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Electric Power / Controls

AC/DC Motors
and Generators
Printed in Canada
Student Manual
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Electric Power / Controls

AC/DC Motors
and Generators

Student Manual



the Staff
Lab-Volt Ltd.

Copyright © 2010 Lab-Volt Ltd.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission
of Lab-Volt Ltd.

Legal Deposit – Second Trimester 2010

ISBN 978-2-89640-422-3
ISBN 978-2-89289-331-1 (1st Edition)


Printed in Canada
May 2010
Computer-based teaching technologies are becoming more and more widespread
in the field of education, and the Lab-Volt Data Acquisition and Control for
Electromechanical Systems (LVDAC®-EMS), the Lab-Volt Data Acquisition and
Management for Electromechanical Systems (LVDAM®-EMS), and the Lab-Volt
Simulation Software for ElectroMechanical Systems (LVSIM®-EMS) are witness to
this new approach.

The LVDAC-EMS (or LVDAM-EMS) system is a complete set of measuring

instruments that runs on a Pentium-type personal computer under the Microsoft®
Windows® operating environment. Computer-based instruments (voltmeters,
ammeters, power meters, an oscilloscope, a phasor analyzer, and an harmonic
analyzer) provide instructors the opportunity to clearly demonstrate concepts related
to electric power technology that, until now, could only be presented using traditional
textbook methods and static drawings.

The LVDAC-EMS (or LVDAM-EMS) system uses a customized data acquisition

module to interconnect modules of the Lab-Volt ElectroMechanical System with the
personal computer. Dedicated software routes the measured values from the data
acquisition module to the computer-based instruments that provide all the standard
measurements associated with voltage, current, power, and other electrical
parameters. However, the system does much more, because built-in capabilities for
waveform observation and phasor analysis, data storage and graphical
representation, as well as programmable meter functions, allow unimagined
possibilities for presenting courseware material.

LVSIM-EMS is a software that faithfully simulates the Lab-Volt ElectroMechanical

System (EMS). Like the LVDAC-EMS (or LVDAM-EMS) system, LVSIM-EMS runs
on a Pentium-type personal computer under the Microsoft® Windows® operating

LVSIM-EMS recreates a three-dimensional classroom laboratory on a computer

screen. Using the mouse, students can install an EMS training system in this virtual
laboratory, make equipment setups, and perform exercises in the same way as if
actual EMS equipment would be used. The EMS equipment that can be installed in
the virtual laboratory faithfully reproduces the actual EMS equipment included in the
Computer-Assisted 0.2-kW Electromechanical Training System (Model 8006) in
every detail. As in the actual EMS system, the operation and behaviour of the circuits
simulated with LVSIM-EMS can be observed by performing voltage, current, speed,
and torque measurements using the same computer-based instruments as in the
LVDAC-EMS (or LVDAM-EMS) system.

The existing EMS courseware has been completely revised and adapted for the
LVDAC-EMS (or LVDAM-EMS) system as well as LVSIM-EMS, and the new series
is titled Electrical Power Technology Using Data Acquisition. Exercises have been
grouped in two separate volumes, Volume 1 – Power Circuits and Transformers and
Volume 2 – AC / DC Motors and Generators. The renewed courseware series has
been structured in a Unit-Exercise format with Volumes 1 and 2 containing 9 and 7
units respectively.

Each exercise approaches the subject matter from a practical point of view, and uses
a hands-on approach to the study of Electrical Power Technology. Students are
guided through step-by-step exercise procedures that confirm concepts and theory
presented in the exercise discussion. A conclusion and set of review questions
complete each exercise, and a 10-question unit test helps evaluate knowledge
gained in the courseware unit.


We sincerely thank Theodore Wildi, Professor Emeritus of Electrical

Engineering at Laval University, for his contribution to this manual.

Table of contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IX

Unit 1 Fundamentals for Rotating Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

An introduction to rotating machines. Work, speed, torque, and power.

Operation of the prime mover / dynamometer module. Motor losses and

Ex. 1-1 Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation

(Model 8960-2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11

Familiarization with the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply operating in the prime mover mode: measurement of the
speed and the opposition torque produced by the driven machine.
Familiarization with the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power
Supply operating in the dynamometer mode: measurement of the
speed and output torque of a drive motor with the dynamometer.

Ex. 1-2 Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation

(Model 8960-1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-29

Familiarization with the Prime Mover / Dynamometer operating in

the prime mover mode: measurement of the speed and the
opposition torque produced by the driven machine. Familiarization
with the Prime Mover / Dynamometer operating in the
dynamometer mode: measurement of the speed and output torque
of a drive motor with the dynamometer.

Ex. 1-3 Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-45

Determining the mechanical output power of a motor from the

speed and torque. Mechanical and electrical losses in motors.
Determining the efficiency of a motor.

Unit 2 DC Motors and Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

The operating principles of direct current (dc) motors and generators. The
different types of dc motors and generators and their particularities.

Ex. 2-1 The Separately-Excited DC Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7

Operation of a separately-excited dc motor. Simplified equivalent

circuit of a dc motor. Relationship between the no-load speed and
the armature voltage. Relationship between the motor torque and
the armature current. Armature resistance. Speed-torque

Table of Contents (cont’d)

Ex. 2-2 Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,

and Compound DC Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23

Effect of the field current on the speed-voltage and torque-current

characteristics of a separately-excited dc motor. Description and
operation of the series, shunt, and compound dc motors.
Comparing the speed-torque characteristics of the separately-
excited, series, shunt, and compound dc motors.

Ex. 2-3 Separately-Excited, Shunt,

and Compound DC Generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-39

Operation and characteristics of a separately-excited dc generator.

Effect of the field current on the characteristics of a separately-
excited dc generator. Simplified equivalent circuit of a dc genera-
tor. Operation and characteristics of self-excited dc generators.
Comparing the voltage-current characteristics of the separately-
excited, shunt, cumulative-compound, and differential-compound
dc generators.

Unit 3 Special Characteristics of DC Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

The behaviour of dc machines when the armature and field currents exceed
the nominal values. Operation of the universal motor.

Ex. 3-1 Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3

Armature reaction. Effect of the armature reaction on the

characteristics of dc machines. Armature inductance. Use of
permanent-magnets to reduce armature reaction. Saturation.
Effect of the saturation on the characteristics of dc machines.

Ex. 3-2 The Universal Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19

Direction of rotation versus the polarities of the armature and field

currents. DC and AC operation of a universal motor. Improving ac
operation by adding a compensating winding that reduces the
armature inductance.

Unit 4 AC Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

The principles of electromagnetic induction. Rotating magnetic field and

synchronous speed. Demonstrating the operation and characteristics of ac
induction motors.

Table of Contents (cont’d)

Ex. 4-1 The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor . . . . . . 4-5

Creating a rotating magnetic field in a three-phase squirrel-cage

induction motor. Synchronous speed. Description and operation of
the three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. Torque versus
speed characteristic. Reactive power required for creating the
rotating magnetic field.

Ex. 4-2 Eddy-Current Brake and Asynchronous Generator . . . 4-17

Description and operation of the eddy-current brake. Operating a

three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor as an asynchronous
generator. Demonstrating that an asynchronous generator can
supply active power to the ac power network. Demonstrating that
asynchronous generator operation requires reactive power.

Ex. 4-3 Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics

of Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31

Saturation in induction motors. Nominal voltage of a squirrel-cage

induction motor. Demonstrating the effect of the motor voltage on
the torque versus speed characteristic of a squirrel-cage induction

Ex. 4-4 Single-Phase Induction Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-41

Description and operation of a simplified single-phase squirrel-

cage induction motor. Torque-speed characteristic of the simplified
single-phase induction motor. Adding an auxiliary winding (with or
without a capacitor) to improve the starting torque of the simplified
single-phase induction motor.

Unit 5 Synchronous Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

Description and operation of the three-phase synchronous motor. Starting

a synchronous motor. Speed of rotation versus the ac power source

Ex. 5-1 The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

Interesting features of the three-phase synchronous motor. Effect

of the field current on the reactive power exchanged between a
three-phase synchronous motor and the ac power network. Using
a synchronous motor running without load as a synchronous

Ex. 5-2 Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-13

Effect of the field current on the pull-out torque of a three-phase

synchronous motor.

Table of Contents (cont’d)

Unit 6 Three-Phase Synchronous Generators (Alternators) . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

Principle of operation of synchronous generators. Description and operation

of the three-phase synchronous generator. Three-phase synchronous
generator characteristics. Frequency and voltage regulation. Generator

Ex. 6-1 Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation . . . . . . . . . . 6-3

Relationship between the speed of rotation and the voltage and

frequency of a synchronous generator operating without load.
Relationship between the field current and the voltage produced
by a synchronous generator operating without load. Saturation in
synchronous generators.

Ex. 6-2 Voltage Regulation Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15

Simplified equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator. Voltage

regulation characteristics of a synchronous generator for resistive,
inductive, and capacitive loads.

Ex. 6-3 Frequency and Voltage Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25

Effect of resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads on the output

voltage and frequency of a synchronous generator. Adjusting the
speed and field current of a synchronous generator to regulate its
frequency and voltage when the load fluctuates.

Ex. 6-4 Generator Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-33

Conditions to be respected before connecting a synchronous

generator to the ac power network or another generator. Adjusting
the torque applied to the shaft of a synchronous generator to set
the amount of active power it delivers. Adjusting the field current
of a synchronous generator to set the power factor to unity.

Appendices A Circuit Diagram Symbols

B Impedance Table for the Load Modules
C Equipment Utilization Chart
D New Terms and Words


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The 18 exercises in this manual, AC/DC Motors and Generators, provide a

foundation for further study of rotating machines.

The manual is divided into six Units:

– Unit 1 provides a basic review of concepts and theory of rotating machines,

torque, and speed, as well as highlighting specific details relating to power,
losses, and efficiency of electric motors. It also describes the operation of the
prime mover and dynamometer used throughout the hands-on exercises. One
exercise in Unit 1 focuses on the implementation of the prime mover and
dynamometer using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply,
Model 8960-2. Another exercise in Unit 1 focuses on the implementation of the
prime mover and dynamometer using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer,
Model 8960-1. The student performs either one of these two exercises,
depending on whether he or she uses Model 8960-2 or 8960-1.

– Units 2 and 3 deal with the basic operation and characteristics of direct current
motors and generators, and explore some of the particularities of dc machines.

– Units 4, 5, and 6 define and explain the concepts related to alternating current
motors and generators. The operation of induction motors as well as that of
synchronous motors and generators (alternators) are covered.

The hands-on exercises in this manual can be performed using either the actual
Electromechanical System (EMS system) or the Electromechanical System
simulation software (LVSIM-EMS). When using the EMS system, you should turn on
the computer and start Windows® before each exercise. On the other hand, when
using LVSIM-EMS, you should turn on the computer, start Windows®, and start
LVSIM-EMS before each exercise.

The hands-on exercises guide students through circuit setup and operation, and
uses many of the measurement and observation capabilities of the virtual
instrumentation system. Much detailed information about rotating machine
parameters (voltages and currents, torque and speed, output power, and efficiency,
etc.) can be visualized with the computer-based instruments, and students are
encouraged to fully explore system capabilities.

Various symbols are used in many of the circuit diagrams given in the exercises.
Each symbol is a functional representation of a device used in Electrical Power
Technology. The use of these symbols greatly simplifies the circuit diagrams by
reducing the number of interconnections shown, and makes it easier to understand
circuit operation. Appendix A lists the symbols used, the name of the device which
each symbol represents, and a diagram showing the equipment and connections
required to obtain the device.

The exercises in this manual can be carried out with ac network voltages of 120 V,
220 V, and 240 V. The component values used in the different circuits often depend
on the ac line voltage. For this reason, components in the circuit diagrams are
identified where necessary with letters and subscripts. A table accompanying the
circuit diagram indicates the component value required for each ac network voltage
(120 V, 220 V, 240 V).

Appendix B provides a table giving the usual impedance values that can be obtained
with each of the 120-V, 220-V, and 240-V versions of the EMS load modules.

Introduction (cont'd)

Appendix C provides a chart outlining the exact equipment required for each

Appendix D is a glossary of the new terms and words used in this manual.

Unit 1

Fundamentals for Rotating Machines


After completing this unit, you will be able to explain motor and generator operation
using basic concepts of magnetism. You will also be able to demonstrate torque,
speed, and mechanical power measurements with the prime mover/ dynamometer


Everyone is familiar with some type of electric motor or another, whether it is the
tiny dc motor in battery-operated toys, the dc starter motor in automobiles, or the ac
motor in washing machines and clothes dryers. Electric motors are also used in
fans, electric drills, pumps and many other familiar devices. But how and why do
these motors work, and why do they turn? Well the answer is surprisingly simple, its
because of the interaction between two magnetic fields.

If you take two magnets and fix one of them on a shaft so it can rotate, and then
move the second magnet in a circle around the first, the rotor magnet will be pulled
along because of the magnetic force of attraction between the two, as shown in
Figure 1-1 (a). As a result, the rotor magnet will rotate in synchronization with the
pulling magnet.

This simple image of the interaction between two magnets is shown in a more
realistic way with Figure 1-1 (b). In this drawing, magnets A and B can both rotate
freely on the same axis. When magnet A is turned, magnet B follows, and vice-versa,
because of magnetic attraction between the two.

The Rotating Electromagnet Principle

Figure 1-2 (a) shows how magnet A from Figure 1-1 (b) can be used to make an
electromagnet. A coil of wire is wrapped around an iron core. The ends of the coil
are connected to a dc power source to make current flow in the coil and produce
north and south magnetic poles. Magnet A is now an electromagnet.

Fundamentals for Rotating Machines

Figure 1-1. Interacting Magnetic Forces Cause Motor Rotation.

When the electromagnet is rotated manually, magnet B also rotates, as when two
magnets were used. At first glance, this setup seems to offer no advantage because
a first object (the electromagnet) must still be rotated in order to cause rotation of a
second object (magnet B). Furthermore, to prevent the leads interconnecting the
dc power source and the electromagnet from twisting, the source must be rotated as
the electromagnet rotates, which is not very convenient.

Fundamentals for Rotating Machines

Figure 1-2. Electric Current Flow Produces an Electromagnet.

However, if the polarity of the dc power source is reversed as shown in

Figure 1-2 (b), the positions of the north and south poles on the electromagnet are
interchanged and magnet B rotates one half turn. Therefore, this setup allows
magnet B to be rotated without having to rotate the electromagnet, the direction of
rotation being undetermined. By combining two electromagnets, two dc power
sources, and changing the voltages and polarities of the sources, it is possible to
make magnet B rotates in a given direction without having to move any other objects
(electromagnets). Figure 1-3 shows how the electromagnet setup of Figure 1-2 can
be modified to achieve this goal. When the currents in the two electromagnets (I1 and
I2) are as shown in Figure 1-3, the magnetic poles change polarity in sequence at the
proper moments, and rotation in the clockwise direction takes place because of the
repeating attraction-repulsion process. Therefore, simple current switching has
resulted in the electrical equivalent of a rotating magnet. The operating principle of
all motors is based on producing the electrical equivalent of a rotating magnet to
avoid manual rotation.

The direction of rotation can be reversed by interchanging currents I1 and I2 as

shown in Figure 1-4.

Fundamentals for Rotating Machines

Figure 1-3. Clockwise Rotating Magnet Implemented with an Electromagnet.

Fundamentals for Rotating Machines

Figure 1-4. Counterclockwise Rotating Magnet Implemented with an Electromagnet.

Fundamentals for Rotating Machines

The Generator Principle

The operation of generators and alternators is based on Faraday's law of

electromagnetic induction, which states the following:

1. A voltage is induced between the terminals of a wire loop if the magnetic flux
linking the loop varies as a function of time.

2. The value of the induced voltage is proportional to the rate of change of the
magnetic flux.

The induced voltage is given by the following equation, and Figure 1-5 illustrates the
principle of magnetic flux that varies inside a coil of N turns.

where E is the induced voltage, in volts [V],

N is the number of turns of wire in the coil,
ªφ is the change of flux inside the coil, in Webers [Wb],
ªt is the time interval in which the flux changes, in seconds [s].

Figure 1-5. Voltage Induced in a Coil.

For the values given in the circuit of Figure 1-5, the induced voltage will be:

Fundamentals for Rotating Machines

If the rotor magnet of Figures 1-3 and 1-4 is turned manually, its magnetic lines of
force will induce a voltage in the electromagnet coils, which are usually referred to
as the stator coils because they never rotate. This will cause current to flow in the
stator coils when their ends are short-circuited, thus producing another magnetic
field. The interaction between the magnetic fields of the stator coils and the rotor
magnet will create a force opposing rotation of the rotor magnet. This is the principle
used by the Dynamometer to create braking torque.

Work, Torque, and Power

A mechanical work W is done whenever a force F moves an object over a

distance d, and work is defined by the following equation:


The work W is expressed in Joules (J) when the force F and the distance d are
expressed in Newtons (N) and in meters (m), respectively. On the other hand, when
the force F and the distance d are expressed in pound forces (lbf) and in inches (in),
respectively, the work W is expressed in pound force-inches (lbfAin).

As an example, Figure 1-6 shows a block that is moved over a distance of 1 m

(39.37 in) by an applied force of 1 N (0.2248 lbf), meaning that 1 J (8.85 lbfAin) of
work has been done.

Figure 1-6. Work Involved in Moving a Block.

Now consider that the block is moved over the same distance using a pulley that has
a radius r, as shown in Figure 1-7. A twisting force must be applied to turn the pulley
so that the rope pulls the block with a force F. This twisting force is known as torque
and it is defined by the following equation:


The torque T is expressed in Newton-meters (NAm) when the force F and the radius r
are expressed in Newtons (N) and in meters (m), respectively. On the other hand,
when the force F and the radius r are expressed in pound forces (lbf) and in
inches (in), respectively, the torque T is expressed in pound force-inches (lbfAin).

Fundamentals for Rotating Machines

At the end of each complete rotation of the pulley, the block has advanced a distance
of 2πr meters (inches), meaning that 2πrF joules (pound force-inches) of work has
been done. Since torque equals F × r, the work may be expressed as 2πT joules
(pound force-inches) per revolution.

Figure 1-7. Using a Pulley to Move an Object.

Power P, is defined as the rate of doing work, and it is given by the following
equation when the work W is expressed in Joules:

where P is the power, in Watts [W],

W is the work, in Joules [J],
t is the time taken to do the work, in seconds [s].

When work W is expressed in pound force-inches, the following equation must be

used to calculate the power P:

Since power is work done per unit of time, the power of a motor turning at a speed n,
can be found using the following equation when the torque T is expressed in newton-

Note: In this equation, the term 1/60 is used to convert the speed n, expressed
in r/min, into a speed expressed in revolutions per second (r/s).

This equation can be simplified as follows:

Fundamentals for Rotating Machines

When torque T is expressed in pound force-inches, the power of the motor can be
found using the following equation:

This equation can be simplified as follows:

Exercise 1-1

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, model 8960-1, skip this
exercise and perform Exercise 1-2 instead.


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the
operation of a prime mover and a dynamometer, using the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply, Model 8960-2. You will be able to measure the
opposition torque caused by a machine driven by a prime mover. You will be able to
measure the output torque of a drive motor using a dynamometer.


Prime Mover Operation

The prime mover in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply operates

basically like a linear voltage-to-speed converter as illustrated in Figure 1-8, and the
direction of rotation is directly related to the input voltage polarity. A positive voltage
produces clockwise rotation, while reversing the input voltage polarity results in
counterclockwise or negative rotation. The speed-voltage relationship is a straight
line, and the higher the applied voltage, the faster the motor turns. The prime mover
uses a dc motor which will be seen in Unit 2.

Figure 1-8. The Prime Mover is a Voltage-to-Speed Converter.

The direction of rotation of the prime mover is selected using the FUNCTION button
on the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply. The rotation speed of the prime
mover is set by using a speed control (COMMAND knob) on the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply. The prime mover speed can be set to any value
between 0 and 2500 r/min.

A digital display on the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply allows direct

reading of both the speed and torque values. Connecting ANALOG OUTPUTS
T (torque) and n (speed) of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply to the
corresponding inputs on the data acquisition module permits measurement and

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

display of speed and torque using the Speed and Torque meters in the Metering
window of the software.

The displayed speed, either on the module display or the Speed meter in the
Metering window, is the actual speed at which the prime mover rotates. It is positive
for clockwise (CW) rotation and negative for counterclockwise (CCW) rotation.

Note: Throughout this manual, the abbreviation "CW" stands for

clockwise, while the abbreviation "CCW" stands for counterclockwise.

To rotate, the prime mover must produce sufficient magnetic torque (TM(P.M.)) to
overcome all forces that oppose its rotation. The combined effect of all these forces
results in a torque that opposes the prime mover rotation. This torque is known as
the opposition torque (TOPP.). As a result, when the prime mover rotates at constant
speed, the magnetic torque TM(P.M.) and the opposition torque TOPP. are equal in
magnitude but are of opposite polarity, i.e., TM(P.M.) = !TOPP..

The opposition torque (TOPP.) is displayed on the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer /

Power Supply and the Torque meter in the Metering window. Therefore, the
displayed torque for clockwise (positive) rotation is negative. For counterclockwise
(negative) rotation, the displayed torque is positive because the forces opposing
rotation always act in the opposite direction. In other words, the prime mover torque
and speed displayed are always of opposite polarity.

When no rotating machine is coupled to the prime mover's shaft, the opposition to
rotation is only due to the bearing friction, windage friction, and brushes friction in
the prime mover. The combined effect of these frictions results in the prime mover
friction torque TF(P.M.), as indicated in Figure 1-9 and the following equation:


where TBRUSHES is the torque that opposes rotation which results from the
brushes friction,
TBEARING is the torque that opposes rotation which results from the
bearing friction,
TWINDAGE is the torque that opposes rotation which results from the
windage friction.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Figure 1-9. Distribution of Torque in the Prime Mover.

When no rotating machine is coupled to the prime mover's shaft, the prime mover
friction torque TF(P.M.) is the only opposition to prime mover rotation, and therefore,
the opposition torque TOPP. is equal to the prime mover friction torque TF(P.M.). Note
that the prime mover friction torque TF(P.M.), and thereby, the opposition
torque TOPP., increase as speed increases. However, this torque-versus-speed
relationship is not linear.

When the prime mover is mechanically coupled to another rotating machine, the
opposition torque TOPP. increases because of additional opposition to rotation caused
by the other machine and the coupling device (timing belt), as indicated in the
following equation:


where TF(P.M.) is the prime mover friction torque,

TF(BELT) is the torque that opposes rotation which results from
the belt friction,
TOPP.(MACHINE) is the torque that opposes rotation which is caused by
the machine coupled to the prime mover.

Therefore, the opposition torque TOPP. indicated by the display of the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply and the Torque meter in the Metering window is
higher when a rotating machine is coupled to the prime mover.

When the prime mover drives another rotating machine, it is often useful to know the
opposition to rotation caused by the driven machine. In other words, it is useful to
know the torque that opposes the prime mover rotation which is caused by the driven
machine (TOPP.(MACHINE)). This torque is equal to the opposition torque TOPP. minus
the sum of the prime mover friction torque (TF(P.M.)) and belt friction
torque (TF(BELT)), as indicated in the following equation:


A function in the Metering window allows the torque indicated by the Torque
meter (TOPP.) to be corrected so that it corresponds to the opposition torque produced

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

by the driven machine (TOPP.(MACHINE)). This function simply subtracts the typical
value of TF(P.M.) and TF(BELT) from TOPP. to obtain TOPP.(MACHINE). The corrected
torque (TOPP.(MACHINE)) is always smaller than the original uncorrected
torque (TOPP.).

Dynamometer operation

The dynamometer in the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply is a device

which can be coupled to a drive motor using a timing belt. It is used to mechanically
load the motor and measure the speed and output torque of the motor. The
mechanical load to the motor can be changed using a torque control (COMMAND
knob) on the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply. This allows study of the
behaviour of a motor under various load conditions.

As for the prime mover, the display on the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power
Supply allows direct reading of the speed and torque values. Connecting ANALOG
OUTPUTS T (torque) and n (speed) of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power
Supply to the corresponding inputs on the data acquisition module permits
measurement and display of speed and torque using the Speed and Torque meters
in the Metering window of the software.

The displayed speed, either on the module display or the Speed meter in the
Metering window, is the actual speed at which the dynamometer rotates. It is positive
for clockwise rotation and negative for counterclockwise rotation.

The mechanical load which the dynamometer produces when it is coupled to a drive
motor consists of friction in the coupling device (timing belt), friction in the
dynamometer (bearing, brushes, and windage frictions), and a magnetic torque
which the dynamometer produces to oppose rotation of the motor (TM(DYN)). The
combined effect of these frictions and this torque results in a load torque (TLOAD) that
opposes rotation of the motor coupled to the dynamometer, as indicated in the
following equation:


where TF(BELT) is the torque that opposes rotation which results from the belt
TF(DYN.) is the torque that opposes rotation which results from friction in
the dynamometer,
TM(DYN.) is the magnetic torque produced in the dynamometer to oppose

Figure 1-10 illustrates the forces that oppose rotation when a drive motor is coupled
to the dynamometer.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Figure 1-10. Forces that Oppose Motor Rotation.

Torques TF(BELT) and TF(DYN.), which result from friction, vary as speed varies, as
is the case with torque TF(P.M.) seen in the previous subsection. On the other hand,
torque TM(DYN.) does not vary with speed, but it can be varied over a range
of 0 to 3 NAm (0 to 27 lbfAin) using the torque control of the dynamometer. Therefore,
the load torque TLOAD can be varied by varying torque TM(DYN.).

The torque indicated by the display of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply and the Torque meter in the Metering window has the same magnitude as
the magnetic torque TM(DYN.) but is of opposite polarity. In other words, the
indicated torque is equal to !TM(DYN.). This means that the torque indicated by the
display of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply and the Torque meter
is equal to the torque which the motor coupled to the dynamometer must provide to
overcome the opposition to rotation caused by torque TM(DYN.). Therefore, the
displayed torque for clockwise (positive) rotation is positive. For counterclockwise
(negative) rotation, the displayed torque is negative. In brief, the dynamometer
torque and speed displayed are always of the same polarity. Furthermore, when the
COMMAND knob is set to minimum [fully counterclockwise, or CCW position],
torque TM(DYN.) is zero, and thereby, the torque indicated is also 0. This torque
increases as the COMMAND knob is turned clockwise.

However, the torque indicated by the display of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer /

Power Supply and the Torque meter does not correspond to the output torque (TOUT)
of the motor coupled to the dynamometer. To rotate, this motor must produce
sufficient output torque TOUT to overcome the load torque TLOAD, which consists of the
dynamometer magnetic torque TM(DYN.) plus the belt friction torque TF(BELT) plus
the dynamometer friction torque TF(DYN.). In other words, the motor output
torque TOUT must be equal to the load torque TLOAD but of opposite polarity. This is
indicated in the following equation:


Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

A function allows the torque indicated by the Torque meter in the Metering window
to be corrected so that it indicates the motor output torque TOUT. This function simply
adds the typical value of TF(BELT) and TF(DYN.) to TM(DYN.). The corrected torque,
i.e. the motor output torque TOUT, is thus always greater than the original uncorrected

Procedure Summary

In the first part of this exercise, you will experiment with the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply operating in the prime mover mode. You will set up
the equipment in the Workstation, connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-11,
and make the appropriate settings on the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power
Supply. You will learn how to change the direction of rotation of the prime mover by
using the FUNCTION button on the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply.
You will check that the polarity of the speed indicated on the Speed meter in the
Metering window changes when the direction of rotation is changed. You will then
measure the prime mover friction torque. Finally, you will couple the prime mover to
a squirrel-cage induction motor and measure the opposition torque caused by the

In the second part of this exercise, you will experiment with the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply operating in the dynamometer mode. You will couple
the dynamometer to a DC motor. You will vary the setting of the torque command
(COMMAND knob) of the dynamometer while observing the speed and torque
polarity indicated by the Speed and Torque meters in the Metering window. You will
learn how to correct the torque indicated by the Torque meter to determine the
output torque of the DC motor.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting Up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the
host computer.

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

Open setup configuration file DCMOTOR1.DAI then select meter layout 1.

Make sure that the continuous refresh mode is selected.

In the Data Acquisition and Control Settings window of LVDAC-EMS, set

parameter Analog Input AI7 to Torque 8960 (NAm).

Note: If you are using LVDAM-EMS, skip the manipulation above.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-11.

Figure 1-11. Prime Mover Circuit.

G 6. Connect the POWER INPUT of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply to a wall receptacle.

Turn the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply on by setting the

POWER INPUT switch to the I (on) position.

On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, set the OPERATING

MODE switch to the DYNAMOMETER position. This setting allows the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply to operate as a dynamometer
or a prime mover, depending on the selected function.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, select the Two-

Quadrant Clockwise Prime Mover function by momentarily pressing the
FUNCTION button until the function indicated by the display is
2Q CW Prime Mover.

These settings make the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply

operate as a prime mover.

On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, press and hold the

FUNCTION button 3 seconds to have uncorrected torque values on the
display. The indication "NC" appears next to the function name on the
display when uncorrected torque values are indicated.

Note: By default, the torque correction function is enabled in the

Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply. This function can
be disabled by pressing and holding the FUNCTION button
3 seconds. The torque correction function can be enabled again
by pressing the FUNCTION button once again for 3 seconds. The
status (enabled or disabled) of the torque correction function
stays unchanged when another function is selected with the
FUNCTION button.

Speed, Polarity and Direction of Rotation

G 7. On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, set the speed

command of the prime mover to about 250 r/min, using the COMMAND
knob. The value of the speed command is indicated by the module display.
Notice that the speed command shown on the module display is blinking.

On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, start the prime mover

by momentarily pressing the START/STOP button. Observe that the prime
mover starts to rotate. Also notice that the speed value on the module
display is no longer blinking to indicate that the indicated speed is now the
actual rotation speed of the prime mover.

In the following blank space, record the speed n of the primer mover
indicated by the display of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

n (prime mover speed) = r/min

Notice that the Speed meter in the Metering window also indicates the prime
mover speed.

Observe the prime mover. What is the direction of rotation?

Direction of rotation =

G 8. On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, stop the prime mover

by momentarily pressing the START/STOP button.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Select the Two-Quadrant Counterclockwise Prime Mover function by

momentarily pressing the FUNCTION button until the function indicated by
the display of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply is
2Q CCW Prime Mover.

Set the speed command of the prime mover to about !250 r/min using the
COMMAND knob. Start the prime mover by momentarily pressing the
START/STOP button.

Observe the prime mover. What is the direction of rotation?

Direction of rotation =

With the 2Q CCW Prime Mover function, what difference is there in the
speed indicated by the Speed meter in the Metering window?

Note: In this manual, clockwise rotation is defined as the positive

direction, and counterclockwise rotation is therefore indicated by
a negative speed value. The speed indicated by the display of the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply and the Speed
meter in the Metering window uses this same convention.

Measuring the Prime Mover Friction Torque

G 9. On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, stop the prime mover

by momentarily pressing the START/STOP button.

Select the Two-Quadrant Clockwise Prime Mover function by momentarily

pressing the FUNCTION button until the function indicated by the display of
the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply is 2Q CW Prime Mover.

Set the speed command of the prime mover to about 1500 r/min using the
COMMAND knob. Start the prime mover by momentarily pressing the
START/STOP button.

G 10. Record the friction torque TF(P.M.) indicated by the display of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply.

TF(P.M.) = NAm (lbfAin)

Why is the torque indicated by the module display negative while the prime
mover speed is positive (clockwise rotation)?

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Notice that the Torque meter in the Metering window indicates

approximately the same torque as the display of the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply. The torque indicated by the Torque meter is
not corrected, since the indication "NC" appears in the lower left corner of
this meter.

G 11. On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, stop the prime mover
by momentarily pressing the START/STOP button.

Select the Two-Quadrant Counterclockwise Prime Mover function by

momentarily pressing the FUNCTION button until the function indicated by
the display of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply is
2Q CCW Prime Mover.

Set the speed command of the prime mover to !1500 r/min using the
COMMAND knob. Start the prime mover by momentarily pressing the
START/STOP button.

Is the torque indicated by the Torque meter in the Metering window

(TF(P.M.)) of opposite sign but approximately equal to the value recorded for
the same speed?

G Yes G No

Measuring the Opposition Torque Caused by the Driven Machine

G 12. Stop the prime mover by setting the POWER INPUT switch of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply to the O (off) position.

Use a timing belt to mechanically couple the Four-Quadrant

Dynamometer / Power Supply to the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction

Before installing or removing a timing belt, make absolutely

sure that power is turned off to prevent any rotating machine
from starting inadvertently.

G 13. Turn the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply on by setting the

POWER INPUT switch to the I (on) position.

Select the Two-Quadrant Clockwise Prime Mover function by momentarily

pressing the FUNCTION button until the function indicated by the display of
the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply is 2Q CW Prime Mover.

Press and hold the FUNCTION button 3 seconds to have uncorrected

torque values on the display of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power
Supply. The indication "NC" appears next to the function name on the
display when uncorrected torque values are indicated.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Set the speed command of the prime mover to about 1500 r/min using the
COMMAND knob. Start the prime mover by momentarily pressing the
START/STOP button.

Record the opposition torque (TOPP. ) indicated by the Torque meter in the
Metering window.

TOPP. = NAm (lbfAin)

Compare the opposition torque measured in this step to the opposition

torque (TF(P.M.)) recorded in step 10. Briefly explain the difference between
these two opposition torques.

G 14. In the Metering window, enable the torque correction function for the Torque
meter by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the meter. The
indication "C" appears in this button to indicate that the torque correction is
enabled. The Torque meter now indicates the opposition torque caused by
the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor TOPP.(MACHINE). Record this
torque in the following blank space.

TOPP.(MACHINE) = NAm (lbfAin)

Using the torque measured in this step and the previous step, compare the
opposition torque caused by the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor
(TOPP.(MACHINE)) to the total opposition torque (TOPP.).

G 15. Stop the prime mover by setting the POWER INPUT switch of the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply to the O (off) position.

On the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor, tilt the front panel forward
to get access to the motor's shaft.

Turn the motor's shaft manually. While doing this, notice the twisting force
you must apply to make the motor's shaft rotate.


Before turning a motor's shaft manually or removing a timing

belt, make absolutely sure that power is turned off to prevent
any rotating machine from starting inadvertently.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Remove the timing belt that couples the Four-Quadrant

Dynamometer / Power Supply to the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction

Turn the motor's shaft manually. While doing this, notice the twisting force
you must apply to make the motor's shaft rotate. Is this force much smaller
than that required to make the motor's shaft rotate when the motor is
coupled to the prime mover?

G Yes G No

Is your observation the same as when you compared the opposition torques
in step 16? Briefly explain.

Dynamometer Operation

G 16. Remove the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor from the

EMS Workstation. Install a DC Motor/Generator in the EMS workstation
(next to the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply).

Use a timing belt to mechanically couple the Four-Quadrant

Dynamometer / Power Supply to the DC Motor/Generator.

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-12.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Figure 1-12. A DC Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

G 17. Turn the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply on by setting the

POWER INPUT switch to the I (on) position.

Select the Two-Quadrant, Constant-Torque Dynamometer function by

momentarily pressing the FUNCTION button until the function indicated by
the display is 2Q CT Dynamometer.

These settings make the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply

operate as a dynamometer.

Make sure that the display of the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply indicates uncorrected torque values (i.e., the indication "NC"
appears next to the function name on the display).

Set the torque command of the dynamometer to minimum by setting the

COMMAND knob fully counterclockwise.

Start the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power supply by momentarily

pressing the START/STOP button.

G 18. Turn the Power Supply on.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the current
indicated by meter I field (IF) in the Metering window is equal to the value
given in the following table.



V ac mA

120 300

220 190

240 210

Table 1-1. DC Motor Field Current.

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob so that the DC motor
rotates at a speed of 1500 r/min. The display of the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply and the Speed meter in the Metering window
indicate the motor speed.

In the Metering window, disable the torque correction function for the Torque
meter by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the meter. The
indication "NC" appears in this button when the torque correction is

Observe that the torque indicated by the display of the Four-Quadrant

Dynamometer / Power Supply and the Torque meter in the Metering window
is zero. Briefly explain why.

G 19. On the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, slowly turn the

COMMAND knob (torque control) clockwise until the torque indicated by the
module display and the Torque meter in the Metering window is equal to
1.0 NAm (9.0 lbfAin). While doing this, observe the speed indicated by the
Speed meter in the Metering window.

What happens to the speed as the torque passes from 0 to 1.0 NAm
(0 to 9.0 lbfAin).

Notice that the torque has the same polarity as the speed n. Why?

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Measuring the Output Torque of a Drive Motor

G 20. On the Power Supply, readjust the voltage control knob so that the
DC motor rotates at a speed of 1500 r/min.

