02 Cardiovascular System
02 Cardiovascular System
02 Cardiovascular System
12 Cardiovascular System
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
• Thiazides [TD] have a fast onset (1-2 hrs) and prolonged action duration
(12-24 hrs). Administer in the morning. May cause postural hypotension
especially in the elderly.
• High doses of thiazides [TD] and loop diuretics [LD] can cause
hypokalaemia. IV frusemide in large bolus doses may cause ototoxicity,
so doses > 50mg should be diluted in 100ml of NS and given at a rate not
exceeding 4mg/min.
• Potassium-sparing diuretics [PSD] such as spironolactone should be
used cautiously in patients on ACE inhibitors as they may cause severe
hyperkalaemia. Do not give concurrently with potassium supplements.
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
• Nitroprusside: Avoid using for > 72 hrs as accumulation of cyanide
metabolites occurs (cause tachycardia, sweating, hyperventilation,
arrhythmias). Tail infusion off slowly over 10-30 min to avoid rebound
effect. Stop if no marked response with max dose in 10 min. Protect the
solution completely from light in storage and when in use.
• Most serious peripheral vascular disorders may be due to occlusion of
vessels, either by spasm/sclerotic plaque. Advise patients on lifestyle
changes including smoking cessation and exercise training, and consider
low-dose aspirin to prevent cardiovascular events.
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
• Beta-blockers: NOT if asthma or history of obstructive airways disease.
• Labetolol: Severe hepatocellular damage reported, monitor liver function.
• Beta-blockers may mask signs/symptoms of hypoglycaemia and affect
glucose tolerance. Avoid in patients with frequent hypoglycaemic episodes
or in those with poor blood glucose control.
• Risk of precipitating heart failure when beta-blockers used in conjunction
with verapamil.
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
• Calcium Channel Antagonists can cause dizziness, headache,
peripheral oedema (worse than with verapamil and diltiazem). Most
common: flushing, rash, and gingival hyperplasia. Constipation is more
common with verapamil. Disturbances of cardiac conduction and
disruption of left ventricular failure are more likely with either verapamil or
diltiazem. Avoid abrupt withdrawal, may induce hypertensive
• Contraindication (C/I): concurrent intravenous beta-blocker therapy,
CHF, hypersensitivity, hypotension.
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
• ACE Inhibitors (ACE/I) can cause very rapid falls of BP in volume-
depleted patients, so discontinue diuretics or reduce dose 2-3 days before
ACE/I initiation. Give first ACE/I dose at bedtime. Resume diuretics if
needed after a few weeks. If diuretics cannot be stopped, supervise
medically for 2 hrs after first ACE/I dose, or until stable BP.
• Monitor renal function (baseline creatinine) and assess within 1 week of
initiating therapy. If >10% increase in creatinine levels review therapy.
Reassess regularly (3-4 times/yr).
• Drug interaction – caution if used with calcium channel antagonists, see
product leaflets.
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
Lidocaine HCl Inj 1% 10mg/ml MSL Arrhythmia: Adult IV bolus load 50-
20ml or 50ml vials, 10ml Minijet; 100mg over 2-3min, repeated after 5
2% 20mg/ml 20ml or 50ml vials, min if needed up to 300mg in first
10ml Minijet; & 20% 200mg/ml hour; followed by IV infusion at 1-
(Xylocard/Xylocaine) 4mg/min, dose 20-50ug/kg with ECG
monitoring, max 4.5mg/kg or 300mg
[Lidocaine = Lignocaine] in any one-hour period. Child,
1mg/kg/DOSE IV bolus every 5-10
minutes to max 5mg/kg,
maintenance 10-50ug/kg/min.
Ventricular arrhythmias: may be
given IM 300mg into the deltoid or
quadriceps muscle.
Hypomagnesaemia, emergency: 1-
2g (4-8mmol Mg or 2-4ml) in 100ml
D5 infused over 1-2 min. Severe
deficiency: IV infusion 5g (20mmol
Mg or 10ml) diluted in 1000ml D5/NS
given over 3 hrs. Mild deficiency:
adult IM undiluted 1g (5mmol Mg or
2ml) q6h for four doses per 24hrs.
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
• All anti-arrhythmics are potentially pro-arrhythmic. If using more than one
antiarrhythmic care is needed as fatal interactions can occur. Avoid rapid
changes and combinations.
• Amiodarone is intended for use only in patients with life-threatening
arrhythmias because of substantial toxicity.
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
• Digoxin: hypokalaemia predisposes to digoxin toxicity. Use with caution in
pregnancy, elderly and renal impairment, avoid rapid IV administration.
Excessive dosage may cause nausea & vomiting, GI & visual
disturbances, CNS & heart symptoms.
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
BNF 2.1-2.12 Cardiovascular System
• Aspirin C/I: active peptic ulceration, haemophilia/bleeding disorders.
• Treatment using full dose unfractionated heparin should be controlled by
monitoring of coagulation parameters. Monitor platelet counts if patient on
for more than 5 days. Heparin may cause haemorrhage; effects are
reversible by protamine sulphate.
• Rhabdomyolysis associated with lipid-regulating drugs may be increased
in patients with renal impairment, hypothyroidism, and patients on
concomitant ciclosporin treatment. Concomitant treatment with a fibrate
and a statin may also increase risk of serious muscle toxicity. Advice
patients to report promptly unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, and