Bridge Watchkeeping Guide
Bridge Watchkeeping Guide
Bridge Watchkeeping Guide
Title Page
Contents 2
Advisory Group 3
Acknowledgements 4
A message from the Secretary General of the IMO 5
Foreword by the President of The Nautical Institute 6
Introduction 7—8
Conclusion 111—112
Annex 1 Nautical Institute Bridge Watchkeeping Briefing .... 113—122
Annex 2 IMO Bridge watchkeeping requirements 123—126
Annex 3 IMO Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary 127—130
Annex 4 Passage Planning 131—136
Annex 5 IMO Pilot Boarding Arrangements 137
Annex 6 International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea 138—162
Annex 7 Review of references, inc. training videos 163—164
Annex 8 Glossary of terms 165—166
Annex 9 Log book entries 167—169
Advisory Group
the late Captain J.C.Cox ExC FNI Captain A.Chopra ExC MNI
Fleet Manager Shipmaster/Training Manager
Lead Writers
Mr C.J.Parker BSc FNI, Secretary
Captain T.C.Rooney BSc FNI, Consultant
"Whenever a ship puts to sea, the Master and navigating officers have a duty
both in public and commercial law to navigate competently at all times. Upon
their actions depend the successful outcome of the voyage, safety at sea and
protection of the marine environment.
W. A. O'Neil
This guide is designed for self-study. The aim and objectives are listed
below. By working carefully and methodically through this guide OOWs
should have a better appreciation of their watchkeeping duties and how they
can support the Master and become an efficient and responsible member of
the bridge team.
On successful completion of the guide the OOW should be able to
describe, state or list the duties of a watchkeeping officer and the practices
necessary tor-
Conduct a safe navigational watch
Hand over and accept a watch
Carry out the tasks required during each stage of a sea passage
Monitor the equipment which should be available for use during each
stage of a passage
Prevent the errors which can occur when carrying out tasks or using
Implement reliable methods of error checking
Support the Master, and the pilot when carried
Call for assistance
Work as a member of the bridge team
It should be possible, with further watchkeeping experience, for the
OOW who follows the guidance in this book, to be able to carry out those
duties safely and confidently.
This self-study guide assumes that OOWs have undertaken basic
training in chart work and in the use of radar and navigation equipment. It
is also assumed that they have studied and understand the provisions of the
International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS).
Guide to studying
Each chapter contains some element of the overall objectives and details
of the tasks that combine to ensure a safe navigational watch. This is in the
context of the guidance provided by the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) Resolutions (see Annex 2) and the International Chamber of Shipping
(ICS) Bridge Procedure Guide.
Use the space provided in the text to write the answers to the SAQs in
your hand writing. When it comes to revision, the answers will form part of
the learning process. Do not store the answers mentally but write them down
and then check with the text in case some important details have been
overlooked. Writing the answers in the space provided reinforces the lessons
to be learned.
In the text the SAQs are not numbered in sequence because when
checking the answer to one question the answer to the next question could be
seen. In the pages at the back of the book the answers are, however, in
sequential order. Some of the questions require information which can only
be found on board the ship.
On completion of this chapter you will be aware of the reasons for testing the
gear and checking that it is tested properly. You will be introduced to the concept of
'error chains'and the need to under stand shipboard operations, in order to communicate
effectively both onboard and with the shore. A final section reminds you of your role
in updating navigational information.
Failure to ensure that all equipment is tested and in working order can
lead to critical situations. For example, on one occasion a failure to test the
whistle prevented a pilot from communicating urgently, to another vessel in
a fairway, that he was turning to starboard. On another occasion, the
omission to put out the binoculars in the wheelhouse prevented an important
landmark from being identified.
Most errors can be corrected in time, but the aim of good watchkeeping
practice must be to ensure that the cause of an error chain is avoided
(see Chapter 12).
c Most ships require check lists to be used. Standing Orders generally
s state that the designated officer will verify each item and sign the list before
s< handing it to the Master prior to sailing.
Alternatively, a two-person system may be used whereby one person
reads out the item to be inspected and the other verifies its status. A typical
check list is provided on page 14.
For the whole period of his watch the OOW is responsible for the safety of the
Ship until such time as he is formally relieved by another officer or the Master,
and until that time he shall remain at his place of duty. The OOW shall be
guided by the contents of international regulations and guidelines, but
paying particular attention to the following: -
1 The first and foremost duty of the OOW is the keeping of a GOOD
LOOKOUT, using all means available, visual, audible and electronic.
operational manuals provided.
7 Only one chart at a time is to be on the chart table, this being the largest
scale available for the area being navigated. Time spent in the chartroom
is to be limited to essential navigational duties.
10 Officers are to read the Company Regulations and carry out the duties
prescribed therein. Officers are also to comply with all State regulations
and are to be conversant with all current 'M' Notices, Statutory
Instruments and Coast Guard requirements.
15 IN PORT. For the whole period of his watch the OOW is responsible for
the safety of the ship and the correct stowage and operation of cargo
work, in that order, and he should ensure that:-
a) Gangways are fitted with a properly rigged safety net, well lit, and
a Shore Leave Board fitted. The Master / Chief Officer are to be consulted
for expiration of shore leave. No deck officer or crew member is to go
A good officer, when faced with any unusual circumstance, will apply
situation and act accordingly. If you find yourself thinking about calling the
Master then the time has clearly come to do so.
All officers are to sign and date these orders at the commencement of each
Chief Officer Second Officer Third Officer
M.V Golden Rule
checked and verified
1. Gyro and repeaters switched on and synchronized Q
2. Magnetic co: ipass and gyro repeater headings checked Q
3. Echo sounder checked Q
4. Speed/distance recorder checked Q
5. Electronic navigation aids checked Q
6. Clocks synchronized (including engine room) Q
7. Plotter recorder ready for use Q
8. Engine revolution indicator checked Q
9. Primary and emergency navigation lights tested and checked Q
10. Propeller and rudder checked clear of obstruction Q
11. "Not under command" and anchor lights and shapes checked Q
12. Steering gear tested both in primary and secondary systems
(both motors to be running when manoeuvring) Q
13. Auto-pilot and change-over arrangements tested
(SOLAS Chapter V, Regulation 19-2) Q
14. Main engines ready and telegraphs tested Q
15. Bridge communications equipment (internal, external and
portable) tested Q
16. Signalling lamps tested Q
17. Whistle tested (if allowed by the Port's Regulations) Q
18. Bridge window wipers/clear view screens tested Q
19. Deck power available Q
20. Arrangements for pilot embarkation/disembarkation inc. overside
lighting, heaving line, pilot ladder, lifebuoy, etc checked Q
21. Binoculars available Q
22. Charts and navigational publications, i.e. Notices to Mariners,
etc., corrected up to date and courses plotted on the chart Q
23. Latest weather reports and navigational warnings received
and available Q
24. Passage plan prepared. Almanac, Tide Tables, etc., confirmed
available on board Q
25. Engine movement recorder checked Q
26. Anchors cleared away and ready for use Q
27. Mooring winches and capstans in good working order Q
28. Crew checked on board Q
29. Crew at their stations for leaving harbour Q
30. Documents, Certificates and Log Book checked Q
31. Security checked, stowaways and unauthorised personnel
searched for Q
On completion of the pre-departure checks this form is to be signed by the
responsible officer and handed to the Master.
Port Signed
The OOW has an essential role to play in ensuring that, from a
navigational point of view, the ship is in all respects ready to proceed to sea
D Check that all equipment is operational
D Verify that all equipment is properly tuned, calibrated and checked
D Record all defects
D Prepare all recording systems and ensure that books and logs are to
hand with adequate resources of paper
D Update the passage plan with respect to time dependent factors
D Ensure up-to-date weather information is available
O Ensure latest navigational warnings are available
D Obtain all relevant VHP working channels to be used during the
planned departure
D Ensure the watertight integrity of the ship can be controlled
D Contact the shore VTS sufficiently in advance of the sailing time to
enable them to manage the traffic safely
O Ensure all communication equipment is functional
D Ensure the gangway is taken in and stowed securely
CJ Complete the pilot boarding card to the Master's satisfaction
O Ensure the ship is flying the correct flags
O Ensure the ship is generally ready for sea. Any unusual items should be
reported to the Master immediately, such as an unclosed hatch, lighters and
barges still attached alongside, a gangway net still in place, any loose items
on deck, pipes, wires or telephones still connected to the shore, or any other
item which might be affected by the movement of the ship.
Chapter 1 — SAQs
SAQ 20. From which sources do you obtain information about your OOW
SAQ 73. What is positive reporting and why is it necessary for the testing
of equipment before the ship sails?
SAQ 41. What must the Navigating Officer do to ensure that the ship's
passage plan is updated prior to sailing?
SAQ 92. What reports are expected from the engine room to the bridge
prior to sailing?
S AQ 7. If the Master told you to check all was clear on the shore side, ready
for departure, what would you look for?
On completion of this chapter you will be aware of your responsibilities when
navigating with a pilot on board. You will read how to monitor the progress of the
ship and the status of the bridge equipment. The concept of 'situational awareness'
will be introduced and you will recognise that in order to monitor progress it is
necessary to plan ahead.
It is important that you are able to complete and update the pilot card
accurately. A typical pilot card is shown on page 22.
Many activities will be taking place and the OOW must make sure that
the duties that are assigned to him or her are carried out. These will usually
Assisting with communications
Handling the telegraph
Operating the bridge engine controls
Recording key information in the "bell book' or 'manoeuvring book'
Switching on the appropriate navigation lights
Switching off deck lights
Monitoring helm orders
Monitoring engine movements and rudder angles
If the OOW has been assigned to the telegraph it is essential to stand near
the telegraph until critical manoeuvres are completed. The OOW must be
attentive to the orders of the pilot and always repeat the order and confirm
the engines are responding properly. In this way the pilot knows his order is
Length overall: 215 m Breadth: 32 m
Anchor chain: Port 11 shackles Starboard 12 shackles
Bulbous bow: Yes / No (1 shackle = 27.5 m / 15 fathoms)
Bow Thruster: Yes / No Stern Thruster: Yes / No
Power: Power:
Many serious manoeuvring accidents are caused by a wrong engine
response. By checking the engine revolutions gauge each time the OOW will
be preventing an 'error chain' starting.
The main and valuable role of the OOW during pilotage is to monitor
the instruments and progress of the vessel and provide backup to the Master
and/or pilot.
By monitoring the courses steered, the helm movements, and noting the
passing of buoys or position off conspicuous points of land, the OOW will be
able to assess if a mistake is made by the pilot. Buoys and floating beacons can
be out of place and the ship's position should be verified independently
whenever possible.
Master/pilot relationship
Pilots are engaged for a variety of reasons, depending upon
circumstances, which include pilotage based upon local knowledge, liaison
with shore authorities, ship handling and bridge support.
The duty of the pilot is to direct the navigation of the ship. The pilot
liaises with the VTS and other vessels in the vicinity, and advises on the use
of tugs, of anchors, moorings and towing lines.
characteristics. The Master and officer of the watch shall co-operate closely
with the pilot and maintain an accurate check of the ship's position and
Situational awareness
Closely linked to monitoring is the concept of 'situational awareness'.
This is the ability to know where the ship is in relation to the fairway, land and
dangers to navigation, and the proximity of other traffic. This awareness is
most easily acquired by looking outside and comparing what is seen with the
chart or the radar.
Planning ahead
The pilot will have a clear understanding of the time it will take to reach
the pilot boat depending upon speed, current, visibility, availability and so
on. He will have discussed his plan with the Master and the Master or pilot
should brief the OOW on details of the intended passage.
Many other people on board will also want to know the ship's
navigational plan:-
The engineers will want to plan for "Full Away"
The Officer forward will want to secure anchors
The Master will want to make the approach to the pilot boat and plan the
next course
The appropriate crew members will want to know when and on which
side to to rig the pilot ladder
The OOW will be expected to make certain that those who need to know are
kept informed of progress. To do this it is necessary to plan ahead:-
Distances to the pilot boat should be noted on the chart
At key points the distance to the pilot boat can be verified
The estimated time of arrival can then be updated
O Have the pilot boarding card ready
O Have the sequence of charts in order
O Verify the pilot's instructions
O Monitor the ship's manoeuvring
O Check the compasses regularly and on each significant change of
O Record essential information
D Do not wander about the bridge if ordered to work^the telegraph until
manoeuvring is completed
O Be attentive
O Monitor the steering
O Monitor under keel clearance
O Monitor the weather
O Keep tidal information up to date
O Develop situational awareness
O Positively identify significant navigational marks and features by eye
D Use the radar intelligently
O Fix the ship regularly to monitor the pilot in coastal waters
D Assess risk of collision and advise the pilot
O If doubts about intentions exist call the Master
O Keep ETA at the pilot boat updated
D Call the Master and other hands as appropriate
D Be particularly vigilant in confined waters
D Keep the VTS informed of progress as required
D Ensure the correct lights, flags and shapes are being displayed.
SAQ 84. Why is it necessary to contact the port VTS station prior to
SAQ 19. How would you monitor the navigation of the pilot?
SAQ 67. How would you, conveniently, check the compass error in
pilotage waters?
SAQ 50. How would you know what VHP channels to monitor when
leaving port?
SAQ 3. You are alone on the bridge with the pilot and you notice a course
alteration which you do not think is correct. What are you going to do?
Tracks are drawn on a chart area and you are asked to bring the ship in
from sea.
