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Video | DINION IP starlight 7000 HD

DINION IP starlight 7000 HD


u Excellent low-light performance (0.017 lx in color)

u Built-in Intelligent Video Analytics to trigger relevant

alerts and quickly retrieve data

u Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction reduces

bandwidth and storage requirements by up to 50%

u Outstanding wide dynamic range (100 dB with IAE)

u Auto back focus for fast installation

The DINION IP starlight 7000 HD camera provides Functions

clear images 24/7 – even at night or under low-light
conditions. Exceptional low-light performance
High sensitivity in color (0.017 lx) and monochrome The latest sensor technology combined with the
mode (0.0057 lx) enables this camera to work with a sophisticated noise suppression results in a sensitivity
minimum of ambient light. This exceptional light of 0.017 lx in color. The low-light performance is so
sensitivity combined with Content-Based Imaging good that the camera continues to provide excellent
Technology (CBIT) ensures crisp, clear, detailed color performance even with a minimum of ambient
images in all lighting conditions. The camera can also light.
provide up to 60 images per second. The camera is a true day/night camera with a
mechanical filter for truly outstanding nighttime
System overview performance (0.0057 lx in monochrome). The filter can
be switched remotely, or automatically via a light level
Compared to SD cameras, the DINION IP sensor or contact input.
starlight 7000 HD offers, at no higher cost, motorized
autofocus, higher resolution, better sensitivity, higher Content Based Imaging Technology
Content Based Imaging Technology (CBIT) is used to
frame rates, and improved picture quality, and is still
radically improve image quality in all lighting
more bandwidth-efficient. Video storage costs are
conditions and to identify areas for enhanced
significantly reduced.
processing. The camera examines the scene using
Hybrid operation Intelligent Video Analytics and provides feedback to re-
A surge-protected analog video output allows full tune the image processing. This provides better detail
hybrid operation. This means that high resolution IP in the areas that matter and better all-round
video streaming and an analog video output are performance. With IVA, the Intelligent Auto Exposure
available simultaneously. The hybrid functionality technology, for example, allows you to view moving
offers an easy migration path from legacy CCTV to a objects in bright and dark areas of a scene.
modern IP-based system.
2 | DINION IP starlight 7000 HD

Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction reduces Intelligent Tracking can follow objects within the
bandwidth and storage requirements defined regions of interest. Intelligent Tracking can
The camera uses Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction
autonomously detect and track moving objects or the
which actively analyzes the contents of a scene and
user can click on an object which the tracker will then
reduces noise artifacts accordingly.
The low-noise image and the efficient H.264
compression technology provide clear images while Scene modes
reducing bandwidth and storage by up to 50% The camera has a very intuitive user interface that
compared to other H.264 cameras. This results in allows fast and easy configuration. Nine configurable
reduced-bandwidth streams that still retain a high modes are provided with the best settings for a variety
image quality and smooth motion. The camera of applications. Different scene modes can be selected
provides the most usable image possible by cleverly for day or night situations.
optimizing the detail-to-bandwidth ratio. • Indoor – general day-to-night changes in an indoor
environment without sun highlights or street lighting
Area-based encoding effects.
Area-based encoding is another feature which reduces • Outdoor – general day-to-night changes in an outdoor
bandwidth. Compression parameters for up to eight environment with sun highlights and street lighting
user-definable regions can be set. This allows effects.
uninteresting regions to be highly compressed, leaving • Traffic – for monitoring traffic movement on roads or
more bandwidth for important parts of the scene. parking lots. It can also be used in industrial
The average typical optimized bandwidth in kbits/s for applications where fast moving objects are to be
various image rates is shown in the table: monitored. Motion artifacts are minimized.
• Night-optimized – optimized for details in low light
IPS 720p 480p environments.
• Intelligent AE – optimized for scenes with fluctuating
60 1400 front and back light caused by sunlight or other
illuminated objects in the scene.
30 1163 600
• Vibrant – enhanced contrast, sharpness and
15 926 478 saturation.
• Low bit rate – reduces bandwidth requirements.
12 850 438 • Sports and gaming – high-speed capture, and
improved color rendition and sharpness.
5 550 284 • Retail – improved color rendition and sharpness with
2 237 122 reduced bandwidth requirements.
Storage management
Fast performance Recording management can be controlled by the
The 60 images-per-second mode provides for optimum Bosch Video Recording Manager (VRM) or the camera
performance in fast action scenes and is particularly can use iSCSI targets directly without any recording
suitable for casino and banking applications. software.
Multiple streams Edge recording
The innovative multi-streaming feature delivers various Insert a memory card into the card slot to store up to
H.264 streams together with an M‑JPEG stream. These 2 TB of local alarm recording. Pre-alarm recording in
streams facilitate bandwidth-efficient viewing and RAM reduces recording bandwidth on the network,
recording as well as integration with third-party video and extends the effective life of the memory card.
management systems.
An upright mode can be selected for the second Video analytics
stream. In this mode an image of 400 x 720 (9:16 With built-in video content analysis, the camera
aspect ratio) is cropped from the full sensor image. reinforces the Intelligence-at-the-Edge concept where
When the scene to be monitored is suitable to this edge devices become increasingly intelligent. The
mode, the bandwidth and storage requirements are MOTION+ video motion analysis system that is built
reduced. into all camera versions is the perfect solution for
applications where standard video content analysis
Regions of interest and E-PTZ features are required.
Regions of Interest (ROI) can be user defined. The The IVA version of the camera uses the latest
remote E-PTZ (Electronic Pan, Tilt and Zoom) controls generation of the Bosch Intelligent Video Analysis (IVA)
allow you to select specific areas of the parent image. software. This IVA system is the guard-assistant
These regions produce separate streams for remote system of choice when reliable indoor or outdoor
viewing and recording. These streams, together with video analytics is needed. The state-of-the-art system
the main stream, allow the operator to separately reliably detects, tracks, and analyzes moving objects
monitor the most interesting part of a scene while still while suppressing unwanted alarms from spurious
retaining situational awareness. sources in the image.
3 | DINION IP starlight 7000 HD

The face detection feature detects faces in the scene Easy installation
and forwards a high quality JPEG image of the best Power for the camera can be supplied via a Power-
shot of each face when the face disappears from the over-Ethernet compliant network cable connection.
scene. With this configuration, only a single cable connection
Retrospective forensic search capabilities are available is required to view, power, and control the camera.
remotely from the web browser or the Using PoE makes installation easier and more cost-
Bosch Video Client. effective, as cameras do not require a local power
Cloud-based services The camera can also be supplied with power from
The camera supports time-based or alarm-based JPEG +12 VDC/24 VAC power supplies. To increase system
posting to four different accounts. These accounts can reliability, the camera can be simultaneously
address FTP servers or cloud-based storage facilities connected to both PoE and +12 VDC/24 VAC supplies.
(for example, Dropbox). Video clips or JPEG images Additionally, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) can
can also be exported to these accounts. be used, which will allow continuous operation, even
Alarms can be set up to trigger an e-mail or SMS during a power failure.
notification so you are always aware of abnormal The auto-focus lens wizard makes it easy for an
events. installer to accurately focus the camera for both day
Access security and night operation. The wizard is activated from the
Password protection with three levels and 802.1x web browser or from the on-board camera push
authentication is supported. To secure Web browser button making it easy to choose the workflow that
access, use HTTPS with a SSL certificate stored in the suits best. The automatic motorized back focus
camera. adjustment with 1:1 pixel mapping ensures the camera
is always focused accurately.
Complete viewing software
There are many ways to access the camera’s features: Certifications and approvals
using a web browser, with the Bosch Video
Management System, with the free-of-charge HD standards
Bosch Video Client, with the video security mobile Complies with the SMPTE 296M-2001 Standard in:
app, or via third-party software. – Resolution: 1280x720
– Scan: Progressive
Video security app – Color representation: complies with ITU-R BT.709
The Bosch video security mobile app has been – Aspect ratio: 16:9
developed to enable Anywhere access to HD – Frame rate: 50 and 60 frames/s
surveillance images allowing you to view live images
from any location. The app is designed to give you
complete control of all your cameras, from panning Standards
and tilting to zoom and focus functions. It’s like taking
your control room with you. Emission EN55022 Class B
This app, together with the separately available Bosch FCC Part 15, class B
transcoder, will allow you to fully utilize our dynamic
Immunity EN50130-4 (PoE, +12 VDC, 24 VAC)*
transcoding features so you can play back images even
over low-bandwidth connections.
Safety EN60950-1
System integration
UL60950-1 (2nd edition)
The camera conforms to the ONVIF Profile S, ONVIF
CAN/CSA-C 22.2 No. 60950-1
Profile Q and ONVIF Profile G specifications.
Compliance with these standards guarantees Vibration Camera with lens as per IEC60068-2-6 (5 m/s2,
interoperability between network video products operational)
regardless of manufacturer.
Third-party integrators can easily access the internal ONVIF EN 50132-5-2; IEC 62676-2-3
feature set of the camera for integration into large conformance
projects. Visit the Bosch Integration Partner Program * Chapters 7 and 8 (mains voltage supply requirement) are not applicable to the camera.