Make sure that the torque indicated by the display of the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply and the Torque meter in the Metering window
is equal to 1.0 N m (9.0 lbf in). Slightly readjust the torque control
(COMMAND knob) if necessary.

Record the DC motor torque indicated by the Torque meter in the following
blank space. Explain

TOUT (uncorrected) = NAm (lbfAin)

[n = 1500 r/min]
[TM(DYN.) = !1 NAm (!9.0 lbfAin)]

G 21. In the Metering window, enable the torque correction function for the Torque
meter by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the meter. The
indication "C" appears in this button to indicate that the torque correction is
enabled. The Torque meter now indicates the DC motor output torque
TOUT (corrected). Record this torque in the following blank space.

TOUT (corrected) = NAm (lbfAin)

[n = 1500 r/min]
[TM(DYN.) = !1.0 NAm (!9.0 lbfAin)]

What happened to the torque indicated by the Torque meter when you
selected the torque correction function? Briefly explain why.

G 22. On the Power Supply, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise
and set the main power switch to the O (off) position.

Reverse the connection of the leads at the armature (terminals 1 and 2) of

the DC Motor / Generator.

Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the
DC Motor rotates at a speed of !1500 r/min.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)

Record the DC Motor output torque TOUT (corrected) in the following blank

TOUT (corrected) = NAm (lbfAin)

[n = !1500 r/min]
[TM(DYN.) = 1.0 NAm (9 lbfAin)]

What effect does changing the direction of rotation have on the DC Motor
output torque TOUT (corrected)?

G 23. On the Power Supply, set the main power switch and the 24 V - AC power
switch to the O (off) position.

Turn the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply off by setting its

POWER INPUT switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


In the first part of this exercise, you learned that the prime mover in the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply operates basically like a linear voltage-to-
speed converter. The prime mover speed and direction of rotation can be changed
by using the COMMAND knob and FUNCTION button, respectively, on the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply. The speed indicated on the Speed meter
in the Metering window is positive for clockwise rotation, and negative for
counterclockwise rotation. The torque indicated on the Torque meter in the Metering
window is the torque that opposes the prime mover rotation (opposition torque). A
torque correction function can be enabled so that the meter indicates the opposition
torque caused by the driven machine.

In the second part of this exercise, you learned that the dynamometer in the Four-
Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply is used to mechanically load a motor in
order to measure the speed and output torque of the motor. You saw that the
mechanical load (torque command) to the motor can be changed by using the
COMMAND knob on the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply. When the
torque command is increased, the motor speed decreases due to the increased
mechanical load on the motor. The Torque meter in the Metering window indicates
the torque which the motor must produce to overcome the opposition torque
produced by the dynamometer. A torque correction function can be enabled so that
the meter indicates the output torque of the motor.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-2)


1. In the prime mover mode, a negative speed value on the Speed meter in the
Metering window indicates that

a. the prime mover rotation is in the clockwise direction.

b. the prime mover rotation is in the counterclockwise direction.
c. the prime mover is supplying torque to drive a load.
d. the prime mover is receiving power from a load.

2. In the prime mover mode, why does the Torque meter in the Metering window
indicate a torque value even with no mechanical load applied to the machine's

a. The display is probably defective.

b. Because the prime mover must supply torque to overcome friction.
c. This indicates the electrical power supplied to the prime mover.
d. This indicates the mechanical power supplied to the prime mover.

3. In the prime mover mode, will the torque indicated by the Torque meter be a
negative or positive value for clockwise rotation?

a. Negative.
b. Positive.
c. It depends on how fast the prime mover rotates.
d. It depends on the value of the applied voltage.

4. In the dynamometer mode, what does the Torque meter indicate when the
torque correction function is disabled?

a. The sum of the dynamometer friction torque TF(DYN.) and belt friction
torque TF(BELT).
b. The magnetic torque produced by the dynamometer to oppose rotation
c. The torque which the motor coupled to the dynamometer must produce to
overcome the magnetic torque TM(DYN.), i.e. the inverse of TM(DYN.).
d. The load torque TLOAD produced by the dynamometer.

5. When the dynamometer is coupled to a drive motor, what does the Torque meter
indicate when the torque correction function is enabled?

a. The load torque TLoad.

b. The sum of the belt friction torque TF(BELT), dynamometer friction
torque TF(DYN.), and dynamometer magnetic torque TM(DYN.).
c. The output torque TOUT of the motor coupled to the dynamometer minus the
belt friction torque TF(BELT).
d. The output torque TOUT of the motor coupled by the dynamometer.

Exercise 1-2

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply,

Model 8960-2, skip this exercise.


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the
operation of a prime mover and a dynamometer, using the Prime Mover /
Dynamometer, Model 8960-1. You will be able to measure the opposition torque
caused by a machine driven by a prime mover. You will be able to measure the
output torque of a drive motor using a dynamometer.


Prime Mover Operation

The prime mover in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer operates basically like a linear
voltage-to-speed converter as illustrated in Figure 1-13, and the direction of rotation
is directly related to the input voltage polarity. A positive voltage produces clockwise
rotation, while reversing the input voltage polarity results in counterclockwise or
negative rotation. The speed-voltage relationship is a straight line, and the higher the
applied voltage, the faster the motor turns. The Prime Mover uses a dc motor, which
will be seen in Unit 2.

Figure 1-13. The Prime Mover is a Voltage-to-Speed Converter.

A digital display on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module allows direct reading
of either speed or torque values. Connecting the SPEED and TORQUE OUTPUTS
of the Prime Mover / Dynamometer to the corresponding inputs on the data
acquisition module permits measurement and display of speed and torque using the
Speed and Torque meters in the Metering window of the software.

The displayed speed, either on the module display or the Speed meter in the
Metering window, is the actual speed at which the prime mover rotates. It is positive
for clockwise (CW) rotation and negative for counterclockwise (CCW) rotation.

Note: Throughout this manual, the abbreviation "CW" stands for

clockwise, while the abbreviation "CCW" stands for counterclockwise.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

To rotate, the prime mover must produce sufficient magnetic torque (TM(P.M.)) to
overcome all forces that oppose its rotation. The combined effect of all these forces
results in a torque that opposes the prime mover rotation. This torque is known as
the opposition torque (TOPP.). As a result, when the prime mover rotates at constant
speed, the magnetic torque TM(P.M.) and the opposition torque TOPP. are equal in
magnitude but are of opposite polarity, i.e., TM(P.M.) = !TOPP..

The opposition torque (TOPP.) is displayed on the module display and the Torque
meter in the Metering window. Therefore, the displayed torque for clockwise
(positive) rotation is negative. For counterclockwise (negative) rotation, the displayed
torque is positive because the forces opposing rotation always act in the opposite
direction. In other words, the prime mover torque and speed displayed are always
of opposite polarity.

When no rotating machine is coupled to the prime mover's shaft, the opposition to
rotation is only due to the bearing friction, windage friction, and brushes friction in
the prime mover. The combined effect of these frictions results in the prime mover
friction torque TF(P.M.), as indicated in Figure 1-14 and the following equation:


where TBRUSHES is the torque that opposes rotation which results from the
brushes friction,
TBEARING is the torque that opposes rotation which results from the
bearing friction,
TWINDAGE is the torque that opposes rotation which results from the
windage friction.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

Figure 1-14. Distribution of Torque in the Prime Mover.

When no rotating machine is coupled to the prime mover's shaft, the prime mover
friction torque TF(P.M.) is the only opposition to prime mover rotation, and therefore,
the opposition torque TOPP. is equal to the prime mover friction torque TF(P.M.). Note
that the prime mover friction torque TF(P.M.), and thereby, the opposition
torque TOPP., increase as speed increases. However, this torque-versus-speed
relationship is not linear.

When the prime mover is mechanically coupled to another rotating machine, the
opposition torque TOPP. increases because of additional opposition to rotation caused
by the other machine and the coupling device (timing belt), as indicated in the
following equation:


where TF(P.M.) is the prime mover friction torque,

TF(BELT) is the torque that opposes rotation which results from
the belt friction,
TOPP.(MACHINE) is the torque that opposes rotation which is caused by
the machine coupled to the prime mover.

Therefore, the opposition torque TOPP. indicated by the module display and on the
Torque meter in the Metering window is higher when a rotating machine is coupled
to the prime mover.

When the prime mover drives another rotating machine, it is often useful to know the
opposition to rotation caused by the driven machine. In other words, it is useful to
know the torque that opposes the prime mover rotation which is caused by the driven
machine (TOPP.(MACHINE)). This torque is equal to the opposition torque TOPP. minus
the sum of the prime mover friction torque (TF(P.M.)) and belt friction
torque (TF(BELT)) as is indicated in the following equation:


A function in the Metering window allows the torque indicated by the Torque
meter (TOPP.) to be corrected so that it corresponds to the opposition torque produced
by the driven machine (TOPP.(MACHINE)). This function simply subtracts the typical

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

value of TF(P.M.) and TF(BELT) from TOPP. to obtain TOPP.(MACHINE). The corrected
torque (TOPP.(MACHINE)) is always smaller than the original uncorrected torque

Dynamometer operation

The dynamometer in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module is a device which can
be coupled to a drive motor using a timing belt. It is used to mechanically load the
motor and measure the speed and output torque of the motor. The mechanical load
to the motor can be changed using a torque control (MANUAL LOAD CONTROL
knob) on the dynamometer. This allows study of the behaviour of a motor under
various load conditions.

As for the prime mover, the digital display on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer
module allows direct reading of either speed or torque values. Connecting the
SPEED and TORQUE OUTPUTS of the Prime Mover / Dynamometer to the
corresponding inputs on the data acquisition module permits measurement and
display of speed and torque using the Speed and Torque meters in the Metering

The displayed speed, the either on the module display or the Speed meter in the
Metering window, is the actual speed at which the dynamometer rotates. It is positive
for clockwise rotation and negative for counterclockwise rotation.

The mechanical load which the dynamometer produces when it is coupled to a drive
motor consists of friction in the coupling device (timing belt), friction in the
dynamometer (bearing, brushes, and windage frictions), and a magnetic torque
which the dynamometer produces to oppose rotation of the motor (TM(DYN)). The
combined effect of these frictions and this torque results in a load torque (TLOAD) that
opposes rotation of the motor coupled to the dynamometer as indicated in the
following equation:


where TF(BELT) is the torque that opposes rotation which results from the belt
TF(DYN.) is the torque that opposes rotation which results from friction in
the dynamometer,
TM(DYN.) is the magnetic torque produced in the dynamometer to oppose

Figure 1-15 illustrates the forces that oppose rotation when a drive motor is coupled
to the dynamometer.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

Figure 1-15. Forces that Oppose Motor Rotation.

Torques TF(BELT) and TF(DYN.), which result from friction, vary as speed varies, as
is the case with torque TF(P.M.) seen in the previous subsection. On the other hand,
torque TM(DYN.) does not vary with speed, but it can be varied over a range of
0 to 3 NAm (0 to 27 lbfAin) using the torque control of the Dynamometer. Therefore,
the load torque TLOAD can be varied by varying torque TM(DYN.).

The torque indicated by the module display and the Torque meter in the Metering
window has the same magnitude as the magnetic torque TM(DYN.) but is of opposite
polarity. In other words, the indicated torque is equal to !TM(DYN.). This means that
the torque display of the Prime Mover / Dynamometer and the Torque meter indicate
the torque which the motor coupled to the dynamometer must provide to overcome
the opposition to rotation caused by torque TM(DYN.). Therefore, the displayed
torque for clockwise (positive) rotation is positive. For counterclockwise (negative)
rotation, the displayed torque is negative. In brief, the dynamometer torque and
speed displayed are always of the same polarity. Furthermore, when the MANUAL
LOAD CONTROL knob is set to minimum (fully counterclockwise, or CCW position),
torque TM(DYN.) is zero, and thereby, the torque indicated is also 0. This torque
increases as the LOAD CONTROL knob is turned clockwise.

However, the torque indicated by the module display and the Torque meter does not
correspond to the output torque (TOUT) of the motor coupled to the dynamometer. To
rotate, this motor must produce sufficient output torque TOUT to overcome the load
torque TLOAD, which consists of the dynamometer magnetic torque TM(DYN.) plus the
belt friction torque TF(BELT) plus the dynamometer friction torque TF(DYN.). In other
words, the motor output torque TOUT must be equal to the load torque TLOAD but of
opposite polarity. This is indicated in the following equation:


A function in the Metering window allows the torque indicated by the Torque meter
in the Metering window to be corrected so that it indicates the motor output

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

torque TOUT. This function simply adds the typical value of TF(BELT) and TF(DYN.)
to TM(DYN.). The corrected torque, i.e. the motor output torque TOUT, is thus always
greater than the original uncorrected torque.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of this exercise, you will experiment with the Prime Mover /
Dynamometer operating in the prime mover mode. You will set up the equipment in
the Workstation, connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-16, and make the
appropriate settings on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer. You will check that the
direction of rotation of the prime mover changes when the polarity of the input
voltage is changed. You will observe the effect of the MODE switch on the prime
mover operation. You will then measure the prime mover friction torque. Finally, you
will couple the prime mover to a squirrel-cage induction motor and measure the
opposition torque caused by the motor.

In the second part of this exercise, you will experiment with the Prime Mover /
Dynamometer operating in the dynamometer mode. You will couple the
dynamometer to a DC motor. You will vary the setting of the torque command (LOAD
CONTROL knob) of the dynamometer while observing the speed and torque polarity
indicated by the Speed and Torque meters in the Metering window. You will learn
how to correct the torque indicated by the Torque meter to determine the output
torque of the DC motor.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting Up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the
host computer.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

Connect the LOW POWER INPUTs of the data acquisition module and
Prime Mover / Dynamometer to the 24 V - AC output of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file DCMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 1.

Note: If you are using LVDAC-EMS, set parameter Analog

Input AI7 in the Data Acquisition and Control Settings window to
Torque 8960-1 (NAm).

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-16.

Figure 1-16. Prime Mover Circuit.

G 6. Set the Prime Mover / Dynamometer controls as follows:

MODE switch . . . . . . . . . . . PRIME MOVER (P.M.)

DISPLAY switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPEED (N)

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

These settings make the Prime Mover / Dynamometer operate as a prime


Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

Speed, Polarity and Direction of Rotation

G 7. Turn the Power Supply on by setting its main power switch to the
I (on) position, and set the voltage control knob at about 10%.

Record the speed n indicated by the Prime Mover / Dynamometer display

in the following blank space.

n (prime mover speed) = r/min

Notice that the Speed meter in the Metering window also indicates the prime
mover speed.

Observe the Prime Mover / Dynamometer. What is the direction of rotation?

Direction of rotation =

G 8. Turn the Power Supply off by setting its main power switch to the O (off)
position. Do not change the setting of the voltage control knob.

Reverse the connection of the leads at the PRIME MOVER INPUT.

Turn the Power Supply on and observe the Prime Mover / Dynamometer.
What is the direction of rotation?

Direction of rotation =

With this reversed polarity connection, what difference is there in the speed
indicated by the Speed meter in the Metering window?

Note: In this manual, clockwise rotation is defined as the positive

direction, and counterclockwise rotation is therefore indicated by
a negative speed value. The speed indicated by the Prime
Mover / Dynamometer display and the Speed meter in the
Metering window uses this same convention.

Effect of the MODE Switch

G 9. Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power
Supply off.

Reconnect the leads at the PRIME MOVER INPUT as they were in step 7.

G 10. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob at about 10%.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

On the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, set the MODE switch to the

DYN. position then wait a few seconds.

Does the prime mover stop rotating, thus showing that power has been cut

G Yes G No

Measuring the Prime Mover Friction Torque

G 11. On the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, set the MODE switch back to the
PRIME MOVER (P.M.) position.

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob so that the prime mover
rotates at a speed of 1500 r/min.

G 12. On the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, set the DISPLAY switch to the
TORQUE (T) position.

Record the friction torque (TF(P.M.)) indicated by the prime mover display.

TF(P.M.) = NAm (lbfAin) [n = 1500 r/min]

Why is the torque indicated by the Prime Mover / Dynamometer display

negative while the prime mover speed is positive (clockwise rotation)?

Notice that the Torque meter in the Metering window indicates

approximately the same torque as the module display.

On the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, set the DISPLAY switch back to the
SPEED (N) position.

G 13. On the Power Supply, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise
and turn the Power Supply off.

Reverse the connection of the leads at the PRIME MOVER INPUT.

Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the prime
mover rotates at a speed of !1500 r/min.

Is the torque displayed on the Torque meter in the Metering window

(TF(P.M.)) of opposite sign but approximately equal to the value recorded for
the same speed?

G Yes G No

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

Measuring the Opposition Torque Caused by the Driven Machine

G 14. On the Power Supply, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise
and turn the Power Supply off.

Reverse the connection of the leads at the PRIME MOVER INPUT.

Use a timing belt to mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer

module to the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.


Before installing or removing a timing belt, make absolutely

sure that power is turned off to prevent any rotating machine
from starting inadvertently.

G 15. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the prime
mover rotates at a speed of 1500 r/min.

Record the opposition torque (TOPP.) indicated by the Torque meter in the
Metering window.

TOPP. = NAm (lbfAin) [n = 1500 r/min]

Compare the opposition torque measured in this step to the opposition

torque (TF(P.M.)) recorded in step 12. Briefly explain the difference between
these two opposition torques.

G 16. In the Metering window, enable the torque correction function for the Torque
meter by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the meter. The
indication "C" appears in this button to indicate that the torque correction is
enabled. The Torque meter now indicates the opposition torque caused by
the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor TOPP.(MACHINE). Record this
torque in the following blank space.

TOPP.(MACHINE) = NAm (lbfAin) [n = 1500 r/min]

Using the torque measured in this step and the previous step, compare the
opposition torque caused by the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor
(TOPP.(MACHINE)) to the total opposition torque (TOPP.).

G 17. Turn the Power Supply off.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, go to the next

subsection of this exercise. Otherwise continue this step.

On the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor, tilt the front panel forward
to get access to the motor's shaft.

Turn the motor's shaft manually. While doing this, notice the twisting force
you must apply to make the motor's shaft rotate.


Before turning a motor's shaft manually or removing a timing

belt, make absolutely sure that power is turned off to prevent
any rotating machine from starting inadvertently.

Remove the timing belt that couples the Prime Mover / Dynamometer to the
Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.

Turn the motor's shaft manually. While doing this, notice the twisting force
you must apply to make the motor's shaft rotate. Is this force much smaller
than that required to make the motor's shaft rotate when the motor is
coupled to the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module?

G Yes G No

Is your observation the same as when you compared the opposition torques
in step 16? Briefly explain.

Dynamometer Operation

G 18. Remove the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor from the

EMS Workstation. Install a DC Motor/Generator in the EMS workstation
(next to the Prime Mover / Dynamometer).

Use a timing belt to mechanically couple the Prime Mover / Dynamometer

to the DC Motor/Generator.

Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-17.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

Figure 1-17. A DC Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

G 19. On the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module, set the controls as follows:

MODE switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DYN.

LOAD CONTROL MODE switch . . . . . . . . . . . MAN.
LOAD CONTROL knob . . . . . . . . . MIN. (fully CCW)
DISPLAY switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TORQUE (T)

These settings make the Prime Mover / Dynamometer operate as a


Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

G 20. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the current
indicated by meter I field (If) in the Metering window is equal to the value
given in the following table.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)



V ac mA

120 300

220 190

240 210

Table 1-2. DC Motor Field Current.

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob so that the DC motor
rotates at a speed of 1500 r/min. The display of the Prime
Mover / Dynamometer and the Speed meter in the Metering window indicate
the motor speed.

In the Metering window, disable the torque correction function for the Torque
meter by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the meter. The
indication "NC" appears in this button when the torque correction is

Observe that the torque indicated by the dynamometer display and the
Torque meter in the Metering window is zero. Briefly explain why.

G 21. On the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, slowly turn the LOAD CONTROL knob
(torque control) clockwise until the torque indicated by the module display
and the Torque meter in the Metering window is equal to 1.0 NAm (9.0 lbfAin).
While doing this, observe the speed indicated by the Speed meter in the
Metering window.

What happens to the speed as the torque passes from 0 to 1.0 NAm
(0 to 9.0 lbfAin).

Notice that the torque has the same polarity as the speed n. Why?

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

Measuring the Output Torque of a Drive Motor

G 22. On the Power Supply, readjust the voltage control knob so that the
DC motor rotates at a speed of 1500 r/min.

Make sure that the torque indicated by the dynamometer display and the
Torque meter in the Metering window is equal to 1.0 N m (9.0 lbf in). Slightly
readjust the torque control if necessary.

Record the DC motor torque indicated by the Torque meter in the following
blank space.

TOUT (uncorrected) = NAm (lbfAin)

[n = 1500 r/min]
[TM(DYN.) = !1 NAm (!9.0 lbfAin)]

G 23. In the Metering window, select the torque correction function for the Torque
meter by clicking the button in the lower left corner of the meter. The
indication "C" appears in this button to indicate that the torque correction is
enabled. The Torque meter now indicates the DC motor output torque
TOUT (corrected). Record this torque in the following blank space.

TOUT (corrected) = NAm (lbfAin)

[n = 1500 r/min]
[TM(DYN.) = !1.0 NAm (!9.0 lbfAin)]

What happened to the torque indicated by the Torque meter when you
selected the torque correction function? Briefly explain why.

G 24. On the Power Supply, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise
and set the main power switch to the O (off) position.

Reverse the connection of the leads at the armature (terminals 1 and 2) of

the DC Motor / Generator.

Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the
DC Motor rotates at a speed of !1500 r/min.

Record the DC Motor output torque TOUT (corrected) in the following blank

TOUT (corrected) = NAm (lbfAin)

[n = !1500 r/min]
[TM(DYN.) = 1 NAm (9 lbfAin)]

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

What effect does changing the direction of rotation have on the DC Motor
output torque TOUT (corrected)?

G 25. On the Power Supply, set the main power switch and the 24 V - AC power
switch to the O (off) position. Remove all leads and cables.


In the first part of this exercise, you learned that the prime mover in the Prime
Mover / Dynamometer operates basically like a linear voltage-to-speed converter.
The prime mover speed and direction of rotation can be changed by changing the
magnitude and polarity of the input voltage, respectively. You saw that the speed
indicated on the Speed meter in the Metering window is positive for clockwise
rotation, and negative for counterclockwise rotation. The torque indicated on the
Torque meter in the Metering window is the torque that opposes the prime mover
rotation (opposition torque). A torque correction function can be enabled so that the
meter indicates the opposition torque caused by the driven machine.

In the second part of this exercise, you learned that the dynamometer in the Prime
Mover / Dynamometer is used to mechanically load a motor in order to measure the
speed and output torque of the motor. You saw that the mechanical load (torque
command) to the motor can be changed by using the LOAD CONTROL knob on the
Prime Mover / Dynamometer. When the torque command is increased, the motor
speed decreases due to the increased mechanical load on the motor. The Torque
meter in the Metering window indicates the torque which the motor must produce to
overcome the opposition torque produced by the dynamometer. A torque correction
function can be enabled so that the meter indicates the output torque of the motor.


1. What does a negative speed value on the prime mover indicate?

a. That rotation is in the clockwise direction.

b. That rotation is in the counterclockwise direction.
c. That the prime mover is supplying torque to drive a load.
d. That the prime mover is receiving power from a load.

2. Why does the prime mover display show a torque value even with no
mechanical load applied to the machine's shaft?

a. The display is probably defective.

b. Because the prime mover must supply torque to overcome friction.
c. This indicates the electrical power supplied to the prime mover.
d. This indicates the mechanical power supplied to the prime mover.

Prime Mover and Dynamometer Operation (Model 8960-1)

3. Will the torque indicated by the prime mover display be a negative or positive
value for clockwise rotation?

a. Negative.
b. Positive.
c. It depends on how fast the prime mover rotates.
d. It depends on the value of the applied voltage.

4. What does the dynamometer display indicate when the DISPLAY switch is set
to the TORQUE (T) position?

a. The sum of the dynamometer friction torque TF(DYN.) and belt friction
torque TF(BELT).
b. The magnetic torque produced by the dynamometer to oppose rotation
c. The torque which the motor coupled to the dynamometer must produce to
overcome the magnetic torque TM(DYN.), i.e. the inverse of TM(DYN.).
d. The load torque TLOAD produced by the dynamometer.

5. The Torque meter in the Metering window is used to display torque when the
dynamometer is coupled to a drive motor. The torque correction function is
enabled. What does the Torque meter now indicate?

a. The load torque TLoad.

b. The sum of the belt friction torque TF(BELT), dynamometer friction
torque TF(DYN.), and dynamometer magnetic torque TM(DYN.).
c. The output torque TOUT of the motor coupled to the dynamometer minus the
belt friction torque TF(BELT).
d. The output torque TOUT of the motor coupled by the dynamometer.

Exercise 1-3
Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine motor power,
losses, and efficiency using a dynamometer.


Torque was earlier defined as a twisting force that causes an object to rotate. In
electric motors, this twisting force comes from the interaction of magnetic fields, and
its value is related to the current flowing in the motor. Since the magnetic forces in
the rotor of a dc motor are produced by current flowing in a wire loop, increasing the
current will increase the strength of the magnetic forces. The motor will therefore
produce more torque, meaning increased motor power, and it will consume more
electric power.

The prime mover that you have been using is actually a dc motor and it converts
electrical power to mechanical power. Figure 1-18 gives an overview of the power
flow and power losses in a dc motor.

Figure 1-18. Typical Power Flow in a DC Motor.

Electric motor efficiency is expressed as the ratio of its mechanical output power
to its electrical input power, Pm / Pin. The mechanical output power of a motor
depends on its speed and torque, and can be determined using one of the following
two formulas, depending on whether torque is expressed in NAm or lbfAin:

Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency

Efficiency for a motor is usually shown in the form of a graph of efficiency versus
mechanical output power, although a specific value at the nominal power rating is
sometimes given.

Rotating machine losses fall into two categories, mechanical losses and electrical
losses. Mechanical losses come from bearing friction, brushes friction, as well as
windage or cooling-fan friction. These losses vary somewhat as speed increases
from zero to its nominal value but remain fairly constant over the normal operating
range between no-load and full-load. A typical losses and efficiency versus
mechanical output power graph for a 10-kW dc motor is shown in Figure 1-19.

Electrical losses are classed as copper losses, brushes losses, and iron losses.
Copper losses (I²R) result from the resistance of the wire used in the machine, are
dissipated as heat, and depend on the value of current in the machine. Brushes
losses are usually very small, and are due to the contact resistance of the brush
which causes a typical voltage drop between 0.8 and 1.3 volts. Finally, iron losses
come from hysteresis and eddy currents in the machine, and depend on the
magnetic flux density, the speed of rotation or frequency, the kind of steel and the
size of the motor.

Figure 1-19. Typical Losses and Efficiency Graph for a 10-kW DC Motor.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 1-20, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will set the dc motor speed to 1500 r/min and
adjust the torque setting of the dynamometer to set the mechanical load applied to
the dc motor. You will then measure the dc motor speed, output torque (TOUT), and
electrical input power (Pin). You will use these results to calculate the dc motor

Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency

mechanical output power (Pm) and efficiency (η) as well as the amount of power lost
in the dc motor. You will compare the calculated mechanical output power and
efficiency to those measured with meters in the Metering window.

In the third part of the exercise, you will vary the mechanical load applied to the
dc motor in 0.2-NAm (1.5 lbfAin) steps. For each step, you will record data in the Data
Table to plot a graph of the dc motor efficiency versus the mechanical output power.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting Up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation, making sure that the
DC Motor / Generator is installed to the left of the prime
mover / dynamometer module (Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power
Supply, Model 8960-2, or Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model 8960-1).

Note: If you are performing the exercise using the EMS system,
ensure that the brushes of the DC Motor / Generator are adjusted
to the neutral point. To do so, connect an ac power source
(terminals 4 and N of the Power Supply) to the armature of the
DC Motor / Generator (terminals 1 and 2) through CURRENT
INPUT I1 of the data acquisition module. Connect the shunt
winding of the DC Motor / Generator (terminals 5 and 6) to
VOLTAGE INPUT E1 of the data acquisition module. Start the
Metering application and open setup configuration file
ACMOTOR1.DAI. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage
control knob so that an ac current (indicated by meter I line 1)
equal to half the nominal value of the armature current flows in
the armature of the DC Motor / Generator. Adjust the brush
adjustment lever on the DC Motor / Generator so that the voltage
across the shunt winding (indicated by meter E line 1) is
minimum. Turn the Power Supply off, exit the Metering
application, and disconnect all leads and cable.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

DC Motor / Generator using a timing belt.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file DCMOTOR1.DAI, then

ensure that meter layout 2 is selected.

G 5. Connect the modules as shown in Figure 1-20.

Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency

Figure 1-20. Setup for Measuring the DC Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency.

G 6. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field
current IF indicated in the Metering window is equal to the value given in the
table below. The field current IF flows in the shunt winding of the dc motor
and is necessary for its operation. This will be explained later in this manual.



V ac mA

120 300

220 190

240 210

Table 1-3. DC Motor Field Current IF.

Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer, then set the
dynamometer torque control to minimum (fully CCW position).

Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer before setting
the controls in order to see additional front panel markings related
to these controls.

In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of
the Torque meter is enabled.

Prime Mover Efficiency Measurement

G 7. On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob so that the dc motor
rotates at a speed of 1500 r/min.

On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by
the Torque meter in the Metering window is equal to 1.3 NAm (11.7 lbfAin).

G 8. Record the dc motor speed (n) and output torque (TOUT) in the following
blank spaces. These are indicated by the Speed and Torque meters in the
Metering window.

n= r/min

TOUT = NAm (lbfAin)

Calculate the dc motor mechanical output power (Pm) using the measured
speed n and output torque TOUT, and one of the following two formulas,
depending on whether torque is expressed in NAm or lbfAin:

Pm = W

Record in the following blank space the dc motor mechanical output

power Pm indicated by the Mech. Power meter in the Metering window.

Pm = W (measured)

Compare the calculated and measured values of the dc motor mechanical

output power. Are they approximately equal?

G Yes G No

G 9. Record in the following blank space the dc motor electrical input power (Pin)
indicated by meter Pin in the Metering window.

Pin = W

Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency

Compare the dc motor mechanical output power Pm to the measured

electrical input power Pin. How much power is lost in the dc motor?

G 10. Calculate the dc motor efficiency (η) using the measured dc motor electrical
input power Pin and mechanical output power Pm, and the following formula:

η= %

Record in the following blank space the dc motor efficiency η indicated by

meter Pm/Pin in the Metering window.

η= %

Compare the calculated and measured values of the dc motor efficiency η.

Are they approximately equal?

G Yes G No

Note: The dc motor efficiency may seem to be rather low, but it

is typical of efficiency values obtained with small motors.
Generally, motors having a nominal power of less than 10 kW
have efficiencies ranging from about 60% to 85%. For motors with
nominal power above 10 kW, efficiencies as high as 98% can be

Efficiency Versus Mechanical Output Power

G 11. On the dynamometer, set the torque control to minimum (fully CCW
position). The torque indicated by the dynamometer display should be equal
to 0.0 NAm (0.0 lbfAin).

On the Power Supply, slightly readjust the voltage control knob so that the
dc motor speed is equal to 1500 r/min (if necessary).

G 12. In the Metering window, record the dc motor voltage, current, electrical input
power, speed, output torque, mechanical output power, and efficiency in the
Data Table. These parameters are indicated by meters E arm. (EA),
I arm. (IA), Pin, Speed, Torque, Mech. Power, and Pm / Pin, respectively.

On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by
the Torque meter in the Metering window increases by 0.2 N@m (1.5 lbf@in)
increments up to 2.0 N@m (18.0 lbf@in). For each torque setting, record the
dc motor voltage, current, electrical input power, speed, torque, mechanical
output power, and efficiency in the Data Table.

Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency

G 13. When all data has been recorded, turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT131, and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to entitle and print a data

G 14. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc motor efficiency (obtained from meter Pm / Pin) as a function of the
dc motor mechanical output power (obtained from meter Mech. Power).
Entitle the graph as G131, name the x-axis as DC Motor Mechanical Output
Power, name the y-axis as DC Motor Efficiency, and print the graph.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Describe how the dc motor efficiency varies as a function of the mechanical

output power.

Compare graph G131 with the graph shown in Figure 1-19.

G 15. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


This exercise allowed you to calculate the mechanical output power produced by a
motor using its speed and output torque. You determined motor efficiency by
calculating the ratio of mechanical output power to electrical input power, and
produced an efficiency versus mechanical output power graph.

Motor Power, Losses, and Efficiency


1. What is the formula for calculating the mechanical output power of a motor?





2. What is the definition of motor efficiency?

a. It is the rate of doing work.

b. It is the amount of work produced.
c. It is the ratio of output mechanical power to input electrical power.
d. It is the difference between input and output power in watts.

3. A dc motor turns at a speed of 1460 r/min and produces an output torque of

23.5 NAm (208 lbfAin). The dc voltage applied to the motor is 280 V and a current
of 14.1 A flows through the motor. What is the efficiency of the motor?

a. 94%
b. 91%
c. 79%
d. 86%

4. Using the data of the previous question, calculate the amount of power lost in
the motor.

a. 829 W
b. 553 W
c. 355 W
d. 237 W

5. What are the two main categories of losses for rotating machines?

a. Copper losses and iron losses.

b. Electrical losses and copper losses.
c. Mechanical losses and iron losses.
d. Electrical losses and mechanical losses.

Unit Test
1. When the prime mover / dynamometer module operates as a prime mover, why
does the Torque meter in the Metering window indicate a torque value even with
no load applied to the machine's shaft?

a. Because the prime mover must supply torque to overcome friction.

b. The prime mover display is probably defective.
c. This indicates the mechanical power supplied to the prime mover.
d. This indicates the electrical power supplied to the prime mover.

2. A moving loop of wire cuts a magnetic field. Knowing that the magnetic flux
linking the loop passes from 0 to 280 mWb in 0.05 second as the loop cuts the
magnetic field, what is the voltage induced across the loop of wire?

a. 14 V
b. 5.6 kV
c. 5.6 V
d. 0.014 V

3. A prime mover is mechanically coupled to a dynamometer. What happens to the

prime mover speed when the dynamometer torque control is adjusted so as to
decrease the load torque TLOAD?

a. The speed decreases slowly until the motor stops rotating.

b. The speed does not change.
c. The speed increases.
d. The speed becomes unstable because the prime mover reacts strongly to
load torque variations.

4. When the prime mover / dynamometer module operates as a dynamometer and

the dynamometer is mechanically coupled to a drive motor, what does the
Torque meter in the Metering window indicate when the torque correction
function is disabled?

a. The load torque TLOAD produced by the dynamometer.

b. The magnetic torque produced by the dynamometer to oppose rotation
c. The sum of the dynamometer friction torque TF(DYN.) and belt friction
torque TF(BELT).
d. The torque which the drive motor coupled to the dynamometer must
produce to overcome the magnetic torque TM(DYN.), i.e. the inverse of

5. When the prime mover / dynamometer module operates as a dynamometer and

the dynamometer is mechanically coupled to a drive motor, what does the
Torque meter in the Metering window indicate when the torque correction
function is enabled?

a. The output torque TOUT of the drive motor coupled to the dynamometer
minus the belt friction torque TF(BELT).
b. The sum of the belt friction torque TF(BELT), dynamometer friction
torque TF(DYN.), and dynamometer magnetic torque TM(DYN.).
c. The output torque TOUT of the drive motor coupled to the dynamometer.
d. The load torque TLOAD.

Unit Test (cont'd)

6. The motor of a water pump produces an output torque TOUT equal to

10 NAm (88.5 lbfAin). How much work is done by the pump motor if it rotates at
a speed of 3000 r/min during 10 minutes?

a. 31.4 kW.
b. 3.14 kJ.
c. 1.88 MJ.
d. 31.4 kJ.

7. A prime mover is mechanically coupled to a dynamometer. What happens to the

prime mover speed when the torque control of the dynamometer is increased in
order to increase the load torque TLOAD?

a. The speed does not change.

b. The speed decreases slowly until the motor stops rotating.
c. The speed increases because the prime mover reacts strongly to load
torque variations.
d. The speed decreases.

8. A prime mover is mechanically coupled to a dynamometer. The torque control

on the dynamometer is changed so that the torque produced by the prime mover
passes from 0.4 to 2.6 NAm (3.5 to 23.0 lbfAin). By how much did the magnetic
torque TM(DYN.) produced by the dynamometer vary?

a. The magnetic torque TM(DYN.) did not vary because the torque produced
by the prime mover is not dependent on torque TM(DYN.).
b. The magnetic torque TM(DYN.) increased by 2.2 NAm (19.5 lbfAin).
c. The magnetic torque TM(DYN.) decreased by 2.2 NAm (19.5 lbfAin).
d. None of the above.

