Eurofighter World 2015-02 PDF
Eurofighter World 2015-02 PDF
Eurofighter World 2015-02 PDF
15 14:23 Seite 1
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:23 Seite 2
here’s a quote in this edi-
03 Editorial tion of Eurofighter WORLD
from one of my colleagues,
04 Flexing its Muscles who describes the Eurofighter
Laurie Hilditch Eurofighter’s Head of Future Capabilities, believes this Typhoon as ‘a living machine’.
current phase of development represents the most significant part of the It’s a great phrase, one that got
aircraft’s journey to date. me thinking. For me it perfectly
expresses both the technical ad-
08 Game Changer vances embodied in the aircraft
The ASTA Typhoon Simulators are rapidly changing the entire landscape. and the human effort behind
Climbing high in the Middle East 10 Baltic Protection It is difficult to divorce the two
- a RSAF Eurofighter Typhoon Eurofighter WORLD’s Simon Shrouder went to Estonia to witness the work because great engineering is the
of the NATO Air Policing operations in the Baltic States. product of great engineers. And in this issue
Jamie Hunter of the magazine we hear all about both.
12 The Quick Fit Fitters There’s a fascinating feature from one of our
Did you know it's possible to fit a Eurofighter Typhoon engine in less than Test Pilots on why the new Captor E-Scan
an hour? AESA radar is so special, and we also look at
how that development fits into the wider
14 Making an Exhibition Eurofighter Typhoon capability journey.
John Fearnley: Showcasing the Eurofighter cause demands a certain At the same time we get a progress report on
presence – a ‘wow’ factor to match the product. how our latest Eurofighter export customer,
Oman, is gearing up to take on its first
18 Radar Love delivery in 2017.
Eurofighter World is published by Paul Smith is an experienced Eurofighter Typhoon pilot. As a serving RAF I was particularly interested in the story about
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH,
PR & Communications Officer, he worked extensively on the development of the Eurofighter ASTA. It was interesting to learn how – thanks
Am Söldnermoos 17, 85399 Hallbergmoos Typhoon capability – so he knows his stuff. He now works for us. to our world-class simulator — pilots with no
Tel: +49 (0) 811-80 1587
[email protected]
flying experience in Eurofighter are able to
22 Laying the Ground Work make their first live flight in the real aircraft a
Editorial Team Sir Simon Bryant, Vice President of BAE Systems in Oman, and one of the solo one.
Theodor Benien
Simon Shrouder leading figures heading up the Oman programme, gives us a progress report. Our aircraft is often described as complex,
Martina Schmidmeir but the story describing how an engine is fit-
26 The Journey Along the Cutting Edge ted shows just how well designed it is.
Alenia Aermacchi Andrea Nappi, Chief Operating Officer – Capabilities, talks about how the We also take a look at the NATO Air Policing
BAE Systems
Eurofighter’s unique mix of skills comes together to continually develop operation in Estonia and the major role played
Airbus Defence & Space
EUROJET Turbo GmbH solutions and keep the aircraft at the forefront of military air power. by Eurofighter Typhoon.
Royal Air Force Just to complete the picture we meet some of
Viva PR
30 Q Looks on the Bright Side of Life the people who help make the Eurofighter or-
Photography Interview: Quentin D’Arcy, Eurofighter’s Manager of Joint Flight Operations ganisation tick. People like Quentin D’Arcy,
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH
Eurofighter Partner Companies
Eurofighter’s Manager of Joint Flight
Geoffrey Lee, Planefocus 34 Diversity is Good Operations, Aurora de Castillo, our Vice
Jamie Hunter Aurora de Castillo: In 2014 she was appointed Eurofighter’s Vice President President Pricing, and Flight Test Co-ordinator
Pricing and it’s a role that appears tailor made for her. Reyes Carrion.
So yes, I think my colleague was spot on be-
Design & Production
36 New Typhoon’s a Direct Hit cause throughout the pages of this issue of Werbeagentur GmbH Combat Aircraft’s Jamie Hunter joined the squadron as it took Eurofighter Eurofighter WORLD, we show how the
Typhoon into the next generation. Eurofighter Typhoon is truly a living machine.
Printed by
ESTA Druck GmbH 42 Eurofighter’s ‘LEPAS LANDAS’ in Indonesia I hope you enjoy it and, as always, I’d welcome
A country ideally suited to the protection and security that can be offered any feedback you may have.
Eurofighter World on the Internet by the Eurofighter Typhoon.
Follow us on:
44 Mara Shot wows the Judges
‘Vividness’ and ‘precision’ were the keys to success for Italy’s Mara
Angelosante – winner of the Eurofighter Typhoon Amateur Photography
If you would like to request additional copies of
Eurofighter World, please contact the
PR & Communications Department at Eurofighter GmbH
46 Swiss Role for Austrian Eurofighters Alberto Gutierrez
[email protected] Tasked with securing the skies during the World Economic Forum at the CEO Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH
prominent ski-resort Davos.
February 2015
hen the Eurofighter Typhoon went At first the Eurofighter story was all about
into service more than a decade ago it taking to the skies and it notched up a se-
it made headlines around the world. ries of early milestones.
Here, at last, was an incredibly agile and so- Very soon after that it was given extra re-
phisticated fighter, packed with possibilities. sponsibilities, transforming it from a gifted air-
But now it’s growing up and unleashing all to-air fighter into a true swing role aircraft in
its inherent potential, thanks to a series of ca- what’s been dubbed the ‘Paradigm Shift’.
pability developments that are transforming And now it’s limbering up to add even
the aircraft into a world beater. more, with a development path being mapped
out that will take the Eurofighter Typhoon into
the 2020s and beyond, making it ever more
relevant. Meteor, Brimstone, Storm Shadow
and Captor-E radar are just a few of the
Laurie Hilditch Eurofighter’s Head of Future Capabilities, believes this current highlights.
Laurie Hilditch, Eurofighter’s Head of
phase of development represents the most significant part of the aircraft’s Future Capabilities, believes this current phase
of development represents the most signifi-
journey to date. >> cant part of the aircraft’s journey to date.
“Without doubt this is the most important
LAURIE HILDITCH and exciting phase of its life. The aircraft was
conceived in the 1980s, developed in the
1990s, entered service in the 2000s, came of
age in the 2010s, but it’s now getting ready for
the 2020s,” says Hilditch.
“Getting into service is important and
there was a huge buzz around when that was
achieved, but you have to put that into con-
text. That stage – historic and memorable as
it was – was simply the initial outing of a very
new weapon system.
“In actual fact in many ways what hap-
pened after that was the aircraft started flying
in what I would call a training mode.
“It then moved to an initial air-to-air, it
could carry out Quick Reaction Alert and it
was able to perform some basic air-to-air mis-
sions. But in those early days it had no air-to-
surface capability at all and we still had to add
the data link to air-to-air.
“So looking back, this initial period be-
tween 2003 and 2005 was a time when the
aircraft was still getting into service. That op-
eration is not just the first flight, that’s only
the start of a process that lasts for several
The next key period was what Hilditch
describes as the ‘Paradigm Shift’.
“At this point we were changing the focus
of the aircraft’s abilities. At first it entirely
centred on air-to-air with a little air-to-surface.
