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Seismic Design and

Performance Criteria for

Large Storage Dams
Dr. Martin Wieland
Chairman, ICOLD Committee on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design
Poyry Switzerland Ltd., Zurich, Switzerland

Integral Dam Safety Concept

Structural Safety
Design of dam according to state-of-practice (codes,
regulations, guidelines, etc.) (earthquake design criteria,
methods of seismic analysis etc.)
Dam Safety Monitoring
Dam instrumentation, visual inspections, data analysis and
interpretation, dam safety management system, etc.
Operational Safety
Guidelines for reservoir operation under normal and unusual
conditions, qualified staff, safe software, maintenance, etc.
Emergency Planning
Emergency action plans, water alarm systems, dam breach
flood wave analysis, evacuation plans, engineering back-
up, etc.

International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)
Committee on Seismic Aspects of Dam Design since 1968
Bulletin 112 (1998): Neotectonics and dams (active faults in
dam foundation) Hazard
Bulletin 137 (2011) Reservoirs and seismicity (reservoir-
triggered seismicity) Hazard
Bulletin 148 (approved 2010): Selecting seismic parameters
for large dams Design Criteria
Bulletin 52 (1986): Earthquake analysis procedures for dams
(linear analysis) Analysis
Bulletin 120 (2001): Design features of dams to effectively
resist seismic ground motion Design
Bulletin 123 (2002): Earthquake design and evaluation of
structures appurtenant to dams Design
Bulletin 62 (1988/2008): Inspection of dams following
earthquakes Inspection

Seismic hazard a multi-hazard

• Ground shaking causing vibrations in dams, appurtenant
structures and equipment, and their foundations (most
earthquake regulations are concerned with this hazard
• Fault movements in dam foundation or discontinuities
in dam foundation near major faults which can be activated
causing structural distortions;
• Fault movement in reservoir causing water waves in the
reservoir or loss of freeboard;
• Mass movements (rockfalls) causing damage to gates,
spillway piers, retaining walls, powerhouses, electro-
mechanical equipment, penstocks, transmission lines, access
roads to dams, etc.
• Other site-specific and project-specific hazards

Tohoku earthquake, March 11, 2011
Failure of 18 m high Fujinuma dam (Japan)

Bhuj earthquake 2001 (India), Damaged irrigation

dam (very low reservoir level at time of earthquake)

Sefid Rud buttress dam, Manjil earthquake 1990 (Iran)

Critical crack in buttress of Sefid Rud dam

Crack at upstream face of Sefid Rud buttress dam

Collapsed buildings at Sefid Rud dam site

Damaged switchyard on fill, Sefid Rud dam

Derailed transformer, Sefid Rud dam

Transmission tower failure due to rockfall, Sefid
Rud dam

Failure of radial gate

due to rockfall,
earthquake, 2008

Rockfall damage
of surface
powerhouse and
earthquake, 2008

Chi-Chi earthquake 1999 (Taiwan), Shih-Kang Dam

Seismic design criteria
Dam and safety-relevant elements (spillway,
bottom outlet):
Operating basis earthquake, OBE (145 years)
(negotiable with owner)
Safety evaluation earthquake, SEE (ca. 10,000 years)
Appurtenant structures (powerhouse etc.):
Design basis earthquake, DBE (ca. 475 years)
Temporary structures (coffer dams, river
diversion) and critical construction stages:
Construction level earthquake, CE (> 50 years)

Seismic performance criteria for dam and

safety-relevant elements
(i) Dam body:
OBE: fully functional, minor nonstructural damage
SEE: reservoir can be stored safely, structural damage
(cracks, deformations) accepted, stability of dam must be

(ii) Safety-relevant elements (spillway, bottom

OBE: fully functional
SEE: functional so that reservoir can be
operated/controlled safely and moderate (200 year return
period) flood can be released after the earthquake

Deriner arch dam in Turkey (spillway)

Safety Evaluation Earthquake (SEE)

• A dam must withstand the ground motion of the SEE.
• The ground motion parameters of the SEE can be obtained
from a deterministic and/or probabilistic seismic hazard
• Deterministic analysis (MCE): The ground motion parameters
are represented by the 84% percentile values. The critical
earthquake scenario has to be considered, which is usually
independent of any return period.
• Probabilistic analysis (MDE): The ground motion parameters
are represented by the mean values. For large dams the
return period shall be taken as 10,000 years.
• The ground motion parameters of the SEE are taken as the
maximum of the MCE and MDE.

