Running Head: Effective Leadership For Innovation 1
Running Head: Effective Leadership For Innovation 1
Running Head: Effective Leadership For Innovation 1
Most companies strive to find out the perfect portfolio of projects and activities that will drive
growth and position in the market. Innovation is crucial to a company's survival, it is necessary
to achieve a competitive edge for firms especially in today’s growing economy. Characterized by
a significant increase in competition within a global leadership mindset. The purpose of this
paper is to reveal the main common and effective characteristics of leadership style to manage
many firms are dealing with highly volatile markets, and have to re-define their strategies.
Innovation is a concept that provides more insight on how firms compete in these volatile
markets and create a sustainable competitive advantage. This paper identifies the problem in
practice and academia. There is a lack of common understanding to analyze how innovation is
enabled and developed in firms. The prime objective of this paper is to understand what
innovation leadership style look like, and how innovation capability has been built in modern
organizations. The findings have potential to gain deeper insight on organizations leadership and
culture design which impact innovation processes and practices. Solving this problem through a
holistic and multidisciplinary understanding will create awareness for organizations to identify
Innovation in organizations has become a main driver of growth strategy and creating
competitive advantage (Hamel 2001; McGrath 2010; Teece 2010), it leads to change the way
companies can compete in single industry .The business Innovation knowledge resulted from
academic studies can potentially help businesses to develop their innovation practices, impacting
their operations to create a superior performance in their activities. Unlike organizations in the
last decade, they had their own unique and special innovation practices and philosophy. Modern
firms are more concerned with having a common, standardized, and comprehensive innovation
framework. Since resources scarcity, businesses large numbers, similarities among them, being
newly established, shortness of product life cycle, and technology pressures are making it
difficult to develop their own framework. Companies should be able to develop dynamic
2000). Therefore an enabling innovation model is needed to provide the knowledge on how
companies can deal and work to increase their flexibility to respond to opportunities and
Companies are challenged with ecosystems changes. Increasing the intense of rivalry,
other hand, markets become more global now, the competition and opportunities of expansion
are possible worldwide. Customers’ preferences are changing. They become more demanding
and asking extra features, lower prices, better services, and products customized to their exact
needs. Product life cycle are becoming shorter and shorter, with undefined limits. New
technologies have changed the relationship between companies and customers. Finding
connection with customers has engendered new business models to create a new value and
management came as a result of many authors, who have been discussing the direct effect it has
on competitive advantage in modern organizations. New ideas require new innovative models to
Teece 2010). Innovation leadership makes it a sustainable competitive advantage. This is the
ultimate vision for any company that desires to have sustainable profits. The development of
knowledge assets shift the focus for executives from cost minimization and static optimizations
to value maximization. They are looking for ways to extend company’s life cycle to become
longer. Such as replacing the diminishing returns strategies to increasing returns and offer new
value proposition to customers, company and the key partners (Teece, 2000).
The term “Innovation” is derived from the Latin word “Novus”. Which means new .
However; innovation is more than just a buzzword. it becomes a business discipline such as
marketing, operations, IT, finance, and human resources. It is identified into three themes, new,
improved, or change. The newness could be : new to company level, new to competitors or new
to the whole industry. It can be defined as a solution that satisfy new requirements, hidden needs,
or even current market demands (Crossan & Apaydin, 2010). Innovation concept is important to
success and compete, yet it is hard concept to define. It is more than newness, inventions or
products. Creativity just covers the fuzzy front end of innovation process. Implementation is the
back end of innovation and most important phase. It is the essence of innovation concept.
Creative ideas without implementation are just ideas. Which explain the tension and conflicts
between creative people team and those who are responsible for implementation those ideas.