The move then was to make it far more capa-
ble, if not equally capable, on both fronts.
“This is the maturing process. If you look
at it as though it’s a human then for the first
five years, from birth to nursery, is the entry
to service period where the platform is just
growing up.
“Then from primary school to secondary,
which is basic education, we were concerned
with sorting out where they’re going and
that’s what led us into P1E. Now we’ve just
got to the stage where we are getting ready
for university.
“What we’re about to do now is say we
know what we’re good at, what we want to
work on and how we want to mature. It’s the
maturing bit, the growing up and focusing >>
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:23 Seite 6
and bringing in the other things so you come “This package will include everything the
out the other end as an adult. customers need to change by 2020 to keep
“So we are now right in the middle of one their aircraft viable. It will focus on the things
of the most important phases of the aircraft’s that are changing in the operational and air
life. For me it’s definitely as important as the traffic world. Of course if an aircraft has been
start of service, and actually more important. in service since 2003, then 17 years later in
“This latest phase builds on all the invest- 2020 you’d expect the world around it to have
ment that we have all put into Eurofighter changed.
Typhoon and will ensure it stays relevant well “For example the ‘old’ crypto algorithms
into the future.” that are used in the radios for secure commu-
It’s worth pausing to consider just what’s nication and secure work, are being with-
happening right now. In addition to an E-Scan drawn.
radar development programme which was an- “This obsolescence means that we’re mov-
nounced in November 2014, the Eurofighter ing to a new key system. When you do that the
Typhoon Phase 1 Enhancements (P1Eb) pro- avionics boxes that use that cryptographic
gramme is an upgrade which has brought full material have to change too. Inside them
air-to-surface capability onto the Tranche 2 there are cryptographic chips that know how
aircraft. It has already been installed on a to decode the old cryptographic keys. But if
number of UK RAF aircraft. you put in new crypto keys then you get gob-
Meanwhile a number of future upgrade bledygook, so you have to change them.
packages are being planned in the shape of “There’s a host of other things in P4E that
P2Eb, P3E and P4E. we’re doing we will also bring in EP3, which
P2E is a collective badge for the integra- are more changes mainly relating to the
tion of the Meteor and Storm Shadow DASS, MIDS and networking.”
weapons, as well as a series of other changes The significance of P4E is hard to over-
which have been dubbed Enhancement state. Says Hilditch: “If you don’t carry out
Package 2. those mandatory changes you will become ir-
Says Hilditch: “Meteor represents the main relevant within a few years, if not sooner. P4E
meat of P2Eb. P2Ea also has Storm Shadow matures the aircraft and increases its rele-
and the Enhancement Package 2, a range of in vance to the world.
service evolution changes to the weapon “The thing about modern aircraft, the ma-
system. jority of the capability comes from inside the
“P3E is a UK only programme and its main aircraft, because of the speed and power of
aim is to put Brimstone 2 on the aircraft. But, the computer and rewritten software.
while Brimstone is a UK request, P3E is actu- “But if you look at the Eurofighter Typhoon
ally an international development program for you can’t tell the difference between the one
Eurofighter. So, while we will be delivering a that went in service in 2003 and the one that
capability package that is to be used by just will be sitting there in 2023. You won’t be able
one customer, the other three nations are all tell it has E-Scan radar inside and all the other
involved, using all four development sites, the upgrades we’ve been discussing. With older
rigs and development aircraft. aircraft you can see the differences, for exam-
“This new way of working is significant in ple the F16A and the Block 60 look different.
its own right. We’ve shown we’re reacting to “The only change on the aircraft is a bit of
the needs of our customers by being more a bump and it would take a phenomenal geek
flexible, being able to move from a nationally to see it and even then they probably couldn’t
initiated piece of work, to deliver it with inter- tell the difference!
national resources to one customer. We’re all “It’s sometimes hard to tell the story be-
working on it, however the output only goes to cause it’s hard to get too excited about new IT
the UK. The other three nations are looking on but in truth it is an exciting stage of the
with interest while waiting for P4E. Eurofighter story. The aircraft doesn’t adver-
“I believe there is a really good lesson in tise itself externally but that’s testament to
there. The way we are operating shows we are the design work of the team back in the
reacting faster, because we have more flexibil- 1980s, and shows where they started from
ity. We don’t have to do everything interna- can’t have been that bad.”
tionally, we can do a mix. When we need to we So the Eurofighter is growing up and now
can do things nationally, then when we need it’s flexing its muscles.
to we can move from a national initiative to an “We’re not the new kid on the block any
international initiative. In fact we can move more, we’ve changed into the proper swing
from an international initiative for one nation role aircrafts, that itself is maturing with
and fold that into an international clearance smarter weapons coming along in the shape
within the next international package. Like of Storm Shadow, Brimstone, Meteor and so
Brimstone going into P4E.” on. The aircraft now has a more rounded ca-
P4E is noteworthy because it is the key to pability. It’s got an exciting present and a truly
keeping Eurofighter Typhoon relevant. relevant future.” <<
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:23 Seite 8
et’s be honest, a pilot will almost always opponents or your allies are very realistic in
simulator if they want to train for something the outside world, in terms of range, flight be-
that they know they cannot do or are not al- haviours and so on. They react like weapons
lowed to do in their aircraft. or bombs would react. The system will check
“We also have examples now of pilots with if there is a loss of communication, if the GPS
no flying experience in Eurofighter who go into is jammed or not, all of these scenarios are
the simulator and who are then able to make considered by the system. This is what makes
their first live flight in the real Eurofighter so- it so unique.
lo. That’s how good the simulator is.” “To get to this level of complexity has tak-
With every air force looking to achieve an en time. ASTA has been more than 10 years in
There was a time when air force pilots regarded flight effective blend of live and synthetic training, development and the whole thing is an invest-
the ASTA simulators represent the ultimate in ment in triple digit millions.”
simulators as a necessary evil. Synthetic action simply training devices. In fact it’s not one device but Erik was an instructor pilot and weapons together mirrors the precise behaviours of the
two: a Full Mission System (FMS) and Cockpit instructor for many years and has over 3,000 aircraft.”
couldn’t compare to the real thing, live flying. But, in the Trainer plus their accompanying training fast jet flying hours to his name — in total he’s While no ground-based machine can
olicing operations are very much a part stark reminder that this had once been Russian It was against this backdrop that the the apron at the side of the Amari airstrip to
of the history of the Baltic region and territory. Here among the trees is an aviation German Air Force began its tour of duty – a see one of the two regular ‘Tango sorties’
recent events have heightened the graveyard, complete with tombstone tailfins and tour which since September has involved 255 swing into operation. Against a backdrop of
sense of awareness of just how important it is images of those who had died on mission. sorties – a number of which have been classi- grass-covered former Russian bunkers and
to make clear where borders begin and where Estonia is a relatively small country, with a fied as what are known as Alpha sorties. with a flourish of cold spray, two German Air
they end. population of just 1.3 million, a population These are reactive response flights rather Force Eurofighter Typhoon roared into a cold
A dawn drive across the windswept plains whose ancestors have been ravaged by war on than scheduled policing patrols, or Tango sor- Estonian morning. They were on one of the
between Estonia’s capital Tallinn, and the Amari all fronts. It was only in 1988 that Estonia de- ties as they are known. two daily regular patrols that makes it ab-
Air Base, home to the Luftwaffe for the last 12 clared independence from the USSR. It joined Commander Tarien explained that the in- solutely clear to everyone that NATO is alive
weeks, revealed a country that felt palpably vul- NATO in 2004. Now described as a Baltic Tiger cursions into NATO airspace were not seen as and well. <<
nerable to the might and the whims of the na- because of its improving economy, it became aggressive acts, but more ‘cutting a corner’ as
tions that surround it. Close to the air base, al- part of the Eurozone in 2011 and is considered Russian aircraft flew over the Baltic Sea from
most hidden in the pine forest, there was a to be punching well above its weight. Leningrad and St Petersburg. However, he al-
The German Air Force Eurofighters left the Amari Air Base in January handing over the
baton to the Spanish Air Force – the Italians and the British will follow with similar rotations
taking place in Lithuania. As the backbone aircraft of many air forces, Eurofighter Typhoon
is operation on Quick Reaction Alert and as a policing deterrent in both the Northern and
Southern hemispheres. It’s high kinetic capability and its air superiority make it the default
choice of many.
