Title and 2.0 This plan may be cited as the City of Colombo
Development Plan (Amendment) -2008, prepared under
Section 8H and approved under Section 8F of the Urban
Development Authority (UDA) Law No. 41 of 1978, with
a view to promoting and regulating the integrated planning
and physical development in the Colombo Development
Area, declared under Gazette Notification No. 4/1 dated
30th September 1978, containing provisions in respect of
the matters in the schedule to the Law, and shall come into
operation on 6th February 2008.
Zones 4.0 Land use zoning in the City of Colombo are as follows :
Map No. 01 depicts the Proposed Zoning – 2020, and the permissible uses
for each zone are given below :
i The building shall be divided among the owners by common
internal walls based on the ownership of the land.
ii Each sub-divided lot among the owners should not be less
than 150 sq.m.
iii The building in external appearance to remain as a single
iv A building plan depicting proposed development with three
dimensional views shall be submitted to the Authority to
obtain planning clearance prior to submitting plans for
approval to the Local Authority.
v Adherence to all other regulations of the Authority.
4.1 (e) i If the site extent is 2500 sq.m. or more the maximum plot
coverage shall be 50% of such lot & the specifications for
development given in Form C1 & C 2 may be applicable for
such development.
Permissible uses in 4.2 (a) i Dwelling Houses/Units, Apartment Buildings
Primary Residential ii Banks, Professional Offices – each of net floor area not
Zone exceeding 200 sq.m., each within sites of extent exceeding
500 sq.m.
iii Retail shops not exceeding a floor area of 100 sq.m.
iv Customer Care Services – Barber Shops, Beauty Salons,
health & fitness centres and allied activities; each having a
net floor area not exceeding 200 sq.m, each within sites of
extent exceeding 500 sq.m.
v Places of Religious Worship - each within a site extent
exceeding 500 sq.m.
vi Educational Institutions – Preschool and Primary Schools,
each within sites of extent exceeding 500 sq.m. and 0.5 ha,
vii Socio Cultural Institutions
viii Public Outdoor Recreational Spaces
ix Vehicle Parks
x Petrol Filling Stations
4.2 (d) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) - As per Form C1 & C2
4.3 (d) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) - As per Form C1 & C2
4.3 (f)
Masonry Boundary Walls
Heights of Masonry Boundary Walls facing access roads are
permitted to a maximum height of 1.0m from the ground level.
Fences or hedges may be permitted, above the masonry boundary
4.4 (b) Minimum Plot Size - 500 sq.m. (for new sub divisions)
- existing lots may follow Form C 1&
4.4 (d) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) - As per Form C1 & C2
4.4 (e) Service Charges in lieu of Vehicle Parking
Service charges shall not be accepted in lieu of car parking
for any of the permissible uses or for any change of use of
residential buildings within this Zone.
4.5 (c) Minimum Plot Size - As per Form C1 & C2
4.5 (e) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) - As per Form C1 & C2
4.6 (c) Specification for Port Related Activities
i The minimum plot size shall be 600 sq.m for the uses
specified under item 4.6 (a)(i) of Port Related
ii 3.0 m buffer zone to be reserved around the site in
order to mitigate pollution
iii The minimum width of the street shall be 12m for
activities specified under item 4.6 (a)(i) of Port
Related Activities.
iv Any such activity shall not hinder traffic movement
and create traffic problems.
4.6 (f) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) - As per Form C1 & C2
xvi Vehicle Parking
xvii Petrol Filling Stations
4.7 (e) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) - As per Form C1 & C2
iv Service charges in lieu of required regulatory car parking
will not be accepted.
v The minimum width of the street shall be 12 m.
4.8 (e) Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR)-As per item (i) & item (ii)
below :-
Minimum Land Minimum width Maximum permissible
Extent (Sq.m) between building lines of FAR
a Public Street/Road (m)
1500 less than 2000 22 10.0
1500 less than 2000 24 11.0
2000 and above 24 Unlimited
Permissible uses in 4.9 (a) In the Open Space Zone, the following uses may be permitted.
Open Spaces
i Parks and Playgrounds
ii Fair and Exhibition Grounds
iii Recreation Clubs, Gymnasiums, Swimming Pools
4.9 (b) The total floor area of buildings that may be permitted in this Zone
shall not exceed 2% of the total open space.