They need different requirements and different activities (Shavinina, 2011). This is not limited to
R&D function any more, it’s more integrated and holistic approach among the organization. On
the other hand, the models of innovation in startups and corporations are different.The process
of innovation occurs in two approaches depending on the size and age of the company. If it is
large mature company, the model is “Corporate Innovation “. Small or startup that recently
companies are not dominating and controling all business opportunities?” and ” Why
Entrepreneurs have more successful breakthrough innovations?”. Innovation speed, agility and
flexibility of startups in resources allocation is the answer. It enable them to bring new products
to market quicker than corporates. As startup grows, matures and develops, innovation process
slow and fall in a trap of their own initial advantage (Freeman & Engel, 2007). Entrepreneurship
Corporate Entrepreneurship. They need this concept to activate innovation process and help in
implemention. That's why in many articles they discuss innovation as an Entrepreneurial activity
in corporates.
Innovation in a company may be in the form of new products or services, cost reduction
statements. Innovative companies can drive more revenues, charge extra premiums and even
reduce operational costs using improved processes. Gaining such advantages require a
However, there still gabs to understand why some companies practice innovation better than
Baregheh, Rowley, and Sambrook (2010) did a study to understand what innovation
really means. They reviewed roots of innovation in different disciplines literature (business
management). The findings show that there are 60 different definitions of innovation. They tried
to categorize those definitions and group them according to common themes and attributes. The
results of their work listed six attributes for innovation: stages of innovation (adopt, create, and
implement), social context for innovation (organization, customers, social systems, and
employees), means of innovation (ideas, technology, creativity, markets and inventions), nature
of innovation (new, change and improvement),type of the innovation (product , service and
process) and finally aim of innovation ( success, differentiate and compete).The study concluded
that researches should focus on one group of innovation attributes to have a higher research
quality. Rather than investigating the generic and ambiguous concept of innovation. It is better to
break it down to sub themes for study and measure accurately. This way researchers can have a
business innovation:
“To create and capture new value in new ways, through new offerings, new
processes, new technology applications, new business models, and new value
like to know what to innovate , where and how to innovate (Johannessen, Olsen, & Lumpkin,
2001).Those critical activities need to be handled by extra ordinary leadership behaviors to lead
and maintain this complex concept. Crossan & Apaydin (2010) did a conceptual and descriptive
study to understand what the dimensions of innovation are. Data had been collected as literature
review for the last 27 years, the analysis shows that innovation happen in organization in two
main focuses (processes and outcome). Most researchers deal with innovation outcome as
mediating variable of performance rather than dependent one. The paper suggest focusing on
those two concepts to understand innovation drivers and how it could be influenced in
Innovation generates new options for businesses and expands their possibilities. It is
more than an instrument can be used to enhance the brand image of companies. It is a key
element to build an emergent weapons to surprise competitors and satisfy customers (Schmitt &
Ph, 2012). Therefore, the knowledge of business innovation is rising among management and
academia literature. It is in the growing stage and the conditions for business worldwide are
about to change forever (Drejer, 2006). Creating new ideas is easy for most modern companies.
However; moving from ideation end to commercialization end in the business innovation process
is the tough part in this puzzle. Companies are struggling and experience failure more in this
particular phase of innovation process (Sniukas, 2012). Having said that, there is still no
can adopt into its DNA. There is no particular leadership style suits all companies to generate
and manage ideation process, investigate the problems, and develop solutions before scaling and
commercializing. Every company goes through its own experience and builds its own
innovation potential.
