Envionmental Management Plan
Envionmental Management Plan
Envionmental Management Plan
Rehabilitation and Upgradation of NH-167 from Design km. 157.707 (Alinagar)
to km. 187.723 (Mirylaguda) to two lane with paved shoulders in the State of
Telangana on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis Contract
Appointed Date: 18/05/2018
Submitted By
Environmental Management Plan
S. No Contents
3.1 Introduction
3.9 Medicare
Environmental Management Plan
5.4 Environmental Enhancement
10.1 Introduction
Environmental Management Plan
10.3. On – Site Emergency Management Plan
11.1 Introduction
13.1 Introduction
14.1 Introduction
Environmental Management Plan
This section explains what is meant by an Environmental Management Plan (EMP), what it would
contain, how it would be used and sets out the procedures and responsibilities associated with its
implementation. This section is a general overview of the EMP only, details of measures which
would be included in the EMP and associated documents for the APRDC project are set out in the
mitigation sections of each specific technical chapter of this Environmental Statement.
Environmental Management Plan
1.2 Project Summary
The Contract package Rehabilitation and Upgradation of NH-167 from Design km. 157.707
(Alinagar) to km. 187.723 (Mirylaguda) and below listed 10 villages.
The annual rainfall in the State varies roughly from 50 to 350 cm. The rainfall is more in the
western part of the State and reaches its maximum over the coastal belt. The south-west monsoon
is the principal rainy season during which the State receives 80% of its rainfall. Rainfall in the
winter season (December to February) is less than one percent of the annual total, in the hot
weather season (March to June) about 7% and in the post-monsoon season about 12%.
South-west monsoon normally sets in over the extreme southern parts of the State by about 1st of
June and covers the entire State by about 10th of July. The rainy months July to September account
individually to about 30% of annual rainfall. There are about 26 rainy days (with daily rainfall of at
least 2.5 mm) in Coastal Andhra and 8 to 11 days in interior Andhra in each of these months. The
Environmental Management Plan
withdrawal of the south-west monsoon begins from the northern parts of the State around 2nd
week of October and by the 15th October monsoon withdraws from the entire State.
Link Rainfall District
Location Rainfall
ID (Annual / Taluk
S6 Gudivada 781 582 Krishna
M7D Hanuman Junction 760 581 Krishna
Environmental Management Plan
The core document of the EMS is the Environmental Management Plan (EMP). The EMP is the lead
environmental management document that defines the procedures for achieving the objectives set
out in the Environmental Policy and identified environmental performance targets for the project.
The EMP provides the framework for which commitments made. The EMP outlines the SEW
Infrastructure Ltd approach to environmental management throughout the construction phases
with the primary aim of reducing any adverse impacts from construction on local sensitive
1.6 Contents of the EMP
There are a number of key features that would be included in the EMP and they are briefly
discussed in this section. The EMP will identify the project management structure and clearly
identify the roles and responsibilities with regard to managing and reporting on the construction
phase environmental aspects.
An Environmental Risk Assessment will be undertaken when developing the EMP. The risk
assessment identifies all aspects of construction that could have an environmental impact and
assesses the potential risk and impact of that activity on the environment. Management controls
are then devised to eliminate and/or minimize those identified impacts.
The assessment would address the potential impacts created during the temporary construction
period (e.g. construction dust and noise) and any permanent impacts (e.g. disturbance to
vegetation) that are influenced by construction methods. Specific environmental issues would be
addressed in the EMP and strategic details on how these would be controlled across the project
would be provided. Lists of potential issues that will need to be addressed in the plan are provided
• Construction noise and vibration management
• Air quality including dust management
• Sustainable waste management
• Traffic management
• Archaeology and heritage management
• Water management (surface and groundwater)
• Management and protection of ecological resources (particularly relating to timing of certain
• Contaminated land management
The EMP would set out objectives and targets for the project that are realistic and relevant for
maintaining or improving environmental performance.
