DG Cement Internship Report
DG Cement Internship Report
DG Cement Internship Report
JULY -2013
Muhammad Saad Afzal 10-ect-38
Submitted By:
Muhammad Saad Afzal
([email protected] )
7thJuly – 7th August,2013
University of Engineering
and Technology, Taxila
(Sub-Campus Chakwal)
Sub-Campus Chakwal
1. Introduction to D.G. Khan Cement Company ltd.
2. History of Cement
3. Cement Manufacturing
1. Process
2. Field Plan
3. Block Diagram
4. Cement Production
1. Raw Material
2. Quarry
3. Limestone Crusher
4. Bag Filter
5. Storage Yard
6. Stacker
7. Side Scraper
8. Reclaimer
9. Raw Mill Feed Area
10. Load Cells
11. Magnetic Separator
12. Raw Mill
13. CF Silo
14. Pre-heater
15. Rotary Kiln
16. Cooler
17. Conditioning Tower
18. ESP
19. Clinker Silo
20. Cement Mill
Nishat Group is one of the leading and most diversified business groups in South
East Asia. With assets over PRs.300 billion, it ranks amongst the top five business houses of
Pakistan. The group has strong presence in three most important business sectors of the
region namely Textiles, Cement and Financial Services. In addition, the Group has also
interest in Insurance, Power Generation, Paper products and Aviation. It also has the
distinction of being one of the largest players in each sector. The Group is considered at par
with multinationals operating locally in terms of its quality of products & services and
management skills.
Mian Mohammad Mansha, the chairman of Nishat Group continues the spirit of
entrepreneurship and has led the Group successfully to make it the premier business group
of the region. The group has become a multidimensional corporation and has played an
important role in the industrial development of the country. In recognition of his unparallel
contribution, the Government of Pakistan has also conferred him with “Sitara-e-Imtiaz”, one
of the most prestigious civil awards of the country.
D.G. Khan Cement Company Limited (DGKCC), a unit of Nishat group, is the largest
cement-manufacturing unit in Pakistan with a production capacity of 5,500 tons clinker per
day. It has a countrywide distribution network and its products are preferred on projects of
national repute both locally and internationally due to the unparallel and consistent quality. It
is list on all the Stock Exchanges of Pakistan.
DGKCC was established under the management control of State Cement Corporation of
Pakistan Limited (SCCP) in 1978. DGKCC started its commercial production in April 1986
with 2000 tons per day (TPD) clinker based on dry process technology. Plant & Machinery
was supplied by UBE Industries of Japan.
Expansion -Khairpur Project:
Furthermore, the Group is also setting up a new cement production line of 6,700 TPD
clinker near Kalar Kahar, Distt. Chakwal, the single largest production line in the country.
First of its kind in cement industry of Pakistan, the new plant will have two strings of pre-
heater towers, the advantage of twin strings lies in the operational flexibility whereby
production may be adjusted according to market conditions. The project will be equipped
with two vertical cement grinding mills. The cement grinding mills are first vertical Mills in
Pakistan. The new plant would not only increase the capacity but would also provide
proximity to the untapped market of Northern Punjab and NWFP besides making it more
convenient to export to Afghanistan from northern borders.
Power Generation:
For continuous and smooth operations of the plant uninterrupted power supply is
very crucial. The company has its own power generation plant along with WAPDA supply.
The installed generation capacity is 23.84 MW.
Environmental Management:
DG Khan Cement Co. Ltd., production processes are environment friendly and comply with
the World Bank’s environmental standards. It has been certified for “Environment
Management System” ISO 14001 by Quality Assurance Services, Australia. The company
was also certified for ISO-9002 (Quality Management System) in 1998. By achieving this
landmark, DG Khan Cement became the first and only cement factory in Pakistan certified
for both ISO 9002 & ISO 14001...
England first made Portland cement early in the 19th century by burning powdered
limestone and clay in his kitchen stove. By this crude method he laid the foundation for an
industry which annually processes literally mountains of limestone, clay, cement rock, and
other materials into a powder so fine it will pass through a sieve capable of holding water.
Cement is so fine that one pound of cement contains 150 billion grains.
Portland cement, the basic ingredient of concrete, is a closely controlled chemical
combination of calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron and small amounts of other ingredients to
which gypsum is added in the final grinding process to regulate the setting time of the
concrete. Lime and silica make up about 85% of the mass. Common among the materials
used in its manufacture are limestone, shells, and chalk or marl combined with shale, clay,
slate or blast furnace slag, silica sand, and iron ore.