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:23 Seite 12
t’s curtain up time at the air show and, as
the Eurofighter Typhoon is put through its
paces, a very select audience is enjoying
one of the best views in the business. This is
The Display at the Farnborough Vice President Jusuf Kalla Listening to The Eurofighter E-Cube which set new standards from the day of its debut…
in Indonesia
International Air Show 2014 Explanation about Eurofighter Typhoon
the team have to allow up to a couple of ported it to Dubai on several occasions. It “The E-Cube was originally a concept de- days set-up time for the FSR and ECD. The “They all help ensure it all comes good for – you cannot afford to become complacent.”
months to guarantee its arrival. In fact there looks like a permanent structure and covers vised by Eurofighter’s Export Director Joe core team required to make the event work is the opening day. I am most nervous just be- With so much time travelling and being
are two FSRs, one belongs to BAE Systems some 250sq metres, making it bigger than Parker. He saw a need for a small but big im- around 35 people, and there can be others in fore the show opens. That’s when the adren- away from home for weeks on end it’s clearly
and the other Eurofighter GmbH. Making sure many houses. pact outdoor presence — one that’s strength the background. aline peaks. It’s a mix of emotions.” a job that demands a huge degree of com-
the FSR looks its best during the shows is “It is a high-quality structure that we know was its visibility. The original concept was to “I tend to arrive on site 10 days before the One of John’s finest hours was the Dubai mitment.
crucial and, down the years, it has undergone is well recognised and it has given us an iden- have a cube 7 metres by 7 metres which was show opens, and the show itself runs for a Air Show in 2013 where months of painstak- “I really enjoy the life but like any job there
a number of improvements and paint jobs. tity. That Pavilion says ‘Eurofighter Typhoon’. partly glass – so people could see what was week so it’s a good 18 days of solid work,” ing preparation were put to a real test. are downsides – you have to work over week-
While the FSR is always a crowd pleaser, The value of the Pavilion really kicks in when going on in there. Then on the outside we had says John. “We made a lot of changes to the Pavilion ends and public holidays, travel at silly times,
John also has to ensure there’s a place where the FSR is placed alongside it. It allows us to a wraparound LED screen which covered the With a guest list that could include royalty there, including creating a viewing gallery on through different time zones, suffer flight de-
key delegations can be entertained. focus all our show activities in one area and four upper sides of the building, and on that and leading politicians from across the globe, the roof of the building. It turned out to be a lays and live out of a suitcase. It is an adapta-
Sometimes Eurofighter has a stand presence that in turn allows us to control the brand im- we presented key messages and dynamic film along with leading air force personnel and in- great success but a challenging show – in tion to a ‘normal’ way of life, but its all part of
in a hall and at other times, particularly the age and the look and feel.” of the Eurofighter Typhoon in action. It is dustry figures – the stakes are high. fact, the last day was a washout with torren- the job. All that obviously has an impact on
bigger events in the calendar, it arrives on When not in use, the building is broken down quite a jewel and has real impact.” “There are always lots of snags and issues tial rains, sandstorms and high winds. the people around you too – I am lucky to
site with its own building – the Pavilion. It into parts, which fit into containers for shipping Ensuring all this kit is in the right place, during the course of the build-up period. I “Fortunately our pavilion withstood the have a very understanding wife and family.
boasts all the facilities you have in an office and which are stored in the UK. A large part of working, and can cope with the demands of have to be certain it looks good, the customer test which all came down to getting the fun- “Having said all that, I must admit I start
environment plus facilities for presentations, John’s job is to look at future requirements and, thousands of visitors, requires a huge check- will be happy with it, and everything works as damental issue right – quality. You have to be to become restless if I am in the office for
meetings and hospitality. rather than just come up with a solution for a list, plenty of time and lots of pairs of hands. planned. It is exhausting but fortunately I am on your guard spotting potential problems be- more than three weeks. Once you have the
“It’s one of the best investments we have specific show, consider reusability. For a big show, like Farnborough, there is surrounded by like-minded people and I have fore they happen. I am looking for the small- taste for this job, you need that buzz. It’s all
ever made. We used it primarily at Berlin, Other assets include the E-Cube which is all usually a three-week build-up to prepare the a great team to work with and the best teams est things that could go wrong because I about the challenges…sorry I have to go now,
Farnborough and Paris, and we’ve also trans- about creating an impressive visual impact. Pavilion, over a week for the chalet, and three supporting us. want to maintain the highest quality possible the next show is calling!” <<
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:24 Seite 18
t’s one thing hearing someone claim Paul Smith: “To fully understand the ad-
that they have a unique competitor ad- vantages of our radar you need a little back- All traditional M-scan radars and hybrid PESAs EUROFIGHTER There are a number of reasons why an AESA Despite this, a larger, well-designed M-
vantage – but it is another believing it. ground on AESA concepts. AESAs should (Passive Electronically Scanned Arrays) such should deliver more power than an M-scan of scan antenna will still transmit and receive
I work in PR, so it’s my job to find the generically give you five principle benefits as those used in Flankers require a central TYPHOON PILOT a comparable size, but the most obvious is more power than a smaller AESA antenna. A
good in what we do and then promote it. It over traditional M-scans: Travelling Wave Tube (TWT – colloquially pro- due to the elimination of losses in the anten- fact born out in customer evaluations of
would be unprofessional to do anything High reliability, with graceful degradation nounced - ‘twit’) and hi-voltage power supply na feed system. If you look at the mass of Captor-M against competitors with smaller
else. So when I asked exactly why the in performance to generate the radar signal – this accounts tubes that connect a TWT to an antenna it is AESAs; due to its greater power output and re-
Eurofighter Typhoon Captor-E AESA radar Increased power for a high percentage of the failures in air- self-evident some signal is going to leak out. ception, Captor-M invariably detected and
was so special, I was ready to do the usu- ‘Extreme beam agility’ – this is the fea- borne radars. In an AESA their function is In an AESA all of these connections are with- tracked target aircraft at greater ranges. >>
al. I was not ready for what I heard. ture most closely associated with AESAs subsumed by the hundreds of in the TRM.