The aim of the exercise is to make you aware of situations which can
develop and which, if left unattended, may quickly deteriorate into critical
Start conditions:- Day; Wind — South West Force 3; Tide — Half an hour before High Water; Visibility —1.0 mile
A location in pilotage An event in pilotage waters A possible incident? A possible cause(s) of the Incident could have
waters incident? been avoided by:
Q18. Three miles from the Rendezvous with pilot Unable to distinguish light Racon temporarily
pilot station cutter to embark pilot vessel from cutter extinguished
Q 43. Two miles from the Too late or too early at the Pilot cutter not available Pilot cutter not given ETA
pilot station pilot station
Q77. At the pilot station Ship going ahead at 4 knots, Pilot cutter closing on Pilot cutter not advised of
heading 270° opposite side to pilot ladder heading and speed for
Q29. At the pilot station Embarking the pilot Injury to pilot Pilot ladder improperly
Q53. Between the pilot Tuning to 270°T Vessel overshoots turn and 1. Helmsman not
station and WP1 is in danger of running accustomed to steering
aground 2. Turn not planned
3. Gyro wander
A location in pilotage Aneventinpilotagewaters A possible incident? A possible cause(s) of the Incident could have
waters incident? been avoided by:
n Q35. Alter course at WP1 Passing close to light vessel Set down on light vessel Ship at slow speed in tidal
H Q88. Between WP1 and Abeam of Bl Very close to Bl 1. Bl out of position
WP2 2. Ship drifted to right of
Q 61. Between WP1 and A vessel injunction Passage Collision risk ignored 1. Target presence
WP2 approaches from before the undetected
starboard beam 2. Target movement not
Q 6. Between WP2 and Approaching WP3 Closing WPS very quickly 1. Engine speed too fast
WP3 2. Flood tide rate increases
Q97. Between WP2 and Searching for on radar WPS lost 1. Sea clutter
WPS 2. Fall off in radar
Q71. Between WP3 and Securing bow and stern Crew not available to secure Crew not warned in time
the berth tugs tugs
On studying this casestudyyou will be aware of the dangers and risks tohuman
life which can occur if the pilot ladder is rigged incorrectly. Information andgu idance
is given to demonstrate the correct way of supervising the required boarding
arrangements for pilots.
The following case study is taken from the confidential Marine Accident
Reporting Scheme (MARS) carried out by The Nautical Insti tute and published
monthly in the Institute's Journal SEAWAYS. Annex 5 contains practical
guidance on boarding arrangements for pilots.
Whilst disembarking from an outward bound vessel a pilot fell from the
pilot ladder and spent eight minutes in the sea before he could be rescued by
the pilot launch. The evidence from the pilot and crew of the launch suggests
the fall was caused by slackness in the ladder taking up when the pilot's
weight on the ladder became effective.
After leaving the berth the Third Mate (3/O) left the bridge to supervise
rigging the pilot ladder on the starboard side. The crew were busy securing
containers on deck, so the 3/O rigged the ladder on his own. He said that,
after rigging the ladder, he tested it by putting his weight on it; he was,
however, of light build. He did not know where the manropes for the
starboard ladder were stowed and he did not get the manropes from the port
When he later escorted the pilot from the bridge the 3/O did not take a
torch or a hand-held VHP radio to communicate with the bridge. The pilot did
not have a torch either. Illumination of the ladder was provided by a gangway
light facing forward and a searchlight from the bridge, although the ship's
side was very well lit, the deck area was partly shadowed by the adjacent stow
of containers. The pilot did not make a thorough security check of the ladder
due to the inadequate lighting on deck. He requested manropes and was
offered a totally inadequate heaving line which he refused. He was wearing
a lifejacket of old design which did not have an automatic light.
Pilot boarding is a hazardous operation which must be properly
supervised at all times.
The inboard end of the ladder was permanently secured with shackles
through thimbles on the end of each set of side ropes. Rope lashings were then
used to seize the side ropes in order to adjust the ladder length. Access over
the side was through an opening in the bulwark set inboard 400/500 mm
from the sheer strake. The opening in the bulwark was not full depth but
stopped 200/300 mm above deck level. The ladder, when hanging over the
side, passed from the securing eye pads on the deck up over the lip of the
bulwark opening, then down at approximately 45° to the point where it
crossed the sheer strake and then vertically down the ship's side.
There were three places at which the ladder treads could foul:-
On the underside of the bulwark plating immediately above the securing
On the top lip in the bulwark access
On the inboard side and top of the sheer strake
The investigators concluded that, for whatever reason, there was slack
somewhere inboard of the point where the ladder passed over the sheer
strake. As the pilot's weight, and movement of the ladder caused by his
descent, shook the fouled ladder free, the combination of a falling ladder
followed by a sudden jerk loosened his hand hold sufficiently to throw him
If the pilot had not been wearing a lifejacket he would almost certainly
have spent longer in the water. It allowed the crew of the pilot launch to see
him, in spite of the lifejacket not being fitted with a light. The retrieval was
achieved with considerable difficulty due to inadequate emergency lighting
aboard the pilot launch and the fact that the life buoy and light from the ship
were dropped too far from the man in the water to be of any use and the bad
weather prevailing at the time of the accident.
SAQ 56. Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder, and
SAQ 87. What safety equipment must be provided at the pilot ladder?
SAQ 44. What provision must the OOW make for boarding and
disembarking pilots in the dark?
SAQ 64 Why must the pilot ladder be rigged so that it does not touch the
SAQ 37. Approaching the pilot vessel in fog, the Master of the pilot vessel
says "I can see you on the radar now 135° at 2 miles". Where would you
look to find the pilot vessel and why?
On completion of this chapter you should be able to understand how to organise
yourself effectively. You will be shown how to take charge of a watch. The concept of
control is introduced. Your responsibilities for safe navigation and collision avoidance
are discussed so that you will understand how to set your priorities and how to
manage your time. The need to maintain a proper lookout is examined and a final
section will remind you that at times, when there is a potentially dangerous situation
arising, you should call for assistance.
Before going below he will either write down his instructions in the
night order book or in day time tell the OOW when he expects to be called
unless there is a need for his presence on the bridge.
For an OOW with some experience this might be for a CPA of less than
1 mile and 15 minutes before an alter course.
It takes time for the Master to know the capabilities of his officers and
it is up to the OOW to demonstrate competence to him,
The same principle exists within the steering system of the ship.
Similarly, the Master keeps control on board by setting a standard through his
orders. If he finds they have not been complied with he will want to know
why and correct the situation.
How should the OOW organise the navigation of the ship? The
international convention states:-
"The largest scale chart on board, suitable for the area and corrected with
the latest available information, shall be used, fixes shall be taken at frequent
intervals, and shall be carried out by more than one method whenever
circumstances allow. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall
positively identify all relevant navigation marks."
The OOW should always aim to fix the ship at regular intervals. It is then
easy to project the previous fix interval forward on the chart with dividers to
establish the estimated position where the ship should be when recording the
fix next time. ,
The fix interval should be such that the vessel can not be set appreciably
off track or into danger by the anticipated effects of tidal stream, wind or
currents in the period between successive fixes.
Typically, having discharged the pilot in an estuary, the fix interval may
be 15 minutes or less. When the ship reaches open water the fix interval may
increase to half an hour.
The beginning and end of each period relate to a range of the values
which are determined by the relative speed of approach of the two vessels
concerned. The table below shows some typical relative speeds and the times
to their collision point.
It is possible for ships to draw up their own limits to the terminal period
which will be based upon their ability to manoeuvre. The limitation of the
critical period will depend on such factors as obstructed vision and blind arcs,
but above all the ability to detect a small vessel in reasonable time.
An OOW in coastal waters can become very busy. If the work load
increases and there is a worry that a dangerous situation might develop —
call the Master.
It is a fact that "the more busy we become the less we tend to plan
ahead." This means that in dense traffic the OOW may become so preoccupied
solving immediate problems on the bridge that situational awareness is lost
or the OOW may fail to notice a new collision risk developing.
Learning to recognise this point of overload takes time and that is why,
initially, the Master sets out to control the behaviour of inexperienced
personnel by requiring to be told about any ship within a specified CPA.
With experience the Master will leave you to make your own decisions
on watch.
There are of course other routines which have to be carried out on watch
such as record keeping, taking compass errors and testing the automatic pilot.
These will be dealt with in the next chapter.
O Plan ahead before taking over the watch
O Check the track, compass errors and courses
n Check the compass error at least once a watch
CJ Make keeping a lookout the priority
O Assess risk of collision and take action if necessary
O Fix the ship at regular intervals, if practicable
O Fix more frequently in confined waters
n Call the Master before a potentially dangerous situation becomes
O Observe changes in the weather
n Study the chart and expect to find new landmarks before they are seen
n Maintain situational awareness, particularly if the ship has to deviate
widely to avoid traffic
D Be prepared to use the engines, if necessary, to ensure adequate sea
D Be prepared to call a lookout to the bridge if necessary
D Be prepared to call a helmsman to the bridge if necessary
"The OOW must ensure that at all times the ship is never put into a
situation of uncontrollable risk."
SAQ 13. You are aiming to rnake good a track of 090°T. The ship is
allowing 7° drift to port for a current from the starboard bow, and a
Leeway Angle of 3° for a wind on the port side. The Gyro Error is 2° low
and the Compass Error 4° W. What is the Gyro Course and Compass
Course to steer?
SAQ 47. a) What do you mean by a fix interval, b) Your ship is doing 12
knots. There is a current across the track of three knots towards the danger
and a wind blowing in the same direction adding 1 knot of drift. The track
is parallel to a sand bank at 1 mile. What should be the fix interval?
S AQ 90. You are OOW on a 20 knot container ship and you detect a small
target at 4 miles approaching at 5 knots with a terminal period of 1 mile.
Calculate the critical period . ,„
SAQ 51. Why would you not trust the radar to give you warning of small
vessels in coastal waters?
SAQ 79. Give some examples of when you would call the Master for
On completion of this chapter you will be aware that routine activities on the
bridge must be secondary to keeping a vigilant look out. Out of sight of land,
navigational accuracy depends upon instruments and you must ensure that monitoring
them deep sea has a higher priority. The value of maintaining traditional celestial
navigation is discussed and you are encouraged to use spare time to practise this skill
and to prepare for more busy coastal passages.
Out of sight of land the principal threat to a ship at sea is the risk of
collision from other ships. For this reason the watch must be organised
around the need to maintain a vigilant look out. All other duties will be
When conducting a visual lookout, the eye is most likely to detect new
targets when they break the line of the horizon. Targets can also be obscured
in blind arcs caused by window frames and cargo gear. The OOW will need
to move position on the bridge frequently to obtain a clear view of the
surrounding sea.
Reliable Generally reliable
Sensitive to colour Does not get tired
Can assess heading Accurate range information
Can identify small targets Stable bearing platform
Can see light configurations Simplifies the overview
Can assess ship types Can penetrate fog
Can identify conspicuous marks Better penetration in rain and snow
Can identify flashing lights Useful for predictive collision avoidance
Has better discrimination Predictive navigation (parallel index)
Can see changing weather patterns Can have longer range (height of aerial)
Can see effect of sea on vessel Can have low down port approach aerial to
Not affected by blind arcs (if observer moves) minimise clutter
Thirdly, the radar itself, particularly in rain, may not be able to detect
significant targets.
To minimise the risk of error, the OOW should check the radar with the
visual scene regularly. ,
The OOW must ensure that the safety of the ship is not put at risk
through the inability of the lookout to keep a vigilant watch.
Whenever the lookout is sent below for any reason like calling the watch
or calling hands to stations, the OOW must ensure that a visual watch is
The course will be checked at each watch change and during each
watch. After any significant course alteration the OOW must check the
compass error. The gyro must be checked against the magnetic compass
regularly and a compass error obtained by external observation. The error
must be properly recorded.
Position will generally be obtained from the Global Positioning System
(GPS) which has proved to be very reliable. Because of this officers tend to
trust it implicitly and that can lead to problems because:-
Future waypoints may have been wrongly put into the processor, eg in
error by 10° or 10'.
The level of integration varies, but a fault may develop in any of the
connecting circuits
The set itself may be faulty or break down
The OOW must learn to carry out other bridge duties without becoming
distracted from the main purpose of maintaining an effective lookout.
On no account must the OOW ever leave the bridge without a relief.
D When on ocean passages keeping a look out must have priority
D Check the instruments being used to navigate the ship regularly and
monitor the position each watch
O Practice celestial navigation regularly
O Monitor radio communications for routine messages and ensure that
emergency channels are operational and being monitored
O Use any spare time productively to plan ahead for the next phase of the
O Always post a look out if a bridge task is likely to preoccupy your time
D Learn to break off tasks at frequent intervals so that it becomes a habit
O Avoid entertainment on the bridge. It may provide a fatal distraction
D Monitor changes in the weather and regularly observe the barometer
n Keep records up to date
SAQ 32. What advantages does the eye have over the radar?
SAQ 59 When would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge?
SAQ 22. When would you call the Master, out of sight of land?
SAQ 75. List the information required by the Master at noon each day.
On completion of this chapter you will be aware of the need to identify the
coastline positively when making a landfall. At this time there is, invariably, an
element of doubt and the risk of placing the ship in danger if predictions are wrong.
As the ship approaches port there will be other duties to perform which emphasise the
value of planning. -• -..
Approaching land
All Masters will expect to be called prior to making a landfall. It is
important that they are present on the bridge as they are probably the most
experienced navigators onboard and will therefore be best able to assess the
situation correctly.
The OOW will also have to be more aware of traffic and the possibility
of fishing vessels operating in the area. There is a need to keep a particularly
good lookout for small vessels during this phase of navigation.'
Usually ships do obtain sights and at least one position line will have
been established, for example the latitude at noon. The estimated position
will usually be within twenty miles of the ship's actual position.
GPS will ensure that the ship has an accurate position and landfall
should be a matter of routine. The fact remains that the instrument may have
an error or the OOW may misread it. It is not until there is a positive
confirmation of the land that the Master will feel comfortable.
So there are two uncertainties when making a landfall. Firstly, the ship's
position, and secondly the identification of the land. It is to reduce these
uncertainties that good navigational practices must be developed.
Prudent navigation
The OOW should try always to obtain a fix in the ocean and monitor the
GPS. Nobody knows for certain when the last fix will be taken prior to making
a landfall, particularly in bad weather.
Useful information can be obtained from the depth contour on the chart.
The depth recorder should be on and checked against the chart. If there is a
significant difference from that anticipated, inform the Master immediately.
