Valid Status (1 byte), read data (4 bytes)
B: write ACQ (1 byte), read ACQ (1 byte), read data (4 bytes)
C: read (4 bytes)

40/53 Doc ID 18225 Rev 4

STMPE812A GPIO port controller

12 GPIO port controller

A total of 3 configurable ports are available in the STMPE812A port expander device.
If configured as GPIO input/output, they are controlled by the GPIO registers.

Table 14. GPIO registers

Address Register Bit Type Reset Function

0x10 GPIO_SET_PIN 8 R/W 0x00 Set pin state

0x11 GPIO_CLR_PIN 8 R/W 0x00 Clear pin state
0x12 GPIO_MP_STA 8 R/W 0x00 Monitor pin state
Falling edge
0x13 GPIO_DIR 8 R/W 0x00
detection enable
Rising edge
0x14 GPIO_ED 8 R/W 0x00
detection enable

All GPIO registers are named as GPxx, where:

Xxx represents the functional group

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


The function of each bit is shown in Table 15:

Table 15. GPIO registers

Register name Function

GPIO monitor pin state Reading this bit yields the current state of the bit. Writing has no effect.
Writing ‘1’ to this bit causes the corresponding GPIO to go to ‘1’ state.
GPIO set pin state Writing ‘0’ to this bit has no effect
Reading this register always yield 0x00
Writing ‘1’ to this bit causes the corresponding GPIO to go to ‘0’ state.
GPIO clear pin state Writing ‘0’ to this bit has no effect
Reading this register always yield 0x00
Writing ‘1’ to this bit allows interrupt generation when there is a falling
GPIO falling edge detection edge at the corresponding GPIO
Writing ‘0’ disables the interrupt generation on falling edge detection
Writing ‘1’ to this bit allows interrupt generation when there is a rising
GPIO rising edge detection edge at the corresponding GPIO
Writing ‘0’ disables the interrupt generation on rising edge detection

If both GPFE and GPRE are not set, state transition on a GPIO does not cause an interrupt.
On power-up reset, all GPIO are set as input.

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Electrical specification STMPE812A

13 Electrical specification

Table 16. Absolute maximum rating

Symbol Ratings Maximum value Unit

VCC Supply voltage 4.5 V

Vi-i2c Input voltage at SDA/SCL 4.5 V
Vi-io Input voltage at P0-P5 4.5 V
On all touchscreen and GPIO pins (HBM) ±8 kV
On all other pins (HBM) ±2 kV

Table 17. Thermal data

Symbol Parameter Value Unit

Thermal resistance junction-ambient

TJ 68 °C / W
(CSP 12)
T Operating temperature -40°C-85°C °C
TSTG Storage temperature -65°C-125°C °C

13.1 DC electrical characteristics

Table 18. Power consumption (Tamb = -40 °C to 85 °C)

Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit

VCC = 1.8 V
TSC running at 100 sets
– 100 120
of X/Y per second
MAV disabled
ICC max Operating current µA
TSC Running at 100 sets
– 230 280
of X/Y per second
MAV 6 remove 2
VCC= 3.3 V
TSC running at 100 sets
– 670 810
of X/Y/Z per second
MAV 10 remove 2
ICC max Operating current µA
Vcc=1.8 V
TSC running at 100 sets
– 470 570
of X/Y/Z per second
MAV 10 remove 2

42/53 Doc ID 18225 Rev 4

STMPE812A Electrical specification

Table 18. Power consumption (Tamb = -40 °C to 85 °C) (continued)

Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit

VCC = 1.8 V
TSC running at 100 sets
ICC max Operating current – 870 1050 µA
of X/Y/Z per second
MAV 20 remove 4
VCC = 3.3 V
TSC running at 100 sets
ICC max Operating current – 1190 1430 µA
of X/Y/Z per second
MAV 20 remove 4

ICC No I2C/ADC activity

Suspend current – 0.5 1 µA
suspend VCC = 1.8 V - 3.3 V

*operating current excludes current driving the touchscreen.

(-40 °C to 85 °C. All GPIO complies to JEDEC standard JESD-8-7)

Table 19. DC electrical characteristics

Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit

VCC Core supply voltage 1.65 - 3.6 V

0.20 VC
VIL Input voltage low state VCC = 1.65 - 3.6 V -0.3 – V

Input voltage high

VIH VCC = 1.65 - 3.6 V 0.80 VCC – VCC+0.3 V
Output voltage low VCC= 3.6 V,
VOL -0.3 – 0.45 V
state IOL = 12 mA

Output voltage high VCC =1.65 V,

VOH 0.85 VCC – VCC+0.3 V
state IOH=8 mA
All input pins except for
Ileakage touchscreen I/O and VCC = 1.65 V, VIN 3.6 V – 0.1 0.5 µA

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Electrical specification STMPE812A

13.2 AC electrical characteristics

Table 20. AC electrical characteristics (-40 °C to 85 °C)

Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit

I2C maximum SCLK VCC = 1.65 - 3.6 V – – 400 KHz
Minimum RESET pulse
TRESET 4 – – µS
Minimum INPUT width
TIN required for GPIO state 4 – – µS
Internal RC OSC
Fosc VCC = 1.65 - 3.6 V 900 1200 1500 KHz

