Arduino Based Underground Cable Fault Distance Locator

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Submitted by: Tijjani Nabeel Aminu

Matric Number: BEE143BH018

Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Nasir Algeelani

Faculty of Engineering

A final year project report presented to the Al-Madinah International University

In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering

I hereby, declared that the work on this report was carried out by me in accordance with the

regulations of Al-Madinah International University. I hereby, declared this project work as

original and the results of my own work, unless where cited or indicated as referenced work.

This project report has not been submitted to any other academic or non-academic institution

for any degree award or qualification obtaining. I hereby, acknowledged to have adhered

possibly with the academic rules and regulations of Al-Madinah International University,

while also regulated the conduct of my study

Student Name: Tijjani Nabeel Aminu

Student Matric No: BEE143BH018

Program: Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Faculty: Engineering


Student’s Signature: ...................................................

Date: ..................................................

Supervisor’s Signature: ...................................................

Date: ...................................................
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................. i

Abstract .............................................................................................................................. vi

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... vii

Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... viii

List of Figures .................................................................................................................... ix

List of Tables .......................................................................................................................x

Chapter 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................11

1.1 Research Problem ..............................................................................................13

1.2 Objectives and Scope .........................................................................................14

1.3 Organisations .....................................................................................................14

Chapter 2 Literature Review...........................................................................................15

2.1 Inrtoduction ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

Chapter 3 ............................................................................................................................17

Working Operations ...........................................................................................................17

3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................17

3.2 Explanation ........................................................................................................17

3.3 Hardware / Software Requirements ...................................................................20

3.3.1 Transformer....................................................................................................21

3.3.2 Rectifier..........................................................................................................21

3.3.3 Filter ...............................................................................................................22

3.3.4 Voltage Regulator ..........................................................................................23

3.3.5 Arduino ..........................................................................................................24

3.3.6 Power .............................................................................................................28

3.3.7 Memory ..........................................................................................................28

3.3.8 Liquid Crystal Display ...................................................................................29

3.3.9 Popo Buttons ..................................................................................................32

3.3.10 Capacitor ....................................................................................................33

3.3.11 Buzzer ........................................................................................................33

3.3.12 Diode ..........................................................................................................34

3.3.13 Led .............................................................................................................36

Chapter 4 ............................................................................................................................37

Simulation & Hardware Construction ...............................................................................37

4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................37

4.2 Software Description .........................................................................................37

4.2.1 Egale Pcb Software ........................................................................................37

4.2.2 Proteus Simulator ...........................................................................................40

4.2.3 Writing The Program .....................................................................................43

4.2.4 Simulation ......................................................................................................43

4.3 Arduino Software ...............................................................................................44

4.3.1 Arduino ide ....................................................................................................44

Case 2: fault occurred when Switch 1 across Resistance R1 of phase R is closed. ... Error!

Bookmark not defined.

4.3.2 Prototype Workings ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

4.3.3 Hardware mplemantation ...............................................................................46

4.3.4 Physical Prototype .........................................................................................46

Chapter 5 ............................................................................................................................47

Conclusions, Recommendation and Future Work .............................................................47

5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................47

5.2 Conclusions ........................................................................................................47

5.3 Recommendation ...............................................................................................47

5.4 Areas for further work .......................................................................................48

The underground fault location is typical practice in many sectors and in various industrial

units. Whenever a system failure occurs, for some reason, the repair process related to the

defective wire becomes difficult because it is not possible to trace the particular position of

the faulty cable. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to determine the location of the

buried cable broken lines from the source station to the exact location.

This research will help to easily identify and locate underground cable failure without

digging the entire length of the cable before repairing or replacing the entire cable due to

the difficulties of detection of the cable fault. Also, help reduce loss of income due to

damage when trying to detect faults.

I wish to express my thanks and appreciations to Almighty Allah who gave me life, time

and capability to conduct this project. In addition, to those who made the completion of

this project possible, same goes to my project supervisor in person of Asst. Prof. Dr.

Nasir Ahmed Algeelani for his careful supervisory roles played in this work. His advice

and guidance to this work can never be forgotten. I am also indebted to my father Alh

Muhammad Aminu Tijjani, Alh Ibrahim Shamaki, Alh Bello, and Alh Haske, Uncle

Adamu Abubakar. My beloved Mum Hajiya Amina Aminu Tijjani, my siblings

Abdullsamad, Anwar, Aiman, your encouragement really helps enormously throughout

the course of my study.

