Accident Alert and Vehicle Tracking System
Accident Alert and Vehicle Tracking System
Accident Alert and Vehicle Tracking System
ABSTRACT: Vehicle accidents are one of the most leading causes of fatality. The time between an accident
occurrence and the emergency medical personnel are dispatched to the accident location is the important factor in the
survival rates after an accident. By eliminating that time between an accident occurrence and the first responders are
dispatched to the scene decreases mortality rates so that we can save lives. One approach to eliminate that delay
between accident occurrence and first responder dispatch is to use An Accident Alert and Vehicle Tracking System,
which sense when a traffic accident is likely to occur and immediately notify emergency occurred. In this paper, that
system is described the main application of which is early accident detection. In this system, initially the GPS
continuously takes input data from the satellite and stores the latitude and longitude values in ATmega16
microcontroller's buffer. If we have to track the vehicle, we need to send a message to GSM device, by which it gets
activated. It also gets activated by detecting accident on the shock sensor connected to Raspberry Pi. Parallely
deactivates GPS with the help of relay .Once GSM gets activated it takes the last received latitude and longitude
positions values from the buffer and sends a message to a central emergency dispatch server which is predefined in the
program. This system uses the things i.e. Raspberry Pi, Vibration Sensors, GPS and GSM modules to detect traffic
The high demand of vehicles has also increased the traffic hazards and the road accidents. Life of the
people is under high risk. This is because of the lack of best emergency facilities available in our country. An automatic
alert system for vehicle accidents is introduced in this paper. The proposed system which can detect accidents in
significantly less time and sends the basic information to first aid centre within a few seconds covering geographical
coordinates, the time and angle in which a vehicle accident had occurred. This alert message is sent to the central
emergency dispatch server in a short time so that the emergency dispatch server will inform to the ambulances which
are near to that location, which will help in saving the valuable lives. A Switch is also provided in order to terminate
the sending of a message in rare case where there is no casualty, this can save the precious time of the ambulance.
When the accident occurs the alert message is sent automatically to the central emergency dispatch server. The message
is sent through the GSM module and the location of the accident is detected with the help of the GPS module. The
accident can be detected precisely with the help of vibration sensor. This application provides the optimum solution to
poor emergency facilities provided to the roads accidents in the most feasible way.
Many of the authors explained the vehicle tracking in embedded system. One of them, Benjamin Coifman [1],
explained a real-time computer vision system for vehicle tracking and traffic surveillance.R.Ramani, S.
Valarmathy, Dr. N. Suthanthira Vanitha, S. Selvaraju, M. Thiruppathi, R. Thangam [2] explained Vehicle Tracking
and Locking System. Their paper proposed a novel method of vehicle tracking and locking systems used to track the
stolen vehicle by using GPS and GSM technology.
Kunal Maurya, Mandeep Singh, Neelu Jain [3] explained the vehicle tracking system installed in a vehicle to enable
the owner or a third party to track the vehicle's place. This design will continuously watch a moving Vehicle and
report the status of the Vehicle on demand.
Chen Peijiang, Jiang Xuehua [4] explained the remote monitoring system based on SMS and GSM. System
includes two parts that are the monitoring center and the remote monitoring station. The monitoring centers consist of
a computer and communication module of GSM. The demonstration shows that the system can watch and control
the remote communication between the monitoring center and the remote monitoring station.
V.Ramya, B. Palaniappan, K. Karthick [5] explained the system which provides vehicle cabin safety.
This system monitors the level of the toxic gases such as CO, LPG and alcohol within the vehicle and provides alert
information as alarm during the dangerous situations. The system sends SMS to the authorized person through the
GSM. Detection of gases prevents further accidents.
Albert Alexe, R. Ezhilarasie [6] Explained system based on cloud computing infrastructure. In this system
sensors are used to monitor the fuel level, driver conditions, and speed of the vehicle. All the data transferred to
cloud server –using GSM enabled device. All the vehicles equipped with GPS antenna to locate the place. To avoid
the drunk and drive, the alcohol sensor installed to monitor the driver status.
Pseudo Algorithm :
Whenever accident of the vehicle is occurred then the device sends message to given mobile
“Accident alert
Latitude: 2400.0090, N
Longitude: 12100.0000, E
Time: 12:00”
This system shows the location of vehicle on the LCD connected to it also just to make sure the working condition of
the microcontroller.