Paul Smith is an experienced and means the beam can almost instanta- Transmitter Receiver
Eurofighter Typhoon pilot. As a serving neously change direction Modules (TRMs) – in-
RAF Officer, he worked extensively on the Enable Radar Cross Section (RCS) reduction trinsically extremely
development of Eurofighter Typhoon capa- Greater flexibility (you have more control reliable and up to 5%
bility – so he knows his stuff. He now over the transmitted signal – leading to can fail before any
works for us. extra utility, options for employment and performance degra-
multi-tasking). dation is noticed.
was Paul,
who in the
space of 30 min-
utes, changed my view
forever on the capabilities of
the aircraft I spend my life pro-
moting. He looked me in the eyes, saw
some serious investment of time and en-
ergy was needed and then, in a whirl of
flipcharts, hand gestures and rich
metaphors, changed my world. This is
what he said:
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:24 Seite 20
Figure 1 shows the antenna FoR from different viewpoints EXTREME BEAM AGILITY
The next thing you need to know is how an Figure 2 Electronic beam steering Figure 3 Reduction in effective aperture smaller antenna (F-16 and Rafale). If you al-
E-Scan radar scans compared with an M- ready have a small antenna an additional 15%
The antenna FoR from side
Scan. People consider a radar’s full Field of reduction in power (roughly the loss to the
Regard (FoR) but often forget that its instanta- aperture at 30°) to achieve an RCS reduction
neous view is like a torch pencil beam. is probably a poor pay-off.
Figure 1 shows the antenna FoR from dif- For Eurofighter Typhoon this is not an is-
AESA Radar
AESA Radar
ferent viewpoints. sue, our antenna is big enough to mount well
M-Scan works in a similar way to the old width = W over 1400 TRM’s on a large swash-plate.
cathode ray television sets. It scans a horizon- Now you might think that a big reflector
tal and vertical area across the horizon and may make us vulnerable. Well it would do if
gradually builds a picture. There are smart an- the swash-plate didn’t allow us to angle the
tenna scanning patterns but ultimately the an- plate to minimise its profile to enemy eyes.
tenna head is driven mechanically around the None of our serious competitors with a decent
sky – the clue is in the name! Case 1: sized antenna, are able to move their radar ar-
Pulses transmitted simultaneously
With an AESA the antenna is usually fixed rays. They are fixed, usually at about 30° fac-
in orientation and the beam steering is done ing upwards and forwards - the usual position
width = W
electronically – but to fully understand the ad- for a fixed plate AESA radar.
vantages of Captor-E it is worth understanding Ours though has a unique range of move-
how this is done a little better. See figure 2. ment on the swash-plate which maximises its
AESA Radar
Let me use a wave machine at one end of effectiveness and which can minimize vulner-
a big swimming pool as an analogy. At one ability. You need to consider that we now
The antenna FoR from above end of the pool there are 10 wave generators. have a large moveable radar array which has
If all 10 pulse at the same time, then the wave significant reach and which has the best field
AESA Radar
travels straight across the pool perpendicular width = 1/2 W when =60° of regard of any radar out there. It gives us a
to the poolside. If however, the wave genera- major advantage.
tors sequentially offset their pulses, then the
wave-front will not be perpendicular to the UNIQUE COMBINATION OF
poolside but offset by an amount proportional Case 2: FEATURES
Sequential time delay in pulse transmission
to the time delay. As can be seen on these di- If you draw together those factors and put
agrams on the right, this is the principle on them in a war-fighter’s context. In particular,
which AESAs steer their beams. the FoR, radar power and power fall-off. I want
It is self-evident that, even for routine to detect the enemy at as long range as possi-
scanning, this will offer benefits, but when a ble; once I have launched my missiles I want to
radar is tracking an aircraft to get the best tar- minimize my closure with him (usually by turn-
get data it needs to look at that target more ing my aircraft partially away from the enemy
often than a normal scan allows. aircraft) whilst maintaining radar tracking.
These ‘out of scan’ excursions give an M- We have more TRMs than most, which
Scan radar problems. There is mechanical in- means more power transmitted and more sen-
ertia, the physical time to reposition, the radar look angle is moved away from the antenna a wafer thin profile, and the reflection of many sitivity for detection – a double whammy that
may leave a hole in its scan pattern to achieve datum, the effective aperture width (and con- hours of work by thousands of talented peo- maximizes enemy detection and tracking. We
the excursion most efficiently – but there is al- sequently area) is reduced. At 60° off antenna ple. That’s not what an enemy radar sees. have all the advantages of an AESA, extreme
The antenna FoR from behind Fighter, showing possible scan pattern ways going to be some lag. Conversely the datum the area is half that at datum; along Consider that the aircraft nose is designed to beam agility and flexibility, but we can mini-
TRMs can do this in less than a millisecond! with other factors this makes an AESAs maxi- be completely invisible to radar. It has to be, mize power fall-off whilst reducing our closure
The payback is even greater when tracking mum FoR 60-70°. for the aircraft’s radar to work. What their with the enemy. If I turn away 60° from the
multiple targets. radar sees is, more often than not, a huge re- enemy; rather than being at half power like a
RARAR CROSS SECTION (RCS) flection straight back off an antenna pointed fixed plate AESA, I’m still at approximately
THE DRAWBACK OF EXTREME REDUCTION straight at them. 85% power (this might be tactically advanta-
BEAM AGILITY ACHIEVED VIA A People often consider that RCS is an absolute Think of it like this and, instantly, you have geous to track a lower RCS, or jamming tar-
FIXED AESA – you are either stealthy or you not. This is not a different image of the world of fighter-jets – get). If I want to minimize closure then I can
The main drawback is a limitation on FoR and the case. There are fighters with a relatively each flying around with a massive reflector on manoeuvre to 90° to the enemy and give him
a reduction in effective power at the edges of large RCS like the F-15 and Flanker; at the oth- the front saying ‘I’m here, shoot me first!’ radar tracking problems whilst still tracking
the FoR (also known as power or gain fall-off). er end of the scale the F-22. Eurofighter Now many of the most recent AESA anten- him with my antenna.
This occurs for many reasons but the prime Typhoon and Gripen sit somewhere in the mid- nas are tilted up or down 30° from the hori- This offers the Typhoon pilot significant tac-
reason is the reduction in the effective aper- dle, with high composite structures giving a zontal. As a result, most of an enemy radar’s tical advantages that, when allied with
ture (or cross sectional area of the antenna). balanced relatively low RCS but stores mount- incoming energy is harmlessly reflected away Typhoon’s platform performance and latest mix
Flipcharts one more time – see figure 3. ed externally. But what many do not realise is from the enemy aircraft. This gives a big re- of Meteor, AMRAAM and IR missiles will deliver
Transmitted and received power is directly that one of the principle reflectors back to an duction in effective RCS. air dominance for the foreseeable future. <<
proportional to antenna aperture. That’s why enemy aircraft is your own fighter antenna. Examples where the AESA antenna is still
large antennas such as Captor have an innate When we look at a fighter jet what we see mounted vertically are either older designs (F-
advantage. But as is clear from figure 3, as the is an aerodynamic masterpiece: a sleek nose; 15), or aircraft whose nose size only enables a
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:24 Seite 22
14:00 hours; “The process was kicked off by the teams have been on site for some months
TWO years ago the November 26th, 2012; Commander of the Royal Air Force of Oman now working on the Typhoon Technical
Ministry of Defence, Muscat, Oman. initiating the first metal cut on Typhoon and Facilities and supporting networks.
