EIC4 Workbook AK
EIC4 Workbook AK
EIC4 Workbook AK
Answer Key
Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp.4–5 3 1. Correct 2. Correct 3. I haven’t had a cigarette
for three weeks! 4. I’ve known Julia since we went to
1 1. in 2. about 3. about 4. about 5. at 6. on 7. to college. 5. I’ve lived here for ten years. 6. Correct 7. Have
2 1. ex-girlfriend 2. friend of a friend 3. co-workers you been here for a long time? 8. I’ve had a bad cold since
4. strangers 5. best friend last weekend. 9. Correct 10. I haven’t eaten anything since
nine o’clock this morning.
3a 1. What sports are you interested in? 2. Have you been
skiing recently? 3. Does she like listening to music? 4. Did 4 B
Mozart play the violin? 5. Did your parents enjoy the concert 5 1. No, he hasn’t. 2. Yes, they were very close. 3. the
last night? 6. Did you speak to Frances yesterday? 7. Has fact that his mother died; the criticism he received from his
Clara had her baby yet? 8. Were you born in Seoul? brother and the media; his new car 4. his car 5. Yes, they
b a. 3 b. 8 c. 6 d. 5 e. 4 f. 1 g. 7 h. 2 do. 6. No, they don’t.
4 3. Shenzen: As the city gets richer, residents start to 6 1. has always been overshadowed by 2. particularly
spend. 3. attribute it all to 4. in the same league as
5 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. T
Review Unit 1, pp. 10–11
6 1. The average man or woman (line 14)
2. tend to (line 17) 1 1. best friends 2. lost 3. belong 4. crazy 5. about
3. generally (line 20) 6. ex-girlfriend 7. get 8. strangers 9. common
4. usually (line 27) 2 1. spend money on 2. interested in 3. good at
4. worried about 5. talk about 6. belong to
Lesson 2, pp. 6–7
3 1. Do you live in Thailand? 2. Did you see the new Matt
1 1. isn’t raining 2. Correct 3. goes 4. is boiling 5. is Damon movie last night? 3. When is Sal going on vacation?
getting 6. Correct 7. Are you using 8. We’re staying or When does Sal go on vacation? 4. What sports are you
9. is trying 10. do you do interested in? 5. Do you enjoy studying? 6. Did you forget
2 1. ’s getting or is getting 2. finish . . . takes your books? 7. Does Tim like working in the post office?
3. ’s getting or is getting 4. Do you always listen 4 1. am 2. he does 3. haven’t 4. can 5. it is 6. they
5. ’m living or am living 6. ’re waiting or are waiting did 7. she is 8. they do 9. I have 10. he or she doesn’t
7. is 8. doesn’t . . . enjoy 9. go 10. ’s playing or is playing
5 1. send 2. fly 3. do 4. are 5. doesn’t seem 6. ’ve
3 1. get to know 2. have the same sense of humor just finished 7. ’s talking 8. can’t remember
3. get along 4. enjoy his company 5. keep in touch
6. have a lot in common 6 1. for 2. since 3. since 4. for 5. since 6. for
7. since 8. since
4a Answers will vary, but could include: Some people find
online friendships disappointing because they are more 7 1. I’ve known her for a long time. We went to school
shallow than face-to-face friendships. Some people don’t together. 2. A: Have you spoken to the manager? B: Yes, I
think online friendships are as serious or important as “real” did it this morning. 3. When did they get married? 4. We
friendships. They think online friendships don’t require the haven’t been in touch for a long time. 5. When did you start
same commitment as face-to-face friendships and like the fact working together? 6. I’ve never watched that show.
that they can be ended quickly and easily. 8 1. Have . . . been 2. went 3. Did . . . enjoy 4. thought
b 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 5. Do . . . play 6. ’m or am 7. have . . . played 8. started
9. Do . . . want 10. sounds
5 Answers will vary.
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Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp. 12–13 2 1. who 2. whose 3. where 4. who 5. that 6. that
1 3 1. . . . who designed my house. 2. . . . who are always
honest. 3. . . . where we stayed last year. 4. . . . that makes
R D I G I T A L G E V K N I N jewelry. 5. . . . where you can swim all year. 6. . . . whose
E A L R I M I Z I I I S H L E wife won the lottery. 7. . . . that looks best on you.
8. . . . whose movies always make money.
4a 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. a
I D D I N O O B D D E S L T S b 1. hackers 2. came out 3. star reporter 4. fired
N A B L O G B D O I O E E R P 5. insisted 6. under pressure
T D P N Z N A S O T Z E B O A Lesson 3, pp. 16–17
E I B M E T B D E D E B E G P 1 1. was driving 2. didn’t understand 3. was playing
4. were resting 5. went 6. did you know
2 1. stole . . . wasn’t looking 2. didn’t know . . . were
N B E A I G B H O R N T I G R 3. didn’t hear . . . were listening 4. was driving . . . saw
E I H E L E A R I K P W A K E 5. didn’t take . . . was
Lesson 2, pp. 14–15 3 1. who was given 2. which (or that) are told 3. whose
paintings are sold 4. where I was born 5. which (or that)
1 1. A: What’s the problem? can be used 6. whose bags have been
B: It’s my computer. It isn’t working.
