,.ffi - O"': Problem 12.56

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A small250-9collar C canslide o a semiciroularrod which is madeto
rotateaboutthe vertical l8 at a constantrate of 7.5 radls.Determinethe
threevaluesof I for which the collar will not slide on the rod, assuming
no friction betweonthe collar andthe rod.
woa t'vtho-
6inr^,, t r 1,g rad /s c,r**,,^) , v e'-h 'v'A.- ,
h"ar , D

* c
1f,a15rrrrrn> ,^..{, .'.i
g )rl';"L+'tf,aed"'11 ?'' rool F& a t'7 olo t q {: N n^J evaeul'll

-,-. JqtJf"vX fl15,4AJo.Ji' l\ Y
le\- '', a o '

r9lYte .

l^4,t S lrot 4o((u"r,o.!r, .'2 f,- .il w''' o c"r'Jt'1-67 /6 &

q*i ! o-'-ln lotu
t(vrfrnu M s.ax?u (r2.-{(k? t -r\!*l^ '''nt'

$"r".,'"rJ4, n 4 Y t'-) o,g 51"ag (l't )

^1u -

Z F z' o
N cos1- r"rX
=*_ Q N'Y_L

Z F- - "t)Aq

tia & i tYl 'l-s ''1 CP' e-r

N '

r, . . l w d tN ng sJ" : = 2 ftJs'- O
1 s 3t' r1o
,rn*rd,lucL,Jd sil9 . o ^- 1 .
{.- td q Y O.I
J 414
ll c4w' sl 6to
6 1 8 <' 4 8 0 Cc:g "
x - ,.ffi-=o"'
$ >g r |ta "
$: lq. b"

g = d" M.f
, l Ea a,^
A hrrntableI is built into a stagefor use in a theatricalproduction.It is
observedduring a rehearsalthat a irunk B startsto slide on the turiltable
12 s afterthe tumtablebeginsto rotate.Knowing thatthotrunkundergoes
a constanttangentialaccelerationof 0.23 m/s2, determinethe coefficient
of static friction betweenthe trunk and the turntable.

6rn,,- Af o, J3 *r /s-G--stl
1--r y'*s a-{ t. (.t4oooirr,")-,^J+a+rqf.t nttuh )
-'2{ {s,

S41: rnrr"^{'^4'v b
rdr--av '1;9.)uid u,rn o ).JJrda *in\.t,,,) p B t, ,at"u Atcrzu+t
o,'rvt tJ

?cq J ?./"Y g,4v4 s,^.dao,',, 't'')ur"'c J''-'-t-r . c. L3 n"tlt' ca.n"+o*4

to7 ie-
c\ r-., F-DD 1".'*a"n
Xln." 42-S

,rl\ Fr *fu v: fr', a-t

I- | v ': o '\e c\2-) -^ 9.+b w ql r
-4' I = +-]Jl ,
''" h -' A+l'-t 6-a .
?:J * 3.4-+4

7Fe -_ r4C\ \-/ _ o.tg r .,l

- t

2 Fvr ' \6o - 3,4+ 4 ",4

u /n'o-
o,o\^rl'r.-)n 4' So\u 1'" 'X--nn
6rs" f; 11.0.F- atcr,,t,"\t-..r-1"5, 9


F' 483 wl

f.gD J f."-+ ,riez'

,, -- d . 'd l q
1 7f* "9 [r
[+ l
.+t I
' Itl F " lsN= ,/" t X

The horizontal rod OA rotates about a vertical shaft accordingto the
relation 6 = l)t, where g and t are express€din rad/s and seconds,
respectively.A .23 kgcollar B is held by a cord with a breakingstrengtlt
of 1.8kg. Neglectingfriction, determine,immediatelyafterthecordbreaks,
(a) the relative accelerationofthe collar with respectto the rod, (&) the
magnitudeofthe horizontalforce exertedon the collar by the rod.

6]"'"w 6 = la l' o 19 , .''to{ ..ig{.rc,,t , t,e

-g. , ,1-, X
F..^".4 , CLy/rco1 = i"
*Vt col| o- b"J C fe)
|o,u et et\ tp\ 6""' "L4.

b: ,toI = 4a ms,l/r'

i'mssp;-r1r,^)66 tt qtlto^,- b ,^..{*Jo}rA l}*. .s,-- sl.,}-t- o"nu 'oo1 op <r'"'{u

, rar \-\ l(n\J )-..g Ju r-"\--r:"'n

F bD \,rr, on 'to g vig^ t

0 i'. o
d cr,,t*o nr,or

F. = rt Ar
' .4

.r _ yA L{^ ra t )
- l- r

4,c3 - o . r 5 t o . +s 1 ) 9 " "

g. (s NqAb

1Xt"Jont,. T--o /.o


0 : " t 1 i' - 1 6 " )

4u /h*l . i = 16' = U + r 1 ) C' ( 5 ) . 7 7 . 1 ' n / s '

@ tq,

Yf ev t 4 (Y 6 ' + t / { 9 )

ls : 10.rs)(6. a17) (t"l '1.as /e 4 CL)

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