Each step in manufacture of Portland cement is checked by frequent chemical and
physical tests in plant laboratories. The finished product is also analyzed and tested to
ensure that it complies with all specifications.
Field Plan:
Raw Material
Crushing and
Grinding in Raw
Constant FeeD
SILO (CF silo)
Pre - heating
Burning in Rotary
Kiln (1500ºC)
Cooler (90ºC)
Clinker Silo
Cement Mill + 5%
Packing +
Layout (Block Diagram):
1. The cement manufacturing process begins when limestone, the basic raw material
used to make cement, is transported by dumper trucks to the crusher plant from the
limestone quarry 3-4 kilometers away.
2. The limestone is combined with clay, ground in a crusher and fed into the additive
silos. Sand, iron and bottom ash are then combined with the limestone and clay in a
carefully controlled mixture which is ground into a fine powder in a roller mill.
3. Then, the fine powder is heated as it passes through the Pre-Heater Tower into a
large kiln, which has length of 66 meters and diameter 5.5 meters. In the kiln, the
powder is heated to 1500 degrees Celsius. This creates a new product, called
clinker, which resembles pellets about the size of marbles.
4. The clinker is combined with small amounts of gypsum and limestone and finely
ground in a finishing mill (cement mill).
5. The cement manufacturing process consists of many simultaneous and continuous
operations using some of the largest moving machinery in manufacturing. A number
of sensors and computers allow the entire operation to be controlled by a single
operator from a Central Control Room (CCR).
Cement Production
1. Lime stone
2. Clay
3. Iron ore, Bauxite & Silica
4. Gypsum
1. Lime Stone:
This raw material is owned by company and is extracted from nearby quarry unit.
Limestone has the highest composition in the cement production.
2. Clay:
Clay is another nature resource used in cement production.
4. Gypsum:
Gypsum is retarding agent and is used to increase setting time (to slow down
hardening process).
Quarry is the place from where raw material is extracted. Drilling and Blasting is done
to extract the material. Then this extracted material is loaded on dumper trucks and
conveyed to the crusher.
Drilling is done in the quarry with the help of drilling machine. A space of 10-
15m is created for the powder explosive.
The powder explosive is blasted under a controlled process to get the rocks in
the form of pieces of different small sizes.
Bag Filter:
The dust produced by crushing process can cause damage to the equipment and
may produce dust, to overcome this problem a bag filter is employed. A fan blows air and all
the dust goes to the bag filter. Inside the bag filter a special type of canvas cloth is used.
When air passes through this filter cloth, the dust particles stick to the cloth and clean air
passes through. The dust particles are then collected and sent to the conveyor. After
sometime when the filter is choked with particles, purging system is used in which high
pressure air is used, this air removes all particles from the filter cloth.
The crushed material is stored in the form of piles in the storage yard. There are 6
piles in the storage yard. Mixed piles are used in larger quantity where as high grade and
additive piles are used in small quantity.
1. 2 Mixed piles (limestone & clay)
2. 1 High grade (pure limestone)
3. 1 Iron ore (additive)
4. 1 Bauxite (additive)
Stacker is a device which forms conical piles of the crushed material. Feed is
conveyed to the stacker through conveyor belts. This stacker then moves too and fro to
make a pile. The stacker belt is called “Jib” in engineering terms.
Side scrapper is a device which picks the crushed feed from the piles through its feed
belt called “Hoist”. This belt has a number of small buckets of low capacity. When this belt
moves, the buckets picks feed from the pile and put it on the belt conveyor. Side scrapper in
used for those piles which are required in low quantity like bauxite and iron ore.
Reclaimer is equipment which is used to throw feed down from the pile. It has two
arms called “Harrows” These harrows are inserted into the pile, when they move sideward,
the feed drops down the pile. This feed in then collected by high capacity buckets installed in
the bottom of the reclaimer. These buckets pick the feed and put it on the belt conveyor. It is
large capacity equipment and for those piles which are required in high quantity like Mixed
A magnetic separator is installed on the feed belt. It attracts and removes metal
objects from the feed which are collected in the bin.
Raw mill involves the mixing of extracted raw materials to obtain the correct chemical
configuration, and grinding them to achieve the proper particle size to ensure optimal fuel
efficiency in the rotary kiln and strength in the final concrete product. In “DGKCC” Dry
process is used.
After kiln the hot material is cooled to 90 ºC and the cooled material is called clinker.
The conditioning tower is used to reduce the temperature and to increase the
moisture level of the dusty exhaust gas from the kiln, before it is passed through the bag
house and ESPs. It is called a conditioning tower because it conditions the hot gas, thus
making it more suitable for the ESP and bag house to extract dust from it.