Demarcation of 5. 0 Zoning boundaries are depicted in the Zoning Plan-2020 (Map 01)
Zoning boundaries
The Mixed Development Zone along the Western side of the Galle
Road, the Commercial Zone along the Southern side of the Ward
Place and Special Mixed Residential Zone along both sides of
Havelock Road extend up to the end of the front lots having a
frontage from each of those roads.
Special Areas 6.0 The Authority where appropriate may define any area comprised
in the Development Plan as a Special Project Area, Re-
development Area, Under-Served Settlement Area, Slum and
shanty Area, Cultural Area, Scenic Area, Conservation Area or
other areas for special treatment.
In such areas, the Authority may restrict or prohibit the use of the
site or construction of any particular type of building, relax these
building and planning regulations impose new regulations or
formulate separate regulations in accordance with Urban
Development Authority Law No. 41 of 1978 to attain the purpose
for which the area has been defined.
Planning & 7.0 Volume II of the City of Colombo Development Plan – 1999 is
Building hereby amended as follows :-
7.1 In Section 2, the words “ schedule I ” is amended as Schedule 1
7.2 In Sub Section 3(1) (b) immediately after the word “copies”insert
the phrase “in addition, where the proposed building is more than
4 stories an electronic copy of the plans shall be submitted
together with description of the souring of that particular building.
7.3 In Sub Section 3 (1) (c), insert the word “relevant” Immediately
before “ qualified person ”
7.4 Section 3(3) (ii) is hereby repealed and substituted with the
following Sub-Section.
7.5 In Sub Section 4 (2) after the words „ various departments ‟ insert
“ relevant agencies ”
7.6 Insert the word “relevant” before the words “qualified person”
whenever it appears in the document of City of Colombo
Development Plan 1999 - (volume II).
7.7 In Sub Section 10 (a) (i) add the words “preferably with Ground
positioning System (GPS) co-ordinates and dimensions”
immediately after the word „site‟. and in Section 10 (a) (ii)
immediately before the word “numbers” add “premises”
7.8 Immediately after Section 14(1) insert the following two new
paragraphs and number them as 14(1) (a) & 14 (1) (b).
“ 14 (1) (a)
Prior to issuing such a permit, if the Authority feels that the
proposed development activity may cause an adverse impact upon
the environment, the views of the public may be obtained upon
display of a notice board at the site for a period of 30 days,
indicating the nature of the proposed development, its volume and
period of construction . The Authority shall also reserve the right
to suspend the issue of a permit for such development until the
time period mentioned above is over.
14 (1) (b)
Having considered such views of the public, the Authority may
direct to alter development plans or impose conditions, or restrain
from issuing a permit, if necessary.”
7.9 In Section 15 immediately after the words “regulation 3 or” insert the words
“failure to submit plan and other particulars as required by the Authority”
7.10 In Part II – Sub Section 16 (c) delete the words “to any other person”
immediately after words “works are carried out”.
7.11 In Sub Section 19(1) immediately after the word “Owner” Insert the words
“ developer, relevant qualified person ”.
7.12 In Sub Sections 20 (1), 20 (2) and Section 21, immediately after the word
“owner” insert the word “or developer”.
7.13 Sub Section 31(1) is repealed and substituted with the following :
“No person shall carry out or engage in any development activity within the
declared area of Colombo City, except in accordance with the matters for
which, provisions are made in the Development Plan under the Part II A and
its schedule of the Urban Development Authority Law No. 41 of 1978”.
7.15 Sub Section 31(4)(b) is amended by adding words immediately after “lot
number” with words and shall clearly indicate the way of disposing storm
water from the site”
Access to Residential Units
Minimum Width Maximum Maximum Maximum
of Private Length of No. of Dwelling
Streets (meters) private Lots Units
Streets per Lot
3.0 30.0 2 1
4.5 50.0 4 2
6.0 80.0 9 3
7.18 Section 33 (1) is repealed and the following new Section is inserted :
“ (1) (i) Street Lines sanctioned by the Local Authority under a
resolution adopted by the Council at a general meeting will be considered
as those street lines applicable within the administrative limits of the Local
7.19 Sub Section 35 (1) is repealed and new Section is inserted as follows:
“The minimum land extent, width between building lines, minimum width
of private roads and maximum permissible floor area ratios are given in
Form C1 and building categories, number of floors, minimum site frontage,
maximum plot coverage and open spaces around the buildings are given in
Form C2.”