(IPP) website (ipp.boschsecurity.com) for more However, if the system in which this camera is used needs to comply with this standard,

information. then any power supplies used must comply with this standard.

True day/night switching

Marks CE, cULus, WEEE, PADS, RCM, EAC and China
The camera incorporates mechanical filter technology
for vivid daytime color and exceptional night-time
imaging while maintaining sharp focus under all
lighting conditions.
4 | DINION IP starlight 7000 HD

Region Certification Parts included

Europe CE Technical specifications

Canada ULC
Power Supply 24 VAC 50/60 Hz
12 VDC
Installation/configuration notes
Power-over-Ethernet 48 VDC nominal
Current 400 mA | 500 mA IVA (12 VDC)
Consumption 350 mA | 450 mA IVA (24 VAC)
150 mA | 175 mA IVA (PoE 48 VDC)

Power Consumption 4.8 W | 6 W IVA (12 VDC)

4 5 6|4 5 6
8.4 W | 10.8 W IVA (24 VAC)
7.2 W | 8.4 W IVA (PoE 48 VDC)
A R -

PoE IEEE 802.3af (802.3at Type 1)

1 2 3|1 2 3 E

- +

24VAC Sensor

Type 1/3‑inch CMOS

Pixels 1312 x 1069 (1.4MP)

Video performance
1 Data (RS485/422/232) 6 Reset button
Sensitivity – (3200K, reflectivity 89%, 1/60 sec shutter time, F1.2,
2 Alarm in, relay out 7 Video out 30IRE)

3 10/100 Base-T Fast 8 Power supply input • Color 0.017 lx (0.0017 fc)
• Mono 0.0057 lx (0.00057 fc)
4 MicroSD card slot 9 Earth
Dynamic range 84 dB WDR
5 Menu button 10 Audio in / Audio out 100 dB WDR (with IAE)

Dimensions Video streaming

Video compression H.264 (MP); M-JPEG

Streaming Multiple configurable streams in H.264 and M-

JPEG, configurable frame rate and bandwidth.
66 (2.60)

Regions of Interest (ROI)

Overall IP Delay Min. 120 ms, Max. 240 ms

GOP structure IP, IBP, IBBP

140 (5.51) Encoding interval 1 to 60 (50) ips

Resolutions (H x V)

• 720p HD 1280 x 720

• 1.3MP 5:4 1280 x 1024 (30p max., no IVA)

• Upright 9:16 400 x 720


• D1 4:3 704 x 480

78 (3.07) mm (in) (cropped)