A: Try turning it off. 4 1. sell (sold), teach (taught), buy (bought), fight
B: I’ve tried that. (fought) 2. move (moved), own (owned), clean (cleaned),
2. A: What’s the matter? blow (blew) 3. decide (decided), shout (shouted), want
B: It’s my son’s toy car. It keeps stopping. (wanted), swim (swam) 4. know (knew), play (played),
A: Are the batteries dead? fly (flew), grow (grew) 5. cost (cost), cut (cut), run (ran),
B: Oh yes, you’re right! hit (hit) 6. come (came), speak (spoke), choose (chose),
3. A: What’s wrong with the elevator? wake (woke) 7. wash (washed), draw (drew), mix (mixed),
B: It’s out of order. kiss (kissed) 8. get (got), go (went), forget (forgot), shoot
A: Should I call the office manager? (shot) 9. deliver (delivered), put (put), move (moved),
B: I just called him. show (showed) 10. bring (brought), catch (caught), stop
(stopped), think (thought)
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Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.
Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp. 20–21 Lesson 3, pp. 24–25
1 1. fireplace 2. hardwood 3. elevator 4. attic 1 1. alarm clock 2. washing machine 3. air conditioner
5. basement 6. cramped 7. garage 4. cell phone 5. burglar alarm 6. DVD player
2 1. I’m going to change 2. I’ll have 3. I’ll show 2 1. We’ll probably see you at the party. 2. He might not
4. We’re going to go 5. I’ll do 6. I’m going to go, I’ll get want to come. 3. They may meet us at the airport. 4. Mrs.
Simmons might call about the contract. 5. Could you reserve
3 1. I need some fresh air. I think I’ll go for a walk. 2. Are a table for eight o’clock? 6. Do you think you might buy the
you seeing Jack this weekend? 3. What time is Susannah
house? 7. I probably won’t be back until next week.
coming? 4. We’re or are going to Brazil at the end of the
month. 5. They’ve changed their minds. They’re not going 3 1. won’t arrive 2. ’ll rain 3. might come 4. ’ll
to Thailand anymore, they are going to Greece. 6. Are you probably need 5. may have 6. Could 7. won’t need
coming to the concert, too? Great – we’ll or will see you there! 8. might become
4 Dear (1.) Mr Smith, 4a and b (1) Good morning. Downtown Bank. Can I to
I am writing to complain about (2.) the accommodation that help you?
your company provides.
(5) Thank you. I’ll just put you through. In One moment.
According to your website, (3.) the apartments are all modern
and sunny. In fact, (4.) the apartment I stayed in was built in (8) Certainly so.
the 1970s and dark. The floors in the kitchen and bathroom
(4) Yes, this is Jeff Coffin. I’m returning for his call.
were broken and dirty. In addition to this, (5.) the washing
machine was not working. (2) Yes, I’d very like to speak to Mr. Allen, please.
I was also very disappointed (6.) to find that the apartment
(6) I’m afraid he’s on the other line at the moment. Would you
was a long way from the beach, and not “a ten-minute walk”
like to call he back later?
as specified in the brochure.
I had to move to another apartment, which took me time (3) May I ask who’s calling me, please?
and cost me money. I paid over $300 as a deposit on your
(9) Could he call me at the office? He has my number. I’ll be
apartment, and now I expect to receive a full refund. (7.)
here always until 7:00 P.M. Thank you. Goodbye.
I would also like (8.) you to change the information on your
website and in your brochures. (7) Could I to leave a message?
I look forward to receiving a satisfactory reply. (9.)
(10) Goodbye.
Yours sincerely, (10.)
Miguel Rodrigues 5a C How your house will change A Predictions that were
wrong D Your clothes will know where you are B Changes
5 It is different because these couples are swapping their
in information technology
houses and their businesses, too.
6a 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T b 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F
c 1. trend 2. settings 3. use-by date 4. public
Lesson 2, pp. 22–23 transportation 5. reminder 6. laptop
1a 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. f 6. d
b 1. peaceful 2. historic 3. enormous 4. polluted Review Unit 3, pp. 26–27
5. lively 6. picturesque 7. modern 8. dull 9. noisy 1 1. townhouse 2. floor 3. neighborhood 4. view
10. tiny 11. ugly 12. clean 5. suburbs 6. old-fashioned 7. peaceful 8. lively
9. historic 10. balcony
2 1. more peaceful 2. more expensive 3. heavier
4. more modern 5. nearer 6. smaller 7. worse 8. longer 2 1. A: Are you going to Japan again this year? B: No.
