ChordPotion Manual

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ChordPotion Manual


• Introduction: The ChordPotion concept

• Setup
• Main user interface elements 1 (top bar, bottom bar)
• Main user interface elements 2 (everything else)
• Working with different MIDI channels
• Switching between pages
• MIDI export
• Working with random patterns
• What happens when you press "Generate new variation"?
• Is it possible to edit the patterns?
Introduction: The ChordPotion concept

ChordPotion is a MIDI plug-in that transforms incoming chord notes into entirely new
phrases, rhythmic chords, and melodies. Build your own creations by mixing different
rhythmic patterns with each other. Choose separate patterns for bass, mid, and top
sections to build complex pieces easily.

You can export the generated output as standard MIDI files as well. This way you can
build new songs quickly and efficiently while experimenting with new playing styles.

Depending on your DAW and your operating system you will need to copy the plug-in to
a different location. The most common locations are:

Windows (32 bit DAW): Copy the file ChordPotion32.dll to the folder "c:/program files
(x86)/Steinberg/VstPlugins/" (this is the default for most 32 bit DAWs).

Windows (64 bit DAW): Copy the file ChordPotion_x64.dll to the folder "c:/program
files/Steinberg/VstPlugins/" (this is the default for most 64 bit DAWs).

macOS: Copy the file ChordPotion.vst to the folder "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/". Copy

the file ChordPotion.component to the folder "/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/".
Please note: The AU version (ChordPotion.component) is only needed for Logic Pro X.
Most other hosts (e.g. Ableton Live) will need the VST version instead.

ChordPotion acts as a VST instrument or AU MIDI effect inside your DAW. It receives
notes like any other instrument and can send the newly created notes to other plug-ins.
The VST version also includes a built-in piano module that can be used to work with
ChordPotion without connecting it to other instruments.

Please consult the manual of your DAW to find out how you can pass the MIDI note
output from one plug-in to another plug-in. Some pointers:

• Ableton Live: How to access the MIDI output of a VST plug-in?

( You can find an
image with a MelodicFlow example routing here: *click*
(ChordPotion uses the same routing).
• Bitwig: Add ChordPotion to an instrument track. Then add another instrument
to the same track (after ChordPotion in the device chain).
• Cubase: Add ChordPotion to one track, and another instrument to a different
track. From the Input Routing list on the instrument track, select ChordPotion -
MIDI Out. Turn on monitor input on the instrument track by clicking the monitor
• FL Studio: Add ChordPotion to a new channel. Click the Wrapping Settings
button. Set Output port to 1 in the settings panel. Add another instrument to a
different channel. Click the Wrapping Settings button. Set Input port to 1. You
can use any port number you like, but the output and input port number must be
the same.
• Logic Pro X: Insert ChordPotion in the MIDI Effect slot of a track. Then add an
instrument in the Instrument slot.
• Reaper: Add ChordPotion to a track. Then add another instrument to the same
track (after ChordPotion in the device chain).
• Sonar: Add ChordPotion to a new instrument track. The "MIDI Output setting"
must be checked in the "Insert Soft Synth Options" window. Then add another
instrument to a second track, open the "Track Inspector" and set "MIDI Input" to
"ChordPotion -> MIDI Omni". You also have to activate the "Input Echo" button
on the second instrument track.
• Studio One: Add ChordPotion to one track (A) and another instrument to a
different track (B). Click on the Instrument Input list of the B-track and select
ChordPotion (maybe you need to change the track height to make the
instrument input box visible). Turn on input monitoring on track A and B (click on
the Monitor button). You can find an image with a MelodicFlow example routing
here: *click* (
(ChordPotion uses the same routing).
Main user interface elements 1 (top bar, bottom bar)

The top bar contains several different areas:

• Twelve page buttons: Use the different pages to work with different ideas or
switch between presets that you want to use in your song.
• Sound button: This button is only available in the VST version of ChordPotion.
Activate the button to use the built-in piano sound. This is especially useful if
you don't want to connect ChordPotion to a different plug-in first.
• MIDI drag and drop button: This button will only appear when you start to feed
ChordPotion with input notes. ChordPotion will record all the output notes then
(button colour: grey). As soon as you stop playback, the button will change its
colour and display a note symbol. You can drag the generated MIDI file to your
DAW then.

The bottom bar:

• Swing: There are two different swing modes available. The 16th note swing is
the default mode and is especially common in electronic music genres. The 8th
note swing is your second option to add some shuffle to your songs.
• Octave: Transposes the output notes up or down.
• Presets box: Pick one of the included presets to get started quickly.
• Copy, paste, save: Use these buttons to.. errrr.. copy, paste, or save your
page ;).
Main user interface elements 2 (everything else)

The main section of ChordPotion contains four different rows that can be used to
transform the incoming chord notes.

Basically it works like this: Pick a "Pattern" for at least one row. You can do this for as
many rows as you like. ChordPotion uses these pattern rhythms to build new output from
the input notes then. The output notes of all rows will get merged together and create the
final output.

It is possible to send the generated notes to different MIDI channels. Please read the
separate section of this manual for more information.
The solo (S) and mute (M) buttons can be used to listen to the four rows independently.

You can change the velocity and the octave pitch for each row. The default for the "Top"
row is a pitch of one octave, the default for the "Bass" row is a pitch of -1. You can
change the speed of each row separately. You can also decide whether the patterns
should only run once (Repeat: Off) or run forever (Repeat: On).

