Voilation of Works Rules 2017

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4. Schemes.

(5) A draft scheme prepared under the rules, along with other matters, shall include:

(c ) The justification for the scheme including the location of a similar scheme;

(e) The manner in which the scheme shall be financed:

(g) The benefits and returns from the scheme;

(i) such other particulars as prescribed in the standard PC-I form issued by the

5. Estimates and plans. -

(1) The Local Government Engineer shall prepare rough cost estimates on BDD 4 or, as the
case may be, on PC-I, before undertaking the work.

(2) For the preparation of rough cost estimates”, the engineering staff shall inspect the site
and work out the feasibility of the work through images or photographs of the site.

(3) The rough cost estimates, detailed estimates and PC-I shall be approved by the authority
competent to do so.

(4) The standardized items in cost estimates, detailed estimates and PC-I shall be prepared
on the basis of the rates mentioned in Market Rate System notified by the Government.

(5) An estimate on the basis of which a work is to be undertaken shall be subject to:

(a) the availability of funds for the work;

(b) administrative approval; and

(c) technical sanction by the competent authority in the prescribed manner.

(6) A local government, in case of emergency declared by ’the competent authority, may
adopt an alternative mode of direct contracting or negotiated tendering, as the case
may be, in” accordance with the provisions of the PP rules.

(7) The Development Committee of the local government shall exercise the powers of
according administrative approval of the work, if it has been approved by the House and
Is reflected in the Annul Development Program.

(8) The powers of the Development Committee are as under:

District Council & Municipal Corporation -I Committee Members Limit
Chairman / Mayor Convener Up to 20 Million
Chief Officer Member
District Officer Finance / Municipal Officer Finance Member
District Officer Infrastructure / Municipal Officer Infrastructure Member / Secretary

District Council & Municipal Corporation -II Committee Members Limit

Chief Officer Convener Up to 3 Million
District Officer Finance / Municipal Officer Finance Member
District Officer Infrastructure / Municipal Officer Infrastructure Member / Secretary

Metropolitan Corporation Committee Members Limit

Mayor Convener Up to 50 Million
Chief Officer Member
Metropolitan Officer Finance Member
Metropolitan Officer Infrastructure Member / Secretary

Municipal Corporation Committee Members Limit

Chief Officer Convener Up to 5 Million
Municipal Officer Finance Member
Municipal Officer Infrastructure Member / Secretary

Municipal Committee Committee Members Limit

Chairman Convener Up to 10 Million
Chief Officer Member
Municipal Officer Finance Member
Municipal Officer Infrastructure Member / Secretary

(9) The work estimates beyond the abovementioned limits shall be submitted to the District
Development Committee Divisional Development Committee or Departmental
Development Sub-Committee or Provincial Development Working Party, as the case
may be, as notified by the Government, for administrative approval.

(10) Unless otherwise provided, the Local Government Engineer shall have the same powers
of technical sanction, approval of rates of non-standardized’ items and all other powers
not specified in the rules as are conferred on the engineers of the corresponding ranks
in the Communications and Works Department, Public Health Engineering Department
or Housing and Physical Planning Department under the Punjab Delegation of Financial
Powers Rules 201 6.

(11) Engineer in BS-17 working as an independent engineer in-charge in a Local government

shall have the powers to accord the technical sanction up to rupees one million.
(12) The technical sanction of the detailed estimates exceeding the limit of the Powers of the
Engineer of a Local government shall be accorded in the manner as under:

Local Government Engineer Local Government Engineer by

Sr.No Seeking Technical Sanction whome Technical Sanction is
Beyond his Powers accorded
Engineer in BS-18 in respective
1 Engineer in BS-17
District or Division
Engineer in BS-19 in respective
2 Engineer in BS-17 and BS-18 District or Division or the Chief
Engineer (HQ), PLGB
Engineer in BS-20 in respective
Engineer in BS-17 , BS-18 and BS-
3 Division or the Chief Engineer (HQ),

(13) An estimate for maintenance work. shall laps on the expiry of the relevant financial

(14) The administrative approval for a fresh work shall hold good for a period of two years.

(15) During the execution of a work., the cost of the work shall not be allowed to exceed 10%
of the approved cost on account of change in design scope or rates.