We’re going to Canada instead. 2. I don’t think I’ll go to
3 1. the best 2. more expensive than 3. the hottest
the movie tonight because I’m too tired. 3. Who is meeting
4. more relaxed 5. most beautiful 6. the liveliest 7. more
us at the airport? 4. We’re getting married in June.
romantic 8. busier 9. worse 10. livelier
5. A: Have you decided which one you want to buy yet?
4 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. b B: Yes. I will to take this one please. 6. We’re going to see
Andrea tomorrow. Do you want to come with us? 7. A: I’m
really hungry. B: OK. I will to make us some lunch now.
8. A: What are you doing this weekend? B: We’re going to
visit my mother-in-law. (or we’re visiting) 9. Do Will you will
come with us to the office? 10. Can you tell Jonathan I’ll see
him later? 11. Do Are you coming to the stadium to watch
the soccer game? 12. Sue is leave leaving for Brazil tonight.
I promised to give her a ride to the airport.
3 1. more picturesque than 2. liveliest 3. most
unspoiled 4. most peaceful 5. dullest 6. more modern
7. less polluted 8. cleaner 9. more touristy
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Answer Key
4 1. I didn’t wake up in time because I forgot to set my
alarm clock. 2. When she opened the door the burglar
alarm went off, and soon the police arrived. 3. I don’t have
anything to wear because my clothes are all in the washing
machine. 4. Can you set the DVD player to record this movie
at nine o’clock? 5. My new car has an air conditioner, which
I use when it is really hot. 6. Can I use your cell phone?
I need to call my office.
5 1. We’ll probably see you at the restaurant. 2. Do you
think she might say “Yes”? 3. I think I’m going to be late for
the lesson. 4. You definitely don’t need to change money.
5. We may not get an answer until tomorrow. 6. I’ll definitely
call her again in the morning. 7. She could arrive at any
time. 8. Rosa probably won’t go to Colombia next year.
9. He might not accept the job he was offered. 10. We
probably won’t stay for long.
6a and b 1. Good morning. Casa Bruno. Can I help you? (1)
2. Could he call me back? My number is . . . (8) 3. Hello.
I’d like to speak to Mr. Marconi, please. (2) 4. Yes, this is
Gabriella Saltini. I’m calling about the new designs. (4)
5. May I ask who’s calling? (3) 6. Can I leave a message?
(6) 7. I’m afraid he’s not here at the moment. Would you like
to call back later? (5) 8. Certainly. What’s the message? (7)
7 1. Diego is not as tall as Juan. 2. New York is cheaper
than London. 3. Beijing is more touristy than before.
4. Florence is the most picturesque city. 5. The new museum
is more modern than the old one. 6. Singapore is one of the
cleanest cities . 7. Shanghai has become busier recently.
8. The west coast of the island is unspoiled. 9. San
Francisco is not as polluted as Los Angeles.
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Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp. 28–29 Lesson 3, pp. 32–33
1 1. time 2. time 3. worth 4. value 5. time 1 1. ads 2. succeed 3. fail 4. buyers 5. reward
6. buy
2 1. broken up 2. dropped out 3. figure out 4. ran out
5. picked up 6. catch up 7. ended up 2 1. advertises 2. success 3. sell 4. product
5. produces 6. ads 7. consumes
3a 1. have you C 2. have you F 3. did you B 4. have
you D 5. are you A 6. didn’t you E 3 1. As soon as 2. If 3. Unless 4. When 5. If
6. Unless 7. If
b a. 6 b. 5 c. 3 d. 1 e. 2 f. 4
4a (1) her job (2) Internet fraud (3) shopping online 4 1. e 2. b 3. c 4. g 5. h 6. a 7. d 8. f
(4) investing your money (5) “phishing” (6) features of 5 1. A: won’t be . . . I finish B: you know . . . will you call
secure websites 2. A: will go . . . take B: I have . . . will visit 3. A: graduate
. . . will you become B: find . . . won’t be
b 1. She tells the public what’s happening and explains
how to stop fraud. 2. It’s impersonal: Criminals can steal 6a 3. The future of the personalized ad
money without ever meeting their victims. 3. They are a
dangerous sign. 4. You should never give bank account
b 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D
numbers and passwords. 5. It’s a way for criminals to c 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. NI 6. F 7. F
steal money online. You receive an email that says it’s from
a famous company. It asks you urgently for your details Review Unit 4, pp. 34–35
(passwords, etc.) and uses this information to steal your
money. 6. The letters “https” (at the top of the screen) and 1 Answers will vary. Possible answers: 1. It’s a horrible
an image of a lock or key (at the bottom of the screen) show day, isn’t it? 2. You’ve lost weight, haven’t you? 3. This
that a website is probably safe. radio show isn’t very interesting, is it? 4. You ate my last
chocolate, didn’t you? 5. You’ll write to me, won’t you?
Lesson 2, pp. 30–31 6. You haven’t seen my sunglasses, have you? 7. You don’t
eat meat, do you? 8. You can drive, can’t you? 9. She was
1 hidden
wonderful, wasn’t she?