Extra care should be taken to identify any light by its exact characteristics
and to verify the ship's position on the position line by calculating the
distance at the time it appears.
This may seem old-fashioned, but on making a radar landfall the OOW
cannot be certain initially whether the echo is the coastline or a ridge inland.
Doubt will remain until the ship is close enough to verify the shoreline.
The extract overleaf is taken from Nories Tables.
To find out the distance at which a light can be seen for the first time, two
entries are needed.
First, find the height of the light. Secondly, note down your own height
of eye.
For example, the height of the light, taken from the chart, is 56 metres.
Your height of eye is 21 metres.
The Chief Engineer will need notice to prepare the engines for
manoeuvring arvd to make sure the necessary auxiliaries are available and
The Officer forward will need to prepare the anchors and ensure that the
mooring ropes and wires are on deck and the mooring drums operational.
The pilot ladder and gangway will need to be prepared. The Master will
need to be informed in time to take charge of the ship when approaching the
On many ships, preparation for cargo work will also be taking place.
Prior to taking on board the pilot the OOW should complete the pilot
boarding card, using the corrected draught worked out by the Chief Officer
which will vary from the departure draught due tor-
Consumption of bunkers
Consumption of water
Redistribution of oil and water in the tanks
Ballasting and de-ballasting
It is important for pilots to know the trim of the vessel because it affects
the manoeuvring characteristics.
SAQ 86. What should you tell the Master when he comes to the bridge,
prior to making a landfall at night?
SAQ 17. What preparations would you take when making a landfall in
poor visibility? ~~ •
On completion of this chapter you will know how to support the Master when
approaching an anchorage and whilst anchoring the ship. Once the ship is 'brought
up' on the anchor cable you will almost certainly be left on the bridge to keep an anchor
watch. The final section will make you aware of hazardous situations which can occur
and how to respond.
There are four main approaches to anchoring which require different
planning in each case. They are:-
A request to anchor in a designated position
A need to anchor in a waiting area
A need to anchor in the shelter of land
The need to anchor in a river which may be tidal
' — • * • ^.
Taking note of the increased effect of tidal currents as the ship slows
down the Master will control the speed of the ship and its progress along the
track. This can be very difficult if there is a strong cross wind and the ship is
in ballast. i --•"
Where possible the Master will approach the anchorage head to the
prevailing forces of wind and/or tide, as this provides the best method of
control and assists in slowing down the ship.
The OOW has an essential role in assisting the Master with his planned
approach, giving the course and distance to go to the anchoring position
using information from the chart, the compass and radar. The OOW may
work the telegraph or remote engine controls and may be given the task of
navigating the vessel in accordance with the plan.
At the appropriate point the order will be given to let go. The OOW must
verify the position independently with bearings of other navigational marks
to fix the position of the ship in case it is accidentally out of position or the
anchor is lost. From this position the swinging circle can be drawn on the
chart, depending upon the number of shackles used. • • -:
When the ship is brought up and the anchor bars put in place, the Master
will decide the level of readiness for the engines and pass on this instruction
before going below. The OOW must then fix the ship again to verify that the
anchor is holding, that there is room to swing and to ensure that the ship is
within the swinging circle.
Instead of aligning the ship to the shore the Master will choose his
anchorage in relation to the other ships, from which he will ask the officer of
the watch for bearings and distances.
Once the anchor has been let go the OOW must fix the ship in relation
to the shore for the reasons given above.
The distance off land is the critical factor when letting go in these
situations and the OOW should monitor this carefully.
\ circle
lot go
Bearing as nearly \
as practical on this
beam will indicate
if the anchor is dragging
For a vessel at anchor, fix the ship at the time of letting go allowing a measured distance
from the anchor on the bottom to the bridge where the bearings are taken and inscribe
the swinging circle on the chart. Then monitor the anchor bearings either by radar
ranges ahead or astern or by beam bearings.
The anchor watch must be so organised as to monitor any drag which
might occur before the ship gains momentum.
If drag does occur call the Master at once. Consider laying out more
cable, using the engines or letting go a second anchor.
It is most important, therefore, that the anchors are lowered to the water
in advance so that when the brake is released the anchor cable will run free
at very short notice.
Frequently, in rivers, there is not enough room for the ship to turn on a
long anchor chain when, for example, the tide changes and it has to be held
short. To compensate for this the engines may be needed at certain critical
times to prevent too much drag on the anchor.
As the current reaches its faster ebbs and flows it may be necessary for
the OOW to use the engines.
There are four types of threat which can all have damaging consequences:-
Dragging due to wind and current
Another vessel bearing down on the ship at anchor
Own ship turning one way and a neighbouring ship turning the other
way as the tide changes creating a possibility of contact between the
Own ship turning in such a way as to run aground
Under these circumstances the other ship cannot move fast enough and
is carried down on the current.
Be prepared to monitor the activities of the crew if they are working over
the side.
Other routines
The OOW must ensure that the ship is properly lit at night, that she
exhibits the correct lights and sounds signals in fog.
Often the ship will be waiting for orders or working cargo. Attentive
monitoring of the VHP or Satellite Communications (SatComs) will be
D Anchoring demands teamwork
O Verify the plan with the Master
O Support the Master during the approach with bearings or distances
O Monitor the speed of approach
D Monitor the course and approach bearings
O Keep a lookout for other vessels moving
O Fix the ship when the anchor is let go and continue to monitor the
n Maintain a vigilant anchor watch
O Check anchor bearings and/or radar distances regularly
D Assess any threat early
O Be prepared to use the engines to prevent dragging
D Be prepared to warn other vessels
O Be prepared to apply evasive manoeuvres
D Monitor shore based communications
O Monitor the movement of small boats
D Protect the security of the vessel
CJ Call the Master as soon as a potentially dangerous situation is identified
D Monitor the situation of the crew, particularly if they are working over
the side
SAQ 10. How many miles does it take your vessel to stop from a
manoeuvring speed of 12 knots, fully loaded, (i) with no astern power (ii)
with maximum astern power?
SAQ 68. How can the OOW best assist the Master when approaching an
SAQ 34. What is the purpose of lowering the anchor out of the hawse pipe
when approaching an anchoring position?
SAQ 48. What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship
can anchor without risking breaking the cable?
SAQ 93. What various options are available to a ship at anchor when
faced with a threat of collision from an oncoming ship?
SAQ 65. Apart from navigational safety, what else should you do on
anchor watch?
On completion of this chapter you will be aware that in reduced visibility at sea
there is a need to monitor the radar carefully and that a lookout should be posted to
keep a visual lookout and to monitor any sounds. The need to call the Master is
emphasised and the use of engines discussed.
There is more uncertainty about the movements of target vessels in fog.
For example, they may be vessels fishing or not under command. It is,
therefore, very important that the OOW takes EARLY action to avoid a close
quarters situation.
Rain and snow are two conditions which not only reduce visibility but
significantly reduce the ability of the radar to detect targets. If two radars are
fitted the S band radar should be operational as well as the X band radar.
The Master will use his judgement in accordance with the COLREGS to
proceed at a safe speed and will usually want to be on the bridge in reduced
visibility. However, everybody needs rest after prolonged periods and the
OOW should ensure that in these circumstances approaching vessels are
given a wide berth.
Vessels such as ferries and naval craft are much more manoeuvrable
than many vessels and respond more immediately to engine and helm
movements. However, for most fully laden vessels this is not so.
O Observe the weather and call the Master when visibility deteriorates
O Monitor traffic in the area, and comply with the provisions of Rule 19
D Observe the other provisions of the COLREGS
O Post a lookout
a Put the engines to standby — inform the engineers if appropriate
D Be prepared to use a helmsman if a critical situation is developing
O Work the automatic plotting aids (ARPA) systematically
O If no automatic plotting facility exists, prepare to plot selected targets
O Be prepared to close watertight doors
D Be prepared to reduce speed, stop, or turn out of danger
D If possible, consult the Master before any critical evasive manoeuvres
are required
Chapter 8 — SAQs
SAQ 46. If the Master and yourself are using the same ARPA what should
you check?
SAQ 38. Besides the collision risk, what else should you be monitoring on
watch in reduced visibility?
On completion of this chapter you will appreciate the need, when changing the
watch, to verify that the ship is proceeding according to plan, that all risks have been
recognised and that the equipment is functioning normally.
If the OOW receives verbal instructions to call the Master at a given time,
which may go over into another officer's watch, it is good practice to make a
note of the call time at the appropriate position on the track on the chart to
remind the next OOW.
"The relieving officer shall ensure that the members of the relieving watch
are fully capable of performing their duties, particularly as regards their
adjustment to night vision. Relieving officers shall not take over the watch
until their vision is fully adjusted to the light conditions.
Prior to taking over the watch, relieving officers shall satisfy themselves
as to the ship's estimated or true position and confirm its intended track,
course and speed, and UMS controls as appropriate and shall note any dangers
to navigation expected to be encountered during their watch.
It is against these standards that the incoming officer can check the
watch arrangements.
The relieved officer should ensure that fire and security rounds of the
ship are carried out to inspect for fire or anything unsafe like loose cargo on
deck, equipment not stored away, deadlights that are not dosed at night and
anything unusual which might require attention.
D Always be fit for bridge duty
O Arrive early and in time to adjust to the bridge situation
D Read, understand and sign the Master's night orders
O Never sign orders you do not fully understand — always seek advice
n Do not take over the watch until your eyes have become adjusted to
night vision
D Never take over a watch until all manoeuvring has been completed and
the ship is safely on course
D Check on the watch complement and make sure the lookout is posted and
a helmsman is near and ready if required
On completion of this chapter you will know when you must call the Master,
the reasons for keeping the Master informed, and why you should seek his advice
before dangerous situations arise.
The OOW, by calling the Master early, will be able to learn from the
experience of the Master when he comes to the bridge. The OOW has a duty
to call the Master early and this must be the guiding principle at all times.
The OOW therefore has a duty to comply with his orders and to keep
the Master informed of progress. The OOW should ask the Master about any
unusual or potentially dangerous occurrences.
The Master will always prefer to be called early, before the ship is in a
dangerous situation. This often requires judgement on behalf of the OOW
and to help resolve this issue the Master will often request to be called
whenever a vessel is to approach within a specified CPA.
If the call is made during the hours of darkness, the Master will require
a little time to become accustomed to the conditions. The OOW must take this
into account and allow for this period when deciding to call the Master. It may
be necessary to obtain the services of the helmsman and additional lookouts.
These watchkeeping tasks should be completed by the OOW immediately
they are required. The OOW should not delay or await the arrival of the
Master on the bridge. Under no circumstances is the OOW allowed to leave
the bridge.
Rough weather
The ship, in rough weather, is exposed to considerable danger and the
OOW must keep a seamanlike eye on crew working on deck, enforcing
prohibition if it is too dangerous to go on deck, advising the Master accordingly.
It is important to check deck cargo and their lashings, the security of fixtures
and fittings, and the general safety of the vessel with respect to sea damage
and water ingress.
Large ships in heavy seas have, on occasions, had their bow plates badly
damaged without anybody being aware of it.
The Master will expect the OOW to:-
D Comply with his orders
D Inform him about progress
O Call him when any unusual situation arises
D Call him in accordance with instructions
O Call him whenever critical situations arise
D Call him as early as possible
D Be prepared to brief him on his arrival by pointing out the most critical
situations first
On completion of this chapter you will understand the difference between a
problem and an emergency, and what action each requires. You will learn about your
part, as OOW, in the ship's emergency organisation and the responses required to
various situations. The special case of Man Overboard is considered.
The difference between a problem and an emergency is the level of
urgency required to take action. An emergency requires immediate action:-
To save life or prevent injury
To avoid damage to the ship and cargo ^
To avoid pollution
To assist another vessel in distress :
With unmanned machinery spaces, the bridge may be the only manned
centre on board at night and although work will be carried out in the engine
room during the day, the command and control centres are probably not
being used.
The OOW is likely to be the first person to know when something has
gone wrong. The OOW must therefore know what to do to anticipate and
respond to emergencies and know who is the duty engineer and how he can
be contacted.
Within this framework the OOW will have a key role to play:-
Being the first point of contact to raise the alarm
Keeping a vigilant lookout to ensure the ship does not get into difficulties
whilst the command function is preoccupied with the emergency
Communicating i.e. relaying telephone and walkie-talkie messages as
Ensuring the ship carries the correct lights and signals to describe its
When the ship's crew is fully engaged in responding to the emergency
the OOW must keep an undistracted lookout to ensure the ship itself does not
get into danger.
The OOW has a duty to be prepared for emergencies. To initiate
appropriate action, call for assistance, monitor the safety of the ship and take
the decisions which will enable the most effective recovery of a man overboard.
The knowledge and ability to respond come from training, practice, and
preparedness. No two ships will be the same and every OOW must be fully
familiar with their own ship.
The OOW must know:-
D How to sound the general alarm
D The dimensions of the ship
D How to show appropriate lights and signals
D How to illuminate all parts of the bridge
O How to use the communication equipment
D How to control the engines
D How to close watertight doors
O How to transfer the steering gear into manual
O How to seek assistance
G How to log times
O How to record the ships position at a moments notice
O How to think through critical situations in advance and to ask "What
would I do if a particular emergency occurred?"
On completion of this chapter you will be aware of errors which can occur and,
which if they go undetected, could lead toaserious incident. You will also understand
more about human errors and how you should conduct your activities on watch to
minimise the effect of mistakes. Finally you will understand that good watchkeeping
requires good habits which should be practised at all times.
There are thus many combinations and ways in which errors can occur,
both technical and human.
Similarly, it is possible to make 'rule-based mistakes' by:-
Making a quick decision without considering the rules
Not noticing when a rule does not work
Misapplying an established rule
Tending to shortcut rules
Making errors from ambiguous information
Suffering from stress and fatigue
Planning ahead
If the OOW does not know where the ship expects to be then he cannot
know whether the position is right, reasonable or wrong. An OOW should
always plan the watch before taking over by establishing the estimated
position at the end of the watch. The OOW should then note any items to be
encountered during the watch, as well as noting the Master's orders.