Table 21. ADC specification

Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit

Full-scale input span 0 – VCC V

Absolute input range -0.2 – V
Input capacitance – 25 – pF
Leakage current – 0.1 – µA
Resolution – 12 – Bits
No missing codes 11 – – Bits
Integral linearity error – ±4 – LSB
Offset error – ±5 ±5 LSB
Gain error – ±14 ±18 LSB
Throughput rate – 180 – Ksamples/s

Table 22. Switch drivers specification

Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit

ON resistance X+, Y+ VDD = 1.65 V,

– 34 – Ω
ON resistance X-, Y- 5 mA setting
ON resistance X+, Y+ VDD = 1.65 V,
– 24 – Ω
ON resistance X-, Y- 10 mA setting
ON resistance X+, Y+ VDD = 1.65 V,
– 17 – Ω
ON resistance X-, Y- 20 mA setting
ON resistance X+, Y+ VDD = 1.65 V,
– 15 – Ω
ON resistance X-, Y- 30 mA setting
ON resistance X+, Y+ VDD = 3.6 V,
– 31 – Ω
ON resistance X-, Y- 5 mA setting

44/53 Doc ID 18225 Rev 4

STMPE812A Electrical specification

Table 22. Switch drivers specification (continued) (continued)

Parameter Test conditions Min Typ Max Unit

ON resistance X+, Y+ VDD = 3.6 V,

– 22 – Ω
ON resistance X-, Y- 10mA setting
ON resistance X+, Y+ VDD = 3.6 V,
– 16 – Ω
ON resistance X-, Y- 20 mA setting
ON resistance X+, Y+ VDD = 3.6 V,
– 14 – Ω
ON resistance X-, Y- 30 mA setting
VDD=1.65 V
X+/X- or Y+/Y-
Drive current (at 5 mA limit) 5 mA
shorted together
VDD=1.65 V
Drive current (at 10 mA X+/X- or Y+/Y- 10 mA
limit) shorted together
VDD=1.65 V
Drive current (at 20 mA X+/X- or Y+/Y- 19 mA
limit) shorted together
VDD = 1.65 V
Drive current (at 30 mA X+/X- or Y+/Y- 28 mA
limit) shorted together
VDD = 3.6 V
Drive current (at 5 mA limit) X+/X- or Y+/Y- 7 mA
shorted together
VDD = 3.6 V
Drive current (at 10 mA X+/X- or Y+/Y- 13 mA
limit) shorted together
VDD = 3.6 V
Drive current (at 20 mA X+/X- or Y+/Y- 25 mA
limit) shorted together
VDD = 3.6 V
Drive current (at 30 mA X+/X- or Y+/Y- 36 mA
limit) shorted together

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Package mechanical section STMPE812A

14 Package mechanical section

In order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in different grades of

ECOPACK® packages, depending on their level of environmental compliance. ECOPACK®
specifications, grade definitions and product status are available at:
ECOPACK® is an ST trademark.

Figure 9. Package outline for CSP 12 (2.17 x 1.67 mm)

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STMPE812A Package mechanical section

Table 23. CSP 12 (2.17 x 1.67 mm) mechanical data

Min Typ Max
A 0.585 0.650 0.715
A1 0.21 0.25 0.29
A2 – 0.35 –
b 0.265 0.315 0.365
D 2.12 2.17 2.22
D1 – 1.5 –
E 1.62 1.67 1.72
E1 – 1.0 –
e 0.45 0.5 0.55
fD – 0.335 –
fE – 0.335 –
SD – 0.25 –
ccc – 0.08 –
$ – 0.05 –

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Package mechanical section STMPE812A

Figure 10. Footprint recommendation

Figure 11. Tape information

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STMPE812A Package mechanical section

Table 24. Tape specifications

Min Typ Max
Ao 1.78 1.83 1.88
Bo 2.34 2.29 2.34
Ko 0.68 0.73 0.78
F 3.45 3.50 3.55
E 1.65 1.75 1.85
W 7.90 8.00 8.30
P2 1.95 2.00 2.05
Po 3.90 4.00 4.10
10Po 39.80 40.00 40.20
Do 1.50 1.55 1.60
T 0.185 0.200 0.215
P 3.90 4.00 4.10

Figure 12. Tape orientation

User direction of feed


1. Pin A1 is at top left corner based on above tape orientation.

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Package mechanical section STMPE812A

Figure 13. Device marking



Figure 14. Reel drawing (front)

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STMPE812A Package mechanical section

Figure 15. Reel drawing (back)

Table 25. Tape width (millimeters)

A N W1 W2 W3
Tape width
max min max max min max

8 180 60 8,4 14.4 7.9 10.9

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Revision history STMPE812A

15 Revision history

Table 26. Document revision history

Date Revision Changes

18-Nov-2010 1 Initial release.

Document status promoted from preliminary data to datatasheet.
09-Mar-2011 2
Updated Table 2.
Updated: Footprint recommendation in Figure 10. and Table 22
23-May-2011 3
Replaced: Flip-chip 12 with CSP 12.
Updated: features description, title and template.
14-Jul-2011 4
Modified: Table 3: I2C timing and Section 13: Electrical specification.

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