2 1. We should to bring flowers, shouldn’t we? 2. You
1. W I T H don’t have to freeze this food, do you? 3. I need to send
2. C O N F Jae-Yon an email, don’t I? 4. We shouldn’t have write in the
book, should we? 5. They shouldn’t arrive so late, should
3. A M B I T I O U S not they? 6. He has to go to class now, doesn’t he? 7. She
4. W O R K doesn’t have to be wear a suit, does she? 8. I have to invite
Samuel, don’t I? 9. You have to memorize the password,
5. T O L E R A N T haven’t don’t you? 10. None of us has should be worried,
E should we?
6. G E N E R O U S 3 1. If we don’t 2. as soon as 3. don’t have to 4. I
7. N U M B E R won’t be 5. should call 6. must not play 7. doesn’t have
to take 8. shouldn’t eat
8. C H E A P
4 1. buy . . . won’t 2. If . . . won’t 3. pass . . . will
S 4. Will you . . . know 5. If . . . won’t 6. will . . . put
Hidden word: weaknesses 7. Unless . . . won’t 8. Won’t you . . . don’t
2 1. You must to come here now. 2. I’ve finished. What 5 Crossed out words: 1. our relationship 2. the
should I do now? 3. You must not smoke in the office. lesson 3. quickly 4. my errors 5. life 6. her time
4. You don’t have to wear a suit, but you can. 5. Shouldn’t 7. finally 8. my shoes 9. the opportunity 10. the car
you to be at home now? 6. Do I have to buy a ticket? 6a 1. f 2. g 3. a 4. h 5. e 6. d 7. c 8. b
7. She doesn’t have to clean her room every day; only on
weekends. 8. Our boss has to be in the office by 7:00 A.M. b 1. Time to spare. 2. A punishment. 3. a good value
9. I have to go to the station now. 4. They advertise. 5. They consume. 6. reward.
7. Success. 8. not worth the money. 9. Waste money.
3 1. should 2. have to 3. should 4. must not 5. must 10. Not enough time.
not 6. should 7. don’t have to 8. don’t have to
9. can’t 10. can 7a 1. I’m having a party on Friday. 2. Would you like to
come? 3. I am writing to invite you to the annual awards
4a 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. T dinner. 4. I’ve attached a map, so you can find my place
b 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. b easily! 5. Come anytime after 8:00. 6. Dinner will be
served at 8:30. 7. I’d love to come to your party! 8. I am
pleased to attend the meeting. 9. Sorry, I can’t make it
because I have another party to go to. 10. I am afraid I am
unable to attend due to a previous engagement.
b 1. I 2. I 3. F 4. I 5. I 6. F 7. I 8. F 9. I 10. F
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Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp. 36–37 Lesson 3, pp. 40–41
1 1 1. who is six years old 2. When 3. after 4. which
1 G L O 2V E S is delicious 5. eventually 6. which is based on Joanne
O Harris’s novel 7. While
L 2 1. much 2. some 3. a few 4. lots of 5. a 6. some
7. some 8. a lot of
S O C C E R 3 1. couple 2. few 3. little 4. many of 5. a piece of
6. little
4 5
4a 1. C and D 2. B and D 3. A and E 4. C and D 5. A
B I A and D 6. B and D
6A E R O B I C S M b 1. C 2. B 3. E 4. D 5. A
L Y E 5 1. It’s near the city center. 2. It specializes in Thai
7 food. 3. Yes, it’s very fresh. 4. The waiters are very
friendly. 5. Yes, the service is a little slow.
F I S H I 9N G Review Unit 5, pp. 42–43
N E 1 1. Haven’t you finished 2. I’ve asked 3. I’ve been
10 studying 4. has been 5. have been skiing 6. ’ve stopped
S K I I N G T 7. have been looking 8. have used
2 1. finished 2. been watching 3. been working 2 1. cooking . . . a lot of 2. to find out . . . any
4. been going 5. known 6. been practicing 3. to talk . . . some 4. meeting . . . so many 5. to tell . . . –
6. to go . . . too much 7. running . . . – 8. to eat . . . some
3 1. have known 2. have been looking for 3. have been
running 4. have been doing 5. haven’t heard 6. has she 3 1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. b
been practicing 7. have you invited or are you inviting 10. a
4 1. Why don’t we go to a movie? 2. I’m not sure about 4 1. She’s been studying the subject for a couple of years.
that. 3. So wouldn’t it be better to eat at home? 4. Should 2. I’ve heard a lot of interesting stories about Mark. 3. I’ve
we try a museum? been coming here for many years. 4. He hasn’t spent much
time in Brazil. 5. A few of us have stayed in Beijing before.