7.20 In Sub Section 35 (3), insert the word “the” in place of “a” before building
and immediately after “building” delete the word “satisfying the other
regulations” insert the words “satisfies all other requirements”.
7.21 Immediately after Sub Section 35 (4) a new Sub Section inserted as 35 (5) as
“In case of a building with one or more basements, it shall require to set
back such basement floors minimum of one meter away from all boundaries
of the land and if the number of floors above the ground level exceeds 4
floors, there shall be a lift and stand by generator.”
7.22 In Sub Sections 38(1) and 39(1) immediately after the word “Form” repeal
“C” and insert “C1 & C2” and whenever “ Form C ” appears in the
document insert with “ Form C1 & C2 ”
7.24 Short title of Section 51 is amended as “Minimum Height and Width of
Covered Footways”.
7.25 Section 51 is renamed as 51(1) and immediately after this Section add
Section 51(2) as follows:
The clear width of any stairway or covered footway shall be as
(a) Residential developments having maximum of two units shall
have a clear minimum width of 1.0 metre.
(b) All other developments except condominium developments shall
have a clear minimum width of 1.2 meters.
(c) In Condominium Developments; width of an entrance passage in
any housing unit shall be not less than 1.5 meters.”
“means a street/road approved by the Local Authority or UDA for
limited ownership and right of way “
7.29 Repeal Item (3) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) of Schedule III and substitute
with the following:
3. (i)
Every plan submitted along with the application for the purpose of obtaining
a development permit to carry out development activities, shall provide a
minimum number of parking spaces, within each site, specified in Schedule
III of Annexure II A.
The parking requirements for residential development shall be provided
within its site itself. No service charges shall be accepted in lieu of parking
for any such development in any Zones. In case of non-residential
development, service charges in lieu of parking shall be accepted for not
more than 25% of such parking requirements and the balance 75% shall be
provided within site itself.
In every development where the total parking requirement exceeds 10 stalls,
there shall be 1/3 of such parking requirement of pedal/motorcycles,
provided in such development. Such calculation may be considered to the
nearest whole number.
The minimum dimensions of parking stalls for each type of vehicles shall be
as follows:-
Vehicle Type Stall Width Stall Length for Stall Length for
for angled angled parking parallel
parking or or parking(m)
parallel parallel parking
parking (m) (m)
Standard (Car 2.4 4.8 5.5
Cycles 0.6 2.25 2.25
Commercial 3.6 10.0 12.0
(Two Axle)
Commercial 3.6 18.0 20.0
(Multi Axle)
Parking Angle One way Traffic one One way Traffic Two way
Degrees sided bays (meters) Two sided bays Traffic
(meters) (meters)
00 deg. Parallel 3.6 3.6 6.0
30 deg. Angle 3.6 4.2 6.0
45 deg. Angle 4.2 4.8 6.2
60 deg. Angle 4.8 4.8 6.4
90 deg. Angle 6.0 6.0 7.2
“The Authority may allow additional floors for parking, irrespective of the
regulatory requirement of Floor Area Ratio mentioned in Form C1. Such
additional number of parking stalls may exceed by 50% of the regulatory
parking requirement. However, such additional number of parking floors
shall be counted for the total number of floors to satisfy the requirements of
Form C2.
Further for the developments of thirteen (13 nos.) or more floors a maximum
of four numbers parking floors may be permitted above the ground level
with a plot coverage of not more than 65% of such lot. Above such parking
floors, the plot coverage shall be reduced as stipulated in Form C2.
This provision shall not apply for developments in the Special Primary
Residential Zone except for developments indicated in 4.1(e).”
7.31 In Annexure I of Schedule III the paragraph “E” with the table is deleted.
7.32 Annexure II of Schedule III is repealed and the new schedule is substituted
as Annexure II (A) of Schedule III.