A programme of monitoring, reporting and auditing of compliance in accordance with any
obligations of the planning consent, licenses and approvals should also be contained in the EMP to
ensure that identified and appropriate control measures are effective as per the Contract
Environmental Management Plan
2.1 Organization Chart with Environmental Issues and Corrective Responsible.
* Project Manager
* HSE Manager/
Environmental Manager
Supervisors APPROACH
Parameter Environmental policy :
line of Communication
All workers accommodation will be located within site. The construction camp will be managed in
an environmentally sustainable and hygienic manner and will be provided with baseline quality.
Controls will include.
Domestic refuse will be collected and removed from site on a regular basis.
At the completion of the works all temporary offices and site facilities will be
i. we are making use of ground water as source for both drinking &construction
The water requirement in the construction camp site will be of for the following;
For process in plant area i.e. in crusher, wet mixing plant & batching plant.
Domestic use:
For the domestic usage of water in the office and residential complexes the bore well will be driven
and the water will be tested for its quality. Upon receiving the good quality of bore water the same
will be utilized for the above purposed by providing the OHT for water storage and necessary pipe
Environmental Management Plan
lines for delivery. If required the Reverse Osmosis treatment system will be provided for the bore
water if the raw water is not potable upon receiving the water test report.
Plant Area:
The water is required for the dust suppression system in the crusher.
The water is required for process in the wet mixing plant and batching plant.
The water in the existing open well if any will be utilized for this that too upon conducting water
quality test.
The list of hazardous waste generated within the camp site will be prepared. Generally
construction camp offices will generate the following hazardous wastes;
Waste oil
Environmental Management Plan
Fused tube lights
Used Batteries
Waste Oil:
The waste oil will be generated from the machineries, vehicles, generators while oil replacements
and oil spillages while filling with fresh oil etc., while handling the oil enough care shall be taken to
avoid any spillage and necessary tray or suitable spillage collection provision will provided to
collect the spilled oil while handling or storage. The collected spillage will be taken for reuse if
possible or otherwise taken to waste oil storage tank. While replacing the oil in the machineries
enough care will be taken to avoid spillage and leakages and the provision to collect the spillage
and leakage will be made before draining the waste oil from the machineries. The camp site will
have separate isolated hazardous waste storage area with proper labeling. Necessary PPE and
Instructions regarding the collection and storage, nature of the waste oil in language understood by
workers and English will be displayed in storage and usage area. The Oil storage and waste oil
storage area will have the spillage and leakage collection arrangement. The waste oil will be
disposed to the authorized recycler.
Fused Tube lights:
The fused tube lights are injurious and hazardous in nature. Hence the fused tube lights within the
construction camp site will be collected with proper care using PPE and will be stored in the
designated area.
Used Batteries:
The used batteries will be collected and stored in a designated area and will be given to the
suppliers on buy back basis, or handing over to the Govt authority responsible for disposal of used
Water sprinkling arrangement will be provided to suppress the dust generated due to vehicle
movement within the camp. Periodical sprinkling will be done, generally minimum 04 times as per
Environmental Management Plan
contract and also whenever required. Dust suppression in camp will be carried out manually or by
sprinkling tanker.
3.9 Medicare
A medical care center will be established within the base camp site with necessary first aid kits and
facilities to treat minor injuries and to provide firs aid. A consulting physician will appointed. The
doctor will be visiting once in fifteen days or whenever required whichever is the earliest for health
checkups and treatment. Urgent cases will be taken to the nearest hospital for treatment. A
responsible and trained person will be there for the first aid and regular health concerns at
construction camp for 24 hrs. The first aid boxes with medicines will be kept in the work area. A
separate vehicle will be made available at any time for emergency cases. The contact phone
number of the nearest ambulance station will be displayed within the campsite for easy
accessibility. Health checkups for bituminous workers will be carried out two times, once before
engaging them to work and once after finalization of bituminous work as per BOQ in contract.
4.1 Personal protective equipments (PPE)
Proper PPEs will be provided to all workers for proper personal protection such as Nose Mask,
Goggles, Helmets, ear plugs, Hand gloves and Shoes in all plants to implement awareness about
personal safety etc.