In pilotage waters the OOW should have an idea of ETAs and the
approximate times when key navigational marks will be reached. Similarly,
the main provision of the passage plan should be studied to ensure an
understanding of sea room and situational awareness.
Routines to prevent undetected errors
Routines are useful to provide a means of verifying the status of
equipment and the safety of the vessel. No individual can maintain a state of
constant alertness for more than periods of about half an hour. The OOW,
therefore, should develop the technique of allowing routines to pick up
undetected errors so that full concentration can be given to resolving collision
risks, solving problems, navigating and maintaining the integrity of the
whole watch system.
Routines must be approriate for the conditions which exist. For example
— position fixing in coastal waters must be such that the ship cannot be put
into danger between each fix. Fixing in coastal waters will therefore be more
frequent than deep sea. Routines must not be followed to the exclusion of
common sense and awareness of a developing situation which must take
precedence. They are, however, useful in providing a means of picking up
undetected errors and an example is given below.
Maintain a situational awareness at all times
at short intervals
— look out visually * — check radar display
— consider ship's position — reset alarms if fitted
at intervals not exceeding 1 hour
— check compass — check engine revolutions
— check heading — check general ship status
> during each watch
— calibrate instruments — verify compass input & alignment
— verify the compass error and record it in the deviation book
— check the radar performance — check auto/hand steering transfer
— observe the weather and read weather reports
• at watch handover
— check the track/heading — read any standing orders
— become familiar with the traffic situation
— consider the weather — on leaving, write up the log
— carry out a visual inspection of the ship
• at daily intervals
— obtain time checks and synchronise clocks
•— update draught and trim — update charts and publications
— test alarms — test navigational lights and whistle
— test radio equipment distress auto alarms
— alternate the steering system
Error chains
Accidents seldom happen as a result of a single event. They are almost
always the result of a series of acts or omissions which lead to confusion and
loss of situational awareness. The aim of error management, therefore, is to
adopt practices which minimise the risk of a one man error having disastrous
Finally it is relevant to discuss the relationship between the OOW and
the Master. The Master will want to encourage the OOW to think ahead,
check workings, and verify information at the change of a watch.
Keeping alert
Every watchkeeper soon learns that time passes quickly during a busy,
active coastal watch where there is plenty to occupy the mind.
However, deep sea there is less stimulus and the body responds by
becoming less active. To counteract this effect every OOW must make a
positive effort to keep alert.
Movement is the most helpful stimulus. Pacing up and down the bridge
keeps the body exercised and alert whilst also enabling the OOW to keep an
all round look out and all the equipment monitored.
Increasingly, ships are being fitted with watch alarms which require a
positive setting by the OOW at regular intervals. The more sophisticated
alarms are movement sensitive and reset themselves whenever there is
movement on the bridge. This is a good design feature.
D Be aware of what can go wrong
O Be aware of human mistakes
D Understand how errors occur
O Discipline yourself each watch to:-
Plan ahead
Set up safe routines „
Check yourself
Check and monitor others
O Start each watch by adopting the above principles
D Avoid becoming too preoccupied with a particular instrument,
particularly radar
D Maintain an outward vision and 'situational awareness'
D Be prepared to admit a mistake, learn from the incident and work out
a way to avoid repeating it in future
D Keep alert during ocean passages by moving around the bridge
General observations
A major and essential part of the OOW's duties is to manage collision
avoidance situations correctly and safely in accordance with internationally
agreed rules which form the only basis for common understanding amongst
mariners of all nationalities.
What follows are a number of notes relating to the steering and sailing
rules which continue to cause difficulties because OOWs, by their action or
inaction, lose their ability to CONTROL THE SITUATION.
The rules referring to this are:
1. Those to be followed by vessels in sight of one another (Rules 11-
17). These divide each encounter into "the vessel which must give
way" and "the vessel which should maintain its course and speed"
2. Those for vessels in fog or reduced visibility (Rule 19) where a
vessel shall take avoiding action irrespective of the intentions of
the other vessel
3. The responsibilities between vessels such that a power driven
vessel will keep out of the way of others unable to do so (Rule 18)
4. Navigation in narrow channels and separation schemes (Rules 9
and 10). —
The rules apply on the high seas and all waters connected to them used
by seagoing vessels. Port and river authorities frequently add special
requirements for safe navigation such as rules of conduct in a tidal river
where priority of access to a bridge arch is given to the vessel proceeding with
the current. Detailed instructions are provided in Pilot Books, Harbour By-
Laws and special notices. They should be studied in advance of arrival and
be available for reference in the chart area.
B3 B2 B1
Fig. A
This is generally not possible at nigh t when the horizon is not visible and
due to the variation in the intensity of ships lights, the brighter ones will
appear closer.
For example, if a vessel is observed bearing 045° at 3NM and then 047°
at 2 NM, the bearing has changed by 2° therefore the CPA is 2 cables.
From a major study carried out into casualties in European waters from
1978-1982 the average number of incidents per year were:-
119 vessels involved in end on collisions
66 vessels involved in crossing situations
26 vessels involved in overtaking situations
COLREG Rule 14
Head-on situation
(b) Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel sees the
other ahead or nearly ahead and by night she could see the masthead lights
of the other in a line or nearly in a line and/or both sidelights and by day she
observes the corresponding aspect of the other vessel.
(c) When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists
she shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly.
COLREG Rule 15
Crossing situation
Crossing situations
Crossing situations are relatively straightforward, and yet still contribute
to a large percentage of collisions. Giving way in good tirfie to vessels on the
starboard side, by making a substantial al teration of course, will avoid a close
quarters situation. The stand-on vessel has more difficulty. Vessels crossing
from port to starboard need careful watching to make sure they give way in
time. If they do not do so, the stand-on vessel must take action before getting
too close.
In the event that a 'give way' vessel fails to do so, the 'stand on' vessel
has to consider the time available to undertake an evasive manoeuvre. It will
depend upon the time and distance it takes to turn own ship with the time
available to CPA. A long, deep, heavy vessel will require more time to turn
than a short, shallow-draught, twin screw, variable pitch propeller vessel. For
this reason officers operating highly manoeuvrable vessels should never
'embarrass' less manoeuvrable vessels by standing on until the last moment.
Good seamanship demands that the give way vessel should do so before the
stand on vessel needs to consider taking evasive action.
(d) Any subsequent alteration of the bearing between the two vessels
shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vessel within the meaning of
these Rules or relieve her of the duty of keeping clear of the overtaken vessel
until she is finally past and clear.
Overtaking situations
The overtaking vessel is obliged by the COLREGS to keep out of the way
of the overtaken vessel until finally clear. The overtaken vessel, however,
should continuously monitor the situation and be ready to act if something
goes wrong. It may also be necessary for the overtaken vessel to keep out of
the way of other traffic. When she is being overtaken on the starboard side
this will mean either a reduction of speed or a course alteration to port. If the
vessels are on converging courses, little confusion arises when the overtaking
vessel is on the overtaken vessel's port side, as irrespective of how the
overtaking vessel views the situation, she is obliged to keep out of the way.
It is when she is 'coming up' on the starboard side that some doubt could arise
as to whether she was crossing or overtaking. COLREG 13 states that if the
overtaking vessel is more than 2 points abaft the beam she shall keep out of
the way. Here again, para (c) forms the basis of decision making in uncertain
circumstances, that is if there is ANY DOUBT the overtaking ship should
keep out of the way.
Rule 6 states:-
Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can
take proper and effective action to avoid collision and be stopped within a
distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions.
In determining a safe speed the following factors shall be among those
taken into account:
(a) By all vessels:- .
(i) the state of visibility;
(ii) the traffic density, including concentrations offishingvessels
or any other vessels;
(Hi) the manoeuvrability of the vessel with special reference to
stopping distance and turning ability in the prevailing
(iv) at night the presence of background light such as from shore
lights or from back scatter of her own lights;
(v) the state of wind, sea and current, and the proximity of
navigational hazards;
(vi) the draught in relation to the available depth of water.
Rule 19 states:-
(a) This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another when
navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility.
(b) Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility. A power-
driven vessel shall have her engines ready for immediate
(c) Every vessel shall have due regard to the prevailing circumstances
and conditions of restricted visibility when complying with the
Rules of Section I of this Part.
(d) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel
shall determine if a close-quarters situation is developing and/or
risk of collision exists. If so, she shall take avoiding action in ample
time, provided that when such action consists of an alteration of
course, so far as possible the following shall be avoided:
(i) an alteration of course to port for a vessel forward of the
beam, other than for a vessel being overtaken;
(ii) an alteration of course towards a vessel abeam or abaft the
(e) Except where it has been determined that a risk of collision does not
exist, every vessel which hears apparently forward of her beam the
fog signal of another vessel, or which cannot avoid a close-quarters
situation with another vessel forward of her beam, shall reduce her
speed to the minimum at which she can be kept on her course. She
shall, if necessary, take all her way off and in any event navigate
with extreme caution until danger of collision is over.
(f) (i) A WIG craft, when taking off, landing and in flight near the
surface, shall keep well clear of all other vessels and avoid
impeding their navigation;
(ii) A WIG craft operating on the water surface shall comply with
the Rules of this Part as a power-driven vessel.
Rule 19 was added to the COLREGS at the last major revision and
recognises that, in restricted visibility, radar will be used for collision
avoidance. As discussed earlier in this chapter, when vessels are in sight of one
another in clear visibility there are duties placed on both vessels. The stand on
vessel should maintain its course and speed whilst the give way vessel must
avoid a close quarters situation.
It must also be remembered that the only information the other vessel
receives following a change of course or speed is the change in the echo on the
other vessel's radar. It is therefore necessary to convey an intention by making
a bold alteration of course or a significant reduction in speed.
In so reporting the trainee will be able to advise the senior officer on the
action believed to be appropriate. This is a safe and practical way to build up
The use of VHP for collision avoidance
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea make no
mention of the use of VHP for collision avoidance. The rules have been
designed to enable decisions to be made without communication. The first
requirement therefore is to know the rules and understand how to apply
The use of VHP can cause confusion and uncertainty. The unwanted
effects can increase the risk of collision for three reasons. Firstly, there is no
way positively to identify the receiving ship. Secondly, even if communication
is established there is no guarantee the message will be understood and
thirdly, time spent making contact and communicating could be better used
avoiding a close-quarters situation earlier. The advice of The Nautical
Institute Council is NOT to use VHP for collision avoidance unless required
by local regulations.
There are, of course, occasions when the use of VHP is helpful. For
example, where ships are operating in pilotage waters and there is direct
identification with other ships; then, messages can be passed from pilot to
pilot in a common language with certainty. However, as a general rule, if
there is no positive identification of the other ship do not use VHP for collision
D Know your obligations in clear weather
O Know your obligations in reduced visibility
O Know your obligations when meeting hampered vessels
O Know your obligations in narrow channels
D Know your obligations in a traffic separation scheme
D Apply the principles of good seamanship
O Call the Master as early as possible if you believe a critical situation is
O Ensure an effective lookout. If necessary post an additional lookout
D Avoid the use of VHP for establishing risk of collision unless prescribed
for use by the coastal authorities.
SAQ 42. You are the OOW of a power driven vessel, Of which vessels
must you keep out of the way?
SAQ 80. You are OOW of a vessel in fog and you notice a vessel
approaching on a collision course 40° on the port bow. What would you
On completion of this chapter you will have an understanding of why it is
necessary to maintain accurate records. The log book in particular will be discussed
and practical advice on filling in record books is given.
The sort of detail to be entered into log books — the state of the sea, the
course and compass error — are items which are quickly forgotten. Indeed it
is desirable that they are forgotten once recorded because it would be
impossible to retain all the information for accurate recalf several years later.
Ship records are the first items to be studied after an incident. If there is
a stranding and an insurance claim, or an investigation by the flag State,
inspectors will take the chart and log books, examine the standard of
navigation and attempt to reconstruct the incident before deciding who is to
blame or how much compensation to pay.
The ship's log is always consulted when there are claims by the
charterers that the ship did not meet the speed standards originally contracted.
Alternatively, the charterers may be paying for fuel and will make a claim
against the shipowner if the fuel consumption is more than was stated in the
charter party.
All log entries should be neat and tidy. Entries are made for others to
read. If you make a mistake, cross out the entry with a single line, enter the
corrected data above it and initial the correction.
Thereafter, accurate alter course times, positions and new courses will
need to be recorded. For further advice consult the Master and company
guidelines. See Annex 9.
The log should then record any unusual event, for example 1115 entered
fog, called Master, radars on, engines on standby, COLREGS observed.
Similarly, entries for rain, heavy seas, and ice should be made.
The bell book or movement book should include when the ship is
underway and ceases to be underway, the name of the pilot, the name of the
tugs, when they made fast and let go, all engine movements, mooring status,
use of anchors and any other unusual occurrences like a sudden squall,
shipping water, navigating in reduced visibility, reduced speed in heavy
weather and ship movement.
Many ships now have data loggers which will only keep a record of
engine movements. Invariably the paper record runs out at a critical period
so the OOW should always have a note book to jot down the movements until
after manoeuvring is complete and the recorder paper can be changed.
Lawyers have observed how many collisions occur when there was no
paper in the course recorder! Whilst this may have been "a deliberate
accident", each watch the paper should be inspected and particularly when
the bridge gear is checked prior to sailing. The same advice applies to the
depth recorder.
A record of the times the radar is operational should be kept. This will
provide added evidence in the case of an incident and will also be useful for
meeting the requirements for planned maintenance.
Some ships are now being fitted with Islack boxes' which record times,
speed, rudder, the radar picture and voice communications. This considerably
simplifies the OOW task of recording.
The compass error should be checked each watch and on every new
course. The purpose of the record is to establish trends in deviation on
various courses in different positions.
