DH GF HF Bio-X Vent Autoclave
DH GF HF Bio-X Vent Autoclave
DH GF HF Bio-X Vent Autoclave
Filter Cartridges
• air / gas filters
• PTFE impregnated borosilicate glass microfibre
Performance Characteristics
450 5
Differential Pressure (mbar)
A Size
Volume of Autoclave (m3)
350 4
4 3
A Size B Size
B Size 3
150 2
100 1
0 0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 50 100 150 200
AIR Flow (Nm3 / hr) Time (seconds)
Cartridge flow rates @ 0 barg Vacuum break time against autoclave volume
HIGH FLOW BIO-X Vent Autoclave Filter Cartridges
Materials of Construction Effective Filtration Area (EFA) Integrity Test Data
Filtration Media: PTFE Impregnated 5¨ (125 mm) 0.2 m2 (2.3 ft2) All cartridges are integrity tested prior to
Glass Microfibre despatch by the aerosol challenge test
Upstream Support: Polypropylene Sterilisation method using Parker domnick hunter’s
Downstream Support: Polypropylene HIGH FLOW BIO-X Vent Autoclave filter VALAIRDATA II.
Inner Support Core: Polypropylene cartridges can be repeatedly autoclaved up
Outer Protection Cage: Polypropylene to 135 °C (275 °F) for a maximum of
Prefilter Sock: Polyurethane 100 cycles.
End Caps: Polypropylene Note: Remove prefilter layer before steaming.
Standard gaskets: EPDM
Retention Characteristics
Food and Biological Safety The HIGH FLOW BIO-X Vent Autoclave
Materials conform to the relevant range of cartridges has been fully validated
requirements of 21CFR Part 177, by aerosol bacterial challenge levels of
EC1935 / 2004 and current USP Plastics >107 Brevundimonas diminuta per cm2.
Class VI - 121 °C and ISO10993 equivalents. Independent test work also shows full
retention to MS-2 Coliphage.
Recommended Operating Conditions
The maximum differential pressure in
direction of flow (outside to in) is
4.5 barg (65.26 psig) at 70 °C (158 °F).
Ordering Information
ZGP - .01
Parker domnick hunter has a continuous policy of product development and although the Company
reserves the right to change specifications, it attempts to keep customers informed of any alterations.
This publication is for general information only and customers are requested to contact our Process
Filtration Sales Department for detailed information and advice on a products suitability for specific
applications. All products are sold subject to the company’s Standard conditions of sale.
DS_GF_05_11/09 Rev. 3B