9. A dc motor turns at a speed of 530 r/min and produces an output torque of

162 NAm (1434 lbfAin). The dc voltage applied to the motor is 280 V. Knowing that
the power lost in the motor is 473 W, what are the motor efficiency η and the
current IM flowing in the motor?

a. η = 91%, IM = 33.8 A
b. η = 95%, IM = 32.1 A
c. η = 91%, IM = 32.1 A
d. η = 95%, IM = 33.8 A

10. Is motor power greater or smaller when it drives a load at a higher speed?

a. It is greater.
b. It is smaller.
c. Neither, because power and speed are independent of each other.
d. It depends on whether rotation is clockwise or counterclockwise.

Unit 2

DC Motors and Generators


After completing this unit, you will be able to use the DC Motor / Generator module
to demonstrate and explain the operation of dc motors and generators.


Operating Principle of DC Motors

As stated in Unit 1, motors turn because of the interaction between two magnetic
fields. This unit will discuss how these magnetic fields are produced in dc motors,
and how magnetic fields induce voltage in dc generators.

The basic principle of a dc motor is the creation of a rotating magnet inside the
mobile part of the motor, the rotor. This is accomplished by a device called the
commutator which is found on all dc machines. The commutator produces the
alternating currents necessary for the creation of the rotating magnet from dc power
provided by an external source. Figure 2-1 illustrates a typical dc motor rotor with its
main parts. This figure shows that the electrical contact between the segments of the
commutator and the external dc source is made through brushes. Note that the rotor
of a dc motor is also referred to as the armature.

Figure 2-1. The Main Parts of a DC Motor Rotor (Armature).

DC Motors and Generators

Figure 2-2. Operation of the Commutator.

In Figure 2-2 (a), the brushes make contact with segments A and B of the
commutator and current flows in wire loop A-B. No current flows in the other wire
loop (C-D). This creates an electromagnet A-B with north and south poles as shown

DC Motors and Generators

in Figure 2-2 (a). If the rotor is turned clockwise a little as shown in Figure 2-2 (b),
current still flows in wire loop A-B and the magnetic north and south poles rotate
clockwise. As the rotor continues to rotate clockwise, a time comes where a

Figure 2-3. Operation of the Commutator (continued).

DC Motors and Generators

commutation occurs, i.e. the brushes make contact with segments C and D instead
of segments A and B, as shown in Figure 2-2 (c). As a result, current now flows in
wire loop C-D instead of flowing in wire loop A-B. This creates an electromagnet C-D
with north and south poles as shown in Figure 2-2 (c). By comparing
Figures 2-2 (b) and (c), you can see that the magnetic north and south poles rotate
90E counterclockwise at the commutation. As the rotor continues to rotate clockwise,
the same phenomenon repeats every 90E angle of rotation as shown in
Figures 2-3 (a) to (c).

In brief, as the rotor turns, the north and south poles of the electromagnet go back
and forth (oscillate) over a 90E angle as shown in Figure 2-4. In other words, the
north and south poles are stationary, i.e. they do not rotate as the rotor turns. This
is equivalent to having an electromagnet in the rotor that rotates at the same speed
as the rotor but in the opposite direction. The higher the number of segments on the
commutator, the lower the angle of rotation between each commutation, and the
lower the angle over which the north and south poles oscillate. For example, the
north and south poles would oscillate over an angle of only 11.25E if the commutator
in Figures 2-2 to 2-4 were having 32 segments.

Figure 2-4. The North and South Poles Oscillate Around a Fixed Position.

If this rotor is placed next to a fixed permanent magnet stator as shown in

Figure 2-5, the magnetic poles of opposite polarity attract each other (in order to
align) and the rotor starts to turn. After the rotor has turned of a certain angle, a
commutation occurs and the north and south poles of the electromagnet go back.
Once again, the magnetic poles of opposite polarity attract each other, and the rotor
continues to rotate in the same direction so as to align the magnetic poles of
opposite polarity. However, another commutation occurs a little after and the north
and south poles of the electromagnet go back once again. This cycle repeats over
and over. The force that results from the interaction of the two magnetic fields always
acts in the same direction, and the rotor turns continually. Thus, a converter of
electrical-to-mechanical energy, i.e. an electric motor, has been achieved. The
direction of rotation depends on the polarity of the voltage applied to the brushes of
the rotor.

DC Motors and Generators

Figure 2-5. Rotation Resulting from Interaction of Magnetic Fields in the Stator and the Rotor.

Operating Principle of DC Generators

Previously, we saw that the variation of magnetic flux in a coil of wire caused a
voltage to be induced between the ends of the coil of wire. If a wire loop is placed
between two magnets and rotated as shown in Figure 2-6, magnetic lines of force
are cut and a voltage "e" is induced in the loop. The polarity of the induced
voltage "e" depends on the direction in which the wire loop moves as it cuts the
magnetic lines of force. Since the wire loop cuts magnetic lines of force in both
direction within a full revolution, the induced voltage is an ac voltage similar to that
shown in Figure 2-6.

If a commutator such as that shown in Figure 2-1 is used, it will act as a rectifier and
convert the induced ac voltage into a dc voltage (with ripple) as shown in Figure 2-6.
Direct current will therefore be produced at the output of the generator. The faster
the rotor turns, the more lines of force that are cut and the higher the output voltage.
Also, the stronger the stator magnet, the more lines of force that are present, and
therefore, the higher the output voltage.

DC Motors and Generators

Figure 2-6. A Coil Rotating in a Magnetic Field Results in an Induced Voltage.

Exercise 2-1

The Separately-Excited DC Motor


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the main
operating characteristics of a separately-excited dc motor using the DC Motor /
Generator module.


Previously, you saw that a dc motor is made up basically of a fixed magnet (stator)
and a rotating magnet (rotor). Many dc motors use an electromagnet for the stator,
as illustrated in Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7. Simplified DC Motor with an Electromagnet as Stator.

When power for the stator electromagnet is supplied by a separate dc source, either
fixed or variable, the motor is known as a separately-excited dc motor. Sometimes
the term independent-field dc motor is also used. The current flowing in the stator
electromagnet is often called field current because it is used to create a fixed
magnetic field. The electrical and mechanical behaviour of the dc motor can be
understood by examining its simplified equivalent electric circuit shown in Figure 2-8.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

Figure 2-8. Simplified Equivalent Circuit of a DC Motor.

In the circuit, EA is the voltage applied to the motor brushes, IA is the current flowing
through the brushes, and RA is the resistance between the brushes. Note that EA, IA,
and RA are usually referred to as the armature voltage, current, and resistance,
respectively. ERA is the voltage drop across the armature resistor. When the motor
turns, an induced voltage ECEMF proportional to the speed of the motor is produced.
This induced voltage is represented by a dc source in the simplified equivalent circuit
of Figure 2-8. The motor also develops a torque T proportional to the armature
current IA flowing in the motor. The motor behavior is based on the two equations
given below. The first relates motor speed n and the induced voltage ECEMF, and the
second relates the motor torque T and the armature current IA.

n = K1 × ECEMF and T = K2 × IA

where K1 is a constant expressed in units of r/min/V,

K2 is a constant expressed in units of NAm/A or lbfAin/A.

When a voltage EA is applied to the armature of a dc motor with no mechanical load,

the armature current IA flowing in the equivalent circuit of Figure 2-8 is constant and
has a very low value. As a result, the voltage drop ERA across the armature resistor
is so low that it can be neglected, and ECEMF can be considered to be equal to the
armature voltage EA. Therefore, the relationship between the motor speed n and the
armature voltage EA is a straight line because ECEMF is proportional to the motor
speed n. This linear relationship is illustrated in Figure 2-9, and the slope of the
straight line equals constant K1.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

Figure 2-9. Linear Relationship Between the Motor Speed and the Armature Voltage.

Since the relationship between voltage EA and speed n is linear, a dc motor can be
considered to be a linear voltage-to-speed converter as shown in Figure 2-10.

Figure 2-10. DC Motor as a Voltage-to-Speed Converter.

The same type of relationship exists between the motor torque T and the armature
current IA, so that a dc motor can also be considered as a linear current-to-torque
converter. Figure 2-11 illustrates the linear relationship between the motor torque T
and the armature current IA. Constant K2 is the slope of the line relating the two. In
Figure 2-12, the linear current-to-torque converter is illustrated.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

Figure 2-11. Linear Relationship Between the Motor Torque and the Armature Current.

Figure 2-12. DC Motor as a Current-to-Torque Converter.

When the armature current IA increases, the voltage drop ERA (RA x IA) across the
armature resistor also increases and can no longer be neglected. As a result, the
armature voltage EA can no longer be considered to be equal to ECEMF, but rather the
sum of ECEMF and ERA as indicated in the following equation:


Therefore, when a fixed armature voltage EA is applied to a dc motor, the voltage

drop ERA across the armature resistor increases as the armature current IA increases,
and thereby, causes ECEMF to decrease. This also causes the motor speed n to
decrease because it is proportional to ECEMF. This is shown in Figure 2-13 which is
a graph of the motor speed n versus the armature current IA for a fixed armature
voltage EA.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

Figure 2-13. Motor Speed Drop as the Armature Current Increases (Fixed Armature Voltage EA).

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-14, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will measure the armature resistance RA of
the DC Motor / Generator. It is not possible to measure the armature resistance RA
directly with a conventional ohmmeter because the non-linear characteristic of the
motor brushes causes incorrect results when IA is too small. The general method
used to determine the armature resistance RA consists in connecting a dc power
source to the motor armature and measuring the voltage required to produce
nominal current flow in the armature windings. Power is not connected to the stator
electromagnet to ensure that the motor does not turn, thus ECEMF equals zero. The
ratio of the armature voltage EA to the armature current IA yields the armature
resistance RA directly.

Note: The motor will not start to rotate because it is mechanically loaded.

In the third part of the exercise, you will measure data and plot a graph of the motor
speed n versus the armature voltage EA to demonstrate that the speed of the
separately-excited dc motor is proportional to the armature voltage EA under no-load

In the fourth part of the exercise, you will measure data and plot a graph of the motor
torque T versus the armature current IA to demonstrate that the torque of the
separately-excited dc motor is proportional to the armature current IA.

In the fifth part of the exercise, you will demonstrate that when the armature
voltage EA is set to a fixed value, the speed of the separately-excited dc motor
decreases with increasing armature current or torque because of the increasing
voltage drop across the armature resistor.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using the EMS system,
ensure that the brushes of the DC Motor / Generator are adjusted
to the neutral point. To do so, connect an ac power source
(terminals 4 and N of the Power Supply) to the armature of the
DC Motor / Generator (terminals 1 and 2) through CURRENT
INPUT I1 of the data acquisition module. Connect the shunt
winding of the DC Motor / Generator (terminals 5 and 6) to
VOLTAGE INPUT E1 of the data acquisition module. Start the
Metering application and open setup configuration file
ACMOTOR1.DAI. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage
control knob so that an ac current (indicated by meter I line 1)
equal to half the nominal value of the armature current flows in
the armature of the DC Motor / Generator. Adjust the brush
adjustment lever on the DC Motor / Generator so that the voltage
across the shunt winding (indicated by meter E line 1) is
minimum. Turn the Power Supply off, exit the Metering
application, and disconnect all leads and cable.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

DC Motor / Generator using a timing belt.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file DCMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Set up the separately-excited dc motor circuit shown in Figure 2-14. Leave

the circuit open at points A and B shown in the figure.

Figure 2-14. Separately-Excited DC Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer, then set the torque
control to maximum (fully CW position).

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

Determining the Armature Resistance

G 7. Turn the Power Supply on by setting its main power switch to the
I (on) position, and set the voltage control knob so that the rated armature
current flows in the DC Motor / Generator. The armature current is indicated
by meter I arm. (IA) in the Metering window.

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

Record the value of armature resistance RA indicated by meter RA = EA / IA.

RA = Ω

G 8. Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power
Supply off.

Interconnect points A and B shown in the circuit of Figure 2-14.

Motor Speed Versus Armature Voltage

G 9. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the dynamometer, set the torque control to minimum

(fully CCW position).

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field
current IF indicated by meter I field (IF) in the Metering window is equal to the
value given in the following table:

The Separately-Excited DC Motor



V ac mA

120 300

220 190

240 210

Table 2-1. DC Motor Field Current.

G 10. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled. The Torque meter now indicates the dc motor
output torque. Record the armature voltage, armature current, field current,
speed, and output torque in the Data Table. These parameters are indicated
by meters E arm. (EA), I arm. (IA), I field (IF), Torque, and Speed,

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to 10%, 20%, 30% etc.
up to 100% in order to increase the armature voltage EA by steps. For each
voltage setting, wait until the motor speed stabilizes, and then record the
data in the Data Table.

G 11. When all data has been recorded, turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT211, and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

G 12. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc motor speed n (obtained from the Speed meter) as a function of the
armature voltage EA [(obtained from meter E arm. (EA)]. Entitle the graph as
G211, name the x-axis as Armature Voltage, name the y-axis as DC Motor
Speed, and print the graph.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

What kind of relationship exists between the armature voltage EA and the
dc motor speed n?

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

Does this graph confirm that the separately-excited dc motor is equivalent

to a linear voltage-to-speed converter, with higher voltage producing greater

G Yes G No

G 13. Use the two end points to calculate the slope K1 of the relationship obtained
in graph G211. The values of these points are indicated in data
table DT211.

In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

Motor Torque Versus Armature Current

G 14. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, slightly readjust the FIELD RHEOSTAT so

that the field current IF indicated by meter I field (IF) still equals the value
given in Table 2-1 (if necessary).

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob so that the dc motor
speed is 1500 r/min. Note the value of the armature voltage EA in the
following blank space.

EA = V (n = 1500 r/min)

G 15. Record the dc motor output torque T, armature voltage EA, armature
current IA, field current IF, and speed n in the Data Table.

On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by
the Torque meter in the Metering window increases by 0.2 N@m (2.0 lbf@in)
increments up to about 2.3 N@m (about 20.4 lbf@in). For each torque setting,
readjust the voltage control knob of the Power Supply so that the armature
voltage EA remains equal to the value recorded in the previous step, then
record the data in the Data Table.

Note: The armature current may exceed the rated value while
performing this manipulation. It is, therefore, suggested to
complete the manipulation within a time interval of 5 minutes or

G 16. When all data has been recorded, set the torque control on the
dynamometer to minimum (fully CCW), turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise, and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT212, and print the data table.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

G 17. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc motor torque (obtained from the Torque meter) as a function of the
armature current IA [obtained from meter I arm. (IA)]. Entitle the graph as
G212, name the x-axis as Armature Current, name the y-axis as DC Motor
Torque, and print the graph.

What kind of relationship exists between the armature current IA and the
dc motor torque T as long as the armature current does not exceed the
nominal value?

Does this graph confirm that the separately-excited dc motor is equivalent

to a linear current-to-torque converter (when the armature current does not
exceed the nominal value), with higher current producing greater torque?

G Yes G No

Note: The torque versus current relationship is no longer linear

when the armature current exceeds the nominal value because
of a phenomenon called armature reaction. This phenomenon is
described in the next unit of this manual.

G 18. Use the two end points of the linear portion of the relationship obtained in
graph G212 to calculate the slope K2. The values of these points are
indicated in data table DT212.

Speed Decrease Versus Armature Current

G 19. Using the armature resistance RA and the constant K1 determined previously
in this exercise, the armature voltage EA measured in step 14, and the set
of equations given below, determine the dc motor speed n for each of the
three armature currents IA given in Table 2-2.



n = ECEMF x K1

The Separately-Excited DC Motor



V ac A A A

120 1.0 2.0 3.0

220 0.5 1.0 1.5

240 0.5 1.0 1.5

Table 2-2. DC Motor Armature Currents.

When IA equals A:

n = r/min

When IA equals A:

n = r/min

When IA equals A:

n = r/min

Based on your calculations, how should ECEMF and the dc motor speed n
vary as the armature current is increased?

G 20. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc motor speed (obtained from the Speed meter) as a function of the
armature current IA [obtained from meter I arm. (IA) ], using the data
recorded previously in the data table (DT212). Entitle the graph as G212-1,
name the x-axis as Armature Current, name the y-axis as DC Motor Speed,
and print the graph.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

Does graph G212-1 confirm the prediction you made in the previous
step about the variation of the dc motor speed as a function of the armature
current IA?

G Yes G No

Briefly explain what causes the dc motor speed to decrease when the
armature voltage EA is fixed and the armature current IA increases.

G 21. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc motor speed (obtained from the Speed meter) as a function of the
dc motor torque T (obtained from the Torque meter) using the data recorded
previously in the data table (DT212). Entitle the graph as G212-2, name the
x-axis as Separately-Excited DC Motor Torque, name the y-axis as
Separately-Excited DC Motor Speed, and print the graph. This graph will be
used in the next exercise of this unit.

G 22. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


Speed-Voltage and Torque-Current Graphs for Reversed Armature Connec-


You can obtain graphs of the dc motor speed n versus the armature voltage EA, and
dc motor torque T versus the armature current IA, with reversed armature
connections. To do so, make sure the Power Supply is turned off and reverse the
connection of the leads at terminals 7 and N of the Power Supply. Refer to steps 6 to
17 of this exercise to record the necessary data and obtain the graphs. This will allow
you to verify that the linear relationships between the speed and armature voltage,
and the torque and armature current, are valid regardless the polarity of the armature
voltage. Recalculating constants K1 and K2 will show you that their values are
independent of the armature voltage polarity.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor


In this exercise, you have learned how to measure the armature resistance of a
dc motor. You have seen that the speed of a separately-excited dc motor is
proportional to the armature voltage applied to the motor. You saw that the torque
produced by a dc motor is proportional to the armature current. You observed that
the dc motor speed decreases with increasing armature current when the armature
voltage is fixed. You demonstrated that this speed decrease is caused by the
increasing voltage drop across the armature resistor as the armature current

If you have performed the additional experiments, you observed that the speed
versus voltage and torque versus current relationships are not affected by the
polarity of the armature voltage. You also observed that the direction of rotation is
reversed when the polarity of the armature voltage is reversed.


1. What kind of relationship exists between the speed and armature voltage of a
separately-excited dc motor?

a. A linear relationship.
b. A parabolic relationship.
c. An exponential relationship.
d. The speed of the motor is independent of the applied voltage.

2. What kind of relationship exists between the torque and armature current of a
separately-excited dc motor as long as the armature current does not exceed the
nominal value?

a. A linear relationship.
b. A parabolic relationship.
c. An exponential relationship.
d. The motor torque is independent of the current.

3. Connecting a dc source to the armature of a dc motor that operates without field

current and measuring the voltage that produces nominal current flow in the
armature allows which parameter of the dc motor to be determined?

a. The nominal armature current.

b. The nominal armature voltage.
c. The armature resistance.
d. The resistance of the field winding.

4. Does the speed of a separately-excited dc motor increase or decrease when the

armature current increases?

a. It increases.
b. It decreases.
c. It stays the same because speed is independent of motor current.
d. The speed will oscillate around the previous value.

The Separately-Excited DC Motor

5. The armature resistance RA and constant K1 of a dc motor are 0.5 Ω and

5 r/min/V, respectively. A voltage of 200 V is applied to this motor. The no-load
armature current is 2 A. At full load, the armature current increases to 50 A.
What are the no-load and full-load speeds of the motor?

a. nNO LOAD = 1005 r/min, nFULL LOAD = 880 r/min

b. nNO LOAD = 995 r/min, nFULL LOAD = 875 r/min
c. nNO LOAD = 1000 r/min, nFULL LOAD = 875 r/min
d. The speeds cannot be calculated without constant K2.

Exercise 2-2

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,

and Compound DC Motors


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate how the
field current affects the characteristics of a separately-excited dc motor using the
DC Motor / Generator module. You will also be able to demonstrate the main
operating characteristics of series, shunt, and compound motors.


Separately-Excited DC Motor

It is possible to change the characteristics of a separately-excited dc motor by

changing the strength of the fixed magnetic field produced by the stator
electromagnet. This can be carried out by changing the current that flows in the
stator electromagnet. This current is usually referred to as the field current (IF)
because it is used to produce the fixed magnetic field in the dc motor. A rheostat
connected in series with the electromagnet winding can be used to vary the field

Figure 2-15 illustrates how the speed versus armature voltage and torque versus
armature current relationships of a separately-excited dc motor are affected when
the field current is decreased below its nominal value. Constant K1 becomes greater
and constant K2 becomes smaller. This means that the motor can rotate at higher
speeds without exceeding the nominal armature voltage. However, the torque which
the motor can develop, without exceeding the nominal armature current, is reduced.

It is also possible to set the field current of a separately-excited dc motor above its
nominal value for short time intervals. The effect on the speed versus armature
voltage and torque versus armature current relationships is reversed, i.e. constant K1
becomes smaller and constant K2 becomes higher. As a result, the motor can
develop a higher torque during these time intervals but the speed at which the motor
can rotate, without exceeding the nominal armature voltage, is reduced. Increasing
the field current of a separately-excited dc motor when it is starting improves the
motor torque, and thereby, provides faster acceleration.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors

Figure 2-15. Decreasing Current IF Below its Nominal Value Affects Constants K1 and K2.

The strength of the fixed magnetic field in a dc motor can also be changed by
changing the way the stator electromagnet is implemented. The stator electro-
magnet, or field electromagnet, can be a shunt winding connected directly to a dc
voltage source, as in the separately-excited dc motor. A shunt winding can also be
connected in parallel with the armature of the dc motor. The field electromagnet can
also be a series winding, a coil consisting of a few loops of heavy-gage wire,
connected in series with the armature. A combination of the shunt and series
windings can also be used to implement the field electromagnet.

Various electromagnet implementations have been used so far to build several types
of dc motors having different characteristics when powered by a fixed-voltage dc
source. This was necessary at the time the first dc motors were in used, because
variable-voltage dc sources were not still available. These dc motors, which are used
less and less today, are briefly described in the following sections of this discussion.

Series Motor

The series motor is a motor in which the field electromagnet is a series winding
connected in series with the armature as shown in Figure 2-16. The strength of the
field electromagnet, therefore, varies as the armature current varies. As a result, K1
and K2 vary when the armature current varies. Figure 2-16 shows the speed versus
torque characteristic of a series motor when the armature voltage is fixed. This
characteristic shows that the speed decreases non linearly as the torque increases,
i.e. as the armature current increases.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors

Figure 2-16. Series Motor and its Speed Versus Torque Characteristic.

The series motor provides a strong starting torque and a wide range of operating
speeds when it is supplied by a fixed-voltage dc source. However, the speed, torque,
and armature current depend on the mechanical load applied to the motor. Also, the
series motor has non-linear operating characteristics as suggested by the speed
versus torque relationship in Figure 2-16. As a result, it is difficult to operate a series
motor at a constant speed when the mechanical load fluctuates. Furthermore, the
armature current must be limited to prevent damage to the motor when it is starting
(when power is applied to the motor). Finally, a series motor must never run with no
mechanical load because the speed increases to a very-high value which can
damage the motor (motor runaway).

Today, series motors can operate with fixed-voltage power sources, for example,
automobile starting motors; or with variable-voltage power sources, for example,
traction systems.

Shunt Motor

The shunt motor is a motor in which the field electromagnet is a shunt winding
connected in parallel with the armature, both being connected to the same dc voltage
source as shown in Figure 2-17. For a fixed armature voltage, constants K1 and K2
are fixed, and the speed versus torque characteristic is very similar to that obtained
with a separately-excited dc motor powered by a fixed-voltage dc source, as shown
in Figure 2-17. As in a separately-excited dc motor, the characteristics (K1 and K2)
of a shunt motor can be changed by varying the field current with a rheostat.
However, it is difficult to change the speed of a shunt motor by changing the
armature voltage, because this changes the field current, and thereby, the motor
characteristics, in a way that opposes speed change.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors

Figure 2-17. Shunt Motor and its Characteristics.

The main advantage of a shunt motor is the fact that only a single fixed-voltage dc
source is required to supply power to both the armature and the shunt winding. Also,
speed varies little as the mechanical load varies. However, a shunt motor has a
limited speed range because speed cannot be easily varied by varying the armature
voltage. Furthermore, the armature current must be limited to prevent damage to the
motor when it is starting (when power is applied to the motor). Finally, when the
shunt winding opens accidentally, the field current IF becomes zero, the motor speed
increases rapidly, and motor runaway occurs as suggested by the speed versus field
current characteristic shown in Figure 2-17.

Compound Motor

It is possible to combine shunt and series windings to obtain a particular speed

versus torque characteristic. For example, to obtain the characteristic of decreasing
speed when the motor torque increases, a series winding can be connected in series
with the armature so that the magnetic flux it produces adds with the magnetic flux
produced by a shunt winding. As a result, the magnetic flux increases automatically
with increasing armature current. This type of dc motor is referred to as a cumulative
compound motor because the magnetic fluxes produced by the series and shunt
windings add together. Shunt and series windings can also be connected so that the
magnetic fluxes subtract from each other. This connection produces a differential-
compound motor, which is rarely used because the motor becomes unstable when
the armature current increases. Figure 2-18 shows a compound motor and its speed
versus torque characteristic (cumulative compound).

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors

Figure 2-18. Compound Motor and its Speed Versus Torque Characteristic.

Figure 2-19 is a graph that shows the speed versus torque characteristics of the
various types of dc motors discussed so far. As can be seen, the separately-excited
dc motor and the shunt motor have very similar characteristics. The main feature of
these characteristics is that the motor speed varies little and linearly as the torque
varies. On the other hand, the series motor characteristic is non linear and shows
that the motor speed varies a lot (wide range of operating speed) as the torque
varies. Finally, the characteristic of a cumulative compound motor is a compromise
of the series and shunt motor characteristics. It provides the compound motor with
a fairly wide range of operating speed, but the speed does not vary linearly as the
torque varies.

Figure 2-19. Speed Versus Torque Characteristics of Various DC Motors.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors
Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-20, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will set the field current of the separately-
excited dc motor to a lower value than in the previous exercise (below the nominal
value). You will measure data and plot a graph of the motor speed n versus the
armature voltage EA. You will calculate constant K1. You will compare constant K1
and the graph with those obtained in the previous exercise to determine how
decreasing the field current affects these characteristics.

In the third part of the exercise, you will measure data and plot a graph of the motor
torque T versus the armature current IA. You will calculate constant K2. You will
compare constant K2 and the graph with those obtained in the previous exercise to
determine how decreasing the field current affects these characteristics.

In the fourth part of the exercise, you will connect the DC Motor / Generator as a
series motor (see setup in Figure 2-21). You will measure data and plot a graph of
the motor speed n versus the motor torque T. You will compare the speed versus
torque characteristic of the series motor to that of the separately-excited dc motor
obtained in the previous exercise.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors
Note: If you are performing the exercise using the EMS system,
ensure that the brushes of the DC Motor / Generator are adjusted
to the neutral point. To do so, connect an ac power source
(terminals 4 and N of the Power Supply) to the armature of the
DC Motor / Generator (terminals 1 and 2) through CURRENT
INPUT I1 of the data acquisition module. Connect the shunt
winding of the DC Motor / Generator (terminals 5 and 6) to
VOLTAGE INPUT E1 of the data acquisition module. Start the
Metering application and open setup configuration file
ACMOTOR1.DAI. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage
control knob so that an ac current (indicated by meter I line 1)
equal to half the nominal value of the armature current flows in
the armature of the DC Motor / Generator. Adjust the brush
adjustment lever on the DC Motor / Generator so that the voltage
across the shunt winding (indicated by meter E line 1) is
minimum. Turn the Power Supply off, exit the Metering
application, and disconnect all leads and cable.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

DC Motor / Generator using a timing belt.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file DCMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 1.

G 5. Set up the separately-excited dc motor circuit shown in Figure 2-20. Note

that this setup is the same as that used in the previous exercise.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors
Note: If you are performing the exercise with a line voltage of
220 V, use the Resistive Load module to connect a 880-Ω resistor
in series with the rheostat of the DC Motor / Generator. If you are
performing the exercise with a line voltage of 240 V, connect a
960-Ω resistor in series with the rheostat.

Figure 2-20. Separately-Excited DC Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer, then set the torque
control to minimum (fully CCW position).

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can
zoom in on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer before setting the controls in
order to see additional front panel markings related to these controls.

Speed Versus Armature Voltage Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC


G 7. Turn the Power Supply on.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors
On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field
current IF indicated by meter I field (IF) in the Metering window is equal to the
value given in the following table:



V ac mA

120 200

220 125

240 140

Table 2-3. Field Current of the Separately-Excited DC Motor.

G 8. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled. The Torque meter now indicates the dc motor
output torque. Record the armature voltage, armature current, field current,
speed, and output torque in the Data Table. These parameters are indicated
by meters E arm. (EA), I arm. (IA), I field (IF), Speed, and Torque,

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to 10%, 20%, 30% etc.
up to 100% in order to increase the armature voltage EA by steps. For each
voltage setting, wait until the motor speed stabilizes, and then record the
data in the Data Table.

G 9. When all data has been recorded, turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT221, and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

G 10. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc motor speed n (obtained from the Speed meter) as a function of the
armature voltage EA [obtained from meter E arm. (EA)]. Entitle the graph as
G221, name the x-axis as Armature Voltage, name the y-axis as DC Motor
Speed, and print the graph.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors
G 11. Use the two end points to calculate the slope K1 of the relationship obtained
in graph G221. The values of these points are indicated in data
table DT221.

Compare graph G221 and constant K1 obtained in this exercise with

graph G211 and constant K1 obtained in the previous exercise. Describe
how does decreasing the field current IF affect the speed versus voltage
characteristic and constant K1 of a separately-excited dc motor.

In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

Torque Versus Armature Current Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC


G 12. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, slightly readjust the FIELD RHEOSTAT so

that the field current IF indicated by meter I field (IF) still equals the value
given in Table 2-3 (if necessary).

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob so that the dc motor
speed is 1500 r/min. Note the value of the armature voltage EA in the
following blank space.

EA = V (n = 1500 r/min)

G 13. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled. Record the dc motor output torque T, armature
voltage EA, armature current IA, field current IF, and speed n in the Data

On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by
the Torque meter increases by 0.2 N@m (2 lbf@in) increments up to about
1.5 N@m (about 14.0 lbf@in). For each torque setting, readjust the voltage
control knob of the Power Supply so that the armature voltage EA remains
equal to the value recorded in the previous step, then record the data in the
Data Table.

Note: The armature current may exceed the rated value while
performing this manipulation. It is, therefore, suggested to
complete the manipulation within a time interval of 5 minutes or

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors
G 14. When all data has been recorded, set the torque on the dynamometer to
minimum (fully CCW), turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise,
and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT222, and print the data table.

G 15. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc motor torque (obtained from the Torque meter) as a function of the
armature current IA [(obtained from meter I arm. (IA)]. Entitle the graph as
G222, name the x-axis as Armature Current, name the y-axis as DC Motor
Torque, and print the graph.

Note: The torque versus current relationship is no longer linear

when the armature current exceeds the nominal value because
of a phenomenon called armature reaction. This phenomenon is
described in the next unit of this manual.

G 16. Use the two end points of the linear portion of the relationship obtained in
graph G222 to calculate the slope K2. The values of these points are
indicated in data table DT222.

Compare graph G222 and constant K2 obtained in this exercise with

graph G212 and constant K2 obtained in the previous exercise. Describe
how does decreasing the field current IF affect the torque versus current
characteristic and constant K2 of a separately-excited dc motor.

In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

Speed Versus Torque Characteristic of a Series Motor

G 17. Modify the connections so as to obtain the series motor circuit shown in
Figure 2-21.

G 18. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the
armature voltage EA indicated by meter E arm. (EA) is equal to the value
recorded in step 14 of the previous exercise. The series motor should start
to rotate.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors

Figure 2-21. Series Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

G 19. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled. Record the dc motor speed n, output torque T,
armature voltage EA, and armature current IA in the Data Table.

On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by
the Torque meter increases by 0.2 N@m (2 lbf@in) increments up to about
2.3 N@m (about 20.3 lbf@in). For each torque setting, readjust the voltage
control knob of the Power Supply so that the armature voltage EA remains
equal to the value set in the previous step, wait until the motor speed
stabilizes, and then record the data in the Data Table.

Note: It may not be possible to maintain the armature voltage to

its original value as the torque is increased. The armature current
may exceed the rated value while performing this manipulation.
It is, therefore, suggested to complete the manipulation within a
time interval of 5 minutes or less.

G 20. When all data has been recorded, set the torque control on the
dynamometer to minimum (fully CCW), turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise, and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT223, and print the data table.

G 21. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
series motor speed (obtained from the Speed meter) as a function of the
series motor torque (obtained from the Torque meter). Entitle the graph as
G223, name the x-axis as Series Motor Torque, name the y-axis as Series
Motor Speed, and print the graph.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors
Briefly describe how the speed varies as the mechanical load applied to the
series motor increases, i.e. as the motor torque increases.

Compare the speed versus torque characteristic of the series motor

(graph G223) to that of the separately-excited dc motor (graph G212-2
obtained in the previous exercise).

G 22. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


Speed Versus Torque Characteristic of a Shunt Motor

You can obtain the speed versus torque characteristic of a shunt motor and compare
it to those obtained for the separately-excited dc motor and series motor. To do so,
make sure the Power Supply is turned off and set up the shunt motor circuit shown
in Figure 2-22. Make sure the torque control on the dynamometer is set to minimum
(fully CCW). Turn the Power Supply on, set the armature voltage EA to the value
recorded in step 14 of the previous exercise. Set the FIELD RHEOSTAT on the
DC Motor / Generator so that the field current IF is equal to the value indicated in
Table 2-1. Clear the data recorded in the data table. Refer to steps 19 to 21 of this
exercise to record the necessary data and obtain the graph. Entitle the data table
and graph as DT224 and G224, respectively. Compare the speed versus torque
characteristic of the shunt motor (graph G224) to those of the separately-excited dc
motor (graph G212-2 obtained in the previous exercise) and series
motor (graph G223).

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors

Figure 2-22. Shunt Motor Circuit.

Speed Versus Torque Characteristic of a Cumulative Compound Motor

You can obtain the speed versus torque characteristic of a cumulative compound
motor and compare it to those obtained for the other dc motors. To do so, make sure
the Power Supply is turned off and set up the cumulative compound motor circuit
shown in Figure 2-23. Make sure the torque control on the dynamometer is set to
minimum (fully CCW). Turn the Power Supply on, set the armature voltage EA to the
value recorded in step 14 of the previous exercise. Set the FIELD RHEOSTAT on
the DC Motor / Generator so that the current in the shunt winding IF is equal to the
value indicated in Table 2-1. Clear the data recorded in the data table. Refer to
steps 19 to 21 of this exercise to record the necessary data and obtain the graph.
Entitle the data table and graph as DT225 and G225, respectively. Compare the
speed versus torque characteristic of the cumulative compound motor (graph G225)
to those of the other dc motors (graphs G212-2, G223, and G224).

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors

Figure 2-23. Cumulative-Compound Motor Circuit.


In this exercise, you observed that decreasing the field current of a separately-
excited dc motor below its nominal value increases constant K1 but decreases
constant K2. You saw that this allows the motor to rotate at higher speeds without
exceeding the nominal armature voltage but reduces the torque which the motor can
develop without exceeding the nominal armature current. You also saw that it is
possible to increase the field current above its nominal value for short time intervals
to improve the starting torque. You plotted a graph of the speed versus torque
characteristic of a series motor and compared it to that obtained in the previous
exercise with a separately-excited dc motor. You observed that the speed of a series
motor decreases more rapidly than that of the separately-excited dc motor as the
torque increases. Furthermore, you observed that the speed versus torque
characteristic of the separately-excited dc motor is linear whereas that of the series
motor is non linear.

If you have performed the additional experiments, you plotted graphs of the speed
versus torque characteristic for a shunt motor and a cumulative compound motor.
You compared these characteristics to those obtained with the separately-excited
dc motor and the series motor. You found that the characteristic of a shunt motor is
very similar to that of a separately-excited dc motor. You saw that the characteristic
of a cumulative compound motor is a compromise of the characteristics of the
separately-excited dc motor and series motor.

Separately-Excited, Series, Shunt,
and Compound DC Motors

1. What effect does decreasing the field current below its nominal value have on
the speed versus voltage characteristic of a separately-excited dc motor?

a. Constant K1 increases.
b. Constant K2 increases.
c. Constant K1 decreases.
d. Constant K2 decreases.

2. What effect does decreasing the field current below its nominal value have on
the torque-current characteristic of a separately-excited dc motor?

a. Constant K1 increases.
b. Constant K2 increases.
c. Constant K1 decreases.
d. Constant K2 decreases.

3. What is the advantage of increasing the field current above its nominal value for
a short time interval when starting a separately-excited dc motor?

a. This prevent damage to the motor.

b. This allows the motor to reach a higher speed.
c. This increases the armature voltage.
d. This increases the starting torque.

4. Does the speed of a shunt motor increase or decrease when the armature
current increases?

a. It increases.
b. It decreases.
c. It oscillates around the previous value.
d. It does not change because speed is independent of the armature current.