• 480p SD Encoding: 704 x 480;

Displayed: 854 x 480

• 432p SD 768 x 432

5 | DINION IP starlight 7000 HD

Video streaming Input/output

• 288p SD 512 x 288 • signal line out 1 Vrms at 1.5 kOhm typical,

• 240p SD Encoding: 352 x 240; Alarm 2 inputs

Displayed: 432 x 240
• connector Clamp (non-isolated closing contact)
• 144p SD 256 x 144
• activation +5 VDC to +40 VDC
Video functions voltage (+3.3 VDC with DC-coupled 22 kOhm pull-up
Day/Night Color, Mono, Auto
Relay 1 output
Adjustable picture Contrast, Saturation, Brightness
settings • connector Clamp

White Balance 4 automatic modes, manual mode and • voltage 30 VAC or +40 VDC
measure Maximum 0.5 A continuous, 10VA

Shutter Automatic Electronic Shutter (AES) Data port RS‑232/422/485

Fixed (1/60 [1/50] to 1/15000) selectable
Default shutter Local storage

Backlight Off / On / Intelligent Auto Exposure (BLC) Internal RAM 10 s pre-alarm recording
Memory card slot Supports up to 32 GB SDHC / 2 TB SDXC
Contrast On/off card. (An SD card of Class 6 or higher is
enhancement recommended for HD recording)

Noise reduction Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction with Recording Continuous recording, ring recording. alarm/
separate temporal and spatial adjustments events/schedule recording

Sharpness Sharpness enhancement level selectable Network

Intelligent defog Intelligent Defog automatically adjusts Protocols IPv4, IPv6, UDP, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, RTP/
parameters for best picture in foggy or misty RTCP, IGMP V2/V3, ICMP, ICMPv6, RTSP,
scenes (switchable) FTP, Telnet, ARP, DHCP, APIPA (Auto-IP, link
local address), NTP (SNTP), SNMP (V1, MIB-
Privacy Masking Four independent areas, fully programmable II), 802.1x, DNS, DNSv6, DDNS
(DynDNS.org, selfHOST.de, no-ip.com),
Video Motion MOTION+ or Intelligent Video Analysis
SMTP, iSCSI, UPnP (SSDP), DiffServ (QoS),
LLDP, SOAP, Dropbox, CHAP, digest
Other functions Image mirror, Image flip, Pixel counter, Video authentication
watermarking, Display stamping, Scene
Encryption TLS 1.0, SSL, DES, 3DES
Ethernet 10/100 Base-T, auto-sensing, half/full duplex
Audio streaming
Connectivity ONVIF Profile S , Auto-MDIX
Audio Streaming Full duplex / half duplex

Signal-to-noise ratio > 50 dB Software

Unit Configuration Via web browser or Configuration Manager

Audio compression AAC-LC, G.711, L16 (live and recording)
Firmware update Remotely programmable
Software viewer Web browser, Bosch Video Client, or third
Analog video out CVBS (PAL/NTSC), 1 Vpp, SMB, 75 Ohm party software
(surge protected)

Analog video aspect 4:3 letterbox, 4:3 cropped, or 16:9 mode Optical
ratio Lens mount CS mount (C-mount with adapter ring)
Audio 1 x mono line in, 1 x mono line out Lens connector Standard 4-pin DC-iris connector
• connector 3.5 mm stereo jack

• signal line in 12 kOhm typical, 1 Vrms max

6 | DINION IP starlight 7000 HD

Optical Varifocal SR Megapixel Lens

Varifocal SR megapixel IR corrected lens. 1/2.5"
Lens Types Manual and DC-Iris auto-detect with override
DC-iris drive: max. 50 mA continuous
sensor; CS-mount; 4-pin SR-iris; 5 MP; 1.8 to 3 mm;
F1.8 to F8
Lens Controls Wizard from web page or camera button Order number LVF-5005C-S1803