Also, my special thanks goes to Engr. Dr Ahmed H Almasoodi, Dr. Nohaidda, I.r

Muhammad, Dr. Muzapahr Noman, Engr. Zulkarnanin and the entire staff of the

department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Al Madinah international university

for their great concern, guidance and efforts make to see my academic process.

I am grateful to my beloved family members, friends, course mate: Mugus, Camara,

Mokas, Farida Muhammad, Idris Tijjani, Nasira , Ruffaidah, Masaya, Muazu, El yagoot,

Mighty, yahaha, Mashy, Fareed, Gabi Khalifa, Nagari, Tilli, Muayeed, Balele, Al Ameen,

Honorable, Ibrahim, for their unending contribution to the success of this work.

The acknowledgement is not exhaustive but for time and space, I say thank you all.

March 2019
ADC Analog to Digital Converter

DC Direct Current

MCU Microcontroller Unit

B.O.Q Bill of Quantity

CT Current Transformer

OPAMP Operational Amplifier

IC Integrated Circuit

PIC Programmable Intelligent Computer

LCD Light Crystal Display

LED Light Emitting Diode

AC Alternating Current

TDR Time Domain Reflect meter

LBS Load Break Switch

CPU Central Processing Unit

KV Kilovolt

MW Megawatt
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Underground cable fault distance locator connected with Arduino ................ 13

Figure 2.16 Diode symbol and Static I-V Characteristics ................................................ 35

Figure 3.17 LED Symbol and diagram ............................................................................. 36

Figure 4.1 Cad soft eagle Design ...................................................................................... 39

List of Tables
Table 3-1 Features of Nano ----------------------------------------------------------------- 27
Table 3-2: Lcd Pin Description ------------------------------------------------------------- 30
Chapter 1
Electrical power is produced in the generating electrical station from sources of electric

energy. For electric utilities in the electric power industry distributed to the different loads

at different areas. Electrical wires are used to distribute power.

Underground cable is not affected by unfriendly weather condition like rain, storms,

snow and so on. At the point when the fault occurs, locating that specific fault is difficult.

The fault of the location primarily happens because of numerous reasons. To defeat this

issue, here is an undertaking in particular underground location fault separation locator,

used to discover the area of the fault for underground location. [1]

Before endeavoring to discover underground location faults on direct shrouded location,

it is basic to realize where the location is arranged and what heading it takes. Since it is

amazingly hard to locate a location fault without realizing where the location is, it bodes

well to ace location finding and following before begin the faultfinding process.

The achievement of fault following and situating of an underground location is for the

most part relies upon the aptitude, learning and experience of that Technician Although

following of the location can be a perplexing activity, it will in all respects likely turned

out to be significantly increasingly mind boggling as progressively underground plant is

introduced. It is similarly as imperative to see how the gear functions. This task report

manages the primary idea of ohm's law, therefore to discover the separation of

underground distance location, in numerous urban zones; location fault is a typical issue.

At the point when a fault happens because of some reason, the procedure of fault

following without realizing the area identified with that specific location is exceptionally

troublesome. The proposed framework is intended to follow the accurate area of the fault

happened in the location.

The fault creation is planned with many switches at each kilometer (km) to crosscheck

the precision of the equivalent. The fault happening at a particular separation shown on

an LCD interfaced to the Arduino, which is pre-modified.

This task utilizes Ohms Law idea, small voltage dc is connected to the feeder end via

location lines, at that point the voltage would vary dependent on the area of fault

happened in the location. On the off chance that there happens any fault, at that point the

voltage over the lines fluctuate appropriately, at that point it is encouraged to Arduino

Microcontroller. There are numerous approaches to locate the location fault area.

Figure 1.1 Underground cable fault distance locator connected with Arduino

1.1 Research Problem

Frequent faults in underground cables due to rupture of paper or polymer plastic

insulation due to chemical action, reaction or even poor workmanship during installation

and difficulty locating the approximate fault area have been a serious engineering

problem. Most underground faults are located by unearthing the full length of the

shielded cable to allow visual inspection to be carried out. In case visual inspection is not

useful, the total length of the cable is replaced. This analog method is not expensive,

since consumers are left without electricity for the entire period necessary to unearth the

cable and make the necessary repairs. [2] To salvage these challenges, an effectual

implement capable of locating the fault. This project is aimed at designing and

constructing a digital underground cable fault locator to solve this problem.

