Course Syllabus Nail Care

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Junior High school

Basic Education Department

Ang Dios Gugma Catholic School Inc.
Ateneo de Iloilo-Sta. Maria Building,Gen. Blanco St. Iloilo City

Syllabus in Technology and Livelihoo Education

Grade 8
Home Economics-Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services
2nd Grading
Grade Level The learner should understands the concepts and underlying principles in developing fundamental skills in Technology and
Livelihood Education Home Economics-Beauty Care (Nail Care) Services leads to another level.
Content Standard The learner helps to develop knowledge, skills, and attitude to perform the tasks on Nail Care, demonstrate an understanding of the
core concepts and theories in Beauty Care (Nail Care)
Performance Standard The learners independently demonstrate core competencies in Nail Care as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.
Title Topics Learning competencies Assesment
Week 1 .Orientation
-Student Activity Program
-Rules and Regulation in Kitchen Lab
-Introducing the course description
Week 2 Use of Nail Care Tools and Equipment TLE_ HE-BC(NC)S1
. Prepare the necessary tools and Formative:
equipment for the specific nail care *Tools and equipment are prepared
activity. based on salon procedure and policies >Short Quizes:Multiple
. Use nail care tools and equipment. *Tools and equipment are identified and Choice(Necessary Tools and equipment)
checked according to task requirements >Oral Recitation
* Tools and equipment are used
according to task requirements Summative:
*Safety procedure of using tools and
equipment are observed LAS#1 Identifying the nail care tools
and equipment (Power point)

Demonstrating the Handspa procedure

together with student.
Performance with their partner.

Week 3 Maintain Tools and Equipment TLE_ HE-BC(NC)S2

. Check condition of nail care tools and Formative:
equipment *Procedures for sterilization and >Short Quizes: Multiple Choice
. Perform basic preventive and corrective sanitation of nail care tools and Oral Recitation
maintenance equipment are followed
. Store nail care tools and equipment *Non-functional tools and equipment are
segregated and labeled according to
*Tools and equipment are safely stored in Summative:
accordance with salon requirements and
local health regulations. LAS#2
*Conditions of PPE are checked in Demonstrating and actual performance
accordance with manufacturer’s on proper caring and storing of nail care
instructions tools and equipment.
* Nail care tools and equipment are
* Appropriate cleaning procedure of nail
care tools and equipment are applied.
* Tools are cleaned according to standard
* Defective equipment and tools are
inspected and replaced according to
manufacturer’s specifications.
* Workplace is cleaned and kept in safe
state in line with OHS regulations
* Inventory of tools, instruments and
equipment are conducted and recorded
per salon practices.
* Tools and equipment are stored safely
in accordance with manufacturer’s
specifications or salon procedure.

Week 4 Practice Occupational Health and Safety TLE_ HE-BC(NC)S3

Procedure Formative:
. Identify hazards and risks * Workplace hazards and risks are
. Evaluate and control hazards and risks identified >Short Quizes: Multiple Choice;
* Hazards and risks and their >Oral recitation
corresponding indicators are identified in
the workplace Summative:
* Effects of hazards are determined. >LAS#3
* Terms of maximum tolerable limits are Identifying chemical hazards and
identified based on threshold limit values Occupational Hazards
* Evaluate and control hazards and risks Powerpoint of Chemical hazards and
* OHS issues and concerns are identified viewing short film about occupational
in accordance with workplace hazards.
Week 5 Practice Basic Nail Designs TLE_ HE-BC(NC)S4
. Identify nail structure, shapes and nail Formative:
diseases/disorders * Nail structure and shapes are identified; >Short Quizes:Multiple Choice
. Create basic nail designs * Nails are trimmed and varied shapes are >Oral Recitation
* Nails diseases and disorders are Summative:
identified. >LAS#4
* Different basic nail designs are Identifying the nail structure,shapes and
explained and demonstrated thru visuals nail diseases.
;and Demonstrating the basic nail art, and
* Different basic nail designs are created doing actual performance of basic nail art.
in mock nails. Making a freestyle on mock nails.

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