Mechanical Varifocal SR Megapixel Lens

Varifocal SR megapixel IR corrected lens.
Dimensions 78 x 66 x140 mm (3.07 x 2.6 x 5.52 inch) 1/1.8” sensor; CS-mount; 4-pin SR-iris; 5MP; 4.1 to
(W x H x L) without lens 9 mm; F1.6 to F8
Order number LVF-5005C-S4109
Weight 690 g (1.52 lb) without lens
Varifocal Megapixel Lens
Color RAL 9007 Metallic Titanium
Varifocal megapixel IR corrected lens. 1/1.8" sensor
Tripod Mount Bottom (isolated) and top 1/4-inch 20 UNC max; C-mount; 4-pin DC-iris; 5 MP; 12 to 50 mm; F1.6
to T360
Environmental Order number LVF-5005N-S1250

Operating -20°C to +55°C (-4°F to 131°F) S1374 Adapter

Temperature Adapter to convert C mount lens to CS mount camera
Order number S1374
Operating -20°C to +50°C (-4°F to 122°F)
Temperature (IVA) UPA-2430-60 Power Supply
Power supply for camera. 120 VAC, 60 Hz; 24 VAC,
Storage Temperature -30°C to +70°C (-22°F to +158°F)
30 VA Out
Operating Humidity 20% to 93% RH Order number UPA-2430-60

Storage Humidity up to 98% RH UPA-2410-60 Power Supply

Power supply. 120 VAC, 60 Hz; 24 VAC, 10 VA Out
Ordering information Order number UPA-2410-60

DINION IP starlight 7000 HD Monitor/DVR Cable SMB 0.3M

High-performance IP box camera for intelligent HD 0.3 m (1 ft) analog cable, SMB (female) to BNC
surveillance in low light. Hybrid IP/analog; 720p60; (female) to connect camera to coaxial cable
PoE; IDNR ; ROI; day/night; H.264 quad-streaming; free Order number NBN-MCSMB-03M
viewing Apps; cloud services; audio/motion detection; Monitor/DVR Cable SMB 3.0M
MOTION+ 3 m (9 ft) analog cable, SMB (female) to BNC (male)
Order number NBN-71013-B to connect camera to monitor or DVR
DINION IP starlight 7000 HD Order number NBN-MCSMB-30M
High-performance IP box camera for intelligent HD VIDEOJET XTC XF Video Transcoder
surveillance in low light. Hybrid IP/analog; 720p60; High-performance video transcoder. H.264; CF card
PoE; IDNR; ROI; day/night; H.264 quad-streaming; free slot; ROI; max resolution 1080p; 2 channels
viewing Apps; cloud services; audio/motion detection; Order number VJT-XTCXF
Order number NBN-71013-BA Monitor/DVR Cable SMB 3.0M
3 m (9 ft) analog cable, SMB (female) to BNC (male)
to connect camera to monitor or DVR
Varifocal SR Megapixel Lens Order number NBN-MCSMB-30M
Varifocal SR megapixel IR corrected lens. 1/2.5"
sensor; CS-mount; 4-pin SR-iris; 5 MP; 9 to 40 mm; NPD-5001-POE Midspan PoE Injector
F1.5 to F8 Power-over-Ethernet midspan injector for use with PoE
Order number LVF-5005C-S0940 enabled cameras; 15.4 W, 1-port
Order number NPD-5001-POE
Varifocal SR Megapixel Lens
Varifocal SR megapixel lens. 1/2" sensor; C-mount; 4- NPD-5004-POE Midspan PoE Injector
pin SR-iris; 3 MP; 3.8 to 13 mm; F1.4 to F8 Power-over-Ethernet midspan injectors for use with
Order number LVF-5003N-S3813 PoE enabled cameras; 15.4 W, 4-ports
Order number NPD-5004-POE
7 | DINION IP starlight 7000 HD

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Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Bosch Security Systems B.V. Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd. Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems Division
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© Bosch Security Systems 2016 | Data subject to change without notice

14148787083 | en, V15, 30. May 2016

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