1.2 Objectives and Scope

The research would be based on designing and constructing an underground cable fault

distance locator or instrument that is capable of locating an underground cable fault.

At the end of this study, an Arduino based underground cable fault distance locator would

have been;

 Designed

 Constructed

 Able to locate underground cable fault distance locator and display the results

using digital methods.

1.3 Organisations

Figure 1.2 shows organization chart

Chapter 2
Literature Review
2.1 Introduction

The frequent failure in the underground cables is due to the rupture of the plastic paper of

the department, to a physical reaction or to a deficient during the installation and the

conditions to solve the problem with a serious problem. Most underground faults are

found in unearthing the entire length of the cable to allow visual inspection. As for the

visualization, not to the sea, if you do not use the cable. Manual this manual has not only

expired until it has been produced in a large number of products for the energy

distribution company. The investigation was conducted due to a network cable location

distance detection to solve the problem. The research work will identify and locate the

failure of the underground cable without unearthing the entire length of the cable before

repairing or replacing it and the entire cable due to the difficulty in locating the fault.

Algae extended life segment. Large works made for several types of identification for the

identification of faults in underground areas. In Abhishek Pandey, Nicolas H. Younan,

presenter the discovery of the location of the underground fault and the distinctive test

through the Fourier exam [3]. The techniques for the estimation of the impediment to the

medium of the distribution distribution and the differential voltage may be appropriate for

the types of abandonment of the location of the data of the stage. The LED concentrate to

locate is the most suitable method to visualize the results, in particular the mouse


[4] Introduced conduct concurrent problems flags in underground location utilizing.

[5] Exhibited fault area calculations deprived of using line limits. By using current

estimations from the two finishes of line without requiring line parameters dependent on

the disseminated parameter line show. The fault area gauge is not touchy to estimation

mistakes while line parameter gauges are delicate to estimation blunders.

[6] Displayed a programmed fault area technique utilizing TDR. This technique utilizes

obtained information from a current. It empowers client hardware to find location issues.

An impedance-based fault area technique stage to stage and stage flaws [7]. This

technique used deliberate impedance by separation transfer and the overly forced current

factor to segregate the fault area. This technique is touchy to the deliberate impedance

exactness and very forced current factor.

Flexible beginning shortcoming area calculation in the time-space, which uses

information gathered by PQ screens to assess the fault area as far as the line impedance

by considering the bend voltage, related with the nascent location flaws [8]. In this way,

the calculation predicts location fault area between two nearby sewer vents. The proposed

calculation precisely stick focuses the definite fault in the underground location.

Chapter 3
Working Operations
3.1 Introduction
The underground cable distance detector that uses the ATmega328 microcontroller "works

primarily according to the Ohm's law principle." A theoretically perfect cable returns that

signal at a known time and in a known profile. "Impedance variations in a" real "cable they

alter both the time and the profile, that the TDR screen or the print represent graphically.

This graph (called "trace") provides the user with approximate distances to "reference

points", such as openings, junctions, Y-jacks, transformers and entry of water.

A weak point of the TDR is that it does not identify faults. The TDR is accurate, which is

about 1% of the test interval. Sometimes, only this information is sufficient. Other times, it

only serves to allow shots that are more precise. However, this greater accuracy can

produce significant savings in terms of costs and time. Another weak point of the TDR is

that the reflectometer is not able to identify earth faults with resistances much higher than

200 ohms.

3.2 Explanation
The main operation lies on the fact that when the current flows through the set of series

resistors in each of the three set of line, cable from the place of fault that occurred if there

is any short circuit fault. The current drops through the series resistors changes

accordingly and then the fault signal goes to internal (ADC) Analog-to-digital converter of

the microcontroller to develop precise digital data. Then microcontroller will process the

digital data and the result is being displayed in the LCD connected to the microcontroller

in kilometers as per the programming conditions. [9]

The power supply given to the circuit is 230V ac supply. The ripple in rectified output is

then removed with the help of a 1000-microfarad electrolytic capacitor. Since a constant

5V voltage source is desired in our circuit, because the Microcontroller (ATmega328),

16x2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), Relay Drivers and Relays, etc. and the other

components work at 5V supply; therefore, we are using two voltage regulators (7805).