Should the gyro(s) fail, this information will be used to set courses by the
magnetic compass. It is noteworthy that many modern coasters only have
magnetic compasses.
It is evident that more and more record keeping requirements are being
put on ships, whilst their watchkeeping manning is diminishing. Record
keeping can occupy a considerable time. The OOW must plan for this, aiming
to do it little and often whilst never allowing it to become a distraction from
the main task — which is to ensure the safe conduct of the vessel.
D Have the log book open in a convenient position and fill it in little and
O In critical situations note times and priorities in a note book, to be
entered into the log at the end of the watch
O Write neatly and correct properly. Do not rub out or erase
D Ensure all logs and data loggers have paper and ink
D Keep the compass error book up to date
D Postpone the general record keeping until after critical situations or
until relieved
On completion of this chapter you will appreciate that whilst an automated
bridge will assist in carrying out routine functions, you need to understand the
design capabilities and limitations of the system, to monitor it effectively, and to plan
ahead to verify that the ship is not subject to systems induced errors.
Levels of automation
Until recently, developments have taken place to improve the
performance of specialised items of bridge equipment. For example, target
plotting on radar has been done by computers and the new radars provide
daylight viewing.
Engine room control and monitoring equipment has been put on the
bridge of many ships and the OOW can monitor speed, consumption,
temperatures and many other parameters.
Some ships on dedicated short runs have the chart interfaced on the
radar. There are other systems where the radar is superimposed on the chart.
As with all highly automated equipment there are two distinct phases.
First, when the equipment is fully functional and secondly when there is a
The primary aim of the OOW must be to ensure the ship reaches its
destination in a safe and timely manner. In do so doing, the ship should never
be put into a situation of uncontrollable risk.
This study guide is based on the understanding that the OOW has a
proper knowledge of navigation, of the International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea and has some bridge experience. Where this is
not so, additional references are supplied in Annex 7.
1. Checking
— equipment
— errors
— yourself
— others
2. Monitoring
— the movement of instruments in response to commands
— the navigation of the pilot
— the activities of the Master when he is in control of the ship
— the weather and the sea state
— the activities of the crew
3. Controlling
— safe navigation
— collision avoidance
-— the threat, by deciding priorities
— the response, by calling for assistance when needed
4. Recording
— log books
— record books
— error books
The Nautical Institute Bridge Watchkeeping Group hope that this guide
has helped you to become a better watchkeeper and in time we hope you will
pass on your knowledge and experience for the benefit of others.
Supplement to
The Journal of The Nautical Institute
The Nautical Institute Council
THE AIM of bridge watchkeeping is to ensure the safe, timely departure, transit and arrival of ships. It is the
underlying discipline of the nautical profession. Nobody else but ourselves has this responsibility and it is
up to us to make sure that a ship is never put into a situation of uncontrollable risk. Bridge watchkeeping
when it is well organised and properly conducted can give the impression that it is simply a matter of
routine. This, however, belies the depth of knowledge, training, management, and command skills which
go towards effective practices.
Like all human endeavour, the intention to set good bridge watchkeeping standards has to start at the
top—that is the chairman of the company or the commander-in-chief. If they are in the shipping business
they must give support to the process which most protects their assets. It is foolhardy and irresponsible
not to.
Secondly, the marine managers have an obligation to formulate viable policies to provide competent
personnel and adequate navigational support to their ships. Thirdly, the masters and commanding officers
have to take the initiative to ensure that bridge watchkeeping practices and procedures are maintained in
accordance with their requirements.
There is no alternative to this chain of command, for it must be remembered that a ship is more than
private property. The actions or inactions of those on board affect other people. In this sense the ship is
most definitely acting in the public interest. The stranding which leads to pollution or the collision which
causes loss of life and damage to cargo, are matters of public concern. Every maritime casualty shames
our profession and we must find a positive response to reverse the decline in standards which members
have identified to be taking place at sea today.
It is for this reason that the Council of The Nautical Institute has provided their nautical briefing, to
reaffirm the essential nature of good watchkeeping practices. In so doing, it has produced a document
directed to senior ships' staff but for discussion in the board room and the officers' mess.
There can be no doubt that the predominant response from flag States, port States and management
to the impact of marine accidents has been towards more legislation, inspection and penalties. However,
I must emphasise that bad practices cannot be improved by regulations alone.
The process starts at the other end with a commitment to improving professionalism both ashore and
afloat by providing support and motivation, which we all know demands considerable energy. It is then
necessary to correct bad practices and give recognition to good performance. The expanded aim must
now be 'to encourage pride in the safe and timely departure, transit and arrival of ships' and this is
something to which we can all contribute.
Captain P. Boyle, FA//, President, The Nautical Institute; April 1993.
General requirements
1. Parties shall direct the attention of shipowners, ship operators, masters and watchkeeping
personnel to the following principles which shall be observed to ensure that a safe navigational
watch is maintained at all times.
The effective implementation of safe navigational be conducted, the way charts and nautical publications
practices requires a co-ordinated approach between the are to be kept up to date, the procedures to be followed
company and those on board. This is established for ensuring that essential navigational equipment is
through formal communication, company instructions available, calibrated and supported with manuals in the
and master's standing orders, and informal support language of the officers who have to use them.
through superintendence and briefings. Additionally the company will require the proper
This section is further reinforced by the IMO keeping of records and this must be specified to include
Guidelines for the Management of Safe Ship Operation log books, masters standing orders, supplementary
and Pollution Prevention which requires companies to orders, and the provision of essential navigational
provide a safety and environmental policy. warnings and information.
Specifically as part of this, the navigational policy It is the company's responsibility to ensure that all
must specify: personnel are properly trained for the tasks they are
(i) Responsibilities for navigation and the allocation of expected to perform and a reporting system should be
watchkeeping duties, used to identify training needs.
(ii) The bridge procedures to be followed (which may It is usual for a company's instructions to lay down
embrace the provisions of The Bridge Procedure the practices and procedures which are to be followed
Gu/de(2' issued by the International Chamber of throughout the fleet and it should be common practice
Shipping), to supply general standing orders so that masters need
(iii) Bridge administration. only amend them in writing to suit the particular
The company has the responsibility to provide circumstances of the ship and the voyage.
competent personnel who can communicate with each When considering bridge manning, companies must
other and speak maritime English for bridge ensure that bridge design, equipment, systems,
watchkeeping duties. There will remain doubts unless personnel, procedures and ergonomics are properly
the company specifies the way passage planning is to evaluated'31.
Masters' responsibilities
2. The master of every ship is bound to ensure that watchkeeping arrangements are adequate for
maintaining a safe navigational watch. Under the master's general direction, the officers of the
watch are responsible for navigating the ship safely during their periods of duty when they will be
particularly concerned with avoiding collision and stranding.
3. The basic principles, including but not limited to the following, shall be taken into account on
all ships.
To implement the provisions of this section the each navigating officer prior to the commencement of
master of every ship is required to issue standing orders the voyage.
in writing to be formally acknowledged and signed by Time has to be made available to see each navigating
officer and discuss the provisions of the standing orders used as they can lead to confusion and differences of
in detail to ensure that they are properly understood and opinion.
will be acted upon. There is a clear requirement for all Instead clear statements amplifying relevant parts of
newly-joined officers to be made familiar with the the standing orders should be used and special
bridge equipment, company instructions and master's requirements spelt out precisely — e.g. 'Call me when
standing orders before being permitted to take a watch. the vessel crosses the 150 metre line', 'Call me if any
A frequent difficulty is convincing the officer about the ship is to pass with a CPA of less than 2 miles'.
need to call the master when required. This may require This approach will remove any inherent difference of
firm follow-up action. opinion in the written orders. Masters should at all times
Standing orders should cover: encourage watchkeepers to call them if assistance is
(i) A general statement that the safety of the ship needed or when they have doubts about intentions or
must take precedence. No consideration of developing situations.
programme convenience or previous instructions Once the written orders have been discussed,
justify taking any risk which may place the ship in masters can then introduce a number of measures to
danger. monitor compliance. These should include positive
(ii) Measures to be taken before sailing and arrival: reporting concerning the availability and listing of
• Testing the gear, advising the engineroom. equipment; accurate and up-to-date record keeping
(iii) Activities and routines to be followed at sea: which can be verified; briefings concerning the passage
• General navigational standards expected. plan and expected navigational problems and concerns.
• Taking over the watch. At sea, the marking of estimated positions on the
• Checking instruments. chart provide an opportunity for the master to enter into
• Keeping logs and records. a dialogue with the watchkeeping officer concerning
• Use of check lists. allowances and errors. The exercise also encourages
• Use of navigational equipment. watchkeeping officers to think ahead, and provides an
• Keeping an effective lookout. * opportunity to give encouragement for accurate
• When to call the master. navigation.
• Changing from hand to automatic steering. Similarly with collision avoidance, the master can
• Use of engines. discuss particular situations or provide scenarios to
• Emergencies. evaluate 'whatever would happen if . . . ?' This
• Compliance with the ColRegs. technique can be used to prepare for emergencies and
• What to do in reduced visibility. encourage defensive navigational and collision
• Standards of navigation to be followed. avoidance practices to minimise risk.
• Clear instructions on use of VHP and that it should Checklists should be used where appropriate and the
not normally be used for collision avoidance. procedures for their use be included in masters standing
• Use of up-to-date charts and publications and orders. They can be useful when, for example, carrying
withdrawal of obsolete publications. out pre-sailing tests or setting up instrumentation. The
• Special communication requirements. aviation industry uses the double-check method
(iv) Activities and routines to be followed at anchor: whereby one officer reads out the item to be checked
• Checking the position. and the second officer gives the status. Which
• Ensuring appropriate navigation lights, shapes ever system is used, the appropriate officer should
and sound signals. sign the check-list and be accountable to the master
• Being prepared to warn other ships passing too when complete, and when deficiences are found.
closely. Examples of check lists are given in the ICS Bridge
• Establish the position of the anchor at the time it Procedure Guide.
was let go and the swing circle.
• Tell the master if a ship anchors too closely and The master's management responsibilities
be prepared to move. Less easy to define but implied in this section is the
(v) Activities and routines to be followed in port: requirement for masters to plan ahead, delegate,
• Provide safe access. control the navigation of the vessel, lead and motivate
• Keep ship alongside and mooring ropes firm. all bridge personnel, optimise the use of resources,
• Call assistance if needed. encourage team work, and support training.
• Maintain security. Management can be broken down into four
(vi) Activities and routines to be followed when taking concepts:151
or disembarking a pilot: 1 Clarity of purpose.
• Provision of pilot gear. 2 Delegation of authority.
• Those who must be in attendance. 3 Motivation.
• Information to be given to the pilot. 4 Economy of effort.
• Navigation with the pilot on board. Economics demand a cost effective passage time but
In addition to these general items, specific sections safety demands that corners should not be cut. Clarity
will need to be added for special circumstances.141 At of purpose implies preparing for the future and
night the master must write in the night order book obtaining the best information available to enable
specifically what he expects of the watchkeeping decisions to be made so that a proper appraisal can be
officer(s). These orders must be signed by each officer made without compromising safety standards.
when going on watch. Delegation is by no means straightforward. Some
Statements like 'when in doubt call me' or 'call me if confusion exists in traditional roles and relationships on
any vessel approaches too closely' should never be board and they can vary from ship to ship. The master
is responsible for the safe navigation of the vessel and back-up bridge personnel in fog, or where there is high
he delegates authority to the officer of the watch who traffic density. Although planning is exacting, being
may delegate part of that authority to a lookout. In prepared saves time and effort in the long term.
delegating authority to an officer the master must Putting management into practical questions can
satisfy himself that the tasks and resources have been also help create clarity of purpose.
assigned to that person and that a means of monitoring
• The present: Have I got the right information coming
performance are also put in place.
forward so that I can plan ahead and harmonise
Motivation is not only difficult to define but depends
activities on board?
upon personality, conditions, communications and
• The future: Have I anticipated and planned for the
rewards. It is necessary to be realistic in what can be
future so that I can optimise the resources at my
achieved in a given situation. However, some general
guidance can be given. In the first instance it is the
• Relationship with the company: Are my actions
company's management which is responsible for
supporting the company's objectives? Do I need
creating the conditions which will encourage
clarification on specific issues?
motivation in seagoing personnel. The master is then
• Relationships with the crew: Does everybody know
able to apply his energy to this all important aspect of
the ships' itinerary? Are all crew members informed
ship management without having to resort to
of progress? Do all on board know what is expected
apologetic compromise.
of them?
Secondly, it is always easier to motivate people by
involving them when planning ahead rather than only To improve management performance The Nautical
complaining if jobs have not been done properly. Institute administers a series of management modules
Economy of effort implies that the master uses the to be followed through distance learning. Each module
resources available to the best advantage. Typically 80 is laid out in such a way that the purpose is explained
per cent of a voyage will be in areas of low activity and and individuals are asked to relate the new skills
20 per cent in areas of high activity. These ratios are acquired to their own work situation. Relevant modules
reversed for vessels in the coastal trades. Voyage are 'Setting Objectives and Planning; Controlling;
planning must therefore take into account the need for Delegating; and Leading and Motivating Staff'16'.
Watch arrangements
4. (a) The composition of the watch shall at all times be adequate and appropria'te to the prevailing
circumstances and conditions and shall take into account the need for maintaining a proper
(b) When deciding the composition of the watch on the bridge which may include appropriate
deck ratings, the following factors, inter alia, shall be taken into account:
(i) At no time shall the bridge be left unattended; ,
(ii) Weather conditions, visibility and whether there is daylight or darkness;
(iii) Proximity of navigational hazards which may make it necessary for the officer in charge
of the watch to carry out additional navigational duties;
(iv) Use and operational condition of navigational aids such as radar or electronic position-
indicating devices and any other equipment affecting the safe navigation of the ship;
(v) Whether the ship is fitted with automatic steering;
(vi) Any unusual demands on the navigational watch that may arise as a result of special
operational circumstances.