Innovation skill is different from innovation leading skill. There are misconception by
academia and practice about those two concepts. The first concept which called sometimes
innovative leadership is related to the leader’s skills and traits as he/she is a source of innovation
by bringing new thinking and different actions on how to lead, manage, and go further in their
work. Also how they can think in different way to overcome challenges they face in their
organizations. In addition, how they can act in a flexible way within scarcity of information. On
the other hand, innovation leadership or sometimes called leadership for innovation focuses on
how to create an organizational environment where other employees can deploy innovative
practices to have new services or products through an innovative culture support. It is not
limited in hiring creative resources, but on how leaders can help others think to capture value in
new ways. It is how to develop, lead, manage processes to innovate with constrained resources,
and to facilitate the team working toward organizational survival and achieving competitive
interacting with each other to produce innovative results. Absence of the leadership for
innovation in organization may cause companies failure. Many companies’ leaders focus on
competing each other and differentiate themselves by their value proposition, targeting the high
end customers who are valuable and profitable segments. Meanwhile, they underestimate other
competitors who focus on the mass customer segments with lower cost offering and lower
performing products or services. The incremental innovation of those companies will generate
incremental developments to improve performance in such way. Within a period of time they
will reach to the point where they will be able to compete for higher end markets. Offering better
value propositions. Thus those companies will disrupt and kill high end offerings. It will be more
convenient, faster, simpler and cheaper. The main driver for this phenomena is technological
This new paradigm shift of innovation represents a switch from information management
to innovation management. The Innovation leader should combine strategies and build structure
and culture support innovation. He/she should be skillful to drive innovation change inside an
organization. However, there is no formula for innovation leadership Its connected with several
leadership theories with different roles , activities and behaviors (Lazarova, 2014). Board of
Directors try to implement similar conditions to produce a successful innovation projects, also
create new titles such as Chief Innovation Officer (CINO), Innovation Management
Companies focus on growth strategies. But most fall in same mistakes in innovation
common mistakes with effective practices and activities. Such as “Process Mistakes”, by
applying tight budgets, planning and control to innovation process. It is recommended to add
more flexibility to planning and controlling systems. Other mistake was observed as “Skills
Mistakes”. By assuming technical leaders are best who lead innovation teams. It is important to
assign a leader who possess strong interpersonal skills, also can facilitate innovation process and
Leadership behaviors have been identified by scholars and practitioners as the most
influencer driver for innovation. (Lawton, 2010) .In their article, “What Kills Innovation?”
authors, Nelson H. Soken and B. Kim Barnes (2014) observed specific innovative practices of
(Leadership and management) behaviors that build focus, trust, and effective communication
about the company’s innovation strategy, most likely to success in presences of other vital
capabilities. Such as financial, project management skills, and motivation. Most leaders realize
that innovation is a main driver for their organization’s ability to grow and survive in a
result of organizational strategy, a supportive culture, and effective leaders who learn from
failure. Over 94 percent of executives -McKinsey worldwide survey- found that "people and
culture are the most important drivers of innovation in organizations”. Businesses top executives
recognize human capital as a center of their strategies. The culture of an organization can host or
poison creativity and innovation (Teece, 2000). A proactive and effective leadership style is a
major pillar in the failure or success of an organization’s culture that supports innovation.
Leaders of organizations need to establish a clear vision, mission and strategic objectives.
It should be well communicated throughout all levels in the organization to achieve alignment to
master business innovation process as a holistic and integrated approach. (H. Soken & Kim
Barnes, 2014). On the other hand, some companies put a holistic innovation system in place but
struggle keeping it consistent in their performance and fail to sustain business innovation
internally. The organization culture could be the missing piece in the puzzle. Creating innovation
requires strong leadership style to drive long term innovation strategy that leads to a creative
culture that encourages and host on-going innovation. Another research shows innovation has a
correlation with hierarchy and clan cultures. (Zheng, 2009). Innovation leaders influence
organizational culture by forming and allocating structures, resources, and processes in the place.
failure and consider it as a part of learning cycle (Morris, Kuratko & Covin, 2010).
Roland bell in his written chapter of “leadership and innovation “(2010) describe
innovation as two ends. The front end which include the ideation and conceptualization, the back
end of innovation which is development and implementation end. Those two different steps need
different types of behaviors, the front end require uncertainty and visioning. While the back end
require discipline and commitment. The innovation value chain depends on internal and cross
functional teams in addition to external partners. The first phase is emphasizing variety of
generated ideas and how much far it is from the company’s playing sandbox. In second phase the
team should do screening, filtering and prioritization activities for the generated ideas. So they
can take few ideas into further steps and convert them into business concepts. However, the
selected ideas should be aligned with the company innovation strategy as well as the emerging
trends. After that, the team should convert the business concept into business case and test it in
Roland bell (2010) recommends a mix of shared behaviors from his observation of
innovation leaders. Such as mix of emotions and realism, acceptance of uncertainty and failures,
high degree of passion, proactivity and openness, courage to stop zombie projects and talent to
assign right resources. In addition to some traits like humility and well, skillful and ability to
reward, supportive, ability to promote team working, good communication skills, motivator and
can switch to be specialist and generalist. He suggests even different traits to develop according
to the employee seniority in the organization as much he/she go higher position as executive
levels as much he/she need to be more inspiring, driving, enabling and advising. For lower
operational levels, the innovation leaders should focus to have advocating, and rewarding
supporting traits.