These voltage regulators convert the filtered output to 5V constant supply voltage. The

first voltage regulator U2 feeds the voltage to microcontroller, LCD, and the set of series

resistors. While the second voltage regulator U3 feeds the relay and relay driver IC


In addition, this model consists of three relays, which are driven by a relay driver IC

ULN2003A. The relay used here drives the bulb load to indicate the fault being occurred

in corresponding phases and can be used to trip the power supply to the set of series


The fault creation environment is known to equivalent kilometer indicated by the set of

series resistors to cross check accuracy when a fault is occurred at the distance in a phase

(or two phases or three phases) current flows through the shorted line, developing drops

across the corresponding phase resistors. This drop is sensed by the ADC (built inside the

microcontroller) through Port and converts it into equivalent digital data. The

microcontroller then processes the data according to fault conditions pre-programmed

into the microcontroller and then sends out display signals about the location of fault to

LCD, which finally displays the location of the fault in kilometers, and simultaneously

send the signals to the relay driver Integrated circuit, which further drives the bulb load

connected to the relay.

The model uses four sets of resistors in series for each phase of the cable line. in series

with supply line of each phase as shown in the circuit diagram. The exact distance 4kms

equally divided into 1km for each resistor. The resistors develop respective voltage drops

corresponding to the occurrence of ground fault in one phase or two phases or three

phases. The ADC built in microcontroller then senses this drop. The other end of resistors

R1, R3 and R5 are connected to ground. [10]

3.3 Hardware / Software Requirements
The Arduino based underground cable fault locator is made up of several building blocks;

Hardware Requirements

1. Transformer (220-12v ac)

2. Voltage regulator

3. Rectifier

4. Filter

5. Arduino

6. Liquid crystal display

7. Popo buttons

8. Buzzer

9. Relays / relay driver ic

10. Resistor

11. Diode

12. Capacitor

13. At Mega AVR Series Microcontroller

3.3.1 Transformer

A transformer are capable of receiving Ac power at 1 voltage and delivering in another

voltage. In this way a static machine used for transforming power from one circuit to

another without changing frequency. Since there is no rotating or moving part, so

transformer is a static device. Transformer operates on ac supply. Figure 3.1.1b shows a

Transformer. [11]

Figure 3.1 Circuit Diagram of a Transformer

In transformer we have the input known as (primary coil) and output coil (secondary coil)

so there is no current passing through the primary and secondary coils. So therefore, it

can only be connected with magnetic field, Ratio of the coils limits the ratio of the

voltage. [12]


3.3.2 Rectifier

The rectifier might be a half wave or full wave rectifier. In this undertaking, an Extension

rectifier is utilized due to its benefits like great security and full wave amendment in

Figure 3.1 positive half cycle just two diodes (1 set of parallel diodes) will direct, in

negative half cycle, staying two diodes will lead and they will direct just in forward

predisposition as it were. [13]

Figure 3.2 Full Wave Bridge Rectifier

3.3.3 Filter

Capacitive channel is used in this theory. It removes the swells from the yield of rectifier,

smoothens the DC yield got from this channel, and remains reliable until the mains

voltage and weight is taken care of consistent.

The basic capacitor channel is the most fundamental sort control supply channel. The

utilization of this channel is constrained. It is some of the time utilized on amazingly high

voltage, low current power supplies for cathode-beam and comparative electron tubes

that require next to no heap current from the supply. This channel is additionally utilized

in circuits where the power supply, swell recurrence is not basic and can be generally

high. Beneath Figure 3.3 shows capacitor charges and releases. [14]

Figure 3.3 Filter Circuit

3.3.4 Voltage Regulator

Voltage sources in a circuit sometimes changes by bringing about not giving fixed

voltage Output. As found in Figure 3.4 Voltage controller [15]

Figure 3.4 Voltage Regulator

3.3.5 Arduino

A mini controller on a computer integrated circuit containing a processor centre, memory,

and programmable information. The important part for us is that a micro-controller

contains the processor (which all computers have) and memory, and some input/output

pins that you can control (often called GPIO - General Purpose Input Output Pins). As

shown below in Figure. 3.3.5

Arduino hardware is available in different designs. With the Arduino board, you can write

programs and create interface circuits to read switches and other sensors and control

motors and lights with very little effort. This is how the Arduino board looks like.

