Learning Media For Vocational Education: Eka Asyarullah Saefudin, Kamin Sumardi

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299

5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET 2018)

Learning Media for Vocational Education

Eka Asyarullah Saefudin, Kamin Sumardi

Technology and Vocational Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung, Indonesia
[email protected]

Abstract—The aims of this article are to examine the extent of and carry out their practicing in the next work world, students
the role and development of learning media in vocational have the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge
education, focusing on the aspects that must be considered in needed in the world of work [7]. Therefore, in the vocational
developing learning media, evaluation of learning media, learning process learning media are needed that can
learning media for vocational education in the form of accommodate students' skills and knowledge just like in the
simulators. The method used in this study by analyzing real world work.
documents and articles sought through electronic database
search engines, among others, Elsevier, Google Scholar, Taylor & This article aims are to examine the extent of the
Francis, Sagepub online, and ScienceDirect, obtained as many as development of learning media, the focus of the discussion on
42 documents but 17 were used in this study document. In aspects that must be considered when developing learning
conclusion, vocational learning media developed in various types media, and the extent to which the development of learning
include the development of media in the form of application media in vocational education, especially automotive
software, interactive media, simulators and trainer kits. The role competence.
of learning media in vocational education is very important,
because in essence vocational education focuses more on the
ability of skills so that it requires learning media academically II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
and practical approaches that can accommodate learning.
A. Development of Learning Media
Keywords—learning media; vocational; education Development of learning media, from year to year
continues to develop, the development of learning media aims
I. INTRODUCTION to help students practice / apply the theories learned to improve
their skills [8].
The issue of education is a matter that we must concern
continuously, especially in terms of achieving educational In the process of developing the media there are several
goals. Achieving educational goals requires the role of the theories that can be adopted.
teacher, the availability of learning resources, media (practicing
tools) and interaction between teacher and students [1]. 1) Behaviorism’s theoris: The research subjects about
increasing knowledge, changing behavior (skills), and
Learning media is an equipment used to help creative thinking in the learning process were mostly carried
communication in the learning process [2]. Media can facilitate out by researchers, but from the many subjects studied in the
student’s communication, both with teachers and with other learning process, it was believed to be influenced by
learning resources [3]. determining the design of learning models and learning
The use of media is one of the most important components media selected in the process learning that creates an
in teaching and learning process, it is important to attract understanding of knowledge, attitudes and behavior of
student learning interest and increase stimulus to be more students [9], so that it can be applied [10], to create
active in learning [4]. Learning something without being knowledge and supporting aspects so that it can create
interested in the topic or object being studied will not give the knowledge and mentality [11], then from that, the above
best results [5]. therefore to generate and increase student theory is taken as a micro theory that can be used as a
learning interest can be implemented by giving different reference to determine a series of procedures carried out in
touches in the learning process that is by using media in the the learning process that can improve the quality of learning.
learning process . the role of learning media in this theory is to create
Learning media are widely used at all levels of education, knowledge, skills and attitudes during the learning process.
in vocational education requires academically and practical 2) Creativity thingking theoris: Learning by doing is the
approach so that it requires an instructional framework, most popular and effective learning process [6] learning by
learning media that can be used in vocational education can be practicing can form vocational skills and give real
online or offline media [6]. The use of learning media experiences to students both working in groups or even
(simulator) has several benefits, such as, students can individuals so students know step by step in doing things
implement or practice their knowledge, students can observe right. Most agree that doing learning, which focuses on the

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). 165
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299

construction of knowledge based on the experience of (e) Learning media must be able to stimulate to improve
previous lesson [12,13]. The role of learning media in this understanding and skills [16]; (f) Learning media must attract
theory is as a mean to facilitate students in the learning students and easy to use.
process by doing to practice skills and construct knowledge. In achieving learning goals, it is not enough to count on
B. Simulator as a Vocational Learning Media learning media, but the role of the teacher as a facilitator is also
needed as an instructional source in designing learning
Simulator is a learning media that can be used to overcome
problems in the learning process [14]. We believe that
simulator can replace many expensive practicing tools used in
workshop, simulators can be used in many contexts, including B. Evaluation of Learning Media
simulator technology for working optimization, safety working, Learning media that has been developed, must be evaluated
testing, training and learning, therefore simulation devices are not only by its product but also of its easy using. One of ways
constantly being developed and now it is an important tools in that can be done to evaluate instructional media is done by
training and learning. [15]. questionnaires focusing on the effectiveness of learning,
collecting data from sampling a group of 100 Rajamangala
Development of simulators has been developed in many University students in the 2014 academic year with random
countries, such as KentRidge Instruments Pte Ltd., Singapore, sampling methods [6]. This evaluation aims to make learning
has developed KRi Dual Process Simulator. MPDT electronic more effective, use media that is easier, and more convenient to
simulator developed in Vietnam, which can configure linear use by students.
and nonlinear process simulations for the purpose of helping
researchers and students in designing and testing their
C. Media for Learning Vocational Education in the Form of
controllers. [15].
Simulators for Automotive Electrical Competencies
The last few years the automotive world has continued to
develop, especially in terms of electricity system management
The step used to explore learning media for vocational [7]. Following developments, this is a big problem in learning,
education is by analyzing documents. In this analyzing, caused by the cost of relatively expensive automotive learning
documents and articles were searched in electronic databases equipment. On the other hand the vocational learning goal of
such as Elsevier, Google Scholar, Taylor & Francis, Sagepub, students are required to master knowledge and skills.
and ScienceDirect with key words on electrical simulators,
education tools, media instructional, media development, The delphi automotive power simulator model was
educational media, learning media, electrical. By these total developed in Poland. This simulator presents a vehicle
documents in the form of journals downloaded as many as 42 electronic system model that was created in collaboration with
documents, the author for this article is using 17 documents. the Delphi Technical Center, Krakow, in Poland. Distributed
embedded software systems where independent microprocessor
The process of searching documents with the keywords systems communicate together using different communication
education tool, instructional media, development media, protocols. This model illustrates the function of vehicle
educational media aims to find a variety of views, results and electronic systems with high integration and modern
theories in developing good learning media by paying attention technology [7].
to several developing aspects and theories, searching with
electrical simulator keywords, electrical aims to find out the V. CONCLUSION
extent of the development of learning media related to
vocational education especially in automotive electrical The conclusion from various literature reviews that
systems. vocational learning media developed are various types
including media development in the form of application
software, interactive media, simulators and trainer kits, from
several retailers which show that the role of media in learning
This discussion will review a number of subtopics can influence student learning outcomes and positive responses
regarding the learning media of vocational education, such as from students. Learning using simulator media can create a
of 1) aspects that must be concerned in developing learning more interesting learning process, can improve learning
media, 2) Evaluation of learning media 3) media for learning outcomes both in terms of knowledge and skills [17].
vocational education in the form of simulator especially
automotive electrical competencies. Development of simulators as a vocational learning media
must concern to several aspects, developed with several stages
starting from determining the concept (goal), design stage,
A. Aspects that Must be Concerned in Making Learning
material / material collection, manufacturing stage, testing
Development of learning media must pay attention: (a)
Pointing the competencies; (b) Pointing learning models to The role of learning media in vocational education is very
create learning result effectively; (c) Learning media must be important, because in essence vocational education focuses
designed as the equipment in the real world; (d) Learning more on the ability of skills so that it requires learning media
media must be made suits with curriculum and learning goals; that can accommodate knowledge and skill.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299

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