5. What is the advantage of decreasing the field current of a separately-excited dc

motor below its nominal value?

a. This allows the motor to develop a higher torque without exceeding the
nominal armature voltage.
b. This allows the motor to develop a higher torque without exceeding the
nominal armature current.
c. This allows the motor to rotate at a higher speed without exceeding the
nominal armature voltage.
d. This has no advantage.

Exercise 2-3

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the main
operating characteristics of separately-excited, shunt, and compound generators
using the DC Motor / Generator module.


Although dc generators are rarely used today, it is important to know their operation
because this helps understanding how a separately-excited dc motor can be used
as an electric brake in modern dc motor drives.

You saw earlier in this unit that a dc motor can be considered as a linear voltage-to-
speed converter. This linear conversion process is reversible, meaning that when a
fixed speed is imposed on the motor by an external driving force, the motor produces
an output voltage EO, and thus, operates as a linear speed-to-voltage converter, i.e.
a dc generator. Figure 2-24 illustrates a dc motor operating as a dc generator.

Figure 2-24. DC Motor as a Speed-to-Voltage Converter (DC Generator).

The linear relationship that exists between torque and current for the dc motor is also
reversible and applies to the dc generator, i.e. a torque must be applied to the
generator's shaft to obtain a certain output current. Figure 2-25 illustrates a dc motor
operating as a linear torque-to-current converter, i.e. a dc generator.

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators

Figure 2-25. DC Motor as a Torque-to-Current Converter (DC Generator).

Figure 2-26 (a) shows the output voltage versus speed relationship of a separately-
excited dc generator. Figure 2-26 (b) shows the output current versus applied torque
relationship of a separately-excited dc generator. Notice that the slopes of these
linear relationships are equal to the reciprocal of constants K1 and K2.

Figure 2-26. Input-Output Relationships of a Separately-Excited DC Generator.

In a manner similar to that for a separately-excited dc motor, the field current IF of a

separately-excited dc generator can be varied to change the strength of the field
electromagnet, and thereby, the relative values of constant K1 and K2. When the field
current is decreased, constant K1 increases and constant K2 decreases, as for a
separately-excited dc motor. As a result, the slope of the output voltage versus
speed relationship decreases whereas the slope of the output current versus torque
relationship increases. Conversely, when the field current is increased, constant K1
decreases and constant K2 increases, and thereby, the slope of the output voltage
versus speed relationship increases whereas the slope of the output current versus
torque relationship decreases. Therefore, the output voltage EO of a generator
operating at a fixed speed can be varied by varying the field current IF. This produces

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
the equivalent of a dc source whose output voltage can be controlled by the field
current IF. Figure 2-27 shows the variation of output voltage EO for a separately-
excited dc generator operating at a fixed speed, when the field current IF is varied
over the range from zero to its nominal value.

Figure 2-27. EO Versus IF for a Separately-Excited DC Generator Operating at a Fixed Speed.

The simplified equivalent electric circuit of a separately-excited dc generator is

shown in Figure 2-28. It is the same as that for the dc motor, except that the direction
of current flow is reversed and voltage ECEMF becomes EEMF, which is the voltage
induced across the armature winding as it rotates in the magnetic flux produced by
the stator electromagnet. When no load is connected to the dc generator output, the
output current IO is zero and the output voltage EO equals EEMF.

Figure 2-28. Simplified Equivalent Circuit of a DC Generator.

In the first exercise of this unit, you observed that when a fixed armature voltage EA
is applied to a separately-excited dc motor, its speed decreases as the armature
current IA increases. You found that this decrease in speed is due to the armature
resistance RA. Similarly, when the same motor operates as a generator and at a fixed
speed, the armature resistance causes the output voltage EO to decrease with

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
increasing output current as shown in Figure 2-29. The output voltage EO can be
calculated using the following equation:


where EO is the dc generator output voltage,

EEMF is the voltage induced across the armature winding,
RA is the armature resistance,
IO is the dc generator output current.

Figure 2-29. Voltage Versus Current Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC Generator

(Fixed Speed).

The separately-excited dc generator provides flexible use because its characteristics

can be changed by changing the field current. However, a separate dc power source
is needed to excite the field electromagnet. This was a disadvantage when the first
dc generators were used because dc sources were not commonly available at the
time. Therefore, dc generators that operate without a dc power source were
designed. These are referred to as self-excited dc generators.

In a self-excited dc generator, the field electromagnet is a shunt winding connected

across the generator output (shunt generator) or a combination of a shunt winding
connected across the generator output and a series winding connected in series with
the generator output (compound generator). The generator output voltage and/or
current excite(s) the field electromagnet. The way the field electromagnet is
implemented (shunt or compound) determines many of the generator's

Self-excitation is possible because of the residual magnetism in the stator pole

pieces. As the armature rotates, a small voltage is induced across its winding and
a small current flows in the shunt field winding. If this small field current is flowing in
the proper direction, the residual magnetism is reinforced which further increases the
armature voltage. Thus, a rapid voltage build-up occurs. If the field current flows in
the wrong direction, the residual magnetism is reduced and voltage build-up cannot
occur. In this case, reversing the connections of the shunt field winding corrects the

In a self-excited dc generator, the output voltage after build-up could be of the

opposite polarity to that required. This can be corrected by stopping the generator
and setting the polarity of the residual magnetism. To set the residual magnetism,

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
a dc source is connected to the shunt field winding to force nominal current flow in
the proper direction. Interrupting the current suddenly sets the polarity of the
magnetic poles in the shunt field winding. When the generator is started once again,
voltage build-up at the proper polarity occurs.

Figure 2-30 is a graph that shows the voltage versus current characteristics of
various types of dc generators. As can be seen, the separately-excited dc generator
and the shunt generator have very similar characteristics. The difference is that the
output voltage of the shunt generator decreases a little more than that of the
separately-excited dc generator as the output current increases. In both cases, the
output voltage decreases because the voltage drop across the armature resistor
increases as the output current increases. In the shunt generator, the voltage across
the shunt field winding, and thereby, the field current, decreases as the output
voltage decreases. This causes the output voltage to decrease a little more.

Figure 2-30. Voltage Versus Current Characteristics of Various DC Generators.

It is possible to compensate the variation in output voltage by automatically changing

the magnetic flux produced by the field electromagnet as the output current varies.
The shunt and series field windings of a compound generator can be connected so
that the magnetic flux increases when the output current increases. Thus, the output
voltage remains fairly constant and changes very little as the output current
increases as shown in Figure 2-30. This type of connection results in a cumulative
compound generator because the magnetic fluxes created by the two field windings
add together in a cumulative manner. For other applications where the output voltage
must decrease rapidly when the output current increases, the shunt and series
windings can be connected so the magnetic fluxes subtract from each other,
resulting in a differential compound generator.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 2-31, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will set the field current of the separately-
excited dc generator to the same value as that used in Exercise 2-1. You will
measure data and plot a graph of the output voltage EO versus speed n when no
electrical load is connected to the generator output. You will calculate the slope of

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
the voltage versus speed relationship and compare it to constant K1 determined in
Exercise 2-1 when the DC Motor / Generator was operating as a separately-excited
dc motor.

In the third part of the exercise, you will connect an electrical load to the generator
output (setup shown in Figure 2-32), measure data, and plot a graph of the output
current IO versus the applied torque T when the separately-excited dc generator
rotates at a fixed speed. You will calculate the slope of the current versus torque
relationship and compare it to constant K2 determined in Exercise 2-1 when the
DC Motor / Generator was operating as a separately-excited dc motor.

In the fourth part of the exercise, you will vary the field current IF of the separately-
excited dc generator and observe how the output voltage is affected.

In the fifth part of the exercise, you will use the data obtained in the third part of the
exercise to plot a graph of the output voltage versus output current when the
separately-excited dc generator operates at a fixed speed.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using the EMS system,
ensure that the brushes of the DC Motor / Generator are adjusted
to the neutral point. To do so, connect an ac power source
(terminals 4 and N of the Power Supply) to the armature of the
DC Motor / Generator (terminals 1 and 2) through CURRENT
INPUT I1 of the data acquisition module. Connect the shunt
winding of the DC Motor / Generator (terminals 5 and 6) to
VOLTAGE INPUT E1 of the data acquisition module. Start the
Metering application and open setup configuration file
ACMOTOR1.DAI. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage
control knob so that an ac current (indicated by meter I line 1)
equal to half the nominal value of the armature current flows in
the armature of the DC Motor / Generator. Adjust the brush
adjustment lever on the DC Motor / Generator so that the voltage
across the shunt winding (indicated by meter E line 1) is
minimum. Turn the Power Supply off, exit the Metering
application, and disconnect all leads and cable.

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the
DC Motor / Generator using a timing belt.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file DCMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 1.

G 5. Set up the separately-excited dc generator circuit shown in Figure 2-31.

Notice that no electrical load is connected to the generator output.

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators

Figure 2-31. Separately-Excited DC Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover (No Electrical Load).

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a prime mover.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer before setting
the controls in order to see additional front panel markings related
to these controls.

Output Voltage Versus Speed Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC


G 7. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field
current IF indicated by meter I field (IF) in the Metering window is equal to the
value given in the following table:

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators



V ac mA

120 300

220 190

240 210

Table 2-4. Field Current of the Separately-Excited DC Generator.

G 8. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled. The Torque meter now indicates the torque
produced by the dc generator. This torque opposes to rotation. It is equal in
magnitude to the torque applied to the dc generator's shaft but of opposite
polarity. This explains why the torque indicated by the Torque meter is

Record the dc generator output voltage EO, field current IF, speed n, and
torque T in the Data Table. These parameters are indicated by meters
E arm. (EA), I field (IF), Speed, and Torque, respectively.

Increase the prime mover speed (indicated by the Speed meter) by

150 r/min increments up to 1500 r/min (150, 300, 450 r/min etc.). For each
speed setting, record the data in the Data Table.

G 9. When all data has been recorded, set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn
the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT231, and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

G 10. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc generator output voltage [obtained from meter E arm. (EA)] as a function
of the speed n (obtained from the Speed meter). Entitle the graph as G231,
name the x-axis as DC Generator Speed, name the y-axis as Separately-
Excited DC Generator Output Voltage, and print the graph.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
Does this graph confirm that the separately-excited dc generator is
equivalent to a linear speed-to-voltage converter, with higher speed
producing greater output voltage?

G Yes G No

G 11. Use the two end points to calculate the slope of the relationship obtained in
graph G231. The values of these points are indicated in data table DT231.

Compare the slope of the output voltage versus speed relationship to

constant K1 obtained in Exercise 2-1.

In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

Output Current Versus Torque Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC


G 12. Modify the connections to connect a resistive load (R1) across the
separately-excited dc generator output as shown in the circuit of
Figure 2-32. Connect the three resistor sections on the Resistive Load
module in parallel to implement resistor R1.

G 13. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, slightly readjust the FIELD RHEOSTAT so

that the field current IF indicated by meter I field (IF) still equals the value
given in Table 2-4 (if necessary).

Set the prime mover speed so that it is equal to the nominal speed of the
DC Motor / Generator.

G 14. Record the dc generator output voltage EO, output current IO, field current IF,
torque, and speed in the Data Table. These parameters are indicated by
meters E arm. (EA), I arm.(IA), I field (IF), Torque, and Speed, respectively.

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators

Figure 2-32. Separately-Excited DC Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover (with an Electrical Load).

Modify the settings on the Resistive Load module so that the resistance of
resistor R1 decreases by steps as indicated in Table 2-5. You can refer to
Appendix B of this manual to know how to obtain the various resistance
values given in Table 2-5. For each resistance setting, readjust the speed
setting (if necessary) so that the prime mover speed remains equal to the
nominal speed of the DC Motor / Generator and then record the data in the
Data Table.

Note: The dc generator output voltage may exceed the rated

voltage of the Resistive Load module while performing this
manipulation. It is, therefore, suggested to complete the
manipulation within a time interval of 5 minutes or less.

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1

V ac Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω

120 1200 600 300 171 120 86 71 57

220 4400 2200 1100 629 440 314 259 210

240 4800 2400 1200 686 480 343 282 229

Table 2-5. Decreasing R1 to Load the DC Generator.

G 15. When all data has been recorded, set the prime mover speed to 0 then turn
the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored. Reverse
the polarity of the torque values indicated in the Torque column to obtain the
torque applied to the dc generator's shaft. Entitle the data table as DT232,
and print the data table.

G 16. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc generator output current [obtained from meter I arm.(IA)] as a function of
the torque T (obtained from the Torque meter). Entitle the graph as G232,
name the x-axis as Torque Applied to the DC Generator, name the y-axis
as Separately-Excited DC Generator Output Current, and print the graph.

Note: The torque is not zero when the output current is zero
because some torque is required to overcome opposition to
rotation due to friction in the dc generator.

Does this graph confirm that the separately-excited dc generator is

equivalent to a linear torque-to-current converter, with higher torque
producing greater output current?

G Yes G No

G 17. Use the two end points to calculate the slope of the relationship obtained in
graph G232. The values of these points are indicated in data table DT232.

Compare the slope of the output current versus torque relationship to

constant K2 obtained in Exercise 2-1.

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
Output Voltage Versus Field Current of a Separately-Excited DC Generator

G 18. On the Resistive Load module, set the resistance of resistor R1 to the value
given in the following table.


V ac Ω

120 171

220 629

240 686

Table 2-6. Resistance of Resistor R1.

Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, slightly readjust the FIELD RHEOSTAT so

that the field current IF indicated by meter I field (IF) still equals the value
given in Table 2-4 (if necessary).

Set the prime mover speed so that it is equal to the nominal speed of the
DC Motor / Generator.

Note below the dc generator output voltage EO and field current IF indicated
by meters E arm. (EA) and I field (IF), respectively:

EO = V IF = A

G 19. On the DC Motor / Generator, slowly turn the FIELD RHEOSTAT knob fully
clockwise so that the field current IF increases. While doing this, observe the
output voltage EO indicated by meter E arm. (EA).

Note the output voltage EO and field current IF in the following blank spaces:

EO = V IF = A

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT to the mid


Describe what happens to the output voltage EO when the field current IF is

G 20. On the DC Motor / Generator, slowly turn the FIELD RHEOSTAT knob fully
counterclockwise so that the field current IF decreases. While doing this,
observe the output voltage EO indicated by meter E arm. (EA).

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
Note the output voltage EO and field current IF in the following blank spaces:

EO = V IF = A

Describe what happens to the output voltage EO when the field current IF is

Is a separately-excited dc generator equivalent to a dc power source with

variable output voltage?

G Yes G No

Set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn the Power Supply off.

Voltage Versus Current Characteristic of a Separately-Excited DC Generator

Operating at a Fixed Speed

G 21. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
separately-excited dc generator output voltage EO [(obtained from
meter E arm. (EA)] as a function of the separately-excited dc generator
output current IO [obtained from meter I arm. (IA)] using the data recorded
previously in the data table (DT232). Entitle the graph as G232-1, name the
x-axis as Separately-Excited DC Generator Output Current, name the y-axis
as Separately-Excited DC Generator Output Voltage, and print the graph.

Describes how the output voltage EO varies as the output current IO


G 22. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


Voltage Versus Current Characteristic of a Shunt Generator Operating at a

Fixed Speed

You can obtain the output voltage versus output current characteristic of a shunt
generator and compare it to that obtained for the separately-excited dc generator.
To do so, make sure the Power Supply is turned off and connect terminals 8 and N
of the Power Supply to terminals 5 and 6 of the DC Motor / Generator, respectively.

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
Turn the Power Supply on then turn it off. This sets the polarity of the residual
magnetism. Set up the shunt generator circuit shown in Figure 2-33.

Figure 2-33. Shunt Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover (with an Electrical Load).

Make sure the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer is set to operate as a prime mover. Set the FIELD
RHEOSTAT on the DC Motor / Generator to the mid position. Turn the Power Supply
on. Adjust the prime mover speed so that it is equal to the nominal speed of the
DC Motor / Generator. Slightly turn the FIELD RHEOSTAT on the
DC Motor / Generator so that the field current IF is equal to the value indicated in
Table 2-4. Clear the data recorded in the data table. In the Metering window, make
sure that the torque correction function of the Torque meter is enabled. Refer to
steps 14, 15, and 21 of this exercise to record the necessary data and obtain the
graph. Entitle the data table and graph as DT233 and G233, respectively. Compare
the output voltage versus output current characteristic of the shunt generator
(graph G233) to that of the separately-excited dc generator (graph G232-1).

Note: The output voltage of the shunt generator decreases rapidly as the
output current increases because the armature resistance of the
DC Motor / Generator is quite large. This is also due to another phenom-
enon which is called armature reaction. This phenomenon will be studied
in the next unit of this manual.

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators

Figure 2-34. Cumulative Compound Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover (with an Electrical Load).

Voltage Versus Current Characteristic of a Cumulative Compound Generator

Operating at a Fixed Speed

You can obtain the output voltage versus output current characteristic of a
cumulative compound generator and compare it to that obtained for the separately-
excited dc generator. To do this, carry out the same manipulations as those used to
obtain the voltage versus current characteristic of the shunt generator using the
circuit of a cumulative compound generator shown in Figure 2-34. Entitle the data
table and graph as DT234 and G234, respectively. Compare the output voltage
versus output current characteristic of the cumulative compound generator
(graph G234) to those of the separately-excited dc generator (graph G232-1) and
shunt generator (graph G233).

Voltage Versus Current Characteristic of a Differential Compound Generator

Operating at a Fixed Speed

You can obtain the output voltage versus output current characteristic of a differential
compound generator and compare it to that obtained for the separately-excited
dc generator. To do so, carry out the same manipulations as those used to obtain the
voltage versus current characteristic of the shunt generator using the circuit of a
differential compound generator shown in Figure 2-35. Entitle the data table and
graph as DT235 and G235, respectively. Compare the voltage versus current

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
characteristic of the differential compound generator (graph G235) to those obtained
with the other types of dc generators (graphs G232-1, G233, and G234).

Figure 2-35. Differential Compound Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover (with an Electrical Load).


In this exercise, you plotted graphs of the main operating characteristics of a

separately-excited dc generator. You observed that the output voltage increases
linearly with speed. You also observed that the output current increases linearly with
the input torque. You found that the slope of the output voltage versus speed
characteristic is equal to the reciprocal of constant K1, and that the slope of the
output current versus torque characteristic is equal to the reciprocal of constant K2.
You saw that constants K1 and K2 can be changed by changing the field current and
that this allows the output voltage to be changed. You observed that the output
voltage decreases as the output current increases.

If you have performed the additional experiments, you plotted graphs of the voltage
versus current characteristics for shunt, cumulative compound, and differential
compound generators. You compared the various voltage versus current
characteristics obtained in the exercise. You observed that the output voltage of the
shunt generator decreases more rapidly than that of the separately-excited
dc generator when the output current increases. You found that the output voltage
of a cumulative compound generator varies little as the output current varies. Finally,

Separately-Excited, Shunt,
and Compound DC Generators
you saw that the output voltage of a differential compound generator decreases more
rapidly than that of the separately-excited and shunt generators when the output
current increases.


1. What effect does decreasing the field current have on the output voltage of a
separately-excited dc generator operating at fixed speed?

a. The output voltage increases.

b. The output voltage decreases.
c. The output voltage oscillates around its original value.
d. The value of the field current has no effect on the output voltage.

2. What effect does increasing the output current have on the input torque of a
separately-excited dc generator?

a. The torque increases.

b. The torque decreases.
c. The torque oscillates around its original value.
d. The value of output current has no effect on the torque.

3. What is the main characteristic of a cumulative compound generator?

a. The output voltage becomes unstable when the output current decreases.
b. The output voltage decreases when the output current increases.
c. The output voltage increases when the output current increases.
d. The output voltage varies little when the output current varies.

4. What is the main characteristic of a differential compound generator?

a. The output voltage becomes unstable when the output current decreases.
b. The output voltage decreases fairly rapidly when the output load current
c. The output voltage increases when the output current increases.
d. The output voltage is made independent of the output current.

5. What happens when the field current of a separately-excited dc generator is

increased and the speed is maintained constant?

a. The output current decreases.

b. The output voltage increases.
c. The output voltage decreases.
d. The output voltage is independent of the field current.

Unit Test

1. The rotor, or armature, of a dc motor consists of

a. an iron cylinder and windings.

b. an iron cylinder, windings, and brushes.
c. an iron cylinder, windings, and a commutator.
d. an iron cylinder, windings, a commutator, and a dc source.

2. The basic principle of operation of a dc motor is

a. the creation of an electromagnet.

b. the creation of a rotating electromagnet inside the armature.
c. the creation of a fixed electromagnet inside the armature.
d. the creation of a rotating electromagnet at the stator.

3. The speed n of a separately-excited dc motor is equal to

a. K2 x ECEMF
b. K1 x IA
c. K1 x ECEMF x IA
d. K1 x ECEMF

4. The armature resistance RA and constants K1 and K2 of a separately-excited dc

motor are 0.2 Ω, 8 r/min/V, and 0.8 NAm/A (7.08 lbfAin/A), respectively. What are
the speed n and torque T of this motor knowing that the armature voltage EA and
current IA are 300 V and 100 A?

a. n = 2400 r/min, T = 80 NAm (708 lbfAin)

b. n = 2240 r/min, T = 800 NAm (7080 lbfAin)
c. n = 2240 r/min, T = 80 NAm (708 lbfAin)
d. n = 2400 r/min, T = 240 NAm (2124 lbfAin)

5. The field current of a separately-excited dc motor operating with a fixed armature

voltage and a fixed mechanical load is changed. This causes the speed to
increase. The field current has been

a. decreased.
b. increased.
c. This is not possible because the speed is independent of the field current.
d. None of the above.

6. When the field current of a separately-excited dc motor is increased,

a. constants K1 and K2 decrease.

b. constant K1 decreases and constant K2 increases.
c. constant K1 increases and constant K2 decreases.
d. constants K1 and K2 increase.

Unit Test (cont'd)

7. The speed of a separately-excited dc motor

a. increases linearly as the motor torque increases.

b. decreases linearly as the motor torque increases.
c. is constant as the motor torque increases.
d. decreases rapidly and non linearly as the motor torque increases.

8. In a series motor, the field electromagnet consists of

a. a winding connected in parallel with the armature.

b. a winding connected in parallel with the armature and a second winding
connected in series with the armature.
c. a winding connected in series with the armature.
d. a winding connected in series with a separate dc power source.

9. The voltage induced in a separately-excited dc generator (EEMF) that rotates at

a fixed speed of 1600 r/min is 600 V. This causes a current of 400 A to flow in
the electrical load connected across the dc generator. What is the output
voltage EO of the generator knowing that its armature resistance is 0.15 Ω?

a. EO = 360 V
b. EO = 540 V
c. EO = 600 V
d. EO = 200 V

10. The output voltage EO of a cumulative compound generator

a. increases linearly as the output current IO increases.

b. decreases linearly as the output current IO increases.
c. varies little as the output current IO increases.
d. decreases rapidly and non linearly as the output current IO increases.

Unit 3

Special Characteristics of DC Motors


After completing this unit, you will be able to demonstrate and explain some of the
special operating characteristics of dc motors.


In Unit 2 of this manual, you observed the main operating characteristics of a

separately-excited dc motor, which can be considered as a linear voltage-to-speed
converter and a linear current-to-torque converter. You also observed that the
dc motor is a reversible converter capable of converting electrical power to
mechanical power, and vice-versa.

However, the operation of a dc motor is no longer linear when either the field or
armature current exceeds its nominal value. When the field current is too high, the
phenomenon of saturation in the iron of the dc machine occurs. Consequently, the
flux of the fixed magnetic field in the dc machine no longer increases proportionally
to the field current. When the armature current is too high, a phenomenon called
armature reaction occurs. Armature reaction causes the flux of the fixed magnetic
field in the dc machine to be modified, and thereby, changes the characteristic of
torque versus armature current. It also causes a reduction in the induced voltage
(ECEMF or EEMF depending on whether the dc machine operates as a motor or a

In Unit 2 of this manual, the operation of shunt and series dc motors connected to
a dc power source has been observed. These two motors can also operate from ac
power but their performance is poor. In this unit, you will observe that the addition of
a special compensating winding allows acceptable performance to be obtained from
a series motor operating from an ac power source. This type of series motor is called
a universal motor.

Exercise 3-1
Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect


When you have completed this exercise you will be able to demonstrate some of the
effects of armature reaction and saturation in dc machines using the
DC Motor / Generator module.


Armature Reaction

Previously, you saw that the speed of a dc motor or generator is proportional to the
armature voltage EA and the torque is proportional to the armature current IA.
However, these two relationships no longer apply when the armature current IA
considerably increases and exceeds its nominal value. This is because the magnetic
field produced by the armature starts to negatively affect the magnetic field produced
by the field electromagnet. The effect of armature reaction on the output voltage of
a dc generator is illustrated in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. Effect of the Armature Reaction on the Output Voltage.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

When the armature current IA equals zero, the flux φ in the dc generator is horizontal,
the commutator perfectly rectifies the voltage induced in the armature winding, and
the dc generator output voltage is maximum, as shown in Figure 3-1 (a). However,
when the armature current IA does not equal zero, the magnetic fields produced by
the armature and the field electromagnet add vectorially. The magnetic flux resulting
from the interaction of both magnetic fields is no longer horizontal as shown in
Figure 3-1 (b), and the induced voltage is delayed. Since the instants of commutation
have not changed, the average value of the rectified voltage (output voltage) is
reduced. Along with producing a lower output voltage, commutation occurs at
instants when the induced voltage is not zero, and thus, causes sparking at the
brushes and commutator. This increases wear on the brushes and commutator.
Another problem created by armature reaction is a decrease in the magnetic torque
when the armature current IA increases.

Figure 3-2 (a) shows the effect of armature reaction on the output voltage versus
output current relationship of a separately-excited dc generator. The dotted line is the
voltage versus current relationship for a theoretical dc generator (without armature
reaction, i.e., EO = EEMF ! RA x IO). The other curve is the actual voltage versus
current of the same generator, including armature reaction. As can be seen,
armature reaction causes an additional decrease in the output voltage. This
additional decrease becomes higher and higher as the output current increases.

Figure 3-2 (b) shows the effect of armature reaction on the torque versus current
relationship of a separately-excited dc machine. The dotted line is the theoretical
(linear) torque versus current relationship, i.e, without armature reaction. The other
curve is the actual relationship including armature reaction. As can be seen,
armature reaction causes the torque to cease increasing linearly with current (IA or
IO depending on whether the dc machine operates as a motor or generator).

Figure 3-2. Effects of the Armature Reaction.

The most serious consequence of armature reaction is the increased wear on the
brushes and the commutator caused by sparking. For small dc machines,
commutation can be improved by shifting the position of the brushes, but this
solution only applies to the exact operating point at which they are adjusted. If one
wish to change the direction of rotation or operate the dc machine as a generator,
the brush position must be readjusted. To improve commutation, large motors
include extra windings, called commutating windings, through which armature current

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

flows. They are physically located so as to produce a magnetic field that causes a
weak voltage to be induced in the armature coils being commutated. In this way,
proper commutation is ensured independently of the value of the armature current,
the direction of rotation, and the machine operation (motor or generator).

Commutation can also be improved by using a permanent-magnet dc motor because

it exhibits almost no armature reaction for values of current up to five times greater
than the nominal armature current. This is due to the fact that a permanent magnet
can create a very powerful magnetic field that is almost completely immune to being
affected by another magnetic source. The magnetic field produced by the armature,
therefore, has very little effect on the overall magnetic field in the machine.

Another criteria which influences commutation is the inductance LA of the armature

winding. When the armature inductance is too large, commutation is difficult because
current flow cannot stop and reverse instantly in inductors having a large inductance.
The permanent-magnet dc motor has the particularity of having a small armature
inductance which ensures better commutation. For these reasons, the characteristics
of permanent-magnet dc motors exceed those of separately-excited, series, and
shunt motors. However, it is not possible to build large-size permanent-magnet dc

Saturation Effect

As you saw previously, the field current IF of a dc motor can be varied to modify the
operating characteristics. For example, when IF is decreased, the speed increases
even though the armature voltage remains fixed. However, the motor torque
developed for a given armature current decreases. As a result, the motor output
power remains the same because it is proportional to the product of speed and

Many times, it is desirable to have a motor that produces a maximum value of torque
at low speed. To obtain such a motor, the strength of the field electromagnet must
be increased (higher field current IF), as well as the strength of the rotating
electromagnet in the armature (higher armature current IA). However, the armature
current must be limited to prevent overheating. Furthermore, the field current must
also be limited to prevent saturation. When one starts to increase the field current,
constant K2 increases proportionally. However, once the field current exceeds a
certain value, saturation in the iron of the machine starts to occur. As a result, the
strength of the field electromagnet no longer increases proportionally to the field
current. Figure 3-3 illustrates how the torque produced by a dc motor increases when
the field current IF increases and the armature current IA remains to a fixed value.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

Figure 3-3. Effect of Saturation on the Torque of a DC Motor.

As can be seen, the curve of the torque T versus the field current IF flattens out for
higher values of IF. The extra increase in torque for additional increases in field
current becomes smaller once the saturation knee is exceeded. Higher values of
field current also produce more heating in the motor. Usually, the nominal value of
the field current is chosen to be just at the beginning of the saturation knee to obtain
as much torque as possible with a field current that is as low as possible.

This same characteristic can be visualized using a dc motor as a generator because

the stronger the field electromagnet, the higher the induced voltage EEMF at a given
speed, and the higher the output voltage EO. Figure 3-4 shows the relationship
between the output voltage EO and field current IF for a fixed speed.

Figure 3-4. Effect of Saturation on the Output Voltage of a DC Generator.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

Procedure Summary

In the first part of this exercise, you will perform calculations with data obtained in
Exercises 2-1 and 2-3. You will use the results of these calculations to draw on
graph G232-1 the theoretical output voltage versus output current relationship of the
separately-excited dc generator used in Exercise 2-3. This will allow you to illustrate
the effect of armature reaction on the output voltage of a dc generator.

In the second part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 3-5, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the third part of the exercise, you will set the field current of the separately-excited
dc generator. You will vary the output current of the dc generator from zero to twice
its nominal value to obtain the necessary data to plot a graph of the torque applied
to the dc generator versus the output current IO. This will allow you to demonstrate
the effect of armature reaction on the torque versus current relationship of a dc

In the fourth part of the exercise, you will connect the equipment as shown in
Figure 3-6. You will vary the field current of a separately-excited dc motor from zero
to approximately 175% of its nominal value, while maintaining a fixed armature
current, to obtain the necessary data to plot a graph of the motor torque versus the
field current IF. This will allow you to demonstrate the effect of saturation in dc


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Effect of the Armature Reaction on the Output Voltage of a DC Generator

G 1. Record in the following blank space the armature resistance of the

DC Motor / Generator measured in Exercise 2-1.

RA = Ω

G 2. Refer to graph G232-1 obtained in Exercise 2-3. This graph shows the
output voltage versus output current relationship of a separately-excited
dc generator operating at a fixed speed. Record the no load output voltage
(voltage obtained when the dc generator output current IO = 0 A) in the
following blank space (this voltage is recorded in data table DT232). This

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

voltage is equal to the voltage induced across the armature winding of the
dc generator (EEMF).


G 3. Calculate the dc generator output voltage EO for each of the output currents
indicated in Table 3-1 using the following equation:




V ac A A A A

120 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

220 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0

240 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0

Table 3-1. DC Generator Output Currents.

When IO equals A, EO = V

When IO equals A, EO = V

When IO equals A, EO = V

When IO equals A, EO = V

G 4. Use the output voltages and currents obtained in the previous step to draw
on graph G232-1 the theoretical output voltage versus output current
relationship of the separately-excited dc generator.

Compare the theoretical and actual voltage versus current relationships

drawn on graph G232-1. Does this demonstrate that the armature reaction
causes an additional decrease in the output voltage as the output current

G Yes G No

Setting up the Equipment

G 5. Install the equipment in the EMS workstation.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

Note: If you are performing the exercise using the EMS system,
ensure that the brushes of the DC Motor / Generator are adjusted
to the neutral point. To do so, connect an ac power source
(terminals 4 and N of the Power Supply) to the armature of the
DC Motor / Generator (terminals 1 and 2) through CURRENT
INPUT I1 of the data acquisition module. Connect the shunt
winding of the DC Motor / Generator (terminals 5 and 6) to
VOLTAGE INPUT E1 of the Data Acquisition Interface module.
Start the Metering application and open setup configuration file
ACMOTOR1.DAI. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage
control knob so that an ac current (indicated by meter I line 1)
equal to half the nominal value of the armature current flows in
the armature of the DC Motor / Generator. Adjust the brush
adjustment lever on the DC Motor / Generator so that the voltage
across the shunt winding (indicated by meter E line 1) is
minimum. Turn the Power Supply off, exit the Metering
application, and disconnect all leads and cable.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

DC Motor / Generator using a timing belt.

G 6. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 7. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 8. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file DCMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 1.

G 9. Set up the separately-excited dc generator circuit shown in Figure 3-5.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

Figure 3-5. Separately-Excited DC Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover.

G 10. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a prime mover.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer before setting
the controls in order to see additional front panel markings related
to these controls.

Effect of the Armature Reaction on Torque

G 11. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the DC Motor / Generator, set the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that the field
current IF indicated by meter I field (IF) in the Metering window is equal to the
value given in the following table:

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect



V ac mA

120 250

220 160

240 175

Table 3-2. Field Current of the Separately-Excited DC Generator.

In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled. The Torque meter now indicates the torque
produced by the dc generator. This torque opposes to rotation. It is equal in
magnitude to the torque applied to the dc generator's shaft but of opposite

G 12. Record the dc generator output current IO, field current IF, speed n, and
torque T in the Data Table. These parameters are indicated by meters
I arm. (IA), I field (IF), Speed, and Torque, respectively.

Gradually increase the prime mover speed to increase the generator output
current IO [indicated by meter I arm. (IA)] to approximately twice the nominal
armature current of the DC Motor / Generator in ten steps. For each current
setting, record the data in the Data Table.

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

Note: The output current exceeds the rated armature current of

the DC Motor / Generator while performing this manipulation. It is,
therefore, suggested to complete the manipulation within a time
interval of 5 minutes or less.

G 13. When all data has been recorded, set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn
the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored. Reverse
the polarity of the torque values indicated in the Torque column to obtain the
torque applied to the dc generator's shaft. Entitle the data table as DT311,
and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

G 14. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
torque applied to the dc generator (obtained from the Torque meter) as a
function of the dc generator output current IO [obtained from
meter I arm. (IA)]. Entitle the graph as G311, name the x-axis as DC
Generator Output Current, name the y-axis as Torque Applied to the DC
Generator, and print the graph.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Can we say that the variation in torque is linear when the dc generator
output current IO exceeds the nominal armature current of the
DC Motor / Generator?

G Yes G No

In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

Effect of the Saturation on Torque

G 15. Modify the connections to obtain the separately-excited dc motor circuit

shown in Figure 3-6. Connect the three resistor sections on the Resistive
Load module in parallel to implement resistor R1. Leave the circuit open at
points A and B shown in the figure.

Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer, then set the torque
control to maximum (fully CW position).

On the DC Motor / Generator, turn the FIELD RHEOSTAT knob fully


G 16. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled. Turn the Power Supply on, adjust the voltage
control knob so that the dc motor armature current indicated by
meter I arm. (IA) is equal to 50% of the nominal value, then record the
dc motor armature voltage EA, armature current IA, field current IF, speed n,
and torque T in the Data Table.

Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power
Supply off.

Interconnect points A and B shown in the circuit of Figure 3-6.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

Figure 3-6. Separately-Excited DC Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

G 17. Turn the Power Supply on, adjust the voltage control knob so that the
dc motor armature current indicated by meter I arm. (IA) is equal to 50% of
the nominal value, then record the data in the Data Table.

Set the resistance of resistor R1 (by changing the settings of the toggle
switches on the Resistive Load module) and the FIELD RHEOSTAT so that
the field current IF increases by steps as indicated in Table 3-3. For each
current setting, readjust the voltage control knob of the Power Supply so
that the armature current IA remains equal to 50% of the nominal value, then
record the data in the Data Table.

Note: Resistor R1 must be short-circuited to obtain the high field

currents given in Table 3-3.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect



V ac mA mA mA mA mA mA mA mA

120 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

220 65 95 130 160 190 220 255 285

240 70 105 140 175 210 245 280 315

Table 3-3. Field Currents of the Separately-Excited DC Motor.

G 18. On the DC Motor / Generator, turn the FIELD RHEOSTAT knob fully
clockwise, readjust the voltage control knob of the Power Supply so that the
armature current remains equal to 50% of the nominal value, then record
the data in the Data Table.

Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power
Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT312, and print the data table.

G 19. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
dc motor torque (obtained from the Torque meter) as a function of the field
current IF [obtained from meter I field (IF)]. Entitle the graph as G312, name
the x-axis as Field Current, name the y-axis as DC Motor Torque, and print
the graph.

