Mix Proportion Geo
Mix Proportion Geo
Mix Proportion Geo
In this study, the effect of glass powder (GP) and ground A. Scope for study
granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) on the compressive Industrialization and uncontrolled exploitation of natural
strength of Fly ash based geopolymer concrete has been resources has lead to the formation of large quantity of
investigated. The mass ratio of fine aggregate (fA) to coarse industrial waste materials which pose problem of disposing
aggregate (CA) was maintained constant. NaOH flakes dissolved such materials and environmental pollution. Fly ash from
in water was used as activating liquid and mixed with fly ash thermal projects, GGBS from steel industries, broken glass
(FA) to produce geopolymer paste or cementing material. This from building industries and quarry dust from granite quarries
paste was added to mixture of CA and fA to obtain geopolymer are examples of industrial waste materials posing problems.
concrete. Cube samples were prepared from this concrete. The These are to be recycled / reused properly instead of disposing
ranges of investigation parameters include GP/FA from 0% to them as waste materials. Considerable research is taking place
20%, and GGBS/ FA from 0% to 20% with constant amount of throughout the world in developing suitable technologies for
GP. All the samples were air cured inside laboratory under room proper utilisation of these industrial waste materials. An
temperature. Compressive strength of cube samples after 7 days attempt made in this regard is presented in this paper.
and 28 days curing were determined. The test results are Davidovits 1994), (2005) suggested that an alkaline liquid
presented and discussed. Based on the results of limited tests, a could be used to react with Silicon (Si) and Aluminium (Al) in
suitable composition of FA, GP and GGBS for constant quantity a source material of geological origin or in by-product
of CA and fA has been obtained to produce geopolymer concrete materials such as fly ash to produce a good binder or
of M32. It is found that geopolymer concrete is 14% cheaper than cementing material. He named this binder as “Geopolymer”
concrete of the same strength using OPC. The strength gain in because the chemical reaction that takes place is a
the case of geo-polymer concrete is rather slow compared to that polymerisation process. Geopolymer is belonging to the
of Portland cement concrete. Tensile strength of this concrete family of inorganic polymers and the process involves a
was also determined by conducting flexure test on beams substantially fast chemical reaction under alkaline condition
prepared using this concrete. During curing, up to 7days, greyish- on Si-Al minerals.
white powder used to come out from all the surfaces of sample
and it was found to be a mixture of Carbonates and Sulphides of The main constituents of geopolymer are an alkaline liquid
Na, Mg and Fe. Detailed investigation is necessary to arrive at an and source materials. The source materials should be rich in
optimum mixture composition for producing Geo-polymer Silicon and Aluminium. They could be natural minerals such
concrete of required strength. Effect of greyish-white powder on as clays, metakaolin a product of kaolin clay or by-product
the strength and durability of the concrete is to be studied. materials such as fly ash (FA), silica fume (SF), Sodium
silicate, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), rice-
Keywords: Geopolymer, industrial waste, green material, cost husk ash (RHA) etc. Alkaline liquid is Sodium hydroxide
effective material, eco-friendly material. solution.
0 5 10 15 20 Table 3 shows that the unit weight of cubes decrease
Replacement of FA by GP in % gradually as the replacement of FA by GP increases. But, from
Figure 1: Compressive Strength of Cubes: FA +GP the Table 4, it is seen that unit weight of cubes increases with
increase in replacement of FA by GGBS with constant value of
GP. This is due to the difference in specific gravity of GP and
Variation in Compressive Strenth of GGBS compared to FA. Water absorption of Geo-polymer
Cubes for
40 concrete is observed to be almost constant for both the mixes
(FA + 10 %GP +GGBS )
Compressive strngth in MPa
Geopolymer concrete was produced using available industrial Conference on Alkaline Cements and Concretes (pp 131 -149), Kiev,
waste materials (FA, GP, GGBS), Sodium Hydroxide as Ukraine: Kiev State Technical University 1994.
activating solution, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. [2] Davidovits J, Green Chemistry, Sustainable Development and False ideas
Different proportions of waste materials were considered to About Geopolymer Concrete, International Workshop on Geopolymers and
prepare the mixes. Cubes of 150 mm size were prepared from Geopolymer Concrete, Perth, Australia, 2005.
each mix, cured in air at laboratory temperature and tested for [3] Caijun Shi, Yanzhhong Wu,Chris Riefler andHugh Wang,
compressive strength. Based on the results the following “Characteristics and Pozzolanic reactivity of Glass powders”, Cement and
1. Use of FA and Sodium Hydroxide in making Geopolymer Using Glass Powder. Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.39, Number 3
2. Replacement of FA by GP up to 15% is useful in increasing [5] Ramlan. A.G, Albert Oomman Roy, Sujan Kumar, Sherin Rajan and
compressive strength up to 20Mpa. Supreetha. “Geo-Polymer Concrete Using Industrial Waste” Project Report
3. 10% replacement of FA by GP and further replacement of Submitted to V T U in Partial Fulfillment for the Award of B E Degree in Civil
to 32Mpa.
4. Water absorption of concrete made with different % of FA,
GP, and GGBS is found to be almost constant.
5. Geopolymer concrete with compressive strength of 30Mpa
and water absorption less than 7% can be obtained using only
industrial waste materials without using Sodium Silicate or
heating to higher temperature.
6.In all the mixes used, a greyish white powder which was