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Stirland Warband v4 PDF

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Steeped in strong traditions, leery of newcomers, and quite often mistakenly

down from generation to generation. Stirlanders can frequently be depicted as a dour and

to believe their life will end in some gruesomely horrible manner. Whether it is eaten by the
walking corpses of their once buried loved ones or at the very hands of “the Count” himself,

might as well meet it on their feet whilst diving through the ruins of some other poor souls

not quite the most properly trained and certainly not very well equipped, what they lack they
make up for with sheer tenacity. Stirland Huntsman are quite famous for their skill with a
bow, unfortunately they are very few and far between. Often a warband
will hire Woodsmen, while they are not as skillful as some warriors,
their deadliness with an axe is certainly inspiring. It is even said
some Woodsmen can chop down a tree with a single swing.
that is if they hit it of course. Whatever the case may be
that has brought these sombre warriors to the ruins of
Mordheim, one thing is certain, they are bringing their
traditions to the “City of the Damned”, come hell or

Special Rules
Hate the Shorties: A Stirland mercenary warband has

Hired Swords.

Crowns don’t grow on trees: A Stirland mercenary

warband only has 499 starting crowns to create their

A Superstitious Lot: From a life time living next

to Sylvania, the people of Stirland have become
very superstitious often covering the archways
of their doors in garlic and other rudimentary
warding. To represent this a Stirland warband
always has garlic on hand, every human model
in a Stirland warband is always considered to
be carrying Garlic.

Keeping Traditions: Stirlanders have a long list

of traditions and customs they adhere to, some
being somewhat mundane while others being
outright backwards. Like throwing pig drop

evil spirits. Needless to say many outsiders are

not that fond of their customs. A Stirland
warband pays double the upkeep for Hired
Choice of warriors Starting experience
A Stirland warband must include a minimum of Scout Captain starts with 20 experience.
three models. You have 499 gold crowns available to Huntsman start with 8 experience.
spend. maximum number of warriors in the Woodsmen start with 2 experience.
warband may never exceed 15.
Priest of Morr start with 8 experience.

Scout Captain: Each Stirland warband must have one Rabble Rouser: Your warband may include no more
Scout Captain: no more no less!
Woodsmen: Your warband may include up to two Ol’ War Vets: Your warband may include no
Woodsmen. than two Ol’ War Vets.
Huntsman: Your warband may include up to one Village Militia: Your warband may include any number
Huntsman. of Village Militia.

Priest of Morr: Your warband may include up to one Some Pig: Your warband may include no more than
Priest of Morr.

STIRLAND skill tables

Combat Shooting Academic Strength Speed

Stirland Captain
Priest of Morr

Stirland equipment lists

following lists are used by Stirland warbands to pick their weapons:

Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons RABBLE ROUSER’S EQUIPMENT LIST

Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st free/2 gc list is for Rabble Rouser’s only
Mace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 gc
Hammer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 gc Hand-to-hand Combat Weapons
Axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st free/2 gc
Sword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 gc
Morning star . . . . . . . . . . . 15 gc**
Double-handed weapon . . . 15 gc OL’ WAR VET EQUIPMENT LIST
Spear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc list is for Ol’ War Vets only
Halberd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc**
Missile Weapons
Scythe. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc***
Crossbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 gc
Missile Weapons Pistol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 gc (30 for a brace)
Crossbow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 gc** Bow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc
Short Bow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc*
. . . . . . . . . . 10 gc Light armour . . . . . . . . . . 20 gc
Heavy armour . . . . . . . . . . 50 gc
Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc
Light armour . . . . . . . . . . 20 gc
Helmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc
Shield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc
Buckler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 gc * Cannot be take by Woodsmen
Helmet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gc ** Cannot be take by Woodsmen or Huntsman
*** Priest of Morr only
Heroes 0-1 Drunken Cleric of Morr
1 Scout Captain 35 gold crowns to hire
Once a revered member to an Order of Morr, somewhere
70 gold crowns to hire along the way this, now Drunken Cleric, embarrased the
Over time some Stirland Scout Captains grow restless Order and brought shame upon himself. As the Orders of
between wartime often due to having less coin in their Morr are unlikely to completely excommunicate a ranking
pockets. A few are not content with farming or being guides Empire as a form of banishment to work in a small town
for Averlanders crossing Sylvania towards Ostermark. Some performing the most mundane Funerary rites. With such
grow accustom to the wartime coin and a belly full of an ostracism as this, it is not unheard of Clerics of Morr
turning to the bottle in their down time. It seems Clerics
of Morr who have been sent to Stirland for repentance, take
of friends and family and head out to Mordheim. After all it the hardest and can be seen as even more biligerant than
riches are only a few days travel away. usual. A Scout Captain will bribe the cleric with booze and
possible redemption if he can keep it together long enough
to search the ruins of the damned city.
P e M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 4 3 3 3 1 4 2 8 P e M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Weapons/Armour: A Scout Captain may be equipped 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 9
with weapons and armour chosen from the Stirland Weapons/Armour : A Drunken Cleric of Morr has little
Equipment list. use for the trappings of his job and has been in plenty of
scraps since being moved out to nowhere. A Drunken
SPECIAL RULES Cleric of Morr may be equipped with any equipment
Leader: Any warrior within 6” of the Scout Captain may from the Stirland equipment list, but may never wear
use his Leadership characteristic when taking Leadership armour of any kind.
0-2 Woodsmen I knew the Rites, once: A Drunken Cleric of Morr is not
25 gold crowns to hire a wizard by any means, nor can they really be called a
practitioner in the faith of Morr. In fact he may be Closer
to the town drunk than a man of the Cloth. Despite these
home talking to the trees than sometimes even their own shortcomings he still professes to know some rites. On
kin. Any Scout Captain worth his weight in salt will seek to creation this character has access to some advanced Funerary
enlist a couple of these individuals. While they aren’t the Rites only learned by Clerics or greater men of Faith. Roll
ing a camp. It also doesn't hurt that they are capable of great eleminate randomely a number of rites equal to the number
feats as long as they have an axe in hand.