Observe graph G312. How does the dc motor torque vary as the field
current increases?

Briefly explain what happens when the field current exceeds the nominal

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

G 20. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


Armature Inductance of the DC Motor / Generator

You can determine the armature inductance of the DC Motor / Generator. To do so,
make sure the Power Supply is turned off and the voltage control knob is turned fully
counterclockwise, then set up the circuit shown in Figure 3-7. In the Metering
window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI, select meter layout 2, and
change the function of the Frequency meter so that it measures reactance X. Turn
the Power Supply on and adjust the voltage control knob so that an ac current
(indicated by meter I line 1) equal to the nominal armature current of the
DC Motor / Generator flows in the armature. Record the armature reactance, XA,
indicated by the reactance meter, turn the Power Supply off, and convert XA into
inductance using the following formula:

Figure 3-7. Circuit for Measuring the Armature Inductance of the DC Motor / Generator.

Armature Inductance of the Prime Mover of the Prime Mover / Dynamometer,

Model 8960-1

Note: This additional experiment cannot be performed when

using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply,
Model 8960-2.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model 8960-1, you can determine
the inductance of the armature of the prime mover; this prime mover is a permanent-
magnet dc motor. To do this, make sure the Power Supply is turned off and the
voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise, then set up the circuit shown
in Figure 3-8. On the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, set the MODE switch to the
PRIME MOVER position. In the Metering window, open setup configuration file
ACMOTOR1.DAI, select meter layout 2, and set the function of the Frequency meter
so that it measures reactance X. Turn the Power Supply on and adjust the voltage
control knob so that a 3-A ac current (indicated by meter I line 1) flows in the prime
mover. Record the armature reactance (XA) indicated by the reactance meter, turn
the Power Supply off, and convert XA into inductance using the following formula:

Compare the armature inductance of the prime mover with that of the
DC Motor / Generator found in the previous experiment.

Figure 3-8. Circuit for Measuring the Armature Inductance of the Prime Mover of the Prime Mover/
Dynamometer, Model 8960-1.

Effect of the Armature Reaction on the Torque Developed by a DC Motor

You can observe the effect which armature reaction has on the torque versus current
characteristic of a separately-excited dc motor. To do so, refer to graph G212. This
graph shows the torque versus current characteristic of the separately-excited
dc motor used in Exercise 2-1. Observe that the torque versus current characteristic
is no longer linear for high armature currents.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect


In this exercise, you saw that armature reaction in dc machines causes the output
voltage of a generator to decrease rapidly as the armature current increases. You
observed that motor torque is also affected in the same manner. You saw that the
torque ceases to increase linearly with the field current when the iron in the dc
machine begins to saturate.

If you have performed the additional experiments, you found that the armature
inductance of the DC Motor / Generator is much higher than that of the prime mover
(permanent-magnet DC motor) in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model 8960-1.
You observed that armature reaction affects the torque versus current characteristic
of a separately-excited dc motor.


1. What is the most serious consequence of armature reaction in dc machines?

a. Increased wear on the armature winding.

b. Increased wear on the field electromagnet and brushes.
c. Reduced wear on the brushes and commutator.
d. Increased wear on the brushes and commutator.

2. How does armature reaction affect the output voltage of a dc generator?

a. The output voltage is lower than it should be.

b. The output voltage is higher than it should be.
c. There is no effect.
d. The output voltage is unstable.

3. Armature reaction in a dc motor causes the torque to be

a. lower than it should be.

b. higher than it should be.
c. highly unstable.
d. more stable.

4. A permanent-magnet dc motor has better commutation than a conventional dc

motor because

a. its armature inductance is greater.

b. its armature inductance is smaller.
c. it has commutating windings.
d. of the permanent magnets.

Armature Reaction and Saturation Effect

5. The brushes on a dc machine having commutating windings

a. wear out more rapidly.

b. produce more sparking.
c. no longer have to be readjusted for different operating points.
d. Both a and b.

Exercise 3-2

The Universal Motor


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate both ac and
dc operation of universal motors using the Universal Motor module.


You saw in Unit 2 that the armature winding creates a rotating magnetic field in the
rotor of a dc motor. This magnetic field rotates at the same speed as the motor but
in the opposite direction. As a result, the poles of the rotor electromagnet remain at
a fixed location. Furthermore, the poles of the rotor electromagnet are always at 90E
to the poles of the stator magnet or electromagnet (field electromagnet) as was
illustrated in Figure 2-5.

However, if either the polarity of the stator electromagnet or that of the rotor
electromagnet is reversed, the motor direction of rotation is reversed because the
forces of attraction and repulsion between the two magnets are reversed. Figure 3-9
illustrates the different possibilities when the polarities of the armature current IA and
field current IF are changed. When currents IA and IF are of the same polarity, the
motor rotates clockwise. Conversely, when currents IA and IF are of opposite polarity,
it rotates counterclockwise.

Figure 3-9. Direction of Rotation Depends on the Polarities of the Armature and Field Currents.

When both the armature and the field electromagnet of a dc motor are powered from
the same source, which is the case for shunt and series motors, reversing the
polarity of the voltage source reverses the polarity of both the armature and field
currents. Consequently, the torque does not change direction when the polarity of
the voltage applied to the motor changes. Therefore, shunt and series dc motors

The Universal Motor

rotate when connected to an ac power source despite the fact that the source
voltage polarity is constantly changing.

However, since motors are made of windings and iron, they always have inductance
associated with their windings. For example, the field winding of a shunt motor
usually has a large inductance value because it consists of many turns of wire. This
makes it difficult for alternating current to flow in the winding because a large
inductance means a high impedance. For this reason, it is almost impossible to
obtain satisfactory performance from a shunt motor connected to an ac power

A series motor has a field winding that consists of only a few turns of wire.
Consequently, the field winding of the series motor has a low inductance. Its
impedance is therefore much lower than that of the shunt winding, and the series
motor operates on ac power with better results than a shunt motor. However, the
performance obtained with ac power is naturally much poorer than that obtained
when the series motor is connected to a dc power source.

The performance of a series motor operating with ac power can be greatly improved
by decreasing the inductance of the armature winding. This can be done by adding
a new winding, called compensating winding, to the series motor. This winding is
installed in the stator slots and the armature current flows through the winding. The
wire loops of the compensating winding are connected so that the direction of current
flow in each loop is opposite to the direction of current flow in the corresponding
armature loop lying next to it, as illustrated in Figure 3-10.

Figure 3-10. Current Flow in the Compensating Winding.

This is equivalent to winding the coil of an inductor with ten turns of wire in one
direction, and then ten turns of wire in the opposite direction. The resulting inductor
has a very small inductance because of the cancelling effect caused by equal
number of coils being wound in opposite directions. This new type of series motor
is known as a universal motor because it can operate indifferently on ac power, as
well as dc power.

The Universal Motor

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 3-11, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will change the polarities of the armature and
field currents of a series motor operating on dc power and observe the effect on the
direction of rotation. You will also measure the dc voltage required to make the
series motor rotate at a speed of approximately 1000 r/min.

In the third part of the exercise, you will replace the dc power source with an ac
power source. You will observe that the direction of rotation of the series motor can
be changed by reversing the armature connections. You will measure the ac source
voltage required to make the series motor rotate at a speed of approximately
1000 r/min. You will measure the armature impedance ZA. You will compare the
series motor performance obtained with dc power and ac power.

In the fourth part of the exercise, you will modify the connections to obtain the
universal motor circuit shown in Figure 3-12. You will change the polarities of the
armature and field currents of the universal motor operating on dc power and
observe the effect on the direction of rotation. You will also measure the dc voltage
required to make the universal motor rotate at a speed of approximately 1000 r/min.

In the fifth part of the exercise, you will replace the dc power source with an ac power
source. You will observe that the direction of rotation of the universal motor can be
changed by reversing the armature connections. You will measure the ac source
voltage required to make the universal motor rotate at a speed of approximately
1000 r/min. You will measure the armature impedance ZA. You will compare the
universal motor performance obtained with dc power and ac power. You will
compare the performance of the universal motor to that of the series motor.

In the sixth part of the exercise, you will add a compensating winding to the universal
motor. You will observe the effect on the performance of the universal motor
operating on ac power.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

The Universal Motor

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using the EMS system,
ensure that the brushes of the DC Motor / Generator are adjusted
to the neutral point. To do so, connect an ac power source
(terminals 4 and N of the Power Supply) to the armature of the
DC Motor / Generator (terminals 1 and 2) through CURRENT
INPUT I1 of the data acquisition module. Connect the shunt
winding of the DC Motor / Generator (terminals 5 and 6) to
VOLTAGE INPUT E1 of the Data Acquisition Interface module.
Start the Metering application and open setup configuration file
ACMOTOR1.DAI. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage
control knob so that an ac current (indicated by meter I line 1)
equal to half the nominal value of the armature current flows in
the armature of the DC Motor / Generator. Adjust the brush
adjustment lever on the DC Motor / Generator so that the voltage
across the shunt winding (indicated by meter E line 1) is
minimum. Turn the Power Supply off, exit the Metering
application, and disconnect all leads and cable.

Also, ensure that the brushes of the Universal Motor are adjusted
to the neutral point. To do so, repeat the above procedure,
connecting the series winding of the Universal Motor to
VOLTAGE INPUT E1 of the data acquisition module.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

DC Motor / Generator using a timing belt.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer,

Model 8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC
output of the Power Supply

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

The Universal Motor

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file DCMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Set up the series motor circuit shown in Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-11. Series Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer, then set the torque
control to minimum (fully CCW position).

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer before setting
the controls in order to see additional front panel markings related
to these controls.

The Universal Motor

Direction of Rotation of a DC Series Motor

G 7. Turn the Power Supply on and slowly turn the voltage control knob until the
series motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min. Check that both
the armature current IA and the field current IF [indicated by meters I arm. (IA)
and I field (IF), respectively] are positive. Record the source voltage ES
[indicated by meter E arm. (EA)] and the direction of rotation.

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA and IF = positive)

Turn the Power Supply off.

G 8. On the Power Supply, reverse the connection of the leads at terminals 7

and N to reverse the polarity of the voltage applied to the series motor.

Turn the Power Supply on and slightly adjust the voltage control knob until
the series motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min. Check that
both the armature current IA and the field current IF are negative. Record the
source voltage ES [indicated by meter E arm. (EA)] and the direction of

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA and IF = negative)

Turn the Power Supply off.

What is the direction of rotation when the armature current IA and the field
current IF are of the same polarity?

G 9. Reverse the armature connection at points A and B shown in Figure 3-11.

Turn the Power Supply on and slightly adjust the voltage control knob until
the series motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min.

Note: Neglect the sign of the speed indicated by the Speed meter
in the Metering window.

Check that the armature current IA is positive and the field current IF is
negative. Record the source voltage ES and the direction of rotation.

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA = positive, IF = negative)

Turn the Power Supply off.

The Universal Motor

G 10. On the Power Supply, reverse the connection of the leads at terminals 7
and N to reverse the polarity of the voltage applied to the series motor.

Turn the Power Supply on and slightly adjust the voltage control knob until
the series motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min.

Note: Neglect the sign of the speed indicated by the Speed meter
in the Metering window.

Check that the armature current IA is negative and the field current IF is
positive. Record the source voltage ES and the direction of rotation.

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA = negative, IF = positive)

Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power
Supply off.

What is the direction of rotation when the armature current IA and the field
current IF are of opposite polarity?

Reverse the armature connection at points A and B shown in Figure 3-11.

The modules should be connected as shown in Figure 3-11.

DC Series Motor Operating on AC Power

G 11. Replace the variable-voltage dc source in the circuit with a variable-voltage

ac source.

In the Metering window, set meters E arm. (EA), I arm. (IA), and I field (IF) in
the ac mode.

Turn the Power Supply on and slowly turn the voltage control knob until the
series motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min. Record the source
voltage ES [indicated by meter E arm. (EA)] and the direction of rotation.

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA and IF of the same polarity)

Does the series motor rotate in the same direction as when it was operating
on dc power with IA and IF of the same polarity (steps 7 and 8)?

G Yes G No

Turn the Power Supply off.

The Universal Motor

G 12. Reverse the armature connection at points A and B shown in Figure 3-11.

Turn the Power Supply on and slightly adjust the voltage control knob until
the series motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min.

Note: Neglect the sign of the speed indicated by the Speed meter
in the Metering window.

Record the source voltage ES and the direction of rotation.

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA and IF of opposite polarity)

Does the series motor rotate in the same direction as when it was operating
on dc power with IA and IF of opposite polarity (steps 9 and 10)?

G Yes G No

G 13. On the Power Supply, slowly turn the voltage control knob until the series
motor stops rotating.

In the Metering window, set meter RA = EA / IA so that it measures

impedance (Z).

Record in the following blank space the armature impedance ZA of the

series motor indicated by the impedance meter.

ZA = Ω

Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power
Supply off.

Compare the dc and ac source voltages ES required to make the series

motor rotate at a speed of approximately 1000 r/min. Briefly explain why
they have different values.

Direction of Rotation of a Universal Motor Operating on DC Power

G 14. Remove the timing belt which couples the prime mover / dynamometer
module to the DC Motor / Generator.

The Universal Motor

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

Universal Motor using a timing belt.

Modify the connections to obtain the universal-motor circuit shown in

Figure 3-12.

Figure 3-12. DC-Powered Universal Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

In the Metering window, set meters E arm. (EA), I arm. (IA), and I field (IF) in
the dc mode.

G 15. Turn the Power Supply on and slowly turn the voltage control knob until the
universal motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min. Check that both
the armature current IA and the field current IF are positive. Record the
source voltage ES and the direction of rotation.

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA and IF = positive)

Turn the Power Supply off.

G 16. On the Power Supply, reverse the connection of the leads at terminals 7
and N to reverse the polarity of the voltage applied to the universal motor.

Turn the Power Supply on and slightly adjust the voltage control knob until
the universal motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min. Check that

The Universal Motor

both the armature current IA and the field current IF are negative. Record the
source voltage ES and the direction of rotation.

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA and IF = negative)

Turn the Power Supply off.

What is the direction of rotation when the armature current IA and the field
current IF are of the same polarity?

G 17. Reverse the armature connection at points A and B shown in Figure 3-12.

Turn the Power Supply on and slightly adjust the voltage control knob until
the universal motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min.

Note: Neglect the sign of the speed indicated by the Speed meter
in the Metering window.

Check that the armature current IA is positive and the field current IF is
negative. Record the source voltage ES and the direction of rotation.

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA = positive, IF = negative)

Turn the Power Supply off.

G 18. On the Power Supply, reverse the connection of the leads at terminals 7
and N to reverse the polarity of the voltage applied to the universal motor.

Turn the Power Supply on and slightly adjust the voltage control knob until
the universal motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min.

Note: Neglect the sign of the speed indicated by the Speed meter
in the Metering window.

Check that the armature current IA is negative and the field current IF is
positive. Record the source voltage ES and the direction of rotation.

ES = V

Direction of rotation: (IA = negative, IF = positive)

Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power
Supply off.

The Universal Motor

What is the direction of rotation when the armature current IA and the field
current IF are of opposite polarity?

Does a universal motor act similarly as a series motor when it is powered

by a dc source?

G Yes G No

Reverse the armature connection at points A and B shown in Figure 3-12.

The modules should be connected as shown in Figure 3-12.

Universal Motor Operating on AC Power

G 19. Replace the variable-voltage dc source in the circuit with a variable-voltage

ac source.

In the Metering window, set meters E arm. (EA), I arm. (IA), and I field (IF) in
the ac mode.

Turn the Power Supply on and slowly turn the voltage control knob until the
universal motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min. Record the
source voltage ES and the direction of rotation.

ES = V (without compensating winding)

Direction of rotation: (IA and IF of the same polarity)

Does the universal motor rotate in the same direction as when it was
operating on dc power with IA and IF of the same polarity (steps 15 and 16)?

G Yes G No

Turn the Power Supply off.

G 20. Reverse the armature connection at points A and B shown in Figure 3-12.

Turn the Power Supply on and slightly adjust the voltage control knob until
the universal motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min.

Note: Neglect the sign of the speed indicated by the Speed meter
in the Metering window.

Record the source voltage ES and the direction of rotation.

ES = V (without compensating winding)

Direction of rotation: (IA and IF of opposite polarity)

The Universal Motor

Does the universal motor rotate in the same direction as when it was
operating on dc power with IA and IF of opposite polarity (steps 17 and 18)?

G Yes G No

G 21. On the Power Supply, slowly turn the voltage control knob until the universal
motor stops rotating.

Record in the following blank space the armature impedance ZA of the

universal motor indicated by the impedance meter.

ZA = Ω (without compensating winding)

Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power
Supply off.

Compare the dc and ac source voltages ES required to make the universal

motor rotate at a speed of approximately 1000 r/min. Briefly explain why
they have different values.

Compare the dc voltages required to make the universal motor and the
series motor rotate at a speed of approximately 1000 r/min.

Compare the ac voltages required to make the universal motor and the
series motor rotate at a speed of approximately 1000 r/min.

Reverse the armature connection at points A and B shown in Figure 3-12.

Effect of the Compensating Winding

G 22. Modify the connections to connect the compensating winding of the

Universal Motor as shown in Figure 3-13.

The Universal Motor

Figure 3-13. AC-Powered Universal Motor (with Compensating Winding) Coupled to a


Turn the Power Supply on and slowly turn the voltage control knob until the
universal motor rotates at a speed of 1000 r/min ± 25 r/min. Record the
source voltage ES.

ES = V (with compensating winding)

On the Power Supply, slowly turn the voltage control knob until the universal
motor stops rotating.

Record in the following blank space the armature impedance ZA of the

universal motor indicated by the impedance meter.

ZA = Ω (with compensating winding)

Turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise and turn the Power
Supply off.

The Universal Motor

Compare the ac source voltages ES required to make the universal motors

with and without compensating winding rotate at a speed of approximately
1000 r/min. Briefly explain why they have different values.

G 23. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


Speed Versus Torque Characteristic of an AC-Powered Universal Motor

You can obtain the speed versus torque characteristic of a universal motor (with a
compensating winding) powered by an ac source. To do so, make sure the Power
Supply is turned off and set up the universal motor circuit shown in Figure 3-13. Set
the dynamometer torque control to minimum (fully CCW position). In the Metering
window, make sure that meters E arm. (EA), I arm. (IA), and I field (IF) are in the
ac mode and the torque correction function of the Torque meter is enabled. Clear the
data (if any) recorded in the data table. Turn the Power Supply on and set the
ac source voltage ES to the nominal voltage of the Universal Motor. On the
dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by the Torque
meter in the Metering window increases by 0.2 N@m (2.0 lbf@in) increments up to
about 2.3 N@m (about 20.0 lbf@in). For each torque setting, readjust the voltage
control knob of the Power Supply so that the armature voltage EA remains equal to
the value set previously, wait until the motor speed stabilizes, and then record the
data in the Data Table. When all data has been recorded, turn the Power Supply off.
Edit the data table so as to keep only the values of the speed n, torque T, armature
current IA, and source voltage ES. Entitle the data table as DT321. Plot a graph of the
speed (obtained from the Speed meter) as a function of the torque (obtained from
the Torque meter). Entitle the graph as G321. Compare the speed versus torque
characteristic of the universal motor (graph G321) to that of the dc series
motor (graph G223 obtained in Exercise 2-2).

Note: The armature current may exceed the rated value while
performing this manipulation. It is, therefore, suggested to
complete the manipulation within a time interval of 5 minutes or

The Universal Motor

DC Shunt Motor Operating on AC Power

You can observe the operation of a shunt motor connected to an ac power source.
To do so, make sure the Power Supply is turned off and set up the shunt motor
circuit shown in Figure 3-14. In the Metering window, make sure that
meters E arm. (EA), I arm. (IA), and I field (IF) are in the ac mode. Turn the Power
Supply on and turn the voltage control knob until the shunt motor starts to rotate.
Note the direction of rotation. Turn the Power Supply off. Reverse the armature
connection at points A and B shown in Figure 3-14. Turn the Power Supply on and
turn the voltage control knob until the shunt motor starts to rotate. Note the direction
of rotation. Turn the Power Supply off.

Figure 3-14. AC-Powered Shunt Motor.


In this exercise, you demonstrated that the dc series motor and the universal motor
without compensating winding have similar operation whether they are supplied with
dc or ac power. You observed that the direction of rotation of these motors depends
on the polarities of the armature and field currents. You found that the performance
of these motors is rather poor when they operate on ac power because their
armature impedance ZA is fairly high. You observed that the performance of a
universal motor operating on ac power can be greatly improved by adding a
compensating winding that reduces the armature impedance ZA.

If you have performed the additional experiments, you plotted a graph of speed
versus torque for an ac-powered universal motor with a compensating winding. You
found that the speed-torque characteristic of this motor is similar to that of the dc
series motor, i.e., the speed decreases rapidly and non linearly as the torque
increases. You verified that a dc shunt motor can operate on ac power.

The Universal Motor


1. What effect does reversing the dc power connections to a series motor have on
its direction of rotation?

a. It remains clockwise.
b. It reverses.
c. It changes from clockwise to counterclockwise.
d. It remains the same.

2. What effect does reversing the armature winding connections to a series motor
have on its direction of rotation?

a. It remains counterclockwise.
b. It reverses.
c. It changes from counterclockwise to clockwise.
d. It remains the same.

3. A universal motor is a dc series motor

a. that operates on ac power only.

b. with a compensating winding that operates on dc power only.
c. with a compensating winding that operates on ac power only.
d. with a compensating winding that operates on either ac and dc power.

4. The compensating winding in a universal motor helps reducing

a. the motor torque T.

b. the armature current IA.
c. the armature impedance ZA.
d. the motor speed n.

5. If the armature connections to a universal motor are reversed, the

a. armature current will decrease.

b. direction of rotation will reverse.
c. motor will stop rotating.
d. motor speed will become unstable.

Unit Test

1. Armature reaction in a dc machine

a. is due to an increase of the armature voltage.

b. occurs when the motor is connected to an ac power source.
c. occurs when the motor is connected to a dc power source.
d. is due to an increase of the armature current.

2. Armature reaction modifies the characteristics of a dc machine because

a. it increases wear on the brushes and the commutator.

b. it affects the magnetic field produced by the field electromagnet.
c. it causes saturation.
d. Both a and b.

3. Armature reaction causes the output voltage of a dc generator to decrease


a. it increases wear on the brushes and the commutator.

b. it causes saturation.
c. it delays the voltage induced across the armature winding.
d. All of the above.

4. A permanent-magnet dc motor has better characteristics than the separately-

excited, shunt, and series motors because

a. the magnetic field produced by the permanent magnet is so strong that it

cannot be affected significantly by another magnetic source.
b. it has a low armature inductance.
c. it has a compensating winding.
d. Both a and b.

5. Saturation occurs in a dc machine when

a. the armature voltage increases and exceeds the nominal value.

b. the motor is connected to an ac power source.
c. the field current exceeds the nominal value.
d. the armature current exceeds the nominal value.

6. The nominal value of the field current of a dc machine is chosen to be at the

beginning of the saturation knee

a. to ensure that the speed versus voltage characteristic is linear.

b. to ensure that the torque versus current characteristic is linear.
c. to obtain as much torque as possible with a field current that is as low as
d. Both a and b.

Unit Test (cont'd)

7. Why is it nearly impossible to obtain satisfactory performance from a shunt

motor connected to an ac power source?

a. Because the shunt winding consist of a large number of turns.

b. Because the shunt winding has a large inductance.
c. Because it is difficult for an alternating current to flow in the shunt winding.
d. All of the above.

8. The direction of rotation of a dc series motor or a universal motor connected to

a dc power source

a. depends on the polarities of the armature and field currents.

b. depends exclusively on the polarity of the armature current.
c. depends exclusively on the polarity of the field current.
d. depends on the connection of the compensating winding.

9. The ac voltage required to make a series motor rotate at a given speed is higher
than the dc voltage required to make the same motor rotate at the same speed.
This is because

a. armature reaction occurs when the motor operate on ac power.

b. the armature impedance of the motor is fairly high.
c. saturation occurs when the motor operate on ac power.
d. Both a and b.

10. The performance of a series motor operating on ac power can be improved by

a. adding a compensating winding that increases the armature reactance.

b. adding permanent magnets.
c. adding a compensating winding that decreases the armature reactance.
d. None of the above.

Unit 4
AC Induction Motors


After completing this unit, you will be able to demonstrate and explain the operation
of ac induction motors using the Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor module and the
Capacitor-Start Motor module.


As you saw in Unit 1, a voltage is induced between the ends of a wire loop when the
magnetic flux linking the loop varies as a function of time. If the ends of the wire loop
are short-circuited together, a current flows in the loop. Figure 4-1 shows a magnet
that is displaced rapidly towards the right above a group of conductors. The
conductors are short-circuited at their extremities by bars A and B and form a type
of ladder.

Figure 4-1. Magnet Moving Above a Conducting Ladder.

Current flows in the loop formed by conductors 1 and 2, as well as in the loop formed
by conductors 2 and 3. These currents create magnetic fields with north and south
poles as shown in Figure 4-2.

AC Induction Motors

Figure 4-2. Current in the Conductors Creates Magnetic Fields.

The interaction between the magnetic field of the magnet and the magnetic fields
produced by the currents induced in the ladder creates a force between the moving
magnet and the electromagnet (the conducting ladder). This force causes the ladder
to be pulled along in the direction of the moving magnet. However, if the ladder
moves at the same speed as the magnet, there is no longer a variation in the
magnetic flux. Consequently, there is no induced voltage to cause current flow in the
wire loops, meaning that there is no longer a magnetic force acting on the ladder.
Therefore, the ladder must move at a speed which is lower than that of the moving
magnet for a magnetic force to pull the ladder in the direction of the moving magnet.
The greater the speed difference between the two, the greater the variation in
magnetic flux, and therefore, the greater the magnetic force acting on the conducting

The rotor of an asynchronous induction motor is made by closing a ladder similar to

that shown in Figure 4-1 upon itself to form a type of squirrel cage as shown in
Figure 4-3. This is where the name squirrel-cage induction motor comes from.

AC Induction Motors

Figure 4-3. Closing a Ladder Upon Itself Forms a Squirrel Cage.

To make it easier for the magnetic flux to circulate, the rotor of a squirrel-cage
induction motor is placed inside a laminated iron cylinder. The stator of the induction
motor acts as a rotating electromagnet. The rotating electromagnet causes torque
which pulls the rotor along in much the same manner as the moving magnet in
Figure 4-1 pulls the ladder.

Exercise 4-1

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage

Induction Motor


When you have completed this exercise you will be able to demonstrate the
operating characteristics of a three-phase induction motor using the Four-Pole
Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor module.


One of the ways of creating a rotating electromagnet is to connect a three-phase

power source to a stator made of three electromagnets A, B, and C, that are placed
at 120E to one another as shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4. Three-Phase Stator Windings.

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor
When sine-wave currents phase shifted of 120E to each other, like those shown in
Figure 4-5, flow in stator electromagnets A, B, and C, a magnetic field that rotates
very regularly is obtained.

Figure 4-5. Three-Phase Sine-Wave Currents Flowing in the Stator Windings.

Figure 4-6 illustrates the magnetic field created by stator electromagnets A, B, and C
at instants numbered 1 to 6 in Figure 4-5. Notice that the magnetic lines of force exit
at the north pole of each electromagnet and enter at the south pole. As can be seen,
the magnetic field rotates clockwise.

The use of sine-wave currents produces a magnetic field that rotates regularly and
whose strength does not vary over time. The speed of the rotating magnetic field is
known as the synchronous speed (nS) and is proportional to the frequency of the ac
power source. A rotating magnetic field can also be obtained using other
combinations of sine-wave currents that are phase-shifted with respect to each other,
but three-phase sine-wave currents are used more frequently.

When a squirrel-cage rotor is placed inside a rotating magnetic field, it is pulled

around in the same direction as the rotating field. Interchanging the power
connections to two of the stator windings (interchanging A with B for example)
interchanges two of the three currents and reverses the phase sequence. This
causes the rotating field to reverse direction. As a result, the direction of rotation of
the motor is also reversed.

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor

Figure 4-6. Position of the Rotating Magnetic Field at Various Instants. (From Electrical Machines,
Drives, and Power Systems by Theodore Wildi. Copyright © 1991, 1981 Sperika Enterprises
Ltd. © Published by Prentice Hall. All rights reserved.)

Referring to what has been said in the Discussion of Fundamentals of this unit, one
can easily deduce that the torque produced by a squirrel-cage induction motor

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor
increases as the difference in speed between the rotating magnetic field and the
rotor increases. The difference in speed between the two is called slip. A plot of the
speed versus torque characteristic for a squirrel-cage induction motor gives a curve
similar to that shown in Figure 4-7. As can be seen, the motor speed (rotor speed)
is always lower than the synchronous speed nS because slip is necessary for the
motor to develop torque. The synchronous speed for the Lab-Volt motors is
1800 r/min for 60-Hz power, and 1500 r/min for 50-Hz power.

Figure 4-7. Speed Versus Torque Characteristic of a Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.

The speed versus torque characteristic of the squirrel-cage induction motor is very
similar to that obtained previously for a separately-excited dc motor. However, the
currents induced in the squirrel-cage rotor must change direction more and more
rapidly as the slip increases. In other words, the frequency of the currents induced
in the rotor increases as the slip increases. Since the rotor is made up of iron and
coils of wire, it has an inductance that opposes rapid changes in current. As a result,
the currents induced in the rotor are no longer directly proportional to the slip of the
motor. This affects the speed versus torque characteristic as shown in Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8. The Motor Inductance Affects the Speed Versus Torque Characteristic.

As the curve shows, the no-load speed is slightly less than the synchronous
speed nS, but as the load torque increases, motor speed decreases. For the nominal

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor
value of motor torque (full-load torque) corresponds a nominal operating speed (full-
load speed). Further increases in load torque lead to a point of instability, called
breakdown torque, after which both motor speed and output torque decrease. The
torque value at zero speed, called locked-rotor torque, is often less than the
breakdown torque. At start-up, and at low speed, motor current is very high and the
amount of power that is consumed is higher than during normal operation.

Another characteristic of three-phase squirrel-cage induction motors is the fact that

they always draw reactive power from the ac power source. The reactive power even
exceeds the active power when the squirrel-cage induction motor rotates without
load. The reactive power is necessary to create the magnetic field in the machine in
the same way that an inductor needs reactive power to create the magnetic field
surrounding the inductor.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-9, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will apply the nominal line voltage to the
squirrel-cage induction motor, note the motor direction of rotation, and measure the
motor no-load speed. You will then increase the mechanical load applied to the
squirrel-cage induction motor by steps. For each step, you will record in the data
table various electrical and mechanical parameters related to the motor. You will
then use this data to plot various graphs and determine many of the characteristics
of the squirrel-cage induction motor.

In the third part of the exercise, you will interchange two of the leads that supply
power to the squirrel-cage induction motor and observe if this affects the direction
of rotation.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the Four-

Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9. Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer, then set the
dynamometer torque control to minimum (fully CCW position).

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor
Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can
zoom in on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer before setting the controls in
order to see additional front panels markings related to these controls.

Characteristics of a Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor

G 7. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the line
voltage indicated by meter E line 1 is equal to the nominal line voltage of the
squirrel-cage induction motor.

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

What is the direction of rotation of the squirrel-cage induction motor?

Record in the following blank space the motor speed indicated by the Speed
meter in the Metering window.

n= r/min

Is the no-load speed almost equal to the speed of the rotating magnetic field
(synchronous speed) given in the Discussion?

G Yes G No

G 8. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled. The Torque meter indicates the output torque of
the squirrel-cage induction motor.

On the dynamometer, adjust the torque control so that the mechanical

power developed by the squirrel-cage induction motor (indicated by
meter Mech. Power in the Metering window) is equal to 175 W (nominal
motor output power).

Record the nominal speed nNOM., torque TNOM., and line current INOM. of the
squirrel-cage induction motor in the following blank spaces. These
parameters are indicated by meters Speed, Torque, and I line 1,

nNOM. = r/min

TNOM. = NAm (lbfAin)


The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor
On the dynamometer, set the torque control to minimum (fully
CCW position). The torque indicated by the dynamometer module display
should be 0 NAm (0 lbfAin).

G 9. Record the motor line voltage ELINE, line current ILINE, active power P,
reactive power Q, speed n, and output torque T in the Data Table. These
parameters are indicated by meters E line 1, I line 1, Act. Power,
React. Power, Speed, and Torque, respectively.

On the dynamometer, carefully adjust the torque control so that the torque
indicated by the Torque meter increases by 0.3 NAm (3.0 lbfAin) increments
up to about 2.1 NAm (19 lbfAin). For each torque setting, record the data in
the Data Table.

On the dynamometer, continue to adjust the torque control so that the

torque indicated by the Torque meter increases by 0.1 NAm (1.0 lbfAin)
increments, until the motor speed starts to decrease fairly rapidly
(breakdown torque region). For each torque setting, record the data in the
Data Table.

Once the motor speed has stabilized, record the data in the Data Table.

Note: The nominal line current of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage

Induction Motor may be exceeded while performing this
manipulation. It is, therefore, suggested to complete the
manipulation within a time interval of 5 minutes or less.

G 10. When all data has been recorded, set the torque control knob on the
dynamometer to minimum (fully CCW), turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise, and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT411, and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

Does the motor line current indicated in column I line 1 increase as the
mechanical load applied to the squirrel-cage induction motor increases?

G Yes G No

G 11. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
motor speed (obtained from the Speed meter) as a function of the motor
torque (obtained from the Torque meter). Entitle the graph as G411, name
the x-axis as Squirrel-Cage Induction-Motor Torque, name the y-axis as
Squirrel-Cage Induction-Motor Speed, and print the graph.

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor
Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Briefly describe how the speed varies as the mechanical load applied to the
squirrel-cage induction motor increases, i.e. as the motor torque increases.

G 12. Indicate on graph G411 the nominal speed and torque of the squirrel-cage
induction motor measured previously.

Determine the breakdown torque of the squirrel-cage induction motor using

graph G411.


Determine the minimum-speed torque using graph G411. This torque is a

good approximation of the locked-rotor torque of the squirrel-cage induction


Compare the breakdown torque and locked-rotor torque with the nominal
torque of the squirrel-cage induction motor.

G 13. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
motor active (P) and reactive (Q) power (obtained from meters Act. Power
and React. Power, respectively) as a function of the motor speed (obtained
from the Speed meter) using the data recorded previously in the data table
(DT411). Entitle the graph as G411-1, name the x-axis as Squirrel-Cage
Induction-Motor Speed, name the y-axis as Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor
Active and Reactive Powers, and print the graph.

Does graph G411-1 confirm that the squirrel-cage induction motor always
draws reactive power from the ac power source?

G Yes G No

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor
Does graph G411-1 confirm that the squirrel-cage induction motor draws
more electrical power from the ac power source as it drives an heavier load?

G Yes G No

Observe that when the squirrel-cage induction motor rotates without load,
the reactive power exceeds the active power. What does this reveal?

G 14. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
motor line current ILINE (obtained from meter I line 1) as a function of the
motor speed (obtained from the Speed meter) using the data recorded
previously in the data table (DT411). Entitle the graph as G411-2, name the
x-axis as Squirrel-Cage Induction-Motor Speed, name the y-axis as
Squirrel-Cage Induction-Motor Line Current, and print the graph.

How does the line current vary as the motor speed decreases?

G 15. Indicate on graph G411-2 the nominal line current of the squirrel-cage
induction motor measured previously.

By how many times is the starting line current greater than the nominal line
current? (Use the line current measured at minimum speed as the starting

Direction of Rotation

G 16. On the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor, interchange any two of the
three leads connected to the stator windings.

Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the line
voltage indicated by meter E line 1 is approximately equal to the nominal
line voltage of the squirrel-cage induction motor.

What is the direction of rotation of the squirrel-cage induction motor?

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor
Does the squirrel-cage induction motor rotate opposite to the direction noted
previously in this exercise?

G Yes G No

G 17. On the Power Supply, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise,
then set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


In this exercise, you observed that when the nominal line voltage is applied to the
stator windings of a squirrel-cage induction motor without mechanical load, the rotor
turns at approximately the same speed as the rotating magnetic field (synchronous
speed). You saw that interchanging any two of the three leads supplying power to
the stator windings reverses the phase sequence, and thereby, causes the motor to
rotate in the opposite direction. You observed that the motor line currents increase
as the mechanical load increases, thus showing that the squirrel-cage induction
motor requires more electric power to drive heavier loads. You plotted a graph of
speed versus torque and used it to determine the nominal, breakdown, and locked-
rotor torques of the squirrel-cage induction motor. You also plotted a graph of the
motor reactive power versus speed and observed that the squirrel-cage induction
motor draws reactive power from the ac power source to create its magnetic field.
Finally, you plotted a graph of the motor line current versus speed and observed that
the starting current is many times greater than the nominal line current.