Sultanate of Oman became the build on the aircraft at the sub-assembly “Over the coming weeks that work will ex-
fter months of careful negotiations, we stage is going very well. The mating of the pand to deliver the full range of facilities re-
the seventh country in the have a breakthrough.There is a flicker centre and forward fuselages is happening ex- quired on a modern operational base. It’s a
of a smile, a slight nod of the head, actly as we had planned, and we are seeking significant infrastructure project but it is be-
world, and the second in then His Excellency Mohammed bin Nasser Al to ensure that the Omani customer has signif- ing extremely well managed to ensure the
Rasbi, Under Secretary for Defence in Oman, icant visibility of everything that is going on timelines needed to enable the timely deliv-
the Middle East, to place thrusts out his hand to shake on a deal that back at BAE Systems in Samlesbury and in- ery of the aircraft are met.”
has been four years in the making. deed with production in our Eurofighter part- So what can the customer expect once the
an order for Eurofighter By agreeing a multi-billion euro contract ner network around Europe in 2015. We hope airbase is fully operational and all 12 of the
for 12 Eurofighter Typhoons and eight Hawk this will be supplemented with visits to a num- Eurofighter Typhoons are in-service?
Typhoon, joining the air aircraft, the Sultanate of Oman has just be- ber of those locations in the coming months “This is ultimately about delivering capability,”
come the seventh member of the Eurofighter to see this progress first hand and to admire explains Sir Simon. “The aircraft in their own right
forces of the United family. the high quality of the work. aren’t the end game: what we’ve got to have is
However, this is not simply an agreement “The Eurofighter variant that Oman has the aircraft, with appropriate stores, trained air
Kingdom, Germany, Italy, to supply the Royal Air Force of Oman with a chosen is a Tranche 3 M-scan P1EB, the stan- and ground crew, facilities and networks that are
fleet of new aircraft: the Omanis want to join dard currently being flown by the UK Royal Air fit for purpose and an underpinning support sys-
Spain, Austria and Saudi the world’s elite in terms of overall capability. Force. It will be the most modern version of tem to ensure that the Royal Air Force of Oman
The contract, negotiated by BAE Systems the Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft in-service are delighted with their acquisition.
Arabia. With the first air- because of the UK’s historical links with when they receive it in the middle of 2017. “It’s a big challenge, but it’s also a fantas-
Oman, is highly complex, with three con- “Moreover, in our constant effort to de- tic opportunity and the programme will ab-
craft due to be delivered stituent parts: light the customer we are seeking to make solutely confirm that Oman remains in the
the most of opportunities that we can exploit Premier Air Force League. They have a very
to the customer in July The building of the Eurofighter Typhoon in the build line to enhance the product, and proud pedigree as aviators, and they are high-
aircraft we are on track to deliver something that is ly respected in the region, but Defence and
2017, we caught up with The building of the Hawk aircraft even better than the Omanis were expecting, Security is a competitive business and you
The provision of a 5-year Availability through the flexible incorporation of a few can’t afford to stand still.”
Sir Simon Bryant, Vice Service for the Typhoon aircraft, including modifications that will enhance what is al- This project is also crucial to Eurofighter’s
the design of the Typhoon Technical ready a very impressive aircraft. Examples in- continued development too. By extending the
President of BAE Systems Facilities. clude improvements to the canopy assembly, Eurofighter family to seven members, and thus
operation and maintenance and enhance- increasing our global footprint, we are building
in Oman and one of the Arguably the most challenging aspect of ments to the assembly and maintainability of a critical mass of satisfied customers that will
the Programme is the need to develop an the brake pedal transducers.” help to drive future sales of the platform.
leading figures heading up airstrip located in a remote area near Adam Although the Omanis are not due to take “We already have a significant success sto-
Village, a 90-minute drive from Muscat, into delivery of the first aircraft until 2017 a lot of ry in this part of the world with the aircraft that
the Oman programme, for an airbase for the Typhoon aircraft. the groundwork has already been done by are operating from Saudi Arabia,” adds Sir
That ingredient alone makes this way of preparation for Eurofighter’s eagerly- Simon. “And with a second nation from the re-
a progress report. >> SIR SIMON BRYANT Eurofighter project unlike any that has gone anticipated arrival, most notably at the site of gion coming on board that sense of a centre of
before it. the new airbase. gravity for Eurofighter Typhoon is reinforced.
VICE PRESIDENT OF BAE SYSTEMS So two years in, how are we faring? Do we “Adam is now a significant construction “In short it is a really exciting Programme
remain on course to deliver on our promises? site,” explains Sir Simon. “What we currently which is going very well and I am privileged to
IN OMAN “The progress we’ve made so far has been have is an international standard runway with be part of the story which will see Eurofighter
excellent. We are running exactly according to navigation aids, which is now being moulded Typhoon emerge as a key component of
plan,” says Sir Simon. into a RAFO Typhoon base. Construction Oman’s impressive Armed Forces.” <<
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:24 Seite 24
THE JOURNEY ALONG THE Italian Air Force supported the export cam-
paign in Kuwait. Two aircraft were taken in
country and flown for four consecutive days,
four sorties each day, in July. This was to
Eurofighter Typhoon is at the very cutting edge of technology, which brings with it a whole
demonstrate how the system operated in ex-
treme environmental conditions. The temper-
atures were up to 52° (Celsius) so at the very
edge of the qualified limits for the Weapon
System. However, each aircraft successfully
completed all missions with 100% reliability.
That’s a great success for the programme, a
great success of industry, and a great suc-
host of challenges for the engineers tasked with pushing back the boundaries. In this edition cess for the Italian Air Force. I’m very proud
of that.
of Eurofighter WORLD we talk to Andrea Nappi, Chief Operating Officer – Capabilities,
How do you describe the Eurofighter Typhoon
about how Eurofighter’s unique mix of skills comes together to continually develop solutions aircraft and its development phases?
It is a living machine. Throughout the years the
and keep the aircraft at the forefront of military air power. >> Eurofighter has changed. For example, the
Tranche 3 aircraft is very different from its
Tranche 1 predecessor. New sensors and >>
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:24 Seite 28
hat tactic may seem like a classic oxy- On release, an AMRAAM behaves differ-
moron but according to one who knows, ently to a Meteor and consequently the infor-
it’s exactly what’s called for in the art of mation needed by the pilot to ensure a suc-
air-to-air combat. cessful shot, and when and how to ‘run away
“It’s the key to air-to-air capability. You fire bravely’ for each missile is very different.
your missile at the target and then, as soon as Explains Q: “Both AMRAAM and Meteor
you as you know it will be successful, you run missiles can be carried by the aircraft at the
away bravely in order to defend against in- same time, but Meteor (which was contracted
coming hostile missiles,” says Quentin D’Arcy, in July 2013 and will see delivery in 2017), re-
Eurofighter’s Manager of Joint Flight quires a different display to AMRAAM.”