Figure 3.5 Arduino Uno

[16] cross- platform. The boards are not expensive you can construct. Arduino software

Software programs, called sketches, are created on a computer using the Arduino

Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The IDE enables you to write and edit code

and convert this code into instruction that Arduino hardware understands. Arduino hardware

An Arduino board contains an Atmel 8, 16 or 32-bit AVR microcontroller which lets users

connect the CPU board. [17]

Arduino are more straightforward by allowing the use of an ordinary computer as the

programmer. Currently, optiboot boot loader is the default boot loader installed on Arduino

UNO [18].

Figure 3.6 Arduino

Figure 3.7 an Official Arduino Uno

Figure 3.7 shows an official Arduino Uno hardware manufactured by the Italian

25 Types of Arduino

• Arduino Uno

• Arduino Leonardo

• Arduino LilyPad

• Arduino Mega

• Arduino Nano

• Arduino Mini

• Arduino Mini Pro Arduino Nano

Figure. 3.8 is an Arduino Nano a very small, and breadboard-friendly board based on the

ATmega328P (Arduino Nano 3.x)

Figure 3.8 Arduino Nano

26 Summary

Table 3.1 Features of Nano

Microcontroller Atmel ATmega168 or ATmega328

Operating Voltage (logic 5 V


Input Voltage
(recommended) 7-12 V

Input Voltage (limits) 6-20 V

Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

Analog Input Pins 8

DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA

Flash Memory 16 KB (ATmega168) or 32 KB (ATmega328) of

which 2 KB used by bootloader

SRAM 1 KB (ATmega168) or 2 KB (ATmega328)

EEPROM 512 bytes (ATmega168) or 1 KB (ATmega328)

Clock Speed 16 MHz

Dimensions 0.73" x 1.70

Figure 3.9 Arduino Nano Pin Description

An example in Figure. 3.9 Arduino Nano Pins description. As mentioned earlier, Arduino

Nano has 14 digital I/O pins

3.3.6 Power

Arduino Nano can be power-driven through to Mini-B USB location. FTDI FT232RL chip

on the Nano is only powered if the board is being powered over USB. As a result, when

running on external (non-USB) power, the 3.3V output (which is supplied by the FTDI

chip) is not available and the RX and TX LEDs will flicker if digital pins 0 or 1 are high.


3.3.7 Memory

The ATmega168 has 16 KB of glimmer memory for putting away code (of which 2 KB is

utilized for the bootloader); the ATmega328 has 32 KB, (additionally with 2 KB utilized

for the bootloader). The ATmega168 has 1 KB of SRAM and 512 bytes of EEPROM

(which can be perused and composed with the EEPROM library). [20]

3.3.8 Liquid Crystal Display

Figure 3.11 shows an LCD most of the LCD Displays available in the market are 16X2

(That means, the LCD displays are capable of displaying 2 lines each having 16 Characters

a), 20X4 LCD Displays (4 lines, 20 characters). It has 14 pins [22].

This 20x4 Character LCD Display is built-in with RW1063 controller IC that are 6800,

4-line SPI or I2C interface options. The WH2004G 20x4 LCD Display have the same AA

size and stick task as existing WH2004A and WH2004B character LCD modules however

with littler framework and VA estimate. The following are the accessible arrangement

display numbers

 WH2004G - 6800 interface

 WH2004G1 - 4-line SPI interface

Figure 3.11 LCD 20x4

29 LCD Background

An Arduino Program must interrelate with the outside world using input and output


Figure 3.12 LCD Connections

Figure 3.12 shows the 44780 standard requires three (3) control lines as well as either 4

or 8 I/O lines for the data bus.

TABLE 3.2 LCD Pin description
NO. Function Name

1 Ground (0V) Ground

2 Supply voltage; 5V (4.7V – 5.3V) Vcc

3 Contrast adjustment; through a variable resistor VEE

Selects command register when low; and data register when Register
High Select

5 Low to write to the register; High to read from the register Read/write

6 Sends data to data pins when a high to low pulse is given Enable

7 DB0

8 DB1

9 DB2

10 DB3

8-bit data pins

11 DB4

12 DB5

13 DB6

14 DB7

15 Backlight VCC (5V) Led+

16 Backlight Ground (0V) Led-

3.3.9 Popo Buttons

A push button is a change used to close or open Figure 3.1.9a. An electric control circuit

in They are utilized for beginning and ceasing of activity of hardware. They likewise give

manual supersede when the crisis emerges. Push catch switches are impelled by pushing

the actuator into the lodging. This makes set of contacts open or close. Push catches are

of two kinds I) Momentary push catch ii) maintained contact or detent push catch

Momentary push catches come back to their unactuated position when they are

discharged. Kept up (or precisely locked) push catches has a hooking instrument to hold

it in the choose position.