This clear unambiguous section needs little further put upon crew for maintenance, hatch cleaning, tank
comment and provides practical guidelines for the washing and so on. However, the overriding principle
master to decide on appropriate bridge manning. must apply that the safe navigation of the vessel must
It is appreciated that there are many other demands have precedence over other routine operations.
Fitness for duty
5 The watch system shall be such that the efficiency of watchkeeping officers and watchkeeping
ratings is not impaired by fatigue. Duties shall be so organised that the first watch at the
commencement of a voyage and the subsequent relieving watches are sufficiently rested and
otherwise fit for duty.
The joint IMO/ILO working group examining the Although not specifically mentioned above it is often
subject concluded: 'Fatigue can be induced by the master who becomes the most fatigued person on
prolonged periods of mental and physical activity, board. In this context proper guidance from the
inadequate rest, adverse environmental factors and company should be provided.
physiological stress or other psychological factors.' These principles demonstrate however that the
The obvious effect of fatigue is that the individual master does have the authority to take such measures
becomes so tired he cannot properly carry out his duties; as are necessary to avoid fatigue.
the danger of mental fatigue is that it can creep up on Typical guidance might be given as follows:
individuals without them being aware of it. Research The officer required to take the first navigational
has shown that fatigue causes an individual to focus watch after sailing must have adequate rest prior to
attention more and more on what are perceived to be the sailing. When it is possible to vary watch times during
most important tasks. In doing so peripheral warnings passage, a change of programme may be used, in
are likely to go unnoticed. This applies particularly to suitable circumstances, to ensure key officers have
vigilance which may be considerably reduced. sufficient rest.
Navigation ,,..„,
6 (a) The intended voyage shall be planned in advance taking into consideration all pertinent
information and any course laid down shall be checked before the voyage commences.
(b) During the watch the course steered, position and speed shall be checked at sufficiently
frequent intervals, using any available navigational aids necessary, to ensure that the ship
follows the planned course.
(c) The officer of the watch shall have a full knowledge of the location and operation of all safety
and navigational equipment on board the ship and shall be aware and take account of the
operating limitations of such equipment.
(d) The officer in charge of a navigational watch shall not be assigned or undertake any duties
which would interfere with the safe navigation of the ship.
Navigational equipment
7 (a) The officer of the watch shall make the most effective use of all navigational equipment at his
(b) When using radar, the officer of the watch shall bear in mind the necessity to comply at all
times with the provisions on the use of radar contained in the applicable regulations for
preventing collision at sea.
(c) In cases of need the officer of the watch shall not hesitate to use the helm, engines and sound
signalling apparatus.
Passage planning is to be the subject of a further The fix interval should be such that the vessel can not
Nautical Briefing and so a few notes only are included. be set appreciably off track or into danger by the
The plan needs to be drawn up from berth to berth, anticipated effects of tidal stream, wind or currents in
including pilotage waters, and prior to sailing will need the period between successive fixes. As the ship
to be updated from the latest navigational warnings. approaches confined waters the fix interval becomes
A well prepared plan can help to remove doubts shorter. When appropriate navigational marks have
about the most appropriate action to take. For example, been identified pilotage techniques should be used.
how far is it possible to deviate from the track without A routine which requires considerable attention is the
exceeding the safety margins? What is the initial course changing of charts, the transfer of position and the
to steer allowing for set and drift? In the event of an relationship between scale and navigational
emergency or a black out, how far can the ship drift instruments in use.
safely before dropping the anchor? What is the best
time to arrive at the next port? On what VHF channel is Checking
the next pilot station? Although not specifically stated in the Principles,
Whatever the situation it must be made explicitly checking is an essential part of navigational practice.
clear to all watchkeepers that the keeping of the The ICS Guide states that 'in order to achieve a sound
planned schedule is of secondary importance to the and efficient bridge organisation procedures should be
safe navigation of the ship. established to minimise the risk that an error made by
one person will have disastrous and inevitable
Monitoring consequences.' It must become normal practice to
The bridge watchkeeper has the responsibility to check one's own workings and the workings of others.
ensure the safe conduct of the ship along the planned Checking starts with training and when trainees do
track. This is achieved through monitoring and directing something wrong, they should be asked to resubmit the
the navigation of the ship in relation to the availability of correct working. This enables the exercise to end on a
safe water and the movement of other vessels. positive note and also provides an occasion to
Track control in confined waters can be achieved demonstrate the value of checking.
through pilotage techniques which include the use of The officer laying off tracks on the chart should
headmarks, transits and radar parallel index methods. expect to have them checked; the master who makes
The use of parallel index techniques enable cross- an unscheduled alteration of course should expect to be
track error to be monitored from the radar work station. checked and queried; the pilot's helm orders need to be
This technique has particular value in times of reduced verified and checked; engine movements need to be
visibility, but needs to be practised and applied where checked against revolutions; and instrument errors
appropriate radar conspicuous targets are available. need to be checked regularly and the results recorded to
Whenever a master or officer of the watch detects ascertain trends.
that the vessel is deviating from the track it is essential Radar can become detuned and the heading marker
to question the possible cause. This is most likely to be can become misaligned. Instruments like radar which
due to set, wind and current, but it may be due to an rely on a variety of sensors for input will also be
instrument error, degradation of the radar, affected by gyro errors, log errors and calibration errors.
misalignment of the heading marker or other related Radio navigation aids will be affected by propagation
cause. errors and may be affected by a disruption in power
The need to confirm the ship's position frequently is supplies.
a statement which needs further examination. A fix When fixing the ship, additional errors can occur
should be taken whenever the vessel completes a turn through the wrong identification of a landmark and
on to a new track and at regular intervals thereafter. through making a mistake when transposing radar or
bearing information onto the chart. Whenever possible be available to back up all electronic equipment.
three bearings should be used and a range and bearing Implicit in the use of GPS is the mapping arrangement
taken from the radar should be confirmed by at least an used by the satellite and the position of the land as
extra bearing or an extra range. provided on the chart. It is essential to verify the ship's
position against a known land datum before using
Whenever there is any doubt, additional information Satnav in conjunction with supporting methods for
should be sought from the depth recorder and other
coastal navigation.
aids. Many strandings could have been averted if
Navigational systems are sometimes linked to a
information from the depth recorder had been available.
system of way points through the automatic pilot. It is
Increasingly the Global Positioning System (GPS) is essential that the co-ordinates of way points are double
being adopted as the primary navigational source on checked and that the track between way points is
board. This system has global coverage 24 hours a checked from the chart. Alteration of course must in all
day with a position update approximately every circumstances be positively accepted by the
second and a claimed accuracy of 100 metres. watchkeeping officer, who must verify that the
By using differential GPS involving a land-based alteration is safe and that there are no other ships likely
receiver/transmitter it is possible to obtain accuracies of to be affected in the vicinity.
6-7 metres. However, errors can occur both in Frequent checks should be made between bridge
transmission propogation and reception and the compasses and an external verification of compass
simplicity of the readout should not be taken as errors through an azimuth or transit should be made
infallible. Also, satellite transmissions are sometimes once a watch. The results should be properly recorded
interfered with. Alternative navigational practices must to detect any error tendencies.
Navigational duties and responsibilities
8 (a) The officer in charge of the watch shall:
(i) Keep his watch on the bridge which he shall in no circumstances leave until properly
(ii) Continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the ship, despite the presence of the
master on the bridge, until the master informs him specifically that he-has assumed that
responsibility and this is mutually understood;
(iii) Notify the master when in any doubt as to what action to take in the interest of safety;
(iv) Not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if he has reason to believe that the latter
is obviously not capable of carrying out his duties effectively, in which case he shall
notify the master accordingly.
(b) On taking over the watch the relieving officer shall satisfy himself as to the ship's estimated
or true position and confirm its intended track, course and speed and shall note any dangers
to navigation expected to be encountered during his watch.
(c) A proper record shall be kept of the movements and activities during the watch relating to the
navigation of the ship.
Traditionally the master has 'taken over' the watch a status report concerning the ship and engines, work
when approaching 'difficult' situations. However, being carried out and so on. To avoid misunderstanding
provided the vessel is not in immediate danger, a good any course alterations should be completed before
case can be argued for the master to oversee the handing over.
situation whilst leaving the watchkeeping officer to At night the relieving officer should have time to
deal with it. This allows the master to take a broader adapt to night time vision and at all times he should
view and it is easier for him to question the activities of make a point of checking the information and status
the watchkeeping officer than it is for the supplied by the officer being relieved. In this way the
watchkeeping officer to question the master. change of watch can be considered as an act of
A junior officer will tend to be reluctant to question verification rather than as an act of discontinuity.
the master's actions. So the master acting in a Matters relating to the keeping of records are
supporting role can strengthen the bridge team, add to mentioned elsewhere but it can be noted in 8(b) 'the
safety and give the watchkeeping officer more relieving officer shall satisfy himself as to the ship's
confidence. estimated or true position and confirm its intended
The master must make it clear in unambiguous track, course and speed'. But in 6(b) it states that 'the
language when he is taking over the control of the ship course steered, position and speed shall be checked at
and when he is handing it back. sufficiently frequent intervals, . . . to ensure the ship
A master should encourage the watchkeeping officer follows the planned course'.
to give him a brief description of his intended actions. Here is just one example of how traditional words
Under these circumstances the master can consider the assume a variety of meanings which can become
intentions, can amend them and still allow the confusing because of their multiple interpretations. To
watchkeeping officer to keep the initiative and avoid confusion the Council of The Nautical Institute
implement the appropriate manoeuvres. defined navigational terms'7'.
The importance of handing over the watch to ensure
Track is the path followed or to be followed between
continuity requires commitment by both the relieved
one position and another.
and relieving officer. The officer being relieved should
have a handover position on the chart, a clear picture of Course is the intended heading as related to the
traffic and hazards in the area, verified equipment, and compass.
9. In addition to maintaining a proper lookout for the purpose of fully appraising the situation and the
risk of collision, stranding and other dangers to navigation, the duties of lookout shall include the
detection of ships or aircraft in distress, shipwrecked persons, wrecks and debris. In maintaining
a lookout the following shall be observed:
(a) The lookout must be able to give full attention to the keeping of a proper lookout and no other
duties shall be undertaken or assigned which could interfere with that task.
(b) The duties of lookout and helmsman are separate and the helmsman shall not be considered
to be the lookout while steering, except in small ships where an unobstructed all-round view
is provided at the steering position and there is no impairment of night vision or other
impediment to the keeping of a proper lookout. The officer in charge of the watch may be the
sole lookout in daylight provided that on each such occasion:
(i) The situation has been carefully assessed and it has been established without doubt that
it is safe to do so;
(ii) Full account has been taken of all relevant factors including, but not limited to:
• State of weather.
• Visibility.
• Traffic density.
• Proximity of danger to navigation.
• The attention necessary when navigating in or near traffic/separation schemes;
(iii) Assistance is immediately available to be summoned to the bridge when any change in
the situation so requires.
An analysis of the reports received by the Institute demands a balanced assessment between outside
over the past 20 years indicates that in open waters the view, radar and chart.
predominant cause of collision was failure to maintain a Experienced watchkeepers are constantly seeking to
proper lookout. In some cases the ships, fishing vessels verify the situation, and part of the reason for this is that
or yachts were not seen or even detected at all and in it is not possible to predict with certainty what other
other cases they were detected too late to avoid a vessels are going to do based upon past observations.
close-quarters situation.
Masters must ensure that watchkeeping officers When conducting a visual lookout, the eye is most
understand that the keeping of a vigilant lookout is likely to detect new targets when they break the line of
essential. the horizon. Targets can also be obscured in blind arcs
The use of radar and ARPA as aids to collision and unless the bridge is particularly well designed the
avoidance particularly in poor visibility must not detract watchkeeping officer will need to move to obtain a clear
from the requirement that a visual lookout is kept. view of the surrounding sea.
To ascertain risk of collision it is necessary to The following table provides a comparison between
establish whether or not the compass bearing is chang- the merits of visual and radar observation which can be
ing. At sea ships move relative to each other but when used when deciding look-out priorities. It must not be
navigating, the watchkeeping officer also has to be forgotten that the watchkeeping officer also has to be
aware of how the ship is moving relative to the ground. vigilant concerning activities onboard and the effect of
Watchkeeping and maintaining a proper lookout weather on the ship, crew and equipment.
Reliable Generally reliable
Sensitive to colour Does not get tired
Can assess aspect Accurate range information
Can identity small targets Stable bearing platform
Can see light configurations Simplifies the overview
Can assess ship types Can penetrate fog
Can identify conspicuous marks Better penetration in rain and snow
Can identify flashing lights Useful for predictive collision avoidance
Has better discrimination Predictive navigation (parallel index)
Can see changing weather patterns Can have longer range (height of aerial)
Can see effect of sea on vessel Can have low down port approach aerial to minimise clutter
Not affected by blind arcs (if observer movesl
LIMITATIONS OF THE EYE Misses small targets
Poor at assessing distance (worse at night) Can miss substantial targets in clutter
Subject to night adaptation Can de-tune
Degradation through glare (worse with age) Prone to inherent and input errors
Gets tired searching Targets need transponders for positive identification
Binoculars needed for early identification Is prone to interference
(particularly on high speed vessels) Cannot discriminate as well as the eye
Cannot identify ship types or operations
Cannot assess aspect immediately
Bearings less accurate than compass
Pilots are engaged for a variety of reasons depending watch to form a bridge team together with the pilot.
upon circumstances which include pilotage based upon The pilot also has a role to play in informing 'the bridge'
local knowledge, liaison, ship handling and bridge about relevant information from the shore VTS.
support. The officer of the watch should ask the pilot about his
The duty of a pilot is to direct the navigation of the intentions and support him by checking his actions.
ship, and to conduct it so far as the course and speed of Increasingly sea pilots are confronted with language
the ship is concerned. He liaises with the VTS, difficulties and find themselves alone on the bridges of
organises the use of tugs and advises on the use of ships for considerable periods. Their ability to call the
moorings and towing lines. crew or cope with an emergency under these
The position of the pilot on board a vessel is aptly circumstances is dangerously limited, and they must
summarised by the Canadian Royal Commission on never be left unattended.