The main challenge is how to get the innovation-supporting leadership and organizational
practices into the mainstream of management and firm behavior. Many theories and frameworks
tried to solve this challenge, ranging from MBO to achieve the strategic objectives of the firm,
theory X and theory Y to understand the employee’s motivation drivers, raising of HR practices
to influence employee’s engagement and performance. “Theory I” for innovation was one of
those theories explains how the knowledge is widely distributed within organizational units and
across firms operating in complementary markets. Leaders according to theory I, maintain a trust
culture that generate high rates of innovation and encourage efforts to find new knowledge
It is clear that there are two dimensions to classify Innovation leaders. The first
dimension is vertical, which depends on the level of the leader in organization hierarchy.
Whither he/she is in an executive level and don’t deal directly with individuals and teams to
manage innovation, or if he/she in operational level dealing with innovation directly and leads
innovation projects. For this dimension findings shows adopting transformational leadership
style in higher executive positions have a positive correlation with innovation management.
Which include those following skills: inspire teams about certain vision, develop trust to pursue
changes in strategies. Processes structure and culture to motivate and adopt innovation
ecosystem to support innovation. Employees look for a meaning of what they are doing.
Communicating vision of transformational leader will help to develop this meaningfulness , that
has a positive influence on organizational innovation readiness (Rosing, Frese, & Bausch,
2011). However; lower levels leaders who use transactional leadership style have a positive
correlation with innovation , since teams usually motivated by rewards and controlling them to
certain specific goals.(Vaccaro, Jansen, van den Bosch, & Volberda, 2012).
The other dimension is horizontal, related to the innovation process. There are two main
phases, creativity and implementation (the front and back end focus). Both of them is in low
operational levels, however; leadership requirements for each phase is different. Front end
characteristics are: ideation, motivation, creativity, nonlinear process, diverge, curiosity and
openness. While back end activities are: get the job done, engineering, process focus, converge,
time and project oriented. Each phase needs different leadership behaviors (Deschamps, 2005).
Companies need to have certain type of teams to capture voice of customers to capitalize on the
emerging trends in order to have successful innovation process. Such project teams need to be
formed of different functions with certain talents. In addition, they need to have a well-organized
efforts to produce effective results. In “Heavyweight Development Teams” most innovations and
significant growth leaps are born. It is difficult to manage and lead heavyweight teams. The
leader in such teams has a direct access to and responsibility for the work of all those involved in
the project. They are senior managers within the organizations, with highly influential practices
over people working in the development projects, and they have a significant input on member
performance evaluations as well as the functional manager. “Tigers”- the extreme structure of
development teams that have been observed in large firms- are assigned from different functions,
dedicated and collocated to the project team. A heavy weighted senior leader is assigned as a
project leader and has given a full control over the resources contributed by different functional
groups. The project leader become the sole evaluator of member’s performance. It is like having
a new business unit inside the organization, the leader empowered enough to do many activities
A new leadership theory was emerged in 2011 by German strategy professors (Rosing,
Frese, & Bausch) called Ambidextrous Leadership. This comprehensive research was funded by
Volkswagen auto company. The authors use meta-analysis on existing literature, linking
leadership effectiveness with innovation performance. The purpose of their research was to
understand what behaviors will effectively influence innovation. However, the ambidextrous
organization theory exist but not elaborated well enough. It discuss organization capability to
focus on both short and long term objectives at the same time. In contrast, the ambidextrous
leadership discuss leadership behaviors on teams and individuals level not the organizational
level. It discuss the behaviors of leaders who has direct contacts with innovation teams. In their
research, they found broad variation between some leadership styles such as (transfer leader,
nature of innovation concept. They noticed if they add some moderating behaviors to the
The authors agreed on the two ends structure for innovation process (Creativity and
Implementation ends). These two phases require opposed and contradict (exploration and
exploitation) behaviors. Exploration refer to have out of the box thinking, beyond boundaries and
explorative activities. Unlike exploitation part which refer to efficiency, goal oriented, and
routine execution. Innovation process requires both behaviors and in a nonlinear format by
switching between both of them back and forth according to the nature of the task. Authors’
main concern was to figure out what the complementary leadership behaviors are necessary for
innovation, and how leaders can help teams and individuals to be more innovative and influence
innovation process. Also what the innovation leadership behaviors should be to manage those
two contradict and opposed phases. In their research, most of the famous and current leadership
styles have wide range of correlation and sometimes negative correlation. It shows that some
styles behaviors can foster and hinder innovation at the same time. Transformational leadership
has different opening and closing behaviors as other leadership styles, and this is the problem.