Figure 3.13 POPO BUTTON

The contact of the push catches, recognized by their capacities, I) normally open (NO)

type ii) normally shut (NC) type iii) Change over (CO) type. The cross area of different

kinds of push catches in the ordinary and incited positions and are the contacts are open

in the typical position, repressing the vitality course through them. However, in the

activated position, the contacts are shut, allowing the vitality move through them. In the

NC type, the contacts are shut in the typical position, allowing the vitality move through

them. What's more, the contacts are open in the activated position, repressing the vitality

course through them. A changeover contact is a mix of NO and NC contacts. [23]. Theory of operation


The conduct of a perfect resistor is directed by the relationship determined by Ohm's law:

Ohm's law expresses that the voltage (V) over a resistor is corresponding to the current

(I), where the consistent of proportionality is the obstruction (R). [25]

3.3.10 Capacitor

A capacitor is a detached two-terminal electrical segment that stores electrical vitality in

an electric field. No flow really moves through the dielectric, notwithstanding, there is a

stream of charge through the source circuit. In the event that the condition is kept up

adequately long, the current through the source circuit stops. Nevertheless, if a period

changing voltage is connected over the leads of the capacitor, the source encounters a

continuous current because of the charging and releasing cycles of the capacitor. [27]

3.3.11 Buzzer

Buzzer is an electronic gadget generally used to create sound. Light weight,

straightforward development and low value make it usable in different applications like

vehicle/truck switching pointer, PCs, call chimes and so on Figure (a,b) shows ringer and

bell image. Bell Piezo signal depends on the opposite rule of piezo power found in 1880

by Jacques and Pierre Curie. It is the wonders of producing power when mechanical

weight is connected to specific materials and the other way around is additionally valid.

Such materials are called piezo electric materials. Piezo electric materials are either

regularly available or engineered. Piezoceramic is class of counterfeit material, which

presents piezo electric effect and is commonly used to make circle, the centre of piezo


(a) (b)
Figure (a) Buzzer and Figure (b) Symbol

3.3.12 Diode

A PN Junction Diode is one of the simplest semiconductor devices around, and which has

the characteristic of passing current in only one direction only. However, unlike a resistor,

a diode does not behave linearly with respect to the applied voltage as the diode has an

exponential current-voltage (I-V) relationship and therefore we cannot describe its

operation by simply using an equation such as Ohm‘s law. Figure 3.16

Figure 2.16 Diode symbol and Static I-V Characteristics

PN Intersection as a contraption or as a repair contraption we have to be out of the tilt of

the bat at the intersection, that is, associated with the voltage potential through it. In the

overhead voltage concentrator, -Reverse Bias alludes to an external voltage potential that

expands the potential limit. It is said that an external voltage that decreases the potential

limit acts in the course of forward polarization. There are two operating regions and three

possible polarization conditions for the standard splice diode, and these are:

 Zero polarization: no external voltage potential is applied to the PN junction


 Reverse bias: the voltage potential is connected in negative, (-ve) the substantial

positive of type P, (+ ve) to the material of type N in the diode, which has the

effect of increasing the width of the junction diode PN.

 Direct Bias: the voltage potential is connected positive, (+ ve) to the material of

type P and negative, (-ve) to the material of type N through the diode that has the

effect of decreasing the width of the junction diodes

3.3.13 Led

A light radiating diode (LED) is known to be a standout amongst the best optoelectronic

gadgets diagram in F 3.17. The gadget is fit for radiating a genuinely limited data transfer

capacity of obvious or imperceptible light when its inner diode intersection achieves a

forward electric flow or voltage. A similar procedure is turned around here. That is, the

P-N intersection produces light when vitality is connected on it. This wonder is for the

most part called electro luminance, which can be characterized as the discharge of light

from a semi-transmitter affected by an electric field. The charge bearers recombine in a

forward P-N intersection as the electrons cross from the N-district and recombine with

the openings existing in the P-locale. Free electrons are in the conduction band of vitality

levels, while gaps are in the valence vitality band. In this manner, the vitality dimension

of the openings will be lesser than the vitality dimensions of the electrons. Some piece of

the vitality must be dispersed to recombine the electrons and the gaps [31].

