Drowsiness Detection
Drowsiness Detection
Drowsiness Detection
Available online at www.sciencedirect.com
Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000
Procedia Computer Science 130 (2018) 400–407
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, at Piscataway NJ USA 08854 New Jersey, USA
Road crashes and related forms of accidents are a common cause of injury and death among the human population. According to
2015 data from the World Health Organization, road traffic injuries resulted in approximately 1.25 million deaths worldwide, i.e.
approximately every 25 seconds an individual will experience a fatal crash. While the cost of traffic accidents in Europe is estimated
at around 160 billion Euros, driver drowsiness accounts for approximately 100,000 accidents per year in the United States alone as
reported by The American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In this paper, a novel approach towards
real-time drowsiness detection is proposed. This approach is based on a deep learning method that can be implemented on Android
applications with high accuracy. The main contribution of this work is the compression of heavy baseline model to a lightweight
model. Moreover, minimal network structure is designed based on facial landmark key point detection to recognize whether the
driver is drowsy. The proposed model is able to achieve an accuracy of more than 80%.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2018 The under
Peer-review Authors. Published by
responsibility of Elsevier B.V. Program Chairs.
the Conference
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.
Keywords: Driver Monitoring System; Drowsiness Detection; Deep Learning; Real-time Deep Neural Network; Android.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +974-4403-4328; Fax: +974-4403-4302. E-mail address: [email protected]
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1. Introduction
Driver drowsiness is one of the leading causes of motor vehicle crashes. This was confirmed by a study1 conducted
by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, which showed that 23.5% of all automobile crashes recorded in the United
States in 2015 were sleep-related: 16.5% for fatal crashes and 7% for non-fatal crashes. Essentially, this report implied
that over 5,000 Americans lost their lives as a result of sleep-related vehicular crashes.
The development of drowsiness detection technologies is both an industrial and academic challenge. In the
automotive industry, Volvo developed the Driver Alert Control which warns drivers suspected of drowsy driving by
using a vehicle-mounted camera connected to its lane departure warning system (LDWS). Following a similar vein,
an Attention Assist System has been developed and introduced by Mercedes-Benz that collects data drawn from a
driver's driving patterns incessantly ascertains if the obtained information correlates with the steering movement and
the driving circumstance at hand. The driver drowsiness detection system, supplied by Bosch, takes decisions based
on data derived from the sensor stationed at the steering, the vehicles' driving velocity, turn signal use, and the lane-
assist camera mounted at the front of the car.
Notably, the use of these safety systems which detect drowsiness is not widespread and is uncommon among drivers
because they are usually available in luxury vehicles. An increased embedding and connecting of smart devices
equipped with sensors and mobile operating systems like Android, which has the largest installed operating system in
cars, was shown by surveys in 20152. In addition, machine learning has made groundbreaking advances in recent
years, especially in the area of deep learning. Thus, the use of these new technologies and methodologies can be an
effective way to not only increase the efficiencies of the existing real-time driver drowsiness detection system but also
provide a tool that can be widely used by drivers.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, the literature review is presented. In section 3,
the proposed system along with the implementation of each system's block will be described. The computational
results obtained from experiments are discussed in section 4. Finally, in Section 5, conclusions, as well as directions
for future research, are presented.
2. Literature review
In a bid to increase accurateness and accelerate drowsiness detection, several approaches have been proposed. This
section attempts to summarize previous methods and approaches to drowsiness detection. The first previously-used
approach is based on driving patterns, and it is highly dependent on vehicle characteristics, road conditions, and
driving skills. To calculate driving pattern, deviation from a lateral or lane position or steering wheel movement should
be calculated3,4. While driving, it is necessary to perform micro adjustments to the steering wheel to keep the car in a
lane. Krajewski et al.4 detected drowsiness with 86% accuracy on the basis of correlations between micro adjustments
and drowsiness. Also, it is possible to use deviation in a lane position to identify a driving pattern. In this case, the
car's position respective to a given lane is monitored, and the deviation is analyzed5. Nevertheless, techniques based
on the driving pattern are highly dependent on vehicle characteristics, road conditions, and driving skills.
