The Effect of Scarcity Appeal in Advertising On Purchase Intention Through Customer Attitude of CEO Talk Products

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Volume 4, Issue 4, April – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Effect of Scarcity Appeal in Advertising on

Purchase Intention through Customer
Attitude of CEO Talk Products
Yessi Argina
Master of Management student
Faculty of Economy and Business
Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract:- To analyze the effect of scarcity appeal Bendixen (1993), that efforts to approach consumers so that
advertising on consumer attitude and purchase messages are easily accepted and influence them, appeals
intention on Master of Management (MM) at Airlangga need to be used. Wells et al (1995), explain that advertising
Univesity (UNAIR) in Surabaya either directly or is able to create an attraction that can make advertised
indirectly. The population were master of management products attractive to consumers, Faela and Munas (2012),
students who haven’t bought CEO Talk products. This stated that the attractiveness of advertisements is where
study used a sample of 150 respondents. The research advertisements can amaze and attract the attention of
variables were scarcity appeal in advertising, consumer viewers, so advertisements need to be made as attractive as
attitude and purchase intention. The results showed possible so that they have an attraction that can later build
that scarcity appeal in advertising had a significant individual attitudes. expected to affect consumer attitudes
effect on consumer attitude of CEO Talk products Roy and Sharma (2015), prove that scarcity appeal has a
among MM UNAIR students, scarcity appeal in positive effect on customer attitude. An empirical study of
advertising had a significant effect on CEO Talk's the effect of scarcity appeal has a positive effect on
Purchase intention among MM UNAIR students and customer attitude, which is still relatively rare.
consumer attitude significantly affected the purchase
intention of CEO Talk products among MM UNAIR Theory of planned behavior explained that perceived
students. behavioral control can affect intention (Ajzen, 1990). Based
on the theory of planned behavior encourages the
Keyword:- Scarcity Appeal In Advertising, Consumer development of theories regarding the relationship of
Attitude Dan Purchase Intention. perceived value to purchase intention. Kotler and Keller
(2016) explain that perceived value is the difference
I. INTRODUCTION between prospective customer valuation of all benefits and
costs of an offer to the alternative. Dikson and Sawer
One of the advertising appeals is scarcity appeal in (1990), also explained that the possibility of purchase
advertising which is an effective neuroscience advertising intention will increase, when consumers get more benefits
technique to encourage strong sales for certain products or than they pay to obtain these products. Research Eisend
services (Mukherjee, 2016). Scarcity Appeal depends on (2013), Roy and Sharma (2015), and Haryantana and
the consumer's desire for the product or service and is Ekawati (2015), prove that perceived value has a positive
connected with the underlying fear of not getting what they effect on purchase intention.
need. scarcity appeal advertising works well for products or
services that are affordable or being sold. But Scarcity Based on the description above, there are several
Appeal can be less successful for luxury products, which do factors that influence disclosure of purchase intention,
not have the bulk appeal needed for strong sales namely the appeal of advertising (appeal advertising) and
(Mukherjee, 2016). consumer attitude. Some studies regarding the
attractiveness of advertising are still relatively rare using
Advertising is related to the use of people (or special scarcity appeal. The costumer attitude variable is relatively
characters) who are believed to represent the product or rare as a mediating variable in the scarcity appeal
better known as advertising stars (endorsers). The selection relationship to purchase intention. The empirical study that
of the right endorser will have an impact on the product, has been presented creates a research gap to be reviewed in
such as trust in the product, up to purchase intention this study.
(Purchase intention) (Chi, Yeh, and Tsai, 2011). Purchase
intention is part of consumer behavior. The objectives of this study include 1) to analyze the
effect of scarcity appeal in advertising on Consumer
Related to attitude is a positive or negative evaluation Attitude in MM Airlangga University Surabaya students; 2)
system, namely a tendency to approve or reject (A positive to analyze the effect of scarcity appeal in advertising on
attitude will be formed if the stimulus that comes to purchase intention on MM Unair students in Surabaya; 3)
someone gives a pleasant experience that is felt by to analyze the effect of Consumer Attitude on purchase
consumers. One of them is through advertising appeal. intention on MM Unair students in Surabaya and 4) to

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Volume 4, Issue 4, April – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
analyze the effect of scarcity appeal in advertising on increase.
purchase intention on MM Unair Surabaya students through
Consumer Attitude. Advertising as an activity is able to reveal the main
key changes in values, beliefs, attitudes and patterns of
The results of study are expected to be beneficial; 1) purchasing behavior that affect a person's lifestyle. The
Academic Field, As an academic contribution to the choice of the type of advertisement must reflect the
development of research on models for motivating purchase effectiveness of communication, and consider the
intention, 2) Practical fields, this research can be used as a characteristics for each of the different ad target groups.
reference for companies in considering the use of scarcity The attraction that arises in the advertisement will cause a
appeal advertising and using it appropriately. response to the consumer. The response that arises is the
attitude aimed at consumers in an advertisement or brand.