1. The speed of the rotating magnetic field created by three-phase power is called

a. no-load speed.
b. synchronous speed.
c. slip speed.
d. nominal speed.

2. The difference between the synchronous speed and the rotation speed of a
squirrel-cage induction motor is

a. known as slip.
b. always greater than 10%.
c. known as slip torque.
d. always less than 1%.

The Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motor
3. Reactive power is consumed by a squirrel-cage induction motor because

a. it uses three-phase power.

b. it does not require active power.
c. it requires reactive power to create the rotating magnetic field.
d. it has a squirrel-cage.

4. Does the speed of a squirrel-cage induction motor increase or decrease when

the motor load increases?

a. It increases.
b. It decreases.
c. It stays the same because speed is independent of motor load.
d. The speed oscillates around the original value.

5. What happens when two of the three leads supplying power to a squirrel-cage
induction motor are reversed?

a. The motor does not start.

b. Nothing.
c. The motor reverses its direction of rotation.
d. The motor consumes more reactive power.

Exercise 4-2
Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the main
operating characteristics of an eddy-current brake as well as those of an
asynchronous generator using the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor and
prime mover / dynamometer module.


Figure 4-10 illustrates the magnet and the conducting ladder shown previously in
Figure 4-1. This time, however, the magnet is fixed and the ladder is displaced
rapidly towards right.

Figure 4-10. Conducting Ladder Moving Below a Magnet.

This causes current to flow in the loop formed by conductors 1 and 2, as well as in
the loop formed by conductors 2 and 3. These currents create magnetic fields with
north and south poles as shown in Figure 4-11.

The interaction between the magnetic field of the magnet and the magnetic fields
produced by the currents induced in the ladder creates a force between the fixed
magnet and the moving electromagnet (the conducting ladder). This force causes the
ladder to be pulled along in the direction of the fixed magnet, and thereby, tends to
reduce the ladder speed. However, if the ladder stops moving, there is no longer a
variation in the magnetic flux. Consequently, there is no induced voltage to cause
current flow in the wire loops, meaning that there is no longer a magnetic force acting
on the ladder. Therefore, a magnetic braking force acts on the ladder as long as it
is moving. The greater the ladder speed (up to a certain limit), the greater the
variation in magnetic flux, and therefore, the greater the magnetic braking force
acting on the conducting ladder.

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator

Figure 4-11. Current in the Conductors Creates Magnetic Fields.

The above principle is used to advantage in the eddy-current brake, in which a fixed
(stator) electromagnet creates a braking torque that acts on a squirrel-cage rotor
obtained by closing a ladder similar to that shown in Figure 4-10 upon itself.
Figure 4-12 illustrates an eddy-current brake. Notice that a variable-voltage dc
source is used to make current flow in the stator electromagnet. Varying the dc
source voltage allows variation of the current in the electromagnet, and thereby,
variation of the electromagnet strength. The greater the electromagnet strength, the
greater the magnetic flux in the machine, the greater the currents induced in the
squirrel-cage rotor as it turns, and the greater the braking force.

Figure 4-12. Eddy-Current Brake.

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator
Note that mechanical energy from the driving machine is transferred to the eddy-
current brake during braking. This energy is converted to electrical energy that is
dissipated as heat in the squirrel-cage rotor of the eddy-current brake.

A braking force like that in eddy-current brake can be produced in squirrel-cage

induction motors. This occurs when the rotor rotates at a speed higher than that of
the rotating magnetic field (synchronous speed nS). This is equivalent to having a
fixed magnet and a moving ladder as in Figure 4-10. As in the eddy-current brake,
mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy when the speed of a squirrel-
cage induction motor is higher than the synchronous speed nS. However, most of this
energy is not dissipated as heat in the rotor of the squirrel-cage induction motor. It
is returned to the ac power source connected to the stator windings of the motor.
Therefore, a squirrel-cage induction motor operates as an asynchronous generator
when its speed is higher than the synchronous speed nS.

In brief, when the rotor of a squirrel-cage induction machine rotates slower than the
synchronous speed, the machine operates as a motor because the interaction of the
magnetic fields in the machine creates a force that tends to increase the rotor speed.
Conversely, when the rotor turns at a speed higher than the synchronous speed, the
interaction of the magnetic fields creates a force that tends to slow down the motor,
and thus, the machine operates as an asynchronous generator. Figure 4-13
illustrates the two cases.

Figure 4-13. Motor or Generator Operation Depends on the Squirrel-Cage Rotor Speed.

A particularity of the squirrel-cage induction machine is that it always requires

reactive power to operate. The reactive power is needed to create the rotating
magnetic field that is essential whether the machine operates as a motor or a
generator. If the rotor of a squirrel-cage motor is turned without the motor being
connected to an ac source, no output voltage is generated. This is because no
induced current flows in the rotor. In order for the squirrel-cage induction machine
to operate as an asynchronous generator, it must be connected to an ac source to
obtain the reactive power necessary for the rotating magnetic field. The speed
versus torque characteristic shown in Figure 4-14 illustrates both motor and
generator operation of a squirrel-cage induction machine.

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator

Figure 4-14. Speed Versus Torque Characteristic of a Squirrel-Cage Induction Machine.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-15, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will demonstrate eddy-current braking. An
eddy-current brake will be implemented by connecting one of the stator winding of
the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor to a dc power source through a
resistive load. Varying the value of the resistive load will allow variation of the
electromagnet current, and thereby, variation of the braking torque.

In the third part of the exercise, you will observe the operation of a squirrel-cage
induction motor operating as an asynchronous generator.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator
Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the Four-

Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer,

Model 8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC
output of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-15. Connect the three resistor
sections on the Resistive Load module in parallel to implement resistor R1.
Note that the resistance value of R1 is initially set to infinite (4).

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover /

Dynamometer to operate as a prime mover.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator

Figure 4-15. Circuit Used to Demonstrate Eddy-Current Braking.

Demonstrating Eddy-Current Braking

G 7. Turn the Power Supply on. Adjust the prime mover speed (indicated by the
Speed meter) to 150 r/min.

In the Metering window, set meter I line 1 in the dc mode and make sure
that the torque correction function of the Torque meter is enabled. The
Torque meter now indicates the braking torque TBRAKING caused by the
squirrel-cage induction motor.

Record the prime mover speed n, the electromagnet current IEM, and the
braking torque TBRAKING, in the following blank spaces. These parameters are
indicated by meters Speed, I line 1, and Torque, respectively. Also, record
the direction of rotation.

n= r/min


TBRAKING = NAm (lbfAin)

Direction of rotation :

G 8. Close the switches on the Resistive Load module one at a time to increase
the current in the stator electromagnet by steps. While doing this, observe
the speed and torque indicated in the Metering window.

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator
When all switches are closed, record the prime mover speed n, the
electromagnet current IEM, the braking torque TBRAKING, and the direction of
rotation in the following blank spaces.

n= r/min


TBRAKING = NAm (lbfAin)

Direction of rotation :

Turn the Power Supply off.

Describe how the braking torque varies when the electromagnet current is

Do the results demonstrate that the squirrel-cage induction motor operate

as an eddy-current brake?

G Yes G No

G 9. On the Resistive Load module, make the appropriate settings so that the
resistance value of resistor R1 is infinite.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer,

Model 8960-1, reverse the connection of the leads at the PRIME

Turn the Power Supply on and set the prime mover speed to !150 r/min.

Record the prime mover speed n, the electromagnet current IEM, the braking
torque TBRAKING (indicated in the Metering window) and the direction of
rotation in the following blank spaces.

n= r/min


TBRAKING = NAm (lbfAin)

Direction of rotation :

G 10. Close the switches on the Resistive Load module one at a time to increase
the current in the stator electromagnet by steps. While doing this, observe
the speed and torque indicated in the Metering window.

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator
When all switches are closed, record the prime mover speed n, the
electromagnet current IEM, the braking torque TBRAKING, and the direction of
rotation in the following blank spaces.

n= r/min


TBRAKING = NAm (lbfAin)

Direction of rotation :

Set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn the Power Supply off.

Describe how the braking torque varies when the electromagnet current is

Is the operation of the squirrel-cage induction motor affected by the direction

of rotation of the Prime Mover?

G Yes G No

Asynchronous Generator Operation

G 11. Modify the connections so that the equipment is connected as shown in

Figure 4-16. Do not connect lines A, B, and C of the three-phase power
source to the circuit for now. This will be done in another step.

Figure 4-16. Circuit Used to Demonstrate Asynchronous Generator Operation.

Turn the Power Supply on and set the prime mover speed (indicated by the
Speed meter) to 1200 r/min.

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator
Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer,
Model 8960-1, and the prime mover rotates in the
counterclockwise direction, turn the Power Supply off, reverse the
connection of the leads at the PRIME MOVER INPUT, turn the
Power Supply on, and adjust the speed.

Turn the Power Supply off without modifying the setting of the prime mover

G 12. Connect lines A, B, and C of the three-phase power source to the circuit as
shown in Figure 4-16.

Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover /

Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer. Set the dynamometer torque
control to minimum (fully CCW position).

In the Metering window, set meter I line 1 in the ac mode and set meters
Act. Power and Mech. Power so that they have a zero-centre analog-type
display and a 750-W scale.

G 13. Turn the Power Supply on and verify that the squirrel-cage induction
machine rotates clockwise.

Note: If the squirrel-cage induction machine rotates in the

counterclockwise direction, turn the Power Supply off, inter-
change two of the three leads supplying power to the machine,
and turn the Power Supply on.

G 14. On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by
the Torque meter in the Metering window is about 1.3 NAm (about
11.5 lbfAin).

Record in the following blank spaces the squirrel-cage induction machine

active power P, reactive power Q, mechanical power Pm, speed n, and
torque T. These parameters are indicated by meters Act. Power,
React. Power, Mech. Power, Speed, and Torque, respectively.

P= W Q= var

Pm = W n= r/min

T= NAm (lbfAin)

Does active power flow from the ac power source to the squirrel-cage
induction machine?

G Yes G No

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator
What does this indicate about the operation of the squirrel-cage induction

G 15. On the dynamometer, set the torque control to minimum

(fully CCW position).

Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover /

Dynamometer to operate as a prime mover. While doing this, observe the
squirrel-cage induction machine active power P, reactive power Q, and
mechanical power Pm.

Set the prime mover speed so that the machines rotate at the synchronous
speed of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.

Record in the following blank spaces the squirrel-cage induction machine

active power P, reactive power Q, mechanical power Pm, speed n, and
torque T. These parameters are indicated by meters Act. Power,
React. Power, Mech. Power, Speed, and Torque, respectively.

P= W Q= var

Pm = W n= r/min

T= NAm (lbfAin)

Does a significant amount of active power flow between the ac power

source and the squirrel-cage induction machine?

G Yes G No

G 16. Slowly adjust the prime mover speed so that the machines rotate at 105%
of the synchronous speed of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.

Record in the following blank spaces the squirrel-cage induction machine

active power P, reactive power Q, mechanical power Pm, speed n, and
torque T.

P= W Q= var

Pm = W n= r/min

T= NAm (lbfAin)

Does active power flow from the squirrel-cage induction machine to the ac
power source?

G Yes G No

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator

What does this indicate about the operation of the squirrel-cage induction

G 17. Set the prime mover speed to 0 then turn the Power Supply off.

Disconnect the three-phase power source from the circuit at points A, B,

and C shown in Figure 4-16.

Turn the Power Supply on and set the prime mover speed to
about 1000 r/min.

Record the line voltage ELINE generated by the asynchronous generator

(indicated by meter E line 1).


Does this confirm that generator operation is not possible unless the
squirrel-cage induction machine is connected to the a three-phase ac power

G Yes G No

G 18. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


Speed versus Torque Characteristic of a Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor for

Both the Motor and Generator Modes of Operation

You can obtain the speed versus torque characteristic of a squirrel-cage induction
motor for both the motor and generator modes of operation. To do so, set the
Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover / Dynamometer
to operate as a prime mover. Open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI and
select meter layout 2. Make sure the torque correction function of the Torque meter
is enabled. Make sure the Power Supply is turned off and refer to steps 11 to 13 of
this exercise to set up the circuit shown in Figure 4-16. Clear the data recorded in
the data table (if any). Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the
Prime Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a prime mover and adjust the prime
mover speed until the Torque meter indicates !2.7 NAm (!24.0 lbfAin). The machine

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator
speed should be greater than the synchronous speed when the torque is !2.7 NAm
(!24.0 lbfAin). Adjust the prime mover speed so that the torque indicated by the
Torque meter passes from !2.7 NAm (!24.0 lbfAin) to 0.0 NAm (0.0 lbfAin) in steps of
0.3 NAm (3.0 lbfAin). For each torque setting record the data in the Data Table.

After recording the data for 0.0 NAm (0.0 lbfAin), set the Four-Quadrant
Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a
dynamometer, then make sure the torque control on the prime mover is set to
minimum (turned fully CCW). Refer to step 9 of Exercise 4-1 to complete the
measurements. Turn the equipment off. Edit the data table so as to keep only the
values of the line voltage ELINE, line current ILINE, active power P, reactive power Q,
speed n, and torque T. Entitle the data table as DT421. Plot a graph of the speed
(obtained from the Speed meter) as a function of the torque (obtained from the
Torque meter). Entitle the graph as G421.


In this exercise, you demonstrated the concept of eddy-current braking using a

squirrel-cage induction motor. You observed that the braking torque increases as the
dc current flowing in the stator electromagnet increases. You observed that a three-
phase squirrel-cage induction motor can operate as an asynchronous generator
when it rotates at a speed higher than the synchronous speed nS. You saw that the
squirrel-cage induction motor returns active power to the ac power network when it
operates as a generator. You observed that reactive power is always required by the
squirrel-cage induction motor to create the rotating magnetic field, whether it
operates as a motor or generator.

If you have performed the additional experiments, you plotted a graph of speed
versus torque for a squirrel-cage induction motor. This graph covers both the motor
and generator modes of operation.


1. A fixed electromagnet that creates braking torque which acts on a squirrel-cage

rotor describes a magnetic

a. field.
b. wire.
c. brake (eddy-current brake).
d. flux.

2. When a squirrel-cage induction motor turns faster than the synchronous speed
determined by the ac network, it

a. consumes active and reactive power.

b. consumes active power and supplies reactive power.
c. supplies active power and supplies reactive power.
d. supplies active power and consumes reactive power.

Eddy-Current Brake
and Asynchronous Generator
3. A squirrel-cage induction motor always requires

a. reactive power to create the rotating magnetic field.

b. active power to create the rotating magnetic field.
c. a source of dc power to operate correctly.
d. a prime mover to help it start.

4. The speed of a squirrel-cage induction motor operating as an asynchronous


a. is less than the synchronous speed.

b. is equal to the synchronous speed.
c. is greater than the synchronous speed.
d. depends on the direction of rotation.

5. What will be the output voltage of an asynchronous generator turning at

synchronous speed if the generator is not connected to an ac source?

a. It will be zero except for a small voltage due to residual magnetism.

b. It will depend on the direction of rotation.
c. It will equal the nominal voltage rating of the generator.
d. It will be much higher than if the generator were connected to an ac source.

Exercise 4-3
Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to use the Four-Pole
Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor module to demonstrate how the voltage applied to an
induction motor affects its characteristics.


It is desirable to have a strong rotating magnetic field in induction motors to obtain

the strongest magnetic force possible between the stator and the rotor. This results
in a powerful motor because this allows a high torque to be developed. To increase
the strength of the rotating magnetic field, it is necessary to increase the ac voltage
applied to the stator windings of the induction motor (motor voltage). However, when
the motor voltage is increased too much, the motor current (current in the stator
windings) is large even at no load because the iron in the stator of the motor begins
to saturate. When the motor is saturated, the strength of the rotating magnetic field
almost ceases to increase as the no-load motor current is increased. To determine
the nominal voltage of an induction motor, a voltage versus current graph as shown
in Figure 4-17 is usually plotted when the motor operates without load. This graph
is similar to the saturation curve of a transformer or dc motor. The nominal voltage
is selected so that the motor operating point is located near or in the knee of the
saturation curve.

Figure 4-17. No-Load Voltage Versus Current Characteristic of an Induction Motor.

It is also possible to plot the speed versus torque characteristic for different motor
voltages. Figure 4-18 shows an example of speed versus torque characteristics for
both nominal and reduced motor voltages.

Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors

Figure 4-18. Speed Versus Torque Characteristics for Nominal and Reduced Motor Voltages.

As shown in Figure 4-18, both the locked-rotor torque and the breakdown torque
decrease greatly when the motor voltage is reduced. In practice, the torque
decreases by a factor equal to the square of the reduction factor of the motor
voltage. For example, the torque is reduced by a factor of four when the motor
voltage is reduced by a factor of two (i.e. decreased to one half its original value). In
some circumstances, the motor voltage is reduced intentionally to obtain small
variations in the speed of an induction motor. Furthermore, reducing the motor
voltage allows the starting current of the motor to be lowered.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation and
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-19.

In the second part of the exercise, you will vary the voltage applied to the windings
of the squirrel-cage induction motor at no load while measuring and recording the
winding current. You will plot a graph of the winding voltage versus the winding
current and observe the effect of saturation.

In the third part of the exercise, you will set up the circuit shown in Figure 4-20 and
make the appropriate settings on the equipment. You will then set the voltage
applied to the squirrel-cage induction motor below the nominal value to see the effect
this has on the no-load speed.

In the fourth part of the exercise, you will vary the load applied to the squirrel-cage
induction motor operating with reduced voltage. For each load setting, you will record
in the data table various electrical and mechanical parameters related to the motor.
You will then use this data to plot various graphs and determine many of the
characteristics of the squirrel-cage induction motor when it operates with reduced

Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors

Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer,

Model 8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC
output of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-19.

Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors
Note: The windings of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction
Motor are connected in delta to allow a greater voltage to be
applied to the windings.

Figure 4-19. Delta Connection of the Stator Windings of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction

Induction Motor Saturation

G 6. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the
voltage applied to each of the squirrel-cage induction motor windings
(indicated by meter E line 1) is equal to 50% of the nominal voltage of these

Note: The nominal voltage and current of the windings of the

Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor are indicated by the
module front panel.

Record the winding voltage and the winding current (indicated by

meter I line 1) in the Data Table.

G 7. On the Power Supply, turn the voltage control knob in 5% increments up to

the 100% position to increase the winding voltage by steps. For each
voltage setting, record the winding voltage and current in the Data Table.

Note: The nominal line current of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage

Induction Motor is exceeded while performing this manipulation.
It is, therefore, suggested to complete the manipulation within a
time interval of 5 minutes or less.

When all data has been recorded, turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise and turn the Power Supply off.

Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors

G 8. In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT431, and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

G 9. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
motor winding voltage (obtained from meter E line 1) as a function of the
motor winding current (obtained from meter I line 1). Entitle the graph as
G431, name the x-axis as Squirrel-Cage Induction-Motor Winding Current,
name the y-axis as Squirrel-Cage Induction-Motor Winding Voltage, and
print the graph.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

G 10. Indicate the nominal winding voltage of the squirrel-cage induction motor in
graph G431.

Is the nominal winding voltage located near the knee of the motor saturation

G Yes G No

Referring to graph G431, does the equivalent impedance of the induction

motor at no-load seem to decrease as the winding voltage is increased?

G Yes G No

G 11. Use graph G431 to approximate the winding voltage (EWINDING) at which
nominal current flows in the motor windings (when no load is applied to the

EWINDING – V (at nominal winding current and with no load)

Note: If the motor is operated at this voltage, winding current will

exceed the nominal value as soon as the motor is mechanically
loaded and the motor will overheat.

Effect of Voltage on the Speed of an Induction Motor

G 12. Remove all leads except the 24-V ac power cables.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the Four-

Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.

Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors
Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-20.

Figure 4-20. Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

G 13. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer, then set the
dynamometer torque control to minimum (fully CCW position).

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

G 14. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the line
voltage indicated by meter E line 1 is equal to 75% of the nominal line
voltage of the squirrel-cage induction motor.

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

Record in the following blank space the no-load speed n of the motor
indicated by the Speed meter in the Metering window.

n= r/min (at 75% of the nominal motor line voltage)

Is the no-load speed obtained when the line voltage is set to 75% of the
nominal value less than the no-load speed obtained when the line voltage
is set to the nominal value, as in step 7 of Exercise 4-1?

G Yes G No

Does changing the voltage applied to the squirrel-cage induction motor

allow the speed to be changed?

G Yes G No

Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors

Induction Motor Characteristics at Reduced Voltage

G 15. In the Metering window, clear the data recorded in the Data Table and make
sure that the torque correction function of the Torque meter is enabled. The
Torque meter now indicates the output torque of the squirrel-cage induction

Record the motor line voltage ELINE, line current ILINE, active power P,
reactive power Q, speed n, and output torque T in the Data Table. These
parameters are indicated by meters E line 1, I line 1, Act. Power,
React. Power, Speed, and Torque, respectively.

On the dynamometer, set the torque control so that the torque indicated by
the Torque meter in the Metering window increases by 0.3 N@m (2.0 lbf@in)
increments up to 1.2 NAm (11.0 lbfAin). For each torque setting, record the
data in the Data Table.

On the dynamometer, continue to adjust the torque control so that the

torque indicated by the Torque meter increases by on the module display
increases by 0.1 NAm (1.0 lbfAin) increments, until the motor speed starts to
decrease fairly rapidly (breakdown torque region). For each torque setting,
record the data in the Data Table.

Once the motor speed has stabilized, record the data in the Data Table.

Note: The nominal line current of the Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage

Induction Motor may be exceeded while performing this
manipulation. It is, therefore, suggested to complete the
manipulation within a time interval of 5 minutes or less.

G 16. When all data has been recorded, set the torque control on the
dynamometer to minimum (fully CCW), turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise, and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT432, and print the data table.

Does the motor line current indicated in column I line 1 increase as the
mechanical load applied to the squirrel-cage induction motor increases?

G Yes G No

G 17. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
motor speed (obtained from meter N) as a function of the motor torque
(obtained from meter T). Entitle the graph as G432, name the x-axis as
Squirrel-Cage Induction-Motor Torque, name the y-axis as Squirrel-Cage
Induction-Motor Speed, and print the graph.

Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors
Determine the breakdown torque of the squirrel-cage induction motor using
graph G432.


(with motor voltage reduced to 75% of the nominal value)

Determine the minimum-speed torque using graph G432. This torque is a

good approximation of the locked-rotor torque of the squirrel-cage induction


(with motor voltage reduced to 75% of the nominal value)

Compare the breakdown torque and locked-rotor torque obtained when the
motor voltage is set to 75% of the nominal value to those obtained when the
motor voltage is set to the nominal value, as in step 12 of Exercise 4-1.

Does reducing the motor voltage decrease the torque developed by the

G Yes G No

G 18. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
motor active (P) and reactive (Q) power values (obtained from
meters Act. Power and React. Power, respectively) as a function of the
motor speed (obtained from the Speed meter) using the data recorded
previously in data table DT432. Entitle the graph as G432-1, name the
x-axis as Squirrel-Cage Induction-Motor Speed, name the y-axis as Squirrel-
Cage Induction Motor Active and Reactive Powers, and print the graph.

Compare the active and reactive powers obtained when the motor voltage
is set to 75% of the nominal value (graph G432-1) to those obtained when
the motor voltage is set to the nominal value (graph G411-1 obtained in
Exercise 4-1).

G 19. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
motor line current ILINE (obtained from meter I line 1) as a function of the
motor speed (obtained from the Speed meter) using the data recorded

Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors
previously in data table DT432. Entitle the graph as G432-2, name the
x-axis as Squirrel-Cage Induction-Motor Speed, name the y-axis as Squirrel-
Cage Induction-Motor Line Current, and print the graph.

Compare the starting current (line current at low speeds) obtained when the
motor voltage is set to 75% of the nominal value (graph G432-2) to that
obtained when the motor voltage is set to the nominal value (graph G411-2
obtained in Exercise 4-1).

Does reducing the motor voltage decrease the motor starting current?

G Yes G No

G 20. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


In this exercise, you observed that the winding current increases greatly when the
nominal winding voltage is exceeded because saturation occurs in the squirrel-cage
induction motor. You plotted the saturation curve of the squirrel-cage induction motor
and found that the nominal voltage of the motor is located near the knee of the curve.
You plotted a graph of speed versus torque with reduced voltage applied to the
squirrel-cage induction motor. You used this graph to determine the breakdown and
locked-rotor torques of the motor. You found that reducing the motor voltage
decreases the torque developed by the motor at any speed. You also plotted a graph
of the motor active and reactive powers versus speed and observed that the squirrel-
cage induction motor draws less power from the ac power source when the motor
voltage is reduced. Finally, you plotted a graph of the motor line current versus
speed and observed that reducing the motor voltage decreases the starting current
(line current at low speeds).


1. How is motor torque affected when the motor voltage is decreased?

a. It decreases.
b. It increases.
c. It does not change.
d. It depends on the speed of the motor.

Effect of Voltage on the Characteristics
of Induction Motors
2. What variation in torque is caused by a motor voltage reduction of 50%?

a. An increase of 25%.
b. A decrease of 50%.
c. A decrease of 75%.
d. A decrease of 100%.

3. When the strength of the stator electromagnet is increased, the torque produced
by a squirrel-cage induction motor

a. does not change.

b. decreases.
c. increases.
d. Torque only depends on the size of the motor.

4. The current in the stator winding of a squirrel-cage induction motor greatly

increases when the nominal winding voltage is exceeded because

a. the motor develops a large torque.

b. saturation occurs in the motor.
c. squirrel-cage reaction occurs in the motor.
d. because reactive power is consumed in the motor.

5. What advantage is obtained by reducing the voltage applied to a squirrel-cage

induction motor?

a. The line current is reduced during starting.

b. The motor brushes suffer less damage.
c. The starting torque is increased.
d. The danger of motor runaway is avoided.

Exercise 4-4
Single-Phase Induction Motors


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the main
operating characteristics of single-phase induction motors using the Capacitor-Start
Motor module.


It is possible to obtain a single-phase squirrel-cage induction motor using a simple

electromagnet connected to a single-phase ac power source as shown in
Figure 4-21.

Figure 4-21. Simple Single-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.

The operating principle of this type of motor is more complex than that of the three-
phase squirrel-cage induction motor. The simple induction motor of Figure 4-21 can
even be considered as an eddy-current brake that brakes in an intermittent manner
since the sinusoidal current in the stator electromagnet continually passes from
peaks to zeros. One could even wonder how this motor can turn since it seems to
operate similarly as an eddy-current brake.

However, when the rotor of the simple induction motor of Figure 4-21 is turned
manually, a torque which acts in the direction of rotation is produced, and the motor
continues to turn as long as ac power is supplied to the stator electromagnet. This
torque is due to a rotating magnetic field that results from the interaction of the
magnetic field produced by the stator electromagnet and the magnetic field produced
by the currents induced in the rotor. A graph of speed versus torque for this type of
motor is shown in Figure 4-22. The curve shows that the torque is very small at low
speeds. It increases to a maximum value as the speed increases, and finally
decreases towards zero again when the speed approaches the synchronous
speed nS.

Single-Phase Induction Motors

Figure 4-22. Speed Versus Torque Characteristic of a Single-Phase Induction Motor.

The low torque values at low speeds are due to the fact that the currents induced in
the rotor produce magnetic fields that create forces which act on the rotor in various
directions. Most of these forces cancel each other and the resulting force acting on
the rotor is weak. This explains why the single-phase induction motor shown in
Figure 4-21 must be started manually. To obtain torque at low speeds (starting
torque), a rotating magnetic field must be produced in the stator when the motor is
starting. In Unit 1 of this manual, you saw that it is possible to create a rotating
magnetic field using two alternating currents, I1 and I2, that are phase shifted 90E
from one another, and two electromagnets placed at right angles to each other.

Figure 4-23. Adding a Second Electromagnet to the Simple Induction Motor of Figure 4-21.

Figure 4-23 shows the simple induction motor of Figure 4-21 with the addition of a
second electromagnet placed at right angle to the first electromagnet. The second
electromagnet is identical to the first one and is connected to the same ac power
source. The currents I1 and I2 in the electromagnets (winding currents) are in phase
because the coils have the same impedance. However, because of the inductance

Single-Phase Induction Motors

of the coils of the electromagnets, there is a phase shift between the currents and
the ac source voltage as illustrated in the phasor diagram of Figure 4-23.

Since currents I1 and I2 are in phase, there is no rotating magnetic field produced in
the stator. However, it is possible to phase shift current I2 by connecting a capacitor
in series with the winding of electromagnet 2. The capacitance of the capacitor can
be selected so that current I2 leads current I1 by 90E when the motor is starting as
shown in Figure 4-24. As a result, an actual rotating magnetic field like that
previously illustrated in Unit 1 is created when the motor is starting. The capacitor
creates the equivalent of a two-phase ac power source and allows the motor to
develop starting torque.

Figure 4-24. Adding a Capacitor Allows the Induction Motor to Develop Starting Torque.

Another way to create a phase shift between currents I1 and I2 is to make a winding
with fewer turns of smaller-sized wire. The resulting winding, which is called auxiliary
winding, has more resistance and less inductance, and the winding current is almost
in phase with the source voltage. Although the phase shift between the two currents

Single-Phase Induction Motors

is less than 90E when the motor is starting, as shown in Figure 4-25, a rotating
magnetic field is created. The torque produced is sufficient for the motor to start
rotating in applications not requiring high values of starting torque.

Figure 4-25. Phase Shift Between the Winding Currents when an Auxiliary Winding Is Used.

However, the auxiliary winding cannot support high currents for more than a few
seconds without being damaged because it is made of fine wire. It is therefore
connected through a centrifugal switch which opens and disconnects the winding
from the motor circuit when the motor reaches about 75% of the normal speed. After
the centrifugal switch opened, the rotating magnetic field is maintained by the
interaction of the magnetic fields produced by the stator and the rotor.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation and
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-26.

In the second part of the exercise, you will observe both two-phase and single-phase
operation of the three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor using the Phasor

In the third part of the exercise, you will observe the operation of a single-phase
induction motor using a capacitor-start motor and the Phasor Analyzer.

Single-Phase Induction Motors


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer,

Model 8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC
output of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 1.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 4-26.

Single-Phase Induction Motors

Figure 4-26. Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor.

Two-Phase and Single-Phase Operation of a Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage

Induction Motor

G 6. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the
voltage applied to each of the motor windings (indicated by meter E line 1)
is equal to the nominal voltage of these windings.

Note: The nominal voltage and current of the windings of the

Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor are indicated on the
module front panel.

Does the squirrel-cage induction motor start readily and rotate normally?

G Yes G No

G 7. In the Phasor Analyzer window, select the phasor of the ac source line-to-
neutral voltage (channel E1) as the reference phasor, then make the proper
settings to observe this voltage, as well as the phasors representing the line
currents in the three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor (channels I1, I2,
and I3).

Are the line current phasors (I1, I2, and I3) all equal in magnitude and
separated by a phase angle of 120E, thus showing they create a normal
rotating magnetic field?

G Yes G No

G 8. Turn the Power Supply off.

Single-Phase Induction Motors

Open the circuit at point A shown in Figure 4-26. Make sure that input
VOLTAGE E1 of the data acquisition module remains connected to the
ac power source.

G 9. Turn the Power Supply on.

Does the squirrel-cage induction motor start readily and rotate normally?

G Yes G No

In the Phasor Analyzer window, observe the current phasors on

channels I2 and I3. Is there a phase shift between these phasors to create
a rotating magnetic field?

G Yes G No

G 10. Turn the Power Supply off and turn the voltage control knob fully

Open the circuit at point B shown in Figure 4-26.

G 11. Turn the Power Supply on, set the voltage control knob to about 50%, wait
approximately 5 seconds, then turn the Power Supply off and turn the
voltage control knob fully counterclockwise.

Does the squirrel-cage induction motor start readily and rotate normally?

G Yes G No

G 12. Use the Capacitive Load module to connect a capacitor to the motor circuit
as shown in Figure 4-27. Set the capacitance of the capacitor to the value
indicated in the figure.

G 13. Turn the Power Supply on and slowly set the voltage control knob to 100%.
While doing this, observe phasors I2 and I3 in the Phasor Analyzer window
as the voltage increases.

Does the squirrel-cage induction motor start to rotate? Briefly explain why.

Single-Phase Induction Motors

Figure 4-27. Adding a Capacitor to the Motor Circuit.

G 14. On the Capacitive Load module, open the switches to disconnect the
capacitor from the motor circuit and cut off the current in one of the two
windings of the squirrel-cage induction motor.

Does the squirrel-cage induction motor continue to rotate, thus showing that
it can operate on single-phase ac power once it has started?

G Yes G No

Turn the Power Supply off and turn the voltage control knob fully

Operation of a Single-Phase Induction Motor (Capacitor-Start Type)

G 15. Remove all leads except the 24-V ac power cable then set up the capacitor-
start motor circuit shown in Figure 4-28.

Single-Phase Induction Motors

Figure 4-28. Capacitor-Start Motor Circuit.

G 16. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob to about 10%.

In the Phasor Analyzer window, make the proper settings to observe the
source voltage phasor (channel E1) and current phasor (channel I1).
Observe that the current phasor (representing the main winding current)
lags the source voltage phasor.

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to the 50% position.

Does the capacitor-start motor start to rotate?

G Yes G No

G 17. Turn the Power Supply off and turn the voltage control knob fully

Connect the auxiliary winding of the Capacitor-Start Motor module as shown

in Figure 4-29.

Figure 4-29. Connecting the Auxiliary Winding to the Capacitor-Start Motor Circuit.

Single-Phase Induction Motors

G 18. Turn the Power Supply on and slowly set the voltage control knob to
about 10%.

Observe the current phasors (channels I1 and I2) in the Phasor Analyzer
window. These phasors represent the main winding current and the auxiliary
winding current, respectively.

Is the phase shift of the auxiliary-winding current phasor with respect to the
source voltage phasor (channel E1) less than that of the main-winding
current phasor, thus confirming that the impedance of the auxiliary winding
is more resistive and less inductive when the motor is starting?

G Yes G No

Is the phase shift between the current phasors (channels I1 and I2) less
than 90E?

G Yes G No

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to the 50% position.

Does the capacitor-start motor start to rotate?

G Yes G No

Note: Since the nominal current of the auxiliary winding of the

Capacitor-Start Motor may be exceeded while performing this
manipulation, it is suggested to complete the manipulation within
a time interval as short as possible.

However, if the circuit breaker on the Capacitor-Start Motor trips,

turn the Power Supply off, reset the breaker, turn the Power
Supply on and continue the manipulation.

G 19. Turn the Power Supply off and turn the voltage control knob fully

Modify the capacitor-start motor circuit by connecting the capacitor on the

Capacitor-Start Motor module in series with the auxiliary winding as shown
in Figure 4-30.

Single-Phase Induction Motors

Figure 4-30. Connecting a Capacitor in Series with the Auxiliary Winding.

G 20. Turn the Power Supply on and slowly set the voltage control knob to
about 10%.

Observe the current phasors (channels I1 and I2) in the Phasor Analyzer

Does connecting a capacitor in series with the auxiliary winding create a

phase shift of approximately 90E between the current phasors?

G Yes G No

On the Power Supply, set the voltage control knob to the 50% position.

Does the capacitor-start motor start to rotate?

G Yes G No

Let the motor operate during a few minutes while observing the current
phasors (on channels I1 and I2) in the Phasor Analyzer window.

Describe what happens.

G 21. Turn the Power Supply off and turn the voltage control knob fully

On the Capacitor-Start Motor, reset the tripped circuit breaker.

Single-Phase Induction Motors

Modify the capacitor-start motor circuit by connecting the centrifugal switch

on the Capacitor-Start Motor module in series with the auxiliary winding and
the capacitor as shown in Figure 4-31.

G 22. Turn the Power Supply on and slowly set the voltage control knob to 100%.
While doing this, observe the current phasors (on channels I1 and I2) in the
Phasor Analyzer window as the voltage increases.

Does the capacitor-start motor start to rotate?

G Yes G No

Briefly explain why the auxiliary-winding current phasor (channel I2)

disappears a little after the motor has started to rotate.

Figure 4-31. Connecting a Centrifugal Switch in Series with the Auxiliary Winding and Capacitor.

G 23. On the Power Supply, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise
then set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.

Single-Phase Induction Motors


In this exercise, you observed that a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor starts
and runs almost normally when powered by only two phases of a three-phase ac
power source, because a rotating magnetic field is maintained. However, you saw
that when only one phase is connected to the motor, there is no rotating magnetic
field and the motor is not able to start rotating. You demonstrated that adding an
auxiliary winding and a capacitor to an induction motor allows it to start and run
normally when powered by a single-phase ac power source. You saw that this
produces two currents (the main- and auxiliary-winding currents) that are phase
shifted of approximately 90E, and that these currents produce the necessary rotating
magnetic field when the motor is starting. Finally, you observed that a centrifugal
switch is used to disconnect the auxiliary winding when the single-phase induction
motor reaches sufficient speed to maintain the rotating magnetic field.