Each row has a special purpose:

• "Chords": The patterns that you choose here will get applied to all input notes at
once. This is especially useful if you want to create rhythmic chord sections.
• "Top" and "Extra": The patterns here contain some melodic variations that can
be used to add arpeggios and other ornaments to your chords.
• "Bass": The bass patterns usually work on the lowest note (bass note) of the
input chords.

The pattern names always contain some information about the pattern length. "16s"
corresponds to a length of 16 steps, "06s" means "6 steps".

Use the "Mode" box to switch between two different run modes.

• "Restart on chord change": The internal sequencer starts again whenever a new
chord begins. This happens when all old input notes stop and a new set of input
notes comes in.
• "Keep on running": The internal sequencer starts when the DAW starts to play. It
keeps on running until the DAW stops or until the DAW loops.
The "Tripletize" mode can be used to convert all melodic patterns into a "triplet
version". Please note that the swing settings won't get applied then, because a triplet
rhythm is already a kind of "swing rhythm".

There are different FX boxes available that can be used to transform the patterns. Two
of these boxes are available per row. Two additional boxes can be found below the rows.
They affect all rows combined. Please note that some effect names end with an "S", "M",
"L", "XL", or "XXL". These indicate the effect strength ("S" is "a little bit", "XXL" is "a lot").
You can work with the following effects:

• "Add notes": Will add some new notes to the pattern.

Please note: Some of the original patterns contain only notes that sit on beat
and offbeat positions. The "Add notes" variations S, M, and L will only add new
notes that sit on beats and offbeats as well. The XL and XXL versions will also
inject notes at other positions.
• "Pattern length * X": Use this effect to duplicate a pattern several times. Useful
in combination with other effects that randomize the new pattern then.
• "Randomize note length": Changes the note lengthes to a certain amount of
• "Randomize notes": Replaces some of the notes with other notes.
• "Randomize velocity": Randomizes the velocity of each note.
• "Remove note stops": Replaces short notes with longer notes that run until the
next note of the pattern is reached.
• "Remove notes": Removes some of the notes.

The global FX boxes also contain separate sections that start with "Non-chords: ...".
These effects will only change the "Top", "Bass", and "Extra" rows then.
Working with different MIDI channels

You can use the "Channel" setting to pick a different MIDI channel for each row. Rows
that share the same channel number will get merged together. When you work with
different MIDI channels, it is possible to send the "Top" row notes to a different
synthesizer than that of the "Bass" row. This way ChordPotion can trigger several
instruments at once.

This setting also affects the MIDI drag and drop feature, because ChordPotion will create
a new data section for each used channel. This way you can drag and drop the recorded
notes to multiple DAW strips right away.

Please note: The "channel" feature is pretty easy to setup inside ChordPotion. However,
routing the output notes to different synthesizers might require some advanced
knowledge of your DAW. Please consult the manual of your DAW to find out how you
can achieve this.

FeelYourSound also maintains a page where you can find setup tips for different
You can find it here:
Switching between pages

Click on the different page buttons to switch pages. You can also use the lowest notes of
your MIDI keyboard for that: C-0 -> page 1, C#0 -> page 2, D-0 -> page 3, D#0 -> page
4, and so on.
MIDI export

As soon as ChordPotion receives MIDI notes, it will start to transform them. The
generated output notes are automatically recorded. When you stop your DAW, you can
drag and drop the generated MIDI file to your DAW.

One of the best ways to work with ChordPotion goes like this:

• Write down some input chords in your DAW.

• Choose a nice ChordPotion preset or create a potion on your own.
• Start the playback in your DAW.
• Wait until the output notes have been generated.
• Stop playback in your DAW.
PS: You don't need to match the end of your chords sequence perfectly.
ChordPotion will shorten the generated MIDI file a bit when it detects that you
stopped the DAW a bit behind a new bar.
• Did you like the generated output? Then drag and drop the MIDI button from
ChordPotion to your DAW.

If you use different MIDI channels for the various rows, ChordPotion will create a multi-
channel MIDI file for you.
Working with random patterns

To a certain extent it's possible to add some extra randomization to your creations:

Method 1: Some patterns start with the word "Random". Pick such a pattern (e.g.
"Random arp multi up") and ChordPotion will choose a different rhythm each time you
click on "Generate new variation" (in this example different arpeggios that go up).

Method 2: There are some patterns in the "Chords" section that start with the word
"MultiPlay". MultiPlay patterns are a special type of pattern that work like this:

• Each MultiPlay pattern contains different melodic rhythms.

• When ChordPotion starts to play, it picks one of these rhythms, adds the other
sections (bass, top, extra), and creates the output.
• When "Repeat" is "On" and the rhythm ends, ChordPotion picks another rhyhtm,
adds the other sections, and continues.

You can combine the methods 2 and 1 to create even more complex sequences.
What happens when you press "Generate new variation"?

Whenever a parameter is changed, ChordPotion generates a new "note trigger data

model" from scratch. As long as you don't use randomization (e.g. by working with "FX
1" and "FX 2"), this data model will always sound the same. However, as soon as you
add a randomization source, "Generate new variation" will result in new melodies.

If you don't use randomization elements on your page, the "Generate" button will be
shown grayed out.
Is it possible to edit the patterns?

No, this is not possible. ChordPotion is meant to be a "plug and play" plugin. Some of
the patterns have a quite complex internal representation (especially the MultiPatterns).
This would require a rather sophisticated editor.

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