5a 1. hovered 2. magnificent 3. announced 4. froze 6. She’s been taking too many days off work. 7. He’s been
5. barked 6. bank
trying to find some information. 8. I haven’t seen you for a
b 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. c few days.
c 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 5 1. a. 2. characters 3. by 4. visit 5. it 6. been
7. prepared 8. set 9. prices 10. worth 11. improved
Lesson 2, pp 38–39 12. in
1 1. f 2. a 3. e 4. d 5. c 6. b 6 a = aerobics, c = chapter, e = exercise, f = fishing,
2 1. writing 2. to paint 3. to play 4. to be 5. to ride g = guitar, i = instructor, j = jogging, m = main character,
6. designing 7. studying 8. to practice . . . to beat n = noncount, p = plot, s = skiing, t = tip, v = volleyball,
y = yoga
3 1. to work 2. to have 3. to discuss 4. to read
5. to find 6. starting 7. speaking 8. to read 9. to write
10. to look 11. to enjoy 12. to read
4 1. characters 2. by 3. about 4. set 5. stars
6. soundtrack 7. plot 8. recommend
5 1. to watching, T 2. to like, F 3. seeing, T
4. watching, T 5. to get, T 6. to get, NI 7. to go, F
8. to like, T
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Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp. 44–45 Lesson 3, pp. 48–49
1 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. e 1 1. the, the 2. –, the 3. the, a 4. the, The 5. –, a
6. the, the 7. –, a 8. –, the
2 Past perfect: had filled, had never expected, had it
been 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b 2 A man sent himself in a wooden box from New York to
Dallas because he thought it was the cheapest way to fly.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 1 d. 2
Charles McKinley, 25, missed his family but thought the flight
3 1. Because he had forgotten his passport. 2. Because
home would be too expensive. A friend told him it would
he had packed (a pair of ) scissors. 3. Because he hadn’t
be cheaper to go as cargo. In fact, the cost of sending the
seen the No Smoking sign. 4. Because he hadn’t reserved a
wooden box was higher than an economy class seat.
room. 5. Because he hadn’t put on sunscreen. 6. Because
he hadn’t brought his camera. 7. Because he had lost his After a 15-hour journey in which McKinley had no food or
key. water, the box was delivered to his parents’ home. McKinley
surprised everybody by jumping out of the box. The delivery
4 1. shows 2. foreground 3. one 4. on 5. excited
man called the police immediately, and McKinley was arrested.
6. been 7. Afterwards
5 Wording of answers will vary. 1. She feels that she’s only
3 1. Do you? 2. Did he? 3. Is it? 4. Will you? 5. Is
there? 6. Haven’t they? 7. Is she? 8. Haven’t you?
just starting. 2. Over 30 years ago. 3. Many people can
now see more of the world. They don’t have to be rich. 4a Travel agents might do all of these except 6: “tell people
4. Tour guides can take you up the mountain, so you don’t which plane to get on.”
need any training. 5. Sandy Hill Pitman’s guides carried her
laptop computer, coffee machine, and luxury food up Everest,
b The article mentions all of them except 4: “find cheap
and she had fashion magazines delivered to the mountain.
She is an example of “the bad side of modern tourism.” c 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T
6. She suggests that young people who want to be travel
writers should make time to write, and they should look for
d 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b
Review Unit 6, pp. 50–51
Lesson 2, pp. 46–47 1 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. b
1 1. How much is a ticket to the city center? 2. What time
2 1. had failed, the 2. a . . . became 3. the . . . didn’t
does the museum close? 3. Excuse me, do you know where
stay 4. had broken, – 5. – . . . started 6. the . . . had
the museum is? 4. Can you tell me the way to the park,
already fallen 7. hadn’t recognized, the 8. a . . . came
please? 5. Excuse me, is there a bank near here? 6. Does
9. an . . . had never seen
this bus go to the art gallery?
2a 1. What time does Flight 4552 arrive? 2. How much is a 3 1. What’s China like? 2. Would they like some milk?
3. I wouldn’t like to be famous. 4. What did Johnny look
one-way ticket? 3. Can you recommend a good restaurant?
like? 5. It tastes like meat. 6. What will robots be like in
4. Could you tell me the way to the history museum?
the future? or What will robots of the future be like?
5. Does this bus go to Grand Street?
7. I’ve never liked rock music. 8. Is Spanish grammar like
b 1. e 2. d 3. c 4. b 5. a Portuguese grammar?
3 1. What’s the apartment like? Is it big? 2. Would you 4a 1. It’s a small, pretty town in the south of England,
like some help? I’m free at the moment. 3. Your house looks famous for cider, a drink made with apples. 2. They’re tall
like a museum. I love your old furniture. 4. I like listening and handsome, and the oldest one has a really good sense of
to music. My favorite band is The Fugees. 5. What does humor. 3. Correct 4. I love horses. I wanted to be a horse
your girlfriend look like? Is she tall and blond? I think I saw trainer when I was younger. 5. It was a wonderful hotel.
her yesterday. 6. What’s that movie like? I’ve heard it’s very The owner was very friendly. 6. Correct 7. It’s one of the
sad. 7. What would you like to do this evening? There’s a biggest buildings in the city, and it’s made of glass. 8. Yes
good movie at the Mayan Theater. please. Actually, can I have a piece of toast?