(16) If the cost of work exceeds the limit mentioned in sub-rule (15), the new detailed cost
estimates or PC-I of the ’scheme shall be formulated and revised administrative
approval shall be obtained.

. (17) In case the site of the work or nomenclature is changed, fresh administrative approval
shall be obtained from the respective Development Committee.

6. Annual Development Plan. –

(1) The local government shall prepare and approve its Annual Development Plan (ADP) as
per procedure laid down in the Punjab Local Governments. (Budget) Rules 2017.

(2) The Annual Development Plan in addition to the other matters, shall specify:

(a) the particulars specified for various works,

(b) the order in which they shall be undertaken.

(c ) the probable dates of commencement and completion.

(d) an explanation whether the works shall be executed by the

department or through a contractor or agency; and

(e) such other information as may be specified by the local government.

(3) The Annual Development Plan shall be placed before the House for budget allocation in
its ordinary meeting for consideration and approval, With ’OR Without modification.

(4) The Annual Development Plan sanctioned or modified shall be published in such manner
as the Chairman or Mayor of the local government deems fit.

(5) After the sanction of the Annual Development Plan, the Local Government Engineer
shall, subject to the general direction of the Chairman or Mayor of the concerned local
government, proceed to take such steps as are necessary for the execution of the
work in accordance with the Annual Development Plan.

(6) The Local Government Engineer shall submit to the Chairman or Mayor of the
concerned local government on the seventh day of every month, the progress report of
the Annual Development Plan for the preceding month.

(7) The Chairman or Mayor of the local government shall submit to the local government, at
least once in three months, the progress report on the implementation of the Annual
Development Plan.

(8) No original work. included in the Annual Development Plan, shall be executed unless the
administrative approval and technical sanction have been accorded by the competent

8. Enlistment of contractors. -

(7) Subject to the PP rules, the local government, prior to inviting tenders, may engage for
pre-qualification of contractors to ensure that only technically and financially capable
firms having adequate professional and managerial capability are invited to submit bids
for a project which costs rupees thirty million or above.

9. Tendering, work order and contract. -

(1) When any work is to be executed by engaging daily labour, a muster roll shall be
maintained for such work in such form and manner as prescribed by the Building and
Road Works Code of the Government.

(2) After the administrative approval and technical sanction for the work is accorded, bids
shall be 'invited with the prior approval of the Mayor or Chairman by the Chief officer or
any officer duly authorized by the Chairman or Mayor. ·

(3) The tendering process and procurement shall be in accordance with PP rules.

(4) The tender or bidding documents may be obtained from the concerned local
government on payment of the prescribed fee.

(5) The bids shall be opened at the time and place specified in the public notice in the
presence of the bidders or their representatives who care to be present, by the
following Committee:
Composition Designation
1 Chief Officer Convener
Representative of the Deputy Commissioner
2 Member
3 Assistant Engineer Concerned Local Government Member
4 District Officer / Municipal Officer Finance Member
Member /
5 District Officer / Municipal Officer Infrastructure

(6) The members of the committee shall affix their initials and date on every bid so opened
and also on the comparative statement.

(7) The rates quoted by the contractor shall be written both in figures and words.

(8) The absence of one of the members of the committee shall not vitiate the proceeding
the committee.

(9) The work order shall be issued by the engineer in charge to a person offering the lowest
bid after approval of the Chairman or Mayor or the engineer in charge authorized by
him, subject to the conditions that:

(a) the normal procedure for the invitation of bids under pp rules has been

(b) the rates quoted are such that total cost or the project does not exceed the
amount of the technical sanction by more than 4. 5 per cent;

(c) the lowest bid is accepted; and

(d) in case the rates of the lowest bid are equal to or less than 5% of the estimated
cost, the lowest bidder shall be bound to deposit additional performance
security from a scheduled bank from 5% to 10°/o (inducting CDR deposited at
the time of tendering) within 15 days of issuance of notice as under:

(10) The additional performance security shall be refunded after issuance of the completion
certificate by the in charge of the engineering branch.