The second class of techniques employs data acquired from physiological sensors, such as Electrooculography
(EOG), Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Electroencephalogram (EEG) data. EEG signals provide information about the
brain’s activity. The three primary signals to measure driver’s drowsiness are theta, delta, and alpha signals. Theta
and delta signals spike when a driver is drowsy, while alpha signals rise slightly. According to Mardi et al.6, this
technique is the most accurate method, with an accuracy rate of over 90%. Nevertheless, the main disadvantage of
this method is its intrusiveness. It requires many sensors to be attached to the driver's body, which could be
uncomfortable. On the other hand, non-intrusive methods for bio-signals are much less precise.
The last technique is Computer Vision, based on facial feature extraction. It uses behaviors such as gaze or facial
expression, yawning duration, head movement, and eye closure. Danisman et al.7 measured drowsiness of three levels
through the distance between eyelids. This calculation considered the number of blinks per minute, assuming that it
increases as the driver becomes drowsier. In Hariri et al.8, the drowsiness measurements are the behaviors of the mouth
and yawning. The modified Viola-Jones9 object detection algorithm was employed for face and mouth detection.
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Recently, the deep learning approaches, especially the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) methods, has gained
prominence in resolving challenging classifications problems.
Most of them represent a breakthrough for various Computer Vision tasks, including scene segmentation, emotion
recognition, object detection, image classification 9,10, etc. With adapted shallow CNNs, Dwivedi et al.11 achieved
78% accuracy of detecting drowsy drivers. Park et al. 12 developed a new architecture employing three networks. The
first one13 uses AlexNet consisting of three Fully-Connected (FC) layers and five CNNs to reveal the image feature.
Furthermore, 16-layered VGG-FaceNet14 is used to extract facial features in the second network. FlowImageNet 15 is
used for extracting behavior features in the third network. This approach achieved 73% accuracy. Dwivedi et al.11 and
Park et al.12 attempt to improve the accuracy of drowsiness detection accuracy using binary classification.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) methods have largely produced an outlandish performance in the
drowsiness detecting area and are also a powerful aid to various classification tasks. Installing these algorithms to
practical applications on embedded systems is still burdensome since the model size is generally large and requires a
high level of computational complexity.
3. Proposed solution
For data processing, we used Multilayer Perceptron Classifier16 which can also be referred to as MLP. MLP is a
non-complex network of neurals which consists of intertwined nodes (neurons) that map out the output from the input
class. The artificial neuron accepts one or more resembling dendrites (inputs), adds the accepted input based on
connection weights, and thereafter produces an output class. Fig.1 illustrates the Multilayer Perceptron architecture.
In other words, one-hidden-layer MLP is presented with the following function fu(x):
where “b2” and “b1” are the bias vectors, “W2” and “W1” are the Weight of matrices and “A” represents the
activation function. Furthermore, the hidden layer is defined by the h function:
h(x)=s(b1+W1 x) (2)
Multilayer perceptrons have the ability to learn through training process. During this process, it goes through a
number of iterations to help secure the minimum of errors possible until the needed input-output mapping is achieved;
here, a set of training data is needed which includes some input and related output vectors. To train an MLP, we learn
all parameters of the model. The set of these parameters to learn is the set theta =W2 , b2 ,W1 , b1
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This study will focus on the analysis of the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Driver Drowsiness Detection
Dataset17.The entire component of a dataset such as the testing dataset and training dataset consists of 22 subjects
(Fig.2) of various ethnicities. Under day and night illumination conditions, all of these subjects are recorded in a
variety of simulated driving scenarios which includes conventional driving mode, yawning, slow blink rate, conscious
laughter, and dizzy dozing. Consecutively, in the experiment made by an infrared (IR) illumination whose purpose
was to acquire IR videos included in the dataset collection, the acquired videos resulted in a resolution of 640 X 480
in AVI format with the videos of scenarios being 30 frames per second. The videos used for testing are, however,
produced by combining videos of different driving scenarios.
This section provides an overview of the approach to prepare a deep learning model that will be used later to decide
if the driver is drowsy. The proposed method will group frames in videos, based on special facial features obtained
through MLP. Fig. 3 shows a summary of the training and testing approach used in the process of drowsiness detection.
In this section, the architecture of the solution implemented in a mobile application is proposed and illustrated in
Fig.4. In fact, the Android mobile camera is given permission to take facial pictures of the driver. After taking the
picture, it will be transferred to the Dlib Library. Here, the Java Native Interface (JNI)22 framework serves to relate
and pass information between the Android application, which uses Java language, and Dlib Library written in C++
languages as shown in Fig.4.