4.1 Pollution Control in Stone Crusher
There is no process waste water from the stone crushing unit. Hence no water pollution exists in
the plant. The dust will be generated while crushing operation, while conveying and at dropping
point. This is controlled by providing the dust suppression system. In the dust suppression system
the water sprinkling will be done at point starting from the jaw crusher to the dropping point. Due
to sprinkling of water the weight of the dust particles gets increased and it will not fly in air. The
water required for the sprinkling purpose will be drawn from the nearby open well and the system
will have stand by motors for continuous operation. Green belt will be developed around the plant
area which will act as the dust filter for the surrounding area, Belt Conveyors will be covered by
zinc sheets to minimize the dust emission.
4.2 Pollution Control in WMM Plant
The total operation in the WMM plant is wet operation there will not be any air pollution. This
operation will not generate any process waste water also.
4.3 Pollution Control in Hot Mix Plant
This operation has no process waste water. Due to application of high flame at high speed the dust
particles in the aggregates may come out in the Air vent. This is controlled by providing the dust
collector and the bag filter. The dust collector reduces the velocity and makes the heavier particles
to get settled down and the outlet air is passed through bag filter. For Periodical replacement of the
bag filters maintenance schedule will be drafted in consultation with the engineer in-charge and
schedule will be adhered.
Environmental Management Plan
Fine dust from the bag filters will be disposed as per the standards or it may be utilized nearby
brick industries.
4.4 Pollution Control in Batching Plant
In batching plant, the cement will be stored in silos and will be conveyed in pipes using screw
pumps. Hence there is no possibility of spreading in air. The water sprinkling arrangement will be
provided at the conveyance and the drop point there by suppressing the dust spreading. The
wastewater/wash water generated while mixing drum cleaning and the concrete transit containers
will be allowed to pass in the sedimentation tank.
4.5 Solid Waste Generation from Plants
The process of plants like HMP, WMM, RMC solid waste will be generated in the construction plant
like excess materials, fine dust and etc. will be disposed or utilized in proper manner.
4.6 Pollution Control in DG sets
The following DG sets are provided in the camp site
The stacks of sufficient height also satisfying with the legal norms will be provided for each DG set
for the exhaust dispersion.
4.7 Pollution Control Monitoring
The ambient air quality will be monitored one in Three months and the level of pollutants in the air
will checked. The emission from the DG set and the hot mixing plant will also be monitored once in
Three months and level will be checked and improvements if any required will be done. All the
vehicles used in the project will be tested for emission and the certificate of fitness will be
maintained by the Maintenance department. All the emission tests will be done with the third party
and the copies of the results will be maintained in the Maintenance Department. The schedule of
maintenance of the plants, equipments and machinery will be drafted in consultation with the
technical person in charge and the schedule will be adhered. Periodical review of the maintenance
works completed will be done by the Maintenance department once in three months. If any
deviations the root cause will be identified and the required remedial actions will be taken.
Environmental Management Plan
Monitoring for quarry area and Crusher plant will be done in every three months as per estimated
quantity in BOQ of the contract agreement and reporting of same will be done in QPR.
Some additional measures needed to improve the environment are proposed to be undertaken
during the project implementation. Such measures are known as environmental enhancements.
These relate to improvement of natural, physical and aesthetic environment of roadside.
The objectives of these measures include: -
To enhance the appeal of the project road
To improve the environmental quality, and
To generate goodwill amongst local community
Environmental Management Plan
To achieve these objectives, some suggested measures include:
Enhancement of roadside facilities (bus stops, rest areas, etc.)
Improvement of aesthetic qualities along the project road
Improvement of the local natural resources for local population
Enhancement of cultural properties and access to them
Management of some existing problems
The natural environment can be improved by plantation of ornamental and shade providing
avenue trees, the shrubs and some important herbs besides developing ponds and providing bore
wells along the roadside.
Environmental Management Plan
The following points will be taken in consideration while selecting the Borrow land;
Whether the land is high or flat
Distance from the main road
Existing stream or water source
Environmental Management Plan
Water will be sprinkled on the access roads using water tankers
ACCESS ROAD periodically to control dust operation. The operational and mining area
does not have any trees.
PRE Since the site is located adjacent to high way direct approach from NH is
ESTABLISHMENT available. There is no disturbance due to vehicle movements to the adjacent
ACTIVITIES land owners.
Crusher unit consisting of a primary jaw crusher, secondary
cone crusher and a vertical shaft impact or, Pneumatic drill, compressors,
jack hammers. Dozer, Excavator (PC 300), Wheel loaders, Tippers.