Figure 3.17 LED Symbol and diagram

Chapter 4

Simulation & Hardware

4.1 Introduction
This chapter describes how the system was implemented. Both software and hardware

implementation were carried out.

4.2 Software Description

Simulation circuit was prepared by using proteus professional software and Cad soft

Eagle it depicts the system before operation.

4.2.1 Eagle PCB Software

EAGLE is a programmable electronic design computing application with schematic

capture, printed circuit board design, automatic router and computer-aided manufacturing

functions. [32]

Popular DIY electronics site SparkFun uses EAGLE, and releases the EAGLE files for

boards designed in-house. Other notable users include Adafruit, Arduino and Dangerous


4.2.2 Application and Advantages
 Application

It is use for underground wire fault detection.

 Advantages

This incorporates style, higher open acknowledgment, and saw advantages of insurance

against electromagnetic field radiation (which is yet present in underground lines), less

intrusions, and lower upkeep costs. Disappointment rates of overhead lines and

underground links fluctuate broadly, however commonly underground link blackout rates

are about portion of their identical overhead line types. Possibly far less transitory

interferences happen from lightning, creatures and tree limbs falling on wires that

de-stimulate a circuit and after that reenergize it a minute later.

 Lower storm restore cost

 Lower tree-cutting expense
 Increased dependability amid serious climate (wind related tempest harm will be
extraordinarily decreased for an underground framework, and regions not exposed
to flooding and tempest floods experience negligible harm and intrusion of
electric administration.
 Less harm amid serious climate.
 Far less fleeting interferences Improved utility relations with respect to tree
cutting Improved Public Safety.
 Fewer engine vehicle mishaps
 Reduced live-wire contact wounds
 Fewer Fires
 Improved feel (evacuation of unattractive shafts and wires, improved tree

overhangs). Less structures affecting walkways

Pcb Layout

Figure 4.1 Cad soft eagle Design

Figure 4.2 cad soft eagle of Arduino design connected with LCD

4.2.2 Proteus Simulator

Proteus is a computer software for microprocessor simulation, schematic capture. [33]

Figure 4.3 Proteus Design suite professional (v8.8) window

As seen, Proteus Professional is like most Windows programs. Aside from the working

zone, there are menus (contains alternatives: File, Edit and so forth.), toolbars (contains

diverse symbols) and a status bar at the base of the window. Like Windows, there is a

standard to have easy routes for the most normally utilized program alternatives made to

effortlessly get to them and accelerate activity consequently. These alternate routes are

really symbolling underneath the menu bar. At the end of the day, all alternatives

contained in the toolbar are contained in the menu as well [34].

To make the project, it is important to tap the choice "NEW PROJECT" and afterward

"SAVE PROJECT NAME ". A Proteus 8 wizard window shows up.

Figure 4.5 Proteus 8 Project Design Template window

Still keep on next after selecting your Design Template (See Figure below)

Figure 4.6 Proteus 8 Project Layout Template window

Figure 4.7 Proteus 8 Project wizard frame wave window

Figure 4.8 Proteus 8 wizard summary window

Click on FINISH to complete the project.

4.2.3 Writing the Program
When the project is created, a window shown in Figure 4.7 appears.

Figure 4.9 Proteus 8 schematic capture window

4.2.4 Simulation

The program was written in the Arduino Uno development environment and debugged

from C language into machine code (hex-file). It is then simulated in the PROTEUS 8

professional and tested as shown in Figure 4.9 the program was found to be working

successfully with some minor errors, which was corrected before the completion of the

project as shown in Figure

4.3 Arduino Software

4.3.1 Arduino Ide

Arduino incorporated advancement condition (IDE), which is a cross-stage application

written in the programming language Java. It incorporates a code manager with

highlights, for example, content reordering, seeking and supplanting content,

programmed indenting, prop coordinating, and sentence structure featuring, and gives

straightforward a single tick system to gather and transfer projects to an Arduino board.