Classification of large dams in Switzerland
Return period

Klasse 1:
10,000 years

Klasse 2:
5,000 years

Klasse 3:
1,000 years

Note: The
flood and
safety criteria
should be

Definition of large dams in China

Class 1: Reservoir volume > 1000 Mm3

Class 2: Reservoir volume 100 to 1000 Mm3
Class 3: Reservoir volume < 100 Mm3

There may be large differences in the risk
classification of large dams, which have a direct
effect on the seismic (and flood) design and
performance criteria

Seismic parameters needed by dam engineer

• Peak Ground Acceleration

• Acceleration Response Spectra (5% damping)
• Acceleration time histories (structures ‘responding’
to inertial forces)
• Displacement time histories (underground structures
‘not responding’ to inertial forces (imposed
deformations)) and wave propagation velocities
• Spatial variation of ground motion for special (long)

Ground shaking
Earthquakes affect all components of a
dam project at the same time:
safety devices
pressure system
underground works
appurtenant structures
hydro-mechanical equipment
electro-mechanical equipment etc.

Typical load combinations used in dam

• Usual load combinations: no earthquake

• Unusual load combinations: OBE
• Extreme load combinations: SEE

Design earthquakes for large hydropower projects

• Safety Evaluation Earthquake (SEE)

Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE)
Maximum Design Earthquake (MDE)
• Design Basis Earthquake (DBE)
• Operating Basis Earthquake (OBE)
• Construction Earthquake (CE)

If reservoir-triggered seismicity (RTS) is possible the

DBE and OBE ground motion parameters should
cover those from the RTS scenarios.
Earthquake prediction is still a research topic and not
possible for strong earthquakes.

Design Earthquake
Title Element / Component
Diversion Facilities
- Civil Intake/outlet structures X
Tunnel, tunnel liner X
- Geotechnical Rock slopes X
Underground facilities X
Cofferdams X
- Electrical/Mechanical Gate equipment X

Dam: Dam Body Dam body X

- Individual Blocks OBE
Crest bridge X
Crest spillway cantilevers X X
Bottom Outlet cantilevers X
Foundation/Abutments Abutment wedges X X
Bottom Outlet Main gates, Valves X X
Guard gate X
Operating equipment X X
Dam: Electrical/Mechanical Essential parts X

Lower Crystal Springs gravity dam (USA)

located in San Andreas fault zone, survived 1906 San Francisco
earthquake undamaged

Lower Crystal Springs dam

Systematic application of seismic safety

criteria to all structures and components of
large dam projects
Note: Seismic design codes and recommendations
are mainly concerned with new dams.
Question: What’s about the earthquake safety of
existing (older) dams?
Answer: During the long lifespan of a dam several
seismic safety assessments will be required!

• The seismic hazard is a multi-hazard for most
large dam projects. Ground shaking is the main
hazard considered in all earthquake guidelines for
dams. The other seismic hazards are addressed
less rigorously than the ground shaking or may
have been ignored.
• Dams are not inherently safe against earthquakes.
• The updated ICOLD guideline on ‘Selecting
seismic parameters for large dams’ covers most
structures and elements of large dams.

• As most dams built prior to 1989 when ICOLD has

published its seismic design criteria of dams, have
not been checked for the safety evaluation
earthquake ground motion, the earthquake safety of
these dams is not known.
• Moreover, due to changes in the seismic design
criteria and the design concepts it may be necessary
to perform several seismic safety checks during the
long economical life of a large dam.
• Reservoir-triggered seismicity is not a separate load
case in dam design but may be relevant for
appurtenant structures and buildings and
infrastructure in dam area.


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