Pilotage, Ottawa 1968, as follows: In spite of a clear statement of roles and
responsibilities, there is considerable uncertainty in the
. . . 'to conduct a ship' must not be confused
master/pilot relationship. It concerns the questions
with 'being in command of a ship'. The first
'Who is in charge of the navigation of the ship' and
expression refers to action, to a personal
'What levels of interference will be tolerated by those
service being performed; the second to a
on the bridge at the time?'-
power. The question whether a pilot has
The principal causes are:'81
control of navigation is a question of fact and
Unclear regulations.
not of law. The fact that a pilot has been given
Lack of communication between master and pilot.
control of the ship for navigational purposes
Navigation of the vessel is completely handed over
does not mean that the pilot has superseded
to the pilot.
the master. The master is, and remains, in
Master monitoring the pilot subjectively.
command; he is the authority aboard. He may,
Watch officer reluctant to question the pilot.
and does, delegate part of his authority to
Insufficient appraisal and planning of the pilotage
subordinates and to outside assistants whom
he employs to navigate his ship—i.e., pilots. A
• Errors and omissions by the pilot detected too late to
delegation of power is not an abandonment of
avoid an accident.
authority, but one way of exercising authority.
Being aware that these omissions may lead to an
Preparations to embark and disembark a pilot and the undetected error is the basis for working out company
rigging of the pilot ladder are important considerations policies and operational procedures to remedy the
which require careful attention to avoid accidents and situation.
danger to life. The problem is a serious one and has been quantified
When a pilot boards he joins the bridge team. Ideally in the Analysis of Claims 1992 conducted by the UK
a card will be made up which will include all the P&l Club191. During the year the Club had 156 property
information that a pilot is likely to need, such as call damage claims totalling $ 160 million comprising 11 per
sign, draught, tonnages, dimensions, engine and cent of claims by number and 20 per cent by value.
propeller details, manoeuvring speeds, steering and The report goes on to say: 'There is a need to improve
thruster details, anchors and cable lengths, air draught communication between the master and pilot and for
and details of bridge equipment. Also to be reported there to be a clear understanding between them as to
should be compass errors and any radar heading errors. who is responsible for what task at each stage in the
The Nautical Institute is encouraging pilots to provide manoeuvring of the ship.' The report stresses the need
a pilotage plan to enable the master and/or officer of the for appropriate training in this area.
.4 procedures for the use of main engines to manoeuvre when the main engines are on bridge control; and
.5 navigational situation, including but not limited to:
.5.1 the operational condition of all navigational and safety equipment being used or likely to be used during the watch,
.5.2 the errors of gyro- and magnetic compasses,
.5.3 the presence and movement of ships in sight or known to be in the vicinity.
.5.4 the conditions and hazards likely to be encountered during the watch, and
.5.5 the possible effects of heel, trim, water density and squat on under-keel clearance.
22. If at any time the officer in charge of the navigational watch is to be relieved when a manoeuvre or other action to avoid any
hazard is taking place, the relief of that officer shall be deferred until such action has been completed.
Performing the navigational watch
23. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall:
.1 keep the watch on the bridge;
.2 in no circumstances leave the bridge until properly relieved;
.3 continue to be responsible for the safe navigation of the ship, despite the presence of the master on the bridge, until
informed specifically that the master has assumed that responsibility and this is mutually understood; and
.4 notify the master when in any doubt as to what action to take in the interest of safety.
24. During the watch the course steered, position and speed shall be checked at sufficiently frequent intervals, using any available
navigational aids necessary, to ensure that the ship follows the planned course.
25. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall have full knowledge of the location and operation of all safety and
navigational equipment on board the ship and shall be aware and take account of the operating limitations of such equipment.
26. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall not be assigned or undertake any duties which would interfere with the
safe navigation of the ship.
27. Officers of the navigational watch shall make the most effective use of all navigational equipment at their disposal.
28. When using radar, the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall bear in mind the necessity to comply at all times with
the provisions on the use of radar contained in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, in force.
29. In cases of need, the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall not hesitate to use the helm, engines and sound signalling
apparatus. However, timely notice of intended variations of engine speed shall be given where possible or effective use made of UMS
engine controls provided on the bridge in accordance with the applicable procedures.
30. Officers of the navigational watch shall know the handling characteristics of their ship, including its stopping distances, and
should appreciate that other ships may have different handling characteristics.
31. A proper record shall be kept during the watch of the movements and activities relating to the navigation of the ship.
32. It is of special importance that at all times the officer in charge of the navigational watch ensures that a proper look-out is
maintained. In a ship with a separate chartroom the officer in charge of the navigational watch may visit the chartroom, when essential,
for a short period for the necessary performance of navigational duties, but shall first ensure that it is safe to do so and that proper look-
out is maintained.
33. Operational tests of shipboard navigational equipment shall be carried out at sea as frequently as practicable and as
circumstances permit, in particular before hazardous conditions affecting navigation are expected. Whenever appropriate, these tests
shall be recorded. Such tests shall also be carried out prior to port arrival and departure.
34. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall make regular checks to ensure that:
.1 the person steering the ship or the automatic pilot is steering the correct course;
.2 the standard compass error is determined at least once a watch and, when possible, after any major alteration of course;
the standard and gyro-compasses are frequently compared and repeaters are synchronized with their master compass;
.3 the automatic pilot is tested manually at least once a watch;
.4 the navigation and signal lights and other navigational equipment are functioning properly;
.5 the radio equipment is functioning properly in accordance with paragraph 86 (reference the radio watch) of this section;
.6 the UMS controls, alarms and indicators are functioning properly.
35. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall bear in mind the necessity to comply at all times with the requirements in
force of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974. (See regulations V/19, V/19-1 and V/19-2.) The officer
of the navigational watch shall take into account:
.1 the need to station a person to steer the ship and to put the steering into manual control in good time to allow any
potentially hazardous situation to be dealt with in a safe manner; and
.2 that with a ship under automatic steering it is highly dangerous to allow a situation to develop to the point where the
officer in charge of the navigational watch is without assistance and has to break the continuity of the look-out in order
to take emergency action.
• 36. Officers of the navigational watch shall be thoroughly familiar with the use of all electronic navigational aids carried, including
their capabilities and limitations, and shall use each of these aids when appropriate and shall bear in mind that the echo-sounder is a
valuable navigational aid.
37. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall use the radar whenever restricted visibility is encountered or expected, and
at all times in congested waters, having due regard to its limitations.
38. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall ensure that range scales employed are changed at sufficiently frequent
intervals so that echoes are detected as early as possible. It shall be borne in mind that small or poor echoes may escape detection.
39. Whenever radar is in use, the officer in charge of the navigational watch shall select an appropriate range scale and observe the
display carefully, and shall ensure that plotting or systematic analysis is commenced in ample time.
40. The officer in charge of the navigational watch shall notify the master immediately:
.1 if restricted visibility is encountered or expected;
.2 if the traffic conditions or the movements of other ships are causing concern;
This annex contains relevant sections from the IMO Standard International Marine
Vocabulary with which you must become familiar.
Shipping has a long history and uses many special words which are not part of
everyday speech ashore. They take time to learn and often sound unfamiliar to trainees. The
IMO introduced a vocabulary of navigational terms to standardise terms and orders to
improve meaning and avoid confusion.
Communications can be improved by use of the correct procedures and the adoption
of SEASPEAK — which sets out to put the context of the communication first with simple
pointers, e.g.
• "Information — my draft is 6 metres"
• "Question — what is your ETA?"
« "Answer —my ETA is 1430" »,
The use of these simple pointers gives non-English speakers a chance to tune in to the
message and enables them to concentrate more intently on the content. The IMO Standard
Marine Navigational Vocabulary must be studied and you should be ready to answer
questions at the end.
1 Procedure/message markers
When it is necessary to indicate that phrases in this vocabulary are to be used, the
following messages may be sent:-
"Please use the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary."
"I will use the Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary."
2 Standard verbs
Where possible, sentences should be introduced by one of the following verb forms:
Always to be used when mandatory orders are being given
You must Do not Must I?
Where the answer to a question is in the affirmative, say:-
"yes ..." — followed by the appropriate phrase in full
Where the information is not immediately available but soon will be, say:-
"stand by"
5 Miscellaneous phrases
5.1 What is your name (and call sign)?
5.2 How do you read me?
5.3 I read you ... with signal strength ...
(bad / I ) (1 / barely perceptible)
(poor / 2) (2 / weak)
(fair / 3) (3 / fairly good)
(good / 4) (4 / good)
(excellent / 5) (5 / very good)
5.4 Stand-by on channel... .*
5.5 Change to channel...
5.6 I cannot read you. (Pass you message through vessel...) (Advise try channel ...)
5.7 I cannot understand you. Please use the . . .
• (Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary)
• (International Code of Signals)
5.8 I am passing a message for vessel...
5.9 Correction...
5.10 I am ready to receive your message
5.11 I am not ready to receive you message
5.12 I do not have channel... Please use channel...
6 Repetition
If any partsof the messageare considered sufficiently important to need safeguarding,
use the word ''repeat"
Examples: "You will load 163 repeat 163 tons bunkers
"Do not repeat not overtake"
7 Position
When latitude and longitudeare used, these shall be expressed in degreesand minutes
(and decimals of a minute if necessary), north or south of the Equator and east or west of
When the position is related to a mark, the mark shall be a well-defined charted object.
The bearing shall be in the 360 degree notation from true north and shall be that of the position
FROM the mark.
Examples: "There are salvage operations in position 15 degrees 34 minutes north
61 degrees 29 minutes west."
"Your position is 13/degrees from Barr Head lighthouse distance two
decimal four miles."
8 Courses
Al ways to be expressed in 360 degree notation from north (true north unless otherwise
stated). Whether this is TO or FROM a mark can be stated.
Note: Vessels reporting their position should always quote their bearing FROM the
mark, as described in paragraph 7.
Relative Bearings
Relative bearings can be expressed in degrees relative to the vessel's head or bow.
More frequently this is in relation to the port or starboard bow
Example: "The buoy is 030" on your port bow."
Relative D/F bearings are more commonly expressed in the 360 degree notation.
10 Distances
Preferably to be expressed in nautical miles or cables (tenths of a mile) otherwise in
kilometres or metres, the units always to be stated.
11 Speed
To be expressed in knots:
(a) without further notation meaning speed through the water; or -
(b) "ground speed" meaning speed over the ground.
12 Numbers
Numbers are to be spoken:
"One-five-zero" for 150,
"Two point five" for 2-5.
13 Geographical names
Place names used should be those on the chart or Sailing Directions in use. Should
these not be understood, latitude and longitude should be given.
14 Time
Times should be expressed in the 24 hour notation indicating whether UTC, zone time
or local shore time is being used.
Note: In cases not covered by the above phraseology normal radiotelephone practice
will prevail.
Supplement to
The Journal of The Nautical Institute
The Nautical Institute Council
PASSAGE PLANNING is a way of minimising the risk of navigational errors. With tighter schedules, reduced
manning, faster turn-rounds and more intense operations, the requirement for pre-planning becomes
even more necessary.
The aim of passage planning is to prepare for the navigation of a ship so that the intended passage
can be executed from berth to berth in a safe manner in respect of both the vessel and protection of
the environment, as well as ensuring positive control of the vessel at all times. Without planning, the
time to process essential information may not be available at critical times when the navigator is
occupied confirming landmarks, altering course, avoiding traffic and carrying out other bridge duties
such as communications. Under these circumstances mistakes can be made and errors go undetected.
A particular benefit of planning is that it enables the appropriate navigational methods to be used at
different phases of the voyage. In narrow or confined waters it becomes more important to concentrate
on forward-looking pilotage techniques. However, before they can be applied it is necessary to provide
detailed guidance in advance.
Passage planning can be time consuming and therefore carries a cost in terms of human resources,
expertise and supporting administration.
The value of passage planning is difficult to quantify. If it is done well, and the ship's navigation is
consistently reliable, then there is no cost penalty against which to assess its relative merits to the
company. However, if it is not practised, the costs of navigational incidents can be significant.
Some guidance is provided in the STCW Convention concerning 'Basic Principles to be Observed in
Keeping a Navigational Watch' which states that:
'The intended voyage shall be planned in advance taking into consideration all pertinent
information and any course laid down should be checked before the voyage
Captain LA. Holder, ExC, MPhil, FNl, FRIN, FCIT, President, The Nautical Institute, January 1994.
plan must take into account the expected traffic flow
PASSAGE PLANNING and be flexible enough to allow for collision avoidance
in line with the International Regulations for
preventing Collisions at Sea.
THE AIM of this briefing is to demonstrate to govern-
ments, marine management, masters, pilots and deck TABLE 1 , .
officers that passage planning from berth to berth is Information sources for passage planning
an essential navigational discipline and that it must be include:
supported, encouraged and applied as part of bridge 1. Chart catalogue.
team management. 2 Navigational charts.
3. Ocean passages for the world.
Scope 4. Routeing charts, pilot charts and IMO Ship s
This Nautical Institute briefing outlines the Routeing.
principles of berth-to-berth passage planning. It covers 5. Sailing directions and pilot books.
the subject within the context of coastal navigation; 6. Light lists.
however, ocean passages must also be planned m 7. Tide tables.
detail It assumes a knowledge of navigation and the 8 Tidal stream atlases.
use, and limitations, of radar and other aids to a Notices to Mariners (Navareas, Hydrolants,
navigation. Hydropacs).
10. Radio signal information (including VTS and
Planning port service).
The purpose of passage planning is to ensure
positive control over the safe navigation of the ship at
IT. Climatic informafion,
all times. To achieve this purpose, the ship's track to
oceanoorapb/c data. Weather, seastate
be made good, once it has been finally put on to the
ice forecasts,
12. Leadline chart.
chart, will become the focus of attention. 13. Distance tables.
