Region VIII
Schools Division of Tacloban City
District Learning Center IV
Tacloban City
Submitted by:
David, Angelika Marie D.
Mañas, Godwin M.
Ogsimer, Neña Grace A.
Caalim, Bon Joshua C.
Ifurong, Vergel S.
San Miguel, Wilma A.
Abrematea, Andy Jork B.
Grade 12- L. Belardo
Submitted to:
Sir Emmanuel S. Colete
GROUP ACTIVITY: Video Presentation (8-10 minutes)
D. Discuss the concepts of the dilation, length contraction, and mass increase.
Time dilation is a phenomenon or two phenomena described by the theory of
relativity. It can be illustrated by supposing that two observers are in motion relative to
each other, and/or differently situated with regard to nearby gravitational masses. The
equation for calculating time dilation is as follows:
t = t0/(1-v2/c2)1/2
where: t = time observed in the other reference frame
t0 = time in observers own frame of reference (rest time)
v = the speed of the moving object
c = the speed of light in a vacuum
Length contraction, according to Hendrik Lorentz, is the physical phenomenon of
a decrease in length detected by an observer in objects that travel at any non-zero velocity
relative to that observer. This contraction, more formally called Lorentz contraction or
Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction, is usually only noticeable, however, at a substantial
fraction of the speed of light; and the contraction is only in the direction parallel to the
direction in which the observed body is travelling. The equation for calculating the length
as seen by an outside observer is as follows:
L = L0((1 - v2/c2))1/2
where: L = the length measured by the "other" observer
L0 = the length measured by the observers on reference frame
v = the speed of the object
c = the speed of light in a vacuum
Mass increase is associated with speed of light, c, the speed limit of the universe.
This increased effective mass is evident in cyclotrons and other accelerators where the
speed approaches c. The equation for calculating the mass as seen by an outside observer
is as follows:
m = m0/((1 - v2/c2))1/2
where: m0 = the mass measured at rest relative to an observer traveling with the same
velocity as the mass, the "rest mass"
m = the mass measured by the observers on the other reference frame.
v = the speed of the object
c = the speed of light in a vacuum
E. State some consequences of the special theory of relativity.
We observe that in the development of special theory of relativity, frames of
reference in relative motion with a constant speed V have been used. If the
speed V becomes large enough to approach the velocity of light C, then the Galilean's
transformations are found to be noticeably wrong. To correct the state of affairs it will be
necessary to introduce a factor called 'Lorentz Factor' or 'Relativistic factor'. Lorentz Factor
is equal to:
much smaller than as it is in our common situations,then is so small that the relativistic
factor is essentially equal to unity. Under these conditions the classical and the relativistic
physics predict nearly identical results. However when V approaches c (e.g.: V = C/5),
Then the Galilean transformation will be incorrect.
Based on these considerations, if we interpret the result of special theory of relativity
we end up in some very interesting consequences. Without going to make actual
mathematical calculation, We may summarize the important consequences of the theory of
special relativity which are as under:
According to the special theory of relativity, the mass of an object in a frame of reference
at rest is called its rest mass mo. if this mass is measured by an observation moving with a
constant speed V relative to the object, then it will not remain constant if the speed V is
comparable to C. The mass m in the moving frame will very according to the mass variation
given by:
This mass variation formula shows that mass changes with the velocity and not in general
a constant nor the same for all observes but it is quantity that:
(a) depend upon the reference frame from which the body is being observed.
(b) is greater than or equal to the rest mass mo when the body is at rest in the frame of
reference from which the body is being observed.
In the theory of special relativity, it has been found that the measurement of length of a rod
in a stationary frame of reference is not the same when the rod is measured by the observer
in the moving frame of reference with the velocity relative to the rod, provided the
measurement is made along the direction of motion.
Hence, if Lo is the length of rod in the frame at rest, and L is the length of same rod in the
moving frame, then:
Since v/c is less then unity, the length L is less then Lo i.e. there is a contraction in length
along the direction of motion. This is called the Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction.
above equation tells us that an observer past whom a system is moving with a
speed v measures object in the moving system to be shortened in length along the direction
of motion by a factor:
It is important to note that only the dimension along the line of motion is changed and
there is no change in the other two perpendicular directions.
With the development of special theory of relativity it became apparent that there is no
physical contraction of the moving objects. There is, however, an apparent contraction of
body for an observer where there is a relative motion of the object and the observer. In the
natural sense the observer in moving frame cannot detect the contraction because in this
frame it does not exist; where is in the rest frame, it does exist, but the measuring rod in
the moving system has shrunk too further we must note that for moderate velocities
(v/c<<1) of the objects the contraction in length is negligible as observed in our everyday
Above equation represents what we call as the time dilation phenomena. According to the
time dilation formula we mean that from the point of view of an observer at rest, the time
of the observer in motion is dilated i.e. the clocks in moving frame run slowly and the
Lorentz factor Gives us the ratio of the rates of clocks for normal speeds,
this factor is so close to unity (1.00) that we are quite unable to detect time dilation effect,
but for speed comparable to the speed of light c the time dilation effect is quite significant.
We can now conclude that for every observer his own clock in his frame of reference run
faster than do any other clocks which are moving relative to him. We may also note that
every observer may consider himself to be at rest and consider all that moves as moving
relative to him. This is actually an outcome of the principle of special relativity stated
earlier: Every observer is equivalent to every other observer.
We cannot reach speeds greater than the speed of light by the relativistic addition of
velocities. The equation is how to reconcile with this result of special relativity with
Newton's second law, F=ma? It would be seen that any constant force, no matter how small,
applied for a considerably very long time, should continuously accelerate any mass 'm' at
a rate a=f/m until the speed was arbitrarily very large. Einstein, concluded that energy has
inertia i.e. the more energy a body possess, the more inertia that body will display. Since,
inertia is a property of matter, which is associated with mass. Thus from Einstein's
argument mass is simply a property attributed to the total energy of the body and only the
total energy is required, to know the total mass of the body.Thus, in special theory of
relativity total energy and mass are related by the famous Einstein's equation.
From this relation between mass and energy it has been predicted that any process that
changed the mass by a detectable amount would involve huge amounts of energy. For
example, a mass change of 1.00 gram is equal to an energy change of 9 x 1013 joules.