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Attitudes are evaluations, feelings of likes or dislikes, and
tendencies that are relatively consistent from someone on
According to The Oxford Dictionary of Economics an object or idea (Kotler and Armstrong, 2012). Attitude is
"(Black et al., 2012) defines economic Scarcity as" property the most important concept in the study of consumer
because of excess demand at zero prices. This means that in behavior. Every year marketing managers spend a large
equilibrium the price of scarce goods or factors must be amount of money to examine consumer attitudes towards
positive. "Commodity theory is contrary to the classical purchasing decisions. Then incur additional costs in
microeconomic theory and shows that the demand curve influencing attitudes encountered through advertising
shifts in the opposite direction from the shift in the supply activities, sales promotions and other types of advertising.
curve. In other words, if the supply of a product increases, By influencing consumer attitudes, marketers hope to
the demand for a product declining, and vice versa; thus, it influence consumer buying behavior.
contradicts the assumption that the demand curve is
independent of changes in supply in classical The attitude of consumers is an important
microeconomic theory. Webster's Unabridged "(2002) psychological factor that needs to be understood by
defines the word Scarcity as" a rare quality or condition: (a) marketers because attitude is considered to have a positive
sparingness, niggardliness, parsimony, (b) the small and strong correlation with behavior. Even attitude is seen
number or amount according to wishes or requests, supply as an effective predictor of knowing consumer behavior
is very limited, (c) lack of inventory, (d) conditions of (Suryani, 2008). Consumer attitudes are important
insufficient inventory (such as necessities of life), poverty, psychological factors that need to be understood by
(e) state of imperfection; f) scarcity, abnormality ". marketers because attitudes are considered to have a
positive and strong correlation regarding the value of
Scarcity Appeal based on excessive demand causes information and buying decisions, this is because
consumers to conclude that the product might be popular consumers who like or behave positively towards a product
because consumers see other people buying the product are obtained from the value of information contained in the
(Gierrl and Huettl 2010). Scarcity Appeal products due to product, so that you have strong buying confidence to
high consumer demand are market-driven phenomena and choose and buy the product you like.
beyond the control of marketers because they cannot
predict such demand beforehand (Aguirre-Rodriguez Advertising appeal refers to the approach used to
2013). However, marketers often involve subjective signals attract consumers' attention and influence consumers on a
(for example, almost sold out) as part of advertising, which product. Some elements of the appeal of advertisements
is a tactic used to show the product's popularity to such as music, scripts, endorsers, slogans, and product
consumers (Aguirre-Rodriguez, 2013). As a result, when logos are used to attract consumers' attention and influence
consumers are unsure about the value of a product, they consumers emotionally about a product. Ads with high
may depend on indirect information based on popularity, attractiveness will influence the judgment and attitudes of
and adopt consumption behavior that is well-known or consumers.Advertising is a form of communication,
popular (Pieters, and Zeelenberg 2009).
Long-Yi Lin (2011) conducted a study entitled the
Scarcity appeal advertising will provide several impact of advertising appeals and advertising
effects (advertising effects) in a product. The effects that spokespersons on advertising attitudes and purchase
appear vary, can the positive can be negative depending on intentions. The results showed that (1) advertising appeals
how the customer is delivered and received. Usually with had a significant positive effect on advertising attitudes,
interesting advertisements, consumers will remember the and rational advertising appeal was more significant than
product more and can provide information to consumers. emotional appeals; (2) spokespersons have a significant
With the attraction of images or language, consumers will positive influence on advertising attitudes, and celebrities
be more confident in the advantages of the product being are more important than experts; (3) advertising attitude has
promoted. In addition, advertising, can have an impact on a significant positive influence on purchase intention.