1. When only two phases are connected to a three-phase squirrel-cage induction

motor, it

a. runs almost normally.

b. turns in the opposite direction.
c. does not start.
d. affects the amount of reactive power supplied by the motor.

2. When only one phase is connected to a three-phase squirrel-cage induction

motor, it

a. runs almost normally.

b. turns in the opposite direction.
c. does not start or it starts rotating abnormally.
d. affects the amount of reactive power supplied by the motor.

3. An auxiliary winding and a capacitor are added to a single-phase induction motor

to help

a. it start.
b. to increase the starting torque.
c. to produce a phase shift between the winding currents.
d. All of the above.

4. Single-phase induction motors of the capacitor-start type use a centrifugal switch


a. add an auxiliary winding and a capacitor to the motor circuit.

b. remove an auxiliary winding and a capacitor from the motor circuit.
c. add resistance only to the starting circuit.
d. remove resistance only from the starting circuit.

Single-Phase Induction Motors

5. The auxiliary winding has fewer turns of finer wire and therefore has

a. lower resistance and higher inductance.

b. lower resistance and lower inductance.
c. higher resistance and higher inductance.
d. higher resistance and lower inductance.

Unit Test

1. When a magnet moves above a conducting ladder, the currents induced in the
ladder produces a magnetic field. This field interacts with the magnetic field of
the magnet to produce a force that

a. pulls the ladder in the direction opposite to the direction of the moving
b. pulls the ladder in the same direction as the moving magnet.
c. brakes the ladder.
d. None of the above.

2. In a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor, the rotating magnetic field is

produced by

a. two electromagnets placed at right angle from each other and two sine wave
currents phase shifted of 90E from one another.
b. three electromagnets placed at 90E from each other and three sine wave
currents phase shifted of 120E from one another.
c. three electromagnets placed at 120E from each other and three sine wave
currents phase shifted of 120E from one another.
d. three electromagnets placed at 120E from each other and three sine wave
currents phase shifted of 90E from one another.

3. The slip is the difference between the

a. synchronous speed and the rotor speed of an induction motor.

b. no-load and full-load speeds of an induction motor.
c. synchronous speed and the full-load speed of an induction motor.
d. synchronous speed and the no-load speed of an induction motor.

4. The torque developed by an induction motor is zero when it rotates at

synchronous speed because

a. the full-load speed is equal to the synchronous speed.

b. squirrel-cage reaction occurs.
c. no currents are induced in the rotor.
d. the currents induced in the rotor cancel out.

5. The direction of rotation of a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor depends

on the

a. residual magnetism in the squirrel-cage rotor.

b. interaction of the stator and rotor magnetic fields.
c. design of the induction motor.
d. phase sequence of the voltage applied to the motor stator windings.

Unit Test (cont’d)

6. When a conducting ladder moves below a fixed magnet, the currents induced
in the ladder produces a magnetic field. This field interacts with the magnetic
field of the magnet to produce a force that

a. changes the direction in which the ladder moves.

b. pulls the ladder in the same direction.
c. brakes the ladder.
d. None of the above.

7. A three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor connected to a three-phase power


a. cannot operate as an asynchronous generator.

b. operates as a motor when it rotates at speeds higher than the synchronous
c. operates as an asynchronous generator when it rotates at speeds higher
than the synchronous speed.
d. always operates as an asynchronous generator because it always requires
reactive power.

8. A three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor produces a torque of 30 NAm

(266 lbfAin) at a speed of 1250 r/min when the voltage applied to each winding
is 300 V. What torque will be developed at the same speed if the voltage is
reduced to 250 V?

a. 20.8 NAm (184 lbfAin)

b. 25.0 NAm (221 lbfAin)
c. 36.0 NAm (319 lbfAin)
d. 43.0 NAm (382 lbfAin)

9. When a single-phase squirrel-cage induction motor rotates, the rotating

magnetic field is produced by the interaction

a. between the main and auxiliary stator windings.

b. of the magnetic fields in the main stator winding and the rotor.
c. of the magnetic fields in the auxiliary stator winding and the rotor.
d. between the capacitor, the main stator winding, and the rotor.

10. An auxiliary winding is required in a single-phase induction motor to

a. reduce squirrel-cage reaction.

b. allow the motor to produce starting torque.
c. reduce the reactive power required to produce the rotating magnetic field.
d. allow the motor to rotate at higher speeds.

Unit 5

Synchronous Motors


After completing this unit, you will be able to demonstrate and explain the operating
characteristics of synchronous motors using the Synchronous Motor / Generator


The principles of operation of the three-phase synchronous motor are very similar
to those of the three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. The stator is usually built
in the same way (refer to Figure 4-4), and it creates a rotating magnetic field the
same as illustrated in Figure 4-6. The rotor of the synchronous motor, however, is
not a squirrel-cage construction, but rather a permanent magnet or an electromagnet
installed on the motor shaft, as shown in Figure 5-1. This rotor is pulled along by the
rotating magnetic field exactly as shown in Unit 1.

Figure 5-1. Rotor of a Synchronous Motor.

Synchronous Motors

There is, however, a problem when starting a synchronous motor. When three-phase
ac power is applied to the stator windings, a rotating magnetic field at synchronous
speed nS is immediately created. Since the rotor is at rest, it cannot catch up to the
rotating magnetic field and the resulting torque acting on the rotor is fairly weak.

One way to aid in starting a synchronous motor having a rotor of the electromagnet
type is to add a squirrel-cage to the rotor. During start-up, power is removed from the
rotor electromagnet and three-phase ac power is applied to the stator windings. A
rotating magnetic field is created, currents are induced in the squirrel cage, and the
motor starts to rotate like a conventional three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor.
When the motor speed stabilizes, dc power is applied to the electromagnet and the
rotor locks to the rotating magnetic field and turns at exactly the synchronous
speed nS.

A synchronous motor with a permanent-magnet rotor cannot be started this way

because the permanent magnet cannot be turned off. In this case, a variable-
frequency ac source is used to supply power to the stator windings of the permanent-
magnet synchronous motor. The frequency of the ac source is first set to a low value.
This creates a stator magnetic field that rotates at a low speed, and thereby, allows
the rotor to catch up to this field. The frequency of the ac source is then increased
gradually to increase the speed to the desired value.

Exercise 5-1

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate how to start
a synchronous motor as well as some characteristics of a synchronous motor using
the Synchronous Motor / Generator module.


The most interesting features of the three-phase synchronous motor are its ability to
operate at exactly the same speed as the rotating magnetic field, the capability of
running at unity power factor, and to be able to supply reactive power to an ac power
source. As seen in Unit 4, an asynchronous motor always consumes reactive power,
whether it operates as a motor or a generator. This is because the squirrel-cage
induction motor requires reactive power to produce the rotating magnetic field. In the
case of the three-phase synchronous motor, the rotating magnetic field is the sum
of the magnetic fields produced by the stator and the rotor. If the rotor field is weak,
the stator must contribute almost all the reactive power for the rotating magnetic
field. The motor thus consumes reactive power like an inductor or an asynchronous
motor. However, if the rotor field is strong, the stator acts to decrease the resulting
field, and the motor thus supplies reactive power like a capacitor.

A graph of the reactive power Q versus the field current IF (current in the rotor
electromagnet) of a three-phase synchronous motor operating without load is shown
in Figure 5-2. When the field current IF is minimum, the magnetic field produced by
the rotor is weak and the motor consumes a maximum of reactive power
(Q is positive). The reactive power that is consumed decreases to zero as current IF
increases because the strength of the magnetic field produced by the rotor
increases. When current IF exceeds a certain value that depends on the
characteristics of the motor, the rotor magnetic field is so strong that the motor starts
to supply reactive power, i.e. Q becomes negative as illustrated in Figure 5-2.

The graph of the reactive power Q versus the field current IF shows that a three-
phase synchronous motor without load behaves like a three-phase reactive load
whose nature (inductive or capacitive) and value depend on the field current IF.
Therefore, three-phase synchronous motors without load are also known as
synchronous condensers when used to control the power factor on three-phase
power networks.

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

Figure 5-2. Reactive Power Q Versus Field Current IF for a Three-Phase Synchronous Motor
Operating Without Load.

The graph of the line current IL versus the field current IF for a three-phase
synchronous motor is a "V" type curve like that shown in Figure 5-3. This graph
shows that the line current to the motor can be minimized by setting the field
current IF to the appropriate value. The field current required to minimize the line
current is the same as that required to decrease the reactive power to zero.
Therefore, the motor reactive power is zero when the line current is minimum.

Figure 5-3. Line Current IL Versus Field Current IF for a Three-Phase Synchronous Motor Operating
Without Load.

The most inconvenient aspect of a three-phase synchronous motor is that it does not
start easily, as is explained earlier in this unit.

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-4, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will see how to start a three-phase
synchronous motor with a rotor of the electromagnet type. You will also vary the field
current to see if this affects the motor speed and line current.

In the third part of the exercise, you will vary the field current by steps. For each step,
you will record in the data table various electrical parameters related to the three-
phase synchronous motor. You will then use this data to plot various graphs and
determine many of the characteristics of the three-phase synchronous motor.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

Synchronous Motor / Generator.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-4. Connect the three resistor
sections on the Resistive Load module in parallel to implement resistor R1.

Figure 5-4. Synchronous Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer, then set the
dynamometer torque control to maximum (fully CW position).

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

Starting a Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

G 7. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to the

I (closed) position and turn the EXCITER knob fully clockwise.

Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the line
voltage indicated by meter E line 1 is equal to the nominal line voltage of the
synchronous motor.

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

Record the starting torque TSTART of the synchronous motor (indicated by the
Torque meter in the Metering window).

TSTART = NAm (lbfAin) (rotor electromagnet turned on)

G 8. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to

the O (open) position.

Record the starting torque TSTART of the synchronous motor in the following
blank space.

TSTART = NAm (lbfAin) (rotor electromagnet turned off)

Compare the starting torque obtained when the rotor electromagnet is

turned off to that obtained when the rotor electromagnet is turned on.

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

From the results obtained so far, would you conclude that it is desirable to
turn the rotor electromagnet off before starting the synchronous motor?
Briefly explain.

G 9. On the dynamometer, slowly set the torque control to minimum (fully CCW),
wait until the synchronous motor speed stabilizes, and record the motor
speed n (indicated by the Speed meter) in the following blank space.

n= r/min

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER knob to the mid
position then set the EXCITER switch to the I (closed) position.

Does the motor speed n change?

G Yes G No

Record the motor speed n in the following blank space.

n= r/min

Is the motor speed now approximately equal to the nominal speed of the
Synchronous Motor / Generator (synchronous speed nS)?

G Yes G No

G 10. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, slowly vary the setting of the
EXCITER knob between the MIN. and MAX. positions to vary the field
current IF [indicated by meter I field (IF)]. While doing this, observe the motor
speed n and the motor line current ILINE indicated by the Speed meter and
meter I line 1, respectively.

Does varying the field current IF vary the motor speed n?

G Yes G No

Does the motor line current ILINE vary when the field current IF is varied?

G Yes G No

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER knob to the

MIN. position.

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

Characteristics of a Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

G 11. Change the value of resistor R1 and vary the setting of the EXCITER knob
on the Synchronous Motor / Generator so that the field current IF [indicated
by meter I field (IF)] passes from the minimum current to the maximum
current indicated in the following table, in ten steps that are spaced as
equally as possible. Note that it may be necessary to short circuit resistor R1
to increase the field current to the maximum value indicated in the table. For
each current setting, record the motor line voltage ELINE, line current ILINE,
field current IF, active power P, and reactive power Q in the data table.
These parameters are indicated by meters E line 1, I line 1, I field (IF),
Act. Power, and React. Power, respectively.



V ac mA

120 300 to 900

220 100 to 500

240 100 to 500

Table 5-1. Range of Field Current.

G 12. When all data has been recorded, turn the voltage control knob fully
counterclockwise, and turn the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT511, and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

G 13. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
motor line current ILINE (obtained from meter I line 1) as a function of the field
current IF [obtained from meter I field (IF)]. Entitle the graph as G511, name
the x-axis as Synchronous Motor Field Current, name the y-axis as
Synchronous Motor Line Current, and print the graph.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Approximate the field current IF that minimizes the motor line current ILINE
using graph G511. Record your result in the following blank space.

IF – A (for reducing the motor line current to minimum)

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

G 14. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
motor active power P and reactive power Q (obtained from
meters Act. Power and React. Power, respectively) as a function of the field
current IF [obtained from meter I field (IF)] using the data recorded previously
in the data table. Entitle the graph as G511-1, name the x-axis as
Synchronous Motor Field Current, name the y-axis as Synchronous Motor
Active and Reactive Power, and print the graph.

Does varying the field current IF vary the active power consumed by the
synchronous motor significantly?

G Yes G No

How does the motor reactive power Q vary when the field current IF

Could a synchronous motor operating without load be used to improve the

power factor of a three-phase power network? Briefly explain.

G 15. Determine the field current IF for which the reactive power Q is zero using
graph G511-1. Record your result in the following blank space.

IF = A (for reducing the motor reactive power to zero)

Compare the field current that sets the reactive power Q to zero with the
field current that minimizes the motor line current ILINE.

From the results obtained so far, can you conclude that the motor line
current is minimum when the reactive power is zero?

G Yes G No

G 16. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


In this exercise, you saw that the rotor electromagnet must be turned off when
starting a synchronous motor, to obtain a higher torque. You observed that once a
synchronous motor rotates at a fairly high speed, the rotor electromagnet can be
turned on to make the motor turn at the synchronous speed nS. You found that
varying the field current IF of a synchronous motor (current in the rotor electro-
magnet) varies the motor line current ILINE as well as the motor reactive power Q. You
plotted graphs of the motor line current, active power P, and reactive power Q versus
the field current. You found that the synchronous motor line current can be
minimized by adjusting the field current. You observed that the synchronous motor
can either sink or source reactive power depending on the value of the field current.
You saw that this allows a three-phase synchronous motor to be used as a
synchronous condenser to improve the power factor of a three-phase power network.


1. The starting torque of a three-phase synchronous motor is increased when

a. the rotor electromagnet is turned on.

b. the rotor electromagnet is turned off.
c. the power factor of the ac power network is unity.
d. dc power is applied to one of the stator windings.

2. When a synchronous motor without load is connected to a three-phase ac power

network, the resulting power factor depends on

a. the speed of the motor.

b. the active power consumed by the motor.
c. the amount of field current.
d. the line current.

3. Reactive power in a synchronous motor without load is minimum when

a. the line current is maximum.

b. the line current is minimum.
c. the line current equals the field current.
d. the field current is minimum.

The Three-Phase Synchronous Motor

4. Synchronous condenser is another name for

a. an asynchronous motor.
b. a squirrel-cage motor.
c. a split-phase motor.
d. a synchronous motor operating without load.

5. The squirrel cage in a synchronous motor with a rotor of the electromagnet type

a. minimizes the motor line current.

b. prevents saturation of the rotor electromagnet.
c. allows the motor to start when ac power is applied to the stator windings.
d. makes the motor operate as a synchronous condenser.

Exercise 5-2

Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to measure the pull-out
torque of a synchronous motor using the Synchronous Motor / Generator and prime
mover / dynamometer module.


One of the important characteristics of the three-phase synchronous motor shown

in the previous exercise is that its speed is exactly the same as that of the stator
rotating magnetic field (the synchronous speed nS). When the synchronous motor
operates without load torque, the electromagnet rotor is positioned so that its
magnetic poles are aligned with those of the rotating magnetic field as shown in
Figure 5-5 (a). However, when load torque is applied to the synchronous motor, the
electromagnet rotor changes position with respect to the rotating magnetic field, i.e.
the rotor falls behind the rotating magnetic field as shown in Figure 5-5 (b).

Figure 5-5. Effect of the Load Torque on the Rotor Position in a Synchronous Motor.

Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque

The lag of the rotor with respect to the rotating magnetic field of the stator is propor-
tional to the load torque. Therefore, the higher the load torque, the further the rotor
lags the rotating magnetic field. When the rotor lags the rotating magnetic field
by 90E, it suddenly pulls out of synchronization with the rotating magnetic field, and
the motor speed decreases greatly. Furthermore, the motor line current increases
to high values and the motor vibrates. Protection devices should usually be installed
on synchronous motors to ensure that the motor suffers no damage when
synchronization is lost. The load torque at which synchronization is lost is called pull-
out torque.

As might be imagined, higher values of field current IF allow higher values of pull-out
torque to be reached. The graph of pull-out torque versus field current IF shown in
Figure 5-6 indicates that the pull-out torque increases linearly as the field current IF

Figure 5-6. The Pull-Out Torque Increases Linearly with the Field Current IF.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-7, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will set the field current IF to various values
and measure the pull-out torque. This will allow you to demonstrate how the field
current IF affects the pull-out torque.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment in the EMS workstation.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

Synchronous Motor / Generator.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 5-7.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, make sure that the EXCITER switch
is set to the O (open) position and the EXCITER knob is turned fully

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a dynamometer, then set the
dynamometer torque control to minimum (fully CCW position).

Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in on the Prime Mover / Dynamometer before setting
the controls in order to see additional front panels markings
related to these controls.

In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled.

Figure 5-7. Synchronous Motor Coupled to a Dynamometer.

Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque

G 7. Turn the Power Supply on and set the voltage control knob so that the line
voltage indicated by meter E line 1 is equal to the nominal line voltage of the
synchronous motor. Wait for the speed of the synchronous motor to

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to the

I (closed) position. The synchronous motor should rotate at synchronous

G 8. Record in the following blank space the field current IF of the synchronous
motor indicated by meter I field (IF) in the Metering window.

IF = A

Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque

On the dynamometer, slowly increase the torque control until the

synchronous motor pulls out of synchronization. While doing this, observe
the synchronous motor torque and line current indicated by the Torque
meter and meter I line 1, respectively. Record in the following blank spaces
the motor torque when the motor pulls out of synchronization and the motor
line current just before the motor pulls out of synchronization.

TPULL OUT = NAm (lbfAin)

ILINE = A (motor in synchronization)

Record in the following blank spaces the synchronous motor line current
and speed indicated by meters I line 1 and Speed, respectively.

ILINE = A (motor out of synchronization)

n= r/min (motor out of synchronization)

Turn the Power Supply off.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to the

O position.

On the dynamometer, set the torque control to minimum (fully CCW).

G 9. Describe how the speed varies when the synchronous motor pulls out of

How does the motor line current vary when the synchronous motor pulls out
of synchronization?

G 10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 with the EXCITER knob on the Synchronous
Motor / Generator set to the one-quarter, one-half, three-quarter, and
maximum positions. For each setting of the EXCITER knob, record the
values of the field current IF and pull-out torque TPULL OUT in the following
blank spaces.

EXCITER knob set to one quarter of maximum

IF = A

TPULL OUT = NAm (lbfAin)

Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque

EXCITER knob set to one half the maximum

IF = A

TPULL OUT = NAm (lbfAin)

EXCITER knob set to three quarter of maximum

IF = A

TPULL OUT = NAm (lbfAin)

EXCITER knob set to maximum

IF = A

TPULL OUT = NAm (lbfAin)

G 11. In the Data Table, insert five blank lines and then record the values of the
field current IF and pull-out torque TPULL OUT obtained in steps 8 and 10 in
columns Field Current [I field (IF)] and Pull-Out Torque (T), respectively.

Entitle the data table as DT521, and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

G 12. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
pull-out torque TPULL OUT (obtained from the Torque meter) as a function of
the field current IF [obtained from meter I field (IF)]. Entitle the graph as
G521, name the x-axis as Synchronous Motor Field Current, name the y-
axis as Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque, and print the graph.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Does graph G521 demonstrate that the pull-out torque of the synchronous
motor increases for higher values of field current?

G Yes G No

G 13. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.
Remove all leads and cables.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Synchronous Motor Pull-Out Torque


In this exercise, you demonstrated the loss of synchronization between the rotor and
the stator rotating magnetic field when the load on a synchronous motor is greater
than the pull-out torque. You also observed that the pull-out torque is greater for
higher values of field current.


1. When load torque is applied to a synchronous motor

a. the motor slows down.

b. the motor speeds up.
c. the rotor position falls behind the rotating magnetic field.
d. the stator starts to rotate.

2. Pull-out torque is

a. the minimum value of load torque that causes the nominal line current of a
synchronous motor to be exceeded.
b. the torque at which a synchronous motor pulls out of synchronization.
c. the maximum torque for the minimum field current.
d. the minimum torque that a synchronous motor can supply.

3. The synchronous motor in Figure 5-5 pulls out of synchronization when the rotor
has shifted

a. 30E behind the rotating magnetic field.

b. 90E ahead of the rotating magnetic field.
c. 30E ahead of the rotating magnetic field.
d. 90E behind the rotating magnetic field.

4. When the field current in a synchronous motor is increased, the pull-out torque

a. decreases.
b. increases.
c. does not change.
d. increases momentarily until speed stabilizes.

5. What happens when a synchronous motor loses synchronization?

a. Nothing.
b. The motor speeds up rapidly.
c. The motor slows down, the line current increases, and the motor vibrates.
d. The motor slows down and its torque increases.

Unit Test

1. A synchronous motor with a permanent-magnet rotor

a. is started the same way as a synchronous motor with an electromagnet

b. starts like a squirrel-cage induction motor.
c. can be started using a variable-frequency ac power source.
d. starts when dc power is applied to the rotor.

2. A three-phase synchronous motor draws reactive power from an ac power

source. Decreasing the field current

a. will increase the reactive power which the motor draws from the ac power
b. will decrease the reactive power which the motor draws from the ac power
c. will decrease the power factor of the motor.
d. both a and c.

3. A three-phase synchronous motor supplies reactive power to an ac power

source. Decreasing the field current

a. will increase the reactive power which the motor supplies to the ac power
b. will decrease the reactive power which the motor supplies to the ac power
c. will decrease the power factor of the motor.
d. both a and c.

4. A three-phase synchronous motor operates as a synchronous condenser. It is

adjusted so that the power factor of the load connected to an ac power source
is unity. One of the many inductive loads connected to the ac power source is
removed. Therefore,

a. the synchronous motor draws more reactive power from the ac power
b. the synchronous motor supplies more reactive power to the ac power
c. the field current of the synchronous motor should be decreased to readjust
the power factor so that it is unity.
d. the field current of the synchronous motor should be increased to readjust
the power factor so that it is unity.

5. It is desirable to turn the rotor electromagnet of a synchronous motor off to

a. obtain a higher starting torque.

b. improve the power factor.
c. increase the starting line current.
d. increase the pull-out torque.

Unit Test (cont'd)

6. When the line current of a three-phase synchronous motor is minimized, the

a. motor is used as a synchronous condenser.

b. motor neither draws or supplies reactive power.
c. field current is minimum.
d. None of the above.

7. The pull-out torque of a synchronous motor depends on

a. the power factor.

b. the motor line current.
c. the field current.
d. None of the above.

8. The most interesting features of the three-phase synchronous motor are

a. its ability to run at exactly the synchronous speed and to be able to operate
as an asynchronous generator.
b. its ability to run at exactly the synchronous speed and to be able to supply
reactive power to an ac power source.
c. the capability of running at unity power factor and to be able to draw reactive
power from an ac power source.
d. both b and c.

9. A three-phase synchronous motor operating without load acts as

a. a resistive load whose value depends on the field current.

b. an asynchronous generator operating without load.
c. three independent single-phase power sources.
d. a reactive load whose nature (inductive or capacitive) and value depend on
the field current.

10. A three-phase synchronous motor

a. can operate with either ac or dc power.

b. does not start easily.
c. is another type of ac induction motor.
d. with a permanent-magnet rotor is often used as a synchronous condenser
to adjust the power factor of an ac power source.

Unit 6

Three-Phase Synchronous Generators



After completing this unit, you will be able to demonstrate and explain the operating
characteristics of three-phase synchronous generators (alternators) using the
Synchronous Motor / Generator and prime mover / dynamometer modules.


The three-phase synchronous generator, or alternator, produces most of the

electricity used today. It is found in all electrical-power generating stations, whether
they are of the hydroelectric, diesel, coal-fired, wind turbine, or nuclear type. The
alternator also generates the electricity used in motor vehicles like cars and trucks.

The basic principle of operation for alternators is quite simple and can be explained
using the simplified single-phase alternator shown in Figure 6-1. An electromagnet
creates a magnetic field in the rotor. The electromagnet rotor is

Figure 6-1. An Alternating Voltage is Produced by the Continually-Changing Magnetic Flux Linking
the Stator Winding.

Three-Phase Synchronous Generators
coupled to a source of mechanical power, such as a water turbine, to make it rotate.
As a result, a continually-changing magnetic flux links the stator winding and induces
an alternating voltage across the stator winding as shown in Figure 6-1.

The way the conductors are wound in the stator of a synchronous generator
determines the waveform of the voltage induced across the stator winding. The
stator-winding conductors in synchronous generators are usually wound in such a
way that the induced voltage has a sinusoidal waveform.

The stator in a three-phase synchronous generator is provided with three windings

located at 120E from one another. As a result, three sine-wave voltages phase
shifted by 120E with respect to each other are induced in the three stator windings.
The stator of a three-phase synchronous generator is in fact very similar to the stator
of a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor shown in Figure 4-4.

Exercise 6-1

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the no-load
operation of a three-phase synchronous generator using the Synchronous
Motor / Generator module.


In three-phase synchronous generators, the stronger the rotor electromagnet, the

greater the magnetic flux linking the stator windings, and the higher the alternating
voltages induced across the stator windings. Furthermore, since the induced
voltages are proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux linking the stator
windings, one can easily deduce that the faster the rotor turns, the higher the
amplitude of the induced voltages. In brief, the amplitude of the voltages produced
by a three-phase synchronous generator is proportional to the strength of the rotor
electromagnet and the rotation speed.

There is a direct relationship between the speed of the rotor and the frequency of the
voltage induced across each stator winding of a synchronous generator. When the
rotor of the synchronous generator shown in Figure 6-1 rotates at a speed of
one revolution per second, the frequency of the induced voltage is one Hertz. Since
speed is usually expressed in revolutions per minute, the equation relating the speed
of rotation to the frequency of the voltage produced by the synchronous generator
shown in Figure 6-1 is as follows.

(for generators with a stator having a single pair of poles)

where f is the frequency, expressed in Hertz (Hz)

n is the speed, expressed in revolutions per minute (r/min)

However, each stator winding in large synchronous generators usually has several
north and south poles instead of just a single pair as illustrated in Figure 6-1. As a
result, a higher frequency is obtained for a given speed of rotation. The frequency
of synchronous generators, regardless of the number of pairs of north and south
poles, is determined by simply multiplying the speed n in the previous equation by
P, which is the number of pairs of poles of each stator winding. The equation for
determining the frequency of the voltage produced by a synchronous generator is

(for any types of synchronous generators)

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

Note that the Lab-Volt Synchronous Motor / Generator has two north poles and two
south poles per stator winding, thus two pairs of poles per stator winding. Therefore,
P equals 2 for the Lab-Volt Synchronous Motor / Generator.

Although small technical differences exist between a synchronous machine designed

to operate as a motor and a synchronous machine designed to operate as a
generator, both modes of operation can be demonstrated using a same synchronous

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-2, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will vary the speed and field current and
observe how this affects the no-load operation of a three-phase synchronous

In the third part of the exercise, you will vary the field current of the synchronous
generator by steps. For each step, you will record in the data table various electrical
parameters related to the three-phase synchronous generator. You will also vary the
speed of the synchronous generator by steps while recording various electrical
parameters related to the synchronous generator. You will use the recorded data to
plot various graphs and determine many of the characteristics of the three-phase
synchronous generator.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

Synchronous Motor / Generator.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-2.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to the

I (closed) position and the EXCITER knob to three quarters of maximum.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

Figure 6-2. Synchronous Generator Coupled to a Prime Mover.

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a prime mover.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

G 7. Turn the Power Supply on. Set the prime mover speed (indicated by the
Speed meter in the Metering window) so that it is equal to the nominal
speed of the Synchronous Motor / Generator.

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

In the Oscilloscope window, make the appropriate settings to observe the

waveforms of the voltages on channels E1, E2, and E3, that is, the voltages
induced across each of the stator windings of the synchronous generator.

Note: Do not use the Auto Scale function of the Oscilloscope

window to perform this part of the exercise.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

Are the waveforms all sinusoidal?

G Yes G No

What is the approximate phase shift Φ between each of the voltage


Φ= E

G 8. In the Oscilloscope window, select the display continuous-refresh function.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, do

not select the display continuous-refresh function.

Slowly adjust the prime mover speed until it is approximately equal

to 1000 r/min. While doing this, observe the waveforms of the voltages on
channels E1, E2, and E3 in the Oscilloscope window.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS,

refresh the display in the Oscilloscope window a few times while
carrying out this manipulation.

How do the amplitude and frequency of the voltage waveforms vary when
the speed of the synchronous generator is decreased? Briefly explain why.

Does varying the speed of the synchronous generator affect the phase shift
between the voltage waveforms? Why?

G 9. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, slowly turn the EXCITER knob

counterclockwise to decrease the field current IF. While doing this, observe
the waveforms of voltages on channels E1, E2, and E3 of the Oscilloscope.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS,

refresh the display in the Oscilloscope window a few times while
carrying out this manipulation.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

How does the amplitude of the voltage waveforms vary when the field
current IF of the synchronous generator is decreased? Briefly explain why.

Does varying the field current IF of the synchronous generator affect the
frequency of the voltage waveforms and the phase shift between the voltage
waveforms? Why?

Set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn the Power Supply off.

Characteristics of a Synchronous Generator

G 10. Modify the connections so that the modules are connected as shown in
Figure 6-3. Connect the three resistor sections on the Resistive Load
module in parallel to implement resistor R1.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

Figure 6-3. Circuit Used to Observe the No-Load Operation of a Synchronous Generator.

G 11. The Frequency meter in the Metering window will be used to measure the
frequency of the voltage produced by the synchronous generator.

Turn the Power Supply on and set the prime mover speed so that it is equal
to the nominal speed of the Synchronous Motor / Generator.

G 12. Record the synchronous generator output voltage EO, field current IF,
speed n, and frequency f in the Data Table. These parameters are indicated
by meters E line 1, I field (IF), Speed, and Frequency, respectively.

Change the value of resistor R1 and vary the setting of the EXCITER knob
on the Synchronous Motor / Generator to increase the field current IF to the
value indicated in the following table, in ten steps that are spaced as equally
as possible. Note that it may be necessary to short circuit resistor R1 to
increase the field current to the maximum value indicated in the table. For
each current setting, readjust the prime mover speed so that it remains
equal to the nominal speed of the Synchronous Motor / Generator, then
record the data in the Data Table.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation



V ac mA

120 750

220 450

240 450

Table 6-1. Field Current.

G 13. Short circuit resistor R1 using a connection lead.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, turn the EXCITER knob fully

clockwise to set the field current IF to maximum.

Readjust the prime mover speed so that it remains equal to the nominal
speed of the Synchronous Motor / Generator.

Record the data in the Data Table.

Set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn the Power Supply off.

G 14. In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT611, and print the data table.

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

G 15. Record the frequency of the voltages produced by the synchronous

generator in the following blank space. This frequency is indicated in the
column "Frequency" of the Data Table.

f= Hz (measured)

Calculate the theoretical frequency of the voltages produced by the Lab-Volt

Synchronous Motor / Generator using the following equation. (P is the
number of pairs of poles per stator winding, i.e. 2).

Compare the measured and calculated frequencies. Are they approximately


G Yes G No

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

G 16. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
synchronous generator output voltage EO (obtained from meter E line 1) as
a function of the field current IF [obtained from meter I field (IF)]. Entitle the
graph as G611, name the x-axis as Synchronous Generator Field Current,
name the y-axis as Synchronous Generator Output Voltage, and print the

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Observe graph G611. Is the synchronous generator output voltage EO zero

when the field current IF is zero? Briefly explain why.

Briefly explain why the relationship between the synchronous generator

output voltage EO and field current IF is non linear for high values of
current IF.

In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

G 17. Turn the Power Supply on.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER knob so that the
field current IF indicated by meter I field (IF) is equal to the value given in the
following table.



V ac mA

120 500

220 300

240 300

Table 6-2. Field Current of the Synchronous Generator.

G 18. Record the synchronous generator output voltage EO, field current IF,
speed n, and frequency f in the Data Table. These parameters are indicated
by meters E line 1, I field (IF), Speed, and Frequency, respectively.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

Increase the prime mover speed to the value given in the following table by
increments of 200 r/min. For each speed setting, record the data in the Data



V ac r/min

120 2400

220 2000

240 1800

Table 6-3. Maximum Speed.

G 19. When all data has been recorded, set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn
the Power Supply off.

In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT612, and print the data table.

G 20. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
synchronous generator output voltage EO (obtained from meter E line 1) as
a function of the speed n (obtained from the Speed meter). Entitle the graph
as G612, name the x-axis as Synchronous Generator Speed, name the
y-axis as Synchronous Generator Output Voltage, and print the graph.

Describe how the synchronous generator output voltage varies as the speed

G 21. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
synchronous generator frequency f (obtained from the Frequency meter) as
a function of the speed n (obtained from the Speed meter). Entitle the graph
as G612-1, name the x-axis as Synchronous Generator Speed, name the
y-axis as Synchronous Generator Frequency, and print the graph.

Describe how the frequency of the voltages produced by the synchronous

generator varies as the speed varies.

G 22. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


In this exercise, you observed that a three-phase synchronous generator produces

three sine-wave voltages that are phase shifted by 120E from each other. You saw
that decreasing the synchronous generator speed decreases the amplitude and
frequency of the sine-wave voltages. You observed that decreasing the field current
of the synchronous generator decreases the amplitude of the sine-wave voltages.
You plotted a graph of the synchronous generator output voltage versus the field
current. This graph showed that the synchronous generator starts to saturate when
the field current exceeds a certain value. This graph also showed that the
synchronous generator produces voltages even when the field current is zero
because of the residual magnetism in the rotor. You plotted graphs of the
synchronous generator output voltage and frequency versus speed. These graphs
showed that the output voltage and frequency are proportional to the synchronous
generator speed.


1. Most electrical power that is consumed today is produced by

a. synchronous condensers.
b. synchronous generators.
c. alternators.
d. both b and c.

2. When the speed of a synchronous generator is increased

a. the output voltage increases and the frequency decreases.

b. the output voltage decreases and the frequency increases.
c. both the output voltage and frequency decrease.
d. both the output voltage and frequency increase.

3. How does the field current affect the frequency of the voltages produced by a
three-phase synchronous generator?

a. Frequency increases as IF increases.

b. Frequency decreases as IF decreases.
c. Frequency is not affected by changes in field current.
d. both a and b.

Synchronous Generator No-Load Operation

4. Multiplying the speed of an alternator by P/60 allows the

a. theoretical frequency to be determined.

b. theoretical output voltage to be determined.
c. theoretical field current to be determined.
d. number of poles to be determined.

5. Alternator is another name for a

a. three-phase synchronous motor.

b. three-phase synchronous generator.
c. three-phase synchronous condenser.
d. three-phase ac-to-dc converter.

Exercise 6-2

Voltage Regulation Characteristics


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate the voltage
regulation characteristics of a synchronous generator using the Synchronous
Motor / Generator module.


As seen in Unit 2 of this manual, a dc generator can be represented by the simplified

equivalent circuit shown in Figure 6-4. In this circuit, the voltage EEMF depends on the
speed at which the generator rotates and the strength of the field electromagnet.
Resistor RA represents the resistance of the armature conductors.

Figure 6-4. Simplified Equivalent Circuit of a DC Generator.

A simplified equivalent circuit similar to that of the dc generator can be used to

represent each phase of a three-phase synchronous generator. Figure 6-5 shows the
simplified equivalent circuit for one phase of a three-phase synchronous generator.
To represent a complete three-phase synchronous generator, three circuits like the
one shown in Figure 6-5 would be used.

Voltage Regulation Characteristics

Figure 6-5. Simplified Equivalent Circuit for One Phase of a Three-Phase Synchronous Generator.

As for a dc generator, the voltage EEMF in the simplified circuit of the synchronous
generator depends on the rotation speed as well as the strength of the
electromagnet. Furthermore, there is a resistor (RS) in the simplified circuit of the
synchronous generator, as in the simplified circuit of the dc generator, that
represents the resistance of the stator coil conductors. There is also an additional
element in the simplified circuit of the synchronous generator, reactance XS, which
represents the inductive reactance of the stator coil conductors. Reactance XS is
known as the synchronous reactance of the synchronous generator and its value,
expressed in ohms, is usually much greater than that of resistor RS.