4 1. . . . ’s . . . like? 2. Does . . . look like . . . ? 3. Do . . . b a. 8 b. 7 c. 1 d. 6 e. 5 f. 3 g. 4 h. 2
like . . . 4. . . . does . . . look like? or . . . is . . . like?
5. . . . was . . . like? 6. Does . . . look like . . . 7. Would . . .
5 1. interesting 2. expensive 3. romantic 4. relaxing
5. spa resort 6. camping 7. dangerous 8. amusement
like . . . 8. . . . going to be like . . .
park 9. convenient 10. safari
5 Bhutan, Papua New Guinea, and the Florida Keys, USA 6 1. Excuse me. Is there a post office near here? 2. Can
6a 1. Tornado Alley 2. Roswell 3. the Florida Keys, USA you tell me the way to the theater, please? 3. What time
4. Papua New Guinea 5. Sahara Desert does the museum close? 4. How much is a ticket to the city
center? 5. Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to Eve’s
b 1. A tornado can cause winds that are strong enough to Restaurant? 6. Does this train go to the airport? 7. Can you
carry cows into the air. 2. Tourists visit the International UFO
recommend a good café?
Museum and Research Center. 3. The Sahara is 6 million
square miles. 4. Visitors to Papua can hike in the rain forest
and meet tribespeople. 5. The hotel is underwater.
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Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp. 52–53 Lesson 3, pp. 56–57
1 1. do 2. get 3. take 4. take 5. do 6. get 7. get 1 1. retire 2. elderly 3. senior citizens 4. nursing
2 1. learning curve 2. perfect 3. learn 4. heart
5. strict 2 1. could paint 2. was able to tell 3. managed to write
4. was able to read 5. managed to publish 6. could play
3 1. Who took the keys? 2. What did Jon want to talk
to me about? 3. Which office has Anna moved to? 4. Which 3 1. manage to 2. able to 3. could 4. Were
bus goes to the station? 5. Who asked you to be here at ten 5. couldn’t 6. able 7. managed 8. wasn’t able to
o’clock? 6. When did you arrive?
4 Title 3 is best: Not the retiring type
4a 1. Which country held the 2010 World Cup? 2. Who won 5 1. Her work involves putting cakes in boxes. 2. Some
the Brazilian presidential election in 2010? 3. Who created
are 23 years old. 3. No. 4. No, he wanted to be a lawyer.
the statue of David in Florence? 4. What destroyed the city
5. He didn’t have the right qualifications. 6. He is paid for
of Pompeii? 5. Where does the emperor of Japan live?
his experience. 7. He works from 9:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
6. Which city is built on 117 small islands?
8. He lives in New York. 9. Long flights
b a. 4 b. 5 c. 2 d. 1 e. 3 f. 6
5 1. Who gave Mina my email address? 2. When did you Review Unit 7, pp. 58–59
get back from vacation? 3. Who does the book belongs 1 1
to? 4. Who did invented the computer? 5. Who invited
Matt to the party? 6. Which train did they catch? 7. Where T
does Marianna live? 8. What did happened at the meeting? 2
6 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 3
7 1. mistakes 2. children 3. the fear of success
4. starting to worry and deciding not to take risks
8 1. bother 2. fall over 3. mispronounce 4. juggle
5. keys 6. take risks 7. opportunities E L R D
Lesson 2, pp. 54–55 M I S T A K E
1 1. frightening 2. inspiring 3. patient 4. boring S S
5. knowledgeable 6. understanding 7
2 1. She often loses her temper. 2. She explained things 8
clearly. 3. He punished children who behaved badly. 4. She
asked difficult questions. T R
3 1. I used to play volleyball when I was in school. 2. Did P E R F E C T
Sylvie use to smoke? 3. When I was younger, I didn’t use to S H
like mushrooms. 4. I used to enjoy cooking a lot. 5. She
used to drink milk when she was a child. 6. He didn’t use to 2 1. Who wrote the novel All the Pretty Horses? 2. What
play computer games. 7. I used to read a lot of books when I did Edwin Land invent in 1947? 3. Which country has the
was in college. most earthquakes? 4. How did Roy Plunkett discover Coca
4 When I was a child, . . . I used to or would spend my Cola? 5. When did Katsushika Hokusai make Thirty-six
summer vacation with my grandparents. My grandmother Views of Mt. Fuji?
would or used to cook delicious meals. She used to have 3 1. learner 2. strict 3. perfect 4. curve 5. heart
chickens, goats, and horses. My cousin and I used to or would 6. picked
ride the horses every day. My favorite horse was named Racer.
Racer used to be faster than all the other horses. I didn’t use 4 1. frightening 2. open-minded 3. knowledgeable
to understand how dangerous riding could be. One day I fell 4. loses . . . temper 5. understanding
off Racer and broke my arm. My mother wouldn’t let me ride 5 1. b 2. c 3. b or c 4. a or b 5. a 6. c 7. a or c
him again. After that, I used to or would sit in the house and 8. b
watch sadly as the horses played in the field.