A room shall be built in the vicinity and necessary first aid facilities will be
HEALTH made available. A person with knowledge of first aid will be in charge of this
FACILITIES room. For Serious injuries a vehicle will be made available to take the
injured to the nearest hospital
All necessary safety measures will be taken on site. Fire fighting
equipments and protection system will be provided on the site. All
personals working in the area will have to use protective gears while
entering the crusher area and mining area. Safety boots, hand gloves
helmets and other essential gears will be made available. The Site safety
representative will be responsible for all the safety requirements. A record
of all accident occurring will be maintained on site. All safety measure
required to be observed will be printed and displayed at relevant places.
Liaise with the pollution control board authority and seek their assistance
MONITORING OF in monitoring air pollution. Also private parties will called to conduct
AIR QUALITY independent monitoring periodically and a record of the results will be
maintained on site
It will always be bone in mind to take care of the welfare of the local people.
Working hours will be such that .least amount of inconvenience is caused to
people living nearby. Blasting time will be fixed & local people will be
intimated of these by word
Mining/blasting operation will be carried out in a safe and secure manner.
It will be ensured that least disturbance is caused while carrying out such
MINING operations. All the statutory Jaws regulation, rules ets pertaining to
acquisition, transport, storage & use of explosive will be strictly adhered to.
The explosives will be supplies by the authorized agencies on day to day
basis and no storage of explosives within the site is proposed.
The crusher will be placed in an area which has no adjacent building within
radius of 300m and will be located in such manner that the materials after
CRUSHING blasting do not fly into the crushing area. All the personals working in these
are areas will be provided with suitable wares & equipments. No person
will be allowed into crushing premises. The crusher area will be designated
Environmental Management Plan
as a hard hat area arid people entering this area will be required to wear
helmets and safety boot. The dust suppression is proposed to control dust
in the crusher.
A workshop will be built where all breakdown vehicles/machineries will be
repaired. It will have a concrete flowing so as to avoid contamination of soil
by used oil/grease. A separate room will be provided for storage of fuel.
Used oil will be stored separately in drums and disposed off in a safe
manner. A record of the same will be maintained at site.
Environmental Management Plan
Scheduled waste will be stored at designated areas away from human activity and warning signs
will be posted.
Scheduled waste will be collected by a subcontractor and disposed at approved receiving areas.
8.3 Disposal of Scarified Bitumen Material
Scarified Bitumen material will be reused in the embankment/sub grade, if the same conforms to
the requirements. If not conforms to the requirements, Scarified Bitumen material will be disposed
away from the habitation places. SBM will also be disposed in the trenches and the trenches will be
covered with soil. Such type of material may be used in haul roads development.
8.4 Solid Waste Disposal
The list of all the solid waste generated within the camp site will be prepared and will be collected
and stored properly. Since these waste are non hazardous will be sold out.
Generally the construction camp/work site will have the following solid waste:
Steel scraps
Wooden wastes
Polythene wastes
Paper wastes
Plastic wastes
Waste containers
Debris/Concrete waste
Maximum Wastes generated from construction process are either reusable or having reselling
values. The quantity generation and the reselling/disposal records will be maintained and the
possible means of reduction will be applied.
8.5 Bituminous Filter Waste
The hot mix plant has inbuilt air bag filter system to prevent dust generation during heating of the
aggregates, mixing of aggregates with bitumen. The bag filters have auto arrangement for cleaning
dust stocked in the bags. The dust will be recycled as fines in the process. Wastes generated from
the hot mix plant will be used in developing the roads inside the construction camp or the
approach roads to the construction camp. The waste will also be used for filling holes in adjacent
rural roads.
8.6 Damaged Pre Cast
The damaged pre-cast material will be collected in the designated area. These will be disposed in
the disposal areas. The excess concrete will be utilized for the activities such as safety pillar
construction etc. This material will be used for basement filling in case of building construction and
can reapplied as fill material in road in case of road work. The used material will be disposed for
land fill in adjacent low lying areas.