(11) The work order issued under sub-rule 9 shall contain the description of work, the
amount of the agreement along with the rates and the time within which it is to be

(12) Prior to issuance of the work order, the Engineer in charge shall ensure that the funds
are available.
(13) The Engineer in charge and his subordinates shall be responsible for strict
implementation of the terms of the contract and shall adhere to the roles and
responsibilities defined for the execution of development work in Building and Road
Departments Works Code.

(14) All the contract deeds shall be executed on standard contract form.

(15) The contract between the local government and the contractor shall be executed by
the Mayor or Chairman or an officer authorized by him, on the stamp paper of the
requisite value.

10. Unauthorized execution of work. –

(1) No work shall be executed unless it is in conformity with the provisions of the rules and
PP rules.

(2) All contracts shall be recorded in a register to be maintained by an official of not less
than BS-11 duly authorized by the in charge of the engineering branch.

(3) All contracts and related documents shall be kept in the custody of the in charge of the
concerned branch of the local government or an official of not less than BS-14 duly
authorized by the Mayor or Chairman· for the purpose.

11. Enforcement of contracts. –

(1) The Mayor or Chairman shall take, such steps as may be necessary to enforce the
performance of the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof and in
the best interest of the local government.

(2) In case the contractor fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract, the
Engineer in charge shall take such action as may be necessary including invoking the
penal provisions of the contract to safeguard the interest of the local government.

(3) On completion of the contract, the Engineer ln charge shall record a certificate to that

12. Workplace safety. –

(1) The contractor shall take all necessary precautionary measures to pre-empt that:

(a) any hazard at the place of work, during the execution of work, does not cause
any threat to loss of life;

(b) the work does not cause any loss to the property of any other person;

(c) before commencing the work, all the safety equipment are in place and safety
measures have been taken as necessarily. required at the place of work;

(d) all necessary safety requirements are strictly adhered to during the execution of
the work; and
(e) protective and · safety equipment for workers, as specified by the Local
Government Engineer, is functional.

(2) The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 (VIII of 1923) shall be applicable to the
contracts for the purpose specified in that Act.

13. Operation and maintenance. -

The Local Government Engineer shall ensure that:

(a) all the safety measures, during the operation and maintenance of an existing
infrastructure, according to the nature of work, have been adopted to secure life and
property; and

(b) all precautionary measures and use of sewer safety equipment specified in Schedule-II
have been taken in respect of:

(i) sanitation functions; or

(ii) cleanliness of sewer, manholes and descending sanitary workers in the

sewer manholes.

14. Terms and conditions of contract. –

The conditions given in rules 12 and 13 shall be deemed to be part of every contract under the

15. Disciplinary action. -

The local government may, in case of failure of compliance with rules 12 and 13 and if such
failure causes the death of a person, may initiate proceedings, subject to the preliminary
inquiry within fifteen days, against the delinquent Local Government Engineer or take action
against the contractor as per contract and in accordance with law.

16. Execution and Inspection Of Works. –

(1) The local government engineer and his subordinates shall be responsible for ensuring

(a) the work is executed in the best interest of the local government.

(b) the work is executed in accordance with the specifications in the technically
sanctioned estimates, and the provisions of the rules; and
(c) the terms of the contract are strictly enforced, and nothing is done to nullify or
vitiate the contract;

(2) The authority competent to accord technical sanction may, from time to time, inspect
the project and convey its observations for rectification to the Engineer Inchar.ge and to
the Mayor or Chairman.

(3) The Local Government Development Committee shall inspect and if it deems necessary,
may raise the requisite objections for the rectification of work by the Engineer In charge.

(4) If due to any unavoidable circumstances, the work could not be completed within the
period specified in the contract, an extension of such period may be allowed as per
contract conditions by:

(a) the local government engineer, if the period of extension is not likely to exceed
two months;

(b) the Chief Officer, if the period of extension is not likely to exceed three months;

(c) the Mayor or Chairman, if the period of extension is not likely to exceed six
months; and

(d) the House if the period of extension is likely to exceed six months.

(5) In the execution of the work, all possible care shall be taken to ensure that:

(a) the safety and convenience of the public are duly attended to;
(b) the operations are carried out in a manner that they cause minimum
interference with the traffic and ordinary pursuits of the people; and _
(c) particular attention is paid towards adequate lighting at night of all obstructions
to public roads and streets by the contractor or the executing agency, as the
case may be.