For ferries, liners and other vessels engaged on 14. Electronic navigational systems informa-
regular passages, the passage plan will have been tion.
established for normal operating conditions and only 15. Radio and local warnings.
the variable items like weather and tidal information 16. Owner's and other unpublished sources.
will need to be updated. If, however, the vessel 17. Manoeuvring data.
changes route or the officers change, then thorough 18. Personal experience.
briefings will need to take place. 19. Mariner's Handbook.
For the majority of ships visiting different ports, the 20. Guide to Port Entry.
process of planning must be given due consideration.
Early advice about an intended voyage may come
from a variety of sources and frequently the master
will need to provide a voyage itinerary quickly, TABLE 2.
covering distances, times and restrictions for Vessel's status reports needed for passage
provisional cargo bookings. Once the intended voyage planning include:
has been confirmed, planning will commence in detail. 1. Main propulsion system.
The master should discuss an outline route with the 2. Steering gear.
navigation officer. The appraisal process will then take 3. Navigational equipment
place, during which all relevant information will be 4. Anchors,
collected from sources such as those listed in Table 1, 5. Thrusters.
while bearing in mind those parameters listed in 6. Auxiliaries.
Table 2. 7. Trim and draught of vessel and air draught
This information will then be used in preparing the 8. Transverse stability.
plan, along with guidance from the master 9. The availability of manpower.
concerning, for example,the clearing distances which
he considers appropriate. The navigating officer will
ensure that the ship can always be navigated in safe Preparing the plan
waters, that critical parts of the voyage are identified, When preparing the plan the navigating officer will
voyage timings are checked and that the appropriate need to take account of the following
navigational techniques required for each part of the • Adequate underkeel clearance at all times, including
voyage are highlighted. It has to be stressed that the allowances for squat, pitch, roll, swell, predicted
plan must be complete, from berth to berth. The plan tidal height and possible increase of draught due to
must also include those parts of the voyage during heel and trim.
which it is expected that a pilot will be on board. • Safe distances off dangers, allowing for weather,
The construction of a passage plan encourages all tidal stream, anticipated traffic, reliability of survey
those concerned to think ahead, to foresee potential data, availability of safe water and navigational
problems and plan a strategy to minimise risk. systems in use.
Contingency plans must be made, such as identifying • Alter-course positions which can be monitored
deep-water escape routes from turns, possible conveniently by means of radar or by visual
alternative routes and emergency anchorages. The bearings.
• Management of chart changes, which should not ensure that all watchkeeping officers are properly
occur at critical points of the passage. briefed; and that the plan is kept amended and up to
• Traffic Separation Schemes, and the requirements date for the intended passage.
of Rule 10.
• Predicted tidal information, leading to the pre-
working of allowances for set. Tidal constraints Monitoring the passage plan
limiting ETD/ETA at locks, etc. It is common practice on merchant ships to fix the
• Visibility of lights, rising/dipping distances, arcs and ship's position and then make an allowance for set and
colours of light sectors. drift depending upon offset from the previous fix. This
• Safe speeds along the route, leading to a speed approach to navigation is REACTIVE, being based
plan, and an ETA plan, making due allowance for upon past observations. If either of these is wrong,
possible reduced visibility. A plan for reducing then any predictions using them will be erroneous.
speed under control should be considered. When using fixes in this way, it is usually better to
• Selection of depths for comparison with the echo- make the fixes at regular intervals. This enables a
sounder, taking note of the predicted height of tide. simple check to be made with respect to speed. It also
• Reporting points, VHP frequencies, VTS helps the quick and effective calculation of short-term
requirements, areas of special concern and pilot EPs (Estimated Positions), using the latest course and
stations. Points for taking tugs. speed made good, to warn of any immediate
• Abort positions and contingency plans in case of problems developing.
accident or emergency or bad visibility. However, in narrow waters, techniques need to be
• The primary and secondary systems of navigation used which enable the navigator to maintain a forward
to be used. outlook, that is to be PROACTIVE, whilst monitoring
Requirements for any electronic chart systems. the deviation from the intended track being made
All charts and publications available are up to date. good. Frequent, hurried visits to the chart table to fix
Equipment status. the vessel's position may not be the most effective use
Margins of allowable error, safety clearing bearings of the time available. Also, whilst doing this the overall
and ranges. sense of awareness can be interrupted and it is easy
The making up of a bridge, or conning, notebook. during critical phases to become disorientated. It is
Choice of ocean route (circle, composite or rhumb worth remembering to monitor the echo-sounder.
line). This instrument can often provide the first warning
• Choice of ocean route to avoid weather/ice. signs that the vessel is standing into danger, since in
The master must satisfy himself that the passage almost all situations the nearest land is beneath the
plan meets all his requirements and he must then vessel.
Passage planning therefore should be a preparation for effective piloting by selecting, and
marking in advance, those relevant navigational techniques which will lead to safe control of the
ship and adherence to the plan.
This point was emphasised in the Nautical Briefing the period between fixes. As the ship approaches
on Bridge Watchkeeping, when the Council of The confined waters the fix interval becomes shorter.
Nautical Institute observed that: When appropriate navigational markers have been
The need to confirm the ship's position frequently identified, pilotage techniques should be used.'
is a statement which needs further examination. A fix
should be taken whenever the vessel completes a turn There can be a reluctance amongst some officers to
on a new track and at regular intervals thereafter. The accept pilotage techniques as valid methods of
fix interval should be such that the vessel cannot be navigation. This inhibits their use and application, so
set appreciably off track or into danger by the depriving the bridge team of predictive information
anticipated effects of tidal stream, wind or currents in when it is most needed.
REQUIRED BOARDING ARRANGEMENTS FOR PILOT In accordance with I.M.O. requirements and I.M.P.A. recommendations
H.Q.S. "Wellington", Temple Stairs, Victoria Embankment, London WC2R 2PN Tel: +44 (0)20 7240 3973 Fax: +44 (0)20 7240 3518
Lifebuoy with~ -
If-ignitine light Bulwark ladder secured to ship
Annex 6
as amended in 1981,1987,1989,1993 and 2003 (Nov)
Part A — General
(a) These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters
connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels.
(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made
by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterways
connected with the high seas and navigable by seagoing vessels. Such special rules shall
conform as closely as possible to these Rules.
(c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of any special rules
made by the Government of any State with respect to additional station or signal lights,
shapes or whistle signals for ships of war and vessels proceeding under convoy, or with
respect to additional station or signal lights or shapes for fishing vessels engaged in fishing
as a fleet. These additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals shall, so far as
possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light, shape or signal authorized
elsewhere under these Rules.
(d) Traffic separation schemes may be adopted by the Organisation for the
purpose of these Rules.
(e) Whenever the Government concerned shall have determined that a vessel of
special construction or purpose cannot comply fully with the provisions of any of these
Rules with respect to the number, position, range or arc of visibility of lights or shapes, as
well as to the disposition and characteristics of sound-signalling appliances, such vessel
shall comply with such other provisions in regard to the number, position, range or arc of
visibility of lights or shapes, as well as to the disposition and characteristics of sound-
signalling appliances, as her Government shall have determined to be the closest possible
compliance with these Rules in respect of that vessel.
(a) Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate any vessel, or the owner, master or crew
thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to comply with these Rules or of the neglect
of any precaution which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the
special circumstances of the case.
(b) In construing and complying with these Rules due regard shall be had to all
dangers of navigation and collision and to any special circumstances, including the
limitations of the vessels involved, which may make a departure from these Rules necessary
to avoid immediate danger.
1 General
Air draught Height of highest point of vessel's structure above waterline, e.g.
radar, funnel, cranes, masthead.
Anchor position Place where a specific vessel is anchored or is to anchor.
Bell book Manoeuvring book.
Calling-in-point (CIP) (see way point)
"Correction" An error has been made in this transmission, the corrected version
Dragging (of anchor) An anchor moving over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is
no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.
Dredging anchor Vessel moving, under control, with anchor moving along the sea
Draught Depth from waterline to vessel'sbottom, maximum/deepest unless
otherwise specified.
Established Brought into service, placed in position.
ETA Estimated time of arrival.
ETD Estimated time of departure.
Fairway Navigable part of waterway.
Fairway speed Mandatory speed in a fairway.
Foul (anchor) Anchor has its own cable twisted around it or has fouled an
Foul (propeller) A line, wire, net, etc. is wound round the propeller.
Hampered vessel A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre by the nature of her
Icing Formation of ice on vessels.
Inoperative Not functioning.
Mark General term for a navigational mark, e.g. buoy, structure or
topographical feature which may beused to fix a vessel's position.
Offshore installation Any offshore structure (e.g. a drilling rig, production platform,
etc.) which may present a hazard to navigation.
Receiving point A mark or place at which a vessel comes under obligatory entry,
transit, or escort procedure (such as for port entry, canal transit or
icebreaker escort).
Reporting point (see way point)
Vessel crossing A vessel proceeding across a fairway/traffic lane/route.
Vessel inward A vessel which is proceeding from sea to harbour or dock.
Vessel leaving A vessel which is in the process of leaving a berth or anchorage.
(When she has entered the navigable fairway she will be referred
to as an outward, inward, crossing or turning vessel.)
Vessel outward A vessel which is proceeding from harbour or anchorage to
Vessel turning A vessel making a LARGE alteration in course, such as to stem the
tide when anchoring, or to enter, or proceed, after leaving a berth,
or dock.
Under Keel Clearance
UKC Thedepth of water allowed for, under the keel for safe navigation.
13) In addition to the abbreviations laid down in para 12, the following signs and symbols
may be used :-
Abeam (Port or Starboard as indicted by arrow)
° Degree of Arc or Temperature
' Foot/Feet, Mile (Nautical), Minutes of Arc as indicated in context
" Inch /es or second /s of Arc
/ is The upper figure shows length of cable veered. The lower indicates depth of wa ter obtained by
sounding at time of anchoring
NOTE: a) Astronomical observations in the Nautical Almanac may be used
b) Navigational abbreviations as prescribed in the Mariner's Handbook N.P. 100 and B.A.
chart 5011 may be used
Times of receipt of the above reports are to be entered in the appropriate columns on
page 2 together with any pertinent comments in the remarks column and initialled by
the Captain in column viii prior to true departure confirming receipt of these reports.
1. This is possibly the most dangerous situation under the Rules. In fog the other vessel
cannot know that I am constrained by my draught and I have very little room in which
to manoeuvre. I would call the Master, set up a careful watch on radar and work out
the best manoeuvre in the water available, sounding the fog horn
When the Master comes to the bridge I would brief him on the situation with own
course and speed and the course and speed of the target vessel. If the Master was
unable to come to the bridge and if risk of collision existed at, say, 15 knots, I would
reduce the speed of the ship as quickly as possible by stopping the engines, applying
helm hard a starboard, hard a port to assist speed reduction within the channel limits
and watch the other vessel closely.
2. Notify the pilot IMMEDIATELY, re-ring the telegraph and call the engine control
room. If there was no response I would expect the Master and pilot to use the
emergency stop and use the anchors if necessary. I would record the time in the
manoeuvring book
3. As OOW I have a duty to query any unexpected deviation from the pilotage plan. I
would therefore:-
Ask the pilot if the action was intended
If appropriate ask the pilot to check the heading at the steering position to verify any
compass error
If I was concerned about any deviation from the plan or the safety of the ship I would
call the Master
4. Records are necessary to establish trends. Without records it is not possible to know
when an instrument has an error, if I have made a mistake or if the ship is out of
position or steering a wrong course
5. The course alteration should take place at a time when it is safe in terms of the position
of the ship and the traffic in the area. If the OOW is in doubt as to when he can
accomplish this course alteration he should inform the Master of the circumstances
8. Rule 9 states that a vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway
should keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway, which lies on the
starboard side, as is safe and practicable. Other small vessels shall not impede my
passage but I would keep a vigilant lookout to avoid collision in a crossing situation.
Rule 10 states that I shall proceed in the appropriate traffic lane in the direction of
traffic flow for that lane. If there is crossing traffic I must comply with the rules for
vessels in sight of one another, or in fog comply with Rule 19
10. This varies from ship to ship in still water but the information for your ship should be
available on board. It is usually much further than originally thought. Having
obtained the answer, note it in the answer column and compare it with other ships.
11. If there was an emergency I would call the Master to the bridge immediately and
explain the situation when he arrived. For routine items I would be prepared in
advance giving a summary of the circumstances for making the call
12. Note down what the International Convention states in Article 27 Annex 2
14. Only in real emergencies where there is no time to telephone or sound the whistle. The
most likely times to sound the alarm would be when the OOW needs urgent assistance
or when the vessel is in immediate danger and when other methods of calling
personnel are inadequate
15. The helmsman or the automatic pilot is steering the correct course
The standard compass error is determined at least once a watch and, when possible,
after any major alteration of the course; the standard and gyro compass are frequently
compared and repeaters are synchronized with their master compass
The automatic pilot is tested manually at least once a watch
The navigation and signal lights and other navigational equipment arc functioning
fix the ship's position
The change-over from automatic to manual steering and vice-versa should be made
by, or under the supervision of, a responsible officer
The alertness of the lookout
Changes in the weather and barometric pressure
Wea ther forecasts
16. Slips and lapses, knowledge based mistakes, violations of rules and instructions and
incorrect responses due to cultural conditioning
17. I would call the Master in accorda nee wi th instructions. I would post a lookout to assist
with searching for other vessels and fishing vessels in the vicinity
I would have thedepth recorder runningand the maximum number of radars running
I would ensure that the GPS was working. If there was a problem with other
equipment I would consider using the radio direction finder
I would follow the policy on the closing of water tight doors
19. By familiarising myself with the intended pilotage passage and the tracks laid down
on the chart in accordance with the pilot's briefing
I would then know the intended courses to be steered and I could then establish the
ship's speed and monitor progress
I would independently fix the ship's position and note the times of passing buoys
I would note the distance off radar conspicuous land
I would monitor the depth recorder against the chart
1 would observe traffic