Boundless Breakpoint Capabilities including access, restrictive, and execution


 Simulated peripherals fully synchronized with program execution.

 Recreation is timing precise and in right connection to peripherals.

4.3.2 Experimental Setup

Figure 4.10 shows the experimental setup to lactate the exact distance of fault in the

underground cables. The Arduino Nano, Transformer, and Filter, LCD, Buzzer, Cable

lines, which is connected to the transformer to the Rectifier, Arduino Nano, connected to

the Buzzer after the complete setup so therefore the cable fault would be displayed on the

LED in terms of distance in kilometers from the point of sending end.

Figure 4.10 Proteus 8 Experimental setup

4.3.3 Hardware Implementation

Hardware implementation was done by assembling the functional components required to

demonstrate how fault detection and location can be realized A general purpose project

board was used for this hardware version of the prototype the Figure below shows the

physical prototype of the fault detection and location system.

4.3.4 Physical Prototype

Figure 4.3.4 Physical Prototype

Chapter 5

Conclusions, Recommendation and

Future Work
5.1 Introduction
This chapter summarizes the project from its objectives to implementation and results the

project primarily aimed at mitigating the difficulty faced in detecting and locating

underground faults in the distribution level.

5.2 Conclusions
This project was tested for performance and proved to be working according to the design

specifications. The functional requirements were achieved. The system is capable of

indicating the fault location. The accuracy depends on the specifications in the instruction

codes 'or instance, the number of decimals displayed depends on specifications in the

microcontroller program on the other hand, all the specific objectives were achieved as

well as the project deliverables.

5.3 Recommendation
Although the prototype seemed to perform according to the functional requirements, the

factors affecting line impedance must be taken into consideration during implementation

variation of line impedance with these factors must be well studied so that adjustments

could be made in the instruction codes whenever changes are detected generally, each

power distribution line has its distinct properties which must be thoroughly studied and

understood be installation of this kind of fault detector and locator.

5.4 Areas for further work

This project was limited to detection and location of short circuit faults only This was partially

due to time and cost limitations and partially due to personal interest owing to the fact that

short-circuit faultsare more detrimental to the power line components than opencircuit faults

however some studies could be done on detection and location of open circuit faults so as to

incorporate it within this project.

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Program Code
Arduino Based Underground Cable Fault Detection

// include the library code:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins

Liquid Crystal lcd(7, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5);

Const double RC = 0.01; //Cable Resistance per meter its 0.01 Ohm/Mtr
Void setup () {

Void loop () {
double Vx=(5.0/1024.0) * analogRead (A0); //Voltage across Rx
double Rx = Vx / (1.25/12); //Cable Resistace (1.25/R2)=I Constant Current Source

//Display Cable Resistance

lcd. setCursor (0, 1); // set the cursor to column 0, line 2
lcd.print ("Res :");
lcd.print (Rx);
lcd.print (" Ohm");

//Display Fault Location

lcd.setCursor (0, 2); // set the cursor to column 0, line 3
lcd.print ("Dist :");
lcd.print ((Rx/Rc)/2); //Find Location of Fault
lcd.print (" Mtr");


int distance (int input Voltage)
if(input Voltage>=890&&input Voltage<920)
Return 8;
return 6;
return 4;
else if(inputVoltage>=600&&inputVoltage<750)
return 2;
else return 0;
for(int j =0;j<3;++)
int dist1=distance(analogRead(A0));
lcd. write('NF');

if (dist2==0)
lcd. setCursor(7,0);
lcd. write('G');
lcd. setCursor(8,1);
digital Write (phase [0], LOW);
digital Write(phase[1], HIGH);
delay (500);
if (dist3==0)
lcd. write('Y');
lcd. setCursor (13,1);
LCD. Write('NF');

digital Write(phase[2], LOW);

Arduino Software was used to run the program using programming C codes; here are the

steps below

After the coding compiling sketch was done the program to check if there are errors in

the codes

“HEX” file was copied and pasted on the properties on the circuit design to locate were

the file was saved on the computer so the program can be executed.

There were several errors which was corrected the highlighted program “HEX” file was

copied and pasted on the properties on the circuit design to locate were the file was saved

on the computer.

Case 1: No fault Occurred when simulation started.

Case 2: fault occurred when Switch 1 across Resistance R1 of phase R is closed.


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