(6) The Local Government Engineer or the person in-charge of the work shall report the
case to the Mayor or Chairman, if there is:

(a) any interruption in the execution of the work;

(b) any unusual loss in materials;
(c) any damage to property; or
(d) any accident during the execution of any work.

(7) The Mayor or Chairman shall take such action as he. may deem necessary, under
intimation to the House and to such other authority as may be specified by the
(8) An administration diary of progress shall be maintained for every ‘work in such form and
manner as is prescribed by the Communication and Works Department.
17. Completion of works. –
(1) All measurements shall be recorded in a measurement book in the form prescribed in Departmental
Financial Rules Volume-III.
(2) All the measurements recorded shall be checked by- the engineering staff in the manner prescribed
in the Building and Road Departments Works Code and the practices of the Communication and Works
(3)If a contractor is found guilty of any breach of any term of a contract, the penal provisions shall be
enforced against him after approval of the Mayor or Chairman.
(4) Where, on inspection and measurement, the work is found to be in order, a completion certificate
and a completion report shall be prepared on the Form in use in the Communication and Works
Department and prescribed in the Building and Road Departments
Works Code.
(5)For every completed original work, a completion plan shall be prepared with correct representation
of the work as actually executed.
(6) On the seventh day of every month, a statement shall be forwarded by the local government
engineer to the Mayor or Chairman showing the details of the progress of the works during the
preceding month.
(7) After allotment of the work to the contractor, all documents, estimates running .and final record
entries of each bill of payment connected with that work shall be duly recorded in the works register
by the Draftsman or by an official of not less than BS-14 duly
. authorized by the incharge of the Engineering Branch under the supervision of Local
Government Engineer.

18. Accounts for works.- (1) The bills of work for payment shall be prepared in the Form
prescribed in the Punjab Local Governments (Accounts) Rules 2017.

· (2) In case a work is executed. by a daily labourer, a muster roll along with an
abstract of work executed as a piece work or a contract work and the measurement book shall
form the basis of the accountr
(3) Any payment either for the work. done or procurement made for more than rupees fifty
thousand shall be entered in the measurement book.
( 4) The final. payment shall be made when the work has been completed but running payments
may be made during the course of

the execution of the work in accordance with the principles prescribed in the Building and Road
Departments Works Code.
( 5) The concerned local government engineer shall submit trre,; bill of the work done to the
Head of Finance Branch of the local government .who shall check all the documents and
may raise objections or seek information, if necessary.

( 6) The Head of Ftnance Branch of the local government, on his satisfaction, shaU submit,
through Chief Officer, the bills for sanction by the Mayor or Chairman.

(7) After sanction of the bills by the competent authority, the Audit Branch shall pre-audit and
payment shall be made in the prescribed manner.
(8) The payment to a contractor shall be made by crossed cheque .ano as far as possible
within fifteen days of the submission of the bill.
·(9) If for any reason the payment is not made within the period of thirty days, the
reasons for such non-payment shall be reported to the Mayor or Chairman.

(10) The security, if. any, deposited by the contractor, shall be retained for six months after the
completion of the work and shall then be returned to the contractor, unless in the meantime the
work has been found to be defective or not up to the specifications and the. contractor has not
remedied such defects or does· not comply with the specifications in which case such sum shall be
deducted and retained until such defects are remedied.
( 11) In the case of supply of movable good or materials, the security shall be retained for
three months 'subject to the conditions mentioned above.
(12) No advance payment to a contractor shall be made by a local government.

19. Miscellaneous.- (1) If any matter is not covered under the rules, the Punjab Government
Works rules under the Building and Roads Department Works Code for Public Works Departments.
and PP rules shall mutatis mutandis apply.

(2) In case of any conflict between these rules and the PP rules, the provisions of PP rules
shall prevail to that extent of the conflict.

(3) The contract for the repair or maintenance of road, sewerage, w.ater supply system shall
be made in accordance with the PP rules.

( 4) · The quality control field test shall be mandatory for each development work costing
more than rupees ten million.

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