Bill of Quantity (Boq)
Bill of Quantity (Boq)
Bill of Quantity (Boq)
1.4 Soling Works: First class brick soling (flat) with sand
Sft 3446.34
compaction in foundations, floors etc all complete
2 Concrete Works
2.1 Plain cement concret PCC(1:3:6) in foundation, floors
etc. with cement, sand and crussed aggregate of 10 mm
to 38mm gauge including mixing with mixture machine
Cft 861.59
& compaction by vibrator, laying in line & level with
curing all type of works complete as per specifications &
2.2 RCC work: RCC work in PCC (1:1.5:3) in foundation,
floors, columns, beams, slabs etc. with cement,sand and
crussed aggregate of 10 mm to 38mm gauge including
mixing with mixture machine & compaction by vibrator, Cft 839.26
laying in line & level with curing all type of works
complete as per specifications & instructions
8 Flooring works.
8.1 Supplying and fixing Ceramic glazed tiles (2'x2',
1'x1'6") in floors, walls etc.on toilets 1:4 c/s mortar all Sft 1058.91
8.2 Supplying and fixing 13 mm thick Granite on 20 mm
thick c/s mortar (1:4) on staircase, steps, floors, walls
Sft 300.00
etc. with cutting, grooving, rubbing, washing with oxalic
acid and wax polish etc. all complete
8.3 Carpet Works. Sft 2465.59
8.4 IPS Flooring works.(n 3mm thick fine cement
Sft 2465.59
smoothening works)
9 Painting works.
9.1 Supplying and applying two coats of plastic emulsion
paint with primar base with good finishing as per
instructions and specifications all complete (inner suface)
Bill of Quantity (BoQ)
Client :- Jackpot Gaming Centre (P) Ltd.
Project:- Jackpot Gaming Centre
Location :- Nepalgunj
9.2 Supplying and applying weather proof Apex paint two
coat with astar with good finishing as per instructions
Sft 4808.32
and specifications all complete (Exterior surfaces)
In words :
Name of Firm :-
Name of Proprietor :-
Regtd. No.
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VAT Regd Date:- Contractor's Signature
Address :-
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