Environmental Management Plan
9.1 License Requirement
Construction industries generate very few hazardous wastes i.e. used oil and Grease. If any
hazardous substance is procured, used, stored, or disposed, License for the substances shall be
made available at the worksite from respective bodies.
9.2 Storage of Hazardous Waste
When any hazardous substance is procured, used, stored, or disposed, (Material Safety Data Sheet)
MSDS for the substances shall be made available at the worksite, incorporating in the hazard
analysis for the activities.
9.3 Handling Procedures
The material which in use and will be followed in the use, storage, and disposal of the material, the
selection of hazard control and emergency response measures, should be made known to the user.
All employees using, storing, or disposing of hazardous substances shall receive training in the
information contained in the MSDS for the substance and any general safety and health instruction
required. Transportation, use, storage, and disposal of hazardous substances shall be under the
supervision of a qualified person as per the statutory requirement.
9.4 Collection and Transportation
Transportation, use, and storage of hazardous substances shall be planned and controlled to
prevent contamination to people and environment.
Disposal of surplus or excess materials and containers shall be done in a manner that will not
contaminate or pollute the environment and in accordance with the local regulations and
Every hazardous substance being transported for disposal shall be transported with a copy of the
substance's MSDS. Appropriate fire prevention & extinguishing measures shall be taken at
combustible material dump yards.
9.5 Disposal of Hazardous Waste
Used lubricants and used oils which are to be discarded, shall be stored in marked corrosion-
resistant containers and recycled or disposed in accordance with local laws and regulations.
10.1 Introduction
Disaster is a sudden, calamitous event bringing great damage, loss, and destruction and devastation
to life and property. The damage caused by disasters is immeasurable and varies with the
geographical location, climate and the type of the earth surface/degree of vulnerability. This
influences the mental, socio-economic, political and cultural state of the affected area. Generally,
disaster has the following effects in the concerned areas,
1. It completely disrupts the normal day to day life
2. It negatively influences the emergency systems
Environmental Management Plan
3. Normal needs and processes like food, shelter, health, etc. are affected and deteriorate
Depending on the intensity and severity of the disaster.
10.2 Types of Disaster
Generally, disasters are of two types – Natural and Manmade. Based on the devastation, these are
further classified into major/minor natural disaster and major/minor manmade disasters. Some of
the disasters are listed below;
Major natural disasters:
Minor natural disasters:
Cold wave
Heat waves
Mud slides
Major manmade disaster:
Setting of fires
Chemical Pollution
Minor manmade disaster:
Road / train accidents, riots
Food poisoning
Industrial disaster/ crisis
Environmental pollution
10.3 Emergency Management Plan in Case of Disaster
It is necessary to formulate a safety plan for workers and local people residing in the project
Stretch. If we wait until the disaster takes place either it is natural or manmade, it may be too late.
We will consider the following safety measures;
10.3.1 On – Site Emergency Management Plan
Environmental Management Plan
It may be easier to make long distance calls during any type of disaster. Identify a relative or
friend as your family’s emergency contact. If the working colleague get separated after the
disaster and is not able to contact each other, they should contact the designated relative/friend.
The address and phone number of the contact person/relative should be with all the family
Move into the open/away from fire area in case of fire, in case of earthquake move away from
Structures under Construction, Excavated area and high embankment area; stay there until the
shaking stops.
Wear shoes/safety shoes to protect your feet from debris and scraps.
Don’t give any importance to rumors and don’t be panic.
During a Landslide:
If you are in areas susceptible to landslides and debris flows, consider leaving if it is safe to do so.
Remember that driving during an intense storm can be hazardous. If you remain at home, move
to a second story if possible. Staying out of the path of a landslide or debris flow saves lives.
Listen for any unusual sounds that might indicate moving debris, such as trees cracking or
boulders knocking together. A trickle of flowing or falling mud or debris may precede larger
landslides. Moving debris can flow quickly and sometimes without warning.
If you are near a stream or channel, be alert for any sudden increase or decrease in water flow
and for a change from clear to muddy water. Such changes may indicate landslide activity
upstream, so be prepared to move quickly. Don't delay! Save yourself, not your belongings.
Be especially alert when driving. Embankments along roadsides are particularly susceptible to
landslides. Watch the road for collapsed pavement, mud, fallen rocks, and other indications of
possible debris flows.