sales volume, this is because through advertising, a Eisend (2013) conducted a study of the effect of Scarcity
company carries out promotions to arouse consumers' appeals on purchase intentions. This study aims to
buying interest to make purchases, causing sales volumes to determine the effect of Scarcity appeals on purchase
intentions mediated by consumer perceptions of values that

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Volume 4, Issue 4, April – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
increase the influence of purchase intention. The results highest education level of respondents is S2 – S3 (post
showed that Scarcity appeals had a significant effect on graduate and Doctoral), as many as 75% or 50%. This data
purchase intention. Hanuan Ku (2011) examined the effect means that MM UNAIR Students who are respondents are
of scarcity appeals on purchase intention on hedonic relatively young and adult age groups of students`
products and utilitarian products. This study aims to
determine the effect of Scarcity appeals on purchase The results of the causality test indicate that the effect
intention. The results of the study show that the Scarcity of scarcity appeal in advertising on Consumer Attitude with
appeal has a positive impact on purchase intention on a path coefficient of 1.113 and p-value of 0.000. The effect
hedonic products and utilitarian products. of scarcity appeal in advertising on purchase intention with
a path coefficient of 0.565 and a p-value of 0,000. While
Roy and Sharma (2015) conducted a study with the the effect of Consumer Attitude on purchase intention is
title Scarcity appeal in advertising - exploring the indicated by the path coefficient of 0.401 with a p-value of
moderating roles of need for uniqueness and message 0,000.
framing. The results of this study indicate that the pulling
of ads on two levels has a significant difference in their The scarcity appeal in advertising has a significant
interactions. David and Fitrianto (2015). This study proves effect on Consumer Attitude CEO Talk with a positive
that celebrity endorsers play a role in influencing the relationship direction. This can be seen from the positive
perception of consumer value, so that consumers have path coefficient of 1.113 with a CR of 9,152 and obtained a
positive values towards the brand. Perception of value is significant probability (p) of 0,000 smaller than the
very important because with the perception of values that significant level (α) required by 0,000.
will positively influence how consumers make decisions.
Thus scarcity appeal in advertising has a direct effect
Haryantana and Ekawati (2015) found Celebrity on Consumer Attitude CEO Talk, which means that if the
endorser, brand image and perceived quality had a positive consumer's perception of scarcity appeal advertising
and significant effect partially on the intention to buy a increases, it will increase Consumer Attitude, and vice
Honda Scoopy motorcycle in Denpasar City. This shows versa if the consumer perception of scarcity appeal
that Celebrity endorser, brand image and perceived quality advertising will decrease Consumer Attitude, this result
can increase the intention to buy a Honda Scoopy supports (accept) the first hypothesis in this study which
motorbike in Denpasar City Advice given to Honda Scoopy means that scarcity appeal advertising has a significant
manufacturers, Honda Scoopy manufacturers should effect on Consumer Attitude CEO Talk products among
maintain and pay attention to the quality of Honda Scoopy MM UNAIR students.
motorbikes, so that consumer perceptions of bicycle quality
the Honda Scoopy motorbike gets better, by making Scarcity appeal in advertising has a significant effect
improvements to minimize the damage to the engine so that on Purchase intention with a positive relationship direction.
it can provide an overview to the consumers of the quality This can be seen from the positive path coefficient of 0.565
possessed by Honda Scoopy motorcycles. with CR of 2.423 and obtained a significant probability (p)
of 0.015 smaller than the significant level (α) required 0.05.
III. METHOD Thus scarcity appeal advertising has a direct effect on
Purchase intention, which means that if the consumer
This research described the relationship between perception of scarcity appeal in advertising increases, it will
exogenous variables and exogenous variables or increase Purchase intention, and vice versa if the consumer
independent variables consisting of scarcity appeal perception of scarcity appeal in advertising will decrease
advertising (X). Endogenous variable or dependent the Purchase intention, this result supports (accepts) the
variable, consisting of Consumer Attitude (Z) and Purchase second hypothesis in this study which means scarcity
intention (Y). The population were MM Unair students who appeal in advertising has a significant effect on Purchase
haven’t bought CEO Talk products. This study used 15 intention of CEO Talk products among MM UNAIR
indicators so that the sample size is 150 respondents. This Students.
study used The Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) of the
AMOS statistical software package in the model and Consumer attitude has a significant effect on purchase
hypothesis assessment. intention with the direction of a positive relationship. This