Operations echoing Monty Python. In short, you can’t ‘run away bravely’ if you
The serious point the former RAF naviga- can’t see the whole picture.
graduate in aeronautic engineering, “I really enjoy it because we are all working
Confucius said ‘Choose a
Aurora de Castillo has enjoyed a hugely together for the same goal and supporting
successful 25-year career in aerospace each other. I feel I can learn a lot from my col-
job you love, and you will logistic management, thriving on the chal- leagues from other companies and from their
lenges that have come her way. experience.”
never have to work a day “I really love this kind of work,” she says. “I In her eyes the product of the Eurofighter
am fortunate because I have enjoyed all my melting pot is a powerful benefit for the cus-
in your life’ and Aurora de jobs throughout my whole career. That’s not to tomer.
say it has been without stress, sometimes I “For me diversity – ideas, cultures, work
Castillo is living proof that have had to do difficult things and take tough practice — is a real force for good. It always gives
decisions. Leading people is not always easy value, if you know how take advantage of it.”
the philosopher’s words but I enjoy these challenges.” In her own way she is living proof of diver-
In fact, Aurora’s first love was Space and sity being encouraged. She was one of the first
are as valid today as immediately after her degree she started work women leaders in the sector.
on a satellite programme, spending three “When I started working in defence I think I
they’ve always been. In years there before moving on to aerospace lo- was the first female ILS manager and I have
gistic management. had to break down many barriers. It was not
2014 she was appointed “Space is a very interesting subject. You easy at that time for women in the defence
are dealing with very peculiar and extreme en- world but now I don’t see it as an issue. In fact
Eurofighter’s Vice Presi- vironmental conditions; heat, cold, tremen- I never saw being a woman as an issue. I be-
dous stresses on the airframe. You also have lieve it may have been for some men but it nev-
dent Pricing and it’s a role to deal with the fact you are operating kilome- er was for me. The thing is women expect men
tres away from the earth, which helps to make to accept us. I believe we are different in the
that appears tailor made it a very fascinating world.” way we manage people and the way we lead
Back on terra firma, Aurora has held a vari- people. We are perhaps more natural in front of
for her. >> ety of senior positions and throughout she’s men than they are in front of us. But different
been a big fan of the Eurofighter model. She does not mean better or worse – just different.
has seen at close hand the Eurofighter project “Things have changed and more and more
when the first aircraft arrived in Spain. Aurora women are in leading roles, which is good be-
played a key role, responsible for spares, re- cause diversity is a good thing.”
pairs, maintenance, ground equipment, techni- Another big change she’s seen at close
cal equipment and training. “Everything that quarters has been the economic downturn,
makes an aircraft fly was part of my responsi- which has transformed the way she has had to
bility. As product support manager for the work: “During the last few years it has been
Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) pro- very difficult. The world economic crisis has
grammes I was accountable for logistics and meant that many air forces have a lot less
that meant 90% of my job was for Eurofighter. money and consequently it has been a difficult
“It was a very interesting time because the time supporting them.
Spanish Air Force started training their air and “Some have had to cope with budget cuts
ground crews and flying the aircraft from our of more than 30 per cent and yet they still have
premises in Getafe. In total we spent 18 to keep their fleets flying. As a programme
AURORA DE months together working directly with the cus- manger we had to work with a lot less income
tomer and we formed a really good team. We but you still had to ensure margins and profits.
CASTILLO all learned together. We had to get to a posi- It was very challenging. You really want to do a
tion where the air force could fly the aircraft good job for your customer because you know
EUROFIGHTER’S every day but to achieve that was challenging. the pressure they are under.
We worked day and night together with the “But I had a good team. In fact the chal-
VICE PRESIDENT first group of pilots and the first ground crew lenge helped build the team. For me a team is
team as they both trained to use the aircraft.” not built by laughing and having fun, because
PRICING That period in her career was recalled in when life is good everyone is your friend.
2013 when she gave a lecture to a group of Teams are forged when you are suffering.
Spanish university under-graduates on multi- When you go through difficult times you find
national programme management. Still work- out who is part of the team and who isn’t.”
ing for EADS at that time, Aurora chose to fo- Her job now is to price and prepare bids. It
cus on Eurofighter and she singled it out as a means compiling prices for the partner compa-
classic example of good working practice. nies, harmonising prices, developing bids and
“The reason I chose Eurofighter was be- securing bid approval.
cause the programme is a great example of “I am still relatively new to this programme
how multi-nation programmes can make but it’s my perception that in the future we will
things happen faster and better,” she said. have to change and focus more on value and
“Different cultures, sometimes different re- support for the customer. We need to be able
ligions, different laws working together always to demonstrate value for money. Every person,
provide added value and create so many good in every partner country has contributed to
things.” this programme and we have to show we are
She has seen this co-operation and culture delivering value.”
mix at close quarters since September 2014 While that may sound like a challenge,
when she took up her position in Munich. Aurora de Castillo is certain to be up for it. <<
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:24 Seite 36
Armourers load insert Paveway IV bombs for the subsequent releases in November Transiting over the Moray Firth from RAF Lossiemouth to the ranges for the first drop
Post-debrief, Wg Cdr Sutton said: “The (EPW2) bomb. Wg Cdr Sutton was involved the two can be used seamlessly to visually Comparing the old standard with the new, between using our AIM-120 AMRAAM and the a complex business. With fighter assets in
successful weapon drops are a reflection of back then as he is now with the latest capabil- identify air tracks at long range, as well as Flt Lt Durham said: “If we are told about a tar- Paveway IV — so we can switch from air-to-air short supply, the RAF’s senior officers are all
the dedication and achievement of everyone ity. “We had EPW2 on the aircraft and with the identifying, tracking and targeting points on get, with P1EB I can look into the target area to air-to-ground in a fraction of a second.” too aware that this is a matter of national in-
who has been involved in this capability en- Litening pod we could self designate those the ground. The Eurofighter Typhoon can also with my HEA, slew the pod to my helmet, use Former Tornado GR4 pilot Flt Lt Dan terest. Getting the Eurofighter Typhoon and its
hancement.” bombs. That capability was proven over Libya now release four weapons on different tar- the pod to generate the target coordinates, ‘Danjo’ Jones echoed the positive sentiments team just right is what this is all about, and it’s
Wg Cdr Sutton’s squadron is the lead unit during Operation Ellamy in 2011.” gets in a single pass. and that is accepted straight into the jet and on the swing-role attributes of the Eurofighter. all about building the force for the future.