10.3.2 Off – Site Emergency Management Plan
Always keep the following in a designated place: bottled drinking water, non-perishable food,
first-aid kit, torchlight and battery-operated radio with extra batteries in the construction camp
or office.
Identify places in the Construction Camp or outside the camp that can provide cover/shelter
during a disaster such as massive fire, earthquake or flood.
Move into the open/away from fire area in case of fire, in case of earthquake move away from
buildings, plant, and utility wires and stay there until the shaking stops.
Wear shoes/safety shoes to protect your feet from debris and scraps.
Regularly check for fire hazards in office/camp.
Environmental Management Plan
1 Hanuman Junction 8656- 243100
2 Gudivada 08674-242299
1 Hanuman Junction D.NO 2-8, APPANNA VEEDU,
Hanuman Junction, Telangana
Phone: 086562 4207
1 Hanuman Junction police station, SI : +91 9490659109
2 Nandivada police station SI: +91 9182861659
Environmental Management Plan
NOC for Borrow Area No. is attached next to this page with translated summary sheets of Telugu
documents to English. A summary sheet is given in the next table regarding present status of
Licences, NOCs and Consents or Permission.
** Kindly Refer Appendix-II
Summary sheet of Licenses/NOCs/Consents Dated:
Sl. No. Issues Types of Documents & concerned Departments Present Status
1 Quarry NOC NOC from mines and Geological department obtained
1 NOC from MRO office
2 CFE NOC for Construction Camp
1 Project Report obtained
2 Base camp location map obtained
3 Recent EC of the land obtained
4 Flow chart activities of base camp obtained
5 Memorandum of Association of the company obtained
Registration certificate from district industry
centre obtained
a).Project Report of the work obtained
b).Recent EC of the land obtained
c).Lease agreement copy of the land obtained
b) 1996/97’s EC Applied
MRO/Tahsildar have
g).Gram Panchayat NOC to sent for suggestion
MRO/Tahshildar have
k).Town Planning office NOC to sent for suggestion
Environmental Management Plan
Hot Mix CFE & CFO from APPCB, as per Air, Water &
CFE obtained
3 Plant Environment Act and Noise Rules
Wet Mix CFE & CFO from APPCB, as per Air, Water &
CFE obtained
4 Plant Environment Act and Noise Rules
Batching CFE & CFO from APPCB, as per Air, Water &
CFE obtained
5 Plant Environment Act and Noise Rules
CFE & CFO from APPCB, as per Air, Water &
Crusher obtained
6 Environment Act and Noise Rules
8 ace Water Permission /NOC from State Ground Water Dept
9 chemicals Permission for Storage of Hazardous Chemicals
10 Tree Felling Divisional Forest Office, A.P. WALTA 2002 Act obtained
2. Lease Agreement
Dumping Applied
12 Yards 1. Lease agreement
13 Labour License
Components Action to be Taken
Environmental Management Plan
SPM, RSPM, SO2, NOx, CO, Pb.