Through ESPs, the dust-laden gas is made to flow through a chamber usually
horizontally, during which it passes through one or more high voltage electric fields formed
by alternate discharge electrodes and plate type collecting electrodes.
By the action of electric field, the dust particles, which have become electrically
charged by negative gas ions which are formed at the discharge electrodes and attach
themselves to the particles, fly to the collecting electrodes and are deposited there. The dust
is dislodged from these electrodes by rapping and thus falls into the receiving hopper at the
base of the precipitator casing.
(Electro-static Precipitator)
In this clinker silo clinker is stored. Clinker is also purchased by people for number of
purposes as it is ready form of cement and is used widely in concrete road making and in
numerous other procedures.
The output of the kiln is stored before it is fed to the cement mill for conversion to
cement. This storage is called clinker storage, if it is used for clinker storage purpose.
Another storage space is used for gypsum storage, and is known as gypsum storage.
During the final stage of Portland cement production known as finish milling, the
clinker is ground with other materials (which impart special characteristics to the finished
product) into a fine powder. Up to 5% gypsum is added to regulate the setting time of the
cement.Many plants use a roll crusher to achieve a preliminary size reduction of the clinker
and gypsum. These materials are then sent to ball or tube mills which perform the remaining
grinding. The grinding process occurs in a closed system with an air separator.
This air separator divides the cement particles according to size. Material that has not been
completely ground is sent through the system again.
1. This plant has 2 cement mills each having 175 ton/hour.
The OK mill combines the drying, grinding and separation processes into just one
unit, which simplifies the plant layout. And because it operates at a low noise level, outdoor
installation is feasible – substantially reducing civil construction costs and improving the
working environment.
2. Key benefits:
1. Simple layout and fewer machines in the mill circuit ensure high run-
factor and low maintenance costs
It is the nerve center of the cement plant since all equipment is controlled from this
place. It is the place from where all the process parameters are controlled.
All the processes in the plant are controlled through the CCR. Where inputs and outputs are
changed and whole plant is monitored.
Numbers of software’s are used, such as;
1. Software’s of imported machines were along with them.
2. Ps7(Siemens)
3. ERP(Oracle Based)
The whole automation of the plant is controlled through DCS. The control
rooms of different units like packers or the raw mill can directly be controlled in CCR. The
communication between different units of plant consist to major parts.
The PLCs.
The PLCs used at DG cement for automation and control of plants in the DCS are of
different companies
I) The Allen Bradley PLC-5 series
Allen Bradley, now owned by Rockwell, were one of the original PLC originators (and
actually have the USA copyright on the name PLC). They have been responsible for
much of the development of the ideas used in PLCs and have succeeded in maintaining
a fair degree of upward compatibility from their earliest machine without restricting the
features of the latest.
DCS means the distributed control system. In the DCS someone can control the
systems on distant areas with in a country but in SCADA someone can control plants at
remote locations even in different countries. In DG cement plant the FLSmidth have
their own DCS system
The DCS system and the automation provides the following facilities to the engineers at
i) Simple and safe process control
ii) Intuitive operation and visualization
iii) Powerful system engineering tools with common interface simplify the
engineering and save money throughout the entire plant life cycle.
iv) Online modification possible throughout the system
v) System openness at all levels makes plant enhancements easy
vi) Redundancy at all levels makes high availability scalable to your need
vii) Flexibility and scalability simplify plant improvements
viii) Automation solutions avoid injury to human and damage to equipment and
provide high process availability at same time
ix) Easy handling for the operators due to self-explaining standards
Pressure Transmitter Temperature Sensor (RTD)
Most instruments today can be enhanced in with intelligent versions. These intelligent
instruments have on-board microprocessors that allow for functionality beyond the basic
measurement of the primary variable. They can monitor and report additional process
variables, support
Multiple configurations, totalize flow, and monitor and report on their own health. Often,
they have significant on-board diagnostics. Motor starters can now monitor various
aspects of the health of the motor. They can report current, phase voltage, motor power,
motor power factor, and running hours and can tell you exactly why a trip occurred
(i.e., overload, ground fault, or short circuit?). They can even tell you when the coil in
the contactor is about to fail. Likewise, variable frequency drives can report the same .
Following Safety Measures are observed there;
1. Safety Helmets(white for Engineers and yellow for sub engineers)
2. Ear bugs.
3. Safety boots.
4. Special uniform for workers.
5. Emergency Fire Exit.
6. Carbon Dioxide cylinders.
7. Fire Alarming system.