P e M WS BS S T W I A Ld remaining rites which one the cleric knows how to perform.

4 3 2 3 3 1 3 1 6
Weapons/Armour: A Woodsmen may be equipped Mordheim rulebook.
with weapons from the Stirland Equipment list and may Druken Stupor:
never wear Armour of any kind. they are immune to Psychology, but a warband may never use
SPECIAL RULES this characters Leadership for Route Tests since they are not
Wood Splitters: As long as a character with this skill is quite sure what is coming or going.
armed with a weapon that has Axe in the title, they will
add +1 to any injury rolls they make against opposing
models. Clerics
of Sanctity on a model (friend or foe) who has been
0-1 Huntsmen the fallen model. If successful, the model may not be
35 gold crowns to hire
raised up by a Necromancer.
*All Drunken Clerics of Morr know this rite automatically
together a warband is seek to enlist a Huntsman, hopefully in addition to any Rite they gain on creation, they soon
for as little coin as possible, after all these are usually friends wont forget the thrashings they took while trying to master
or family who have served together in wartime. While the Sanctity of the Fallen not to mention an entire career
Stirland isn’t famous for much, there is always talk about
their sleep or well drunk.
on the shoulders of their Huntsman.
P e M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7
If successful target one character within 3”, it does not have to
Weapons/Armour: A Huntsmen may be equipped
be the Closest target. If successful Roll and opposed Leadership
with weapons and armour chosen from the Stirland check. For each point this character beats the opposing targets
Equipment list.
SPECIAL RULES an Undead or Chaos warband, the Strength is 5 instead.
Eagle Eyes
2- Specter of Death Difficulty: 8
If successful, this character causes Fear against Undead, 0-2 Ol’ War Vet
Posessed and Carnival of Chaos warbands. Even if those 35 gold crowns to hire
characters are normally immune or ignore Fear.
still in one piece sitting around talking about the great
3- Death to the Unliving Difficulty: 7
After completing the rite, Friendly Characters within
6” of this character Gain Hatred: Undead. If they Feeling the call of Morr creeping around the corner these
already have Hatred: Undead, they gain Frenzy as well Ol’ War Vets will often take up the sword once again, to
and may re-roll failed Fear tests. Lasts until the meet a proper end on their feet.
beginning of the next round. P e M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7
4- All is Dust Difficulty: 8
Weapons/Armour: Ol’ War Vets may be equipped
If successful, all characters (friend or foe), within 3” must
with weapons and armour chosen from the Stirland
pass an initiative test or be Stunned. Even if a character
Equipment list and the Ol’ War Vet Equipment list.
would normally be immune to being stunned.
5- Black Rose of Death Difficulty: 8 Grizzled
result on the Injury Chart during campaigns. Treat the
If successful, opposing Wizards in an Undead or Chaos
result as Horrible Scars instead. If this character already
warband that attempts to cast a spell witin line of sight of
this character, that fails, that character suffers one wound
has Horrible Scars, then treat it as a Full Recovery.
with no save of anykind. This spell may be casted out of Not your hero son!: When this character levels up and
turn before an the opposing character would cast their rolls for advancement you may add +2 to the dice roll after
spell. Lasts until the end of that current turn. the fact.

6- Morr’s Swarm of Crows Difficulty: 7 0-3 Rabble Rousers

If successful, opposing characters in Base-toBase with this 10 gold crowns to hire
character reduces their to hit chance in Close Combat by A Scout Captain will often go to the Local Watch Captain
-1 when targeting this character with an attack. At the
beginning of this characters turn, each opposing character labor, not to mention promises of easing a Rabble Rousers
in Base-to-Base contact take a Strength 1 hit. This Rite sentence. If its a choice between Mordheim and a Stirland
Remains in play until this character is Knocked Down, prison cell, I suppose it is Mordheim.
Stunned or channels a new rite.
P e M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 2 2 3 3 1 3 2 5
NEW WEAPONS Weapons/Armour: Rabble Rousers may be equipped
with weapons and armour chosen from the Rabble
Rousers Equipment list.
Range: 6” Strength: As user +1 SPECIAL RULES
!: Rabble Rousers can never get

roster limit and they are not included in a Warbands rating

when rolling for recovery after a battle Rabble Rousers are
weapon cannot be used in combat. removed from a Warband’s roster on a 1-3 insteaed of 1-2..

Henchmen 40 gold crowns to hire
(Very Large Sow)

(Bought in groups of 1-5) Every year Stirland has a large celebration where they race all
kinds of farm animals. One of these animals being large

Village Militia be on the chopping block. Some of these pigs are extremely
well trained, for a pig that is. Maybe it is sheer hilarity or the
20 gold crowns to hire
practical thought if it dies we can eat. But a Scout Captain
Scout Captains will often try to recruit local Village
will often buy a prize Sow to take on the trip. Some captains
even crazy enough to try and ride them.
Usually all it takes is a few drinks and promises of riches.
P e M WS BS S T W I A Ld P e M WS BS S T W I A Ld
4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 6 5 3 - 3 5 2 2 1 5
Weapons/Armour: A Sow may never be armed with any
Weapons/Armour: Village Militia may be equipped
with weapons and armour chosen from the Stirland
Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES
Frenzy, Animals,
Bull Over

by +1.
High on the Hog
following all the rules for mounts in a warband.

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