for the introduction to the RAF of the P1EB- However, an improved and better-honed Flt Lt Ben Durham is a Qualified Weapons passed to the weapon. With P1EB we can do “Coming from the GR4, the integration with With P1EB ready on an industrial level by
standard Eurofighter Typhoon and specifically swing-role capability was always envisaged for Instructor (QWI) on No 1(F) Squadron, and is lots of tasks simultaneously.” P1EB is logical and intuitive. You can have the the four Eurofighter Partner Nations, it was
the addition of the much-lauded Paveway IV. the newer Tranche 2 Typhoons and this is part of the squadron’s P1EB Implementation As well as the increased functionality for LDP looking at a ground target, confirming handed over to the RAF to set about testing,
what P1EB is all about. “What we have now is Team. He added: “From someone who flew in air-to-ground missions, the new standard what it is, plus you can be in air-to-air mode proving and evaluating. Wg Cdr Sutton ex-
GOING MULTI-ROLE a much more potent, accurate and discrimi- Libya in Tranche 1 Typhoons with EPW2, there brings increased air-to-air capability and gen- monitoring and manipulating the radar. It’s plained: “We have been working closely with
Although earlier RAF Tranche 1 Typhoons re- nate capability with the Paveway IV.” are some marked differences in P1EB. With uine swing-role missions. one button to transition between the two.” No 41(R) Test and Evaluation Squadron (TES)
ceived a precision-strike capability as far back Broadly, the P1EB upgrade brings a wider the Paveway IV we can now select weapon im- Wg Cdr Sutton added: “You can, with the who have been doing trials and tactics work
as 2007 to add to the Eurofighter’s undoubted air-to-surface capability for the Tranche 2 pact angles and lines of attack, as well as HEA, look on the ground but you can also slew TESTING THE TECHNOLOGY out in the USA with our own pilots embed-
air-to-air prowess, it was very much a bolt-on Typhoon, but it goes beyond simply adding change fuse settings in the cockpit. With that the LDP to air-to-air tracks for long range visual Of course, bringing the advanced swing-role ded, plus working with industry — this has
application of the Litening III Laser Designator Paveway IV, it additionally injects enhance- much flexibility we are much more useful to a identification. In P1EB we have a true, proven, capability online and also ensuring the been a real joint effort between those com-
Pod (LDP) and the older Enhanced Paveway II ments to the Litening III and to the HEA so commander.” swing-role capability, we can genuinely flick Typhoon Force is ready to make full use of it is munities.” >>
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:24 Seite 40
This effort culminated in Exercise ‘Cerago’ Nellis ranges tied it all together. We were fly- large 20 vs 20 missions; eight Typhoons from have a true swing-role fighter. Swing-role then roll into an 8-ship night offensive counter
in November 2014 ahead of the live drops in ing in composite air operations to evaluate if Lossiemouth plus other aircraft from competency is challenging; we cannot dedi- mission. While the Typhoon is a much easier
Scotland. This included a combination of flight we could fight with the aircraft, drop a bomb, Coningsby, USAF F-15s from Lakenheath and cate as much time to a single skill set as ded- aircraft to fly than say a Jaguar or a Harrier,
trials in an academic environment at NAWS defeat a Surface to Air Missile — to effectively the RAF Sentinel R1s from Waddington. It is icated legacy platforms. So there is a lot for the complexity comes with operating it tacti-
China Lake, California, with ‘very specific trials stamp the aircraft standard for the front line. true swing-role training — an air-to-air sweep, the pilots to learn, and multiple skill sets to re- cally. It requires a lot of training to remain
points’ and a subsequent period of operational “It was good for us to work with industry, fighting to our targets, dropping multiple main current on — from offensive counter air, competent.”
evaluation of P1EB at Nellis AFB, Nevada, the very people who designed it, to answer weapons and fighting our way out.” though air combat, to close air support; day Flt Lt Jones added: “The knowledge base is
working alongside the US Air Force’s elite any of our questions. Everything we needed The Stateside deployment to ‘Red Flag’ is and night, and in all weathers. This is a chal- encyclopedic; you have to keep reading up on
422nd TES and against the Nellis-based ag- was right there.” the final stage in rolling out this latest standard lenge and while we have to be comfortable op- the aircraft and memorizing it. By the time
gressor squadrons to see how the P1EB-stan- Indeed, during the detachment Flt Lt of jet to fulfill an Interim Force 2015 milestone. erating the aircraft in all environments, one of you’ve memorized it all chances are it has all
dard Eurofighter Typhoon worked and interact- Durham and his team wrote up the RAF’s new the keys to successful swing-role competency changed again. We are constantly spinning
ed with — and stacked up against — other types P1EB tactics manual! SWING-ROLE TO THE FORE is to reduce unnecessary complexity where plates.”
to effectively rubber stamp the new standard. The ever-increasing range of missions con- we can. Looking further ahead, things can only be- Flt Lt Ben Durham is a qualified weapons
Flt Lt Durham was part of the team de- THE FINAL PROVING GROUND ducted by the Typhoon squadrons is set to “The benefits are clear, and with a single come more complex as much more is on the instructor on No 1(F) Squadron
tached to the US. “P1EB is rare in that the “We are exposing as many pilots as possible grow further in the future as the type effec- aircraft we can exceed the combined capabil- cards for the Eurofighter Typhoon. The Storm
front line took delivery at roughly the same to P1EB,” said Wg Cdr Sutton. “We have tively replaces the Tornado GR4 by the end of ity of what a Harrier and Tornado F3 used to Shadow cruise missile is now in flight test,
time as the TES. We were also exposed to the proved that the front line is capable of em- the decade. This in itself presents challenges do, and due to the advanced avionics of the with the advanced Meteor BVRAAM and
initial P1EA standard, which was an interim ploying the Paveway IV and now we are going for the men and women flying and maintaining Eurofighter, we can operate in a contested en- Brimstone anti-armour weapon also planned —
standard for about 12 months. So pilots from to give as many people on the Force as much these complex aircraft. Not since the F-4 vironment. But while this is impressive, we not to mention a potent new Active
our squadron’s P1EB Implementation Team exposure as possible.” Phantom has the RAF been flying multi-role must also remember that the threat aircraft Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar
had the privilege of joining the TES to support The squadron rolled straight into Exercise fighters, and now its pilots are moving away are evolving too, and our capabilities must be now in development.
them during their trials in the USA — focusing Tartan Flag during the first two weeks of from single role types such as the retired seen in that context — there is no room for “When the GR4s are retired Eurofighter
on P1EB air-to-surface weapon employment, December, the final work up before deploying Harriers, Jaguars and Tornado F3s, to the sin- complacency. As a result we have to continu- needs to be able to pick up the slack,” says
and enhancements to the subsidiary systems to the USA in January for the ultimate test of gle seat Typhoon, with a raft of missions and ally evolve both tactical competency and our Sutton. ‘The AESA is going to be critical to the
such as the DASS (Defensive Aids Sub- the new-standard Typhoons — a full-up Red roles. weapons systems in order to remain at the Typhoon, that’s how the Meteor will operate
System). Flag at Nellis. Wg Cdr Sutton says: “While the Typhoon leading edge. best and it is how we will also have our great-
“Once the academic trials were completed “There is a real sense of momentum on the has been doing the core role of QRA and mul- “We have to be ready to conduct QRA mis- est effect in the SEAD (Suppression of Enemy
at China Lake, the time spent flying on the squadron. During Tartan Flag we were flying ti-role sorties for a number of years, we now sions one day, drop a Paveway IV the next and Air Defences) role as well.” <<
Transiting over the Moray Firth from RAF Lossiemouth
Report and photos: Jamie Hunter to the ranges for the first drop
Pilots outbrief at the engineering control desk at No 1(F) Mission accomplished. A No 1(F) Squadron Typhoon skirts the beautiful
Squadron for their first Paveway IV releases beaches of Northern Scotland as it heads back to RAF Lossiemouth
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:24 Seite 42
elcome to Indonesia, a densely At a major press briefing, Eurofighter’s
populated and thriving archipelago Chief Executive Officer, Alberto Gutierrez ex-
with drive and ambition and an plained what he believes to be the nature of the
overriding need for security. A country ideal- ‘fit’ between this captivating country and the
ly suited to the protection and security that world’s most capable fast-jet fighter. The con-
can be offered by the Eurofighter Typhoon. ference was attended by over 30 journalists
from 22 different media houses. On the exhibi-
At Indo Defence in late 2014, Eurofighter tion stand, during Indo Defence week, the story
unveiled a comprehensive initiative aimed at was much the same – intense interest followed
helping Indonesia with both its central security by intelligent questioning.