The Accident Alert and Tracking System is the system which track vehicle current location using global positioning
system (GPS).This product gives the live updates of accidental vehicle with their location details. It ensures the
vehicle which has got accident to send location details to web server located at emergency ambulance center further
that location details of accidental vehicle send to nearby ambulance as well as display it on map.
As per the system architecture, Accident Alert and Tracking System are working same as follows. When the
accident will occurred, then the system will direct send the accident alert message along with location details of the
accidental vehicle to emergency dispatch sever further it will send that alert message to the nearby ambulance so that
it will go to that location. By using system like this we can decrease the mortality rate which is lead by accident.
This system is a prototype model of Accident Alert and Vehicle Tracking System using GSM and GPS modem and
Raspberry Pi working will be made in the following steps:
A piezoelectric sensor will first sense the occurrence of an accident and give its output to the microcontroller.
The GPS detects the latitude and longitudinal position of a vehicle.
The latitudes and longitude position of the vehicle is sent as message through the GSM.
The static IP address of central emergency dispatch server is pre-saved in the EEPROM.
Whenever an accident has occurred the position is detected and a message has been sent to the pre-saved static
IP address.
This is the block diagram of vehicle tracking and accident alert system. This shows the overall view of the vehicle
tracking and accident alert system circuit. The blocks connected here are LCD display, GPS, GSM, Shock Sensor,
Power supply, temperature sensor , accelerometer etc.
This system takes input from GPS and which goes into rs232. This Rs232 sends data into max232 and it
converts the data format and sends it to the Rx (receiver pin) of microcontroller and this microcontroller stores this data
in USART buffer and the data stored is sent again through Tx pin into max232 this max 232 sends the data into GSM
via rs232. This is how vehicle tracking works using GSM and GPS. The lcd interfaced to the microcontroller also
shows the display of the coordinates. This lcd display is only used to know the working condition of the vehicle
tracking system.
Accident in the sense it could be collision of two vehicles or fire accident inside the vehicle. These
shock sensors are attached to the car on all sides of the vehicle and they all are connected to the OR gate .OR gate is
used because to detect at least one sensor is high .the output from the or gate is connected to the interrupt pin of
microcontroller and whenever this pin 12 is high the micro controller sends the message about the accident.
The aim of the paper is to give an overview of vehicle tracking and vehicle accident detection system. This
Vehicle accident detection system can track geographical information automatically and sends an alert SMS regarding
accident. Experimental work has been carried out carefully. The result shows that higher sensitivity and accuracy. This
system is verified to be highly beneficial for the automotive industry.
We are extremely grateful and remain indebted to our guide Prof. Yogesh Thorat and head of department
Prof. S. S. Das for being a source of inspiration and for their constant support. We are thankful to them for their
constant suggestions, which benefited us a lot while developing this project paper “Accident Alert And Vehicle
Tracking System”.
[1] Kiran Sawant,Imran Bhole,Prashant Kokane, Piraji doiphode, Prof. Yogesh Thorat,” Accident Alert and Vehicle Tracking System, ISSN 2348-
120X Vol. 3, Issue 4, pp: (259-263), Month: October - December 2015, Available at:
[2] Benjamin Coifman, A real-time computer vision system for vehicle tracking and traffic surveillance, Transportation Research Part, 2003.
[3] R. Ramani, S. Valarmathy, Dr. N. Suthanthira Vanitha, S. Selvaraju, M. Thiruppathi, R. Thangam, Vehicle Tracking and Locking System
Based on GSM and GPS. I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2013, 09.
[4] Kunal Maurya, Mandeep Singh, Neelu Jain, “Real Time Vehicle Tracking System using GSM and GPS Technology- an Anti-theft Tracking
System,” International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Engineering. ISSN 2277-1956/V1N3-1103-1107.
[5] V.Ramya, B. Palaniappan, K. Karthick, “Embedded Controller for Vehicle In-Front Obstacle Detection and Cabin Safety Alert System”,
International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 4, No 2, April 2012.
[6] Albert Alexe, R. Ezhilarasie, “Cloud Computing Based Vehicle Tracking Information Systems”, ISSN: 2229 - 4333 (Print) | ISSN: 0976 -
8491 (Online) IJCST Vol. 2, Issue 1, March 2011.
[7] Adnan I. Yaqzan, Issam W. Damaj, and Rached N. Zantout (July 24, 2008), „GPS Based Vehicle Tracking System-On-Chip„, Proceedings of
the world Congress on Engineering Vol I WCE.