Monitoring Frequency:
Pre Construction Phase: As per Instruction by the
Construction Phase: 5 locations and Quarterly as per
contract agreement/As per Instruction by the
Monitoring Standard:
Existing National Ambient Air Quality Standard
issued by the PIU-APRDC,EMU-APRDC
Noise measurement in dB(Ambient) for day & night
Monitoring Frequency: Environnemen
tal Monitoring
Pre Construction Phase: As per Instruction by the
Construction Phase: 5 locations and Quarterly as per
contract agreement/As per Instruction by the
Monitoring Standard:
Existing Noise standard issued by the PIU-
pH, BOD, COD, DO, Oil & Grease, Chloride
Monitoring Frequency: Environnemen
tal Monitoring
Pre Construction Phase: As per Instruction by the
Environmental Management Plan
Parameters: As per agreement Environnemen
tal Monitoring
Pre Construction Phase: As per Instruction by the
Construction Phase: 5 locations and Quarterly as per
SOIL contract agreement/As per Instruction by the
Monitoring Standard:
Existing Soil quality standard issued by the PIU-
Environmental Management Plan
Hearing” made mandatory
1989 The Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, Amendments,
2000, Draft Amendments 2002
1989 Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical Rules,
Amendments, 1994, 2000
1991 The Public Liability Insurance Act/Rules, 1992
1995 The National Environment Tribunal Act
1997 Prohibition on the Handling of Azo dyes
1997 The National Environment Appellate Authority Act
1998 The Bio-Medical Waste (M&H), Rules
1999 Notification for making 100% Utilization of Fly-ash made mandatory
2000 Municipal Solid Waste (M&H) Rules
2000 Ozone Depleting Substance (R&C) Rules
1999 Regulation on recycling of Waste Oil and Non-ferrous scrape
2000 Noise Pollution (Regulations and Control)
2001 Batteries (M&H) Rules
Environmental Management Plan
Jurisdiction of Environmental Legislation In India
Environmental Management Plan
Pay penalty for non-payment of Cess
Industry is entitled to 25% rebate if meeting certain conditions
The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
Comply with the conditions in the “Consent to Establish” or “Consent to Operate”
Not to discharge air pollutant(s) in excess of the prescribed standards
Furnish information to the SPCB of any accident or unforeseen act or event
Allow entry to the SPCB to ascertain that provisions of the Act are being
complied with
Provide information to enable SPCB to implement the Act
Provide access to the SPCB for taking samples
Comply with the directions issued in writing by the SPCB
Obtain “Consent to Establish”
Obtain “Consent to Operate”
Apply for the renewal of “Consent to Operate” before expiry of the validity
Consent to be deemed as granted after four months from the date of receipt of
application if no communication from the SPCB is received
A prior “Notice of Inspection” to be served by the SPCB
Industry to ensure that specified emission sampling procedure is being followed
by the SPCB
Opportunity to file objections with the SPCB within 15 days from the date of
service of notice
PCB to record reasons in writing in case it does not provide an opportunity to
the industry to file objections
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
Comply with the directions issued by the Central Government. The direction may
- closure, prohibition or regulation of any industry, or
- stoppage or regulation of the supply of electricity, water or any other service
Prevent discharges or emissions excess of the prescribed standards
Environmental Management Plan
Furnish information of any accidental or unforeseen event
Allow entry and inspection to ascertain compliance
Allow samples to be taken
Submit an “Environmental Statement” every year before 30th September to the
Obtain prior “Environmental Clearances” from MoEF, in case of a new project or
for modernization/expansion of the existing project
The Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989, Amendments 2000
Check whether the waste(s) generated covered in Schedule 1 and 2 of the
amendment rules, 2000
If covered, apply in the Prescribed Format to obtain an “Authorization” for
proper treatment and disposal of hazardous waste(s) and comply with the
conditions specified in the authorization
Take steps, wherever feasible for reduction, recovery and recycling of wastes
Ensure proper collection, reception, treatment, storage and disposal of
hazardous wastes
Apply for renewal of authorization before expiry of the validity period
Maintain records of hazardous wastes handling (Form 3)
Submit “Annual Returns” to the SPCB (Form 4)
Report to the SPCB any accident
Labelling, Packaging, Transportation of HW as per Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 and
Rules 1989
The Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989, Amendments 2000, Draft
Amendments 2002
Draft Amendments, 2002 (Dt. 21st May 2002)
Clarification on the definition of Hazardous Wastes
List of hazardous waste according to schedule 1 is being modified
Procedure for registration of re-processors of non-ferrous scrap and waste oil
Schedule for hazardous wastes prohibited for import to and export from India
Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical (Amendment) Rules, 1994, 2000
Environmental Management Plan
Identify whether the chemicals handled, used and stored or imported are
covered in the Schedule 1 and/or 3 of the Rules, Schedule 2 for isolated storages.
If covered in schedule 1:
Environmental Management Plan
‘Paid-up Capital’ is the market value of all assets and stocks on the date of
Owner to pay additional amounts as contribution to the ‘Environmental Relief
Owner to provide any information required for ascertaining compliance with the
provisions of the Act.
Owner to allow entry and inspection to ascertain compliance with the provisions
of the Act.
Owner to pay the amount of an award as specified by the Collector.