concerns and its ambition for growth and de- The Indonesian Vice President, Jusuf Kalla
velopment. found time to visit the Eurofighter stand as did
Keen to renew its defensive airpower, the four ambassadors of Italy, Germany, Spain
Indonesia is currently examining a number of and the United Kingdom. Significant numbers
options which it believes offer promise. After of senior defence officials also came to hear
the case was presented for Eurofighter at Indo more about the fighter with many spending
Defence in Jakarta there is little doubt that time in the Eurofighter Cockpit Demonstrator
there is an enthusiastic groundswell of interest to see for themselves exactly what the aircraft
in the key offering from Europe. is capable of and why it makes sense for an
Known as the ‘social media capital of the archipelago nation such as Indonesia.
world’, Indonesia has a young and educated While news of Eurofighter’s activities on the
population with a thirst for knowledge and dis- streets of Jakarta before the opening of the
cerning eye. In fact, when Eurofighter show- Exhibition made the Financial Times, during the
cased its aircraft on the streets of the event itself it was TV crews that became the fo-
Indonesian capital on a carnival-like ‘Car-Free cus as Trans TV; TV ONE and Bloomberg TV all
Sunday’ – the crowds of aviation enthusiasts took an interest in the story.
very quickly made it clear that this was some- In every case the message was the same:
where special. Eurofighter had travelled to Indonesia to pro-
Eurofighter Export Director, Joe Parker, and vide the evidence that it has the experience
Paul's demonstration to
Air Marshall Ida Bagus Capabilities Manager and former RAF and track record to demonstrate that, if
Putu Dunia Eurofighter Pilot, Paul Smith, were rapidly sur- Indonesia were to opt for a Eurofighter solu-
rounded by young Indonesians demanding to tion, the benefits to the Nation would go far be-
know more about what they recognised as a yond the important and vital issue of national
hugely potent fighter which could be of sub- security, they would extend across a wide
stantial service to their country. range of other areas too.
The sticky 34° Celsius heat and 90% hu-
EUROFIGHTER’S ‘LEPAS LANDAS’ midity did nothing to deter the crowds who,
before long, were huddled around the
Eurofighter ambassadors as they gave an im-
promptu ‘masterclass’ on the virtues and as-
sets that come with this incredible aircraft. It “Safeguarding the islands of Indonesia is a
was well received. massive undertaking. In terms of airpower
Eurofighter believes the aircraft offers you need an asset that is fast, can fly high,
Indonesia air superiority; air-to-land/sea strike has staying power and which is versatile and
capability and non-traditional intelligence, sur- reliable enough to effortlessly take on a num-
veillance and reconnaissance capability and ber of key roles. We believe the Eurofighter
this was certainly a message that resonated. Typhoon is that asset.”
He also made it clear that he understood
INDONESIA LEPAS LANDIS the importance of fostering and developing
indigenous capability. He told delegates he
The intelligence and inquisitiveness of the recognised that Indonesia needed to be
Indonesia people is a national characteristic. freely able to transfer know-how and develop
The Eurofighter ‘INDONESIA LEPAS LANDIS’ its own highly-skilled workforce to enhance
strapline caught the mood in Indonesian as the and develop further capabilities over future
country once again prepares for ‘take-off’ generations.
(Lepas Landis is a phrase for ‘take-off’ used in a Eurofighter Partner Company Airbus is al-
previous economic revival) on the back of grow- ready active in Indonesia working closely with
ing economic opportunities and a strong desire PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) the
for greater independence and security. Indonesian state owned enterprise who sup-
Recognising they need the fast, agile flexible ply and manufacture parts for a number of
fighter-power that comes with tangible and key programmes - both civil and military.
scaleable industrial benefits without the stran- There’s history here.
glehold of constraints, the Indonesians saw in Eurofighter understands the fundamental
the Eurofighter Programme a construct which, ethos behind ‘Indonesia Lepas Landas’ – it’s
by its very nature, demonstrates that effective that indefinable ‘sparkle’ in the nation’s eye.
industrial transfer is possible and that true inter- In Jakarta there is little doubt that the sparkle
national collaboration can bring big benefits. is well and truly there. <<
ef world 01-2015-5.qxp_EF Magazin 12.02.15 14:24 Seite 44
‘Vividness’ and ‘precision’ were the keys to success for Italy’s Mara
Angelosante – winner of the Eurofighter Typhoon Amateur Photography
ara’s prize-winning image of the mended the picture saying it was a photo of Third was Peter Busby, whose entry fea-
world’s most advanced swing- ‘vividness’ and ‘precision’ which had an ‘real tured an RAF Eurofighter Typhoon at AIR14
role/multi-role fast jet fighter was impact on the imagination.’ The image ap- Payerne Switzerland. His dramatic image
taken at RAF Fairford in the United Kingdom pears on the front cover of the 2015 shows the Eurofighter bursting through the
during the Royal International Air Tattoo, one Eurofighter Typhoon calendar and is also avail- clouds.
the United Kingdom’s most popular air able for download on our website Last but not least the special category
shows. prize for Children went to Jaden Shillingford
Mara’s photo perfectly captured the The second prize went to Brett Critchley, aged 16. Jaden’s photograph shows the
Eurofighter on full reheat in the azure blue whose stunning photo captures the Typhoon from beneath.
skies of a sparkling air show. Eurofighter Typhoon from above as it shoots Competition Judge Martina Schmidmeir
Up against some of the most talented am- through the valleys of the famous Mach Loop said: “Many thanks for all the great entries we
ateur enthusiasts in the world, Mara’s image in Wales, a favourite hunting ground for fast received this year from all around the world.”
wowed the competition judges, who com- jet pilots.
n January Eurofighter Typhoons from the The Forum brought together more than 40 proud that Eurofighter Typhoons can demon- Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are regularly
Austrian Armed Forces played an impor- heads of state and government, as well as strate their capabilities in case of airspace updated to keep you in the picture. You
tant role during the World Economic Forum 2,500 other leaders from business and society. violations." won’t miss a thing. Please join in — follow,
2015 in Switzerland. Alberto Gutierrez, Chief Executive Officer All 15 Eurofighter Typhoons stationed in like, share and engage with our ever-grow-
The Typhoons were tasked with securing (CEO) of Eurofighter, said: "In addition to their Zeltweg in Styria, have undergone an upgrade ing fan base. Be part of our social media
the skies during the event at the prominent daily air surveillance in Austria, Eurofighter programme in 2013. They have been equipped family.
ski-resort Davos. Typhoons complemented the security with an enhanced hardware and software so
arrangements for this high-ranking interna- that they conform to the latest capability stan-
tional conference in Switzerland. We are dard for Tranche 1 aircraft.