Specifications for Development
Form C 1
Row Minimum Land Minimum width between Minimum width of Maximum
No Extent (sq.m.) building lines of a public private Street/Road permissible
Street/Road (meters) (meters) FAR
1 150 less than 250 - 3.0 1:1.5
2 150 less than 250 - 4.5 1:1.75
3 150 less than 250 - 6.0 1:2.0
4 150 less than 250 - 9.0 1:2.5
5 150 less than 250 12.2 12.2 1:3.0
6 250 less than 400 12.2 6.0 1:3.5
7 400 less than 500 12.2 9.0 1:4.5
8 500 less than 700 12.2 9.0 1:5.0
9 500 less than 700 15.0 12.2 1:5.5
10 700 less than 900 15.0 12.2 1:6.0
11 900 less than 1000 15.0 12.2 1:7.0
12 900 less than 1000 22 12.2 1:7.5
13 1000 less than 1500 22 12.2 1:8.0
14 1500 less than 2000 22 12.2 1;9.0
15 1500 less than 2000 24 12.2 1:9.5
16 2000 less than 2500 24 12.2 1:10.0
17 2500 less than 3000 24 12.2 1:12.0
18 3000 and above 24 12.2 Unlimited
Form - C 2
Building Maximum Minimum Maximum Open space around the building
category number of site Plot coverage
floors frontage (%) Minimum Minimum Minimum space
(m) Rear one side on each side (m)
space (m) space (m)
ground floor
Ground floor 6.0 65 2.3 - -
Low Rise 2 6.0 65 2.3 - -
3 6.0 65 3.0 - -
4 6.0 65 3.0 - -
5 8.0 65 3.0 2.0 -
Inter- 6 10.0 65 4.0 2.0 -
mediate 7 14.0 65 4.0 3.0 -
Rise 8 16.0 65 4.0 3.0 -
9 22.0 65 5.0 - 2.0
Middle 10 26.0 65 5.0 - 3.0
Rise 11 30.0 65 5.0 - 3.0
12 30.0 65 5.0 - 3.0
13 35.0 50 6.0 - 4.0
High Rise 14 35.0 50 6.0 - 4.0
15-20 40.0 50 6.0 - 6.0
21 & above 40.0 50 6.0 - 6.0
Minimum Processing Fees, Fees for Covering approval & Service Charges
1.Land Sub Division Processing fees to be decided by the Planning Committee of the Authority.
2. Erection of Buildings Processing fees to be decided by the Planning Committee of the Authority.
3. Covering approval for Stage of Construction Charges per square Charges per square
Development metre of Ground metre of each upper
floor (Rs.) floor (Rs.)
6. Preliminary Planning
Clearance for Special (a) Communication Towers - Rs. 5000/-
Development Projects (b) Any other special Developments
7. Parking of Vehicles Service Charges for each car parking space not provided within the
premises but required under the UDA regulations.
ii. Rs. 800 per sq. metre to convert a residential unit to any other
use, if the property is located in any other zone.
Parking Requirements
Annexure II (A) of Schedule III
(1) (2)
Type of Usage Type of Vehicles
Two Axle Multi Axle
Standard Commercial Commercial
(Lorry/Bus) (Truck
1. Residential
i. Flats, dwelling units and terrace
houses less than 50 sq.m. in gross 1 for 2 units - -
floor area
vi. Restaurants and Night 1 for 10 sq.m. or restaurant 1 for 500 sq.m. -
Clubs space (excluding all service
vii. Star Class Hotels 1 for 100 sq.m. or 1 for 5 1 for 500 sq.m. -
rooms and 1 for 1 suite,
whichever is more
viii. Guest Houses, 1 for 50 sq.m. or 1 for 3 1 for 500 sq.m -
Recreational Clubs and rooms whichever is more
ix. Cinemas, Theatres, 1 for 20 seats 1 for 500 sq.m -
Auditoriums and similar
x. Factories and Industrial
establishments 1 for 200 sq.m 1 for 200 sq.m 1 for 500
xi Warehouses 1 for 500 sq.m 1 for 200 sq.m 1 for 500 sq.m
xii. Other Commercial Buildings 1 for 100 sq.m 1 for 500 sq.m
3. Health
4. Education
As may be decided
by the Authority for
each such use, but not
less than 1 for 100
6. Other
8.0 In part III-Volume 1 of the Colombo City Development
Guide Plan (DGP)
Plan-1999, following sub sections are inserted immediately
after the Development Guide Plan (specimen)-Colombo Fort
01 Zone 1 - - - - - -
02 Zone II
Leisure &
2000 G +2 - 10% 3.0 3.0
03 Zone III
Gregory‟s 1000 G+3 50% 50% 3.0 3.0
Permissible uses 8.1 (a) No further constructions are allowed in order to preserve the
Zone1- existing character of the area unless the Authority decided
Conservation Zone otherwise and allow essential structures required purely to
ensure proper functioning of the existing developments.
Building Lines 9.0 The names of streets with the existing width and
approved building line are given in Annexure I & II of
Schedule V.
9.1 (a) Centre Line of proposed Building Line