6 1. retire 2. senior citizens 3. nursing home 4. elderly
5a b 5. philosophy
b 1. No, he didn’t. 2. The art of keeping still. 3. No. 7 1. managed 2. couldn’t 3. able to 4. manage to
4. No, she said he was “less trouble than he used to be.” 5. couldn’t 6. manage to 7. wasn’t able to 8. couldn’t
6 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. NI 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. T 9. could 10. weren’t able to
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Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp. 60–61 Review Unit 8, pp. 66–67
1 1. change . . . heart 2. for . . . change 3. be . . . change 1a 1. time for a change 2. a nice change 3. change of
4. time . . . change heart 4. for a change.
2 1. illegal 2. arrested 3. offense 4. forbidden 5. fine b Answers will vary.
3 1. A London taxi. 2. If he/she needed to use your 2 1. wait 2. wouldn’t 3. went 4. go 5. gave
bathroom. 3. They can be arrested. 4. Yes, but you can not 6. ’ll call 7. wanted 8. won 9. won’t 10. don’t start
wake the bears. 5. The same cost as parking a vehicle.
3 Corrected sentences: 1. Starvation is a terrible problem
4 A: It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing in some developing countries. 2. Luckily, they have found
a suit of armor. a cure for this awful disease. (or “. . . cures for these awful
B: In Alaska, it is an offense to push a moose out of an diseases.”) 3. I think my standard of living has improved
airplane. since I came to this country. 4. I don’t like the city because
C: In Florida, if you tie an elephant to a parking meter, the there is too much pollution. 5. I think countries should stop
parking fee must be paid. having wars. They need to make peace. 6. The lifestyles of
D: In London, taxis have to carry hay and oats for their horses. the rich and famous must be very difficult. 7. There is a lot
5 1. d 2. f 3. e 4. a 5. h 6. g 7. b 8. c of crime in this part of the city. 8. We must find a solution
to the problem. 9. Now we can contact people in other
6 1. found . . . would . . . pick 2. gave . . . would . . . tell countries very easily with the Internet. 10. People all over
3. Would . . . smoke . . . could 4. thought . . . would . . . the world have cell phones.
drive 5. Would . . . played 6. heard . . . would . . . try
4 1. situation 2. better 3. still . . . same
7 1. ’ll 2. wanted 3. wouldn’t 4. didn’t 5. stops 4. deteriorated 5. less 6. surprisingly . . . changed
6. had 7. would 8. asked 9. would 10. won’t
5 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. c
8 Answers will vary.
6 1. If the manager hadn’t been so difficult to work for,
Lesson 2, pp. 62–63 we wouldn’t have left the company. 2. The job would have
been finished on time if the builders hadn’t taken long lunch
1 1. lifestyle 2. crime 3. cure 4. developing breaks. 3. We wouldn’t have sat in the garden eating ice
5. starvation 6. environment 7. Security 8. standard cream if it hadn’t been a sunny day. 4. If she hadn’t fallen
9. pollution 10. disease and broken her leg, she would have become a professional
2 1. deteriorated 2. still 3. gotten 4. worse dancer. 5. He wouldn’t have arrived late for work if the train
5. surprisingly 6. more 7. Unfortunately 8. changes hadn’t been delayed. 6. I wouldn’t have signed the contract
if I had read it carefully. 7. Picasso might not have painted
3 1. I couldn’t understand her because she was talking too such beautiful landscapes if he hadn’t lived by the sea.
quickly. 2. Be careful when you turn the light on! The switch 8. She wouldn’t have felt so lonely if she hadn’t lived by
is broken. 3. Correct 4. I definitely don’t want to be late. herself. 9. If John Lennon hadn’t been a famous rock star, his
5. We will possibly see her at the theater. 6. Correct sons might not have become or wouldn’t have become well
7. Hopefully she’ll call us tomorrow. 8. I couldn’t see the known.
movie clearly because I didn’t have my glasses. 9. Correct
4 1. loudly 2. unfortunately 3. personally 4. probably
5. completely 6. clearly 7. basically
5 1. He went to Uganda. 2. He was a doctor. 3. Yes,
he did.
6 a. (4) b. (1) c. (2) d. (7) e. (5) f. (3) g. (6)
7 1. volunteer 2. the bush 3. homesick 4. contribute
5. banks 6. resources 7. expertise
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Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp. 68–69 5 1. . . . temper . . . crazy 2. poor 3. deal
4. . . . technique 5. respect 6. bully 7. figure 8. down
1 1. promoted 2. overtime 3. flexible 4. raise 9. slow
5. self-employed
Lesson 3, pp. 72–73
S W R A I S E O P Z J Q 1 line 3: had line 4: to line 5: allowed line 6: were
line 7: could line 8: couldn’t line 9: have
2 1. allowed 2. could 3. didn’t have to 4. Were . . .