can be seen from the positive path coefficient of 0.688 with
IV. RESULTS CR of 4.396 and obtained a significant probability (p) of
0.000 Smaller than the significant level (α) required 0.05.
The age of respondents was quite varied from 150 Thus Consumer Attitude has a direct effect on CEO Talk's
respondents ranging in age from below 30 years to 60 Purchase intention, which means that if consumer
years. Where the dominant age of the respondents is the age perceptions of Consumer Attitude increase, it will increase
between the ages of 31-40 years which is equal to 51.59% Purchase intention, and vice versa if consumer perceptions
or the amount of 77%. While the least age as respondents of Consumer Attitude go down will reduce Purchase
are those aged 41-50 years as many as 14% or 9.42%. This intention, this result supports (accepts) the third hypothesis
data means that MM UNAIR Students who are respondents in this study which means Consumer Attitude has a
are relatively young and adult age groups of students. The

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Volume 4, Issue 4, April – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
significant effect on CEO Talk's Purchase intention among B. Effect of Scarcity Appeal in Advertising on Purchase
MM UNAIR students. Intention
Purchase intention is evidence of a strong
V. DISCUSSION commitment to use again or subscribe to certain services or
services in the future even though there are influences of
Based on the theory used as the theoretical foundation situations and marketing efforts that have the potential to
and previous research in this study, there are many factors cause behavioral shifts ((Tjiptono, 2006: 57). Consumer
that influence the Purchase intention, including scarcity attitudes towards goods or services certain depends on
appeal in advertising and Consumer Attitude. On this basis, several factors the amount of cost to move to other goods or
the purpose of this study is to prove and analyze the services, the similarity in quality, quality or service of the
influence of scarcity appeal in advertising influencing type of substitute goods or services, the risk of changes in
Consumer Attitude, scarcity appeal in advertising costs due to substitute goods or services and changes in
influences Consumer Attitude and scarcity appeal in Consumer Attitude levels derived from new products
advertising has an effect on Purchase intention of CEO compared to the experience of previous products that have
Talk products among MM UNAIR Students. The three been used, the Scarcity appeal has a positive impact on
causality relationships that were built in this study are the purchase intention on hedonic products and utilitarian
results of several theories and the results of clear previous products.Consumer buying behavior is influenced by
studies that have been discussed in the conceptual scarcity appeal advertising, which is an important message
framework. for consumers scarcity appeal advertising is an emotional
attraction draw from the experimental consumption side
A. Effect of Scarcity Appeal in Advertising on Consumer
Attitude The results of path coefficient testing show that
The path coefficient test results show that scarcity scarcity appeal advertising has a significant effect on
appeal in advertising has a significant effect on Consumer Purchase intention with a positive relationship direction.
Attitude. Based on the results of these tests, the first Based on the results of these tests, it can be concluded that
hypothesis which states that scarcity appeal in advertising the second hypothesis which states scarcity appeal in
has a significant effect on Consumer Attitude is proven advertising has a significant effect on CEO Talk Purchase
(accepted). It shows that the better the scarcity appeal in intention in MM UNAIR students, it is proven. This means
advertising, the higher the Consumer Attitude. scarcity that if the consumer's perception of scarcity appeal
appeal in advertising can be measured by looking at advertising increases, it will increase Purchase intention,
rational attraction which will later become an assessment and vice versa if the consumer's perception of scarcity
for consumers so that it will lead to Consumer Attitude. appeal advertising will decrease the Purchase intention.
Wang, Cheng and Chu (2012) say the attractiveness of
advertising aims to motivate consumers to take specific The results of the study consistent with Eze et al.,
actions or influence their attitude towards certain products. (2012) define advertising as an attraction, an effort of
Based on the characteristics of the respondents, it was creativity that inspires motives for purchasing and
shown that the majority of CEO Talk respondents were influences consumer attitudes toward certain products or
young and had the status of employment as students. services. In addition, these results are consistent with Roy
Consumers who have these characteristics are consumers and Sharma (2015) saying scarcity appeal advertising is
who tend to have high expectations about a good scarcity currently widely used and makes contact with consumers.
appeal in advertising especially CEO Talk product as a scarcity appeal in advertising can communicate
limited product. functionally and emotionally, in which can affect buying
intentions as seen from television advertising with exposure
Based on the respondents' assessment and the reason levels of the advertisement giving its own image to
for the scarcity appeal in advertising indicator, it can be consumers.
said that scarcity appeal in advertising CEO Talk has a
good rating from consumers that it will increase Consumer VI. CONCLUSIONS
Attitude. The creation of satisfied consumers starts from the
creation of a good scarcity appeal advertising, and finally Based on the results of data analysis, the following
consumers will feel a sense of satisfaction after using a points can be concluded. 1) scarcity appeal in advertising
service. has a significant effect on consumer attitude of CEO Talk
product among MM UNAIR students. It is based on the
In addition, this result is consistent with Eisend's results of testing the path coefficient which shows that the
(2013) research and Roy and Sharma (2015) found that first hypothesis which states that scarcity appeal in
scarcity appeal advertising had a positive effect on advertising has a significant effect on proven Consumer
Consumer Attitude. Attitude; 2) scarcity appeal in advertising has a significant
effect on CEO Talk's purchase intention among UNAIR
students. This is based on the results of path coefficient
testing which shows that the second hypothesis which
states that scarcity appeal in advertising has a significant
effect on proven Purchase intention, and 3) Consumer

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
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