Comply with the directions issued in writing by the Central Government,
directions may include;
i) prohibition or regulations of handling of any hazardous substances, or
ii) stoppage or regulation of the supply of electricity, water or any other
Environmental Management Plan PNV- 08-C
Environmental Clearance
Grant of Environmental Clearance (1994)
If the industrial unit comes under the specified project, then environmental clearance would be
required from he Ministry of Environment and Forests for new projects as well as for Expansion
/ modernization of Existing projects if pollution load is increasing.
Public Hearing (1997)
Who Requires Environmental Clearance?
The following project categories are required to obtain environmental clearance
New Projects
If investment is more than Rs. 100 cores
Nuclear power plant and related projects, such as Heavy Water Plants, nuclear fuel
complex, rare earths.
River valley projects including hydro power, major irrigation projects and a combination,
including flood control,
Ports harbors, airports (except minor ports and harbors)
Petroleum refineries including crude and product pipelines.
Chemical fertilizers
Exploration for oil and gas and their production transportation and storage
Synthetic Rubber
Primary metallurgical industries;
Electric Arc Furnaces (Mini Steel Plants)
Viscose staple fibre and filament yarn
Storage batteries integrated with the manufacture of oxides of lead and lead antimony
Thermal power plants
Pulp paper and newsprint
Any project proposed to be located within twenty five Km of
Reserved forests
Ecologically sensitive areas which may include National Parks, Sanctuaries,
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Biosphere Reserves,
Critically polluted areas
Or within fifty kms of inter-state boundary shall require environmental clearance from
the Central Government
The following project categories, irrespective of the investment :
Bulk drugs and pharmaceuticals
Asbestos and asbestos products,
All tourism projects between 200 – 500 meters of a High Tide Line and at locations with
an elevation of more than 1,000 meters with investments of more than Rs. 5 crores.
Mining projects (with leases of more than 5 hectares)
Highway projects except projects relating to improvement work
Petrochemical Complexes
Tarred roads in the Himalayas and forest areas
Raw skins and hides
Chlor-alkali industry
Hydrocyanic Acid
Meta amine phenol
Small scale industrial units in project categories mentioned above.
With investments less than Rs. 1 crore and Which are on the reserved list
Are exempted from environmental clearance
For obtaining site clearance, application is to be submitted giving the location of the project
along with requisite details, to the Ministry of Environment and Forests
The Ministry of Environment and Forests will convey its decision about the suitability of the
proposed site within a maximum period of 30 days.
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Environmental Clearance
Last Opportunity by MoEF for the defaulting project proponents
To seek environment Clearance by 31st March, 2003
Environmental Clearance can be taken for industrial estates.
The National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995
To provide for strict liability for damages arising out of any accident occurring while handling
any hazardous substance
To establish a National Environment Tribunal for grating relief and compensation
The Tribunal may if it thinks fit take up cases for claims for compensation suo moto (on its own)
A claimant making an application may also make an application for immediate relief under the
Public Liability Insurance Act.
Bio-medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 1998
Proper segregation of wastes & labelling as specified
Install Pollution Control Systems like Incinerators, autoclaves or microwaves or adopt the burial
and meet the prescribed limits of emissions
Comply with the dead-line stipulated to install the pollution control systems
Transportation of waste as per the norms
Regulation on Recycling of Waste Materials, 1999, 2000
The waste materials targeted: waste oils, lead – acid batteries, non-ferrous wastes
The auction / sale of these materials to only authorised recyclers who are registered with the
Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt of India
No trader can take such type of waste
Noise Pollution (Regulation & Control) Rules, 2000
Aiming to regulate and control noise from sources like, industrial activity, construction activity,
generator sets, loud speakers, public address systems, music systems, vehicular horns and other
mechanical devices.
The prescribed Ambient Noise Levels are to be complied with
A loud speaker should not be used except after obtaining written permission from the authority
If the noise level exceeds the ambient standards by 10d(B) A, complaint can be lodged to the
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Contractor Consultant
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SI. Remark
Item Unit Details
No s
1 Details of Borrow area
Date of Borrow area becoming operational
b Current Land use
c Distance from Nearest Settlement KM
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Item Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4
1 Area covered(m2)
(Trick as appropriate)
1 Maps of each location
2 Photographs
a. Each dumping location
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