When the synchronous generator is operated at constant speed and with a fixed
current in the rotor electromagnet (field current IF), voltage EEMF is constant and the
equivalent circuit for each phase is very similar to that of a single-phase transformer,
shown in Unit 7 of the student manual entitled Power Circuits and Transformers.
Figure 6-6 shows voltage regulation characteristics (curves of the output voltage EO
versus the output current IO) of a synchronous generator for resistive, inductive, and
capacitive loads. These characteristics are very similar to those obtained with a
single-phase transformer.

Figure 6-6. Voltage Regulation Characteristics of a Synchronous Generator.

Voltage Regulation Characteristics

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-7, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will set the speed of rotation and the field
current of the synchronous generator. You will vary the value of the resistive load
connected to the generator by steps while maintaining a constant speed. For each
load value, you will record the synchronous generator output voltage, output current,
field current, and speed. You will use the recorded data to plot a graph of the output
voltage versus output current. You will then repeat this part of the exercise twice
using an inductive load and a capacitive load.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

Synchronous Motor / Generator.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB of the


Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Voltage Regulation Characteristics

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-7.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to the

I (closed) position and the EXCITER knob to the mid position.

Figure 6-7. Synchronous Generator Under Load Coupled to a Prime Mover.

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover /

Dynamometer to operate as a prime mover.

Voltage Regulation Characteristics

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

Voltage Regulation Characteristics

G 7. Turn the Power Supply on. Set the prime mover speed (indicated by the
Speed meter in the Metering window) so that it is equal to the nominal
speed of the Synchronous Motor / Generator.

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

G 8. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER knob so that the
line-to-line output voltage EO of the synchronous generator (indicated by
meter E line 1 in the Metering window) is equal to the nominal value.

Record the synchronous generator output voltage EO, output current IO, field
current IF, and speed n in the Data Table. These parameters are indicated
by meters E line 1, I line 1, I field (IF), and Speed, respectively.

G 9. Modify the settings on the Resistive Load module so that the resistance of
resistors R1, R2, and R3 decreases by steps as indicated in Table 6-4. You
can refer to Appendix B of this manual to know how to obtain the various
resistance values given in Table 6-4. For each resistance setting, readjust
the prime mover speed so that it remains equal to the nominal speed of the
Synchronous Motor / Generator, then record the data in the Data Table.

LINE R1, R2, R1, R2, R1, R2, R1, R2, R1, R2, R1, R2, R1, R2,
VOLTAGE R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3 R3

V ac Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω

120 1200 600 400 300 240 200 171

220 4400 2200 1467 1100 880 733 629

240 4800 2400 1600 1200 960 800 686

Table 6-4. Decreasing the Resistance of R1, R2, and R3 to Load the Synchronous Generator.

G 10. When all data has been recorded, set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn
the Power Supply off.

G 11. In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT621, and print the data table.

Voltage Regulation Characteristics

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to edit, entitle, and print
a data table.

G 12. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
synchronous generator output voltage EO (obtained from meter E line 1) as
a function of the output current IO (obtained from meter I line 1). Entitle the
graph as G621, name the x-axis as Synchronous Generator Output Current,
name the y-axis as Synchronous Generator Output Voltage, and print the

Note: Refer to the user guide dealing with the Lab-Volt computer-
based instruments for EMS to know how to use the Graph
window of the Metering application to obtain a graph, entitle a
graph, name the axes of a graph, and print a graph.

Observe graph G621, which shows the voltage regulation characteristic of

the synchronous generator when it supplies power to a resistive load. How
does the output voltage EO vary when the output current IO increases?
Briefly explain why.

In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

G 13. Replace the three-phase resistive load connected to the synchronous

generator output (points A, B, and C in Figure 6-7) with the three-phase
inductive load shown in Figure 6-8 (a). Make sure that all switches on the
Inductive Load module are opened.

Figure 6-8. Three-Phase Inductive and Capacitive Loads.

G 14. Turn the Power Supply on and set the prime mover speed so that it rotates
at the nominal speed of the Synchronous Motor / Generator.

Voltage Regulation Characteristics

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER knob so that the
line-to-line output voltage EO of the synchronous generator is equal to the
nominal value.

Record the synchronous generator output voltage EO, output current IO, field
current IF, and speed n in the Data Table. These parameters are indicated
by meters E line 1, I line 1, I field (IF), and Speed, respectively.

G 15. Modify the settings on the load module so that the reactance X of the load
decreases by steps as indicated in Table 6-5. You can refer to Appendix B
of this manual to know how to obtain the various reactance values given in
Table 6-5. For each reactance setting, readjust the prime mover speed so
that it remains equal to the nominal speed of the
Synchronous Motor / Generator, then record the data in the Data Table.

LINE X1, X2, X1, X2, X1, X2, X1, X2, X1, X2, X1, X2, X1, X2,
VOLTAGE X3 X3 X3 X3 X3 X3 X3

V ac Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω

120 1200 600 400 300 240 200 171

220 4400 2200 1467 1100 880 733 629

240 4800 2400 1600 1200 960 800 686

Table 6-5. Decreasing reactances X1, X2, and X3 to Load the Synchronous Generator.

G 16. When all data has been recorded, set the prime mover speed to 0, then turn
the Power Supply off.

G 17. In the Data Table window, confirm that the data has been stored, entitle the
data table as DT622, and print the data table.

G 18. In the Graph window, make the appropriate settings to obtain a graph of the
synchronous generator output voltage EO (obtained from meter E line 1) as
a function of the output current IO (obtained from meter I line 1). Entitle the
graph as G622, name the x-axis as Synchronous Generator Output Current,
name the y-axis as Synchronous Generator Output Voltage, and print the

G 19. Observe graph G622, which shows the voltage regulation characteristic of
the synchronous generator when it supplies power to an inductive load. How
does the output voltage EO vary when the output current IO increases?

Voltage Regulation Characteristics

Compare the voltage regulation characteristics obtained with the resistive

load and the inductive load.

In the Data Table window, clear the recorded data.

G 20. Replace the three-phase inductive load connected to the synchronous

generator output (points A, B, and C in Figure 6-7) with the three-phase
capacitive load shown in Figure 6-8 (b). Make sure that all switches on the
Capacitive Load module are opened.

Repeat steps 14 to 18 of this exercise to obtain a graph of the output

voltage EO versus the output current IO for the synchronous generator
supplying power to a capacitive load. Entitle the data table and graph as
DT623 and G623, respectively.

Observe graph G623, which shows the voltage regulation characteristic of

the synchronous generator when it supplies power to a capacitive load. How
does the output voltage EO vary when the output current IO increases?

Compare the voltage regulation characteristics of the synchronous

generator (graphs G621 to G623) to those obtained with a single-phase
transformer in Unit 7 of the student manual entitled Power Circuits and

G 21. On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.

Voltage Regulation Characteristics


In this exercise, you obtained the voltage regulation characteristics of a three-phase

synchronous generator. You observed that the output voltage decreases as the
output current increases when the synchronous generator supplies power to either
a resistive or inductive load. You saw that the output voltage increases as the output
current increases when the synchronous generator supplies power to a capacitive
load. You found that the voltage regulation characteristics of the synchronous
generator are similar to those of a single-phase transformer because the equivalent
circuit is almost the same for both.


1. The output voltage of a synchronous generator is a function of the

a. speed of rotation and polarity of the field current.

b. speed of rotation and strength of the field electromagnet.
c. speed of rotation and input torque.
d. speed of rotation only.

2. The equivalent circuit for one phase of a three-phase synchronous generator

operating at constant speed and fixed field current is

a. identical to that of a dc generator.

b. very similar to that of a single-phase transformer.
c. the same as a three-phase balanced circuit.
d. the same as that of a dc battery.

3. In the equivalent circuit of the synchronous generator, reactance XS is called

a. stationary reactance.
b. steady-state reactance.
c. simplified reactance.
d. synchronous reactance.

4. The voltage regulation characteristics of a synchronous generator are

a. very similar to those of a single-phase transformer.

b. quite different from those of a single-phase transformer.
c. identical to those of a single-phase motor.
d. only useful when the generator operates without load.

5. In the equivalent circuit of the synchronous generator, the value of XS, expressed
in ohms,

a. is much smaller than the value of RS.

b. is much greater than the value of RS.
c. is the same value as RS.
d. depends on the generator output voltage.

Exercise 6-3

Frequency and Voltage Regulation


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to demonstrate frequency
and voltage regulation of a synchronous generator using the Synchronous
Motor / Generator module.


For a synchronous generator to operate as a power source that delivers a constant

voltage at a fixed frequency, the speed of rotation and the strength of the field
electromagnet must be controlled. As you saw in the previous exercise, resistive,
inductive, and capacitive loads greatly affect the output voltage of a synchronous
generator. Resistive loads also greatly affect the speed of a synchronous generator.
However, inductive and reactive loads have little effect on the speed of rotation.

To obtain a constant output voltage and a fixed frequency from a synchronous

generator under varying load conditions, the rotation speed and field current IF must
be adjusted simultaneously. In practice, automatic control systems continuously
adjust the torque acting on the synchronous generator as well as the value of the
field current IF. For example, in hydroelectric systems, the torque is adjusted by
changing the water turbine inlet size so as to maintain a constant speed, and
thereby, a fixed frequency. The field current IF is usually adjusted using power
electronic devices so as to maintain a constant voltage. Manual adjustment of both
the speed and field current at the same time is rather difficult to achieve, as you will
observe in this exercise.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-9, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will set the speed of rotation and the field
current of the synchronous generator so that the frequency and output voltage are
equal to the nominal values. You will change the nature of the load connected to the
synchronous generator to observe how this affects the frequency and output voltage.

In the third part of the exercise, you will vary both the speed of rotation and the field
current of the synchronous generator so as to maintain a constant output voltage and
a fixed frequency under different load conditions.

Frequency and Voltage Regulation


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

Synchronous Motor / Generator.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

Frequency and Voltage Regulation

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-9. Open all switches on the
Resistive, Inductive, and Capacitive Load modules.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to the

I (closed) position and the EXCITER knob to the mid position.

Figure 6-9. Synchronous Generator Under Load Coupled to a Prime Mover.

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime

Mover / Dynamometer to operate as a prime mover.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

Effect of the Load on the Ouput Voltage and the Frequency

G 7. Turn the Power Supply on. Set the prime mover speed at the nominal speed
of the Synchronous Motor / Generator.

Frequency and Voltage Regulation

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

G 8. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER knob so that the
line-to-line output voltage EO of the synchronous generator (indicated by
meter E line 1 in the Metering window) is equal to the nominal value.

Record the nominal output voltage EO and frequency f in the following blank
spaces. These parameters are indicated by meters E line 1 and Frequency,

EO (nominal) = V

f (nominal) = Hz

G 9. On the Resistive Load module, set the resistance of resistors R1, R2, and R3
to the value indicated in the following table.


V ac Ω

120 240

220 880

240 960

Table 6-6. Load Value.

Record the output voltage EO and frequency f in the following blank spaces.

EO = V (resistive load)

f= Hz (resistive load)

How do the output voltage and frequency vary when a resistive load is
connected to the synchronous generator output?

Open all switches on the Resistive Load module. Wait for the frequency and
output voltage to stabilize. They should be equal to the nominal values.

Frequency and Voltage Regulation

G 10. On the Inductive Load module, set the reactance of inductors L1, L2, and L3
to the value indicated in Table 6-6.

Record the output voltage EO and frequency f in the following blank spaces.

EO = V (inductive load)

f= Hz (inductive load)

How do the output voltage and frequency vary when an inductive load is
connected to the synchronous generator output?

Open all switches on the Inductive Load module. Wait for the frequency and
output voltage to stabilize. They should be equal to the nominal values.

G 11. On the Capacitive Load module, set the reactance of capacitors C1, C2,
and C3 to the value indicated in Table 6-6.

Record the output voltage EO and frequency f in the following blank spaces.

EO = V (capacitive load)

f= Hz (capacitive load)

How do the output voltage and frequency vary when a capacitive load is
connected to the synchronous generator output?

Open all switches on the Capacitive Load module. Wait for the frequency
and output voltage to stabilize. They should be equal to the nominal values.

G 12. Compare the effect of the resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads on the
synchronous generator output voltage.

Frequency and Voltage Regulation

Compare the effect of the resistive, inductive, and capacitive loads on the
frequency of the voltages produced by the synchronous generator.

Frequency and Voltage Regulation

G 13. On the Inductive Load module, set the reactance of inductors L1, L2, and L3
to the value indicated in the following table.


V ac Ω

120 600

220 1467

240 1200

Table 6-7. Reactance of Inductors L1, L2, and L3.

Readjust the prime mover speed and the EXCITER knob of the
Synchronous Motor / Generator so that the synchronous generator output
voltage and frequency are equal to the nominal values.

G 14. On the Capacitive Load module, set the reactance of capacitors C1, C2,
and C3 to the value indicated in the following table.


V ac Ω

120 300

220 2200

240 2400

Table 6-8. Reactance of Capacitors C1, C2, and C3.

Readjust the prime mover speed and the EXCITER knob of the
Synchronous Motor / Generator so that the synchronous generator output
voltage and frequency are equal to the nominal values.

Frequency and Voltage Regulation

G 15. On the Resistive Load module, set the resistance of resistors R1, R2, and R3
to the value indicated in the following table.


V ac Ω

120 200

220 880

240 800

Table 6-9. Resistance of Resistors R1, R2, and R3.

Readjust the prime mover speed and the EXCITER knob of the
Synchronous Motor / Generator so that the synchronous generator output
voltage and frequency are equal to the nominal values.

Is it easy to rapidly readjust the synchronous generator output voltage and

frequency when the load changes? Why?

G 16. On the Power Supply, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise
then set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


In this exercise, you observed that the output voltage and frequency of a
synchronous generator change whether a resistive, inductive, or capacitive load is
connected to the output. You observed that resistive loads have a greater effect on
frequency than inductive and capacitive loads. You found that maintaining the
frequency and output voltage to the nominal values, when the load changes, is rather
difficult to achieve manually. This is because both the speed of rotation and the field
current of the synchronous generator must be adjusted to correct the changes in
frequency and voltage.

Frequency and Voltage Regulation


1. When the load connected to a synchronous generator changes,

a. there is no effect on the output voltage nor the frequency.

b. both the output voltage and the frequency are affected.
c. only the output voltage is affected.
d. only the frequency is affected.

2. For a synchronous generator to deliver a constant output voltage at a fixed


a. both its speed and field current must be controlled.

b. only its speed must be controlled.
c. only its excitation current must be controlled.
d. the load must only be resistive.

3. Manual adjustment of the speed and field current to maintain the output voltage
and frequency of a synchronous generator to the nominal values is

a. a simple task.
b. a rather difficult task.
c. only possible when the synchronous generator is fully loaded.
d. only possible when the synchronous generator is exactly at half load.

4. Inductive and capacitive loads have little effect on

a. both the output voltage and frequency of a synchronous generator.

b. the frequency of a synchronous generator.
c. the output voltage of a synchronous generator.
d. the nominal power rating of a synchronous generator.

5. Resistive loads have a great effect on

a. both the output voltage and frequency of a synchronous generator.

b. only the frequency of a synchronous generator.
c. only the output voltage of a synchronous generator.
d. the nominal power rating of a synchronous generator.

Exercise 6-4

Generator Synchronization


When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to synchronize a three-
phase synchronous generator with the ac power network using the Synchronous
Motor / Generator and the Synchronizing Module.


Most of the electricity consumed today is produced by three-phase synchronous

generators. Since a huge amount of electricity is consumed every day, ac power
networks are generally made up of a large number of synchronous generators all
operating at the same frequency. When the power demand increases, additional
generators are connected to the ac power network. Before connecting a three-phase
synchronous generator to an ac power network, the following conditions are to be

• The frequency of the voltages produced by the generator must be equal to the
ac power network frequency.

• The value of the voltages produced by the generator must be equal to the ac
power network voltage.

• The phase sequence of the voltages produced by the generator must be the
same as that of the ac power network.

• The voltages produced by the generator must be in phase with the ac power
network voltages.

A generator is said to be synchronized when all these conditions are met. A

synchronous generator must never be connected to an ac power network before
verifying synchronization. Connecting a non-synchronized generator to an ac power
network could cause severe damage to the generator, because of the high torque
that would be applied to the generator's shaft and the huge currents that would flow
in the generator windings at connection.

Once a synchronous generator is connected to an ac power network, no current

flows between the generator and the ac power network because they produce
voltages having the same amplitude and phase. As a result, the generator supplies
neither active nor reactive power to the ac power network. In this case, the generator
is said to be "floating" on the ac power network. Furthermore, its frequency can no
longer be changed by adjusting the torque applied to the generator's shaft. This is
because the ac power network is so powerful that it imposes its own frequency.
However, adjusting the torque applied to the generator's shaft allows changing the
amount of active power that is exchanged between the generator and the ac power

Generator Synchronization

network. Increasing the torque increases the amount of active power that is delivered
to the ac power network. Conversely, decreasing the torque decreases the amount
of active power that is delivered to the ac power network. The generator could even
receive active power from the ac power network, and thus operate as a synchronous
motor, if the torque applied to the generator's shaft were decreased to zero.

As in three-phase synchronous motors, the amount of reactive power that is

exchanged between a synchronous generator and the ac power network can be
changed by adjusting the field current. The field current is usually adjusted so that
no reactive power is exchanged between the generator and the ac power network,
i.e., so that the power factor of the generator is unity. This minimizes the line currents
and allows the size of the conductors connecting the generator to the ac power
network to be reduced to minimum.

Figure 6-10 shows a simple circuit used to synchronize and connect a generator and
an ac power network. In this circuit, a three-phase synchronous generator is
connected to a three-phase power network (three-phase power source) through
three lamps and a three-pole switch set to the open position. A voltmeter and a
frequency meter are connected to the generator output to measure its voltage and

Figure 6-10. Circuit Used to Synchronize and Connect a Generator and an AC Power Network.

The speed and field current of the synchronous generator are first adjusted so that
the generator frequency and voltage are approximately equal to the nominal voltage
and frequency of the ac power network. The brightness of the lamps will change in
synchronism when the phase sequence of the generator is the same as that of the
ac power network. On the other hand, the lamp brightness will change out of
synchronism if the phase sequence of the generator differs from that of the ac power
network. In this case, the connections of two of the three line wires of the
synchronous generator must be interchanged to reverse its phase sequence.

Once the phase sequence of the synchronous generator is correct, the speed of the
generator is adjusted so that the rate at which the lamp brightness changes is as low
as possible. This adjusts the frequency of the generator to that of the ac power

Generator Synchronization

network. The field current of the generator is then adjusted so that the lamps become
completely dimmed as their brightness decreases. This adjusts the generator voltage
to that of the ac power network. The switch can then be closed at any instant the
lamps are dimmed completely (the voltages are in phase at this instant only) to
safely connect the synchronous generator to the ac power network.

Procedure Summary

In the first part of the exercise, you will set up the equipment in the Workstation,
connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-11, and make the appropriate settings
on the equipment.

In the second part of the exercise, you will synchronize a three-phase synchronous
generator with the three-phase power network. You will then connect the
synchronous generator to the three-phase power network.

In the third part of the exercise, you will vary the torque applied to the generator's
shaft and the field current IF and observe how this affects the operation of the
synchronous generator.


Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix C to obtain the list of equipment
required for this exercise.



High voltages are present in this laboratory exercise! Do not

make or modify any banana jack connections with the power
on unless otherwise specified!

Setting up the Equipment

G 1. Install the equipment required in the EMS workstation.

Mechanically couple the prime mover / dynamometer module to the

Synchronous Motor / Generator.

G 2. On the Power Supply, make sure the main power switch is set to the O (off)
position, and the voltage control knob is turned fully counterclockwise.
Ensure the Power Supply is connected to a three-phase power source.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, connect its POWER INPUT to a wall

G 3. Ensure that the data acquisition module is connected to a USB port of the

Generator Synchronization

Connect the POWER INPUT of the data acquisition module to the 24 V - AC

output of the Power Supply.

Note: If you are using the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model

8960-1, connect its LOW POWER INPUT to the 24 V - AC output
of the Power Supply.

On the Power Supply, set the 24 V - AC power switch to the I (on) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it on by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the I (on) position.

G 4. Start the Metering application.

In the Metering window, open setup configuration file ACMOTOR1.DAI then

select meter layout 2.

G 5. Connect the equipment as shown in Figure 6-11.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER switch to the

I (close) position and the EXCITER knob to the mid position.

On the Synchronizing Module, set the switch to the O (open) position.

Figure 6-11. Circuit Used to Synchronize and Connect a Generator and an AC Power Network.

Generator Synchronization

G 6. Set the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply or the Prime Mover /

Dynamometer to operate as a prime mover.

Note: If you are performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you

can zoom in the Prime Mover / Dynamometer module before
setting the controls in order to see additional front panel markings
related to these controls.

Generator Synchronization

G 7. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, interchange the connections of the

leads at terminals 1 and 2.

Set the prime mover speed at the nominal speed of the Synchronous
Motor / Generator minus approximately 75 r/min.

Note: The rating of any of the Lab-Volt machines is indicated in

the lower left corner of the module front panel. If you are
performing the exercise using LVSIM®-EMS, you can obtain the
rating of any machine by leaving the mouse pointer on the rotor
of the machine of interest. Pop-up help indicating the machine
rating will appear after a few seconds.

G 8. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, set the EXCITER knob so that the
line-to-line output voltage EO of the synchronous generator (indicated by
meter E line 1 in the Metering window) is equal to the nominal value.

Observe the lamps on the Synchronizing Module.

Does the phase sequence of the synchronous generator correspond to that

of the three-phase power network? Why?

G 9. Leave the prime mover speed set as it is. Turn the Power Supply off.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, interchange the connections of the

leads at terminals 1 and 2.

G 10. Turn the Power Supply on.

Observe the lamps on the Synchronizing Module.

Generator Synchronization

Does the phase sequence of the synchronous generator correspond to that

of the three-phase power network? Why?

G 11. Set the prime mover speed so that the brightness of the lamps on the
Synchronizing Module changes very slowly (if necessary).

Is the generator synchronized with the three-phase power network at the

instants the lamps are dimmed completely?

G Yes G No

G 12. On the Synchronizing Module, set the switch to the I (closed) position at an
instant the lamps are dimmed completely. This connects the synchronous
generator to the three-phase power network.

In the Metering window, observe the active power indicated by

meter React. Power. Is a significant amount of active power exchanged
between the synchronous generator and the ac power network?

G Yes G No

Effect of the Torque and Field Current on the Generator Operation

G 13. In the Metering window, make sure that the torque correction function of the
Torque meter is enabled.

Slowly increase the prime-mover speed setting to increase the generator

input torque until the Torque meter reads !1.0 NAm (9.0 lbfAin). While doing
this, observe the active power and the generator speed indicated by
meters Act. Power and Speed.

Note: The synchronous generator delivers active power when the

value indicated by meter Act. Power is positive.

Describe what happens.

Generator Synchronization

Does the synchronous generator supply active power to the ac power


G Yes G No

G 14. Slowly set the prime-mover speed setting so that the active power indicated
by meter Act. Power decreases to approximately zero. While doing this,
observe the generator input torque indicated by the Torque meter.

The synchronous generator is now "floating" on the ac power network.

Where does the power to overcome friction come from?

G 15. Slowly decrease the prime-mover speed setting to 0. While doing this,
observe the active power, the generator input torque, and the generator
speed indicated by meters Act. Power, Torque, and Speed.

Describe what happens.

What does this mean?

G 16. Increase the prime-mover speed setting until the torque indicated by the
Torque meter (generator input torque) is equal to !1.0 NAm (9.0 lbfAin). The
synchronous generator is now delivering the nominal active power
(approximately) to the ac power network.

On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, slowly set the EXCITER knob to the
MAX. position to increase the field current. While doing this, observe the
active power, the reactive power, the generator input torque, and the
generator speed indicated by the meters.

Note: The synchronous generator delivers reactive power when

the value indicated by meter React. Power is positive.

Describe what happens.

Generator Synchronization

Does the synchronous generator supply reactive power to the ac power


G Yes G No

G 17. On the Synchronous Motor / Generator, slowly set the EXCITER knob to the
MIN. position to decrease the field current. While doing this, observe the
reactive power indicated by meter React. Power in the Metering window.

Describe what happens.

Is it possible to adjust the field current so that the power factor of the
synchronous generator is unity?

G Yes G No

G 18. On the Power Supply, turn the voltage control knob fully counterclockwise
then set the 24 V - AC power switch to the O (off) position.

Note: If you are using the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power

Supply, Model 8960-2, turn it off by setting its POWER INPUT
switch to the O (off) position.

Remove all leads and cables.


In this exercise, you synchronized a three-phase synchronous generator with the ac

power network. You observed that varying the torque at the generator's shaft varies
the amount of active power exchanged between the generator and the ac power
network. You saw that varying the field current of the generator varies the amount
of reactive power exchanged between the generator and the ac power network.


1. Before a synchronous generator is synchronized with the ac power network, its

phase sequence, frequency, and voltage must be

a. the same as those of the ac power network.

b. different from those of the ac power network.
c. any value depending on the generator and its prime mover.
d. none of the above.

Generator Synchronization

2. After synchronization with the ac power network, the phase sequence,

frequency, and voltage of a synchronous generator will be

a. the same as those of the ac power network.

b. different from those of the ac power network.
c. any value depending on the generator and its prime mover.
d. none of the above.

3. What parameters of the synchronous generator must be adjusted before

connecting it to an ac power network?

a. Its phase sequence and frequency only.

b. Its voltage and frequency only.
c. Its phase sequence, frequency, and voltage.
d. Its speed only.

4. When a synchronous generator "floats" on the ac power network, this means


a. it will speed up and slow down with network voltage fluctuations.

b. neither active nor reactive power is exchanged with the ac power network.
c. it is sitting above the water line.
d. the output voltage is almost identical to that of the ac power network.

5. Active power to overcome the rotation friction of a synchronous generator that

is "floating" on the ac power network comes from

a. the network.
b. the ac power supply.
c. the source of mechanical power coupled to the generator.
d. the field current.

Unit Test

1. A three-phase synchronous generator with thirty pairs of poles per stator

windings produces voltages at a frequency of 60 Hz when it rotates at the
nominal speed. What is the nominal speed of the synchronous generator?

a. 3600 r/min.
b. 360 r/min.
c. 120 r/min.
d. 1800 r/min.

2. A three-phase synchronous generator

a. is very similar to an eddy-current brake.

b. is basically an electromagnet that induces voltages in the stator windings as
it rotates.
c. consists of three electromagnets, located at 120E from each other, that
induce voltages in the stator windings as they rotate.
d. None of the above.

3. Changing the speed of a synchronous generator changes

a. the frequency and amplitude of the output voltage.

b. only the frequency of the output voltage.
c. only the amplitude of the output voltage.
d. only the phase of the output voltage.

4. How can the output voltage of a synchronous generator be varied without

modifying the frequency?

a. By varying the speed of the generator.

b. By varying the way the conductors are wound in the stator winding.
c. By varying the torque applied to the generator's shaft.
d. By varying the field current of the generator.

5. When a synchronous generator supplies power to either a resistive or an

inductive load, the output voltage

a. decreases as the field current increases.

b. increases as the output current increases.
c. remains constant when the output current varies.
d. decreases as the output current increases.

6. When a synchronous generator supplies power to a capacitive load, the output


a. increases as the field current decreases.

b. increases as the output current increases.
c. remains constant when the output current varies.
d. decreases as the output current increases.

Unit Test (cont'd)

7. When a single synchronous generator supplies power to a load that fluctuates,

the voltage and frequency can be maintained constant by continually adjusting

a. generator speed only.

b. position of the stator windings.
c. speed and field current of the generator.
d. field current only.

8. A three-phase synchronous generator is said to be synchronized with the ac

power network when

a. its phase sequence is the same as that of the network.

b. the amplitude and frequency of the voltages produced by the generator are
the same as those of the network.
c. the amplitude, frequency, and phase of the generator voltages are the same
as those of the network.
d. Both a and c.

9. When a synchronous generator is synchronized with the ac power network,

increasing the torque applied to the generator's shaft

a. increases the reactive power which the generator delivers.

b. increases the active power which the generator delivers.
c. decreases the reactive power which the generator delivers.
d. increases the generator speed.

10. When a synchronous generator is synchronized with the ac power network,

varying the field current changes

a. the amount of active power which the generator delivers.

b. the generator speed.
c. the ac power network voltage.
d. the power factor of the generator.

Appendix A
Circuit Diagram Symbols

Various symbols are used in many of the circuit diagrams given in the DISCUSSION
and PROCEDURE sections of this manual. Each symbol is a functional
representation of a device used in Electrical Power Technology. For example,
different symbols represent a fixed-voltage dc power supply, a variable-voltage
single-phase ac power supply, and a synchronous motor / generator. The use of
these symbols greatly simplifies the circuit diagrams, by reducing the number of
interconnections shown, and makes it easier to understand operation.

For each symbol used in this and other manuals of the Lab-Volt Electrical Power
Technology using Data Acquisition series, this appendix gives the name of the
device which the symbol represents and a diagram showing the equipment, and in
some cases the connections, required to obtain the device. Notice that the terminals
of each symbol are identified using encircled numbers. Identical encircled numbers
identify the corresponding terminals in the equipment and connections diagram.


Circuit Diagram Symbols

Circuit Diagram Symbols

Appendix B
Impedance Table for the Load Modules
The following table gives impedance values which can be obtained using either the
Resistive Load, Model 8311, the Inductive Load, Model 8321, or the Capacitive
Load, Model 8331. Figure B-1 shows the load elements and connections. Other
parallel combinations can be used to obtain the same impedance values listed.


120 V 220 V 240 V

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz

1200 4400 4800 I

600 2200 2400 I

300 1100 1200 I

400 1467 1600 I I

240 880 960 I I

200 733 800 I I

171 629 686 I I I

150 550 600 I I I I

133 489 533 I I I I

120 440 480 I I I

109 400 436 I I I I

100 367 400 I I I I I

92 338 369 I I I I I

86 314 343 I I I I I I

80 293 320 I I I I I I I

75 275 300 I I I I I I I

71 259 282 I I I I I I

67 244 267 I I I I I I I

63 232 253 I I I I I I I I

60 220 240 I I I I I I I I

57 210 229 I I I I I I I I I

Table B-1. Impedance table for the load modules.

Impedance Table for the Load Modules

Figure B-1. Location of the load elements.

Impedance Table for the Load Modules

The following table gives inductance values which can be obtained using the
Inductive Load module, Model 8321. Figure B-1 shows the load elements and
connections. Other parallel combinations can be used to obtain the same inductance
values listed.


120 V 220 V 240 V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

3.20 14.00 15.30 I

1.60 7.00 7.60 I

0.80 3.50 3.80 I

1.07 4.67 5.08 I I

0.64 2.80 3.04 I I

0.53 2.33 2.53 I I

0.46 2.00 2.17 I I I

0.40 1.75 1.90 I I I I

0.36 1.56 1.69 I I I I

0.32 1.40 1.52 I I I

0.29 1.27 1.38 I I I I

0.27 1.17 1.27 I I I I I

0.25 1.08 1.17 I I I I I

0.23 1.00 1.09 I I I I I I

0.21 0.93 1.01 I I I I I I I

0.20 0.88 0.95 I I I I I I I

0.19 0.82 0.89 I I I I I I

0.18 0.78 0.85 I I I I I I I

0.17 0.74 0.80 I I I I I I I I

0.16 0.70 0.76 I I I I I I I I

0.15 0.67 0.72 I I I I I I I I I

Table B-2. Inductance table for the Inductive Load module.

Appendix C
Equipment Utilization Chart
The following Lab-Volt equipment is required to perform the exercises in this manual.
Quantities in shaded areas indicate that two student groups can collaborate to
perform the exercises. If so, the second model is required only for stand-alone


MODEL DESCRIPTION 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2

8134 EMS Workstation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

8211 DC Motor/Generator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

8221 Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor 1 1

8241 Three-Phase Synchronous Motor/Generator
8251 Capacitor-Start Motor

8254 Universal Motor 1

8311 Resistive Load 1* 1 1

8321 Inductive Load
8331 Capacitive Load

8621 Synchronizing Module

8821-2X Power Supply 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8942 Timing Belt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

8951 Connection Leads and Accessories 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

8960-1 or -2 Prime Mover and Dynamometer Module 1** 1*** 2 1 1 1 1 1

9061, 9062,
Data Acquisition Module 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
or 9063

* Not required when performing the exercise using 120-V equipment.

** Exercise 1-1 works only with the Four-Quadrant Dynamometer / Power Supply, Model 8960-2.

*** Exercise 1-2 works only with the Prime Mover / Dynamometer, Model 8960-1.

(see next page)

Equipment Utilization Chart


MODEL DESCRIPTION 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 5-1 5-2 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4

8134 EMS Workstation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

8211 DC Motor/Generator

8221 Four-Pole Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor 1 1 1 1

8241 Three-Phase Synchronous Motor / Generator 1 1 1 1 1 1

8251 Capacitor-Start Motor 1

8254 Universal Motor

8311 Resistive Load 1 1 1 1

8321 Inductive Load 1 1

8331 Capacitive Load 1 1 1

8621 Synchronizing Module 1

8821-2X Power Supply 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8942 Timing Belt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

8951 Connection Leads and Accessories 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

8960-1 or -2 Prime Mover and Dynamometer Module 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

9061, 9062,
Data Acquisition Module 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
or 9063


Completion of the exercises in this manual requires at least an IBM® type

personal computer running under Windows®.

Appendix D
New Terms and Words

AC Motor — An electric motor that operates from an ac power source.

Armature - The rotating part of an electric motor or generator.

Brushes - Strips, blades, or blocks, usually made of metal or carbon, which are
mounted on the stator of a rotating machine and provide sliding contact with the
commutator or the slip rings of the rotor. Brushes allow current flow between the
stator and rotor of a rotating machine.

Commutator - Part of the rotor of a rotating machine (dc motor, dc generator,

universal motor, etc.) that is made of many segments (parallel copper bars or strips
insulated from each other) that are connected to the rotor windings. As the rotor
turns, the segments successively make contact with brushes to distribute current to
the rotor windings. The commutator converts dc current into ac current, or ac current
into dc current, depending on whether the machine operates as a motor or

DC Motor — An electric motor that operates from a dc power source.

Dynamometer — A device used to measure the speed of rotation and the torque
produced by a motor by allowing a variable braking force (counter-torque) to be
applied to the shaft of the motor under test.

Electric Motor — A rotating machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy through the process of electromagnetic induction and interacting magnetic

Electromagnetic Induction — The production of an electromotive force (emf), i.e.

a voltage, in a circuit by a change in the magnetic flux linking with that circuit.

Electromagnet — A device that produces a magnetic field when an electric current

flows through it. A coil of wire wound around an iron core is an example of an

Field Current - A dc current which produces the fixed magnetic field in a rotating

Generator — A rotating machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical

energy (either ac or dc) through the process of electromagnetic induction.

Magnetic Force — The force of attraction or repulsion between magnetic poles. Like
magnetic poles repel each other, while unlike magnetic poles attract each other.

Magnetic Poles — The parts of a magnet where the magnetic lines of force exit, or
enter, and where they are the most concentrated. By convention, magnetic lines of
force exit from the north magnetic pole and enter at the south magnetic pole.

Magnetic Torque — The torque caused by magnetic forces.

New Terms and Words

Motor Efficiency — The ratio of the mechanical power (Pm) delivered by a motor to
the electrical power (PIN) supplied to the motor, Pm / PIN.

Motor Power — The mechanical power (Pm) delivered by a motor, expressed in

watts (W). Motor power is obtained by dividing the product of the motor speed n and
torque T by 9.55 (Pm = n x T/9.55) when the speed and torque are expressed in r/min
and NAm, respectively. The product of speed and torque is divided by 84.51 when the
torque is expressed in lbfAin.

Prime Mover — The primary source of mechanical power for any mechanical
system that requires force to drive gears, belts, flywheels, etc.

Rectifier - Electronic component that converts ac power into dc power.

Rotor — The rotating part of an electric motor or generator.

Slip - In rotating machinery, the difference between the speed of the rotating
magnetic field and that of the rotor. Slip can be expressed in revolutions per
minute (r/min) or as a percentage of the synchronous speed.

Speed — The number of turns per unit of time at which a motor or generator rotates.
Speed is usually expressed in revolutions per minute (r/min).

Stator — The non-rotating part of an electric motor or generator.

Torque — The twisting force applied to an object. Torque can be expressed in

NewtonAmeters (NAm) or in pound forceAinches (lbfAin). Electric power applied to a
motor produces torque that makes the motor turn, and a generator turns because of
the torque applied to its shaft by a drive motor, belt, or gear.


Jackson, Herbert W. Introduction to Electric Circuits, 5th edition,

New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1981
ISBN 0-13-481432-0

Wildi, Theodore. Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems, 2nd edition,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991
ISBN 0-13-251547-4

Wildi, Théodore. Électrotechnique, 2e édition,

Sainte-Foy: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 1991
ISBN 2-7637-7248-x
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