As a second step, the Dlib detects and extracts facial landmarks from the image and sends the collected data to the
driver drowsiness detection algorithm based on the trained model; then, the algorithm evaluates the state or the level
of drowsiness of the driver. Finally, if the result indicates the drowsiness of drivers, the application will signal to the
driver with visual and audio messages.
4. Computational results
Videos of 18 subjects from the training datasets and additional 4 subjects in the Evaluation Dataset were used from
the NTHU Database to obtain training data. In this work, five simulated driving scenarios (with glasses, with
sunglasses, without glasses, the night with glasses, and night without glasses) in which subjects in the training data
sets were recorded. The videos of two states (sleepy and non-sleepy) were selected for every scenario. In total, 200
videos were used. Following the extraction of the videos, every frame was converted to an image. Subsequently, the
coordination of the Dlib extracts of the facial landmark was performed. However, the Dlib Framework is not able to
detect different positions of the driver's face such as turning the head completely right or left. In this case, these images
are removed from the used dataset. The number of videos employed for every category is shown in Table 1. Also, the
total number of extracted images of the driver's face extracted that the Dlib can detect is presented.
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Dataset Category Nbr. Videos Nbr. Images Extracted Nbr. Images not detected by Dlib
With glasses 36 106,882 13,581
Training Night Without glasses 36 52,372 8,713
Night With glasses 36 50,991 11,032
Without glasses 36 108,380 12,343
With sunglasses 36 107,990 24,274
With glasses 4 37,357 2,478
Evaluation Night Without glasses 4 29,781 2,459
Night With glasses 4 32,922 1,389
Without glasses 4 45,005 4,291
With sunglasses 4 28,214 2735
Total 200 599,894 87,586
After the neural network model was developed and fitted by using facial landmark coordination, it was evaluated
by a computer with the following properties: Intel Core i7-7500U, 8 GB RAM, Intel GMA HD 2 GB. The results
show an accuracy of 81%. When GTX 1080 is used, the execution time of running this model is 43.4ms milliseconds.
It includes alignment end to end speeds of around 7.0fps (frames per second) and face detection. The results for
different categories is presented in Table 2.
Category Accuracy
With glasses 84.848
Night Without glasses 81.40
Night With glasses 76.152
Without glasses 87.12276
With sunglasses 75.115
All 80.9274
According to the evaluation results of different scenarios, eyes are critical for drowsiness classification in any
circumstances. Moreover, it has been established that the efficiency of the model drops in the cases of wearing
sunglasses because the algorithm is not able to detect the driver's eyes. In addition, the results have shown that another
important performance factor is luminosity, as the error rate increases by 6% with the rise in the luminosity. Regarding
accuracy, its value when physiological sensors are used ranges from 73%15 to 86%4. As it was mentioned before, the
main purpose of this work is to develop an algorithm fitting embedded systems by reducing the neural network model's
size. Experimental results show that the accuracy rate is almost 81%. When it comes to the model size, its complexity
and storage, there is a significant reduction when the face landmark coordination is used to detect the driver's
drowsiness. The maximum size of the developed model is 100 KB. Hence, it is possible to integrate it in large
embedded systems on the contrary of the model based on CNN up to several hundreds of megabytes. To illustrate,
VGG16 Based RCNN13 model uses 547MB of disk space, whereas the size of the model of AlexNet based faster-
RCNN is equal to 256 megabytes.
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5. Conclusion
This paper proposes a drowsiness detection system based on multilayers perceptron classifiers. It is specifically
designed for embedded systems such as Android mobile. The role of the system is to detect facial landmark from
images and deliver the obtained data to the trained model to identify the driver's state. The purpose of the method is
to reduce the model's size considering that current applications cannot be used in embedded systems due to their
limited calculation and storage capacity. According to the experimental results, the size of the used model is small
while having the accuracy rate of 81%. Hence, it can be integrated into advanced driver-assistance systems, the Driver
drowsiness detection system, and mobile applications. However, there is still space for the performance improvement.
The further work will focus on detecting the distraction and yawning of the driver.
This publication was made possible by an NPRP award [NPRP8-910-2-387] from the Qatar National Research
Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.
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