The Effect of Scarcity Appeal in Advertising On Purchase Intention Through Customer Attitude of CEO Talk Products
The Effect of Scarcity Appeal in Advertising On Purchase Intention Through Customer Attitude of CEO Talk Products
The Effect of Scarcity Appeal in Advertising On Purchase Intention Through Customer Attitude of CEO Talk Products
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- To analyze the effect of scarcity appeal Bendixen (1993), that efforts to approach consumers so that
advertising on consumer attitude and purchase messages are easily accepted and influence them, appeals
intention on Master of Management (MM) at Airlangga need to be used. Wells et al (1995), explain that advertising
Univesity (UNAIR) in Surabaya either directly or is able to create an attraction that can make advertised
indirectly. The population were master of management products attractive to consumers, Faela and Munas (2012),
students who haven’t bought CEO Talk products. This stated that the attractiveness of advertisements is where
study used a sample of 150 respondents. The research advertisements can amaze and attract the attention of
variables were scarcity appeal in advertising, consumer viewers, so advertisements need to be made as attractive as
attitude and purchase intention. The results showed possible so that they have an attraction that can later build
that scarcity appeal in advertising had a significant individual attitudes. expected to affect consumer attitudes
effect on consumer attitude of CEO Talk products Roy and Sharma (2015), prove that scarcity appeal has a
among MM UNAIR students, scarcity appeal in positive effect on customer attitude. An empirical study of
advertising had a significant effect on CEO Talk's the effect of scarcity appeal has a positive effect on
Purchase intention among MM UNAIR students and customer attitude, which is still relatively rare.
consumer attitude significantly affected the purchase
intention of CEO Talk products among MM UNAIR Theory of planned behavior explained that perceived
students. behavioral control can affect intention (Ajzen, 1990). Based
on the theory of planned behavior encourages the
Keyword:- Scarcity Appeal In Advertising, Consumer development of theories regarding the relationship of
Attitude Dan Purchase Intention. perceived value to purchase intention. Kotler and Keller
(2016) explain that perceived value is the difference
I. INTRODUCTION between prospective customer valuation of all benefits and
costs of an offer to the alternative. Dikson and Sawer
One of the advertising appeals is scarcity appeal in (1990), also explained that the possibility of purchase
advertising which is an effective neuroscience advertising intention will increase, when consumers get more benefits
technique to encourage strong sales for certain products or than they pay to obtain these products. Research Eisend
services (Mukherjee, 2016). Scarcity Appeal depends on (2013), Roy and Sharma (2015), and Haryantana and
the consumer's desire for the product or service and is Ekawati (2015), prove that perceived value has a positive
connected with the underlying fear of not getting what they effect on purchase intention.
need. scarcity appeal advertising works well for products or
services that are affordable or being sold. But Scarcity Based on the description above, there are several
Appeal can be less successful for luxury products, which do factors that influence disclosure of purchase intention,
not have the bulk appeal needed for strong sales namely the appeal of advertising (appeal advertising) and
(Mukherjee, 2016). consumer attitude. Some studies regarding the
attractiveness of advertising are still relatively rare using
Advertising is related to the use of people (or special scarcity appeal. The costumer attitude variable is relatively
characters) who are believed to represent the product or rare as a mediating variable in the scarcity appeal
better known as advertising stars (endorsers). The selection relationship to purchase intention. The empirical study that
of the right endorser will have an impact on the product, has been presented creates a research gap to be reviewed in
such as trust in the product, up to purchase intention this study.
(Purchase intention) (Chi, Yeh, and Tsai, 2011). Purchase
intention is part of consumer behavior. The objectives of this study include 1) to analyze the
effect of scarcity appeal in advertising on Consumer
Related to attitude is a positive or negative evaluation Attitude in MM Airlangga University Surabaya students; 2)
system, namely a tendency to approve or reject (A positive to analyze the effect of scarcity appeal in advertising on
attitude will be formed if the stimulus that comes to purchase intention on MM Unair students in Surabaya; 3)
someone gives a pleasant experience that is felt by to analyze the effect of Consumer Attitude on purchase
consumers. One of them is through advertising appeal. intention on MM Unair students in Surabaya and 4) to