Types of Faults Incables: Open Circuit Fault

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Types of Faults inCables

Open Circuit Fault

When there is a break in the conductor of the cable, it is called open circuit fault of the
cable. The open circuit fault can be checked by megger. For this purpose, the three
conductors of the 3-core cable at the far end are shorted and earthed. Then resistance
between each conductor and earth is measured by a megger. The megger will indicate zero
resistance in the circuit of the conductor that is not broken. However, if the conductor is
broken, the megger will indicate infinite resistance in itscircuit.

Short CircuitFault

When two conductors of a multi-core cable come in electrical contact with each other due
to insulation failure, it is called short-circuit fault. The two terminals of the megger are
connected to any two conductors. If the megger gives zero reading, it indicates short-
circuit fault between these two conductors. The same step can be repeated for other
conductors taking two at atime.

Earth Fault

When the conductor of the cable comes in contact with earth, it is called earth fault or
ground fault. To identify this fault, one terminal of the megger is connected to the
conductor and the other terminal connected to earth. If megger indicates zero reading, it
means the conductor is earthed. The same procedure is repeated for other conductors of the
cable [4,6].
This project is used to detect the location of fault in digital way. Locating the faulty point
in an underground cable helps to facilitate quicker repair, improve the system reliability
and reduced outage period. The article has been organised as follows. Section 2 discuss
about different methods used to detect the location of fault in underground cables. Section
3 describes the basic principle of the proposed fault locating method. Section 4 briefly
explains the working of the proposed system with a help of flow chart. Section 5 presents
the circuit which is a prototype model for the proposed system. Section 6 gives the
simulation of the
work using Proteus 8.5 Professional software. The section also explains the hardware
implementation and the results. Section 7 Provides conclusion and future scope of the

2.1 Sectionalizing

This procedure reduces cable reliability, because it depends on physically cutting and splicing
the cable. Dividing the cable into successively smaller sections and measuring both ways with
an ohmmeter or high-voltage insulation resistance (IR) tester enable to narrow down search
for a fault. This laborious procedure normally involves repeated cable excavation[2,8].


When high voltage is supplied to faulty cable, the resulted high current arc makes a noise loud
enough to hear above ground. While this method eliminates the sectionalizing method’s
cutting and splicing, it has its own drawback. Thumping requires a current on the order of tens
of thousands of amps at voltages as high as 25 kV to make an underground noise loud enough
to hear above ground. The heating from this high current often causes some degradation of the
cable insulation. The limit of damage can be reduced by passing minimum required power to
conduct the test [2].


The Time domain reflectometer (TDR) is an electronic instrument that uses time domain
reflectometry to characterize and locate faults in metallic cables. The TDR sends a low-
energy signal through the cable, causing no insulation degradation. A theoretically perfect
cable returns that signal in a known time and in a known profile. Impedance variations in a
“real-world” cable alter both the time and profile, which the TDR screen or printout
graphically represents. One weakness of TDR is that it does not pinpointfaults.

Arc Reflection Method

This method is often referred to as a high voltage radar technique that overcomes the 200 Ω
limitation of low-voltage radar. In addition to the TDR, an arc reflection filter and surge
generator is required. The surge generator is used to create an arc across the shunt fault which
creates a momentary short circuit that the TDR can display as a downward-going reflection.
The filter protects the TDR from the high voltagepulse generated by the surge generator and
routes the low-voltage pulses down the cable. Arc reflection is the most accurate and easiest
pre location method. The fault is displayed in relation to other cable landmarks such as splices,
taps and transformers and no interpretation is required. Arc reflection makes it possible for the
TDR to display “before” and “after” traces or cable signatures. The “before” trace is the low-
voltage radar signature that shows all cable landmarks but does not show the downward
reflection of a high resistance shunt fault. The “after” trace is the high-voltage signature that
includes the fault location even though its resistance may be higher than 200 Ω. This trace is
digitized, stored and displayed on the screen and the cursors are positioned in order to read the
distance to the high resistance fault[8].


When a ground fault occurs in a single cable and there is no other cable, then blavier test can
be performed to locate the fault in a single cable. In other words, in the absence of a sound
cable to locate fault in the cable, then measurement of the resistance from one side or end is
called blavier test. Ground fault of a single cable can be located using Blavier’s test. In
thiskind of test, low voltage supply, an ammeter and voltmeter are used in a bridge network.
Resistance between one end of the cable (Sending End) and earth is measured while “Far End”
is isolated from the earth [2,8].

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