Review of Kabir
Review of Kabir
Review of Kabir
South Asia. By Ananya Jahanara Kabir. (New permeated by this amnesic and peripheralised
Delhi: Women Unlimited, 2013. 255 pp. ISBN: disposition. This 1971 post-amnesic generation
978-81-88965-77-9). has consequently found itself facing the necessity
of rescuing these post-memory narratives vitiated
Academically approached and discussed by silences and forgetfulness.
has been the reterritorialization and secession Unlike East Pakistan noiseless and her-
of the South Asian subcontinent. Orientalists metic enlightenment, argues Kabir in “Terracota
have, from multidisciplinary arenas, debated Memories,” West Pakistan is singularised by
the motivation and resulting consequences of its continental openness. This pre-Islamic na-
Partition. In the same vein, Ananya Jahanara tion has worked as transitional meeting-point
Kabir provides the reader an analysis that is not for a varied number of cultures: ranging from
only postcolonial and transreligious but also pre- Aryans to Buddhist including Greek.
bio-cartographic and psychosomatic. Memory Through the symbol of the Terracota, the author
and trauma studies have been recently consid- laconically draws two converging lines between
ered at the vanguard of cultural studies thanks this multiculturally primitive and ‘mythified’
to the remarkable work of scholars such as Kali archeology and reinterpreted artisanal capital-
Tal’s Worlds of Hurt: Reading the Literatures of ism. It is nevertheless during this section when
Trauma, Nayanika Mookherje’s “Aesthetics, Af- I find Jahanara Kabir’s auxiliary contributions
fect, and the Bangladesh War Crimes Tribunal” to be periphrastically redundant, if not too
or Monica J. Casper’s Critical Trauma Studies personal. Just to raise an objection, some of the
among others. Needless to say, this innova- literary examples provided by the author are
tive territory offers postcolonial studies new so extensively illustrated that she accidentally
readings that claim consideration. Thus, and blurs the storyline. I however sympthasise with
owing mainly to Kabir’s interocular narration, some of the postulated representations for they
Partition’s Post-Amnesias takes the reader to an exquisitely support the author’s final hypothesis
ekphrastic journey through the [hi]story of the when she sheds some light on the syncretic and