L Y L E O V E R T I M E allowed 5. had 6. couldn’t or wasn’t allowed to 7. have to
8. had to 9. allowed 10. couldn’t or weren’t allowed to
E T N F T Y G R P F V R 3 1. type 2. speak 3. persuading 4. work well 5. give
6. use 7. dealing 8. making 9. organizing 10. prioritizing
4 The best sentence is 3.
5 1. d 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. e 6. c
B C H T T G P O O M D M 6a 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d
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Answer Key
Lesson 1, pp. 76–77 Lesson 3, pp. 80–81
1 1. remember 2. miss 3. reminds 4. forgetting 1 1. up 2. through 3. on 4. off 5. up 6. up 7. up
5. remind me to 6. lost 7. remember 8. reminds me of 8. on 9. back 10. out
9. miss 10. forgotten
2 1. broke up 2. will call 3. put 4. was going 5. will
2 1. we had 2. I could afford 3. she hadn’t missed carry 6. show 7. isn’t coming 8. found 9. is going
4. you wouldn’t 5. we hadn’t been 6. you lived 7. wish 10. come
I was
3a 1. j 2. i 3. k 4. f 5. b 6. e 7. d 8. h 9. a
3 1. I wish I could run faster. 10. c 11. g
2. I wish I had more money.
3. I wish I had studied.
b 1. Thanks a lot 2. I can come. 3. I’ll be there at 8:30
4. Best wishes 5. See you soon
4. I wish I hadn’t gone skiing.
5. I wish I wasn’t so short. 4a Answers will vary.
6. I wish I hadn’t bought this car.
b 1. (5)
4a c. Improves your memory 2. (1)
b 1. The people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. 3. (2)
2. To find a pill that increases memory. 3. Would it be 4. (6)
used only by ill people, or by people who wanted an unfair
advantage in life? 4. Start asking their workers to take pills 5. (4)
so that they performed better. 5. It was originally for injured 6. (3)
soldiers. Now it’s used by “middle-aged actors who want to
stay attractive longer.” 6. A few more years, probably.
c 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. b
7. She says, “It isn’t clear that animals use the same kind of
memories as humans.” Review Unit 10, pp. 82–83
c a. paragraph 5 b. paragraph 4 c. paragraph 1 1 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. c
d. paragraph 2 e. paragraph 3 2 1. never gone to/not gone to 2. could stop smoking
d 1. tests 2. work 3. sleep 4. questions 5. tested 3. had cleaned the room 4. was working 5. hadn’t thrown
away 6. I were 7. had already met
Lesson 2, pp. 78–79 3 1. had already bought 2. was watching 3. didn’t go
1 1. determined 2. dedicated 3. inspired 4. involved 4. had left 5. put 6. was trying 7. hadn’t seen 8. had
5. talented taken
2 1. had already been 2. was walking 3. wrote 4. had 4 1. We called off the picnic because it was raining.
already started 5. had been 2. Can you tell me what is going on? 3. You have to come up
with a solution. 4. Jean always shows up late. 5. Climbers
3 1. had known 2. had broken down 3. were you talking
can put up with cold weather. 6. I’ll find out what happened
4. had turned on 5. were waiting 6. was listening
last night. 7. They’re going through a difficult period.
7. had never been
8. When are you planning to come back? 9. They’ve broken
4 1. Correct 2. one million 3. the nineteen seventies up several times before.
4. Correct 5. one thousand two hundred and ninety-
eight 6. three quarters or three fourths
5 1. is going on 2. haven’t found out 3. are going
through 4. comes back 5. showed up 6. broken up
5a 1. 16,349 2. 1/3 3. 14% 4. 12/3/11 5. $88.71 7. put up with 8. come up with 9. call off
6. 1850s 6 1. involved 2. inspired 3. talented 4. determined
b 1. twenty-three thousand, nine hundred and ninety-three 5. dedicated 6. encourages 7. great
dollars 2. three quarters or three fourths 3. ninety-nine 7 1. Thanks a lot for letting me stay. 2. Best wishes,
point eight percent 4. the nineteen nineties 5. December 3. We look forward to working with you. 4. I am writing to
thirtieth, two thousand and eleven 6. twentieth century thank you for all your hard work. 5. Thank you for helping
6a 1. was traveling 2. had already suffered 3. painted me last weekend. 6. I had a great time. 7. I hope to see
4. was attending 5. was working 6. had finished 7. went you soon. 8. Your efforts were appreciated.
8. were waiting 9. talked 10. had become
b 1. She was in a bus accident 2. It inspires her to paint.
3. Answers will vary, but could include: Kahlo describes Rivera
as the second accident of her life. She says this because,
like her trolley accident, her difficult and stormy marriage to
Rivera also brought her pain. 4. Kahlo’s work is described
as having a message of pain. It included her emotions, anger,
and hurt. 5. 46
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