They foster and hinder the innovation at the same time. For example transformational leader
style motivate new ideas as an opening behavior. However, it support improvements and
Ambidextrous means the ability to use both right and left hand in writing at the same time. They
start to categories opening behaviors which support the exploration activities, as well as closing
behaviors that support exploitation activities. The innovation leader should be flexible enough to
switch between those two behaviors according to the phase and task. Those opening behaviors
include (different way to accomplish tasks, encourage risk taking, room for new ideas, allow
errors and lessons learned), While the closing behaviors include ( mentor and control goal
attaining, establish routines, corrective actions, committed to rules, limit error and stick to the
plan). Creativity and control is the innovation paradox in teams and individuals level. Creativity
may boost with flat and flat/organic structures and open communication channels. Moreover,
leadership that support projects implantation as well as allowing mistakes is most likely be
successful in generating innovative products (Morris, Kuratko & Covin, 2010; Freeman & Engel,
According to the authors opening and closing behaviors are not something new. They
already exist in both classical and conventional leadership styles.(Rosing et al., 2011) The new
thing in ambidextrous style is the gathering between two groups of opening and closing sets to
respond to exploration and exploitation activities in the innovation different phases. Unlike
situational leadership from path goal theory, the leader switch between different set of behaviors
according to employee motivation and knowledge capability to reach goals. The Ambidextrous
leaders have to switch alternatively between two sets of behaviors opening or closing in intuit
way according to the team requirements as exploration or exploitation within time dimension
in context of innovation.
innovation leadership. It explains the innovation process as two ends, front end as exploration
and back end as exploitation. It suggest two opposite sets of behaviors that can deal with those
phases. Ambidextrous leadership have a potential for businesses, since those behaviors can be
trained to innovation leaders. However; still more empirical research is needed to prove the
effectiveness and applicability of this theory in different industries. Another study is needed to
measure the effectiveness of applying this ambidextrous theory to separated teams into different
functions like R&D as exploration and production as exploitation, or merge the two activities
A comprehensive review of innovation leadership resulted from this paper will contribute
to fill the gap in literature and practice field of management. It will provide new insights for
organizations executives to understand what they need to focus on to implement and develop
business innovation capacity. Giving room to customize some practices according to the industry
The review for innovation leadership in this paper will also help provide more novel
explanations. Uncover the strategic mix needed to enable, adopt and build Innovation capacity in
modern organizations. Whether they are startups or corporates that use traditional strategic
“Strategic” when it is intentionally produced and repeated using well-structured processes that
challenge organizations to look beyond boundaries or conventional leadership styles, to join and
contribute in an open exploration of new models. While the businesses is in search of the next
magic stick, leaders should recognize that you don’t need to be innovative as you facilitate
business innovation across your organization. Being innovative is creating something new never
exist before. Facilitate Innovation is the creation of something new repeatedly and systematically
using innovation leadership model. Steve Jobs noted that, “Innovation is the difference between
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